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Pre Board Exam (2022-23)

Sub-Biology(044) SET 1
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
I. All questions are compulsory
II. The Question Paper has fivesections and 33 questions. All questions are compulsory.
III. Section –A has 16 questions of 1 marks each. Section B has 5 questions of two marks each.
Section-C has 7 questions of 3 marks each. Section-D has 2 case based questions of 4marks each
and Section E has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
IV. There is no overall choice. However internal choice have been provided in some questions. A
student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
V. Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagram should be drawn.
Section A
Q.No Questions Marks
1 Name the cells which fuses during triple fusion: 1
a. Two Polar nuclei and male gamete
b. One polar nucleus, male gamete and female gamete
c. Two Synergid and male gamete.
d. Two antipodals and male gamete.
2 Chemically gene is a: 1
a. DNA
b. DNA + Histone Protein
c. DNA + Non Histone Protein
d. DNA + Histone Protein + Non Histone Protein
3 Name the female gametophyte of angiosperm: 1
a. Egg
b. Integuments
c. Embryo sac
d. Ovary
4 Fill in the missing blank „a‟ and „b‟ exhibiting the route of sperm transport. 1
Seminiferous tubule----i------Vasa Efferentia Epididymis -----ii---Urethra
a) i-Vas deferens ii- Rete testis
b) i- Rete testis ii- Vas deferens
c) i- Lobules ii- urinary bladder
d) i- Vas deferens ii- Lobules
5 Biotic components of an ecosystem include: 1
a) Producers, consumers and decomposers
b) Producers and consumers
c) Producers only
d) Consumers only
6 Which hormone is a milk ejecting hormone? 1
a) Prolactin
b) Oxytocin
c) Estrogen
d) Progesterone
7 Self- Pollination is fully ensured if : 1
a) The flower is bisexual
b) The style is longer than filament
c) The flower is cleistogamous.
d) The flower is unisexual
8 Identify the type of inheritance from following pedigree: 1

a) X linked recessive inheritance

b) Y linked Inheritance
c) Autosomal Dominant inheritance
d) None of the above
9 Night blindness can be prevented by use of : 1
a) Golden Rice
b) Flavr Savr tomato
c) Bt Brinjal
d) None of the above
10 Which of the following Pyramid can never be inverted? 1
a) Pyramid of Biomass
b) Pyramid of Number
c) Pyramid of Energy
d) None of the above
11 Antibody abundant in Colostrum is:
a) IgA
b) IgG
c) IgD
d) IgM
12 The given Karyotype below shows the following syndrome:
a) Turner‟s Syndrome
b) Down‟s Syndrome
c) Klienfelter‟s Syndrome
d) Criminal Syndrome
Question No 13 to 16 consist of two statements- Assertion (R) and Reason (R).Answer these questions
selecting the appropriate option given below:
a. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion
b. Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
c. Assertion is true but reason is false.
d. Assertion is False but Reason is true

13 Assertion: DNA is known as blue print of living organism. 1

Reason :Type of protein or enzyme formed in body depends on type of DNA carried by

14 Assertion:Agrobacterium is used to deliver foreign gene in animals. 1

Reason:Agrobacterium has Ti plasmid.

15 Assertion: In birds, sex is determined by male bird. 1

Reason: Female bird produces two type of genetically different egg containing either Z
or W sex chromosome.

16 Assertion:Value of Gross Primary Productivity is greater Net Primary Productivity. `1

Reason:Net Primary productivity minus Respiration loss is Gross Primary Productivity.
Section B
17 State any two features of artificial plasmid pBR322 which make it fit to use as a 2
cloning vector.
18 Name the special enzyme which is obtained from bacteria Thermus aquaticus and used 2
in PCR. Also write its significance.
19 While playing in ground one of your friend is bitten by snake. He is taken to a nearby 2
hospital where he is administered with an injection to counter snake venom.
Name the type of immunisation in the above case and explain the benefit of this type of
immunisation in above case.
20 How does a small amount of curd added to fresh milk convert it into curd? Mention 2
any one advantage of curd over milk.
21 What do you mean by flocs? State their importance in biological treatment of water. 2

Section C
22 3
How do Darwin finches illustrate adaptive radiation?

Comment on the similarity of forearm of man and forelimb of birds stating its
significance in evolution.
23 What do you mean by IVF?Write the steps of IVF. 3
24 What are transgenic animals? Enlist any four areas where they can be used. 3
25 Explain briefly the following: 3
a) Bioreactor
b) Bt cotton
c) Cloning of Gene
26 3
a) Explain Hardy Weinberg Principle.
b) The frequency of two alleles in a gene pool is 0.19 (A) and 0.81(a). Assume
that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
Calculate the percentage of heterozygous individuals in the population.

27 Explain the process of microsporogenesis with the help of diagram. 3

28 Explain the following cause regarding loss of biodiversity. 3
a) Habitat fragmentation
b) Introduction of Alien Species
c) Co extinction
Section D 29 and 30 are case based questions. Each question has subparts with internal choice in one subpart.
29 Read the following regarding population interaction and answer the questions that 4
An ecological community consist of all the populations of all the different species that
live together in a particular area. Interactions between different species in a community
are called interspecific interactions. Different type of interspecific interaction have
different effects on two participant which may be positive(+),negative(-) or neutral(0)
The main type of interspecific interactions include
competition,Predation,mutualism,commensalism andparasitism.
In most case, many species share a habitat and the interaction between them play a
major role in regulating population growth and abundance
a) Name the interaction where one species is benefitted while other is not affected.
b) Give an example of mutualism.
c) Explain the kind of interaction built by cuscuta growing on hedge plant.
d) The Abingdon tortoise in Galapagos Islands became extinct within a decade
after goats were introduced on the island. Explain the cause for this effect.
Explain Mac Arthur “Resource Partitioning” theory of competition.

30 Read the following regarding genetics of ABO blood groupand answer any four 4
questions from 16(i) to 16(v) given below:

ABO blood groups are controlled by single gene I.The plasma membrane of the red
blood cells has sugar polymer (antigen) that protrude from its surface and the kind of
sugar is controlled by the gene. The gene I has three alleles IA,IB and i.The alleles IA
and IB produce a different form of the sugar while allele idoes not produce any sugar.
When individual carries allele IA and IB then both are expressed and RBC of the
individual has both the antigen A and B.The blood group of such individual is AB. IA
and IB are dominant over i.
a) What do you mean by allele?
b) What is the difference between incomplete dominance and complete
c) A child has A blood group. What can be the possible genotype for that Blood
d) If a cattle with black coat is crossed with white coat then F1 hybrid possess both
black and white colour in patches known as roan coat. What will be the
phenotypic ratio on inbreeding the F1.Show it in a checker board?
In a paternity case, a single mother claimed that a certain man was the father of
her baby. The man denied it, claiming that her current boyfriend was the father.
The court ordered a blood test (much cheaper than DNA testing) to see if he
could be ruled out as the father. The mother was Type O and the baby was Type
O. The man was Type AB. Is it possible that he was the father? Why or why

Section E
31 Explain oogenesis and show its various stages by flowchart or diagram. 5
Explain the process of spermatogenesis and show its various stages by flowchart or
32 Explain the life cycle of malarial parasite stating its various stages in human and 5
female anopheles.
What is the cause of cancer at cellular level? Name the technique in which a piece of
tissue is cut from the organ suspected for cancer. What are the different strategies used
for the treatment of cancer.
33 With reference to lac operon answer the following questions. 5

a) What do you mean by operon?

b) What is the role of repressor protein in lac operon?
c) What is the role of promoter?
d) Name the inducer in lac operon and also state its role.
e) Which enzyme is responsible for breaking lactose into glucose and galactose
.Also state which gene of lac operon synthesize this enzyme?


Explain the process of transcription in eukaryotes. Write any two difference in

transcription of Eukaryote and Prokaryotes.

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