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Appreciation Part 1:

Shermen B. Flores

GE 10A Section F MWF (10:00 - 11:00 AM)

1. An element has a unique set of properties and cannot be broken down. Meanwhile, compount is a
combination of elements.


Oxygen (O) has 8 protons

Sodium (Na) has 11 protons

Chlorine (Cl) has 17 protons

Aluminum (Al) has 13 protons


Oxygen (O) has 8 electrons

Sodium (Na) has 11 electrons

Chlorine (Cl) has 17 electrons

Aluminum (Al) has 13 electrons

4. The three examples of chemical changes are burning, cooking, and rotting. Examples of physical
changes are boiling, melting, freezing, and shredding. Many physical changes are reversible, if sufficient
energy is supplied.

5. The main source of energy in an ecosystem is the sun.The solar energy is trapped by green plants and
converted into biologically useful form i.e., carbohydrates. All the consumers depend either directly or
indirectly on green plants for nutrition.

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