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Welcome to week 3

[00:00:01.42] [MUSIC PLAYING]

[00:00:07.46] Welcome to Week 3 of the course. My name is Francesc Coll. I'm a

Computational Biologist working at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

[00:00:14.84] This week, we will introduce what technologies are available to sequence bacterial
genomes. We will start investigating how AMR genes and mutations can be detected in bacterial
genomes and used to predict antibiotic resistance. We will use online tools to upload, analyse,
and interpret real genomic data.

[00:00:33.77] We will learn how to use a genome browser to visualise the location of AMR
genes and their genetic context in the genomes of individual bacterial strains. On a larger scale,
we can use phylogenetic trees to study the transmission and evolution of AMR.

[00:00:47.90] Finally, we will discuss the potential clinical and public health applications of
sequencing technologies to the diagnosis and surveillance of AMR. We hope you enjoy the last
week of the course and look forward to hearing from your comments.

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