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The Process of Life

Life is a process and a journey, we receive a lot of things and we make many mistakes, we have many things to be
grateful of and many things that we are sorry for.

First of all as a teenager with a happy life I have lot of things that I am grateful of. I’m grateful that I have parents that
is always there to guide and love me everyday. To my father that is working hard to give us a good life, a loving
mother that is always there to ask me and talk to me about my problems. Im also grateful to have beautiful siblings
that always makes me laugh everyday.

I am grateful to have supportive grandparents that are always there to cheer me up when Im sad. God also blessed
me with loving friends, a pet cat and a beautiful home.

I am grateful that I know the Lord. I am grateful that I know his teachings. I am grateful that I know his
commandments. I am grateful that I grew up in church. I am grateful that I have a God centred family.

I am also grateful to have some things that I like. I’m grateful to have a beautiful talent to draw, I’m also thankful to
have complete body parts. All in all i am grateful to have a wonderful life with wonderful people around me.

But just like others I am not a perfect being, I have made many mistakes that I am sorry for. I am sorry for being a
bad daughter sometimes, for being mad to my parents just because I cant get what I want. I am sorry for being a bad
sister to my siblings.

I am sorry for being a bad person. I’m sorry for being a bad friend, a bad granddaughter and a bad niece. And I am
sorry for the many more things that I have done.

I Have done a lot of things that I am sorry for but I am more grateful for many things. I don’t focus on my mistakes, I
focus on the things God has given to me.

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