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UKB Calapan, Lumangbayan, Calapan City

January 02, 2023


According to my research, someone turning 80 is called an octogenarian.

The 80th birthday has a special milestone meaning in cultures around the
world. Some consider it to have been the year that life has been lived
completely. Others see it as a milestone of perseverance and
determination. Still, others mark most of the decades that pass as a special
occasion. Again, the 80th birthday is an important milestone because it
is the point at which a person has achieved a lot in their life and is still
going strong. They may have started their own family, raised children,
accumulated a wealth of experience, or accomplished something significant
in their field.

Opening Prayer

Welcome Remarks

Dance to the Celebrant (Prepare flowers if needed)

Message/wishes to the Celebrant

Response from the Celebrant

Prayer for Dinner/Merienda

Dinner/Merienda Proper and Photo Opportunity

Intermission Number(s) (Dances or Songs)

Closing Remarks

Note: This program can be changed anytime and is open to suggestions. Please provide or find
who will act in the different parts of the program.
According to my research, someone turning 80 is called an octogenarian.
The 80th birthday has a special milestone meaning in cultures around the
world. Some consider it to have been the year that life has been lived
completely. Others see it as a milestone of perseverance and
determination. Still, others mark most of the decades that pass as a special
occasion. Again, the 80th birthday is an important milestone because it
is the point at which a person has achieved a lot in their life and is still
going strong. They may have started their own family, raised children,
accumulated a wealth of experience, or accomplished something significant
in their field.

Oak represents the 80th birthday symbol. Oak is a strong and beautiful tree
believed to bring wisdom, strength, and endurance. It symbolizes the
honoree's journey through life so far, having made it to this significant

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