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United Nations Committee for Development Policy Secretariat. Triennial review dataset 2000 - 2021.

Methodological notes:

The calculations of all indicators are based on the definitions of LDC criteria applicable to the corresponding year. Fo

Data is not comparable between the individual triennial reviews due to data revisions, changes in data sources, met
2000 - 2021.

o the corresponding year. For more information see the corresponding Committee for Development Policy Reports.

hanges in data sources, methodological changes and changes in composition of composite indices.
Policy Reports.
Economic Share of agriculture,
CCODE ISO -3 Countries\Indicators Status EVI a vulnerability b forestry and
index fisheries

4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 44.8 37.1 25.8
12 DZA Algeria 30.8 17.1 12.5
24 AGO Angola LDC 45.6 45.5 9.4
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 31.3 26.8 2.0
32 ARG Argentina 27.3 29.1 7.4
51 ARM Armenia 35.0 24.2 15.0
31 AZE Azerbaijan 36.2 37.7 6.0
44 BHS Bahamas 27.5 23.7 0.8
48 BHR Bahrain 27.9 19.5 0.3
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 27.2 24.5 13.8
52 BRB Barbados 16.5 17.7 1.6
84 BLZ Belize 39.8 29.5 11.6
204 BEN Benin LDC 33.0 34.9 30.4
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 25.7 32.2 16.2
68 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 39.3 39.5 13.5
72 BWA Botswana 50.9 53.7 2.2
76 BRA Brazil 23.6 24.1 5.2
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 29.3 31.1 1.0
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 48.6 44.2 23.6
108 BDI Burundi LDC 38.7 48.6 39.0
132 CPV Cabo Verde 39.9 30.9 6.5
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 30.6 29.3 23.5
120 CMR Cameroon 23.4 26.6 15.8
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 27.7 41.4 33.4
148 TCD Chad LDC 51.8 53.6 31.1
152 CHL Chile 34.7 31.6 4.0
156 CHN China 22.8 11.1 7.5
170 COL Colombia 24.1 26.8 7.1
174 COM Comoros LDC 37.7 50.3 34.0
178 COG Congo 24.9 34.8 7.5
188 CRI Costa Rica 22.2 24.5 5.0
384 CIV Côte D'Ivoire 19.9 31.6 21.5
192 CUB Cuba 27.5 20.8 3.9
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 26.9 23.6 22.4
180 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo LDC 28.3 38.4 20.5
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 53.9 39.4 1.4
212 DMA Dominica 35.0 35.4 15.2
214 DOM Dominican Republic 21.7 19.5 5.7
218 ECU Ecuador 31.3 31.0 9.8
818 EGY Egypt 16.1 12.7 11.5
222 SLV El Salvador 24.7 23.7 5.7
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea 18.7 33.3 2.4
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 50.2 33.9 17.3
748 SWZ Eswatini 37.3 37.7 9.0
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 34.3 38.7 34.8
242 FJI Fiji 39.6 34.1 13.2
266 GAB Gabon 25.5 31.4 5.6
270 GMB Gambia LDC 51.3 40.2 22.2
268 GEO Georgia 24.5 12.5 7.4
288 GHA Ghana 27.9 37.8 19.8
308 GRD Grenada 37.6 25.0 6.2
320 GTM Guatemala 23.1 22.6 10.1
324 GIN Guinea LDC 28.8 43.5 23.7
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 41.0 60.1 51.0
328 GUY Guyana 48.0 40.2 21.7
332 HTI Haiti LDC 33.5 35.7 19.0
340 HND Honduras 26.5 27.5 12.2
356 IND India 28.4 18.0 17.6
360 IDN Indonesia 21.7 22.5 13.4
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 36.4 23.3 9.8
368 IRQ Iraq 39.7 34.2 2.9
388 JAM Jamaica 29.7 31.9 7.8
400 JOR Jordan 26.4 9.9 5.4
398 KAZ Kazakhstan 33.6 29.3 4.8
404 KEN Kenya 33.4 34.0 36.7
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 51.7 63.0 27.7
414 KWT Kuwait 25.3 27.1 0.4
417 KGZ Kyrgyzstan 38.6 30.9 13.5
418 LAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic LDC 27.0 28.2 17.7
422 LBN Lebanon 27.6 7.5 4.1
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 43.4 38.8 5.3
430 LBR Liberia LDC 40.2 60.6 73.4
434 LBY Libya 37.3 42.6 0.9
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 34.8 41.0 25.1
454 MWI Malawi LDC 44.5 49.0 31.3
458 MYS Malaysia 23.5 22.3 7.9
462 MDV Maldives 42.7 36.0 6.1
466 MLI Mali LDC 49.3 52.6 39.9
584 MHL Marshall Islands 59.9 49.3 16.2
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 45.2 31.6 22.1
480 MUS Mauritius 22.4 25.6 3.3
484 MEX Mexico 26.0 21.3 3.6
583 FSM Micronesia (Federated States of) 50.1 56.5 26.9
496 MNG Mongolia 48.8 31.7 11.9
504 MAR Morocco 29.8 11.5 13.9
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 41.4 42.7 28.2
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 24.3 25.5 22.5
516 NAM Namibia 39.2 28.6 7.4
520 NRU Nauru 30.3 48.7 2.4
524 NPL Nepal LDC 24.7 28.5 28.6
558 NIC Nicaragua 26.4 29.4 16.8
562 NER Niger LDC 48.5 39.3 39.7
566 NGA Nigeria 36.6 43.1 21.5
512 OMN Oman 29.7 23.6 2.2
586 PAK Pakistan 31.2 22.2 24.0
585 PLW Palau 34.8 37.8 3.5
591 PAN Panama 20.6 23.5 2.3
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 30.9 35.8 18.2
600 PRY Paraguay 35.2 40.4 11.1
604 PER Peru 32.7 29.6 7.5
608 PHL Philippines 27.3 22.4 9.1
634 QAT Qatar 20.0 23.9 0.2
410 KOR Republic of Korea 13.0 14.0 1.9
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 32.3 41.7 27.1
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 30.3 22.8 1.3
662 LCA Saint Lucia 27.6 18.4 2.1
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 29.7 32.1 8.5
882 WSM Samoa 28.2 34.5 9.9
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 25.8 38.2 11.6
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 18.9 24.4 2.3
686 SEN Senegal LDC 43.0 22.5 16.5
690 SYC Seychelles 40.5 34.9 2.5
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 40.3 52.3 61.0
702 SGP Singapore 24.1 26.3 0.0
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 45.1 55.1 25.9
706 SOM Somalia LDC 51.9 50.0 60.2
710 ZAF South Africa 33.2 23.8 2.4
728 SSD South Sudan LDC 54.6 67.7 2.9
144 LKA Sri Lanka 24.4 19.5 8.4
729 SDN Sudan LDC 37.9 30.8 21.4
740 SUR Suriname 44.5 44.2 11.5
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 36.5 22.0 20.6
762 TJK Tajikistan 40.2 30.9 22.4
764 THA Thailand 27.6 16.6 8.3
626 TLS Timor-Leste LDC 38.7 55.0 16.1
768 TGO Togo LDC 23.3 28.3 22.5
776 TON Tonga 43.7 45.7 21.3
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 26.8 27.5 1.1
788 TUN Tunisia 27.9 7.5 10.8
792 TUR Turkey 15.6 3.6 6.8
795 TKM Turkmenistan 35.2 43.2 9.0
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 57.1 69.1 21.1
800 UGA Uganda LDC 29.1 35.8 24.4
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 35.8 19.4 0.7
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 34.7 34.7 30.0
858 URY Uruguay 25.7 29.8 6.1
860 UZB Uzbekistan 36.3 34.2 30.5
548 VUT Vanuatu 39.6 38.9 23.1
862 VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 27.0 33.0 5.8
704 VNM Viet Nam 31.3 21.2 16.3
887 YEM Yemen LDC 35.1 35.7 19.2
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 41.7 44.2 3.6
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 49.3 43.3 9.2

Bounds: 1.0
a The EVI is calculated as 1/2 of the Economic vulnerability index and 1/2 of the Environmental vulnerability ind
b The Economic vulnerability index is calculated as 1/4 of the Share of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, 1/4 of
c Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division,National Accoun
d Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on distanc
e Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), UNCTADstat (available at http://un
f Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on constan
g The Environmental vulnerability index is calculated as 1/4 of the Share of population in low elevated coastal z
h Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University and CUNY
h1 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2012. Natio
h2 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2012. Natio
i Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
j Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on agricult
j1 Data calculated as the regional average of Micronesia for the period 1998-2018.
j2 Data for the period 1998-2011 are calculated based on Gross Production Values from Former Sudan.
k Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat calculated, based
l The HAI is calculated as 1/2 of the Health index and 1/2 of the Education index.
m The Health index is calculated as 1/3 of the Under-five mortality rate, 1/3 of the Prevalence of stunting and 1/
n Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality estimation (CME), CME Info (available at http:/
o Source: UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates - Country Level Models, April 2021 (data
o1 Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Global Child Growth Failure Geospatial Estimates 2
o2 Data calculated as the regional average of Micronesia for 2019.
o3 Data calculated as the regional average of the Caribbean for 2019.
o4 Source: Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. (2019). 2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Su
p Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Maternal Mortality. Maternal mortality: Levels and trends 200
p1 Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Maternal Mortality. Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 201
q The Education index is calculated as 1/3 of the Grosss secondary school enrolment ratio, 1/3 of the Adult liter
r Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS
r1 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r2 National estimation.
r3 UIS estimation.
r4 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r5 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r6 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r7 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r8 Data refer to 2012.
r9 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r10 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r11 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r12 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r13 Source: Guinea, Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDS V), 2018 (
r14 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r15 Source: Programmes d'interventions prioritaires en education (PIPE) from the Ministere de l'Education Nation
r16 Data refer to 2007.
r17 Source: 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census Volume IV: Distribution of Population by Socio-Economic
r18 Source: Kiribati, Ministry of Education, Digest of Education Statistics 2016, Secondary school sector enrolment
r19 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r20 Data refer to 2006.
r21 Source: Micronesia, Department of Education, FSM Education Indicators 18-19 (available at: http://www.nati
r22 Data refer to 2010.
r23 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r24 Data refer to 2014.
r25 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r26 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r27 Data refer to 2013.
r28 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
r29 Source: Uganda, Annual School Census, Ministry of Education and Sports (available at:
r30 Source: Zambia, Ministry of General Education, Gross enrolment rate by sex and province - Grades 8-12 (avail
r31 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
s Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS
s1 UIS estimate
s2 Data refer to 2014.
s3 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 15/203, 2015 Article IV Consultation - Pre
s4 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global M
s5 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global M
s6 Data refer to 2012.
s7 Data refer to 2008.
s8 Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Arab Development Portal (available at http://arabd
s9 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 18/265, 2018 Article IV Consultation - Pre
s10 Data refer to 2010.
s11 Source: Kiribati 2015 Population and Housing Census (available at
s12 Data refer to 2011.
s13 Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Western Pacific Region (WPR),Western Pacific Health Databank, 2
s14 Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), National Minimum Development Indicator Database, Nau
s15 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 17/186, 2017 Article IV Consultation - Pre
s16 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 17/76, 2017 Article IV Consultation - Pres
s17 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 16/243, 2016 Article IV Consultation - Pre
s18 Data refer to 2009.
s19 Source: United Nations Population Fund, Somali People in Numbers, 2016 (available at http://somalia.unfpa.o
s20 Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), MDG Progress Reports - Asia and the Pacific, Tuval
t Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS
t1 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t2 National estimation.
t3 UIS estimation.
t4 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t5 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t6 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t7 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t8 Data refer to 2012.
t9 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t10 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t11 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t12 Source: Guinea, Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDS V), 2018 (
t13 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t14 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t15 Data refer to 2007.
t16 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t17 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t18 Data refer to 2006.
t19 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t20 Data refer to 2010.
t21 Data refer to 2014.
t22 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t23 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t24 Data refer to 2013.
t25 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
t26 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
u Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, based on Natio
Share of agriculture,
Remoteness and Export
forestry and c d e Export instability f
landlockedness concentration

Max-min Avg. distanAdj. value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

42.1 4,041.1 51.5 51.9 0.37 31.8 11.3 22.6
19.4 2,277.3 7.0 0.0 0.48 44.4 2.2 4.3
14.3 6,343.6 59.9 62.4 0.88 91.4 7.0 14.0
1.7 5,403.1 51.5 51.8 0.47 43.5 5.0 10.0
10.9 9,594.0 81.2 89.0 0.21 13.2 1.6 3.3
23.7 2,916.3 34.6 30.7 0.29 22.4 9.9 19.8
8.4 3,183.3 39.1 36.4 0.81 83.3 11.5 22.9
0.0 5,358.5 51.0 51.3 0.42 37.8 2.8 5.6
0.0 3,962.4 35.4 31.8 0.32 25.8 10.2 20.3
21.7 4,144.7 37.8 34.8 0.41 36.0 2.7 5.4
1.0 5,645.9 53.7 54.7 0.16 6.5 4.4 8.8
18.0 6,507.3 61.1 63.9 0.29 22.8 6.6 13.2
49.8 4,967.1 47.3 46.6 0.36 30.1 6.5 13.0
25.8 4,013.6 51.2 51.5 0.37 31.5 10.0 20.0
21.2 8,324.5 88.9 98.6 0.37 31.5 3.4 6.8
2.0 7,945.7 86.6 95.7 0.89 93.1 12.1 24.1
7.2 8,351.0 74.0 80.1 0.16 6.7 1.2 2.3
0.0 5,437.2 51.9 52.3 0.62 61.7 5.3 10.5
38.4 4,514.6 57.4 59.2 0.67 67.5 5.9 11.7
64.5 5,906.2 71.2 76.5 0.45 41.1 6.2 12.5
9.3 4,903.0 46.5 45.7 0.46 42.9 12.8 25.6
38.1 4,739.6 44.8 43.5 0.27 20.3 7.7 15.4
25.0 5,113.9 48.8 48.5 0.35 29.0 2.0 4.0
55.0 5,052.2 63.1 66.4 0.31 25.0 9.7 19.3
51.0 4,304.9 54.9 56.1 0.78 80.0 13.6 27.2
5.1 9,843.2 82.6 90.7 0.33 26.7 1.9 3.7
11.0 3,797.5 33.3 29.1 0.10 0.0 2.2 4.4
10.4 6,836.3 63.6 67.1 0.33 27.1 1.4 2.8
55.9 6,869.1 64.0 67.5 0.67 67.6 5.1 10.3
10.9 5,891.5 56.1 57.6 0.52 49.5 10.6 21.2
6.7 6,825.3 63.6 67.0 0.27 19.7 2.3 4.5
34.7 5,211.3 49.8 49.7 0.41 36.1 3.0 6.1
4.8 5,738.8 54.6 55.7 0.25 17.1 2.8 5.6
36.3 4,232.5 38.9 36.1 0.27 20.6 0.7 1.4
33.1 5,898.1 56.2 57.7 0.45 41.8 10.6 21.2
0.7 4,843.4 45.9 44.9 0.20 12.0 64.6 100.0
24.1 5,526.7 52.6 53.3 0.41 36.6 13.9 27.7
7.9 5,545.9 52.8 53.5 0.20 11.2 2.7 5.5
14.9 7,392.2 67.7 72.1 0.38 33.3 1.9 3.8
17.8 2,946.5 20.1 12.7 0.14 4.9 7.8 15.6
8.0 6,801.9 63.4 66.8 0.21 13.0 3.5 7.1
2.3 5,140.1 49.1 48.8 0.65 64.7 8.7 17.4
27.6 4,377.8 40.7 38.3 0.29 22.0 23.9 47.8
13.5 8,096.1 87.5 96.9 0.34 28.3 6.0 12.0
57.2 4,934.9 61.9 64.8 0.32 26.0 3.4 6.7
20.7 9,905.8 82.9 91.2 0.21 12.8 5.9 11.7
7.8 5,459.1 52.2 52.7 0.60 58.6 3.3 6.7
35.9 4,873.9 46.3 45.3 0.47 43.6 17.9 35.9
10.8 2,876.5 18.9 11.1 0.22 14.1 7.0 13.9
31.9 5,099.1 48.7 48.3 0.46 41.9 14.5 29.0
8.7 5,780.8 54.9 56.2 0.24 15.9 9.7 19.3
15.4 6,800.6 63.4 66.7 0.15 5.4 1.4 2.8
38.5 5,194.8 49.6 49.4 0.50 47.3 19.4 38.9
84.7 4,988.6 47.5 46.8 0.88 91.2 8.8 17.7
35.0 6,098.3 57.7 59.7 0.44 40.5 12.9 25.8
30.6 5,636.3 53.6 54.6 0.51 48.4 4.7 9.3
18.9 6,664.7 62.3 65.4 0.22 14.6 5.6 11.1
28.1 4,109.3 37.4 34.2 0.13 3.4 3.1 6.2
21.1 6,049.8 57.4 59.2 0.14 4.5 2.6 5.3
14.9 3,462.8 28.4 23.0 0.48 44.7 5.3 10.7
3.2 3,235.0 24.9 18.6 0.93 98.2 8.4 16.9
11.6 5,861.6 55.7 57.1 0.49 45.7 6.5 13.1
7.4 2,965.7 20.4 13.1 0.17 7.9 5.7 11.3
6.4 3,894.1 49.6 49.5 0.56 54.4 3.5 7.0
60.5 5,848.2 55.7 57.1 0.23 15.3 1.6 3.3
45.2 8,687.0 76.1 82.7 0.83 85.7 19.1 38.3
0.0 3,637.5 31.0 26.2 0.66 66.3 8.0 16.0
21.2 3,882.5 49.5 49.3 0.38 33.0 10.0 20.0
28.3 4,363.5 55.5 56.9 0.25 17.4 5.1 10.2
5.2 2,829.0 18.0 10.0 0.15 5.3 4.8 9.6
7.4 8,354.7 89.2 98.9 0.31 25.0 11.9 23.7
100.0 5,327.9 50.9 51.1 0.43 39.2 26.1 52.2
0.0 2,471.3 11.1 1.4 0.69 69.1 70.2 100.0
40.8 7,535.3 68.8 73.5 0.32 26.3 11.7 23.5
51.3 7,003.7 80.0 87.5 0.50 46.9 5.1 10.2
11.7 5,249.9 50.1 50.1 0.21 13.3 7.0 14.1
8.6 5,530.2 52.8 53.5 0.56 53.9 13.9 27.8
66.0 4,673.2 59.1 61.4 0.71 71.3 5.8 11.7
25.7 8,300.3 73.8 79.7 0.69 70.0 10.9 21.8
35.7 4,452.6 41.6 39.5 0.34 27.8 11.7 23.4
3.9 7,659.2 69.7 74.6 0.21 13.5 5.3 10.6
4.4 6,934.2 64.4 68.0 0.14 4.7 4.0 7.9
43.9 7,776.5 70.4 75.5 0.86 89.6 8.6 17.2
18.5 3,884.6 49.5 49.4 0.44 40.4 9.3 18.6
21.8 2,804.9 17.7 9.6 0.18 9.3 2.6 5.1
46.0 8,067.0 72.3 77.9 0.30 23.6 11.6 23.1
36.4 4,431.9 41.3 39.1 0.23 15.3 5.6 11.2
10.9 7,695.5 69.9 74.9 0.25 18.0 5.3 10.6
2.4 8,620.1 75.7 82.2 0.57 54.8 27.7 55.4
46.7 4,047.1 51.6 52.0 0.14 4.9 5.2 10.4
26.8 6,772.1 63.2 66.5 0.23 15.0 4.7 9.5
65.6 4,323.0 55.1 56.4 0.35 29.2 3.0 5.9
34.8 4,946.3 47.1 46.4 0.78 80.0 5.5 11.1
2.0 4,457.7 41.6 39.4 0.41 36.4 8.4 16.8
38.9 4,038.2 36.5 33.1 0.21 12.6 2.1 4.3
4.2 6,236.4 58.9 61.2 0.61 59.6 13.2 26.4
2.3 6,685.3 62.5 65.6 0.19 10.5 7.7 15.5
29.1 8,181.4 73.0 78.8 0.29 21.8 6.7 13.5
17.1 8,744.6 91.4 100.0 0.34 28.2 8.2 16.4
11.0 8,312.6 73.8 79.7 0.30 23.5 2.0 4.0
13.7 5,020.5 47.7 47.1 0.26 18.4 5.2 10.3
0.0 4,063.6 36.7 33.4 0.48 44.9 8.7 17.4
1.5 4,302.6 39.7 37.1 0.18 9.7 3.9 7.8
44.3 5,777.3 70.1 75.1 0.40 34.9 6.3 12.6
0.4 5,415.7 51.6 52.0 0.27 20.3 9.3 18.6
1.9 5,612.3 53.4 54.3 0.17 8.6 4.5 9.0
12.8 5,680.7 54.0 55.1 0.47 43.6 8.5 17.1
15.2 9,519.7 80.9 88.6 0.34 28.5 3.0 5.9
18.0 5,499.1 52.6 53.2 0.61 60.4 10.6 21.1
2.2 3,896.9 34.6 30.7 0.58 56.9 3.8 7.7
26.3 4,792.2 45.4 44.2 0.23 15.7 1.9 3.7
2.5 6,424.2 60.5 63.2 0.44 40.2 16.8 33.6
100.0 5,216.5 49.8 49.7 0.28 21.7 18.8 37.7
0.0 5,396.5 51.5 51.8 0.23 15.7 18.8 37.6
42.1 8,883.4 77.3 84.1 0.66 66.3 13.9 27.9
100.0 5,733.5 54.6 55.8 0.48 44.2 0.0 0.1
2.4 8,781.9 76.7 83.4 0.13 3.9 2.8 5.7
3.2 5,148.3 64.1 67.6 0.98 100.0 98.0 100.0
12.6 5,216.6 49.8 49.7 0.19 10.9 2.4 4.9
34.6 4,188.6 38.4 35.5 0.40 35.5 8.7 17.5
17.8 6,097.8 57.7 59.7 0.78 79.5 10.0 19.9
33.2 2,882.5 19.0 11.2 0.23 15.8 13.9 27.9
36.3 3,928.6 50.0 50.1 0.29 22.7 7.2 14.4
12.4 4,573.2 42.9 41.2 0.08 0.0 6.5 13.0
25.5 6,922.8 64.4 68.0 0.54 51.7 37.4 74.9
36.4 5,010.2 47.8 47.2 0.28 21.3 4.2 8.4
34.5 10,200.7 84.5 93.1 0.41 36.0 9.7 19.4
0.2 5,885.2 55.9 57.3 0.34 27.9 12.3 24.6
16.6 2,159.9 4.2 0.0 0.14 4.4 4.6 9.2
9.8 2,198.6 5.0 0.0 0.08 0.0 2.3 4.7
13.5 3,717.8 47.1 46.4 0.79 81.3 15.8 31.5
34.1 9,390.3 80.2 87.7 0.57 54.7 51.9 100.0
39.7 5,601.7 68.5 73.1 0.25 17.7 6.4 12.8
0.0 4,238.0 38.9 36.2 0.25 17.5 11.9 23.8
49.1 6,406.7 60.4 63.0 0.29 22.6 2.0 4.0
8.7 9,561.7 81.1 88.8 0.24 16.6 2.6 5.2
50.1 3,871.5 49.3 49.1 0.29 22.6 7.5 15.0
37.5 9,662.6 81.6 89.6 0.26 18.4 5.0 10.0
8.1 6,054.5 57.3 59.2 0.62 61.2 1.7 3.4
25.9 4,238.6 39.0 36.2 0.19 10.7 6.0 12.0
30.8 4,552.7 42.7 40.8 0.41 36.4 17.3 34.6
4.4 7,087.4 80.6 88.3 0.67 67.2 8.4 16.8
13.8 7,341.8 82.5 90.6 0.38 33.1 17.8 35.5

10.0 0.1 0.0

90.0 1.0 50.0

nmental vulnerability index.

try and fisheries, 1/4 of the Remoteness and landlockedness, 1/4 of the Export concentration and 1/4 of the Export instability.
Division,National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, accessed 21 January 2021). Data r
tariat, based on distance data by Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (CEPII), unless otherwise indicated, and d
at (available at, accessed 22 September 2020). Data refer to 2017-2019 average.
tariat, based on constant exports of goods and services data and trade dependency (ratio of exports plus imports to GDP) from United Na
n low elevated coastal zones, 1/4 of the Share of population living in drylands , 1/4 of the Agricultural instability and 1/4 of the Victims of d
ia University and CUNY Institute for Demographic Research (CIDR), City University of New York. 2020. Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) U
a University 2012. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 2 (PLACE II).
a University 2012. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE III)
tariat, calculated based on an aridity index derived from high resolution climate data from the Climatic Research Unit (University of East A
tariat, based on agricultural production data from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), FAOSTAT (available at

Former Sudan.
tariat calculated, based on disaster data from EM-DAT: The Emergency Events Database - Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) - CRED, D

alence of stunting and 1/3 of the Maternal mortality ratio.

Info (available at, accessed on 22 Sept 2020). Data refer to 2019.
Models, April 2021 (dataset received 18 February 2021). Data refer to 2019.
e Geospatial Estimates 2000-2019. Seattle, United States of America: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 2020 (available a

mographic and Health Survey. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, T.R. Presidency of Turkey Directorate of Strategy and B
y: Levels and trends 2000 to 2017 (available at,
l mortality: 1990 to 2015, special dataset (received 1 March 2018). Data refer to 2015.
tio, 1/3 of the Adult literacy rate and 1/3 of the Gender parity index of grosss secondary school enrolment.
stitute for Statistics (UIS), Data Centre (available at, accessed 29 January 2021), unless otherwise indicated. Da
tariat, calculated based on total secondary school enrolment data from the Central Statistics Office of Algeria (available at http://www.on
tariat, calculated based on general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the World Bank (availabl
tariat, calculated based on secondary school enrolment data from UNESCO-UIS (available at, accessed 13 Oct
tariat, calculated based on Secondary Education Statistics data from NSO Cambodia, Ministry of Education and Sports, THE EDUCATION, Y
tariat, calculated based on secondary school enrolment data from UNESCO-UIS (available at, accessed 13 Oct

tariat, calculated based on general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the World Bank (availabl
tariat, calculated based on general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the World Bank (availabl
tariat, calculated based on general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the World Bank (availabl
tariat, calculated based on Secondary Education Statistics data from Enrolment by grade and gender data from NSO Gambia, Ministry for, accessed 13 Oct 2020
tariat, calculated based on general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the World Bank (availabl
re de l'Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionelle (MENFP) of Haiti (available at

tion by Socio-Economic Characteristics (available at:

school sector enrolment (available at:, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2016.
tariat, calculated based on secondary school enrolment data from UNESCO-UIS (available at, accessed 13 Oct

ble at:, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer t

tariat, calculated based on general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the World Bank (availabl

tariat, calculated based on secondary school enrolment data from UNESCO-UIS (available at, accessed 13 Oct
tariat, calculated based on general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the World Bank (availabl

tariat, calculated based on Enrolment in Public Secondary Schools By Age Sex and type of school data from CSO Trinidad and Tobago, (ava
:, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2017.
nce - Grades 8-12 (available at:, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data
etariat, calculated based on Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency, Education Report 2017, Enrolment in Secondary School (available at: htt
stitute for Statistics (UIS), Data Centre (available at, accessed 29 January 2021), unless otherwise indicated. Da

ticle IV Consultation - Press Release; and Staff Report, July 2015 (available at:, accessed 23 Septemb
ucation For All Global Monitoring Report 2011 (Statistical Annex) (available at, accessed 22 Se
ucation For All Global Monitoring Report 2015 (Statistical Annex) (available at, accessed 23 Se

available at, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2017.

ticle IV Consultation - Press Release; and Staff Report and Statement by the Executive Director for Dominica, August 2018 (available at: http, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 20

cific Health Databank, 2012-2013 (WPRO-WHO) (available at, accessed 23 Sep

ndicator Database, Nauru 2011 Census report (available at, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refe
ticle IV Consultation - Press Release; and Staff Report, July 2017 (available at:, accessed 23 Septemb
cle IV Consultation - Press Release and Staff Report, March 2017 (available at:, 23 September 2020)
ticle IV Consultation - Press Release and Staff Report, July 2016 (available at:, 23 September 2020).

t, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2014.

ia and the Pacific, Tuvalu Millennium Development Goals progress report 2010/2011 (available at
stitute for Statistics (UIS), Data Centre (available at, accessed 29 January 2021), unless otherwise indicated. Da
tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment data from the Central Statistics Office of Algeria (available at http

tariat, calculated based on male and female general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the Wo
tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment data from UNESCO-UIS (available at,
tariat, calculated based on Secondary Education Statistics data from NSO Cambodia, Ministry of Education and Sports, THE EDUCATION, Y
tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment data from UNESCO-UIS (available at,

tariat, calculated based on male and female general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the Wo
tariat, calculated based on male and female general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the Wo
tariat, calculated based on Secondary Education Statistics data from Enrolment by grade and gender data from NSO Gambia, Ministry for, accessed 13 Oct 2020
tariat, calculated based on male and female general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the Wo
tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment data from Programmes d'interventions prioritaires en education

tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment data from 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census Volume IV
tariat, calculated based on male and female general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the Wo

tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment ratio from Micronesia, Department of Education, FSM Education

tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment data from UNESCO-UIS (available at,
tariat, calculated based on male and female general secondary school enrolment data (excluding vocational enrolment data) from the Wo

tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment ratio from Zambia, Ministry of General Education, Gross enrolme
tariat, calculated based on male and female secondary school enrolment ratio from NSO Botswana, Education Statistics Report, 2014 (ava
Division, based on National Accounts Main Aggregates Database, using currency conversion rate based on the World Bank Atlas method an
Share of population
living in low Share of population i Agricultural Victims of disasters
vulnerability g h j
elevated coastal living in drylands instability (%)

Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

52.6 0.0 0.0 99.0 99.0 6.2 25.6 3.41
44.5 1.2 3.6 96.2 96.2 8.7 39.1 0.10
45.6 1.5 4.4 62.7 62.7 10.2 47.3 0.89
35.8 12.2 34.8 0.0 0.0 7.1 30.3 1.89
25.5 1.0 2.9 29.4 29.4 5.5 21.7 0.19
45.8 0.0 0.0 85.2 85.2 7.8 34.1 0.65
34.6 0.0 0.0 95.2 95.2 2.9 7.7 0.07
31.4 12.9 36.7 0.0 0.0 5.7 22.7 0.75
36.4 33.0 94.2 0.0 0.0 11.0 51.2 0.00
30.0 8.4 23.9 0.0 0.0 3.1 8.4 3.86
15.3 2.2 6.3 0.0 0.0 4.4 15.8 0.10
50.2 33.9 96.7 0.0 0.0 5.0 19.0 3.19
31.2 7.3 20.7 11.5 11.5 6.7 28.2 0.67
19.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.4 31.9 0.15
39.1 0.0 0.0 72.0 72.0 2.4 4.7 2.11
48.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 7.0 29.9 0.56
23.2 2.2 6.4 10.6 10.6 2.6 6.0 1.02
27.4 20.9 59.6 0.0 0.0 10.7 49.9 0.00
53.1 0.0 0.0 94.9 94.9 8.4 37.3 2.20
28.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.6 38.5 1.71
49.0 6.5 18.4 100.0 100.0 5.4 21.1 0.36
31.9 2.0 5.7 0.0 0.0 7.0 29.6 5.56
20.1 2.3 6.5 25.4 25.4 3.5 10.6 0.09
13.9 0.0 0.0 2.2 2.2 2.7 6.6 0.18
50.0 0.0 0.0 90.4 90.4 6.0 24.5 3.25
37.8 1.0 2.7 66.0 66.0 3.0 8.0 1.45
34.4 4.9 13.9 29.4 29.4 1.2 0.0 6.42
21.4 2.3 6.7 1.2 1.2 2.7 6.2 1.16
25.0 3.2 9.2 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 4.95
15.0 0.9 2.7 0.0 0.0 1.9 2.0 0.33
19.9 2.0 5.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 6.8 0.82
8.2 3.3 9.3 0.0 0.0 4.2 14.7 0.01
34.2 2.5 7.2 0.0 0.0 7.2 30.9 9.05
30.1 4.9 14.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 9.2 8.16
18.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 8.4 37.2 0.07
68.4 11.1 31.6 100.0 100.0 10.3 47.6 6.56
34.5 12.9 36.7 0.0 0.0 2.4 5.0 7.57
23.9 1.8 5.3 2.1 2.1 3.7 12.1 1.63
31.6 7.2 20.6 18.6 18.6 5.2 20.1 0.82
19.4 16.3 46.7 23.3 23.3 2.9 7.7 0.00
25.7 0.9 2.5 0.0 0.0 4.5 16.0 3.02
4.0 5.7 16.2 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.00
66.6 15.5 44.2 99.1 99.1 8.9 39.8 2.79
37.0 0.0 0.0 40.9 40.9 2.8 7.2 11.38
29.9 0.0 0.0 27.1 27.1 3.3 9.5 2.76
45.2 18.3 52.2 0.0 0.0 8.3 36.9 5.27
19.5 9.5 27.2 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.1 0.24
62.4 4.3 12.3 100.0 100.0 12.9 61.9 1.52
36.5 3.9 11.0 5.6 5.6 12.4 59.1 1.04
18.1 2.1 6.1 3.4 3.4 2.6 6.1 0.38
50.1 5.9 16.7 0.0 0.0 22.8 100.0 2.88
23.5 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.0 2.8 7.0 3.57
14.1 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.22
22.0 4.5 13.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 9.2 0.74
55.8 78.5 100.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 34.9 4.06
31.4 4.1 11.6 8.0 8.0 3.8 12.5 6.03
25.4 1.8 5.2 0.0 0.0 5.2 20.2 1.64
38.8 1.9 5.4 49.8 49.8 3.4 10.2 4.57
20.8 8.8 25.2 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.7 0.36
49.4 0.9 2.7 99.8 99.8 6.7 27.9 0.83
45.2 4.6 13.1 84.1 84.1 12.8 61.2 0.03
27.5 9.2 26.2 0.0 0.0 3.0 8.4 1.55
42.8 0.1 0.2 95.2 95.2 7.3 31.5 0.15
38.0 0.0 0.0 99.2 99.2 5.6 22.1 0.05
32.8 0.4 1.2 32.2 32.2 3.8 12.5 3.28
40.4 95.2 100.0 h1 4.6 4.6 5.3 20.3 0.08
23.4 4.8 13.6 43.0 43.0 8.3 36.8 0.00
46.3 0.0 0.0 98.9 98.9 2.9 7.7 1.94
25.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 20.0 2.86
47.6 3.0 8.4 100.0 100.0 4.3 15.3 0.79
48.1 0.0 0.0 72.1 72.1 5.9 23.7 7.65
19.7 11.7 33.5 0.0 0.0 3.6 11.2 0.07
31.9 6.8 19.5 82.6 82.6 3.3 9.8 0.02
28.6 4.3 12.3 7.5 7.5 4.1 13.8 2.34
40.0 0.0 0.0 31.0 31.0 7.7 33.4 7.12
24.8 10.1 28.9 0.0 0.0 3.1 8.9 0.53
49.5 100.0 100.0 h1 0.0 0.0 8.5 37.9 0.48
45.9 0.0 0.0 85.8 85.8 5.3 20.4 1.82
70.4 68.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 42.9 100.0 2.47
58.8 21.0 60.0 70.8 70.8 2.5 5.3 9.28
19.2 1.7 4.9 0.0 0.0 7.0 29.8 0.12
30.8 1.1 3.0 54.1 54.1 1.9 2.4 0.63
43.7 23.2 66.3 0.0 0.0 4.0 13.4 6.99
65.9 0.0 0.0 98.8 98.8 13.8 66.7 8.66
48.1 1.4 4.1 100.0 100.0 7.3 31.2 0.39
40.2 2.8 8.0 26.2 26.2 8.8 39.3 3.76
23.0 6.8 19.5 0.0 0.0 3.1 8.8 0.64
49.9 0.2 0.5 91.2 91.2 3.7 12.1 7.12
11.8 16.6 47.3 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.00
20.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 4.5 2.02
23.3 1.8 5.1 0.0 0.0 4.0 13.3 1.47
57.6 0.0 0.0 98.3 98.3 8.2 36.1 7.50
30.2 3.5 10.1 35.7 35.7 5.1 19.4 0.34
35.8 6.8 19.6 63.9 63.9 7.2 30.7 0.05
40.3 0.4 1.3 80.0 80.0 2.1 3.3 1.68
31.7 12.3 35.1 0.0 0.0 8.1 35.5 j1 0.35
17.7 6.0 17.2 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.5 0.24
25.9 7.6 21.6 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.3 2.32
29.9 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 8.2 36.4 2.39
35.8 0.7 1.9 57.8 57.8 2.5 5.3 1.93
32.2 10.5 30.1 0.0 0.0 1.9 2.2 7.80
16.2 6.7 19.3 0.0 0.0 9.9 45.4 0.00
11.9 2.1 6.1 0.0 0.0 2.6 6.0 0.07
23.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 28.0 0.64
37.8 7.4 21.3 0.0 0.0 25.4 100.0 0.05
36.7 3.2 9.1 0.0 0.0 9.5 43.5 6.51
27.2 5.1 14.6 0.0 0.0 4.0 13.6 2.31
21.8 8.8 25.2 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.8 0.49
13.4 2.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 10.4 47.9 0.00
13.4 3.2 9.2 19.9 19.9 5.8 23.0 0.01
63.5 7.0 20.1 90.6 90.6 15.0 72.9 1.05
46.1 28.5 81.4 0.6 0.6 7.4 31.7 1.08
28.3 3.5 10.1 0.0 0.0 14.9 72.3 0.05
21.9 0.7 1.9 0.0 0.0 17.3 85.6 0.00
35.1 17.9 51.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 16.0 1.34
53.7 3.5 10.1 95.8 95.8 3.6 11.6 8.30
42.6 0.2 0.6 82.3 82.3 3.2 9.0 1.96
41.4 0.0 0.0 64.9 64.9 3.3 9.9 j2 5.01
29.2 3.8 11.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 17.3 4.24
45.0 0.5 1.5 85.4 85.4 5.8 23.4 j2 1.01
44.9 71.3 100.0 0.0 0.0 6.2 25.2 0.31
50.9 0.4 1.1 100.0 100.0 9.9 45.2 0.38
49.4 0.0 0.0 95.1 95.1 3.8 12.4 4.78
38.5 17.5 49.9 0.0 0.0 3.6 11.4 5.79
22.4 3.0 8.5 0.0 0.0 5.0 19.1 0.57
18.3 1.1 3.2 3.1 3.1 4.3 15.2 0.26
41.7 17.5 50.0 0.0 0.0 6.2 25.4 5.30
26.1 4.0 11.5 0.0 0.0 7.2 31.0 0.55
48.3 8.9 25.5 99.9 99.9 9.6 44.0 0.03
27.6 2.6 7.4 62.2 62.2 2.9 7.7 0.06
27.2 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3.1 8.6 0.00
45.0 94.7 100.0 h2 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.7 2.08
22.4 0.0 0.0 3.6 3.6 5.4 20.9 0.70
52.2 26.7 76.3 55.1 55.1 15.9 77.6 0.00
34.8 0.4 1.1 31.7 31.7 8.1 35.4 1.10
21.7 2.2 6.3 0.0 0.0 6.3 26.0 0.31
38.4 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 3.7 11.7 0.12
40.3 10.1 28.9 0.0 0.0 8.4 37.5 6.78
21.1 4.1 11.6 18.4 18.4 5.7 22.7 0.06
41.4 29.7 84.8 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.4 2.23
34.6 1.6 4.5 85.0 85.0 4.3 15.4 0.06
39.1 0.0 0.0 45.9 45.9 7.7 33.6 1.76
55.3 0.0 0.0 91.0 91.0 7.5 32.2 8.51

0.0 0.0 1.5 0.005

35.0 100.0 20 10

4 of the Export instability.

ma, accessed 21 January 2021). Data refer to 2017-2019 average.
PII), unless otherwise indicated, and data on exports and imports of goods and services (2017-2019) from United Nations, Department of E

plus imports to GDP) from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main
al instability and 1/4 of the Victims of disasters.
0. Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, Version 3 Preliminary Release (available at http://w
imate Estimates, Version 2 (PLACE II). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://sedac
imate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE III). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://sedac
tic Research Unit (University of East Anglia) and Met Office: CRU TS dataset version 4.04 (available at, acces
T (available at, accessed at 7 October 2020). Data refer to period 1998-2018.

catholique de Louvain (UCL) - CRED, D. Guha-Sapir, Brussels, Belgium (available at, accessed at 4 Nov 2020), and on

d Evaluation (IHME), 2020 (available at, accessed 18 February 2021). Data refer to 2019.

Turkey Directorate of Strategy and Budget and TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Turkey (available at:
s/maternal-mortality-2000-2017/en/, accessed on 22 September 2020). Data refer to 2017.

2021), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to the latest available year within the 2015-2019 period, unless otherwise indicated.
of Algeria (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on age-related population da
nt data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on scho, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on age-related population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social
cation and Sports, THE EDUCATION, YOUTH AND SPORT PERFORMANCEIN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-2018AND GOALS FOR THE ACADEM, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at http:

nt data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on scho
nt data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on scho
nt data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on scho
data from NSO Gambia, Ministry for Basic and Secondary Education (available at, accessed 22 Oct 2020) a
018%20(1).pdf, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2018.
nt data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on scho, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2011.

a-population-and-housing-census-volume-iv-distribution-of-population-by-socio-economic-characteristics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data re

ta refer to 2016., accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on age-related population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social

s, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

nt data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on scho, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at http:
nt data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on scho

a from CSO Trinidad and Tobago, (available at

f-zambia, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2017.

in Secondary School (available at:
2021), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to the latest available year within the 2015-2019 period, unless otherwise indicated.

ternal/country/, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2007.

gem-report/allreports, accessed 22 September 2020). Data refer to the latest available year in the 2005-2012 period. Data refer to 2015 p
gem-report/allreports, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2015.

minica, August 2018 (available at:, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2016.

23 September 2020). Data refer to 2015.

m/17_fsm_2012.pdf, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2009.

cessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2011
ternal/country/, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2009.
xternal/country/, 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2009.
ernal/country/, 23 September 2020). Data refer to 2001.

ttp://, accessed 23 September 2020). Data refer to

2021), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to the latest available year within the 2015-2019 period, unless otherwise indicated.
stics Office of Algeria (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

cational enrolment data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct
ailable at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2018.
ailable at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

cational enrolment data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct
cational enrolment data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct
data from NSO Gambia, Ministry for Basic and Secondary Education (available at, accessed 22 Oct 2020).
018%20(1).pdf, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2018.
cational enrolment data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct
nterventions prioritaires en education (PIPE) from the Ministere de l'Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionelle (MENFP) of Hai

ulation and Housing Census Volume IV: Distribution of Population by Socio-Economic Characteristics (available at:
cational enrolment data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct

artment of Education, FSM Education Indicators 18-19 (available at:

ailable at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2016.

cational enrolment data) from the World Bank (available at, accessed 13 Oct

y of General Education, Gross enrolment rate by sex and province - Grades 8-12 (available at:
Education Statistics Report, 2014 (available at:
ed on the World Bank Atlas method and adjusted to calendar year, where applicable, (received 21 January 2021). Data refer to 2017-2019
Maternal mortality
Victims of disasters k Health m Under 5 mortality n Prevalence of
HAI l o (per 100,000 live
(%) index (per 1000) stunting

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

85.9 42.0 49.7 60.2694 69.5337 36.3 32.5 638.0 47.0
39.1 90.2 89.6 23.3 92.0 9.5 85.9 112.0 91.0
68.1 52.0 57.1 74.7 60.8 37.4 30.2 241.0 80.3
78.1 96.4 95.3 6.6 100.0 7.9 89.1 o1 42.0 96.9
48.0 97.6 95.6 9.3 100.0 7.7 89.6 39.0 97.2
64.1 94.6 94.4 11.8 98.9 9.5 85.9 26.0 98.2
35.6 93.0 88.1 20.4 93.7 16.3 72.4 26.0 98.2
66.0 90.3 93.9 12.6 98.4 8.1 88.8 o1 70.0 94.6
0.0 97.9 97.9 6.9 100.0 5.2 94.6 14.0 99.2
87.5 75.3 72.1 30.8 87.4 31.0 43.0 173.0 85.9
39.0 98.0 96.1 12.7 98.4 6.6 91.7 27.0 98.2
85.0 89.3 91.2 12.3 98.6 13.7 77.6 36.0 97.4
64.3 49.4 53.2 90.3 51.3 31.9 41.1 397.0 67.2
45.2 79.5 77.6 28.5 88.8 23.0 58.9 183.0 85.1
79.5 88.5 85.3 26.0 90.3 13.4 78.2 155.0 87.4
62.0 83.1 75.9 41.6 80.9 23.2 58.6 144.0 88.4
70.0 95.9 95.3 13.9 97.6 6.1 92.8 60.0 95.4
0.0 93.8 91.9 11.4 99.1 13.2 78.6 31.0 97.8
80.1 56.0 59.8 87.5 53.0 26.1 52.8 320.0 73.6
76.8 53.9 42.1 56.5 71.8 57.2 0.0 548.0 54.6
56.4 91.2 92.6 14.9 97.1 9.9 85.2 58.0 95.6
92.3 74.3 74.0 26.6 89.9 30.0 45.0 160.0 87.0
38.0 61.2 55.2 74.8 60.7 28.1 48.9 529.0 56.2
47.0 27.4 31.4 110.1 39.4 40.5 23.9 829.0 31.0
85.2 18.3 25.4 113.8 37.1 35.5 34.0 1140.0 5.0
74.6 99.1 99.8 7.0 100.0 1.6 100.0 13.0 99.3
94.2 95.7 97.7 7.9 100.0 4.9 95.2 29.0 98.0
71.7 93.9 91.0 13.8 97.7 11.6 81.8 83.0 93.5
90.7 67.2 67.7 62.9 67.9 23.7 57.6 273.0 77.6
55.1 68.7 71.1 47.8 77.1 18.8 67.3 378.0 68.8
67.0 97.3 95.5 8.6 100.0 8.4 88.2 27.0 98.2
8.8 53.0 57.8 79.3 58.0 19.1 66.7 617.0 48.8
98.7 98.0 96.1 5.1 100.0 7.0 90.9 36.0 97.4
97.3 91.2 85.2 17.3 95.6 18.9 67.1 89.0 93.0
35.4 47.9 46.0 84.8 54.7 41.2 22.6 473.0 60.8
94.5 61.9 62.6 57.5 71.2 34.0 37.0 248.0 79.7
96.3 93.5 89.7 34.7 85.1 8.5 88.0 o1 53.9 95.9
76.1 90.9 91.4 28.0 89.1 6.2 92.5 95.0 92.5
67.2 90.3 83.8 14.0 97.6 23.4 58.3 59.0 95.5
0.0 83.3 83.8 20.3 93.8 22.3 60.4 37.0 97.3
84.2 88.2 92.1 13.3 98.0 11.6 81.8 46.0 96.6
0.0 67.1 65.2 81.8 56.5 20.5 64.0 301.0 75.2
83.2 57.2 49.2 40.5 81.5 49.5 5.9 480.0 60.3
100.0 77.1 66.1 49.4 76.1 23.3 58.4 437.0 63.8
83.1 55.3 58.2 50.7 75.3 36.3 32.4 401.0 66.9
91.6 94.2 92.7 25.7 90.5 7.5 90.0 34.0 97.6
50.7 78.5 78.4 42.5 80.3 14.8 75.5 252.0 79.3
75.2 63.8 65.5 51.7 74.7 16.9 71.3 597.0 50.5
70.2 98.4 97.1 9.6 100.0 5.9 93.1 25.0 98.3
56.8 78.5 75.8 46.2 78.1 15.1 74.8 308.0 74.6
83.6 96.5 93.7 16.5 96.0 9.1 86.7 o1 25.0 98.3
86.4 69.3 67.1 24.5 91.2 43.6 17.8 95.0 92.5
49.7 39.8 47.7 98.8 46.2 30.2 44.6 576.0 52.2
65.7 44.0 50.4 78.5 58.5 28.4 48.2 667.0 44.6
88.2 89.8 86.9 29.3 88.3 9.5 86.0 169.0 86.3
93.3 66.2 63.9 62.8 68.0 20.7 63.5 480.0 60.3
76.2 83.4 85.0 16.8 95.9 20.4 64.3 65.0 95.0
89.7 74.3 69.7 34.3 85.3 34.7 35.6 145.0 88.3
56.3 83.3 72.7 23.9 91.6 32.0 40.9 177.0 85.6
67.3 91.4 96.4 13.9 97.6 6.3 92.5 16.0 99.1
22.3 75.3 88.1 25.9 90.4 12.5 80.1 79.0 93.8
75.5 91.3 93.3 13.9 97.7 8.3 88.4 80.0 93.7
44.5 90.4 94.4 15.6 96.6 7.5 90.0 46.0 96.6
30.6 98.3 96.7 10.5 99.7 7.1 90.8 10.0 99.6
85.3 73.2 71.9 43.2 79.9 20.4 64.1 342.0 71.8
36.8 81.5 80.8 50.9 75.2 15.3 74.5 92.0 92.7
0.0 97.5 97.6 7.9 100.0 5.8 93.3 12.0 99.4
78.4 94.5 90.6 18.3 95.0 11.7 81.6 60.0 95.4
83.5 72.8 68.6 45.5 78.5 31.2 42.5 185.0 84.9
66.7 88.2 93.9 7.2 100.0 10.6 83.8 29.0 98.0
96.5 62.6 49.6 86.4 53.7 32.4 40.1 544.0 54.9
34.3 45.2 49.1 84.6 54.8 28.8 47.4 661.0 45.1
15.6 83.6 71.8 11.5 99.1 41.5 21.9 72.0 94.4
80.9 60.7 56.7 50.6 75.4 41.3 22.5 335.0 72.4
95.5 55.5 60.5 41.6 80.8 37.8 29.5 349.0 71.2
61.3 89.5 87.3 8.6 100.0 20.6 63.9 29.0 98.0
60.1 89.4 90.6 7.6 100.0 14.6 75.8 53.0 96.0
77.6 45.6 51.6 94.0 49.1 26.3 52.4 562.0 53.4
81.6 79.6 73.3 31.8 86.8 32.8 39.4 80.6 93.7
99.0 54.1 51.3 72.9 61.9 24.7 55.6 766.0 36.3
42.2 94.1 93.0 16.0 96.4 8.8 87.5 61.0 95.3
63.5 94.9 91.9 14.2 97.5 12.2 80.5 33.0 97.7
95.3 83.3 84.5 29.4 88.3 16.5 72.1 o1 88.0 93.1
98.1 95.3 94.4 15.6 96.6 7.6 89.9 45.0 96.7
57.3 83.1 88.6 21.4 93.1 13.4 78.3 70.0 94.6
87.1 53.9 55.1 74.2 61.1 38.4 28.1 289.0 76.2
63.8 73.9 70.5 44.7 79.0 26.1 52.9 250.0 79.5
95.5 83.5 77.2 42.4 80.4 18.9 67.2 195.0 84.1
0.0 92.0 86.8 30.9 87.3 15.5 74.1 17.1 99.0
79.0 74.9 71.5 30.8 87.4 31.4 42.3 186.0 84.9
74.8 85.3 88.1 16.6 96.0 14.4 76.2 98.0 92.2
96.2 35.6 42.2 80.4 57.4 46.8 11.4 509.0 57.8
55.4 43.5 30.8 117.2 35.0 35.7 33.6 917.0 23.7
29.1 93.1 92.9 11.4 99.1 12.1 80.8 19.0 98.8
76.5 57.6 61.3 67.2 65.3 37.5 29.9 140.0 88.7
56.1 92.1 85.8 17.3 95.6 20.0 65.0 o2 42.0 96.9
51.1 89.1 89.1 14.9 97.1 15.4 74.2 52.0 96.1
80.8 53.5 58.5 44.8 78.9 48.3 8.4 145.0 88.3
81.2 90.7 92.9 19.4 94.3 5.0 94.9 129.0 89.6
78.3 92.7 91.1 13.2 98.1 11.4 82.1 88.0 93.1
96.7 84.3 75.3 27.3 89.5 29.4 46.2 121.0 90.3
0.0 96.2 98.4 6.5 100.0 4.7 95.5 9.0 99.7
35.5 99.0 99.8 3.2 100.0 2.2 100.0 11.0 99.5
63.9 67.6 67.7 34.3 85.3 33.4 38.2 248.0 79.7
29.8 96.1 93.2 15.4 96.7 10.2 84.6 o3 28.0 98.1
94.4 93.3 94.2 22.3 92.5 2.7 99.5 117.0 90.6
80.7 94.1 93.2 14.6 97.2 8.7 87.5 o1 68.0 94.7
60.4 96.1 95.2 15.0 97.0 6.6 91.7 43.0 96.8
0.0 89.4 85.9 29.8 88.0 12.4 80.3 130.0 89.5
1.5 95.6 98.6 6.6 100.0 4.1 96.8 17.0 99.0
70.4 66.4 74.0 45.3 78.6 17.8 69.5 315.0 74.1
70.7 92.4 94.5 14.2 97.4 7.5 90.0 53.0 96.0
30.9 41.7 32.0 109.2 39.9 27.7 49.5 1120.0 6.7
0.0 99.0 99.7 2.5 100.0 2.9 99.2 8.0 99.7
73.6 73.8 77.3 19.7 94.1 29.5 46.1 104.0 91.7
97.6 24.3 38.5 117.0 35.2 27.9 49.3 829.0 31.0
78.5 86.2 78.2 34.5 85.2 23.1 58.9 119.0 90.5
90.9 22.0 31.8 96.2 47.7 30.8 43.4 1150.0 4.2
88.7 93.2 90.1 7.1 100.0 16.1 72.8 36.0 97.4
69.9 61.9 61.1 58.4 70.7 34.1 36.9 295.0 75.7
54.3 91.2 91.4 18.0 95.2 8.2 88.6 120.0 90.4
57.1 77.2 78.4 21.5 93.0 30.3 44.4 31.0 97.8
90.3 88.7 85.9 33.8 85.6 16.0 73.0 17.0 99.0
92.8 94.0 92.5 9.0 100.0 12.4 80.2 37.0 97.3
62.3 69.5 58.2 44.2 79.3 49.1 6.9 142.0 88.5
51.7 58.8 63.0 66.9 65.5 24.3 56.3 396.0 67.3
91.6 98.4 97.0 16.6 96.0 3.0 99.1 52.0 96.1
61.8 94.6 92.6 17.5 95.4 8.7 87.6 67.0 94.8
23.8 90.8 93.5 16.9 95.8 8.6 87.8 43.0 96.8
33.4 97.1 97.3 10.0 100.0 6.0 93.0 o4 17.0 99.0
0.0 92.4 89.8 42.0 80.6 8.0 88.9 7.0 99.8
79.3 82.8 89.6 23.9 91.6 9.8 85.4 104.5 91.7
65.1 57.8 65.2 45.8 78.3 28.4 48.3 375.0 69.0
0.0 92.2 91.9 7.5 100.0 14.6 75.8 o1 3.0 100.0
70.9 61.1 57.1 50.3 75.6 32.8 39.3 524.0 56.6
54.4 98.1 96.9 7.1 100.0 6.7 91.6 17.0 99.0
42.0 95.7 92.6 17.4 95.5 10.3 84.5 29.0 98.0
94.9 77.5 77.5 25.9 90.4 28.6 47.8 72.0 94.4
31.7 91.3 88.4 24.2 91.4 10.6 83.8 125.0 90.0
80.2 88.0 83.5 19.9 94.0 22.7 59.6 43.0 96.8
33.4 57.7 62.0 58.4 70.7 38.2 28.5 164.0 86.7
77.1 67.1 63.5 61.7 68.7 32.9 39.2 213.0 82.6
97.9 70.4 64.3 54.6 73.0 23.5 58.0 458.0 62.1

10 2.5 5
175 52.5 1200

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (availa

vision, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, accessed 21 January 2021). Instabi

ry Release (available at, accessed 22 Septembe

EDAC) (available at, accessed 22 September 2020). Data refer to 2000 population.
SEDAC) (available at, accessed 22 September 2020). Data refer to 2000 population.
://, accessed on 4 November 2020) and gridded population data from Center for International Earth Science Inform

accessed at 4 Nov 2020), and on population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Divi

). Data refer to 2019., accessed 18 February 2021). Data refer to 2018.

ess otherwise indicated.

nd on age-related population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Po
cessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at,
artment of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2019 Revision, (available at available at htt
8AND GOALS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2018-2019 (available at
UNESCO-UIS, (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

cessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at,
cessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at,
cessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at,, accessed 22 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at http://data.uis.un

cessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at,
020). Data refer to 2011.

, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

artment of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2019 Revision, (available at https://esa.un

cessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at,

UNESCO-UIS, (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2016.

cessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at,

dary-schools-by-age-sex-and-type-of-school/, accessed 13 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data from UNESC

ucation/Education-Report-2017.pdf, accesssed 13 Oct 2020) and on age-related population data from United Nations, Department of Econ
ess otherwise indicated.

012 period. Data refer to 2015 projection.

Data refer to 2016.

September 2020). Data refer to adult literacy for population 15-49 for 2007.
ess otherwise indicated.
Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

tion-statistics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2015.

8AND GOALS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2018-2019 (available at

tion-statistics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2016.

tion-statistics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2011., accessed 22 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

tion-statistics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2010.

n Professionelle (MENFP) of Haiti (available at

able at:

tion-statistics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2017.

hp/ndoe-public/education-statistics/education-indicators, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

tion-statistics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2018., accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2017.

ons/Education%20Statistics%202014.pdf, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2014.
2021). Data refer to 2017-2019 average.
Gross secondary Gender parity index
Education q GNI per u
p school enrolment r Literacy rate s for gross secondary t
index capita ($)
ratio school enrolment

Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

34.3 55.4 50.5 43.0 24.0 s1 0.57 28.5 513
90.7 97.2 96.9 r1 81.4 75.2 s1 1.22 100.0 t1 3,997
46.8 50.7 45.2 66.0 54.7 s2 0.64 40.6 3,207
97.5 111.2 100.0 99.0 98.6 0.96 93.8 16,072
99.6 108.7 100.0 99.0 98.7 1.04 100.0 12,404
94.9 86.5 85.0 99.7 99.6 1.05 100.0 4,345
97.8 94.8 94.2 r2 99.8 99.7 1.00 99.6 t2 4,216
86.7 69.5 66.1 95.6 94.1 s3 1.06 100.0 31,825
97.8 97.1 96.8 97.5 96.6 1.09 100.0 21,773
78.6 72.6 69.5 74.7 66.2 1.17 100.0 1,827
99.8 102.7 100.0 99.6 99.5 s1, s2 1.04 100.0 16,721
87.3 86.4 84.9 82.8 77.0 s4 1.02 100.0 4,457
45.6 59.0 54.5 42.4 23.1 s1 0.76 59.3 1,181
81.5 90.1 89.0 r3 66.6 55.4 1.13 100.0 t3 2,982
91.7 89.7 88.6 92.5 89.9 0.98 96.5 3,330
90.2 87.7 86.3 r4 88.2 84.3 s5 1.07 100.0 t26 7,304
96.5 102.3 100.0 r5 93.2 91.0 0.99 98.6 t5 8,977
95.8 92.1 91.2 97.2 96.3 s1 1.03 100.0 29,736
52.1 41.3 34.8 41.2 21.6 s1 1.03 100.0 753
65.6 45.1 39.0 68.4 57.8 1.15 100.0 282
89.7 88.2 86.8 86.8 82.4 1.10 100.0 3,371
74.6 54.8 49.8 r6 80.5 74.0 1.11 100.0 t6 1,377
67.1 60.1 55.6 77.1 69.4 s1 0.86 76.3 1,428
23.3 17.1 7.9 37.4 16.5 s1 0.67 45.4 475
11.3 20.6 11.7 22.3 0.0 0.53 22.1 696
98.4 102.4 100.0 96.4 95.2 1.00 100.0 14,303
93.7 86.9 85.4 r7 96.8 95.8 s1 1.07 100.0 t7 9,349
96.9 97.5 97.2 95.1 93.5 1.05 100.0 6,250
66.7 59.5 55.0 58.8 45.1 s1 1.07 100.0 1,367
66.3 52.6 47.3 r8 80.3 73.7 s1 0.87 77.7 t8 1,925
99.1 141.4 100.0 97.9 97.2 s1 1.08 100.0 11,485
48.2 54.6 49.6 47.2 29.6 s1 0.79 65.5 2,167
99.9 100.3 100.0 99.8 99.7 s6 1.01 100.0 8,562
97.1 92.3 91.4 100.0 100.0 s7 1.01 100.0 660
49.8 46.2 40.2 77.0 69.4 0.64 39.9 506
61.2 52.0 46.6 52.8 37.1 s8 1.03 100.0 3,235
q1 97.3 101.1 100.0 94.0 92.0 s9 1.02 100.0 7,521
90.4 81.6 79.5 r2 93.8 91.7 1.09 100.0 t2 7,655
96.8 101.4 100.0 92.8 90.4 1.03 100.0 6,012
82.8 89.5 88.3 71.2 61.6 0.99 98.4 2,871
84.3 71.7 68.5 89.0 85.3 0.99 98.9 3,808
68.9 29.3 21.4 r9 94.4 92.5 s10 0.96 92.8 t4 7,617
65.2 47.7 41.9 76.6 68.8 s1 0.91 84.9 589
88.0 82.4 80.5 88.4 84.6 s1 0.99 99.1 3,083
52.3 34.9 27.7 51.8 35.7 s1 0.96 93.6 832
95.6 89.4 88.2 r10 99.1 98.8 1.01 100.0 t9 5,726
78.7 60.8 56.4 r11 84.7 79.6 s1 1.07 100.0 t10 6,897
62.2 57.0 52.3 r12 50.8 34.4 1.14 100.0 t11 711
99.7 106.3 100.0 99.4 99.2 1.01 100.0 4,107
81.2 74.7 71.9 79.0 72.1 s1 1.00 99.8 2,083
99.4 120.1 100.0 98.6 98.1 s1, s2 1.03 100.0 9,468
71.4 51.1 45.7 81.3 75.0 s2 0.96 93.5 4,136
32.0 40.0 33.3 r13 32.0 9.3 s2 0.72 53.3 t12 870
37.6 44.8 38.7 r14 45.6 27.4 s1, s2 0.68 46.7 t13 735
92.8 97.7 97.5 r8 85.6 80.9 s1, s2 1.03 100.0 t8 6,330
68.5 61.0 56.7 r15 61.7 48.9 s1 1.01 100.0 t14 789
81.8 66.2 62.5 87.2 82.9 1.12 100.0 2,320
78.9 73.8 70.9 74.4 65.8 s1 1.02 100.0 1,949
94.0 88.9 87.7 95.7 94.2 1.03 100.0 3,811
86.5 86.3 84.8 85.5 80.7 0.96 93.8 5,466
62.6 53.9 48.8 r16 85.6 80.8 0.75 58.2 t15 5,016
89.3 85.4 83.7 88.1 84.1 s1, s2 1.02 100.0 4,973
86.3 65.2 61.3 98.2 97.6 s1 1.02 100.0 4,171
99.9 113.2 100.0 99.8 99.7 s1 1.01 100.0 8,177
74.4 53.4 48.2 r17 81.5 75.4 s1 1.00 99.5 t16 1,591
82.2 76.3 73.7 r18 79.6 72.8 s11 1.21 100.0 t17 3,183
97.4 97.8 97.6 96.1 94.7 s1 1.06 100.0 33,821
98.4 96.4 96.0 99.6 99.4 s1 1.00 99.7 1,181
77.0 65.8 62.0 84.7 79.5 0.94 89.3 2,449
82.4 58.5 53.9 r19 95.1 93.4 s1 1.04 100.0 t7 7,595
75.5 62.0 57.8 76.6 68.8 s1, s2 1.35 100.0 1,295
41.2 37.9 31.0 48.3 31.1 s1 0.77 61.6 507
95.4 97.9 97.7 r20 91.4 88.5 s5 1.18 100.0 t18 4,362
64.6 34.6 27.3 74.8 66.4 s1 1.04 100.0 496
50.5 37.1 30.1 62.1 49.5 s1 0.83 71.7 367
91.7 83.7 81.9 94.9 93.1 1.08 100.0 10,610
88.2 81.3 79.3 97.7 97.0 0.93 88.4 9,189
39.6 41.0 34.5 35.5 14.0 0.82 70.5 842
q1 85.9 63.9 59.9 98.3 97.7 s12 1.08 100.0 4,845
56.9 39.4 32.7 53.5 38.0 s1 1.05 100.0 1,578
95.1 97.1 96.8 91.3 88.4 s1 1.02 100.0 10,977
97.9 105.1 100.0 95.4 93.8 1.09 100.0 9,196
82.2 61.0 56.7 r21 92.4 89.9 s13 1.16 100.0 t19 3,698
96.2 91.5 90.6 r22 98.4 97.9 s1 1.07 100.0 t20 3,546
77.5 81.2 79.1 73.8 65.0 0.93 88.4 3,145
52.7 35.4 28.2 60.7 47.5 0.89 82.4 473
77.4 68.4 64.9 75.6 67.4 s1 1.09 100.0 1,263
89.8 82.6 80.7 r23 91.5 88.7 s1 1.09 100.0 t17 4,927
q1 97.2 96.7 96.3 96.5 95.3 s14 1.04 100.0 15,196
78.4 80.2 78.0 67.9 57.2 s1 1.07 100.0 1,027
82.4 73.4 70.5 r22 82.6 76.8 s1 1.13 100.0 t20 2,014
29.1 24.3 15.8 35.1 13.4 s1 0.75 58.0 529
56.3 42.0 35.6 62.0 49.4 s1 0.90 83.9 1,970
93.3 107.1 100.0 95.7 94.2 0.91 85.8 14,082
53.8 43.8 37.6 59.1 45.5 0.87 78.3 1,560
q1 98.5 116.5 100.0 r24 96.6 95.5 1.11 100.0 t21 16,949
89.1 76.1 73.5 95.4 93.9 1.06 100.0 14,182
48.4 47.5 41.7 61.6 48.8 s1, s10 0.73 54.8 2,674
88.4 75.8 73.1 r25 94.0 92.0 1.01 100.0 t22 5,524
94.3 108.8 100.0 94.4 92.5 0.94 90.3 6,422
93.3 84.0 82.3 98.2 97.6 1.11 100.0 3,826
94.0 105.5 100.0 r22 93.5 91.3 s1 0.94 90.6 t7 61,071
98.1 98.5 98.3 98.0 97.3 s7 0.99 98.8 32,529
67.5 44.3 38.1 73.2 64.3 1.13 100.0 784
q1 99.0 106.9 100.0 97.8 97.1 s15 1.03 100.0 18,198
92.4 89.9 88.7 94.8 93.1 s16 0.97 95.5 9,744
95.1 107.2 100.0 89.0 85.3 s17 1.03 100.0 7,257
97.1 93.3 92.5 99.1 98.8 s1 1.10 100.0 4,118
92.9 89.3 88.2 92.8 90.4 s1 1.16 100.0 1,843
92.6 111.8 100.0 95.3 93.8 0.90 84.2 21,484
58.7 46.2 40.3 51.9 35.9 1.13 100.0 1,370
90.2 78.6 76.2 95.9 94.5 s1 1.06 100.0 15,477
51.3 41.8 35.3 43.2 24.3 s1 0.97 94.3 532
98.3 105.8 100.0 r2 97.3 96.5 0.99 98.4 56,231
70.3 53.3 48.2 r26 76.6 68.8 s1, s18 0.96 93.9 t23 1,843
10.0 5.9 0.0 r16 40.0 20.0 s19 0.46 10.1 t15 104
94.2 100.5 100.0 87.0 82.7 1.07 100.0 5,730
12.2 11.0 1.1 34.5 12.7 s1 0.54 22.8 351
96.3 100.3 100.0 91.7 88.9 1.05 100.0 4,058
62.8 46.6 40.7 60.7 47.6 s1 1.01 100.0 1,582
90.9 82.3 80.3 94.4 92.5 s1 1.32 100.0 5,343
76.0 52.5 47.3 r27 86.3 81.7 s5 0.99 99.1 t24 723
91.5 92.0 91.1 r23 99.8 99.7 s1, s2 0.90 83.6 t17 1,060
95.6 115.2 100.0 93.8 91.7 0.97 95.0 6,563
80.8 86.5 85.0 68.1 57.4 s1 1.10 100.0 1,867
54.6 61.8 57.6 63.7 51.7 0.73 54.6 867
99.7 100.9 100.0 99.4 99.2 s1 1.03 100.0 4,996
96.5 92.2 91.3 r28 98.7 98.3 s1, s10 1.03 100.0 16,136
88.0 92.9 92.1 79.0 72.0 s2 1.14 100.0 3,464
97.0 104.5 100.0 96.2 94.9 0.98 96.0 10,361
95.0 89.7 88.5 99.7 99.6 s1, s2 0.98 96.9 6,769
p1 75.9 41.1 34.6 94.9 93.2 s20 1.33 100.0 6,657
50.3 25.0 16.7 r29 76.5 68.7 s1 0.79 65.7 t17 670
92.5 104.9 100.0 93.2 91.0 s1 0.92 86.5 41,267
65.0 32.0 24.5 77.9 70.5 1.08 100.0 1,031
99.4 121.2 100.0 98.7 98.3 1.11 100.0 15,770
98.7 97.4 97.1 100.0 100.0 0.99 99.1 2,086
77.5 54.2 49.1 87.5 83.3 s1 1.03 100.0 2,991
94.3 88.1 86.8 97.1 96.2 1.08 100.0 6,457
92.4 85.6 84.0 r26 95.0 93.3 s1 1.01 100.0 t23 2,347
53.5 51.6 46.2 70.0 59.9 s5 0.73 54.3 752
70.7 46.4 40.4 r30 86.7 82.3 s1 0.94 89.2 t25 1,411
76.6 56.3 51.4 r31 88.7 84.9 s1, s2 0.96 93.3 t24 1,425

10 25 0.4
100 100 1

regates Database (available at, accessed 21 January 2021). The average distance to world markets is in

1 January 2021). Instability values are based on data from 1999-2019 and trade dependency weights are 2017-2019 averages.

/, accessed 22 September 2020), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to 2015 population, 90 m resolution, unless otherwise indicated.
to 2000 population.
to 2000 population.
nal Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2018. Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Populati

(DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2019 Revision, (available at available at

ation Division, World Population Prospects 2019 Revision, (available at available at
//, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2015.
ailable at available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2018.
files/document/file/2020-05-Cambodia-ESP-IR-rev.pdf, accessed 22 Oct 2020) and on school age population, secondary education data fro

//, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2015.

//, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2016.
//, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2011.
ble at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

//, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2010.

ailable at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

//, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2017.

//, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2018.

cation data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2009.

ons, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2019 Revision, (available at availa
files/document/file/2020-05-Cambodia-ESP-IR-rev.pdf, accessed 22 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

-RapportEvaluationPIPE.pdf, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2011.

f-population-by-socio-economic-characteristics, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

ance to world markets is in km, the adjusted value is an index based on average distance and landlockedness.

019 averages.

ess otherwise indicated.

rsion 4 (GPWv4): Population Count Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision of UN WPP Country Totals, Revision 11. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeco

org/unpd/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to the 2000-2019 average.

/Download/Standard/Population/, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

ta refer to 2018.
ondary education data from UNESCO-UIS, (available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2019.

vision, (available at available at, accessed 13 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2017
. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at, accessed 4 N
Data refer to 2019.

3 Oct 2020). Data refer to 2017.

7927/H4PN93PB, accessed 4 November 2020). Data refer to 1990-2019 average aridity index values and 2019 population data.
19 population data.
Exposure b
CCODE ISO -3 Countries\Indicators Status EVI a Population

4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 39.3 25.2 34,656,032
12 DZA Algeria 14.7 12.0 40,606,052
24 AGO Angola LDC 36.8 35.2 28,813,463
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 38.6 53.1 100,963
32 ARG Argentina 24.3 30.1 43,847,430
51 ARM Armenia 31.2 27.3 2,924,816
31 AZE Azerbaijan 31.2 29.3 9,725,376
44 BHS Bahamas 39.1 54.5 391,232
48 BHR Bahrain 34.9 52.3 1,425,171
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 25.2 22.8 162,951,560
52 BRB Barbados 27.8 37.6 284,996
84 BLZ Belize 43.9 57.3 366,954
204 BEN Benin LDC 34.3 36.7 10,872,298
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 36.3 39.0 797,765
68 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 32.5 40.0 10,887,882
72 BWA Botswana 45.5 49.6 2,250,260
76 BRA Brazil 21.5 23.0 207,652,865
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 30.8 43.4 423,196
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 38.2 36.0 18,646,433
108 BDI Burundi LDC 44.5 41.1 10,524,117
132 CPV Cabo Verde 35.9 40.6 539,560
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 34.8 32.2 15,762,370
120 CMR Cameroon 19.1 25.7 23,439,189
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 33.6 40.2 4,594,621
148 TCD Chad LDC 52.4 37.8 14,452,543
152 CHL Chile 26.6 33.3 17,909,754
156 CHN China 21.8 13.9 1,403,500,365
170 COL Colombia 22.4 25.3 48,653,419
174 COM Comoros LDC 52.4 62.3 795,601
178 COG Congo 31.8 35.9 5,125,821
188 CRI Costa Rica 25.2 32.4 4,857,274
384 CIV Côte D'Ivoire 16.7 29.3 23,695,919
192 CUB Cuba 32.7 26.7 11,475,982
196 CYP Cyprus 14.1 24.7 1,170,125
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 31.5 26.3 25,368,620
180 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo LDC 27.2 25.1 78,736,153
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 36.3 40.2 942,333
212 DMA Dominica 40.8 50.0 73,543
214 DOM Dominican Republic 23.8 25.1 10,648,791
218 ECU Ecuador 28.2 34.8 16,385,068
818 EGY Egypt 17.9 21.7 95,688,681
222 SLV El Salvador 28.1 31.2 6,344,722
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea 27.8 41.8 1,221,490
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 54.7 29.5 4,954,645
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 32.1 27.2 102,403,196
242 FJI Fiji 39.9 48.7 898,760
266 GAB Gabon 32.8 42.5 1,979,786
270 GMB Gambia LDC 72.2 51.0 2,038,501
268 GEO Georgia 26.9 20.5 3,925,405
288 GHA Ghana 33.7 27.7 28,206,728
308 GRD Grenada 44.4 42.9 107,317
320 GTM Guatemala 24.2 26.1 16,582,469
324 GIN Guinea LDC 30.2 33.8 12,395,924
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 52.4 58.5 1,815,698
328 GUY Guyana 50.7 61.7 773,303
332 HTI Haiti LDC 30.6 32.6 10,847,334
340 HND Honduras 29.5 30.1 9,112,867
356 IND India 22.9 14.7 1,324,171,354
360 IDN Indonesia 24.2 23.6 261,115,456
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 24.7 16.1 80,277,428
368 IRQ Iraq 26.3 25.8 37,202,572
376 ISR Israel 20.1 16.3 8,191,828
388 JAM Jamaica 30.5 37.2 2,881,355
400 JOR Jordan 20.1 13.9 9,455,802
398 KAZ Kazakhstan 27.5 26.9 17,987,736
404 KEN Kenya 26.4 25.3 48,461,567
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 73.7 86.8 114,395
414 KWT Kuwait 26.7 39.3 4,052,584
417 KGZ Kyrgyzstan 31.3 30.7 5,955,734
418 LAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic LDC 33.7 30.5 6,758,353
422 LBN Lebanon 21.1 17.0 6,006,668
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 42.0 43.0 2,203,821
430 LBR Liberia LDC 53.2 46.2 4,613,823
434 LBY Libya 37.6 23.4 6,293,253
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 37.8 34.6 24,894,551
454 MWI Malawi LDC 47.1 39.1 18,091,575
458 MYS Malaysia 21.4 23.6 31,187,265
462 MDV Maldives 50.9 70.4 427,756
466 MLI Mali LDC 36.8 39.7 17,994,837
584 MHL Marshall Islands 66.1 82.2 53,066
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 39.9 45.0 4,301,018
480 MUS Mauritius 24.2 38.7 1,262,132
484 MEX Mexico 17.6 18.8 127,540,423
583 FSM Micronesia (Federated States of) 58.6 78.8 104,937
496 MNG Mongolia 39.0 33.9 3,027,398
504 MAR Morocco 16.3 11.3 35,276,786
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 36.7 35.6 28,829,476
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 31.7 29.5 52,885,223
516 NAM Namibia 36.3 37.4 2,479,713
520 NRU Nauru 58.3 78.9 11,347
524 NPL Nepal LDC 28.4 25.1 28,982,771
558 NIC Nicaragua 28.9 33.1 6,149,928
562 NER Niger LDC 35.3 32.3 20,672,987
566 NGA Nigeria 34.2 27.2 185,989,640
512 OMN Oman 27.1 32.6 4,424,762
586 PAK Pakistan 21.9 15.7 193,203,476
585 PLW Palau 76.0 75.2 21,503
591 PAN Panama 25.5 31.7 4,034,119
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 36.4 36.7 8,084,991
600 PRY Paraguay 42.5 42.7 6,725,308
604 PER Peru 24.7 28.4 31,773,839
608 PHL Philippines 25.1 20.5 103,320,222
634 QAT Qatar 28.5 37.2 2,569,804
410 KOR Republic of Korea 12.7 15.2 50,791,919
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 36.4 36.6 11,917,508
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 51.9 51.8 54,821
662 LCA Saint Lucia 41.7 45.1 178,015
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 40.5 50.3 109,643
882 WSM Samoa 39.7 64.1 195,125
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 41.2 62.3 199,910
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 14.4 23.6 32,275,687
686 SEN Senegal LDC 33.4 30.6 15,411,614
690 SYC Seychelles 45.2 57.4 94,228
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 51.6 45.0 7,396,190
702 SGP Singapore 30.5 33.8 5,622,455
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 51.9 63.0 599,419
706 SOM Somalia LDC 34.7 43.8 14,317,996
710 ZAF South Africa 23.4 23.7 56,015,473
728 SSD South Sudan LDC 55.6 36.0 12,230,730
144 LKA Sri Lanka 25.0 23.8 20,798,492
729 SDN Sudan LDC 49.2 27.3 39,578,828
740 SUR Suriname 51.1 67.6 558,368
748 SWZ Swaziland 36.2 44.6 1,343,098
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 33.6 14.6 18,430,453
762 TJK Tajikistan 35.9 30.7 8,734,951
764 THA Thailand 23.7 21.1 68,863,514
626 TLS Timor-Leste LDC 56.8 43.2 1,268,671
768 TGO Togo LDC 28.3 31.9 7,606,374
776 TON Tonga 56.0 75.0 107,122
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 31.0 36.2 1,364,962
788 TUN Tunisia 18.0 16.9 11,403,248
792 TUR Turkey 10.8 3.5 79,512,426
795 TKM Turkmenistan 36.1 34.8 5,662,544
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 56.0 83.0 11,097
800 UGA Uganda LDC 31.7 28.1 41,487,965
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 28.4 31.2 9,269,612
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 27.9 27.5 55,572,201
858 URY Uruguay 31.7 41.0 3,444,006
860 UZB Uzbekistan 23.0 23.7 31,446,795
548 VUT Vanuatu LDC 47.0 57.9 270,402
862 VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 23.5 29.5 31,568,179
704 VNM Viet Nam 30.1 39.5 94,569,072
887 YEM Yemen LDC 38.6 24.5 27,584,213
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 40.5 38.2 16,591,390
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 59.7 35.4 16,150,362

Bounds: 150,000
a The EVI is calculated as 1/2 of the Exposure index and 1/2 of the Shock index.
b The Exposure Index is calculated as 1/4 of the Population (Size index), 1/4 of the Remoteness (Location index)
c Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Popula
d Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on distance
e Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University. Low Elevati
e1 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2012. Natio
e2 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2012. Natio
e3 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2012. Natio
f The Economic structure index is calculated as 1/2 of the Export concentration and 1/2 of the Shares of agricul
g Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), UNCTADstat (available at http://un
g1 Data refer to 2009-2011 average of Former Sudan.
h Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accoun
i The Shock index is calculated as 1/2 of the Natural shock index and 1/2 of the Export instability (Trade shock in
j The Natural shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Victims per 100,000
k Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat calculated, based
l Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on agricult
l1 Data refer to period 1995-2014.
l2 Data calculated as the regional average of Micronesia for the period 1995-2014.
l3 Data refer to the index of Former Sudan, 1994-2011 period.
m Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on constan
m1 Data for 1996-2007 are derived by splitting exports of Former Sudan between Sudan and South Sudan accordi
n The HAI is calculated as 1/2 of the Health index and 1/2 of the Education index.
o The Health index is calculated as 1/3 of the Prevalence of undernourishment, 1/3 of the Under-five mortality r
p Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), FAOSTAT (data available at
p1 Original data "<2.5%".
p2 Data from 2009 triennial review.
p3 Original data "<5%".
p4 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) 2013 (availa
p5 Data from 2012 triennial review.
p6 Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Archives, WDI September 2011 (avaliable at https://data.
p7 Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Archives, WDI March 2015 (avaliable at https://data.worl
p8 Data calculated as the regional average of Micronesia.
p9 Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), National Minimum Development Indicators (available at h
p10 Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), National Minimum Development Indicators (available at h
p11 Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Archives, WDI April 2006 (avaliable at https://data.worldb
p12 Data refer to Sudan, 2014-2016 average. It is likely to underestimate undernourishment in the country.
q Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality estimation (CME), CME Info (available at http://
r Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Maternal Mortality. Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2015
r1 Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Maternal Mortality. Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2015
s The Education index is calculated as 1/2 of the Adult literacy rate and 1/2 of the Grosss secondary enrolment
t Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS)
t1 Data refer to 2011.
t2 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global M
t3 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 15/203, 2015 Article IV Consultation - Pre
t4 Source: Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Regional Statistics, Caribbean Specific Millennium Development Go
t5 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global M
t6 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global M
t7 Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Arab Development Portal (available at http://arabd
t8 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 16/244, 2016 Article IV Consultation - Pre
t9 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Fiji Education For All Natio
t10 Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Health in the Americas
t11 Previous review
t12 Source: Kiribati 2015 Population and Housing Census (available at
t13 Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Western Pacific Region (WPR), Health Services Delivery Profiles, Ki
t14 Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), National Minimum Development Indicator Database, Naur
t15 Source: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Statistical Databa
t16 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 17/186, 2017 Article IV Consultation - Pre
t17 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 17/76, 2017 Article IV Consultation - Pres
t18 Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Country Report No. 16/243, 2016 Article IV Consultation - Pre
t19 Source: World Health Organization (WHO), Western Pacific Region (WPR), Western Pacific Country Health Info
t20 Source: United Nations Population Fund, Somali People in Numbers, 2016 (available at http://somalia.unfpa.o
t21 Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), MDG Progress Reports - Asia and the Pacific, Tuvalu
t22 Source: United Nations International Childrens Fund (UNICEF), Vanuatu Statistics (available at https://www.un
t23 UIS estimate
t24 Data refer to 2010.
t25 Data refer to 2009.
t26 Data refer to 2008.
t27 Data refer to 2007.
t28 Source: Laos 2015 Population and Housing Census (available at
u Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS)
u1 Data refer 2011.
u2 Data refer to 2005.
u3 Data refer to 2004.
u4 Source: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Azerbaijan - Coun
u5 Source: African Development Bank (AfDB), Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD)
u6 Source: African Development Bank (AfDB), Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD)
u7 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
u8 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
u9 Source: Ministry of Finance Singapore, Singapore at a glance (available at, accessed 15 Se
u10 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global M
u11 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
u12 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based
u13 National estimate
u14 UIS estimate
u15 Data refer 2010.
u16 Data refer 2009.
u17 Data refer 2008.
u18 Data refer 2007.
v Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, based on Nation
Share of population Economic
Population c Remoteness d in low elevated e structure f Export concentration
coastal zones index

Max-min Avg. distan Adj. value Max-min Value Max-min Value

16.3 4057.72 51.690 52.1 0.00 0.0 32.5 0.32
13.9 2325.02 7.809 0.0 0.76 2.2 31.9 0.49
19.1 6335.08 59.793 62.2 1.44 4.1 55.4 0.93
100.0 5320.91 50.746 50.9 11.83 33.8 27.6 0.56
12.7 9484.87 80.724 88.4 3.03 8.7 10.7 0.19
54.3 2929.50 34.794 31.0 0.00 0.0 23.9 0.25
35.8 3190.68 39.224 36.5 0.00 0.0 44.7 0.79
85.3 5275.14 50.298 50.4 20.28 58.0 24.3 0.51
65.4 3949.64 35.290 31.6 34.28 97.9 14.1 0.34
0.0 4204.77 38.537 35.7 8.92 25.5 30.2 0.41
90.1 5560.63 53.031 53.8 0.71 2.0 4.6 0.17
86.2 6411.54 60.416 63.0 20.53 58.7 21.5 0.29
34.1 4984.88 47.363 46.7 11.85 33.9 32.2 0.33
74.3 4069.51 51.841 52.3 0.00 0.0 29.6 0.37
34.1 8213.58 88.261 97.8 0.00 0.0 28.1 0.41
58.4 7922.20 86.388 95.5 0.00 0.0 44.5 0.84
0.0 8259.86 73.552 79.4 2.56 7.3 5.4 0.13
84.0 5518.25 52.634 53.3 1.61 4.6 31.8 0.64
25.8 4538.07 57.493 59.4 0.00 0.0 59.0 0.65
34.6 5892.86 71.041 76.3 0.00 0.0 53.4 0.47
80.3 4904.70 46.522 45.7 5.64 16.1 20.5 0.33
28.4 4819.20 45.610 44.5 7.19 20.5 35.4 0.31
22.3 5121.90 48.769 48.5 0.46 1.3 30.6 0.40
47.4 5051.55 63.052 66.3 0.00 0.0 46.9 0.46
29.7 4316.35 54.895 56.1 0.00 0.0 65.5 0.82
26.4 9726.39 82.028 90.0 0.37 1.1 15.8 0.32
0.0 3848.30 33.942 29.9 6.55 18.7 7.1 0.10
11.1 6726.27 62.901 66.1 1.22 3.5 20.3 0.36
74.3 6859.08 63.915 67.4 13.24 37.8 e1 69.7 0.68
45.7 5886.59 55.986 57.5 0.48 1.4 39.0 0.67
46.5 6719.91 62.852 66.1 0.36 1.0 16.0 0.31
22.1 5226.59 49.818 49.8 3.76 10.8 34.5 0.38
33.3 5650.54 53.863 54.8 2.91 8.3 10.2 0.23
68.4 2687.03 15.314 6.6 5.64 16.1 7.5 0.21
21.1 4273.76 39.380 36.7 5.13 14.7 32.6 0.36
3.7 5893.09 56.043 57.6 0.04 0.1 38.9 0.49
71.7 4831.86 45.746 44.7 12.35 35.3 9.2 0.22
100.0 5441.90 51.912 52.4 5.80 16.6 e1 31.0 0.41
34.4 5454.59 52.033 52.5 1.23 3.5 9.9 0.20
27.8 7279.86 67.003 71.3 5.19 14.8 25.4 0.41
0.7 2952.68 20.203 12.8 21.52 61.5 12.0 0.15
42.4 6701.29 62.708 65.9 0.50 1.4 14.9 0.21
67.7 5150.85 49.061 48.8 5.42 15.5 e1 35.2 0.68
46.2 4366.85 40.498 38.1 0.77 2.2 31.6 0.40
0.0 4923.47 61.720 64.6 0.00 0.0 44.2 0.30
72.5 9939.57 83.153 91.4 4.89 14.0 16.9 0.23
60.3 5465.32 52.135 52.7 4.94 14.1 42.8 0.78
59.9 4886.98 46.334 45.4 23.53 67.2 31.4 0.35
49.8 2892.23 19.130 11.4 2.76 7.9 12.8 0.20
19.5 5115.52 48.704 48.4 2.62 7.5 35.6 0.43
100.0 5689.32 54.218 55.3 1.89 5.4 10.9 0.19
27.6 6701.89 62.713 65.9 0.21 0.6 10.4 0.14
32.1 5203.73 49.591 49.5 6.05 17.3 36.5 0.45
61.7 5001.30 47.533 46.9 15.26 43.6 82.0 0.87
74.8 6008.23 57.046 58.8 27.87 79.6 33.5 0.44
34.2 5543.28 52.869 53.6 1.87 5.3 37.4 0.51
36.8 6564.09 61.635 64.5 0.90 2.6 16.4 0.21
0.0 4147.23 37.822 34.8 2.66 7.6 16.3 0.14
0.0 6123.63 58.033 60.0 7.37 21.0 13.2 0.14
3.4 3461.10 28.443 23.1 1.27 3.6 34.5 0.56
15.2 3235.41 24.946 18.7 5.81 16.6 52.8 0.96
38.5 2921.17 19.647 12.1 1.57 4.5 10.3 0.27
54.5 5765.96 54.912 56.1 3.63 10.4 27.5 0.48
36.3 2971.26 20.529 13.2 0.00 0.0 6.1 0.16
26.4 3917.31 49.864 49.8 0.00 0.0 31.2 0.57
11.1 5835.37 55.532 56.9 0.41 1.2 31.8 0.19
100.0 8727.92 76.411 83.0 95.22 100.0 e2 64.3 0.87
49.3 3628.74 30.896 26.1 17.40 49.7 31.9 0.64
43.4 3903.03 49.675 49.6 0.00 0.0 29.7 0.40
41.4 4440.94 56.370 58.0 0.00 0.0 22.7 0.22
43.3 2838.27 18.154 10.2 4.13 11.8 2.9 0.11
58.7 8330.26 88.993 98.7 0.00 0.0 14.4 0.28
47.3 5338.59 50.918 51.1 6.38 18.2 68.1 0.41
42.5 2504.33 11.662 2.1 6.17 17.6 31.2 0.63
21.4 7532.46 68.772 73.5 1.66 4.8 38.8 0.29
26.3 6987.03 79.873 87.3 0.00 0.0 42.7 0.46
17.9 5325.40 50.790 51.0 5.10 14.6 11.0 0.17
83.9 5567.25 53.093 53.9 100.00 100.0 e2 44.0 0.77
26.4 4695.18 59.258 61.6 0.00 0.0 71.0 0.75
100.0 8338.02 74.041 80.1 98.10 100.0 e3 48.8 0.72
48.4 4473.37 41.748 39.7 19.12 54.6 37.1 0.39
67.2 7670.69 69.715 74.6 1.41 4.0 8.7 0.21
0.0 6848.65 63.836 67.3 1.58 4.5 3.6 0.13
100.0 7830.68 70.785 76.0 27.29 78.0 e3 61.1 0.76
53.8 3921.27 49.916 49.9 0.00 0.0 32.1 0.46
16.0 2851.12 18.388 10.5 1.38 3.9 14.6 0.17
19.1 8047.13 72.199 77.7 5.25 15.0 30.7 0.29
9.8 4502.68 42.086 40.1 10.97 31.4 36.6 0.35
56.9 7673.00 69.730 74.7 1.09 3.1 15.1 0.27
100.0 8670.22 76.067 82.6 41.98 100.0 e3 32.9 0.63
19.0 4096.93 52.189 52.7 0.00 0.0 28.6 0.14
42.9 6668.95 62.457 65.6 0.85 2.4 21.5 0.22
24.2 4349.74 55.294 56.6 0.00 0.0 48.5 0.37
0.0 4964.52 47.150 46.4 2.67 7.6 54.9 0.75
48.0 4456.37 41.550 39.4 5.65 16.1 26.9 0.55
0.0 4064.31 36.774 33.5 1.06 3.0 26.5 0.20
100.0 6308.38 59.574 62.0 38.21 100.0 e3 38.7 0.72
49.4 6577.96 61.744 64.7 3.01 8.6 4.1 0.14
38.7 8252.17 73.504 79.4 0.49 1.4 27.3 0.29
41.5 8639.36 90.882 100.0 0.00 0.0 29.4 0.33
17.6 8197.13 73.157 78.9 0.92 2.6 14.5 0.25
0.0 5097.16 48.518 48.1 5.65 16.1 17.7 0.27
56.3 4050.93 36.603 33.3 12.83 36.7 22.5 0.48
10.4 4343.81 40.224 37.8 3.04 8.7 3.8 0.15
32.7 5764.44 69.898 74.9 0.00 0.0 38.8 0.33
100.0 5332.03 50.854 51.1 15.18 43.4 e1 12.6 0.31
97.4 5525.79 52.705 53.4 1.61 4.6 25.2 0.50
100.0 5592.21 53.325 54.2 8.87 25.3 e1 21.8 0.37
96.0 9567.26 81.173 89.0 17.78 50.8 e1 20.9 0.33
95.6 5506.97 52.528 53.2 21.83 62.4 e1 38.1 0.59
17.4 3883.01 34.408 30.5 5.20 14.9 31.7 0.62
28.8 4805.34 45.460 44.3 10.06 28.7 20.6 0.23
100.0 6428.58 60.553 63.2 13.92 39.8 e3 26.5 0.53
40.1 5227.85 49.831 49.8 3.79 10.8 79.5 0.63
44.3 5473.64 52.213 52.8 10.33 29.5 8.5 0.24
78.7 8945.31 77.687 84.6 12.88 36.8 e1 52.0 0.61
29.9 5722.45 54.519 55.6 2.50 7.1 82.5 0.65
8.9 8751.29 76.550 83.2 0.16 0.5 2.4 0.12
32.3 5137.86 63.930 67.4 0.00 0.0 44.4 0.81
24.1 5264.44 50.192 50.2 2.98 8.5 12.4 0.20
14.3 4179.80 38.228 35.3 0.30 0.9 58.6 0.65
79.8 6014.42 57.100 58.9 56.19 100.0 31.6 0.51
66.3 8075.17 87.380 96.7 0.00 0.0 15.2 0.23
26.0 2890.35 19.097 11.4 0.13 0.4 20.7 0.17
37.5 3943.36 50.208 50.3 0.00 0.0 35.2 0.35
5.7 4650.03 43.756 42.2 10.34 29.5 6.8 0.08
67.2 6998.23 64.956 68.7 0.94 2.7 34.3 0.59
39.6 5027.24 47.801 47.3 3.61 10.3 30.5 0.22
100.0 10218.19 84.586 93.2 27.33 78.1 e1 28.6 0.32
66.0 5791.86 55.144 56.4 2.91 8.3 14.2 0.34
33.4 2201.24 4.972 0.0 8.52 24.3 9.9 0.14
3.5 2227.39 5.585 0.0 1.76 5.0 5.5 0.07
44.2 3714.76 47.111 46.4 0.00 0.0 48.8 0.75
100.0 9420.97 80.374 88.0 94.73 100.0 e3 44.1 0.54
13.5 5589.38 68.299 72.9 0.00 0.0 25.8 0.18
36.6 4229.30 38.838 36.0 14.78 42.2 9.9 0.27
9.0 6392.88 60.264 62.8 0.71 2.0 36.1 0.28
51.8 9454.94 80.560 88.2 4.11 11.8 12.1 0.22
17.8 3885.64 49.443 49.3 0.00 0.0 27.8 0.32
90.9 9717.98 81.983 90.0 1.18 3.4 47.2 0.53
17.7 5949.70 56.539 58.2 2.50 7.1 35.1 0.63
0.9 4317.26 39.906 37.4 36.97 100.0 19.7 0.18
19.8 4540.81 42.524 40.7 1.58 4.5 33.1 0.45
27.6 7069.45 80.482 88.1 0.00 0.0 37.2 0.66
28.0 7323.40 82.312 90.4 0.00 0.0 23.3 0.34

10.000 0.00 0.10

90.000 35.00 0.95

he Remoteness (Location index), 1/4 of the Share of population in low elevated coastal zones (environment index) and 1/4 of the Economi
pulation Division, World Population Prospects 2017 Revision (available at,
P Secretariat, based on distance data by Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (CEPII), unless otherwise indicated
Columbia University. Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, Version 2. Palisades, NY: NASA S
Columbia University 2012. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PL
Columbia University 2012. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PL
Columbia University 2012. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PL
and 1/2 of the Shares of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
CTADstat (available at, accessed 4 Dec 2017). Data refer to 2014-2016 average, unless otherwise indicated.

atistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, accessed 2 Jan 2017). Data
Export instability (Trade shock index).
n figures for Victims per 100,000 population and Agricultural instability.
P Secretariat calculated, based on disaster data from EM-DAT: The Emergency Events Database - Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) -
P Secretariat, based on agricultural production data from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), FAOSTAT (available at http://faostat3.

P Secretariat, based on constant exports of goods and services data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DES
Sudan and South Sudan according to the 2008-2016 average share of the country.

1/3 of the Under-five mortality rate and 1/3 of the Maternal mortality rate., accessed on 21 September 2017), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to average 2014-2016, unl
in the World (SOFI) 2013 (available at, accessed 22 September 2017). Data refer to averag

2011 (avaliable at, accessed 22 September 2017). Data refer to average 2

5 (avaliable at, accessed 22 September 2017). Data refer to average 2011

pment Indicators (available at, accessed 22 September 2017). Data refer to 2005.
pment Indicators (available at, accessed 22 September 2017). Data refer to 2006.
(avaliable at, accessed 22 September 2017). Data refer to average 2002-2
urishment in the country.
E), CME Info (available at, accessed on 19 Oct 2017). Data period is 2016.
maternal mortality: 1990 to 2015 (available at
maternal mortality: 1990 to 2015, special dataset (received 1 March 2018). Data period is 2015.
he Grosss secondary enrolment ratio.
SCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS), Data Centre (available at htpp://, accessed 1 Sep 2017), unless otherwise indicated.

SCO), Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2015 (Statistical Annex) (available at, accesse
015 Article IV Consultation - Press Release; and Staff Report, July 2015 (available at:, accessed 15 S
ific Millennium Development Goals Indicators For CARICOM Countries (available at, accessed 1
SCO), Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2011 (Statistical Annex) (available at, accesse
SCO), Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2015 (Statistical Annex) (available at, accesse
Portal (available at, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2012.
016 Article IV Consultation - Press Release; and Staff Report and Statement by the Executive Director for Dominica, July 2016 (available at
SCO), Fiji Education For All National Review Report 2015 (available at, acces
(PAHO), Health in the Americas, Country Chapters, Grenada (available at, accessed 30 Nov 2017). Data refer to 20

lth Services Delivery Profiles, Kiribati (available at, access
pment Indicator Database, Nauru 2011 Census report (available at, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refe
fic (UNESCAP) Statistical Database, Country Profile Republic of Korea (available at, a
017 Article IV Consultation - Press Release; and Staff Report, July 2017 (available at:, accessed 15 S
17 Article IV Consultation - Press Release and Staff Report, March 2017 (available at:, accessed 15 S
016 Article IV Consultation - Press Release and Staff Report, July 2016 (available at:, accessed 15 Se
stern Pacific Country Health Information Profiles, 2011 (available at
ailable at, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2014.
orts - Asia and the Pacific, Tuvalu Millenium Development Goals progress report 2010/2011 (available at
tics (available at, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to the latest available y, accessed 2 Jan 2018). Data refer to 2015.

SCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS), Data Centre (available at, accessed 1 Sep 2017), unless otherwise indicated. D
fic (UNESCAP), Azerbaijan - Country Profile SYB 2015 (available at
pment and Co-operation (OECD) and United Nations Development Fund (UNDP), African Economic Outlook 2013 (available at https://www
pment and Co-operation (OECD) and United Nations Development Fund (UNDP), African Economic Outlook 2014 (available at https://www
P Secretariat, calculated based on total secondary school enrolment data from the Programmes d'interventions prioritaires en education
P Secretariat, calculated based on lower and upper secondary school enrolment and population data from the Ministry of Education Mald
s://, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2015.
SCO), Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2008, Regional overview: Arab States (available at, acc
P Secretariat, calculated based on total lower and upper secondary school enrolment data from the General Statistics Office of Viet Nam (
P Secretariat, calculated based on total lower and upper secondary school enrolment data from the Central Statistics Office of Zambia (av

atistics Division, based on National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, using currency c
Shares of agriculture, h Shock Victims of natural Agricultural
Export concentration g i Shock j k
forestry and fisheries index disasters (%) instability

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

26.2 23.9 38.8 53.4 54.4 1.687 76.6 7.45
45.4 11.8 18.4 17.3 34.7 0.071 34.9 7.88
97.9 8.6 12.9 38.3 50.6 0.676 64.5 8.27
53.9 1.8 1.4 24.0 47.9 2.150 79.8 4.46
10.9 7.2 10.5 18.6 35.4 0.222 49.9 5.37
17.7 18.7 30.0 35.1 45.5 0.652 64.1 6.49
80.8 6.1 8.7 33.2 38.6 0.566 62.2 4.28
48.6 0.9 0.0 23.8 47.6 0.545 61.7 7.70
28.2 0.3 0.0 17.5 28.7 0.000 0.0 12.10
36.0 15.4 24.4 27.6 48.2 3.973 87.9 3.09
8.4 1.5 0.9 17.9 27.7 0.098 39.1 4.51
21.8 13.4 21.1 30.5 57.5 4.500 89.5 6.20
27.3 22.9 37.1 31.9 44.8 1.074 70.6 5.00
31.2 17.5 28.0 33.5 41.6 0.146 44.4 8.69
36.5 12.6 19.7 25.0 41.2 2.111 79.5 2.04
86.7 2.3 2.2 41.4 47.4 0.438 58.8 8.15
4.0 5.0 6.8 19.9 39.8 1.309 73.2 2.67
63.5 1.0 0.1 18.1 32.9 0.000 0.0 13.67
64.4 32.6 53.5 40.5 56.4 2.211 80.1 7.54
43.8 38.1 62.9 48.0 56.5 2.220 80.2 7.58
26.7 9.4 14.2 31.2 45.8 0.477 60.0 7.37
24.4 28.4 46.4 37.3 61.1 5.694 92.6 6.98
35.9 16.0 25.4 12.5 24.9 0.090 38.1 3.68
42.4 31.4 51.5 27.0 31.2 0.221 49.9 3.81
84.4 28.5 46.6 67.0 65.0 2.977 84.1 9.98
26.0 4.3 5.6 19.9 39.7 1.499 75.0 2.32
0.4 9.1 13.8 29.7 54.1 7.950 97.0 3.58
31.1 6.6 9.6 19.4 38.9 1.312 73.3 2.33
68.3 43.0 71.1 42.4 44.4 2.921 83.8 2.44
67.2 7.3 10.8 27.7 37.0 0.229 50.3 5.90
24.4 5.5 7.6 18.0 36.0 0.721 65.4 2.72
33.3 22.1 35.7 4.2 4.9 0.005 0.0 3.31
15.5 3.9 4.9 38.8 62.4 5.174 91.3 7.68
13.1 2.1 1.8 3.5 6.9 0.003 0.0 4.07
30.1 21.7 35.1 36.7 57.0 5.046 91.0 5.74
45.4 20.1 32.3 29.4 19.4 0.062 33.2 2.53
14.6 3.3 3.9 32.4 61.5 5.795 92.8 7.09
36.2 16.3 25.9 31.6 51.7 2.562 82.1 5.45
11.6 5.8 8.1 22.6 43.7 1.682 76.5 3.52
36.1 9.7 14.8 21.5 43.1 0.873 67.9 4.87
6.3 11.4 17.7 14.1 5.0 0.002 0.0 3.35
13.4 10.7 16.5 25.1 48.2 2.797 83.2 3.93
68.7 1.9 1.6 13.9 0.0 0.000 0.0 1.47
35.6 17.2 27.5 79.9 70.9 5.500 92.1 10.67
23.9 39.0 64.4 37.0 49.5 3.217 85.1 4.07
14.9 12.2 19.0 31.0 58.3 4.728 90.1 6.40
80.2 4.2 5.4 23.1 35.7 0.235 50.6 5.35
29.9 20.5 33.0 93.3 86.6 1.712 76.8 19.35
11.9 9.1 13.7 33.3 58.8 0.964 69.2 10.44
38.5 20.2 32.6 39.7 29.5 0.272 52.6 2.69
10.5 7.7 11.3 45.9 67.1 2.935 83.9 10.82
4.2 10.8 16.7 22.2 44.4 2.630 82.4 2.68
40.9 19.9 32.0 26.5 24.7 0.204 48.8 1.61
91.1 44.0 72.8 46.2 35.8 0.695 64.9 2.72
39.6 17.1 27.3 39.7 63.3 8.020 97.1 6.94
47.9 16.9 26.9 28.5 52.5 5.959 93.2 3.68
12.9 12.8 20.0 28.9 53.0 3.556 86.4 5.12
4.5 17.6 28.2 31.0 50.8 4.819 90.4 3.59
4.6 13.9 21.8 24.9 31.2 0.338 55.4 2.77
53.6 10.1 15.3 33.4 47.9 3.081 84.5 3.58
100.0 4.3 5.6 26.7 28.9 0.022 19.7 8.57
20.2 1.3 0.5 23.9 40.6 1.332 73.5 2.91
44.6 7.2 10.5 23.9 40.6 1.547 75.4 2.58
7.4 3.9 4.9 26.4 43.4 0.327 55.0 7.37
55.9 4.9 6.5 28.2 46.0 0.244 51.1 9.06
10.8 32.2 52.8 27.5 55.1 7.207 95.7 4.18
90.7 23.4 37.9 60.6 82.6 5.143 91.3 15.17
63.9 0.5 0.0 14.0 14.8 0.001 0.0 6.97
34.9 15.4 24.5 31.9 45.9 1.943 78.4 3.99
13.9 19.6 31.5 36.8 49.5 2.136 79.7 5.09
1.3 3.7 4.5 25.1 43.4 0.880 68.0 4.96
21.0 5.7 7.9 41.1 60.2 6.526 94.4 6.33
36.2 71.5 100.0 60.2 33.1 0.077 35.9 7.11
62.4 0.9 0.0 51.8 3.7 0.002 0.0 2.85
22.1 33.8 55.6 41.1 44.3 2.188 80.0 3.10
42.5 26.4 43.0 55.2 72.9 6.783 94.9 10.91
8.7 8.8 13.3 19.3 35.4 0.515 61.0 3.30
78.8 6.4 9.2 31.3 49.7 0.465 59.6 8.87
76.5 39.7 65.6 33.8 50.0 1.819 77.6 5.66
72.6 15.8 25.0 50.0 91.3 2.675 82.7 48.02
33.9 24.8 40.3 34.9 46.9 4.247 88.7 2.42
13.0 3.6 4.4 9.7 17.7 0.009 7.8 6.62
3.0 3.4 4.1 16.3 32.6 0.637 63.8 1.75
78.1 27.0 44.1 38.4 63.5 8.178 97.4 6.99
41.8 14.2 22.4 44.1 74.4 8.247 97.5 10.99
7.9 13.6 21.4 21.3 42.7 0.196 48.3 8.36
21.8 24.4 39.6 37.8 58.5 3.346 85.6 7.31
29.8 26.6 43.4 34.0 39.1 0.626 63.5 4.21
20.5 6.8 9.8 35.2 70.1 6.363 94.1 10.05
62.1 3.2 3.7 37.7 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.98
4.6 32.0 52.6 31.8 43.1 1.657 76.4 3.31
14.3 18.0 28.8 24.8 49.5 2.516 81.8 4.69
31.2 39.8 65.8 38.2 65.5 7.148 95.6 8.05
76.3 20.8 33.5 41.1 35.7 0.294 53.6 4.78
53.1 1.4 0.6 21.5 31.6 0.045 29.0 7.83
12.1 25.1 40.8 28.0 40.5 1.784 77.3 2.17
73.0 3.6 4.3 76.8 53.6 0.301 53.9 11.38
5.1 2.8 3.1 19.3 27.6 0.243 51.1 2.27
22.3 20.0 32.3 36.1 57.0 2.589 82.2 7.40
27.2 19.6 31.5 42.3 58.4 2.116 79.6 8.39
17.9 7.6 11.2 21.0 42.0 1.797 77.4 2.72
19.5 10.4 16.0 29.7 51.5 7.665 96.5 2.71
45.0 0.1 0.0 19.8 22.8 0.000 0.0 9.93
5.5 2.3 2.2 10.3 20.3 0.082 36.8 2.22
27.0 30.9 50.6 36.2 50.6 1.206 72.2 6.88
24.9 1.2 0.4 52.1 86.4 1.260 72.8 27.31
47.4 2.8 3.0 38.2 76.5 6.580 94.5 12.32
32.2 7.7 11.4 30.6 53.8 2.304 80.7 6.48
27.1 9.6 14.6 15.2 30.4 0.491 60.4 1.58
58.0 11.8 18.3 20.2 9.9 0.000 0.0 5.17
60.9 2.5 2.6 5.3 7.4 0.005 0.8 4.10
15.0 16.5 26.2 36.3 72.5 1.238 72.5 14.93
50.7 2.4 2.4 32.9 51.1 1.159 71.6 7.16
62.6 57.9 96.4 58.1 37.7 0.037 26.3 10.58
17.0 0.0 0.0 27.3 50.0 0.000 0.0 21.19
60.0 26.9 43.9 40.8 45.1 1.360 73.7 4.55
65.0 60.2 100.0 25.7 51.3 8.706 98.2 2.33
2.4 2.4 2.4 23.1 46.2 1.861 77.9 4.17
83.1 g1 4.3 5.6 75.2 50.5 4.289 88.9 3.73
12.1 8.5 12.8 26.1 52.2 3.962 87.8 4.56
64.7 32.0 52.6 71.2 43.8 1.554 75.5 3.73
48.1 9.9 15.1 34.5 44.9 0.311 54.4 8.04
15.2 10.0 15.2 27.8 53.6 9.487 99.3 2.95
8.1 20.6 33.2 52.5 54.1 0.424 58.4 10.70
29.8 24.9 40.6 41.0 55.8 4.786 90.3 5.44
0.0 9.0 13.6 26.3 51.0 5.957 93.2 3.12
57.3 7.7 11.4 70.4 40.8 0.547 61.8 5.15
14.1 28.7 46.9 24.8 38.9 0.342 55.6 5.60
25.8 19.5 31.4 37.0 50.0 1.408 74.2 6.27
28.4 0.4 0.0 25.7 19.0 0.008 5.7 7.47
4.8 9.9 15.0 19.2 38.4 0.017 15.9 12.76
0.0 7.4 10.9 18.1 35.3 0.422 58.3 3.77
76.7 13.4 21.0 37.3 24.3 0.000 0.0 10.49
51.2 22.8 36.9 29.0 40.2 2.097 79.4 1.67
9.1 26.1 42.5 35.4 39.8 0.869 67.9 3.66
19.8 0.7 0.0 25.7 44.3 0.000 0.0 17.89
21.3 31.0 50.9 28.3 47.0 0.901 68.3 6.24
14.2 6.9 10.1 22.4 39.1 0.284 53.1 6.12
26.3 18.3 29.3 22.3 24.2 0.121 41.9 2.71
50.3 27.0 44.1 36.1 63.6 6.976 95.3 7.40
62.1 5.7 8.0 17.5 31.0 0.177 46.9 4.31
9.0 18.9 30.3 20.8 41.5 2.764 83.1 1.47
41.5 15.6 24.7 52.7 21.1 0.052 30.9 3.58
66.1 5.9 8.3 42.7 57.1 2.385 81.1 7.61
28.4 11.8 18.2 84.0 68.0 5.397 91.9 9.68

1 0.005 1.50
60 10.000 20.00

t index) and 1/4 of the Economic structure index.

ownload/Standard/Population/, accessed 27 June 2017). Data refer to 2016.
CEPII), unless otherwise indicated, and data on exports and imports of goods and services (2014-2016) from United Nations, Department o
Version 2. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at
Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE III). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://sed
Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE II). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://seda
Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE III). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://sed

ge, unless otherwise indicated.

aama, accessed 2 Jan 2017). Data refer to 2014-2016 average.

te catholique de Louvain (UCL) - CRED, D. Guha-Sapir, Brussels, Belgium (available at, accessed at 14 Dec 2017), and
TAT (available at, accessed at 25 Aug 2017). Data refer to period 1994-2014, unless otherwise indicated.

Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at

refer to average 2014-2016, unless otherwise indicated.

mber 2017). Data refer to average 2011-2013.

er 2017). Data refer to average 2006-2008.

017). Data refer to average 2011-2013.

7). Data refer to average 2002-2004.

toring/maternal-mortality-2015/en/, accessed on 10 Aug 2017). Data period is 2015.

17), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to the latest available year within the 2012-2016 period, unless otherwise indicated.

g/gem-report/allreports, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to the latest available year in the 2005-2012 period.
xternal/country/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2007., accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2010.
g/gem-report/allreports, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to the latest available year in the 2005-2012 period. Data refer to 2015 projecti
g/gem-report/allreports, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2015.

Dominica, July 2016 (available at:, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2004.
023/002314/231487e.pdf, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2006.
las-americas-2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9:edicion-2012&Itemid=124&lang=en, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data

d 30 Nov 2017). Data refer to 2015.

ce_delivery_profiles/en/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2009.
ccessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2011
/escap_stat/#countryProfiles/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2008.
xternal/country/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2009.
external/country/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2009.
xternal/country/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2001.
rmation_evidence/documents/CHIPS/en/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2009.

ttp://, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to adult

ata refer to the latest available year within the 2008-2012 period.

7), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to the latest available year within the 2012-2016 period, unless otherwise indicated.
baijan-country-profiles-syb-2015, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2012.
k 2013 (available at, access
k 2014 (available at, access
ntions prioritaires en education (PIPE) from the Ministere de l'Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionelle (MENFP) of Haiti (ava
m the Ministry of Education Maldives (available at, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2016., accessed 1 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2005.

ral Statistics Office of Viet Nam (available at, accessed 15 Sep 2017) and and on age-re
al Statistics Office of Zambia (available at, accessed 15 Sep 2017) and and on age-related population data fro

/unsd/snaama), using currency conversion rate based on the World Bank Atlas method and adjusted to calendar year, where applicable, (r
Prevalence of
Agricultural Health Under 5 mortality
l Export instability m HAI n o undernourishment in p
instability index (per 1000)
total population (%)

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

32.1 20.74 52.5 48.4 66.9 23.0 70.0 70.4
34.5 4.15 0.0 88.3 93.2 4.6 100.0 25.2
36.6 12.80 26.0 52.5 67.2 14.0 85.0 82.5
16.0 5.05 0.2 92.9 86.4 26.7 63.8 8.5
20.9 5.52 1.7 98.6 98.5 3.6 100.0 11.1
27.0 12.43 24.8 96.1 98.7 4.4 100.0 13.4
15.0 13.33 27.8 97.5 95.2 2.5 100.0 p1 30.9
33.5 4.08 0.0 94.0 95.0 10.0 91.7 10.6
57.3 6.93 6.4 98.0 99.7 5.0 100.0 p2, p3 7.6
8.6 7.09 7.0 73.2 84.7 15.1 83.2 34.2
16.3 7.44 8.1 99.4 98.9 4.4 100.0 12.3
25.4 6.08 3.6 87.8 97.7 6.2 98.0 14.9
18.9 10.73 19.1 49.8 68.2 10.3 91.2 97.6
38.9 12.60 25.3 72.9 83.2 20.0 75.0 p2 32.4
2.9 7.63 8.8 84.0 80.5 20.2 74.7 36.9
35.9 15.60 35.3 79.0 78.7 26.0 65.0 40.6
6.3 4.61 0.0 96.1 97.9 2.5 100.0 p1 15.1
65.8 6.00 3.3 97.4 99.5 2.5 100.0 p1 9.9
32.6 12.36 24.5 42.9 66.3 20.2 74.7 84.6
32.9 16.84 39.5 38.5 34.5 67.3 0.0 p4 71.7
31.7 9.95 16.5 89.5 91.8 13.7 85.5 21.4
29.6 9.05 13.5 68.9 85.8 15.3 82.8 30.6
11.8 4.57 0.0 62.7 67.8 7.9 95.2 79.7
12.5 11.82 22.7 17.4 22.8 58.6 10.7 123.6
45.9 25.73 69.1 22.1 37.3 32.5 54.2 127.3
4.4 3.20 0.0 98.5 99.5 3.7 100.0 8.3
11.2 6.62 5.4 95.2 96.8 9.6 92.3 9.9
4.5 3.66 0.0 95.6 96.1 7.1 96.5 15.3
5.1 17.13 40.4 49.4 54.7 47.0 30.0 p5 73.3
23.8 10.50 18.3 63.5 66.0 28.2 61.3 54.1
6.6 3.70 0.0 98.7 99.1 5.6 99.0 8.8
9.8 6.03 3.4 45.6 59.8 15.4 82.7 91.8
33.4 9.56 15.2 99.4 99.0 2.5 100.0 p1 5.5
13.9 3.13 0.0 99.5 99.9 4.7 100.0 2.6
22.9 9.93 16.4 86.1 75.9 40.8 40.3 20.0
5.6 16.84 39.5 41.9 30.4 69.0 0.0 p6 94.3
30.2 6.00 3.3 58.0 78.5 12.8 87.0 64.2
21.3 8.43 11.4 92.7 93.3 5.8 98.7 34.0
10.9 5.42 1.4 85.5 88.7 13.5 85.8 30.7
18.2 4.71 0.0 94.2 92.2 12.1 88.2 20.9
10.0 11.97 23.2 86.1 96.6 4.5 100.0 22.8
13.1 5.59 2.0 87.1 93.6 12.3 87.8 15.0
0.0 13.32 27.7 58.4 60.4 30.0 58.3 p2 90.9
49.6 31.68 88.9 42.9 47.9 61.3 6.2 p4 44.5
13.9 12.35 24.5 45.3 67.3 28.8 60.3 58.4
26.5 6.13 3.8 93.0 96.9 4.6 100.0 22.0
20.8 8.11 10.4 72.7 83.4 7.0 96.7 47.4
96.5 60.88 100.0 51.8 66.0 10.9 90.2 65.3
48.3 7.36 7.9 98.8 97.9 7.0 96.7 10.7
6.4 19.99 50.0 69.9 79.9 7.6 95.7 58.8
50.4 12.39 24.6 92.2 86.8 25.5 65.8 16.0
6.4 3.42 0.0 78.2 88.1 15.6 82.3 28.5
0.6 13.49 28.3 39.5 58.3 17.5 79.2 89.0
6.6 22.01 56.7 41.7 56.1 28.3 61.2 88.1
29.4 9.83 16.1 85.9 87.3 8.5 94.2 32.4
11.8 6.34 4.5 48.0 55.4 46.8 30.3 67.0
19.6 6.46 4.9 82.9 89.3 14.8 83.7 18.7
11.3 8.37 11.2 74.2 83.3 14.5 84.2 43.0
6.9 10.60 18.7 90.4 91.7 7.9 95.2 26.4
11.2 10.65 18.8 91.0 98.1 5.5 99.2 15.1
38.2 12.33 24.4 59.2 81.8 27.8 62.0 31.2
7.6 7.15 7.2 99.3 100.0 2.5 100.0 p1 3.6
5.8 7.13 7.1 88.6 94.7 8.4 94.3 15.3
31.7 7.82 9.4 92.9 97.0 4.2 100.0 17.6
40.9 8.13 10.4 99.7 99.5 2.5 100.0 p1 11.4
14.5 4.25 0.0 67.0 70.2 19.1 76.5 49.2
73.9 16.56 38.5 84.0 88.7 3.3 100.0 54.3
29.6 8.99 13.3 97.2 100.0 2.5 100.0 p1 8.4
13.4 10.38 17.9 95.0 95.0 6.4 97.7 21.1
19.4 12.20 24.0 72.8 77.0 17.1 79.8 63.9
18.7 7.08 6.9 86.0 99.5 5.4 99.3 8.1
26.1 11.58 21.9 61.6 64.4 14.5 84.2 93.5
30.3 31.20 87.3 37.2 47.3 42.8 37.0 67.4
7.3 42.82 100.0 96.8 99.3 5.0 100.0 p3, p7 12.9
8.7 16.35 37.8 54.5 62.2 42.3 37.8 46.4
50.9 16.23 37.4 52.5 61.7 25.9 65.2 55.1
9.7 5.95 3.2 91.0 99.0 2.5 100.0 p1 8.3
39.8 8.86 12.9 91.4 96.3 8.5 94.2 8.5
22.5 10.30 17.7 43.1 63.4 4.0 100.0 110.6
100.0 7.61 8.7 88.2 90.5 9.0 93.3 p8 35.4
5.0 11.86 22.9 46.9 68.8 5.3 99.5 81.4
27.7 5.50 1.7 95.3 97.8 5.2 99.7 13.7
1.4 4.99 0.0 94.6 98.2 4.2 100.0 14.6
29.7 l1 9.00 13.3 87.5 89.3 11.0 90.0 p9 33.3
51.3 9.17 13.9 91.7 89.2 19.6 75.7 17.9
37.1 3.32 0.0 77.9 93.3 3.5 100.0 27.1
31.4 10.13 17.1 45.8 62.1 26.6 64.0 71.3
14.6 13.69 29.0 68.5 80.3 16.9 80.2 50.8
46.2 5.10 0.3 72.5 72.4 28.8 60.3 45.2
0.0 27.62 75.4 88.3 88.6 16.0 81.7 p10 34.6
9.8 11.13 20.4 71.2 86.3 8.1 94.8 34.5
17.2 4.56 0.0 80.7 87.3 17.0 80.0 19.7
35.4 8.25 10.8 35.4 64.8 11.3 89.5 91.3
17.7 18.99 46.6 49.8 56.8 7.9 95.2 104.3
34.2 8.42 11.4 97.1 98.9 6.2 98.0 10.7
3.6 9.65 15.5 56.7 73.0 19.9 75.2 78.8
53.4 l2 36.31 100.0 96.6 97.8 0.0 100.0 p10 15.9
4.1 8.32 11.1 88.2 93.8 9.3 92.8 16.4
31.9 9.53 15.1 61.6 80.8 13.0 86.7 p11 54.3
37.2 12.86 26.2 87.1 90.6 12.0 88.3 19.9
6.6 4.28 0.0 94.7 95.6 7.9 95.2 15.3
6.5 7.36 7.9 89.9 88.6 13.8 85.3 27.1
45.5 10.02 16.7 96.7 99.8 5.0 100.0 p3, p5 8.5
3.9 5.07 0.2 98.9 99.8 2.5 100.0 3.4
29.1 11.50 21.7 55.0 66.2 41.1 39.8 38.5
100.0 10.36 17.9 93.8 94.4 14.0 85.0 p4 9.3
58.5 4.55 0.0 89.9 91.5 17.0 80.0 13.3
26.9 7.23 7.4 94.8 97.0 6 98.3 16.6
0.4 4.06 0.0 94.1 97.2 3.2 100.0 17.3
19.8 14.12 30.4 86.0 86.3 13.5 85.8 33.8
14.1 5.93 3.1 97.8 99.2 4.4 100.0 12.9
72.6 4.14 0.0 57.1 80.4 11.3 89.5 47.1
30.6 9.43 14.8 90.6 95.4 8.6 94.0 p4 14.3
49.1 28.55 78.5 27.4 31.4 30.9 56.8 113.5
100.0 6.38 4.6 98.9 99.9 5.0 100.0 p2, p3 2.8
16.5 15.95 36.5 74.8 88.8 13.9 85.2 25.8
4.5 1.83 0.0 16.7 23.3 62.0 5.0 132.5
14.4 4.85 0.0 92.6 89.6 4.6 100.0 43.3
12.1 l3 59.68 100.0 m1 25.8 50.4 25.6 65.7 p12 90.7
16.5 4.84 0.0 91.9 89.8 22.1 71.5 9.4
12.1 l3 34.57 98.6 m1 53.0 68.9 25.6 65.7 65.1
35.4 12.27 24.2 88.5 92.2 7.9 95.2 20.0
7.8 5.60 2.0 69.4 69.0 19.6 75.7 70.4
49.7 20.28 50.9 79.8 96.2 6.0 98.3 p4 17.5
21.3 12.84 26.1 85.9 78.6 30.1 58.2 43.1
8.8 5.49 1.6 95.9 96.6 9.5 92.5 12.2
19.7 45.97 100.0 66.6 74.0 26.9 63.5 49.7
22.2 8.20 10.7 61.8 73.0 11.5 89.2 75.7
25.8 12.19 24.0 94.7 95.4 5.0 100.0 p2, p3 16.4
32.3 14.74 32.5 94.0 96.7 4.8 100.0 18.5
60.9 4.55 0.0 88.6 97.7 5.0 100.0 13.6
12.3 5.27 0.9 98.1 99.1 2.5 100.0 p1 12.7
48.6 20.09 50.3 91.0 90.4 5.5 99.2 51.0
0.9 10.36 17.9 90.1 91.4 10.0 91.7 p2 25.3
11.7 14.30 31.0 50.2 63.0 39.0 43.3 53.0
88.6 7.13 7.1 88.0 100.0 3.8 100.0 7.7
25.6 7.89 9.6 56.0 64.4 32.3 54.5 56.7
25.0 6.71 5.7 98.0 99.7 2.5 100.0 p1 9.2
6.5 11.08 20.3 96.6 95.6 6.3 97.8 24.1
31.9 7.59 8.6 78.5 93.3 6.9 96.8 27.6
15.2 6.18 3.9 92.1 91.8 13.0 86.7 16.3
0.0 2.73 0.0 89.3 93.1 10.7 90.5 21.6
11.3 30.32 84.4 59.2 67.0 28.8 60.3 55.3
33.0 13.49 28.3 58.6 60.4 45.9 31.8 63.4
44.2 37.70 100.0 59.8 56.3 44.7 33.8 56.4

5 5 10.0
35 65 175.0

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (availa, accessed 16 December 2014), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to 2010 population, 90 m
SEDAC) (available at, accessed 16 December 2014). Data refer to 2010 population.
EDAC) (available at, accessed 16 December 2014). Data refer to 2000 population.
SEDAC) (available at, accessed 16 December 2014). Data refer to 2000 population.

accessed at 14 Dec 2017), and on population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Div
unless otherwise indicated.

le at, accessed 2 Jan 2017). Data refer to period 1996-2016.

therwise indicated.

od. Data refer to 2015 projection.

, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to 2005.

Sep 2017). Data refer to adult literacy for population 15-49 for 2007.

herwise indicated.
onomic-outlook-2013/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to the latest available year within the 2006-2012 period.
onomic-outlook-2013/, accessed 15 Sep 2017). Data refer to the latest available year within the 2006-2012 period.
sionelle (MENFP) of Haiti (available at
). Data refer to 2016.

5 Sep 2017) and and on age-related population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population D
ge-related population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population

ndar year, where applicable, (received 18 Jan 2017). Data is the 2014-2016 average.
Maternal mortality
Under 5 mortality Education s Gross secondary
q (per 100,000 live r Literacy rate t u
(per 1000) index enrolment ratio

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

63.4 396 67.3 29.9 31.7 9.0 t1 55.6 50.7
90.8 140 88.7 83.3 75.1 66.8 t26 99.9 99.8 u1
56.1 477 60.5 37.9 66.0 54.7 28.9 21.0 u1
100.0 59 95.5 r1 99.3 99.0 98.6 t2 102.7 100.0
99.3 52 96.0 98.7 98.1 97.5 t23 106.8 100.0
97.9 25 98.3 93.4 99.7 99.7 t1 88.5 87.2
87.3 25 98.3 99.9 99.8 99.7 100.3 100.0 u4
99.6 80 93.7 93.0 95.6 94.1 t3 92.6 91.8 u15
100.0 15 99.1 96.4 94.6 92.7 t24 102.1 100.0
85.3 176 85.7 61.6 72.8 63.7 63.5 59.5
98.6 27 98.1 99.8 99.7 99.6 t4 109.2 100.0
97.0 28 98.1 77.8 82.8 77.0 t5 80.8 78.7
46.9 405 66.5 31.3 32.9 10.6 t23 56.8 52.0
86.4 148 88.0 62.6 57.0 42.7 84.2 82.4
83.7 206 83.2 87.4 92.5 89.9 86.4 84.9
81.5 129 89.6 79.3 88.2 84.3 t6 76.9 74.3 u17
96.9 44 96.8 94.3 91.7 89.0 99.7 99.6
100.0 23 98.5 95.2 96.1 94.8 t1 96.1 95.6
54.8 371 69.4 19.5 34.6 12.8 33.7 26.3
62.6 712 40.9 42.4 61.6 48.8 42.5 36.1
93.1 42 96.9 87.2 86.8 82.4 92.9 92.1
87.5 161 87.0 52.1 73.9 65.2 t25 45.1 38.9 u17, u1
57.8 596 50.5 57.6 71.3 61.7 t24 58.1 53.4
31.2 882 26.6 11.9 36.8 15.7 t24, t23 17.4 8.2
28.9 856 28.8 6.9 22.3 0.0 22.4 13.8
100.0 22 98.6 97.5 96.3 95.0 100.6 100.0
100.0 27 98.2 93.6 95.1 93.5 t24 94.3 93.7
96.8 64 95.0 95.1 94.2 92.3 98.1 97.9
61.6 335 72.4 44.1 49.2 32.3 t23 60.4 55.9
73.3 442 63.4 61.0 79.3 72.4 t1, t23 54.5 49.5
100.0 25 98.3 98.3 97.4 96.5 t1 123.1 100.0
50.4 645 46.4 31.4 43.9 25.2 43.9 37.6
100.0 39 97.1 99.8 99.8 99.7 100.4 100.0
100.0 7 99.8 99.0 98.7 98.2 t1 99.8 99.8 u13
93.9 82 93.5 96.3 100.0 100.0 t26 93.4 92.7
48.9 693 42.4 53.3 77.0 69.4 43.5 37.2
67.2 229 81.2 37.6 49.5 32.7 t7 48.3 42.5
85.5 54 95.9 r1 92.0 88.0 84.0 t8 100.5 100.0
87.5 92 92.7 82.3 92.0 89.3 77.8 75.4
93.4 64 95.1 96.2 94.4 92.5 107.2 100.0
92.2 33 97.7 75.7 75.1 66.7 86.1 84.6
97.0 54 95.9 80.5 88.0 84.0 79.4 77.1
51.0 342 71.8 56.5 95.2 93.6 t6 27.5 19.4 u5
79.1 501 58.5 37.9 64.7 52.9 t26 30.5 22.8
70.7 353 70.9 23.3 39.0 18.7 t27 35.2 28.0
92.7 30 97.9 89.0 93.0 90.7 t9 88.7 87.4
77.3 291 76.1 62.1 82.3 76.4 t23 53.1 47.9 u5
66.5 706 41.3 37.7 42.0 22.6 t23 57.5 52.7 u15, u1
99.6 36 97.4 99.7 99.6 99.4 103.7 100.0
70.4 319 73.7 59.9 71.5 62.0 t24 62.1 57.9
96.4 27 98.2 97.5 97.0 96.0 t10 99.2 99.1
88.8 88 93.1 68.4 81.3 75.0 65.6 61.8
52.1 679 43.6 20.7 32.0 9.3 38.8 32.0
52.7 549 54.5 27.3 45.6 27.4 34.5 27.2 u6
86.4 229 81.3 84.5 85.6 80.9 t23 89.3 88.2
65.5 359 70.3 40.6 61.0 48.0 t6 39.8 33.1 u7
94.7 129 89.6 76.4 89.0 85.3 70.8 67.5
80.0 174 85.8 65.1 69.3 59.1 t1 74.0 71.1
90.1 126 89.9 89.1 95.4 93.8 85.8 84.3
96.9 25 98.3 83.8 84.7 79.6 89.2 88.0
87.2 50 96.3 36.6 43.7 24.9 53.5 48.3 u18
100.0 5 100.0 98.5 97.8 97.0 t11 102.5 100.0
96.8 89 93.0 82.4 88.5 84.7 t6 82.1 80.1
95.4 58 95.6 88.8 97.9 97.2 82.4 80.5
99.2 12 99.4 99.9 99.8 99.7 t24 112.0 100.0
76.2 510 57.8 63.8 78.7 71.6 t23 60.4 56.0 u16
73.2 90 92.9 79.2 79.6 72.8 t12 87.1 85.7 u17
100.0 4 100.0 94.3 95.7 94.2 95.0 94.4
93.3 76 94.1 95.1 99.2 99.0 t25 92.1 91.2
67.3 197 83.9 68.5 84.7 79.6 t28 61.7 57.4
100.0 15 99.2 72.6 91.2 88.2 t25 61.2 56.9
49.4 487 59.7 58.7 76.6 68.8 t23 53.8 48.6
65.2 725 39.8 27.1 42.9 23.9 t27, t23 37.3 30.3
98.2 9 99.6 94.3 91.4 88.5 t6 104.5 100.0 u6
77.9 353 70.9 46.8 71.6 62.1 38.4 31.6
72.7 634 47.4 43.3 62.1 49.5 t23 43.4 37.1
100.0 40 97.1 83.0 93.1 90.8 t24 77.6 75.1
100.0 68 94.8 86.6 98.6 98.1 77.5 75.0 u8
39.0 587 51.3 22.8 33.1 10.8 41.3 34.8
84.6 81 93.7 r1 85.8 98.3 97.7 t1 76.6 74.0
56.7 602 50.1 25.1 45.5 27.3 t27, t23 30.6 22.9
97.8 53 96.0 92.7 92.7 90.3 95.7 95.2
97.2 38 97.3 91.1 94.5 92.6 90.5 89.5
85.9 100 92.1 85.6 92.4 89.9 t13 83.2 81.4 u2
95.2 44 96.7 94.1 98.3 97.7 t24 91.5 90.5
89.6 121 90.3 62.4 69.4 59.2 t23 69.1 65.6
62.8 489 59.5 29.5 50.6 34.1 t25 32.4 24.9 u14
75.3 178 85.5 56.6 75.6 67.4 t23 51.3 45.9
78.7 265 78.3 72.7 88.3 84.4 t27 64.8 60.9 u18
85.1 17 99.0 r1 88.0 96.5 95.3 t14 82.6 80.7
85.2 258 78.8 56.2 59.6 46.2 t1 69.6 66.2 u14
94.1 150 87.9 74.0 82.5 76.6 t6 74.2 71.3 u15
50.7 553 54.1 6.0 15.5 0.0 t23 20.7 11.9
42.8 814 32.3 42.8 51.1 34.8 t26, t23 55.7 50.8
99.6 17 99.0 95.4 93.0 90.7 104.2 100.0
58.3 178 85.5 40.5 57.0 42.6 44.5 38.4
96.4 42 96.9 r1 95.4 96.6 95.5 95.7 95.3 u13
96.1 94 92.5 82.5 94.1 92.1 t24 75.6 72.8
73.2 215 82.4 42.5 63.4 51.2 t6 40.3 33.7
94.0 132 89.4 83.7 95.1 93.4 76.6 74.0
96.8 68 94.7 93.8 94.2 92.2 95.7 95.3
89.6 114 90.9 91.1 96.4 95.2 88.4 87.1
100.0 13 99.4 93.6 97.7 97.0 91.2 90.2
100.0 11 99.5 98.0 98.0 97.3 t15 98.9 98.8
82.7 290 76.1 43.7 68.3 57.8 36.7 29.7
100.0 28 98.1 r1 93.2 97.8 97.1 t16 90.4 89.3
98.0 48 96.4 88.3 94.8 93.1 t17 85.1 83.5
96.0 45 96.7 92.7 89.0 85.3 t18 106.4 100.0
95.6 51 96.1 91.0 99.0 98.6 t1 85.0 83.3
85.6 156 87.4 85.8 90.1 86.9 86.2 84.7
98.2 12 99.4 96.3 94.4 92.6 108.3 100.0
77.5 315 74.0 33.9 42.8 23.8 49.6 44.1
97.4 65 95.0 r1 85.7 94.0 91.9 t24 81.6 79.6
37.3 1360 0.0 23.4 32.4 9.9 t23 43.3 36.9
100.0 10 99.6 98.0 97.0 96.1 108.1 100.0 u9
90.4 114 90.9 60.8 84.1 78.8 t19 48.4 42.7
25.8 732 39.2 10.0 40.0 20.0 t20 7.4 0.0 u18
79.8 138 88.9 95.6 94.4 92.5 98.8 98.7
51.1 789 34.4 1.2 26.8 2.4 t26 9.5 0.0
100.0 30 97.9 94.0 91.2 88.2 t24 99.7 99.7
66.6 311 74.4 37.2 53.5 38.0 t26 42.7 36.3
93.9 155 87.4 84.8 92.9 90.5 81.1 79.0
63.4 389 67.9 69.9 83.1 77.5 t24, t23 66.0 62.3
95.5 68 94.8 63.4 86.3 81.7 t6 50.5 45.0
79.9 32 97.7 93.1 99.8 99.7 t6 87.9 86.5
98.7 20 98.7 95.2 92.9 90.5 129.0 100.0
75.9 215 82.5 59.3 58.3 44.4 t24 76.8 74.2
60.2 368 69.6 50.7 63.7 51.7 54.7 49.7 u18
96.1 124 90.0 94.1 99.4 99.2 t1 90.1 89.0
94.8 63 95.2 91.3 99.0 98.6 t6 85.5 83.9 u3
97.8 62 95.2 79.5 79.0 72.0 88.2 86.9
98.4 16 99.1 97.1 95.6 94.1 102.5 100.0
75.2 42 96.9 91.7 99.7 99.6 t6 85.3 83.7
90.7 104 91.7 r1 88.9 94.9 93.2 t21 86.2 84.6 u13
73.9 343 71.7 37.5 70.2 60.3 23.2 14.7
100.0 6 99.9 76.0 94.0 92.0 t6 64.0 60.0 u10
71.7 398 67.1 47.6 77.9 70.5 32.3 24.7
100.0 15 99.2 96.3 98.5 98.0 95.1 94.5
91.5 36 97.4 97.7 100.0 100.0 95.9 95.5
89.3 78 93.9 63.7 83.2 77.6 t22 54.8 49.8
96.2 95 92.4 92.3 97.1 96.2 89.7 88.5
93.0 54 95.9 85.4 93.5 91.4 t25 81.6 79.5 u11
72.5 385 68.2 51.4 70.0 59.9 t6 48.6 42.9
67.6 224 81.7 56.8 83.0 77.3 t24 42.7 36.3 u12
71.9 443 63.3 63.3 88.7 84.9 t23 47.6 41.7

5 25.0 10.0
1200 100.0 100.0

Aggregates Database (available at, accessed 2 Jan 2017). The average distance to world markets is in k
r to 2010 population, 90 m resolution, unless otherwise indicated.
fer to 2010 population.
er to 2000 population.
fer to 2000 population.

ffairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2017 Revision (available at
ons-prioritaires-pipe-ha%C3%AFti-2013-2016, accessed 4 Jan 2018) and and on age-related population data from United Nations, Departm

Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2017 Revision, (available at available at
n Division, World Population Prospects 2017 Revision, (available at available at
GNI per v
capita ($)


to world markets is in km, the adjusted value is an index based on average distance and landlockedness.

wpp/Download/Standard/Population/, accessed 27 June 2017). Data refer to the 1997-2016 average.

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2017 Revision, (availab, accessed 27 June 2017). Data refer to 2015.

nload/Standard/Population/, accessed 27 June 2017). Data refer to 2015.
Prospects 2017 Revision, (available at available at, accessed 27 June 2017)
accessed 27 June 2017). Data refer to 2011.
CCODE ISO -3 Countries\Indicators Status EVI 1
Exposure 2 Population

Value Max-min
4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 35.1 25.4 30 551 674 18.2
12 DZA Algeria 14.7 12.3 39 208 194 14.4
24 AGO Angola LDC 39.7 36.6 21 471 618 23.7
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 40.4 51.9 89 985 100.0
32 ARG Argentina 23.8 29.7 41 446 246 13.5
51 ARM Armenia 36.3 26.6 2 976 566 54.0
31 AZE Azerbaijan 39.5 30.0 9 413 420 36.3
44 BHS Bahamas 40.5 55.9 377 374 85.8
48 BHR Bahrain 33.3 52.4 1 332 171 66.4
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 25.1 22.7 156 594 962 0.0
52 BRB Barbados 27.8 38.3 284 644 90.1
84 BLZ Belize 45.2 58.2 331 900 87.8
204 BEN Benin LDC 31.2 38.6 10 323 474 34.9
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 40.2 38.9 753 947 75.2
68 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 32.1 40.8 10 671 200 34.4
72 BWA Botswana 43.4 49.2 2 021 144 60.0
76 BRA Brazil 20.3 23.4 200 361 925 0.0
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 31.8 44.0 417 784 84.2
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 39.5 34.9 16 934 839 27.3
108 BDI Burundi LDC 49.9 40.5 10 162 532 35.2
132 CPV Cabo Verde 38.8 42.6 498 897 81.5
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 38.3 34.3 15 135 169 29.0
120 CMR Cameroon 19.0 26.9 22 253 959 23.1
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 33.5 40.7 4 616 417 47.3
148 TCD Chad LDC 46.0 37.1 12 825 314 31.6
152 CHL Chile 26.1 33.8 17 619 708 26.7
156 CHN China 20.7 14.5 1 385 566 537 0.0
170 COL Colombia 22.9 26.5 48 321 405 11.2
174 COM Comoros LDC 45.8 60.5 734 917 75.6
178 COG Congo 27.5 37.6 4 447 632 47.9
188 CRI Costa Rica 29.4 34.7 4 872 166 46.5
384 CIV Côte D'Ivoire 18.0 30.9 20 316 086 24.5
192 CUB Cuba 32.9 27.7 11 265 629 33.6
196 CYP Cyprus 16.8 25.3 1 141 166 68.8
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 32.5 27.0 24 895 480 21.4
180 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo LDC 30.3 25.8 67 513 677 6.0
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 37.7 40.7 872 932 72.9
212 DMA Dominica 39.5 50.2 72 003 100.0
214 DOM Dominican Republic 22.1 24.5 10 403 761 34.8
218 ECU Ecuador 27.8 36.8 15 737 878 28.4
818 EGY Egypt 18.7 22.7 82 056 378 3.0
222 SLV El Salvador 29.1 31.3 6 340 454 42.4
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea LDC 39.3 44.1 757 014 75.1
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 56.8 30.1 6 333 135 42.4
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 31.8 29.5 94 100 756 0.9
242 FJI Fiji 38.8 49.4 881 065 72.8
266 GAB Gabon 29.2 42.4 1 671 711 62.9
270 GMB Gambia LDC 70.7 50.5 1 849 285 61.4
268 GEO Georgia 31.4 20.0 4 340 895 48.2
288 GHA Ghana 35.2 28.0 25 904 598 20.8
308 GRD Grenada 44.4 42.7 105 897 100.0
320 GTM Guatemala 24.3 26.9 15 468 203 28.7
324 GIN Guinea LDC 24.9 35.7 11 745 189 32.9
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 53.6 60.4 1 704 255 62.6
328 GUY Guyana 49.9 62.0 799 613 74.3
332 HTI Haiti LDC 34.1 33.5 10 317 461 34.9
340 HND Honduras 30.5 31.4 8 097 688 38.7
356 IND India 22.3 15.3 1 252 139 596 0.0
360 IDN Indonesia 24.9 24.2 249 865 631 0.0
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 21.8 16.2 77 447 168 3.9
368 IRQ Iraq 40.0 25.7 33 765 232 16.7
376 ISR Israel 19.8 16.3 7 733 144 39.4
388 JAM Jamaica 31.5 37.0 2 783 888 55.1
400 JOR Jordan 20.5 14.4 7 273 799 40.3
398 KAZ Kazakhstan 29.2 27.8 16 440 586 27.8
404 KEN Kenya 27.2 24.7 44 353 691 12.5
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 71.5 87.0 102 351 100.0
414 KWT Kuwait 27.1 40.7 3 368 572 52.1
417 KGZ Kyrgyzstan 29.6 27.7 5 547 548 44.5
418 LAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic LDC 36.2 33.1 6 769 727 41.4
422 LBN Lebanon 16.9 18.1 4 821 971 46.6
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 42.9 46.4 2 074 465 59.6
430 LBR Liberia LDC 57.9 45.9 4 294 077 48.4
434 LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 29.1 25.8 6 201 521 42.8
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 36.7 32.5 22 924 851 22.7
454 MWI Malawi LDC 41.1 40.5 16 362 567 27.8
458 MYS Malaysia 18.9 24.2 29 716 965 18.7
462 MDV Maldives 49.9 68.8 345 023 87.2
466 MLI Mali LDC 33.3 37.2 15 301 650 28.9
584 MHL Marshall Islands 62.3 83.4 52 634 100.0
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 41.2 45.9 3 889 880 49.9
480 MUS Mauritius 25.6 39.0 1 244 403 67.5
484 MEX Mexico 18.8 19.5 122 332 399 0.0
583 FSM Micronesia (Federated States of) 55.2 81.6 103 549 100.0
496 MNG Mongolia 37.5 34.9 2 839 073 54.8
504 MAR Morocco 16.4 11.6 33 008 150 17.0
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 38.1 37.3 25 833 752 20.8
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 33.7 31.4 53 259 018 9.7
516 NAM Namibia 36.2 37.7 2 303 315 58.0
520 NRU Nauru 67.9 83.4 10 051 100.0
524 NPL Nepal LDC 26.8 26.1 27 797 457 19.7
558 NIC Nicaragua 28.4 33.4 6 080 478 43.1
562 NER Niger LDC 37.6 33.4 17 831 270 26.5
566 NGA Nigeria 37.3 27.6 173 615 345 0.0
512 OMN Oman 26.2 33.1 3 632 444 51.0
586 PAK Pakistan 23.2 15.4 182 142 594 0.0
585 PLW Palau 69.6 78.7 20 918 100.0
591 PAN Panama 26.4 32.4 3 864 170 50.0
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 32.1 39.3 7 321 262 40.2
600 PRY Paraguay 43.8 43.1 6 802 295 41.3
604 PER Peru 24.7 28.7 30 375 603 18.3
608 PHL Philippines 25.0 20.5 98 393 574 0.2
634 QAT Qatar 28.3 37.9 2 168 673 58.9
410 KOR Republic of Korea 13.2 15.6 49 262 698 10.9
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 40.7 38.5 11 776 522 32.9
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 52.7 52.2 54 191 100.0
662 LCA Saint Lucia 43.1 42.8 182 273 97.0
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 37.3 49.4 109 373 100.0
882 WSM Samoa 44.0 63.9 190 372 96.3
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 39.2 63.0 192 993 96.1
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 15.1 25.7 28 828 870 19.1
686 SEN Senegal LDC 33.0 30.6 14 133 280 30.1
690 SYC Seychelles 45.4 56.9 92 838 100.0
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 48.9 40.3 6 092 075 43.0
702 SGP Singapore 30.7 34.2 5 411 737 44.9
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 50.8 63.2 561 231 79.7
706 SOM Somalia LDC 36.3 46.4 10 495 583 34.7
710 ZAF South Africa 24.1 24.7 52 776 130 9.8
728 SSD South Sudan LDC 56.0 36.1 11 296 173 33.5
144 LKA Sri Lanka 25.0 24.3 21 273 228 23.8
729 SDN Sudan LDC 49.9 28.7 37 964 306 14.9
740 SUR Suriname 52.6 68.0 539 276 80.3
748 SWZ Swaziland 39.1 44.1 1 249 514 67.4
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 29.7 13.7 21 898 061 23.4
762 TJK Tajikistan 36.8 33.1 8 207 834 38.4
764 THA Thailand 24.0 21.7 67 010 502 6.2
626 TLS Timor-Leste LDC 55.0 45.4 1 132 879 68.9
768 TGO Togo LDC 33.6 35.7 6 816 982 41.3
776 TON Tonga 55.5 74.5 105 323 100.0
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 32.4 37.0 1 341 151 66.3
788 TUN Tunisia 18.2 17.1 10 996 515 34.0
792 TUR Turkey 11.8 4.0 74 932 641 4.4
795 TKM Turkmenistan 43.8 30.9 5 240 072 45.4
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 54.0 86.0 9 876 100.0
800 UGA Uganda LDC 31.8 28.8 37 578 876 15.1
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 30.2 33.0 9 346 129 36.5
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 28.8 27.0 49 253 126 10.9
858 URY Uruguay 31.6 41.3 3 407 062 52.0
860 UZB Uzbekistan 29.4 22.8 28 934 102 19.1
548 VUT Vanuatu LDC 47.7 60.4 252 763 92.0
862 VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 24.0 30.2 30 405 207 18.3
704 VNM Viet Nam 31.1 39.2 91 679 733 1.3
887 YEM Yemen LDC 35.4 26.4 24 407 381 21.7
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 45.6 41.0 14 538 640 29.7
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 59.0 34.7 14149648 30.1

Bounds: 150 000

100 000 000
1 The EVI is calculated at 50 per cent of the figures for the Exposure index and the Shock index.
2 The Exposure Index is calculated at 25 per cent each of the max-min figures for Population (Size index), Remote
3 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Populati
4 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on distance
5 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on distance
6 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2013. Low El
7 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2012. Nation
8 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2007. Nation
9 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University 2012. Nation
10 The Economic structure index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Export concent
11 Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), UNCTADstat (available at http://unc
12 Data refer to 2009-2011 average of Former Sudan.
13 Data refer to 2012-2013 average.
14 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Account
15 The Shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the figures for the Natural shock index and the max-m
16 The Natural shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Victims per 100,000 p
17 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on disaster d
18 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on agricultur
19 Data refer to period 1995-2013.
20 Data calculated as the regional average of Micronesia for the period 1995-2013.
21 Data refer to the index of Former Sudan, 1993-2013 period.
22 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on constant
23 Data derived by splitting exports of Former Sudan according to the average share of the following 6 years of the
24 The HAI is calculated at 25 per cent each of the figures for the prevalence of undernourishment, under-five mor
25 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), FAOSTAT (data available at, a
26 Original data "<5%".
27 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), FAO Statistical Yearbook 2013 (available at http://www.fao.o
28 Data from 2009 triennial review.
29 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) 2013 (availab
30 Data from 2012 triennial review.
31 Source: African Development Bank, Data Portal (available at, accessed 8
32 Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators database (avaliable at
33 Data calculated as the regional average of Micronesia.
34 Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), National Minimum Development Indicators (available at htt
35 Source: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), National Minimum Development Indicators (available at htt
36 Data refer to the former Sudan, 2009-2011 average. It is likely to underestimate undernourishment in the coun
37 Data refer to the former Sudan, 2009-2011 average.
38 Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality estimation (CME), CME Info (available at http://c
39 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS),
40 Data refer to the latest available year within the 2004-2008 period.
41 UIS estimation
42 National estimation
43 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global Mo
44 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education For All Global Mo
45 Source: Caribbean Community Secretariat (Caricom), Caricom Caribbean Trade & Investment Report 2005 (avai
46 Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB), ADB Country Assistance Plan (2000-2002): Republic of the Fiji Islands (a
47 Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB), ADB Country Partnership Strategy Kiribati 2010-2014 (available at: http
48 Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB), Statistical Database System (available at
49 Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB), ADB Country Assistance Plan (2001-2003): Republic of Nauru (available
50 Source: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The World Factbook (available at
51 Data refer to 1999
52 Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Somalia Human Development Report 2012 (available
53 Source: African Development Bank, Data Portal (available at :, accessse
54 Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB), Statistical Database System (available at
55 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS),
56 National estimation
57 Data refer to the latest available year within the 2004-2008 period.
58 UIS estimation
59 Source: Central Bureau of Statistics of the DPRK and UNICEF, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2009, Net attend
60 Data refer to the latest available year within the 1999-2003 period.
61 Source: Institute Haitien de l'Enfance and Macro International Inc, Haiti Demographic Health Survey 2005-2006
62 Source: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Human Development Report 2013 (available at http:
63 Source: African Development Bank, Data Portal (available at :, accesse
64 Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), International Bureau of Edu
65 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, calculated based o
66 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, based on Nationa
Share of population Economic
3 Remoteness 4 in low elevated 6 structure 10
Export 11
coastal zones index

Avg. distance Adj. value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

4 013 51.115 51.4 0.00 0.0 31.9 0.27 19.9
2 267 6.500 0.0 0.76 2.2 32.8 0.54 51.7
6 265 59.220 61.5 1.44 4.1 57.1 0.97 100.0
5 410 51.604 52.0 11.83 33.8 22.0 0.46 42.4
9 466 80.621 88.3 3.03 8.7 8.5 0.15 6.3
2 827 32.947 28.7 0.00 0.0 23.8 0.21 13.0
3 087 37.509 34.4 0.00 0.0 49.5 0.88 91.3
5 407 51.576 52.0 20.28 58.0 27.9 0.56 54.0
3 857 34.062 30.1 34.28 97.9 15.3 0.36 30.6
4 233 38.882 36.1 8.92 25.5 29.4 0.37 31.7
5 639 53.753 54.7 0.71 2.0 6.4 0.20 12.1
6 548 61.504 64.4 20.53 58.7 22.1 0.29 22.5
4 925 46.737 45.9 11.85 33.9 39.8 0.28 20.6
4 094 52.155 52.7 0.00 0.0 27.7 0.34 28.1
8 245 88.457 98.1 0.00 0.0 30.7 0.46 42.2
7 848 85.901 94.9 0.00 0.0 41.9 0.79 80.9
8 232 73.376 79.2 2.56 7.3 7.1 0.16 6.6
5 562 53.048 53.8 1.61 4.6 33.2 0.66 66.3
4 492 56.964 58.7 0.00 0.0 53.5 0.53 51.0
5 822 70.411 75.5 0.00 0.0 51.4 0.43 39.2
4 905 46.528 45.7 5.64 16.1 27.1 0.44 40.3
4 867 46.125 45.2 7.19 20.5 42.5 0.33 26.9
5 051 48.048 47.6 0.46 1.3 35.5 0.39 33.7
4 985 62.368 65.5 0.00 0.0 50.0 0.36 30.8
4 246 54.037 55.0 0.00 0.0 61.7 0.88 91.6
9 728 82.035 90.0 0.37 1.1 17.5 0.36 30.9
3 936 35.110 31.4 6.55 18.7 7.8 0.10 0.0
6 819 63.614 67.0 1.22 3.5 24.1 0.43 39.1
6 781 63.324 66.7 13.24 37.8 62.0 0.53 50.7
5 820 55.392 56.7 0.48 1.4 44.6 0.81 84.0
6 839 63.761 67.2 0.36 1.0 24.0 0.44 39.9
5 188 49.430 49.3 3.76 10.8 39.1 0.34 28.2
5 786 55.093 56.4 2.91 8.3 12.6 0.26 18.4
2 612 13.846 4.8 5.64 16.1 11.4 0.27 20.4
4 351 40.312 37.9 5.13 14.7 34.2 0.37 31.2
5 826 55.450 56.8 0.04 0.1 40.2 0.49 45.5
4 756 44.926 43.7 12.35 35.3 10.9 0.25 17.3
5 527 52.715 53.4 5.80 16.6 30.7 0.41 36.3
5 564 53.063 53.8 1.23 3.5 6.0 0.13 3.8
7 370 67.640 72.0 5.19 14.8 32.0 0.52 49.3
2 890 19.099 11.4 21.52 61.5 14.8 0.17 7.7
6 833 63.720 67.2 0.50 1.4 14.4 0.20 11.3
5 081 48.352 47.9 5.42 15.5 38.0 0.74 75.4
4 293 39.619 37.0 0.77 2.2 38.9 0.53 50.3
4 851 60.953 63.7 0.00 0.0 53.2 0.35 29.5
9 978 83.355 91.7 4.89 14.0 19.0 0.26 19.0
5 396 51.472 51.8 4.94 14.1 40.8 0.75 76.9
4 880 46.257 45.3 23.53 67.2 28.0 0.25 17.8
2 788 17.224 9.0 2.76 7.9 15.0 0.24 16.7
5 064 48.184 47.7 2.62 7.5 36.1 0.39 34.1
5 770 54.950 56.2 1.89 5.4 9.2 0.19 10.9
6 837 63.744 67.2 0.21 0.6 11.2 0.14 5.2
5 190 49.451 49.3 6.05 17.3 43.1 0.49 46.3
4 991 47.423 46.8 15.26 43.6 88.5 0.94 98.4
6 073 57.598 59.5 27.87 79.6 34.7 0.45 41.0
5 658 53.928 54.9 1.87 5.3 38.8 0.50 47.3
6 694 62.655 65.8 0.90 2.6 18.7 0.23 15.9
4 133 37.644 34.6 2.66 7.6 19.0 0.18 9.4
6 143 58.196 60.2 7.37 21.0 15.4 0.17 7.8
3 357 26.857 21.1 1.27 3.6 36.1 0.61 59.8
3 141 23.411 16.8 5.81 16.6 52.7 0.98 100.0
2 850 18.373 10.5 1.57 4.5 11.0 0.28 21.2
5 887 55.989 57.5 3.63 10.4 24.9 0.44 40.4
2 898 19.226 11.5 0.00 0.0 5.7 0.17 7.9
3 893 49.546 49.4 0.00 0.0 33.8 0.62 60.8
5 759 54.845 56.1 0.41 1.2 29.1 0.20 11.6
8 801 76.846 83.6 95.22 100.0 64.5 0.83 86.4
3 533 29.514 24.4 17.40 49.7 36.5 0.72 73.0
3 872 49.257 49.1 0.00 0.0 17.2 0.15 5.8
4 497 57.017 58.8 0.00 0.0 32.2 0.29 22.4
2 761 16.720 8.4 4.13 11.8 5.5 0.15 5.8
8 248 88.478 98.1 0.00 0.0 27.7 0.47 43.5
5 306 50.604 50.8 6.38 18.2 66.2 0.38 32.4
2 434 10.188 0.2 6.17 17.6 42.5 0.81 83.2
7 452 68.217 72.8 1.66 4.8 29.9 0.23 15.8
6 917 79.348 86.7 0.00 0.0 47.6 0.46 42.2
5 355 51.076 51.3 5.10 14.6 12.0 0.17 8.0
5 550 52.931 53.7 100.00 100.0 34.5 0.64 64.0
4 665 58.922 61.2 0.00 0.0 58.9 0.54 52.2
8 408 74.475 80.6 98.10 100.0 53.2 0.79 81.5
4 472 41.727 39.7 19.12 54.6 39.5 0.46 42.0
7 601 69.238 74.0 1.41 4.0 10.4 0.24 16.7
6 992 64.913 68.6 1.58 4.5 5.0 0.15 6.2
7 886 71.147 76.4 27.29 78.0 72.2 0.93 97.7
3 971 50.573 50.7 0.00 0.0 34.1 0.47 43.1
2 832 18.044 10.1 1.38 3.9 15.4 0.16 7.4
7 968 71.687 77.1 5.25 15.0 36.2 0.31 24.5
4 545 42.571 40.7 10.97 31.4 43.7 0.39 34.7
7 594 69.193 74.0 1.09 3.1 15.5 0.26 18.5
8 733 76.443 83.1 41.98 100.0 50.6 0.93 97.5
4 108 52.334 52.9 0.00 0.0 31.8 0.14 4.7
6 795 63.429 66.8 0.85 2.4 21.4 0.22 13.8
4 288 54.548 55.7 0.00 0.0 51.3 0.40 35.3
4 901 46.483 45.6 2.67 7.6 57.3 0.77 79.4
4 379 40.641 38.3 5.65 16.1 26.9 0.55 53.5
4 033 36.377 33.0 1.06 3.0 25.6 0.19 10.1
6 357 59.969 62.5 38.21 100.0 52.1 0.92 96.0
6 688 62.603 65.8 3.01 8.6 5.2 0.15 5.9
8 287 73.723 79.7 0.49 1.4 35.9 0.31 24.4
8 632 90.838 100.0 0.00 0.0 31.1 0.35 29.3
8 257 73.536 79.4 0.92 2.6 14.6 0.25 18.2
5 160 49.150 48.9 5.65 16.1 16.9 0.23 15.2
3 961 35.445 31.8 12.83 36.7 24.2 0.51 48.5
4 419 41.119 38.9 3.04 8.7 4.1 0.15 5.8
5 693 69.255 74.1 0.00 0.0 47.0 0.41 36.8
5 423 51.734 52.2 15.18 43.4 13.3 0.32 25.6
5 608 53.472 54.3 1.61 4.6 15.2 0.33 27.2
5 674 54.076 55.1 8.87 25.3 17.0 0.30 23.6
9 620 81.456 89.3 17.78 50.8 19.1 0.30 23.5
5 440 51.894 52.4 21.83 62.4 41.2 0.51 48.7
3 791 33.170 29.0 5.20 14.9 39.9 0.77 78.4
4 800 45.407 44.3 10.06 28.7 19.2 0.22 13.9
6 353 59.939 62.4 13.92 39.8 25.3 0.50 47.6
5 206 49.613 49.5 3.79 10.8 57.7 0.34 28.3
5 503 52.490 53.1 10.33 29.5 9.3 0.26 18.5
8 996 77.980 85.0 12.88 36.8 51.4 0.58 56.6
5 648 53.841 54.8 2.50 7.1 89.2 0.77 78.3
8 667 76.050 82.6 0.16 0.5 5.8 0.18 9.2
5 12
5 076 63.303 66.6 0.00 0.0 44.4 0.81 83.3
5 264 50.185 50.2 2.98 8.5 14.7 0.20 12.0
4 119 37.464 34.3 0.30 0.9 64.9 0.60 59.3
6 069 57.564 59.5 56.19 100.0 32.1 0.53 50.5
7 996 86.867 96.1 0.00 0.0 12.9 0.23 15.1
2 812 17.667 9.6 0.13 0.4 21.3 0.18 9.4
3 895 49.568 49.5 0.00 0.0 44.6 0.50 47.1
4 696 44.262 42.8 10.34 29.5 8.3 0.08 0.0
7 029 65.180 69.0 0.94 2.7 41.1 0.76 77.5
4 971 47.219 46.5 3.61 10.3 44.8 0.21 12.7
10 241 84.701 93.4 27.33 78.1 26.6 0.29 22.4
5 870 55.840 57.3 2.91 8.3 15.9 0.37 31.8
2 132 3.317 0.0 8.52 24.3 10.0 0.16 6.5
2 150 3.742 0.0 1.76 5.0 6.6 0.08 0.0
3 627 45.864 44.8 0.00 0.0 33.5 0.47 43.9
9 486 80.729 88.4 94.73 100.0 55.6 0.69 69.6
5 517 67.621 72.0 0.00 0.0 28.1 0.20 11.3
4 143 37.773 34.7 14.78 42.2 18.6 0.42 37.2
6 319 59.664 62.1 0.71 2.0 32.9 0.20 12.2
9 432 80.434 88.0 4.11 11.8 13.4 0.20 12.2
3 837 48.789 48.5 0.00 0.0 23.6 0.23 15.8
9 765 82.235 90.3 1.18 3.4 55.9 0.70 70.9
6 039 57.314 59.1 2.50 7.1 36.1 0.65 64.9
4 383 40.689 38.4 36.97 100.0 17.2 0.13 3.2
4 459 41.579 39.5 1.58 4.5 39.9 0.58 56.7
6 992 79.910 87.4 0.00 0.0 46.8 0.64 63.8
7 254 81.818 89.8 0.00 0.0 19.1 0.26 18.3

10.000 0.00 0.10

90.000 35.00 0.95

on (Size index), Remoteness (Location index) and Share of population in low elevated coastal zones (environment index) and the figures fo
Division, World Population Prospects 2012 Revision (available at, accessed 3 Nov 2014). Data refer
riat, based on distance data by Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (CEPII), unless otherwise indicated, and dat
riat, based on distance calculated by the CDP Secretariat using the Geopy package for Python, and data on exports and imports of goods a
University 2013. Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates, Version 2. Palisades, NY: NASA Socio
University 2012. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE III). P
University 2007. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 2 (PLACE II). P
University 2012. National Aggregates of Geospatial Data Collection: Population, Landscape, And Climate Estimates, Version 3 (PLACE III). P
ures for Export concentration and Shares of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
(available at, accessed 10 Nov 2014). Data refer to 2011-2013 average, unless otherwise indicated.

vision, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, accessed 21 Jan 2015). Data refer to
ock index and the max-min figures for Export instability (Trade shock index).
or Victims per 100,000 population and Agricultural instability.
riat, based on disaster data from OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database (EM-DAT) (available at, accessed at 2
riat, based on agricultural production data from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), FAOSTAT (available at

riat, based on constant exports of goods and services data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statisti
following 6 years of the country.
shment, under-five mortality rate, literacy rate and grosss secondary enrolment ratio., accessed on 3 November 2014), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to average 2012-2014, unless otherwise indi

ble at, accessed 8 Dec 2014). Data refer to average 2010-2012.

orld (SOFI) 2013 (available at, accessed 8 Dec 2014). Data refer to average 2011-2013.

default.aspx, accessed 8 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2004., accessed 8 Dec 2014). Data refer to average 2010-2012.

dicators (available at, accessed 10 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2005.

dicators (available at, accessed 10 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2006.
ourishment in the country.

nfo (available at, accessed on 3 Nov 2014). Data period is 2013.

tute for Statistics (UIS), Data Centre (available at htpp://, accessed 25 Feb 2015), unless otherwise indicated. Data refe
cation For All Global Monitoring Report 2006 (Statistical Annex) (available at
cation For All Global Monitoring Report 2006 (Statistical Annex) (available at
ment Report 2005 (available at, accessed 5 Dec 2014).
ublic of the Fiji Islands (available at, accessed 5 De
-2014 (available at:, downloaded 5 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2005., accesssed 4 Dec 2014). Data refer to 1988.
ublic of Nauru (available at, accessed 5 Dec 2014). Da, accessed 5 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2002.

t Report 2012 (available at, a

g/Default.aspx, accesssed 4 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2009.
/, accesssed 4 Dec 2014). Data refer to 1989.
tute for Statistics (UIS), Data Centre (available at, accessed 25 Feb 2015), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to th

Survey 2009, Net attendance ratio

ealth Survey 2005-2006, Gross attendance ratio

2013 (available at, accessed 5 Dec 2014). Data refer to the latest available year within the 2002-2011
g/Default.aspx, accessed 30 Oct 2014). Data refer to 2010.
rnational Bureau of Education (IBE), UNESCO-IBE Report 2010/2011 for Turkmenistan (available at, accessed 5 Dec
riat, calculated based on total enrolment data from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Internatio
vision, based on National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at Data is in current $, using
Shares of Natural
agriculture, forestry 14
Shock 15 Shock 16
Victims of natural 17
Agricultural 18 Export instability
index disasters (%) instability
and fisheries index

Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

26.9 43.9 44.8 53.6 1.674 76.5 7.17 30.7 15.83
9.2 13.9 17.2 34.3 0.073 35.2 7.67 33.4 4.02
9.4 14.3 42.9 50.6 0.805 66.9 7.86 34.4 15.53
1.9 1.6 28.9 52.5 2.597 82.3 5.69 22.7 6.61
7.2 10.6 17.9 34.4 0.202 48.6 5.23 20.2 5.40
21.4 34.7 45.9 46.8 0.646 64.0 7.00 29.7 18.49
5.5 7.6 49.0 43.6 1.633 76.2 3.53 11.0 21.31
2.0 1.8 25.1 50.2 0.458 59.4 9.09 41.0 3.67
0.3 0.0 14.2 28.4 0.000 0.0 12.00 56.8 3.72
17.0 27.2 27.5 49.4 4.652 89.9 3.13 8.8 6.67
1.4 0.7 17.3 28.1 0.098 39.1 4.68 17.2 6.95
13.9 21.8 32.1 58.9 4.283 88.8 6.85 28.9 6.62
35.8 59.0 23.8 46.4 1.300 73.2 5.14 19.7 5.32
17.1 27.2 41.5 56.0 0.790 66.6 9.91 45.5 13.09
12.3 19.2 23.3 40.4 1.747 77.0 2.19 3.7 6.89
2.8 3.0 37.7 45.2 0.449 59.2 7.27 31.2 14.05
5.5 7.6 17.3 33.0 0.526 61.3 2.38 4.8 5.46
0.7 0.0 19.6 31.3 0.000 0.0 13.08 62.6 7.34
34.0 56.0 44.0 52.8 1.133 71.4 7.83 34.2 15.59
38.6 63.7 59.2 54.8 2.113 79.5 7.07 30.1 24.08
9.2 14.0 35.0 54.3 0.525 61.2 10.26 47.3 9.71
35.3 58.1 42.2 63.2 7.697 96.6 7.02 29.8 11.38
23.1 37.4 11.0 15.8 0.024 20.6 3.516 10.9 6.89
41.9 69.3 26.3 30.1 0.257 51.8 3.047 8.4 11.78
19.7 31.7 54.8 54.2 3.071 84.5 5.927 23.9 21.64
3.5 4.2 18.5 36.9 1.091 70.8 2.05 3.0 3.16
10.2 15.5 26.9 49.8 9.662 99.5 1.29 0.0 6.19
6.4 9.2 19.3 38.6 1.235 72.5 2.38 4.8 3.04
44.2 73.3 31.2 44.1 2.839 83.4 2.39 4.8 10.48
4.0 5.1 17.4 28.1 0.271 52.5 2.18 3.7 7.00
5.7 8.0 24.2 41.6 1.675 76.5 2.73 6.7 7.06
30.5 50.0 5.1 6.2 0.005 0.2 3.74 12.1 6.19
5.0 6.8 38.1 62.3 5.250 91.5 7.63 33.1 9.15
2.4 2.4 8.2 16.5 0.014 13.7 5.07 19.3 3.60
23.0 37.2 37.9 55.0 3.521 86.3 5.88 23.7 11.27
21.5 34.8 34.8 20.4 0.045 29.0 3.71 11.9 19.74
3.7 4.6 34.7 62.9 7.533 96.3 6.96 29.5 6.94
15.8 25.1 28.9 47.7 0.970 69.3 6.34 26.1 8.01
5.8 8.2 19.6 39.1 0.837 67.4 3.52 10.9 4.84
9.7 14.7 18.9 37.7 0.468 59.7 4.40 15.7 4.65
13.9 21.8 14.7 12.3 0.014 13.6 3.52 10.9 10.16
11.3 17.5 26.9 46.6 2.199 80.1 3.95 13.2 7.12
1.4 0.6 34.5 2.8 0.000 0.0 2.54 5.6 24.89
17.2 27.4 83.4 70.6 4.617 89.8 11.00 51.4 33.84
46.4 76.9 34.2 48.8 2.713 82.8 4.21 14.7 10.88
12.2 19.0 28.3 53.8 2.376 81.1 6.39 26.4 5.84
3.7 4.6 16.1 27.5 0.252 51.6 2.14 3.5 6.39
23.5 38.1 90.9 81.7 1.579 75.7 17.72 87.7 65.13
8.8 13.2 42.8 58.7 0.922 68.6 10.53 48.8 13.06
23.5 38.1 42.4 35.4 0.482 60.1 3.48 10.7 19.82
5.4 7.5 46.2 69.0 3.015 84.2 11.44 53.7 12.01
11.1 17.1 21.7 43.4 2.189 80.0 2.74 6.7 3.45
24.5 39.9 14.1 24.5 0.192 48.0 1.68 1.0 6.09
47.3 78.5 46.7 35.3 0.677 64.6 2.62 6.1 22.45
17.7 28.3 37.9 60.5 7.075 95.4 6.24 25.6 9.56
18.9 30.3 34.7 47.4 3.835 87.4 2.88 7.4 11.62
13.7 21.5 29.6 52.6 3.207 85.0 5.23 20.1 6.97
17.9 28.6 29.3 49.6 3.831 87.4 3.69 11.8 7.67
14.5 23.0 25.7 32.6 0.436 58.8 2.70 6.5 10.64
8.3 12.4 27.3 47.0 3.069 84.5 3.25 9.5 7.31
4.2 5.4 54.4 26.1 0.013 12.7 8.83 39.6 29.80
1.5 0.9 23.3 40.5 1.310 73.3 2.95 7.8 6.82
6.6 9.4 26.1 41.1 1.201 72.1 3.38 10.2 8.34
3.1 3.6 26.6 45.9 0.349 55.9 8.15 36.0 7.20
5.0 6.8 30.6 50.2 0.247 51.3 10.57 49.0 8.30
28.5 46.6 29.6 54.8 6.960 95.2 4.15 14.3 6.33
26.2 42.7 56.0 57.8 5.166 91.3 6.01 24.4 21.27
0.3 0.0 13.5 13.8 0.001 0.0 6.62 27.7 8.98
17.9 28.6 31.6 47.2 2.020 79.0 4.36 15.5 9.77
25.7 41.9 39.4 54.6 4.292 88.9 5.27 20.4 12.25
4.1 5.3 15.7 18.7 0.024 20.5 4.64 17.0 8.79
8.1 12.0 39.5 58.1 4.358 89.1 6.50 27.0 11.26
70.1 100.0 69.9 39.9 0.064 33.6 10.02 46.1 39.37
2.0 1.8 32.5 4.5 0.002 0.0 3.17 9.0 23.14
26.9 44.0 40.9 44.3 2.160 79.8 3.12 8.8 16.25
32.3 53.1 41.6 68.9 4.733 90.2 10.32 47.7 9.30
10.5 16.1 13.7 24.7 0.109 40.6 3.12 8.7 5.80
4.0 5.0 31.0 50.7 0.494 60.4 9.08 41.0 8.42
39.7 65.6 29.3 51.0 1.938 78.4 5.85 23.5 7.32
15.6 24.8 41.1 82.2 0.664 64.3 48.63 100.0 4.40
22.8 37.0 36.4 46.8 4.220 88.7 2.42 5.0 12.82
3.4 4.1 12.2 23.2 0.019 17.8 6.80 28.6 5.32
3.3 3.9 18.2 32.7 0.631 63.7 1.81 1.7 6.09
28.5 46.7 28.8 44.2 1.737 77.0 3.60 11.4 19 9.02
15.7 25.0 40.2 74.8 6.385 94.1 11.77 55.5 6.68
14.8 23.3 21.1 39.5 0.092 38.3 9.01 40.6 5.82
29.3 48.0 38.8 59.5 3.722 87.0 7.40 31.9 10.46
32.1 52.6 36.0 34.0 0.373 56.7 3.59 11.3 16.42
8.4 12.5 34.7 68.2 4.693 90.0 10.08 46.4 5.38
3.1 3.6 52.5 4.9 0.000 0.0 3.32 9.8 35.06
35.8 58.9 27.5 37.3 0.682 64.7 3.33 9.9 10.32
18.1 29.1 23.5 46.9 2.155 79.8 4.10 14.1 4.05
40.8 67.4 41.9 65.8 6.649 94.6 8.34 37.0 10.38
21.8 35.2 46.9 36.7 0.315 54.5 5.00 18.9 22.14
1.2 0.3 19.3 31.0 0.040 27.3 7.92 34.7 7.26
25.3 41.1 30.9 48.9 1.783 77.3 5.28 20.4 8.89
5.9 8.3 60.6 21.3 0.000 0.0 9.37 42.6 20 36.82
3.7 4.6 20.4 27.0 0.222 49.9 2.25 4.1 9.16
28.9 47.4 24.9 36.7 1.156 71.6 1.82 1.7 8.92
20.5 33.0 44.5 56.9 2.037 79.1 7.94 34.8 14.62
7.5 11.1 20.6 41.3 1.767 77.2 2.49 5.3 4.25
11.9 18.5 29.5 50.9 7.043 95.4 2.68 6.4 7.42
0.1 0.0 18.7 20.1 0.000 0.0 8.94 40.2 10.17
2.4 2.4 10.8 21.7 0.089 37.8 2.53 5.6 4.90
34.8 57.3 43.0 49.8 1.223 72.4 6.53 27.2 15.85
1.6 1.0 53.2 87.4 1.468 74.8 27.67 100.0 10.71
2.9 3.2 43.4 76.1 5.745 92.7 12.51 59.5 8.20
7.2 10.5 25.2 48.8 1.164 71.7 6.28 25.8 5.51
9.7 14.7 24.1 38.1 0.492 60.4 4.42 15.8 8.04
20.8 33.6 15.5 9.2 0.000 0.0 4.92 18.5 11.52
1.9 1.4 4.5 5.5 0.005 0.2 3.50 10.8 6.06
15.5 24.6 35.4 70.8 1.025 70.0 14.75 71.6 4.65
2.8 3.0 33.8 50.4 0.935 68.8 7.42 32.0 10.17
52.3 87.0 57.6 52.3 0.277 52.8 11.08 51.8 23.87
0.0 0.0 27.2 50.0 0.000 0.0 20.96 100.0 6.32
28.2 46.2 38.4 38.1 0.449 59.2 4.65 17.0 16.59
60.2 100.0 26.1 52.1 8.013 97.1 2.83 7.2 3.41
2.4 2.4 23.5 46.4 1.678 76.5 4.52 16.3 5.16
4.2 5.4 75.8 51.6 4.361 89.1 4.11 14.1 21 60.37
11.3 17.5 25.7 50.7 3.115 84.7 4.61 16.8 5.18
42.6 70.4 71.1 42.3 1.058 70.4 4.11 14.1 21 39.83
9.1 13.8 37.2 46.0 0.311 54.3 8.48 37.7 13.52
7.3 10.7 34.1 53.1 7.649 96.5 3.28 9.6 9.54
20.6 33.2 45.8 50.9 0.422 58.4 9.55 43.5 17.22
25.8 42.0 40.4 57.7 4.942 90.7 6.05 24.6 11.97
10.8 16.6 26.3 50.0 5.805 92.8 2.83 7.2 5.75
3.9 4.8 64.5 29.1 0.067 34.2 5.91 23.9 43.68
46.3 76.8 31.4 41.5 0.580 62.5 5.28 20.4 11.38
19.2 30.8 36.5 48.7 1.202 72.1 6.17 25.2 12.27
0.4 0.0 27.8 19.8 0.008 7.0 7.52 32.6 15.75
9.0 13.6 19.4 38.7 0.017 16.0 12.87 61.5 4.80
8.7 13.1 19.6 35.8 0.465 59.6 3.72 12.0 5.99
14.5 23.0 56.7 22.7 0.000 0.0 9.90 45.4 32.20
25.5 41.5 22.0 3.5 0.000 0.0 2.81 7.1 17.11
27.5 44.9 34.8 37.6 0.875 67.9 2.83 7.2 14.58
0.7 0.0 27.5 46.2 0.000 0.0 18.61 92.5 7.62
32.6 53.5 30.6 48.5 1.378 73.9 5.76 23.0 8.80
9.7 14.7 21.8 37.6 0.227 50.2 6.14 25.1 6.79
19.5 31.4 35.9 24.2 0.121 41.9 2.71 6.6 19.30
25.1 40.8 35.0 58.7 3.036 84.3 7.63 33.1 8.40
5.3 7.3 17.7 30.8 0.181 47.3 4.15 14.3 6.41
19.4 31.1 23.0 41.2 2.642 82.5 1.43 0.0 6.44
14.7 23.2 44.5 24.2 0.103 39.8 3.11 8.7 24.41
18.6 29.8 50.3 58.0 3.209 85.0 7.22 30.9 17.76
12.7 19.8 83.2 66.3 4.781 90.3 9.34 42.4 38.30

1 0.005 1.5 5
60 10.000 20.0 35

ent index) and the figures for the Economic structure index.
sed 3 Nov 2014). Data refer to 2013.
therwise indicated, and data on exports and imports of goods and services (2011-2013) from United Nations, Department of Economic an
orts and imports of goods and services (2011-2013) fromUnited Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Divi
2. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at
ates, Version 3 (PLACE III). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://sedac.ciesin.colum
ates, Version 2 (PLACE II). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://sedac.ciesin.colum
ates, Version 3 (PLACE III). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (available at http://sedac.ciesin.colum

herwise indicated.

d 21 Jan 2015). Data refer to 2011-2013 average., accessed at 25 Feb 2015), and on population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), P
at, accessed at 25 Feb 2015). Data refer to period 1993-2013, unless otherwise indicated.

Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, ac

2014, unless otherwise indicated.

to average 2011-2013.

herwise indicated. Data refer to the latest available year within the 2009-2013 period, unless otherwise indicated.
ducation/themes/leading-the-international-agenda/efareport/reports/2006-literacy/, accessed 5 Dec 2014). Data refer to 1990.
ducation/themes/leading-the-international-agenda/efareport/reports/2006-literacy/, accessed 5 Dec 2014). Data refer to the latest availa

lic-fiji-islands, accessed 5 Dec 2014) . Data refer to 1998.

u, accessed 5 Dec 2014). Data refer to 1998.

velopment-report-2012/, accessed 4 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2012.

e indicated. Data refer to the latest available year within the 2009-2013 period, unless otherwise indicated.

e year within the 2002-2011 period., accessed 5 Dec 2014). Data refer to 2006.

ation (UNESCO), International Bureau of Education (IBE), UNESCO-IBE Report 2011/2012 for Zambia (available at, a
). Data is in current $, using currency conversion rate based on the World Bank Atlas method (received 21 Jan 2015). Data is the 2011-201
Prevalence of
Export instability 22 HAI 24
undernourishment 25
Under 5 mortality 38 Literacy rate 39
in total population (per 1000)

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

36.1 43.1 24.7 67.2 97 47.1 31.7 9.0
26 40
0.0 87.9 5.0 100.0 25 90.8 72.6 63.5
35.1 41.9 18.0 78.3 167 4.6 70.6 60.8
5.4 93.2 20.5 74.2 9 100.0 99.0 98.6
26 41
1.3 98.8 5.0 100.0 13 98.0 97.9 97.2
45.0 97.8 5.7 98.8 16 96.6 99.6 99.5
26 42
54.4 96.3 5.0 100.0 34 85.3 99.8 99.7
27 43
0.0 94.8 7.2 96.3 13 98.2 94.4 92.5
26, 28
0.0 96.9 5.0 100.0 6 100.0 94.6 92.7
5.6 63.8 16.7 80.5 41 81.2 58.8 45.1
26 44
6.5 99.2 5.0 100.0 14 97.3 99.7 99.6
5.4 86.8 6.5 97.5 17 95.9 76.9 69.2
40, 41
1.1 50.1 9.7 92.2 85 54.4 28.7 4.9
28 40
27.0 67.9 20.0 75.0 36 84.1 52.8 37.1
6.3 82.2 19.5 75.8 39 82.4 94.5 92.6
30.2 75.9 26.6 64.0 47 77.8 86.7 82.3
1.5 96.6 5.0 100.0 14 97.8 91.3 88.4
26 41
7.8 98.5 5.0 100.0 10 100.0 95.4 93.9
35.3 36.5 20.7 73.8 98 46.9 28.7 5.0
29 40
63.6 41.0 67.3 0.0 83 55.8 86.9 82.6
15.7 88.6 9.9 91.8 26 90.3 85.3 80.4
21.3 67.2 16.1 81.5 38 83.1 73.9 65.2
6.3 61.6 10.5 90.8 95 48.8 71.3 61.7
22.6 22.9 37.6 45.7 139 21.7 36.8 15.7
55.5 24.4 34.8 50.3 148 16.7 37.3 16.4
0.0 96.5 5.0 100.0 8 100.0 98.6 98.1
4.0 92.6 10.6 90.7 13 98.4 95.1 93.5
0.0 92.2 11.4 89.3 17 95.8 93.6 91.4
30 41
18.3 54.2 47.0 30.0 78 58.8 75.9 67.9
6.7 63.3 31.5 55.8 49 76.3 79.3 72.4
6.9 98.8 5.9 98.5 10 100.0 97.4 96.5
4.0 45.7 14.7 83.8 100 45.5 41.0 21.3
26 41
13.8 97.8 5.0 100.0 6 100.0 99.8 99.8
0.0 98.3 5.0 100.0 4 100.0 98.7 98.2
20.9 83.2 37.5 45.8 27 89.5 100.0 100.0
31 40, 41
49.1 29.9 74.3 0.0 119 34.2 61.2 48.3
6.5 54.6 18.9 76.8 70 63.9 53.0 37.3
26, 27 45
10.0 94.9 5.0 100.0 11 99.2 88.0 84.0
0.0 83.5 14.7 83.8 28 89.0 90.9 87.8
0.0 93.3 11.2 89.7 23 92.4 93.3 91.1
17.2 85.7 5.0 100.0 22 92.8 73.9 65.2
7.1 82.5 13.5 85.8 16 96.5 85.5 80.7
28 41
66.3 54.8 30.0 58.3 96 48.0 94.5 92.7
29 41
96.1 41.2 61.3 6.2 50 75.8 70.5 60.7
19.6 39.2 35.0 50.0 64 67.0 39.0 18.7
26 46
2.8 92.3 5.0 100.0 24 91.8 93.0 90.7
26 41
4.6 74.3 5.0 100.0 56 72.1 82.3 76.4
100.0 62.1 6.0 98.3 74 61.3 52.0 36.0
26.9 97.4 9.8 92.0 13 98.1 99.7 99.7
49.4 72.0 5.0 100.0 78 58.5 71.5 62.0
27 45
23.4 93.0 17.9 78.5 12 98.9 96.0 94.7
0.0 76.1 14.3 84.5 31 87.3 78.3 71.0
3.6 38.7 18.1 78.2 101 45.0 25.3 0.4
58.2 44.8 17.7 78.8 124 31.0 56.7 42.3
15.2 88.9 10.0 91.7 37 83.9 85.0 80.0
40, 41
22.1 39.3 51.8 22.0 73 61.9 48.7 31.6
6.6 82.2 12.1 88.2 22 92.6 85.4 80.5
8.9 68.1 15.2 83.0 53 74.1 62.8 50.3
18.8 88.3 8.7 93.8 29 88.3 92.8 90.4
7.7 89.9 5.0 100.0 17 95.9 84.3 79.0
82.7 68.6 23.5 69.2 34 85.5 79.0 72.0
6.1 99.3 5.0 100.0 4 100.0 97.8 97.0
11.1 87.5 7.9 95.2 17 96.0 87.5 83.3
7.3 94.6 5.0 100.0 19 94.7 97.9 97.2
11.0 98.3 5.0 100.0 16 96.2 99.7 99.6
40, 41
4.4 64.3 24.3 67.8 71 63.2 72.2 62.9
26 47
54.2 86.3 5.0 100.0 58 70.8 92.0 89.3
13.3 98.5 5.0 100.0 10 100.0 95.5 94.0
15.9 93.9 6.0 98.3 24 91.4 99.2 99.0
24.2 60.8 21.8 72.0 71 62.8 72.7 63.6
26 40
12.6 89.6 5.0 100.0 9 100.0 89.6 86.1
20.9 62.9 11.5 89.2 98 46.7 75.8 67.7
40, 41
100.0 46.2 29.6 59.0 71 63.0 42.9 23.9
26, 32 41
60.5 95.9 5.0 100.0 15 97.3 89.9 86.5
37.5 53.5 30.5 57.5 56 72.1 64.5 52.6
14.3 53.7 21.8 72.0 68 64.9 61.3 48.4
2.7 89.6 5.0 100.0 9 100.0 93.1 90.8
11.4 91.3 6.2 98.0 10 100.0 98.4 97.9
7.7 45.5 5.0 100.0 123 31.7 33.6 11.4
33 48
0.0 91.6 8.0 95.0 38 83.3 91.0 88.0
40, 41
26.1 49.5 6.5 97.5 90 51.5 45.5 27.3
1.1 94.6 5.0 100.0 14 97.4 89.2 85.7
3.6 93.4 5.0 100.0 15 97.3 94.2 92.3
13.4 79.2 11.0 90.0 36 84.0 71.0 61.3
5.6 86.5 22.4 71.0 32 86.8 98.3 97.7
2.7 77.3 5.0 100.0 30 87.6 67.1 56.1
18.2 41.7 27.9 61.8 87 53.2 50.6 34.1
38.1 72.7 16.7 80.5 51 75.5 92.6 90.2
40, 41
1.3 63.0 37.2 46.3 50 75.9 76.5 68.6
35 49
100.0 81.8 16.0 81.7 37 83.9 95.0 93.3
17.7 68.7 13.0 86.7 40 82.0 57.4 43.2
0.0 77.1 16.8 80.3 24 91.8 78.0 70.7
17.9 34.7 11.3 89.5 104 42.9 15.5 0.0
40, 41
57.1 51.2 6.4 97.7 117 34.9 51.1 34.8
26, 30
7.5 93.6 5.0 100.0 11 99.2 86.9 82.6
13.0 49.4 21.7 72.2 86 54.2 54.7 39.7
100.0 95.6 0.0 100.0 18 95.5 99.5 99.4
13.9 90.1 10.6 90.7 18 95.2 94.1 92.1
28 41
13.1 59.5 14.0 85.0 61 68.8 62.9 50.5
32.1 85.2 11.0 90.0 22 92.8 93.9 91.8
0.0 92.6 8.7 93.8 17 95.9 93.8 91.8
8.1 88.5 11.5 89.2 30 87.9 95.4 93.9
26, 30
17.2 98.9 5.0 100.0 8 100.0 96.7 95.6
26 50
0.0 98.5 5.0 100.0 4 100.0 97.9 97.2
36.2 51.5 33.8 52.0 52 74.5 65.9 54.5
27 45
19.0 95.5 14.0 85.0 10 99.9 97.8 97.1
27 44
10.7 88.8 14.6 84.0 15 97.3 90.1 86.8
1.7 94.4 5.7 98.8 19 94.5 88.1 84.1
26 41
10.1 94.4 5.0 100.0 18 95.1 98.9 98.5
40, 41
21.7 77.4 6.8 97.0 51 75.2 69.5 59.4
3.5 97.3 5.0 100.0 16 96.7 94.4 92.6
0.0 55.9 16.7 80.5 55 72.5 52.1 36.1
27 41
17.2 89.5 8.6 94.0 14 97.5 91.8 89.1
62.9 34.8 25.5 65.8 161 8.7 44.5 26.0
26, 28 41
4.4 98.8 5.0 100.0 3 100.0 96.4 95.2
38.6 71.7 12.5 87.5 30 87.8 76.6 68.8
30 52
0.0 7.8 62.0 5.0 146 17.8 31.4 8.5
0.5 92.8 5.0 100.0 44 79.5 93.7 91.6
23 36 53
100.0 29.1 24.3 67.8 99 45.9 27.0 2.7
0.6 88.7 24.6 67.3 10 100.0 91.2 88.2
23 37 41
100.0 56.6 24.3 67.8 77 59.6 73.4 64.6
28.4 88.2 8.4 94.3 23 92.2 94.7 92.9
15.1 64.0 26.1 64.8 80 57.6 83.1 77.5
29 41
40.7 79.4 6.0 98.3 15 97.2 85.1 80.1
23.2 79.2 32.3 54.5 48 77.2 99.7 99.6
2.5 94.0 6.8 97.0 13 98.1 96.4 95.2
100.0 57.4 28.8 60.3 55 73.0 58.3 44.4
21.3 58.7 15.3 82.8 85 54.7 60.4 47.2
26, 28
24.2 97.0 5.0 100.0 12 98.7 99.4 99.2
35.8 92.2 9.0 93.3 21 93.2 98.8 98.4
0.0 89.8 5.0 100.0 15 96.8 79.7 72.9
3.3 93.1 5.0 100.0 19 94.4 94.9 93.2
26 41
90.7 91.6 5.0 100.0 55 72.6 99.6 99.5
28 54
40.4 88.8 10.0 91.7 29 88.4 95.0 93.3
31.9 53.6 25.7 65.5 66 66.0 73.2 64.3
26 40
8.7 92.1 5.0 100.0 8 100.0 90.0 86.7
12.7 52.0 34.6 50.7 52 74.7 67.8 57.1
6.0 96.6 5.0 100.0 11 99.3 98.4 97.9
47.7 94.6 5.8 98.7 43 80.3 99.5 99.3
11.3 81.3 7.2 96.3 17 95.8 83.4 77.8
4.7 95.8 5.0 100.0 15 97.0 95.5 94.0
4.8 86.1 12.9 86.8 24 91.6 93.5 91.4
64.7 59.8 25.7 65.5 51 75.0 66.4 55.2
40, 41
42.5 40.8 48.3 27.8 87 53.1 61.4 48.6
100.0 56.8 31.8 55.3 89 52.4 83.6 78.1

5 10 25.0
65 175 100.0
artment of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at http://unstats
rs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, accessed 21 J, accessed 16 December 2014), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to 2010 population, 90 m resolution, unle, accessed 16 December 2014). Data refer to 2010 population.
ttp://, accessed 16 December 2014). Data refer to 2000 population., accessed 16 December 2014). Data refer to 2000 population.

d Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2012 Revision (available at, accessed 21 Jan 2015). Data refer to period 1993-2013.

refer to 1990.
refer to the latest available year within the 2000-2004 period., accessed 5 Dec 2014), and on age-related population data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Socia
5). Data is the 2011-2013 average.
Gross secondary 55
GNI per 66
enrolment ratio capita ($)

Value Max-min
54.3 49.2 672
97.6 97.3 4 946
31.5 23.9 4 518
105.4 100.0 12 686
107.3 100.0 13 373
96.6 96.2 3 652
100.3 100.0 6 421
92.9 92.1 21 512
95.5 95.0 19 671
53.6 48.5 926
104.7 100.0 15 100
86.0 84.5 4 596
54.2 49.1 753
77.7 75.2 2 277
80.0 77.8 2 234
57, 58
81.7 79.7 7 410
105.5 100.0 11 338
105.9 100.0 37 012
28.4 20.4 666
33.1 25.7 239
92.7 91.9 3 595
57, 58
45.0 38.9 852
50.4 44.9 1 188
17.8 8.7 439
22.8 14.2 444
89.0 87.8 13 916
89.0 87.8 5 623
93.0 92.2 6 901
63.9 59.9 855
53.7 48.5 2 671
108.9 100.0 8 628
39.1 32.3 1 239
92.1 91.2 6 297
95.3 94.8 29 236
97.7 97.4 614
43.3 37.0 386
46.2 40.2 1 629
96.7 96.4 6 665
75.9 73.2 5 395
103.3 100.0 5 271
86.3 84.8 2 924
70.2 66.9 3 589
28.2 20.2 16 089
29.8 22.0 444
28.9 21.0 395
88.3 86.9 3 986
58, 60
53.9 48.8 8 875
57.5 52.8 509
100.6 100.0 3 328
70.9 67.6 1 572
107.8 100.0 7 260
65.3 61.4 3 114
38.1 31.3 485
34.5 27.2 567
101.0 100.0 3 410
47.6 41.8 696
71.0 67.7 2 120
68.5 65.0 1 426
82.5 80.6 3 304
86.3 84.8 6 438
53.1 47.9 5 081
101.4 100.0 33 531
77.8 75.3 4 996
87.8 86.5 4 196
97.7 97.5 10 002
67.0 63.3 1 065
86.4 84.9 2 489
100.3 100.0 50 562
88.2 86.9 1 080
50.5 45.0 1 232
75.0 72.3 9 098
53.3 48.1 1 374
45.2 39.1 340
104.3 100.0 10 102
38.4 31.5 430
36.6 29.6 410
70.8 67.6 9 669
57, 58
72.3 69.2 6 645
44.9 38.8 666
102.9 100.0 4 425
29.5 21.7 1 261
95.9 95.4 9 079
85.7 84.1 9 523
83.2 81.4 3 167
91.6 90.6 3 063
68.9 65.4 3 009
26.0 17.8 546
50.2 44.7 1 063
64.8 60.9 5 505
71.5 68.4 11 200
66.6 62.9 659
68.9 65.5 1 689
15.9 6.6 389
43.8 37.6 2 276
93.5 92.8 19 899
38.3 31.5 1 222
88.7 87.5 9 287
84.0 82.3 8 638
40.2 33.5 1 704
69.6 66.2 3 483
89.8 88.6 5 626
84.6 82.9 2 947
111.6 100.0 78 936
97.2 96.9 24 866
32.6 25.1 592
101.2 100.0 13 620
88.4 87.1 6 398
102.9 100.0 6 282
85.7 84.1 3 319
80.4 78.2 1 431
116.2 100.0 24 020
41.0 34.4 1 006
79.5 77.2 11 137
44.7 38.5 567
106.9 100.0 50 612
48.4 42.7 1 402
7.4 0.0 119
110.8 100.0 7 358
4.2 0.0 573
99.3 99.3 2 811
40.7 34.2 1 511
76.0 73.3 8 609
60.7 56.3 3 237
47.7 41.9 2 012
87.0 85.6 1 091
87.0 85.5 5 414
56.6 51.8 3 767
54.9 49.9 491
90.9 89.9 4 153
56, 57
85.5 83.9 13 935
90.6 89.6 4 116
86.1 84.6 10 844
95.0 94.4 5 635
83.7 81.9 5 788
26.9 18.7 663
83.6 81.8 38 359
33.0 25.5 779
90.3 89.3 13 548
105.2 100.0 1 802
59.5 55.0 2 997
93.0 92.2 11 963
77.0 74.4 1 510
49.2 43.5 1 234
40.5 33.9 1 327
47.2 41.3 857

ase (available at, accessed 21 Jan 2015). The average distance to world markets is in km, the adjusted
rg/unsd/snaama, accessed 21 Jan 2015).
opulation, 90 m resolution, unless otherwise indicated., accessed 3 Nov 2014). Data refer to period 1994-2013.

artment of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2012 Revision, (available at http://esa.un.o
d markets is in km, the adjusted value is an index based on average distance and landlockedness.
sion, (available at, accessed 3 Nov 2014). Data refer to 2005.
CCODE ISO -3 Countries\Indicators Status EVI 1 index 2 Population

4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 38.8 27.6 32 358 260
12 DZA Algeria 26.5 13.7 35 980 193
24 AGO Angola LDC 51.3 37.9 19 618 432
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 41.3 51.7 89 612
32 ARG Argentina 25.4 31.8 40 764 561
44 BHS Bahamas 48.8 64.8 347 176
48 BHR Bahrain 37.4 53.7 1 323 535
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 32.4 34.6 150 493 658
52 BRB Barbados 29.3 39.3 273 925
84 BLZ Belize 49.5 59.5 317 928
204 BEN Benin LDC 36.2 39.3 9 099 922
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 44.2 42.5 738 267
68 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 33.6 40.6 10 088 108
72 BWA Botswana 43.0 47.1 2 030 738
76 BRA Brazil 21.8 23.7 196 655 014
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 38.7 47.5 405 938
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 37.5 36.1 16 967 845
108 BDI Burundi LDC 57.2 42.9 8 575 172
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 50.5 39.5 14 305 183
120 CMR Cameroon 23.4 28.9 20 030 362
132 CPV Cabo Verde 35.2 42.8 500 585
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 35.7 43.3 4 486 837
148 TCD Chad LDC 52.8 37.5 11 525 496
152 CHL Chile 31.2 34.5 17 269 525
156 CHN China 24.0 15.6 1 347 565 324
170 COL Colombia 23.1 25.1 46 927 125
174 COM Comoros LDC 49.9 56.8 753 943
178 COG Congo 36.4 38.5 4 139 748
188 CRI Costa Rica 32.5 33.8 4 726 575
192 CUB Cuba 37.9 32.7 11 253 665
384 CIV Côte D'Ivoire 20.9 30.1 20 152 894
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 47.7 25.4 24 451 285
180 COD Democratic Republic of the Co LDC 35.4 28.2 67 757 577
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 46.3 46.9 905 564
212 DMA Dominica 39.2 47.6 67 675
214 DOM Dominican Republic 24.5 25.3 10 056 181
218 ECU Ecuador 31.7 37.6 14 666 055
818 EGY Egypt 18.8 21.2 82 536 770
222 SLV El Salvador 31.0 32.5 6 227 491
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea LDC 43.7 43.5 720 213
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 59.0 25.7 5 415 280
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 33.5 31.0 84 734 262
242 FJI Fiji 44.9 52.0 868 406
266 GAB Gabon 33.0 44.4 1 534 262
270 GMB Gambia LDC 67.8 50.2 1 776 103
288 GHA Ghana 28.6 29.7 24 965 816
308 GRD Grenada 45.7 44.1 104 890
320 GTM Guatemala 24.3 27.6 14 757 316
324 GIN Guinea LDC 28.6 35.0 10 221 808
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 60.5 58.0 1 547 061
328 GUY Guyana 49.1 61.1 756 040
332 HTI Haiti LDC 47.3 35.8 10 123 787
340 HND Honduras 30.5 32.1 7 754 687
356 IND India 21.4 16.4 1 241 491 960
360 IDN Indonesia 22.6 26.8 242 325 638
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 40.4 19.6 74 798 599
368 IRQ Iraq 46.6 26.6 32 664 942
376 ISR Israel 13.5 17.9 7 562 194
388 JAM Jamaica 33.5 37.5 2 751 273
400 JOR Jordan 20.7 15.6 6 330 169
404 KEN Kenya 26.6 24.7 41 609 728
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 82.0 85.3 101 093
418 LAO Lao People’s Democratic RepublLDC 37.1 36.7 6 288 037
422 LBN Lebanon 26.9 20.8 4 259 405
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 45.9 46.5 2 193 843
430 LBR Liberia LDC 61.0 49.4 4 128 572
434 LBY Libya 27.6 26.7 6 422 772
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 38.0 33.7 21 315 135
454 MWI Malawi LDC 51.9 42.6 15 380 888
458 MYS Malaysia 22.2 30.0 28 859 154
462 MDV Maldives 55.2 71.8 320 081
466 MLI Mali LDC 36.8 37.5 15 839 538
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 44.2 43.3 3 541 540
480 MUS Mauritius 29.8 41.7 1 306 593
484 MEX Mexico 21.0 20.5 114 793 341
496 MNG Mongolia 52.5 36.6 2 800 114
504 MAR Morocco 18.4 12.8 32 272 974
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 44.4 40.1 23 929 708
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 45.0 34.8 48 336 763
516 NAM Namibia 39.1 38.3 2 324 004
524 NPL Nepal LDC 27.8 26.6 30 485 798
558 NIC Nicaragua 32.0 33.7 5 869 859
562 NER Niger LDC 38.6 33.1 16 068 994
566 NGA Nigeria 38.6 31.0 162 470 737
512 OMN Oman 35.2 37.0 2 846 145
586 PAK Pakistan 22.0 16.2 176 745 364
591 PAN Panama 27.1 34.2 3 571 185
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 38.3 42.4 7 013 829
600 PRY Paraguay 43.5 44.3 6 568 290
604 PER Peru 28.6 29.1 29 399 817
608 PHL Philippines 29.0 25.6 94 852 030
634 QAT Qatar 37.3 42.0 1 870 041
410 KOR Republic of Korea 15.3 17.2 48 391 343
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 47.3 38.7 10 942 950
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 48.5 49.8 53 051
662 LCA Saint Lucia 37.3 43.1 176 044
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 38.6 45.6 109 365
882 WSM Samoa LDC 51.1 66.6 183 874
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 46.1 56.0 168 526
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 25.5 27.5 28 082 541
686 SEN Senegal LDC 36.1 36.0 12 767 556
690 SYC Seychelles 44.5 52.8 86 879
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 48.5 41.1 5 997 486
702 SGP Singapore 30.6 33.4 5 187 933
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 55.2 63.1 552 267
706 SOM Somalia LDC 50.1 42.0 9 556 873
710 ZAF South Africa 26.0 24.9 50 459 978
144 LKA Sri Lanka 26.2 28.3 21 045 394
736 SDN Sudan LDC 44.4 29.9 44 632 406
740 SUR Suriname 70.3 66.9 529 419
748 SWZ Swaziland 44.3 44.4 1 203 330
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 25.7 15.9 20 766 037
764 THA Thailand 24.8 25.1 69 518 555
626 TLS Timor-Leste LDC 53.3 50.6 1 153 834
768 TGO Togo LDC 35.4 37.9 6 154 813
776 TON Tonga 59.6 75.3 104 509
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 35.8 39.9 1 346 350
788 TUN Tunisia 20.2 16.4 10 594 057
792 TUR Turkey 12.4 4.2 73 639 596
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 63.9 79.4 9 847
800 UGA Uganda LDC 36.2 28.8 34 509 205
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 35.2 31.4 7 890 924
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 28.7 26.9 46 218 486
858 URY Uruguay 34.9 42.0 3 380 008
548 VUT Vanuatu LDC 46.8 60.6 245 619
862 VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 31.9 30.9 29 436 891
704 VNM Viet Nam 30.9 36.1 88 791 996
887 YEM Yemen LDC 38.5 28.7 24 799 880
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 53.0 42.3 13 474 959
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 44.9 35.9 12 754 378

Bounds: 150 000

100 000 000
1 The EVI is calculated at 50 per cent of the figures for the Exposure index and the Shock index.
2 The Exposure Index is calculated at 25 per cent each of the max-min figures for Population (Size index), Remo
3 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), Population Division, World P
4 Source: United Nations, UN/DESA, CDP Secretariat, based on distance data by Centre d'Etudes Prospectives
5 Source: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University. Low Eleva
6 The Economic structure index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Export conce
7 Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), (available at http://unctadstat.un
8 Source: United Nations, UN/DESA, Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database, (availab
9 The Shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the figures for the Natural shock index and the ma
10 The Natural shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Victims per 100,00
11 Source: United Nations, UN/DESA, CDP Secretariat, based on disaster data from OFDA/CRED International Di
12 Source: United Nations, CDP Secretariat, based on agricultural production data from Food and Agriculture Or
13 Source: United Nations, CDP Secretariat, based on United Nations Statistics Division National Accounts Main
14 The HAI is calculated at 25 per cent each of the figures for the prevalence of undernourishment, under-five m
15 Source: FAO, State of Food Insecurity 2011, (data available at
16 original data "<5%"
17 Data from 2009 triennial review
18 Provisional estimate, calculated from regional estimates in FAO, State of Food Insecurity 2011.
19 Year 2005-2007, FAO State of Food Insecurity 2010.
20 Source: United Nations, UN/DESA, Population Division, World Population Prospects 2010 Revision, (available
21 Average of 2005 and 2010. Source: United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation: Levels
22 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Data Centre (available at htpp://, accessed 2
23 UIS estimation
24 UNDP International Human Development indicators, (available at, accessed 20 October 2
25 ECLAC CEPALSTAT Social Indicators and Statistics, accessed 30 October 2011
26 UNDP Djibouti National Human Development Report 2007
27 ADB Statistical Database System, accessed 27 October 2011
28 ADB Country Partnership Strategy Kiribati 2010-2014
29 UNDP National MDG Report 2007
30 ADB Country Partnership Strategy Tuvalu 2008-2012
31 Most recent data available
32 Estimate based on literacy data collected in Northern Sudan
33 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Data Centre (available at, accessed 16-Nov-
34 UIS estimation
35 National estimate
36 UNICEF: The State of the World's Children 2011, (available at accessed: 27-Oct-201
37 Gross attendance ration, Source: Institute Haitien de l'Enfance and Macro International Inc, Haiti Demograph
38 Net attendance ratio, Source: Central Bureau of Statistics of the DPRK and UNICEF, Multiple Indicator Cluster
39 Net enrolment ratio, CDP Secretariat estimate
40 ADB Country Partnership Strategy Papua New Guinea 2006-2010
41 Most recent data available
42 Source: World Bank Development Indicators Database (available at, accessed 21-D
43 United Nations, UN/DESA, Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database, (available at http
Share of population in low Structural
Population 3 Remoteness 4 elevated coastal zones 5 index 6 Export concentration

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

17.4 54.443 55.6 0.00 0.00 37.4 0.26
15.7 2.706 0.0 3.96 5.66 33.3 0.56
25.0 59.679 62.1 5.28 7.54 56.9 0.97
100.0 52.093 52.6 31.14 44.48 9.7 0.24
13.8 80.592 88.2 10.93 15.62 9.7 0.15
87.1 51.908 52.4 87.63 100.00 19.7 0.42
66.5 36.630 33.3 77.42 100.00 14.9 0.35
0.0 43.272 41.6 45.56 65.09 31.5 0.38
90.7 54.242 55.3 4.34 6.21 4.9 0.16
88.4 61.663 64.6 40.33 57.62 27.5 0.41
36.9 47.041 46.3 20.95 29.93 44.1 0.36
75.5 56.614 58.3 0.00 0.00 36.1 0.46
35.3 88.625 98.3 0.00 0.00 28.7 0.42
59.9 86.358 95.4 0.00 0.00 32.9 0.64
0.0 73.619 79.5 6.67 9.53 5.7 0.13
84.7 56.713 58.4 9.47 13.53 33.5 0.67
27.3 56.924 58.7 0.00 0.00 58.6 0.54
37.8 71.380 76.7 0.00 0.00 57.1 0.51
29.9 50.283 50.4 23.87 34.10 43.7 0.35
24.7 48.530 48.2 2.89 4.13 38.6 0.43
81.5 46.966 46.2 12.68 18.12 25.5 0.44
47.7 63.115 66.4 0.00 0.00 59.0 0.35
33.2 54.619 55.8 0.00 0.00 60.9 0.86
27.0 81.949 89.9 2.21 3.16 18.0 0.37
0.0 40.217 37.8 11.40 16.28 8.2 0.10
11.6 63.882 67.4 3.53 5.04 16.3 0.29
75.2 64.433 68.0 14.29 20.41 63.5 0.50
49.0 55.967 57.5 2.95 4.21 43.3 0.78
46.9 63.930 67.4 2.36 3.37 17.4 0.31
33.6 55.362 56.7 13.34 19.06 21.5 0.41
24.6 49.514 49.4 6.34 9.05 37.4 0.35
21.7 44.591 43.2 10.22 14.59 22.0 0.18
6.0 56.025 57.5 0.04 0.05 49.1 0.35
72.3 46.776 46.0 40.58 57.97 11.4 0.25
100.0 53.203 54.0 6.73 9.62 26.8 0.38
35.3 53.448 54.3 3.25 4.65 6.7 0.14
29.5 67.811 72.3 14.02 20.03 28.5 0.50
3.0 20.542 13.2 38.19 54.56 14.1 0.16
42.7 63.843 67.3 2.62 3.75 16.3 0.22
75.9 48.800 48.5 6.38 9.11 40.4 0.77
44.8 41.516 39.4 1.67 2.38 16.3 0.17
2.5 62.615 65.8 0.00 0.00 55.5 0.35
73.0 83.826 92.3 17.56 25.09 17.5 0.22
64.2 51.977 52.5 14.05 20.08 40.6 0.76
62.0 46.162 45.2 37.55 53.64 40.0 0.37
21.3 48.394 48.0 3.68 5.25 44.1 0.42
100.0 55.414 56.8 6.43 9.19 10.6 0.22
29.4 63.858 67.3 1.37 1.95 11.5 0.14
35.1 49.343 49.2 7.95 11.36 44.6 0.52
64.1 47.271 46.6 26.11 37.30 83.9 0.89
75.1 58.062 60.1 54.63 78.04 31.2 0.36
35.2 54.282 55.4 9.19 13.12 39.5 0.49
39.3 62.809 66.0 4.62 6.60 16.6 0.23
0.0 41.541 39.4 6.27 8.96 17.3 0.15
0.0 61.392 64.2 19.62 28.03 15.0 0.15
4.5 29.408 24.3 2.11 3.01 46.7 0.77
17.2 25.871 19.8 11.60 16.56 52.9 0.97
39.7 20.262 12.8 5.38 7.68 11.3 0.28
55.3 56.296 57.9 7.88 11.25 25.5 0.47
42.4 21.242 14.1 0.03 0.04 5.7 0.17
13.5 56.076 57.6 0.91 1.31 26.6 0.20
100.0 77.723 84.7 100.00 100.00 56.4 0.70
42.5 61.470 64.3 0.00 0.00 39.8 0.33
48.5 18.645 10.8 13.75 19.64 4.0 0.10
58.7 88.896 98.6 0.00 0.00 28.8 0.49
49.0 50.463 50.6 15.08 21.55 76.4 0.55
42.2 8.432 0.0 15.56 22.23 42.4 0.80
23.8 69.235 74.0 5.52 7.89 28.9 0.22
28.8 80.148 87.7 0.00 0.00 54.1 0.60
19.1 54.777 56.0 23.51 33.58 11.4 0.16
88.3 55.605 57.0 100.00 100.00 41.8 0.75
28.3 58.700 60.9 0.00 0.00 60.8 0.58
51.4 41.473 39.3 29.25 41.78 40.7 0.47
66.7 70.396 75.5 9.41 13.45 11.1 0.25
0.0 64.984 68.7 5.66 8.09 5.1 0.15
55.0 54.760 56.0 0.00 0.00 35.4 0.44
17.4 15.698 7.1 8.04 11.48 15.2 0.16
22.0 72.242 77.8 11.79 16.84 43.6 0.44
11.2 46.824 46.0 25.78 36.83 45.3 0.33
57.9 69.535 74.4 2.59 3.70 17.3 0.27
18.3 56.607 58.3 0.00 0.00 29.9 0.14
43.6 63.579 67.0 2.09 2.98 21.1 0.19
28.1 54.527 55.7 0.00 0.00 48.6 0.30
0.0 46.801 46.0 6.08 8.68 69.5 0.81
54.7 43.253 41.6 18.26 26.09 25.7 0.53
0.0 39.966 37.5 2.94 4.20 23.0 0.20
51.2 62.827 66.0 7.36 10.52 8.8 0.18
40.9 75.707 82.1 2.74 3.91 42.5 0.36
41.9 90.975 100.0 0.00 0.00 35.1 0.37
18.8 73.620 79.5 1.79 2.55 15.3 0.27
0.8 52.981 53.7 17.70 25.29 22.5 0.31
61.2 38.033 35.0 33.10 47.29 24.6 0.52
11.2 45.331 44.2 6.16 8.80 4.7 0.16
34.0 70.288 75.4 0.00 0.00 45.5 0.38
100.0 52.211 52.8 17.08 24.41 22.1 0.45
97.5 53.954 54.9 4.28 6.12 13.6 0.29
100.0 54.551 55.7 9.11 13.02 13.8 0.25
96.9 82.176 90.2 23.57 33.67 45.7 0.73
98.2 52.314 52.9 26.04 37.20 35.6 0.47
19.5 35.674 32.1 13.46 19.23 39.3 0.75
31.7 45.365 44.2 31.48 44.97 23.2 0.28
100.0 61.586 64.5 17.43 24.89 22.0 0.45
43.3 49.406 49.3 9.68 13.83 58.0 0.26
45.5 56.121 57.7 14.99 21.41 8.9 0.25
80.0 79.300 86.6 19.47 27.81 58.0 0.68
36.1 55.402 56.8 4.98 7.11 68.1 0.41
10.5 76.282 82.9 1.05 1.50 4.6 0.15
24.0 53.304 54.1 11.79 16.84 18.2 0.22
12.4 39.110 36.4 0.55 0.79 70.2 0.83
80.6 58.066 60.1 76.16 100.00 26.9 0.49
68.0 87.389 96.7 0.00 0.00 13.0 0.22
24.2 19.689 12.1 0.62 0.88 26.5 0.27
5.6 48.508 48.1 26.32 37.60 9.2 0.09
68.6 67.922 72.4 3.49 4.99 56.5 0.64
42.9 47.482 46.9 11.91 17.01 44.8 0.20
100.0 85.000 93.8 42.95 61.36 45.9 0.62
66.3 56.297 57.9 12.58 17.97 17.4 0.40
34.5 0.000 0.0 14.77 21.09 10.1 0.17
4.7 3.537 0.0 3.67 5.25 6.8 0.09
100.0 81.427 89.3 99.50 100.00 28.5 0.29
16.4 68.799 73.5 0.00 0.00 25.5 0.21
39.1 40.364 38.0 21.64 30.92 17.7 0.40
11.9 60.794 63.5 2.25 3.22 29.1 0.19
52.1 80.415 88.0 10.58 15.11 12.9 0.20
92.4 82.939 91.2 4.53 6.47 52.3 0.70
18.8 57.716 59.6 6.79 9.69 35.4 0.66
1.8 45.287 44.1 55.10 78.71 19.9 0.15
21.4 43.617 42.0 2.37 3.38 48.0 0.79
30.8 80.572 88.2 0.00 0.00 50.2 0.68
31.7 82.474 90.6 0.00 0.00 21.3 0.19

10 0 0.10
90 70 0.95

d the Shock index.

s for Population (Size index), Remoteness (Location index) and Share of population in low elevated coastal zones (environment index) and
ESA), Population Division, World Population Prospects 2010 Revision, (available at, accessed 22-Ju
by Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (CEPII) and data on exports and imports of goods and services (2008-20
N), Columbia University. Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Urban-Rural Estimates, Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), Alpha V
max-min figures for Export concentration and Shares of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
(available at, accessed 12-Oct-11). Data is the 2008-2010 average.
ain Aggregates Database, (available at, accessed 21-Dec-2011). Data is the 2008-2010 average.
e Natural shock index and the max-min figures for Export instability (Trade shock index).
min figures for Victims per 100,000 population and Agricultural instability.
from OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database (EM-DAT), (available at, accessed at 7-Dec-11), and on population
data from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), (available at http://, accessed at 23-Aug-11). Data period is 1990
s Division National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at, accessed 21-Dec-2011), and Inte
f undernourishment, under-five mortality rate, literacy rate and grosss secondary enrolment ratio., accessed on 1 November 2011), unless indicated otherwise. Data period is 2006-2008

od Insecurity 2011.

rospects 2010 Revision, (available at, accessed on 21-Oct-2011), unless indicated otherwise. Data
Child Mortality Estimation: Levels and Trends of Child Mortality Report 2011 (available at, accessed 17-Oct-2011).
//, accessed 27-Oct-2011), unlike indicated otherwise. Data refers to the latest available year within the 2005-2010 pe, accessed 20 October 2011)., accessed 16-Nov-2011), unless indicated otherwise. Data refers to the latest available year within the 2006-2011 period. accessed: 27-Oct-2011).

nternational Inc, Haiti Demographic Health Survey 2005-2006
UNICEF, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2009, accessed 21-Dec-2011), unless indicated otherwise. Data period in 2008-2010. Gross national income is in current US$
egates Database, (available at, accessed 21-Dec-2011).
Shares of agriculture, Shock Victims of natural Agricultural
Export concentration 7 forestry and fisheries 8 index 9 Shock 10 disasters (%) 11 instability

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

19.4 33.7 55.5 50.1 52.2 1.279 72.9 7.31
54.6 8.0 11.9 39.3 35.7 0.076 35.8 8.08
100.0 9.1 13.8 64.7 39.8 0.345 55.7 5.91
16.0 3.0 3.5 30.9 52.6 2.565 82.1 5.77
5.7 9.1 13.8 18.9 34.1 0.180 47.2 5.41
37.7 2.0 1.7 32.9 51.9 0.350 55.9 10.37
29.7 0.4 0.0 21.2 18.7 0.000 0.0 8.40
33.0 18.8 30.1 30.3 52.6 6.053 93.4 3.70
7.5 2.4 2.3 19.4 30.7 0.099 39.3 5.59
36.5 11.9 18.4 39.5 61.2 4.100 88.3 7.83
30.2 35.3 58.1 33.0 48.3 1.338 73.5 5.77
41.9 18.9 30.3 45.9 53.0 0.638 63.8 9.32
37.3 12.9 20.1 26.7 40.8 1.332 73.5 3.01
63.3 2.4 2.4 38.9 48.8 0.780 66.4 7.27
3.0 5.9 8.4 20.0 32.7 0.490 60.3 2.45
66.9 0.8 0.0 30.0 27.0 0.000 0.0 11.50
52.2 39.3 65.0 39.0 41.8 0.220 49.8 7.77
48.6 39.7 65.6 71.4 62.9 2.251 80.4 9.90
28.9 35.5 58.5 61.4 63.6 6.907 95.1 7.45
38.5 23.8 38.7 17.8 8.1 0.012 11.9 2.32
39.6 7.8 11.5 27.5 46.1 0.530 61.4 7.22
29.0 53.5 89.1 28.0 30.0 0.199 48.4 3.65
89.7 20.0 32.1 68.2 56.9 2.465 81.6 7.47
32.0 3.4 4.1 27.9 38.9 1.138 71.4 2.70
0.5 10.4 16.0 32.4 50.0 10.030 100.0 1.51
22.0 7.3 10.7 21.0 37.0 1.075 70.7 2.12
46.9 48.2 80.0 43.0 46.9 2.231 80.3 4.02
80.5 4.6 6.1 34.4 29.4 0.259 52.0 2.78
24.6 7.0 10.2 31.1 44.4 1.990 78.8 3.36
36.3 5.0 6.8 43.1 68.9 5.553 92.3 9.92
29.6 27.6 45.1 11.7 6.5 0.005 0.0 3.91
9.8 21.2 34.3 70.1 60.9 2.705 82.8 8.72
29.4 41.6 68.8 42.6 22.2 0.042 27.9 4.54
17.9 3.9 5.0 45.7 66.0 7.069 95.4 8.25
33.0 13.2 20.7 30.8 48.7 0.972 69.3 6.71
4.9 6.0 8.6 23.7 39.9 0.802 66.8 3.89
47.3 6.8 9.8 25.8 41.9 0.575 62.4 5.46
6.8 13.6 21.4 16.4 13.4 0.022 19.4 2.89
13.8 12.0 18.7 29.4 46.6 1.923 78.3 4.24
78.9 2.1 1.8 43.9 4.4 0.000 0.0 3.13
8.1 15.5 24.6 92.2 84.5 7.515 96.2 14.95
29.7 49.0 81.3 36.0 47.6 2.444 81.5 4.04
13.9 13.4 21.1 37.8 57.0 3.290 85.4 6.80
78.1 2.8 3.1 21.6 9.7 0.009 7.1 3.79
31.5 29.6 48.5 85.4 70.8 0.360 56.3 17.27
37.5 30.9 50.7 27.6 41.1 1.110 71.1 3.57
14.5 4.9 6.7 47.2 60.5 3.021 84.3 8.29
4.6 11.9 18.4 21.1 40.1 1.487 74.9 2.49
49.4 24.4 39.7 22.2 26.3 0.193 48.1 2.35
92.7 45.3 75.1 63.1 38.3 0.710 65.2 3.61
30.8 19.7 31.6 37.2 59.8 7.161 95.6 5.95
46.2 20.4 32.8 58.8 51.7 4.345 89.0 4.15
14.8 11.8 18.3 28.9 53.5 3.170 84.9 5.60
5.7 18.0 28.9 26.4 50.2 4.408 89.2 3.58
6.2 15.0 23.8 18.4 33.7 0.439 58.9 3.08
78.9 9.5 14.4 61.2 50.2 3.158 84.8 4.39
100.0 4.4 5.8 66.5 33.0 0.013 12.5 11.40
21.1 1.9 1.6 9.2 11.5 0.015 14.4 3.08
43.1 5.6 7.9 29.5 49.5 1.978 78.7 5.24
8.8 2.6 2.7 25.8 49.1 0.370 56.6 9.17
11.2 25.8 42.0 28.4 56.8 6.945 95.2 4.89
70.7 25.8 42.1 78.7 57.4 5.094 91.1 5.89
27.6 31.7 52.0 37.4 57.5 4.296 88.9 6.35
0.4 5.5 7.6 33.1 33.4 0.189 47.8 5.02
45.9 7.9 11.7 45.2 63.8 3.363 85.7 9.27
52.8 71.5 100.0 72.6 45.1 0.065 33.7 11.96
82.7 2.3 2.1 28.4 7.7 0.000 0.0 4.36
13.8 27.0 44.0 42.4 46.7 2.203 80.1 3.96
59.3 29.9 48.9 61.2 75.5 7.795 96.7 11.56
7.6 9.9 15.1 14.4 24.6 0.099 39.2 3.36
76.4 5.2 7.1 38.6 53.7 1.025 70.0 8.40
56.3 39.6 65.3 36.1 47.5 0.820 67.1 6.65
43.9 23.1 37.4 45.1 45.4 3.627 86.7 2.26
17.4 3.9 4.9 17.9 31.4 0.054 31.2 7.34
6.0 3.5 4.2 21.6 33.1 0.508 60.8 2.49
40.1 19.1 30.7 68.5 75.0 6.554 94.4 11.78
7.5 14.5 22.9 24.0 45.6 0.090 38.1 11.34
40.6 28.5 46.6 48.7 66.9 4.855 90.5 9.53
27.4 38.3 63.2 55.2 34.5 0.428 58.5 3.45
20.3 9.5 14.3 39.9 68.8 3.605 86.6 10.92
5.2 33.2 54.6 28.9 35.2 0.742 65.8 2.37
11.2 19.3 31.1 30.2 48.6 2.501 81.8 4.35
23.9 44.3 73.4 44.2 63.6 5.612 92.4 7.94
83.0 34.0 55.9 46.1 28.1 0.104 39.9 4.51
51.1 1.2 0.4 33.4 32.1 0.039 27.2 8.36
12.1 21.0 33.9 27.8 41.9 2.001 78.8 2.41
9.9 5.6 7.8 20.0 29.9 0.294 53.6 2.63
30.1 33.4 54.9 34.2 37.9 1.229 72.4 2.14
31.7 23.8 38.6 42.7 46.0 0.855 67.6 6.00
20.1 7.2 10.6 28.1 46.5 1.855 77.8 4.32
24.9 12.9 20.1 32.3 49.7 5.169 91.3 3.00
49.2 0.1 0.0 32.5 30.8 0.000 0.0 12.88
6.6 2.7 2.8 13.3 22.6 0.089 37.9 2.85
33.4 35.0 57.6 55.8 70.2 1.255 72.7 14.02
41.7 2.5 2.5 47.3 84.1 1.453 74.6 18.80
22.4 3.9 4.9 31.6 52.0 0.125 42.3 12.92
17.5 6.9 10.0 31.5 45.6 0.060 32.8 12.32
74.6 10.9 16.8 35.5 53.8 2.865 83.6 5.93
43.1 17.6 28.1 36.2 13.8 0.000 0.0 6.60
75.9 2.6 2.7 23.5 6.9 0.005 0.0 4.06
21.0 15.9 25.3 36.3 66.3 0.653 64.1 14.18
41.1 2.7 2.9 36.2 48.8 0.796 66.7 7.24
18.6 58.5 97.4 55.9 53.4 0.277 52.8 11.49
17.7 0.0 0.0 27.9 50.0 0.000 0.0 24.99
68.8 28.9 47.2 47.4 48.4 1.592 75.8 5.39
36.3 60.2 100.0 58.2 57.1 5.882 93.0 5.42
6.1 2.8 3.1 27.0 49.4 1.659 76.4 5.64
13.5 14.4 22.8 24.1 48.1 2.471 81.6 4.19
86.0 33.1 54.4 58.9 50.4 2.865 83.6 4.69
45.7 5.8 8.1 73.7 47.5 0.311 54.3 9.01
14.6 7.7 11.4 44.2 56.2 7.651 96.5 4.45
20.0 20.5 33.0 35.6 49.7 0.436 58.8 9.00
0.0 11.8 18.3 24.4 48.8 5.084 91.1 2.69
63.3 30.3 49.6 56.1 27.1 0.067 34.1 5.21
12.3 46.6 77.2 32.8 43.6 0.603 63.0 5.95
60.8 19.3 31.0 44.0 54.5 1.202 72.1 8.31
34.8 0.5 0.0 31.8 17.9 0.008 6.9 6.84
7.7 8.4 12.5 24.0 46.5 0.017 16.2 15.70
0.0 9.0 13.5 20.6 34.1 0.491 60.3 2.95
21.8 21.8 35.2 48.4 38.1 0.082 36.8 8.80
12.9 23.4 38.0 43.6 38.0 0.771 66.3 3.28
35.4 0.9 0.0 39.0 49.6 0.000 0.0 19.85
10.7 29.0 47.4 30.5 51.1 1.451 74.6 6.60
11.2 9.6 14.6 27.8 40.8 0.267 52.3 6.90
70.5 21.1 34.1 33.0 56.3 2.775 83.1 6.96
65.8 4.0 5.0 32.8 30.8 0.181 47.2 4.16
5.4 21.2 34.3 25.7 43.8 2.454 81.5 2.61
80.6 10.1 15.4 48.2 27.4 0.127 42.6 3.76
67.7 20.3 32.7 63.8 62.7 4.251 88.7 8.27
10.5 19.9 32.1 53.9 80.1 6.376 94.1 13.74

1 0.005 1.5
60 10.000 20.0

al zones (environment index) and the figures for the Economic structure index.
d/wpp/index.htm, accessed 22-Jul-11. Data refer to 2011).
rts of goods and services (2008-2010) from United Nations Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (available at h
apping Project (GRUMP), Alpha Version. Palisades, NY: Socioeconomic Data and Application, available at

is the 2008-2010 average.

ed at 7-Dec-11), and on population data from United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects 2010 Revision, (available htt
t 23-Aug-11). Data period is 1990-2009.
, accessed 21-Dec-2011), and International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics (available at, acce

herwise. Data period is 2006-2008.

unless indicated otherwise. Data period is 2005-2010.

.org, accessed 17-Oct-2011).
able year within the 2005-2010 period.

ear within the 2006-2011 period.

s national income is in current US$, using the Atlas Method as conversion factor.
Prevalence of
Agricultural Under 5 mortality
instability 12 Export instability 13 HAI 14 undernourishment in 15 (per 1000) 20
total population (%)

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

31.4 19.40 48.0 22.5 37.0 46.7 18 202 0.0
35.6 17.84 42.8 86.1 5.0 100.0 16 32 86.6
23.9 31.88 89.6 31.6 41.0 40.0 170 2.8
23.1 7.78 9.3 93.0 21.0 73.3 10 100.0 21
21.1 6.12 3.7 94.5 5.0 100.0 16 16 96.7
47.9 9.14 13.8 95.2 6.0 98.3 20 94.1
16, 17
37.3 12.12 23.7 97.1 5.0 100.0 9 100.0
11.9 7.36 7.9 54.7 26.0 65.0 61 68.9
22.1 7.43 8.1 99.0 5.0 100.0 16 16 96.4
34.2 10.30 17.7 82.9 5.0 100.0 22 92.8
23.1 10.31 17.7 41.1 12.0 88.3 136 23.8
42.3 16.64 38.8 59.0 20.0 75.0 17 63 67.6
8.2 8.78 12.6 74.8 27.0 63.3 61 69.3
31.2 13.68 28.9 73.5 25.0 66.7 58 70.9
5.1 7.18 7.3 93.4 6.0 98.3 29 88.4
54.0 14.87 32.9 98.4 5.0 100.0 16 6 100.0
33.9 15.83 36.1 29.2 8.0 95.0 167 4.9
45.4 28.98 79.9 20.8 62.0 5.0 164 6.4
32.1 22.76 59.2 57.9 25.0 66.7 85 54.7
4.4 13.23 27.4 45.5 22.0 71.7 152 13.8
30.9 7.68 8.9 86.8 11.0 90.0 24 91.2
11.6 12.80 26.0 21.6 40.0 41.7 173 1.3
32.3 28.82 79.4 18.1 39.0 43.3 209 0.0
6.5 10.05 16.8 96.2 5.0 100.0 16 9 100.0
0.0 9.44 14.8 87.9 10.0 91.7 26 90.1
3.3 6.53 5.1 92.6 9.0 93.3 26 90.3
13.6 16.74 39.1 45.3 47.0 30.0 100 45.3
6.9 16.81 39.4 59.3 13.0 86.7 114 37.2
10.0 10.35 17.8 98.4 5.0 100.0 16 11 99.2
45.5 10.18 17.3 97.0 5.0 100.0 16 7 100.0
13.0 10.06 16.9 43.8 14.0 85.0 122 31.9
39.0 28.77 79.2 83.1 35.0 50.0 35 85.0
16.5 23.91 63.0 21.7 69.0 0.0 19 192 0.0
36.5 12.61 25.4 42.4 26.0 65.0 115 36.3
28.2 8.87 12.9 95.1 5.0 100.0 16 13 98.2 21
12.9 7.26 7.5 78.1 24.0 68.3 33 86.0
21.4 7.90 9.7 82.8 15.0 83.3 26 90.5
7.5 10.80 19.3 81.6 5.0 100.0 16 30 88.0
14.8 8.67 12.2 80.4 9.0 93.3 26 90.3
8.8 30.03 83.4 43.0 30.0 58.3 17 167 4.7
72.7 35.44 100.0 35.6 65.0 0.0 72 62.6
13.7 12.32 24.4 28.2 41.0 40.0 113 37.6
28.7 10.59 18.6 92.0 5.0 100.0 16 22 92.4
12.4 15.04 33.5 72.8 5.0 100.0 77 59.6
85.2 40.41 100.0 49.2 19.0 76.7 105 42.6
11.2 9.23 14.1 70.1 5.0 100.0 16 74 61.4
36.7 15.18 33.9 90.9 21.0 73.3 17 95.8
5.4 5.64 2.1 68.4 22.0 71.7 39 82.2
4.6 10.40 18.0 36.8 16.0 81.7 150 15.0
11.4 31.34 87.8 34.2 22.0 71.7 198 0.0
24.1 9.34 14.5 89.4 8.0 95.0 53 73.7
14.3 24.79 66.0 35.6 57.0 13.3 83 55.6
22.1 6.29 4.3 79.8 12.0 88.3 39 82.1
11.2 5.75 2.5 61.2 19.0 76.7 72 62.2
8.6 5.94 3.1 83.1 13.0 86.7 36 84.0
15.6 26.65 72.2 86.4 5.0 100.0 16 37 83.9
53.5 42.74 100.0 68.0 21.0 73.3 17 42 80.3
8.5 7.07 6.9 96.5 5.0 100.0 16 5 100.0
20.2 7.89 9.6 91.4 5.0 100.0 29 88.5
41.5 5.75 2.5 92.7 5.0 100.0 16 25 91.0
18.3 4.99 0.0 59.1 33.0 53.3 101 44.7
23.7 39.34 100.0 86.9 5.0 100.0 53 74.2 21
26.2 10.20 17.3 61.4 22.0 71.7 57 71.7
19.0 14.86 32.9 88.8 5.0 100.0 16 27 89.7
42.0 12.95 26.5 62.1 14.0 85.0 115 36.6
56.5 89.46 100.0 38.5 32.0 55.0 126 29.8
15.5 19.72 49.1 93.4 5.0 100.0 16 17 95.8
13.3 16.45 38.2 52.5 25.0 66.7 64 67.2
54.4 19.07 46.9 44.1 27.0 63.3 136 23.8
10.1 6.26 4.2 88.9 5.0 100.0 16 10 99.9
37.3 12.04 23.5 91.7 10.0 91.7 15 97.2
27.9 12.39 24.6 30.2 12.0 88.3 193 0.0
4.1 18.44 44.8 47.1 8.0 95.0 119 34.0
31.6 6.30 4.3 92.2 5.0 100.0 15 96.8
5.3 8.04 10.1 92.6 5.0 100.0 16 20 93.8
55.6 23.57 61.9 82.8 27.0 63.3 44 79.2
53.2 5.70 2.3 68.9 5.0 100.0 16 38 82.9
43.4 14.13 30.4 30.7 38.0 45.0 141 20.6
10.5 27.74 75.8 68.8 20.0 75.0 18 73 61.7
50.9 8.29 11.0 74.3 18.0 78.3 53 74.1
4.7 11.79 22.6 59.8 17.0 80.0 49 76.6
15.4 8.56 11.9 76.0 19.0 76.7 26 90.5
34.8 12.42 24.7 24.3 16.0 81.7 164 6.8
16.3 24.22 64.1 48.9 6.0 98.3 156 11.5
37.1 15.40 34.7 95.3 5.0 100.0 16 11 99.1
4.9 9.11 13.7 45.9 25.0 66.7 94 49.2
6.1 8.05 10.2 84.4 15.0 83.3 24 91.6
3.5 14.15 30.5 53.9 14.0 85.0 17 66 66.1
24.3 16.82 39.4 82.6 10.0 91.7 38 82.8
15.2 7.88 9.6 86.2 16.0 81.7 33 86.2
8.1 9.49 15.0 87.9 13.0 86.7 30 87.7
61.5 15.26 34.2 96.3 5.0 100.0 16 11 99.3
7.3 6.23 4.1 98.2 5.0 100.0 16 5 100.0
67.7 17.43 41.4 42.2 32.0 55.0 128 28.3
93.5 8.13 10.4 94.0 16.0 81.7 10 100.0 21
61.7 8.34 11.1 94.9 8.0 95.0 17 95.8
58.5 10.22 17.4 93.3 5.0 100.0 28 89.0
24.0 10.17 17.2 92.8 5.0 100.0 16 27 89.8
27.6 22.57 58.6 74.9 5.0 100.0 16 76 59.8
13.8 17.02 40.1 93.6 5.0 100.0 16 21 93.1
68.5 6.88 6.3 47.0 19.0 76.7 96 48.1
31.0 12.08 23.6 95.4 8.0 95.0 14 97.6 21
54.0 22.54 58.5 24.8 35.0 50.0 174 0.6
16, 17
100.0 6.72 5.7 98.0 5.0 100.0 2 100.0
21.0 18.90 46.3 65.1 11.0 90.0 54 73.1
21.2 22.77 59.2 1.4 62.0 5.0 18 174 0.5
22.4 6.42 4.7 84.0 5.0 100.0 16 79 58.1
14.6 5.04 0.1 86.3 20.0 75.0 14 97.3
17.3 25.24 67.5 52.6 22.0 71.7 98 46.4
40.6 43.29 100.0 84.0 15.0 83.3 30 88.0
15.9 14.67 32.2 62.5 19.0 76.7 113 37.3
40.6 11.45 21.5 86.0 5.0 100.0 16 17 95.7
6.4 4.68 0.0 86.3 16.0 81.7 14 97.6
20.1 30.52 85.1 48.1 31.0 56.7 92 50.4
24.1 11.64 22.1 45.5 30.0 58.3 116 35.7
16, 17
36.8 15.06 33.5 97.2 5.0 100.0 26 90.1
28.9 18.70 45.7 90.7 11.0 90.0 34 85.7
76.8 5.44 1.5 87.5 5.0 100.0 16 26 90.5
7.8 7.12 7.1 88.0 5.0 100.0 16 28 89.4
39.4 22.61 58.7 88.1 10.0 91.7 17 36 84.5
9.6 19.79 49.3 45.8 22.0 71.7 126 29.5 21
99.2 13.51 28.4 94.5 5.0 100.0 16 8 100.0
27.6 7.96 9.9 40.1 34.0 51.7 101 44.8
29.2 9.45 14.8 94.3 5.0 100.0 16 16 96.3
29.5 7.89 9.6 77.7 5.0 100.0 16 35 85.1
14.4 15.46 34.9 90.9 7.0 96.7 22 92.8
6.0 7.27 7.6 86.4 11.0 90.0 25 90.7
12.2 25.72 69.1 52.3 30.0 58.3 71 63.3
36.6 24.45 64.8 36.9 44.0 35.0 156 11.8
66.2 13.31 27.7 57.7 30.0 58.3 94 48.8

5 5 10
35 65 175

ates Database (available at, accessed 21-Dec-2011).

//, accessed 26 October 2011.
2010 Revision, (available, accessed 22-Jul-11). Data period is 1991-2010.

//, accessed 28-Oct-11). Data period is 1991-2010.

Gross secondary GNI per
Literacy rate 22 enrolment ratio 33 capita ($) 42

Value Max-min Value Max-min

24, 31
28 4.0 45.5 39.5 357
73 63.5 94.9 94.4 4 373
70 59.9 23 31.3 23.7 3 747
99 98.6 23 105.4 100.0 14 023
98 97.0 23 85.8 84.3 7 797
96 94.9 25 94.0 93.3 21 135
91 88.5 23 103.1 100.0 18 730
56 41.2 23 49.3 43.6 637
100 99.7 25 100.6 100.0 35 12 135
24, 31
75 66.8 74.8 72.0 3 787
22.2 23
34, 41
42 37.1 30.1 763
53 37.1 60.8 56.5 1 700
91 87.6 81.0 78.9 1 647
84 78.8 23 80.0 77.8 6 513
90 86.7 101.3 100.0 8 320
95 93.7 23 107.3 100.0 32 740
29 5.0 20.7 11.9 507
67 55.4 23 24.8 16.4 153
78 70.1 46.2 40.2 34 707
71 60.9 42.2 35.8 1 183
85 79.7 23 87.5 86.1 3 110
55 40.3 23 12.6 2.9 447
34 11.5 23 25.7 17.4 593
99 98.1 87.9 86.6 9 640
94 92.0 23 80.1 77.8 3 643
93 91.0 96.4 96.0 5 067
65.5 23
34, 41
74 46.3 40.4 727
74.8 24
34, 41
81 44.6 38.5 1 990
96 94.7 23 99.7 99.7 6 353
100 99.8 23 89.4 88.2 5 520
55 40.3 23 26.3 18.1 36 1 130
100 100.0 97.7 97.4 38 517 43
67 55.8 23 37.9 31.0 170
26, 31
55 39.5 36.1 28.9 1 235
24, 31
88 84.0 98.2 98.0 6 710
88 84.3 76.4 73.8 4 730
84 78.9 80.4 78.3 3 673
34, 41
66 55.2 84.7 83.1 2 153
84 78.8 63.1 59.0 3 360
93 91.1 23 26.2 18.0 36 15 090
67 55.4 23 31.9 24.4 293
30 6.4 23 35.7 28.6 343
27, 31
93 90.7 86.5 85.0 3 850
88 83.6 23 53.1 47.9 36 7 623
46 28.7 23 54.1 49.0 34 433
67 55.5 23 67.3 63.7 1 190
24, 31
96 94.7 107.9 100.0 6 997
74 66.0 23 58.5 53.9 2 680
39 19.3 23 38.1 31.2 34 377
52 36.3 23 36.0 28.9 547
99 99.1 25 91.0 90.0 2 637
49 31.6 23 47.6 41.8 37 645
84 78.1 73.5 70.5 1 810
63 50.3 60.2 55.7 1 210
92 89.6 75.1 72.3 2 203
85 80.0 83.5 81.7 4 310
78 70.7 23 52.9 47.7 2 223
24, 31
97 96.1 91.0 90.0 25 833
86 81.8 23 95.6 95.1 4 773
92 89.6 91.1 90.1 4 003
87 82.7 23 60.2 55.7 767
92 89.3 28 85.6 84.0 1 937
73 63.6 44.7 38.5 913
90 86.1 81.4 79.4 7 930
90 86.2 23 46.4 40.4 1 050
59 45.4 23 31.6 24.0 36 190
89 85.2 23 93.4 92.7 12 495
64 52.6 23 31.1 23.4 34 417
74 64.9 23 32.1 24.6 307
92 89.9 23 69.1 65.6 7 387
98 97.9 82.1 80.2 34 5 473
26 1.6 37.7 30.8 563
57 43.3 23 24.4 16.0 34 987
88 83.9 23 89.4 88.2 34 7 320
93 91.3 86.9 85.5 9 060
97 96.7 23 92.9 92.1 1 800
56 41.4 56.1 51.2 2 720
55 40.1 23 25.5 17.2 420
92 89.4 23 54.3 49.2 704 43
89 84.7 23 64.0 60.1 4 250
59 45.5 23 43.5 37.2 34 420
78 70.7 69.4 66.0 1 073
29 4.9 13.4 3.7 347
61 47.8 23 44.0 37.8 1 180
87 82.2 101.3 100.0 18 505
56 40.7 34.2 26.9 993
94 91.5 23 74.1 71.2 6 597
60 46.8 23 26.0 17.8 40 1 197
95 92.7 66.9 63.3 2 363
90 86.1 91.6 90.7 4 300
95 93.9 84.8 83.1 1 900
95 93.0 93.7 93.0 70 783 43
27, 31
97 96.0 97.1 96.7 20 433
71 60.9 23 32.2 24.6 477
24, 31
98 97.1 97.5 97.2 12 480
24, 31
95 93.1 96.1 95.7 6 387
24, 31
88 84.1 109.4 100.0 6 310
99 98.4 23 84.7 83.0 2 880
89 85.0 23 59.2 54.7 1 113
86 81.5 23 104.3 100.0 34 16 490
50 32.9 37.4 30.5 1 063
92 89.1 23 114.7 100.0 9 953
41 21.2 23 34.6 27.3 36 333
95 92.9 23 99.0 98.9 39 36 677
77 68.8 23 35.5 28.4 1 013
0.0 34 201 43
29, 31
19 0.0 7.8
89 85.0 93.8 93.1 5 893
34, 41
91 87.4 87.0 85.6 1 980
23, 32
70 60.3 39.0 32.2 1 213
95 92.8 74.8 72.0 5 615
87 82.6 23 58.1 53.5 2 537
84 78.9 23 72.4 69.3 2 517
94 91.3 77.2 74.7 3 837
51 34.1 56.3 51.4 2 233
57 42.5 50.9 45.4 34 460
99 98.7 101.3 100.0 3 283
99 98.3 23 89.9 88.8 34 16 153
78 70.1 90.5 89.4 4 053
91 87.8 77.6 75.1 9 403
82.7 36
30, 31
95 93.3 84.4 4 993
71 61.8 28.1 20.1 34 463
90 86.7 92.3 91.5 43 770
73 63.9 23 6.1 0.0 36 497
98 97.7 85.0 83.3 9 193
82 76.0 23 54.7 49.7 2 540
95 93.5 82.5 80.6 10 300
93 90.4 23 77.2 74.7 1 037
62 49.9 23 44.1 37.9 34 1 020
71 61.2 23 45.6 39.6 36 1 010
92 89.1 23 41.0 34.4 36 383

25 10
100 100
CCODEISO-3 Countries\Indicators Status EVI 1 2 Population

4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 39.5 33.8 28 225 646
12 DZA Algeria 33.2 17.5 34 373 272
24 AGO Angola LDC 49.8 41.4 17 499 408
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 51.0 68.6 86 087
32 ARG Argentina 30.1 29.0 39 934 112
44 BHS Bahamas 52.4 57.5 335 286
48 BHR Bahrain 38.0 55.1 766 071
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 23.2 17.4 161 317 632
52 BRB Barbados 45.6 59.9 294 826
84 BLZ Belize 44.9 63.7 293 717
204 BEN Benin LDC 42.5 44.4 9 309 370
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 52.9 61.7 666 918
68 BOL Bolivia 42.9 50.0 9 694 231
72 BWA Botswana 57.3 65.0 1 905 516
76 BRA Brazil 21.0 18.9 194 227 984
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 48.9 65.8 398 142
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 43.8 44.5 15 213 314
108 BDI Burundi LDC 56.8 54.1 8 856 221
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 55.6 37.1 14 697 217
120 CMR Cameroon 31.3 33.5 18 920 236
132 CPV Cape Verde 48.1 57.7 542 422
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 45.1 58.2 4 424 292
148 TCD Chad LDC 53.5 45.4 11 087 698
152 CHL Chile 32.5 39.0 16 802 952
156 CHN China 22.9 13.3 1 336 310 656
170 COL Colombia 20.9 13.3 46 741 096
174 COM Comoros LDC 56.9 67.6 860 100
178 COG Congo 48.3 50.4 3 847 191
188 CRI Costa Rica 36.1 41.5 4 534 435
192 CUB Cuba 42.0 33.6 11 265 216
384 CIV Côte d'Ivoire 31.5 32.5 19 624 236
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 50.2 25.3 23 866 884
180 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo LDC 49.3 30.5 64 703 616
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 51.2 49.2 847 715
212 DMA Dominica 56.2 69.7 67 160
214 DOM Dominican Republic 41.1 31.0 9 904 327
218 ECU Ecuador 37.5 38.2 13 481 180
818 EGY Egypt 21.0 9.8 76 840 048
222 SLV El Salvador 32.5 37.3 6 952 819
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea LDC 60.5 64.0 519 697
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 55.5 36.4 5 005 678
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 32.0 26.6 85 219 112
242 FJI Fiji 48.1 63.5 844 046
266 GAB Gabon 38.6 56.7 1 350 156
270 GMB Gambia LDC 56.3 53.8 1 754 068
288 GHA Ghana 44.5 35.7 23 946 816
308 GRD Grenada 42.9 65.6 105 552
320 GTM Guatemala 29.2 32.0 13 686 399
324 GIN Guinea LDC 27.9 40.7 9 572 039
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 60.5 63.5 1 745 838
328 GUY Guyana 49.4 59.1 736 106
332 HTI Haiti LDC 52.2 44.6 9 751 432
340 HND Honduras 37.4 38.6 7 246 016
356 IND India 17.5 12.0 1 186 185 728
360 IDN Indonesia 23.0 17.9 234 342 432
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 43.9 20.0 72 211 696
368 IRQ Iraq 43.9 27.0 29 492 184
376 ISR Israel 17.0 26.7 7 044 501
388 JAM Jamaica 34.6 47.3 2 728 196
400 JOR Jordan 25.7 31.6 6 118 923
404 KEN Kenya 18.4 27.6 38 549 712
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 75.3 75.3 96 557
418 LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic LDC 59.9 52.2 5 962 765
422 LBN Lebanon 35.7 26.9 4 142 299
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 49.9 62.3 2 020 076
430 LBR Liberia LDC 65.5 57.6 3 942 212
434 LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 32.7 32.9 6 283 283
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 37.2 35.6 20 215 200
454 MWI Malawi LDC 55.9 53.7 14 288 374
458 MYS Malaysia 25.5 26.1 27 026 584
462 MDV Maldives LDC 58.2 68.7 311 056
466 MLI Mali LDC 42.3 49.5 12 716 081
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 47.1 49.2 3 203 648
480 MUS Mauritius 46.0 54.2 1 271 538
484 MEX Mexico 19.0 12.1 107 801 056
496 MNG Mongolia 52.7 52.4 2 653 679
504 MAR Morocco 22.1 12.7 31 605 616
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 48.7 42.1 21 812 552
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 37.4 30.0 49 220 560
516 NAM Namibia 39.8 52.2 2 102 140
524 NPL Nepal LDC 33.6 31.2 28 757 414
558 NIC Nicaragua 43.2 42.4 5 676 067
562 NER Niger LDC 45.8 44.7 14 730 798
566 NGA Nigeria 42.4 28.6 151 478 128
512 OMN Oman 38.4 46.7 2 650 820
586 PAK Pakistan 22.3 12.1 166 961 296
591 PAN Panama 35.2 45.0 3 398 912
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 44.6 52.7 6 458 059
600 PRY Paraguay 49.6 54.6 6 238 376
604 PER Peru 32.3 30.2 28 221 492
608 PHL Philippines 26.4 20.2 89 651 080
634 QAT Qatar 42.6 50.8 855 896
410 KOR Republic of Korea 21.8 18.0 48 387 832
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 55.0 51.4 10 008 622
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 56.5 67.6 51 065
662 LCA Saint Lucia 50.8 65.1 166 789
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 46.8 67.1 121 010
882 WSM Samoa LDC 64.3 80.8 188 752
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 55.0 76.2 160 174
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 30.1 27.2 25 292 816
686 SEN Senegal LDC 37.6 31.0 12 687 621
690 SYC Seychelles 52.9 70.3 87 005
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 50.7 50.1 5 968 523
702 SGP Singapore 36.5 39.9 4 490 117
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 58.0 78.5 507 321
706 SOM Somalia LDC 62.6 47.1 8 956 006
710 ZAF South Africa 23.7 24.3 48 832 136
144 LKA Sri Lanka 32.4 30.4 19 393 638
729 SDN Sudan LDC 52.9 32.7 39 445 016
740 SUR Suriname 59.9 61.4 460 530
748 SWZ Swaziland 48.5 66.3 1 148 255
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 25.8 21.4 20 446 734
764 THA Thailand 20.6 16.6 64 316 136
626 TLS Timor-Leste LDC 56.7 56.8 1 192 515
768 TGO Togo LDC 42.8 42.8 6 762 421
776 TON Tonga 69.0 81.7 100 895
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 39.8 49.3 1 338 225
788 TUN Tunisia 24.9 21.1 10 440 169
792 TUR Turkey 15.3 4.7 75 829 888
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 79.7 77.1 10 574
800 UGA Uganda LDC 51.9 36.9 31 902 608
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 39.1 38.1 4 502 582
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 31.0 33.5 41 463 924
858 URY Uruguay 42.3 49.5 3 350 454
548 VUT Vanuatu LDC 62.3 77.5 231 592
862 VEN Venezuela 36.3 35.2 28 121 688
704 VNM Viet Nam 26.5 15.6 88 537 272
887 YEM Yemen LDC 44.9 33.8 23 066 020
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 52.8 54.0 12 154 058
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 64.3 45.7 13 481 234

Bounds: 150 000

100 000 000
1 The EVI is calculated at 50 per cent of the figures for the Exposure index and the Shock index.
2 The Exposure Index is calculated at 50 per cent of the max-min figures for Population (2008) plus 50 per cent of
3 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division. Data refer to 20
4 Source: Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI).
5 The Structural index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Export concentration and
6 Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (2006)
7 Source: UN/DESA, Statistics Division (2007).
8 The Shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the figures for the Natural shock index and the max-m
9 The Natural shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Percentage of homele
10 Emergency Disasters Data Base (EM-DAT), WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disas
11 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (1990-2005).
12 Source: UN/DESA, Statistics Division (1990-2007).
13 unless otherwise indicated.
14 Source: Population Division, DESA (World Population Prospects, 2006 revision), unless otherwise indicated.
15 Source:, unless otherwise indicated.
16 Source:, unless otherwise indicated.
17 World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI). Gross national income is in current US$, using the Atlas Meth
18 Current GNI per capita from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSTAT)
19 Original data reports less than 5%.
20 UNESCO Estimate
21 FAO, not published in The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI 2008).
22 2005 UNICEF data ( The State of the World's Children, 2008).
23 UNDP Human Development Report, 2007/2008
24 Data available in World Development Indicators (various editions)
25 Minimum value instead of percentage due to lack of data (1990-2007).
26 FAO estimate reports less than 5%.
27 FAO, not published in the State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI 2008). FAO reports less than 5%.
28 FAO estimate.
29 National estimates
30 Average of Burkina Faso, Liberia and Mali (1990-2007).
31 Data from previous review.
32 Based on regression using neighbouring countries: log of homeless due to natural disasters as a function of peo
33 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Kiribati is assumed to be the equivalent of that u
34 Data from ADB (2005 Key Development Indicators).
35 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for the Maldives is assumed to be the equivalent of
36 UNDP Human Development Report, 2006.
37 Value of Equatorial Guinea (1990-2007)
38 UNDP 2001 National Human Development Report.
39 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Timor-Leste is assumed to be the equivalent of t
40 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Tonga is assumed to be the equivalent of that us
41 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Tuvalu is assumed to be the equivalent of that u
42 Owing to insufficient data availabillity, the Remoteness data for the Republic of Vanuatu is assumed to be the eq
Structural Shares of agriculture,
Population 3 Remoteness 4 5 Export concentration 6 7
index forestry and fisheries

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

19.5 51.448 51.8 44.7 0.30 23.8 39.3 65.6
16.4 0.000 0.0 37.1 0.61 59.5 8.8 14.6
26.8 54.206 55.3 56.9 0.96 100.0 8.2 13.7
100.0 45.662 44.6 29.9 0.56 54.3 3.3 5.5
14.1 72.162 77.7 10.2 0.13 3.7 10.0 16.6
87.6 40.693 38.4 16.5 0.35 29.5 2.1 3.4
74.9 33.884 29.9 40.7 0.79 80.8 0.4 0.6
0.0 38.975 36.2 33.4 0.40 35.3 18.9 31.4
89.6 48.471 48.1 12.2 0.25 17.9 3.9 6.4
89.7 49.509 49.4 26.2 0.38 33.1 11.6 19.3
36.5 43.760 42.2 62.3 0.62 61.5 37.8 63.1
77.1 54.813 56.0 36.8 0.39 34.0 23.8 39.7
35.9 100.000 100.0 28.1 0.40 35.6 12.4 20.6
60.9 100.000 100.0 38.3 0.73 73.5 1.8 3.1
0.0 66.175 70.2 5.3 0.09 0.0 6.4 10.6
85.0 54.927 56.2 37.0 0.72 72.5 0.9 1.5
29.0 60.571 63.2 56.9 0.58 57.0 34.1 56.9
37.3 74.403 80.5 61.3 0.61 59.6 37.8 63.1
29.5 47.697 47.1 42.2 0.37 31.2 31.9 53.2
25.6 43.278 41.6 41.2 0.51 48.5 20.3 33.9
80.2 41.963 40.0 30.3 0.48 44.1 9.9 16.5
48.0 64.946 68.7 68.2 0.48 45.0 54.8 91.4
33.8 48.808 48.5 65.6 0.90 94.5 22.0 36.7
27.4 74.025 80.0 21.3 0.40 35.5 4.2 7.1
0.0 44.220 42.8 10.4 0.11 1.2 11.7 19.5
11.7 21.033 13.8 16.0 0.21 12.6 11.7 19.4
73.1 59.778 62.2 62.1 0.48 44.6 47.7 79.5
50.1 51.129 51.4 50.0 0.87 90.5 5.6 9.4
47.6 55.285 56.6 14.3 0.23 14.9 8.2 13.7
33.6 43.654 42.1 25.1 0.45 41.5 5.2 8.7
25.0 46.667 45.8 34.3 0.32 26.1 25.4 42.4
22.0 39.049 36.3 20.8 0.09 0.0 25.0 41.7
6.7 51.048 51.3 57.3 0.39 33.9 48.4 80.6
73.4 42.991 41.2 8.8 0.20 11.5 3.7 6.2
100.0 47.158 46.4 32.3 0.40 35.1 17.7 29.6
35.6 45.123 43.9 9.1 0.17 7.7 6.4 10.6
30.8 57.726 59.7 31.4 0.53 50.9 7.1 11.9
4.1 13.197 4.0 27.3 0.36 30.1 14.7 24.5
41.0 53.685 54.6 12.7 0.15 5.9 11.7 19.4
80.9 44.539 43.2 50.9 0.91 94.8 4.2 6.9
46.1 36.763 33.5 20.1 0.19 10.2 18.0 30.1
2.5 43.694 42.1 59.5 0.43 39.1 47.9 79.9
73.4 77.497 84.4 22.7 0.29 22.9 13.4 22.4
66.2 47.357 46.7 47.6 0.84 86.7 5.2 8.6
62.2 41.776 39.7 51.0 0.51 47.7 32.6 54.3
22.0 45.229 44.0 54.9 0.44 40.2 41.8 69.7
100.0 49.377 49.2 13.2 0.24 16.5 6.0 9.9
30.6 52.460 53.1 13.9 0.17 8.7 11.4 19.0
36.1 45.357 44.2 46.4 0.66 65.9 16.2 26.9
62.3 43.328 41.7 87.8 0.75 76.4 59.5 99.2
75.5 48.504 48.1 37.3 0.29 22.7 31.1 51.8
35.8 45.607 44.5 62.3 0.73 73.6 30.6 51.0
40.4 53.235 54.0 19.4 0.25 17.6 12.8 21.3
0.0 34.255 30.3 17.7 0.14 5.0 18.2 30.3
0.0 56.982 58.7 12.9 0.13 3.4 13.4 22.4
5.0 26.916 21.1 49.0 0.78 80.3 10.6 17.6
18.8 21.869 14.8 55.5 0.95 100.0 6.6 11.0
40.8 15.825 7.3 17.9 0.38 32.6 1.9 3.2
55.4 46.741 45.9 32.5 0.58 56.0 5.4 9.0
43.0 38.476 35.6 5.0 0.15 5.3 2.8 4.6
14.7 51.989 52.5 28.6 0.20 12.1 27.0 45.0
100.0 70.187 75.2 33 26.1 0.48 44.5 4.6 7.7
43.4 63.279 66.6 55.5 0.41 25.0 44.8 80.1
49.0 13.170 4.0 5.8 0.12 2.9 5.3 8.8
60.0 100.000 100.0 29.3 0.37 31.7 16.1 26.9
49.7 47.189 46.5 84.4 0.68 68.8 64.3 100.0
42.6 0.000 0.0 46.4 0.84 87.4 3.3 5.4
24.6 62.405 65.5 27.6 0.20 11.8 26.1 43.5
29.9 100.000 100.0 55.1 0.60 58.8 30.9 51.5
20.1 50.727 50.9 13.4 0.19 10.1 10.0 16.7
88.8 52.351 52.9 35 44.5 0.77 78.4 6.3 10.5
31.7 62.224 65.3 69.1 0.75 76.1 37.3 62.1
52.9 36.036 32.5 58.2 0.74 75.2 24.7 41.2
67.1 64.322 67.9 14.7 0.28 21.5 4.7 7.8
0.0 43.619 42.0 6.3 0.15 6.3 3.8 6.3
55.8 57.085 58.9 39.1 0.44 39.6 23.1 38.6
17.7 5.968 0.0 15.5 0.16 7.0 14.4 24.1
23.4 66.590 70.7 50.7 0.58 56.6 26.8 44.7
10.9 38.306 35.4 62.8 0.46 42.5 49.9 83.1
59.4 65.171 69.0 21.0 0.30 23.5 11.1 18.5
19.2 54.295 55.4 31.1 0.15 5.5 34.0 56.7
44.1 54.298 55.4 26.0 0.29 22.1 17.9 29.8
29.5 58.425 60.5 59.5 0.47 43.8 45.1 75.2
0.0 43.981 42.5 72.0 0.86 89.0 33.0 55.0
55.8 38.794 36.0 39.2 0.75 76.3 1.3 2.2
0.0 29.260 24.1 24.4 0.23 15.3 20.1 33.6
52.0 54.346 55.4 20.7 0.36 30.5 6.5 10.8
42.1 74.106 80.1 46.5 0.39 34.4 35.2 58.7
42.7 100.000 100.0 32.9 0.32 25.8 24.0 40.0
19.5 63.588 67.0 15.1 0.26 18.4 7.1 11.8
1.7 51.011 51.3 26.3 0.35 29.2 14.1 23.5
73.2 33.184 29.0 28.0 0.57 55.7 0.1 0.2
11.2 44.662 43.3 6.2 0.16 6.6 3.5 5.8
35.4 72.194 77.7 57.2 0.49 45.3 41.5 69.1
100.0 45.662 44.6 25.8 0.50 47.0 2.7 4.6
98.4 47.952 47.4 16.1 0.32 26.4 3.5 5.9
100.0 48.594 48.2 20.2 0.34 27.9 7.5 12.5
96.5 76.815 83.5 46.6 0.72 72.4 12.5 20.8
99.0 45.971 45.0 61.9 0.87 90.5 20.0 33.3
21.1 30.104 25.1 41.6 0.76 77.5 3.4 5.6
31.8 41.026 38.8 21.9 0.25 17.3 15.9 26.4
100.0 48.420 48.0 33.2 0.63 62.2 2.5 4.2
43.3 46.260 45.3 68.4 0.54 51.8 51.0 85.0
47.7 53.335 54.2 10.1 0.27 20.1 0.1 0.1
81.3 70.187 75.2 76.4 0.77 78.6 44.5 74.2
37.1 45.655 44.6 69.7 0.43 39.4 60.1 100.0
11.0 65.283 69.1 6.0 0.16 6.6 3.2 5.3
25.2 52.351 52.9 18.3 0.22 14.5 13.3 22.1
14.3 33.488 29.4 72.8 0.87 90.8 32.9 54.8
82.7 48.258 47.8 32.1 0.56 53.5 6.4 10.7
68.7 100.000 100.0 27.7 0.42 37.1 11.0 18.4
24.4 14.034 5.0 31.7 0.34 28.3 21.1 35.1
6.8 44.552 43.2 9.5 0.09 0.0 11.4 19.0
68.1 56.982 58.7 39 32.4 0.26 18.8 27.6 46.0
41.4 44.341 42.9 45.6 0.29 22.3 41.4 68.9
100.0 76.815 83.5 40 43.1 0.45 41.6 26.8 44.6
66.3 46.376 45.5 19.2 0.42 37.1 0.8 1.3
34.7 0.000 0.0 14.9 0.19 10.2 11.8 19.6
4.3 1.100 0.0 10.4 0.13 3.4 10.4 17.4
100.0 70.187 75.2 41 33.3 0.45 41.4 15.2 25.3
17.6 72.396 78.0 34.6 0.25 17.8 30.9 51.5
47.7 37.403 34.3 22.6 0.45 41.4 2.3 3.8
13.5 53.887 54.9 52.2 0.35 29.7 44.7 74.6
52.2 71.983 77.5 16.0 0.23 15.1 10.1 16.8
93.3 70.187 75.2 42 48.0 0.72 72.7 13.9 23.2
19.5 50.503 50.6 51.1 0.91 95.4 4.1 6.8
1.9 37.747 34.7 24.0 0.21 12.9 21.0 35.0
22.6 39.481 36.9 53.1 0.85 88.4 10.7 17.9
32.4 100.000 100.0 51.3 0.68 68.7 20.4 33.9
30.8 100.000 100.0 21.0 0.22 14.5 16.5 27.5

10.000 0.10 1
90.000 0.95 60

(2008) plus 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Remoteness (Location index) and the figures for the Structural index.
n Division. Data refer to 2008.

Export concentration and Shares of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

hock index and the max-min figures for Export instability (Trade shock index).
s for Percentage of homeless and Agricultural instability.
the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED).
s otherwise indicated.

t US$, using the Atlas Method as conversion factor.

orts less than 5%.

asters as a function of people affected by natural disasters (1990-2007).

be the equivalent of that used for the Solomon Islands.

ed to be the equivalent of that used for Sri Lanka.

d to be the equivalent of that used for Indonesia.

e the equivalent of that used for Somoa.
be the equivalent of that used for the Solomon Islands.
atu is assumed to be the equivalent of that used for the Solomon Islands.
Shock Percentage of Agricultural
8 Shock 9 10 11 Export instability 12
index index homeless instability

Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

45.2 51.2 0.656 63.8 8.64 38.6 15.54 39.2
49.0 50.9 0.849 66.5 8.03 35.3 18.09 47.1
58.1 36.7 0.207 51.5 5.56 21.9 28.45 79.5
33.4 47.4 9.394 92.1 2.01 2.8 9.21 19.4
31.3 33.4 0.355 57.2 3.26 9.5 12.33 29.1
47.4 60.6 0.573 62.3 12.39 58.9 13.92 34.1
20.9 15.5 0.002 0.0 25 7.25 31.1 11.42 26.3
29.0 44.6 2.133 76.3 3.90 13.0 7.29 13.4
31.4 48.6 1.012 68.4 6.85 28.9 7.52 14.1
26.0 14.9 0.002 0.0 25 7.00 29.7 14.88 37.1
40.6 40.1 0.871 66.8 3.97 13.4 16.18 41.2
44.1 37.9 0.187 50.4 6.22 25.5 19.11 50.3
35.8 38.7 0.758 65.3 3.73 12.0 13.55 33.0
49.6 51.5 2.017 75.7 6.55 27.3 18.27 47.7
23.0 31.1 0.322 56.2 2.64 6.1 7.78 14.9
32.0 31.2 0.002 0.0 25 13.04 62.4 13.49 32.8
43.1 44.5 0.448 59.7 6.94 29.4 16.33 41.7
59.5 44.0 0.977 68.0 5.20 20.0 27.02 75.0
74.2 50.3 2.225 76.8 5.90 23.8 34.40 98.1
29.1 24.1 0.089 42.4 2.57 5.8 13.90 34.1
38.4 59.7 1.149 69.7 10.67 49.6 8.51 17.2
31.9 45.1 2.157 76.4 4.05 13.8 8.99 18.7
61.6 52.7 1.075 69.0 8.24 36.5 25.56 70.5
26.0 34.5 0.632 63.4 2.54 5.6 8.61 17.5
32.5 42.1 4.480 84.2 1.38 0.0 10.34 22.9
28.4 39.3 1.679 73.8 2.39 4.8 8.62 17.6
46.2 21.8 0.096 43.2 1.59 0.5 25.60 70.6
46.2 39.4 2.063 76.0 2.03 2.9 19.94 52.9
30.7 39.0 1.398 71.8 2.63 6.1 10.15 22.3
50.4 60.5 1.947 75.3 9.95 45.7 15.86 40.2
30.4 36.8 0.437 59.4 30 4.13 14.2 10.69 24.0
75.1 66.9 5.303 86.0 10.35 47.9 29.63 83.2
68.0 36.1 0.358 57.3 4.25 14.9 35.81 100.0
53.2 50.8 3.080 80.2 5.46 21.4 20.78 55.6
42.7 56.8 7.416 89.6 5.93 23.9 12.16 28.6
51.1 42.2 1.473 72.4 3.73 12.0 22.20 60.0
36.8 43.7 0.865 66.7 5.34 20.8 12.54 29.8
32.1 27.2 0.121 45.7 3.09 8.6 14.87 37.1
27.6 21.6 0.033 32.0 3.59 11.3 13.76 33.6
57.1 14.2 0.015 23.6 32 2.40 4.9 45.16 100.0
74.5 65.1 0.448 59.7 14.54 70.5 29.85 83.9
37.4 36.0 0.246 53.3 4.95 18.7 15.45 38.9
32.6 49.2 1.863 74.9 5.84 23.4 8.15 16.1
20.5 3.5 0.002 0.0 25 2.81 7.1 15.00 37.5
58.8 75.0 0.380 57.9 18.52 92.0 16.62 42.5
53.2 41.2 1.223 70.4 3.71 11.9 23.86 65.2
20.1 5.4 0.002 0.0 25 3.51 10.9 14.14 34.8
26.4 19.3 0.044 35.0 2.17 3.6 13.72 33.5
15.1 9.5 0.010 18.9 1.34 0.0 9.64 20.8
57.6 24.9 0.099 43.6 2.66 6.2 31.87 90.2
39.7 47.8 1.359 71.5 5.95 24.0 13.09 31.5
59.8 39.7 1.600 73.3 2.63 6.1 28.55 79.9
36.2 47.6 0.875 66.8 6.75 28.4 10.96 24.9
23.1 37.3 0.974 68.0 2.74 6.7 5.84 8.9
28.1 37.9 0.774 65.5 3.41 10.3 8.85 18.3
67.7 35.5 0.501 60.9 3.37 10.1 38.17 100.0
60.8 21.6 0.002 2.5 9.02 40.7 61.03 100.0
7.3 4.6 0.002 0.0 25 3.20 9.2 6.20 10.0
21.9 31.6 0.141 47.4 4.44 15.9 6.90 12.2
19.8 26.8 0.002 0.0 25 11.40 53.5 7.11 12.9
9.2 9.5 0.004 9.4 3.29 9.7 5.83 8.8
75.2 50.4 4.832 85.0 32 4.40 15.7 48.92 100.0
67.6 68.0 19.700 100.0 7.77 36.0 24.83 68.2
44.6 31.0 0.108 44.5 4.74 17.5 21.58 58.1
37.6 37.1 0.055 37.4 8.29 36.7 15.17 38.0
73.3 46.7 0.196 50.9 9.35 42.4 39.76 100.0
32.5 9.4 0.002 0.0 25 4.98 18.8 20.81 55.7
38.8 43.9 3.753 82.3 2.50 5.4 13.76 33.6
58.0 67.2 1.939 75.3 12.42 59.0 18.64 48.9
24.9 31.1 0.265 54.1 3.02 8.2 8.98 18.7
47.6 68.5 13.852 96.2 9.02 40.7 11.58 26.8
35.2 43.9 0.666 63.9 5.91 23.8 11.48 26.5
45.1 42.1 2.236 76.8 2.87 7.4 18.39 48.1
37.7 47.0 0.343 56.8 8.36 37.1 12.10 28.5
25.8 33.3 0.693 64.3 1.93 2.3 8.87 18.3
53.1 34.8 0.006 14.3 11.73 55.3 25.83 71.3
31.5 50.0 0.045 35.2 13.48 64.7 7.17 13.0
55.3 58.6 2.978 79.9 8.41 37.3 19.64 52.0
44.8 33.1 0.293 55.2 3.53 11.0 21.08 56.5
27.4 34.7 0.002 0.0 25 14.34 69.4 9.44 20.1
36.1 36.0 0.917 67.3 2.35 4.6 14.60 36.2
44.1 35.1 0.432 59.3 3.53 11.0 19.97 53.0
46.9 60.1 1.340 71.4 10.52 48.8 13.82 33.8
56.2 30.2 0.475 60.3 1.48 0.0 29.33 82.3
30.0 16.0 0.002 0.0 25 7.41 31.9 17.11 44.1
32.4 47.7 6.197 87.7 2.92 7.7 8.47 17.1
25.3 30.4 0.499 60.8 1.40 0.0 9.47 20.2
36.4 41.7 3.670 82.1 1.73 1.2 12.97 31.2
44.6 31.4 0.241 53.1 3.29 9.7 21.53 57.9
34.3 48.2 2.477 77.9 4.93 18.6 9.53 20.4
32.5 45.1 3.285 80.9 3.21 9.3 9.38 19.9
34.3 24.8 0.002 0.0 25 10.68 49.6 16.99 43.7
25.7 37.5 0.422 59.0 4.45 16.0 7.42 13.8
58.7 62.0 0.095 43.2 16.45 80.8 20.70 55.3
45.4 68.7 0.243 53.2 17.09 84.3 10.05 22.0
36.5 48.1 0.229 52.5 9.58 43.7 10.97 24.9
26.5 31.6 0.002 0.0 25 13.19 63.2 9.87 21.5
47.8 60.8 16.013 97.8 5.92 23.9 14.13 34.8
33.7 22.2 0.015 23.6 37 5.34 20.8 17.49 45.3
32.9 20.6 0.002 0.0 25 9.13 41.3 17.47 45.2
44.1 68.1 0.554 61.9 15.25 74.3 9.43 20.1
35.5 47.3 0.226 52.4 9.30 42.2 10.59 23.7
51.2 43.4 0.436 59.4 32 6.58 27.5 21.89 59.0
33.2 50.0 0.002 0.0 25 31.54 100.0 8.23 16.3
37.4 37.8 0.313 55.9 5.13 19.6 14.88 37.1
78.1 56.3 6.776 88.6 5.93 24.0 39.50 100.0
23.2 34.3 0.107 44.4 5.99 24.3 6.85 12.0
34.4 53.7 12.093 94.8 3.83 12.6 7.86 15.2
73.0 46.1 1.283 70.9 5.42 21.2 35.27 100.0
58.4 16.9 0.002 0.0 25 7.75 33.8 46.19 100.0
30.7 22.5 0.026 29.3 4.41 15.7 15.42 38.8
30.1 12.2 0.002 0.0 25 6.02 24.5 18.37 48.0
24.6 32.5 0.427 59.2 2.56 5.7 8.33 16.7
56.6 33.7 0.165 49.0 32 4.91 18.4 28.40 79.4
42.7 49.5 1.753 74.2 6.07 24.7 14.52 36.0
56.4 57.5 3.573 81.8 7.64 33.2 20.73 55.4
30.2 32.7 0.017 25.1 8.95 40.3 11.85 27.7
28.7 46.2 0.002 0.0 25 18.60 92.4 6.61 11.3
25.9 41.0 1.614 73.3 3.09 8.6 6.47 10.8
82.2 69.6 5.456 86.3 11.28 52.9 33.36 94.9
66.9 39.4 1.359 71.5 2.86 7.3 33.18 94.3
40.2 50.0 0.002 0.0 25 27.62 100.0 12.70 30.3
28.5 33.5 0.242 53.2 4.06 13.8 10.54 23.6
35.0 45.5 0.436 59.4 7.33 31.5 10.88 24.6
47.1 61.0 5.048 85.5 8.25 36.5 13.66 33.3
37.4 39.3 0.731 64.9 4.03 13.7 14.35 35.5
37.4 37.9 2.031 75.8 1.31 0.0 14.82 36.9
56.0 44.0 1.192 70.1 4.81 17.9 24.77 68.0
51.5 41.0 0.109 44.6 8.42 37.4 22.86 62.1
83.0 66.0 0.530 61.5 14.53 70.4 67.06 100.0

0.002 1.50 3.00

19.700 20.00 35.00

he Structural index.
Prevalence of
Under 5 mortality Secondary school
HAI undernourishment in 13 14 Literacy rate 15
total population (%) (per 1000) enrolment ratio

Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

15.2 44.0 33.6 252 0.0 28.0 13.2 19.0
84.8 2.5 100.0 19 41 86.7 75.4 70.5 83.2
26.0 46.0 30.4 246 0.0 67.4 60.8 17.8
85.4 28.0 59.2 21 12 99.1 22 85.8 83.1 23 105.2
94.4 2.5 100.0 19 17 96.8 97.6 97.4 84.4
93.9 6.0 94.4 21 19 95.9 95.8 95.2 23 90.9
96.0 2.5 100.0 26 16 97.5 88.8 86.7 102.1
53.3 27.0 60.8 83 68.2 53.5 44.0 43.8
99.6 2.5 100.0 27 14 98.4 99.7 99.9 23 103.2
85.5 2.5 100.0 27 23 94.3 75.1 70.1 23 78.7
41.1 19.0 73.6 161 34.2 40.5 28.3 32.5
58.6 20.0 72.0 28 78 70.3 55.6 46.6 48.8
77.9 22.0 68.8 72 72.9 90.3 88.5 82.5
70.6 26.0 62.4 89 65.6 82.9 79.5 76.5
93.2 6.0 94.4 34 89.6 90.5 88.8 105.5
97.8 2.5 100.0 27 7 100.0 94.9 94.0 97.4
33.2 10.0 88.0 193 20.5 28.7 14.1 15.5
22.1 63.0 3.2 183 25.0 59.3 51.0 14.3
57.8 26.0 62.4 105 58.5 76.3 71.6 42.0
47.1 23.0 67.2 150 39.1 67.9 61.4 25.2
81.9 15.0 80.0 21 36 88.7 83.8 80.6 79.3
27.2 43.0 35.2 172 29.5 48.6 38.1 11.5
20.0 39.0 41.6 199 18.0 25.7 10.3 15.2
96.7 2.5 100.0 19 10 100.0 96.5 96.1 91.2
86.6 9.0 89.6 32 90.5 93.3 92.2 75.5
89.2 10.0 88.0 28 92.0 93.6 92.5 85.1
48.2 52.0 20.8 21 77 70.8 75.1 70.1 35.1
62.4 22.0 68.8 109 57.0 86.8 84.3 42.9
95.3 2.5 100.0 19 12 99.1 95.9 95.3 87.4
98.1 2.5 100.0 19 8 100.0 99.8 100.0 92.7
40.3 14.0 81.6 191 21.4 48.7 38.3 24.6
71.2 32.0 52.8 65 76.1 95.0 94.2 31 64.0
22.6 76.0 0.0 211 12.7 67.2 60.5 22.0
44.5 32.0 52.8 21 141 43.1 70.3 64.3 23 22.4
95.9 2.5 100.0 27 15 97.8 22 88.0 85.7 23 106.0
80.7 21.0 70.4 39 87.3 89.1 87.1 79.1
82.1 15.0 80.0 30 91.4 92.6 91.3 67.5
84.9 2.5 100.0 19 42 86.1 72.0 66.4 87.8
80.6 10.0 88.0 35 89.3 85.5 82.7 64.7
49.5 30.0 56.0 28 172 29.6 87.0 84.5 31.9
36.2 68.0 0.0 89 65.5 60.5 52.5 23 31.1
28.4 46.0 30.4 161 34.2 35.9 22.7 30.5
91.8 2.5 100.0 27 27 92.6 94.4 93.5 23 82.4
74.4 2.5 100.0 19 97 62.3 86.2 83.5 54.7
42.6 30.0 56.0 143 42.1 42.5 30.7 23 44.9
63.5 9.0 89.6 101 60.4 65.0 58.0 49.3
86.7 22.0 68.8 21 47 84.0 96.0 95.4 23 98.6
70.6 16.0 78.4 48 83.3 73.2 67.8 55.6
37.4 17.0 76.8 178 26.9 29.5 15.0 34.9
33.8 32.0 52.8 21 212 12.4 64.6 57.4 17.7
92.1 6.0 94.4 68 74.9 99.0 99.0 23 104.6
39.8 58.0 11.2 82 68.5 62.1 54.4 29.3
77.0 12.0 84.8 46 84.2 83.1 79.8 61.4
61.7 21.0 70.4 90 65.3 66.0 59.2 54.6
79.1 17.0 76.8 42 86.1 91.4 89.9 65.7
84.5 2.5 100.0 19 44 85.4 84.7 81.8 72.6
57.9 21.0 70.4 124 50.4 74.1 68.9 45.3
97.1 2.5 100.0 19 6 100.0 97.1 96.7 23 92.2
90.4 5.0 96.0 19 96.1 86.0 83.3 87.1
93.2 2.5 100.0 19 26 92.9 93.1 91.9 88.7
55.9 32.0 52.8 113 55.4 73.6 68.3 50.3
87.6 5.0 96.0 21 65 76.1 22 92.5 91.2 34 87.9
62.3 19.0 73.6 84 67.7 73.2 67.8 43.5
89.3 2.5 100.0 19 30 91.3 88.3 86.1 23 81.1
61.9 15.0 80.0 112 55.5 82.2 78.7 37.0
30.6 40.0 40.0 222 7.7 55.5 46.5 32.3
92.9 2.5 100.0 19 23 94.4 86.8 84.3 93.5
45.5 37.0 44.8 123 50.8 70.7 64.8 26.2
46.2 29.0 57.6 154 37.2 71.8 66.1 28.3
89.1 2.5 100.0 19 13 98.7 91.9 90.5 69.1
87.5 7.0 92.8 21 59 78.6 97.0 96.7 83.1
32.6 11.0 86.4 219 9.1 23.3 7.5 31.6
54.6 8.0 91.2 102 60.2 55.8 46.8 25.0
90.8 6.0 94.4 18 96.5 87.4 85.0 87.8
92.8 2.5 100.0 19 25 93.6 92.4 91.1 87.2
80.8 29.0 57.6 61 77.6 97.3 97.0 91.7
71.1 2.5 100.0 19 46 84.5 55.6 46.5 55.8
27.5 38.0 43.2 186 23.5 44.4 33.0 15.5
66.0 19.0 73.6 110 56.7 89.9 88.0 49.0
71.1 19.0 73.6 83 68.4 88.0 85.7 59.0
58.3 15.0 80.0 88 66.0 56.5 47.6 43.2
74.9 22.0 68.8 32 90.4 80.5 76.7 65.8
22.8 29.0 57.6 213 11.8 30.4 16.1 11.2
50.6 9.0 89.6 198 18.2 72.0 66.4 32.4
91.8 2.5 100.0 26 17 96.8 84.4 81.3 89.8
49.6 23.0 67.2 108 57.2 54.9 45.7 32.5
82.5 17.0 76.8 27 92.7 93.4 92.3 70.2
54.3 14.0 81.6 90 65.0 57.8 49.2 26.0
82.4 11.0 86.4 42 85.9 93.7 92.7 66.5
87.4 15.0 80.0 41 86.7 90.5 88.7 94.5
85.6 16.0 78.4 33 89.8 93.4 92.3 83.1
96.9 2.5 100.0 26 12 99.2 90.2 88.4 103.5
98.8 2.5 100.0 19 5 100.0 98.0 97.8 36 97.5
33.0 40.0 40.0 191 21.2 64.9 57.8 18.1
91.6 15.0 80.0 21 20 95.7 22 97.8 97.6 23 93.7
93.6 8.0 91.2 21 19 96.0 94.8 94.0 23 93.5
86.0 6.0 94.4 21 32 90.4 88.1 85.9 23 74.9
92.2 2.5 100.0 27 31 90.8 98.7 98.7 80.6
72.1 5.0 96.0 21 102 59.9 87.9 85.6 49.8
85.0 2.5 100.0 19 26 92.9 85.0 82.1 67.0
40.7 26.0 62.4 124 50.6 42.6 30.8 23.8
94.7 9.0 89.6 21 13 98.7 22 91.8 90.4 111.8
20.4 47.0 28.8 290 0.0 38.1 25.4 31.6
88.6 2.5 100.0 26 4 100.0 94.4 93.5 63.0
64.1 9.0 89.6 21 81 69.1 76.6 72.0 23 30.1
9.4 49.0 25.6 213 11.8 17.1 0.0 38 5.7
88.2 2.5 100.0 19 76 71.3 88.0 85.7 95.8
86.3 21.0 70.4 14 98.2 91.5 90.0 87.2
51.4 21.0 70.4 118 52.9 60.9 53.0 33.4
86.8 7.0 92.8 39 87.3 90.4 88.6 79.6
59.9 18.0 75.2 135 45.5 79.6 75.5 46.7
86.3 2.5 100.0 19 22 95.0 83.1 79.8 72.1
87.4 17.0 76.8 17 96.9 94.1 93.2 83.5
54.0 22.0 68.8 21 110 56.5 50.1 39.9 23 53.4
42.6 37.0 44.8 136 45.1 53.2 43.6 40.4
96.6 2.5 100.0 26 25 93.7 99.2 99.3 93.7
89.2 10.0 88.0 20 95.4 98.7 98.7 76.3
87.6 2.5 100.0 19 25 93.3 77.7 73.3 84.9
88.1 2.5 100.0 19 36 88.5 88.7 86.6 78.6
88.4 10.0 88.0 28 38 87.8 22 95.0 94.2 34 84.4
51.3 15.0 80.0 140 43.4 73.6 68.3 18.3
95.2 2.5 100.0 19 10 100.0 90.4 88.7 92.4
40.6 35.0 48.0 132 47.1 72.3 66.8 6.1
98.6 2.5 100.0 19 18 96.7 98.0 97.8 101.0
72.3 7.0 92.8 21 42 86.1 78.1 73.8 40.1
87.1 12.0 84.8 24 93.8 93.0 91.8 79.4
83.2 14.0 81.6 27 92.5 90.3 88.5 23 72.0
52.1 32.0 52.8 95 62.9 58.9 50.5 45.6
40.7 45.0 32.0 172 29.5 68.0 61.6 23 43.1
56.3 40.0 40.0 104 59.1 91.2 89.6 40.0

2.5 10 17.1 5.7

65.0 240 99.8 100.0
Secondary school GNI per capita
16 17
enrolment ratio ($)

14.1 301 18
82.2 20 3 150
12.8 20 1 963
100.0 24 11 033
83.5 5 220
90.3 18 435 18
100.0 19 350
40.4 453
100.0 11 179 18
77.4 3 703
28.4 20 537
45.7 1 487
81.4 1 130
75.0 5 627
100.0 4 837
97.2 25 467
10.4 417
9.1 20 100
38.5 490
20.6 29 983
78.1 2 180
6.2 20 363
10.0 20 463
90.6 7 143
74.0 2 037
84.2 2 777
31.2 20 667
39.4 20 1 320
86.6 5 067
92.2 4 476 18
20.1 20 870
61.8 31 581 18
17.2 20 130
17.8 1 050
100.0 29 4 203
77.9 2 913
65.6 2 897
87.0 20 1 403
62.5 2 687
27.8 20 8 957
26.9 197
26.3 190
81.3 3 650
51.9 20 5 577
41.5 287
46.2 20 513
98.5 4 670
52.9 2 257
31.0 413
12.7 20 187
100.0 20 1 180
25.0 31 490
59.0 1 490
51.9 837
63.6 1 440
71.0 3 000
42.0 20 1 856 18
91.8 20 750
86.3 3 557
88.0 2 663
47.3 597
87.2 29 1 048 18
40.0 510
79.9 5 683
33.2 940
28.2 20 133
93.1 7 423
21.8 297
23.9 233
67.2 5 770
82.1 20 2 940
27.5 470
20.4 29 733
87.1 5 377
86.4 7 820
91.2 1 033
53.2 2 133
10.4 307
45.9 306 18
56.5 3 173
39.7 20 320
63.7 933
5.8 267
28.4 780
89.2 11 120
28.5 800
68.4 5 033
21.5 31 753
64.5 1 437
94.2 3 040
82.1 1 427
100.0 63 535 18
97.4 17 767
13.1 283
93.3 20 8 980
93.1 5 283
73.4 3 860
79.4 20 2 240
46.7 810
65.0 31 13 960
19.2 20 773
100.0 29 8 813
27.5 237
60.8 24 29 473
25.8 683
0.0 31 282 18
95.6 5 320
86.4 20 1 363
29.3 787
78.4 4 207
43.5 2 403
70.4 1 583
82.5 3 030
50.6 1 070
36.7 20 350
93.3 2 233
74.9 29 12 433
84.0 3 037
77.4 20 7 083
83.4 29 2 544 18
13.4 20 303
91.9 20 36 004 18
0.4 20 373
100.0 5 413
36.5 1 737
78.1 6 130
70.3 31 703
42.3 767
39.7 647
36.3 340
CCODE ISO-3 Countries\Indicators Status EVI 1 2 Population

4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 60.3 41.2 29 863 010
12 DZA Algeria 34.7 20.6 32 853 800
24 AGO Angola LDC 43.4 47.4 15 941 390
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 56.5 67.8 81 479
32 ARG Argentina 30.0 32.6 38 747 148
44 BHS Bahamas 55.0 63.7 323 063
48 BHR Bahrain 47.4 61.2 726 617
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 25.8 22.3 141 822 304
52 BRB Barbados 48.5 65.4 269 556
84 BLZ Belize 47.9 73.7 269 736
204 BEN Benin LDC 51.9 46.5 8 438 853
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 46.6 61.9 2 162 546
68 BOL Bolivia 40.0 48.5 9 182 015
72 BWA Botswana 58.8 67.2 1 764 926
76 BRA Brazil 23.8 23.0 186 404 896
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 56.2 68.9 373 819
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 46.7 49.9 13 227 840
108 BDI Burundi LDC 59.9 62.0 7 547 515
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 52.3 43.4 14 071 010
120 CMR Cameroon 33.1 39.4 16 321 860
132 CPV Cape Verde LDC 57.9 62.5 506 807
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 50.8 64.7 4 037 747
148 TCD Chad LDC 62.8 49.8 9 748 931
152 CHL Chile 34.1 40.6 16 295 100
156 CHN China 23.2 19.8 1 315 843 968
170 COL Colombia 27.5 22.6 45 600 240
174 COM Comoros LDC 63.6 76.7 797 902
178 COG Congo 49.6 54.6 3 998 904
188 CRI Costa Rica 38.6 46.7 4 327 228
192 CUB Cuba 42.8 39.4 11 269 400
384 CIV Côte d'Ivoire 33.5 38.5 18 153 870
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 40.2 35.6 22 487 660
180 COD Democratic Republic of the CongoLDC 42.6 39.2 57 548 740
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 60.2 61.1 793 078
212 DMA Dominica 60.8 74.4 78 940
214 DOM Dominican Republic 41.8 38.9 8 894 907
218 ECU Ecuador 36.0 41.5 13 228 420
818 EGY Egypt 19.2 18.6 74 032 880
222 SLV El Salvador 32.7 41.2 6 880 951
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea LDC 70.7 75.2 503 519
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 64.0 50.2 4 401 357
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 39.3 31.7 77 430 696
242 FJI Fiji 51.2 64.9 847 706
266 GAB Gabon 42.8 61.7 1 383 841
270 GMB Gambia LDC 55.7 57.4 1 517 079
288 GHA Ghana 41.5 38.9 22 112 810
308 GRD Grenada 46.5 71.9 102 924
320 GTM Guatemala 27.8 39.7 12 599 060
324 GIN Guinea LDC 34.6 44.5 9 402 098
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 66.2 70.5 1 586 344
328 GUY Guyana 57.6 65.3 751 218
332 HTI Haiti LDC 56.8 44.0 8 527 777
340 HND Honduras 35.6 42.2 7 204 723
356 IND India 19.1 19.4 1 103 371 008
360 IDN Indonesia 24.8 24.0 222 781 504
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 41.2 28.2 69 515 208
368 IRQ Iraq 55.9 36.1 28 807 190
376 ISR Israel 22.6 34.5 6 724 564
388 JAM Jamaica 37.6 53.6 2 650 713
400 JOR Jordan 29.3 39.5 5 702 776
404 KEN Kenya 24.2 31.3 34 255 720
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 84.3 82.3 99 350
418 LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic LDC 57.9 57.0 5 924 145
422 LBN Lebanon 36.0 38.1 3 576 818
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 50.5 63.0 1 794 769
430 LBR Liberia LDC 67.9 62.4 3 283 267
434 LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 37.6 38.0 5 853 452
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 41.6 43.9 18 605 920
454 MWI Malawi LDC 48.8 55.2 12 883 940
458 MYS Malaysia 28.2 33.2 25 347 370
462 MDV Maldives LDC 50.5 69.6 329 198
466 MLI Mali LDC 42.6 53.8 13 518 420
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 40.6 49.8 3 068 742
480 MUS Mauritius 49.1 59.0 1 244 663
484 MEX Mexico 20.7 18.9 107 029 400
496 MNG Mongolia 46.7 57.0 2 646 487
504 MAR Morocco 25.9 19.5 31 478 460
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 43.6 45.3 19 792 300
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 42.2 36.8 50 519 488
516 NAM Namibia 37.9 56.6 2 031 252
524 NPL Nepal LDC 37.4 41.5 27 132 630
558 NIC Nicaragua 43.9 46.3 5 486 685
562 NER Niger LDC 50.0 49.2 13 956 980
566 NGA Nigeria 44.8 32.8 131 529 704
512 OMN Oman 41.8 54.2 2 566 981
586 PAK Pakistan 25.7 20.2 157 935 104
591 PAN Panama 38.7 50.5 3 231 502
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 44.2 50.5 5 887 138
600 PRY Paraguay 51.4 56.8 6 158 259
604 PER Peru 33.6 34.7 27 968 240
608 PHL Philippines 30.9 26.6 83 054 480
634 QAT Qatar 50.1 58.3 812 842
410 KOR Republic of Korea 27.6 23.6 47 816 940
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 59.3 54.9 9 037 690
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 57.2 71.8 42 696
662 LCA Saint Lucia 56.5 70.2 160 765
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 51.7 72.3 119 051
882 WSM Samoa LDC 64.7 80.8 184 984
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 58.1 81.6 156 523
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 39.6 35.2 24 573 100
686 SEN Senegal LDC 41.8 36.9 11 658 170
690 SYC Seychelles 56.5 75.0 80 654
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 63.7 58.8 5 525 478
702 SGP Singapore 39.2 45.9 4 325 539
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 56.9 76.1 477 742
706 SOM Somalia LDC 68.4 61.2 8 227 826
710 ZAF South Africa 27.9 28.3 47 431 832
144 LKA Sri Lanka 35.3 35.4 20 742 910
729 SDN Sudan LDC 49.9 38.5 36 232 952
740 SUR Suriname 49.7 69.1 449 238
748 SWZ Swaziland 44.7 67.1 1 032 438
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 34.1 35.7 19 043 380
764 THA Thailand 23.6 21.8 64 232 760
626 TLS Timor-Leste LDC 65.2 64.8 947 064
768 TGO Togo LDC 45.8 48.5 6 145 004
776 TON Tonga 76.1 84.7 102 311
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 42.4 54.3 1 305 236
788 TUN Tunisia 33.2 23.8 10 102 470
792 TUR Turkey 21.8 9.7 73 192 840
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 91.8 87.2 10 441
800 UGA Uganda LDC 47.4 42.3 28 816 230
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 39.6 42.9 4 495 823
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 34.1 38.3 38 328 812
858 URY Uruguay 41.4 52.4 3 463 197
548 VUT Vanuatu LDC 64.2 77.0 211 367
862 VEN Venezuela 39.0 38.7 26 749 110
704 VNM Viet Nam 35.7 23.3 84 238 232
887 YEM Yemen LDC 42.1 41.2 20 974 660
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 46.2 51.8 11 668 460
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 47.9 44.3 13 009 530

Bounds: 150 000

100 000 000
1 The EVI is calculated at 50 per cent of the figures for the Exposure index and the Shock index.
2 The Exposure Index is calculated at 50 per cent of the max-min figures for Population (2005) plus 25 per cent of
3 Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division. Data refer to 2
4 Source: Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI).
5 The Structural index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Export concentration and
6 Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (2003, or later), unless otherwise ind
7 Source: UN/DESA, Statistics Division (2003, 2004).
8 The Shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the figures for the Natural shock index and the max-m
9 The Natural shock index is calculated at 50 per cent of the sum of the max-min figures for Percentage of homel
10 Emergency Disasters Data Base (EM-DAT), WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disa
11 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (1979-2004).
12 International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COM
13 Source:, unless otherwise indicated.
14 Source: Population Division, DESA (World Population Prospects, 2004 revision), unless otherwise indicated.
15 Source: www.unesco. org (August 2005 assessment), unless otherwise indicated.
16 Source:, unless otherwise indicated.
17 World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI).
18 Source: COMTRADE (2003, or latest year).
19 FAO estimates
20 (key indicators 2005)
21 2001/2002
22 Current GNI per capita from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSTAT).
23 (The state of world's children, 2006)
24 UNDP Human Development Index - 2005
25 Previous HAI
26 Minimum value instead of percentage due to lack of data (1990-2004).
27 Regression estimate
28 UNESCO estimate (July 2002)
30 Average of Burkina Faso, Liberia and Mali (1990-2004).
31 1999/2000
32 Based on regression using neighbouring countries: log of homeless due to natural disasters as a function of peo
33 Equatorial Guinea from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSTAT).
34 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Kiribiti is assumed to be the equivalent of that u
35 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for the Maldives is assumed to be the equivalent of
36 2000/2001
37 UNDP Human Development Index - 2001
38 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Timor-Leste is assumed to be the equivalent of
39 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Tonga is assumed to be the equivalent of that u
40 Owing to insufficient data availability, the Remoteness data for Tuvalu is assumed to be the equivalent of that u
41 Owing to insufficient data availabillity, the Remoteness data for the Republic of Vanuatu is assumed to be the e
Structural Shares of agriculture,
Population 3 Remoteness 4 5 Export concentration 6 7
index forestry and fisheries

Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

18.6 0.766 83.3 44.5 0.32 25.6 18 38.0 63.3
17.1 0.186 10.7 37.5 0.60 58.6 9.8 16.4
28.2 0.679 72.4 60.6 0.91 95.4 15.5 25.8
100.0 0.627 65.8 5.2 0.14 5.2 3.2 5.3
14.6 0.826 90.7 10.6 0.14 5.1 9.6 16.1
88.2 0.608 63.5 14.7 0.31 24.2 3.1 5.2
75.7 0.558 57.2 36.0 0.70 70.9 0.6 1.1
0.0 0.587 60.8 28.2 0.30 23.3 19.8 33.1
91.0 0.644 68.0 11.6 0.22 14.7 5.1 8.6
91.0 0.668 71.0 41.9 0.61 59.9 14.3 23.8
38.0 0.579 59.8 50.1 0.46 41.9 35.0 58.3
59.0 0.768 83.5 46.2 0.41 37.0 33.2 55.4
36.7 0.973 100.0 20.4 0.26 19.2 13.0 21.6
62.1 0.973 100.0 44.8 0.83 85.7 2.3 3.8
0.0 0.778 84.7 7.4 0.09 0.0 8.9 14.8
86.0 0.674 71.8 31.9 0.60 58.8 3.0 5.0
31.1 0.736 79.5 57.7 0.60 59.1 33.8 56.4
39.7 0.864 95.5 73.2 0.65 64.7 49.0 81.7
30.2 0.636 67.0 46.3 0.40 35.9 18 34.0 56.7
27.9 0.598 62.3 39.7 0.45 41.0 23.1 38.5
81.3 0.580 60.0 27.7 0.48 45.0 6.2 10.3
49.4 0.802 87.7 72.4 0.49 45.9 59.3 98.9
35.8 0.671 71.3 56.1 0.63 62.4 18 29.9 49.8
27.9 0.836 92.0 14.5 0.27 19.8 5.5 9.2
0.0 0.631 66.3 12.7 0.10 0.0 15.2 25.3
12.1 0.498 49.7 16.4 0.21 12.6 12.2 20.3
74.3 0.727 78.4 80.0 0.88 91.9 40.9 68.1
49.5 0.658 69.8 49.5 0.85 88.6 6.3 10.5
48.3 0.698 74.7 15.5 0.25 18.2 7.7 12.8
33.6 0.629 66.1 24.4 0.42 38.2 6.4 10.6
26.2 0.603 62.9 38.6 0.39 34.0 25.9 43.2
22.9 0.602 62.7 33.8 0.25 17.8 18 29.9 49.9
8.5 0.658 69.8 70.1 0.56 53.6 18 51.9 86.6
74.4 0.618 64.7 31.0 0.58 56.9 3.1 5.2
100.0 0.636 67.0 30.8 0.41 36.0 15.4 25.6
37.2 0.627 65.9 15.2 0.23 15.1 9.1 15.2
31.1 0.737 79.6 24.3 0.41 36.5 7.3 12.1
4.6 0.416 39.5 25.5 0.32 26.3 14.8 24.7
41.2 0.692 74.0 8.4 0.12 2.8 8.5 14.1
81.4 0.602 62.7 75.3 0.89 92.7 34.7 57.9
48.0 0.618 64.7 40.1 0.59 57.5 13.6 22.7
3.9 0.618 64.7 54.1 0.41 36.6 43.0 71.6
73.4 0.824 90.5 22.3 0.27 20.3 14.6 24.3
65.8 0.635 66.9 48.3 0.81 83.6 7.8 13.0
64.4 0.561 57.6 43.1 0.46 42.3 26.4 44.0
23.2 0.597 62.2 47.1 0.39 34.1 36.1 60.2
100.0 0.651 68.9 18.7 0.30 23.7 8.2 13.7
31.9 0.686 73.2 21.8 0.15 6.0 22.6 37.7
36.4 0.587 60.8 44.3 0.55 52.6 21.6 36.1
63.7 0.572 59.0 95.7 0.88 91.4 67.8 100.0
75.2 0.669 71.1 39.8 0.32 26.1 32.1 53.5
37.9 0.632 66.5 33.7 0.27 20.3 28.3 47.1
40.5 0.685 73.1 14.8 0.20 11.6 10.9 18.1
0.0 0.559 57.4 20.3 0.13 3.6 22.2 37.0
0.0 0.749 81.2 14.8 0.12 2.9 16.0 26.7
5.6 0.500 50.0 51.8 0.82 85.1 11.0 18.4
19.1 0.469 46.1 60.1 0.96 100.0 18 12.1 20.2
41.5 0.419 39.9 15.2 0.34 27.8 1.5 2.6
55.8 0.641 67.6 35.2 0.63 61.8 5.2 8.6
44.0 0.624 65.5 4.3 0.15 5.4 1.9 3.2
16.5 0.673 71.6 20.6 0.25 17.8 14.0 23.3
100.0 0.764 82.9 34 46.4 0.64 63.9 17.3 28.8
43.5 0.808 88.5 52.5 0.31 25.0 18 48.1 80.1
51.2 0.407 38.4 11.6 0.21 12.8 6.3 10.5
61.8 1.000 100.0 28.2 0.35 29.6 16.1 26.8
52.5 0.604 63.0 81.4 0.63 62.9 75.8 100.0
43.6 0.258 19.8 45.1 0.74 75.5 8.8 14.6
25.9 0.735 79.3 44.4 0.48 45.1 26.2 43.6
31.5 0.931 100.0 57.8 0.61 59.5 33.6 56.1
21.1 0.706 75.8 14.9 0.22 13.7 9.7 16.2
87.9 0.694 74.3 35 28.3 0.47 43.7 7.7 12.8
30.8 0.747 80.9 72.8 0.82 85.0 36.3 60.6
53.6 0.511 51.4 40.6 0.51 48.1 19.9 33.2
67.5 0.786 85.8 15.1 0.28 21.4 5.3 8.8
0.0 0.667 70.9 4.9 0.13 3.6 3.6 6.1
55.9 0.775 84.4 31.8 0.36 30.3 20.0 33.4
17.8 0.298 24.7 17.6 0.16 7.2 16.8 28.0
24.9 0.759 82.4 49.1 0.63 62.5 18 21.5 35.8
10.5 0.598 62.2 63.8 0.36 30.4 58.3 97.2
59.9 0.764 83.0 23.5 0.37 31.5 9.3 15.4
20.1 0.758 82.2 43.7 0.30 24.0 38.0 63.4
44.6 0.692 74.0 21.9 0.22 14.1 17.8 29.7
30.3 0.722 77.7 58.4 0.55 52.7 38.4 64.1
0.0 0.579 59.8 71.4 1.00 100.0 25.7 42.9
56.3 0.613 64.1 40.1 0.75 76.9 2.0 3.3
0.0 0.542 55.3 25.6 0.23 15.4 21.5 35.9
52.8 0.690 73.8 22.8 0.39 33.6 7.2 12.0
43.6 0.708 76.0 39.0 0.37 32.2 27.5 45.8
42.9 0.991 100.0 41.4 0.42 37.4 27.2 45.4
19.6 0.774 84.2 15.3 0.26 19.0 6.9 11.5
2.9 0.655 69.4 31.4 0.42 37.2 15.3 25.5
74.0 0.568 58.5 26.6 0.55 52.9 0.2 0.3
11.3 0.629 66.2 5.6 0.15 5.7 3.3 5.5
37.0 0.849 93.7 51.8 0.40 34.8 41.3 68.8
100.0 0.558 57.2 30.0 0.58 55.9 2.4 4.0
98.9 0.642 67.8 15.3 0.30 23.1 4.5 7.5
100.0 0.646 68.3 21.0 0.35 29.7 7.4 12.3
96.8 0.815 89.3 40.5 0.60 59.1 13.1 21.8
99.3 0.620 65.1 62.8 0.93 97.3 17.0 28.3
21.6 0.496 49.4 48.0 0.85 88.4 4.6 7.6
33.1 0.561 57.6 23.7 0.29 22.3 15.1 25.2
100.0 0.698 74.7 25.3 0.49 45.7 2.9 4.8
44.5 0.594 61.7 84.4 0.86 89.1 47.9 79.8
48.3 0.724 78.0 9.0 0.25 17.9 0.1 0.1
82.2 0.764 82.9 57.3 0.44 39.6 44.9 74.9
38.4 0.664 70.5 97.5 0.91 94.9 65.0 100.0
11.5 0.788 86.0 4.1 0.13 3.1 3.0 5.0
24.2 0.694 74.3 18.8 0.22 14.5 13.9 23.1
15.6 0.547 55.8 66.8 0.59 57.6 45.6 76.1
83.1 0.671 71.4 38.8 0.61 60.3 10.4 17.3
70.3 0.961 100.0 27.6 0.45 41.4 8.2 13.7
25.5 0.416 39.5 52.5 0.63 62.8 25.3 42.2
6.8 0.622 65.2 8.3 0.09 0.0 10.0 16.6
71.7 0.749 81.2 38 34.8 0.26 18.7 18 30.5 50.8
42.9 0.592 61.5 46.8 0.32 25.6 40.8 68.0
100.0 0.815 89.3 39 49.3 0.59 58.2 18 24.3 40.5
66.7 0.658 69.8 13.9 0.32 26.4 0.8 1.3
35.3 0.180 10.0 14.7 0.17 8.3 12.7 21.2
4.8 0.260 20.0 9.4 0.09 0.0 11.2 18.7
100.0 0.764 82.9 40 65.7 0.98 100.0 18.9 31.4
19.1 0.853 94.1 36.8 0.29 22.1 30.9 51.4
47.7 0.548 56.0 20.0 0.39 34.7 3.1 5.2
14.7 0.699 74.9 49.0 0.35 29.1 41.3 68.9
51.7 0.824 90.5 15.6 0.20 11.7 11.7 19.5
94.7 0.764 82.9 41 35.7 0.40 35.8 21.4 35.6
20.3 0.657 69.7 44.6 0.80 82.2 4.2 7.0
2.6 0.605 63.2 24.9 0.24 16.3 20.1 33.5
24.0 0.563 57.9 58.7 0.90 93.6 14.2 23.7
33.0 0.939 100.0 41.1 0.50 47.6 20.8 34.7
31.4 0.943 100.0 14.6 0.14 4.9 14.6 24.3

0.100 0.10 0.0

0.900 0.95 60.0

the Shock index.

pulation (2005) plus 25 per cent of the max-min figures for Remoteness (Location index) and 25 per cent of the figures for the Structural in
Population Division. Data refer to 2005.

gures for Export concentration and Shares of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
003, or later), unless otherwise indicated.

Natural shock index and the max-min figures for Export instability (Trade shock index).
in figures for Percentage of homeless and Agricultural instability.
earch on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED).
dity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE) (1979-2004).

n), unless otherwise indicated.

atural disasters as a function of people affected by natural disasters (1990-2004).

med to be the equivalent of that used for the Solomon Islands.

is assumed to be the equivalent of that used for Sri Lanka.

s assumed to be the equivalent of that used for Indonesia.

med to be the equivalent of that used for Somoa.
umed to be the equivalent of that used for the Solomon Islands.
of Vanuatu is assumed to be the equivalent of that used for the Solomon Islands.
Shock Natural Percentage of
8 Shock 9 10 Agricultural instability 11 Export instability 12
index homeless

Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min

79.4 67.9 0.513 60.8 15.36 74.9 32.10 90.9
48.8 50.9 0.862 66.4 8.06 35.5 17.96 46.7
39.5 34.1 0.206 51.1 4.68 17.2 17.37 44.9
45.2 55.0 9.626 92.0 4.84 18.0 14.31 35.3
27.3 35.9 0.347 56.7 4.30 15.1 8.97 18.7
46.4 57.8 1.110 69.1 10.13 46.6 14.16 34.9
33.6 41.4 0.002 0.0 26 16.80 82.7 11.25 25.8
29.3 44.9 2.885 79.2 3.47 10.7 7.38 13.7
31.5 47.8 0.758 65.0 7.15 30.6 7.89 15.3
22.0 16.0 0.002 0.0 26 7.42 32.0 11.97 28.0
57.4 47.0 0.915 67.0 6.48 26.9 24.71 67.8
31.3 31.6 0.055 37.2 6.32 26.0 12.95 31.1
31.5 43.7 0.782 65.3 5.58 22.1 9.15 19.2
50.3 55.9 2.021 75.4 8.24 36.4 17.32 44.7
24.6 32.9 0.323 55.9 3.32 9.9 8.22 16.3
43.4 35.2 0.002 0.0 26 14.51 70.3 19.53 51.7
43.5 39.8 0.124 45.7 7.76 33.9 18.10 47.2
57.7 40.5 0.417 58.6 5.64 22.4 26.97 74.9
61.2 56.2 2.393 77.2 8.01 35.2 24.20 66.2
26.7 19.6 0.024 28.1 3.53 11.0 13.84 33.9
53.3 74.0 1.189 69.8 15.96 78.2 13.44 32.6
36.9 42.7 1.547 72.6 3.89 12.9 12.92 31.0
75.9 51.8 1.156 69.5 7.81 34.1 40.32 100.0
27.6 36.4 0.641 63.2 3.27 9.6 9.04 18.9
26.6 43.7 4.225 83.3 2.26 4.1 6.05 9.5
32.3 40.4 1.703 73.6 2.85 7.3 10.74 24.2
50.5 24.1 0.078 40.8 2.87 7.4 27.59 76.8
44.6 38.7 1.605 73.0 2.32 4.4 19.17 50.5
30.6 42.7 1.451 71.9 4.00 13.5 8.89 18.4
46.2 59.8 1.967 75.1 9.74 44.6 13.43 32.6
28.5 30.0 0.114 44.9 30 4.28 15.0 11.68 27.1
44.8 59.8 4.348 83.6 8.15 35.9 12.53 29.8
46.0 34.4 0.354 56.9 3.72 12.0 21.44 57.6
59.2 60.1 3.325 80.7 8.81 39.5 21.64 58.2
47.1 50.4 0.412 58.5 9.32 42.3 17.01 43.8
44.8 41.4 1.589 72.9 3.33 9.9 18.42 48.2
30.5 45.2 0.886 66.6 5.89 23.7 8.08 15.9
19.8 26.7 0.123 45.6 2.94 7.8 7.12 12.9
24.2 21.9 0.034 31.9 3.71 12.0 11.47 26.5
66.2 52.3 2.156 76.1 32 6.78 28.5 28.64 80.1
77.7 76.8 0.486 60.3 18.76 93.3 28.19 78.7
47.0 60.1 0.205 51.1 14.28 69.1 13.84 33.9
37.6 58.4 1.880 74.7 9.29 42.1 8.37 16.8
23.9 3.1 0.002 0.0 26 2.65 6.2 17.34 44.8
54.0 75.1 0.419 58.7 18.42 91.5 13.51 32.9
44.1 52.0 1.305 70.8 7.66 33.3 14.56 36.1
21.2 7.8 0.002 0.0 26 4.39 15.6 14.06 34.6
15.8 20.7 0.046 35.1 2.68 6.4 6.49 10.9
24.7 33.0 0.302 55.2 32 3.48 10.7 8.25 16.4
61.8 29.4 0.103 43.8 4.26 14.9 33.18 94.3
49.9 58.5 1.357 71.2 9.96 45.7 16.22 41.3
69.6 39.6 1.544 72.6 2.73 6.6 34.89 99.7
29.0 41.0 0.840 66.1 4.44 15.9 8.46 17.1
18.7 34.7 0.508 60.7 3.11 8.7 3.85 2.7
25.7 33.7 0.424 58.8 3.08 8.6 8.66 17.7
54.1 39.5 0.461 59.7 5.08 19.4 24.98 68.7
75.7 51.3 0.002 2.7 26 31.99 100.0 80.23 100.0
10.6 11.8 0.002 0.0 26 5.87 23.6 5.99 9.4
21.6 31.8 0.096 43.0 5.32 20.6 6.62 11.3
19.2 28.1 0.002 0.0 26 11.91 56.3 6.28 10.3
17.2 20.7 0.011 20.1 5.42 21.2 7.40 13.7
86.2 72.4 5.013 85.1 32 12.55 59.7 49.82 100.0
58.8 68.0 20.340 100.0 8.16 36.0 18.84 49.5
33.8 37.8 0.121 45.5 7.08 30.2 12.54 29.8
38.1 35.3 0.059 37.8 7.56 32.8 16.09 40.9
73.5 47.0 0.081 41.1 11.28 52.9 35.17 100.0
37.2 9.3 0.002 0.0 26 4.94 18.6 23.84 65.1
39.3 43.1 3.781 82.1 2.25 4.0 14.36 35.5
42.5 53.5 0.494 60.4 10.12 46.6 13.06 31.4
23.2 28.2 0.143 47.2 3.20 9.2 8.82 18.2
31.4 54.7 13.800 95.9 4.00 13.5 5.61 8.2
31.5 36.0 0.139 46.9 6.13 25.0 11.62 26.9
31.3 42.3 1.827 74.4 3.40 10.3 9.51 20.3
39.3 47.2 0.348 56.7 8.47 37.7 13.05 31.4
22.5 32.0 0.359 57.0 2.78 6.9 7.15 13.0
36.5 24.6 0.006 13.8 8.06 35.5 18.45 48.3
32.4 50.9 0.047 35.4 13.79 66.4 7.41 13.8
41.8 55.6 3.034 79.8 7.30 31.4 11.96 28.0
47.7 37.1 0.311 55.5 4.97 18.8 21.64 58.2
19.2 22.3 0.002 0.0 26 9.75 44.6 8.17 16.2
33.4 37.9 0.599 62.5 3.95 13.3 12.23 28.8
41.5 49.3 0.434 59.1 8.81 39.5 13.79 33.7
50.8 64.4 0.892 66.7 12.98 62.0 14.93 37.3
56.7 33.7 0.307 55.4 3.73 12.1 28.50 79.7
29.3 14.6 0.002 0.0 26 6.89 29.1 17.12 44.1
31.2 48.0 5.831 86.7 3.23 9.3 7.62 14.4
26.8 32.4 0.468 59.9 2.41 4.9 9.79 21.2
37.8 40.7 3.401 81.0 1.60 0.5 14.13 34.8
46.0 40.3 0.246 53.0 6.59 27.5 19.59 51.8
32.6 48.9 1.809 74.3 5.86 23.6 8.19 16.2
35.1 51.1 7.263 89.0 3.92 13.1 9.12 19.1
42.0 40.1 0.002 0.0 26 16.34 80.2 17.04 43.9
31.6 42.5 1.028 68.2 4.59 16.7 9.62 20.7
63.8 55.0 0.113 44.8 13.58 65.3 26.23 72.6
42.6 52.8 0.249 53.1 11.20 52.4 13.35 32.3
42.7 55.9 0.232 52.4 12.47 59.3 12.48 29.6
31.1 34.1 0.002 0.0 26 14.10 68.1 11.99 28.1
48.5 65.1 16.293 97.6 7.52 32.5 13.19 31.8
34.7 14.9 0.002 0.0 26 7.03 29.9 20.41 54.4
44.1 32.2 0.002 0.0 26 13.42 64.4 20.90 55.9
46.7 71.6 0.573 62.0 16.53 81.3 9.99 21.8
38.0 56.1 0.237 52.6 12.53 59.6 9.36 19.9
68.7 37.4 0.253 53.3 32 5.46 21.4 35.97 100.0
32.4 48.4 0.002 0.0 26 19.42 96.9 8.27 16.5
37.6 50.1 0.325 56.0 9.68 44.2 11.06 25.2
75.6 64.9 6.982 88.6 9.12 41.2 30.63 86.3
27.6 36.7 0.103 43.7 6.99 29.7 8.94 18.6
35.2 56.3 11.865 94.3 4.88 18.3 7.51 14.1
61.2 51.0 0.730 64.6 8.42 37.4 25.88 71.5
30.4 14.6 0.002 0.0 26 6.89 29.1 17.77 46.2
22.3 7.6 0.002 0.0 26 4.33 15.3 14.85 37.0
32.5 22.9 0.002 0.0 26 9.98 45.8 16.49 42.2
25.3 32.6 0.372 57.4 2.95 7.8 8.77 18.0
65.7 31.3 0.109 44.3 32 4.88 18.3 120.80 100.0
43.1 47.1 1.583 72.8 5.47 21.4 15.49 39.0
67.6 59.9 3.564 81.5 8.59 38.3 27.11 75.4
30.5 29.0 0.018 25.0 7.62 33.1 13.20 31.9
42.5 72.3 0.520 61.0 16.95 83.5 7.10 12.8
33.9 42.6 1.635 73.2 3.72 12.0 11.04 25.1
96.5 93.1 5.520 86.1 21.10 100.0 42.69 100.0
52.5 29.3 0.170 49.1 3.27 9.6 27.25 75.8
36.4 50.0 0.002 0.0 26 21.98 100.0 10.30 22.8
29.9 31.9 0.194 50.5 3.97 13.3 11.92 27.9
30.4 39.0 0.132 46.4 7.36 31.7 9.98 21.8
51.5 62.4 5.157 85.4 8.81 39.5 15.96 40.5
39.4 37.5 0.700 64.1 3.52 10.9 16.18 41.2
48.1 37.9 1.523 72.4 2.12 3.4 21.69 58.4
43.1 45.2 1.253 70.3 5.21 20.1 16.09 40.9
40.6 44.8 0.110 44.4 9.86 45.2 14.62 36.3
51.5 60.7 0.542 61.4 12.62 60.1 16.50 42.2

0.002 1.50 3.00

20.340 20.00 35.00

figures for the Structural index.

Prevalence of Under 5 mortality Secondary enrolment
HAI undernourishment in 13 14 Literacy rate 15
(per 1000) ratio
total population (%)

Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value

11.5 56.0 14.4 19 252 0.0 36 24.8 20 12.0
81.5 5.0 96.0 41 86.7 70 64.6 80.0
28.8 40.0 40.0 245 0.0 67 61.1 19.0
76.5 24.0 65.6 12 99.1 23 86 83.5 24 60.2
98.4 2.5 100.0 17 96.8 97 96.9 100.0
94.2 6.0 94.4 16 97.2 96 94.9 24 91.0
94.6 2.5 100.0 27 17 96.8 88 85.8 96.0
50.1 30.0 56.0 79 69.9 41 30.8 28 47.0
99.7 2.5 100.0 12 99.1 100 99.9 28 106.0
83.4 4.0 97.6 41 86.5 77 73.0 78.0
39.9 15.0 80.0 161 34.1 34 22.0 28.0
44.4 23.0 67.2 19 84 68.0 47 37.7 24 10.0
78.2 21.0 70.4 72 72.9 87 84.3 86.0
64.4 32.0 52.8 106 58.2 79 75.4 28 73.0
91.3 9.0 89.6 35 88.9 88 86.6 110.0
95.0 3.0 99.2 7 100.0 93 91.6 90.0
24.6 19.0 73.6 196 19.0 13 0.0 11.0
20.1 68.0 0.0 187 23.0 59 51.8 11.0
46.0 33.0 51.2 140 43.3 74 69.1 25.0
46.7 25.0 64.0 163 33.6 68 62.4 31.0
82.1 2.5 100.0 36 88.7 76 71.6 28 70.0
27.3 43.0 35.2 176 27.9 49 39.6 12.0
22.2 34.0 49.6 203 16.0 26 12.4 16.0
95.3 4.0 97.6 10 100.0 96 95.2 89.0
82.7 11.0 86.4 41 86.7 91 89.5 70.0
84.0 13.0 83.2 33 90.1 94 93.4 71.0
37.8 62.0 4.8 77 70.8 56 48.6 28 31.0
52.5 37.0 44.8 108 57.3 83 80.0 28 32.0
89.0 4.0 97.6 12 99.1 96 95.3 28 66.0
97.9 3.0 99.2 8 100.0 100 100.0 93.0
41.0 14.0 81.6 189 22.0 48 39.1 26.0
70.3 36.0 46.4 59 78.6 95 94.3 25 64.0
21.2 71.0 0.0 212 12.3 65 59.3 18.0
44.7 27.0 60.8 140 43.4 66 59.6 24 20.0
93.9 8.0 91.2 14 98.3 23 88 86.1 24 114.0
71.9 25.0 64.0 51 82.3 87 84.9 59.0
83.8 4.0 97.6 30 91.4 91 89.6 59.0
79.2 3.0 99.2 43 85.7 56 47.9 85.0
77.1 11.0 86.4 35 89.3 80 76.2 28 59.0
55.6 9.0 89.6 19 181 25.4 84 81.6 30.0
34.1 73.0 0.0 94 63.5 57 49.2 24 28.0
26.6 46.0 30.4 172 29.7 42 31.3 28 20.0
89.8 5.0 96.0 27 92.5 93 91.9 80.0
67.9 6.0 94.4 95 63.0 71 66.0 24 51.0
41.5 27.0 60.8 129 48.3 38 26.9 24 34.0
56.2 13.0 83.2 102 60.1 54 46.1 39.0
95.5 8.0 91.2 21 95.2 23 96 95.5 24 149.0
62.7 24.0 65.6 52 81.8 69 63.8 43.0
36.2 26.0 62.4 166 32.4 41 30.7 24 24.0
25.6 35.0 48.0 211 12.5 40 29.0 24 18.0
87.2 9.0 89.6 68 74.7 97 96.1 24 89.0
38.5 47.0 28.8 110 56.5 52 43.5 28 29.3
64.2 22.0 68.8 48 83.4 80 76.7 32.0
59.1 21.0 70.4 99 61.4 61 54.3 53.0
80.0 6.0 94.4 54 80.9 88 86.0 28 61.0
83.7 4.0 97.6 39 87.3 77 73.1 78.0
44.3 29.7 56.5 27 124 50.5 41 30.8 28 43.0
97.3 2.5 100.0 27 6 100.0 97 96.6 93.0
88.0 10.0 88.0 21 95.3 88 85.7 28 84.0
89.8 7.0 92.8 27 92.8 90 88.3 86.0
50.6 33.0 51.2 118 53.2 74 69.1 33.0
90.5 6.0 94.4 65 76.1 23 93 91.4 20 104.0
54.0 22.0 68.8 141 43.2 69 63.3 44.0
88.5 3.0 99.2 26 92.8 87 84.3 24 79.0
61.2 12.0 84.8 123 50.8 81 78.3 35.0
28.9 46.0 30.4 224 7.1 56 48.2 28 34.0
93.5 2.5 100.0 21 95.2 82 78.6 28 105.0
41.6 37.0 44.8 131 47.3 71 65.5 14.0
40.5 33.0 51.2 184 24.1 64 57.9 33.0
88.4 2.5 100.0 13 98.7 89 86.9 70.0
81.9 11.0 86.4 55 80.5 96 95.9 67.0
21.5 29.0 57.6 220 8.5 19 4.8 20.0
46.4 10.0 88.0 156 36.4 51 42.7 23.0
88.2 6.0 94.4 18 96.6 84 81.7 81.0
89.0 5.0 96.0 25 93.6 90 88.8 79.0
76.8 28.0 59.2 85 67.2 98 97.6 84.0
65.2 7.0 92.8 46 84.2 51 42.1 28 45.0
25.6 47.0 28.8 182 25.4 46 37.1 28 16.0
68.4 6.0 94.4 112 55.7 90 88.1 39.0
69.3 22.0 68.8 78 70.5 81 78.2 62.0
56.0 17.0 76.8 88 66.0 49 39.6 45.0
69.8 27.0 60.8 40 86.9 77 72.7 61.0
12.7 34.0 49.6 264 0.0 9 0.0 7.0
50.0 9.0 89.6 200 17.2 67 61.1 28 36.0
86.2 2.9 99.4 27 18 96.6 74 70.1 28 80.0
46.2 20.0 72.0 114 54.8 49 39.7 23.0
78.7 26.0 62.4 27 92.7 92 90.7 71.0
54.1 13.0 83.2 19 98 61.6 57 49.9 26.0
79.9 14.0 81.6 45 84.7 92 90.3 65.0
85.0 13.0 83.2 52 81.7 88 85.7 90.0
83.3 22.0 68.8 34 89.7 93 91.5 84.0
94.8 2.5 100.0 27 14 98.3 89 87.2 94.0
96.8 2.5 100.0 5 100.0 98 97.8 24 90.0
33.8 37.0 44.8 190 21.8 64 57.7 16.0
94.4 12.0 84.8 21 95.2 23 98 97.6 24 106.0
91.6 5.0 96.0 20 95.8 90 88.5 87.0
81.9 13.0 83.2 31 91.1 88 86.2 24 69.0
90.4 4.0 97.6 31 90.8 99 98.7 28 76.0
63.6 13.0 83.2 112 55.7 83 80.3 24 39.0
83.2 3.0 99.2 27 92.8 79 75.9 67.0
38.8 24.0 65.6 133 46.7 39 28.6 19.0
94.6 9.0 89.6 14 98.3 23 92 90.6 111.0
15.7 50.0 24.0 290 0.0 30 17.2 26.0
89.0 2.5 100.0 27 4 100.0 93 91.5 66.5
70.6 20.0 72.0 58 79.3 77 72.6 24 61.0
5.4 61.0 6.4 19 211 12.6 17 2.5 37 5.7
85.0 2.5 100.0 27 74 72.3 82 79.5 89.0
84.6 22.0 68.8 20 95.7 90 88.9 86.0
49.0 27.0 60.8 119 52.4 59 51.9 35.0
84.0 11.0 86.4 31 90.9 88 86.1 74.0
58.3 19.0 73.6 143 42.1 79 75.7 45.0
79.4 4.0 97.6 21 95.2 83 80.1 48.0
84.3 20.0 72.0 25 93.6 93 91.6 81.0
55.3 7.0 92.8 134 46.0 59 51.4 24 35.0
46.0 26.0 62.4 137 44.7 53 44.8 36.0
97.9 3.0 99.2 19 25 93.5 99 98.9 103.0
90.1 12.0 84.8 19 96.2 98 98.5 28 82.0
85.0 2.5 100.0 25 93.4 74 69.9 78.0
86.6 3.0 99.2 49 83.0 88 86.5 79.0
89.7 3.0 99.2 19 51 82.2 23 95 94.3 20 84.0
49.0 19.0 73.6 139 43.9 69 63.5 28 20.0
87.8 2.5 100.0 10 100.0 77 73.4 28 79.0
32.8 44.0 33.6 164 33.2 69 64.2 6.0
98.2 4.0 97.6 15 97.7 98 97.5 28 106.0
66.0 12.0 84.8 42 86.0 74 69.6 28.0
82.2 17.0 76.8 29 91.7 93 92.0 70.0
80.1 19.0 73.6 39 87.6 90 88.8 72.0
48.3 36.0 46.4 95 63.0 49 40.1 28 47.0
35.2 49.0 25.6 173 29.1 68 62.4 28.0
53.0 44.0 33.6 117 53.4 90 88.4 28 40.0

2.5 10 15 5.7
65.0 240 100 100.0
Secondary enrolment GNI per
16 17
ratio capita ($)

6.7 21 122 22
78.8 1 977
14.1 21 823
57.8 25 9 367
100.0 3 947
90.5 14 587 22
95.8 12 743 22
43.8 403
100.0 9 434 22
76.7 3 590
23.6 450
4.6 29 690
85.2 937
71.4 3 550
100.0 2 903
89.4 20 810 22
5.6 303
5.6 90
20.5 303
26.8 667
68.2 1 487
6.7 21 277
10.9 237
88.3 4 537
68.2 1 120
69.2 1 887
26.8 450
27.9 21 680
63.9 4 350
92.6 2 773 22
21.5 21 683
61.8 25 508 22
13.0 31 103
15.2 943
100.0 3 407
56.5 2 193
56.5 1 840
84.1 1 390
56.5 2 227
25.8 21 3 393 33
23.6 163
15.2 100
78.8 21 2 337
48.0 21 3 427
30.0 277
35.3 323
100.0 3 580
39.6 1 930
19.4 433
13.0 31 143
88.3 913
25.0 25 410
27.9 25 967
50.2 543
58.6 970
76.7 2 017
39.6 897 22
92.6 16 567
83.0 2 790
85.2 1 953
29.0 407
100.0 917
40.6 350
77.7 4 457
31.1 623
30.0 31 117
100.0 4 557
8.8 25 273
29.0 163
68.2 4 027
65.0 2 320
15.2 300
18.3 403
79.9 4 197
77.7 6 340
83.0 497
41.7 1 333
10.9 220
35.3 167 22
59.7 1 983
41.7 243
58.6 757
1.4 203
32.1 347
78.8 8 295 22
18.3 537
69.2 4 177
21.5 527
62.9 1 150
89.4 2 173
83.0 1 083
93.6 33 456 22
89.4 12 433
10.9 220
100.0 6 943
86.2 21 4 060
67.1 3 303
74.5 1 597
35.3 21 333
65.0 9 347
14.1 557
100.0 7 453
21.5 36 190
64.5 25 22 120
58.6 557
0.0 25 193 22
88.3 3 037
85.2 930
31.1 463
72.4 2 087
41.7 1 390
44.9 1 130
79.9 2 243
31.1 21 467
32.1 31 323
100.0 1 590
80.9 7 607
76.7 2 287
77.7 3 020
83.0 21 1 267 22
15.2 253
77.7 19 819 22
0.3 31 313
100.0 4 030
23.6 1 187
68.2 3 820
70.3 487
43.8 523
23.6 390
36.4 430 22
Ccode ISO - 3 Countrry/Indicators Status EVI Population

Value Max-min
4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 50.12 23 293 959 34.26
12 DZA Algeria 47.09 31 402 548 31.71
24 AGO Angola LDC 48.48 13 936 321 38.64
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 37.67 65 258 84.38
32 ARG Argentina 18.08 37 944 112 30.10
44 BHS Bahamas 49.34 312 216 71.03
48 BHR Bahrain 47.13 663 386 64.61
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 22.93 143 364 457 18.76
52 BRB Barbados 33.49 269 394 72.29
84 BLZ Belize 42.30 235 587 73.44
204 BEN Benin LDC 56.99 6 628 989 44.98
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 40.61 2 198 363 54.39
68 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 25.34 8 705 346 42.65
72 BWA Botswana 55.14 1 563 672 57.30
76 BRA Brazil 11.04 174 706 110 17.08
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 60.14 341 074 70.28
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 49.28 12 207 295 39.77
108 BDI Burundi LDC 53.81 6 687 714 44.90
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 49.72 13 775 952 38.74
120 CMR Cameroon 31.92 15 535 016 37.72
132 CPV Cape Verde LDC 55.54 446 212 67.99
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 43.05 3 843 986 49.62
148 TCD Chad LDC 59.16 8 389 545 42.97
152 CHL Chile 23.72 15 589 284 37.69
156 CHN China 8.03 1 294 377 219 0.00
170 COL Colombia 22.57 43 494 860 28.94
174 COM Comoros LDC 59.11 748 706 63.58
178 COG Congo 50.34 3 205 593 51.17
188 CRI Costa Rica 25.03 4 199 697 48.87
384 CIV Côte D'Ivoire 25.44 16 691 388 37.10
192 CUB Cuba 34.75 11 272 623 40.45
196 CYP Cyprus 26.95 796 823 63.04
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 32.79 22 586 191 34.52
180 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo LDC 40.76 54 274 798 27.05
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 48.60 651 866 64.76
212 DMA Dominica 50.08 70 449 83.73
214 DOM Dominican Republic 39.03 8 639 183 42.72
218 ECU Ecuador 29.73 13 111 746 39.16
818 EGY Egypt 22.24 70 278 170 24.84
222 SLV El Salvador 24.36 6 520 460 45.12
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea LDC 64.37 482 901 67.31
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 51.74 3 993 038 49.30
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 42.03 66 039 754 25.37
242 FJI Fiji 37.21 831 641 62.68
266 GAB Gabon 50.72 1 293 494 58.91
270 GMB Gambia LDC 60.83 1 370 815 58.42
288 GHA Ghana 40.91 20 175 740 35.49
308 GRD Grenada 44.47 94 039 81.27
320 GTM Guatemala 20.30 11 994 727 39.92
324 GIN Guinea LDC 42.15 8 381 490 42.98
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 64.64 1 256 574 59.16
328 GUY Guyana 48.78 765 170 63.39
332 HTI Haiti LDC 41.66 8 399 679 42.96
340 HND Honduras 30.05 6 731 741 44.85
356 IND India 13.52 1 041 143 988 1.86
360 IDN Indonesia 18.08 217 534 272 15.21
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 47.14 72 375 745 24.59
368 IRQ Iraq 65.84 24 245 715 33.92
376 ISR Israel 22.44 6 302 962 45.41
388 JAM Jamaica 31.82 2 621 300 52.89
400 JOR Jordan 29.00 5 195 832 47.05
404 KEN Kenya 28.38 31 904 374 31.58
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 64.80 85 198 82.11
410 KOR Republic of Korea 12.90 47 389 493 28.20
418 LAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic LDC 43.92 5 529 901 46.52
422 LBN Lebanon 38.00 3 613 880 50.15
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 44.17 2 076 137 54.88
430 LBR Liberia LDC 63.08 3 297 886 50.93
434 LBY Libya 48.49 5 529 063 46.52
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 21.60 16 913 062 36.99
454 MWI Malawi LDC 49.04 11 828 182 40.04
458 MYS Malaysia 17.04 23 035 852 34.36
462 MDV Maldives LDC 33.57 309 017 71.12
466 MLI Mali LDC 47.50 12 018 663 39.90
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 38.95 2 829 601 52.24
480 MUS Mauritius 34.34 1 180 191 59.69
484 MEX Mexico 13.03 101 842 401 21.68
496 MNG Mongolia 49.97 2 587 118 53.00
504 MAR Morocco 29.41 30 988 284 31.83
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 35.62 18 986 487 36.00
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 45.43 48 956 092 27.93
516 NAM Namibia 40.49 1 818 574 56.01
524 NPL Nepal LDC 29.46 24 152 945 33.95
558 NIC Nicaragua 39.38 5 347 153 46.81
562 NER Niger LDC 54.11 11 640 834 40.18
566 NGA Nigeria 52.81 120 046 776 20.28
512 OMN Oman 48.00 2 709 173 52.61
586 PAK Pakistan 20.16 148 721 128 18.45
591 PAN Panama 33.10 2 942 015 51.91
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 36.12 5 032 337 47.33
600 PRY Paraguay 42.48 5 778 371 46.15
604 PER Peru 22.20 26 522 704 33.15
608 PHL Philippines 24.36 78 611 323 23.89
634 QAT Qatar 59.78 583 854 65.70
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 63.27 8 148 140 43.22
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 51.43 37 930 89.01
662 LCA Saint Lucia 52.89 151 072 77.22
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 51.39 114 711 79.57
882 WSM Samoa LDC 40.93 159 353 76.77
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 41.83 142 682 77.71
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 57.30 21 700 639 34.86
686 SEN Senegal LDC 38.40 9 907 949 41.55
690 SYC Seychelles 52.47 82 510 82.38
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 45.67 4 813 893 47.71
702 SGP Singapore 29.15 4 188 250 48.89
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 46.74 478 565 67.39
706 SOM Somalia LDC 55.44 9 557 262 41.86
710 ZAF South Africa 19.45 44 202 500 28.80
144 LKA Sri Lanka 24.88 19 287 076 35.87
736 SDN Sudan LDC 45.21 32 559 165 31.41
740 SUR Suriname 46.24 420 912 68.49
748 SWZ Swaziland 39.24 947 820 61.56
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 49.74 17 040 450 36.93
764 THA Thailand 13.84 64 343 541 25.60
626 TLS Timor-Leste n.a.
768 TGO Togo LDC 41.51 4 779 345 47.77
776 TON Tonga 48.48 99 760 80.76
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 34.24 1 305 951 58.83
788 TUN Tunisia 39.88 9 669 854 41.76
792 TUR Turkey 18.14 68 569 237 25.05
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 70.32 10 454 100.00
800 UGA Uganda LDC 43.18 24 779 902 33.73
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 39.10 2 700 822 52.63
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 28.27 36 819 564 30.36
858 URY Uruguay 21.43 3 384 845 50.71
548 VUT Vanuatu LDC 44.51 207 136 74.53
862 VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 38.20 25 093 219 33.63
704 VNM Viet Nam 37.08 80 226 102 23.71
887 YEM Yemen LDC 49.07 19 911 935 35.60
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 49.27 10 871 819 40.76
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 33.69 13 075 726 39.18

Bounds: 10 454
1 294 377 219
1 The EVI is calculated at 20 per cent of each of the figures for population, export concentration, share of manuf
2 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division. Data refer to 2002.
3 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Data refer to 2001 or latest year.
4 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on from United Nati
5 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on agricultural prod
6 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat calculated, based on expo
7 The HAI is calculated at 25 per cent each of the figures for the calorie intake as percentage of rquirement, und
8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Data refers to 1998.
9 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division. Data refers to the ave
10 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS). Data re
11 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Institute for Statistics (UIS). Data re
12 World Bank, World Development Indicators Database 2002 (, unless otherwise
13 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, GDP per capita. Data re
14 Data refers to 1998.
15 International Monetary Fund (IMF), GDP per capita. Data refers to 1998-1999 average.
16 International Monetary Fund (IMF), IFS Statistics, GNP per capita. Data refer to 1998-2000 average.
17 International Monetary Fund (IMF), GDP per capita. Data refers to 1998-2000 average.
Share of manufacturing
Export concentration Agricultural instability Export instability
& modern services
2 3 4 5
Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value
0.284 23.03 11.72 100.00 5.97 20.50 28.68
0.572 54.27 29.12 74.13 8.20 31.86 18.64
0.911 91.17 37.46 61.73 4.22 11.58 17.20
0.235 17.65 54.75 36.03 5.30 17.09 15.11
0.130 6.19 62.23 24.90 4.51 13.05 9.28
0.621 59.57 48.88 44.76 10.22 42.19 13.73
0.545 51.32 71.03 11.82 19.28 88.38 10.44
0.320 26.86 42.94 53.59 3.05 5.62 7.11
0.178 11.40 48.67 45.07 6.73 24.36 8.66
0.404 36.01 45.47 49.83 6.75 24.50 13.25
0.781 77.00 29.83 73.07 7.45 28.06 24.92
0.326 27.51 23.55 82.41 3.59 8.38 14.14
0.228 16.85 56.38 33.60 5.24 16.78 9.51
0.897 89.62 37.04 62.35 8.48 33.32 15.10
0.088 1.61 65.02 20.76 2.81 4.41 7.63
0.600 57.37 34.64 65.92 13.41 58.44 20.42
0.555 52.44 26.92 77.40 7.87 30.18 19.70
0.701 68.27 35.79 64.21 6.32 22.29 27.52
0.385 33.98 34.20 66.57 7.69 29.27 31.16
0.425 38.27 44.49 51.28 3.30 6.91 12.46
0.435 39.41 50.24 42.73 21.56 100.00 13.20
0.442 40.19 21.49 85.47 3.85 9.72 14.11
0.754 74.09 27.75 76.16 8.76 34.72 26.98
0.292 23.85 54.79 35.97 3.03 5.50 9.08
0.073 0.00 57.64 31.74 2.50 2.83 5.66
0.290 23.62 57.04 32.63 3.32 7.01 10.83
0.853 84.81 33.56 67.52 3.81 9.50 27.77
0.853 84.87 35.45 64.72 2.79 4.30 19.71
0.386 34.07 62.06 25.16 3.43 7.54 7.01
0.386 34.02 66.06 19.21 4.85 14.81 11.29
0.461 42.22 62.36 24.72 9.11 36.50 13.98
0.161 9.60 61.01 26.72 6.00 20.66 8.79
0.171 10.68 52.21 39.81 6.91 25.31 22.11
0.416 37.36 15.10 94.98 3.52 8.01 16.21
0.584 55.55 59.85 28.44 9.94 40.75 22.06
0.478 44.08 51.73 40.51 10.23 42.23 17.40
0.792 78.24 62.49 24.52 2.84 4.53 19.21
0.360 31.22 49.77 43.44 5.95 20.39 8.70
0.265 20.94 44.96 50.59 2.84 4.54 7.27
0.200 13.80 61.24 26.38 4.34 12.21 12.07
0.815 80.71 30.60 71.94 5.28 16.98 32.83
0.340 29.05 28.82 74.58 11.51 48.74 23.28
0.590 56.24 28.82 74.58 6.22 21.77 14.77
0.398 35.39 52.60 39.23 8.87 35.29 8.36
0.811 80.28 28.76 74.66 1.95 0.00 17.36
0.622 59.71 29.55 73.49 18.65 85.18 13.11
0.371 32.39 30.42 72.19 7.79 29.77 15.64
0.528 49.45 51.43 40.96 6.09 21.12 13.86
0.223 16.35 55.50 34.91 2.34 1.99 6.59
0.606 57.97 22.05 84.64 4.09 10.94 8.61
0.877 87.45 30.64 71.87 4.25 11.72 35.60
0.350 30.15 33.29 67.94 10.52 43.73 16.99
0.272 21.70 45.40 49.93 3.05 5.62 33.92
0.327 27.63 47.67 46.56 5.15 16.34 8.84
0.161 9.64 44.95 50.59 3.02 5.48 3.75
0.128 6.00 44.87 50.72 3.11 5.95 8.03
0.835 82.85 50.12 42.91 6.52 23.33 24.99
0.983 98.94 51.79 40.43 12.92 55.93 38.00
0.287 23.32 63.27 23.36 5.27 16.96 4.82
0.535 50.23 54.61 36.23 4.51 13.09 6.02
0.156 9.08 59.59 28.83 12.14 51.99 6.50
0.290 23.67 41.47 55.78 5.66 18.94 7.83
0.729 71.31 50.71 42.04 15.07 66.93 24.85
0.154 8.80 73.03 8.85 2.56 3.11 9.06
0.326 27.56 30.60 71.93 7.37 27.64 19.49
0.133 6.56 53.60 37.73 5.82 19.76 29.71
0.503 46.84 47.60 46.66 8.93 35.58 16.39
0.657 63.54 43.88 52.18 12.74 55.02 35.85
0.767 75.51 41.24 56.11 5.90 20.17 18.87
0.203 14.14 51.65 40.64 2.31 1.86 8.67
0.682 66.29 30.04 72.76 9.10 36.45 13.91
0.221 16.10 64.72 21.21 2.32 1.91 7.72
0.406 36.29 43.86 52.22 2.95 5.12 4.81
0.850 84.53 33.21 68.05 6.40 22.71 11.38
0.542 51.06 34.22 66.55 3.53 8.08 9.51
0.295 24.16 61.85 25.47 8.32 32.51 13.97
0.118 4.88 62.79 24.08 3.06 5.67 6.77
0.527 49.34 24.24 81.38 6.42 22.78 18.60
0.176 11.21 58.72 30.12 14.01 61.49 7.99
0.402 35.80 45.57 49.68 8.14 31.60 12.32
0.368 32.14 13.97 96.66 5.05 15.80 22.45
0.551 51.97 51.57 40.75 10.93 45.79 6.46
0.338 28.89 43.68 52.49 4.44 12.73 10.34
0.299 24.57 37.32 61.94 8.31 32.43 14.42
0.677 65.72 28.41 75.19 13.23 57.52 14.69
0.992 100.00 36.06 63.81 3.44 7.61 28.53
0.728 71.30 42.25 54.61 6.25 21.93 17.30
0.219 15.93 46.78 47.88 3.39 7.37 7.57
0.308 25.55 37.76 61.29 3.47 7.78 10.25
0.457 41.76 40.15 57.73 2.64 3.54 14.11
0.414 37.07 37.33 61.93 5.99 20.62 19.73
0.242 18.41 60.71 27.17 5.84 19.85 8.01
0.502 46.72 57.52 31.91 3.86 9.73 7.02
0.628 60.39 42.12 54.80 16.99 76.69 17.90
0.711 69.42 30.33 72.33 13.99 61.39 27.72
0.622 59.77 52.55 39.30 10.85 45.41 11.86
0.631 60.70 48.80 44.87 12.96 56.15 12.49
0.487 45.05 47.64 46.61 13.43 58.56 13.04
0.402 35.83 53.86 37.35 7.28 27.18 13.18
0.338 28.81 57.82 31.46 7.02 25.86 19.27
0.694 67.60 36.12 63.73 14.84 65.73 22.44
0.251 19.34 45.96 49.10 14.46 63.78 9.99
0.824 81.74 59.17 29.46 11.86 50.55 9.98
0.502 46.68 21.20 85.90 5.31 17.12 14.35
0.273 21.81 78.98 0.00 14.08 61.88 8.26
0.679 65.93 44.49 51.28 7.40 27.78 11.06
0.680 66.08 25.31 79.80 7.91 30.40 23.98
0.115 4.55 61.26 26.35 7.03 25.91 7.74
0.231 17.16 47.70 46.50 4.91 15.10 7.09
0.308 25.57 37.91 61.06 9.24 37.16 28.02
0.610 58.39 50.00 43.09 6.10 21.16 17.47
0.318 26.62 44.90 50.67 5.91 20.21 16.47
0.628 60.35 32.24 69.49 10.41 43.16 17.02
0.108 3.79 67.60 16.93 3.42 7.50 9.01

0.377 33.12 29.65 73.34 5.43 17.73 15.93

0.575 54.59 54.61 36.24 9.48 38.41 14.84
0.344 29.45 53.99 37.16 5.38 17.51 13.43
0.204 14.30 37.28 62.00 15.70 70.14 7.58
0.099 2.84 59.02 29.68 3.91 10.01 11.67
0.482 44.55 46.04 48.98 13.33 58.06 38.00
0.442 40.15 38.01 60.91 3.93 10.10 28.06
0.316 26.40 51.12 41.43 12.85 55.59 10.40
0.247 18.95 39.05 59.37 3.39 7.36 12.41
0.178 11.48 73.81 7.70 6.49 23.15 8.58
0.394 34.93 45.86 49.25 7.83 29.99 15.34
0.796 78.60 54.38 36.58 2.71 3.87 16.88
0.282 22.79 34.77 65.73 2.13 0.93 28.50
0.924 92.59 39.99 57.97 5.94 20.36 17.04
0.828 82.15 46.19 48.76 10.61 44.18 14.19
0.301 24.84 54.94 35.74 11.90 50.75 9.89

0.073 11.72 1.95 3.75

0.992 78.98 21.56 38.00

entration, share of manufacturing & modern services, agricultural instability and export instability.
on. Data refer to 2002.
1 or latest year.
based on from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates d
based on agricultural production data from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Data refer to period 1979-2001.
alculated, based on export earnings in current USD deflated by the unit value of imports of developing countries from the International M
ntage of rquirement, under-five mortality rate, literacy rate and gross secondary school enrolment ratio.

on. Data refers to the average 2000-2005.

or Statistics (UIS). Data refers to 2000.
or Statistics (UIS). Data refers to 1999/2000 school year., unless otherwise indicated. Gross national income is in current US$, using the Atlas Method as conversion factor. Data is 1999-20
, GDP per capita. Data refers to1998.

2000 average.
Calorie intake as
Under 5 mortality
Export instability HAI percentage of Literacy rate
(per 1000)
6 7 8 9 10
Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min
72.80 11.64 89.01 5.73 279.217 0.00 37.3 25.40
43.48 71.74 162.84 84.08 46.977 84.93 66.7 60.39
39.27 25.58 110.40 33.67 201.389 28.46 42 30.99
33.18 68.61 123.83 48.56 15 96.63 81.5 77.99
16.16 88.98 161.86 83.30 23.183 93.64 96.8 96.23
29.15 79.45 128.50 53.36 23.286 93.60 95.4 94.53
19.53 87.93 158.64 80.69 18.622 95.30 87.5 85.15
9.81 45.30 115.08 39.06 92.262 68.37 40.0 28.60
14.34 93.07 164.25 85.20 12.132 97.68 99.7 99.61
27.74 80.16 156.04 78.55 38.244 88.13 93.2 91.93
61.83 40.15 141.90 66.23 132.314 53.73 37.4 25.54
30.36 40.43 122.94 47.62 79.986 72.86 47.3 37.30
16.83 68.71 124.29 49.04 75.094 74.65 85.4 82.65
33.14 59.85 120.11 44.60 141.762 50.27 77.2 72.91
11.35 85.11 155.79 78.34 44.269 85.93 86.9 84.42
48.69 92.04 159.44 81.35 9.861 98.51 91.5 89.88
46.59 26.46 119.34 43.76 146.267 48.62 23.9 9.45
69.40 19.66 91.62 9.48 197.903 29.74 48.0 38.09
80.02 44.53 117.05 41.25 104.151 64.03 68.0 61.94
25.43 43.81 118.38 42.72 132.6 53.62 71.3 65.82
27.59 72.02 173.63 92.40 56.568 81.43 73.8 68.82
30.26 29.92 111.11 34.50 156.482 44.89 46.7 36.61
67.83 26.07 113.74 37.53 198.328 29.58 42.6 31.70
15.57 85.09 147.64 71.37 13.684 97.11 95.8 94.95
5.60 74.68 152.60 75.66 41.492 86.94 85.2 82.38
20.67 77.09 142.54 66.81 32.802 90.12 91.6 90.04
70.14 38.05 101.10 22.26 91.969 68.48 55.9 47.48
46.61 55.16 118.58 42.94 122.191 57.43 80.7 77.02
9.52 75.56 143.46 67.64 13.104 97.32 95.6 94.71
22.03 42.97 141.85 66.18 137.654 51.77 48.6 38.88
29.88 78.62 123.47 48.18 9.614 98.60 96.7 96.04
14.72 91.53 181.18 97.93 8.216 99.11 97.1 96.50
53.62 62.89 98.41 18.76 49.659 83.95 95 94.05
36.39 34.27 96.15 15.74 127.862 55.35 61.4 54.06
53.48 30.24 104.42 26.44 202.331 28.12 64.6 57.88
39.86 85.32 159.07 81.04 16 96.26 94 92.86
45.13 65.79 118.23 42.55 52.514 82.91 83.7 80.56
14.47 73.31 149.72 73.19 54.554 82.16 91.6 89.95
10.28 73.96 172.63 91.66 49.152 84.14 55.3 46.82
24.30 67.94 141.90 66.23 34.716 89.42 78.7 74.63
84.91 47.20 112.94 36.62 160.18 43.53 87.1 84.69
57.03 32.79 93.75 12.46 141.917 50.21 55.7 47.34
32.19 25.18 105.14 27.34 182.935 35.21 39.1 27.54
13.47 81.17 155.96 78.48 21.632 94.20 92.9 91.52
39.76 56.92 138.04 62.65 131.675 53.96 70.8 65.26
27.35 34.04 136.22 60.92 195.486 30.62 36.6 24.52
34.72 57.86 145.90 69.83 99.584 65.70 71.6 66.21
29.54 78.61 139.90 64.38 26 92.61 96 95.24
8.32 54.89 124.57 49.33 54.271 82.27 68.5 62.57
14.20 30.34 126.23 51.05 189.513 32.81 41.1 29.92
92.98 31.24 133.52 58.33 207.815 26.11 38.4 26.72
38.67 75.15 130.32 55.18 70.415 76.36 98.5 98.21
88.08 35.33 95.34 14.64 103.673 64.20 49.8 40.27
14.86 59.18 132.95 57.78 49.61 83.97 75.0 70.24
0.00 55.67 136.46 61.16 85.647 70.79 57.2 49.12
12.50 73.58 157.38 79.66 49.299 84.09 86.8 84.30
62.03 76.92 157.22 79.53 42.08 86.73 76.0 71.48
100.00 47.33 132.20 57.04 77.521 73.76 39.3 27.81
3.14 91.97 174.73 93.22 9.294 98.72 94.8 93.83
6.64 78.48 138.54 63.12 24.655 93.10 86.9 84.43
8.05 84.21 157.63 79.86 27.627 92.01 89.8 87.88
11.93 49.30 108.24 31.10 103.427 64.29 82.4 79.08
61.62 67.51 141.45 65.82 70 76.51 93 91.67
15.52 91.53 162.50 83.81 9.375 98.69 97.8 97.33
45.96 46.40 123.98 48.71 140.613 50.69 64.8 58.11
75.79 84.59 173.02 91.94 19.858 94.85 86.0 83.34
36.90 45.37 119.89 44.37 181.053 35.90 83.4 80.26
93.71 38.70 109.89 33.06 111.868 61.20 53.5 44.72
44.14 82.59 174.73 93.22 28.136 91.83 79.9 76.13
14.36 37.93 111.67 35.15 147.037 48.34 66.5 60.14
29.68 38.95 121.23 45.80 223.768 20.28 60.1 52.58
11.59 87.49 157.92 80.11 13.253 97.27 87.4 85.00
3.11 65.24 120.48 45.00 47.292 84.82 96.9 96.29
22.29 19.85 118.78 43.16 235.582 15.96 25.6 11.52
16.82 38.24 142.93 67.17 156.355 44.93 40.2 28.89
29.86 87.64 154.74 77.46 16.843 95.96 84.5 81.53
8.82 82.25 165.61 86.27 34.376 89.54 91.2 89.48
43.35 63.32 106.52 29.03 85.489 70.85 98.4 98.14
12.39 60.71 169.19 89.04 52.146 83.04 48.8 39.13
25.02 20.01 98.41 18.76 224.173 20.13 44.0 33.39
54.61 60.04 154.64 77.38 132.703 53.58 84.7 81.76
7.93 56.97 116.39 40.52 120.918 57.89 82.0 78.56
19.26 47.10 121.67 46.27 98.381 66.14 41.7 30.63
31.17 60.82 121.67 46.27 45.184 85.59 66.5 60.12
31.95 14.16 107.78 30.55 209.938 25.34 16.0 0.00
72.35 52.26 150.82 74.13 129.972 54.58 64.0 57.19
39.56 72.24 148.31 71.96 26.983 92.25 71.7 66.34
11.17 45.46 138.07 62.68 127.79 55.38 43.2 32.43
18.98 75.59 134.62 59.39 23.966 93.35 91.9 90.33
30.26 46.17 117.62 41.88 84.51 71.21 63.9 57.03
46.66 72.66 140.44 64.88 45.174 85.59 93.3 92.00
12.43 74.32 132.04 56.89 55.465 81.83 89.9 87.93
9.55 76.93 133.52 58.33 34.963 89.33 94.9 93.97
41.31 84.89 161.91 83.34 13.858 97.05 81.2 77.66
69.97 34.09 115.34 39.34 196.017 30.43 66.8 60.55
23.67 68.11 116.06 40.15 25 92.97 90 88.10
25.51 81.85 145.60 69.56 17 95.90 82 78.58
27.14 68.21 125.91 50.71 25 92.97 82 78.58
27.53 88.79 184.10 100.00 31.383 90.64 98.6 98.36
45.32 55.80 119.34 43.76 75 74.69 73.2 68.11
54.57 75.07 153.23 76.19 24.077 93.31 76.2 71.71
18.23 38.06 125.14 49.92 104.662 63.84 37.4 25.48
18.19 73.82 133.15 57.97 17 95.90 88 85.72
30.95 21.69 112.64 36.27 254.256 9.13 36.3 24.21
13.18 79.66 146.81 70.64 5.784 100.00 92.3 90.81
21.35 47.26 108.80 31.77 30.366 91.01 62 54.79
59.06 8.54 85.16 0.00 185.951 34.11 16 0.05
11.66 76.51 156.52 78.95 101.124 65.13 85.2 82.44
9.77 74.14 125.68 50.48 23.423 93.55 91.6 90.05
70.88 46.43 132.07 56.91 122.12 57.45 57.7 49.64
40.06 72.43 138.22 62.82 29.119 91.47 94.2 93.10
37.15 56.64 135.33 60.07 170.909 39.61 79.6 75.76
38.76 74.05 184.07 99.98 26.31 92.49 74.4 69.58
15.37 77.90 130.48 55.34 25.657 92.73 95.5 94.63
36.42 110.00 33.19 159 43.97 48.0 38.13
35.58 48.62 135.16 59.92 123.758 56.85 57.1 49.00
32.39 79.42 142.50 66.77 21 94.44 99 98.81
28.27 81.80 139.38 63.90 14.21 96.92 98.3 97.96
11.19 78.72 175.27 93.62 30.444 90.98 71.0 65.50
23.14 77.66 177.66 95.38 49.123 84.15 85.0 82.16
100.00 63.67 126.47 51.29 53 82.73 95 94.05
70.99 39.78 120.22 44.72 159.361 43.83 67.0 60.77
19.43 80.54 169.35 89.16 14.808 96.70 76.2 71.68
25.30 41.06 111.11 34.50 116.556 59.49 75.0 70.27
14.10 86.32 147.12 70.91 15.323 96.51 97.6 97.10
33.83 57.36 136.79 61.47 34.924 89.34 64.0 57.17
38.33 72.17 128.26 53.12 22.28 93.97 92.5 91.12
72.26 72.73 133.89 58.69 44.788 85.74 92.5 91.09
38.82 46.81 116.48 40.62 84.913 71.06 46.4 36.18
30.48 43.40 108.29 31.16 143.075 49.79 78.2 74.05
17.94 56.55 115.68 39.72 107.746 62.71 88.7 86.52

85.16 5.78 15.96

184.10 279.22 100.00

tional Accounts Main Aggregates database. Data refer to 2001 or latest year.
d 1979-2001.
ountries from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Data refer to period 1979-2001.

conversion factor. Data is 1999-2001 average, unless otherwise indicated.

Gross secondary
GNI per
school enrolment
capita ($)
11 12
Value Max-min
22.1 15.43 523 13
66.90 57.57 1 583
15.47 9.19 447
60.19 51.26 8 913
93.69 82.77 7 330
86.8 76.29 14 515
102.00 90.59 9 370
53.73 45.19 363
101.14 89.78 8 935
71.65 62.04 2 833
21.78 15.13 367
9.9 3.95 600
78.49 68.48 973
81.82 71.61 3 590
103.25 91.77 3 507
110.34 98.44 24 100 14
9.98 4.02 217
7.11 1.32 110
17.27 10.89 263
19.61 13.09 583
54.00 45.44 1 323
9.6 3.67 277
11.49 5.45 203
87.47 76.93 4 513
62.82 53.74 837
70.94 61.37 2 030
20.58 14.00 387
51.7 43.27 610
50.94 42.56 3 787
21.70 15.05 687
81.89 71.68 2 150 13
82.86 72.59 12 305
63.95 54.80 440 13
18.37 11.92 100 14
14.74 8.51 873
81.28 71.10 3 125
66.45 57.15 2 100
56.66 47.94 1 253
83.53 73.22 1 467
49.80 41.48 1 987
31.19 23.98 743
28.16 21.13 190
17.00 10.63 100
70 60.49 2 200
54.42 45.83 3 217
27.04 20.08 340
37.28 29.71 337
71.83 62.21 3 697
32.68 25.38 1 687
13.78 7.60 447
20.37 13.80 170
81.01 70.85 857
29.3 22.20 493
32 24.74 847
49.92 41.60 450
54.88 46.27 610
80.05 69.94 1 667
38.32 30.68 3 388
92.97 82.10 16 510
83.57 73.25 2 703
87.66 77.11 1 700
29.85 22.72 350
44 36.03 923
97.43 86.29 8 947
35.56 28.09 297
78.21 68.21 3 977
27.96 20.94 573
22.52 15.82 285 13
79.25 69.19 5 828 15
14.30 8.09 253
45.19 37.15 177
98.81 87.59 3 460
42.75 34.85 1 983
15.03 8.78 230
18.42 11.97 377
107.32 95.60 3 733
73.40 63.69 5 037
64.45 55.26 393
39.34 31.64 1 187
13.95 7.76 220
34.87 27.44 282 13
59.82 50.92 2 020
53.90 45.34 240
60.22 51.29 395
6.50 0.76 180
30.3 23.14 267
67.79 58.41 5 855 16
39.04 31.37 437
68.73 59.29 3 210
21.16 14.54 673
56.90 48.16 1 443
80.77 70.62 2 063
75.94 66.08 1 047
92.35 81.52 20 855 17
12.10 6.02 230
60.15 51.22 6 817
94.29 83.34 3 977
59.45 50.56 2 720
76.04 66.17 1 447
44.63 36.62 280
68.48 59.06 7 065
19.52 13.00 490
64.89 55.68 7 035
23.94 17.16 130
66.5 57.20 24 465
17.9 11.48 657
5.7 0.00 177 13
90.22 79.51 3 050
72.12 62.49 833
28.80 21.73 333
50.70 42.33 1 810
60.03 51.11 1 353
41.98 34.13 960
78.95 68.91 1 993
38.00 30.39 478
36.21 28.70 293
67 57.67 1 603
78.43 68.42 5 120
74.56 64.78 2 087
57.73 48.95 2 833
34 26.62 1 383 13
16.1 9.78 297
74.36 64.59 18 060 14
5.70 0.00 263
91.55 80.77 6 017
28.53 21.48 1 083
59.33 50.45 4 267
64.60 55.41 390
47.57 39.39 423
25.49 18.61 317
45.29 37.25 463

Ccode ISO - 3 Countrry/Indicators Status EVI Population
4 AFG Afghanistan LDC 44.89 20 892 988
12 DZA Algeria 41.30 29 394 378
24 AGO Angola LDC 55.19 11 714 623
28 ATG Antigua and Barbuda 41.20 66 479
32 ARG Argentina 15.22 35 670 992
44 BHS Bahamas 45.37 290 853
48 BHR Bahrain 48.15 582 537
50 BGD Bangladesh LDC 23.77 122 650 153
52 BRB Barbados 36.54 266 905
84 BLZ Belize 40.47 224 282
204 BEN Benin LDC 58.68 5 628 768
64 BTN Bhutan LDC 42.27 1 945 429
68 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 27.24 7 774 082
76 BRA Brazil 15.20 163 700 409
96 BRN Brunei Darussalam 51.07 308 397
854 BFA Burkina Faso LDC 44.58 11 000 882
108 BDI Burundi LDC 51.55 6 362 081
116 KHM Cambodia LDC 61.00 10 478 474
120 CMR Cameroon 31.59 13 923 766
132 CPV Cape Verde LDC 56.98 398 667
140 CAF Central African Republic LDC 42.43 3 419 962
148 TCD Chad LDC 64.41 7 085 578
152 CHL Chile 25.09 14 624 764
156 CHN China 4.18 1 244 202 090
170 COL Colombia 24.28 40 042 810
174 COM Comoros LDC 55.36 640 228
178 COG Congo 46.90 2 708 833
188 CRI Costa Rica 23.99 3 748 123
384 CIV Côte D'Ivoire 32.81 14 064 066
192 CUB Cuba 41.50 11 068 357
196 CYP Cyprus 29.87 763 362
408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 32.31 22 981 069
180 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo LDC 51.89 47 986 775
262 DJI Djibouti LDC 46.60 616 770
212 DMA Dominica 56.05 70 813
214 DOM Dominican Republic 45.54 8 097 480
218 ECU Ecuador 29.40 11 937 306
818 EGY Egypt 24.85 64 731 064
222 SLV El Salvador 28.36 5 910 713
226 GNQ Equatorial Guinea LDC 55.81 420 160
232 ERI Eritrea LDC 27.06 3 432 927
231 ETH Ethiopia LDC 44.58 58 218 090
242 FJI Fiji 37.39 786 351
266 GAB Gabon 49.96 1 136 967
270 GMB Gambia LDC 61.83 1 189 485
288 GHA Ghana 43.13 18 656 499
308 GRD Grenada 43.67 92 750
320 GTM Guatemala 25.99 10 519 153
324 GIN Guinea LDC 45.77 7 325 208
624 GNB Guinea-Bissau LDC 55.91 1 135 617
328 GUY Guyana 51.41 843 393
332 HTI Haiti LDC 45.61 7 819 624
340 HND Honduras 35.73 5 980 901
356 IND India 12.20 966 192 388
360 IDN Indonesia 17.38 203 380 085
364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 50.00 64 627 639
376 ISR Israel 23.35 5 860 074
388 JAM Jamaica 31.18 2 516 484
400 JOR Jordan 27.70 6 125 665
404 KEN Kenya 27.75 28 445 775
296 KIR Kiribati LDC 74.32 79 890
410 KOR Republic of Korea 16.09 45 731 265
418 LAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic LDC 45.65 5 031 709
422 LBN Lebanon 41.90 3 142 841
426 LSO Lesotho LDC 53.11 2 015 847
430 LBR Liberia LDC 63.62 2 402 251
434 LBY Libya 54.01 5 210 476
450 MDG Madagascar LDC 26.75 14 620 085
454 MWI Malawi LDC 41.57 10 067 043
458 MYS Malaysia 16.55 20 982 977
462 MDV Maldives LDC 32.18 263 412
466 MLI Mali LDC 48.41 10 435 915
478 MRT Mauritania LDC 41.42 2 460 690
480 MUS Mauritius 35.21 1 132 843
484 MEX Mexico 15.47 94 280 508
496 MNG Mongolia 49.73 2 537 021
504 MAR Morocco 33.82 26 889 706
508 MOZ Mozambique LDC 37.36 18 443 389
104 MMR Myanmar LDC 49.82 43 936 168
524 NPL Nepal LDC 36.37 22 316 336
558 NIC Nicaragua 43.16 4 678 680
562 NER Niger LDC 58.98 9 763 531
566 NGA Nigeria 58.41 103 898 497
512 OMN Oman 49.05 2 305 405
586 PAK Pakistan 22.21 144 046 582
591 PAN Panama 28.89 2 722 299
598 PNG Papua New Guinea 41.40 4 498 680
600 PRY Paraguay 43.05 5 088 163
604 PER Peru 26.13 24 366 992
608 PHL Philippines 25.00 71 430 467
634 QAT Qatar 55.84 568 680
646 RWA Rwanda LDC 55.85 5 961 512
659 KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis 50.26 39 348
662 LCA Saint Lucia 56.99 148 181
670 VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 51.65 111 574
882 WSM Samoa LDC 52.45 171 986
678 STP Sao Tome and Principe LDC 59.07 138 189
682 SAU Saudi Arabia 60.01 19 479 108
686 SEN Senegal LDC 40.86 8 772 235
690 SYC Seychelles 57.02 75 023
694 SLE Sierra Leone LDC 46.30 4 419 639
702 SGP Singapore 31.02 3 426 840
90 SLB Solomon Islands LDC 53.93 404 212
706 SOM Somalia LDC 58.04 8 821 459
710 ZAF South Africa 22.43 38 760 342
144 LKA Sri Lanka 26.18 18 273 884
736 SDN Sudan LDC 44.45 27 718 037
740 SUR Suriname 44.28 412 077
748 SWZ Swaziland 35.02 924 962
760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 51.04 14 948 052
764 THA Thailand 17.92 59 736 202
768 TGO Togo LDC 45.30 4 284 097
776 TON Tonga 58.63 97 719
780 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 39.03 1 276 793
788 TUN Tunisia 41.08 9 210 511
792 TUR Turkey 19.33 63 402 936
798 TUV Tuvalu LDC 73.68 10 821
800 UGA Uganda LDC 56.52 20 000 239
784 ARE United Arab Emirates 55.55 2 307 268
834 TZA United Republic of Tanzania LDC 36.23 31 416 759
858 URY Uruguay 24.09 3 265 419
548 VUT Vanuatu LDC 41.31 177 201
862 VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 33.79 22 776 907
704 VNM Viet Nam 31.02 76 387 487
887 YEM Yemen LDC 49.54 16 290 191
894 ZMB Zambia LDC 51.82 8 585 209
716 ZWE Zimbabwe 40.94 11 214 737

Bounds: 10 821
1 244 202 090
1 The EVI is calculated at 20 per cent of each of the figures for population, export concentration, share of manu
2 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division. Data refer to 1997.
3 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), unless otherwise indicated. Data refer to 1
4 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, Comtrade database.
5 Data refers to average of Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi and Benin.
6 Regression.
7 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on from United Na
8 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on agricultural pro
9 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), CDP Secretariat, based on export earnings
10 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division.
11 World Bank.
12 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, Comtrade database.
13 The APQLI is calculated at 25 per cent each of the figures for the calorie intake as percentage of rquirement, u
14 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Data refers to 1997.
15 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Population Division. Data refers to the ave
16 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, unle
17 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Statistical Synopsis of the LDC 1999.
18 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), UNESCO Statistical Yearbook. Data
19 Data refers to 1990.
20 Data refers to 1992.
21 Data refers to 1993.
22 World Bank, World Development Indicators database. Gross domestic product is in current US$, using the At
Share of manufacturing
Population Export concentration Agricultural instability
& modern services
2 3 7 8
Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min
35.07 0.365 33.43 4 11.72 97.48 2.91 7.55
32.14 0.563 56.00 44.41 43.98 7.93 36.72
40.04 0.913 95.84 27.02 72.43 4.24 15.29
84.42 0.235 18.69 4 46.60 40.40 5.74 24.01
30.48 0.134 7.16 69.18 3.46 4.60 17.38
71.75 0.355 32.35 4 50.00 34.84 11.05 54.90
65.79 0.545 53.94 67.74 5.81 17.93 96.25
19.88 0.320 28.33 37.77 54.85 2.28 3.85
72.49 0.178 12.20 41.23 49.18 7.25 32.77
73.98 0.416 39.34 40.94 49.66 7.37 33.46
46.33 0.716 73.45 4 31.68 64.81 6.71 29.62
55.45 0.326 29.06 4 24.73 76.18 3.57 11.36
43.56 0.195 14.17 49.78 35.20 5.61 23.23
17.41 0.090 2.20 49.43 35.77 2.89 7.39
71.25 0.517 50.78 32.84 62.92 7.99 37.10
40.58 0.555 55.10 37.05 56.04 7.29 33.03
45.28 0.676 68.87 32.05 64.21 6.39 27.78
40.99 0.514 50.44 12.00 97.02 8.32 39.00
38.56 0.367 33.73 42.51 47.09 3.42 10.48
69.05 0.327 29.20 4 37.51 55.28 18.47 100.00
50.60 0.442 42.28 22.26 80.23 4.21 15.08
44.35 0.754 77.76 4 22.99 79.04 9.88 48.12
38.13 0.280 23.84 48.17 37.83 3.02 8.19
0.00 0.071 0.00 66.43 7.95 2.62 5.85
29.49 0.249 20.23 49.62 35.46 3.64 11.79
64.98 0.600 60.18 4 31.98 64.33 3.25 9.50
52.60 0.853 89.03 38.05 54.39 2.38 4.43
49.82 0.200 14.66 49.47 35.71 4.26 15.40
38.47 0.408 38.38 41.27 49.13 4.24 15.25
40.52 0.461 44.41 51.37 32.59 9.07 43.39
63.47 0.157 9.81 48.69 36.99 6.01 25.57
34.26 0.145 8.47 4 51.87 31.78 4.55 17.08
27.94 0.371 34.17 14.20 93.42 2.29 3.93
65.30 0.584 58.36 49.68 35.36 10.99 54.55
83.88 0.549 54.43 48.96 36.54 10.92 54.14
43.21 0.792 82.09 44.17 44.37 2.29 3.93
39.88 0.351 31.94 45.60 42.04 4.70 17.97
25.37 0.275 23.29 36.03 57.69 2.89 7.43
45.91 0.240 19.26 49.67 35.38 3.95 13.60
68.60 0.584 58.45 4 23.69 77.89 4.04 14.11
50.57 0.324 28.78 4 44.27 44.22 3.57 11.34
26.28 0.646 65.43 27.38 71.85 5.43 22.18
63.22 0.320 28.37 39.08 52.71 7.17 32.30
60.05 0.811 84.23 33.33 62.12 2.25 3.66
59.67 0.679 69.18 4 37.51 55.28 15.19 79.00
36.04 0.380 35.19 22.98 79.06 7.53 34.42
81.56 0.377 34.81 48.78 36.83 7.10 31.94
40.96 0.241 19.32 38.63 53.45 2.88 7.33
44.07 0.679 69.19 4 24.00 77.39 4.28 15.50
60.06 0.513 50.28 4 22.05 80.57 4.64 17.58
62.62 0.350 31.78 24.50 76.56 10.60 52.26
43.51 0.272 22.93 32.43 63.59 2.68 6.16
45.81 0.445 42.56 36.70 56.60 4.75 18.25
2.17 0.122 5.85 43.32 45.76 2.86 7.23
15.54 0.160 10.13 46.71 40.22 3.21 9.28
25.38 0.798 82.75 39.33 52.30 5.23 21.04
45.98 0.258 21.33 57.43 22.68 5.55 22.87
53.24 0.535 52.78 54.30 27.80 4.26 15.36
45.60 0.270 22.68 55.62 25.64 8.51 40.13
32.42 0.285 24.38 44.19 44.34 5.78 24.24
82.84 0.729 74.85 25.37 75.14 14.17 73.08
28.35 0.149 8.92 59.10 19.95 2.42 4.65
47.29 0.254 20.91 4 21.00 82.29 6.10 26.10
51.33 0.133 7.09 47.40 39.09 5.58 23.08
55.14 0.685 69.84 5 34.54 60.14 7.80 36.00
53.64 0.657 66.71 32.96 62.73 11.82 59.38
46.99 0.767 79.23 37.13 55.90 5.50 22.59
38.14 0.269 22.51 35.55 58.49 1.62 0.00
41.34 0.682 69.59 43.37 45.68 5.29 21.38
35.04 0.196 14.27 61.14 16.60 2.48 5.01
72.60 0.356 32.46 42.73 46.73 2.96 7.80
41.03 0.790 81.82 4 25.55 74.85 4.90 19.12
53.43 0.610 61.36 35.63 58.35 3.88 13.14
60.09 0.318 28.10 54.36 27.70 6.36 27.59
22.14 0.111 4.60 52.43 30.85 3.10 8.64
53.17 0.526 51.86 29.57 68.27 6.31 27.34
32.91 0.178 12.20 49.55 35.58 14.57 75.39
36.14 0.402 37.68 42.70 46.79 7.86 36.32
28.69 0.299 25.98 10.18 100.00 4.75 18.26
34.51 0.451 43.23 30.51 66.73 4.75 18.21
47.91 0.318 28.11 31.52 65.09 7.77 35.79
41.60 0.772 79.80 4 31.71 64.76 12.83 65.27
21.31 0.897 94.02 18.49 86.39 3.96 13.63
53.99 0.726 74.52 35.02 59.35 5.72 23.89
18.50 0.225 17.56 37.54 55.23 2.73 6.47
52.56 0.304 26.49 57.20 23.05 3.93 13.45
48.25 0.378 34.96 20.35 83.36 3.60 11.56
47.19 0.424 40.25 25.84 74.37 6.40 27.83
33.75 0.220 16.98 46.84 40.01 5.90 24.94
24.52 0.420 39.74 46.67 40.28 4.00 13.87
66.00 0.731 75.13 49.64 35.42 12.08 60.93
45.83 0.664 67.51 29.71 68.04 9.14 43.81
88.92 0.622 62.77 59.81 18.79 11.73 58.88
77.54 0.624 62.97 41.63 48.53 13.54 69.39
79.98 0.411 38.69 47.75 38.52 13.47 68.99
76.26 0.696 71.12 4 37.23 55.74 6.41 27.91
78.14 0.518 50.87 4 34.83 59.66 7.14 32.12
35.67 0.745 76.72 30.97 65.98 13.13 67.00
42.52 0.286 24.51 47.45 39.01 15.00 77.89
83.38 0.824 85.76 53.40 29.27 13.04 66.50
48.40 0.502 49.07 27.58 71.53 4.05 14.15
50.59 0.240 19.31 71.29 0.00 14.17 73.05
68.93 0.679 69.21 25.26 75.32 7.03 31.49
42.47 0.680 69.37 4 20.51 83.09 8.16 38.07
29.77 0.163 10.54 56.94 23.48 7.52 34.34
36.22 0.218 16.76 42.60 46.95 4.99 19.62
32.65 0.325 28.94 38.93 52.96 10.07 49.18
68.76 0.586 58.58 59.33 19.56 5.65 23.49
61.83 0.309 27.11 6 57.63 22.36 5.54 22.81
37.95 0.555 55.07 31.88 64.49 10.80 53.46
26.06 0.093 2.55 49.67 35.38 3.27 9.61
48.67 0.393 36.67 27.13 72.26 5.29 21.39
81.11 0.545 53.97 19.06 85.47 8.12 37.86
59.06 0.321 28.47 38.60 53.49 5.74 23.97
42.10 0.213 16.18 43.87 44.87 17.17 90.51
25.55 0.104 3.76 50.55 33.93 3.54 11.18
100.00 0.482 46.84 4 37.99 54.49 14.21 73.32
35.45 0.816 84.80 25.67 74.66 4.08 14.31
53.98 0.619 62.39 39.08 52.70 13.13 67.01
31.57 0.272 22.95 21.50 81.47 3.96 13.64
51.00 0.175 11.84 61.74 15.62 6.75 29.88
76.01 0.310 27.23 48.19 37.80 6.64 29.24
34.33 0.567 56.41 48.00 38.11 2.59 5.64
23.95 0.238 19.04 32.57 63.36 2.00 2.25
37.21 0.950 100.00 34.55 60.13 6.39 27.80
42.71 0.828 86.19 59.00 20.10 10.94 54.28
40.41 0.252 20.66 30.53 66.69 12.75 64.80

0.07 10.18 1.62

0.95 71.29 18.47

xport concentration, share of manufacturing & modern services, agricultural instability and export instability.
tion Division. Data refer to 1997.
otherwise indicated. Data refer to 1998 or latest year.
cs Division, Comtrade database.

cretariat, based on from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), Statistics Division, National Accounts Main Ag
cretariat, based on agricultural production data from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Data refer to period 1979-1998.
cretariat, based on export earnings in current USD from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), unless otherwise indicated, deflated by t

cs Division, Comtrade database.

take as percentage of rquirement, under-five mortality rate, literacy rate and combined primary and secondary school enrolment ratio.

tion Division. Data refers to the average 1995-2000.

, UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, unless otherwise indicated. Data refers to 1996 or latest year.
cal Synopsis of the LDC 1999.
, UNESCO Statistical Yearbook. Data refers to 1996 or latest, unless otherwise indicated.
duct is in current US$, using the Atlas Method as conversion factor. Data is 1996-1998 average.
Calorie intake as
Under 5 mortality
Export instability APQLI percentage of Literacy rate
rquirement (per 1000)
9 13 14 15
Value Max-min Value Max-min Value Max-min Value
20.09 50.91 12.76 81.14 10.74 257.41 2.02 31.5
15.76 37.63 68.94 132.71 73.17 51.16 82.42 58.4
20.55 52.34 30.90 90.61 24.74 208.06 21.26 42.0
16.03 38.45 78.65 111.32 50.87 12.11 97.64 91.60
9.23 17.61 87.34 140.60 80.50 25.41 92.46 96.2
14.25 33.00 79.89 113.58 53.42 17.67 95.47 95.6
9.67 18.95 84.83 139.65 79.64 21.54 93.96 85.3
7.39 11.95 40.72 98.84 35.78 110.80 59.17 37.8
8.73 16.06 88.12 144.38 83.88 14.20 96.82 97.4
5.43 5.92 79.61 132.13 72.62 36.97 87.95 80.30
29.30 79.19 39.96 118.41 58.71 132.79 50.60 31.6
16.30 39.28 10 43.34 95.93 31.98 96.12 64.89 42.2
10.02 20.02 60.73 98.88 35.82 87.87 68.11 82.3
7.81 13.23 82.46 135.20 75.53 47.51 83.84 83.3
14.34 33.28 10 82.36 128.68 69.26 10.90 98.11 89.1
15.93 38.17 21.74 100.99 38.51 171.16 35.64 19.2
20.31 51.60 21.71 80.23 9.30 178.69 32.71 42.3
28.76 77.54 40.74 92.27 27.05 134.02 50.12 35.0
12.65 28.09 50.07 100.53 37.93 114.48 57.73 69.3
13.72 31.39 72.64 143.58 83.17 63.98 77.42 69.4
11.30 23.96 36.20 95.98 32.05 156.64 41.30 39.7
27.21 72.77 31.08 96.75 33.07 173.79 34.61 48.1
9.18 17.45 83.51 127.09 67.68 15.04 96.50 94.9
5.81 7.11 78.22 130.50 71.05 48.19 83.57 81.5
11.46 24.43 76.52 118.04 58.31 38.99 87.16 91.3
28.86 77.82 40.36 88.49 21.73 106.44 60.87 55.0
14.59 34.04 57.16 102.07 39.86 131.94 50.93 74.4
4.91 4.35 78.26 120.35 60.77 14.54 96.69 94.8
10.93 22.80 43.63 124.29 64.86 136.35 49.21 40.1
18.68 46.61 10 80.27 112.71 52.45 11.57 97.85 95.7
7.90 13.50 92.92 159.50 96.51 9.13 98.80 95.3
26.29 69.94 10 61.63 82.76 13.24 25.64 92.37 90.0
35.38 100.00 10 42.67 83.60 14.53 138.80 48.25 77.3
9.83 19.45 10 29.05 99.25 36.31 173.92 34.57 46.2
20.19 51.23 77.04 139.02 79.08 45.51 84.62 81.59
21.13 54.11 67.26 103.98 42.21 46.12 84.38 81.8
8.44 15.18 75.13 121.79 62.28 59.80 79.05 90.1
6.91 10.48 70.58 152.88 91.13 64.70 77.14 51.4
12.51 27.67 67.88 116.43 56.57 41.07 86.35 76.0
23.05 59.99 51.88 116.074 56.18 176.70 33.48 77.8
3.62 0.37 11 27.30 77.22 4.44 145.56 45.62 47.64
15.61 37.17 21.34 88.49 21.74 183.68 30.76 35.5
6.88 10.38 83.41 130.21 70.76 22.95 93.41 91.1
16.45 39.74 59.76 121.70 62.18 135.31 49.61 63.2
18.49 46.00 32.60 111.89 51.51 203.31 23.11 30.9
13.58 30.94 57.04 124.33 64.90 101.09 62.96 63.9
14.31 33.18 73.51 125.81 66.40 46.90 84.08 81.18
6.39 8.89 58.37 106.33 45.04 60.70 78.70 72.82
10.89 22.70 26.21 106.26 44.97 207.40 21.51 35.9
26.65 71.06 10 34.17 115.71 55.78 202.75 23.32 31.5
14.51 33.80 10 73.39 114.99 54.99 77.70 72.07 98.1
33.43 91.85 38.18 84.94 16.54 104.73 61.53 43.9
8.52 15.42 64.51 109.24 48.47 49.01 83.26 69.7
3.50 0.00 56.19 118.27 58.56 89.37 67.52 52.1
7.32 11.74 74.07 130.00 70.56 62.75 77.90 83.8
25.82 68.52 72.39 131.90 72.40 51.51 82.28 71.0
4.76 3.87 90.08 152.45 90.77 9.97 98.47 95.1
5.70 6.75 73.82 116.05 56.16 26.77 91.92 85.0
4.95 4.46 78.07 140.20 80.14 31.19 90.20 85.7
7.84 13.34 53.61 94.12 29.56 104.01 61.82 77.3
24.90 65.69 65.93 128.44 69.03 24.00 93.00 61.77
9.55 18.59 89.07 142.10 81.86 13.22 97.21 96.9
20.33 51.67 44.35 94.95 30.68 150.28 43.78 56.6
32.47 88.92 10 84.45 152.40 90.74 35.28 88.61 83.4
17.98 44.44 59.59 106.83 45.65 129.80 51.76 81.4
28.15 75.65 10 39.85 97.32 33.81 173.59 34.69 45.2
24.79 65.35 84.55 152.97 91.21 31.52 90.07 74.3
8.27 14.64 39.87 96.26 32.42 116.23 57.05 45.7
13.22 29.84 45.75 97.30 33.78 219.74 16.70 56.0
7.35 11.82 79.20 135.30 75.63 14.77 96.60 84.5
3.92 1.30 75.96 117.76 58.01 66.27 76.53 95.3
11.72 25.23 18.40 96.64 32.92 235.58 10.53 32.3
10.28 20.83 42.15 124.85 65.43 148.39 44.51 37.7
14.12 32.59 79.85 138.90 78.97 17.61 95.50 82.2
7.12 11.11 81.69 140.75 80.65 37.80 87.62 89.5
19.14 48.02 60.99 86.33 18.60 73.13 73.85 99.1
7.75 13.04 59.32 143.16 82.80 68.45 75.68 43.7
13.23 29.88 23.27 87.24 19.93 183.20 30.95 38.3
28.32 76.17 64.88 128.94 69.52 112.75 58.41 82.9
9.74 19.16 49.11 112.12 51.78 116.90 56.79 35.9
16.18 38.91 59.59 99.37 36.45 58.29 79.64 62.8
17.66 43.45 16.36 99.85 37.07 189.78 28.38 13.4
28.50 76.73 54.33 130.23 70.79 147.01 45.05 57.1
14.42 33.53 70.13 135.9716 76.26 29.94 90.69 64.0
7.82 13.27 48.31 117.33 57.54 106.06 61.02 39.4
12.92 28.92 75.11 110.47 49.89 27.60 91.60 91.6
12.90 28.85 51.83 101.07 38.61 83.50 69.81 72.2
11.85 25.63 73.43 116.65 56.80 48.45 83.48 92.1
8.37 14.95 71.97 104.62 42.99 64.99 77.02 88.0
5.64 6.59 77.57 106.57 45.34 43.62 85.36 94.6
17.09 41.72 10 80.02 145.577 84.92 22.71 93.51 79.4
21.12 54.07 36.88 97.93 34.60 201.80 23.70 60.5
10.65 21.94 80.01 125.96 66.55 21.97 93.80 88.65
12.14 26.51 74.94 124.25 64.82 39.86 86.82 83.29
13.95 32.09 67.93 112.38 52.07 54.63 81.06 78.86
13.66 31.20 70.00 115.470 55.51 27.06 91.81 67.38
27.79 74.54 46.50 101.82 39.55 124.01 54.02 57.0
21.32 54.69 70.22 129.45 70.02 27.28 91.73 72.20
10.13 20.36 40.02 115.16 55.17 114.58 57.70 33.1
10.08 20.21 79.48 118.41 58.71 16.46 95.95 90.30
19.26 48.37 21.94 96.88 33.24 262.59 0.00 31.4
7.45 12.14 86.73 153.164 91.37 6.06 100.00 91.3
11.54 24.68 58.20 96.46 32.68 26.99 91.84 67.24
22.14 57.21 12 16.69 74.56 0.00 203.52 23.03 25.0
8.06 14.01 83.03 142.38 82.10 87.02 68.44 83.3
7.19 11.34 75.46 109.10 48.32 20.87 94.22 90.2
22.56 58.51 45.43 114.05 53.95 111.54 58.88 50.8
20.11 51.00 74.97 126.89 67.49 33.37 89.35 93.0
16.86 41.00 67.92 118.25 58.54 100.10 63.34 76.0
17.91 44.22 75.43 155.88 93.60 40.32 86.64 69.9
8.70 15.98 69.88 106.30 45.01 34.98 88.73 94.2
18.98 47.52 52.51 117.56 57.79 128.74 52.18 50.7
14.81 34.73 67.05 121.033 61.49 67.09 76.21 75.13
13.33 30.17 81.47 120.97 61.42 15.92 96.15 97.9
7.32 11.74 77.33 152.68 90.97 36.77 88.03 64.5
10.74 22.24 79.51 163.94 100.00 59.81 79.05 82.3
33.75 93.75 12 57.72 117.902 58.16 82.37 70.25 55.0
27.42 73.40 39.28 99.30 36.37 172.83 34.99 61.8
17.08 41.67 10 81.74 157.67 95.05 19.44 94.78 73.8
13.77 31.53 42.68 94.99 30.73 130.42 51.52 69.3
7.45 12.13 85.22 128.00 68.59 19.92 94.60 97.3
15.32 36.29 64.25 121.62 62.10 48.09 83.62 72.42
14.73 34.47 70.23 105.51 44.06 24.68 92.74 81.5
18.66 46.53 12 70.12 111.89 51.51 55.51 80.72 91.1
10.86 22.58 41.31 95.38 31.26 112.84 58.37 40.1
21.69 55.84 10 48.38 93.83 29.17 146.95 45.08 73.2
7.45 12.15 63.36 102.15 39.96 117.30 56.64 89.8

3.50 1.87 6.06 13.40

35.38 2.21 262.59 99.10

Division, National Accounts Main Aggregates database. Data refers to 1997.

fer to period 1979-1998.
otherwise indicated, deflated by the index of import unit value from the IMF. Data refer to period 1979-1997.

condary school enrolment ratio.

Combined primary
GDP per
Literacy rate and secondary school
enrolment ratio capita ($)
16 18 22
Max-min Value Max-min
21.12 36 17.17 286
52.51 86 67.68 1 600
33.37 62.80 44.24 596
91.25 93.09 74.84 8 661
96.62 98 79.80 8 966
95.92 93 74.75 13 047
83.90 100 81.82 9 248
28.47 58.09 39.48 337
98.02 92.04 73.77 8 178
78.07 98 79.80 2 787
21.24 48 29.29 378
33.61 61.44 42.87 197
80.40 77 58.59 19 994
81.56 107 88.89 4 648
88.33 92 73.74 16 624
6.77 25 6.06 241
33.72 30 11.11 143
25.20 17 79 60.61 296
65.23 58 39.39 656
65.34 83 64.65 1 089
30.69 59.34 40.74 316
40.49 35 16.16 227
95.10 93 74.75 4 851
79.46 97 78.79 705
90.90 88 69.70 2 351
48.54 49 30.30 394
71.18 85 66.67 850
94.98 79 60.61 2 752
31.16 48 29.29 757
96.03 93 74.75 2 100
95.57 99 80.81 11 106
89.38 70 51.52 232
74.56 52 33.33 132
38.27 26 7.07 773
79.57 83.26 64.91 3 237
79.81 81 62.63 1 768
89.50 88 69.70 1 595
44.34 88 69.70 1 170
73.05 74 55.56 1 796
75.15 61.27 42.70 1 093
39.96 38 19.19 172
25.79 26 7.07 106
90.67 97 78.79 20 2 440
58.11 87.46 69.15 4 673
20.42 54 35.35 348
58.93 59.98 41.39 390
79.09 82.85 64.49 3 230
69.34 59 40.40 1 584
26.25 31 12.12 575
21.12 55.09 36.45 221
98.83 86 67.68 835
35.59 57.68 39.07 385
65.69 79 60.61 21 727
45.16 72 53.54 407
82.15 84 65.66 1 010
67.21 86 67.68 1 770
95.33 94 75.76 16 409
83.55 82 63.64 20 1 648
84.36 75.98 57.56 1 700
74.56 67 48.48 335
56.44 63.78 45.23 609
97.43 98 79.80 9 829
50.41 71 52.53 379
81.68 95 76.77 3 295
79.35 80 61.62 463
37.11 72.26 53.80 1 242
71.06 104 85.86 20 5 621
37.69 51 32.32 261
49.71 101 82.83 193
82.96 80 61.62 4 380
95.57 92 73.74 1 311
22.05 27 8.08 255
28.35 49 30.30 458
80.28 83 64.65 3 794
88.80 88 69.70 3 906
100.00 70 51.52 389
35.36 62 43.43 1 315
29.05 32 13.13 171
81.10 69 50.51 274
26.25 80 61.62 212
57.64 83 64.65 473
0.00 19 0.00 199
50.99 69 50.51 299
59.04 73 54.55 6 751
30.34 62.91 44.36 502
91.25 86 67.68 3 209
68.61 49 30.30 1 097
91.83 80 61.62 1 843
87.05 99 80.81 2 581
94.75 103 84.85 1 088
77.01 83 64.65 16 166
54.96 52.90 34.25 216
87.80 90.19 71.91 6 499
81.55 84.92 66.59 3 646
76.39 80.57 62.19 2 505
62.98 88 69.70 1 021
50.88 17 60.14 41.56 336
68.61 69 50.51 6 856
22.99 43 24.24 545
89.73 91.81 73.55 6 892
21.00 52.18 33.51 170
90.90 83 64.65 30 245
62.82 64 45.45 846
13.54 17 48.91 30.21 169
81.56 118 100.00 3 209
89.61 88 69.70 793
43.64 44 25.25 328
92.88 68.67 50.17 3 733
73.05 95 76.77 1 340
65.93 74 55.56 1 159
94.28 70 51.52 2 669
43.52 75 56.57 337
72.03 76.90 58.49 1 731
98.60 88 69.70 4 483
59.63 89 70.71 2 149
80.40 77 58.59 2 978
48.54 17 72.41 53.94 1 320
56.48 48 29.29 315
70.48 85 66.67 17 107
65.23 42 23.23 193
97.90 98 79.80 6 083
68.87 61 42.42 1 419
79.46 83 64.65 3 435
90.67 76 57.58 316
31.16 63 44.44 305
69.78 68 49.49 379
89.15 86 67.68 708


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