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IMCC QA Course

testplan + test cases

1. Project should be web based. Your project or any online web project.
2. Project should not be same across teams.
3. File format should be .docx file. File name - <project-name>.docx
4. Mention team members name and IDs on the first page.


1. Create the Test plan for the project or web application you selected.
2. Create the minimum 20 test cases for the application you selected. Test cases
format should be as following

Test cases (Min 20):

Test Typ Severity Descripti Ste Expect
Case e (Critical/Major/ on ps ed
Name/I Minor) Result
IMCC QA Course

Python + selenium


1. You must complete the Assignment 1, before attempting Assignment 2.

2. While writing the code, please add proper comments.
3. Make your code more modular.


1. Automate all the test cases which you are written in the Assignment 1. Each test case
should be automated in different python file. If the test case is not automatable, then you can
write the proper reason for the same.

2. You need to write the challenges faced while automating the test cases. You can start
from the environment setup.

3. List all the advantages of the Automation testing.

IMCC QA Course

Robot test cases


1. List the advantages and disadvantage of Robot framework.

2. Explain the Keyword driven framework and data driven framework.
3. Convert all the testcases written in python into the robot suite. Please submit your
robot suite. While automating make sure that you will follow keyword driven
approach as well as data driven approach.

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