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Exercice 1 : Specify and execute requirement based test


Test objective

Pre conditions

Action 1 Expected

Action 2 Expected

Action n Expected

Post conditions

case ID: Each test case should be represented by a unique ID. To indicate test
types follow some convention like “TC_UI_1” indicating “User Interface Test Case#1.”
Test Priority: It is useful while executing the test.
Name of the Module: Determine the name of the main module or sub-module being
Test Designed by: Tester’s Name
Date of test designed:Date when test was designed
Test Executed by: Who executed the test- tester
Date of the Test Execution: Date when test needs to be executed
Name or Test Title: Title of the test case
Description/Summary of Test:Determine the summary or test purpose in brief
Pre-condition: Any requirement that needs to be done before execution of this test
case. To execute this test case list all pre-conditions
Dependencies: Determine any dependencies on test requirements or other test cases
Test Steps: Mention all the test steps in detail and write in the order in which it
requires to be executed. While writing test steps ensure that you provide as much detail
as you can
Test Data:Use of test data as an input for the test case. Deliver different data sets with
precise values to be used as an input
Expected Results: Mention the expected result including error or message that should
appear on screen
Post-Condition: What would be the state of the system after running the test case?
Actual Result:After test execution, actual test result should be filled
Status (Fail/Pass): Mark this field as failed, if actual result is not as per the estimated
Notes: If there are some special conditions which is left in above field --> to create temporary email

Account creation for prestashop website

1.0 Technical
1.1 Portability
Req 1.1.1: The website should work on FF, GC and Edge.
Req 1.1.2: mobile

2.0 Functionality
2.1 Account Management

Req 2.1.1: account creation can be reached with a link from login page so if user doesn't
have a login he can create an account.

--> Write a test case using excel template. Identify what can be tested and HOW to create
accurate controls. Think about which pre-requisite are needed.

Req 2.1.2 : to create an account following informations are mandatory:

Social title
First Name
Last Name
Following information are optional:
Birth Date
To save account datas you need to check "the terms and conditions and the privacy

Req 2.1.3: from account creation you can subscribe to newsletter and to offers from
ours partner.

Req 2.1.4: on account creation password should validated before submission and in
case of an invalid password, a error message should be displayed explaining the rules
for having a valid password.

write Test Case and issue report.

2.1 Basket Management

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