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To The Movie Producer

Suddenly the story you just read becomes a best seller. Write a letter to a movie
producer trying to get that person interested In making your book into a movie.
Explain why the story, characters, conflicts etc., would make a great film ..
onsider who you would like to play the characters in the film adaptadon of the story you read

Consider the physical description and personality traits of the character in your reading, and
decide which actor or actress would best suit this role based on their personality and previous

roles they have had. Be prepared to defend your choice with evidence from the reading.

r ‘ Character#1:

Actor/Actress Cast:



Character 4 2:
Actor/Actress Cast:


Character #3:
Actor/Actress Cast:

‘— —4

Character #4:
Actor/Actress Cast:


he story you read is being turned into a movie. Preparing for the main setting of the film is a difficult choicr
Use the descriptions of the setting from your reading to dctenriine where you will film your movie, and how
you will arrange the setting. Be sure to use direct support from your reading to inform your decision making,
rIn the space below, describe the setting from your reading. Consider where the story is set, when the story takes
place, and what you might see in this place during this time.

Draw how you would like the setting to appear in your film adaptation in the space below, Fill in the information
requested in the column on the right.
Where will you film this movie? Why?
r r

What kinds of props will you include on

the set? Why are these important to
the story?
ed nrpet Jnterview
You are an actor actress who played the feature role in the film adaptation of the story you just read. As a
professional, in preparation for your role, you have read the story and know the main character and plot inside
and out. Answer the questions asked by reporters below using detailed information from the novel for support.

What do you really like a bout the character you

played in this movie? What was the most difficult scene to

If you could change

one thing about this movie what
would it be?

do you think viewers can learn from the

story told in this film?

Imagine the story you read is being turned into a movie! Create the perfect movie poster to get people
to the theaters! Your poster should include the title, author! director, an image, and a slogan.

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© Presto Plan
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A storyboard isa comic-book-like version of the movie that filmmakers create, but without the dialogue
bubbles. Choose an important scene from the reading that will be an important scene in the film adaptation.
Use the panels below to draw the scene as it will be shot. Before you start drawing, plan every shot and
camera angle. Consider how you want lo tell this story.
Based on what you know about the time period and the characters’ personality, design two costumes for characters in the
story you read. In the explanation section you should discuss the reasons for ihe choices you made.

mposers write music (the score) for films that include themes for opening and closing credits, and background music for
scenes. Choose three songs you would like to include in the film adaptation of the story you read. Choose songs with
lyrics or music that connect directly with the content of the story. Use evidence from the text to defend your choices.

Name of Song:

In which scene would this song play? Explain how the lyrics/music of this song connect
to the content of the reading at this specific moment.

Name of Song:

In which scene would this song play? Explain how the lyrics/music of this song connect
to the content of the reading at this specific moment.

Name of Song:

In which scene would this song play? Explain how the lyrics/music of this song connect
to the content of the reading at this specific moment.

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