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Kyla Banks

Professor Flynn

ENGL 110C 9A


The Sanctuary Of School (Question 5 answer)

During my senior year of high school I had a teacher who was just as interested in sports

as I was. On the days I had games she would wish me luck and sometimes she would even show

up and support. This specific teacher, Mrs.J taught chemistry a subject I struggled with because

of all the different formulas and numbers. In order for me to understand certain concepts Mrs. J

would put the problems and concepts into real life scenarios. For example, there was a formula i

couldnt remember, so she made up a saying where when I saw the certain word that means to do

the formula and the formula was like a play in basketball; so all I had to do was study the “

plays” but they were actually formulas. She was always helping me and making class fun for me,

I took chemistry later than many of my classmates so I was the oldest in the class and my

schedule was way different then my younger classmates, she understood that so she would

always talk to me and make sure we were on the same page. She knew the days I would have

games and have to leave early and I knew the days we would have test and quizzes i needed to

study for. Mrs. J and I were always on the same page because we both knew I needed this class,

Mrs. J was the best teacher I could ask for. She just understood I was an senior, athlete,and a

teenager developing into a young adult. Not many teachers will take the time to help you with

your schedule,they expect you to just jump right into it and learn yourselves but it’s okay

sometimes to get a hand. Towards the end of my senior year and the end of basketball season

things started to get harder in class and on the court but still Mrs.J stood by my side and helped
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me get through it. My last basketball game ever ended in a way I didnt want it to and it hurt me, I

didnt want to attend school and I didnt want to talk to anyone. The loss completely hurt my heart

and made me feel very unmotivated but I knew there was a quiz in chemistry that I needed to

take. Part of me did want to take it because I knew I wasnt focused on it, which means I probably

would have just circled random answers. But the other half of me knew I couldnt let Mrs.J down,

I attended school the next day after losing my last basketball game, chemistry was my third class

of the day so before that I still had two classes; I completely missed the first class and showed up

late to the second class. When third period class came I walked in with my head down not

wanting to talk to anyone or hear anyone’s “ sorry’s” and “you had a great season”, I cut on my

computer and started to watch the game wehad just loss. Holding back tears, Mrs.J came up to

me and gave me a small side hug and said “ thank you for coming to my class today,I know its

hard but you will be just fine”knowing that Mrs.J wasnt the hugging type made this moment

even more special. I quickly sucked those tears back up and remember that I have to be strong

for everyone and graduate high school, my basketball era may be over but I knew there was still

a bright future ahead of me; something in me also tells me that Mrs.J knew that too.

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