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Curiosities about animals:

· An octopus has three hearts.

· Snakes are deaf.

· Did you know that ants never sleep?

· Crocodiles cannot stick out their tongues.

· The owl can turn its head 360 degrees.

· Elephants cry.

· An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

· The koala bear has human-like footprints.

· Decapitated kitchen cockroaches can live for another 10 days.

· They will starve.

· Sharks have no bones in their bodies, as their skeleton is made of


· The kangaroo is the only mammal that cannot walk backwards.

· A cow can go up the stairs but not down them.

· Butterflies have taste buds in their feet.

· Did you know that squirrels kiss to recognize each other?

· Dalmatian dogs are born without black spots. They appear two weeks
after birth.

· Did you know that dolphins always sleep with their eyes open?

· Male lions hardly ever hunt, as lionesses take care of that. Chimpanzees
go bald with age, just like humans.

· Snails can sleep for up to 3 years. They go into hibernation when

temperatures drop below 10 degrees Celsius.

· Penguins mate for life.Tigers also sometimes attack humans. But when
they do, they prefer to swoop in from behind.

· The inhabitants of certain villages in India wear masks on the back of

their heads, giving the impression that they have eyes at the back, and
those with such masks have never been attacked.

· The elephant does not see very well, but it uses its ears and nose. He
can smell it from 4 km away.

· Did you know that tigers not only have stripes on their fur, but also on
their skin? No two tigers have the same body stripes.

· Every cat's nose is different, so they can be identified by this specific


· Because beavers' teeth never stop growing, they must constantly gnaw
on objects to keep them at a normal length.

· The giraffe is the tallest animal on the planet, and because it has an
extremely long tongue, it can wash its ears with its tongue.

· Did you know that all swans in Great Britain are the property of the
Queen? The red panda is not part of the panda bear family, having its
own family, Ailuridae.

· Female ferrets can die if they can't find a mate to mate with.

Interesting facts about animals

· The ostrich is considered the fastest bird. It can run at 70 km/h.

· Sea otters hold hands in their sleep so as not to be separated by


· A tarantula can live for 2 years without eating anything.

· A mole can dig a 90 meter tunnel in one night.

· Seahorses are monogamous, and when they swim they hold onto their

· Squirrels adopt cubs they find abandoned.

· A giraffe has seven bones in its neck, just like humans, only theirs are
much larger.

· All worms have male parts as well as female parts.

· Did you know that a chameleon's tongue is the length of its body and
can grab its prey in a split second?

· An eagle's eyes have the ability to see at least four times more clearly
than humans.

· Adult bison are the largest land mammals in North America.

· A jaguar can see in the dark six times better than a human.

· The Galapagos tortoise, also known as the giant Galapagos toad, can
weigh up to 250 kilograms, similar to the brown bear.

· Cat fleas can jump about 60 times their own body length.

· The lion has the loudest roar of all the big cats and can be heard from a
distance of 5 kilometers.

· Bacterial wild camels, when they find a water source, drink up to 50


· Kiwi birds feed at night on grubs and insects from leaf litter on the
forest floor.
· Squirrels plant hundreds of trees every year because they forget where
they bury their nuts.

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