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Learning exercises ICT 10

JavaScript Strings

Activity 01:
Directions. Perform the programming code below.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>JavaScript Strings</h2>

<p id="demo"></p>

// x is a string
let x = "Trishia";

// y is an object
let y = new String("Trishia");

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
typeof x + "<br>" + typeof y;


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>Never Create Strings as Objects</h2>

<p>Strings and objects cannot be safely compared.</p>

<p id="demo"></p>

let x = "John"; // x is a string
let y = new String("John"); // y is an object
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (x==y);

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>Never Create Strings as Objects</h2>

<p>JavaScript objects cannot be compared.</p>

<p id="demo"></p>

let x = new String("John"); // x is an object
let y = new String("John"); // y is an object
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = (x==y);


Prepared by:

Robert S. Pugayan Jr.

TLE Subject Teacher



Activity 1: Rubrics
Points Description
10 The student successfully executes the program without guidance or supervision.
The student successfully executes the program with very little supervision and
The student successfully executes the program with moderate supervision andguidance.
The student was not able to execute the program but shows eagerness to accomplishthe
5 The student was not able to execute the program due to lack of interest in the activity.

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