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Once upon a time, there were two friends named Jack and Jill.

They had been friends since

they were little and did everything together. They would play in the park, go on adventures, and
tell each other secrets.
One day, Jack and Jill decided to build a treehouse in the big oak tree in their backyard. They
worked hard every day, gathering materials and building the treehouse. It took them weeks, but
they finally finished it and were proud of their creation.
They invited all their friends to come see the treehouse, but one day a new kid, named Alex
moved to the neighborhood, who seemed to be shy, and didn't have any friends yet. Jack and
Jill noticed him, and decided to invite him to see the treehouse too.
Alex was very grateful for the invitation and he was very impressed with the treehouse. He told
Jack and Jill that he always wanted to build one but never had the opportunity. Jack and Jill
realized how much they loved to share their passion and experiences, they welcomed Alex to
join them and from that day on, the three of them became the best of friends, building and
exploring together.
Years went by and the three friends grew up, but their friendship never wavered. They looked
back on the time they spent building the treehouse and remembered the fun they had and the
bond they formed. They knew that their friendship was one that would last a lifetime.
The end

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