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Jack climbed out of the boat and ran as fast as he could to the beach.

It had been a few

days since the ship which he drived got completely shipwreck. Fortunately, he jumped
quickly to a side boat following the aghast accident. He floated in the sea for days and
eventually, Jack saw a sandy beach in front of him.’Yes, i could be save !!!’, he
thought. Jack tried to control the boat toward the beach imediately. He was so
delighted that he had jumped out of the small boat before it could land proparly .

He was running so fast with full of hope. He came colser to the coast and reached it.
First, Jack was desperately hungry and thirsty so he tried to find some fresh water over
there. Then, Jack was looking around and he found a small local house.It was quiet old
and didn’t seems like there were any people live in. However, Jack didn’t have a
choice so he must try everthing.”Knock, knock, knock”, He knocked on the door.
“Hello, Is anyone there ?”, Jack shouted loudly. Jack was extremely nervous and
wondered what would he do next if there was no one there. Nevertheless, the reply
broke all his worries.” I’m here”, a young girl voice answered Jack’s question. She
opened the door hurriedly and really surpried with Jack’s appearance. Jakc explained
his situation and hoped that she could give him some help. Imediately, she understood
and brought some food and water for jack. Whilhe Jack was eating and drinking
something, the young girl called to local goverment. They said that they would help
Jack to come back his home.

After 3 days, Jack finally came back home with the support of local goverment. He
was extremely happy and really grateful to those who helped him. Jack’s family
missed him so much and they were desperately amazed about his adventure too. A
journalist thought that the story was really exciting and he was making an artical to
told about his story. Everyone wanted to know how he could survival and what he felt.
Therefore, Jack’s adventure become more populer and make Jack become famous too.

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