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Kindly make a research on the following:

1. What is interdisciplinary care?
● Interdisciplinary Care describes the context of care and the manner in which care is
delivered. It is the integration and collaboration among all members of the health care
team in patient care planning toward positive outcomes. The direct-care nurse is the
constant for the patient and family and is the team member with whom members of
other disciplines collaborate in directing, planning, and providing patient care
services. Members of the interdisciplinary care team vary across the multiple
inpatient and outpatient settings. Direct-care nurses apply interdisciplinary care
throughout their work day..

2. What is interdisciplinary care team?

● Interdisciplinary Care Team (ICT) is a team of healthcare professionals from different
professional disciplines who work together to manage the physical, psychological
and spiritual needs of the patient. Whenever possible the patient and the patient's
family should be part of the team.

3. Who are the members of this team?

Members of the Interdisciplinary Care Team may include:

● Physicians
● Nurses
● Case Manager
● Social Worker
● Physical Therapist
● Occupational Therapist
● Chaplain
● Dietitian
● Pharmacist

4. What is interdisciplinary care plan?

● Interdisciplinary care plans are detailed plans of care created by representatives
from several medical disciplines or specialties, each focused on a specific patient's
condition, treatment goals, and methods for improving outcomes.
5. What are the responsibilities of pharmacist in interdisciplinary care plan?
● Pharmacists are the primary drug experts in the medical field. Medication
reconciliation, patient counseling, and creating drug therapy regimens are important
components of health care which are the pharmacist’s responsibility.


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