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SESSION: - 2022-2023



E.M.F of a Daniel cell



S.NO Content Page No
1 Certificate 2
2 Acknowledgement 3
3 Aim / Objective 4
4 Introduction 5-7
5 principle 8-10
6 Materials required 11
7 Procedure 12-14
8 Observation 15-16
9 Conclusion 17
10 Bibliography 18
This is to certify that ARARTIK TYAGI, A student of Class
XII has successfully completed the research on the topic
“Study the change in E.M.F of a Daniel cell Due to various
factors such as Change in concentration, temperature
And Area of electrodes.”
Under the guidance of MR. YOGENDRA SINGH
(SUBJECT TEACHER) during the year 2022 -2023 in the
partial fulfillment of CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL

Teacher’s signature Principal’s signature

Date School Rubber Stamp

Primarily I would thank god for being able to complete this
project with success. Then I would like to thank my physics
teacher MR. YOGENDRA SINGH, whose valuable guidance has
been the one that helped me patch this project and make it
full proof success, her suggestions and her instruction, has
served as the major contribution towards the completion of
the project.
Then I would like to thank my parents and friends who
helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance has been
helpful in various phases of the completion of the project.
I would like to extend my full gratitude to our principal
MR. RAVI KUMAR TYAGI, for providing me with all the
facility that was required.
Study the change in E.m.f of a Daniel cell Due to various
factors such as Change in concentration, temperature
And Area of electrodes.
An electrochemical cell is a device by which electric current
energy is generated at the cost of chemical energy due to
chemical action taking place in the cell. They are of two types,
1. Primary cells
2. Secondary cells
PRIMARY CELLS: It is a cell in which electrical energy is
produced due to chemical energy. The chemical reaction in the
cell is irreversible
E.g: Daniel cell, Voltaic cell, Leclanche cell
SECONDARY CELLS: It is a cell in which the electrical energy
is first stored up as a chemical energy and when the outside
circuit is closed to draw the current from the cell the stored
chemical energy is reconverted into electrical energy. The
chemical reactions are irreversible in this cell.
The secondary cells are also called storage cell or
E.g: Lead acid accumulator, Edison cell

Here we are going to discuss about the change in emf of the

Daniel cell which is a primary cell, with respect to
concentration and temperature.
Electromotive force, also called emf, is the voltage developed by any
source of electrical energy such as battery or dynamo.
EMF of cell means, when current flows through two points a
potential difference generated by a cell draws no current is called
Inside a source of EMF that is open-circuited, the conservative
electrostatic field created by separation of charge exactly cancels
the forces producing the EMF. Thus, the emf has the same value
but opposite sign as the integral of the electric field aligned with
an internal path between two terminals A and B of a source of emf
in open circuit condition.
The Daniel cell is a typed electrochemical cell invented in 1836
by John Frederic Daniel. A British chemist and meteorologist
and cons sled of a copper pot tilled with a copper sulfate
solution. In which was immersed an unglazed earthenware
container filled with sulfuric acid and a zinc electrode. He was
searching for a way to eliminate the hydrogen bubble problem
found in the voltaic pile and his solution was to use a second
electrolyte to consume the hydrogen produced by the first Zinc
sulfate may be substituted for the sulfuric acid. The Daniel cell
was a great improvement over the existing technology used in
the early days of battery development A later variant of the
Daniel cell called the gravity cell or crowfoot was invented in
the 1860s by a Frenchman named Callaud and became a
popular choice for electrical telegraphy.
The Daniel cell is also the historical basis for the contemporary
definition of the volt which is the unit of electromotive force in
the International System of Units. The definitions of electrical
units that were proposed at the 1881 International Conference
of Electricians were designed so that the electromotive force of
the Daniel cell would be about 1.0 volts. With contemporary
definitions. the standard potential of the Daniel cell at 25'C is
actually 110 V
In the Daniel cell copper and zinc electrodes are immersed in a
solution of copper(II) sulfate and zinc sulfate respectively. At
the anode. Zinc is oxidized per the following half reaction.
Zn(s) • 2n2•(aq) • 2e- (Standard electrode potential
--0. 7618 V I At the unlock. copper is reduced per
the following react on. Cu2•1aq) • 2e-
Cuts.(Standard electrode potential .0,340 V I
The total reaction being
Zn9s) • Cu2•(aq) * Zn2. (ag) • Cu(s)..( Open circuit
voltage 1.1018 V )
• Zinc rod at which oxidation occurs is called
the anode while the copper rod at which the
reduction takes place is called cathode.
• The half-cell reaction occurring at anode is
called oxidation -half cell reaction while the
occurring at cathode is called reduction.
• The two half-cell reactions always take place
simultaneously i.e.... Half-cell reaction cannot
take place immediately.
• Since electrons are produced at zinc
electrode. It is rich in electrons and pulls these
electrons into the external circuit and hence acts
as negative pole. The copper electrode on the
other hand is deficient in electrons and thus
pulls the electrons from the external circuit and
act as positive pole.
• The electrons flow from negative pole to
positive pole in the external circuit. However,
conventionally the current is said to flow in
opposite direction i.e. from positive pole to
negative pole in the external circuit.
• The concentration of copper sulphate
solution decreases with passage of time as
the cell operates. Consequently the current
fall with passage of time.




Salt Bridge:
It consists of a tube filled with semi-solid
paste obtained by adding gelative or agar to
the solution of strong electrolyte such as NS.
NH4NO3 KNO3 etc. which does not change
chemically during that process. Function of
salt bridge.
• To complete the electrical circuit by
allowing the solution to Low from one solution
to another- Without mixing the two solutions.
• To maintain electrical neutrality of solution in
two half cells.

Procedure :
1. Take two and pour the required chemicals in
respective beaker and mark them
for identification.
2. Take two square to slide in and
connecting wire to their screw.
3. Connect negative of the voltmeter to the
anode and it’s positive to cathode.
4. Take filter paper long enough to dip into
both the solution. Dip the paper on KNo3
solution and put it as a salt bridge.
5. Put on the electrode voltmeter set up.
Note the reading quickly and the put of the
electrode voltmeter set up.
6. For measuring variation with temperature,
with change in area of electrode use the
different size of electrode and then do step 5
7. For measuring variation with
temperature heat the solution and then
do step 5 again.
8. For measuring variations with change in
concentration of electrolyte .Use the
electrolytes of different molarity and then do
step 5 again

Variation with Concentration:

 Fixed Temperature = 28 oC
Molarity Molarity of Voltmeter Reading
of ZnSO4(M) (V)

1M 1M 1.1

0.1 M 0.1 M 1.078

1M 0.1M 1.080
Variation in Temperature:
 Constant Molarity = 0.1 M

Temperature Temperature Voltage

of CuSO4 (co) of ZnSO4 (co) (V)

30 30 1.078
70 70 1.098
100 10

Variation in Area:
 No changes in change in EMF.
1) Decrease in concentration increase in
EMF of the cell.
2) Increase in Temperature, increase in EMF.
3) Change in area does not have any
change in EMF.
 Websites:

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