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List Of allow / let / permit

allude / elude
Confusing almost / mostly / nearly

Words In alone / lonely / only

English also / as well / too

a / an / one
although / though / even though
able / capable
among / between
accident / incident
amoral / immoral
accurate / exact / precise
amount / number / quantity
ache / pain / hurt
ancient / antique
actual / current / present
angry / upset
administrator / boss / manager
another / other / others
adverse / averse
answer / reply / respond
advice / advise
any / some
affect / effect
apartment / flat / studio
afraid / scared / frightened
apologize / sorry
after / later
apology / excuse
agenda / itinerary / schedule

ago / back / before

aid / assist / help arrive / come / get / reach

aim / goal / objective as far as / as long as / as soon as

alien / foreigner / stranger assure / ensure / insure

alive / life / live automobile / car / vehicle

already / yet await / hope / expect / wait

all / whole / every award / reward / prize

all of / each of awkward / embarrassing

all ready / already / all right / alright baggage / luggage

beach / coast / shore

beautiful / pretty city / downtown / town

become / get / turn classic / classical

been / gone clever / intelligent / smart

before / in front of / opposite / across from close / near / next

beg / plead close / shut

begin / start cloth / clothes / clothing

belong to / belong with / belong in collect / gather

below / under / beneath / underneath come back / go back / get back

beside / besides COMPLIMENT / COMPLEMENT

big / large concern / concerned / concerning
big, small, long, short, tall, huge, and tiny confident / confidant / confidence
bill / invoice / receipt continual / continuous
blanket / comforter / quilt convince / persuade
borrow / lend / loan / owe could / should / would
bother / disturb council / counsel
bravery / courage critic / critical / criticism / critique
bring / take cure / treat / heal / recover
bring up / grow up custom / habit
Britain / England / the U.K. deadly / fatal / lethal
broad / wide decent / descent / dissent
by / until delay / late / postpone
can / could / able to deny / refuse / reject / decline
capital / capitol defect / fault / flaw
carpet / mat / rug definitely / definitively
ceiling / roof despite / in spite of
chance / possibility / opportunity die / died / dead
change / switch difficult / hard
chauffeur / driver dilemma / quandary
dinner / supper / meal / snack extend / expand

dirt / earth / soil famous / infamous

dirty / messy farther / further

disability / handicap / impairment fee / fare / tax

discover / find out / notice / realize female / feminine / woman

DISCREET / DISCRETE few / little / less / fewer

fit / match / suit

disease / illness
floor / ground
disinterested / uninterested
for / since
distinct / distinctive
forest / jungle / wood / woods
do / make
fun / funny
dress / dressed / wear
girl / lady / woman
during / while / meanwhile / meantime
good / well
early / soon
good evening / good night
earn / gain / win
gratuity / tip
e.g. / i.e.
guarantee / warranty
economic / economical
gut / guts
effective / efficient
hard / hardly
either / neither
have / have got
electric / electrical / electronic
have to / must / need to
empathy / sympathy
haven’t / don’t have
employees / staff
hear / listen
end / finish
hijack / kidnap
enough / too
historic / historical
enquire / inquire
holiday / vacation
especially / specially
hope / wish
every day / everyday
hopefully / thankfully
ex- / former / previous
hostel / hotel / motel
explore / exploit
house / home late / lately

how about…? / what about…? lay / lie

human / humankind / human being / man / mankindlike / as

hundred / hundreds little / small

I / my / me / mine / myself ? look / see / watch

if I was… / if I were… lose / loose

if / whether lose / miss

ignore / neglect made of / made from

ill / sick marriage / married / wedding

impending / pending may / might

imply / infer MORAL / MORALE

in / into / inside / within
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss
in / on / at
music / song
in time / on time
nausea / nauseous / queasy
incite / insight
north / northern
income / salary / wage
notable / noticeable
Indian / indigenous / Native American
ocean / sea / lake / pond
inhabit / live / reside
of / from
intend / tend
oppress / suppress / repress
interested / interesting
overtake / take over
interfere / intervene
pass away / pass out
its / it’s
pass the time / spend time
job / work / career
peak / pique
just / only
persons / peoples
kinds / types / sorts
poison / venom
know / meet
politics / policy
last / latest
poor / pore / pour
last / past
pray / prey

too / very
problem / trouble
travel / trip / journey
quiet / silent
used to / be used to
raise / rise / arise
wake / awake / sleep / asleep
regard / regardless / regards
wander / wonder
regretful / regrettable
wary / weary
relation / relationship
what / which
remember / remind / recall / recollect
which / that
replace / substitute
who / whom
resolve / solve
will / would
review / revise
worse / worst
rob / thief / steal
year-old / years old
safety / security

sell / sale

say / tell / speak

scream / shout

sensible / sensitive

shade / shadow

so / such

so / very / a lot

some time / sometime / sometimes

stuff / things

such as / as such

suppose / supposed to

than / then

think about / think of

tide / waves

till / until

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