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Agile Basics Glossary

Terms and definitions


© Scaled Agile, inc.
Agile Glossary

Agile – A philosophy that promotes collaborative, cross functional teams and a way of
working that allows for fast feedback.

Agile team – As a unit can produce a full piece of value. They work and learn
together to achieve business goals. All members likely have different skills and roles.

Backlog - All of the work to be done that has not been started yet.

Daily stand-up – A 15-minute morning meeting for all team members where
everyone briefly announces what they did yesterday, what they will do today, and any
impediments that are blocking them from achieving team goals.

Feature - A piece of work that delivers a piece of value that can be completed in as
little as one iteration to as much as about three months (a quarter).

Iteration – A 2-week period of work.

Kanban – A methodology used to visualize work.

Lean – A philosophy that emphasizes reducing waste of time, money, and resources.

Product owner – A specialty role on the Agile team who prioritizes the backlog,
accepts stories as complete, and acts as the customer to the Agile team.

Scrum – An application of the Agile philosophy.

Scrum master – A specialty role on the Agile team who leads and coaches the team,
removes impediments to the team’s goals, and facilitates team meetings and events.

Story - A piece of work that delivers a piece of value that can be completed in one
iteration by one team. It contains enough information so that anyone on the team can
understand the work being done.

WIP - Stands for “work in process.” On a Kanban board, it depicts all of the work that
is currently being worked on by the team.

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