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I need to design a rehabilitation programme for two different types of injuries that

can occur through sports specific scenarios, these injuries are a quadriceps rupture
and a grade 3 PCL tear injury.

Stage one: stage one is the immediate post injury phase meaning that this phase
covers how to treat the injured individual right after the injury has occurred, with
this information the first thing that should happen is a SALTAPS check where an
official or player stops the match to start these procedures and to ask these following
questions; Stop the match and then ask the player about the injury to get a grasp of
what has happened to them, then an official or paramedic will look at the injury to
check for any visible changes in the injured area and to identify the injured area
properly. After that they need to then touch the injury to feel the injured area to see
where the swelling is and to check what's gone wrong with the area. This is to gauge
the severity of the injury and to see where the pain is so that you can carry out
methods of pain relief on the injured area. Then you have to attempt to get the
injured area active to gauge the range of motion that the athlete can use and to see
if moving the area will cause pain to it. If the player is incapable of moving the limb,
try to move it to the end range of movement and check the player's response to the
movement and what angle the most pain is at.Lastly you would then check the level
of power they have on the leg, so see if they can stand on it, walk, jog and jump, the
more they can do the lower the severity is. Once this is been done the injured player
will be carried off of the pitch in the most appropriate way what will be on a
stretcher, this is where there will be immediate therapy done to the injured area,
because the injury identified is a quadriceps muscle rupture, there will be
cryotherapy and ice compression used right away as a means of reducing the pain that
the muscles are receiving and the inflammation that has happened in the area. As
soon as possible there should be a knee brace that restricts the legs movement to
ensure that injuries dont get worse and will make it easier to elevate to further help
dissipate the inflammation in the injured area.

Stage two: the main aim of the second phase is to manage and regulate the injury to
ensure that it remains secure to influence progression with the healing process, in this
phase you should also get an x-ray to make sure that there aren't any other injuries
that the eye just can't notice. In this case that will be a very good decision because
here is where the injured player will find out that they also have a torn PCL in their
knee making their injury more severe, this also means that the rehabilitation that
they have to go through will be more strict to ensure a positive recovery. Here you
will also be able to come up with different rehab methods to benefit their injuries
more. In this phase you should also use braces and other methods of restricted
movement as because of the bad damage already done to the area, moving it more
and applying pressure on the injured area will most likely cause the injury to be worse
and can end up rendering your injury unable to see a full recovery.

Stage three: In this phase the injuries will be in their early stages of recovery meaning
that the inflammation in the area would have been heavily reduced or would have
gone, there would also have been new blood cells would have been transported to the
injured area enough to supply the muscle with enough oxygen to start the
development of the scar tissue, creating new and stronger scar tissue. Because of the
healing that the injuries have gone through in this stage, light rehabilitation should be
used where they test the range of movement out and use that as a means of tearing
and rebuilding muscle fibers at and around the injured area to allow the Quadricep
muscle and PCL to gain stability and strength around them. This will allow

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