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Name; Reuben divine

Class editor : Adelaja Adetola

Class: jss2

Subject: security education

School: Alade Community Private

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of
sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be
carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is
incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has
an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent. The term rape is
sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.
The types described below are not mutually exclusive: a given rape can fit into
multiple categories, by for example being both a prison rape and a gang rape, or both
a custodial rape and the rape of a child.
Gang rape occurs when a group of people participate in the rape of a single victim.
Rape involving two or more violators (usually at least three[7]) is widely reported to
occur in many parts of the world. Systematic information on the extent of the
problem, however, is scant.
Spousal rape also known as marital rape, wife rape, husband rape, partner rape or
intimate partner sexual assault (IPSA), is rape between a married or de facto couple
without one spouse's consent. Spousal rape is considered a form of domestic violence
and sexual abuse. Research reveals that there are no significant difference in post-
psychiatric disorders (depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, and
sexual dysfunction) when comparing victims of marital/partner, date, and stranger
The type of rape known as diminished is when a person committed sexual penetration
on another person who cannot consent to to the sex act people with diminished
capacity cannot consent to sexual act due to limited physical or intellectual ability an
example would be a person with an intellectual disability.diminished capacity rape
also take place when a person has no ability to consent to sexual act due to
Another form of rape is a g-rated this type of rape is often known as statutory as
specified both in federal and state law. in this case,sexual actions with a person below
a minimum age is considered illegal in all cases. Often these age 12.there is often an
underage known as the age of consent sexual act with a person above the minimum
age but below the age of consent may be considered rape depending on the perpetrator
specific age are specified by state.
In case this type of rape dedicated by the relationship between the two parties. when
the two parties involved in the sex act are closely related(in other words they are
family)it is often rape.other type of rape real can call in many other ways as well
including by stranger or in conjunction with a hate crime however it is critical to
remember that wherever form of rape of course it is always the fault of the rapist and
never the fault of the victim.
One metric used by the WHO to determine the severity of global rates of coercive,
forced sexual activity was the question "Have you ever been forced to have sexual
intercourse against your will?" Asking this question produced higher response rates
than being asked, whether they had ever been abused or raped.

The WHO report describes the consequences of sexual abuse:

1.Gynecological disorders
2.Reproductive disorders
3.Sexual disorders
4.Pelvic inflammatory disease
5.Pregnancy complications
7.Sexual dysfunction
8.Acquiring sexually transmitted infections, including 9.HIV/AIDS
10.Mortality from injuries
Increased risk of suicide
12.Chronic pain
13.Psychosomatic disorders
14.Unsafe abortion
15.Unwanted pregnancy (see Pregnancy from rape)
∆ End Rape Culture Today!
1.Recognize that people neither ask for nor deserve to be abused, harassed, assaulted
or raped—ever.
Support and believe survivors of sexual violence.
2.Bring awareness and challenge victim-blaming statements.
3.Give constructive input about why comments or jokes that perpetuate rape culture
or sexism are not okay.
4.Get help or take action by directly intervening when you see someone taking
advantage of a person who is not capable of giving consent.
5.Consent is mandatory and every sexual interaction you have must be consensual--no
6. Educate on what it means to get and give consent.
7.Build and engage in healthy, respectful relationships.
8.Pledge to never commit or condone any acts of violence.
9.Think critically about how the media depicts sexuality.
10.Take a self-defense class. 11.Your mind, your voice and your body are powerful
tools for prevention.
12Teach your children, friends, parents and peers about the myths and realities of
sexual assault.
13.Donate your time or money to your local rape crisis center.
Physical Effects of Rape
Physical effects of rape can arise from both forced sexual assault and those not
involving forcible submission, such as drug-assisted date rape. Forced sexual assault
frequently causes visible bruising or bleeding in and around the vaginal or anal area
and bruises on other parts of the body from coercive violence. But both forced and
other types of rape can have many other physical consequences:
Painful intercourse (with significant other)
Urinary infections
Uterine fibroids – non-cancerous tumors in muscle wall
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) – HIV, genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhea,
chlamydia, and others
Psychological Effects of Rape
Victims experience both short and long-term psychological effects of rape. One of the
most common psychological consequences of rape is self-blame. Victims use self-
blame as an avoidance-based coping tool. Self-blame slows or, in many cases, stops
the healing process. Other common emotional and psychological effects of rape

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – feelings of severe anxiety and stress

Flashbacks – memories of rape as if it is taking place again
Borderline personality disorder
Sleep disorders
Eating disorders
Dissociative identity disorder
Distrust of others – uneasy in everyday social situations
Feelings of personal powerlessness – victims feel the rapist robbed them of control
over their bodies

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