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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Técnico en Asesoría Comercial

Katty Damaris Mosquera Valencia

Johan Rodríguez

Regional Norte de Santander – Centro de la Industria, la Empresa y los Servicios

John Davison Rockefeller (Richford, New York, July 8, 1839-
Ormond Beach, Florida, May 23, 1937) was an American
businessman, investor, and industrialist in the oil industry,
reaching the point of monopolizing it. He was part of the
group of businessmen known as "robber barons" of the
industry's Gilded Age in the United States, whose success
made him the richest man of his day.


He was the founder and president of Standard Oil, a gigantic company that came
to control the extraction, refining, transportation, and distribution of more than 90%
of America's oil and held entire monopolies (in the form of investments) in multiple
foreign countries. Over a period of more than forty years, he established Standard
Oil as the world's largest oil company, revolutionizing the industry at all levels and
demonstrating extraordinary and relentless competitiveness. On the other hand, he
dedicated a large part of his fortune and resources to numerous donations,
foundations, and programs, being the founder of the University of Chicago, one of
the most prestigious universities in the world, home to 87 Nobel Prize winners, as
well as the University Rockefeller in New York, in addition to promoting numerous
areas of education, science and medicine.

His business achievements are as remarkable as they are controversial, because

through cunning, ingenuity and a lot of dedication, he rose in the business world,
built a vast empire that extended to a point that no other company in history has
managed to reach until today. Noted for his monopolistic practices, he was
denounced by journalists and investigators, and eventually the United States
government had to confront him, managing to take him to court and, after years of
litigation, getting the separation of his gigantic oil company ordered., a separation
that took a long time to materialize after it was issued.

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