Amazing Trick For HTML

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PUPA me Mace ela HTML x _ f A Z| " (2 we 2 SR, (© Facts4web eee eet cette Lt] Pd Time Page Refreshes & Redirect You can add a special < meta > tag inside your document's head to refresh the page at a set interval or to redirect users to different websites after a set delay . ae Mb as es e Ms aees coe es ee PRE tae Me meet eee tore) aE eae Facts4web »> Add Voice Recognition Voice Recognition : This tricks is used to add voice search in the input field. Like Google search, it searches on by voice recognition. Note : This will only work on mobile devices(Lolipop only Google Chrome). Facts4web >> Disable Right Clicking Sometimes you might want to disable the context menu of the browser on your web page when the user right clicks ! This can easily be done using a simple trick ! Prevent right clicking the entire web page Prevent right clicking a specific element Pet lee Mele eee sel a Mee Pet Me ae Velo eet leet by Facts4web > Add Color Picker This is a really cool HTML trick! CaM MM ULmovm Val 1C MIC Moo) gal ect-l | Nanci eset) customizations that visitors to your website will like. This feature will be particularly user-friendly for those new to coding or without a lot of coding knowledge. Color picker in input filed: Opens front facing camera to take a photo Facts4web >>

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