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Stress Relief Interview 

Video recording transcripts 
A – Interviewer (Deaf and British Sign Language)
B – Interviewee (Hearing and can British Sign Language)s

Video time length A and B  Conversations 

 00:00-00:02 A  Hello 
 00:02-00:03 B  Hello 
 00:03-00:04 A  How are you? 
 00:04-00:06 B  Lovely, I am good. Your? How are you? 
00:06-00:08 A  I am fine, thank you 
00:08-00:09 B  Brilliant! 
 00:09-00:12 A  How was your day yesterday? (weekend) 
 00:12-00:21 B  Lovey, just work off, rest, sleeping, watching TV, eating, eating, eating a lot.

 00:21-00:27 A Ah, lovely. Yesterday, switch off, resting because of Sunday. Right?
 00:27-00:39 B Yeah, right, Sunday. Work off, Saturday work, finished about 2.00 in the morning,
Sunday sleeping.

00:39-00:40 A Good, lovely. Do you know why I am here?

00:40-00:43 B  Please tell me again.
 00:45-01:35 A Me here for research, University students, three of us (group) discuss, decide best
individuals, why you and I can sign, others cannot signs, best way individuals, so, I asked
you for consent, write your name on it, why because I am not allowing to share our
video recording to share with others, I am not allowing also your information you tell
me. I am not allowing to discuss with others. It is for me only. When I finished my video
recording and research in our conversations, not your personal. It is not about you.
Research conversation link the words. It is part of my research in my course module. Is it
okay with you?
 01:35-01:36 B  Head nodding twice. (Mm, yeah) with two thumps up.
 01:37 -01:52 A  If you feel not comfortable when me ask you questions. If you overwhelmed. You can
ask me change questions. I am okay with this; I will change questions. I respect you.
And, if I ask you deep questions. You can walk away or withdrawn. It is up to you.
 01:52-01:53 B  That’s fine with okay signs
  A  Great, Thank you with two thumps up
  B  Okay, one thump up, you are welcome.
01:53-01:57 A I am glad you are here
01:57-01:58 B Happy to be here, head nodding twice

01.58-2:00 A I like to ask you some questions

2:00-2:42 B Oaky with one thump twice

02:42-02:43 A I am talking about university.
University gave you lots of homework maybe SDL- Self Direct Learning.
You may feel too much homework, steady on, which first, organise or me fond this one
of modules, typing up, or I must do it (put up with it) or same time all typing up (three
modules) and try to finish off all, or cannot be bothered to do it? Time up and walk out?
What you?
02:43-02:49 B Ooo, difficult because my course sign language research interpreter

02:49-02:52 A Ah, sign language interpreter

02:52-03:01 B Work SDL, Pile, me feel sometime too much, pile of homework how me cope.

03.01-03:02 A Mm, true (Head nodding)

03.02-03:37 B Trying, my course has, Tuesday, this semester, have Tuesday morning, Tuesday all day
9.00 to 4.00, two more separate modules, then Wednesday afternoon, me organise
work, first Tuesday morning module when finished, then Tuesday afternoon finished,
Wednesday I plan this, this this

03.37-04:01 A Yeah, you know plan well like strategy.

Mm lovely. (Head nodding)
When you feel pile of homework, overwhelmed.
Me wonder University have support you. Maybe like counselling, ask friends or ask
lectures or other you may have?
04:01-04:10 B Well three really. Ah, last year first year now second year

04:10-04:31 A Oh, second year this year. Oh right. Head nodding.

B Yeah, second year this year but last year university new, me recommends like academic
writing, me way over my head (I do not understand), I have to group, discuss, then ah,
me understand. Now this year, me can. Me fine but…

04:31-04:32 A You confident? (how confident)

04:32-04:50 B Yeah, me confident some. Me refer fine. Have online, have so many websites, have
references, have look if my refences is right. Yeah, easy. Write fine, now more my

04:50-04:51 A Who support you?

04:51-04:51 B Need translations, look at it, what is this? language analyst, really difficult, hard.
Me ask my lecture; one to one tutorial help me improved, good, brilliant or friend have
same course but one year high, his third years mean last year, been experience my
course. Me asked him to help me please.

05:22-05:28 A Good, you trust your friend more because he had been experiencing through and help
05:28-05:35 B One thump twice - That’s right, true.

05:35-05:36 A You feel more confident with friend

05.36-05:55 B Yes, But, but subject, some feel better to discuss with academic lecture (point finger),
umm, need help me exam, will friend discuss. Mm yeah (head nodding)

05:55-06:00 A Academic team help you, learn, understand more, and feel confident more?

06:00:06:16 B Head nodding twice, yeah, or exam me don’t understand, what they want me to write
this way or that way. Example, me need what their writing styles. Um… you pass your
exam what write styles. You know?

06:16-06:42 A Mm, yeah. (Head nodding) right, okay if they help you, right then, you acquire, then
when you are in home/ flat, you are typing up your homework, overwhelmed, time out,
up to it, you are going out or exercise, help five minute or 10 minutes,
06.42-07:00 B Coughs, coughs (Interruption)

06.62-07:01 A or eating, steady on give me break twenty minutes, leave homework or 5 minutes, put
with it typing up through or no break. How your? When you are in home or flat. When
you receive pile of homework? What do you do?
07:02-07:03 B Yeah, (head shakes) well every week different.

07:03-07:04 A Head nodding, Yeah, every week?

07:04 -07:56 B Yeah, every week. Me can sometimes work um presentation subjects, my knowledge,
me can tell them easy, others me do not understand, me have to research, mean more
time presentation, right um, some can work, me do not understand, me need relax, or
quick break, sometime me outside smoking, tea, not just close laptop and leave it.
Tomorrow me start again. Or me sometime evening later or day later me cannot do it.
Me need to listen my personal to like to listen to my brain, too much work, just leave it.
Enough for me.

07:56-07:57 A Yeah, too much. Your body tells to stop you.

07:57-08:00 B Yeah, head nodding (agreement)

08:00-08:02 A Right okay, which you prefer when you are in home, focus on your homework, typing up
or in library you typing up or go to friend’s house you typing up? Which you feel more
focus on more? Easy? Library because there have lots of books there? Or home have
books from library, focus it on your room, more space, typing up or help from your
friend, discuss, typing up? Which you feel comfortable?
08:02-08:12 B Hmm (thinking) um comfortable this home, work better in library, why home have too
much distraction tea or my phone or TV, distraction my friend lives with, talk too much
because my friend is here, ah but my course must film all time, people walk past, listen
loud, me distract what loud (noise) me oh… me must do at home. Really home (best

09:20 -09:21 A Or other way – go, library to book library room, quiet, shut the door and quiet?
09:21-09:42 B Have to next year, no next week my assessment online live translation, me must study,
must book (point) library.
My home Wi-Fi break down many times,

09:42-09:43 A Ooo, Oh dear.

B Me must go to university library, use their Wi-Fi.

09:43-09:45 A Yeah, true. Do you feel stress home because no Wi-Fi?

09.46-09:47 B Yes, head nodding twice, yes, stressful.

09:47-09:50 A Yes, have to go to travel and go to library.

09:50 -10:03 B Home to stay at home, work, filming, then go to university for upload every time. Hmm,

very stressful.

10:04 -10:41 A Hmm, very difficult.

I like to ask you some questions relevant flash cards, question – do you feel, mm you
know scale from to top to bottom.
If top, you feel comfortable this (point flash card) Stress relief – which pictures? Maybe
you pick walking? Maybe sport? Maybe exercise? Different… you pick which? Which top
you do you feel comfortable?
10:41-10:42 B First top point flash card - sport

10:42-10:46 A Oh, please explain to me why you pick sport?

10:46-10:51 B Ah, variety, me love, my sign name sport, why I love sport.

10:51-10:57 A Ah, therefore your sign name sport

10:57-10:58 B Yeah (head nodding)

10:58-11:01 A Which sport you fond of?

11:01-11:04 B Favourite sport football, but will play any sport, some watch TV. Or can (point) both
I like pub, sit, drinking, watching TV football me like. Favourite!

11:04-11:21 A Ah, People come to pub, watching TV together

11:21-11:24 B Lovely, me relax, university me switch off, focus on TV, and discuss with people

11:24-11:29 A Because you know what topic you talk about sport, and you know how to discuss with
people well. Right or wrong, me know this sport -know which sport.
11:29-11:40 B Yeah, me argues/ debates (football)

11:40-11:41 A Yeah, history (football)

11:41-11:42 B Yeah, I love debates

11:42-11:49 A Your knowledge date of history – 2 goals, no! right or wrong? Interesting!
B Yeah, that’s right

11:49-11:52 A Yeah, right, very clever. Right, um.. Do you have other what? Point flash cards
We look at flash cards on the table. You have done pub, -Oh do you working pub,
Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Or Full weekend? Or this week?
11:42-12:06 B Different times, me work pub, um mean Friday, Saturday evenings, me work, um most

12:06-12:18 A Oh dear… Most week, busy week. Okay (Thumbs twice) and head nodding twice. Other
else? Or you can pick first column or upside-down paper, have more there. It is up to
12:18-12:36 B Point flash card - Me likes exercise. That one – Last August me have broken shoulder,
me have to relax, me cannot do exercise now

12:36-12:48 A Ooo, you bear and grin it, you wait until your shoulder better. Then you exercise again
12:48-12:54 B Yeah, that’s right. Head nodding twice, maybe next January (2023)

12:54-12:59 A Exercise where? Home or go to university?

12:54-13:03 B No, this is different Um. called point place – gym group

13:03-13:12 A Mm yeah, good group?

13:12-13:14 B Yeah, lovely group, student cheap

13:14-13:17 A Yeah, that’s true. Um with who? You go with students?

13:17-13:26 B No, myself. Just me. I listen to music, switch off, keep away people.

13:26-13:34 A Yeah, focus on yourself more. With music on, you listen. That’s good.
Ah, when you work, or study do you listen to the music? Listen voiceover translation?
Then you write down what it says?
13:34-13:46 B Um... well can if research or write will listen the music but translation or presentation
signing film on, I have to take it off and more focus on without the music.
14:00-14:13 A Oh, I see. Yeah okay (thumb up one) lovely
Which worst one? You have got top – sport and pub what about the worst one? Do you
feel overwhelmed? Maybe you feel cannot do it? Or if it is not there you can add if you
14:13-14:21 B Hey this and that one’s – Baking and Cooking flash cards
Me no (Head shakes treble) Me hate it no no…

14:21-14:30 A Food delivery? Do you buying or order it online?

14:30-14:41 B Normally me order food too much. Me spending a lot. Me need cheap but will um o buy
it from shop – frozen food. Just put on frozen food in the oven. Probably about twenty
minutes. Me cooking nothing.

14:41-15:01 A Yeah, I know everyone love food, buy order food a lot because of quick. Save time
15:01-15:03 B Easy quick buy, McDonald, easy cheap

15:03-15:14 A Yeah, yeah head nodding, That’s right. Thump up

Right, other round – top worst to bottom best?
15:14-15:35 B Ah, right okay, point flash card
The pub is best, and baking/ cooking are worst (maybe equal)

15:35-15:44 A Okay, I like to ask you a question

University and Study – balance life – easy, hard, or smooth?
15:44-16:01 B Hmm, difficult balance. Always feel… if home, sit, relax, watching Tv or go to Pub. Me
feel guilty – should go to university, study…but important mental health has to switch
off. More relax, discuss friends, other one focus, focus, focus on my headache is heavy
too much. Well, I think more stress if you are one hundred percentage – need more
balance study and life. Head nodding twice

16:01-17:02 A Do you feel this year and this year which easy or hard? (vice versa)
17:02-17:03 B Ooo that’s different way, last year me stressful, why, first year me new, do no know
what to do and overwhelmed, now..

17:03-17:26 A Yeah, because everything is new to you.

17:26- 18:07 B Yeah, that’s right (head nodding twice and flat palms) now me feel confident,
knowledge more, who me refer to, reference, writing. Fine. I know where buildings, ah,

that’s building, library, works how. Me have friends now (making new university friends)
Last year first year me arrive university, me know nothing, panic, I don’t know who
people are.
Now easy relax, me live here
But this year work more or university – point (both work and study) parallel same. Hmm,
a bit difficult.

18:07-18:20 A Hmm, lovely hold on, let me check time

Ah, perfect
Thank you
18:20-18:21 B Oh, you are welcome

A I like to ask you anything you want to add information?

18:21-18:40 B Hmm, I try to think difficult
Stress different, some will need more time relax, other can work focus on carry on
But just remember listen to my brain.

18:40-19:14 A Mm, yeah. (Head nodding) You say listen to your brain, okay your brain and body tells
you stop working or study. It stops you, go for walking, pub etc. It tells time for yourself
It happens you a lot.
19:14-19:18 B Mm, yeah, yeah, that’s right (head nodding)

A Thank you for discussion. I finished now. I would not share it with other. Thank you for
your time. Okay, Bye
19:18-19:28 B You are welcome. Thank you. Bye
Finished The end of conversation.

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