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Committee : The United Environment Programme

Country : the Republic of Suriname

Name : Muhammad Dzaky Rizqullah Roni
Topic : The Environmental Impact Paradox of

Ecosystem services, human well-being and environmentalism movement are the key
components related with environmental paradox. General opinions thought, Ecosystem services
quality should have been directly proportional with Human well-being, because of ecosystem
services provide provisions needs for Human well-being. Related to that, because of degradation
ecosystem services, Environmentalism Movement has gained more participation and recognition.
However, there are paradox with environmentalism movement product impact and also
ecosystem services and Human well-being data.
In contrast with many people though, according to the data, human well-being and
ecosystem service are directly proportional. In fact, however, degradation ecosystem service
occurred as there is increase human well-being increase, which is a paradox. According to the
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report, “approximately 60 percent of the benefits that the
global ecosystem provides to support life on Earth (such as fresh water, clean air and a relatively
stable climate) are being degraded or used unsustainably.”, Otherwise, for the most part, humans
are faring surprisingly well. Probably, this can happen because human well-being is measured
with Human Development Index (HDI) which could not explained linked between human well-
being and biosphere.
Paradox also happens in environmentalism movement. There are many examples for that,
such as electric cars contribute more waste during production than conventional cars. Most of the
electrical energy is produced by fossil power plants makes the goal of electric cars unattainable.
All explanation above are the reason to increase awareness and concern to environmentalism and
environmentalism movement paradox, because it could be disastrous in the future.

Paragraph 4 : Environmental paradox current situation in suriname

Paragraph 5 : Suriname government state and policy on environmental paradox.

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