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How to Enhance Your PPC System with Artificial


August 11, 2021

It’s impossible to talk about modern marketing without mentioning such strong trends as the
use of artificial intelligence. AI is changing paid advertising while also introducing new
opportunities for marketers. Experts predict that AI and machine learning will generate up to
$2.6 trillion in value by solving problems associated with sales and marketing over the next
three years.

AI and PPC
You may have noticed that technology develops at a rapid pace, so relatively new
technologies are especially promising. Although artificial intelligence gained momentum not
so long ago, it has already proven to be extremely useful in different areas, including
marketing. If you want to succeed, you should keep up with the development process. This
way, you’ll be able to keep your marketing efforts as effective as possible.

AI, machine learning, and big data are still relatively young concepts so human professionals
are still actively involved in many processes. The potential of data can only be used if people
know what they do and have clear objectives. Besides, businesses should keep in mind the
importance of high-quality personalization for modern consumers while also maintaining a
certain level of transparency.

One of the biggest benefits of AI for marketing is an opportunity to automate many processes
that take a lot of time when performed manually. Thanks to AI-powered solutions, marketers
can improve the efficiency of numerous processes. According to research, automation alone
can increase global productivity by 1.4% annually. 

How to Use AI to Improve Your PPC Advertising

Here are some of the best examples of the capabilities of AI:

Autonomous adjustment of PPC bids

When AI controls your ads, you can tweak your campaigns by making minor changes to the
code to make your PPC campaigns more effective. For instance, you can use AI to adjust PPC
bids autonomously. This way, you won’t bid too low for ads that enable you to acquire quality
leads, and you will also improve your ROI by eliminating overbidding.

You can build your own AI algorithm to manage your bids, but in this case, you need to find
an experienced software development company and be ready to invest a lot of money into the
development process. Fortunately, there are many tools, including Google Ads and solutions
from Bing, which can be used for free. Amazon also has its hourly bidding algorithm, which
enables marketers to automatically adjust their bids according to the dynamics of the market.

When using automation, you should keep in mind that there are different levels and that
automated bidding may have some disadvantages. For instance, Google Ads enables you to
choose between Enhanced CPC and such fully automated strategies as vCPM, Target ROAS,
Maximize Clicks, Target CPA, and Maximize Conversions.

Enhanced CPC is different from the rest of the strategies because in this case, the algorithm
simply makes adjustments to keyword bids that are set manually. Fully automated strategies
require more attention. You should always monitor their performance to make sure that you
stay within your budget and the ROI meets your expectations. Solutions that are considered
optimal by Google may not always resonate with your business goals.

Improved retargeting
You can use various AI-powered analytics and call tracking software to see the connection
between the leads generated by your offline efforts and specific campaigns or even keywords.
By analyzing the data on your offline conversions, you can improve your retargeting efforts.

Proper targeting is crucial for the success of your campaign. First, you don’t want to repel
customers who already want to do business with you by annoying them with excessive
marketing materials. Secondly, there’s no need to spend your PPC budget on customers who
have already made a purchase and are unlikely to buy from you again soon.

Predicting consumers’ behavior

One of the most promising disciplines related to AI is machine learning. AI algorithms can
learn from historical data, considering your audience’s demographics, purchase habits, web
activity, device usage, etc. This way, algorithms can detect the connection between campaigns
and keywords, and therefore predict what search queries will most likely generate
conversions. Moreover, machines can do it much faster than humans.


Pausing ads with poor performance

You don’t want to keep bidding on ads that demonstrate poor performance and don’t deliver
the desired ROI. Therefore, you should be able to quickly evaluate the performance of your
ads and pause them if they don’t perform well enough. Similarly, you should reconsider your
strategy if your bids don’t turn into clicks. Such a situation can damage your quality score,
and you should keep it high to minimize the cost per conversion.

Creative assistance

While AI has proven to demonstrate a much better performance when dealing with various
repetitive tasks, creativity still remains a challenge for algorithms. Machines still cannot
replace humans when it comes to creativity but they can assist marketers. For instance,
Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) from Google prove that AI can help marketers create a better
PPC ad copy.

You can provide up to 15 headlines, and Google will show RSAs that correspond to the users’
search queries. Google can create thousands of RSAs based on your headlines, enabling you
to maximize the results that you get from your investments. As AI technology develops and
evolves, marketers will get even more opportunities to use AI for creative tasks.

Many companies are also starting to experiment with AI-powered chatbots to make their PPC
campaigns more engaging. Thanks to AI-powered tools, you can increase conversions and
reduce your bounce rates by providing high-quality assistance. Besides, you can use chatbots
to get more information about your users from their conversations.

Wrapping Up
The concept of AI appeared not so long ago but it has already demonstrated its tremendous
potential in different areas, and marketing is no exception. Various AI-powered tools enable
you to improve the efficiency of your marketing efforts and maximize the ROI. Thanks to AI,
marketers can automate bidding, improve targeting, and predict users’ behavior. Moreover,
some AI solutions can already assist marketers with creative tasks.


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