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One of the most well-known Greek mythologies is Daedalus and Icarus written by the poet Ovid, it is
about a famous inventor and his only son who were held captive in a tower by King Minos, in order to
escape from Crete, where King Minos had captured him and his son Icarus, mythological inventor
Daedalus invented wings out of feathers and wax, wings that can leap through the wind but do not go
near the sun and the sea, Icarus disregarded his father's advice and soared dangerously near the sun. He
lost his wings and plummeted into the water, where he drowned.

The story of Daedalus and Icarus story was enjoyable like the rest of Greek myths, you will also learn a
lot of things in the story. It impacted many people young and adults, people relate to this story because
at one point in their life they also became jealous and stubborn. Most importantly it impacted artist that
is why there are many paintings, poem and sculptures inspired by the story. For me the story teaches us
moral lessons, being jealous and stubborn results to nothing good, jealousy and stubbornness lead
people to their down fall.

I love the characters; they are so interesting and relatable Icarus being the son of the famous inventor
he became proud and stubborn, Daedalus being the most famous inventor yet he became jealous. I
would recommend this story for teens and adults because they would learn many things from this story.
Daedalus and Icarus story is one of the best stories to have ever been written, because of how well
written the story is and it is still relatable to this day and maybe for hundreds of years to come.

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