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Progress Test

U N I T 2 Grammar
1 Complete the conversations. Use the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous form Score
of the verbs in brackets.
1 A How 1
(your job / go)?
B It 2
(go) really well, thanks.
Every day 3
(be) different.
A What 4
(you / work) on at the moment?
B We 5
(develop) some new software.
And I 6
(train) a new member of the team.
2 A How long 7
(it / take) you to get to work every morning?
B About half an hour. I usually 8
(drive) but
I 9
(cycle) to work at the moment.
A Why? 10
(you / want) to get fit?
B Yes, but I 11
(try) to save money, too.
Petrol 12
(be) cheap at the moment.
3 A Helen, is that report ready? The Sales Director 13
me for it.
B I 14
(write) it now, but
I 15
(wait) for some graphics from Lucy before I can finish it.
A Well, what 16
(Lucy / do) now?
B I 17
(not know).
She 18
(answer) her phone this morning!
4 A I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where 19
(you / work)
at the moment?
B I 20
(working) at the moment, unfortunately, but
I 21
(try) really hard to find a job.
A That’s difficult. So many people 22
(look) for work these days.
B Yes, I 23
(apply) for lots of jobs, but
I never 24
(get) any interviews.
5 A Where is everyone today? The office is nearly empty.
B Ray and Olga 25
(work) in the office today.
They 26
(visit) clients.
C And the Sales Manager 27
(work) today either – she’s
on holiday.
She always 28
(visit) her sister in France at this time of year.
A Oh, no. I 29
(write) a report for head office and
I 30
(need) some information from her.
C Sorry, she is away until next week.
Total 0  /30

International Express Third Edition  Pre-Intermediate  © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Test U N I T 2 Vocabulary
1 Complete the conversations with these words. Score
architect  chef  electrician  hotel receptionist  journalist
optician  photographer  plumber  shop assistant  taxi driver
1 A Excuse me, Waiter. This food is awful.
B Do you want me to speak to the ?
2 A What’s your idea of a perfect job?
B I love taking pictures. I think I’d like to be a .
3 A We need a taxi to the airport after we check out.
B No problem. Ask the to book one.
4 A This is an amazing building.
B I know. What’s the name of the who designed it?
5 A I think I’ve got a problem with my eyesight. I can’t read the text on my computer screen.
B You need to see an .
6 A I like these jeans, but I can’t find a price on them.
B There’s a over there. You can ask him.
7 A I always read his articles.
B Yes, I think he’s the best on the magazine.
8 A The lighting in the whole building has stopped working.
B I’ll find the number for an .
9 A I don’t know how to get to the hotel from the train station.
B Don’t worry. I’m sure the knows the city well.
10 A How is your new house?
B It’s OK but there is a problem with the drains. I need to call a .
0  /10

2 Complete the conversations with make, do, or have.

1 A Can you 1
me a favour? Could you 2
a look  /2
at this job application for me?
B Sure. … It’s good.
A Really? Do you think I 3
a chance of getting an interview?
B Yes, but remember to 4
some research on the company first.
2 A Did you 5
a good time on holiday?
B Yes, it was great to 6
a nice long break. I didn’t need to
any phone calls all week!
3 A Kim. Please 8
the arrangements for next week’s meeting.
B Yes, of course.
A And don’t forget to 9
an appointment with the accountant.
B No, I won’t forget.
A I know, sorry. You always 10
a good job.
0  /10
Total 0  /20

International Express Third Edition  Pre-Intermediate  © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Test U N I T 2 Work skills
1 Complete the email. Choose the correct words (a, b, or c). Score

Dear Nicole,
It was very good 1
you at the Book Fair last week.
I to confirm that we would like to see some of your new designs.

it be possible to arrange a meeting to discuss a possible project?
Could you 4
me know which dates at the beginning of May are
for you?
I’ve 6
a copy of our latest catalogue to give you 7
of the range of books we produce.
Please 8
me if you have any questions.
I look 9
to hearing from you.
With best ,

Dana Mitchell
Art Editor

1 a  meet b  to meet c  to meet to

2 a  ’m writing b  write c  writing
3 a  Could b  Should c  Would
4 a  say b  let c  tell
5 a  correct b  good c  interesting
6 a  attach b  attaching c  attached
7 a  ideas b  the idea c  an idea
8 a  contact b  contacting c  to contact
9 a  before b  forward c  after
10 a  wish b  love c  regards

Total 0  /10

International Express Third Edition  Pre-Intermediate  © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Test U N I T 2 Functions
1 Correct the underlined mistakes in each conversation. Write the correct words. Score
1 A What time is our flight leave? 1

B At 10.00. And it land in Chicago at 3.30.

Frank meets us at the airport. 3

A OK. When are you going give your presentation?

B On the first day of meetings.

Then I visiting the new factory in Milwaukee. 5

2 A I leave the office at 12.00 today.

B OK. Do you doing anything special at the weekend?


A We visiting some friends in Amsterdam, 8

but our flight leave at 5.00 a.m.! 9

3 A When you going on your training course?

B On Monday.
We talk about time management and communication.

A How many people go? 12

B About 30, I think. The course isn’t finish until Thursday,

so I’m being away for three days. 14

0  /14

2 Complete the conversations with these phrases.

are you free   can we arrange another time   how about
I can’t make   that’s fine with me   would be good
A Hi, Danuta, it’s Dan here. Listen, I’m sorry but 1

the meeting tomorrow.
B That’s OK. 2
A Sure. When 3
for you?
B Let me just check my diary. 4
at 11.30?
A 11.30 on Friday? Yes, 6
B Great, thanks. See you Friday.
A OK. See you then.
0  /6
Total 0  /20

UNIT 2 TEST:  Grammar 0  /30 Vocabulary 0  /20  Work skills 0  /10 Functions 0  /20  Total 0  /80

International Express Third Edition  Pre-Intermediate  © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE

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