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In reviewing the life of Joseph, we see YHVH

revealing the plan to him. At that time Joseph

did not understand how this was going to work
out. That did not stop with the dreams. YHVH
moved from under his father’s protection and
out of his comfort zone. Joseph saw that when
his dreams came to pass, he did not gloat and
hold over his brother’s heads. No, he was able
to, in humbleness forgive his brothers and
rescued his family. In comparison, Moses knew
that YHVH would provide a deliverer for the
children of Israel. Even though he knew YHVH
would free them he tried to start the process. Not
only did it backfire he wound up fleeing from
the sight of Pharaoh. He spent the next 40 years
learning what it meant to be a shepherd of sheep.
In your calling, you could have acted as Moses
and tried to force the hand of YHVH or you
could have sought the do the will of the Father
and His guidance.
We can recognize that the time or (season) is at
hand for His return. You may even try to run
ahead of what the Master is doing. The results
are always the same. We could be killed off, or
at the least, because of our lack of understanding
give the opportunity for His name to be mocked.
Consider the Ephraimites who thought it was the
right time to leave Egypt, the result was that all
who “thought” it was the right time paid with
their lives.
The name of this book is Exodus yet that is the
English name. In Hebrew it is Names — ‫ְׁש מֹות‬
The Exodus sets up the house of Israel
leaving by the hand of YHVH. Yet there is
something deeper here at the start. This is
not the history of just one tribe, rather it is
the history of the whole house of Israel, and
let us not forget it. In certain parts of the
Earth, they would have you believe that it is
at best the story of just one tribe and they
would have you believe that is the truth. In
our last Torah Portion, we ended with all of
Israel in Egypt and a promise from Joseph
that God would send someone to bring
them out.
According to the book of Jasher, it reveals
that each of the sons of Jacob died and
when the last one died there rose another
pharaoh who did not know Joseph and all of
the wonderful things, he did to save Egypt
during the famine.
If you recall the history of Joseph started
with two dreams concerning his family and
that they would bow done to him. That
dream would not be realized until he was in
his 30th year and he was in charge of all of
In this Torah portion, we pick up the story of
the children of Israel in Egypt and a new
Pharaoh on the throne that did not know
who Joseph was. The people of Egypt
oppressed the children of Israel with hard
labor. The Egyptians feared the Israelis for
they were like grasshoppers.
Everything that the children of Israel would
indicate that YHVH forgot them. Yet through
all of this, YHVH was with them and saw
what they were going through. Israel
believed that they were mistreated, yet it is
not until you read the book of Jasher about
this event that they agreed with the
Egyptians about the work they were doing.
In this way, YHVH did not intervene until
they cried out because of the burden they
endured. In much the same way in our life,
we make agreements either with men or the
devil himself to get the things we want. Yes,
YHVH could intervene and bail us out.
When we have had enough, He often brings
the answer to our problems. At the right
time, YHVH sends us the answer. When we
seek fame and fortune and not His glory
and the kingdom, He will allow us to go
through the trail.
He knows the right time and place that His
answer will be there for us. In much the
same way when the wife makes a vow or a
contract to allow us to see where this will
go. Consider when Joshua and the elders
made a covenant with the inhabitants of
Gibeon (Jos 9:3-18).

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