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Funny Would You Rather Questions

1. Would you rather be a mouse on holiday or a lion at work?

Which do you think would be more difficult?

2. Would you rather have a house made of chocolate or a house made of
french fries?

Which do you think would be easier to clean?

3. Would you rather have the power to make others laugh or to make
yourself laugh?

Are there any comedians you know who already have this power?
4. Would you rather stink or have everybody else stink (except you)?

How much deodorant do you think would be needed to hide the smell?
5. Would you rather marry a fish or a potato?

Which do you think you would argue with more?

6. Would you rather fight Santa or a reindeer?

Do you think you’d still get presents after?

7. Would you rather dance with a sloth or a chimpanzee?

Do you think they would enjoy the dance?

8. Would you rather slip on ice or a banana peel?

Which one do you think is funnier?

9. Would you rather laugh so hard you cry or cry so hard you laugh?

Do you often cry when you laugh?

10. Would you rather have an onion for a head or a cabbage?

Do you think it would be hard to wash your face?

Difficult Would You Rather Questions

1. Would you rather win £1,000,000 or have your friend win £3,000,000?

Do you think they’d let you win the money if they were in your shoes?
2. Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?

What about if you couldn’t return to the present?

3. Would you rather have lots of money but not be able to buy food or
have plenty of food but no money?

Is there anyone you can think of who would pick the opposite?
4. Would you rather be best friends with a celebrity or have your dream

Have you ever met a celebrity?

5. Would you rather fall into a cactus or walk on glass?

Do you have a strong tolerance to pain?

6. Would you rather climb Mount Everest or run three marathons?

What’s the most exercise you’ve ever done?

7. Would you rather not shower for a week or not brush your teeth for a

What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering before?

8. Would you rather be trapped in a room full of spiders or snakes?

How long do you think you could stay in there for?

9. Would you rather play a sport professionally or be an actor / actress?

Which do you think pays more?

10. Would you rather be a king for a day or a mayor for a month?

What would you do in that time?

Weird Would You Rather Questions

1. Would you rather have a pillow as a pet or a piece of cheese?

Which do you think would look funnier when taking for a walk?
2. Would you rather be abducted by aliens or kidnapped by vampires?

Which is more likely?

3. Would you rather be a plant or a rock?

Do you think life would be easier than being a human?

4. Would you rather have a pig’s brain in a human body or a human
brain in a pig’s body?

Do you think it would be fun to switch for a short while?

5. Would you rather wear a hat made of jam or shoes made of chocolate?

Would you eat it after you have finished wearing it?

6. Would you rather live on the moon or at the bottom of the sea?

What kind of work could you do there?

7. Would you rather be a cartoon or a puppet?

What’s your favourite cartoon?

8. Would you rather be sat next to a dog or a chicken on a plane?

Would it be better than sitting next to a human?

9. Would you rather live in a world where everything is upside down or
where everything is blue?

What would some of the challenges be living in such a world?

10. Would you rather clean your teeth with spaghetti or a banana?

What do you think your dentist would say?

Food Would You Rather Questions
1. Would you rather eat cheese and chocolate or beef and icecream?

What’s the worst food combination you’ve ever made?

2. Would you rather eat hamburgers everyday or never again?

Which option do you think is healthier?

3. Would you rather eat an amazing meal in a bad restaurant or a bad
meal in an amazing restaurant?

What’s the best restaurant you’ve ever eaten at?

4. Would you rather be hungry or thirsty?

What’s the longest you’ve gone without food and drink?

5. Would you rather go out for dinner or eat a takeaway?

What was the last thing you ate from a takeaway?

6. Would you rather eat ice cream on a hot day or drink hot chocolate on
a cold day?

Which flavour of ice cream is your favourite?

7. Would you rather be a chef or a waiter?

Which do you think has the harder job?

8. Would you rather eat three days worth of food in a day or a day’s
worth of food over three days?

Which do you think is healthier?

9. Would you rather eat chocolate for an entire day or broccoli?

What’s the most chocolate you’ve ever eaten?

10. Would you rather eat peas with chopsticks or soup with a fork?

Have you ever tried to eat with chopsticks? Did it work?

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