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“Accounts of the Augustinian Recollects towards the

Conversion of Datu Inuc of Marieta in 1622”

Authored by: Lynn B. Limbanganon


The Philippines commemorates its quincentennial anniversary since the arrival of

the Spaniards, and the majority can testify that their religion has to be the greatest

influence in the country. Christianity had been adapted, evolved, and thus, deeply rooted

in the archipelago, all because of the zealous work of Spanish missionaries amid the

many difficulties they encountered. A glimpse at the past of the Hispano-Filipino

relations, this paper aims to bring into the limelight the notable conversion that happened

on the Caraga island of Mindanao around 1622. This paper will review the accounts of

the discalced Augustinian Recollects sent to evangelize the rest of the islands, which was

led by Father Juan de la Madre de Dios as one of the eight who was sent to the Caraga

islands. Above all, the paper aims to show how significant the conversion of the barbaric

indigenous chief of Caraga had allowed his kin to also discover and practice this

newfound belief. Consequently, the research will only highlight historical accounts that

are unfamiliar from the history books, and thus purposely aim at promoting local

historiography. Hence, it is to contribute to more published archival resources available

in the locality, which is in deep scarcity at the moment.

Keywords: Caragha, Datu Inuc, Christianity, Mindanao, discalced Augustinian priests,

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