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SESSION 2022-23

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ whose teachings symbolize the
values of humanity, generosity, and unconditional acceptance of people and their traits. It is
one of the most important as well as popular festival celebrated all around the world. It is the
festival of God's love; so let us start a new venture this Christmas. God will shower his
blessings on us!! So cheer up and celebrate!

Soaking in the spirit of this festival, we dedicate this month to the Lord and the journey towards
loving and sharing.

Welcoming the festivals of carols, bells, Santa Claus, stockings, gifts, the students of DPS will
unfold their creative abilities in a string of activities as follows: -

Occasions during the month are as below: -

Date 24 December 2022

Activity / Celebration Christmas Celebration

Subject Enrichment Activity:

Subject Activity

SCIENCE Presentation on Skeleton system.

SOCIAL SCIENCE a. Write a slogan/ article on pollution and its effect, present the same
( Choose any one) in class.
b. Make a presentation (PPT) on 4R’s and same to be presented in
c. Make a poster on ‘Save Environment’ and present it in the class.

Subject Syllabus

English Literature - L- 8- The brave queen

L-9 Festival of festivals.
Grammar- L-8 Articles
L-9 Determiners
L-10 Adverbs
Writing skill- Short Essay writing

Hindi व्याकरण
संवाद लेखन, कहानी लेखन
पाठ -11 काल
पाठ- 13 इनसे सीखो (कववता), पाठ -14 हड़ताल (पठन वाचन )
पाठ -15 घमंडी का सर नीचा
गवतवववि- हड़ताल पाठ के आिार पर छात्ों द्वारा अविनय

Mathematics Ch - 9: Measurement,
Ch - 10: Money
Ch - 11: Geometry

Science Ch - 12: Our life supports.

Ch - 13: Our Earth’s natural satellite.

Social Science Ch -16: The Birth of United Nations

Ch- 17: Working of the UNO
Ch – 9: Environment (Activity)
Ch- 10: Conservation of Environment (Activity)

Sanskrit अध्याय 10 मध्यम पुरुष: एकवचन |

French Revision of First group verbs

Lesson 9 - Les vacances
Writing skills - My family

ICT Ch 8- World Wide Web

UT III Examination Syllabus


07/12/22 ENGLISH English literature - L- 5 The man who loved trees,

L- 6 Big dreams
Grammar: L-3 Pronouns, L- 7 Adjectives
Writing- Picture composition
14/12/22 FRENCH Lesson 6 - Les amis de Caroline
Unseen passage
Writing skills- Describe your parents in 10 sentences

14/12/22 SANSKRIT अध्याय 7 - प्रथमपुरुष एकवचनं

अध्याय 8 - प्रथमपुरुष वद्ववचनं

07/12/22 ICT Ch 5: Improving Presentations

Ch 6: Learning Scratch

To inculcate good values and to send out morally responsible individuals into the
world, DPS – Sector 84, has incorporated one value each for a given month in our
curriculum. Certain activities will be undertaken for reinforcement of the value.

Value of the Month – Environment

We look forward to your cooperation in helping our children grow and learn together.

Coordinator Principal
VOCABULARY LIST (December 2022)

Sr. No. Word Meaning

1. destined Certain to happen

2. sacrifice give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations

3. appeal challenge in the court of law

4. mutiny an open rebellion against the proper authorities

5. gallant brave and honourable

6. predicted stated or estimated as likely to happen in the future; forecast

7. hilarious very funny

8. exhausted very tired

9. unique very unusual

10. heir a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another

11. veto The right to refuse to allow something to be done

12. dispute disagreement

13. illiterate Who cannot read and write

14. UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund

15. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

16. Atmosphere The blanket of air surrounding the earth.

17. Humidity Amount of water vapour present in the air.

18. Space Region beyond the atmosphere.

19. Satellite A small body revolving around a planet in space.

20. Tide The periodic rising and falling of sea and ocean water.

21. fierce violent, severe

22. chaos complete disorder and confusion.

23. amity friendly relations

24. cluster groups

25. dormitory a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution

26. headdress an ornamental covering or band for the head, especially one worn on
ceremonial occasions.
27. archery shooting with a bow and arrows, especially at a target as a sport

28. oblivious Unaware

29. articulate having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.

30. wrath extreme anger

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