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Event Studies in Economics and Finance

Author(s): A. Craig MacKinlay

Source: Journal of Economic Literature , Mar., 1997, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 13-
Published by: American Economic Association

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Journal of Economic Literature
Vol. XXXV (March 1997), pp. 13-39

Event Studies in Economics and


The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Thlanks to John Can ipbell, Briuce G-tr udly, Andrti-ewv Lo, and twvo anonymnotus referees for helpful
comments andcl discussion. Research suLpport from the Rodiney L. WVhite Center for Finiancial
Research is gratefiully acknzowvledged.

1. Introduction deficit.1 However, applications in other

fields are also abundant. For example,
ECONOMISTS are frequently asked to
event studies are used in the field of law
measure the effects of an economic
and economics to measure the impact on
event on the value of firms. On the sur-
the value of a firm of a change in the
face this seems like a difficult task, but a
regulatory environment (see G. William
measure can be constructed easily using
Schwert 1981) and in legal liability cases
an event study. Using financial market
event studies are used to assess damages
data, an event study measures the impact
(see Mark Mitchell and Jeffry Netter
of a specific event on the value of a firm.
1994). In the majority of applications,
The usefulness of such a study comes
the focus is the effect of an event on the
from the fact that, given rationality in
price of a particular class of securities of
the marketplace, the effects of an event
the firm, most often common equity. In
will be reflected immediately in security
this paper the methodology is discussed
prices. Thus a measure of the event's
in terms of applications that use common
economic impact can be constructed
equity. However, event studies can be
using security prices observed over a
applied using debt securities with little
relatively short time period. In contrast,
direct productivity related measures may
Event studies have a long history. Per-
require many months or even years of
haps the first published study is James
Dolley (1933). In this work, he examines
The event study has many applica-
the price effects of stock splits, studying
tions. In accounting and finance re-
nominal price changes at the time of the
search, event studies have been applied
split. Using a sample of 95 splits from
to a variety of firm specific and economy
1921 to 1931, he finds that the price in-
wide events. Some examples include
mergers and acquisitions, earnings an-
nouncements, issues of new debt or eq- I The first three examples will be discussed later
in the paper. Grant McQueen and Vance Roley
uity, and announcements of macro- (1993) provide an illustration of the fourth using
economic variables such as the trade macroeconomic news announcements.


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14 o ournal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

creased in 57 of the cases and the price with the necessary tools for calculating
declined in only 26 instances. Over the an abnormal return, making statistical in-
decades from the early 1930s until the ferences about these returns, and aggre-
late 1960s the level of sophistication of gating over many event observations.
event studies increased. John H. Myers The null hypothesis that the event has no
and Archie Bakay (1948), C. Austin impact on the distribution of returns is
Barker (1956, 1957, 1958), and John maintained in Sections 4 and 5. Section 6
Ashley (1962) are examples of studies discusses modifying this null hypothesis
during this time period. The improve- to focus only on the mean of the return
ments included removing general stock distribution. Section 7 presents analysis
market price movements and separating of the power of an event study. Section 8
out confounding events. In the late presents nonparametric approaches to
1960s seminal studies by Ray Ball and event studies which eliminate the need
Philip Brown (1968) and Eugene Fama for parametric structure. In some cases
et al. (1969) introduced the methodology theory provides hypotheses concerning
that is essentially the same as that which the relation between the magnitude of
is in use today. Ball and Brown consid- the event abnormal return and firm char-
ered the information content of earn- acteristics. Section 9 presents a cross-
ings, and Fama et al. studied the effects sectional regression approach that is use-
of stock splits after removing the effects ful to investigate such hypotheses.
of simultaneous dividend increases. Section 10 considers some further issues
In the years since these pioneering relating event study design and the pa-
studies, a number of modifications have per closes with the concluding discussion
been developed. These modifications re- in Section 11.
late to complications arising from viola-
tions of the statistical assumptions used 2. Procedure for an Event Study
in the early work and relate to adjust-
ments in the design to accommodate At the outset it is useful to briefly dis-
more specific hypotheses. Useful papers cuss the structure of an event study. This
which deal with the practical importance will provide a basis for the discussion of
of many of the complications and adjust- details later. While there is no unique
ments are the work by Stephen Brown structure, there is a general flow of
and Jerold Warner published in 1980 and analysis. This flow is discussed in this
1985. The 1980 paper considers imple- section.
mentation issues for data sampled at a The initial task of conducting an event
monthly interval and the 1985 paper study is to define the event of interest
deals with issues for daily data. and identify the period over which the
In this paper, event study methods are security prices of the firms involved in
reviewed and summarized. The paper this event will be examined-the event
begins with discussion of one possible window. For example, if one is looking at
procedure for conducting an event study the information content of an earnings
in Section 2. Section 3 sets up a sample with daily data, the event will be the
event study which will be used to illus- earnings announcement and the event
trate the methodology. Central to an window will include the one day of the
event study is the measurement of an ab- announcement. It is customary to define
normal stock return. Section 4 details the event window to be larger than the
the first step-measuring the normal specific period of interest. This permits
performance-and Section 5 follows examination of periods surrounding the

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 15

event. In practice, the period of interest choices for modeling the normal re-
is often expanded to multiple days, in- turn-the constant mean return model
cluding at least the day of the an- where Xl is a constant, and the market
nouncement and the day after the an- model where Xl is the market return.
nouncement. This captures the price The constant mean return model, as the
effects of announcements which occur name implies, assumes that the mean
after the stock market closes on the an- return of a given security is constant
nouncement day. The periods prior to through time. The market model as-
and after the event may also be of inter- sumes a stable linear relation between
est. For example, in the earnings an- the market return and the security re-
nouncement case, the market may ac- turn.
quire information about the earnings Given the selection of a normal perfor-
prior to the actual announcement and mance model, the estimation window
one can investigate this possibility by ex- needs to be defined. The most common
amining pre-event returns. choice, when feasible, is using the period
After identifying the event, it is neces- prior to the event window for the estima-
sary to determine the selection criteria tion window. For example, in an event
for the inclusion of a given firm in the study using daily data and the market
study. The criteria may involve restric- model, the market model parameters
tions imposed by data availability such as could be estimated over the 120 days
listing on the New York Stock Exchange prior to the event. Generally the event
or the American Stock Exchange or may period itself is not included in the esti-
involve restrictions such as membership mation period to prevent the event from
in a specific industry. At this stage it is influencing the normal performance
useful to summarize some sample char- model parameter estimates.
acteristics (e.g., firm market capitaliza- With the parameter estimates for the
tion, industry representation, distri- normal performance model, the abnor-
bution of events through time) and note mal returns can be calculated. Next
any potential biases which may have comes the design of the testing frame-
been introduced through the sample se- work for the abnormal returns. Impor-
lection. tant considerations are defining the null
Appraisal of the event's impact re- hypothesis and determining the tech-
quires a measure of the abnormal return. niques for aggregating the individual
The abnormal return is the actual ex post firm abnormal returns.
return of the security over the event win- The presentation of the empirical re-
dow minus the normal return of the firm sults follows the formulation of the
over the event window. The normal re- econometric design. In addition to pre-
turn is defined as the expected return senting the basic empirical results, the
without conditioning on the event taking presentation of diagnostics can be fruit-
place. For firm i and event date t the ful. Occasionally, especially in studies
abnormal return is with a limited number of event observa-
tions, the empirical results can be heav-
AR1t = R1, - E(RjrjXr) (1)
ily influenced by one or two firms.
where AR,,, Ri,, and E(Ri,IXt) are the ab- Knowledge of this is important for gaug-
normal, actual, and normal returns re- ing the importance of the results.
spectively for time period t. Xl is the Ideally the empirical results will lead
conditioning information for the normal to insights relating to understanding the
return model. There are two common sources and causes of the effects (or lack

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16 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

of effects) of the event under study. Ad- is Datastream, and the source of the ac-
ditional analysis may be included to dis- tual earnings is Compustat.
tinguish between competing explana- If earnings announcements convey in-
tions. Concluding coiimments complete formation to investors, one would expect
the study. the announcement impact on the mar-
ket's valuation of the firm's equity to de-
pend on the magnitude of the unex-
3. An Example of an Event Study
pected component of the announcement.
The Financial Accounting Standards Thus a measure of the deviation of the
Board (FASB) and the Securities Ex- actual announced earnings from the mar-
change Commission strive to set report- ket's prior expectation is required. For
ing regulations so that financial state- constructing such a measure, the mean
ments and related information releases quarterly earnings forecast reported by
are informative about the value of the the Institutional Brokers Estimate Sys-
firm. In setting standards, the informa- tem (I/B/E/S) is used to proxy for the
tion content of the financial disclosures market's expectation of earnings. I/B/E/S
is of interest. Event studies provide an compiles forecasts from analysts for a
ideal tool for examiining the informnation large number of companies and reports
content of the disclosures. summary statistics each month. The
In this section the description of an mean forecast is taken from the last
example selected to illustrate event month of the quarter. For example, the
study methodology is presented. One mean third quarter forecast from Sep-
particular type of disclosure-quarterly tember 1990 is used as the measure of
earnings announcements-is considered. expected earnings for the third quarter
The objective is to investigate the infor- of 1990.
mation content of these announce- To facilitate the examination of the
ments. In other words, the goal is to see impact of the earnings announcement on
if the release of accounting informnation the value of the firm's equity, it is essen-
provides information to the marketplace. tial to posit the relation between the in-
If so there should be a correlation be- formation release and the change in
tween the observed change of the mar- value of the equity. In this example the
ket value of the company and the infor- task is straightforward. If the earnings
mation. disclosures have information content,
The example will focus on the quar- higher than expected earnings should be
terly earnings announcements for the 30 associated with increases in value of the
firms in the Dow Jones Industrial Index equity and lower than expected earnings
over the five-year period from January with decreases. To capture this associa-
1989 to December 1993. These an- tion, each announcement is assigned to
nouncements correspond to the quar- one of three categories: good news, no
terly earnings for the last quarter of 1988 news, or bad news. Each announcement
through the third quarter of 1993. The is categorized using the deviation of the
five years of data for 30 firms provide a actual earnings from the expected earn-
total sample of 600 announcemnents. For ings. If the actual exceeds expected by
each firm and quarter, three pieces of in- more than 2.5 percent the announce-
formation are compiled: the date of the ment is designated as good news, and if
announcement, the actual earnings, and the actual is more than 2.5 percent less
a measure of the expected earnings. The than expected the announcement is des-
source of the date of the announcement ignated as bad news. Those announce-

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 17

ments where the actual earnings is in the For the statistical models, the assump-
5 percent range centered about the ex- tion that asset returns are jointly multi-
pected earnings are designated as no variate normal and independently and
news. Of the 600 announcements, 189 identically distributed through time is
are good news, 173 are no news, and the imposed. This distributional assumption
remaining 238 are bad news. is sufficient for the constant mean return
With the announcements categorized, model and the market model to be cor-
the next step is to specify the parameters rectly specified. While this assumption is
of the empirical design to analyze the eq- strong, in practice it generally does not
uity return, i.e., the percent change in lead to problems because the assumption
value of the equity. It is necessary to is empirically reasonable and inferences
specify a length of observation interval, using the normal return models tend to
an event window, and an estimation win- be robust to deviations from the assump-
dow. For this example the interval is set tion. Also one can easily modify the sta-
to one day, thus daily stock returns are tistical framework so that the analysis of
used. A 41-day event window is em- the abnormal returns is autocorrelation
ployed, comprised of 20 pre-event days, and heteroskedasticity consistent by us-
the event day, and 20 post-event days. ing a generalized method-of-moments
For each announcement the 250 trading approach.
day period prior to the event window is
used as the estimation window. After A. Constant Mean Return Model
presenting the methodology of an event
study, this example will be drawn upon
Let [,u be the mean return for asset i.
Then the constant mean return model is
to illustrate the execution of a study.
Rit= - i + Git (2)
4. Models for Measuring Normal E(4st) = 0 var (4i) = G7; .
where Rit is the period-t return on secu-
A number of approaches are available rity i and Cit is the time period t distur-
to calculate the normal return of a given bance term for security i with an expec-
security. The approaches can be loosely tation of zero and variance cy .
grouped into two categories-statistical Although the constant mean return
and economic. Models in the first cate- model is perhaps the simplest inodel,
gory follow from statistical assumptions Brown and Warner (1980, 1985) find it
concerning the behavior of asset returns often yields results similar to those of
and do not depend on any economic ar- more sophisticated mnodels. This lack of
guments. In contrast, models in the sec- sensitivity to the model can be attributed
ond category rely on assumptions con- to the fact that the variance of the abnor-
cerning investors' behavior and are not mal return is frequently not reduced
based solely on statistical assumptions. It much by choosing a more sophisticated
should, however, be noted that to use model. When using daily data the model
economic models in practice it is neces- is typically applied to nominal returns.
sary to add statistical assumptions. Thus With monthly data the model can be ap-
the potential advantage of economic plied to real returns or excess returns
models is not the absence of statistical (the return in excess of the nominal risk
assumptions, but the opportunity to cal- free return generally measured using the
culate more precise measures of the nor- U.S. Treasury Bill with one month to
mal return using economic restrictions. inaturity) as well as nominal returns.

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18 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

B. Market Model The market model is an example of a one

factor model. Other multifactor models
The market model is a statistical
include industry indexes in addition to
model which relates the return of any
the market. William Sharpe (1970) and
given security to the return of the mar-
Sharpe, Gordon Alexander, and Jeffery
ket portfolio. The model's linear specifi-
Bailey (1995, p. 303) provide discussion
cation follows from the assumed joint
of index models with factors based on in-
normality of asset returns. For any secu-
dustry classification. Another variant of a
rity i the market model is
factor model is a procedure which calcu-
lates the abnormal return by taking the
Rit = (xi + PiR,,t + ?it (3)
difference between the actual return and
E(eit = 0) var(eyt) = (T a portfolio of firms of similar size, where
size is measured by market value of eq-
where Rit and Riiit are the period-t re- uity. In this approach typically ten size
turns on security i and the market port-
groups are considered and the loading on
folio, respectively, and Lit is the zero the size portfolios is restricted to unity.
mean disturbance term. oci, fPi, and G2This procedure implicitly assumes that
are the parameters of the market model.
expected return is directly related to
In applications a broad based stock in-
market value of equity.
dex is used for the market portfolio,
Generally, the gains from employing
with the S&P 500 Index, the CRSP
multifactor models for event studies are
Value Weighted Index, and the CRSP
limited. The reason for the limited gains
Equal Weighted Index being popular
is the empirical fact that the marginal
explanatory power of additional factors
The market model represents a poten-
the market factor is small, and hence,
tial improvement over the constant mean
there is little reduction in the variance of
return model. By removing the portion
the abnormal return. The variance re-
of the return that is related to variation
duction will typically be greatest in cases
in the market's return, the variance of
where the sample firms have a common
the abnormal return is reduced. This in
characteristic, for example they are all
turn can lead to increased ability to de-
members of one industry or they are all
tect event effects. The benefit from us-
firms concentrated in one market capi-
ing the market model will depend upon
talization group. In these cases the use
the R2 of the market model regression.
of a multifactor model warrants consid-
The higher the R2 the greater is the vari-
ance reduction of the abnormal return,
The use of other models is dictated by
and the larger is the gain.
data availability. An example of a normal
performance return model implemented
C. Other Statistical Models
in situations with limited data is the mar-
A number of other statistical models ket-adjusted return model. For some
have been proposed for modeling the events it is not feasible to have a pre-
normal return. A general type of statisti- event estimation period for the normal
cal model is the factor model. Factor model parameters, and a market-ad-
models are motivated by the benefits of justed abnormal return is used. The mar-
reducing the variance of the abnormal ket-adjusted return model can be viewed
return by explaining more of the vari- as a restricted market model with (ci con-
ation in the normal return. Typically the strained to be zero and Pi constrained to
factors are portfolios of traded securities. be one. Because the model coefficients

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 19

are prespecified, an estimation period is motivated by the Arbitrage Pricing

not required to obtain parameter esti- Theory. A general finding is that with
mates. An example of when such a model the APT the most important factor be-
is used is in studies of the under pricing haves like a market factor and additional
of initial public offerings. Jay Ritter factors add relatively little explanatory
(1991) presents such an example. A gen- power. Thus the gains from using an
eral recommendation is to only use such APT motivated model versus the market
restricted models if necessary, and if model are small. See Stephen Brown
necessary, consider the possibility of bi- and Mark Weinstein (1985) for further
ases arising from the imposition of the discussion. The main potential gain
restrictions. from using a model based on the arbi-
trage pricing theory is to eliminate the
D. Economic Models
biases introduced by using the CAPM.
Economic models can be cast as re- However, because the statistically moti-
strictions on the statistical models to vated models also eliminate these bi-
provide more constrained normal return ases, for event studies such models
models. Two common economic models dominate.
which provide restrictions are the Capi-
tal Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the 5. Measuring and Analyzing Abnormal
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT). The Returns
CAPM due to Sharpe (1964) and John
Lintner (1965) is an equilibrium theory In this section the problem of measur-
where the expected return of a given as- ing and analyzing abnormal returns is
set is determined by its covariance with considered. The framework is developed
the market portfolio. The APT due to using the market model as the normal
Stephen Ross (1976) is an asset pricing performance return model. The analysis
theory where the expected return of a is virtually identical for the constant
given asset is a linear combination of mean return model.
multiple risk factors. Some notation is first defined to facili-
The use of the Capital Asset Pricing tate the measurement and analysis of ab-
Model is common in event studies of the normal returns. Returns will be indexed
1970s. However, deviations from the in event time using t. Defining t = 0 as
CAPM have been discovered, implying the event date, t = T1 + 1 to t = T2 repre-
that the validity of the restrictions im- sents the event window, and t = To + 1 to
posed by the CAPM on the market = T1 constitutes the estimation window.
model is questionable.2 This has intro- Let L1 = T1 - To and L2= T2- T1 be the
duced the possibility that the results length of the estimation window and the
of the studies may be sensitive to the event window respectively. Even if the
specific CAPM restrictions. Because event being considered is an an-
this potential for sensitivity can be nouncement on given date it is typical to
avoided at little cost by using the market set the event window length to be larger
model, the use of the CAPM has almost than one. This facilitates the use of ab-
ceased. normal returns around the event day in
Similarly, other studies have employed the analysis. When applicable, the post-
multifactor normal performance models event window will be from t = T2 + 1 to
= T3 and of length L3 = T3- T2. The tim-
2 Eugene Fama and Kenneth French (1996) ing sequence is illustrated with a time

provide discussion of these anomalies. line in Figure 1.

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20 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

(estimiation] ( ev7ent I (post-event]
w"indow window] vindow
, (Ri _ -)(R1, _ 9111)
To 0 T9 T A I T(+ 1

13i= lT
Figure 1. Time line for an event study.
, (R ^ 1j)2
t = T(+ 1 (4)

It is typical for the estimation window A A A A

(xi Li [i.Li (5)

and the event window not to overlap.
This design provides estimators for the Ti

parameters of the normal return model A92 1(Ri,_(i - PjR1P1X)2 (6)

which are not influenced by the returns
F, XL(I1 -2A
=T(,+ I
around the event. Including the event
window in the estimation of the normal
model parameters could lead to the Ti

event returns having a large influence

on the normal return measure. In
A 1

this situation both the normal returns

and the abnormal returns would cap-
ture the event impact. This would be and
and A)1 1M
171= L1 E R1".
problematic because the methodology L =T + 1

is built around the assumption that RiX and R,, are the return in event pe-
the event impact is captured by the riod t for security i and the market re-
abnormal returns. On occasion, the spectively. The use of the OLS estima-
post event window data is included tors to measure abnormal returns and to
with the estimation window data to develop their statistical properties is ad-
estimate the normal return model. dressed next. First, the properties of a
The goal of this approach is to increase given security are presented followed by
the robustness of the normal market consideration of the properties of abnor-
return measure to gradual changes mal returns aggregated across securities.
in its parameters. In Section 6 ex-
panding the null hypothesis to accom- B. Statistical Properties of Abnormal
modate changes in the risk of a firm Returns

around the event is considered. In this case

Given the market model parameter
an estimation framework which uses the
estimates, one can measure and analyze
event window returns will be required. the abnormal returns. Let ARjX, t = T, +
A. Estimation of the Market Model 1, . . ., T2, be the sample of L2 abnormal
returns for firm i in the event window.
Under general conditions ordinary Using the market model to measure the
least squares (OLS) is a consistent esti- normal return, the sample abnormal re-
mation procedure for the market model turn is
parameters. Further, given the assump- - A A

tions of Section 4, OLS is efficient. For

ARI,c = Ric o- it
the itlh firm in event time, the OLS esti-The abnormal return is the disturbance
mators of the market model parameters term of the market model calculated on
for an estimation window of observations an out of sample basis. Under the null
are hypothesis, conditional on the event win-

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 21

dow market returns, the abnormal re- overall inferences for the event of inter-
turns will be jointly normally distributed est. The aggregation is along two dimen-
with a zero conditional mean and condi- sions-through time and across securi-
tional variance 62(ARic) where ties. We will first consider aggregation
through time for an individual security
G2(AR )=62 + L1 L+ 1 . (8) and then will consider aggregation both
across securities and through time. The
concept of a cumulative abnormal return
From (8), the conditional variance has
is necessary to accommodate a multiple
two components. One component is the
period event window. Define CARi(t1,t2)
disturbance variance G2 from (3) and a
as the sample cumulative abnormal re-
second component is additional variance
turn (CAR) from t1 to t2 where
due to the sampling error in ci and Pi.
This sampling error, which is common T1 <1 <?2 < T2. The CAR from t1 to t
the sum of the included abnormal re-
for all the event window observations,
also leads to serial correlation of the
abnormal returns despite the fact that tC2

the true disturbances are independent

CARi(l,T,'2) I ARi, (10)
through time. As the length of the esti- X = ti
mation window L1 becomes large, the
second term approaches zero as the sam-
Asymptotically (as Li increases) the vari-
pling error of the parameters vanishes.
ance of CAR, is
The variance of the abnormal return will
be 62 and the abnormal return observa- i2(t1t2) = ('(2 - l + 1) 2' (1)
tions will become independent through
This large sample estimator of the vari-
time. In practice, the estimation window
ance can be used for reasonable values of
can usually be chosen to be large enough
Li. However, for small values of Li the
to make it reasonable to assume that the
variance of the cumulative abnormal re-
contribution of the second component to
turn should be adjusted for the effects of
the variance of the abnormal return is
the estimation error in the normal model
parameters. This adjustment involves the
Under the null hypothesis, Ho, that
second term of (8) and a further related
the event has no impact on the be-
adjustment for the serial covariance of
havior of returns (mean or variance)
the abnormal return.
the distributional properties of the
The distribution of the cumulative ab-
abnormal returns can be used to draw
normal return under Ho is
inferences over any period within the
event window. Under Ho the distribu- CARi(,T1,,T2) 1 N(O,G(',t9)) (12)
tion of the sample abnormal return of a
Given the null distributions of the abnor-
given observation in the event window is
mal return and the cumulative abnormal
ARill - N(0,y2 (ARir)). (9) return, tests of the null hypothesis can
be conducted.
Next (9) is built upon to consider the ag- However, tests with one event obser-
gregation of the abnormal returns. vation are not likely to be useful so it is
necessary to aggregate. The abnormal re-
C. Aggregation of Abnormal Returns
turn observations must be aggregated for
The abnormal return observations the event window and across observa-
must be aggregated in order to draw tions of the event. For this aggregation,

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22 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)


Market Model

Good News No News Bad News


-20 .093 .093 .080 .080 -.107 -.107

-19 -.177 -.084 .018 .098 -.180 -.286
-18 .088 .004 .012 .110 .029 -.258
-17 .024 .029 -.151 -.041 -.079 -.337
-16 -.018 .011 -.019 -.060 -.010 -.346
-15 -.040 -.029 .013 -.047 -.054 -.401
-14 .038 .008 .040 -.007 -.021 -.421
-13 .056 .064 -.057 -.065 .007 -.414
-12 .065 .129 .146 .081 -.090 -.504
-11 .069 .199 -.020 .061 -.088 -.592
-10 .028 .227 .025 .087 -.092 -.683
-9 .155 .382 .115 .202 -.040 -.724
-8 .057 .438 .070 .272 .072 -.652
-7 -.010 .428 -.106 .166 -.026 -.677
-6 .104 .532 .026 .192 -.013 -.690
-5 .085 .616 -.085 .107 .164 -.527
-4 .099 .715 .040 .147 -.139 -.666
-3 .117 .832 .036 .183 .098 -.568
-2 .006 .838 .226 .409 -.112 -.680
-1 .164 1.001 -.168 .241 -.180 -.860
0 .965 1.966 -.091 .150 -.679 -1.539
1 .251 2.217 -.008 .142 -.204 -1.743
2 -.014 2.203 .007 .148 .072 -1.672
3 -.164 2.039 .042 .190 .083 -1.589
4 -.014 2.024 .000 .190 .106 -1.483
5 .135 2.160 -.038 .152 .194 -1.289
6 -.052 2.107 -.302 -.150 .076 -1.213
7 .060 2.167 -.199 -.349 .120 -1.093
8 .155 2.323 -.108 -.457 -.041 -1.134
9 -.008 2.315 -.146 -.603 -.069 -1.203
10 .164 2.479 .082 -.521 .130 -1.073
11 -.081 2.398 .040 -.481 -.009 -1.082
12 -.058 2.341 .246 -.235 -.038 -1.119
13 -.165 2.176 .014 -.222 .071 -1.048
14 -.081 2.095 -.091 -.312 .019 -1.029
15 -.007 2.088 -.001 -.314 -.043 -1.072
16 .065 2.153 -.020 -.334 -.086 -1.159
17 .081 2.234 .017 -.317 -.050 -1.208
18 .172 2.406 .054 -.263 .066 -1.142
19 -.043 2.363 .119 -.144 -.088 -1.230
20 .013 2.377 .094 -.050 -.028 -1.258

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 23

TABLE 1 (Cont.)

Constant Mean Return Model

Good News No News Bad News


.105 .105 .019 .019 -.077 -.077

-.235 -.129 -.048 -.029 -.142 -.219
.069 -.060 -.086 -.115 -.043 -.262
-.026 -.086 -.140 -.255 -.057 -.319
-.086 -.172 .039 -.216 -.075 -.394
-.183 -.355 .099 -.117 -.037 -.431
-.020 -.375 -.150 -.266 -.101 -.532
-.025 -.399 -.191 -.458 -.069 -.601
.101 -.298 .133 -.325 -.106 -.707
.126 -.172 .006 -.319 -.169 -.876
.134 -.038 .103 -.216 -.009 -.885
.210 .172 .022 -.194 .011 -.874
.106 .278 .163 .-031 .135 -.738
-.002 .277 .009 -.022 -.027 -.765
.011 .288 -.029 -.051 .030 -.735
.061 .349 -.068 -.120 .320 -.415
.031 .379 .089 -.031 -.205 -.620
.067 .447 .013 -.018 .085 -.536
.010 .456 .311 .294 -.256 -.791
.198 .654 -.170 .124 -.227 -1.018
1.034 1.688 -.164 -.040 -.643 -1.661
.357 2.045 -.170 -.210 -.212 -1.873
-.013 2.033 .054 -.156 .078 -1.795
.088 1.944 -.121 -.277 .146 -1.648
.041 1.985 .023 -.253 .149 -1.499
.248 2.233 -.003 -.256 .286 -1.214
-.035 2.198 -.319 -.575 .070 -1.143
.017 2.215 -.112 -.687 .102 -1.041
.112 2.326 -.187 -.874 .056 -.986
-.052 2.274 -.057 -.931 -.071 -1.056
.147 2.421 .203 -.728 .267 -.789
-.013 2.407 .045 -.683 .006 -.783
-.054 2.354 .299 -.384 .017 -.766
-.246 2.107 -.067 -.451 .114 -.652
-.011 2.096 -.024 -.475 .089 -.564
-.027 2.068 -.059 -.534 -.022 -.585
.103 2.171 -.046 -.580 -.084 -.670
.066 2.237 -.098 -.677 -.054 -.724
.110 2.347 .021 -.656 -.071 -.795
-.055 2.292 .088 -.568 .026 -.769
.019 2.311 .013 -.554 -.115 -.884

Abnormal returns for an event stu

a total of 600 quarterly announcem
period January 1989 to December
the CRSP value-weighted index and the constant return model. The announcements are categorized into three
groups, good news, no news, and bad news. AR is the sample average abnormal return for the specified day in event
time and CAR is the sample average cumulative abnormal return for day -20 to the specified day. Event time is days
relative to the announcement date.

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24 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

it is assumed that there is not any clus- N

tering. That is, there is not any overlap vai(CARCC1t2)) = X2 E 6(t1,t9) (18)
in the event windows of the included se-
curities. The absence of any overlap and
the maintained distributional assumptions For the variance estimators the assump-
imply that the abnormal returns and the tion that the event windows of the N se-
cumulative abnormal returns will be in- curities do not overlap is used to set the
dependent across securities. Later infer- covariance terms to zero. Inferences
ences with clustering will be discussed. about the cumulative abnormal returns
The individual securities' abnormal re- can be drawn using
turns can be aggregated using ARi, fiom (7)
for each event period, t = T, + 1, . . ., T2. CAR(t1l'2) N[O, var(CAR (t1, 2))] (19)
Given N events, the sample aggregated to test the null hypothesis that the ab-
abnormal returns for period t is normal returns are zero. In practice, be-
N cause y2 is unknown, an estimator must
ARIC = NARI, (13) be used to calculate the variance of the
i=l abnormal returns as in (14). The usual
sample variance measure of 2 from the
and for large Li, its variance is
market model regression in the estima-
N tion window is an appropriate choice.
var(APR)=? N2 e, . (14) Using this to calculate va(ARr) in (14),
i=1 Ho can be tested using
Using these estimates, the abnormal re-
turns for any event period can be ana- CAR(t1,9) N(0,1).
vaiCARQ( 1,t)/(
The average abnormal returns can This distributional result is asymptotic
then be aggregated over the event win- with respect to the number of securities
dow using the same approach as that N and the length of estimation window Li.
used to calculate the cumulative abnor- Modifications to the basic approach
mal return for each security i. For any presented above are possible. One com-
interval in the event window mon modification is to standardize each
abnormal return using an estimator of its
standard deviation. For certain alterna-
CAR('1'l9=2) I ART, (15) tives, such standardization can lead to
X =
more powerful tests. James Patell (1976)
presents tests based on standardization
and Brown and Warner (1980, 1985)
provide comparisons with the basic ap-
var(CAR(Cjt2)) = var (AR). (16) proach.
t = ~1
D. CAR's for the Earnings
Observe that equivalently one can form Announcement Example
the CAR's security by security and then
The information content of earnings
aggregate through time,
example previously described illustrates
N the use of sample abnormal residuals and
CAR(,rl, r) -N,CARi (C I,T2) (17) sample cumulative abnormal returns. Ta-
ble 1 presents the abnormal returns av-

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 25




-0.005S _

-0.005 _.



-0.025- I l l l I l l l l l l l l I
-21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

Event Time
* Good News Firms - No News Firms A Bad News Firms

Figure 2a. Plot of cumulative abnormal return for earning

day 20. The abnormal return is calculated using the marke

eraged across the 600 event observations deed convey information useful for the
(30 firms, 20 announcements per firm) valuation of firms. Focusing on the an-
as well as the aggregated cumulative ab- nouncement day (day 0) the sample aver-
normal return for each of the three earn- age abnormal return for the good news
ings news categories. Two normal return firm using the market model is 0.965
models are considered; the market percent. Given the standard error of the
model and for comparison, the constant one day good news average abnormal re-
mean return model. Plots of the cumula- turn is 0.104 percent, the value of O1 is
tive abnormal returns are also included, 9.28 and the null hypothesis that the
with the CAR's from the market model event has no impact is strongly rejected.
in Figure 2a and the CAR's from the The story is the same for the bad news
constant mean return model in Figure firms. The event day sample abnormal
2b. return is -0.679 percent, with a standard
The results of this example are largely error of 0.098 percent, leading to 01
consistent with the existing literature on equal to -6.93 and again strong evidence
the information content of earnings. The against the null hypothesis. As would be
evidence strongly supports the hypothe- expected, the abnormal return of the no
sis that earnings announcements do in- news firms is small at -0.091 percent and

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26 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)


0.015- /

0.01 - /

-0.015- -


-0?.0?25 f I I I I III I I4
-21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15
Event Time
-*---- Good News Firms u No News Firms A Bad News Firms

Figure 2b. Plot of cumulative abnormal return for earning ann

day 20. The abnormal return is calculated using the constant m

with a standard error of 0.098 percent categories. When measuring abnormal

is less than one standard error from zero. returns with the constant mean return
There is some evidence of the announce- model the standard errors increase from
ment effect on day one. The average 0.104 percent to 0.130 percent for good
abnormal return is 0.251 percent and news firms, from 0.098 percent to 0.124
-0.204 percent for the good news and percent for no news firms, and from
the bad news firms respectively. Both 0.098 percent to 0.131 percent for bad
these values are more than two standard news firms. These increases are to be ex-
errors from zero. The source of these pected when considering a sample of
day one effects is likely to be that some large firms such as those in the Dow In-
of the earnings announcements are made dex because these stocks tend to have an
on event day zero after the close of the important market component whose vari-
stock market. In these cases, the effects ability is eliminated using the market
will be captured in the return on day model.
one. The CAR plots show that to some ex-
The conclusions using the abnormal tent the market gradually learns about
returns from the constant return model the forthcoming announcement. The av-
are consistent with those from the mar- erage CAR of the good news firms
ket model. However, there is some loss gradually drifts up in days -20 to -1
of precision using the constant return and the average CAR of the bad news
model, as the variance of the average ab- firms gradually drifts down over this
normal return increases for all three period. In the days after the an-

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 27

nouncement the CAR is relatively stable approach, an alternative hypothesis

as would be expected, although there where some of the firms have positive
does tend to be a slight (but statis- abnormal returns and some of the firms
tically insignificant) increase with the have negative abnormal returns can be
bad news firms in days two through accommodated. However, in general
eight. the approach has two drawbacks-fre-
quently the test statistic will have
E. Inferences with Clustering
poor finite sample properties except in
The analysis aggregating abnormal re- special cases and often the test will
turns has assumed that the event win- have little power against economically
dows of the included securities do not reasonable alternatives. The multivariate
overlap in calendar time. This assump- framework and its analysis is similar
tion allows us to calculate the variance of to the analysis of multivariate tests
the aggregated sample cumulative abnor- of asset pricing models. MacKinlay
mal returns without concern about the (1987) provides analysis in that con-
covariances across securities because text.
they are zero. However, when the event
windows do overlap and the covariances
between the abnormal returns will not 6. Modifying the Null Hypothesis
be zero, the distributional results pre-
sented for the aggregated abnormal re- Thus far the focus has been on a single
turns are no longer applicable. Victor null hypothesis-that the given event has
Bernard (1987) discusses some of the no impact on the behavior of the returns.
problems related to clustering. With this null hypothesis either a mean
Clustering can be accommodated in effect or a variance effect will represent
two ways. The abnormal returns can be a violation. However, in some applica-
aggregated into a portfolio dated using tions one may be interested in testing for
event time and the security level analysis a mean effect. In these cases, it is neces-
of Section 5 can applied to the portfolio. sary to expand the null hypothesis to al-
This approach will allow for cross corre- low for changing (usually increasing)
lation of the abnormal returns. variances. To allow for changing variance
A second method to handle clustering as part of the null hypothesis, it is neces-
is to analyze the abnormal returns with- sary to eliminate the reliance on the
out aggregation. One can consider test- past returns to estimate the variance of
ing the null hypothesis of the event hav- the aggregated cumulative abnormal re-
ing no impact using unaggregated turns. This is accomplished by using the
security by security data. This approach cross section of cumulative abnormal re-
is applied most commonly when there is turns to form an estimator of the vari-
total clustering, that is, there is an event ance for testing the null hypothesis.
on the same day for a number of firms. Ekkehart Boehmer, Jim Musumeci, and
The basic approach is an application of Annette Poulsen (1991) discuss method-
a multivariate regression model with ology to accommodate changing vari-
dummy variables for the event date. This ance.
approach is developed in the papers of The cross sectional approach to esti-
Katherine Schipper and Rex Thompson mating the variance can be applied to
(1983, 1985) and Daniel Collins and the average cumulative abnormal return
Warren Dent (1984). The advantage of (CAR(1,t2)). Using the cross-section to
the approach is that, unlike the portfolio form an estimator of the variance gives

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28 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

Consider a two-sided test of the null

hypothesis using the cumulative abnor-
N mal return based statistic 0O from (20).
= 2,(CARi(,l ,X2) It is assumed that the abnormal returns
i=1 are uncorrelated across securities; thus
- CAR(Q1,92))2. (21)
the variance of CAR is 1/N2 2)

For this estimator of the variance to be

and N is the sample size. Because the
consistent, the abnormal returns need to
null distribution of 0} is standard normal,
be uncorrelated in the cross-section. An
absence of clustering is sufficient for this for a two sided test of size ox, the null
requirement. Note that cross-sectional hypothesis will be rejected if oi is in the
homoskedasticity is not required. Given critical region, that is,
this variance estimator, the null hypothe-
sis that the cumulative abnormal returns 0i<cI or 01 >c1 -2J
are zero can then be tested using the
usual theory.
where c(x) = -(x). 0(.) is the standard
One may also be interested in the normal cumulative distribution function
question of the impact of an event on the (CDF).
risk of a firm. The relevant measure of Given the specification of the alterna-
risk must be defined before this question tive hypothesis HA and the distribution
can be addressed. One choice as a risk
of 01 for this alternative, the power of a
measure is the market model beta which test of size ox can be tabulated using the
is consistent with the Capital Asset Pric- power function,
ing Model being appropriate. Given this
choice, the market model can be formu-
lated to allow the beta to change over P(OC,HA) = Pr(01 <C(jJ HA)
the event window and the stability of the
risk can be examined. Edward Kane and
Haluk Unal (1988) present an applica-
+ P(1 > C (1 - )IHA (22)
tion of this idea.

The distribution of 0O under the alterna-

7. Analysis of Power
tive hypothesis considered below will be
An important consideration when set- normal. The mean will be equal to the
ting up an event study is the ability to true cumulative abnormal return divided
detect the presence of a non-zero abnor- by the standard deviation of CAR and
mal return. The inability to distinguish the variance will be equal to one.
between the null hypothesis and eco- To tabulate the power one must posit
nomically interesting alternatives would economically plausible scenarios. The al-
suggest the need for modification of the ternative hypotheses considered are
design. In this section the question of four levels of abnormal returns, 0.5
the likelihood of rejecting the null hy- percent, 1.0 percent, 1.5 percent, and
pothesis for a specified level of abnormal 2.0 percent and two levels of the aver-
return associated with an event is ad- age variance for the cumulative abnor-
dressed. Formally, the power of the test mal return of a given security over the
is evaluated. event period, 0.0004 and 0.0016. The

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 29


Abnormal Return Abnormal Return

Sample .005 .010 .015 .020 .005 .010 .015 .020

Size 0.02 0.04

1 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08

2 0.06 0.11 0.19 0.29 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.11
3 0.07 0.14 0.25 0.41 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.14
4 0.08 0.17 0.32 0.52 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.17
5 0.09 0.20 0.39 0.61 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.20
6 0.09 0.23 0.45 0.69 0.06 0.09 0.15 0.23
7 0.10 0.26 0.51 0.75 0.06 0.10 0.17 0.26
8 0.11 0.29 0.56 0.81 0.06 0.11 0.19 0.29
9 0.12 0.32 0.61 0.85 0.07 0.12 0.20 0.32
10 0.12 0.35 0.66 0.89 0.07 0.12 0.22 0.35
11 0.13 0.38 0.70 0.91 0.07 0.13 0.24 0.38
12 0.14 0.41 0.74 0.93 0.07 0.14 0.25 0.41
13 0.15 0.44 0.77 0.95 0.07 0.15 0.27 0.44
14 0.15 0.46 0.80 0.96 0.08 0.15 0.29 0.46
15 0.16 0.49 0.83 0.97 0.08 0.16 0.31 0.49
16 0.17 0.52 0.85 0.98 0.08 0.17 0.32 0.52
17 0.18 0.54 0.87 0.98 0.08 0.18 0.34 0.54
18 0.19 0.56 0.89 0.99 0.08 0.19 0.36 0.56
19 0.19 0.59 0.90 0.99 0.08 0.19 0.37 0.59
20 0.20 0.61 0.92 0.99 0.09 0.20 0.39 0.61
25 0.24 0.71 0.96 1.00 0.10 0.24 0.47 0.71
30 0.28 0.78 0.98 1.00 0.11 0.28 0.54 0.78
35 0.32 0.84 0.99 1.00 0.11 0.32 0.60 0.84
40 0.35 0.89 1.00 1.00 0.12 0.35 0.66 0.89
45 0.39 0.92 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.39 0.71 0.92
50 0.42 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.42 0.76 0.94
60 0.49 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.49 0.83 0.97
70 0.55 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.18 0.55 0.88 0.99
80 0.61 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.61 0.92 0.99
90 0.66 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.22 0.66 0.94 1.00
100 0.71 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.24 0.71 0.96 1.00
120 0.78 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.28 0.78 0.98 1.00
140 0.84 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.32 0.84 0.99 1.00
160 0.89 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.35 0.89 1.00 1.00
180 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 0.92 1.00 1.00
200 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.42 0.94 1.00 1.00

Power of event study methodology for tes

reported for a two-sided test using O1 with
included the study and ( is the square root

sample size, that is the number of securi- ues calculated using c(cx/2) and c(1 -
ties for which the event occurs, is ox/2) are -196 and 1.96 respectively. Of
varied from one to 200. The power for course, in applications, the power of the
a test with a size of 5 percent is docu- test should be considered when selecting
mented. With ox = 0.05, the critical val- the size.

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30 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

1 / ___

0.9 -!

0.8 /

/, / / /
0.7 /


0.5 /

0.4 1


() 3 tll / / | Abnorimial Retuirn 0.005

0.2 - -- -I-- Abnorimal Retirn 0.010
I X / ------------ Abnormial Retuirn 0.015
- 1 -/ | -Abnorimial Re

o I I I I I I I I I I I I

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

Niimber of Secuirities

Figure 3a. Power of event stuidy test statistic 0, to reject the nuill lhypotlhesis tha
squiare root of the average varianice of the abnormal retuirn lacross firms is 2 perc

The power results are presented in Ta- are substantial when the abnormal
ble 2, and are plotted in Figures 3a and return is larger. For example, when the
3b. The results in the left panel of Table abnormal return is 2.0 percent the
2 and Figure 3a are for the case where power of a 5 percent test with 20 firms
the average variance is 0.0004. This cor- is almost 1.00 with a value of 0.99.
responds to a cumulative abnormal re- The general results for a variance of
turn standard deviation of 2 percent and 0.0004 is that when the abnormal return
is an appropriate value for an event is larger than 1 percent the power is
which does not lead to increased vari- quite high even for small sample sizes.
ance and can be examined using a one- When the abnormal return is small a
day event window. In terms of having larger sample size is necessary to achieve
high power this is the best case scenario. high power.
The results illustrate that when the ab- In the right panel of Table 2 and in
normal return is only 0.5 percent the Figure 3b the power results are pre-
power can be low. For example with a sented for the case where the average
sample size of 20 the power of a 5 variance of the cumulative abnormal re-
percent test is only 0.20. One needs a turn is 0.0016. This case corresponds
sample of over 60 firms before the roughly to either a multi-day event win-
power reaches 0.50. However, for a dow or to a one-day event window with
given sample size, increases in power the event leading to increased variance

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 31


0.8 -

0.7 /

0.6 , -

0.5 /


0.3 / ,

0.2 I / Abnormial Retuirn 0.005

/ ,' ' - - - - - - Abnormial Retuirn 0.010
/ , ------------Abnormial Retuirn 0.015
0.1 - - -- - Abnormial Retuirn 0.020

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

Niimber of Secuirities

Figure 3b. Power of event stuidy test statistic 01 to reject the nuill hypotlhesis that the
the squiare root of the average variance of the abnormial retuirn across firms is 4 percen

which is accommodated as part of the considered analytically for the given dis-
null hypothesis. When the average vari- tributional assumptions. If the distri-
ance of the CAR is increased from butional assumptions are inappropriate
0.0004 to 0.0016 there is a dramatic then the results may differ. However,
power decline for a 5 percent test. When Brown and Warner (1985) consider this
the CAR is 0.5 percent the power is only possible difference and find that the ana-
0.09 with 20 firms and is only 0.42 with a lytical computations and the empirical
sample of 200 firms. This magnitude of power are very close.
abnormal return is difficult to detect It is difficult to make general conclu-
with the larger variance. In contrast, sions concerning the adequacy of the
when the CAR is as large as 1.5 percent ability of event study methodology to de-
or 2.0 percent the 5 percent test is still tect non-zero abnormal returns. When
has reasonable power. For example, conducting an event study it is best
when the abnormal return is 1.5 percent to evaluate the power given the parame-
and there is a sample size of 30 the ters and objectives of the study. If the
power is 0.54. Generally if the abnormal power seems sufficient then one can
return is large one will have little diffi- proceed, otherwise one should search
culty rejecting the null hypothesis of no for ways of increasing the power. This
abnormal return. can be done by increasing the sample
In the preceding analysis the power is size, shortening the event window, or by

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32 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

developing more specific predictions to Charles Corrado (1989) proposes a non-

test. parametric rank test for abnormal per-
formance in event studies. A brief de-
8. Nonparametric Tests scription of his test of no abnormal
return for event day zero follows. The
The methods discussed to this point
framework can be easily altered for more
are parametric in nature, in that specific
general tests.
assumptions have been made about
Drawing on notation previously intro-
the distribution of abnormal returns.
duced, consider a sample of L2 abnormal
Alternative approaches are available
returns for each of N securities. To im-
which are nonparametric in nature.
plement the rank test, for each security
These approaches are free of specific
it is necessary to rank the abnormal re-
assump- tions concerning the distri-
bution of returns. Common nonparamet-
turns from one to L2. Define Ki, as
the rank of the abnormal return of
ric tests for event studies are the sign
security i for event time period t. Re-
test and the rank test. These tests are dis-
call, t ranges from T1 + 1 to T2 and t = 0
cussed next.
is the event day. The rank test uses the
The sign test, which is based on the
fact that the expected rank of the event
sign of the abnormal return, requires
day is (L2 + 1)/2 under the null hypothe-
that the abnormal returns (or more gen-
sis. The test statistic for the null hy-
erally cumulative abnormal returns) are
pothesis of no abnormal return on event
independent across securities and that
day zero is
the expected proportion of positive ab-
normal returns under the null hypothesis
1 N L2 + 1)
is 0.5. The basis of the test is that, under 03 = N 10 2 - Is (K)
the null hypothesis, it is equally probable
that the CAR will be positive or nega- where
tive. If, for example, the null hypothesis

s(K)(= ) L~2 E- N E L 2+
is that there is a positive abnormal re-
'' 1K I rK,t 12+ (25)
turn associated with a given event, the I=T, + I = 1
null hypothesis is Ho:p < 0.5 and the al-
Tests of the null hypothesis can be im-
ternative is HA:P > 0.5 where p =
plemented using the result that the as-
pr[CARi ? 0.0]. To calculate the test sta-
ymptotic null distribution of 0,3 is stan-
tistic we need the number of cases where
dard normal. Corrado (1989) includes
the abnormal return is positive, N+, and
further discussion of details of this test.
the total number of cases, N. Letting 02
Typically, these nonparametric tests
be the test statistic,
are not used in isolation but in conjunc-
tion with the parametric counterparts.
02=L--0.51j -N(O,1). (23) Inclusion of the nonparamnetric tests pro-
vides a check of the robustness of con-
This distributional result is asymnptotic. clusions based on parametric tests. Such
For a test of size (1 - ax), Ho is rejected ifa check can be worthwhile as illustrated
02 > ?-1'("). by the work of Cynthia Campbell and
A weakness of the sign test is that it Charles Wasley (1993). They find that
may not be well specified if the distri- for NASDAQ stocks daily returns the
bution of abnormal returns is skewed as nonparametric rank test provides more
can be the case with daily data. In re- reliable inferences than do the standard
sponse to this possible shortcoming, parametric tests.

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MacKinlatl: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 33

9. Cross-Sectional Models turn in the eleven months prior to the

announcement month. They find that the
Theoretical insights can result from
magnitude of the (negative) abnormal re-
examining the association between the
turn associated with the announcement
magnitude of the abnormal return and
of equity offerings is related to both
characteristics specific to the event ob-
these variables. Larger pre-event cumu-
servation. Often such an exercise can be
lative abnormal returns are associated
helpful when multiple hypotheses exist
with less negative abnormal returns and
for the source of the abnormal return. A
larger offerings are associated with more
cross-sectional regression model is an
negative abnormal returns. These find-
appropriate tool to investigate this asso-
ings are consistent with theoretical pre-
ciation. The basic approach is to run a
dictions which they discuss.
cross-sectional regression of the abnor-
Issues concerning the interpretation of
mal returns on the characteristics of in-
the results can arise with the cross-sec-
tional regression approach. In many
Given a sample of N abnormal return
situations, the event window abnormal
observations and M characteristics, the
return will be related to firm characteris-
regression model is:
tics not only through the valuation ef-
AR: = 60 + 1,x1 + 1 + + +M4xMj + Ij (26) fects of the event but also through a rela-
tion between the firm characteristics and
E(rlj) = 0 (27) the extent to which the event is antici-
where AR1 is the 1th abnormal return ob- pated. This can happen when investors
servation, xl)j,rn = 1, . M, are M char- rationally use the firm characteristics
acteristics for the jtll observation and j is to forecast the likelihood of the event
the zero mean disturbance term that is occurring. In these cases, a linear rela-
uncorrelated with the x's. 8,, m = 0, .... tion between the valuation effect of the
M are the regression coefficients. The event and the firm characteristic can be
regression model can be estimated using hidden. Paul Malatesta and Thompson
OLS. Assuming the nj's are cross-sec- (1985) and William Lanen and Thomp-
tionally uncorrelated and homoskedastic, son (1988) provide examples of this situ-
inferences can be conducted using the ation.
usual OLS standard errors. Alternatively, Technically, with the relation between
without assuming homoskedasticity, het- the firm characteristics and the degree
eroskedasticity-consistent t-statistics us- of anticipation of the event introduces a
ing standard errors can be derived using selection bias. The assumption that the
the approach of Halbert White (1980). regression residual is uncorrelated with
The use of heteroskedasticity-consistent the regressors breaks down and the OLS
standard errors is advisable because estimators are inconsistent. Consistent
there is no reason to expect the residuals estimators can be derived by explicitly
of (26) to be homoskedastic. incorporating the selection bias. Sankar-
Paul Asquith and David Mullins shan Acharya (1988) and B. Espen
(1986) provide an example of this cross- Eckbo, Vojislav Maksimovic, and Joseph
sectional approach. The two day cumnula- Williams (1990) provide examples of this
tive abnormal return for the announce- approach. N. R. Prabhala (1995) pro-
ment of an equity offering is regressed vides a good discussion of this problem
on the size of the offering as a percent- and the possible solutions. He argues
age of the value of the total equity of the that, despite an incorrect specification,
firm and on the cumulative abnormal re- under weak conditions, the OLS ap-

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34 Journal of Econonmic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)





S 0.5 - ,' , ~~~~~~~~~~~- -- -- -- -- - -- One Dacy Inlteivlv

< os , - - - - - -One Week Interval
One Month I-nterval




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

Nuimber of Secuirities

Figure 4. Power of event sttucly test statistic 01 to reject the nuill hypothes
different sampling inter-vals, when the squiare root of the average variance of
percent for the daily inter-val. Size of test is 5 percent.

prQach can be used for inferences and more frequent sampling arises. To ad-
that the t-statistics can be interpreted as dress this question one needs to consider
lower bounds on the true significance the power gains from shorter intervals. A
level of the estimates. comparison of daily versus monthly data
is provided in Figure 4. The power of
10. Other Issues the test of no event effect is plotted
against the alternative of an abnormal re-
A numnber of further issues often arise turn of one percent for 1 to 200 securi-
when conducting an event study. These ties. As one would expect given the
issues include the role of the sampling analysis of Section 7, the decrease in
interval, event date uncertainty, robust- power going from a daily interval to a
ness, and some additional biases. monthly interval is severe. For example,
with 50 securities the power for a 5 per-
A. Role of Sampling Interval
cent test using daily data is 0.94, whereas
Stock return data is available at differ- the power using weekly and monthly
ent sampling intervals, with daily and data is only 0.35 and 0.12 respectively.
monthly intervals being the most com- The clear message is that there is a sub-
mon. Given the availability of various in- stantial payoff in terms of increased
tervals, the question of the gains of using power from reducing the sampling inter-

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 35

val. Dale Morse (1984) presents detailed informal procedure works well and there
analysis of the choice of daily versus is little to gain from the more elaborate
monthly data and draws the same conclu- estimation framework.
C. Robustness
A sampling interval of one day is not
the shortest interval possible. With the The statistical analysis of Sections 4, 5,
increased availability of transaction data, and 6 is based on assumption that re-
recent studies have used observation in- turns are jointly normal and temporally
tervals of duration shorter than one day. independently and identically distri-
However, the net benefit of intervals less buted. In this section, discussion of the
than one day is unclear as some compli- robustness of the results to departures
cations are introduced. Discussion of us- from this assumption is presented. The
ing transaction data for event studies is normality assumption is important for
included in the work of Michael Barclay the exact finite sample results to hold.
and Robert Litzenberger (1988). Without assuming normality, all results
would be asymptotic. However, this is
B. Inferences twith Event-Date
generally not a problem for event studies
because for the test statistics, conver-
Thus far it is assumed that the event gence to the asymptotic distributions is
date can be identified with certainty. rather quick. Brown and Warner (1985)
However, in some studies it may be diffi- provide discussion of this issue.
cult to identify the exact date. A com-
D. Other Possible Biases
mon example is when collecting event
dates from financial publications such as A number of possible biases can arise
the Wall Street Journal. When the event in the context of conducting an event
announcement appears in the paper one study. Nonsynchronous trading can in-
can not be certain if the market was in- troduce a bias. The nontrading or non-
formed prior to the close of the market synchronous trading effect arises when
the prior trading day. If this is the case prices, are taken to be recorded at time
then the prior day is the event day, if not intervals of one length when in fact they
then the current day is the event day. are recorded at time intervals of other
The usual method of handling this prob- possibly irregular lengths. For example,
lem is to expand the event window to the daily prices of securities usually em-
two days day 0 and day +1. While there ployed in event studies are generally
is a cost to expanding the event window, "closing" prices, prices at which the last
the results in Section 6 indicated that transaction in each of those securities oc-
the power properties of two day event curred during the trading day. These
windows are still good suggesting that closing prices generally do not occur at
the costs are worth bearing rather than the same time each day, but by calling
to take the risk of missing the event. them "daily" prices, one is implicitly and
Clifford Ball and Walter Torous (1988) incorrectly assuming that they are
have investigated the issue. They de- equally spaced at 24-hour intervals. This
velop a maximum likelihood estimation nontrading effect induces biases in the
procedure which accommodates event moments and co-moments of returns.
date uncertainty and examine results of The influence of the nontrading effect
their explicit procedure versus the infor- on the variances and covariances of indi-
mal procedure of expanding the event vidual stocks and portfolios naturally
window. The results indicates that the feeds into a bias for the market model

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36 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

beta. Myron Scholes and Williams (1977) have been in the area of corporate fi-
present a consistent estimator of beta in nance. Event studies dominate the em-
the presence of nontrading based on the pirical research in this area. Important
assumption that the true return process examples include the wealth effects of
is uncorrelated through time. They also mergers and acquisitions and the price
present some empirical evidence which effects of financing decisions by firms.
shows the nontrading-adjusted beta esti- Studies of these events typically focus on
mates of thinly traded securities to be the abnormal return around the date of
approximately 10 to 20 percent larger first announcement.
than the unadjusted estimates. However, In the 1960s there was a paucity of
for actively traded securities, the adjust- empirical evidence on the wealth effects
ments are generally small and unimpor- of mergers and acquisitions. For exam-
tant. ple, Henry Manne (1965) discusses the
Premn Jain (1986) considers the influ- various arguments for and against merg-
ence of thin trading on the distribution ers. At that time the debate centered on
of the abnormal returns from the market the extent to which mergers should be
model with the beta estimated using the regulated in order to foster competition
Scholes-Williams approach. When com- in the product markets. Manne argued
paring the distribution of these abnormal that mergers represent a natural out-
returns to the distribution of the abnor- come in an efficiently operating market
mal returns using the usual OLS betas for corporate control and consequently
finds that the differences are minimal. provide protection for shareholders. He
This suggests that in general the adjust- downplayed the importance of the argu-
ments for thin trading are not important. ment that mergers reduce competition.
The methodology used to compute the At the conclusion of his article Manne
cumulative abnormal returns can induce suggested that the two competing hy-
an upward bias. The bias arises from the potheses for mergers could be separated
observation by observation rebalancing by studying the price effects of the in-
to equal weights implicit in the calcula- volved corporations. He hypothesized
tion of the aggregate cumulative abnor- that, if mergers created market power,
mal return combined with the use of one would observe price increases for
transaction prices which can represent both the target and acquirer. In contrast,
both the bid and the offer side of the if the merger represented the acquiring
market. Marshall Blume and Robert corporation paying for control of the tar-
Stambaugh (1983) analyze this bias and get, one would observe a price increase
show that it can be important for studies for the target only and not for the ac-
using low market capitalization firms quirer. However, Manne concludes, in
which have, in percentage terms, wide reference to the price effects of mergers,
bid offer spreads. In these cases the bias that "no data are presently available on
can be elimninated by considering cumu- this subject."
lative abnormal returns which represent Since that time an enormous body of
buy and hold strategies. empirical evidence on mergers and ac-
quisitions has developed which is domi-
11. Concluding Discussion nated by the use of event studies. The
general result is that, given a successful
In closing, examples of event study takeover, the abnormal returns of the
successes and limitations are presented. targets are large and positive and the ab-
Perhaps the most successful applications normal returns of the acquirer are close

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MacKinlay: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 37

to zero. Gregg Jarrell and Poulsen (1989) -3.56 percent. In contrast, when firms
document that the average abnormal re- decide to use straight debt financing, the
turn for target shareholders exceeds 20 average abnormal return is closer to
percent for a sample of 663 successful zero. Mikkelson and Partch (1986) find
takeovers from 1960 to 1985. In contrast the average abnormal return for debt is-
the abnormal returns for acquirers is sues to be -0.23 percent for a sample of
close to zero. For the same sample, Jar- 171 issues. Findings such as these pro-
rell and Poulsen find an average abnor- vide the fuel for the development of new
mnal return of 1.14 percent for acquirers. theories. For example, in this case, the
In the 1980s they find the average abnor- findings motivate the pecking order the-
mal return is negative at -1.10 percent. ory of capital structure developed by Ste-
Eckbo (1983) explicitly addresses the wart Myers and Nicholas Majluf (1984).
role of increased market power in ex- A major success related to those in the
plaining merger related abnormal re- corporate finance area is the implicit ac-
turns. He separates mergers of compet- ceptance of event study methodology by
ing firms from other mergers and finds the U.S. Supreme Court for determining
no evidence that the wealth effects for materiality in insider trading cases and
competing firms are different. Further, for determining appropriate disgorge-
he finds no evidence that rivals of firms ment amounts in cases of fraud. This im-
merging horizontally experience negative plicit acceptance in the 1988 Basic, In-
abnormal returns. From this he con- corporated v. Levinson case and its
cludes that reduced competition in the importance for securities law is discussed
product market is not an important ex- in Mitchell and Netter (1994).
planation for merger gains. This leaves There have also been less successful
competition for corporate control a more applications. An important characteristic
likely explanation. Much additional em- of a successful event study is the ability
pirical work in the area of mergers and to identify precisely the date of the
acquisitions has been conducted. Mi- event. In cases where the event date is
chael Jensen and Richard Ruback (1983) difficult to identify or the event date is
and Jarrell, James Brickley, and Netter partially anticipated, studies have been
(1988) provide detailed surveys of this less useful. For example, the wealth ef-
work. fects of regulatory changes for affected
A number of robust results have been entities can be difficult to detect using
developed from event studies of financ- event study methodology. The problem
ing decisions by corporations. When a is that regulatory changes are often de-
corporation announces that it will raise bated in the political arena over time and
capital in external markets there is, on any accompanying wealth effects gener-
average, a negative abnormal return. The ally will gradually be incorporated into
magnitude of the abnormal return de- the value of a corporation as the prob-
pends on the source of external financ- ability of the change being adopted in-
ing. Asquith and Mullins (1986) find for creases.
a sample of 266 firms announcing an eq- Larry Dann and Christopher James
uity issue in the period 1963 to 1981 the (1982) discuss this issue in the context of
two day average abnormal return is -2.7 the impact of deposit interest rate ceil-
percent and on a sample of 80 firms for ings for thrift institutions. In their study
the period 1972 to 1982 Wayne Mikkel- of changes in rate ceilings, they decide
son and Megan Partch (1986) find the not to consider a change in 1973 because
two day average abnormal return is it was due to legislative action. Schipper

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38 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXV (March 1997)

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MacKinlau: Event Studies in Economics and Finance 39

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