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Experiment# 1
Measurement of Length and Diameter using Vernier
Caliper and Micrometer Screw Gauge
The principle of Vernier caliper is that when two scales slightly different in length are placed
one below the other, the deference between them can be utilized to enhance the accuracy of
measurement. stem). 1. Hence the least count which is the main significant value that can be
measured further to the main scale reading is (1 - 49/50) = 0.02mm. The graduation divisions
and the L.C may vary from the type of Vernier to another based on the range of
measurement. . If, that one turns of thimble makes it to travel by 0.01mm. As there are .010
equal divisions on the beveller edge of the thimble, the axial movement of the spindle
connected to the thimble per division value and is known as the least count of Vernier caliper
MICROMETER SCREW GAUGE: The micrometer screw gauge is used to measure even
smaller dimensions than the Vernier calipers. The micrometer screw gauge also uses an
auxiliary scale (measuring hundredths of a millimeter) which is marked on a rotary thimble
(see in Fig. 2). Basically, it is a screw with an accurately constant pitch (the amount by which
the thimble moves forward or backward for one complete revolution). Micrometer screw
gauge works on the principle of screw and nut. When a screw is turned one revolution
through a fixed nut, the screw moves by one pitch of the thread. A linear scale with
graduations in mm and 0.5mm is engraved on the barrel. This is the Main scale a circular
scale with 50 divisions is engraved on the beveled surface of the thimble, this is Vernier
scale. the micrometer screw gauge has a pitch of 0.5 mm
1. To study the Vernier caliper principle and to learn the use of Vernier caliper for the
accurate measurement of length, depth, and diameter.
2. To study the micrometer screw gauge principle and to learn the use of micrometer
screw gauge for the accurate measurement of diameter and thickness.
Careful quantitative measurements are very important for development of physics, the most
exact of the experimental sciences. The measurement of length and diameter are basic to
many of the experiments performed by physicists.
1.Vernier caliper,
2. Micrometer screw gauge,

3.Lead shots
4. Cylinder,.
5. Wire,
6. Metallic strip.
Figure 1: Parts of Vernier Caliper

Figure 2: Parts of Micrometer Screw Gauge

Vernier Caliper
When two measuring tip surfaces are in contact with each other, check for zero error and also
check if the surface are not unduly worn out or bent or any dirt collected on them.
1. The object must be held as close to the main scale bar as possible to avoid error due
to deflection of tips. The axis of vernier should be perpendicular to the axis of the object.
This ensures the correct dimension of the part to measure.
2. Do not apply to much pressure while measuring. First make the measuring jaws to
light contact the surfaces of the work piece. Then slightly retract the left jaw and clamp the
support bracket at its place.Now rotate the micro adjustment knurled knob to advance the left
jaw to contact the work piece surface edge.

Read the measurements as below.

3. Main scale reading = A (i.e., reading on the Main scale which is behind the zero of
the Vernier scale)
4. Vernier scale reading (which is coinciding with any division on the Main scale) ×
Least count of vernier caliper = B
Final reading = (A + B) ± Zero Error
6.Take the reading at a number of positions (minimum 3) and tabulate them.
7. Find Mean/Average of the readings:
Mean/Average= X ̅= (X_1+X_2+⋯X_n)⁄n
8. Find the Standard Deviation:
σ=± √(∑_(i=1)^n▒〖(X_i-X ̅)〗^2 )/(n-1)
Where n is number of readings.

Micrometer Screw Gauge

1.Select the correct range of micrometer screw gauge which will be good enough to
measure the dimension.
2.Check for zero error by bringing the anvil and spindle into contact, after wiping
both flat surfaces clean.
3.Retract the spindle to create a gap between the fixed anvil and the spindle tip so that
the micrometer screw gauge can be easily applied to the work piece dimension.
4.The work piece is placed between the anvil and spindle; ensure that the dimension
to be measured is along the axis of the spindle. Let the spindle make contact with the work
piece. Use only the ratchet and not the thimble.
5.When the spindle is brought into contact with the work at the correct measuring
pressure, the clutch starts slipping and no further movement of the spindle takes place by
rotation of ratchet. Now lock the spindle using the locking knob.
6.Read the measurements as below.
7. Reading on the barrel is noted down which corresponds to the main scale reading that
is just cleared by the edge of the thimble = A
Final reading is calculated using the main scale reading (A) + pitch scale
reading (B) × least count of the micrometer screw gauge ± Zero Error

Take the reading at a number of positions to ensure that the measurement is made with
sufficient confidence (minimum 3 reading) and tabulate them.
Find Mean/Average of the reading:
Mean/Average= X ̅= (X_1+X_2+⋯X_n)⁄n
Find the Standard Deviation:
σ=± √(∑_(i=1)^n▒〖(X_i-X ̅)〗^2 )/(n-1)
Where n is number of readings taken.

Observations & Calculations:

Vernier Caliper:
Table 1: Length of the cylinder
S. No. Main Scale Vernier Least Zero VSR x Final
Reading Scale Count Error L.C Reading
(MSR) Reading “L.C” (mm) (mm) (A + B) ±
“A” (mm) “VSR” (mm) “B” Zero
1 103 10 0.05 0 0.5 103.5
2 103 12 0.05 0 0.6 103.6
3 103 11 0.05 0 0.55 103.6
Mean of cylinder length = 103.6 mm
Standard Deviation = ± 0
Table 2: Depth of the cylinder
S. No. Main Scale Vernier Least Zero VSR x Final
Reading Scale Count Error L.C Reading
(MSR) Reading “L.C” (mm) (mm) (A + B)
“A” (mm) “VSR” (mm) “B” ± Zero
1 90 2 0.05 0 0.1 90.1

2 90 4 0.05 0 0.2 90.2

3 90 1 0.05 0 0.05 90.05
Mean of cylinder depth = 90.12 mm
Standard Deviation = ± 0

Table 3: External diameter of the cylinder

S. No. Main Scale Vernier Least Zero VSR x Final
Reading Scale Count Error L.C Reading
(MSR) Reading “L.C” (mm) (mm) (A + B)
“A” (mm) “VSR” (mm) “B” ± Zero
1 20.15 10 0.05 0 0.5 20.65
2 20.15 10 0.05 0 0.5 20.65
3 20.15 10 0.05 0 0.5 20.65
Mean of cylinder external diameter = 20.15 mm
Standard Deviation = ± 0

Table 4: Internal diameter of the cylinder

S. No. Main Scale Vernier Least Zero VSR x Final
Reading Scale Count Error L.C Reading
(MSR) Reading “L.C” (inch) (inch) (A + B)
“A” (inch) “VSR” (inch) “B” ± Zero
1 1.3 7 0.05 0 0.1 1.4
2 1.3 7 0.05 0 0.2 1.5
3 1.3 7 0.05 0 0.05 1.35
Mean of cylinder internal diameter = 1.35 inch
= 34.39 mm
Standard Deviation = ± 0

Table 5: Diameter of the lead shot

S. No. Main Scale Vernier Least Zero VSR x Final
Reading Scale Count Error L.C Reading
(MSR) Reading “L.C” (mm) (mm) (A + B)
“A” (mm) “VSR” (mm) “B” ± Zero
1 24 6 0.05 0 0.30 24.3
2 24 6 0.05 0 0.30 24.3
3 24 6 0.05 0 0.30 24.3

Mean of lead shot diameter = 24 mm

Standard Deviation = ±

Volume of the cylinder; V cylinder =π r 2 l mean r = Mean of cylinder external diameter/2

Vcylinder = 13208 m3
4π r
Volume of the lead shot; V lead shot = ; r = Mean of diameter/2
Vlead shot = 7234.56 m3

Micrometer Screw Gauge:

Table 6: Diameter of the lead shot

S. No. Main Scale Circular Least Zero CSR x Final
Reading Scale Count Error L.C Reading
(MSR) Reading “L.C” (mm) (mm) (A + B)
“A” (mm) “CSR” (mm) “B” ± Zero
1 25 34 0.01 0.48 0.34 25.8
2 25 33.5 0.01 0.48 0.33 25.8
3 25 32 0.01 0.48 0.32 25.8

Mean of lead shot diameter = 25.8 ~ 26 mm

Standard Deviation = ±0.0176

Table 7: Thickness of the metallic strip

S. No. Main Scale Circular Least Zero CSR x Final
Reading Scale Count Error L.C Reading
(MSR) Reading “L.C” (mm) (mm) (A + B)
“A” (mm) “CSR” (mm) “B” ± Zero
1 1.5 49 0.01 0.48 0.049 2
2 1.5 2 0.01 0.48 0.02 1.52
3 1.5 4 0.01 0.48 0.04 1.54
Mean of metallic strip thickness = 1.69 mm
Standard Deviation = ±0

4π r
Volume of the lead shot; V lead shot = ; r = Mean of diameter/2
Vlead shot = 8987.4 m3

4) Precautions:
Vernier Caliper
1. Do not apply excessive force to the work piece. Excessive measuring force will develop
instrument error because of the positional deviation of the jaw or deformation of the
work piece.
2. Take reading on the vernier / main scale in a viewing direction perpendicular to the
measured point on the scales.
3. Do not use the vernier as a stick or screwdriver.
4. Do not throw it on the table.

Micrometer Screw Gauge

1. The port whose dimension is to be measured must be held in left hand or firmly on a
surface and the micrometer screw gauge in right hand, and i such a way that the
forefinger and the thumb will be able to rotate the thimble and ratchet.
2. Micrometer screw gauge should be cleaned of any dust and spindle should move freely.

3. Do not drop the micrometer screw gauge or throw it on the table. Keep it in the case
when not in use.


We have measure different values of length and diameter of cylinder, lead shot and metallic
strip. We measure length of cylinder is 103.6mm .and then we measure depth of cylinder is
90.12mm then we measure external and internal diameter of cylinder is 20.15mm and
34.39mm. after all we measure diameter of lead shot that is 24mm with the help of Vernier

After the using of Vernier caliper, we used screw gauge and find diameter of lead shot that
is 25.8026mm and standard deviation is 0.0176. we find the thickness of metallic strip is


The practical that is very simple but it’s very sensitive practical. we take values carefully
because minor of mistake all values are worngs .

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