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Name: Camilo Silva Farias Level: Intermediate 3

Teacher: Gabriele Tavares Class Time: LR TT 8:00


“Know Thyself”, Socrates

Strengths VS Weaknesses

All of us have strengths and weaknesses. We are good in some things and
worst in other fields. But the most important is: tTo know how to improve
them! First, I could upgrade our my strengths, like playing the acoustic
guitar better, or improving my History knowledge, for example. Second, it’s
very important to find our weaknesses and search how to improve them.
Like studying math, to use a personal example.

Which areas of your life have you been trying to

Considering About the many areas that I must need to improve my

skills, I have been studying English to improve my vocabulary and my
conversational abilities.

Compare your life now to five years ago. What has


Five years ago I was 16, and was studying in High School at night and
working during the evening. Now, I’m out of High School and I keep
working in the evening. A lot of things have been changed! Such as my,
the books that I read, The people that I knew, my English level. I’m
better than when I was 16!

School where I had studied in my High School years.

What is your goal in life? Describe how you want

to be seen and how you would like people to
remember you.
That’s a good philosophical question… My goal in life is to be
happy. I won’t be a millionaire, money doesn't mean neither
happiness nor success in life. I would like to be remembered
as a funny person. I like to make people laugh and I wish to be
a good person to share good and bad moments too. I want to
be seen as a person whose life could be less hard.

A Bad Decision

If you could go back in time and change a past

decision you made, which one would it be?

If I could go back in time, I would have studied English better,

‘cause I had more time than now! I started my English studies
when I was 18, and now I’m 21 and keep studying, so… I should
have finished the course but I spent my time doing other
things. If I could go back in time, I would have worked better at
a publishing Company and learned with my ex-boss who was a
wonderful woman. If I had the possibility to do differently, I
would have dedicated myself to working better and learning
more from my boss. Also, I could have been more concerned
about my studies at college so that I could tackle my
difficulties in studies.

A Good Decision

“When you do something you are proud of, praise yourself for it”
Mildred Newman

I remember when I did a college lecture that I'm proud of. I made the
decision to work on the project and write better than I can. It was about a
Law work and I am proud of my performance, I was the best of my group!
But, if I could go back in time, I would have written the statement I said on the
presentation, because I did the written part in the early hours of the same
day! I couldn’t even sleep that night!
I’m proud of this decision ‘cause I believe that we need to send our best
work as possible, and I wasn’t doing my best and dedicating myself for my
studies at that moment in my college development. So I have never written
anything about laws so I’m proud to do something that I get a good grade
and I use my communication skills to make a good lecture for my class. This
is affecting me until nowadays for the reason that I learned more about the
construction of an essay.
Talking about self pride, there's advice to be proud about ourselves.
Actually, 11 steps to be proud of ourselves. Let’s see some examples.
Embrace your skills and talents

Another step you can take toward being more proud of yourself is
embracing your abilities. Certain skills and talents are unique. Not
everyone can write a good book, run a marathon, or do gymnastics.
Or it could be an ability to listen to people talk about their problems
and show empathy.

Be proud of others

Have you ever felt as proud of yourself for taking the time to
congratulate others on a job well done? How about those times when
you gave praise where it was due to someone who achieved
something you wish you could? How did it make you feel? It doesn’t
diminish you as an individual or make them see you as a lesser person.

Acknowledge everything you’ve done

No progress is too small to take notice of. You don’t need to wait until
you climbed Mount Everest or lost 20 pounds to throw a party.
Honoring yourself every step of the way, even when you take one
step forward, should be a big deal. Be grateful because that still
counts as progress.

Source: 11 Steps to Be More Proud of Yourself, Happier Human, 2021

Draw a Conclusion

I have learned with my past actions that we already have a chance to do

things differently that we’re used to! When I made the decision to do my best
and achieve my objective at that moment, I realized that it was possible, but
I needed to convince myself about my capacity.
Once I have already said to someone younger than me that we must not
doubt ourselves and believe in our skills, it's important to bear in mind that
we can do anything that we want, but we need to hit the road and start!

Based on your goal and on the lessons you have learned,

what will your way forward be like? Which values (traits and
behaviors) do you cherish the most and want to keep

I intend to be more sociable, learn how to work better in a group, use my

strengths to help people and identify my weaknesses to deal with them or
convert to a skill. I guess that I a cherish whatwhich I want to keep forever
would be both self-proud and deal with work in groups. These topics are
very important to improve our professional and personal life.

Final Grade
Teacher: Gabriele Tavares
Notes: The project was precisely written and it fills the requirements
regarding design, research and format. There are some small inadequacies
concerning sentence construction and grammar appropriateness, so it is
important to review topics like: relative pronouns (which x that) and
present perfect (I have finished).

Research, design, and task completion:

2.5 / 2.5
Vocabulary appropriateness and spelling:
2.5 / 2.5
Grammar, appropriateness, and sentence construction:
1.5 / 2.5
Language items:
2.5 / 2.5

Total: 90 /10 .0


Teacher: Gabriele Tavares de Lima

Notes: The student presented without using slides, and he sent the slides
after the presentation. He was able to present his ideas coherently with a
good flow of speech and information.

If you are an empathy people x
(If you have empathy or if you are an empathetic person).

"I have never writing nothing about law" x

(I have never written anything about law)

"The classes that the teacher give to us". x

(The classes that the teacher taught us)
Pronunciation: "Strengths" "Attitudes".

Overall performance:
1.7 / 2.0
Pronunciation and intonation:
1.3 / 1.5
Grammar and vocabulary:
4.5 / 5.0
Register and task completion:
1.5 / 1.5

Total: 90 /10 .0

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