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World Studies

Dear Parent or Guardian,

This year in World Studies we will be viewing the movie Hotel Rwanda. This slip is to notify you

that your student will be viewing this movie as part of this year's curriculum. If you would like

your student to have an alternative assignment instead of watching this movie please sign this

sheet and have them return it to class.

Unit being studied- Africa: Effects of Imperialism, Poverty, and Conflict

Reason for viewing- This film is an accurate representation of the conflict, imperialism, and

struggles every day people face when in the midst of turmoil. Genocide is a sensitive topic and

we want students to understand the impact of such events in a safe and meaningful way.

Quick Summary- Hutu Paul Rusesabagina manages the Hôtel des Mille Collines and lives a

happy life with his Tutsi wife and their three children, but when Hutu military forces initiate a

campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Tutsi minority, Paul is compelled to allow refugees to

take shelter in his hotel. As the U.N. pulls out, Paul must struggle alone to protect the Tutsi

refugees in the face of the escalating violence later known as the Rwandan genocide.

By signing this my child DOES NOT have permission to participate in the class viewing

of Hotel Rwanda and will be given an alternative assignment when the class is watching

the movie.


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