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Name: Joel Guamán

hello my name is Joel Guaman well this dish is called fritada I
think that fritada is a very representative dish of the province of
loja and that I should talk about because it is a very tasty dish.
3 to 4 pounds of pork, cut into medium pieces
1 pound of ribs and 2 pounds of loin, 1 teaspoon of ground
cumin, 10 cloves of garlic 5 whole 1 white onion cut into pieces,
1 small paiteña onion, 3 cups of water, 1 cup of orange juice, Salt
and pepper
Cook pork in water and orange juice with cumin, garlic, onion,
salt and pepper until no water remains and meat begins to
brown in its own fat.
This dish is very rich and it is an experience that if you come to
Loja you cannot miss the opportunity to try this delicious platao.

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