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Terol, Aple Venese C.



1. Define the ff.

A. SOCIOLOGY - The study of human behavior concerning its social origins and
consequences is known as sociology.

B. ANTHROPOLOGY - Anthropology is defined as "the science of humanity," and it

investigates humans in a variety of ways, from Homo sapiens' biology and evolutionary
history to the characteristics of society and culture that distinguish humans from other
animal species.

C. CULTURE - Language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, and the arts are all
characteristics and areas of knowledge of a particular group of people.

2. Identify the focus of study of:

A. SOCIOLOGY - Its primary focus is the study of social interaction, social organization,
social institutions, and social change. Sociology fosters critical thinking by demonstrating
the social structures and processes that influence many forms of human activity and by
bringing the social underpinnings of daily life to life.

B. ANTHROPOLOGY - It focuses on understanding the human condition from a cultural

and biological standpoint. In general, anthropology is concerned with determining who
humans are, how they evolved, and how they differ.

3. How does culture shape Man? in terms of the ff

A. Law - In terms of law, it ensures our general safety and protects our rights as citizens
from abuse by others, organizations, and the government. To ensure our general safety,
we have laws in place.

B. Education - Education instills in us the value of hard work while also facilitating our
growth and development. We can create a better society to live in if we understand and
respect our rights, laws, and regulations.

C. Religion - Religion varies and is influenced by culture, as religion is determined by the

culture but also influences culture.
D. Beliefs - We are aware that we all have different perspectives and beliefs on various
topics, and that by doing so, we can learn and share ours with other groups of people who
share our beliefs. All we need to do is be respectful to one another.

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