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1. What is your full name? When is your birthday?

Shawn Harry Roberts,


2. What is your email address if you wish to contact with:

3. Who do you live with? Alone

4. How tall are you and what you weight! 6'', 77kg

5. Where are you born, and where are you living now, can you relocated? Illinois,
New York , yes.

6. How long have you been single? Widowed in 2006

7. Do you believe in God? Yes, I am a Christian

8. what kind education do you have? Masters Degree in Engineering Project

9. How many kids do you have? Just one a little girl Molly Tex

10. What do you do for living? An Engineer(Contractor)

11. What do you do for fun? Swimming, Singing, Shpping, Board games(Scrabble and

12. Tell me three words your friends would use to describe you. Determined,
Generous, Kind, Positive Thinker

13. What kind of movies do you like? Action, Romantic comedy

14. What kind of books and/or magazines do you like? Reader Digest

15. If you won the lottery, how would you spend it? Support The needy, and travel
around the world

16. What kind of music do you listen to? Rhythm and Blues(R&B), Classicals

17. What are the most important qualities you are looking for a date? Good
Attributes and Great sense of Humuor.

18. How often do you really �go out�? Twice a month

19. Which is your favorite season? I love the Snow

20. Do you like to travel and where have you been? Yes, anywhere my job takes me

21. What are your most dreams for next marriage? Love Endlessly

22. Would you consider yourself a morning person or a night person? All Day

23. How would you describe a perfect date? Interesting Conversation in a nice and
cozy environment then walk home holding hands

24. Do you have any pets? What kind of pets? I love dogs,

25. What are you most passionate about? Caring and being in Love
26. If you could do any job you wanted to, what would it be? Run an Orphanage

27. What's your idea of a great vacation? Stay in a nice environment with my loved

28. If you could live anywhere other than your place, where would it be? where my
heart is

29. What do you think is the most important value in a relationship or friendship?
Giving rather than taking, forgiving rather than condemning

30. Do you exercise regularly? I use to gym more often

31. Are you financially secure with a stable life? Yes

I really hope we chat soon.....

Shawn H. Roberts


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