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‫‪Pet animal Management and‬‬

‫سلوكيات ورعاية الحيوانات المنزلية‬
‫ا‪.‬د‪ /.‬ربيع حسن فايد‬
‫استاذ رعاية الحيوان والدواجن‬
‫كلية الطب البيطرى – جامعة القاهرة‬
Breeds of Dogs
• Sporting Dogs
• English Spaniels – English Setters
• Working Dogs
• Charles Spaniels- Dobermann- Great
• Hound Groups
• Bloodhound- Greyhound- Afghan
Hound – Fox Hound
(English Spaniel (Sporting
(English Setters (Sporting
(Dobermann (Working
( Great Danes (Working
(Bloodhound (Hound
Afghan Hound
Fox Hound
Breeds of Dogs
• Terrier groups
• Fox Terrier – Bull Terrier -
• Toy Dogs
• Sheep dogs – Toy poodles –
Chihuahuas - Pugs
• Non-Sporting dogs
• Bull dog – Poodles - Boxers
Bull Terrier
Fox Terrier
(Chihuahuas (Toy Group
(Pugs (Toy Group
Toy poodles
(Bull dog (Non-sporting
( German Shepherd (Non-sporting
(Boxers (Non-sporting
Ageing of
of Dogs
 Shape of Tooth is lotus Shape
 At 0 – 2 weeks No teeth
 3-6 weeks – all temporary teeth
 I C P M
 3 1 3 0
 ----------------------- X 2 = 28
 3 1 3 0
Ageing of Dogs
 At 3 – 6 months ------- all teeth
become permanent except :
• Lower 4th premolar ------ at 5 – 7 m
• Lower 3rd molar -------- at 6 – 9 m
 I C P M
 3 1 4 2
 ----------------------- X 2 = 42
 3 1 4 3
Ageing of Dogs
 Disappearance of Lotus Shape at
• 2 years at lower central tooth
• 3 years at “ lateral “
• 4 years at Upper central tooth
• 5 years at Upper lateral tooth
• At 11 – 12 years no teeth in the mouth
Basic Care of Dogs
1. Feeding
2. Exercise
3. Grooming
4. Housing
5. Licensing and Identification
6. Health Management
Feeding of Dogs
 Good quality dry food provides a well-
balanced diet for adult dogs
 Your dog may enjoy cheese, cooked egg,
fruits and vegetables, but these should not
more than 10% of daily food intake.
 Please limit "people food," , because it can
result in vitamin and mineral imbalances,
bone and teeth problems and may cause
 Clean, fresh water should be available at all
times, and be sure to wash food and water
dishes frequently.
Feeding of Dogs
Feeding Regime
- Puppies 8 to 12 weeks old need four meals a day.

- Feed puppies 3 - 6 months old three meals a day.

- Feed puppies six months to one year two meals .

- When your dog reaches his first birthday, one meal

a day is usually enough.

- For some dogs, including larger canines or those

prone to bloat, it's better to feed two smaller meals.
Exercise of Dogs
 Dogs need exercise to burn calories,
stimulate their minds, and keep healthy.
 Exercise also tends to help dogs avoid
boredom, which can lead to destructive
 Individual exercise vary based on breed or
breed mix, sex, age and level of health
 but a couple of walks around the block every
day and ten minutes in the backyard
probably won’t cut it.
 If your dog is a 6- to 18-month adolescent,
or if she is an active breed or mixed-breed
from the sporting, herding groups, her
requirements will be relatively high.
Grooming of Dogs
 You can help keep your dog clean and
reduce shedding with frequent brushing.
 Most dogs don't need to be bathed more than
a few times a year
 Before bathing, comb or cut out all mats from
the coat.
 Carefully rinse all soap out of the coat, or the
dirt will stick to soap residue.
 - First, give your pet a good brushing to
remove all dead hairs.
 - Use a spray hose to thoroughly wet your
pet, taking care not to spray directly in her
ears, eyes or nose.
 - Gently massage in shampoo, working from
head to tail.Thoroughly rinse with a spray
 - Check the ears for any foul odors or
excessive debris; if you choose to use a
cleansing solution on a cotton ball, take care
not to insert it into the ear canal.
- Dry your pet with a large towel or blow
 - Begin by spreading each of your dog’s feet
to inspect for dirt and debris.

 - Use sharpnail clippers to cut off the tip of

each nail .
 - Take care to avoid the quick, a vein that
runs into the nail. This pink area can be seen
through the nail. If your dog has black nails,
however, the quick will not be as easily
discernible, so be extra careful.
 Regular grooming with a brush or comb will
help keep your pet’s hair in good condition by
removing dirt, spreading natural oils t
 Throughout her coat, preventing tangles and
keeping her skin clean and irritant-free
 If your dog has a smooth, short coat (like of
boxer), you only need to brush once a week
 If your dog has a long, luxurious coat, such
as that of a Yorkshire terrier, she’ll need daily

Dogs with loose facial skin or wrinkles to
prevent dirt and bacteria from causing
irritation and infection, clean the folds with
damp cotton. Always thoroughly dry the areas
between the folds.
 If your dog has long or droopy ears, you
should check them weekly.
 Remove wax and dirt from your pet’s ears
with a cotton ball moistened with water or a
little mineral oil.
Housing of Dogs
 Your pet needs a warm, quiet place to rest,
away from all drafts .
 You may wish to buy a dog bed, or make one
out of a wooden box.
 Place a clean blanket or pillow inside the bed.
Wash the dog's bedding often.
 If your dog will be spending a lot of time
outdoors, be sure she has access to shade
and plenty of cool water in hot weather, and a
warm, dry, covered shelter when it's cold.
Licensing and Identification
 Follow your community’s licensing
regulations. Be sure to attach the
license to your dog’s collar.
 This, along with an ID tag and tattoo,
can help secure your dog’s return.
Health Management
1. Vaccinations
2. Dental Health
3. Bad Breath
4. Fleas and Ticks
5. Worms & Heartworm
6. Medicines and Poisons
1. Puppies should be vaccinated with a
combination vaccine (called a “5-in-1”) at 3
to 4 months of age, and then once annually.
2. This vaccine protects the puppy from
distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis,
parvovirus, and parainfluenza.
3. Rottweilers, Doberman pinschers and
American Staffordshire terriers/pit bulls
should be vaccinated until five months of
4. If you have an unvaccinated dog older than
four or five months, he will need a series of
two vaccinations given two to three weeks
apart, followed by a yearly vaccination.
 Do not walk your puppy or unvaccinated dog
outside or let her walk or sit on the floor of
an animal hospital until several days after
her final vaccination.
 on rabies vaccination , the law requires all
pets older than three months of age to be
vaccinated for rabies. The first rabies
vaccine must be followed by a vaccination a
year later, and then every three years.
 Please note, if your pet gets sick because he
is not properly vaccinated, the vaccination
should be given after your companion animal
Dental Health
 You can clean your canine’s teeth with a dog
toothpaste or a baking-soda-and-water paste
once or twice a week.
 Use a child's soft toothbrush, a gauze pad or
a piece of nylon stretched over your finger.
 Some dogs are prone to a pocket of infection
between the tooth and the gum. This painful
condition can result in tooth loss and spread
infection to the rest of the body.
 Veterinarians can clean the teeth as a
regular part of your dog's health program.
Bad Breath
 Bad breath is most commonly an indication
that your dog is in need of a dental check
up. Dental plaque caused by bacteria results
in a foul smell that requires treatment.
 some odors may be indicative of serious,
chronic problems. Liver or intestinal
diseases may cause foul breath, whereas a
sweet, fruity smell may be indicative of
 If your dog’s breath smells like ammonia or
urine, kidney disease is a possibility.
 Veterinarians can clean the teeth as a
regular part of your dog's health program by
brushing .
Fleas and Ticks
 Daily inspections of your dog for fleas
and ticks during the warm seasons are
 Use a flea comb to find and remove
 There are several methods of flea and
tick control.
Worms & Heartworm
 Dogs are commonly exposed to worms and
possible infestation.
 Microscopic eggs produced by intestinal
worms are passed in an infected dog’s feces.
 Most puppies, even from healthy mothers in
good homes, carry roundworms or
 The key to treatment is correct diagnosis. A
dewormer that eliminates roundworms, for
example, will not kill tapeworms.
 This parasite lives in the heart and is
passed from dog to dog by mosquitoes.
 Heartworm infections can be fatal. Your
dog should have a blood test for
heartworm every spring.
 A once-a-month pill given during
mosquito season will protect your dog.
 In some warmer regions, veterinarians
recommend preventive heartworm
medication throughout the year.
Medicines and Poisons
 Never give your dog medication that has not
been prescribed by a veterinarian.
 For example, one regular-strength ibuprofen
tablet can cause stomach ulcers in a ten-
pound dog?
 Keep rat poison and other rodenticides away
from your pet.
 If you suspect that your animal has ingested a
poisonous substance, call your veterinarian
Spaying and Neutering
 Females should be spayed ( removal of the
ovaries and uterus) and males neutered
(removal of the testicles) by six months of
 Spaying before maturity significantly reduces
the risk of breast cancer, a common and
frequently fatal disease of older female
 Spaying also eliminates the risk of an
infected uterus, a very serious problem in
older females that requires surgery and
intensive medical care.
 Neutering males prevents testicular and
prostate diseases, some hernias and certain
types of aggression
Abnormal Behaviour of
1. Barking
2. Destructive Chewing
3. Feces Eating in Dogs
4. Jumping Up
5. Mouthing and Nipping
6. Problem Digging
7. Urine Marking
Excessive Barking- 1
- Territorial or protective defense
- Distress vocalizations due to fear or
- Excitement or greeting
- During play
- - To gain attention or to make requests
- - Frustration
- Socially facilitated barking (hearing other
dogs bark)
- - Compulsive behavior
 - Do not encourage the dog to bark by saying, “Who’s there?,” for
example, or getting up and looking out the window.

- Do not punish the dog for barking at certain sounds (car doors , kids
playing in the street) while encouraging him to bark at other sounds
(people at the door). You must be consistent!

- Never use punishment procedures for a dog who is barking from fear
or anxiety
 - Never use a muzzle to keep a dog quiet for long periods of time or
while a dog is unsupervised. As the dog cannot eat, drink, or cool
himself while wearing a muzzle, this would be extremely cruel.

- Never tie a dog’s muzzle closed with rope, cord, or rubber bands. This
is dangerous, painful, and inhumane.
What to do
 - Prevent the dog from being exposed to the things that
trigger him to bark. You should block access to windows,
and cover them so he can’t see out.
 - If the dog is engaging in territorial barking primarily in the
yard, keep the dog in the house during the day and
supervise him when he is in the yard.
 Teach the dog to sit and stay when meeting people at the
door so he has something to do aside from barking.
 your dog likes toys, keep a favorite toy near the front door
and encourage your dog to pick up the toy before he greets
you or guests
 The most effective means of discouraging
excitement/frustration barking is to teach the dog to control
his impulses through obedience training.
 Anti-bark collars are punishment devices and are not
recommended as a first choice for dealing with a barking
Destructive Chewing- 2
 Dogs also steal things off the counters and tabletops, and they raid the
trash. Most dogs prefer human food to dog food

 Understand that your dog needs to learn not to chew your things or steal
your food

 Understand that your dog needs to learn not to chew your things or steal
your food

 Give the dog a “single serving” chew bone once or twice a day

 Identify the times of the day when your dog is likely to chew, and give him a
stuffed Kong, Goodie Ship, or Buster Cube at this time

 Discourage chewing inappropriate items with chewing deterrents, such as

Bitter Apple

 Always supervise your dog. If you see him licking or chewing an item t,
remove the item from his mouth and insert something that he can chew.

Feces Eating in Dogs-3
 Coprophagia, the ingestion of feces by
an animal, is quite common in dogs.
Some eat their own stool
(autocoprophagia), some eat the stool
of other dogs (intraspecific
coprophagia), and some, like Roscoe,
eat the stool of other animals (inter-
specific coprophagia).
Feces Eating in Dogs
 That investigative behavior draws more
owner attention than usual
 Normal investigative puppy behavior includes
running nearly everything in the environment
through one's mouth
 When coupled with diarrhea or poor weight
gain, coprophagia may be the result of a
medical malady such as pancreatic
insufficiency, intestinal infections, or
malabsorption troubles
 Displacement activity
 Food deficiency
Jumping Up Behaviour -4
 Puppies and dogs naturally jump up on
people when they say hello because we
are taller than they are!
 Dogs greet each other by going nose-
to-nose and they like to do the same
with us
 so it’s perfectly natural for them to jump
up on us to try to reach our faces.
Jumping Up
 Generalize the training by teaching the dog
not to jump on all people.
 Keep a toy by the door and direct your dog’s
attention to the toy when you enter.
 Do not become really excited when you greet
your dog. Stay calm.
 Do not shout at your dog. This can get him
more excited and cause him to jump up even
Urine Marking - 5
 Typically, it is related to some perceived threat, such
as an unfamiliar person or dog in the home, or the
introduction of something new
 Conflict between pets within the home can also lead
to urine marking
 Some dogs never mark in their own home, but will
mark when they visit others’ homes.
 Males are more likely than females to urine mark,
and reproductively intact males are more likely to
mark than neutered males
   However, intact females may mark prior to coming
into and during estrous to advertise their availability
1. - Your first line of defense: Neuter your
male dogs and spay female dogs. Neutering
male dogs successfully eliminates or greatly
reduces household urine marking in about
50 percent of cases.
2. - Restrict your dog’s access to things that
are likely to be marked
3. - Get a “jock strap” or bellyband for your
dog, so he can still mark but won’t soil the
- If your dog repeatedly marks specific objects
(bags, suitcases, shoes, etc.), place treats
under and around the objects. The objects
will then become a source of food, rather than
a “trigger” for marking.
- To discourage your dog from returning to
already-marked areas, you’ll need to make
them unpleasant. that the dog may simply
select another place.
Mouthing and Nipping- 6
 For puppies, using their mouths and needle-
sharp teeth to chew and investigate objects.
These activities are normal, harmless nless
you’re the object being chewed and
 They chew on people fingers and toes, and
they investigate people’s bodies with their
mouths and teeth.
 These behaviors may be considered harmful
when the puppy is four or five months old. 
Solving the problem
 Substitute a toy or chew bone when the
puppy tries to chew on fingers or toes.
 Encourage non-contact forms of play, rather
than wrestling and rough play.
 Give a high-pitched cry, when the puppy
bites too hard. This cause him to stop.
 Provide plenty of opportunity for your dog to
play with other puppies and with friendly
adult dogs
 Be patient and understanding. Playful
mouthing is normal behavior for a puppy or
young dog.
Problem Digging- 7
Digger Dogs
 why your dog digs
 Many reasons for digging are often breed dependent
 Heavy-coated dogs, such as sled dogs and chow chows, dig
cooling pits during hot weather to make themselves more
 Earth dogs (Terrier) such as short-legged terriers and
dachshunds—are simply dig up the yard to find gophers,
moles, or other "vermin.“
 Scent hounds (beagles, bassets, and coonhounds) often
dig along fence lines because the lures of small game, food,
or females
 the most common digger is the bored dog. Without
anything to sustain his attention
 adolescent diggers (dogs ages six to 18 months) do so
because they're loaded with youthful exuberance and have
nothing to do
Solving the Problem
 Choose a small patch in the yard where
it's okay for your dog to dig. Circle the
area with stones or other visual
markers. Loosen up the soil and mix in
a little sand. Hide a few toys, chewies,
or biscuits in the soil to increase the
rewards, then encourage the dog to dig
in the pit

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