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Incident Report

Date: 6/2/2021 Time Noticed: 12:30 noon

Position: Assistant Shift Manager
Incident Title: Wrong Settle NBA Handicapped
Site Link/Links:

Details/Description of Incident:

Wrong Settle tab Handicapped in NBA game. I settled the wrong tab declaring the Denver Nuggets
wins the handicapped instead of Portland, since the game was [OT] Overtime and the handicapped is
+2.5 for in favor of Portland trail blazers. Don’t have the screenshot picture since we call immediate
attention of the developer’s side and reverse it. This is a careless whisper on the side of me
CHOLOLOT, I already know the winner and what do I have to settle. But somehow, I copy paste the
wrong team and settled it. Lesson learned double check every time to settle the match.

Important thing, Mas ok ra guro ma sayop sa office kai co-workers ang kauban pde ra maka shagit. Sa
balay dili kai tupad mo sa imong asawa dapog ang resulta.

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