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Submitted by:
Ahsan Raza
Submitted To:
Sir Asad Meraj
Roll No:

BS Mathematics
5th Semester
University of Education
Lahore (Multan Campus
1_What are High and Low level Languages?
 What are High-Level Languages?
 One can easily interpret and combine these languages as compared to the low-level languages.
 They are very easy to understand.
 Such languages are programmer-friendly.
 Debugging is not very difficult.
 They come with easy maintenance and are thus simple and manageable.
 One can easily run them on different platforms.
 They require a compiler/interpreter for translation into a machine code.
 A user can port them from one location to another.
 Such languages have a low efficiency of memory. So it consumes more memory than the low-level languages.
 They are very widely used and popular in today’s times.
 Java, C, C++, Python, etc., are a few examples of high-level languages.
 What are Low-Level Languages?
 They are also called machine-level languages.
 Machines can easily understand it.
 High-level languages are very machine-friendly.
 Debugging them is very difficult.
 They are not very easy to understand.
 All the languages come with complex maintenance.
 They are not portable.
 These languages depend on machines.Thus, one can run it on various platforms.
 They always require assemblers for translating instructions
 Low-level languages do not have a very wide application in today’s times.

2_What is Compiler , Interpreter and Assembler in C?

What is compiler:
Compiler, computer software that translates (compiles) source code written in a high-level language (e.g., C++) into a set of
machine-language instructions that can be understood by a digital computer’s CPU. Compilers are very large programs, with
error-checking and other abilities

What is an Interpreter:
An interpreter transforms or interprets a high‐level programming code into code that can be understood by the machine
(machine code) or into an intermediate language that can be easily executed as well. The interpreter reads each statement of
code and then converts or executes it directly.

1 Compiler works on the complete program at once. It takes the entire program as input. Interpreter program works
line‐by‐line. It takes one statement at a time as input.
2 Compiler generates intermediate code, called the object code or machine code. Interpreter does not
generate intermediate object code or machine code.

3 Compiler executes conditional control statements (like if‐else and switch‐case) and logical constructs faster than
interpreter. Interpreter execute conditional control statements at a much slower speed.

4 Compiled programs take more memory because the entire object code has to reside in memory. Interpreter does
not generate intermediate object code. As a result, interpreted programs are more memory efficient.

5 Compile once and run anytime. Compiled program does not need to be compiled every time. Interpreted
programs are interpreted line‐byline every time they are run.

6 Errors are reported after the entire program is checked for syntactical and other errors. Error is reported as soon as
the first error is encountered. Rest of the program will not be checked until the existing error is removed.

7 A compiled language is more difficult to debug. Debugging is easy because interpreter stops and reports errors as it
encounters them.

1 Interpreter program works line‐by‐line. It takes one statement at a time as input.

2‫۔‬ Interpreter does not generate intermediate object code or machine code.

3 Interpreter execute conditional control statements at a much slower speed.

4 Interpreter does not generate intermediate object code. As a result, interpreted programs are more
memory efficient.

5 Interpreted programs are interpreted line‐byline every time they are run.

6 Error is reported as soon as the first error is encountered. Rest of the program will not be checked until
the existing error is removed.

7 Debugging is easy because interpreter stops and reports errors as it encounters them.

An assembler is a program that takes basic computer instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the
computer’s processor can use to perform its basic operations.

3_What is IDE?
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that helps programmers develop software
code efficiently. It increases developer productivity by combining capabilities such as software editing, building,
testing, and packaging in an easy-to-use application.

4_Why we Use Back slash n in c?

An escape sequence in C language is a sequence of characters that doesn’t represent itself when used inside string
literal or character. It is composed of two or more characters starting with backslash \. For example: \n represents
new line.

5_ASCII Table:
ASCII (which stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard for
text files in computers and other devices. ASCII is a subset of Unicode and is made up of 128 symbols in the
character set. These symbols consist of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, punctuation marks,
special characters and control characters. Each symbol in the character set can be represented by a Decimal value
ranging from 0 to 127, as well as equivalent Hexadecimal and Octal values.

The following is a listing of ASCII values displaying the Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal and Character values for each
ASCII character.

Standard ASCII Characters

Dec Hex Oct Char Description

0 00 000 ^@ Null (NUL)

1 01 001 ^A Start of heading (SOH)

2 02 002 ^B Start of text (STX)

3 03 003 ^C End of text (ETX)

4 04 004 ^D End of transmission (EOT)

5 05 005 ^E Enquiry (ENQ)

6 06 006 ^F Acknowledge (ACK)

7 07 007 ^G Bell (BEL)

8 08 010 ^H Backspace (BS)

9 09 011 ^I Horizontal tab (HT)

10 0A 012 ^J Line feed (LF)

11 0B 013 ^K Vertical tab (VT)

12 0C 014 ^L New page/form feed (FF)

13 0D 015 ^M Carriage return (CR)

14 0E 016 ^N Shift out (SO)

15 0F 017 ^O Shift in (SI)

16 10 020 ^P Data link escape (DLE)

17 11 021 ^Q Device control 1 (DC1)

18 12 022 ^R Device control 2 (DC2)

19 13 023 ^S Device control 3 (DC3)

20 14 024 ^T Device control 4 (DC4)

21 15 025 ^U Negative acknowledge (NAK)

22 16 026 ^V Synchronous idle (SYN)

23 17 027 ^W End of transmission block (ETB)

24 18 030 ^X Cancel (CAN)

25 19 031 ^Y End of medium (EM)

26 1A 032 ^Z Substitute (SUB)

27 1B 033 ^[ Escape (ESC)

28 1C 034 ^\ File separator (FS)

29 1D 035 ^] Group separator (GS)

30 1E 036 ^^ Record separator (RS)

31 1F 037 ^_ Unit separator (US)

32 20 040 Space

33 21 041 ! Exclamation mark

34 22 042 “ Quotation mark/Double quote

35 23 043 # Number sign

36 24 044 $ Dollar sign

37 25 045 % Percent sign

38 26 046 & Ampersand

39 27 047 ‘ Apostrophe/Single quote

40 28 050 ( Left parenthesis

41 29 051 ) Right parenthesis

42 2A 052 * Asterisk

43 2B 053 + Plus sign

44 2C 054 , Comma

45 2D 055 - Hyphen/Minus

46 2E 056 . Full stop/Period

47 2F 057 / Solidus/Slash

48 30 060 0 Digit zero

49 31 061 1 Digit one

50 32 062 2 Digit two

51 33 063 3 Digit three

52 34 064 4 Digit four

53 35 065 5 Digit five

54 36 066 6 Digit six

55 37 067 7 Digit seven

56 38 070 8 Digit eight

57 39 071 9 Digit nine

58 3A 072 : Colon

59 3B 073 ; Semicolon

60 3C 074 < Less-than sign

61 3D 075 = Equal/Equality sign

62 3E 076 > Greater-than sign

63 3F 077 ? Question mark

Dec Hex Oct Char Description

64 40 100 @ Commercial at/At sign

65 41 101 A Latin capital letter A

66 42 102 B Latin capital letter B

67 43 103 C Latin capital letter C

68 44 104 D Latin capital letter D

69 45 105 E Latin capital letter E

70 46 106 F Latin capital letter F

71 47 107 G Latin capital letter G

72 48 110 H Latin capital letter H

73 49 111 I Latin capital letter I

74 4A 112 J Latin capital letter J

75 4B 113 K Latin capital letter K

76 4C 114 L Latin capital letter L

77 4D 115 M Latin capital letter M

78 4E 116 N Latin capital letter N

79 4F 117 O Latin capital letter O

80 50 120 P Latin capital letter P

81 51 121 Q Latin capital letter Q

82 52 122 R Latin capital letter R

83 53 123 S Latin capital letter S

84 54 124 T Latin capital letter T

85 55 125 U Latin capital letter U

86 56 126 V Latin capital letter V

87 57 127 W Latin capital letter W

88 58 130 X Latin capital letter X

89 59 131 Y Latin capital letter Y

90 5A 132 Z Latin capital letter Z

91 5B 133 [ Left square bracket

92 5C 134 \ Reverse solidus/Backslash

93 5D 135 ] Right square bracket

94 5E 136 ^ Circumflex accent/Caret

95 5F 137 _ Underscore/Low line

96 60 140 ` Grave accent

97 61 141 a Latin small letter a

98 62 142 b Latin small letter b

99 63 143 c Latin small letter c

100 64 144 d Latin small letter d

101 65 145 e Latin small letter e

102 66 146 f Latin small letter f

103 67 147 g Latin small letter g

104 68 150 h Latin small letter h

105 69 151 i Latin small letter i

106 6A 152 j Latin small letter j

107 6B 153 k Latin small letter k

108 6C 154 l Latin small letter l

109 6D 155 m Latin small letter m

110 6E 156 n Latin small letter n

111 6F 157 o Latin small letter o

112 70 160 p Latin small letter p

113 71 161 q Latin small letter q

114 72 162 r Latin small letter r

115 73 163 s Latin small letter s

116 74 164 t Latin small letter t

117 75 165 u Latin small letter u

118 76 166 v Latin small letter v

119 77 167 w Latin small letter w

120 78 170 x Latin small letter x

121 79 171 y Latin small letter y

122 7A 172 z Latin small letter z

123 7B 173 { Left curly bracket

124 7C 174 | Vertical line/Vertical bar

125 7D 175 } Right curly bracket

126 7E 176 ~ Tilde

127 7F 177 DEL Delete (DEL)

In the ASCII character set, the Decimal values 0 to 31 as well as Decimal value 127 represent symbols that are non-
printable. It is possible to generate these non-printable characters using a key sequence where ^ represents the
control key on your keyboard. For example, you could generate a carriage return (Decimal value 13) by pressing
the control key followed by the letter M on your keyboard (^M).

All other symbols in the character set can printed or represented on the screen. These printable character values
can be seen in the Char field in the table above.

Extended ASCII Characters

Dec Hex Oct Char Description

128 80 200

129 81 201
130 82 202

131 83 203

132 84 204

133 85 205

134 86 206

135 87 207

136 88 210

137 89 211

138 8A 212

139 8B 213

140 8C 214

141 8D 215

142 8E 216

143 8F 217

144 90 220

145 91 221

146 92 222

147 93 223

148 94 224

149 95 225

150 96 226

151 97 227

152 98 230

153 99 231

154 9A 232

155 9B 233

156 9C 234

157 9D 235

158 9E 236

159 9F 237

160 A0 240 No-break space

161 A1 241 ¡ Inverted exclamation mark

162 A2 242 ¢ Cent sign

163 A3 243 £ Pound sign

164 A4 244 ¤ Currency sign

165 A5 245 ¥ Yen/Yuan sign

166 A6 246 ¦ Broken bar

167 A7 247 § Section sign

168 A8 250 ¨ Diaeresis

169 A9 251 © Copyright sign

170 AA 252 ª Feminine ordinal indicator

171 AB 253 « Left-pointing double angle quotation mark

172 AC 254 ¬ Not sign

173 AD 255 Soft hyphen

174 AE 256 ® Registered trademark sign

175 AF 257 ¯ Macron

176 B0 260 ° Degree sign

177 B1 261 ± Plus-minus sign

178 B2 262 ² Superscript two

179 B3 263 ³ Superscript three

180 B4 264 ´ Acute accent

181 B5 265 µ Micro sign (mu)

182 B6 266 ¶ Pilcrow sign

183 B7 267 · Middle dot

184 B8 270 ¸ Cedilla

185 B9 271 ¹ Superscript one

186 BA 272 º Masculine ordinal indicator

187 BB 273 » Right-pointing double angle quotation mark

188 BC 274 ¼ Vulgar fraction one quarter

189 BD 275 ½ Vulgar fraction one half

190 BE 276 ¾ Vulgar fraction three quarters

191 BF 277 ¿ Inverted question mark

Dec Hex Oct Char Description

192 C0 300 À Latin capital letter A with grave

193 C1 301 Á Latin capital letter A with acute

194 C2 302 Â Latin capital letter A with circumflex

195 C3 303 Ã Latin capital letter A with tilde

196 C4 304 Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis

197 C5 305 Å Latin capital letter A with ring above

198 C6 306 Æ Latin capital letter AE

199 C7 307 Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla

200 C8 310 È Latin capital letter E with grave

201 C9 311 É Latin capital letter E with acute

202 CA 312 Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex

203 CB 313 Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis

204 CC 314 Ì Latin capital letter I with grave

205 CD 315 Í Latin capital letter I with acute

206 CE 316 Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex

207 CF 317 Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis

208 D0 320 Ð Latin capital letter ETH

209 D1 321 Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde

210 D2 322 Ò Latin capital letter O with grave

211 D3 323 Ó Latin capital letter O with acute

212 D4 324 Ô Latin capital letter O with circumflex

213 D5 325 Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde

214 D6 326 Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis

215 D7 327 × Multiplication sign

216 D8 330 Ø Latin capital letter O with stroke

217 D9 331 Ù Latin capital letter U with grave

218 DA 332 Ú Latin capital letter U with acute

219 DB 333 Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex

220 DC 334 Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis

221 DD 335 Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute

222 DE 336 Þ Latin capital letter THORN

223 DF 337 ß Latin small letter sharp s

224 E0 340 à Latin small letter a with grave

225 E1 341 á Latin small letter a with acute

226 E2 342 â Latin small letter a with circumflex

227 E3 343 ã Latin small letter a with tilde

228 E4 344 ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis

229 E5 345 å Latin small letter a with ring above

230 E6 346 æ Latin small letter ae

231 E7 347 ç Latin small letter c with cedilla

232 E8 350 è Latin small letter e with grave

233 E9 351 é Latin small letter e with acute

234 EA 352 ê Latin small letter e with circumflex

235 EB 353 ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis

236 EC 354 ì Latin small letter i with grave

237 ED 355 í Latin small letter i with acute

238 EE 356 î Latin small letter i with circumflex

239 EF 357 ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis

240 F0 360 ð Latin small letter eth

241 F1 361 ñ Latin small letter n with tilde

242 F2 362 ò Latin small letter o with grave

243 F3 363 ó Latin small letter o with acute

244 F4 364 ô Latin small letter o with circumflex

245 F5 365 õ Latin small letter o with tilde

246 F6 366 ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis

247 F7 367 ÷ Division sign/Obelus

248 F8 370 ø Latin small letter o with stroke

249 F9 371 ù Latin small letter u with grave

250 FA 372 ú Latin small letter u with acute

251 FB 373 û Latin small letter u with circumflex

252 FC 374 ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis

253 FD 375 ý Latin small letter y with acute

254 FE 376 þ Latin small letter thorn

255 FF 377 ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis

6_Why we use f with print in printf in c?

‘f’ in printf stands for formatted data printing, it is used for printing with
formatted values as output

7_Whats stands for gcc in c?

GCC stands for “GNU Compiler Collection”. GCC is an integrated distribution of compilers for several
major programming languages. These languages currently include C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++,
Fortran, Ada, D, and Go.

8_ Flow chart... Diamond, oval, rectangular shapes .... Meaning?

The oval, rectangle, diamond, parallelogram and arrow are the basics. The oval marks the start/end. The
rectangle represents any step in the process, like tasks or actions. The diamond symbolizes a decision.
The parallelogram represents information that’s received/generated like an e-mail or product.

9_ are keywords in C?
The C language uses the following keywords:
Auto. Break. Case. Char. Const. Continue. Default. Do. Double. ...
Extern. Float. For. Goto. If. Inline 1, a int. Long. Register. ...
Short. Signed. Sizeof. Static. Struct. Switch. Typedef. Union. Unsigned. ...
While. _Alignas 2, a _Alignof 2, a _Atomic 2, b _Bool 1, a _Complex 1, b _Generic 2, a
_Imaginary 1, b

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