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To install ActiveMQ, your system must have Java installed on your server.
And check the status of JAVA Version.

Once Java is installed, you can proceed further to download the latest version of ActiveMQ
or use the following wget command to grab the source package as shown.

Now extract the archive file using the tar command and move it into the extracted directory
using the cd command.
Now your ActiveMQ package should be installed in the /opt directory and you can view its
contents using the ls command.

To run ActiveMQ as a service, you need to create an ActiveMQ service unit file under the
user called activemq, so start by creating the user using the useradd command.

Next, set the correct permissions on the ActiveMQ installation directory and all of its
contents belong to the newly created user and group. Besides, confirm that the new
permissions are set .
Now create a service unit file for ActiveMQ called activemq.service under
/etc/systemd/system/ directory.

Add the following configuration in the activemq.service file.

Save the file and close it. Then reload the systemd manager configuration to read the newly
created service, using the following command.

#systemctl daemon-reload

Next, you can use the systemctl commands to start. enable and check the status of Apache
ActiveMQ service as shown.
By default, the ActiveMQ daemon listens on port 61616 and you can confirm the port using
the ss utility as follows.

Before you can access the ActiveMQ web console, if you have the firewalld service running
(which should be by default), you need to open port 8161 which the web console listens on
in the firewall, using the firewall-cmd tool.

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8161/tcp

# firewall-cmd --reload

The ActiveMQ web console is used to manage and monitor ActiveMQ via a web browser.
To access it open a web browser and point it to the following URL:

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