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1.​ P
​ ause at 0:24.

What do you think the box contains?

The box have a present for his birthday

Is the boy going to like it?

No, because in the box will contain some T-shirts

2.​ P
​ ause at 1:24

What do you think about the boy’s reaction?

It would be soo disgusting

3.​ W
​ atch the whole movie

What is the moral of the story?

Do not discriminate against anyone for the cover

4.​ C
​ ontinue the story (write about 40 words)

The boy still playing with the dog but the boy throw the ball very hard and the 
enter in to the house of the neighbour,the neighbour were in the garden but the 
ball doesn´t hit them but they scolded us... 

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