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Jl. Cut Nyak Dien No.85, Pancor, Selong, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83611

Course Name : English 1

Lecturer : Andri Suherman, M.A., M.Ed. TESOL
Times : 100 minutes
(The implementation of Unit 5 & Unit 6)

Place : in a travel agency Players : John : travel agent Julia : the girl 1
Time : in the morning (around 10 a.m.) Thomas : the boy Pretty : the girl 2

(Pretty is in a travel agency. She is ordering flight tickets)

0.Pretty : Hi, good morning…!?!?! (Knocking the door and coming in)
1.John : Hi, welcome to SKY travel agency. Have a sit, please.
2.Pretty : Thank you. I would like to order flight tickets for 2 people. Book a hotel for me, too.
3.John : Okay. Where are you going to go, miss? (Checking the ticket and hotel in his computer)
4.Pretty : I am going to take a vacation in Singapore in March 5. Singapore is a beautiful country.
Do you agree, Mr… John? (Looking at the name tag)
5.John : Yes, I agree! And who are you going to go with?
6.Pretty : Of course, I am going to go with my boyfriend. He is the most handsome boy.
Hehehe…. 😊 (Smile largely)
7.John : Okay, and then your name, please?
8.Pretty : My name is like my face, Pretty. My full name is Pretty Beatrice Angelina Anastasia. 😊
9.John : Wow…!?!? Such a long name! 😧 (Feeling surprised)
Kring…kring… kring…. (Pretty’s phone is suddenly ringing. Her boyfriend is calling her)
10. Pretty : Ooppss… I will answer my phone. It is from my boyfriend. 😊 (Walking to the corner while
smile largely)
11. John : Okay. I will prepare your tickets, miss.

(Pretty is still talking to her boyfriend on the phone. Julia is suddenly coming)
12.Julia : Hi, good morning… !?!? (Knocking the door and coming in)
I would like to order 2 flight tickets, please.
13.John : Okay, have a sit please. Where are you going to go, miss?
14.Julia : My boyfriend and I are going to take vacation in Bali in March 10.
15.John : Okay. Let me check for you. (Checking the ticket in his computer)

16.Julia : Hmmm,,, it’s very hot here. Will you turn on the air conditioner, please?! 😰 (Feeling hot)
17.John : Ooopss… Sorry. I forget. I will turn it on. (Turning on the air conditioner).
18.Julia : Thank you…. John. (Looking at the name tag).
19.John : By the way. What is your name and your boyfriend’s name, miss?
20.Julia : I am Julia, and my boyfriend is Thomas.
21.John : Okay… thanks. It’s done.

(Few minutes later, Thomas is coming)

23.Thomas : Hi, good morning… !?!? (Knocking the door and coming in)
24. Pretty : Hi, babe. You finally come. 😊(Pretty is welcoming her boyfriend excitedly).
25.Julia : Thomas? What are you doing here?
26.Thomas : Hmmm,,,, Oh My God. 😱 (Feeling shocked and confused).
27.Pretty : Wait…! Do you know him?
28.Julia : He is my boyfriend.
29.Pretty : WHAT….!?!? He is my boyfriend, BITCH…!😠 (Getting angry)
30.Julia : What are you talking about? He is my boyfriend!
31.Pretty : WHAT THE HELL….!?!? 😡 (Getting more angry)
32. Thomas : Alright… STOP! I will explain to you.
33. Pretty : Okay. Who is this girl, Thomas? 😠 (Still angry)
34. Julia : Tell me, too. Who is this girl, Thomas? 😡 (Starting to get angry, too)
35. Thomas : She is…. Hmmmm. She is….. 😧 (Feeling confused)
36. Julia : SHIT….!?!? Are you cheating on me, Thomas?
37. Pretty : ASSHOLE….!?!? GET AWAY Thomas….! I hate you…! 👿 (Still angry)
38. Julia : I hate you, Thomas. GET AWAY…!
39. Thomas : I can explain. Please.
40. Pretty : NO WAY. I said GET AWAY…!
41. Thomas : Okay, FUCK OFF….!?!? 🖕 (Feeling cranky and going out of the room)

(John is suddenly asking about the tickets)

42. John : What about your ticket, ladies?
43. Julia : Cancel it, please. But, I really want to take vacation.
44. Pretty : Me, too. But, I don’t want to take vacation with an ASSHOLE!
45. John : The tickets have been paid. And, the hotels have been booked.
46. Pretty : John… Are you going to take vacation with me? You want? 😉 (Trying to flirt)
47. John : Hmmm…😊 (Feeling confused while smiling)
48. Julia : Are you going to take vacation with me, too John? 😉 (Trying to flirt)
49 John : Hmmm…😊(Feeling confused while smiling)

Exercise 1. Which sentences are the implementation of Unit 5 and Unit 6?


Unit 5

Unit 6

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions based on the dialogue above!

1. Where is Pretty going to take vacation? _____________________________________________
2. Who is Julia going to take vacation with? _____________________________________________
3. What will John do to make the room cold? _____________________________________________
4. Is John going to go with the girls? _____________________________________________
5. Write the characteristic of each player:
a. Pretty : _________________________________________________
b. Julia : _________________________________________________
c. Thomas : _________________________________________________
d. John : _________________________________________________

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