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Assignment 2 Midterm

Is anger a positive or negative emotion? Explain your answer in 5-10 sentences,
providing sample situations or scenarios. You will be graded based on the rubrics
 Anger is a positive emotion. When we are angry, we frequently believe that
we have the ability to change the situation, allowing us to take action and
move from an undesirable to a desirable position. Anger functions as a
social and personal value indicator as well as a regulator. It is triggered
when our values are at odds with the situation, we are in. For example,
someone in the school may be bully you for not being able to respond to
class recitations. Feelings such as hatred, anger, and loneliness can result.
When we notice something is wrong, we are motivated to solve the
problem. When things don't go the way, we want and we need to do
something, anger motivates us to take action and solve the problem. Anger
prepares us to deal with obstacles and problems in our way to get where
we need it.

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