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Data Structures and Analysis (BSCS – V4, V5, V8) Fall-2022

Project: NADRA System Using Hashing and Trees [8-10 Abs. Marks]
Deadline: Jan 21 (11:45 pm)
No late submissions will be accepted, so start earlier.

Your assignment should represent your own effort. Each student shall write down and submit his/her
solutions separately.
For a programming task, your solution must contain (i) an explanation of your solution to the
problem, (ii) the C++ code, in a form that we can run it, (iii) instructions on how to run it.
For all programming tasks, it is not allowed to use any external libraries if not stated otherwise. You
are not allowed to use any built-in Hashing Function, Tree, List, and/or Graph library.
Please, include your name, student ID, and email address in your submission.
Plagiarism will lead to a DC case with an ‘F’ grade recommendation (any type of code sharing
is not allowed in any case).
Submissions after 21 Jan (11:45 pm) will get zero. Any discussion/excuses regarding deadlines will
lead to -50% marks.

Suppose that NADRA hires you as an IT expert for advancing their ID-System. Your goal is to design
a system that supports fast searching/insertion/deletion.
Array and Linked-list-based implementation led you to O(n) time complexity for
searing/insertion/deletion in the worst case. AVL trees led to log(n), but balancing and high depth are
the major concerns in this scenario.
So, plan something else.
Think before reading the solution.

Hashing can be a solution, but collision is a problem that you have to deal with for the best performance.
Task 1: Design a hash function that should perform best (nearly best, in terms of the number of
collisions). Insert data into a hash table using the designed hash function.
Task 2: To avoid collisions, implement the linear probing technique.
Now, note the problem with deletion. To avoid deletion problems, implement a chaining method.
Task-3: Implement linked-list-based chaining.

Task-4: Implement BST-based chaining.

NOTE: Your system must be able to perform insertion/deletion/searching in every case
HINT for NADRA-ID-based hash function:
Format: aaaaa-fffffff-g
Get the first five numbers and get a key from your designed hash function. Similarly, get the next seven
numbers and get a key from your designed hash function. Utilize the answers (keys) of both hash
functions and apply another function/formula to get a single key.
NOTE: It is not necessary to use this technique, you can design your own way to get the key.

Use randomly generated ID-card numbers for insertion and searching. Be careful about the format of
the ID card numbers.
Compare the linear probing, linked-list chaining, and BST chaining. State the best method in terms of
searching. State the reasons as well.
For comparison, store 1000 randomly generated ID card numbers and search 100 randomly generated
ID card numbers. You have to report the total and average number of collisions for the insertion of 1000
data elements. You are also required to report the average and total number of comparisons for
searching 100 data elements.
Note: Besides comparison, your system will also display a proper menu for searching/deletion/insertion
of the user input ID card numbers. Randomly generated ID card number insertion and searching can
only be used for comparison. So, make it clear.

Project Part-02
Comparison Data
Get 3 different data arrays (of size 1000) and insert them into a hash table. Compare linear probing,
linked list chaining, and BST chaining in terms of searching (search at least 100 times in each case).
Data-1: 3, 5, 61, 19, 13, 23, 29, 17, 7, 11 (all prime numbers (1000 numbers), should not be consecutive)
Data-2: 25, 65, 21, 91, 33, 15, 27, 35, 55 (all odd numbers (1000 numbers), should not be consecutive)
Data-3: 70, 50, 60, 90, 100, 32, 50, 40, 12 (all even numbers (1000 numbers), should not be

a) Insert Data-1 using linear probing, linked-list chaining, and BST chaining. Search different
randomly generated 100 numbers for each case. Show the average and the total number of
searches that you performed for searching 100 numbers for every case.
b) Insert Data-2 using linear probing, linked-list chaining, and BST chaining. Search different
randomly generated 100 numbers for each case. Show the average and the total number of
searches that you performed for searching 100 numbers for every case.
c) Insert Data-3 using linear probing, linked-list chaining, and BST chaining. Search different
randomly generated 100 numbers for each case. Show the average and the total number of
searches that you performed for searching 100 numbers for every case.
Which technique is better? State the reasons.
Instructions: The hash function should be optimal in terms of the number of collisions. The number of
collisions should be as minimum as possible. Moreover, the size of the hash table should be efficient in
terms of space. You have limited resources only.
For part 2, you are only required to generate 1000 random numbers for insertion and 100 numbers for
searching. No menu is required in this part. No deletion or individual data insertion and searching is
required. You have to count the total number of collisions and searching-comparison in this part.
Hashing Rule: For size, avoid the powers of 2 and numbers close to the multiple of 10. Use the Prime
number for the size of a hash table (Recommended).
BONUS (up to 3 absolute marks):
Implement an AVL chaining in part 2 only. The rest of the project will be the same. Add an AVL
chaining analysis as well (i.e., you have to compare the data (in terms of the total number of collisions
and searches) on the basis of linked-list chaining, BST chaining, AVL chaining, and linear probing)
Submission Instructions:
Your submission folder (.zip format is allowed only) will contain three files (part-1 implementation,
part-2 implementation, comparison analysis (number of searches for every technique, etc.)).

Please feel free to discuss any query related to the project by email/group.

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