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Nalivkin V.Do, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Dragunov VJ., Professor, Dr.

Oleynikov A.N., Prof~r, Dr.

Efimov A.A., PhD.

Klyushin Ja.G., PhD.

Smimov A.P., Ph.D., Bditor. .in-Chief.

Butusov K.P., PhD.

Fogel V.A., Engineer.

Shpitalnaya A.A.,

Zakoldaev Yu.A., PhDr.

s-as1 s1-2s .. s

© CMVlpHoe A.n., <l>ponoe A.B., 1996

000 "MOHOMaKc"
Vi3AaTeJ1bCTBO "n111K"
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5yMara ocpceTHa~. PL113orpacp111~.
n.n. 80,25. T111pa>K 1000 3K3. 3aKa3 285.

194021, Cn6. nonumeXHU4eCKBfl yn., 22.

556-90-82; 556-92-68; 556-92-76.


Discovering of many amazing phenomena in various fields of natural science, progress

achieved in technics and technology have contributed to manifestation of a crisis being
conceived long ago in the depths of Physics as a science about most general and universal
laws of Nature. Results have been achieved mostly owing to rich intuition of researchers.
or in connection with effects revealed quite by chance. Symptoms of sceptical attitude
towards the foundations of physical knowledge have appeared long before in the brains of
famous scientists having made invaluable contributions to development of science as such
(P.Ehrenfest, A.Einstein, P.Feinmann, LE.Tamm and others). A giant armoury of
mathematical techniques applied by modern Physics for statistical representation cannot
provide a strict and adequate description of the events. There is no understanding of the
seemingly not too complex processes occurring plasma, in liquid and solid bodies. There
are problems in thermodynamics, electrodynamics, nuclear Physics, gravitation, let alone
biophysics, biology and other sciences.

Lack of the axiomatic description testifies: it is not everything well in Physics concerning
its foundations. New phenomena have been discovered being not predicted by modern
conceptions or even "contradicting" to them. In view of such situation many researchers
were coming to the idea about necessity to analyse criticaHy the modern Physics, to search
for a way out of this prolonged crisis.

Difficulties waiting for them on this way are obvious. Traditional science is pre-
programmed to achieve the knowledge (information), to apply it for solving the problems
of life, to transfer knowleage to new generations. There was no question ever about the
real understanding of knowledge, about its estimation. Investigations aimed at that were
even prohibited and discredited.

The time is pressing urgently for solving many problems ripened in Physics, which is a
crucial branch of knowledge pretending to form our ideas about the real world, to ensure
technical progress. There is a need to look into the situation formed in Phy.sics; to discuss
all possible ideas and proposals with the aim to define the paths for furtfrer development
of natural science.

Members of the Organising Committee have pursued just this noble goal, when they
started to _prepare and to organise the International scientific conference ''New ideas in
natl.iral sci~hce". This conference is aimed at realisation of a new scientific program -
"Program to,_ understand and to estimate the knowledge, to develop new ideas in natural
science". There are' two parts of this conference:
I. Problems of modern Physics;
2. Interaetions between sciences about E:arth and Universe.

By taking into account the long period of stagnation in science it was decided to make it
possible to present different conceptions, points of view, experimental investigations
carried out in new fields, to discuss critically the contemporary state of science, its
paradigm, to discuss proposals con ~erning solution of fundamental problems.

International scientific conferenc.e has taken place June J 7-22 1996 in St. Petersburg.
Papers presented were devoted to rery important problems. Concrete solutions for a
number of scientific and technical pn. blems have been proposed. Proceedings of the first
part of the conference. are published in 1.his collection with papers on following subjects:

I. Contemporary problems in Physics. Theoretical investigations.


2. New energetics. Practical results.

3. Gravitation and adjacent technologies.
4. Research of space, time and information features.

Results achieved were above all expectations. A number of investigations show: Physics
has lost a lot by not having included in its arsenal the principles and conceptions of
classical dynamics. Due to incorrect translation from Latin not only the content of axioms
has been distorted, but also interpretation of fundamental laws. A. substitution of notions
and principles formed by dynamical· approach to phenomena's analysing has occurred.
Paradigm, program and goals of research have been modified.

Time will be needed to apprehend, to understand and to assess the .set of information
offered. It will be necessary to realise, ·to interpret and to overcome the "good learned"
delusion structure in foundation of physical knowledge being formed through centuries.
Qne conclusion can be made already now: serious efforts are needed t9 implement this new
.Program, to develop this new direction in science - to help science to understand itself.
This is the only way out of the crisis to pave the paths for further progress of science, to
define and to stimulate the main directions of research! to find new solutions of technical
and technological problems. · '

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics A.P.Srnirnov

Chairman of the Organising Committee

International scientific conference "New ideas in natural sciences"

The Conference was not sponsored by any organisati.on and alt process was
organised thank to participants organising fees. Publication of this Proceedings also is
possible on the base' dfcollected organising fees. In strength of this reason first edition of
this book is printed as 100 copies only.
Compilators of this book are sure that there are organisations and persons are
interested in re-publication of this book in new edition for more quality translation and
more high number of copies. Any proposals for this joint work are welc.ome. .
Copyright for this book as an collection of lectures belong to .compilators Anatoly
P. Smirnov and A1exander V. Frolov. Each author have all rights for O\\ffl article and you
must ask permission from author directly if you wish to reproduce part of any article.

Alexander V. Frolov

Production Editor
Organising Committee Member

P.0.Box 37, St.-Petersburg, 193024, Russia

Tel: 7-812-2747877
- 5




Dr. Josef Gruber, Pn.n:


Space energy (SE) is a ,,new" renewable source of energy. Examples of small working
space energy technology (SET) devices are given. Such SET-devices are hard facts. They
usually have been checked by independent experts and/or in replicated experiments and have be-
en patented. They are usually based on new theories (still developed further), published in
peer-reviewed journals of mainstream physics. SET-devices 'J.'.Ork permanently (24 hours per
day, all year) and everywhere (on Earth and in space). These properties make SET-devices not
only economicaHy viable but even highly competitive. SET-devices are now subject to develop-
mental research. Their widespread use has tremendous econo!J!ic, social, fiscal and environmen-
tal consequences: Humankind can reach, at least with respect to energy, a sustainable develop-

l · Introductory remarks: Space energy, a ,,new" renewable source of energy, can be

tapped, sustainability with respect to ene:rgy can be reached

Some very hard facts form the basis of my presentation.: There are new theories in
mainstream physics which state that there exists a source of energy not known earlier (called
space energy (SE), zero~point-energy (ZPE), vacuum field energy (VFE) or free energy) and
that this source of energy may be tapped. EspeciaHy Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, a theoretical and
experimental physicist in Austin, Texas, USA, and his colleagues have succeeded in publishing
new theories in peer-reviewed physics journals. They have also replicated laboratory experi-
ments in which this .,new" source of energy is being tapped. There exist already small devices
(generators, energy converters, motors) which tap this previously unknown source of energy.
Most of these devices have been thoroughly checked by independent experts, have been pa-
tented and are now subjecuo developmental :research, mainly in Japan and in the USA.

• Professor, Chair of Statistics and Econometrics, Department ofEconomics, University of Hagen, Feithstr. 140,
D-58084 Hagen (Germany), Phone +49-2331-987-2615, Fax +49-2331-987-350.
This paper has been accepted for publication in the journal Renewable Energy as part of the Proceedings of the
4th World Congress on Renewable Energies, Denver, Colorado, June 15-21, 1996. It is reprinted with permissi-
on from Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lar.e, K.idlington OX5 l GB, UK.

Copyright© 1996 by J.Gruber


This new space energy technology (SET) has properties which makes SET-devices eco-
nomically viable and even very competitive:

1. SET-devices require no traditional fuel like gasoline or Diesel. In some SET-

devices, magnetism {from pennanent magnets) plays the crucial role. In others, ordinary water
plays the role of a fuel: In a new type of hydrolysis, it is splitted into hydrogen and oxygen. In
the procedures employed in SET-devices, often-referred-to concepts are: Casimir effect, sono-
luminescence, condensed charge technology.

2. SET-devices operate permanently (24 hours per day, aU year). They probably
work everywhere on ~~ and in space. The energy output of some SET-devices can be adju ..
sted instantaneously fo the energy demand. For these three reasons, no energy storage is re-
quired and relatively small SET-devices suffice. Even smaller SET-devices will do, if com-
bined with some small storage capacity which helps to satisfy peaks in energy demand
(compare, for example, with cars during speeding up or with airplanes during take-off; use of
optimal control).

Put differently, space energy is a ssrenewable" source of energy like sun, wind or water.
From the economic point of view, it possesses great advantages. The corresponding SET-
devices will n<?t o~ly be viable but also very competitive. The impact of their widespre,ad use
on individuals and on society will be tremendous: Humankind now can reach, at least with re-
spect to· energy, a sustainable development.

In this short paper I want so· share with you some info~ation about space energy, about
some· corresponding SET-devices (section 2) and about some consequences of their widespread
use (section 3). I would not be surprised if most of this information were for you as new and as
, incredible as it was for me some thre~ ye~s agQ. Beginning in the late 1980s, at my chair of
· Statistics and Econometri~s we had been concf!rned with econometrically mod~ling the long-nm
energy supply {minimal-cost combination of competing sources of energy) for West Germany:
We enlarged a huge linear-programrning model so that also renewable sources of energy
(without space energy) could enter the optimization.process. In June, 1993, by pure chance I
got infonnation about and saw a few weeks later for the first time a of a SET-
device: an electricity generator based on permanent magnets, developed by a German inventor
who wants to remain anonymous ..

2 Some examples of promising SET ..devices

. t

During the last few years, especially in 1995, there has been a breakthrough in developing,
testing and patenting SET-devices. For lack of space, only a few SET-devices can be mentioned
here. Detailed information is available in the sources stated below and in section 5.

1. Patterson power cell (PPC)

It is a patented system for a new type of hydrolysis of water, for ,,new hydrogen energy"
(originally reported to be ,,Cold Fusion"). According to Fox ( 1996), it is a light-water (i.e. ordi-
nary water)~ lithium ~lectrolyte, nickel/palladium catalyst. He sees in the Patterson power cell
the leading contender for commercialization. For this purpose, there is CETI (Clean Energy
Technologies, Inc.), 14332 Montfort, Suite 6302, Dallas, Texas 75240, USA, Phone (214) 458-

Copyright@ 1996 by J.Gruber


7620, Fax (214) 458-7690. PPC was checked by several independent groups of experts. De-
monstration models were shown in operation at conferences, for example at the Power-
Generation '95 conference in Anaheim, California, Dec. 5-7, 1995.

2. Takahashi's supermagnet-supermotor
The.Japanese inventor Yasunori Takahashi has developed extraordinary permanent magnets. He
uses them in a ,.supermotor" such that a ,new" source of energy is being tapped. The
,.supermotor" has been used in a Honda electric scooter. This motor scooter bas been shown in
London. Takahashi's company dealing with his magnets is Sciez Corporation, headquartered
(also?) in the UK. Super strong permanent magnets are also used in the ,,Battery Doubler"
which makes it possible to charge nickel~admium batteries and lithium batteries more efficient-
ly, thus extending the running time by a multiple of between 1.5 and 2.5. More information is
available from MPI Magnetic Power Inc., 30la North Main Street, P.O. Box 880, Sebastopol
CA 95473, USA, Phone (707) 829-9391, Fax (707) 829-1002.

3. Swiss M-L-converter
The Swiss M-L-converter TESTATIKA taps a new source of energy by means of magnetism. It
is started by hand (two metal plates turning in opposite direction). Then it runs on a stand-alone
Output: 3-4 kW direct current, depending on humidity of the air. It has not yet been ma-
de available for corrunercialization.

4. Stanley Meyer's water-fueled engine

Stanley A. Meyer, 3792 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio 43123, USA, holds a US patent on his
water-fueled engine (no. 5,149,507, dated Septeml>er 22, 1992; 24 pages). In the patent ab-
stract, it is stated:
,.Water molecules are broken down into hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms in a ca-
pacity cell by a polarization und resonance dependent upon the dielectric properties of water
and water molecules. The gas atoms are thereafter ionized or otherwise energized and thermally
combusted to release a degree of energy greater than that of combustion of the gas in ambient
air". More information was given in a Channel4 TV broadcast (see section 5 below).
Somehow related to Meyer's water-fueled engine are GUnter Poschl's engines
which run on a miXture of water and traditional fuel. The German inventor Gunter Posch! does
not refer to space energy etc. Contact: UTI Management and Holding AG, SchwindstraBe 3M,
D-60325 Frankfurt/Main. Phone +49-69-97563-148, Fax +49-69-97563146. See also Gruber
( 1995/1996). where also other highly interesting products related to energy and environment are
briefly discussed (e.g. RADIGEN-generator fer the production of fuel mixtures, OXYVARlO-
oxygen-enrichment-technology, MICON recycling of critical waste in a vacuum hydrogen plas-
ma). If combined with SET, there can be breakthroughs in several directions.

5. Griggs' hydrosonic pump

The hydrosonic pump is a patented device that makes steam and hot water without combustion.
It uses mechanical shock waves. It obviously tai)S a s:tew source of energy. Further information
is availabLe from Hydro Dynamics. Inc., 8 Redmond Court, Rome, Georgia 30165, USA, Phone
(706) 234-4111, Fax (706) 234-0702.

6. Further SET-devices

Copyright@ 1996by J.Gruber


a) Kenneth Shoulders' high density electron charge clusters (patented, experjmentally

b) N-machines (associated mainly with names like Faraday, Bruce DePalma, Tewari and
c) Other magnetic motors (e.g. Stefan Marinov, Harold Aspden, the Adams magnetic
. d) thermogenerator YUSMAR (commercially produced in K.ishinov, Moldavia (former
Soviet Union), for room heating and warm water production).
More information about these SET-devices is available in the sources listed in section 5,
especially in Gruber (1994) and Gruber (1995/1996).

3 Economic impact of large-scale applications of space energy technology (SET)

Based on hard facts mentioned in sections 1 and 2, now simple scenarios are outlined
which indicate some effects of using SET-devices on a large scale. Most statements are of the
,if ..., then •••"-type, that is, they are no forecasts.

3.1 Scenarios/or using SET-devices in tlze transport sector

Here it is assumed that there are cars which are fueled by water or which have engines
based on permanent magnets (see sections 1 and 2). In any case, such SET-vehicles do not need
any traditional fuel like gas or Diesel. For short, we speak of water-fueled cars or SET-cars.

There are strong incentives to use water-fueled cars. In.Germany, a traditional passenger
car typically causes fuel costs of some 1.800 DM/year (= 8 1/100 km x 1,50 DM/1 x 15.000
km/year). The price of water-fueled cars in mass production will probably be at the same level
as the price of traditional cars. The duration of use a11d other properties influencing the costs of
operating should be about the same for both types of cars. For short, it surely pays for an indivi-
dual consumer or producer to purchase a water-fueled car, if a traditional car has to be replaced
anyway. Since the marginal costs of driving a SET-car are lower (no fuel costs), it may also be
optimal for the individual to drive more kilometers (e.g. 20.000 or25.000 km instead of 15.000
km per year now).

Scenario 1.1: Only old traditional cars (which have to be replaced anyway) are re-
placed by SET-cars

10% of all originally available passenger cars in a country are replaced by water-fueled
cars every year. Mter 10 years, the entire car fleet will consist of only such cars. What effects
does this have at the individual, local, regional, national and international level?
• Owners/users of SET-cars save the fuel costs.
• The gasoline demand of the car fleet will ceteris paribus decrease every year by some
I 0% of the original demand for this purpose.
• The demand for oil for the same purpose will decrease accordingly. Thus, the interna-
tional flows of oil and of funds are greatly influenced.
• Decrease will also, perhaps by a similar percentage,
- the number of required gas stations (not of service stations!);

Copyright@ 1996 by J.Gruber


- the demand for transport services for oil to the refineries and for gasoline from the refi-
neries to the local gasoline dealers and to the gas stations;
the required capacity of refineries;
- the amount of taxes collected by the government on fuel for cars.
• Abruptly decrease to (almost) zero will the demand for replacing old transport equip-
me~t for oil and gasoline (special trucks, special wagons, oil-tankers, oil-pipelines): Because of
the decreas~ in demand for such transport-services, the shrinking capacity available after the
usual depreciation/scrapping is still sufficient This abrupt decrease in demand for oil transport
(and oil processing) equipment affects negatively those sectors of the economy which produce
such equipment. Because of interdependencies among various sectors of the economy, many
sectors of the economy are directly or indirectly affected.
• The labor market is affected partly in a positive (desirable) way (the development, pro-
duction, service and recycling of new products creates many new jobs), partly in a negative
(undesira.bie).way (the decrease in demand for old products makes many jobs superfluous). The
net effect on the labor market is very difficult to estimate. Quantification is possible by means of
econometric models.
• The environmental burden will decrease, when water-fueled cars are introduced in lar-
ge numbers.
• A new km-tax (i.e. a tax per kilometer or mile driven) will be a powerful instrument of
traffic, environmental, social, economic and fiscal policy.

Scenario 1.2: More used cars than necessary are replaced by SET-cars

In addition to the traditional cars which have to be replaced anyway (as assumed in Scen-
ario 1.1 ), also other traditional cars are now replaced by water-fu"eled cars. Such an assumption
seems rather realistic, given, above all, the saving of fuel costs and the alleviation of the envi-
ronmental burden. In this scenario, the desirable and the undesirable effects of a wide-spread use
of SET-cars mentioned in scenario 1.1 are enlarged, they come about even faster.

Scenario 1.3: SET is used in all transport-vehicles

Here the same arguments should be true as for Scenario 1.2.

3.2 Scenarios for using SET-devices for electricity and heat production

Here it is assumed that there are SET-devices which can be applied for producing
electricity and heat. Such SET-devices lead to considerable savings of individual consumers and
producers. For example, a household in Germany. somewhat above average in size, now spends
some 1.500 to 2.200 DM every year for natural gas (or oil) for heating and about the same
amount for electricity, that is a total of some 3.000 to 4.400 DM per year. Such savings are a
strong incentive to change to SET-devices.

Scenario 2.1: Producing electricity and heat for homes and offices by means of SET·
devices in a completely d&entralized manner

' In this scenario, it is assumed that relatively small SET-devices are located in individual
homes and offices and are operating on a stand-alone basis. Each SET-device produces enough
electricity and heat for a particular home or office. A 15-20 kW-unit will usually be sufficient

Copyright© 19% by J.Gruber


(pennanent operation; the reduction of daily peaks of demand for electricity and heat by means
of optimal control is rather simple and cheap). Assuming that the duration of using traditional
heating equipment is 20 years, some 5% of all homes and offices are changing to SET-devices
every year. What is the economic impact?
• The annual expenditures of an individual office or household for room-heating, for
warm-water-production and for electricity are likely to decrease markedly, in Germany in the
exatl)ple presented above by some 3.000-4.400 DM (a strong incentive to use SET-
• Producing, installing and servicing the rapidly growing number of small SET-
generators creates many new jobs. At the same time, many presently available jobs (in the
precent-day heating equipment sector, in processing and distributing natural gas and fuel oil, in
producing electricity) become superfl~ous.
• The demand for natural gas, fuel oil and electricity. for the stated purpose will decrease,
perhaps by 5% of the original level every year. This has similar effects as stated in the previous
section (transport sector scenarios 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3).
• The environmental pollution will decrease.

Scenario 2.2: Producing electricity and heat for homes and offices by means of SET-
devices in a centralized manner

This scenario has siri-tilarities to the present structure of electricity supply in many coun-
tries, e.g. in Germany: Big power stations provide electricity for all electricity consumers in a
town or region (monopolistic e!ectricity supply structure). But now the big power stations are
equipped with large SET-generators (no fuel costs). Room heating and warm water production
near the power stations can be done by means of heat transfer directly from the power stations
(in German: Blockheizkraftwerk); farther away from the power stations, electricity can be used
for this purpose.
• The effects of using SET-devices as outlined in this scenario are similar to effects men-
tioned in previous scenarios.
• A centralized production of electricity may have some advantages in comparison with
the decentralized production assumed in Scenario 2.1: The total demand for scarce resources
(e.g. metals, transport services) is most likely smaller in the centralized case than in the decen-
tralized case. A large SET-generator which satisfies the demand for electricity and heat of 1000
households requires (inc1uding the grid) probably considerably less input of scarce resources
than 1000 small SET-generators together.
• The same reasoning also applies to Scenario 2.1: The total quantity of scarce resources
required for supplying heat and electricity for a household is probably minimized i,f there is one
SET-generator for the whole household (and not separate SET-generators for different purpo-
ses, e.g. for heating, for the dish-washer, for the tooth-brushes, and for TV).
• To minimize electrosmog and related negative side-effects, detailed investigations are
necessary. Electrosmog can probably be considerably reduced by using the PUR(= polyurethan)
gas-tube-cable ofW. Berends (see infonnation in Gruber, 1995, p. 18).
• In the case of new products like SET-generators, relatively small units are usually deve-
loped earlier than large units. This may be an argument for a decentralized supply of electricity
and heat, as sketched in Scenario 2.2.
• It is in the true interest of the present power supply industry to get rapidly and deeply
involved in developing large SET-units.

Copyright© !996 by J.Gruber

5 Sources of detailed information

For Jack of space, only very linle in.fonnation can be given here. Detailed information
about the topic of this paper is contained in the following two papers (with more than 60 refe-

Gruber, J. 1994, On economic effects of new energy technologies for individuals and society.
(Invited paper at the Symposium ,The New Energy" of the Scandinavian Association of Vacu-
um Field Energy, Stockholm Sept. 3·'4, 1994). Discussion Paper No. 214, Department of Eco-
nomics, University of Hagen (73 pages).

Gruber, J. 1995/1996, Innovative Energietechnologien: Auswirkungen aufPolitik. Wirtschaft

und Gesellschaft (55 S.)
Vortrag beim KongreB •.Neue Horizonte in Technik und BewuBtsein", 15.-17. Sept. 1995, Ta-
gungszentrum Gwatt (bei Bern, Schweiz). Will be published in the Proceedings Volume in
These two papers can be obtained from the author (J. Gruber, Fax +49-2331-987-350 or +49-.
2334-43781 ). They also contain information about regular publications (including order and
subscription forms).

Theoretical and experimental aspects of space energy and its tapping are described in away
suitable not only for physicists in the following three items:

Haisch, B., Rueda, A., and Puthoff, H. E. 1994, Beyond E = mc2 : A first glimpse of a universe
without mass. A first glimpse of a postrnodem physics. in which mass. inertia and gravity arise
from underlying electromagnetic force~. The Sciences, Nov./Dec. 1994, 26-31. (German trans-
lation by Frank Menhorn/Dr. Ing. Gerd Hanns can b.e obtained from J. Gruber).

Puthoff, H.E. 1994, The new energy: the practical use of vacuum field energy. Invited Paper at
the Symposium ,The New Energy" of the Scandinavian Association of Vacuum Field Energy,
Stockholm, September 3-4, 1994. Video-recording of the lecture available from Ingmar Warn-
strom, Grabrodersg. 10, S-21121 Malmo, Sweden, Fax: +46-40-6 11 78 98. A related and en-
larged typewritten version is available as follows:
Puthoff, H.E. 1996, Zero point-energy research. Energy extraction from empty space. Compiled
by W. Bahmann from transcribed lectures given by Harald E. Puthoff, Ph.D. Planetary Associa-
tion for Clean Energy Inc .• European Secretariat, W. Bahmann, Feyermiihler Str. 12, D-53894
Mechernich, Fax: +49-2443-8221.
In England, there was a one-hour broadcast on Channel4 TV on Dec. 17, 1995: ,It Runs on
Water". Information was given on I. Griggs' hydrosonic pump, 2. Stanley Meyer's water-fueled
cell, 3. Patterson's power ce11 (see section 2 of this paper).

New reference cited:

Fox, H. 1996, Three energy technologies for the twenty-first century. New Energy News, Vol.
3, No.8 (Jan. 1996), 1-2.

Copyright© 1996 by J.Grub~:I"


• A new kWh-tax will be an important policy instrument for supporting positive effects
of SET-devices and for keeping negative effects small.
In the medium run, investigating simple scenarios of using SET-devices has to be replaced
by mathematical modeling.

4 Summary and outlook

Space energy (SE) is a ,new" renewable source of energy. Space energy technology
(SET) presently is available only in small SET-devices. Considerable research and development
efforts are necess~ to construct large SET-devices needed in applications. Such SET-devices
have properties which make them not only economically viable but even highly competitive
(permanent operation; the availability of space energy everywhere on Earth and in space; no or
only little storage required).

The widespread use of SET-devices will have unprecedented economic, fiscal, social,
political and environmental effects. Some of these effects are positive, i.e. desirable, others
are negative, i.e. not desirable. The sum of these effects will be clearly positive, and the most
important positive long-run effect is a sustainable development of humankind, at least as far as
energy is concerned.

The period of transition ro a new energy system in which space energy plays a major or
even the dominating role is charactenzed by many adjustment problems. It is of paramount im-
portance to keep these problerr1s small in number and in size and to solve unavoidable prohlems
in a human way. This will require cooperation far beyond presently-practiced cooperation.

In the immediate future. a few very important required actions and goals are:
• The parliaments and governments·of many countries provide financial and legal
support for research and development in space energy technology (SET). So far, only very few
countries are known to support SET, above all Japan. These few ,open-minded" countries may
thus obtain a long-lasting comparative advantage.
• Especially those companies and sectors of the present day economy soon get engaged
in investigating, developing and applying SET. which aie affected most by the large-scale use of
SET-devices, e.g. electric power companies, oil and natural gas companies, coal industry. power
plant industry, industries producing transport vehicles of all kinds. (Space energy will also com-
pete with traditional types of renewable energy like sun and wind.)
• The same should be true of countries which in the short run lose most from the change
to a new energy system (e.g. countries exporting oil and natural gas).
• Networking beyond the traditional borders of fields of science and engineering is
practiced frequently; it is supported by private investors and by public funds.
• Distance teaching, including modern media and combined with traditional types of
training and study, is used as an important and highly effective instrument for spreading know-
ledge about space energy technology and related chances and problems. Introducing SET will
lead to an unprecedented demand for education and training at all levels (from the kindergarten
to the university and to the research institute).

Copyright© 1996 by J.Gruber


-... ·.-... ,.
Pr -~- ...· ____ __;


JJr. JosefGruber

Conference Hall. Hotel "Sovetskaya"St.-Petersburg, Russia

17 June !996


On the history of the event
Ow- city many times was the place of organisa1ion of scientific international
conferences. , In 1994 such sort conference "Space, Time, Gravitation" took place in
conference-hall of the hotel "Russia". Results of the conference were published in collection of
papers, but part of reports was rejected by editorial board. Dr. Efimov organised special
publication of such sort papers in separate book named "New Ideas in Natural Sciences"
published by. Russian Academy of Sciences. This book include many extra interesting papers:
"Influence of Magnetic Potential Vector on beta-decay velocity" by Baurov Ju.A., Schutov
V.L., "The experimental Results of Ether Wind Detection" by Mishin A.M., "The gravitation as
a consequence of interaction of matter and physical'vacuum", "The thennodynamic Equivalent
of the Gravi~~onal Field" by Shpakov P.D., "The Application of Potential Energy to Create
the Power" by Frolov A. V ., "Space-Time and Functional Spaces of Processes" by Smimov
A.P., "On relationship between Electromagnetic and Gravitational Interaction" by Simakov
A.S., "The Energy and Mass of Gravitational Field" by Fogel V.A and Shulgin V.G.,
"Thennodynamics of Space and Time" by Goryachko LG., "The Law ofNat;ure of Forces" by
Ostrikov MF. and Bogomolov S.l., and many other papers. ·

People collected round of the book publication process were interested in discussion
that is more natural and more :free of scientific dogmatism. So, in December of 1995 it was
organised the committee for new conference and the name "New Ideas in Natural Sciences"
was stated to develop the spirit of the book that was published by edition of Dr. Efimov and
other scientists of RAS.

There are some differences between planned program aiJd real list of speakers. At first,
unfortunately, planned lecture "Russian cold fusion of 1960th" by well-known inventor Mr.
Filimonenko, Moscow was not reported. But some serious claims on the topic above were
made by Mr. Rodionov, Moscow, Russian Physical-Chemistry Society. Guests of the
conference did not saw flying antigravitation systems but inventor Konstantin Shukalov invited
all par1icipants of the conference to visit his home laboratory in Ivanovo, Russia. Also his
brother Boris Shukalov demonstrated some horizontally moving devices are using reactionless
method for propulsion.

Unfortunately, in strength of very big numbers of reports there was no free time for
discussions and it was one of the most serious defects of the conference.

Delay in publication if the Proceedings is exptamed by financial problems of many

authors to make the translation of their papers in Engtish. Some papers were received by
compilators in Russian text that require tlme for t:ranslating; some papers were obtained from
authors in November of 1996. I hope tJtat interesting scientific concepts and descriptions of
experiments are serious reasons to apology the delay in publication of the Proceedings.

Best wishes for your scientific research work,



A. Zielinski

A new exciting discovery of the behavior of aether leads to a new
concept of the essence~£ aether, that is able to explain why the
~amous Michelson-Morley aether experiment of 1887 .failed, explain
and unify the forces of nature, .explain why _quantum theory works
and even explain where the universe comes from, and last but not
least, shows the gateway to the new source of energy of the
future. ·
Magneto-voltaic technology
Great scientists such as Nikola Tesla, Paul Dirac and Werner
Heisenberg have predicted the introduction of a new source of
energy, which they called "electromagnetic quantum energy",
" zero-point energy" and also vacuum-field energy", which are
different names for aether energy.
Recently, I successfully concluded fundamental research in the
field . of aether energy conversion, which has resulted in a new
techn6logy for producin~ engines, generators and batteries, in an
economical and technically feasible manner. The very high energy
densitiy of aether allows such a flexibility of the aether
absorption/conversion. units, _ that they can be integrated on a
silicon chip, fo'r powering the chip of a wrist watch or a
computer, but the' aether energy absorber-convertor units can also
meet the requirements of a 4,000 megawatt power plant. This means
that before the turn of this century, a. new source of energy will
be available for pow~ring automobiles, trains, ships, aircraft,
tractors, electric power plants, homes, industries, portable
compute rs , telephones - etc.
The aether technology in which I am involved and which I call
magneto-voltaic technology, is environmentally clean and
unlimited. Its application is neither restricted nor limited by
materials or resource&~
An ~rroneous development in the hi~tory of physics
In 1887, Albert Michelson and Edward Williams Morley ( 1, 2) ,
assuming that aether was uniform and at rest in space, wanted to
measure the absolute motion of the earth in space. In order to do
so , a special sensitive interferometer was pointed in various
compass directions. The interferometer readings, however,
indicated that . the earth had no relative motion to the aether in
any ho r izontal ·direction. -

Copyright © 1996 by A. Zielinski


The interpretation of the result of the experiment was that it

.would mean that the eu.rth had no relative motion in space, which
was obviously not the case. Michelson and Morley could not
explain this mystery and, therefore, thought that their
experiment had failed . Even today, many scientists believe that
the Michelson-Morley aether experiment is probably the most
important experiment that did not work, in the entire history of
One of the explanations given by numerous physicists, including
Albert Einstein, is that there is no such thing as aether at all.
Until today, many mysterious forces and phenomena are still
puzzling the minds of astronomers and physicists because of the
unsolved mystery of the aether, that kept concealed the nature of
mass, inertia, gravity, the powers of attraction and repulsion ,
magnetism, light, heat, electricity, sup~rconductivity, twin
stars, the source of energy of stars, volcanic and tectonic
activities, black holes, and the expansion of the universe.
The mistake in the experiment
The assumption of Michelson and Morley that aether was uniform
and at rest in space, was a fundamental error [1, 2]. Had
Michelson and Morley pointed their interferometer in a vertical
plane, they would have concluded that the earth is moving in a
perpendicular direction to the surface of the earth into space. A
worldwide verification of their ·experiment would have indicated
that the earth is moving everywhere simultaneously in a vertical
direction in space, which is, of course, not possible. The only
conclusion, therefore, is: aether is constantly moving towards
the earth in straight perpendicular lines, just like reversed
rays of energy (fig.l). ·
I have termed this phenomenon the "Charan effect". The Char an
effect is the cause .o f many sub- effects, as we shall discover
further on. Consequent experiments and observations were so
coherent that the existence of aether could not be ignored any
longer, and the need of a concept or theory that would describe
the essence, qualities and behavior of aether, was required for
me to continue my own research in the field of quantum
electrodynamics , which is my field of activity.
A concept of the nature of a~ther, based on the Charan effect
The true nature of aether cannot be conceived by the human
intellect since it cannot be perceived by human senses. However,
conclusions may be drawn based on the actions of aether or on
phenomena caused by aether actions that probably may be true or
closer to the truth than present assumptions. In this view, I
have developed the following theory with which almost all the
phenomena mentioned earlier can be explained in a logical,
coherent and conclusive manner:
Aether is a pure form of subtle, active energy, in which all the
forces of nature are vested. Aether is the subtle energy tissue
out of which matter has been made and is still being made and

Copyright© 1996 by A. Zielinski


sustained. Subatomic interaction of aether and matter causes the

phenomena of - inertia, mass, gravity, cohesion and all the forces
in nature.

On its way to the center of cosmic systems such as galaxies, the

solar system and atoms, the density of aether increases, causing
higher speeds of the solar planets and of the subatomic particles
interacting with it. The Char an effect is fundamental for the
movement, control and equilibrium of the cosmos.
The consequences of the Charan effect
The Char an effect, as simple and innocent as it may look, may
have a bearing on sc~ence and stir up many aspects of it, even in
industry, economy and society. Many ideas, ·.theories, concepts,
formulae, definitions and units in physics, even of such great
men as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, may have . to be reviewed,
redefined, adjusted or corrected.
The following examples may clarify what the logical consequences
could be if !:he Charan effect were applied j1:1st in physics and
* Velocity of ·light is not constant, but is a function of aether
density. The closer to masses, the higher the aether density due
to the Charan effect and consequently the higher the velocity of
Even electrons have a higher velocity the closer they get to the
nucleus. In similar manner, planets also have a higher orbital
velocity !:he closer they are to the sun. Equally, all celestial
bodies and celestial systems move faster the closer they are
located to the center of our galaxy.

* Inertia would mean subatomic interaction with aether .

* Mass would mean concentration of aether, due to the Char an
effect, which is m~inly in the center of a subatomic particle or
the center of a celestial body, . because of the higher density
(concentration) of aether there . Consequently, mass may be just a
flow of aether, a flow of energy, or an absorption of aether, a
phenomenon, an effect, a force. It also means that mass is not a
function of velocity, as postulated by Albert Einstein, but a
function of a ether concentration ( aether density) , which
subsequently causes the velocity of a particle or a celestial
body. Mass is also an indication of the amount of aether that is
being absorbed by the subatomic particle or the celestial body .
The closer to the sun, the higher the speeds of the solar
planets, because of the higher density of aether, caused by the
Charan effect.

* Gravity would mean obstruction of the flow of aether, a kind of

"aether shadow" that bodies or particles cast upon each other;
less energy on one side as a result of the Charan effect (fig.
3) •

Copyright© 1996 by A. Zielinski


* Binding energy or cohesion of matter would mean gravity on a

molecular level, which means aether energy.
* Bending of light, caused by the Charan effect, may be the cause
for all sorts of distorsions if objects move between the eye of
an observer and a source of light - twin stars? pulsars? (fig.
2) •

* Magnetism would be caused by the movement of matter in space

(in aether) or of electrons in matter (in aether). The magnetic
poles of spinning celest ial bodies or of spinning subatomic
particles are vested in aether (fig. 4a, 4b and 4c).

* Shift angles between magnetic axes and spin axes of celestial

bodies are caused by the relative motion of the body to the
aether motion (fig. 5 ) .. Since aether is not at re~t ·in space, nor
uniform, measuring the shift angle and it~ posi ti"on would not
reveal the absolute movement of the body in space. There is no
such thing as a fixed point in space; everything is moving,
magnificently controlled by one law, ~ested in aether.
* The solar energy and the temperature of celestial bodies may be
caused by the concentration of aether due to the Charan effect;
the bigger the star, the higher the aether density and the higher
the temperature.

* Volcanic and tectonic actions may be caused by the

concentration of aether inside or at the center of the . earth
(fig. 6). The earth may be growing, its mass may be increasing
and its temperature may be rising.
* Black holes may not be black holes at all, but gigantic stars
absorbing aether at such enormous speed, causing a Doppler shift
of the light frequency far beyond the sensitivity of our eyes and
therefore creating the impression of a black hole.
* The big bang, presumably causing. the expansion of the universe,
may be just an impression caused by. the movement of aether
towards the center of our· galaxy . Most probably, there has never
been such a thing as a big bang . The Doppler red shift of light
is not only the foundation· of the big bang theory, it is also the
fundamental bas is of measurements in . astronomy. Now, if the
movement of aether in space may cause a Doppler red shift, then a
review of all the data in astonomy is due.
Beneficial applications of aether energy
The generation of electric energy is very urgent from an
environmental point of view. The replacement of 73 nuclear power
plants in Eastern Europe is an urgent requirement since they are
of the Tschernobyl type and represent a threat to humanity as
every nuclear power plant potentially does.
The application of magneto-voltaic energy in transportation will
also al l ow the masses in large cities such as New Delhi, Bombay,
Los Angeles, New York, Mexico City, Caracas etc. to breathe

Copyright @ 1996 by A. Zielinski


unpolluted pure air, which is of vital importance to human

From my own experiments and from experiments made by other
colleagues- I . know that aether can be applied for the treatment of
toxic waste and also nuclear waste.
In medicine, aether energy can be applied for instance for the
treatment of cataract as a matter of minutes, without touching
the eye.
Aether energy has been successfully applied in agriculture to
enhance crop growth instead of using chemical fertilizers, with
remarkable results.
Artificial deflection of the natural flow of aether (Charan
effect) is possible and can be used as a means of propulsion a
kind of artificial gravity. In my workshop I will discuss some
details of experiments in the field of electro-gravity including
details of a patent application for a spacecraft based on
The origin of the aether energy
Oriental mystic philosophies such as contained in · the Vedic
Sciences and other mystic scriptures [ 3, 4] indicate that the
creation consists of 12 parallel levels (see fig. 7 and 8).
We are at the lowest level of coarse matter which consists or
five elements, i.e. 1) earth (for all solids), 2) water (for all
what is liquid), 3) air (for all what is gaseous), 4) fire (for
thermal energy which is, however, not considered an element by
Western science), and 5) aether (for space energy or quantum
energy or zero-point energy or vacuum-field energy, all ~f which,
according to Western science, supposedly does not exist since the
Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887).
According to the above mentioned oriental mystic philosophy,
aether originates from the highest Level of Existence which is
permanent and which is referred to as "shabd" by the Hindus and
as "Logos" by the ancient Greeks. I will go into more detail on
this subject during my workshop.
Warning against tampering with aether energy
Aether energy should be used for improving the conditions of
humanity and not for military purposes or for one nation to take
advantage of other nations, as has so often been the case in
history with epochal discoveries and inventions.
I am sorry to say that in various countries scientific and
military organizations are already tampering and messing with
aether energy with so-called ionospheric heaters (see fig. 9-20)
The ability of man to destroy the .universe
In their book Angels don't play this HAARP [5], the consequences
of applied advances in- Tesla. Technology in .the US mi 1 i tary
project called "HAARP" have been re-searched and discussed by Dr.

Copyright© 1996 by A. Zielinski


Nick Bagich and Jeane Manning. The real disaster that the
installation of the HAARP program will trigger off, once
.activated, are far beyond the imagination of the writers and even
the US military.
In order to fully understand the total global impact the HAARP
installation will create, one has to understand what gravity and
gravitational field are. We should also understand the accident
described on page 194 of the above mentioned book where we can
"July 25 - August 10, 1995. Improvement evaluations were made, to
correct problems with the transmitter. Low power testing was
being done, in which the military 'swept 5000 channels in 3.2
second sweeps between 2. 8 and 10 megahertz'. In the sweep there
were three 'even mode resonances' discovered which, when hit,
caused a malfunction . in the device. Electrical . arcing occurred
between the antenna array and the lightning. arresters, a
four inch diameter aluminum plug to vaporize. The only thing left
of the plug was an aluminum coating i t left on insulating wires
when i t disappeared. The interesting fact about this problem was
i t occurred with only 100 watts of power from each of thirty-six
operating antennas. What unexpected things will happen when the
array is fully energized (with 10 gigawatts)?"

Three mental experiments will help us, even if we are laymen in

physics, to realize what gravity .and gravitational field are, and
the impact that will be created when tampering with them.

Experiment # 1
Imagine we had an unlimited amount of dominoes and we lined them
up from here to, let's say, Paris. Then we could tip the first
domino with 10 grams; it will fall down and cause the second
domino to tumble, too etc. The action of 10 grams will
cause all the dominoes to tumble including the last domino in
From this experiment we should understand that it is not the 10
gram action that causes al.l the dominoes to tumble, but the 10
gram action just creates an imbalance of the first domino. It is
the gravity, however, that causes the dominoes to fall. In other
words: only a 10 · gram action is required to trigger a
gravitational activity of all our dominoes from here to Paris.

Experiment # 2
Imagine we had an unlimited amount of special dominoes of which
only the first one we line up here is of noLmal size, and all the
subsequent dominoes we line up .again from here to Paris, are of
continuously increased size. By the time we reached Paris, the
last domino block would be 1000 meters high and weigh millions of
tons. Again we tip the first domino here with 10 grams, which
will fall down causing all the subsequent dominoes to tumble. By
the time the gravitational action reaches Paris, the last domino
in Paris will smash the Eiffel Tower.

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Zielinski


From this experiment we should understand that it is not the 10

gram action here that will smash the Eiffel Tower in Paris, but
. it is the gravitational energy that is picked up on the way to
Paris that smashes the Eiffel Tower.

In other words: only a 10 gram action is required to trigger a

non- linear gravitational activity which will cause the
destruction of the Eiffel Tower.
Experiment # 3
From experiment # 1 we have learned what a gravitational act i on
is, and from experiment # 2 we have understood the multiplying
effect of a non-linear gravitational process, which means the
larger the distance, the greater the impact.

Now, the subtle energy tissue out of which this creation is made
and which causes the gravitational field, is n o t confined to the
surface of the earth, but is ev.e rywhere in space and matter in
'the entire universe. It is the smallest buildi ng block of our -
visible and invisible - level of creation. Names such as "quantum
energy field", "zero-point energy field", "va~uum energy field"
and " aether energy field" are different names to describe the
same energy which pervades the entire universe and creation and
originates from the Creator.

All the po\'Jers necessary to co.ntr.ol the entire creation and

sustain l ·ife, are vested in this energy which we used to call
aether in . the past .
In analogy with the dominoes we used in experiment # 1 and ·2,
electromagnetic waves can be compared with dominoes that can be
lined up in space .

In our mental experiment # 3 w~ will, this time, send

electromagnetic waves to the moon since we have already caused
enough damage in Paris with our experiment # 2.
Let us imagine we set the f~equency, pulse form and pulse rate in
such a manner that the energy transmission works in a non-linear
mode, similar to experiment # 2, and that the antenna arrays will
be emitting electromagnetic waves which will be picking up space
energy on the way to the moon. Remember; the larger the distance,
the greater the impact. When reaching the protective layers of
the earth, the transmitted energy will have accumulated so much
energy already, that it will blow a hole through all the
protective layers around the globe and damage them. When reaching
the moon , the power of the transmitted energy will have grown to
such an extent that it will interact with the gravitationa l field
of the moon with such a tremendous impact that the moon will
disintegrate immediately since the cohesive force of matter i s
completely dependent · on the gravitational field (cohesion .i s
gravity on a molecular leve l ). The bits and piec es of the moon
will line up in annular shape around the e arth due to the
magnetic field of the earth similar to the rings of the planet

Copyright@ 1996 by A.lielinski


From this experiment we should learn that electromagnetic waves

will cause destruction when interacting with protective layers of·
the earth and its gravitational field.
The HAARP real (non-mental) experiment
Based on what we have learned from the mental experiments # 1 to
3, we are now in a position to understand what destructions the
real (non-mental) experiment called HAARP will cause to mankind.
Dependent on frequency, pulse shape, pulse rat~ and phase shift
of interacting antennas, the "space gravity field" will be
affected with the following phenomenal impact on our planet earth
and the universe to which it pertains: ·
1) Reduction of gravitational field in areas as large as Alaska
or even Australia, of the earth atmosphere.
2) This area of our protective atmosphere Yli 11 disappear into
3) The same area of the earth crust \o~ill be 'facing tremendous
earthquakes beyond our imagination. Mountains will just pop up
out of flat land and even out of the oceans. Volcanoes with
craters with a diameter of hundreds or even thousands of 'miles
will start throwing fire, lava, ashes and rocks into our
atmosphere. The sea will be boiling. The atmosphere will turn
into something that will extinguish all life on earth. A· wave
front higher than 1000 meters of mud will crush whatever it may
encounter on its way around the globe and cover the surface of
the globe with radioactive mud and rocks since most of the
nuclear systems and nuclear power plants will explode during the
earthquakes and volcanic actions.
4) The reduction of the gravitational fields in large areas of
the earth will cause a mechanical impulse to the earth which will
alter its rotational axes and its · magnetic poles. This will cause
the ice caps to melt and change the present climatic zones.
5) The mechanical impulse will also change the present orbit of
the earth around the sun including its spin which will cause a
change in the surface temperature of the earth and the global
If the beams of the HAARP antenna arrays are pointed towards the
center of our galaxy, the non-linear mode of the energy
transmission will cause such an impact because of the enormous
distance and the increasing space energy density towards the
center of our galaxy, that our whole galaxy disintegrates and
explodes into dust, rocks and boulders.

The destruction of the universe is thus within the capability of

man. The biblical apocalypse may be caused by man himself.

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Zielinski



(1] A. A. Michelson, Am . J. Sci . 3rd ser . , 22, 252-253 (1881),

and Univ. of Chicago Press, 1902 .

(2] A. A. Michelson & E. W. Morley, Am . J . Sci. 3rd ser., 34, 277


[3] Sardar Ba~adur Jagat Singh, The Science of the Soul, Radha
Soami Satsang Beas, Punjab, India .
[4] Sawan Singh, Philosophy of the Masters, Radha Soami Satsang
Beas, Punjab, India . ..
(5] Dr . Nick Begich & Jeane Manning, Angels ·don't play this
HAARP, Earthpulse Press, P.O. Box 201393, Anchorage, Alaska--
99520, USA; ISBN 0- 9648812-0-9.

Fig. 2

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Zielinski

Fig. 3


Fig. 4a Fig. 4b
Fig. 4c

magnetic field

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Copyright© 1996 by A. Zielinski

Fig. 7

Name location Presiding Function

6. Ajna Chakar Center. of the eyes Soul and Enlivens. the ·
Mind body
- ~
G,~~ .
Two Petals
5. Vishudhi or Throat Shaktl Minor creative
Kanth Chakar -current

0 16 Petals
Dark Blue

4. Anahat or Heart Shiva Protection and

Hirday Chakar

destruction of
physical body

12 Petals
3. Manipurak or Navel Vishnu To nourish the
Nabhi physical body

I• ~ 8 Petals
Dark Red
2. Svadasthan Genital Brahma To prepare the
physical body

I. Muladhar
* 6 Petals
Whitish Black
Rectum Ganesh Elimination of
physical matter

4 Petals
Reddish Colour
These six chak ras, called Darjat Sifli by the Mohammedan Saints, are the reflections of
the six Chakras of Brahmand. These lower Chakras are presided over by the deities,
or powers, whose function is only to look after the physical body.
CooYril!ht e 1996 by A . Zlelhuld

Upper Spiritual Lotuses above t he Eye Center

12. Sach Khand The Ocean of

Spirituality (VI)



• • •• • • • ••••
••• ••• •••Soul
......•. ...........
II. Anaa Hoo : : Drop separated
: Unalloyed : from the Ocean (V)
(I am that) :





••• .
Though descended
10. Nirala • •
(Maha Suna) : As yet Aloof : much.still not
••• ••
• engulfed In Matter (IV)
••••o ••
• • ••• ••••••
• ••• .
•• ••
• •
These are two parts
•• ••••••• ••• • • •••• •••• of Daswan Dwar (Ill)
• •
9. Sunna : Par Brahm :
•• •

• •

•••• •••
8. Musalsi
..•• ••...
: Brahm\ Aum or OM (II)
• ••
From here the
Creation began
•• ••

• ••
Ban k ; • : or the Brahm without Maya
Nal : :•••.' Crooked
:: Tunnel
(~~: .
•. Flame
·~· •
••• •••
••• •••• •• ••
7. Sahansar. Sabat Maya Brahm (I)
the Thousand (Brahm with Maya)
Petalled Lotus

Fig. 8
Coovrildtt@ 1996 by A . Zielinski

This illustration shows the ionosphere's relationship to

the Earth. The illustration appeared in the HAARP
Environmental Impact Statement on page 10-125 of
Volume II•.
FIG. 9


. :·~

......= ~ /i>J>
rm Areelbo M Monchegorsk
ushanbe S c Sura
T c Tromso

This diagram appeared in the Environmental Impact

Statement on HAARP on page 10-127, Volume II. It
shows the locations of other "ionospheric heaters" that
are now operating. These other "heaters" are much
smaller and less versatile than the new HAARP
FIG. 10
Copyright'© f~ by A. Zielinski
0 • • 28 0



This illustration was taken from the HAARP Environ-

mental Impact Statement, page 10-126, Volume II. It
shows a number of the application of the technology
which the military planners have acknowledged.
FJG. 11
The diagram below (taken from government records)
shows the focusing power of the HAARP ionospheric
heater. This diagram· shows the unique feature of
Eastlund's idea - to focus the energy to a point in the
ionosphere. Other ionospheric heaters project the energy
in t~ opposite way with the energy beam getting wider
and wider as it moves up into the atmosphere. The new
heater concentrates the energy whereas with the old
technology .the energy dissipates with height.

Copyright© 1996 by A. Zielinski

FIG. 12 '
This diagram was also dmwn by Eastlund to show the
effect of his full-sized heater. It shows the charged
particle motion in the Earth's Geomagnetic Field.


FIG. 13

The diagram below was drawn by Eastlund to illustrate

his global shield concept.


FIG. 14
Copyright© 1996 by A. ZielinsJd

The diagram below was taken from the primary U.S.

Patent of Eastlund (4,686,605).

12 \
\ \
\ \
-I I
13 J:..rc 1.

~ •.

FIG. 15

The diagrams below appear in U.S. Patent #5,038,664

and #4,817,495 and depict the shielding and discrim-
inating effects of the HAARP heater at fu!l size.

U.S. Patent Apr. 4, tm .. 4,817,495

/ ..... -- ..... ~

FIG. 16
Copyright© 1996 by A. Zielinski

These diagrams were taken from patent #4,8 17 ,495.

They show the the HAARP system being used to locate
and distinguish between incoming objects from space.
This application of the system would be used for deter-
mining the nature of payloads on incoming crafts in order
to locate those carrying nuclear warheads.

U.S. Patent Apr.~· 1989 4,817,495

FIG. 17

This diagram was taken from U. S. patent #5,041, 834

and shows the over-the-horizon applicatio~s of th~
HAARP technology. 1 is the HAARP heater. 2 1s an arti-
ficially created mirror in t~e ionosph~re .which is u~e? to
bounce a signal for use tn commumcat1ons and dlstmg-
uishing between incoming objects. ·


FIG. 18
Copyright © 1996 by A . Zielinski
32 This ~iagram shows part of the power beaming system 32
descnbed in the patents. This illustration shows an
energy beam being projected from the Earth into space
and bounced to a remote location thereby prov1ding
power to a point where it would otherwise not be

U.S. Patent Apr. U, 1993 5,202,689

.. . ·. . . . .
0 .0
0. 0
0 .

~. .
·o . .
. .
·0 .

0 .
0 ·. . 0 . 0
0 ..•

.. .
FIG. 19

This illustration is from presentations made at the

HAARP Workshop on Ionospheric Heating Diagnostics
which was held April 30- May 2, 1991 at Phillips
Laboratory (AFSC) Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts. The
illustration shows graphically how the ionosphere will be
used to bounce the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)
waves through the earth and atmosphere. These waves
in this depiction are being used for communication with
submarines. These ELF waves can disrupt mental
functions and may impact wildlife migration patterns.

.. •'

Researches on Ne·w 1,echnologies

Address list collecbld by Aleunder V. Frolov

• ADAS, Association of Distinguished American Scientists,P.O.Box 1472, Hm1tsville, AL 3.5807, USA Fax
205-536-0411. Dr. Thomas E. Bearden.
• Borderlnnd Sciences Resea."'Ch Foundation. P.O.Box 429, G&bervi1le, CA 95440-0429, USA
• Delta Spectrum Research, Inc., 5608 South 107th East Av., Tusla, Oklahoma 74146 USA Fax 918-459-
• Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc., 35 W.Talhnadge Ave., Akron, Ohio 44310, USA
+ Fusion Infonnati.on Center, P.O.Box 58639, Salt Lake City, Utah 84158-0369, USA Newsletter ·'Fusion
Facts", fax 801-583-6245.
+ Gravity Power Research Association, 36 Mountain Road. B1.niingtcn, MA 01803, USA
• GRI, Group Research In'iti.tute, P.O.Box 438, Nelson, New ZeaJ.and. Dr. Ashley Gray.
• Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 Braker JAne W., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759, USA
• INE, Institute for New Energy, 1304 South College Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA
+ Newsletter "New Enetgy Nevv-s", P.O.Box 58639, Salt Lake City, UI' 84158-8639, USA
• Intergrity Institute, 1377 K Street. NW, Suite 16, Washington DC, USA Fax 202-543-3069.
• Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratozy, Inc., P.O.B 1395, El Cetrito, CA 94530, USA Fax 5105265978.
• Quantum Biology Research Laboratory, Cota:li Research Institute. P.O.B 60653, Palo Alto, CA 94306,USA
• PACE, Planetary AssociationforC'rean Ene:gy, 100 BronionAv., Suite 1001, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaT1R
6G8. Fax 613-235-5876.
+ Planetartsche Verei:nigtmg fur Smbere Emigie, inc. Fet;ermu..ltler Stra!s: 12, D-53894 Mechernich,
FRG. Fax 49-24438221, E1-IWL i00276.26l@compusetv.oom.
• FUNDAPAC ADayme 1719, San lose, Guaymallen. Atgentir..a..
• SEA, Space Energy Association, P.O.Box 11422, Ck:arv.11ter, FL 34616, USA
• Tesla Book Company, P.O.Box 121873, Chula VIBtB, CA 91912, USA
• Tesla Incorporated, 760 Prairie Av., Craig, CO 81625, USA Fax ~3-824-7864.
+ Extra Ordinary Science, Resource Guide, filx 719-47$-0582.
• "Explore, The New Dimension in Scientific Appr...,P.O.B 15C8, Mount Vernon, Washington 98273, USA
• "Electric Spacecraft Journal", P.O.Box 18387, Asheville. NC 28814, USA Fex 704-683-3511.
• "Nexus New Times Magazine", P.O.Box 30, M~lepton Qld 4560, Auatialia. Froc 074-429381.
• ..Cold Fusion Times", P.O.&x 8ll35, Welleai.ey Hills l\AA02181, USA
• "In1inite Energy", P.O.Box 2816, Concord, NH 03302-2816, USA
• "Cold Fusion Technology", mx 603-224-.5975, emsil: 76570.2270@C'
• "21th Century Science & Teclm.ology, P.O.Box 16285, Washington, DC, 20041, USA
+ "Cold Fusion..., 70 b Route 202N. Pete..rsborougb, NH 03458. USA
• Brown's Gas lr.tem., 5063 DensmoreAv.• ENCINO, California 91436, USA, YullBrown.l- 818-990-4873
• ENECO, Inc., 391-B Chipeta Way, Salt LAke City, U1ah 84108, USA Fax 801-.5836245.
+ "Robert Adams and Company" 46 Llmding Road, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, New la!and.
• Methemitha, 3517 Linden, Switl.erlan.d. Mr. Fmncis Bosshard.
• Swiss Association for Free Energy, P.O.Box 10, 5704 Eglis'.;villi, Switzerland.
• American Pure Fusion Engineering ar>.d Supply, Pre!rident Wamm Cooley, 1-800-7897109,503-.585-6746.
+ Cosmic Energy Foundation, Nepturu..~ 11, 3318 El Dordiecht, Netherlands. Dr. Martin Holwerda.
• World Hannony, P.O.Box 361.1\pplecross 6153, Western .Al1stlalia.
• U.S.Wodd Harmony, P.O.Box 317, Rainier, WA 98576, USA
• Sabberton Research, P.O.Box 35, Southampton S09 7BU, England, Dr. Harold Aspden.
• CETI. Clean Energy Technologies., Inc.• Patternon Power Cell. fBx 214-9828349.214-9828340,Dallas. Texas.
• Clastron Sciences Corp., Mr. Ron Brightsen, l-703-476-8731.
• Holotec AG, Clean Energy Technology, Andre Waser, Mgr., Bireggmasse 14, CH-6003, Luzem,
Switzerland. Fax 011-41-41-3604486, voice Oll-41-41-3604485.
• Hydro Dynamics. Inc., Georgia, USA, W.r. James Griggs, fBx 1-706-2340702, voice 706-2344111.
• Labofex, Experimental and Applied Plasma Physics, Dr. Pilllo N. Correa, tel: 905-660-1040, fax
9057388427, Canada.
• Magnetic Power Inc., California, USA Mark Goldes, .fiJx 1-707-829-1002, voice 707-829-9391.
• Nova resources Group, Inc., Denver, CO, USA Chip Ransford, phone 303-433-5582.
+ Zenergy Corporation, Mr. Reed Huish. 390 South Robins Way, Chandler, .42. 85225, USA Fax 1-602-821-
0967, email: info@.,

The Structure of Problems and Misconceptions in Modem Physics.

Methods for Solution, Possibilities, and Consequences
by A. P. Smirnov

St.Petersburg, Russia

There is a critical situation in modern physics. Basing on the principles of

statistical approach and quantum notions, physicists tried to obtain the axiomatic
solution of the problem of many bodies as a problem about the behavior of a many-
particle system caused by changes in external conditions without any result. The
solution of this problem will give answers to many practical problems associated with
properties of real materials and organization of different technologies. In the absence
of the method for taking into account interaction and lack of understanding of the
specific features of real processes, even many special problems could not be solved, not
to mention the problem of many bodies. The models of the system of noninteracting
particles, principles, rules, and methods of statistical approach with the stochastic
techniques for estimation of the observed values dfd not give the expected result. The
approach to the analysis of phenomena itself caused scepticism of world-famous
scientists such as R. Feynrnan [1], A. Einstein [2], I.E.Tamm [6]. In spite of great
achievements in practical experimental physics and technology, many questions in the
solid state physics, electrodynamics, gravity, to say nothing about properties of vacuum
field, ether, space, time, etc. still remain unresolved.

In my opinion, all the arising difficulties and problems are connected with
transition of physics from the axiomatic description in the classical dynamics to .the
description of particular models and particular properties and phenomena by
approximate methods in terms of the statistical approach. Let us demonstrate this
using the solution of the problem of phase transitions as an example. It seemed that the
solution of this problem is the solution of the problem of many bodies. In modern
physics, all suggestions on solution of this problem were limited by either fitting of
known mathematical equations with varying parameters or expansion of functions of a
definite class into a series with respect to a small parameter. Numerous experimental
results were considered from the positions of one or another conception and models in
the hope to obtain their agreement with the theory. From the behavior of
characteristics of materials in the region of phase transitions, the existence of a certain
regularity of a general type was intuitively felt. Though much was said about this, and
theoretical papers were based in their conceptions on this idea, nevertheless no
attempts were made to obtain this supposed general regularity from the experimental
data. Experiments merely showed that no "agreement" with the theory in the whole
region of phase transition was observed. Sometimes, one succeeds in obtaining only the
interpolational description in a fairly narrow interval of variations of the characteristics
of phase transition. The only way out in this situation is to get this common (universal)
feature in the development of phenomena from the analysis of the experimental data.
Indeed, this way proved to be fruitful.

Precision measurements (with the error less than 0. 1%) carried out in studies of
phase transitions of different nature [3] showed that characteristics of a definite class
behave in the same manner. If the ordinate is the logarithm of the ratio between the
measure of something which has already happened (for instance, the measure of the
quantity of the phase which has been formed M) and something which is to happen
(i.e., the quantitative measure of the old phase Mo- M), and the abscissa is variation in
the parameter which defines the development of phase transition (temperature T,
pressure P, magnetic field H, etc.), the description of the phase transition process will
be multistage in these coordinates, and at each p-stage it will be common and universal:

M M D-Dp 2
In- - - - In P = ap( ) (l)
Mo- M Mo-Mp Dp

where k = 1,2,3.

Numerous attempts to obtain this expression from the existing conceptions of

phase transitions have been made, but without any result. It was quite evident that it is
impossible to obtain the relation o f this type in the framework of traditional
approaches. Only one thing was left, i.e. , to carry out a logical, semantic, mathematical
analysis of expression (1) in order to find what is reflected in this relation, what
fundamental information is contained in this equation which is unusual for modem

Further detailed studies of this expression led to an unexpected conclusion: real

processes rely on the principles and laws of classical dynamics. Moreover, the logic
development of these notions allow us to extend them to the region of quantum
phenomena. Let us consider the scheme of the analysis and its consequences.

Experiments showed that regularity (1) predicts the characteristics additive to

the number of particles in phases. If M ~ n, and (Mo - M) ~ (N - n), where N is the
number of particles in the system and n is the number of particles in the new phase,
then for a particular case of the temperature phase transition

In-- . - In
P =ap (T-Tp) 2 (2)
N- n N - np Tp

In fact, the equation for the macroscopic characteristics also reflects the microscopic
characteristics of the process. Let us draw conclusions.

1. It follows·from (2) that development of phase transitions caused by changes in

external conditions is realized through successive transition of particles from one phase
to the other.

2. The left-hand side of (2) is the derivative of the logarithm of the

combinatorial function used in discrete mathematics of finite sets to describe the
number of the types of arrangements of N part icles in two subsystems including n and
N - n particles. In statistical thermodynamics, this function is called entropy S

S = lnP =In · (3)
n!(N- n)!

Traditionally, S is regarded as an energy .measure (in relative units) of ordering of the

"state" which is determined with the accuracy to constant So

S =lnP +So (4)


However, in the experiment the constant is observed not for the function itself, but for
its derivative (2). This means that the initial integral function is given by

C =In Nn - In -n!(N-

From this, the result which is extremely important for understanding the difficulties of
the statistical approach follows. Relation (5) is a certain integral characteristic of the
process of successive particle-by-particle transitions of particles from one system to the
other. Every elementary event is charactersized by the measure of expenditures
described by relation (2). Each subsequent event differs from the previous one by the
expenditure equal to

iiC I I
- - =-+-- (6)
On2 n N- n

The double summation of these differences, beginning from the first event of filling of
one subsystem and emptying of the other, from n = 1 before filling of the subsystem to
n =n, gives the value (5). Expression (3) which is traditionally used in statistical physics
and thermodynamics is obtained if double summation is performed from n =N/2, i.e.,
when the subsystems are filled equally. This is associated with a corresponding
definition of equilibrium in the statistical approach: the system is in equilibrium if all
microstates with equal energies are equally probable. It is just this circumstance which
causes many problems in understanding and description of the properties of materials
in terms of the statistical approach.

The experimentally obtained characteristic (5) contains information about

specific features of evolution of the system of interacting particles where changes in the
system properties with every event of variation in its state is taken into account. Eq.(S)
reflects not only the memory about the prehistory, but also the structure of changes
during further evolution of the system. So, the phase transition process should be
regarded as an ordered sequence of elementary events of the variations in the state,
elementary processes of transition of particles from one state to another. Experiments
lead to another paradigm. The process should be presented not as a sequence of
"states", but as a sequence of elementary processes of changes of states.

3. The phase transition process develops in a multistage manner with a universal

regularity at each stage. The multistage nature of the process reflects the structural
organization of the material characterized by the radii of coordination spheres. The
many-particle system turns out to be arranged similar to an atom with many electrons,
and the phase transition process is similar to "ionization" of a Large Atom.

4. Taking into account that the difference between the events of changes in the
state is associated with the magnitudes of particle densities in subsystems, the left-hand
side of relation (2) can indeed be associated with a certai11 measure of energy
expenditures needed for a change of the state when a particle passes from one
subsystem into another. Note that here a change in the system response caused by every
elementary event of a change in the state is taken into account according to (6).

5. The right-hand side of (2) can be presented as a value proportional to the

force characteristic of external effect:


This gives us an idea that here the characteristic of the elementary event of the state
change with the Coulomb type interaction is reflected. This is indeed so, but to arrive
at this conclusion it was necessary to get a new understanding of the principles of
classical dynamics in their present-day interpretation and to return to the origin.

It turned out that an incorrect translation from classical Latin led to distortion
of the essence of the dynamic approach designed specially to analyze and describe the
processes of change in tbe state. In dynamics, the reason for this change of the state is
force as a manifestation of action. The force disappears as action is arrested and, hence,
there is no process of change of the state [4,5]. But this means that the observed laws
are dynamic and are the laws of change of the state. The Coulomb law has the same
meaning, i.e., it is dynamic and not static, as believed in modem physics [1). This means
that force F appears when one charge "e" is brought into a field of another charge "e"
[6). Energy E is spent for deformation of the charge fields, and it is not a characteristic
of a singe charge field. This is a characteristic of charge interaction, when there is
action, i.e., the process of change of their ml.!tual positions. Interaction and process are
synonyms. As action stops, changes in charge positions are arrested because the forces
which caused these changes disappear (are compensated). The magnitudes of E and F
for a certain magnitude of r in the Coulomb law can be regarded only as potential
values which will a~ise if a relevant process is realized.

This is an extremely important conceptual point in classical dynamics which,

unfortunately, is not involved in the "arsenal" of modem ideas about real processes.

6. According to the definition of force, action and laws in classical dynamics,

relations in the Coulomb's law

2 2
E=-e_. F=-e- (8)
4nsr' 4ns r 2

should be regarded as a system of equations describing ch~nges in charge positions to

distanc.e "r". It follows from (8) that

i. e., (9)

where a. is a constant of the fine structure, c is the velocity of tight, 1\ is Planck's

constant, and e is the dielectric constant of a medium. Relation (9) is the condition for
realization of the elementary event of change of the state. For the event to take place, a
minimum action 1'1 (Planck's constant) is always required. This condition is defined as
a property of the limitedness of tbe process (3}, which can also be looked upon as the
principle of defmiteness of tbe process, the principle of defmiteness of the process
parameters. The process will occur, if interaction parameters satisfy relation (9).

7. Since the process always obeys the principle of minimum action of

Maupertuis-Lagrange, and every elementary event is realized at a minimum possible
action h , any process is realized through a sequence of elementary events of changes in
the state, as it is observed experimentally (2). Thus a new paradigm follows from the
principles of classical dynamics.

8. Eq.(5) can give a fuller understanding of specific features of interaction

pat:ameters E and F. When analyzing the process of friction, I. Newton noted that for
a new property or quality to appear, external forces should overcome a certain
threshold magnitude of a relevant value. The excess is spent on kinetic energy and
dissipation. A threshold for value FV AE/At should also be overcome. In fact, here
we speak about energy expenditures which are determined by the manifestation of the
third law in the form

(FV)d = (F\')th (10)

This mathematical form for the third law of !.Newton is hardly known to the majority
of those who are studying physics. Thus the conditions for the transition of a system
element or particle to a new state require that the condition for threshold values

F = Fth + F!tin ; E = & + Et~n (1 I)

be fulfilled. So, these are Newton's statements "translated" into formulae. But these are
the conditions which predetermined the quantum notion in the analysis of the
photoeffect by A. Einstein [7]. From here, the conditions for realization of the
elementary event which allow us to detect experimentally the fact of change in the state
caused by a change in quality or property follows:

because 41te E; =1t (12)

a. F ,c

Thus, the logical development of the principles and laws of classical dynamics
has led to a justified extension of these principles to the area of quantum phen~mena.

9. Excess E > & and F > Fth is spent on kinetic energy and dissipation:
Dissipation is a necessary and sufficient condition for realization of exact laws of

I0. The logic of this analysis leads us to one more important conclusion. The
process of change of system properties is realized through a sequence of elementary
events. Each elementary event is characterized by definite magnitudes of interaction
parameters fu and Fth. This means that in the experiment the process of evolution is
represented as a sequence of discrete instantaneous values of interaction parameters,
i.e., finite sets in terms of discrete mathematics.

Now it becomes clear that difficulties encountered in the statistical approach to

the analysis of phenomena arose because of substitution of the perception of the
process as a sequence of elementary events in dynamics by the interpretation of the
process as a sequence of "states"("quasiprocess"). This notion cannot reflect specific
features of real properties of materials becal;lSe the property itself is a characteristic of
the process of the system response to the process of change of conditions, external
influence. Only in the process of change of the state the laws of interrelation, laws of
interaction owing to which a definite "state" is reached manifest themselves.

The substitution of the idea about the process led to substitution of the meaning
of notions, terms, and even to changes in the rules and interpretation of laws formed by
classical dynamics. A similar situation is found in mathematics in an incorrect use of
the operational apparatus of mathematics for description of the nonprocessing

It is important to note here that in describing phenomena, a necessary and

sufficient number of functional par ameters should be used. Their lack or excess l~ads to
the use of nonhomeomorphous spaces (coordinate system) for description. They are
not transferred unambiguously and continuously into the space of functional
parameters where parameters of processes are interrelated by prin_ciples and laws of
dynamics. It is just in the functional space of interaction parameters that the
experimentally universal general description of evolution of a real system of interacting
particles caused by changes in the external conditions was obtained. Formally, the
excess of parameters used for description led to the necessity of stochastic methods of
analysis. For instance, space and time are not functional parameters in a wide range of
studies because the process which is determined only by the functional interaction
parameters (as we have seen) was independent on them. A process can be considered in
the coordinate space and in time, but it does not depend on these parameters: it occurs
in space and time. We judge about the process by spatial coordinates and their changes,
we get an idea about the process through these parameters. These parameters reflect the
forms of real motion, but do not determine them.

A long way of "normal" (according to the term ofT. Kun [8]) development of
science has led to formation of a well established structure of misconceptions. A
different mentality has been formed, an outlook differing from that created by the
classic authors of the dynamic approach. The number of principles, notions,
treatments, definitions, and models belonging to the category of misconceptions is too
large (more than fifty) to correct the situation in the framework of the statistical
approach. 150 years spent for its perfection is an entirely sufficient period to confirm its
"bankruptci' in the area to which it does not belong.

It follows from the said above that to understand a wide range of phenomena
belonging to phase transitions and processes of changes of p'roperties in general and to
describe them only a small number of principles and laws of classical dynamics with a
logical extension to the field of quantum phenomena is required. They are as follows:

• A general mechanism of change of the state in a many-particle system - a

change in the position of a system element.

• General laws of conservation, laws and methods of classical dynamics.

• The principle of action minimum of Maupertuis-Lagrange. ,.

• The principle of definiteness of an elementary event of change of the state in

case of minimum action which gives the method for taking into account interaction.

These notions form the basis of the quantum dynamic approach in terms of
which it is not difficult to obtain an axiomatic solution for the dynamic aspect of the
problem of many bodies, i.e., a general universal relation (1) or (2). A more
comprehensive description of the analysis of the existing situation in physics and
mathematics and principles and methods of the quantum dynamic approach will be
given in a separate review. The goal of this paper is to introduce the reader to the
important conclusions concerning features of real processes in terms of the quantum
dynamic approach.

To summarize, we briefly list the conclusions which can form a basis for a new
mentality in the physical outlook, a new physical picture of the world:

I. The process is presented as an ordered sequence of changes of the state of

system elements through a sequence of elementary events which require a minimum
action for realization.

2. The Coulomb's law is a dynamic law and it reflects interaction between

charges, i.e., the characteristic of the process of deformation of fields of charges when
their positions change.

3. Characteristics of the process parameters - action, force, energy - in the

elementary event of change of the state determine the interaction parameters.
Interaction and process are synonyms.

4. Conditions for realization of an elementary event at a minimum possible

action h determine how interaction is taken into account.

5. Parameters of interaction in an elementary event can be regarded as

conditions for attaining a definite state and are potential parameters of state, i.e.,
magnitudes of relevant values which determine the conditions for attainment of this
state in a relevant process.

6. The description of evolution of the system of interacting particles can be

presented as an ordered sequence of two-particle problems for an elementary event of
change of the state according to Coulomb's Jaw (8).

7. The system of interacting particles should be pictured as consisting of two

subsystems of particles of different types which are not identical to each other, and the
process of change of the state is thought of as involving the passage of a particle from
one subsystem to the other.

8. The particle-by-particle process of evolution of the system of interacting

particles caused by changes in the external conditions reflects a single process, i.e., a
decay of one subsystem of particles with a simultaneous formation of another
subsystem of particles, i.e., simultaneous decay and synthesis.

9. Transition of a particle from one subsystem to the other gives rise to changes
in their properties, change in their identity with the system of particles in which they
have been, and energy is spent for this.

10. Identity reflects the analogous behavior of system elements and their
response with respect to a definite process.

11. Quantum nature is a notion of a category which defines the conditions for
establishing the fact of change of the state and conditions for its accomplishment at
definite threshold values of the interaction parameters.

12. Temperature is a characteristic of the thermostat electromagnetic field

spectrum (according to Planck), i.e., the energy and force characteristics of the
external effect on the system in the thermostat. The external system of interaction with
respect to the system of particles is believed to be any system, ergosphere [3], such as
magnetic field, pressure source, radiation of different ranges, gravity field, vacuum
field, ether, etc. The system of particles is always an open system.

13. Balance in the equation describing evolution of a many-particle system

assumes not only fulfilment of conservation laws but also taking into account the
"calibration" of the process in each elementary event of change of the state by the
number of particles in the subsystem, i.e., taking into account the "expenses" and the
remaining resource of particles in subsystems. There is no necessity in "averaging"
according to Boltzman-Gibbs.

14. In the framework of these notions, a universal Lagrangian expressed through

the number of particles of subsystems' filling can be introduced.

15. Those characteristics which are additive to the number of particles in

subsystems should be used for the analysis and description of the processes. In this case
equations for the micro- and macrodescription turn out to be universal and identical
and are expressed in a simple algebraic form .
16. In spite of a diversity of many-particle systems and their properties, the
model for the process of change of the properties, i.e., the system evolution caused by
changes in external conditions, proves to be general and universal.

17. The process of evolution of a system of interacting particles is described

algebraically in the space of functional parameters of the process (action, force, energy)
using discrete mathematics of finite sets.

18. Any process of change of the state of a many-particle system accompanied

by changes in its properties should be regarded as a phase transition with a universal
description of the system evolution caused by changes in external conditions.

19. Any process of changes in properties realized through an elementary process

with threshold values of interaction parameters should be classified as a quantum

20. Though space and time coordinates are absent in Eq.(l), it should be
classified as a dynamic process because it is based on the principles of dynamics and
describes the dynamics of the evolution process through a sequence of instantanebus
values of dynamic variables.

21 . In experiments we always deal with detection, observation of the results of

the process of response, i.e., with something which arises. The world is given to us in
motion as constantly arising.

This is a list of key points (far from complete) which are important for the
physical analysis and description of things occurring in reality. It can be seen from the
above discussion that the arsenal of suggested tools does not require a special skill in
understanding and practical use of the quantum-dynamic approach based on common
sense which has been· formed by classic dynamics. In each point, comparison can be
made with the solution of one or another problem in the framework of traditional
methods. This will give us an idea about the structure of misconceptions concerning the
properties of real world caused by the statistical approach and even quantum physics.

Development of the quantum-dynamic approach relies on the principles of

constructive logic which is characterized by the inductive construction of a concept
and logic mathematical apparatus and perception of the subject or process as a whole.
In reality we always obtain information about response, about something arising.
From this fact (the consequence of the process) we judge about its reasons and
conditions and arrive at conclusions about the possible principles underlying them.
This is the essence of the inductive approach used in classic dynamics. Owing to this,

the initial statements, principles, and terms which cannot be proved in the framework
of existing knowledge are brought to a minimum, but their meaning in the treatment
of laws, operational rules, and definitions is substantiated using the formalized
language of facts. This method proved to be most efficient for overcoming the
difficulties of axiomatic description in one of the fields of knowledge, i.e., in the
physics of real processes.

The suggested approach allows us to understand, explain, and describe from a

unified point of view a wide range of phenomena and to solve a number of problems
which cannot be solved in the framework of the statistical approach. Moreover, it
seems possible to discover new classes of phenomena and new potentials in
technologies, because the new paradigm has an entirely different basis, a different
picture of the world. The possibilities t6··organize new pro.cesses, new·phenomena, new
structures, and technologies which are capable of a directed programmed self-
organization of many-particle systems arise.

Because of the universal nature of the principles of the process of change of the
state which leads to changes in properties. 8lld quality, nearly the same occurs
everywhere. As M. V. Lomonosov said, "it: son1ettting is spent ~t one place, there is a
gain at another place". But this is perceived by us as a richness· and diversity of the real
world because of a possibility of an enormous number of combinations from a
relatively limited number of elements of the uniyerse.
However, it should always be remembered that some combinations can lead to
appearance of new phenomena which are dangerous not only for a man and mankind
but also for the Nature on the whole. This circumstance always requires that the results
of possible "discoveries" should be carefully analyzed.

References .<

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MJs.HHKOJiaescKoif MOpCKoH ai<a.neMHH, il6., 1915 r., KHHrH I H 2.
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PhDr. Anatoly P. Smirnov


On Physical Space Structure and New Interaction in Nature

Central Research Institute of Machinery,
141070, Pionerskaya 4, Kaliningrad town, Moscow Region


The development of mankind on base of known paradigms comes presently to its

limit. Inevitability of energetic hunger for developing human society when using
traditional sources of energy (gas, petroleum, nuclear fuel etc.) is a matter of common
knowledge. Well known are the approaching ecological disaster for mankind with
retention of present-day pace of development using the currently available production
processes as well as the problem of informational collapse (information is produced in
more amounts than may be passed through information channels).
What is the way out'! It is clear that new non-traditional approaches are necessary in
knowledge of nature. One of them will be considered in this article which is devoted to
knowledge of space and time structure forming the basis for physical vacuum·
containing more than 90 percent of the whole energy of the Universe.
A huge number of papers are dedicated to the structure of space and time physical
sense of these fundamental concepts, and their properties. Therefore we advise the
reader to become acquainted only with two mon0graphs (1,2].
In all existing works on quantum field theory, the space in which elementary
processes happen, as a rule, is given in· one way or another. ynfortunately, the
advancement of physical notion of elementary processes (on base of modem superstring
models [3-5]. also offers no explanation for the structure of the observed space in itself
which is obtained, for example, in one of the models, by compactification of six
dimensions in the ten-dime{lsional space. But I was interested all the time in the process
of origin of the physical space itself, as well as quantum numbers and charges of
elementary particles.
In papers [6-10] we have considered the time interval in metrics in a new wa~. It was
assumed that the propagation velocity of interactions C is, in some local region, a
function of an interior parameter x (distance) and time t (Traditionally, the elementary
time interval was represented as Cdt, but in Refs.[6-10] it was assumed to be
d[C(x.r)r]). In consequence of this, it has been found that in addition to the velocity C
= C0 (C0 is speed of light), the velocity C = -C0 can exist in nature, .but distances
between objects must therewith be negative. As is shown in Ref. [9], the velocity

Copyright@ 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov

C =-C 0, negative distances, and charges opposite in sign completely describe the
world of antiparticles without time inversion as in Feynmann-Sttickelberger scheme. In
papers [8,9], action was considered for the system ofspinor and fields interacting with
electromagnetic field in the metrics with the above mentioned time interval. As a result
of varying said action with C ( x.t) considered as a generalized coordinate, the electric
charge e as a function e {C (x, t)}, and statistical properties of spinor and boson fields
being fixed, the expression were obtained for masses of leptons in tenns of relations of
some dimensions
mr = mv, cr• I (8x0 ); m "~ , m.P , m. , are masses

of electron-type, muon-type, and, -r neutrino, respectively; Ct *.-10"13em, x 0 -J0" 17em), as

well as masses of main barions and mesons.
In the framework of the model of Ref. [9,10], new insight into the physical sense of
fundamental constants and quantum numbers was gained, the masses of all particles
were shown to be proportional to the modulus of the cosmological vectorial potential
~, a new fundamental vectorial constant.
Since in papers [9 ,I OJ] the fonnation process of charge numbers of elementary
particles was investigated (in particular, the electric charge was varied and hence, the
gauge in variance was violated), the potential gained a p~ysical sense in such a model. In
existing theories, the potentials have no physical sense and are defined with an accuracy
of a constant or the gradient of an arbitrary function as, for example, the vectorial
potential of the electromagnetic field.


The expressions given in Refs. [9,10] for masses of elementary particles, Plank's
constant (h), vectorial to axial weak interaction constants ratio, and others, are
invariant relative to simultaneous variation of the parameters ( 4, x 0, cr· ) in two
following relationships:
,-;-;::; hC
14lx0 = const ="n~...,4J3ef1 , (1)
4 3e0

x0 I (Ct ) = const = (4Jie
, (2)

where e0 is the elementary electric charge.

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov


In connection with the preceding, the following model of physical space structure has
arisen (proposed first in Refs. [11,12]). It was assumed that there exists a finite set
cP(i) of bjuons', vectorial quantities expressed in the following manner:

<i>(i) = Ax(i). (3)

where x (i) is the "length" of bjuons, a real <positive or negative) quantity depending
on the index i=O, I. 2, ... , k, ... (quantum number of <1> (i)). The vector A is defined as a
vectorial potential taking in magnitude only two values:

where Ar is the modulus of the cosmological vectorial potential, a new fundamental

vectorial constant introduced in Refs. [9 ,10] (Arzl, 95-10 CGSE units).
Under proper discrete time of the bjuon one means, according to this conception, a
discrete change of the index i in one or another direction. In connection with the
discrete time, time quantum r0 and space quantum x0 are introduced in the one-

dimensional space R 1 ofbjuons (r0;:;1},9-10' c,- x0 z2,8·10- em) (10, 11]. The vector
43 33
A and
hence the vector <tl(i) are directed always from the beginning of the bjuon (lesser value
i for x>O) to its end (greater value z).
Depending_ on whether the vector Ar is real or imaginary, whether the length x(i) is
positive or.. negative, and its modulus decreases or increases, the free bjuons (not
interacting with each other) may be only in one four so called vacuum states (VS):
IT,T,I,JI[li, 12].
Let us introduce the following definitions:
1. The free bjuon is in the vacuum state IT if its positive length discretely increases
one quantum of distance x0 on one quantum of time r0 • Therewith the propagation

velocity of the bj uori (the increase in its length) is C =(x0 - 0) I r 0 =C0 ( C0 is speed of
2. The free bjuon is in VS T if its positive length discretely decreases x 0 in time r 0 . In

this case C =(0- X0 ) I r0 =-C0 •

3. The free bjuon is in VS II if modulus of its negative length increases x0
in time r 0 .

Therewith C =(-X0 -0)1 r 0 =-C0 •

' This name was introduced in Ref.£35], earlier they were named "one-dimensional "magnetic" fluxes." .

Copyright© t996 by Yu.A.Baurov


4. The free bjuon is in vs r if modulus of its negative length decreases Xo in time To·
In this case C = [0- ( -x0 ) ] I -r 0 = C0 •
It is seen from the definition of vacuum states of bjuons that they are in permanent
dynamics: the bjuons are perpetually in the process of production, annihilation,
expansion and reduction. The set of free (non-interacting) bjuons being in VS IT, T, I
, II fonns physical vacuum of one-dimensional space R 1 of index i of one-dimensional
We set up the following hypothesis. Let us assume t~at the observed three-
dimensional space R 3 is formed in result of minimizing potential energy (E) of
interaction between bjuons in the one-dimensional space R 1 build up by them . More
precisely, the space R 3 is fixed by us as a result of the originated dynamics of bjuons.
The dynamic processes originate therewith in the space R 3 for objects with positive
potential energy of bjuon interaction and, as a result, wave properties of elementary
particles appear.
The advanced hypothesis requires to develop a mathematical model based on a new
algebra of probabilistic events, with algebraic aspects and concepts considered by us as
primary, and geometrical ones as secondary and formed from them.
In the present paper we consider only the physical statement of the problem and give
the final results of computations supporting said hypothesis as wel1 as results of the
most prominent experiments.
The space R 3 is formed from the set of bjuons in such a way that at i-rh point there
exist all the bjuons with lengths smaller than x (i) or equal to it for x (i) >0, and smaller
in magnitude than x(k-i) for x(k-i)<O if k is a period in i.
The suggestion that two neighbouring bjuons(i-th and {i+J)-rh; (i+l)-th and (i+2) -
th etc.)will interact in vacuum states IT and IT, is invalid since in this case the
definition of the biuons for these VSs is violated at the point of interaction. Such an
interaction is possible only between the i-rh and (i-k)-th bjuons in the state IT if they
form a "loop" in the space R 1 (under the "loop" we mean periodicity of the process in
z), i.e. two bjuons (!It and II,~") will be observed simultaneously at one point of the
space R 1• The sma11est value possible fork is k=3. In Fig. 1 the interaction of the bjuons
in vacuum states u; and II; (the smallest loop), is shown. The interaction of bjuons
in the state II. is similar.
The set of two-contact interactions of bjuons is divided, depending on the reference
point, into three subsets M 0 , M 1 , M 2 (the subscript denotes reference point) to which,

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.A.Bnurov


when introducing metrk properties, three one-dimensional subspaces R 1.0 , Ru, Ru will
correspond. Any value of index i may be always reindicated by}. then the values }=0.
1. 2 will correspond to the reference points. Reindicauon of i+J by ~. i+2 by y etc.
gives rise depending on the reference point, to three families of subspaces embedded in
each other:
re f . pomt "0" ~ R 11.0 ::> R11•0 :::l .R1~.0 ::> R 17.0 etc.,
re f . pomt "1" ~ R11•1 :::l R11.1 ::> R~1,1 ::> R'J.J et c.,

ref. point "2" ~ R;.2 :::l Rf2 ::> RL ::> RJ.: etc., if i>j>~>r etc.
Thus, since there exist three independent reference points for pair interactions of
bjuons, three independent coordinates must be specified for fixation of pair interaction
relative to three origins. It should be noted [1I, 12] that R 1 consists of the set of points
A ({A}) at which we may not introduce four-contact interactions of bjuons of E>O, and
the set of points D ( {D}) at which such interactions may be introduced.
A new coordinate is specified therewith between the points {A} and {D}. At each
subsequent instant of time,renumbering of points A and D takes place (i.e. point A
goes into D, and D into A), is result of which the minimum action equal Jz as well as
"spinning" of objects with E>O in the subspaces R 1.0 , Ru. R 1,1 occur (i.e. the concept
of spin is introduced for objects with E>O). The major. kinetic energy of objects in the
subspace R 3 is shown to be governed by their rotation [12].
The computational search for a minimum E(i)>O for bjuons leads .to following
values (in distances) of optimum periods in i: 3,5·10'17cm; -10-ucm; -Jcl8cm. The
minimum four-contact interaction of bjuons of residual (after minimization) potential
energy equal to 33e V determines formation of the interior space of any elementary
particle and the entire Universe. For its free state, the spread in coordinate in R 3 is
equal to Jcl8etn, in accordance with Heisenberg uncertainty relation. This allows to
obtain the mean density of substance in the Universe, it equal -J0'29gcm·3 (11].
It can be shown that all existing interactions reduce in the present conception only to
variation of obtained periods of bj uon interactions [12).



In the works [13-16], the results of the first experimental investigations of the new
interaction arising when acting on the process of forming masses of elementary particles
Copyright© 19% by Yu.A.Baurov

by the vectorial potential of high-current systems, are presented. In refs. (16, 17] an
approximate, but presently the most correct expression for the new force is given. It
·represents the sum of a certain series in which the difference L1A of changes in 141 at the

location points of the sensor and body as well as the gradient of L1A in the direction of
4- appear, that is the new force is of substancially nonlinear and nonlocal character. If,
for example, the points of the sensor and body location coincide, the force will be
The experiments on investigation of the new interaction were carried out with the aid
of torsion and piezoresonance balances with superconductive and resistive magnets. The
results of all experiments conducted have shown presence of an anisotropy of physical
space associated with existence of the vector 4. The right ascention coordinate for the
vector 4 is equal to 270°:t70, the declination o::::30". In Fig. 2 the results of the
experiment of January 9-10,1992z. carried out with a resistive magnet with a field up to
JST, are shown. As a test body, the ,B-tin weight of mass 22g was used. As is seen from
the Figure, there exist peaks in the curves of piezoresonlmce balance frequency
variations .dfo in the region of 7-8 hours, which peaks correspond to fixed field values
B=l T and 14T, which the deflection at B==l4T less than at B==l T. The deflections .t1f and are oppositely directed, which is indicative of the dependence of the new force on
L1A in the form of a certain series.
As is seen from the Figure 2, the theoretical curves obtained on base of the
expression for the force given in Refs.[12,16], agree satisfactorily with the experiment.
The values of the force in the field of approximately 14T are equal to - 0,07gf for the
body of mass -30g (measured by torsion balance [13,14]), and- O,Olgf for the body of
mass - 22g (measured by piezoresonance balance [I 5]).
In astrophysics, the difficulties associated with explaining formation of the galactic
magnetic field ( -10· 5-10.6 0e) and the intergalactic one ( -10'6 0e) [20-24] due to current
source:;, and the hydromagnetic dynamo, in p articular, are known. According to the
made hypothesis on the structure of physical vacuum, the galactic and intergalactic
magnetic fields appear due to some "spacial"
., dissymmetry at formation of the observed
three-dimentional space R 3 from the one-dimensional space R 1 of bjuons. If the
complete symmetry of the process proceeding in index i existed, i.e. if bjuons were
"closed in a loop" , they would never leave it, and the process of formation of RJ from

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov


R 1 would be closed for ever in volumes of the space R3 ::::: xg =(10-17 ) 3 cm 3 (with the
concept of mass being absent). But as the symmetry is incomplete, the minimum
magnetic flux ~x0 will always pass through a surface enveloping the volume

xt::::: (I0- 17 / cm 3 with probability <1>=1116 [11, 12).

In this case, the magnitude of the magnetic flux density B in the space R 3 can be
represented as I I 16 · [ Arxo I (1rxg)] · x0 I x0 . Estimations give B::::5·10-60e.
Thus the magnitude of the initial magnetic field in the observable Universe is
determined, it is close to experimental data.
The process of formation of the galactic and intergalactic fields could go further with
the use of mechanisms of the turbulent hydromagnetic dynamo [24], since for existence
of any dynamo an initial magnetic field is necessary.
In going from R 1 to R 3 , aside from the constant component of the magnetic field, the
photons described by the vacuum states It' and r must origine, too. Their wave length
can be estimated from the quantization condition:

B" A- 1=lw = Cn h
8tr A.
At B:::5·10-60e A::::J0' em. The wave length obtained corresponds to the maximum
intensity of relic radiation (25]. Hence the hypothesis in consideration allows to explain
the origin of the relic radiation not as a result of recombination phenomena appearing
at some stage of development of the processes accompanying the Gamov's "Big Bang"
[26], but due to the general mechanism of the observed space R3 formation from R 1•
Describe astrophysical effects which may exist in nature in result of the new force
With the aid of the force predicted, one can realize a new motion principle [ 11, 12,
17, 27, 28] which consists in that a material body rigidly fastened to a solenoid will carry
it away with itself when repelling from the region of physical vacuum in which a
decrease of the cosmological vectorial potential takes place.
Let us illustrate said principle by the example of our star, the Sun.
According to known models [29], the interior magnetic field of the Sun can be
represented as a self-consistent system of the peloidal and toroidal fields. Standard
estimations of the vectorial potential ~ of these fields on the Sun give -\ ~

J012Gs·cm. Hence the expected effect must be considerabie, Ak=Ar.

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov

The experimental investigations of the new force direction and the new principle of
motion have shown that the major component of said force is directed to 4
tangentially to the main circular current of the solenoids. At -190Kg mass of a
superconducting engine model, the tractive force due to the new interaction was equal
to, -4g [17, 18]. The same is for the Sun, in which, according to the conventional models
[29], there exists a circular current (peloidal field), i.e. the new force draws the Sun in
direction of the vector 4 having right ascention a;::270°. The velocity of Sun's motion

by the action of this force is estimated at::- 40 km·s·1 •

The Sun's apex having the coordinates a~270° and declination 4~30° is known to
be in the Hercules constellation. The Sun moves in this direction with the velocity
11.~20km ·s·1 • The obtained estimations of both a;::270° and l1.:::40km·s·! are close to the
observed values.
We have shown in the work [30] that the observed asymmetry in distribution of solar
flares over the surface of the nonmoving Sun practically coincides with the direction of
the vector 4 and hence the action of the new force. That is, during the Archimedean
floating up of magnetic tubes on the Sun, which floating up, according to existing
models, leads to origin of solar flares (release of magnetic energy), an asymmetry of
these tubes arises due to action of the new force on them, which asymmetry 8 times
larger than the value of isotropic distribution of flares. This result is so high that it is
hard to have doubts about.
Due to the new interaction the mass changes are possible within the Earth which
changes presumably cause the process of the maintenance of Chandler's motion of the
poles, i.e. motion of the axis of the Earth's rotation relative to its surface [31 ,32].
It is predicted [6, 10] and experimentally shown [33] that one can influence the
probability of P-decay of the radioactive substances with the aid of the vectorial
potential of a magnetic system.
It should be noted that in space a large number of effects of the type of solar flares
and various ejections from astrophysical objects, are seen, existence of which can be
principally justified with the aid of the proposed view on physical vacuum and the
action of the predicted force.


Copyright CO 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov

In Central research institute of machinery in association with the finn "K<I>".
demonstrational models of an engine-generator using energy of physical vacuum are
presently developed, f~bricated and tested. In these models, the new interaction is
enhanced tens to hundreds times. The mechanism of enh ancement of the new force is
described in Ref.[l9 ,34]. Its essence is in phase coincidence of motion of material bodies
and above described process of physical space formatio n. In the demonstrational
models of engines-generators (mass of models is 30-40kg), power output of -SOW
scooped from physical vacuum at power consumption of 250W, is safely monitored.
The essence of these experiments consists in difference of deceleration characteristics of
a special rotor during its clockwise and anticlockwise rotation. Solely lack of financing
has prevented us from reaching presently the mode of self-acceleration of the rotor.
In Ref. (35] a new information channel in physical space is described, which channel
integrates all existing animate and inanimate objects of nature into one information
field. This new information field is caused by the above described four-contact bjuon
interaction giving rise to a so called object 4b.
According to the suggested conception of physical vacuum structure, mass of th~

electron can be representated as mt =2m, •

cr· I x 0 • where 2m, is rest mass of the object

4b under which mass of the pair of electron-type neutrino and antineutrino may be
meant (v

¢:::> v.), 2m. C 2
= Ek~mm. r:; 33e V with C bei~g speed of light, and £~
minimum residual potential energy of interaction of four bjuons (objects 4b) in vacuum
states IT, t', I, II which energy is identified with the rest mass of the pair (v, ¢:::> "V;J,
Ct./x0 =N=l,54·10o~, XoZ10" 17cm, Ct.::::J0. cm, i.e. according to Refs. [11 , 12], an electron

.. in R3 is perceived, in time of 10" c. as a set of objects 4b carrying with themselves its
standard properties (mass, spin etc) s well as new information on a change in modulus
of the cosmological vectorial potential4 due to the vectorial potential of some
extraneous system.
The object 4b, due to its persistent dynamics, always creates in the space R 3 the
minimum momentum for elementary particle as an integrated object whose geometrical
space is formed by it. In . the general form, the momentum of the object 4b
corresponding to the minimum momentum for elementary particles can be written [11,
12] as


Copyright© 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov


with <:/J the probability of observation of the object 4b in some region of the space
Are the objects 46 free (i.e. they create not an elementary particle, but a space free of
them) then
cp = 1 Xo
16 47rxgx0 '

17 Xo:::: w·JJcm (quantum of space), and Xo;::: 10" cm [11, 12). In this case, if the

scatter in momentums for an elementary object llp is set equal to P, the coordinate
uncertainty for.such a region in R 3 will be 1li cm.
Is the object 4b not free (i.e. it forms the interior geometry of an electron. for
example), then


and one can write for a set N of objects 4b forming an electron

(/J =_!_. x: . .NE:... =_1_ . E~.... (6)

16 47r(Nx0 )" X 0 C 641! NC

Using (6), we have the uncertainty in coordinate L1x in R 3 on the order of 101etn for
the set N of objects 4b, i.e. the electron, due to wave properties of N objects 4b, carries
information on a change 4, and hence on action of the new force through distances
not of J0-8e1n as would be in the case of point electron, but of 101etn. Each object 4b
may be thought to carry, besides infonnation on a change in E:..., due to some vectorial
potential, no less that two bits information associated with the value of spin.
If the ·considering not N objects 4b in the electron, but one only (but in the electron,
i.e. (/J is determined by the formula (5)), then LJx;:::Jcfcm. Hence the lesser amount of
information on the state of interior spacial characteristics of electron has the greater
dispersion in coordinate.
Based on considerations of Ref. [36}, a new method of information transfer is
proposed which method consists in that the information signal is formed a~d

transmitted by way of creating and variating, in a local space region, the field of the
summary vectorial potential As equal to the difference (besides, nonlinear one) between

the cosmological vectorial potential 4 and the vectorial potential A of a current, and

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov

detection of signals is accomplished by registering physical effects caused by As and its
The devices proposed in Ref. [36] for information transfer, are made as cylindrical or
toroidal spirals through which electric current passes. The spiral is oriented in such a
way that the vectorial potential A of the current should be directed, at least in part of
the spiral, towards the vector 4. If the spiral is closed into tor, such a region always
present in it. The demand of the spiral geometry is caused by the desire to create an
anisotropy of fluxes of object 4b in the space RJ. The smaller is the spiral wire diameter
to spiral length ratio, the greater anisotropy of fluxes 4b can be obtained in RJ.
It is interesting to note that DNA, alfa-spiral proteines, chains of mitochondries etc.
have above described spiral structure, i.e. an optimum one for information exchange
with the aid of objects 4b. It is known further that in the last 200 thousand years the
human brain has not increased in dimension which is equal to ~ JOcm being in
coincidence with the above obtained value L1x for objects 4b in the electron. This
probably opens a little way a veil over many unique phenomena related to the human
The combination of the new motion principle with the mechanism of strengthening
the new interaction as well as with the new information channel may allo\\.' to realize an
ancient .human dream of flights without wings and rocket engines but of own will.


I. New physical views (new paradigm) on our physical world formation on base of
dynamics of a finite set ofbjuons, new one-dimensional discrete objects, are developed.
2. A new (fifth) interaction in nature is theoretically predicted and experimentally
3. Basing on the new force, demonstrational models of the engine-generator using
energy of physical vacuum are manufactured which engine-generator are prototypes of
ecologically clear energetic devices of XXI century.
4. A new information channel in nature is discovered which channel integrat es the
living and nonliving nature into one general information field.

Copyright@ !996 by Yu.A.Baurov



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irregularity of Earth's rotation), in coil. work "ltogi nauki i tekhniki" (Results of
Science and Engineering), Astronomiya, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1976, v.12, part I.
33. Yu.A.Baurov, V.L.Shutov, Prikladnaya Fizika (Applied Physics), 1995, 1, p.40.
34. Yu.A.Baurov, V.M.Ogarkov, Application of Russian Federation N 94015470/07
(015210) of Apr. 26, 1994, International Application PCT/RU 94/00135 of June 23,
35. Yu.A.Baurov, K.A.Trukhanov, "Fizicheskaya mysl Rossii" (Physical Idea in
Russia), 1995, l,p.l07-114.
36. Yu.A.Baurov, V.M.Ogarkov, Sposob peredachi informatsii i ustroistvo dla yego
osushchestvlenija (Method of information transfer and a device for carrying out said
method). appl. 93-05618/09 (056473), PCT/RU 94/00281 ofNov. 20, 1994.
37. E.Mayr, Populatsii, vidy, evolutsiya (Populations, species, evolution), Moscow,
Mir, 1974.

Copyright@ 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov

- - - - - --

Fig. l. Interaction between the ftrSt and the fourth of
one-dimensional discrete MFs in the vacuum states
It (the minimal loop).

Copyright@ 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov

59 .

b.fu(F,), Hz
09-10.01.92 B=lT


11407 I
11405 0 0
11403 0
0 91011121314151617181920212223241 2 3 4 56 7 8 9101112 t,h

09-10.01.92 B=l4 T

11379 I
11375 0
0 0 0 0
91011121314151617181920212223241 2 3 4 56 7 8 910111213 t,h

Fig. 2.Cbange in .tJf0 at B=l and 14Tof Jan. (9-10). 1992, experiment I and 2 theory.

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.A.Baurov


Many physics are working on creation of the great picture unifying

everything in an extra-super model. This olav is wonderful but now players
in no way agree between themselves on what this great picture is like.





reviewed by XD.Spiliotis
Larissa Ed. Instit of Technology
10, Etbnikis Antistasseos str.
41 335 Larissa Greece


The pwpose of dtis paper is to state the equations of the unified matter field which is
derived from the hypothesis that any spacetime can be regarded as matter. Thus the
unification of the · GRT and the QM can be achieved, the ~perators of sp~e
magnitudes can be. stated and the matter field can be described \o in a euclidean
spacetime of reference- in its whole extent with spacetime wave functions. The Charge
space is regarded as an imaginary gravitational space which coexists with the real one,
the two of them being interconnected. Thus a system of ~nations of space as a· whole
including the antim.auer is stated and a possibility of application in the antigravity
technology is showed. A verification is given through the fractal geometry which
seems to apply in many.matter systems characterized by the property of selfsimilarity.


In the case that space and time are considered to correspond to the deeper reasons of
reality a scientific formalism is insufficient and a philosophical quest is needed.
Accordimg to GOdel's theorem [ 1] there exists no system ~f axioms, those of logic
included, represented in Peano's [ 1] aridunetric, which will not lead into contradiction
in the case that · the proof of this · contradiction is represented in that arithmetric.
Godel's theorem is concluded on the basis of the axioms of "Principia Mathematica"
[1,2), which codify the typical logic, and Peano's axioms which, beyond typical logic,
declare the existence of time since they claim the existence of "earlier" and "posterior".
The ti'mtJlltJSS however is the convention of existence of space since without the
existence of time it is impossible for a space to be containing any matter e.g. of a
time measuring system • If for reasons of communication co~~cy [3] we claim the
propriety of logic, the proof of Godel's theorem will constitute an ~plication of logic
in arithmetic and furthermore an application of logic in statements concerning space
and time. The contradiction of -Godel's theorem implies that space and time ~ not
simply categories as Kant [4] believed, but they behave as reality itself. This leads us
to the hypothesis that spacetime may be maUer which really is uncertain. With this
hypothesis as basis any infinitesimal spacetime behaves like a matter wave, which is -
according to the spirit of this work - the t?asic concept of the unified matter field. It noted that there. are many ways of approaching the... unified field, as through
the gauge theories, the superstring theory [5] and new mtioma as the axiom of the
unity of space -matter-time [6].

Copyright@ 1996 by A.A.Nassikas

- - -- - - - - ~

The present work is an extension of a previous one with title "The Hypothesis of the
Unified Field and the Principles of its Dual Interpretation" [7]. This hypothesis can be
stated through the following principles:
Principle l 1D the whole extent of a matter field there does Dot aist BllY privileged tuea,
Blld BllY spacetime ofit ooDtaills etJergy due to tho spac«ime itself. wbic:b is matter.
According to the hitherto gained experience this principle can be stated as follows:
"Any irJfinitesimal spacdime caa be regarded as.a particle wave"
PriiJciple II: lD the whole ex:tl:llt of a pll11icle field only those CODSetJUCDSt:S of the
GRT are valid which are compatible with principle L
The only consequense of the GRT in the Unified matter field is that(7]: E= DE0 Jtrdr

which is dmved from the eqn: dE= DE0dV0 tr or dE/ dE 0 = 'tl 'to (a)
where DE0 the energy density, dV 0 the infinitesimal _volume of the spacetime of
reference to which dE correspopnds, tr the relative time and 'f the time of a
phenomenon of comparison[?]. From eqn (a) we may notice that 'f is equivalent with-
i.e it can measure- the energy dE of any oscillating spacetime element Thus in the
fomi of an axiom, which could be another expression of principle n, eqn (a) is stated
as follows:
"The t:Dt:rgy ofIU1Y oscillating illfiDitesimal spacetime is equivalt:Dt to its mtl:msl
time~ -

where as internal time we call the mentioned time -t. This statement implies that
dE I dE0 'f I 't 0 but it is not relativistic because it is not valid always for the mean value
of relative volume (vr='t0 /'t). However it becomes relativistic for tr=const which is
valid for the volume eigenvalues and in extension for the eigenstates of any particle
field[! ], and for the case of any euclidean spacetime of reference.
Principle I leads to the folowing statements:
Statemt:Dt I: A plllticle field CIU1 bt: described tbrougb a spact:time wave function
which is idt:Dtical with the particle wave fimction oftbe field.
Statemt:Dt II : Any physical .magnitude CIJD be exprtJSS«4 in a coordinam system of a
euclidean space, both as a spacetime IJDd as a quantum magnitude.
From principle I the folowing corolluy holds:
Corollary 1: The existence or tbe non existence of t:De:rgy implies tbe e:dstenco or tbe
non existence ofspacetime, Blld CODSt:qUeDtly ofBllY geometry.
The main conclusions of the mentioned hypothesis are:
1) In a particle field, relative time, relative volume and the square of the relative length
(in a direction ii with respect to the spacetime of reference with energy Eo= m0c )
(j I -~
" ih o " =----
iEo 1 "
have operators: '1R =--, VR (Ul.)2 = 1- c2 (b)
~~oa' ttota' ifltK-
2) The acceleration of gravity in a matter spacetime system is:

Copyright© 1996 by A.A.Nassikas


c2 cl -
g(r, t) = -VP(r, t) = ---V'tr(r, t) (c)
P(r, t) tr(r, t)
where P(r, t) the matter position probability density of the system.
3) It is valid that E(VB)= he (d)
where E an energy eigenvalue of a gravitational particle field and (Vx) the mean
value of the volume which contains this energy .
As spacetime of reference of a particle field we define a Euclidean spacetime to which
through a coordinate transformation the field corresponds. This spacetime of reference
is not only a geometrical notion, since according to the present hypothesis it is matter;
any magnitude of it will be denoted by the subscript 0 • A point Ao of the spacetime
of reference by the action of the field occupies a position A * Ao. Thus we have the
transformation Ao ~ A through the transformations li ~ lDi = f(li) which are not
simply coordinate transformations but transformations of deformity. In this paper
when we refer to description through a coordinate system of a euclidean spacetime of
reference we mean the description through the transformations of deformity which
apply to the euclidean spacetime of reference which has not been deformed by the
action of the field. Any magnitude of the field eg. relative time or relative length in a
direction ii , is descnbed through a coordinate system of the spacetime of reference but
corresponds to that point of the field which is defined through the transformations of
deformity. Thus the statements I.II do apply, since the description of a particle field
accoring to the QM is achieved by the aid of a \jt wave function through a coordinate
system of a euclidean space which has not been deformed by the action of the field.


As image of a field it is defined tbe bypotb~tical field which consists of the reference
spacetime at every point of wbicb it is considered that tbe real cbaracu:ristics of the
coiTesponding, through the tnmsformstiom of deformity, point of tbe field exist A
relative spacetime magnitude according to statement II can be expressed also with
quantum terms in the image of a particle field. If Sr is a relative spacetime magnitude,
it will be valid that:
Sr' =(sr),, - P(r t) "
' Sr' =(Sr)P(r,t), J-'
P(r t) " 1 (-) 1 - 1
Sr 'dr =J(Sr)P(r,t)dr =J ar P(r,t)dr' =-V. Jardr

' • 0
and ; = (u}VoP(r, t) (1)
where sr(r,t) is the observable mean value oithat magnitude at point (r,t) of the
image of the field and V0 the volume of the reference spacetime . Eqn (1) is
compatible with corollary I according to_wich the existence or not of energy entails
the existence or not of any geometry. In: o.-der for .a complex relative magnitude to

Copyright@ 1996 by A.A.Nassikas


exist so that or(r,t) = ccs-'1' and ; = lmJ2 (principle U), according to eqn.(l) the
following eqns should be valid: ccs- = <(~)V0 )112 ~Qd P( r, t) = 1~~'1

bi this case the anglebetween the real and the ~ary axis is not always equal to
90° and Pis not restricted only to the form IP•'P or IP+'P. That is possible because the
factor that gives sence to the complex representation is the physic41 meaning of
:various·magnitudes and not the complex representation itself [7]. Thus it holds:
or=<(;)v,)112.'1', v=<(tr}v0) 112'P, 1;=<fu~)vo)112.' ~d u=lorf, tt=lvf, ir;:=~f (2)
where or, v,A.Jn any complex spacetime relative magnitude, the complex relative time
and the complex relative length in a direction ii respectively.
The Bnalysis which has been made in the spirit of this work [7] has showed that a
particle field is p~ssible to be descnbed with spacetime terms. However there always
exists a function 'I' depending on a mass m. A more genelal description of space
should be independend of any notion of mass. In a system with h =c =1,
SbrOdinger's eqn becomes:

Qlp = -m~ and [)p

=-m1 where D= & - V2:
(}(- '
and therefore .!. DIP= 0 (i=l,2,3,4) [3] (3).
This eqn, according to principle I, will be valid also in the case of a many-bodies
system in order to avoid any notion of a spacetime particularity. That means that
spacetime is descnbed anywhere by a unique equation. This holds on the condition
that 'I' wave function is everywhere derivable but at the same time its partial
derivatives are discontinuous; the latter imlies that eqn (3) is valid in the
neighborhood of any point (r,t) but with a different m , which means that the
generalized 'I' function locally descrioes a particle field. Fractal geometry, e.g.
Koch's curve [8], can introduce us to discontinuous and derivable functions. Thus eqn
(3) is valid in the whole extent of the image of any matter field and is determined by
the imposed boundary conditions. However one may notice that eqn (3) does not take
into account the potential which acts from a far distance. According to the present
hypothesis there is not action from a far distance but action· of space itself
characterized __ by eqn (3). As it will be shown later the probability density and in
extension the intensity of any gravitational field [7] can be obtained from the
generalized 'I' wave function. Since eqn(l) expresses a statistical identity, it may apply
in general to a matter system on condition that P is the matter probability density of
the system.· On the basis that the generalized 'I' function locally descnbes a pa.zticle
field, eqns (1 ),(2) it is poSSlble in general to apply to a matter system. Thus eqn(3) is
valid for the refered function:
fi(r,t)= or(r,t)/ {irf -V0~ (4)

Copyright@ 1996 by A.A.Nassilcas


and in the case that (~) = const for the function m(r, t). !JJ tbis way it can be noticed

that the IJI wave Jimction bas a differtmt, than tbe preSCIJtly accepted, significance Le
it represents any reft:red complex relative spact:time magnitude. Thus the generalized
eqn which describes the geometry of any gravitational field is:
_E_ [}'r =0 (i=l,2,3,4) (5)
~ fr
The issue then of what the difference is between the gravitational (g) and the
electromagnetic (em) space arises, because according to this hypothesis they are both
described in spacetime terms.The answer to that question can be given on the
assumtion that real space has not only our known dimensions but also dimensions that
correspond to electromagnetism a:nd to antimatter. Thus, every phenomenon can be
described, under the same principles, in spacetime terms but through its relevant
domain. Thus real space can be descnbed through a coordinate matrix
(x..x11 ,x_.~) (i 1,2,3,4) where the symbol (-) corresponds to antimatter. This
means that real space consist of four coexistent quantum spacetime gravitational fields
i.e the gravitational field (g), the antigravitational field (g), the electromagnetic field
(em) and the antielectromagnetic field {em or a:ntiem). Since those spaces coexist they
are interconnected with a scale which we shall try to define . All has been mentioned
earlier eqn.(3) is the unique eqn of gravitational fields. 'I'his means that the SRT is
valid on condition that its ~ts are acceptable only. through the QM. Because of,
principle II velosity c is the same in the (g) and the (em) reference spacetime and
because of Lorentz's transformations it is valid; ~~~ -=·( (i-1,2,3,4) (6)
where y the correlation scale of (g) and (em) space. Upon the assumption that
hem= h - which is found to be c.orrect in the later- for particle fields it holds[9] that:
'-'1m +m=
= - & 2 - Va 2 + m.2 = y 2(&-2 - V12}+ .2 2
.c-m8 = 0
a. at,
Therefore the mass scale will be k =±y where the sign (-) corresponds to ( eiii) space.
Taking into account th~ fc;>rmulation of various physical magnitudes as mass,energy,
force, constant G (for gravitational particle pairs it is valid: G.Maman 0 1M,m. ,; he [7])
acceleration of gravity and constant 1i, we obtain the following:
mcm/m1 =EIID/E1 =y, Fcm/F1 =y , Gl'lll/G=lly1 , ~fic='r, hcm=h 1 (7)

Tbus the assumption that hun = h 1 is correct and it is noted tbat G is not the same for
all gravitational spaces but it depends on the reference spacetime. The same are valid
in the case of (g) space. Applying eqn (d)(introduction) in the case of a pure
gravitational field and in the case of a proton energy level [7] we obtain:
211E1rg = be, 2x!Ean~ =abc => ~al = aE1 and ~~=a.
Because of eqns (6) y should have the form: y =(1- v'-1 c1rv2• Given that a < 1 we
will also have that y < 1. However this is valid only when v > c and y is an imaginary

Copyri§ht © 1996 by A.A.Nassikas


number. Thus it holds: ~~ =a and y =±ia. For ~~ =1:::) y =±1 where the sign (-)
corresponds to (g) space. All these are compatible with the view that Schrodinger's
eqn can have either real or imaginary eigenvalues [7]. Therefore we have the
following correspodence: r = 1~ g, y = -1-. f, y = ia ~em, y = - iCL ~ ciii (8)

In the case that a (g) partic~e field coexists with an (em) it will be valid that:
~01'1 I a_= (B,)'P1, ~011.1 01. =(B. )'I'., (9)
and because of eqns (6)
(ia.)iMP.ta,=(B.J•P1111 (10)
The energy mean value is independent of any position of the field and therefore its
change is a function of time only. So taking into account the energy conservation
principle, the fact that (em) energy is imaginary and eqns (9),(10) we have that:
l'11((B,)-i(B.})=O and 8t1(Bt1'1'1 /'P1 +ia.Ot1'Pai'P111)=0 (11)
Eqn (11) shows the connection between (g) and (em) space, and is valid at eveey point
of the coexisting particle fields which descnbe a particle matter field as a whole. ..
According to principle I , eqn(11) should be extended in the case of a matter system on
condition that it is valid in the neighbourhood of (r.t) in the same manner as eqns
(3},(5). Taking into account the gravitational .nature of spaces and replacing the
function 'II with the refered function fr, because of eqns(S),(6),(11) we have:
ax; Df1<r,t) o ax; O,rr.(r,t) -o (i=1,2,3,4) (12)
• rr, ' 1 rr.(r,t) - '

B. (ot{r,(r,t),+iCL otflim(r,t))=O (13)

I ft,(r, t) . Tfem (r, t)
where fJim(r,t) symbolizes the refered ~ction of(em) sp~ expressed in a coordinate
sy~ of (g) space. The probability density of matter M = E ~ in an infinitesimal
region around (r,t) eqUals the product (Dij /M).~ which is equal to the probability of a
particle to exists in this area times the probability density which is created in the same
area by a particle of mass m;. According to principle I, P; should have the same form
as in the case of a particle field. Thus it holds:
1\r,t)= (~/M}l\ = (ii2M>{lfo1'P-'Po1tf). ·-
Contrary to the fact that Pi and therefore P , according to what has been accepted,
cannot be considered as probability density [9,10], they can on the condition that P
refers either to matter for P>O or to antimatter for P<O. For these to be compatible
with eqn(2), a change of this equation should be made so that:
sr =8s~ =8 8 (sr)V0 ~ = \sr)VJ(r,t)
where 8 5 =1 for s= g,em and Ss = -1 for s =g,ciii . fD.gen_eral we have matter for
sr > 0 and antimatter for sr < 0. This means tbat tbt: disti.Dctioll between matter and
antimatter is detl:rmined both by tbe sign of tbe probability dCJJsity P and by tbe sign

Copyright© 1996 by A.A.Nassikas


of the mean value,(;). The physical meaning of eqn (14) on the condition that it
describes antimatter as well, is evident given that its integration leads to the
identification (;)= (;)0
In that way the symbol P(r,t) of Schr'odinger's relativistic eqn

can be regarded as probability density Thus from eqns (4),(14) it is obtained:


5slrrj2 =~r,t)t(Sr)=(i/2M).(rta,-rro1fr...), M=-i.J (rr*orfr-frocfr*)dr3 ,

2Vo Oo
P(r,t)=(rr•ocfr-frocfr•)l J(rr•olr-rrocfr•}m 3
Because of eqn(15), eqn (14) is also valid for the case that (em) space is expressed in a
coord~ate system of a (g) reference sp3cetime. Eq11S- relati011s (12) to (15) constitute
~e proposed system ofeqns - relations oftbe unified matter field i.e of tbe quantum-
spacetime, expressed iD a coorrliDatt: system of a euclidean (g) space. Observable
magnitudes can be derived with the aid of eqns (14),(15). For relative time and length
in~ direction ii, by definition, it is valid that[ll,l2] :
- dt
tr(r,t)=--- I -
,lro(r.t)= dx 0 -( •) Jt dt - xp dx 0
and t r,, = ---, Xa(r.t)= J
. •
dt(r,t) r=QDI d~(rot) ~«mml 0
otr(r, t) .Dlrn(rot)

These eqns defme the mean geometry and the transformations of deformity of the
unified matter field; with the aid of those transformations it is possible to determine
various magnitudes of the field as functions of mean real position and time.


1)From eqns (7) we have that:

m,g8 /m8g8 = t, mag1111 /m1g1 =-a?, m 1111g!iii/m1~ = ci, mtiiigem/m1g, =a.2, meiiigliii I m1g1 =-a?-
From the above relations it is noted that: a) the gravitational force of (g) space has tlie
same direction with the one of (g) space which means that the action of antimatter is
not opposed to gravity. b) considering the negative load as (em) space and the
positiveone as ( effi) it is confirmed the common verification that oppositely charged
loads attract each other while· similarly charged repel. With these as basis and taking
into account the interpretation of probability density of Schrodinger's relativistic eqn
we see that for the case of cooperated oppositely charged loads (e.g. loads in the atom
of hygrogen) we can observe the distinction between matter and antimatter.
According to the spirit of this work the same are expected for the case of (g) and (g)
spaces. It is noted that precice values for forces C!f various fields hold from eqn (c)
(introduction) .
2) Due to the statistical nature of space) from eqn (1) we have:
; = ~)VoP(r,t)= VtPt (r,t), JPt (r,t)k3 = t

Copyrig~t@ 1996 by A.A.Nassikas


where k indicates any region around (r,t) and Pk the renormalized probability density
of the region considered as a whole. Thus in the case of relative length in two
accidental directions D.1, ii2 it is valid that;

lm1(r,t) _din, _ ~m.,), _(m.,)

~(r,t) -db;- lmz)I - ~
where dint, d~ the mean real infinitesimal lengths in the directions iit and ii2
respectively, corresponding to the same infinitesimal length of the reference spacetime,
at any point in the field. The above relation expresses selfsimilavity of a particle field
at time t in the whole of its extent, and in the case that P(r,t) expresses a

probability density , a relation of selfsimilarity of a matter system in general. This

selfsimilarity constitutes a strict geometrical relation in the infinitesimal scale while it
constitutes a trend in every scale k being compatible with fractal geometry [8,13] .
The latter is a geometry of nature and has been already applied in various matter
systems. From what it has been mentioned it is obvious that the compattbility of the
quantum spacetime structure of matter with fractal geometry consists a confirmation of
the present hypothesis of the unified mauer filed. With these as basis the question is
whether the mean geometry of the unified matter field is fractal geometry according
to the meaning that B.B. Mandelbrot [13] attributes to it. It is noted that, we can reach
to the meaning of the fractal dimension through Riemann's geometry when as the
fourth dimension we consider the fraction (c'/c) of the dimension of time, that is
essentially the timevelocity [3], where c' the local velocity of light The fact that this
velosity is not constant in a matter system has been confirmed experimentally [14,15]
while observations of the behaviour of electrons in magnetic fields have lead
P.Beckmann [ 16] to the conclusion that the speed of light is constant in reference to
the dominant filed and not to the observer.


1. Applying principle ll for two plain spacetimes containing energies Bo,mJ

respectively we have that the relative length of these spaces is Eo I mJ-. Therefore it is
expected that the operator of the relative length (in a direction ii with respect to the
• !z
space time of reference with energy F, ~ mJ-) will be .LR.u ;,~
. 1\ {
= 1-c2

where the sign (-) corresponds to antimatter . The significance of the operators of
eqns(b)(introduction) together with the present elucidation becomes clear through
statement II given that with this principle as basis it is possible to derive quantum
expressions for the local magnitudes of the relative time, volume and length. Through
the use of these operators it is possible to give a general solution to the problem of the

Copyright e_I996
' 69

quantum-spacetime geometry. In the present work an effort has been made to

formulate differential eqns, even with particular form, due to existence of
discontinuous and, at the same time, derivable functions, in such a way that using as a
basis the boundary conditions that give solution to a problem (e.g. flying of an object)
to derive the necessary action in the (em) space. Therefore these equations may have
the ability to give solutions to electrogravity problems.
2. Eqn {13) resulted on condition that the mean energy value of spaces (g},(g) is
possible to change only under the action of space (em). These spaces are expressed,
because of the significance attributed to the function P(r,t), through a unique function
'I'· Therefore eqn(13) claims that it is possible to take place annihilation of (g),(g)
spaces because of their coexistence at the same point of the image of the field only
through the action of space (em). According to the present work the interaction of
spaces (em}, (em) is possible in the case of an electron rotating around a proton.
Interaction however means coexistence and coexistence of (em), (em) spaces means
gradual charge annihilation and radiation which, finally may lead to the entire
diasappearance of these charges something that is not happening. Therefore the
following question is posed; where from comes the energy which replaces this gradual
disappearance ? From eqn. (d)(introduction) results that the energy is reduced when
the volume is expanding. This is expected because in general the expansion of the
particle fields is caused by the expansion of the Universe. Therefore it can be written
dEe +dE 1 =0 and Tds=dEe
which shows that ~e gravitational energy lost (dEll) because the expansion of the
Universe replaces the gradual disapp~.Mance ( dE 0) of (em}, (em) spaces stated above
which is converted into radiation (Tds). Given that (dE1) is less than zero it is obvious

that[3]; _ dS~O
Therefore using as basis the present hypothesis and based on the predominant view
th~t the Universe is expanding, the second law is derived; this under certain conditions
is possible to be locally invalid showing in that way the possibility of generating
order ( 17]. In the case of deceleration of the electrons of an atom e.g. through proper
~etic fields a falling trend is expected that is an approach of (em) with (cm)space,
an increase in the rate of annihilation-radiation, an increase in the rate of repl<U?ement
from the gravitational space and a decrease of the energy of the surrounding
gravitational space. Due to the equivalence of energy and _time a decrease of relative
time tr will be expected, according to eqn(a) (introduction), ~d because of eqn (c)
(introduction) what is shown in Frg.1a will take place, that is the attraction on an
object is attributed to the fact that the space under the object attracts the object more
than the upper one and that trz > tr 1• If according to what was mentioned above

Copyright © 1996 by A.A.Nassikas


succed in having t12 < tr 1 then an ascending movement of the object will start as it
is shown in [3,7] which is the main purpose of the antigravity technology. All
these may constitute a new myth for matter and for spacetime, however these are stated
here because they are in agreement with the spirit of 'Ibis work offering to this a
possible passage to verification.


The author wishes to thank Dr. G. Papapolymerou for the useful d.iscus..Uons that he
had with him.


1 B.Nagel and J.R.Newman.1958. Godel's Proof. N.Y.University Press

2.H.Eves,l983. Great Moments in Mathematics. Mathematical Assosiation of
3. A.A.Nassikas,1995. The Claim of the Minimum Contradiction. Publ.Trohalia, p.220
(in Greek, ISBN 960-7022-64-S)
4 U<ant Prolegomena zu einer jeden Jrunftigen Metaphysik, die als Wissenschaft wird
auftreten konnen (1783).
S.I.K.enyon,1990. General Relativity. Oxford University Press.
6. Ph.M.Kanarev,1995. On the Way to the Physics of the XXI Century. Publ. Soviet
Kuban, p. 269. Krasnodar.
7. A.A.Nassikas,1994. The Hypothesis of the Unified Field and the Principle of its
Dual Interpretation. m International Conference: "Problems of Space, Time,
Gravitation". Russian Academy of Sciences, SR.IRB-Politechnika. StP., Russia.
8 J.Gleick,l987. Chaos-Making a New Science.Viking Penguin Inc.
9. S. Trahanas,l990 . Relativistic Quantum Mechanics I. Publ. Univ. of Creta, Creece.
10. L.I.Shiff,1968. Quantum mechanics. McGraw Hill, N.Y.
11. W. T. Grandy, 1970. Introduction to Electrodynamics and Radiation. Academic
Press N.Y.
12. R. Adler, M. Bazin and M . shiffer, 1965.1ntroduction to General Relativity.
McGraw Hill N.Y.
13. B.Mandelbrot,1977.The Fractal Geometry ofNature. Freeman.N.Y.
14. S.A.Tolchenikova-Murri,1993.The Doppler Observations of Venus Conttadict
the SRT. Galilean Electrodynamics. Vol.4, not.
15. H.C.Hayden, 1993. Stellar Aberration. Galilean Electrodynamics. Vol.4, no.S.
16. P. Beckmann, 1987. Einstein plus two. The Golem Press, Boulder Colorado.
17. I. Prigogine and I. Stengers, 1984. Order and Chaos. Man's new dialog with
Nature. Heinemann, London.

Copyright@ 1996 by A.A.Nassikas


In the science sphere the authority of a thousand is

not worth the simplest reasons of one.


Classical and Modified Electrodynamics

P. A. Zhilin

Analysis of classical Maxwell's equations reveals following peculiarities: l. In a general

case there exists no solution for the classical syste~; 2. If there is a solution, it can be
represented as a superposition of transversal waves propagating with light's velocity
··c" and quasi-electrostatic conditions setting in instantly over the whole space.
It means, that notwithstanding the settl~d opinion the Maxwell's equations are not
compatible with the special theory of relativity. Modified Maxwell's equations are
given in this paper possessing following features:

1. There exists always a solution to them:

2. This solution is a superposition of transversal and longitudinal waves, the latter
propagating with a velocity c1 > c;
3. Electrostatic condition's are setting in by passing of the longitudinal wave;
4. If the scalar potential is equal to zero, solutions for classical and modified systems
coincide, i.e. both systems give the same description for magnetic fields ;
.. .). In a general case solution for the modified system transforms itself into solution
for the classical system by c1 ~ oc.

Classical as well as modified systems shown to be not suitable for a correct descrip-
tion of interactions between the nucleus and electrons of an atom. A way to creating a
new electrodynamics based on more strict principles not using quantificatjon is shown.

1 Classical electrodynamics
Classical Maxwell's equations are described and interpreted· in this section using mechan-
ical terms. It was exactly electrodynamics, which was the source of the opinion about
mechanistical d escription of Universe being basically limited and useless for investigation of
electromagnetic processes. Subsequently I intend to refute this point of view.
In the modern physics Maxwell's equations are considered to be something like divine
revelation, thus being just postulated. In their canonical form they can be written as follows
[3, p.76)
p 1 as 1 oE 1 .
'\1 . E = -, '\1 X E
= ---=
c at '
'\1. B = 0, "VxB=--= + - J 1
- C ot coC-

where p represents density of charge, j_ being current's densi ty, i.e. velocity of the charge's
flow through a unit of area. The modern version is given here, which does not coincide with
J.Maxwell's point of view: to Maxweil's opinion current is not necessarily connected with
motion of charges. The latter circumstance will be shown to be quite significant. From (1)
following condition of solvability can b~ obtained:

v. i. = -&pfot. (2)

Cop}!right® 1996 Zhilin P~A.

Remark. Physicists prefer to call equation (2) a law of charge conservation considering it to be a law
of Nature. From mechanical point of view generally there exist no laws of conservation, but only balance
equations for certain quantities. In particular, the local charge balance equation can be written as follows:

V·j_=-opf&t+h, (3)

where h represents the volumetric speed density of the charge supplied to the given system. Even if there
exist some conservation laws in Nature as a whole, they are absolutely useless for rational science, for we never
examine Nature as a whole and never shall be able to do it. Mechanics and physics are investigating limited
material systems being able to exchange everything, including charge, with their surroundings. Conservation
laws exist for a very small class of isolated systems only. Therefore, it is in no way acceptable to consider
equation (2) as a law of Nature - ;this is just a necessary condition of solvability for classical Maxwell's
equations. It plays no such role for modified Maxwell's equations des~ribed in the next section. For them it
is possible to use (3) inste~d of (2).

"In the course of time an opinion has formed itself on deduction of the Maxwell's equations
being impossible on the basis of mechanical equations regardless of any generalizations made.
Most theorists are convinced today: there is no need to deduct these equations, which are
to be considered as a very successful, almost perfectly exact description of electromagnetic
processes". This is a quotation from a quite old book being far from indisputable [4, pp.155-
156]. Nevertheless, these words reflect qujte correct the contemporary position. It suffices
to take a cursory look at the system (I) to feel a doubt about its impeccability. First, there
is a problem concerning treatment of the 'current. According to it, vector j_ is defined as
speed of charge's flow through an unit of area. The system (1) is overdefined by that being
insolvable in a general case. This conclusion follows just from the fa.ct, that there are eight
equations (p and j_ are given!) for six co-orrunates of the vectors E and B. It is to be
remarked though: the third equation of (1) follows from other three equations, if it is true
for any moment of time. So in fact there are seven equations for six unknown quantities
contained in (1). This contraruction can be eliminated by refusing the above treatment of
the current j_. Consequences of such a refusal will be discussed in section 7. Main claims
arising in connection with the system (1) concern conclusions being obtained by mechanical
interpretation of this system. Let us represent it in another, but equivalent form.
Now we introduce vector g satisfying following conditions:

E = _! 0!!:. B="VXY:_. (4)

- c &t'
The second and the third equations of the system (1) allow introduction of such a vector. It
is known, that every vector u can be represented as follows:

v. 4> = 0, (5)

where potential 1.p is defined up to ~n arbitrary function of co-ordinates. It means, that

addition to 1.p of an arbitrary function of co-ordinates does not change electric and magnetic
field. By taking into account (4) and (5) it follows from the first equation of the system (1):

6~.p = q, &q/&t = -cp/co, (6)

Copyright 0 1996 ZhiliD P.A.

where function q is defined up to an arbitrary function of co-ordinates. Thus, it remains to
examine the fourth equation of (1). Let us represent the current j_ in following form:

co 8 2 cp
j_ = \7'P• + \7 X 2_. , <p. = -; 8t 2 , \7. 2.. = 0. (7)

Inserting these expressions into the last equation of (1), we obtain:

1 82iP 1
~~---=+ - ~ = 0. (8)
- c2 Ot 2 coc..:...oo
It is easy to make certain, that the system (4) - (8) is exactly equivalent to the system
(1). It allows a simple mechanical interpretation. Let us notify: according to (7) a current
is not necessarily caused by motion of charges. However, in the last case the current can
be treated as motion of charges too by considering electroplagnetic field as consisting from
two media, one of them being a continuum of negatively charged particles and the other-
a continuum of. positively charged particles, total density of charge being equal to zero. A
current is nothing else a;s motion of one medium in respect to the other in this case. By such
a treatment there exists no vacuum at all.
Let us now collect all the equations in one table containing two columns. In the left
column there are equations of electrodynamics there, in the right one - equations of the
linear dyp.amical theory of elasticity [5].

Electrodynamics Theory of elasticity

E= ---= B=\lxy, .!! = \i'cp + \1 X cp' \1-<P=O (I)
- c 8t'

I -
j_ = \7'P• + \7 X 2_. ' \7·2_.=0 - F = V'cp + 'V X~, V'-~=0 (II)
A. B.

1 8 2 iP
1 ~q, = ..!.. ()2cp - ~ (III)
- 2 c2 8t · coc -=-- - ~ ()t2 -
A. B.
2 2
1 0 <p ( C2) _
~c.p = q, 8qj8t = -cp/co, ~<p - cj Ot 2 = - Ct <p (IV)
co 0 2'{)
<p. = -; ()t2
A. B.
In this table ci = (>.. + 2p.) / p., 4 = p.f p., P_•, - mass density of the medium, >.
and J.L are Lame's constants, F representing volumetric force. Velocities c1 and c2 define
the speeds of expansion and shear waves respectively. Positiveness of deformation energy
requires fulfillment of the condition c~ > 4c~/3.
I would like to remember: in contrast to electrodynamical equations theorems of solution
existence are proved under sufficiently generalized assumptions for equations of the elasticity
theory. Let us now interpret the equations of electrodynamics. Vector ~ in the line I is
representing potential for electric E and magnetic B fields. In the elasticity theory Y. is
a vector of small displacements, E being normalized speed taken with reverse sign and B
representing the rotor of the displacement vector being rarely used in theory of elasticity, but
quite suitable for applying. Second line (II) requires no comments except of verification, that
the current j_ in electrodynamics is analogous to the volumetric force in theory of elasticity.
Analogy contained in line (III) will be obvious by assumptions:

Distinctions are most pronounced in the line (IV). Just the equations listed in this line
define differences between electrodynamics and mechanics. In physics they are considered
to be a proof of impossibility to interpret electrodynamics from mechanistical point of view,
thus proving limited nature of mechanics. It would be more natural though, to admit some
strangeness inherent in equations of electrodynamics and not in those of mechanics. In fact,
the meaning of equation placed in the left column of the line (IV) is quite obvious. Potential
<p exists for every quantity ({;, i.e. for every volumetric force F. Situation is different
in electrodynamics. Current j_ cannot be defined arbitrarily, but is calculated (
from the potential <p, otherwise there may be no solution for an electrodynamical problem.
This circumstance gives ground to doubts concerning "almost perfectly exact description of
electromagnetic processes" with Maxwell's equations. However, considerations presented do
not suffice. In contrast to the elasticity theory potential <p is not a solution of the wave
equation in electrodynamics. This means electrodynamical potential <p be setting in at an
instant over the whole space. In other words, Maxwell's equations lead to an infinitely high
speed of signal's propagation, which contradicts scandalously to special theory of relativity
(STR). Thus, STRand Maxwell's electrodynamics are not compatible with each other. There
are obviously unremovable contradictions between STR and equations of the elasticity theory
as well, the latter giving two values for speed of the signal's propagation. Generally, any
theory giving more than one value for velocity of wave propagation cannot be compatible
with the STR. To reveal more clearly analogies in equations (IV.A) and (IV.B) let us rewrite
equations (IV.A) in an equivalent form:

at co

First of these equations is quite analogous to equation (IV.B), provided

Now it is easy to establish analogy between the volumetric force F, the current and the
-F 1 .
- t -.1- -
/J eoc- c
Assumption cp. = (c 0 fc)o 2 cpjOt2 means a compulsory definition of a part of the volumetric
force. Such an assumption appears not too convincing in mechanics as well as in electrody-
namics. Nevertheless, mechanistic interpretation of the classical electrodynamics equations

COpyright@ :996 Zhi1in P.A.


is obvious already, and there is no need to discuss the matter any more. Situation becomes
entirely simple, if there are no charges and currents, or no volumetric forces in the elasticity
theory. In this case line (IV) can be written as follows:

1 (Jlr.p
fir.p = 0 (IV.A), !l.r.p = 2 ~2 (IV.B)
c 1 v~

Equation (IV.B) transforms itself into (IV.A) by c1 -+ oo. In this case the Maxwell's
equations become identica.l to those describing oscillations of an incompressible medium,
which was noted by Maxwell himself [1, p.784).
Concluding this section we want to underline: mechanical analogies for Maxwell's equa-
tions have proved themselves to be simple enough and well known to all mechanicians.
• • 0


2 Modified·Maxwell's equations
As noted above, classical Maxwell's equations have a grave drawback: they lead to anjp.finite
high velocity of signal's propagation. Unfortunately, this is not the only defect of classical
equations and even not the most important one, as will be shown later. Here we shall adduce
a modified system of Maxwell's equations providing only finite velocities for propagation of
any signals. By refusing connection described by the second equation of (9) we obtain
following system:
1 fJu
V-~ =0; (10)

1 (]2~ 1
- -c2 -=
= -eoc ~ .
- -=-- , (11)

1 fJ 2<p c {jq c
/l.<p - c? fJt 2 = q - eoC~ <f>• , Ot = -eo p ' (12)

where the current is expressed by the formula:

j_ = '\7<f>• + Y' X ~, (13)

The system (10) - (13) can be rewritten in a form more convenient for electrodynamics:

p 1 oB 1 fJE 1
v. E = v E = - --= v. B = v B =--= + - ;

_!_, X 0, X (14)
eo - c fJt ' - c fJt e0c .....,. '

where 2

J = J- v <p. - -eo -fJ <p) . (15)

• " (

~ - c 2

It is necessary to add equations (12) and (13) to these relations to obtain a closed system.
System (14) appears to be like the system (1), but the meaning of it is significantly
different. This difference is especially noticeable for areas, where p and j_ are equal to zero.

- ... p = 0, j_ = Q =? r.p. = c(t), 2,. = Q.

According to classical system (1) we shall have for this case: V · E = 0. This is exactly
the relation infinite velocity of signal's propagation is hidden in. Let us imagine following


. Wave front

situation. Suppose, there existed two point charges by t < 0, having equal amount, but
different signs and being situated at the same point by t :::; 0. In that case E = Q, B = Q.
for t :::; 0. At the moment t = 0 these charges begin to scatter. It is easy to make certain,
that potential r.p will have to differ from zero by t > 0. By representing fields E and B with
waves there would exist an area located far away from charges, where fields E and B did
not come into existence yet. This area is separated from regions with existing fields E and
B with a certain movable surface E being called wave front (see figure). Let us choose a
closed area bordered by the surface S. According to classical equations we shall have inside
of this surface:

These conditions are true everywhere for transversal waves, including interior of the surface
S, i.e. they are true for Band a part of E represented by a transversal wave. But potential
r.p cannot be represented with a transversal wave, therefore it is impossible for the quantity
V' · E to be equal to zero at the wave front, because there is something coming inside of S,
but nothing comes out of it. The contradiction disappe.ars, if we agree, that r.p is not a wave
and it does not have a wave front. This assumption conforms to classical electrodynamics-
potential r.p is setting in instantaneously over the whole space. According to modified system
Y' · E :f= 0 even if there are no charges and currents present. In the next section we shall
present examples showing clearly all the points mentioned before.
Modified system (10) - (13) cannot be worse than the classical one, for the latter is
contained in the first as a special case. A most "strange" feature of the system (10) - (13)
is presence of waves propagating with a velocity c1 > c. In the next section it will be
shown, that these waves are responsible for setting in of electrostatic fields. Therefore, the
modified system eliminates the abyss between electrostatics and electrodynamics inherent in
classical Maxwell's equations. These equations do not allow it to infer electrostatics from a
dynamical problem, electrostatics being quite a system "closed in itself". The system (10)
- (13) can be considered mathematically irreproachable. How real are the waves described
by equation (12)? What is the value of the velocity c1 ? There are no answers to these
questions yet. Pure intuition confirms existence of transversal waves (12). For myself,
I doubt it in no way, for there arise unsolvable problems otherwise. Existence of waves
propagating faster than light is inquestionable from experimental point of view. This fact
was first established by N.A.Kosyrev [2] and then confirmed with all possible thoroughness by
Academician M.M.Lavrentyev and his colleagues (6,7]. The essence of Kosyrev's experiment
consists in follow ing. He has developed a sensor to detect radiation of different types without

Cop:yript@ 1996 Zbilin p.A:.

subtilizing the nature of it. Using this sensor, Kosyrev has fixed radiation flows ~oming from
stars. By directing the telescope at a visible star he would fix a local maximum of radiation
intensity. But then he has made t he most staggering discovery: he would fix a more intensive
radiation by directing the telescope at the point on the sky, where the star would be really
positioned at the moment of observation. Of course, t here would be no star to be seen at
that point, because the light coming from it will reach the Earth in distant future only.
One can agree or disagree with explanations given for that by N.A.Kosyrev. But the fact of
existence of radiation propagating much ·faster than light appears incontestable. Sure, there
are no definite reasons to assume equation (12) be describing exactly that radiation, but one
cannot exclude such a possibiljty as a matter of principle. In any case, special experiments
are needed to verify the system (10) - (13) and to define the velocity c1 • It is important to
note: any experimental data being explainable by classical equations would be full explained
by modified equations as well.
So, the modified system cannot be worse than the classical one. Moreover, it is much
better theoretically. Nevertheless, fundamental completeness of the classical as well as of the
modified system appears more than doubtful. It is clear intuitively, that magnetic phenomena
are being described by these systems incompletely and in a heavy distorted form, if at all.
I cannot go into details here and shall confine myself to obvious remarks demonstrating
fundamental incompleteness of the Maxwell's equations. To this end it is necessary to take
into a{:count facts firmly established by experimental physics.
Fact one. Interactions between the nucleus and the electrons of an atom must be of
electromagnetic nature, thus they are to be described with equations of electrodynamics.
Fact two. Any atom possesses a mixed discrete-continuous spectrum to be defined ex-
Striving for explanation of these fads has led to establishment of quantum physics.
From the point of view adopted in this paper integrity of an atom and its structure (but
not the structure of the nucleus or electrons) is to be explained using equations for the
second ether, i.e. equations of electrodynamics, but sure not classical electrodynamics. It
is known in mechanics (see for example [8l), that' mixed spectra appear by investigation
of some specific problems provided presence of two ma.iri ' factors. First of them: presence
of a boundless medium described by an operator with continuous spectrum disposed above
a certain frequency (cut-off frequency) . Second ether plays the role of such a boundless
medium. Equations describing oscillations of an infinite beam (or a string) on an elastic
bedding can be cited as an example of equations being defined on a boundless medium and
having a cut-off frequency. To get a cut-off frequency from an electrodynamical equation for
a boundless medium it is necessary to take into account spinorial motions being responsible
for magnetic phenomena. The second factor: discrete spectrum appears below the cut-off
frequency, if there are discrete particles inserted into the field of operator with continuous
spectrum. Nucleus and electrons play the role of such particles. By inserting nucleus and
electrons into classical or modified electromagnetic field there will appear no discrete (sep-
arated) frequencies, because the system (1) as well as the system (10) - (13) do not have
any cut-off frequencies. The latter· would appear in waveguides, but that is not a boundless
medium anymore. Thus, electrodynamical equations are to be significantly changed to ex-
plain the structure of an atom. Exactly this is being done in quantum electrodynamics, but
there are other ways remaining in the framework of the classical mechanics.

Copyright® 1996 ZIWiA P:A.


3 Electromagnetic field of a growing point charge

Some facts inherent in classical electrodynamics give rise to considerable doubts by every-
one educated on traditions of classical mechanics. First of all, it is true for electrostatics,
which is included in electrodynamics as a thing for itself. Every static problem in mechan-
ics can be derived from an appropriate dynamical problem by transition to a limit. Static
conditions are setting in over a body by means of certain waves. That is not so in electro-
dynamics: electrostatic field sets in instantaneously over the whole space. There is another
fact. R.Feinmann writes [3, p.78J: "Laws of physics do not answer the question: "What
will happen by a sudden appearance of a charge at a given point? Which electromagnetic
effects will be observed?" There can be no answer to that, because our equations deny the
very possibility of such events. If it would happen, we would need new laws, but we cannot
say, what they would be like to... ". It sounds very strange for a mechanician. In mechanics
we suddenly apply forces of unknown sources and observe the system's reaction to these
forces. Moreover, the main equations have to be solvable by arbitrarily determined external
forces irrespective of the very possibility for such forces to exist. Charges and currents in
electrodynamics are analogous to volumetric forces in t he elasticity theory. Therefore, from
mechanical point of view a satisfactory electrodynamical theory is just obliged to give a
simple answer to Feinmann 's question.
Suppose, there is a charge coming into existence at a given point (at the initial point of
co-ordinate system). We assume this charge called a point source to be changing according
to following law:

Q(t) = Qo[l- e(t)], e(t) =exp (-21r;) t2:0

It is required to define disturbances of electromagnetic field connected with this source.

Physicists prefer to call these disturbances just electromagnetic field as such. The problem
formulated was investigated by R.Feinmann for an arbitrary function Q(t) {3, pp.l45-147].
The reader can compare solution represented below with that of R.Feinmann.
The problem possesses spherical symmetry, i.e. there exist two planes of the mirror
symmetry. Therefore, all quantities being represented by axial vectors, must be equal to the
zero vector:
-B=O_, ~=Q, ~=Q .
Firstly, let us try to solve this problem using the classical system (1) under assumption
of current being a motion of charges. As there are no moving charges there, j = Q. We
shall construct the solution using spherical co-ordinate system. In this case E :;, £(r, t) ~r .
Divergence E is equal to zero by pri r # 0, therefore

\1 · E = 8£ + ~ £ = o =? £(r, t) = C(t).
8r r r2

Using theorem of Gauss, we can define C(t) and then the field E:

E = Q(t) e . (16)
- 4?rcor2 -r

From the last equation of (1) we conclude, that 8fli8t = Q. Hence, there is no solution
of the classical system (1) by j_ = Q, because dQfdt # 0. This is just the case, which was
investigated by R.Feinmann, thus, the formula (21.13) cannot be considered to be a solution.

Copyright C!> 1996 Zbilin P.A


If we adopt a quite forced assertion about current not being necessarily connected with
motion of charges and define the current as an additional unknown quantity, we shall be able
to solve the classical system, because we obtain from the last equation of (I) and relation
(16) for that case:

Despite of existence of a. formal solution it cannot be considered physically satifactory, for

it sets in instantaneously over the whole space.
Let us now investigate the problem using the modified system (10) - (13). Here the
current is assumed to be motion of charges, i.e. the quantity j_ is determined. We can write
for that case: j = Q. :::} cp. = 0, 2,. Q.. =
Potential cp ~ cp(r, t) is described by equation (12)

oq c
ot eo

Let us rewrite this equation for the function '1/;(z, t) = ocpjc8t

1 &2'1/; 1
~'1/;=----p. (17)
ci ot 2

We can define electric field using following formula:

Classical theorem of Gauss is no more true for this case. Suppose, the initial point of the co-
ordinate system is surrounded with a small spherical volume V,. , gde r -+ 0. By multiplying
both sides of (17) with dV,. and integrating them over volume V,. we obtain:


Using the divergence theorem, we shall have:

{ L\tP dV,. = { ~ •'\1 tP dSr = - { ~r · E dSr .

Jvr Jsr Jsr
Assuming r-+ 0, we can write:

lim { ~r • EdSr = Qo (1- e(t)]. (19)

r-+0 lsr eo

This relation will replace the theorem of Gauss for us.

Let us write equation (17) for an area. with r f= 0

Here it is taken into account, that no radiation is coming from infinity. As there was no
field by t = 0, f(s) = 0 by s 2: 0. Consequently, the function f(r- c1t) is different from

Copyn8ht C 1996 ZJWin P.A.

zero only by negative values of the arguments= r.- c1 t, i.e. in the area r < c1 t .· Thus, we
obtain a wave representation for the field E:

E = _!_ [J(r- c1t)] e = [J(r- c1 t) _ f'(r- c1t)] e .

- or r - r r2 r -r

Now we can write:

By substitution this expression into (19) we get:

J( -c1t) = Qo [1 - e(t)]. ·
Using this relation, we can define function J by negative values of the argument.
Finally we obtain following solution:

Qo 0 { ~ [1- exp (271" r -c1 Cit)] 1 r :S Cti j

E( r t ) = - - - e - r T (20)
- I 411"£Q - r Or 0 . > t
, r _ Ct •

From this expression it can be easily seen, that a quasi-static solution ( 16) is setting in for
the area r < c1 ( t - r) by t > T . This solution is given by the classical system ( 1) assuming
presence of non-zero current. Current is absent in the solution (20).

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[7) JlaspeHTheB M.M., EraHoBa H .A., Me,z:t;Be,z:t;eB B .f'., OJie:imm< B.K., 4>oMMHhiX
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Tetra Space Co-ordinates

A tetrahedron-based system of space co-ordinates

We are living in a period of such overwhelming acceptance of the Cartesian system of co-
ordinates, based on three axes in 90 degree co-ordination, that it might be considered intellec-
tual suicide, or at least a risky and eccentric affair, to speak of an alternative system of co-
ordinates and to maintain, that such a different system would have considerable advantages
over what is now generally accepted. Yet, an alternative system has been discovered and is
available for refinement and use.

Rene Descartes, whose birth date we celebrate this year as having occurred exactly four cen-
turies ago, bas made prodigious contributions to science and philosophy, introducing_reaso-
ning where authority bad been the dominating factor before his time. We will concern oursel-
ves here with only one of his many feats, the introduction of a rational system of co-ordina-
tes, with which to locate the precise position of a...1y object inside a known space.

According to anecdote, Descartes invented the presently used system of co-ordinates obser-
ving and contemplating the erratic course of a fly in his room and realising that. if he could
determine the distance to each one of the three "axes" form~d by one of the rectangular cor-
ners of the room, he could be sure of its exact position, and that a succession of such co-ordi-
nates would define the otherwise elusive curves that marked the fly's course. Although we
cannot be sure that this anecdote correctly survived the centuries, it seems reasonable to assu-
me that the Cartesian system of co-ordinates was in fact based on the geometry of construc-
tion that is prevalent until this day, that is, a rectangular configuration of most houses and of
the rooms inside.

R. Buckminster Fuller, on the other hand, lived somewhat closer to present time than
Descartes; he died in 1983 at the age of 87. Like Descartes, Fuller has made copious contri-
butions to science and philosophy. He is probably best known for his invention of the geode-
sic dome, a structure of triangularly-interconnected elements that has the ;best ratio of weight
to enclosed space o( any artificial construction so far developed. More recently, Fuller has
received much public acclaim for having predicted. with his geometry, the existence of sphe-
rical molecules. The experimental discovery of the Buckminsterfullerene, a spherical and
extraorctinarily stable large molecule of carbon, is only a few years old.

Fuller's geometry goes by the name of Synergetics and has been developed. by experimentally
observing the behaviour of spheres of equal ctiameter, when packed as close as possible to
form regular geometric figures. The basic and most simple stable geometric configuration of
synergetic geometry is the tetrahedron, fornied by four spheres laying next to each other, in
perfect triangular configuration forming four angles of 60 degrees (fig. 1). Other important
elements are the octahedron (formed by six cl?sest-packed spheres) and the vector equili-
brium, which is the result of twelve spheres nested around a thirteenth, central sphere, in
omnictirectional closest-packing, 60 degree co-ordinated configuration.

Copyright@ 1996 by JosefHasslberger


The cube, which is at the basis of our present-day

construction methods and of the x-y-z Cartesian
co-ordinate system, is not in and by itself a stable
configuration. Eight spheres forming a cube are
inherently unstable. To gain stability; they must
be artificially stabilised by interconnecting them
in the way the tetrahedron is connected. In this
way, two tetrahedra of four spheres each, joined
at their respective centers, form one cube of eight
fig. 1
It happens that this geometry, as developed by
Fuller, is in perfect accord with how crystals
grow in their various forms, and that its application in engineering reveals to us the possibi-
lity of very efficient structures in terms of economy of raw materials and strength of the
resulting construction.

Now how could the discoveries of Fuller be utilised to form a co-ordinate system and why
should we venture to do such a task, seeing that the Cartesian x-y-z co-ordinates have done
perfect (or almost perfect) service for such a long time?

For one, Cartesian co-ordinates may be a convenient mathematical construct, but they do not
accord with nature's ways any more than modern chemistry will ever be able to duplicate the
conditions of living organisms.

If we utilise x-y-z co-ordinates not for orientation in a known enclosed space (such as did
Descartes), but in space with unknown extension, if our system of three axes in other words
does not form one of the corners of a known space, but the point of origin of space extending
in all directions, the original three axes are no longer sufficient for orientation. We must dou-
ble the system, adding a mirror image of the three axes, to be able to describe the space "on
the other side of the corner" (fig. 2).

Normally we do not think of this action as a

doubling of the axes, as we simply assign nega-
tive values to one of the sides, and positive
values to the other. But rigorously, we now have
six axes: plus x and minus x, plus y and minus
y, as well as plus z and minus z. The fact that
the plus and minus parts of each axis seem like
one continuous axis does not justify considering
them to be one. In fact, for the purpose of orien-
tation, we must specify whether we are locating
something on the plus axis or on the minus axis,
even if we chose to do so by considering positi-
fig. 2 ve numbers to belong to the plus axis and nega-
tive ones to the minus axis. So we have, in
actual fact, six axes to consider and in order to
locate an object in space, we must define its
position in relation to three out of six axes.

Copyright@ 1996 by JosefHasstberger


This is where Fuller's synergetic geometry suggests a way of simplifying our task enormou-
sly. If we decide to reduce the number of axes from six to four, taking the basic and most sim-
ple stable geometric figure, the tetrahedron, as our point of reference, we may locate any
point in space by defining its position with regard to three out of four (not three out of six!)
axes of reference. The four axes of reference in this system of co-ordinates are the axes that
originate at each one of the vertices of the tetrahedron, intersecting at its midpoint and pas-
sing through the middle of each one of the triangles opposite these vertexes (fig. 3). These
axes are co-ordinated with angles of 120 degrees. The four of them represent the minimum
set of reference axes emanating from a common origin needed for defining all possible direc-
tions in physical space.

I have developed, in order to make

this concept more clear and to allow
its application as a tool for instant
and intuitive orientation in space, a
colour coding system that combines
these tetrahedron-based space co-
ordinates with the currently widely
used method of colour separation for
printing purposes, the so-called
CMYK colour separation process.
--- --- ---
CMYK (cyan-magenta-yellow-black)
are the four colours used by present
day printing presses. The combina-
tion of these four colours in various
percentages creates a large number of
I '
different colours in almost endless fig. 3 '
continuous shading. Assigning one of ~
the basic colours to each one of the
four axes of the tetrahedron, and
blending them towards the other axes, we obtain in fact a unique colour for each one of the
thousands or millions of possible directions that we may want to instantly identify. Naturally
we can also express direction in terms of degrees, minutes and seconds of arc in relation to
the three nearest axes.

A part of this article is a printed version of a tetrahedron to be cut out and pasted together,
which will beautifully illustrate the principle.

A co-ordinate system of this kind, suitably developed and refmed, may be used with profit in
astronomy, in navigation (especially space navigation), in holographic representation of ima-
ges, in crystal-based-electronic information storage and possibly a whole range of other, yet··
to-be-thought-of activities.

By its use, we transform our four directions of orientation on earth (east-west-north-south)

into four directions of orientation in space. We need to develop and use this tool if we are
seriously considering to expand our influence into planetary or interstellar space, not only in
the sense of observation, but also of exploration and navigation.

Copyright© 1996 by JosefHasslberger

One last comment on the concept of "dimension", which seems to be not very well under-
stood by current scientific inquiry.

We are accustomed to calling this physical universe a three-dimensional universe. Text books
and encyclopaeqias tell us that space has three dimensions, without considering that the num-
ber of dimensions we assign to space depends only on the kind of geometric reference we are
using. I was tempted to say, in a first moment, that considering tetrahedric space co-ordinates,
obviously space must have four dimensions. But that would be making the same mistake as
our current authoritative teachings.

Space in fact has only one "dimension" which we may also call "extension". It extends equal-
ly into all directions. It does not matter how many directions we choose to refer to in our
systems of orientation, three, four, six, maybe ten. We are still considering the same space.
The term three-dimensional has as little physical relevance as would the term four-dimensio-
nal or n-dimensional. Dimensions, after all, are only a conceptional tool of convenience for
expressing in mathematical terms a particular way of looking at or of trying to comprehend
the reality of what we call space.

Josef Hasslberger
3 February 1996


1) Fuller, R. Buckminster "Synergetics", 1982, Macmillan Publishing Company,

866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022

2) Fuller, R. Buckminster "Cosmography", 1991, Macmillan Publishing Company

The author may be contacted at the following address:

'R ampa Brancaleone 25,00165 Rome- Italy. Telephone ++396 6374160 fax ++396 632196
e-mail: web page:

For more information about Buckminster Fuller and his work, contact
Buckminster Fuller Institute, 1743 South La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035
Telephone (213) 837 7710

Copyright© 1996 by JosefHasslberger



"It is more than obvious: doubt is

the father of any scientific discovery,
as it paves the way to the truth"


Chirkov A .G., Ph.D.,

32-29, Shpalemaya Str., St.-Petersburg, 191194, Russia


When solving a task, I have got a problem concerning formalization of the notion "the
reference system". It turned out, that this notion is either mistaken for or is considered
equivalent to the notion "co-ordinate system" in literature. It is quite often asserted, that
the reference. system is a physical notion being then defmed in physical terms, but it is
being not defmed at all in most cases. Later it was clear to me: lack of conqet~
conceptions of the reference systems leads to a number of serious problems in classical as
well as in relativistic mechanics. The most fundamental principle of modern Physics - the
principle of relativity - is based on the notion of the reference system as well, therefore all
the difficultieS arising by definition of the "reference system" notion, are transferred
automatically to our understanding of the relativity principle and this way to the Physics
as a whole.
Here I quote the relativity principle referred to the name of Galilee as formul·ated by
W.I.Amold: "There exist co-ordinate systems (called inertial systems) characterised by
following two features: .
I} All laws of Nature are the same to any time in all inertial co-ordinate systems.
2) All co-ordinate systems moving uniformly and straightforward in respect to an inertial
system, are inertial" (/ 1 /, p.8).

L.D.Landau and E.M.Liefschitz had given following formulation: "...there exists not
only one, but an infinite multitude of inertial reference systems moving uniformly and
straightforward in respect to each other. Features of space and time and all laws of
mechanics are the same in all these systems. This statement reflects the content of the so
called Galilee relativity principle- one of the most important principles in mechanics"
(/ 2/, p.l5).

Let me add the formulation given by Einstein: "This result can be expressed, using the so
called relativity principle of Galilee:
If laws of mechanics are true in one co-ordinate system, they will be true in another
moving uniform and straightforward in respect to the first one" (/ 3/, p.l30).

Thus, the principle of relativity consists from a number of separate statements being not
expressed in an evident form as a rule:
l. Definition of a reference system and a co-ordinate system; evaluation of their
differences or their equivalency. Otherwise there will be no consistency between the
formulations of Einstein and Landau.
2. Formulating the law of inertia.
3. Defining the notion of inertiality for a reference system or a co-ordinate system.
4. Statement about existence of an inertial reference system or a co-ordinate system
(further on we shall use the notion "reference system" until the specific section).
5. Statement about existence of a class of inertial reference systems.
6. Statement about existence of some invariant features of space and time by transition
from one reference system to another within the class of inertial systems (formulation of
7. Statement about invariability of the mechanics laws by transition fro m one inertial
reference system t o another.

It is not possible t o understand the content of the relativity principle and conditions of
its applicability without clear understanding of each thesis enumerated.

On the jacket of the fourth edition of Einstein's "The essence of relativity theory" there
is printed following statement of him: "Theory of relativity can be considered as a result of
a struggle with the fundamental conception of Galilee's and Newton's Physics - a
conception of an "inertial system" . Revision of the theory's foundations was stipulated by
essential findings obtained through electromagnetic and optical experiments. There were
not many scientists seriously worried about the ghostly notion of an inertial system
before". (/ 4/, v.2, p.796). ·

First formulations of the conception called now the "Galilee's relativity principle" were
appeared in the "Message to Ingoli". Only a part of this text is being cited usually
considered to be a classical definition of relativity of uniform and straightforward motion.
I shall quote this part a little later. To understand the matter it is necessary t o cite first a
number of sentences preceding it. As is obvious from the full name of lngoli's
"Disputations", own movements of t~e Earth are to be discussed there, " ...prescribed to it
by Copernicus, namely its diurnal rotation around itself and both annual movements,
including flying around the Sun following ecliptic and a second movement, around itself
again, but inversely to the diurnal rotation" (/ 5/, v.l, p.79). As can be seen, non-uniform
curvilinear motion is the subject here. A number of experiments is discussed in following
proving, to opinion of Ingoli and Ticho Brage, the immobility of the Earth. Galilee
remarks then: " ... those motions. although incidental and transient, always appear identical
before us regardless of the ship being in move or not. Could you not dismiss any d oubt
concerning the fact, that the same must 'be true for the globe provided the air is moving
together with it? It is the more so. because that general motion being incidental for a ship
we consider essential and natural for the Earth and for objects placed on it. And consider
additionally: we could stop the ship and let it move a hundred of times - we never shall be
able to find it out observing the objects placed inside. How would it be possible then to
ask the Earth about it, the Earth being always in one and the same state of movement for
us? "(/ 5/, v.l, pp.85-86).

The quoted excerpts from Galilee prove: the famous example with the ship is used only
as an analogy to allow the statement. that no experiments carried out on the Earth, which
is, according to the first citation, rotating and moving around the Sun on a curvilinear
trajectory. would allow it, to reveal its movement.

The above passages show clearly: the motion of the Earth and other heavenly bodies is
discussed here, and Galilee denies existence of a straightforward motion for them. Besides.
it is to be taken into account, that works of Galilee were intended for the most broad
readership, thus he has had avoided excessive details, having simplified to a limit the
Kepler's scheme - he did not mention epicycles etc., assuming orbits to be circul ar.

Anyway. it is completely obvious: these considerations have nothing in common with the
principle of relativity of the uniform and straightforward motion.

Galilee remarks in following, "...that no experiments, which can be carried out on the
Earth, would reveal sufficient proof of its immobility, that all events can occur absolutely
the same way regardless of the Earth being moving or resting". (/ 5 /, v. I, p.l 02).

This is the most direct formulation of the Galilee's relativity principle given by himself
and permitting no other interpretation.

Galilee has formulated with absolute precision the "cosmic" principle of relativity, he
has given a definition of uniform and straightforward motion, he has had a notion about
the inertial movement, i.e. he has had all the reasons to give a formulation of the
"Galilee's relativity principle". Nevertheless, he had not given it.

Now I want to quote another citation about the famous "Einstein's elevator" dealing
with Einstein's statement about the laws of mechanics being true in a freely falling elevator
and with his conclusion concerning inertiality of the system linked with it: "Observers are
performing experiments in a falling elevator. One of them pulls out a handkerchief and a
watch from his pocket and lets them out of his hand. What will occur to these objects? The
handkerchief and the watch will fall down towards the earth with equal acceleration as
seen by an external observer watching through the window of the elevator. We remember,
that the acceleration of a falling object does in no way depend on its mass. and this was
exactly the fact, which has revealed the equality of the weighting and the inertial mass, ...
both objects fall with the same acceleration for an external observer. But acceleration of
the elevator, its walls, floor and ceiling is the same as well. The distance between both
objects and the floor will not change therefore. Both objects wilJ remain exactly at the
place they were at the moment the observer left them out of his hand. The internal
observer can ignore the field of gravitation, as the source of the latter is positioned outside
his co-ordinate system. He finds out, there are no forces influencing both objects, therefore
they remain at rest, as if they were placed in an inertial system ... In short, the laws of
dass_ical mechanics are true for an observer sitting inside the elevator. All objects behave
. themselves according to the law of inertia ... Inertial character of the co-ordinate system
linked to the elevator is limited in space and in til}le. The object, moving uniform and
straightforward, will collide with the walls of the elevator some time or other: the uniform
and straightforward motion will be then disturbed. The elevator will collide with the earth
sooner or later, destroying the observers together with their experiments. This co-ordinate
system is just a "pocket edition" of a real inertial system" (/3/, pp.l78-179).

This conclusion is attributed usually to Einstein. But it is quite obviously a result

obtained by Newton (Consequence VI), when investigating the motion of objects in an
uniform gravitation field. Both results together arise from the Galilee's statements.

As it is known [ 6 ). the motion of a material point in respect to the Earth occurs with a
high precision such way. as if the system of co-ordinates x. y, z centred in the Earth's
centre of inertia would be inertial, provided the negligible small values of the gradient of
gravitation forces between the Earth and other bodies of the Solar system.

That is the conclusion formulated by Academician A. Yu.Ishlinsky almost four hundred

years after Galilee! And that is only another wording of the relativity principle discovered
by Galilee based on the local movements analysis, i.e. the analysis of objects motions in
the gravitation field of the Earth near its surface.

Sure, by taking into account the Earth's rotation there will appear inertial forces, but
they were discovered two hundred years after Galilee.

We shall call the Galilee's reference systems (real inertial reference systems) the reference
systems connected with the mass centres of real bodies moving freely in gravitation fields
without rotating themselves.
Galilee's systems (and only t hey) are basically suitable for applying the laws of
mechanics for relatively small observation areas. It is always possible to choose such
systems between them, which are precise enough for solving necessary theoretical and
applied problems.

All the surrounding space is nothing else as different non-uniform gravitation fields.
Inside these fields it is possible to choose Galilee's reference systems, each of them to be
applied for an own relatively small observation area being invalid for the adjacent areas.
Therefore, there is a negative answer to the problem of existence of a global inertial
system, as understood by the classical mechanics, applicable for objects motion
observation through out all the space, as well as to the problem of existence of a class of
inertial systems.
Indeed, due to non-uniformity of reai gravitation fields the free bodies separated by big
distances move with acceleration and curvilinear in respect to each other, each of them
being by the same time a real inertial system for its own area of observation. Thus, no
united family of inertial systems can exist in real conditions.
This way we come with necessity to rejection of the classical inertial systems and
consequ~ntly to rejection of the inertia law, notion of the inertial mass and relativity
principle based on equality of classical inertial systems.

Obviously, in the framework of the Galilee's reference system conception there exists
only one kind of mass- a gravitational one, because a body resting in respect to a Galilee's
system is moving in reality with the acceleration of free fall.

The notion of the absolute velocity has no sense, as there exists no absolutely immobile
body. Similarly, there is no sense by the notion of the absolute acceleration, because there
is no absolute inertial reference system. Thus, the notion of acceleration becomes relative.
There is no need for such a notion as the absolute acceleration, for the laws of mechanics
are true for every Galilee's reference system, when applied to appropriate observation area.

It is clear, that there exists no classical gravitational paradox in a Galilee's reference



I. ApHOJlb.ll. B.H. MaTeMant'leCKHe MeTO.llbi KJiaccHt~eCKOH MexaHHKHIO - M., HayKa,

1979, 431 c.
2. flaH.nayn..n.. flH~>WHU E.M. TeopenPieCKaH ¢H3HKa. B 9 T. 2-e J.13,ll.. Hcnp. - T.l -
MexamtKa. - M., Hayxa. 1965, 203 c.
3. 3HHWTeHH A .• l1H¢eJib)l n. 3BOJllOUMSI <lJH3HKH. - M., HayKa. I 965 , 326 c.
4. 3i1HwTeHH A. Co6paHHe HaytiHbiX TFYJJ.OB. B 4 T. no.n pe.n. TaMMa H.E. - M., Hayxa.
5. faJntneH ranHneo l136paHHbJe lFY.Uhl. B 2 T.- T . l - M., HayKa. 1964
6. I1wmtHCKHH A.IO. KnaccHtiecKaH MexaHKKa H CHJlbJ uHepuHH- M., HayKa. 1987, 319 c.

A New Theory of the Unified Physical Field

by V. L. Groshev

A unified field theory (UFT) is based on a unified noncontradictory physical

model of ether as a special electromagnetic medium whose states and dynamics
determine all physical interactions and forms of existence of matter at all levels of its
hierarchy. UFT reveals for the first time the physical essence of the notion of the
elementary nature of particles which is not associated with the existence of ultimately
small indivisible "bricks" of matter and is due to fom1ation of stable toroidal vortex
structures in a continuous deformed medium, i.e., ether.

UFT employs the most efficient physical models and mathematical methods of
modern theoretical physics, and first of all electrodynamics. Therefore it has the
property of succession. Even the first results of the mathematical analysis of the
expanded model of ether showed that the special relativity theory is the greatest
physical falsification in the science of the X:X-th century which is based on rough
physical and mathematical mistakes, and the general relativity theory, though it
analyzes some observed inertial and gravitational effects using a fairly complicated
mathematical apparatus, is devoid of any physical basis and is not a theory but a
system of speculative constructions unable to revea] the physical essence of inertial and
gravitational fields. UFf shows that the physical basis of inertial fields is a microscopic
process of electromagnetic induction in ether, and gravitational and antigravitational
fields rely on the processes of static polarization of ether and its internal motions, i.e.,
central sources and outflows, and jet, spinor, string, and toroidal flows.

UFT reveals and forms prerequisites to explanation of the physical essence of all
contradictions of modern theoretical physics. This concerns first of all the corpuscular-
wave dualism.

UFT relies on fundamental practical results of experimental physics. It not

only gives a new treatment for widely known fundamental physical processes used in
practice. The system of physical logic and research methods of UFT are able to
describe also the experimental discoveries made in recent years in physics of
gravitational and inertial fields, astrophysics, physics of plasma, and physics of spinor
fields which are little known to the scientific community and which have not found a
satisfactory explanation in the framework of existing theories.

UFT forms the basis for a new science, i.e., physical synergetics with description
of a system of successive elementary and collective physical processes providing the
bi11h of particles and of the systems of dynamically stable particles. The processes of
physical synergetics are contrary in essence to the thermodynamics and ensure a
continuous circulation of matter in the infinite Universe with an unvaried average
balance between eternally originating and decaying particles. Stable plasma toroidal
structures of the type of "kernelon" and "creaton" or "ball lightnings", and also the
creatonic reaction (a long self-sustaining reaction of formation of pairs of elementary
particles from ether) which is the most powerful in nature occupy an especially
important place in physical synergetics. The modern physics of plasma has no moral
right to develop applied engineering programmes on creation of reactors for the
controlled thermonuclear synthesis by closing its eyes on the problem of stability of the
ball lightning and not knowing real synergetic process of its formation. In the nearest
future an uncontrollable creatonic reaction can occur in the experiments on laser
thermonuclear synthesis where synergetics of the process is similar to the natural
conditions for the creatonic reaction in the cores of galaxies and the predicted values of
the laser radiation field strength exceed by four orders of magnhude the intratomic
field strengths. Such a reaction can instantaneously convert planet Earth into plasma.

UFI' provides an experimental checking of new discovered properties of matter

by using a known experimental technique and opens new ways for application of these
properties in science and technology~ First of all, this concerns the ways for the use of
new superpowerful renewable energy sources, and new methods for obtaining,
conversion and transmission of energy at long distances.

PhDr. Oroshev VL.,

Korablestroiteley Str., 39-1 apt. 661, St.-Petersburg, 199397
Tel: 7-812-3517000

Physical essence of gravity constant and ~ts consequences.

V. V. Vasil'ev

Scientific Computer Center, S.I.Vaviiov State Optical Institute, St.-Petersburg.

VNTs., GOI named after S.I.Vavilov, St.-Petersburg.

The additional experiments on the polymers electrification have revealed that the electrostatic
field of the substances with polymer possess the universal property of inductive force
interaction 'with any bodies of any chemical composition.
Using the revealed fact of the existence of electric fields, being completely identical in their
properties to gravitational fields, and also performing the analysis of both the gravity constant
dimension and of Newton and Coulomb gravitation taws, the physical essence of gravity
constant "G" has been elucidated.. Gravity constant "G" is the product of two cofactors, each
being the ratio of electrogravitational charges "q", included in each of interacting bodies, to the
value of its mass respectively. In other words "G" is the product of specific electrogravitational
charges qfand qf of two interacting masses. At present, at least within the Solar system it has
the value:

G =!h..· !h..= qf ·q: =6.670·10- 8 (cltf · g-• · s-2 ) (1)

m.~ .
From the law Of constancy of the specific charges product (1) the numerical value of the specific
electrogravitational charge is determined:

qs = !L = .JG =±2583. 1o-• CGSE charge units I g

Consequently, in any inanimate body the ratio of the quantity of electricity "q", responsible for
gravitation between bodies, to the mass "m" of the body, is a constant value. With the variation
of mass the total electrogravitational charge qt of the body varies according to the
q, =qs ·m=~83·10-4 ·m
Thus, the formula for the free fall acceleration "g" of the body in the gravitational field is
obtained: ·
g=qs ·E
The free fall acceleration of the body in the given point is equal to the product of the specific
charge qs of the falling body and the strength "E" of electrogravitational field, attracting the
body in this point.
From the analysis of the peculiarities of polymer's structure it bas been established, that
gravitational fields in their physical nature, are the circuital electric fields, which transfer the
energy of charges via the displacement currents.
The fact, that gravitation is connected with the rotating electric fields and the masses, is proved
at an example of photon intera.:tion with gravitational field of the Sun. Here the existing opinion
is rejected on the inadequacy of classical approach in the solution of this problem. The correct
angle of deflection of the light rays in the gravitational field of the Sun is obtained by Newton's
gravity law with the account of photon rotational motion. The photons interaction with the Sun
according to Newton's gravity law, and hence to Coulomb's law as well, evidences the transfer of
the energy of electrogravitational charges by photons. Photons' electrogravitational charges "qF"
integrate three world constants - the Plank constant "h", gravity constant "G", and light velocity
"c" - with the frequency "v" of energy radiation:
qF=--1- · V
Here the momentum of rotational motion "L" of microparticles is being quantized according to
Bohr's condition: L= J · (J) = 1r =1t,
where J is an inertia moment of the particle mass, 0> is the circular frequency of rotation.
The law of the constancy of the specific charges product (l) enables to calculate the parameters
(for example, the velocity) of celestial bodi~ movement around the Sun and the planets on the

Copyright@ 1996 by V.Vasil'ev

basis of Coulomb's law. Celestial bodies move along the orbits around the Sun under the action
of circuital electric and magnetic fields, and the force of gravitational interaction between the
bodies obeys the Coulomb's ll!w. .
On the basis of the proposed physical conception many bioelectric phenomena can be explained,
for example the lifting force of aircrafts and birds, the cause of ebbs and flows in oceans and
seas, the increase of translation velocity of the planets and man-made satellites in the perigees of
their orbits, and many others.

Copylight@ 1996 by V.Vasii'ev

\~ t e
The Ether Model as Result of the New Empirical Conception
MishinA M
Academician of International Academy of Mega Sciences
Asafiev Str., 2- 1, kv.l79, Sankt- Petersburg, 194356, Russia

Many riddles of the wuverse can be solved by application of a new in principle methodology
for experimental studies. A laboratory mock-up of the physical device simulating biological
systems at the level of ether perceptions has been constructed ( an engineering systems with an
artificial biological field). The device responses to the fluxes, ' temperature" and polarisation of the
ether allow to record the ether wind a1ising from the motion of the Earth, the Sun and the Galaxy,
and the signals are coming from the Sun and the Moon.
The obtained data is a basis for a qualitative model of the ether, that has spatial-temporal
spectmm of the vo1tex-wave states from the near -zero scales to the megascales and features a
topological diversity. The ether has proved to be an absolutely non-standard matexial medium,
which concun·ently stays in t1u·ee phase states (solid, liquid and gaseous ones), owing to
disturbances from nonequilibrium systems similar to stars and elementary particles of the
substance. The first basic phase of the ether is the 'solid' absolute space or tlle energy 'bonom'of
the Universe.
In natural sciences only observational and experimental facts are of intransigent value. The
most essential new data based on such facts have been obtained in works [ 1-4] where existence, to
intergalactic scale, of a certain 'solid' space capable of being an absolute frame of reference,
contraty to Einstein's conclusions, was proved. •
But what is physical nature of the absolute space? Where are the bounds of applicability of
the relativity ptiuciple? How to bring the experimental findings obtained by N.A. Kozyrev [5],
Veinik [6), A.V.Chemetsky [7] and many other 'parapllysicists' into correlation with classic
categoties? An attempt to answer these and other questions is made in the present paper.
The author is convinced of the fact that, departing only from the properties of an ordinary
substance and the fields accompanying the latter, which are unique, but not sole forms of the
parameter-ether, it is impossible to see other storeys of the Universe containing vottex-wave
stmctures of other scales aud topologies. Under the impact of facts it is to be admitted that
fundamenta l knowledge, novel in principle, are given by paraphysical experiments which taken as a
basis make it possible to constmct a sttictly scientific experimental methodology and the elements
of a novel physics including the theory of ether chains and systems. This approach enable to
reveal the physical meaning in those fields of science which were concealed by bare postulates to
this day.
This trend in research work was developed step by step by the author in [8-1 OJ where the
essence of the novel empuical conception is stated. The material obtained later confirmed the
efficiency of the experimental methodology based on the use of technical systems with artificial
biological field. It is definitively proved that similar physical devices are capable of sensing the
intensity ofturbuleut disturbances (the temperature) of the ether, anisotropic properties (direction
of polatisation ) and the ether fluxes (the wind ). Simultaneously, as shown in [8], there are
methods and means for investigation of macroscopic properties of the ether based on other
The device obsetvations and special expetiments perfonned by means of an auto-oscillatiooal
electromechattical system with attificial biological field and other devices in 1982-1996 ( Saint-
Petersburg ) enabled to obtain the following facts.
I. Any changes in intemal state or mechanical movement of the substance (the physical body)
are accompanied by unconventional vortex-wave disturbances of the ether, wh ich increase the
ordinmy energetic density (temperature) of the ether in the field adja~~nl to this body. as well as
Copyright@ 1996 by A. Mlshin
ou the way of directed speed of waves ~p unknown nature. l.t1 a patticularly effe~tive
way tile
ether is disturbed by uouequilibtimn thermodynamic and electromagnetic processes. The ether
vortex-wave disturbances prope11ies depend on the element composition of the active body,
intemal strucntre of the latter, the geometry and the frequency of mechanical or other oscillations.
The physical body at rest is filled with a heavy 'liquid' ether ( a 'liquid'mass adjoined [8] which
beyond the body tonus a less dense stationaty envelope reproducing a gravitational field in shape
and gradient.
The insufficiently explored ether processes described occupy a broad range of macroscopic
spatial-temporal waves-frequencies and display an obviously pronounced persistence, which
con·oborates their quasi-matetial, vmtical uatui·e.
2. Under laboratory conditions all experiments to perform on generation and registration of
new forms of ether motion obey the paraphysical adaptation law [10) or the triad law (an
analogue of the relativity ptinciple). Most efficient is the first expetiment the first application of
the newly built device; which is followed by formation of an energy-information barrier briugiug
all processes , with a threefold recurrence of the situatiou, to classical ones. In one of the
experiments, during the first connection the unconventional radiation altered by 15 fold the
parameter of the physical process.
The energy-information batTier represents the principal property of the ether that is called the
least disttubance ptinciple [8]. Subject to the conditions of the expetiment adaptation takes up
from several seconds to several hours. (The experimemer comes to in a more slowed-up as the
vottex sizes grow ). Alteration iu the spectral composition of the ether disturbance puts the energy-
information banier off for some time.
3. The excited field of the ether behaves as the field of elevated temperature wluch is
influenced by gravity. It crawls off in space, decreasing the intensity. but predominautl5' in a
horizontal plane and down the ve1tical. Hence, the quasi-substance as vottical has the mass and
it's comparison with a thermodynamic process displays just one aspect oftbe phenomenon.
Upon Upon turning off the generation and completing dissipation of the quasi-substance ( in
about 3 hours ) the ether field adjacent to the generator and in t11e radiation direction turns into a
'wanless' spatial inhomogeneity t11at can be attributed to the polaiizational or structural-
topological auisotropy of the equilibrium, gravitational phase of the ether. But the main thing lies
in another fact, that is this inhomogeueitly able to exist for many hours stays on one spot, despite
the Earth motion in space and the ether wind blowing on all sides.
4. Vottical viscosity of the tmdisturbed ether is"by sever~l times greater in the horizontal plane
than in the vertical one i.e. anisotropy of the stationary ether envelope of the Earth and the
gravitational field corresponding tc it in stntcture exist. It can be evidence of the fact that the ether
vo1tical suuctures spectmm alters with height towards increase in the vottex sizes, and in tile
horizontal plane the ether is more homogenous. The anisotropy is so great that in a vertically
standing cast-iron dumb-bell when overtuming it by 180 the liquid ether stmcturally overflows
from the upper pa1t to the lower one showing the effect of 'sand-glass'. At the same time
anisotropy fonns near the Earth surface a .peculiar 'wave channel' offering an opp01tunity to
record all space disturbance in the horizontal plane.
5. Energy density (excitement) of the ether depend ou external natural factors. Thus, day
changes in the ether temperature are coiTelated with the electric field of the Eanh which amow1ts
by Moscow time to minimum 6 hours and maximum 21 . hours. Shott energy bursts cause
thunderstonn phenomena in the atmosphere.
Episodic rises in the ether energy have also been fixed at noon when directions of orbital
motion of the Ea1tb, geodetic ether wind from East to West and Hattman reticulum concluide.
Outing a month the et11et energy increases with full moon and drops with new moon·.
6. Stationaty geophysical ether wind of eastern direction, wind towards the Sun after sunset, as
well as wind of vatiable direction caused by a system of cyclones and anticyclones in the

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Mishin

atmosphere were found out. Motion of a~~nasses entrains a must mobile p01tion of the ether
mantle of the Ea1th with regard to the adaptation law.
7. On a scale of the solar system the device obsetvations fix the ether component of the solar
wind. the contrary and fair orbital winds on the Earth stuface. These turbulent fluxes of the ether
have a _different spectral composition. For example, fair wind for the Ea1th, having velocity of
about 300 km/s . is caused by revolution, together with the Sun, of the solar individual
WlConventional ether field.
8. The contrary and fair ether wind is recorder when the Sun is moving in a galactic orbit, as
well as recorder are the anisotropy of space in the direction of absolute motion of the solar
system towards the Leo constellation and a similar motion of the Galaxy towards the Hydra
9. Feasibility is proved to record by means of devices of the Eatth with other celestial bodies.
Local signals from the Moon, the Sun and the centre of the Galaxy and the Hakutake comet (25
March, 1996 ) are fixed.
The experiments totally prove the most impottaut point: the et11er winds of vaaious directions
can be recorded by physical devices simultaneously and independently, violating the law of vector
addition of spatial motions. In exactly the way, simultaneously and independently, gravitational
anisotropy (polarisation ) is observed in the ether.
The expe1imeutal data presented bear a direct relation to the problem of absolute space.
Fragments of records taken fl-om many hundreds of observation and expetiments are given in
Fig.l. Below each oscilogramm Moscow legal time is indicated in hours, and in the even of
spatially selective measurements geodetic azimuth f3 is also indicated, under which the mail) axis
of sensitivity of the Artificial Biological Field Device (ABFD) was exposed. In the graphs the
position on the temporary axis of the solar disc in the moment of alignment of the latter with the
ABFD sensitivity axis is denoted with a circle (the light circle - the Sl!ll is in front on the main
axis; the dark one- the Sun is on the back, under the Earth; and the half-dark one - the Sun is in the
orthogonal direction). The designed position on the temporary axis of the main space reference
points is indicated by vertical lines with corresponding inscriptions, a short horizontal line
indicating tlte 011hogonal direction.
Only local hmizontal component of extemal disturbances of the near-ea1th ether layer was
measured, i.e. right ascension a'= f3 in the latitude of Saint- Petersburg. All the astrophysical data
are put at the author's disposal by A.A. Shpital'naya.
The fiist graph in Fig. I displays the adaptation process (formation of the energy -information
banier) as ABFD reaction to a step wtconventional signal technogenous origin (shown ill dotted
line). Iu this even the adaptation time constant is equal to 3 hoW'S. For the natural processes this
time can be substantially greater because of the natura! dynamics of the spectral composition cf
the ether disturb~nces.
Oscilogramm 2 displays an increase i11 the ether energy density after 20 hours. The broken
character of the curve is attributed to a cllarge in the ether anisotropic properties (fluxes) when the
device having a sufficiently uatTow diagram of sensitivity rotates jointly with the Earth. Daily
changes of the ether energetics are also corroborated by record 3 obtained by means of an
electromagnetic device generating pulse signals inversely proportional to the energy density
(vmtical viscosity) of the ether. At tltis point again a rise in the ether density after 20 hours. a sh01t
increase in energy for about 3 hours and a long one after 6 hours are recorded. As noted before,
similar variations are inherent to the electric field of the Earth.
In oscilogramm 4 the gravitational anisotropy of the Sun is recorded. Curve A is the first
cow1ection of ABFD in a new mode; cUJve b is the record of the followin!! dav. which shows
adaptation loss of susceptibility and concunently a more accurate direction to~ards the source of

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Mlshin

Graph 5 demonstrates the etiect of a powerful ether flux un the ABFD Otthogonal cham1el in
the direction · favourable to the Eatth motion and practically coinciding with tht:: direction of the
galactic orbit of the Sun. Record 6 characterises the ether anisotropy in the direction of tbe
absolute motion of the solar system to the Leo constellation. Similar anisotropy is caused. by a
contrary vottex-wave flux whose spectmm is altered by the Earth fields. [n oscilograrn 7 the
identical result applies to the Stm motion in a galactic orbit towards the Cygnus constellation,
recorded by the main ABFD chmmel. Tilis signal couraius more noises, as an ether flux of a close
spectral composition moving in the opposite direction exist.
In oscillograms 8 and 10 signals received from the direction close to Y.A. Baurov's
cosmological vector potential were recorded to the orthogonal and main channels [II]. For the
first signal (December) tight ascension with no conection is to latitude o:'=283. for the second one
(May) o:'= 90. In the graphs perceptible also is the Centre of Galax-y (CG), and the 'maguetic'
anisotropy itself does not differ in anything from other directions, both by observation with ABFD
·and· by data of sensor perception. Therefore, from our point of view, the cosmological vector
potential is caused by an ordiuaty ether flux existing in the system of galaxies. There is good
reason to assett that in stable ether fluxes both longitudinal and lateral constant magnetic fields
spontaneously may arise.
Oscilogram 9 is typical in that in it the direction of absolute motion of Galaxy (towards the
Hydra constellation), the centre of Galaxy were recorded, but the signal towards the Leo
constellation is uot in evidence. In records 6 and 7 there is no signal from the Hydra constellation.
This is evidence of a sporadic character of the device obsetvations discussed which require
accumulation and statistical processing of information of the same type. Graph ll shows that
approach of several anisotropy directions (the Leo coustep.ation, the Sun and CG ) in space an
increasing influence on ABFD.
Proof of the fact that gravitational anisotropy of the ether exists lies iu oscilogran) 12 recorded
at the moment of the nonequilibrum state of the ether energetic density. A bifurcated image of the
Moon has been obtained , where the first signal corresponds to the true direction. Such things are
possible, as the ether strucnues of various spectral compositions rotate jointly with the Earth
differentially. Unique oscillogram 14 fixed the active ether processes in the neighboluhood of the
Moon in 40 hours after new moon. The signal oscillations observed are in fact substantially more
intensive after 15 hours, because a powerful low-frequency filter is included at the tracer output.
Oscillogram 13 proves a good resolving power of ABFD, ·s eparately recording comparatively
closely located directions of the ether anisotropy (the Hydra and Leo constellations). It is
noticeable that the designed directions coincide with the real one not very accurately, but this is
quite natural for a single session of measurements. The signal amounting to 24 hours is caused by
a local increase in the ether·energy.
In the last oscillogram 15 vottex-wave disturbance of the ether produced by the Hal'Utake
comet are recorded. Several days earlier the signal oscillations were of such an intensity that the
tracer constantly went off-scale. By 25 March, '1996 a distinct angular velocity of the comet had
developed, and tl1e etlier disturbances had become ordinary, as in the graph presented.
Investigation of the form of the signals recorded offers a conclusion conceming macro•scopic
quantization of the ether processes, particularly distinct in oscillograms 6-10. A great A
A great p01tion of investigations has not been demonstrated here, as it was conducted without
docnmentaty records with a visual or sens01y supervision. For example. the eastem ether was
detected and studied with the use of hydrodynamic units [8] stationary anisotropy properties of
the unconventional field of the Emtb were studied by the methods of biolocation, etc. All tlllngs
considered the data obtained and other scientific materials drawn enable us to describe. in the first
approach, the structural model of the etl\er. .
The Universe is a boundless three-dimensional non-linear material medium called the ether
and having it's disntrbances iu forms of vortices and waves. The ether whose ptimaty elementary
structure can only be an object of conjectures resembles, fi:om the macroscopic point of view,
most off aU a quantum superfluid liquid with strongly pronounced polatisation and spin properties,
Copyrinbt @J 1996 lw A. Mishin
and this liquid realises the ptincip!e ofleast disturbance. When studying a similar linle-kttoWll
medium it is· expediem to use the hydrodynamic approach, assuming as a basic charactetistic the
spatial-temporal energy spectnun of voxtex-wave disturbances. Total combination of the
expeximeutal facts with a deductive approach provide an opportwuty to give tlte following
qualitative desc~iption of the ether states.
The energy spectmm of the ether-Universe is given in Fig.2 On the axis of abscise a spatial co-
ordinate A = 2nl~ in picornetres is laid off from the unit in a quadratic scale, where ~ is wave
vector; 011 the axis of ordinates spectral density W=E/A is laid off in an arbitrary scale. Moving
along the space axis where on the 0 -1 interval the scale is represe11tative, it is possible to run
down qualitative change in the stereodinamic storeys of the Universe.
The blackened area of the spectrum, adjacent to the zero mark, is the basic and most steady
state of the ether in fonn of a dense massive homogeneous medium in a liquid-c1ystal, practically
solid-state. This is the energy 'bottom' of the Universe that in all times was identified with a
concept of absolute space. Thus, space is statistically the most inett fine-stmctural, 'gluon ·state of
the ether, which we shall tentatively call solid ether-1.
The following nanoscopic scale of the specttum is presented by the Utuverse, filled with
elementary patticles of substance, i.e.local steady vortical formations of the ether- I with a large
spiral moment of the single-sign pulse. In the same area the turbule11t field of the ether lies, which
is called the vittual 'foam' of the physical vacuum. The cause of formation of substance and
singlescale turbulent disturbance is a category of the highest order. It can only be a supposition that
predomination of patticles over antiparticles is caused by rotary-and-progressive motion of the
Universe as a whole. Tite physical vacuum as patt of conde11sed bodies behaves as a dense
superfluid liquid which we shall call liquid ether-2. The ether states under consideration·determine.
to an accuracy 10 ' 7, the ether energetic and the whole appearance of the laboratory ·world
surrounding us.
After the ether-2 a subspace of a quasi-substantial fine matter begins. the latter consisting of
vortices with typical sizes from molecular to interstellar scales. The storey of the Universe is
statistically less stable and, under terresttial conditions, displays immeasurably lesser energy as
compared to the classic alone. Let us call this phase the gaseous superfluid ether-:! excitement and,
as a secondary form of motion, is able to independently exist. The etller-3 has maximum e11ergy in
the area I0"7 - Io·HJ m, as it effectively generated by all tile forms of the molecular motion.
Convincing evidence for existence of the ether-3 on the Eatth surface is presented by the
Hattman 's reticule, biological field suuctures, as well as data of special 11atural observatio11s and
laboratory expeiiments [5-10]. The horizontal dotted line in Fig.2 de11otes the medium level of
energy of nonconventioual disturbances of the ether caused by the existing backgrow1d of
electromagnetic waves.
Beyond the molecular area the ether-3 energy at first falls, and then grows according to the
flicker-noises law, which is atttibuted to an increase in permeability of the energy-infonnation
barrier as the size of vortices grows. The spectrum maximum in planetary scales is bound up with
participation of the ether-:?. and ether-3 in geophysical processes. The ether state acquires a new
quality at stellar and galactic levels of vortex formation.
The spectral charactetistic given in Fig.2 very tentatively displays the area of the stars which
are to be attributed to the 4 1h plasmatic state of the ether (the ether-4 ), qualitatively and spatially
isolated from other phases. The star is a steady anomalous phenomenon in the et!Jer body having a
spectmm witl1 a wtifonn distribution of energy among the vottical structures of all scales, not
avoiding the substance. In the galactic systems the new quality emerges fonn the f.1ct that the
ether- 1, i.e. space, is pattially involved into the vortical motion, and this is d1e cause of violatio11 of
the Newto11 's laws in the dynamics of the galaxies. Hence, in this specuum region a powerful
growth in the etlter energy deusity should be observed. ~
The difficulty in perceiving the ether consists exactly in the fact that, being a bow1dless
matetial body, in the greater pottion of it's tluee-dimensional volume it at dte ·same time stays in
the soljd, liquid and gaseous phases, apa1t from the phenomena of such types as elementary
Copyright@ 1996 by A. Misbin
a1ticles and stars. As to the origioal cause of the phase state the following definitions of the eth_er
~an be !riven: solid ether-! is ptimary, or fundamental one; liquid ether-:~ is elementary, substanu~l
one· aa~eous ether-3 is molecular, wavy, etc. one; and plasmic ether-4 is stellar one. The galacttc
vot~i;es as the 51h state of the ether are new elements in the Universe hierarchy. and this can be a
returu to the ether-2, or rather to the substance at another storey of the Universe.
It is imp01tant to size up that spectrum given in Fig.2 charactetises the energy of eleme_n tary
vottices of a pmticular phase ofthe ether. For example, in the vottical motion of the cyclon~ m the
atmosphere, air, water vapours, ether-2 and ether-3 ?articip~te. ~owever, when p~ottmg ~e
spectmm only the vottices ofthe ether of the scale cous1dered, tgnonng the accompanywg mot~ou
of the substance elementary patticles whose mechanics is subject of studies of the cotTespoudmg
section in the ordinary physics, are to be taken into account.
The painciple of least disturbance (tendency to the lowest energy level ) which is realised via
the 'violet' energy spectral cascade is the fundamental prope1ty of the ether. This ptinciple lies as a
basic in all conservation laws and the priuciple of relativity, but it's effect is confined to certain
spatial scales. According to the law of flicker-noises , grows in spectral density also stands for
existence of a 'red' energy cascade in nature. Owing to this, in scales of the Galaxy d1e conditions
are episodically formed when energy of a "cyclonic· vortex commences to exceed the ether-!
energy in the same volume. And then an energy "discharge" arises between the spectrum wings,
which means birth of a new star.
Any physical body (system) having a mass has it's own autonomous solid subspace in a fonn
of a aigid vortical stmcture of the ether-2. The form, sizes of elements and energy of this stmcture
are defined by the mass value and are adequate to the gravitational field. When interacting with
the ligid 'reticle' of the ether- I (absolute space) even the subspace of the Suu cmmot deform it, at
least in the neighbow-hood of the planets, by which a relative uustabiliti of the main laws of physics
is explained in our planetary system ether.
The Earth rotates jointly with it's solid subspace, incorporating ether-2, etber-3, stationary
magnetic and electric fields. When interacting with the motionless ether-! wtder conditions of a
curvilinear motion on the Eatth sutface a contrary eastern ether wind arises (the magnetic field of
the Earth is canied westward with velocity of 0.3° a year). The Moon is influenced by two winds,
that is, contrary one from the ether- ! and favourable one from the ether-2 and etber-3. (The
artificial earth satellite is influenced only by the integral contrary wind). In their orbital motion the
Earth and the Sun are influenced by the contrary and favourable fluxes of the ether. The space
anisotropy recorded in the direction of the Galaxy motion (Fig. 1) is indicative of the fact that the
absolute space, i.e. the ether-1, does not alter it's properties in intergalactic scale.
It follows from the laws of our world that the ether-1 is responsible for the phenomena such
as substance, inettia, gravitation, electromagnetic waves ,ptiuciples of relativity and conservation.
The unconventional forms of the ether motion introduce non-substantial conectious into the
academical physics. The ether-2 and the ether-3, being a 'product of vital function' of the classical
substance and field processes, fall into secondary forms of the ether motion, which perform mainly
the information func~ou at their storeys of the vortical systems. Though, tmth to tell. flowing-
down of the ether towards the centre of planets should conuibute to wanniug-up of the core.
Under the ten·esuial conditions the etber-1 joints witl1 the voi1ical motion of tlte substance aud the
etber-2 and -3 in special situation when natural cataclysms and various anomalous phenomena
develop. Studies on macroscopic properties of the ether and the laws of energy-information
interaction of the etlter with substantial processes are to become an impoatant patt of tlte tbe01y of
Within the scope of a small paper it is impossible to throw light on all the aspects of tlte
fundamental problem. However, the most imp01tant part bas been said, tltat is. the ether is an
absolutely non-standard matc1ial medium. staying at tlte same time in three phase states. owing to
disntrbauce from nouequilibrum systems, such as stars and elemema1y panicles of substance. The
first most stable phase of the ether is ·an absolute solid space ("die Feste des Himmels", according
to the Holy Sclipture), or the' energy "bottom"of the Universe. whose elementary structure

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Misbin

remains a mystety. In regard to the ~tierarchy of the vmtical structures of the ether. not a single
star. bttt a galactic vottex should be considered as analogLLe of a classic elementary pa ttick. Hence.
the electro~ is an accumulation of "plasmic" subpatticles ether: and the cause of the otigin of the
substance and the gala;\ies (supersubstauce) is to be common. lt is most probable that the rotary-
and-progressive motion of the Uuiverse as a whole is this cause.
At the present stage only through studying tbe macro- and megascopic fom1s of motion the ~
fundamental propenies and the fine depths of the ether can be pen;eivt!d. Exactly iu ti.US way and
quite successti.tlly the classical physics statted on it's joumey in studying the microcosm.
The author is profoundly grateful to A. V. Frolov and A. A. Shpital'naya for their patticular
h'elp m.-work.

. '• \ ~

1. -- EqmMOB A.A.. 3a:wn.aaes IO.A.. illmtTaJlbHas:t A.A.. 3t<cnepHMeHTaJ1bHOe

06Hapy:>KeHHe a6COJllOTHOfO npoc-rpaHCTBa. 0p06JleMbl npOCTpfiHCTBCl 11 BpeMeHH B
cospeMeHHOI\t ecTeCTB03HnHHH. Opo6JieMbt Mccne.uosaHH51 sceneH HOi1 N I 6.. 1993. p.l33 -
2. tOJitieJibHHI<OBa -MyppH C.A., .K npo6neMe o6HapyJKeH H.S! LOHtJKemt.ll ConHel(!10i4
CHCTeMbl OTHOCJHeJlbHO 3<jlllpa, npoOJieMbl npocTpaHCTBa 11 BpeMeH~f' B COBpeMeHHOM
ecTeCTB0'3HJHmt. npo6neMbl HCC.IJe,!loBaHHH BceneHHOH N 16. 1993. p.95- 105.
3. MapttHOB C. OnTH•tecKue l13MepeHH.S! a6comoTHOH cKopocnt 3eMmt. Opo6neMbl
np<_:>CTpa HCTBa 11 BpeMeHH B COBpeMeHHOM eCTCCTB03HaHIH1. npo6JICMbl HCCJiellO~aHHH
BceneHHOH N 15. 199 I. p.357-364. ·
4. YoJIJiec o..LI.iK.. npo6JieMa npocrpaHCTBa .11 speMeHH B coepeMeHHOH qnt311Ke.
np o6Jie~Jbl HCCJ1e.llOB(lHJ.1.11 BceJiettiH>H N 15, 1991. p.258- 267.
5. Ko3btpea H.A .. l136paHHbte TpYJlhl ,_ P~tblished by Leningrad State Unjv., 1 9~ I. 488 p.
6. Bei:fHI-IK A.H . ., TepMO.{l.HHaMwKa peanbHbiX npoueccoa, HayKa ~ TCXH11Ka. 1991 .

7. l1epHeTCKi'IH A.B .. nna:HvteHHb!e CV.CTeMbl c pa3.t.teneHHCM )J1CKTp14'1t!CKHX 3apH1lOB.

monography N 4003-83.LI.ED. BHHHTH 1983. I 02 p. .
8. MHWHH A.M .. 0 HOBbiX CBOHCTBax cjHt3H'ICCJ<Of0 BaKyyMa. rpaB!iTaUHOHHOfO flOJI>l 11
MaCChi, 1988, 44 p.
9. MHWHH A.M .. 0 MaKpOCKOOI14CCKOH MexaHHKe <j>H3 J1 lleCJ<Of0 BaKyyMa. npo6neMbl
HCCJie.uosaHHH BceneHHOH. N 17, 1994. p.94-99.
I 0. MHWIJH A.M.. Pe3yJibTaTbt '3KcnepuMeHTri no pentcrpauHM 3<pHplioro serpa.
npo6JieMbl uccne.aosaHHH BceJieHHOH. N 18. 1995. p.24-33.
11. fiaypoa lO.A .. 0 ClJ>YKType <jJH3H4eCKOr O npoc-rpaHCTBa 11 HOBOM B3<HIMO.llei:fcTBHI1 B npo6JieMbl HCCJie.nosaHHR BceJieHHOH. N 18. 1995. p.S-15.

Copyright © 1996 by A. Mishin

2 ()

1S f8





13. . 15'
Copyright@ 1996 by A. Mishin
~ - .--.--.- . ·... -.; - .. ,-,-
.~.,-_-- --
. .. ~--.,.. - .-_-,-. · ~·


__......__________ __
Ether-3 ......, :
molecular (gas)

g .l
...., c.o ~~
'§ .-.t =
!f~ p.

@ c:
::d .

·~ ~
.![ Ether-) :
.....,._._....._. -~pla~~l1..~a!2 __ r~
...~ Ether-4\ stellar (nlasma) · l
a· ~
"-.~ .... ----- ---
- .... ...,_.---------....:
Ether :·



Kyrill Pavlovitcb Butuso¥,
Dr. Phys. Math.Sc.,
5-18, Anglysky Pr.

The hypothesis about existence of matter's waves proposed 1923 by Louis de

Broglie was brilliantly supported through experiments carried out by Davisson and Jarmer
a year later. Nevertheless there was a number of contradictions contained in it from the
very beginning. De Broglie has made following assumptions forming the basis of his
theory: a) the wave is flat; b) it's phase velocity is inversely proportional to the particle's
velocity; c) the particle is positioned on the wave's crest and the group velocity of the wave
is equal to the particle's velocity.

The first assumption contradicts to the theory of radiation stating, that for a flat
wave to be emitted radiation sources of finite dimensions are needed. The second
assumption appears quite strange, as the vacuum being an universal media seems to
possess no dispersion. There were attempts to substantiate the third assumption of de
Broglie using the wave package conception. This elegant idea turned out to be
inacceptable, for such a package would dissip~te very quick.

A probabilistical approach to the matter's waves pressed on de }3roglie by Bohr,

Heisenberg, Born and Dirac was rejected by him later. As a result, de Broglie and his
disciples continued to work according to the program proposed by de Broglie already in
the year 1927 and called "a theory of dual solution" considering the particle as some
singularity positioned on the wave's crest. Expressing his discontent about the way
choosen by development of the quantum mechanics, de Broglie has written: "You sure can
be delighted by stricktness and consistency· of this quantum mechanics recognizing
exactness of it's predictions. But everybody can ask himself, whether it gives us a correct
image of physical reality masked by it's fonnality. Is it not possible to re-establish the
notion of a localized particle using the wave description, thus giving back the only exact
meaning to the notion of a corpuscle? Could it not be the way of progress for the
quantum physics similar to that chosen a hundred of years ago by Boltzmann and Gibbs,
who used the notion of localized atoms to develop abstract laws of thennodynamics? It
was exactly the choice, which has led to development of statistical thermodynamics as a
science having explained the real meaning of entrophy and predicted the events not
embraced by previous theories" [l].

In view of the above it is very interesting to assess different model representations

of de Broglie waves allowing it to understand their nature more exactly. This paper is an
attempt to represent them using creeping waves arising by interaction of two counterw~ves
having slightly different frequencies.

Let us consider two flat counterwaves propagating along the axis OX:

'¥1 = cos(w 1t - k 1x); and ( 1)

where k, = 27! =~; (2)
A.l c


The resulting amplitude will be:

cv +cv~) (k -k ) (cv - cv,) (k +k,)

'¥='¥ +'¥ =2cos [( 1 - · l - 1 2 ·X]·cos[ 1 - ·t- 1 - ·x]· (3)
I l 2 2 2 2 '

n <<cv, (4)
n cv n
'¥ =2cos[cvt --x]·cos[.Qr--x] =A(t,x)cos(cvt--x), ( 5)
c c c
i.e .. we have a wave with a slowly changing amplitude.

Let us define it's phase velocity.

cvz--x = Const; v =-=-
dx eve
c ; dz n'
we shall get for the wave length:
A. = v 2n = 2n c . ( 8)
"'m n,
Let us define also the group velocity and appropriate wave length.
To that purpose we assume ·
.nt--·x=Const. (9)
dx c.n 2n 2n
v =-=-· A=v - = - · (10,11)
lpdr cv • lp n w
A superposition of two counterwaves giving a creeping wave can be obtained by
waves emitted from a moving source due to the Doppler effect. Unfortunately, there are
different formulaes for the Doppler effect given by various authors. For example, in the
monograph of L.D.Landau and E.M.Liefschitz "Theory of field" [2] this formula reads as
cv =CVo 1- fJcosB (12)
where e is the angle between the velocity vector of the source and the direction from ·the
source to the point of observation, f3 =v . A similar formula can be found in the "Physical
Encyclopedical Lexicon" [3] and in the book of A.N.Matveyev "Optics" [4].
Quite another formula is given in the monograph ofR.V.Pohl "Optics and
Nuclear Physics" [5]:

(I) :: (I) 0
-vi- p2
Such formulaes are cited also in the monograph of G.S.Gorelik "Oscillations and waves"
(6] and in the book ofW.Smithe "Electrostatics and Electrodynamics" [7].
Let us consider both forms of the Doppler formula and analyse the results
comparing them with the practice.
Using (12) we shall get following expressions for frequencies:
for e=0 (frequency emitted forward)

F? =OJo
• (1+.8), where OJ = OJ 0 ~; (14.15)
1-/3 1-/3 1-p- =(I) -vi- /3~

for 8 = TC (frequency emitted backwards)

OJ- = OJo F? = (l)o ~

- /3- =OJo (1-.8)
r:-;;2 (1- .8) • (16)
1+/3 1+/3 -vt-/32 =OJ

for e = !!_ (frequency emitted sidewards)

OJ 6 = OJ 0 vI - p =OJ 0 (Ir-;;.
- /3 ) 2
(I - fJ ) . (I 7)
...;1 - p- :=OJ

This way
--=--- -=-- -
2 - 2
- =Q= f.IOJ;

v ==OJc=.:_=c~. A.=2;rc=2;r2; (20 .21 )

I} f3m p v • n cvv
encfJ(J) u
21C 21C 21C
A=v - = v - =c· - . (22,23)
lp OJ OJ c ' lp n /3m (J)

Let us assume the particle be emitting virtual photons exchanging them with the
vacuum, then the frequency of their radiation will depend on the particle's energy as
follows: ·
(24, 25,26)

me~ mvc
=/3(1) = - -.
n (27.28)
Substituting (27) and (28) in (21) and (23) we shall obtain:
A.= 21C c2 = _.!!__ H A = 21Cc = ..!!_ . (29,30)
mu mu OJ me
Expressions (28) and (29) coincide with the wave length formulaes of de Broglie and
Thus, the mean frequency OJ= (J)+ +OJ_= E corresponds to the full energy of a
2 h

particle, the frequency m0 =Eo corresponding to the energy of rest. Using (17) we shall

E - E.,= E (31)
2 k.

where E is the energy of the sidewards radiation, Et being kinetic energy.

Using the relation
E = E0 +Et (32)
and s ubstituting it into (31) we get:

E 0 +E,~:-E 6 =2Et;
E0 =E 6 +E.t. (33)
It means, that kinetic energy of a particle cannot exceed its energy of rest, because by
p = 1: E 6 = 0, which evidently contradicts to the practical experience. It is well known,
that it is possible to obtain kinetic energy of an electron exceeding its energy of rest by
many times! Thus, we can conclude: the formula {I 2) does not reflect the real state of
For this reason let us go over to the formula (13).
For frequency emitted forward(()= 0) we obtain:
cv+ = ~~- p~ I

which coincides with the formula (14),

while for the backwards radiation ( () =1r ): cv = l-P

~1- p2
also coinciding with {16).
Thus all the formulaes for u 11 • A., u,P and A will be the same.

But the formula for the sidewards wave ( () = ~) will be different:


(34) ,

i.e. (J) 6 = cv
We have obtained a really curious resu,lt: the frequency of the sidewards radiation
is to the mean' frequency defining also the full energy of the particle, i.e. E = E . But
E = E0 +E.~: , so E0 =E 6 -E.~: (35,36),
which is essentially different in comparison to (33).

Let us now consider the frequency difference for p << 1

cv CVo{l-1 +-:;-) CVo p~
cv-cvo= ~1-o/3~ -cvo~ ~1-/32- =H·T' i.e.
E.~: _ E
E 0 _ E . {i2 mc2 u 2 p 2n
-,;--,;----,;--;;· 2 =r;-·2fzm = 2 2m' n (37)
which coincides with a well known formula (32).

Let us define the dispersion relation for the relativistic formula:

(38) .
., ., .., ., ., ., ., vl., ., .,
n·cv 2 =n 2
CV~ + !Wu·c· =n·cv 0+ IWC4 -:;-

=tz·cv~ + fz·cv·f3 2 •
Using {19), we shall obtain:
... ., ., ("\.,
- CV 0 = cv·p- =H·, i.e. pc=nn. (39,40)
According to (8) and ( 40) k = 21r = n =1!..
A. c ft
and p= fzk. (4 1,42) ·

Formulaes (41) and (42) conform to the known expressions for dispersion relation and
impulse of a particle.

Generally relations for differeni angles (} can be written as follows:

cu 1 =cu(l + f3cosB); k I =~·' (43)

(I) 2 = a.~(t - f3 cos f!) ; k,-tV:
- - ,.
- c
expression (19) will take the form:
w 1 -w
= = Q 6 = f3w cos(}, (45)
while formu la (5) wi ll be transformed to:
If/= 2cos[wt--
n w
x] ·cos[il 6 t- -x] = A(t,x)cos(wt--
n (46)
e c c
Let us define the phase velocity and appropriate wave length:
wc--9 x =Canst; ( J ) d l -0- dx =0;
e c
dx (J)C C V;mm
u ----- ---· (47)
;s- dr - Q - ucosB- cos(} '
u ;olin = - ; (20) . mto
an d tak mg · account t h at w = --
me- ("'_4) we'II get:
u r.
27r 21r e h A. min
Ae=-;-·ujlO= wucos(J= mucos(J= cos(}, ( 4B)

where A.m"' =_!!_

(29). Now we can define t he group velocity and appropriate wave
n t --x
= Consz; il 11 dt- -dx = 0;

u, 0 = dx = n 11e = jJwcosB·c = ucosO; '49)
., dz co w
AIJ=u, 11 1r = Tre=A=~;(30)
(5. )
. , n(} (.V me
Formulaes (47), (48) H (49) are represented graphically in Fig. I .


0 v.- X 0 X

~. v X

Pu.c. 1.

Analysing this figure we can see clearly, that a superpos1t10n of the creeping waves
propagating under different angles to the direction of particle's movement leads to
creating of a phase wave having a flat wave front being perpendicular to that direction.
This conclusion is in agreement with the hypothesis of de Broglie.

Thus, the model representation of a de Broglie wave proposed by ·u s and based on

a conception of creeping wave created by virtual photones describes all the features of a
wave according to the de Broglie hypothesis giving the same formulaes as those accepted
in the quantum mechanics.

Dispersion relation used by Schroedinger to obtain his wave equation can be

, , ,
IWV- p-
followed from equation (37): OJ- OJ 0 = - - =--.
2hm 2hm
Subst ituting there (42), we shall get:
n'-k'2 tz 2 I
OJ-OJ 0 = - = - · k =.0. (51)
2fim 2m
Consequently, Schroedinger has proposed the approximate relation (51), which
corresponds to unrelativistic conditions and is true only for the case fJ << 1 (a right
dispersion relation (41) is used in the Klein-Gordon equation). Schroedinger has assumed
an exponential form of the wave.
Using relations (1), (2). (3) and (24), we shall now express \fl1 and \fl: by substituting (14)

'1', =cos("' .z- k.x) =co{u(l +P) {z- ~)]=cos[~ (I+ P) {z- ~) l (52)

'1', =cos(,_z+k_x) = c{"(l- P){z+ ~)]=cos[~ (1- P) (t+ ~) l (53)

. ~ = ~ + pc;
E (l +/3) = E + mc E (t- /3) = E _ pc. (S 4.SS)
tz tt ft c ii tz h tz tz'

Let us define the halfsum of the functions '¥1 and 'I'~, taking into accou~n (3), (5), (I 8),
(19), (40) and (42):
'I', +'I'!= cos[(cv. +cv_) t- (k. -k~) x]·cos[(w. -w_) 1- (k. +k_) x] =
2 2 2 2 2

= co{nc- : x) ·cos( cut-~ x) = cos( ~c t - ~::) ·cos(~ z- ~ x) . (56)

Now we introduce functions:

'¥3 = cos(pc t-
and (57,58)

Exponential form of the functions '¥4 can be written as


~. =exp{{(~ + ~c)(t- ;) ]}; ~, =exp{{(~ _~c)(t+ ;) ]} ; (59,60)

~. =exp[{~ 1-: x)] {61,62)

Both functions will be equal to each other, if pc>> E 0 , i.e. by ultrarelativistic conditions.

By solving this problem we can apply three laws governing dispersion of waves:
a) optical:
w2=k2c2; (63)
b) relativistic: cv~ =cv~+ecl; (41)

c) unrelativistic: n' = _!!_k 2 (51).

Let us obtain the Schroedinger and Klein-Gordon equations, using the function 'I'~
and appropriate dispersion relations.

To this purpose we shall define the first and the second partial derivatives of this function.
8'¥4 = iE 'l' . cr'¥4 =- Ez 'l' (64,65)
1i ~· ' . (/ 1
::J 2 1i! 4.
1}\{'4 =-i p 'l' . (66,67)
ox 1i 4

Using (64), we obtain:

E I 8'¥~ i ol¥
j - = - - - = - - - -4, (68),
tz z'¥4 01 '¥4 ot
Similarly, (67) gives:


Now we substitute these ~xpressions into the unrelativistic dispersion relation (37):
E Eo l :- hi·nb. . .
- - - = - - = - . - , t us o tammg:
1i tz 2tzm tz-2m
i 8'¥~ E I if'¥4 , tz . 2
-it1°'¥4 - E0 '¥4 + 1i ff'¥24
;-· =0.
'¥ 81
1i '¥~ l}x- _m or 2m l}x

Substituting there (68), we get:

As E- E 0 =Ek, we obtain following equation for a free particle:

tf\f'~ 2m E = =0 (70)
ax-~ + n-~ .1: T-'

For the case of a particle moving in a power field it is necessary to replace Ek with
E.t = E- U, which gives us the final equation:
tf\f'4 +2m (E _ U)\f'
ax~ fl~ ~ =0 , (71)

known as the one-dimensional stationary Schroedinger equation for a particle p laced in a

potential field. The three-dimensional form of this equation can be written as fo llows:
~ \f'4 +~(E- U)\f'~ = 0 (72}

Let us now obtain the Klein-Gordon equation.

It follows from (65): E 2 = _!t_

az:ar 4
and from (67):

Substituting these expressions into relativistic dispersion relation (41 ), we get:

h~ ff'¥ 4 _ Ez c fl ffV1 4
2 2

-\11 at~ 0 -~ ;::,x2 •

- " (/

This is the one-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation, the three-dimensional version of it


Let us now obtain similar equations, using the function '¥3. For derivatives of this
function we can write:
a'¥3 =ipc 'P3 . (75,76)
or h '

o'¥3 = -i!.'P .
ox lie 3 ' (77 ,78)

It fo llows from (77):

E ic a'¥3
-=--, -. = -~-.--.
and from (76): 3 l 1 ?'¥ 1
h '¥3 ax h- c- '¥3 or
Substituting these expressions into unrelativistic dispersion relation (37) gives:
ic a'¥3 E0 I a~'¥3 h
'¥ 3 ax
-:y; =- c 'P3 2 2m ·
2 ot
. .mto account (77) we o b tam:
. 2m, (E- E )lrJ _1 ff'¥3 -- 0 .
By tak mg 0 T3 + ,
h- 2
c- ot
Considering E- E 0 = E.t for a free particle, we conclude for this case:
2mE m _!_ ff'¥3 -0
n 2 t T3 + c~• or-• - ' (79)

Sim il arly, for a particle moving in a potential field it can be written:


21~1 (E _ U)\l' 3 + _!.;_ 8 ~3

=0 (80)
;, - c- a:-
While in the case of the function '1'4 we can speak about a particle being localized into

volumes with dimensions of a wave length A.=~ (29), this wave length will be different
for the function '1'3 , namely A= ~(30). Thus, when using the function 'P3 we can speak
about realization of de Broglie's desire "to re-establish the notion of a localized particle
using the wave description, thus giving back the only exact meaning to the notion of a
· · Let us now use the relativistic dispersion relation (38) and the function '¥3. From

(78) we get: E~ =_li c &~3 ,

'¥3 ax-
1 1
similarly from (76), lc 2
=- li~
3 • Substitution of
., .,. ., _.,\JJ
tcc-(J\1'3 h-o-r 3
these expressions into (38) gives: ----- = E1 - - - -
'¥3 o x1 o \y3 iJt: .
Now we transform this equation to the following form:
&'¥3 _ __!_ ff'¥3 -- E~ \II
. ax- c-
., -
n-c- .
., ., T3

The new equation is similar to the one-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation (73), but its
right side is negative. By extending this equation into the three dimensions. we obtain:


Equations (72) and (80) can be folded together into one. It follows from (72):
~( -
;,.-. E
U) =- ~'¥4 ,
and from (80): ~ (E- U) = --?--
21 1
1 3
• Equalling these expressions
or ·
· L\ '¥4 I ?'¥3 I ?'¥3
we o b tam: - - = -
2 - - - or ~'¥ 4 ·'¥3 --:;--~-'¥4 =0.
'¥4 c '¥J ot~ c- (/::lz-
Using the d' Alambert operator


and taking into account, that the function '¥3 · '¥4 = 't', + '¥2 ='¥ satisfies the d' Alambert
equation. i.e. 0 '¥ = 0, we can write: 0('1'3 • '¥4 ) =0. This is a natural result, as the initial
expression for 'P had to satisfy the ordinary wave equation with optical dispersion
relation (63).

But there is another way to fold together equations (74) and (82). By separate
addition of the left and right sides of these equations we obtain:
AliJ \II 1 a='¥3
ur 3 +~r 4 --,--~---~--.-=,
1 o2'f'3 . ( ) 1 a ('~'3 + '~'4)
L\'1'3 +'¥4 - - , ,

c- ar c- ar c- ar

This new equation is an ordinary wave equation as well, corresponding to the same
dispersion relation (63). Consequently. the new function '¥5 = '¥3 + '¥4 can describe the
wave field of a particle having a zero mass of rest, corresponding to the ultrarelativistic
I 8~'¥
case: D.\f'5 - - , ---;;-!- = 0 , hence, taking into account (83):
c- C/l-

0 'l's = 0. (84)

Now we can summarize the main results obtained with the proposed model
representation of de Broglie wave based on a conception of creeping waves produced by
the interferention field of the virtual photones being exchanged between the moving
particle and the vacuum. The creeping wave represented here has all the features de Broglie
had postulated for his wave of matter:

I. The creeping wave is flat.

2. The phase velocity of the wave is inversely proportional to the velocity of the particle.
3. The group velocity is equal to the vefocity of the particle.
4. The phase length of the wave is inversely proportional to the impulse of the particle.

The creeping wave is described with the product of two functions: \f'3 and '¥4 •
The function "1'4 corresponds to the standard wave function applied in the quantum
mechanics, while the wave equations for it correspond to: '
5. The Schroedinger equation for the unrelativistic dispersion relation.
6. The Klein-Gordon equation for the relativistic dispersion relation.

But the proposed model has obviously some additional advantages. Using the
function '¥3 it is possible to obtain new wave equations: (80) for the unrelativistic case and
(82) for relativistic conditions. Features of these equations are yet to be investigated.

An attempt to connect a particle with an wave package, made once, has failed, for
a wave package dissipates itself very quick. The link between a particle and a creeping
wave is always there, as the latter does not dissipate. ·

By solving the wave equations (80) and (72) for the functions '¥3 and '¥4 it is
possible to define the amplitude of the function 'I'= '¥3 • '¥4 • It will be real, so its square
value will represent the energy of the virtual wave being connected with the particle and
not the density of probability, as it is considered by the quantum mechanics.

vVe call this wave the wave ofinertion and not the wave of probability, as increase
of the energy of the virtual photones emitted by the particle is exactly equal to the increase
of its kinetic energy.

Moreover, localization of the particle is defined now by the group length of the
wave equal to that of the Compton wave and not by the phase length of the wave being
equal to the length of de Broglie wave. Therefore, use of the function '¥ =\f'3 • '¥4 to
describe a particle allows it already, to speak about a localized particle, i.e. a corpuscle.

We would like to add: proposed model representation is marked by a graphic

physical mechanism and is very apprehensive, which is quite important methodologically.

even if further mvestigations concerning use uf these new equations will not reveal any
special advantages for solving the quantum mecharucs problems.


l. )l(.JI.AH,D,pa,D,e 3 Clmsa, )l(.JiowaK. ITollii, qaCTHUbl, KBaHTbl. "HaYKa". M. 1972.

2. Jl.,ll..JiaH.zr.ay, E.M.JIH<junuu. TeopuH noJijl. <I>u3Ma1TH3. M. 1973.
3. "<I>H3H'Iecxuu 3HU.HKJione~qecxu.H CJIOBapb". "CoBercJ<aR 3HUHKJione.zutR". M. 1960.
4. A.H.MaTBees. OntuJ<a. "Bt;1cwa.s~ WI<ona''. M. 1985. · ·1
5. P.B.IloJib. OnTHKa H aTOMHaR <J>usuxa. "HaYKa". M. 1966.
6. r.C.fopeJIHK. Kone6aHHJI H BOJIHbl. <l>H3M8TfH3. M. 1959.
7. B.CMa~T. 3~_:KTpOCTaTHKa H 3.Jit:KTpOJ(H.Hal\mKa. 11-Jl. J,\1. 1954 .

. ..
r ,•


Who could guess that we would know so much and

understand so little.
A. Einstein

Expansion of Bor's Quantum Postulates

by J. G. Klyushin

St .. Petersburg, Russia

· There are· certain reasons to believe that the effects of three fields are the
foundation of the suppressing majority of the facts which are now known to physicists.
They "Bore the electric and gravitational fields and the field which the author calls the t-
field in his paper [1]. The manifestations of the latter are diffusion, heat transfer, and
all the effects·resulting from the Shroedinger equation.

The· electric field is the field of velocities. It moves in vacuum with a certain
velocity c. Tlie'gi'avitational field is the field of accelerations. J.t moves in vacuum with
a certain accelenition a. The t-field moves in vacuum with a certain coefficient of
diffusion b.

The gravitational and t-fields are fundamental, their charge is mass. The electric
field is in a certain sense a speciai case of both of them.

However, the electric field has proven to be most thoroughly investigated. In

particular, the velocity of its propagation in vacuum has been"found, and the wave
equation which describes the vector and scalar potentials of tbe electric field are well
investigated for different cases. A correlation of dispersion._ which ties the angular
velocity with the wave-vector has been obtained from the wave eqriation:

The author shows in his paper [2] that the vector and scalar potentials of the
field of gravity are described by the fou...rth-order differential equation with respect to
time and studies some examples of t}1e manifestations of this field. In particular, some
additional suppositions are formulated in order to find the constant acceleration a with
which the gravitational field propagates. But are these suppositions true or wrong? This
is the question. One of the goals of this paper is to get an estimate for a using the well
known correlations of quantum mechanics.

The t-field is least studied. Its vector and scalar potentials are d~cribed by the
fourth-order differential•equation with respect to space coordinates [1]. f'lie boundary
problem for all the·equations mentioned above is solved by the Fourier-technique. As a
result, one gets a family of standing waves of acceleration and. diffusion in the' atom
whose oscillating nucleus gives rise to the waves in its vicinity. The eigep. values of the
boundary problem define the wave vector, and the wave vector defines the radii of the
Bor's orbits of electrons in an atom. In other words, the Bor's orbits in the atom are the
surfaces of zero accelerations and zero diffusions for the waves induced in the atom by
oscillating nuclei.

The centrifugal acceleration of the electron on these surfaces is compensated for ·

by the oppositely directed accelerations of standing waves. Thus though the electron
rotates around the nucleus, it is not accelerated and hence it does not radiate.

If the boundary problem for the nucleus in the gravity or t-field is solved (the
latter problem is partly solved by means of the Shroedinger equation), all necessary
facts result. In particular, one obtains radii of electron rotation, its angular velocity,

Copyright© 1996 by J.O. Klyushin

the frequencies of radiation when electron passes from one orbit to another, the law of
dispersion for these fields, and the numerical estimates for constants a and b. However,
one can already evaluate b:

b =hlmo (l)

where h is the Planck's constant, and mo is the electron mass.

In the history of physics, not the theory was developed, but some experimental
facts concerning the black body radiation and behavior of electrons in the atom were
obtained first. They were stated without any explanation as Planck's and Bor's
postulates. The latter work successfully when describing a hydrogen atom, but they are
not so effective for other atoms. Now we can say why. The matter is that oscillations in
these nuclei differ from those of hydrogen nuclei. Unfortunately, the boundary
conditions and the character of oscillations in different atoms are not known.
Therefore the aim of this paper is more modest, i. e., to show that the law of dispersion
for the gravitational field obtained in [2] leads to the same results as Bor's axioms.

Let us assume that:

n, m, k are positive integers,
rn is the radius of an electron in orbit n,
ron is the angular velocity of an electron in orbit n,
mo = 9.11 1o-31 kg is the electron mass,
h = 6.626 1o-:u kg m2/s is Planck's constant,
a is constant acceleration,
Wn is the energy ~fan electron in orbit n, and
Ao.m is the frequen~y of radiation when electron passes from orbit m to orbit n.
The traditional Bor's postulates can be generalized a little and expressed in the
following way.

The first Bor's postulate:

Oscillations in an atom nucleus originate in its vicinity such t - field waves that the
surfaces of zero diffusion are defmed by

mo rrl CDn =f(n)h , n = I ,2,3... (2)

An electron is able to rotate without radiation only on these surfaces. The function f(n)
is defmed by the boundary conditions of the t - field for the atom nucleus. In
particular, for an atom of hydrogen

f(n) = n, n = 1,2,3... (3)

Note that the appearance of electron mass mo in (2) is not essential and one can rewrite
(2) as

rn2 ron = f(n)b, n = 1,2,3... (2a)

It is well known that the electron possesses the potential energy Wrl and kinetic energy
Wn" on orbit n, and

W~ =-2Wn", n =1,2,3... '·


Copyright C 1996 by J.O. KlyuJhin


The second postulate of Bor asserts:

Wmk- Wnk = hA.n.m, n,m = 1,2,3... (5)

One can rewrite this equality using equality (1)


For a hydrogen atom

. 1 1
An.m ::= R( 2 - - ), n,m = 1,2,3... (6)
n m2

wher.~ R 3,29 1015 liZ is the Ridberg constant. The coordination between the gravity
and t- field means that the same facts should be valid for the field of gravity.

. The first postulate of the field of grav.ity:

Oscillations in an atom nucleus originate in its vicinity such gravitational waves that
the surfaces of zero accelerations are defmed by the equality

g(n)rn ron 2 = a, n = 1.2,3... (7)

An electron is able to rotate without radiation only over these surfaces. The function
g(n) is defined by the boundary conditions of the field of gravity for an atom nucleus.
In particular, for a hydrogen atom

g(n) =n 4, n =1,2,3... (8)

Eqs. (7) and (8) for a hydrogen atom imply

. '
One can verify by a direct substitution that (7) and (8} are valid for n = 1,2,3 ....

The second postulate for the field of gravity:

WnP- W~ = moa(l(n)rn -l(m)rm), n,m = t ,2,3... (10)

where l(n) is a certain function of n defined by the boundary ~ondttions of the field of
gravity for the nucleus of .an atom.

Because of the second Bor's postulate, Eq. (10) implies

2hA.u.m = - moa(l(n)rn -l(m)rm), n,m = 1,2,3... (II)

One obtains for the atom of hydrogen

1 1 1 1
2 2
2 2 '
n m n m
or using (I)

Copyright@ 1996 by J.O. Klyushin

------~----- -- --

2bR = ar, (13)

Let us explain the meaning of the results we have got.

It is convenient to visualize the standing waves of acceleration as a chain of hills
surrounding the main mountain - a nucleus. The valleys between the hills are Bor's
orbits. The first postulates of the gravitational and t - field describe the behavior of an
electron in the valley: its diffusion and centrifugal acceleration are constant for any
valley, but these constants differ for different valleys. For an atom of hydrogen, the
diffusion grows linearly with n and acceleration decreases as the fourth degree of n.

The second postulates describe the energy necessary for an electron to overcome
the hills. This idea is especially understandable for a hydrogen atom. The right-hand
part of equation (12) is a potential barrier or the height of the hill which electron is to
overcome. This height decreases as the fourth degree of n with increasing r. The left-
hand part of equation (12) is a doubled energy necessary for an electron to jump from
the valley n to valley m. But why does the experiment show that the electron needs not
a double, but only a single quantity of kinetic energy? The answer is : because the
electron in orbit n already possesses the kinetic energy equal to a half of the energy
necessary for jumping to the other orbit. One can visualize it as follows: the electron
moves not along the bottom of the valley but along the slope of the hill, and such a
movement compensates its centrifugal acceleration.

The process of radiation and absorption of photons can be visualized in the

following way:
The photon whose energy is equal to the difference between the quantity of potential
barrier for the orbit and kinetic energy which the electron already possesses in this orbit
covers the potential gap and makes electron to jump to the other orbit. When the
electron returns back, it forces out the photon, and the atom radiates it. That is why
the atom is able to absorb and radiate only photons with a certain energy.

The proposed approach proves to be also useful for solving the problems of the
Universe development, and in particular, the problem of the Solar system creation. It
was shown by the author in [2] that formation of stars begins when elementary
gravimagnetics in a cloud of gas and dust begin to coordinate their directions. This
means that a gravimagnetic field B appears in the cloud, and its direction becomes the
future axis of rotation of the system.

It was shown in [2] that the gravimagnetic field acts in two ways: the dust which
moves in the plane perpendicular to the B plane is rotated by it and the dust which
moves in the plane parallel to B is pressed by it to the perpendicular plane, just like
with a loop with an electric current placed into magnetic field. As a result, the cloud
becomes flatter and begins to rotate around the direction of the B field.

The appearance of standing waves of acceleration in the cloud means formation

of potential pits into which the dust streams down, thus originating a planetary system.

Creation of planets in the Solar system apparently began on the brinks of the
cloud, i.e., at ftrSt Pluto and after it other planets including Jupiter were created. This
succession was to be completed by a planet between the today's Earth and Mars at the
distance ofr, = 180 1()6 km from the today's Sun. This is the distance at which asteroids
of the Hungary family which are nearest to the Earth are situated. The reader·can easily
understand that such a system could be constructed according to the "hydrogen
principle", i.e., radii and angular velocities in it would be defined by

Copyright. C 1996.. by J.O. Klyushin


However, just before this planet was to be created the structure of waves in the cloud
had changed. It was enriched by heavt eiements and the potential pit displaced from
180 I ()6 km to 285 1()6 km. The main belt of asteroids is now situated there. Creation of
this planet was not completed when the potential pit moved to the today's orbit of
Mars. It is easy to verify that the Earth succession of planets including this unformed
one satisfies the Jaw

The system of satellites of big planets was formed in just the same way. For instance,
the first six satellites of Jupiter including the unformed one at the distance of 1350 J03
km from Jupiter (a ring of dust and stones must be there to-day) satisfy the law

The next three satellites are apparently incompletely formed satellites, just like the four
outer ones. These four satellites have the opposite direction of rotation.

It was shown in [2] that the direction of the gravimagnetic field of stars and
planets is not constant. It periodically changes. In particular, this process manifests
itself in changes of the magnetic pole of the Earth. Therefore, the satellites which were
formed during the period of opposite B direction have the opposite direction of
rotation. The chemical composition of the outer Jupiter satellites which were formed
nearly simultaneously with asteroids must be close to that of asteroids. However, the
satellites close to Jupiter must have another chemical composition, perhaps reminding
the composition of the Earth group of planets.

The same holds for satellites of other planets, for instance, Uranium. A ring of
dust and stones must be situated at the distance ofn = 65 103 km from Uranium. This
is its first unformed satellite. If it is so, then three next satellites form a succession of
the "Earth group of planets" type.

fn = rtn, <On= rodn 312 , n = 1,2,3

Note in conclusion that a similar process must occur in galaxies. In particular,

the effect of constant velocities of gas clouds in the vicinity of galaxy which is now
explained by the existence of "concealed mass" originates in reality from the galaxy
gravimagnetic field which in the outer space of galaxy satisfies the condition

f(n) =g(n)
Here, f and g are taken from (2) and (7). In other words, the velocity of an increase in ro
is equal to the velocity of a decrease in ron.

As a result,

ro <On= const

It would be interesting to compare this assumption with a real behavior of gas in the
vicinity of the Solar system.
(1] .si.f.KmoDDm. Oupii!BQBJie.!Iorapuqu.ra. HosHe~e»B ecrecrBo:saamm, T.l9,'1.11, 1996
[2] J .O .Klyushin. On the Maxwell approach to gravity.Appendix to the Proceedings.

The Concept of Mass Process

By Alexander V. Frolov
P.O.Box 37, 193024, St.-Petersburg, Russia Tel: 7-812-2747877 Email

''Action is curvature of the World"

Pavel D. Ouspeosky, 1911,
A New Model of the Universe

The truth of the matter wave theory is now widely recognised. Attractive as this
theory may seem at first sight, it is opened to one serious objection: the wave
superpositions are unstable and must be disintegrating. To solve this problem enable
with supposition that mass particle may be represented as stable dynamical
superposition of wave packets that have place for resonance condition.
In this paper it is demonstrated how to calculate the resonance parameters of
certain mass-object are described by means of spatial curvature function. Several
examples demonstrate that natural mass-objects are described by whole number value
of resonator curvature. This property allow to consider the space-time as secondary
induced effect of mass process. Mass and gravitation field around it are balanced energy
system. The concept can be used as applied tool for energy-mass and mass-energy
transformations in energetic and gravitational propulsion systems.
New approach to definition of the nature of time allow to develop applied
experimental research work on the chronal technologies.
Time as Radius of 4-dirnensional Resonator
Let's consider the motion of the point along closed trajectory. This process
create dynamical one-dimensional space-time that is line. It is process and there is some
its period. If the line is closed there is resonance phenomenon and parameter for it is
radius R. Curvature is defined as 1/R:

p, = 1/R [ 11m] F. 1

where R is radius and p 1 is linear curvature.

Process of motion for all line create the dynamical surface that is two-
dimensional space-time. If it is closed surface ( sphere), the resonance parameter for it
is two-dimensional curvature:

P2 = 2/R [ 1/m ] F.2

By similar arguments the spatial curvature can be obtained:

P3 = 3/R [ 1/m] F.3

It is parameter for resonance process of dynamical structure of three-

dimensional objects.

Copyright C 19916-by Alexander V:Frolov


It is possible to use radius as description for periodical prqcess in one-

dimensional closed space of circumference only. But periodical space of any
dimensionality include the circumference as projection. So, some value of radius that is
measured in ( N+l) space is period of time for processes in dynamical N-space. Time
as radius for circumference is direction that have place out of line. It is new direction,
next dimension.
The dynamical structure of 4-dimensional objects is created as change of 3-
dimensional structure in next direction. The parameter for it is 4-curvature:

P• = 4/R [1/m] F.4

This understanding of the time nature allow to suppose some methods to create
local rate of time. In any case it is necessary to change density of energy in space. For
one-dimensional space (line) it is linear density of energy, for example: well-kno:wn
density of electric current. For surface it is energy of electromagnetic wave.
Also it is possible to change 3-dimensional density of energy (electromagnetic
energy or density ofmatter) in volume ofspace to create local time effect.

Electrodynamics Nature of Mass-Effect

In 1923 L. de Broiglh supposed that mass- particles must have wave properties.
He used formulation E=hf and ~=p~. where p is impulse, h is Planck constant, f is
frequency, m is mass, c is light velocity. Then he joined both parts in equation hf=pc.
For wave-length A.=c/fthis formula is known as A.=h/p [I].

There is other logical branch for this idea and this way lead to more wide
concept of mass. Instead of E=pc, by de Broighl, let us take the formula for energy of
rest mass

E= mc2 F.5

Energy of electromagnetic field energy (wave energy) is

E=hf F.6

In strength of the wave-particle duality wrote the equation:

mc2 =hf F.7

and mass can be represented as electromagnetic oscillations

m=--f F.8

where (h/c2) is new constant between mass m and frequency of oscillation f. Let's
named it as chronal constant because it demonstrate mass and time correlation:

Copyrlpt 0 1996 b)' AJ,..auder V. Frolov


m=---- F.9
c2 T

where T = 1/f is period of oscillations.

In other words, product of mass and period is constant value

mT=-=const F.IO

The chronal constant is ratio of elementary quantum of action ( h ) to the square

of the velocity of light ( c2) and it is equal to 0.73725·10 -so [Js2/m2].

In other words, there is no time separately from mass, by F.l 0. Main masses of
out time-system are planet and Sun.

Taking into consideration the Heizenberg's formula

h = ~p~x F. ll

mass-time equation can be represented in new view

mT=---- F.I2

Let's check the measures correctness in this equation

[kg][s] = = [kg][s] F.l3
[s][m 2]

So, F.9 is true equation that demonstrate the correlation between some m'ass and period
of electromagnetic wave oscillations and next conclusion is obtained: Mass of particle is
result of elecTromagnetic energy oscillations..

Let's consider some problem and find· the solution for it: by F.9 the increase of
mass correspond to decrease of time period, but in macro-world we can observe that
the gravitation field of the body (of the star, for example) is the reason of increase of
the photon's oscillations period ("red shift").

It is pre-condition for some supposition: Space of some mass is created

as balanced structure like paired forces by Newton. Local area of high frequency
electromagnetic oscillations those produce localised in space mass-effect M must be
compensated by some change of structure of space around mass M, i.e. some field (field
is area of action of some force) must be produced (induction phenomenon) and this
field is electromagnetic oscillations also. This inducted compensation field is gravitation
field ofmass.
Mass ahd gravitation field of this mass are two mutual-compensating themselves
processes but they are separated in space and in time: mass of the object is localised in

Copyright 0 1996 by Aleunder V. Frolov


some three-dimensional area of space and gravitation field of this mass is localised in
some period of time, i.e. gravitation field of mass particle have certain period of
oscillations, wave-length and frequency. In strength of the symmetry, mass particle is
not localised in time (it is moving in time from past to future) but gravitation field is
not localised in space (it is dispersed in all Universe from source of the field to infinity
distance). Situation above is described by Heizenberg's formula F. 11.

To solve the question about "red shift" of the photon that is travelling in
gravitation field of some planet, for example, let's assume that there is the balance of
the positive and negative time functions: (f > 0) inside of mass correspond to (f < 0)
outside of mass. Time (t+ > 0) inside of mass and time (t· < 0) around mass.

In other words, it is chronal version for Newton's action and reaction law. Any
Body produce t+ process for itself and t· process (gravitation field) around itself.

So, if body M produce negative time value in space around mass M, spectrum
(wave length) of light beam that is travelling near M must be changing in more long
time period area ("red shift"). Any object that is placed in gravitation field of other
mass object have own plus-timet+ but in external minus-timet· the total time rate Lt is
calculated as difference of plus-time and minus-time, Fig. I.

gravitation field of mass M

f< 0

Fig. I

!:t =t+ + t- F.l4 "

or in other form
, ,..,. -.......
Lt = tm- tg F.l5

where tm is positive inner time of mass and t, is negative external time of other mass.

Note: The rate of time Lt=O means zero-state of energy oscilJations, i.e. period of
the process T is equal to infinity, and frequency f is equal to zero.

The answer for question above: For photon that is moving in gravitation field of
some massive body and for body that is placed in area of gravitation field produced by
other mass, total time effect is sum result of own positive time and negative time of
external gravitation field. The decrease of own time in result of this summarising is
demonstrated as "red shift, ofphoton wave-length.
It is correspond to decrease ofphoton's electromagnetic mass. Mass of body that
is placed in gravitation field of other body is decreasing also. It is possible to obtain
zero or negative sum for Lt. Such sort situation is known as black hole.

"-----.J-LA .,._ 'l.c\C'\.1 • • •


What is f<O for osciHations of electromagnetic energy? There is the proposal to

consider negative frequency oscillations as oscillations that is phase shifted relative
positive frequency oscillations and in sum the result is equal to zero.
So, inside of mass there is ordinary electromagnetic process (f >0; t > 0) but it is
compensated by external (f < 0; t < 0) oscillations of electromagnetic energy ~ensity in
all points of space round the body. Sure, value f is the same for both cases.

By such sort approach the gravitation field round some mass particle is the field of
high frequency electromagnetic energy density oscillations. The frequency can be
calculated by F. 8 for any known mass value, for example, proton has frequency value
about 8,1 · 1026 [1-Iz].

This electrogravitation unification allow to produce the control on the

gravitation. Example of similar technology is disclosed in H. Hooper's USA patent
number 3610971 of 1971 , "All -electric Motional Field Generator", and showed in his
experiment that used high frequency electric field that is changing in one direction only
(from zero to some potential but the field is not alternating field, polarity of potential is
not changing).

Over-Light Velocity
Interesting conclusions for velocity of motion can be obtained from F.l2

~p Lix m ~u ~x
mT= =---- F.l6
c2 c2

We can remove "m" from F.l6 and obtain the next formulation

T=--- F.17

For velocity u=c the wave-length

A.=cT=---=~x F. 18

It is photon state: the wave-length value of zhe object determine the size of the local area
(space) of the object.

. For velocity 0 < u < c wave-length ,o f object is lesser than possibility of

determination of the object position In

A.= (u/c) ~x F.l9

Copyright C 19% by Al~ander V. Frolov


It means that object has some space of positions, object can move between
different positions since all area of positions are determined. It is the nature of space
itselffor material objects are moving with v < c.

For velocity u~ > c, formula F.l9 can be represented as

(c + u)~x
T =- -- =----- F.20

or Tc = c/f= A . = - - - - F .21

In result the formula for wave-length demonstrate that size of the object (wave-length) is
more that possibility of determination of the object position L1x:

A.= (1 + u/c) ~x F.22

Demonstration of such sort objects in real space has some analogy with
potential fields since change of energy density of the object take place in all space at the
same moment.

Energy and Time

Physical sense of the constant h is described by Heizenberg's formulation also as
h= ~E ~t. In this general formulation, if period of observation Tis large, the energy of
the system is known, and if period Tis very small, the energy has spectrum of energy
levels. Such sort property demonstrated by elementary particles.

Formula E = hf = hiT can be transformed in

E =(~E~t)ff F.23

E ~t
or F.24

It is asymmetry of energy and time notions. Time and energy is not the same,
but they are complementary notions. Let's formulate the experimental goal: Ordinary
the system has one constant level of energy. But it is possible to create the system that
have wide spectrum of energy states in any short period ( at the moment ) of

Copyright 0 1996 by AJaandet V. Prolov


Constant of Photon Spreading as Dimensionality Factor

Now let's appeal to the simplified model for space-time relation that is

f = etA. [ 1/s ] F.25

where f is frequency of osci11ations, cis constant of spreading, A. is wave-length.

As the period T is inversely proportional to the frequency

T =1/f [ s] F.26

as for the sake of the symmetry it is necessary to consider the fourth parameter which is
inversely proportional to the wave length:

p =1/A. ( 1/m] F.27

Since R=A. is resonator property, the formula F.25 can be represented as F.28:

f= cp [ 1/s] F.2R

Formulas F. I and F.3 lead to correlation:


and formula F.28 now is:

f= Jp. F.30

By ,this sort of approach the velocity of light can be considered as a factor of

summarising in F.29. The mathematical power 108 m/s can be omitted here since it is
the scale of measurement only. In any case electromagnetic wave in vacuum is moving
on·3 units of space per one unit of time: 3 decimetre per one microsecond.

So, the frequency of oscillation for any process is curvature. Frequency of

electromagnetic oscillations is 3-curvature that correspond to F.3. Electrom·agnetic
oscillation of energy is process for creation of dynamical three-dimensional space by
means of two-dimensional structure (photon ). From this point of view, structure of
reality seems as dynamical process and it can be designed as local space-time by means
of electromagnetic.

Conclusion: time period for process in 3-space is

T =1/f = l/3p, = llp3 F.31

Equivalent radius for spatial resonator is demonstrated as time effect:

T= RJ3 [ m] F.32

and measurement oftime is possible in spatial units, i.e. in meters.


The constant of spreading for different types of energy waves can be equal to n,
where n = 1,2,3,4 ... is number of dimensions. In strength of this reason, space itself is
result of energy transformation process only. Dimensionality for space is determined by
the type of this process. Energy ( by Greek "energy" means "action" ) is quantitative
description for different forms of motion. Hence space and chronal "time effect" are
created as result of motion. Dimensionality of space is result of the type of the motion.

Planet Curvature Value

Before the continuation let us assume that the theory of similarity for microcosm
and macrocosm is true, hence the planet can be considered as elementary particle in
certain sense.
Substitute in matter wave-length formula

A.= h/(mu) [ m] F.33

where h is Plank's constant, m is mass and u is velocity, parameters of our planet to

calculate the value:

A-=3,725·10- 63 [m] F.34

In strength of supposition that velocity of light for 4-space is only factor 4:


where m3 is mass of 3-space and m4 is mass for 4-space description.

Note important supposition: The total energy of system is the same

independently of different dimensionality description. It means that the same amount of
energy ( but in different forms of energy ) must be considered in 3-space and 4-space
description for one certain system. In other words, total net energy of the Universe is
the same independently of dimensionality that is used by observer.

So, we must to write:


and in our case F.38

According to F.33 mass is

m =h/(A.u) F.39

Now we obtain the correlation

(16 h)/( ~u) =(9h)/(A.3u) F.40

where A3 is wave-length in 3-space, and A4 is wave-length is 4-space. As the system is the

same , as velocity is the same. So, there is simple ratio:

CoPYright«> 1996 by AJt~~ander V. ProJov


A.= (16/9) A3 F.41

Substitute value for AJ from F. 34 in F.41 and obtain the value

'"" =66,22 · 10· 64

[ m] F.42
that conform to curvature

P4 = 11~ . = 151 ,00· 10 6o (Jim] F.43

Note: it is whole number value.
. On the other hand, the period , of planet rotation around Sun is equal to
31557600 seconds, that conforms to the oscillation frequency value

f= J/T=3,16886l·JO·B [ ·1/s] F.44

The wave-length for electromagnetic oscillation in this .case is
I . . •

A. em=elf= 9,46 · 10 16 [ m] F.45

and curvature for this length (radius of resonator) is equal to whole number value also:

Pcm = 1057,00·10· 20 [tim J F.46

The correlation for two results obtained in F.46 and F.43

( Pcml P4) =7·10· 80

The mathematical connection for results of two different · descriptions of the same
natural object (planet) is the confirmation for Whole Number Value Law. This Law is
valid for any natural system element. Let:us demonstrate this Law in other examples.

Bohr's Atom Space-Time

. The curvature fof Bohr's radius R =0,529i7 Angstrom is
p =1/R =3,0075 ·I 0 9 [ m] F.48

According to F.29 l-inear curvature for Bohr's atom is equal to unit:

PI= p3/3 = 1,0025·109 [ m] F.49

That is right since it is simple atom, unit matter engine. Some deviation k = 1,0025 ... is
demonstration of non-ideal resonance state in real system.

Copyright C,AJeunder V. Frolov


Space-Time of Proton

To calculate the wave-length of proton let's use fommla F.9

h h c h
m=--f = F.50
c A.

or A.= - that is version of de Broighl wave-length for velocity u = c.

So. for proton m = 1,6726231...10-27 kg, the wave-length 11.=0,75676739...

(mathematical degree is omitted) and curvature is equal to

p= 1/A.= 132141,000 ... F.51

It is whole number value up to third sign that demonstrate particle proton as some
spatial resonance process.

DNA- molecule Space-Time

Another example is DNA helical molecule. The unfolded spire-length period of
it is equal to 71,44 J7 Angstrom, that conforms to a curvature value

p DNA= 14,0000 ·1 0 7 [ I /m ] F. 52

This is very good resonator since it is whole number value up to fourth sign. This
accuracy is the base for supposition about resonance mechanics for energy
transformation and information telecommunication on the molecular level in
biosystems. The nuture of Time Effect is motion only nnc.l resonance structure of mattt!r
elements superposition for DNA molecule use this motion as power source and
information receiver for biosystems.

Note, that information is not spreading in this case with some velocity but all 3-
space is changing at the moment when some curvation of 3-space have place. So,
orientation for such sort receiver is not important. Information signal is change of
energy density in space.

Now let's make calculation for displacement of spiral DNA branches. Two
branches have period 34 Angstrom and displacement 23,8 Angstrom. In other words,
the 'back wave' is displaced relatively to the 'direct wave' on 0,7 of the wave period. It
is equal to 50,0 Angstrom and correspond to curvature value

P2 =2·10 8 [ 1/m] F.53

If to take into consideration the two-dimensional structure of spire the curvature

value is unit
pt 1·108 [ 1/m ) F.54

Copyright 0 1996 by AJaander V. Protov


So, branches of DNA molecule have unit value shift from zero-state. In this zero
state theoretically both branches are join together. Code structures of each branch are
contra-directional to each other. There is very interesting analogy here with elementary
particle world.

Creation - annihilation of virtual pair electron-positron or photon-antiphoton

in vacuum is proposed in many concepts as zero-point energy source. By means of
method disclosed in this ·paper it is possible to find the resonance condition for stable
particles generation from vacuum.

. ·~· . .
It would b"e premature .to say about the validity of this concept r.:'~nce the
assumptions tindepying it are opened to question. It is necessary to m~ke the
experime~~~~- .y~rifi~flt_ion . of thi_s avproaeh to t~e r~onan~e n~t~lre of matter and
vacuum ~'rll~awtbf!.Wlrdje Numbef'Valu·e for,.cut;.vll.ture
-'~ "" .... - ~ ~.,..t ·· ~"":: J .......
of natural element o.f matter,
• " \._ ~ l ..._

demonstra'ied in thts paper, is mathematiCal tool foF different technologies. In case of its
practicable the control on the rate of time and curvature of space, on the stability of
matter ( mass-energy transformations) and vacuum ( energy -mass transformations ) is
not fantasy but technology.

Also this Law show that absolute natural system for calculation is decimal
system and absolute natural system for measurement is "meter/sec" system. There is
possibility to establish new standard
.... ,..
..,. '
.... . ~.

Since absolute systems aN{impossible fn accidental phenomenon, the Law of

Whole Numbers for curvature values of elements of matter $how that material World is
created. This is main conclusiQn of this paper. ';t
.... :' -... •;
.- J
' ~

I. Leon N .Cooper, An Introduction to the Meaning ~ and Structure of Physics,
Harper&Row, Publishers, New York, Evanston, London, 1968. p.J36 by Russian
Edition of 1974. ·~

• •,... .. ~
~, .

. ..

Copyright c 1996 by Attaend« v. EmW


~ ...

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~ al·,
":.,.:•.•~ .·-·....~.".·.·.·-·--~--.--.-..--.!l...~•.••..,uID MDII


Thermal electromagnetic wave generators
B.M.Lebed, S.A.Petrov.
SRA "FERRITE DOl\1AThP', S-Petersburg, 196084;

The electromagnetic wave generators systems are considered. The energy source for the
systems is environment's heat. The experimental results showed that the power of microwaves is
a million times more than power by Reley-Jins law. A"main stream" physics theoretical analysis
of some systems lead to the same result.

It is known that all bodies that have constant temperature T are generating electromagnetic
waves [ I]. In microwaves frequency band the Relay-Jins law of thermal radiation is valid. By this
law the thermal radiation power of the dielectric ferromagnetic sphere for room temperature T
in microwaves band must be less than 10·11 or 10·12 W. It is assumed that spin wave oscillators
are the source of this radiation. If these oscillators are not interacting with each other w.e have a
Relay-Jins law.
However, if we place a dielectric-ferromagnetic bar that have some specific properties in
the constant magnetic field, the magnetic oscillators are interacting with each other in some
special case. In this case the Relay-Jins law is violated. We carried out the experiments in our
Institute. The result of our experiment is the following: thermal radiation power of
ferromagnetic bar is equal to value about 10 -6 W at the frequency 3GHz. (2]. The necessary
condition of this generation is non- isotropic magnetic field in ferromagnetic. It doesn't means
that thermodynamics second principle is violated, since the m~gnetic subsystem temperature of
ferromagnetic is less that a thermostat temperature.
For certain gradient in the space it is possible to obtain the synchronisation for heat
radiation of the oscillators in supe.-conductcr systems. In this case we also have a generators that
demonstrate very high power of the microwave radiation. The "main stream" physics may
predict such result. In the papers [3,4] was shown that multiple electromagnetic waves, for
example: f(r)exp(irot-im<p), (where m is number of multiple, r and <p is cylindrical co-ordinates)
can to absorb the electromagnetic waves energy if multiple waves are intracting with rotating
body. Multiple waves may be amplified by means of rotated body energy . The condensed
superconducting electrons may absorb the electromagnetic energy also. In this case, the results
[3,4] are applicable for the rotating superconducting condensed electrons also.
Let's consider the cylindrical superconductor in the constant magnetic field which is
directed along axis of symmetry z. The multiple electromagnetic wave such as A(r)exp(irot-im<p) is
interacting with superconductor. Outside of the cylinder the electromagnetic fields E and H
ob_ey the Maxwell's law:

div H 0 rot: E = 0 _( 1)

Inside the cylinder the Maxwell's equation are the foilowing:

rot H = (47t/c)j div B = 0 ( 2)


Copyright @ 1996 by B.M.Lebed, S.A.Petrov

The material equations for superconductor are of equation of Ginzburg-Landau system [7]:

e 2
A) \jJ+

po - (e/c)A

where <I> = ci> - J.l/ e, <I> - electric, J.t.-chemistry potential, po= (l'l/ i) grad - operator
of impulse, y - kinetic coefficient,

\jJ ( r, t) = ..J n ( r, t) exp i<l> (r, t} is wave function of superconductor,

A is vector potential,
M and e are mass and charge of electron.

From (I) we obtain the Laplas equation: ~H = 0. One of solutions for it:

Hi= h cos(kz) Im (kz) cos (m~ -rot ) (5)

where Im - Bessel function, r,q> ,z - cylindrical co-ordinates. When current of normal electrons is
much less than a superconductor electrons current, by {2, 4} we obtain the Gelmgolts equation
for magnetic field in supercoductor £lH (IIA.2)H . One of solution for it:
Hi= h cos(kz) Im (r/A.) cos (mq>-rot) (6)

were m is whole number. For constant component of the magnetic field H by Gelmgolts
equation we obtain: Holo (r/A.). For small radus r/A. « I, angle rotation velocity for
superconductor condensed electrons is:

roo=--- (7)

We will consider multiple field with E., component of electric field only, and by (6) follows:

E..,=-(ro/ck)hsin(kz) Im (r/A.)sin(m<p-rot} (8)

The Joule's dissipation that is connected with integral on the jEdV is equal to zero for this step.
On the second step of excitation theory the order's parameter is:

I \V ( r' t ) 2
1 = n ( r ' t ) = no+ on ( r I t ) (9 )

where on(r,t}«no.

Copyright @-1996 by B.M.Lebed, S.A.Petrov


Let's assume that super-current is equal to j=ens v, where Vs is velocity of

superconductive electrons. So, by (4) we obtain:

mVs ( r, t) = n grad q>(r, t) - (e/c) A (r, t) ( 10)

This is the one of the possible fonn for second London equation. The other form is discussed in
paper [5] is:

ov 1 2 e
- + - V(V) = - E ( 11)
at 2 c

If the velocity V~ is equal to r(roo + ro,(t)), and rot(t)«roo ,where rot(t)=ro,(mq>-rot), lroo- ro/ml )) I. we
may get solution {11):

sin kz Im(r/A.) cos (mq>-rot) (12)
rMmck (roo - ro/m)

Comparison (I 0) and (II) obtain the gradient of phase for order's parameter:

a<I>(r, t) r he
n ---- ~ r - - - - - - - - - sin kz cos (mq>-rot) (13)
2A. mck (ro/m-roo)

Linearization of the Ginzburg-Landay equation (3) by parameter on(r, t), taking into account
(13), give:

+ A8n -B cos (mq> - rot) (14)

where A=4yf3no=t· 1 is the reversed time of relaxation for order's parameter, look paper [5],

r he
B=Yroo, no r - sin kz
2A. mck (ro/m-roo)

Copyright @ 1996-h:y;B.M.Lebed, S.A.Petrov

Stationary solution for (14) is:

8n=- (B/;/ A2 + ro2 ) cos (m<p- rot + arctg (ro/A )) (15)

By (15) we can see that heterogeneous density on for superconductive electrons those are rotating
in the electromagnetic field co~ordinates system with angle velocity ro/m is proportional to
. .
cos(n1<p+arctg ro/A), but electric field Eq> ·js proportional to sin(mq>) (Fig. I). So. we have the
asymmetry for electrons charge density maximum and electric field minimum.
If electrons angle velocity roo is higher than angle phase velocity of electric field ro/m:
(roo-ro/m) > 0, the maximum of the electron density is placed in the region of electric field. where
movement of electrons is decelerating. So, electrons energy is transmitting to the electric field.
like in travelling wave tube (TWf) case [ 6].

- 1 e I 8n ( Fig;l )

This energy can be calculated from fonnula: f jsE dV. A~cording to (8, 15) power Wo for the
cylindr length 1t/k is equal to:

1tz e2 ro;: (roo 't)2 h2 ro6

Wo (16)
96~-rck(roo-ro/m)m(2A.) 2

Take the values as : ;/ sro =ck; roo =2• I0 c-I ; x. =30 is order's parameter of

em, m = 4, =80, =10 c , h ~ 10 Oe, cylindrical radius

. ·S ·12 ·I ·I
Gmzburg-Landau theory, A.=3•10 E 't
·S ·38 ·S
ro = 10 em, ~=10 [7]. We get that Wo is equal to 10 W.

Copyright C 1996 by .B.M.Lebed, S.A.Petrov

If to surround the superconductor by some semi-transparence screen it is possible to
create the electromagnetic generator that use thermostat energy as energy source. The power Wo
(6) is not maximal. It was considered a small excitation of order's parameter only.
Classical magnetic or superconductor oscillators systems can be synchronised by the
gradients of the external field that allow to create new sources - collectivised synchronised heat
radiation generators. We see the perspectives for such sort systems as electromagnetic radiation


l.R.Feynman, R.Leigton, M. Sands, "The Feynman lectures on physics". 1964, v.3.

2.B.M.Lebed, V.P.Lopatin, PSS, 17, 3172, 1975.
3.J.B.Zeldovich, "Latters of JETP", 14,270, 1971.
4.J.B.Ze1dovich, JETP, 62, 2076, 1972.
5.M.N .Bredov, "Classical Electrodynamics", M., "Sanse", 1984.
6. L.M.Andryshco, N.D.Fedorov, "Electronic and quantum microwave devices", M, "Radio
and connection", t 981.
7.R.P.Hybener, "Structures of magnetic flow in superconductor", 1985.

Copyright @ 1996 by B.M.Lebed, S.A.Petl·ov


Saba-Equation - Undeniable Evidence for

the Physical Nature of Chemical Bonding
by Martin Mueller, Pfullingen, Germany
The captioned equation, authored by the Indian astro-physicist Megh Nad
Saha in the 1920s, is one of the very few equations that were genuinely deduced
in those times of "sloppy physics" (like a "de Broglie wavelength" or a "Schroe-
dinger equation"). It defines the status of ionization of gases versus temperature,
density and pressure. Its seemingly very obvious ~esult was that sur-
face conditions (6000 K) all elements are ionized. Decades later someone
applied this equation to terrestrial conditions (like flourescent lamps} and found
that Saha's result must be erroneous by a factor of 2 in temperature: total ioni-
zation already at 3000 K · In the papez: it shown via the fact that thermal
ionization is by .. impact", that the first electron to be separated has to be. (one
of) the valence electron(s). Also will be deduced what the condition of move·
ment of this electron was beforehand: Definitely not in an · orbit .. (= circling,
like in the Bohr atom model or in Schroedinger's) but "straight-on", along the
"chemical bonding stroke". The mathematics of the processes will be pre~ented.

1. Introduction
The paper is meant to promote an ..atom model", proposed in the nineties
of our century. It has been ..around" for almost 4 years. The "beauty• of this
new model is that it has a physical explanation of the chemical bonding strokes
as intuitively drawn by chemist for some 150 years: valence electron trajecto·
ries. But nobody seems to be interested Why? · Because physicists of our cen·
tury, all of them famous enough to be Nobel_prize laureates, have so far presen·
ted 4 of them, but none really worked! Anyone who could use such a model
thinks, he might as well do without one. He {or she) has. learned (in physics lec-
tures) that· according to a a Copenhagen rule" ·humans are intellectually inca-
pable of comprehending the "inner secrets" -of nature. -But this comprehension
is exactly that which the new model is trying to achieve. For this purpose, the
older models need to be recalled into memory.
Any physicist and most chemists know{s): the first atom model presented
to the scientific community was the "raisin cake model" by J.J. Thomson (dis·
coverer of the electron): the electrons being the "negative raisins in a positive
matter dough". The next atom model was that by Rutherford (discoverer of the
. proton): positive charge in the atom 104 times smaller than the atom diameter;
this one could be called "the bashful electron model* (electrons quite uncertain
of how to behave). A third atom model was presented only 2 years later by Niels
Bohr and turned out to be truly THE .. brain washer .. of the century: all electrons
circling around the positive charge. A fourth attempt in this direction was made

Copyright r 1996. by !Y -tin Mueller

not before 15 years later .by Schroedinger. electrons having potential and kinetic
energies of circu~ar movement (in »orbitals") but otherwise at total uncertainty.
This was a step backward not only with respect to Bohr but even to Rutherford.
Nonetheless, sheer ignorance like this is still being taught (in brainwashing fashi·
ons) at all universities, worldwide!
It is quite astounding that no one has ever applied engineering thinking to
the problem: how could someone who 'intends to "design atoms" solve the
various problems to be expected in this job? The present author has (since he
got himself·educated in quantum physics only AFTER completing a full profes·
sionallife in engineering)! And he will-present some of the thinking: Atoms must
"lodgelr between 1 and almost 100 electrons. For 1, 2 or 3, orbiting might seem
reasonab!e ·but definitely not for 10 or more: for "staying in orbitlr, they would
require far (kinetic} than ever found in atoms. The energy "k~f' in.
each atom is wel!'::known: its "zero point energy". Trying to explain this via "Hei·
senberg's uncertaintylr is one of the most regrettable mistakes ever made in any
science: This relation is one of probability; at 0 K, matter however, exists only in
its most precise form imaginable: crystallized. Also to believe that mass and
charge could orbit without radiating-off its energy is so childish that one cannot
help but to blush if this is tried to be "sold" (in a physics lecture). '
This author has offered to the professiomll community an atom model
(Tilbingen 1992) which avoids such mistakes made in the 20s, but has so far
not been cited by any of his colleagues. Not long ago, he has become aware of
the captioned "Saha equation"; and it turned out to represent the also captio·
ned ·"undeniable evidence"' for the validity of his model (see Fig. 1). To explain
why, is the intent of this paper.
. Space charge ot
inner shell, valence,
wrepper elektrons

( )
»P lngpong«

1-----i--····:·......................................-...... ····························=····----'
: Jlondl!!!J partner • UBl8
: )
graph widths away
Fig. 1: The TUblngen atca lade\, 1992, capable of che1ical
g~s. rluld and S!31ltl state hc'!ldl~ : stzes e.pproxlMted

Copyright@ 1996 by Martin Mueller


2. Saha's equation
It is nowadays quite difficult to find th\s equation in a text book of physics ·
except of astrophysics (where an error of only a factor of 2 rarely matters).In a
physics handbook of the 50s it reads (for the fraction x of atoi:ns ionized at ther·
mal energy kT): ·

x2/(1-x2) = (21tm)312 • (kT)512/{ph3) • exp( -Ui!kT) . (1)

the meaning of the other quantities is in this context of little concern, except Ui,
the ionization energy of atoms (such as 13.6, 21.5, 24.5 eV e.g. for H, Ne ana
He). The results of formula (1} were found correct in the dependences on mate-
rial and the general trend vs. temperature, but would become also numerically
correct only if Ui is replaced by Ui/2. How can this be understood?
This equation was deduced (by Saha, born 1893) definitely after the Bohr
atom model was known, possibly even after Schrodinger's. In both cases the
potential,kinetic and total energy {E t' ~in' E) were assumed to interdepend
like: po

E = Epot + "'Kin
l= =Epot'12 (2)
where E t = -Ui. To *ionize* the atom (= remove 1 electron from it) by a
slowly irkreasing voltage would, of course, require the potential energy in full.
But this equ.(2) reveals one more fact: Circular movement was assumed exclusl·
vely. In order to make this understandable, we utilize a gravity model of the con-
dition, say, our earth with a satellite (or spaceship), under idealized conditions.
This wtll be the following chapter.
3. A gravity model
We use an idealized earth in vacuum to allow a satellite orbit at sea level.
The tangential velocity v of mass m around a sphere of radius R and gravitatio·
nal acceler:ation g may be obtained vifi ~quating.c_entrifugal and gravitational for-

mv2/R = mg ---·> v = {9R = f9.81 · 20hc = 7.903 km/s (3}

mv2/2 is the kinetic energy. The *escape velocity" (+ ionization) is {2 times this
result (11.176 km/s for the earth} or double the energy. It would not matter in this
case whether the velocity vector points horizontally or in any other direction
(ideal reflecting conditions supposed}: 11.176 km/s would "shoot" our satellite
to in any case.
(X) ·
However, if we used the kinetic energy of our orbital velocity (7.903 km/s)
and pointed it in the vertical direction, then kinetics would lift our "body of

Copyright@ 1996 by Martin Mueller


-mass" to exactly half the (negative) potential, 2R away from the·center of gra·
vity. But in this state, only half the previous energy is required · provided in the
right direction · to detach the "spaceship" totally from the earth. Near this culmi·
-nation point, its velocity is the lowest and the probability of residence the
highest. Therefore, in the ionizing case, something "impacting" needs only Ui/2
of thermal energy in order to achieve ionization. The two versions of movement
- circling or "'jumping" - are depicted in Fig. 2. This should make it plausible
that an electron removed from interaction with the "central body" of the atom
must have been in a "'jumping" (instead of a circling) mode of movement before·
hand. Other items of Fig. 1, possibly difficult to comprehend, will be explained in
the next chapter.

· ZJl Potential -tliZ

~ ~
Vertical shot with
>lllli.Z%le<~locity u

R Pote11ttal -u

Center ol grautty
Fig. z: Coapartson cf llcrizontal and ~led rocket shots
to deduce ualence el~ron hellavtour uia SaM-error

4. The (TUbingen) atom model of 1992 .

The "inventors" of the older atom models (lOs and 20s of this century}
seem to have been uneducated in the thinking in terms of electromagnetic (or
quantum) waves. Otherwise they would have been aware, of one of the most
basic laws of nature: At the quantum limit, the HIGHER energy particles are
~ways the.SMALLER ones, and vice versa (higher "n" waves are more energetic
AND shorter). The same must be true for "solid" quantums like electrons or pro·
tons (as is also apparent from the formula of the ~~classical elementatary particle
radius" with the particle energy or mass in the denominator). This is why that
which appears to be the largest, has to (somehow} represent the "'lightest" par·
tide ( = electron). ·

Copyright C 1996 by Martin Mueller


The ~inventors" mentioned knew already that atoms have a "zero point
energy" in the order (or precisely) of the ionization energy of the weakest bon-
ded electron. ·Wouldn't this require to conclude that all other electrons i~ the
atom have zero (kinetic!) energy, need tq be at rest? Where could a negative
charge possibly "rest" except at the least distance possible from positive char-
ge! Since the latter is the much smaller {quotient of the diameters of the proton
to electron: classically nearly 2000-1 : 1, by other considerations 635-1 : 1,
maximally 230-1 : 1J, the size measured by Rutherford's co-workers (Geiger and
Marsden) of .. 10-1 m can never fit the proton but is quite close to the "pro-
bable" elecqon diameter of 1.13 ·10-14 m { 2 classical R times the g-factor).
Of course, there is another item hard to accept: A considerable number of
electrons· (or ~solid bodies") at one place· which would seem to violate a "Pauli
principle~. However, some "law of nature" of this type is erroneous, nonexistent:
*spin 0 or 1 pair-forming" of free electrons is *plain physics*! Electrons consist
of hardly anything more than neutrinos: electromagnetic .flux and .field plus
charge·(for compacting neutrino energy to 321,000 times its normaJ den~~ty);
when charge-neutralized internally, electrons can behave like neutrinos or pho·
tons, many of which are often "sqeezed"' into each halfwave of a "train of
waves"'. . .
Thus, there is hardly any choice but to determine that the solid body in the
{gold) atom is Nor the sum of positive charge (as Rutherford thought). In fact it
is a combination of "all innershell electrons-in-one", auanged . around the
genuine nucleus. This body is of exactly the same size a~ the only electron(s)
moving in the atom: the valence electron(s} · just ~s depicted {monovalent case)
in_Fig.l. ·This fairly·straight-forward arrangement and movement should allow
ample mathematical treatment, .an eXcerpt of which will be presented, after
some general explanations.
5. The functioning of atoms as per the new model
Atoms as by Fig.1 consist of a net positive charge; it may be called the
"'plus.block" and is· ."wrapped" by a negative charge. {In the hydrogen case, the
proton has no wrapping, allowing the "H bond"; to be explained below). In the
monovalent case there exist as many valence electrons as plus blocks, allowing
to place one between any two plus blocks of any three dimensional arrange-
ment. (Otherwise, each •plus block" has as many positive charges as there are
valence electrons). It is easy to calculate the electrostatic force between plus
blocks and valence electrons. Electrostatic force would "lump" matter together
to the 1012th of its proper density. Hence, nature does require some force to
balance the electrostatic contraction.
Now, valence electrons have net kinetic energies that disallow them to be at
rest. The positive charge of a • plus block" attracts any electron which happens
to be closer to this one than others. The charge field, extending to infinity, ensu-

Copyright@ 1996 by Martin Mueller

res that the valence electron finds its . . bonding partner . ., and forces it to move
along straight (field) lines. The electron is quite precisely twice as big as its ...clas-
sical" size, defined as: the radius of a spherical layer of charge and mass, which
would become accelerated (from =) to an impact velocity c by an opposite point
charge of equal magnitude and infinite mass. The valence electron touches the
wrapper at 4 times this distance, meaning impact velocities ... c/2. This, however,
is of little concern. The genuinely transmitted momentum is that of the electron
velocity due to "zero point~r (ionization) energy, e.g. c/194 for H (at least c/357
or at most c/144 for U or He). Momentum times frequency yields a force, the
"drumming force" of the reflected valence electron.
If we assume the valence electrons moving with a mean velocity twice their
"zero point" value (correct 2.07 from integrating the final wave form}, we can
obtain a "drumming frequency .. {the order of 1016 Hz) and calculate its force.
Now we equate this with the electrostatic force. It is no surprise that this yields
precisely the atom diameters (at least in various monovalent cases}. Such a
"drumming force ... is absolutely finite ·and makes it understandable (as well as
yields satisfactory numerical results}, that researchers in solar physics estimate
a density of 150 of a mixture of H and He in the center of the sun. - None of the
older atom models would ever be capable of such results.
The only item left open so far is what would make .sure in this model that
the zeropoint energy will not be radiated-off. This is easy to explain by way of
charged particles that move exclusively along straight lines: Moving charge
"girds" itself · by law of nature · with a vortex of magnetic flux. At maximum
flux density, that "'belt"' is 1 wavelength long (3 ·l0-8 m for f = 1016 Hz). The
distance of travel of the charge is 1 atom diameter (-10-10 m} at most It means
that also the foreward/backward "r.each" of the vortex is at least as far as the
next atom in e.g. a crystall arrangement of atoms. That's why valence electrons
can synchronize (or rather "counter-synchronize"} each other. If this is so, then
the fluxes are counter-rotating: at distances of the order of 1 atom diameter
(across), they compensate each other perfectly, and thus avoid radiating-off their
kinetic energy. Therefrom it would follow, incidently, that molecules can exist
only with even numbers.of valence electrons.And this is indeed so: The univa-
lent H forms H2, not H3, the bivalent 0 comes as 0 2 as well as 0 3, whereas the
trivalent N combines to N2, but N3 only ionized. ·
6. Excerpt of the mathematics of the new atom model
The considerations m&y be confined to the univalent case. Even with this
restriction, there are 3 different modes of oscillation of valence electrons to be
reckoned with: the simplest is the case of an (isolated) H atom, involving only 2
"bodies". The other univalent elements are either conductors with ...metallic
bonding", or are n.onconductors (non-metallic}. In the case of conductors, 1 of
both valence electrons of each chemical bonding line is free for the "conduction

Copyright@ 1996 by Martin Mueller
band" and does not participate in the bonding oscillation. This case can be trea-
ted as a" 3-body problem". In the case of non-metallic bonding, none of th~ elec-
trons must be "left over" for a conduction band! This can only be achieved by
supposing two valence electrons countermoving in a boxing fashion . and is the
four body problem. The differential equations are becoming more involved {rom
one of the cases to the other.
In any case we have mass m of the electron, exerting its inertial force {=
restistance to change its present "state"). We define *f' as the time variable and
.., u* as the "locus" variable. Then u is, of coures, a *vector" (whereas t remains
a scalar, "unidirectionar of course). The second derivative d2u/dt2 = 0 is the
acceleration that determines the·inertial force; charge forces can be attractive or
repulsive, in any case proportionall/u2, with a factor of proportionality .., 30ce2 ",
where 30 is in Ohms (1/41t.times the vacuum characteristic impedance), e the
elementary charge, and c the speed of light. Rearran9fng rrioves the .., m.., to the
right in the denominator, yielding a constant g:
.. ~

where Rkl is the "classical electron radius" 0.282 ·l0-14 m. The simplest case is
that of free univalent atoms (such asH, Na, Cl). The second order differential
equation external of the electron radius a .Oul2: a} reads
Qe = - g/u2 (5)

In the case of H, the proton can be inside t~e electron (for lui <CJ)

~ = -gu/a~ (6)
Equ.(6} is 0 for all non·H elements and is usually also negligible in the H case.
For treating simple molecules such as H , Na2 (metallic) or Cl2 (insulator), at
least the binding partner (plus) or it as weir as its valence electron have to be
considered. This yields the second order equation for the *three body case" (a
= atom distance):
(7) .
and the" four body case":
0.4 = - g(l/u2 + l/(a-2u)2 -1/(a-u)2) (8)

All these equations can be integrated to the first order ~erivative by using
the relation *dud2u = 112d(u2)". Applyif1g this rule to equ.(5) integrates a to du/dt
or velocity v, the result being:·

Ve/c = ·(2g(l/lul-l/uo) (9)

. 1996 by Martin Mueller

with uo the amplitude of oscilation. In this form, this differential equation of

oscillation can be compared with the Schrodinger equation (the time dependent
version): There's indeed some similarity: The first derivative of a function of
locus and time on the left and the potential on the right of an equal sign, here
under a square-root sign (whereas in the Schrodinger case direct).

Electron 1
SCAle tha •3


-.Za 8 .6a


Hulerlc. lntegr.
ouer 1390'A steps

rtg. 3: BlncUng osclllatl:ms of ihe udence electrons In tlle HZ eolecule

. .
In all three cases, also a second integration step is possible but yields unse·
parable trancendental equations that require numerical treatment anyway. The·
refore, numerical integration is just as useful and is possible from the first as well
the second derivative. Such integrations yield in any case very similar functions
"u(t)" or u(z}, if z is the coordinate along which u varies. The function u(t} can be
approximated quite closely by "to-the-five-eighth elliptical arcs"· in all cases.
Fig. 3 shows as an example the bonding oscUlations of the ~2 molecule. (The
"to·the·5/8th·elliptical" approximation seems to fit better in the "outer" than
the "inner" "halfwave", where a "to·the·5/9th·..." might have the closer fit).
7. Conclusion
It is quite satisfactory to find out that a "proof of validity* had been around
for decades before that which needs to be proven came into being. That proof is
an equation deduced in the '20s by Saha This relation was (some 30 years
later) surprisingly found to be erroneous practically by a factor of 2. This fact fits
. precisely into a new atom model, introduced in the 90s. - :'Unexpected circum·
stances like this may indeed facilitate the general acceptance of this new·atom
model ("TUbingen 1992,.,) by the professional community.
Feb.14, 96

Copyrisht C 1996 by Marti;D Mueller


: '• \

• • I•

··- -

Dr. Martin Mueller





A.L. Sanin

State Technical University, 195251, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The quantum hydrodynamics equations were formulated by E. Madelung [ 1]. Then

the alternative quantum mechanics interpretation was represented J:>y D. Bohm [2].
These equations can be derived from the SchrOdinger equation. For this purpose the 'If-
function is represented in the polar form


Here S/1i is the phase, Sis the generalized action, li is Planck constant, i is an imaginary
The value n is the density of the probability. Variable values fll, n, s depend upon
. coordinates x, y, z and time t. Functions n, S are real ones. The quantum hydrodynamic
velocity is determined as follows:
..... ...
v =gradS' I m, rot v =0, (2)

where m is mass of the electron. Substituting (1) into the SchrOdinger equation
M' 1i2
iii-=--~'¥+ V'¥ (3)
ot 2m
and dividing variables we get the Madelung equations in the form

8n ...
J o; ..
"lot +(vgrad)v

Here U is the classic potential, Q =- ~: (.};; L\.[,;) is the quantum potential;

~ =: 2 +: 2 +: 2 l·. is the Laplas operator. The first member term ·17U to the right-

... ...
hand side of (4) determines the classic force ~ , and second one is quantum F;, . The
value F;, depends upon the change rate of coordi~tes. The ftrSt equation of (4) is

continuity one and the second one of (4) is the quantum hydrodyn~ic one. If the
... ~ ...
electric field E presents, the classic force F: has the form Fc = -eE . Here -e is the

Copyright© 1996 by A.L. Sanfn

I 52

electron charge. The right-hand side of (4) can be represented as the sum ~ + ~ . The
quantum movement equation is the generalization of classic hydrodynamic Euler
equation. In accordance with the ideas proposed by [1,2] and L.-de Broglie (3] it
represents the movement of hydrodynamic probability. The quantum force F.,
determines the self-action of the probability density and acts on the electron as well as
.... ....
~ . T he movement equation was formulated for external forces F.: . But the electron

dynamics on the microscale depends upon the self-electric field of the electron and
fields of another charges. Therefore, in order to examine the dynamic properties it is
necessary to formulate the self-consistent equations of the quantum hydrodynamics and
electromagnetic field. This formulation was carried out by author [4,5], it includes the
self-electric electron field and fields of another charges.
Hereinafter the electron transport through space with continuously distributed
positive background charge is discussed.
The Coulomb interaction of the moving electron with the background positive
charge determines the complicated nonlinear dynamics. The magnetic field action is
ignored. The quantum equations (4) are necessary to complete the electric field
.... ....
rotE= 0 , divE= 4n-(-en+ p+). (5)
The density of the positive background charge is homogeneous and constant value,
it is determined as

Here e is positive background charge distributed in a volume V. The value (-en) is
-+ .....
the probability density of the electron charge, j =-en v is the probability density ofthe

electron current. The boundary conditions are selected so that the charge neutralization
in space volume V takes place:

J(-en)dV + P.Y =0 .
(V )

T he electron charge moving in the volume V i~ neutralized by the positive

background charge. Equations (4)-(5) are simplified for one-dimensional stationary
transport. We consider transport along x; variables n, v, E do not depend upon

Copyright@ 1996 by A.L. Sanin


transverse coordinates y, =· The electric field flux along x-axis is dominant, if the
transport length Lis much less than the transverse size S112• We consider the rectangular
parallelepiped with volume V=LS; S - is. the square of the transverse section. Self-
consistent system of one-dimensional equations is written in the fonn


The transition to the one-dimensional transport means that the probability density n
depends on one coordinate x and can be represented as n=n(x) u, u is independent from
transverse coordinates y, z and has the dimension S ·2. The charge neutralization
condition (7) is transformed into

Jn(x)dx = 1.

Using (9) and integrating the third equation of (8) between limits 0 and L of
function n(x) of xdx we get the condjtion E(O)=E(L). Here E(O), E(L) are electric field
values in planes .x=O and x=L respectively. The equality of fields is consequence of the
charge neutralization. In the plane x=O we have the boundary conditions n=nb, v=vb.
The second quantum equation of system (8) has the movement integral
where W is constant and independent of the coordinate x.
If E(O), the derivatives dnldt, dvlx, dE!dx are equal to zero, the equations (8) have ·
homogeneous solutions neq. Veq, Eeq, which are equal to:
neq=.p.~e, VecpVb, Eeq=O. (10)
They determine the local electroneutrality as in the case of classic electron gas [6].
The charge neutralization condition in volume Vis automatically carried out. If E(O) is
not zero, then the homogeneous state becomes unstable and the inhomogeneous space
distribution of the variables n, v and E arises. We discuss the weak perturbation of the
homogeneous state and consider n=neq+nm, v=veq+vm, n°J<<neq. v(J)«Veq· Then equations
(8) can be linearized. In linear approach the solutions nm, i 1J can be represented as

n<n = -(neq)v<n, vm = Acos;. x+ Bsin¢.x+ Ccos¢_x+ Dsin¢_x,

veq . .

Copyright© 1996 by A.L. Sanin

I 54

A. B, C, D are constants of integration. They can be found from the boundary

conditions. We assume as condition that in the plane x=o the sum of Fc+r~ is zero. It
means, that
.· t;2 d3,.,0)
-e£(0) + - - - - , - = 0.
4mn~q dx

Moreover, vrn(O)=O and dvf 0 tdx in the same plane. In the plane x =L we consider
that E(O) =E(L) or Jn<'>dx = 0. It means the charge neutralization condition for

perturbation n<l). Substituting the solution (11 ) into the boundary conditions we get

A=- 4eE(O)mv.,q [¢:(1-cos¢ .L)-¢!(l-cos¢_L)] C=-A

t; 2 (¢!- ¢:)¢.¢_ [¢_sin¢J.- ¢. sin¢_L] ' '

B = 4eE(O)mv.,q D = _ ¢. B
h2¢.(¢~- ¢:), ¢_ .

The solution (1 1) has four components. These components can be combined

pairwise. Only one pair of components is dependent of the boundary conditions under
x=L. The solution properties depend on the quantities ¢)¢., ¢:~: L, and ti(J),Jmve/. The
electric field E(O) generates the spatial inhomogeneous process in region 0 5 x 5 L. It
determines oscillations with two degrees of freedom and two natural frequencies. Under
a negligible quantity fi(J),Jmve/ the transition to the classic limit is possible. The
quantity ¢ _transforms to (J)/Veq· The qualitative characteristics of the solution conserve
its properties under another boundary conditions, for example under the zero quantum
force in plane x=O.
The problem examined is a model of real processes, but it express the fundamental
properties of the quantum electron hydrodynamics. The quantum hydrodynamic
variables n, v are self-consistently associated with E. Here the Coulomb law is
presented in quantum form.
The numerical calculations of equations and variables n, v, E as functions of
coordinates were carried out. To identify oscillations Fourier spectra of space
realizations and Poincare sections were studied. The quasiperiodic nonlinear

Copyright@ 1996 by A.L. Sanin


oscillations are universal processes. The spatial instability and complicated dynamics
also takes place.
The represented investigations are stimulated by the self-organizcltion problem and
by applications in nanoelectronics.
1. Madelung E.// Z.Phys. 1926. V.40. P.322.
2. Bohm D./I Phys.Rev. 1952. V.85. P. 166.
3. L. de Broglie. An Introduction to the Study of Wave Mechanics. NY. 1930.
4. Sanin A.L.// Optics and Spectroscopy. 1994. V. 77. No 5. P. 739.
5. Sanin A.L.// Optics and Spectroscopy. 1996. V. 80. No 4. P. 540.
6. Ermolaev Yu.L. and Sanin A.L. Elektronnaya Sinergetika (Electron Synergetic's),
Leningrad. 1989.

Copyright@ 1996 by A.L. Sanin ·


Energies, Impulses, and Forces Arising

at Moving Electric Charges
in Vacuum

Fogel V.A. , Shepsenvo/ MA.

The work presents the method of determine energies, impulses, and forces arising when
charges move. It is noted that energy and impulse of moving charges can be not equal to
energy and impulse of fields created by them, and forces acting between them not correspond
to Lorentz formula. It is shown that expression for total force contains additional component,
which is absent in Lorentz formula and is not taking into account in present-day theory.

Let us imagine two particle systems having the same co-ordinates, velocities, acceleration and
masses of particles, but in the first system all the particles are electroneutral and in the second they
are charged. They differ in total energy and forces acting on the particles. Besides they can ,differ in
total impulse and moment of momentum. Differences of energies and impulses in the first and second
systems are below called electrodynamic energy We and electrodynamic impulse P~. Differences of
forces acting on the charged particle in the second system is called Lorentz force Fl\ .
If co-ordinates, velocities and acceleration of particles in the second system are known, it is
poSS1ble, using Maxwell equation, to find electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields at each point
of space and then to determine their energy, impulse and forces caused by them [1 , 2].
W =-
(E 1 +B2 )·dV (1)
8Jr "
P J- -
- =1- ExB·dV (2)
- 1 -
Fl\ =q·(E+-vxB) (3)

where E is electric field intensity, B - magnetic field intensity, q - charge value, c - light velocity, dV -
volume element, W- total energy of fields, P- total impulse of fields or Pointing vector, v -velocity
of charge movement, Fl\ -Lorentz force. We=W and Pe=P seemed to exist all the time. But it is not
so. In many cases energy We and impulse Pe of the moving charges are not equal to energy W and
impulse P of their fields. Let us consider, as an example, a plate condenser moving in vacuum at a
velocity of v. It is made ofhard materials with maximum poSSlble Young's modules so that its sizes
do not depend on electric forces and energy of compressive stresses arising during charge are
negligible. The condenser, as a whole, is electroneutraL therefore its electrodynamic characteri:>1ics
are practically entirely determined by the fields in the gap. When v =0 there is only the electric field

E0 and when· u ':# 0 the magnetic one can appear as well, the value of which depends on the vector

E orientation relative to direction of movement: B=L ·E, x V, where r =

1- -


. l.
I •

..· From (1), (2) we obtain

. ·~ , ' ~~

Copyright@ 1996 by Fogel V.A. and Shepsenvol M.A.

Y 2 v 2
1 ., 3u)2
~ =-·E ·V ·(1+-)~--E- ·V ·(l+- (4)
J. S1r o o c2 S1r o o 2 c2
W.u =-·E 2 u
·y, ~-·
u )
1 E"- ·V ·(1-- (5)
Sny o o S1r o o 2 c2

P-J. =--·E-
r ., ·V ·V- · (6)
4 nc2 o o •

where V0 - condenser volume in the state of rest; symbol .L shows that vector E is directed
across and symbol II - along vector v. Thus Wand P depend on orientation and have the maximum
value when moving across and minimum value when moving along the electric field. In the latter
case the energy of fields appear to be less than in the state of rest. At the same time it is evident that
at the absence of medium (ether) the total energy of the eondenser as well as of any other hard body
cannot depend on its orientation or decreases when moving. Hence, values Wr and P, in contrast to W
and P can be functions of velocity only, remaining constant or increasing when the velocity increases.
Trouton and Noble noticed this situation at the beginning of the century. They believed that ether
eXists and therefore W., and Pe are the same as W and P, and in fact depend on the condenser
orientation relative to its moving direction in ether. This should allow to determine by experiment the
velocity of the laboratory movement in ether [3, 4]. However, all the experiments showed
independence of We and P, on orientation. This fact, together with Michelson-Morley experiments,
was considered as confirmation of Einstein's relativity theory. From this theory it follows that any
orientation of the condenser, when it moves in vacuum, the following relations should be fulfilled:
1 2 .2
W• =L·E 2
·V ~-·E
S1r o o S1r o o
·V ·(1+~) (8)
2 c2
P-• =--·E
r 2 ·V · v~--·E
8.nr2 0 0
- 1 2 u -
·y, ·v
8.nr2 0 0 0 (9)

Value E; · Vo is electrodynamic energy of the condenser at rest. It is the same as the electric

field energy w hen v =0. VaIue E; .Vo

. I d . f . h
IS e ectro ynaimc mass o statlonary c arges in the
condenser. Its inert and gravitational masses increase by this value if it is charged by means of
transferring electrons from one plate to another without changing the total number of particles in it.
Giving analogous to (8) and (9) expressions for energies and impulses of all material bodies, when
they move in vacuum, the relativity theory did not change the formula of energy and impulse of
fields. It allowed thereby the fact that energy and impulses of moving charges do not necessary equal
energy and impulse of their fields. There was not such a case in classical electrodynamics which
meant existence of ether. After this a method of determining W, and P, seemed to appear in
electrodynamics especially as for practice, it is rather more important to know these values than fields
or their energies. However it has not happened till now. The authors and many scientists consider it
to be a strategically weak point of the present electrodynamics. This leads to one more problem
which results is numerous paradoxes and misunderstandings. In many cases Lorentz force acting on
these or those charges in the system under consideration remains unbalanced by forces applied to
other charges. Usually it occurs at interaction between sources of electric and magnetic fields moving
relative to one another, or at interaction between sources of rotor and divergent electric fields. For
instance, the electric charge moving perpendicular to the conductor with current is acted by the force
proportional to the velocity of its movement and current intensity in the conductor which is directed
parallel to the current, and the forces do not act on the charges in the conductor in this direction. In
literature there are other examples [5]. In all of them there must appear either unbalanced impulse or
change of charge impulses under the action of FA should be precisely balanced by changing the field
impulse. In the present-day theory it is implicit that just this latter variant is realised. However it was
seen that energies and impulses of charges are far from being always equal to energies and impulses
Copyright@ 1996 by Fogel V.A. and Shepsenvol M.A.
I 59
of their fields. ~o for satisfactory getting out of tllis situation it is necessary to assume the existence
of one more kind of forces acting on the charges, but neglected in the present-day electrodynamics. It
should be noted that this problem appeared after elimination of conception of medium (ether) from
the theory of the field. Before appearing tlte relativity tlteory it could be assumed, and many scientists
did it, that necessary counteraction forces are applied to ether. However in this case its existence and
the velocity of moving in it could be known by experiments.
Having analysed the stated problems and experimental bases of electrodynamics, the authors
came to the conclusion about the possibility of improving its theory without destroying what has been
achieved before. For this purpose it is necessary to introduce into the theory equations which
determine energy and charge impulses as well as acting between them, as a function of distances
between them, their moving velocities and derivative of tltese values with respect to time, taking
mechanics as an example. In fact it is modernisation of Coulomb's law used for moving charges.
Below, an intercoordinated system of equations for We, P,, Fl\ is given written in. quasi-classical
approximation in such a way that the energy of movement is an individual component of a usual kind
m v , and dependence of mass on the energy is taken into account separately in formulas for m. Tltis
approximation is quite enough for the problems under consideration.

W• --W.A + Lm,
- 2v2- + Lk,u2
-2- (10.1)

• L..J • (10.2)


- W.t- energy of interaction of charges according to Coulomb's law. It agrees with the energy of
the electric field which could exist if all the charges ~lith the given co-ordinates, at the given moment
were at rest.

- L m,v2 - sum of the charge moving energies relative to the laboratory system; nz, is
electromagnetic charge mass equal to its energy calculated according to Coulomb's law, divided by
the square of the light velocity and multiplied by the relativistic factor y ; v is velocity of charge
moving relative to the laboratory system.

- L k,u7. - sum .of energies of charge.~ovement relative to one another; k, is electromagnetic

inertia of charges calculated as the energy of Coulomb interaction released (absorbed) during
approach fi·om infinity of charge systems being in relative movement independent of existence of
oilier charges, and divided by the square of the light velocity; u is velocity of relative movement of
some charges past others.
- G, - total impulse of relative movement of charges or magnetic impulse. It can change only at
the expense of action along the movement.
- F,- force acting on i-particle of the system.
-r,- co-ordinate of i-particle.

According to what was said

m = q·q; (11)
' 2c2
b C anyQgbt@ !~ h" FogPI y A ap d Shcmenygt M A
160 .
" =- q,·(/)~ =- q,_ ·<pl (12)
* c2 c!
where q is the charge of the given particle; rp is the total electric potential, including the potential
of the given particle, at the point where it exists; q1 ( q1 ) is value of the charge of one of the charge
systems which are in relative movement; <p 2 ( rp 1 ) is the electric potential of the other system at the
point where the first system exists. Value m~ in ( 11) is that additional mass of the particle which must
exist based on the known conclusion of the relativity theory about proportionality of mass and
energy. For example, for a single charge in vacuum having the form of the sphere of radius r0 ,
2 2
rp = !L , m = q r., , where !L is energy of the stationary charge field. From ( 11) it follow that
r0 ' 2r0c· 2r0
L o
m =


where L 0
m, is the total additional particle mass in the state of rest ( v <<c). If all the partides
move with the same velocity v , at any velocity
"V m = W. ·r (14)
£...J • c2
So the first two components in ( 10. 1) are usual. TI1e main load, when using the given equations
falls on the third component of (10.1), (10.3), (12}. Let us consider using the equations in a number
of simple cases.
1. Along axis x a plate conden~er is moving at a velocity of v with the intensity of the field at
rest Er~ and with volume V0 • In this case u=O and velocity u is the same for all the charges.
Therefore W.I. = E08.1l"·V0 ,•
£...J. ., g
c· · 1- -.,



w* =w. l
1+ u
£ 0 .v;0

[ .,
2c· l- c 2J u·
87r · l- cz
what entirely coincides with (8), (9).
2. Along axis x a cylinder is moving with a velocity of u . It is stretched in the direction of
movement. Its length of rest is /0 , radius r0 and its charge uniformly distributed along the surface is
Q. 10 >> r0 • From Maxwell equation it follows that around the cylinder are axial-symmetrical electric
and magnetic fields. At r0 < r < 10 they are practically equal to those of endless cylinder with the
same charge density Q ; E = Q ; B = E.::_. Vector E is directed along the radius and vector B is
10 /0 ·r c
directed along ring-shaped circles around the cylinder. At r < r0 E=O, B=O and at r > /0 the fields
quickly diverge approaching to those of the point charge. ~erefore the energy of fields at /0 >> r0

almost exactly equals integrals -

1 J' 1 lo
· E 2 ·dV and - · 8 2 ·dV. Then the total energy of fields .
ro lb

Copyright © I996 by Fogel V.A. a."'.d Shepsenvol M.A.



Pointing vector
- 2Q
10 2Qu 2
10 -
P=-, ·ln- · g : : : : - - , ·ln-·u (16)
loc· ro Uz loc- ro
. . Difference in the energy between the fields of the moving and stationary cylinders
Q2 I 3u 2
Io r0 2c
Energy of charges in cylinder We is determined in this case by the first two components in (10. 1),
as u=O.
In view of(l4)
W. = Qz -In~- .--2__:::: {1 ·In lo ·(1+ uz.) (18)
/o ro J1 -Uz- /o ro zc·
1 cz
Impulse of charges
- Qz
P. =loc·
· ~-
- , ·ln- · g
Qz u lo -
. ·ln-·u (19)
ro Uz loc· ro
1-- .
Difference in energy between the moving and stationary cylinders
Q'- l u2
~w ::::--Jn..R.._ (20)
• / · r 2c 2
0 0
Using the obtained expressions for the current of unbalanced charges in vacuum devices or
accelerators it is possible to see that the energy ( ~ W. ) released when the current stops is one-third as
much as changing the energy fields occurring in this case and half as much as the energy of magnetic
field of the current. Accordingly the current impulse which is quite really transferred, for instance, to
the anode of the vacuum tube, is half as much as PQinting vector.
3. Two cylinders analogous with that considered above are moving along axis x at a velocity of
u _ and u + . Relative velocity between them u = u _ - u +. One of them has negative charge and the
other- positive._In total they are electroneutral, i.e. Q_ =Q. =Q. The cyliaders are coincided so that
the resulting charge density and the electric field are almost everywhere equal to zero. Ends of the
cylinders are immersed into liquid having very high dielectric constant, therefore it is possible to
neglect forming of the unbalanced charges when they move. Besides, a situation is considered when
the cylinders movement is by many times less than their length. It is not difficult to notice that it is a
model oflong straight electro-neutral conductor with current. The fields around it can be determined
by the method of superpositioy of the fields of the cylinders of opposite charge from example 2. The
total electric field intensity appears to be close to zero and further it will be taken as E=o·. The

resulting magnetic field intensity with an accuracy of close to the unit of multipliers g,
' 2·Q·u
equals B = ,
/ 0 ·r · C

·At unequal v~locities u _ and u + little difference in the cylinder lengths and intensities of their
fields arises. Therefore £=0 is exact only at u _ = u + .

b coomllht <!!! t 99§ by Fggel v A '"''" Qhm " nm' u A

? .,
where - - = }" IS cuneut mtenSity. Its energy W = -Q·- · - · -., what is the same as ( 15
Q. u . . . - ln o u- )
/ ~ /
r0 c-
accuracy of omitted components. Pointing vector P equal zero, so far as E=O.
In view of full charge neutralisation Pe=O, and We is determined only by the third component in
Q'" I
k ~ = -·In--2. (21)
Ioc-., ro
as when the cylinders draw closer together, from infinity the energy releases which equals double
energy of the electric field from example 2.
Q: I u2
w, =-·ln--2.·-
I ., (22)
o ro c-
In this example, by contrast to the previous one, electrodynamic energy stored in current is
exactly equal to the energy of its magnetic field. Thus, it is seen that the energy released when the
electric current stops depends not only on J . and B, but also on E. This conclusion is of not only
theoretical but of evident practical importance. Let us also pay attention to the fact that the energy of
fields is the same as charges electrodynamic energy provided that one of the fields exists. In the case
of existence of the both fields (E and B) their energy is not equal to W,. This fact shows that the
sources of electric and magnetic fields, i.e. charges and currents really interact with each other inspire
of the fact that the energy of their fields does not change. Such interaction is not assumed in the
present-day electrodynamics though only this interaction could provide automatically equality of
acting and counteracting forces in any system." Similar conclusions were obtained by Pro:fessor
Chirkov in his works presented in this collected book. .
4. From the last component of(10.4) it follows that at changing relative velocity u between the
cylinders with opposite charges in example 3 the forces arise which are proportional to the relative
acce1eratJ.on · · of th err
-du . They act on the both cylinders trrespectlve · contn·button
· to -du , aliDlDg
· · not
~ ~
to allow changing of u.
F=k · - {23)
• dt
For example, on increasing the velocity v _ of the negative cylinder, which moves to the right,
the forces arise equal in values, which are applied to the negative cylinder to the left and to the
positive cylinder to the right. Physically it means that at accelerating of any one charge at the expense
of applying an external force to it, the charges which exist nearly and to which this force is not
applied, will also aspire to acceleration in such direction in order to decrease changing the current.
Thus, equations {lO) describe Faraday law of induction.
5. Parallel to axis x at a distance of r from one another there are two coincided cylinders from
example 3. In each of them negative charges move to the right at a velocity of v _, positive charges
are at rest. From equation ( 10), ( 12) it follows that the attracting force acts between the coincided
cylinders. In fact, in this case four charge systems are in relative movements ( u = v _): 1. negative
charges of the first cylinder with its positive charges~ 2. negative charges of the first cylinder with
positive charges of the second cylinder~ 3. negative charges of the second cylinder with positive
charges of the first cylinder; 4. negative charges of the second cylinder with its positive charges.
Energies of the second and third systems depend on distance r, as coefficients k,1 , k., depend on this
distance and they according to (12} are proportional to Coulomb's energy released approaching the
charges of these systems from infinity tor. As the charges in these systems are opposite, k.l and k,,
are positive. Besides, they are equal to each other. If r decreases, k,2 and k ., increase. At the same
time corresponding magnetic impulses G,1 =k. 2
·u and G.J = k,3 ·u remain l.U\changed during cross

CoovriRht@ 1996 by Fogel V.A. and Shepsenvol M.A.

2k, u 2
action. Hence, u and the energy of relative moment will decrease. Just this fact means the
existence of attracting force.
6. Let now negative charges of the second cyhuder move to the left at a velocity of u _, the
other conditions of example S being remained. In this case one more system of charges is added
which is in relative movement, aud its energy depends on distance: negative charges of the first
cylinder move relative to negative charges of the second cylinder at a velocity of 2u _ . In connection
with the fact that they have the same polaiity, coefficient of inertia of this movement and its energy
will be negative. Value of k. equals that in example 5 and energy is four times more because ve~ccity
equals 2u _ instead of u _ . So the total energy of three relative movements in this example is equal to
the energy of two relative movements in the preceding example but is negative. When r decreases this
energy as before will decrease in absolute value. This means increasing the total energy of the
system, i.e. existence of repulsive force. Concrete expressions for the forces in example S and 6 are
easy to obtain using calculations in example 3. They are completely the same as known formulas
interaction of parallel conductors of current. So interaction of steady currents also desciibed by
equation ( 10).
7. Now let us consider the problem of Lorentz force. Let there be straight electroneutral
conductor by the model of the coincided cylinder in example 3 wllcre negative and positive charges
move at the same in value velocity u to opposite directions: negative charges move to the right and
positive to the left.
At a distance of r from the conductor there is a single negative charge at rest q. In this example
W and W~ do not depend on r. There are no attracting or repulsive forces between the charge and
conductor described by the first c~mponent of ( 10.4) and considered in examples 5 and 6. However
P, P~ and G~ depend on r what follows from (2), (10.2), (11), (12). 1n this connection when r
changes, there .can arise forces proportional to oP. and CG. directed along charge movement in the
a a
conductor, i.e. parallel to electric current. Let us consider forces arising at the expense of changing
inertia coefficients of relative movement of a single charge past negative and positive charges of the
conductor. In accordance with (12) they have the same values, but opposite signs:
. >o·
k-· , . <o·
k-- , k-T=-k--
When r changes, forces arise between the single charge and the conductor charges which are in
relative movement ( <p• and q>+ in (24) are electrical potentials of negative and positive charges of the
conductor in the point where a single charge q exist):
-+ dk. dr q d([)... dr
F = -·-·U=- ·-·-·-·U
dr dt c2 dr dt
F __ = _ dk • . dr . u =!f._. d cp- . dr . u
dr dt c"!. dr dt
They are applied in such directions that not to allow (to decrease) changes of magnetic impulses
G.-• and G;-. Force F- is applied to the negative conductor charges to the right and to the single
charge to the left. Force F-+ is applied to the positive conductor charges to the right and to the
single charge to the left. Force F,, is applied to the whole conductor to the right and to the single

charge to the left, where F,.. = (F -+- F--). It must be noted that= E- and d<p• = E+, where
dr dr
E- and E+ are intensities of electric fields of the negative charges of conductor and its positive
charges at the point where there is a single charge. But .!.(£-Xu-- £• Xu•) = iJ therefore

F =q
" c
xB (25)

Copyright© 1996 by Fogel V.A. and Shepsenvol M.A.

164 •

Thus, inertia force of relative charge movements connected with changing k, is Lorentz force. It
is applied between the conductor and the single charge so that the total impulse of the system
automatically remains. However there is a very important detail. When r changes correspondingly
electromagnetic mass m~ of charges in the conductor changes without its changing for the single
charge. For example, when r decreases mass of negative charges in the conductor m; increases and
mass of positive charges m; decreases. As they move in opposite directions their total impulse P~
changes: dP-=dm_u_; dP.=dm+u•, dP =2dm ·u,where dm,= q:drp. ChangeofPtoccurs
• • • • 2c· ·dr
without accelerating charges in the conductor therefore this force component cannot be noticed with
the help of a dynamometer attached to the conductor of charges in it. It equals in value to half of
(25). It results in the fact that at measuring force Fl\ by accelerating or with the help of the
dynamometer the force acting on the single charge will be twice as much as that acting on the
conductor. Nevertheless, the conductor will be acted by force ..!. Fl\
which can be detected by usual
methods. This force does not exist in the present-day electrodynamics. All said above corresponds to
the fact that in all given examples it turned out that ~ =..!. P.
The obtained conclusion can be generalised. According to (10.4) in general case
F' =q(E0 +Iv x B+.}_ drp ·v) (26)
" c ,., 2
c dt •
p - velocity of charge moving relative to magnetic neld source.

v. -velocity of charge moving relative to electric field source.

E0 - value of E at u ~' = 0 .
drp - rate of changing electric potential at the point whe~e there is a charge moving at a velocity
of u•.
The last component in (26) is absent in the present-day theory. It describes the force acting on
the conductor in the problem just considered above. Being used for electroneutral elements of current
tliis force is

dF=~·drp . J.dt (27)

c· dt
where J is current, dl is length of current element.
One half of this force can remain Ulllloticed, as it does not arise acceleration or dynamometer
tensity. It is connected with relativistic changing mass of charges, arising the current. But the other
half of dF should be measured by traditional methods. These forces should appear when current
sources or electric fields sources move along force lines E, as in this case rp changes. For example, it

is possible to give rise to drp outside the gap of the plane condenser, where electric and magnetic
fields are practically absent by means of collapsing (bringing together) its plates. If in this area a small
ring with current is placed, it will twist dtL-ing collapsing, tensioning the spring of the dynamometer
and thus playing the role of a detector and a meter of the force descdbed. The present-day
electrodynamics expects negative result of this experiment, Though there are works, where similar
experiments are described as really fulfilled [6, 7, 8]. These works suggest that besides electric and
magnetic fields one more field should be considered, which is called scalar or longitudinal and is the
field of forces caused by d({J.
The authors suppose that there are all reasons for complete investigation of this problem. They
believe that the described forces (2 7) really exist.

r.r~nvf'iaht ((.') 199fi hv FosrP.l V .A Anci Shemenvol M.A.


I. Cl]mTos ,zt..A. Teopu3JIC'Jl'rpoM8111e'I'IIIS.Ka. MOCIL'.D&·n~ OJ"H3.1948, r.l-IV, c.I00-125.
2. T1101 H.B. OcaOBH TOOJ)IDUllSIPJIIfeC'ma. Moaaa~Of'H3. 1946, c.Sl-87,391-393.
3. Trouton F.T., Noble H.R., 'lbemedlamc-.lforeeudiDI onacharfJedeledriccotldelllermOYiq
throvah IP&Ce. Trana.Roy.Soc.Londorl 1903, p.l6S-18l.
4. Hayden H.C., ADa1ysia ofTrouton-Noble a.pcrim.mLOatileien Eleetrodynamica. 1994, Vol.S, No.4,
S. ~aa P., ne.troa P., C3JUtC M. CZ>dm«aaoaeae.JIIGIIUIII DO tliSI!Ite, BHII)"CZ 6, 3Bcl:tpc.l,.aaMD'8,
Mocaa, MBp,l966, c.26&.267,300.
6. HuoJWS r.B., Coupa~emras 3JI~.-vua • !!piiUBH ee uape.;I(OD:lUDoiiOCDI, Toxcz. Toxc:ai
n~ Hacnnyr, ~ BHHHTH,l986.
7. J)yryw:a K.n.• Cloolnpmanss ype11ami MUG¥"• OpG6li&IOII ~BBIDI Bcaamol (cepu),
Bwnyt"K IS, '!acn.l. Cuarr-OeTep6ypr. rAO AH 1'(1),1992.
8. 4>oi'Uit B.A., Hepeme~D~He BOD.pOCW tJmm;: &paWJ.,.OliiiOro •lfll'BI'Boro l'tOiilal, 11po6aCIOI
KCCDQOB811U Bc:enemtol (cepu), IIIID)'at 17, Caar-Derep&~. HHH ~ xoMJDII!IKCOa
AH M, 1994. -·- ·- · ··-

Fmmula for relatively stable carbon clusters

VNIGRI St.-Petersburg, Russia
fax: 7-812-2737387

In spite of the fact that the polyhedral carbon clusters C have become the
subject ofwidespread research in recent years, many of the fundamental problems also
including the problem of the higher and odd -numbered clusters remain unresolved.
By analogy with classical Hukkel's formula for aromatic hydrocarbons

nH = 2 (2/ + J), f = 0, 1, 2, ... (1)

three - va1iant condition for number n of carbon atoms have been obtained by Fowler

u = 60 + 6S; n = 70 + 30S; n = 84 + 36S; S = 0, l, 2,... (2)

The condition is necessary for clousedeness of their electron shells.

We attempt to take a new view of the problem - a "numerological" one ( t ). We
consider integer- valued formula:

k 3 -k
n = --------- (3)

where u and k - natural numbers.

It is easy to verify that the formula determines the finite number seties of
possible values for n

60, 70, 84, 120, 165, 280, 819. (4)

All even members of the series therewith can be represented by (2), and three
fu·st are exactly in line with Fowler's rules.
We coJTelated the series (4) with the experimental evidence that given in the
paper (2). If we draw the enveloping line (Fig. 1) along the most peaks, that marked by
authors themselves, it will reliably select the cluster series with following numbers of

60, 70, 84, 114, 166, (5)

that is in good agreement with the series (4). Discordance between them is
within the limits of experimental accuracy, especially as C 116 and C 118 clusters are on
the enveloping line and scarce of the C12o clusters may be explained by their multiplicity
to more stable C60 fullerenes. ·
Another distinction between c16S (theoret.) and Ct66 (experim.) (despite a
. minimum value) is connected with fundamental problems. Recently, it was assumed

Copyright© 19% by A. Volkov


that carbon clusters, especially stable ones, can be only even ones. For example, as an
illustration of this may be formulas (2}. However, in 1990 year, some results were
obtained in American Instirute of Physics by the use of equipment with high mass
resolution. Tbe results have cast doubt on the point of view. The appararus consist in
the combination of a laser - vaporization supersonic cluster beam with a Fourier
transform ion cyclotron resonance ( FT - ICR ) mass spectrometer. At its adjustment
to trap positive carbon clusters in the C330+ to C360+ mass range mass - spectrum ( Fig.
2) have been obtained.
An unexpected wide range in the location of small clusters and displacement of
maximum ( C33o+) relatively to expected one approximately at 10% that explained by
consequence elevated effective source tempemrure have been considered in
commentaries to the mass-spectrum (3, 4). Authors have been discussed also a little
indication of odd- numbered clusters in the range between 3600- 4200. But significant
their amounts in the neighborhood of the point 2000 amu went unnoticed, that clearly
defined on the inset.
The fact can be naturally explained and can be serious argument in suppo11 of
the formula (3) simultaneously, because a maximum of relatively intensity of odd -
numbered clustered is located in close proximity to cl65 ( 1980 amu) cluster predicted
by ( 3 ). The alignment of even - numbered cluster intensity therewith of C naturally
realize as the result of the transfer of odd -numbered clusters to a more stable doubling
even state.
Conclusively, the prediction series about stable carbon clusters may written as


It can be noted that there is a definite commonness the Huk.kel's formula (1)
with the modified ( k = 21 + 1) formula (3)
2/(2/ + 1)(2/ + 2)
nH = 2(2/ + l ), U = - - - - - - (7)
under their concurrent correlation with relations for the mean quanrum -
mechanical values for hydrogen -li.\e atom

<r"2>=---- <r-3> = - - - - - - - A = - - - (8)
2(2/ + l)n 2/(2/ + 1)(2/ + 2)

where n and /-quantum numbers, a - charge number, r0 - radius of the first

Bohr orbit.
The analogy becomes especially important if it is considered the Hukkel's
f01mula refers to plane 2-d.imensional structures of aromatic hydrocarbons and the
second f01mula (7) - to 3-dimensional carbon clusters.
Versatility of the correlations cooperatively with the simplicity and elegance of
the fonnula (3) and (7) gave added credence to their authenticity. In the case if
relatively tolerance of giant clusters Cst9 or C 1638 is supported by experiment, the
empirical f01mula (3) will assume a basical significance - in common analogy the
Balmer's spectrum formula in quantum theory.
Simultaneously, interest in progress of author's search for mathematical
background for fotmulation of quantum theory for observable, that is in quadratic
combination of wave functions have been regenerated. The simple linear recurrence

Copyright@ 19% by A . Vol.kov


mV mV
5.8 60


' ' "0'


\ ~6~~--~~----------~--------------~
\ 72.0 82.0 92.0 102.0 112.0 122.0 132.0

60.0 70.0 80~ 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0
Figure 1. LD-TOF mass spectrum.

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Volkov




It n IIU !J
J l.L lJ
..... ~~

2000 2500

1500 2000 2500 3000 4000

Qustt:r Ion Mass (amu)
Figure 2.. Mass spectrum of large carbon clusters

Copyright@ 1996 by A Volkov


relations of identical form for squares of normalized orthogonal polynomials and their
products with proximate indexes are used as the basic for that
Recently such relations have been established (5) for Krawtchouk polynomials
(in quantum mechanics - the finite rotation matrix) and Hermite ones. As it is knowu
that the solution of Slu·oediuger equation for harmonic oscillator can be expressed by
Here, there are recwTence relation for Laquene polynomials used also in one
of the basic quantum theory problems - the problem for hydrogen - like atom

d d
01 1 01 1
-[1\r"'(x)f+[/\r"'(x)f -[/\r-1 " (x)f- [Ar-1 + (x)f+(Ar.t'(x)]-- (Ar-1°1(x)f= 0 (9}
dx dX

Laguene normalized polynomials squares and their products with proximate

{ -}If.! Ar-lm+l(x)Ar"'(x) (10)

satisfy the expression of kind (9).

Therewith, the relation (8) be justly and under fractional m values. That may
be essentia~ because relation (8) have the similarity to Dirac equation for radial wave
fuJtction of electron in hydrogen atom.


1. Volkov I. A. New quantum - classical analogies. An analog of Hukkel's

fonnula for fullerenes. The second international workshop in Russia
"Fullerenes and atomic clusters". Book of abstracts, St.-Petersburg. 1995,
89. .
2. Diedelich F., Whetten R.L. Beyond C : the higher fullerenes. Ace. Chern.
Res., 1992, 25 119- 126
3. Maruyama S., Anderson L.R., Smalley R.E. Direct injection supersonic
cluster beam source for FT - ICR studies of clusters. Rev. Sci. lustrum. ,
1990, 61, 3686- 3693.
4. Smalley R.E. Self - assembly of the fullereues. Ace. Chern. Res., 1992,
25,98- 105.
5. Volkov I.A. Doctor dissertation, Leningrad, 1987.

Copyright© 1996 by A. Volkov


On the Anisotropy of Electron

Sadovaya str., 106 • 27, St.·Petersbl?l"g, 190008, Russia

It was considered before that physical properties of the electron are the same in the spin direction
and in opposite direction.
By means of ex-periments of 1973, Main Astronomical Observatory of Russian Academy of
Sciences, it was discovered that some force act to each electron that is responsible for magnetisation of
the ferromagnetic. This force is equal approximately to 0. 5 x 10"28 din. The direction of this force is
coincide with spin orientation.
This phenomenon show itself in next: the middle position of metal ring (that is suspended to
make torsion oscillations) is changing when the direction of magnetic field inside of the ring is changing.
Experiment scheme is shown on Figure 1. The angle of turn of the ring is detected by means of light beam
reflected by mirror. ·

1 is string d=0.25 1Illl1. length=315 em; 2 is pennalloy SOH ring; 3 is brass spoke; 4 is mercury; 5 is brass cap; 6 is brass
rod; 1 is magnet shields those are made of permalloy 79HM; 8 is top of the shields; 9 is foam plastic washer; 10 is mirror;
11 is wood support.

The first information about this experiment and theory for it was published in book ''Nekotorye
problemy issledovaniya Bselennoy" • "Some problems of investigation of Universe" in Russian, published
in St.-Petersburg, 1973 by Leningrad's Department of All-Union Astronomy and Geodesy Society of
Russian Academy of Sciences. Editors: Ogorodnikov K.F., Efimov A.A., Gimmelfarb B.N., Zagrebin
D.V., MeJnikov O.A, Michailov A.A, Nevskaya N.l, Popov V.S., Fedusbin B.K.
Russian identification number of this rare book is UDK 530.12:531.18. Numbers of copies 2000.

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Efimov





1 M. Sb.akbparonov

Till the present moment the theoretical physics didn't attach significance to
unorieoted configurations and spaces. This situation is due to the fact, that even from the
philosophic point of view it was not possible to determine and locate in our world the
province of the woriented topological structures. For this reason we, representing eight
·scientific teams and joinins our forces, needed more than 30 years in order to solve this
problem by an experimental approach seeking out the correct way by trial and error.
The fundamental tenet of the casual mechanics elabonded by Kozyrev may be
fomrulated as follows. There are two types of energy .in the Universe. The positive, or
"right" energy acts as a factor increasing the entropy. The negative, or "left" energy tends
to decrease the entropy, i.e. it acts as a fuctor, which regulates the entropy's increase.
Through being spent the "right'' energy ie tnmsfonned to the "left" one•. and this fact may be
interpreted as the passage of time .from the past to the futm'e. Whon the energy is
transfonned from the "left'' form to the "right" form, ~ time is reversed. Kozyrev
supposed [1], that through revolving a body together with a coordinate system along a
circwnference the right coordin.ate system is transfonned to the left one at the moment,
.when the body reaches the point situated on the opposite side ofthe diameter. For example
let us take a cylinder with a wall ofthe width h and let us the right coordinate system
represented by three vectors along the external ~e of the cylinder. We can see, that in
case of such a motion the mirror image caonot be obtained.
• I h=O

Fig. I ·'

Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhpargpgy t


Yet we can proceed with the same operation after haviJJs bisected the cylinder and lhen
rotated one of the edges ofthe obtained strip at th~ angle of 180°. and spliced ~tat the other
end. The geometric figure obtained in such a manner is called the one-sided cylinder or the
Moebius band (MB). In this case we have echieved the :full inversion of the vectors E and
Hwithout having changed the direction ofthe prop&gation. This property of the MB results
in the fact, that in contrast to the oriented cylinder (whose width h > 0) the wa!Ps width of
an unoriented cylinder is equal to zero (h = 0) . In such a manner is produced the so called
"short circuir• of the space. DufJ to this property one observes the phenomenon of the
superpem1eability, when one body penetrates into the other body without interaction [2].
We may also expect, that the signal sent from a point to another point under the condition
that h= 0 will immediately reach the receiver. Now let us give an explanation of such a
property as the nonorientability.

B B 8____ ::·.::::.-:·:.:.::~C•oo

A C A'-;===:=:~ C A~----'

Let us suppose that we are moving along the sides ofa triangle ABC without olvmging the
direction ofmotion. ~ough moving in such a manner we obtain a closed loop. This loop
will ~e destroyed as soon as we introduce the counter-motion (motion in the opposite
direction), for example along the side CB. In this situation the loop can be restored through
introducing the motion B - oo- C, the letter being .valem to the increase ofthe
dimensionality ofthe space. Taking this into tu:count we em conclude, that nonorien!ed
figures may be regarded as intennediacy ones between 2 &Dd 3 or 3 and 4 space
dimensions, depending on the dimensionality ofthe initial oonoriented figure. The emnmce
in the 4th dimension automatically means the disturbance ofthe spaee metric and this must
in its turn result in the advent ofa gravitational field. On the other hsnd in order to make the

Copyright@ 1996 by I.M.Shakhparono•t


idea clear let us proceed with the operation of!he manufl!c~_of a MB et!P_by -~ep
[Fig.l]. y :il ~
~ ~/' J< ::::;: --<;- '8 n = .2
f1" y g) . . I W:
"~ C>r.c"'<;; ;<pis n=:J.+i.
c, ' AI I
, • 8 n:. .2-i
C2 ~ 4
F; 9.3 ·
At the start we have the initial s1rip ABCD. Let us tum CD around AB at the angle 90° and
then project it on a surf....ace. The rotation of the strip's edge automatically transforms the
figm-e so that it enters in the dimension 2 + 1. The projection of the transformed figure has
the dimension 2- 1. Besides it the "density" oftbe straight line is considerably increased
If we proceed with the rotation of tho strip as result we shall obtain a twisted figure.
Through projecting this twisted figure on the swface (Fig.4) we shall demonstrate in full
the inversion of a pair of vectors and having nplices the edges of the twisted figure we

shdlobkci:;;: 4 ~~ ?,BK_/H
H ,I I A f· I


·1(7..7) l cl I
Having considered this design we can conclude, that in case of the work with real MB
models the electroDUJBI!etic fields with negative energy must appear. n•s just the case,
when is possible the synthesis of the magnetic monopole (Moo), the latter being the
antipode of the electric monopole (electron) in our •<pi>sitive, space. By contrast to the
cylinder, on whose surface one can move along spiral trajectories, in the case of
nonoriented figmes such trajectories are transformed into closed knotted curves_ The
topology of such a field Is presented on Fig.S [3]. If the field is a magnetic one, and this
inevitably ocCW'S, when the electric cWTeni is run in the surface layer of a conductive MB
model, the obtained topological construction demonstrates the design of the device Mon. In
appearance it resembles a dandelion with a dense central leg limb and in no way

Copyright @J 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov


resembles a MB. That is why the MB <;-an genmte two types of such fonnations as
follows: luminous ("positive', energy) and black ("negative" energy) ones.

Because of the f2.ct that the nonorient9d figures are fonned through the mutual (in
pairs) crucifonn conjunction ofthe opposite poiots, w~ can notice, for example, that the
one-sided torus - the Klein bottle, is formed from a half of an oriented torus; the formation
of the models of a projective plane is complel$d through the identification of the oppotJite
points of spherical BW"faces etc. nus property can be explained if one supposes that the
unoriented fields are primary and the oriented ones • secondary.

The previous experimenting with conductive MB models [4) mainly pursued the
objective of obtaining plasma fommtions servios as models for natural ball lightning 'Ihe
strategy used in. the experimen~ the technologies of the mauufi:!cture of the MB and some
results are given in work [.S]. On fig.6 are shown the profiles of the image of a D8fural ball
lightning (fig.6A) and profiles ofthe fonnatioll!l obtained in laboratory (fig. 6B).

Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov


The more recent works were focused on the revealiD8 of the factors causing the
formation of such objects. As a result of this investigation was discovered a radiation of a
new type. Because a unique MB device generates a small amount of negative energy, we
proceeded with the construction of asseml>liea of MBs. At present with the aid of the
developed nanotechnologies we have created industrial prototypes of powerful emitters of
negative energy. Fig.7 shows the scheme of a MB assembly and the key for the designation
of individual unit elements in electric schemes.

Outside coatact

Fig.7 ·
In order to preserve the nonorientability of the assembly as a whole, one of the
elements must be filbricated with a reversed twist or it nmst be co~mected in the circuit in
series oppositioiL Because it was expected that the assembly can generate a gravitational
wave of a rather big power, in the first experiments as a detector was used a single
thennostatic quartz resistor shielded from electric and magnetic fields. ~auks to this
quartz detector the wave of~ previously unknown nature was discovered. In this situation
the acoustic waves could be I.Ilistaken
\ . .for pvitational
. ones. For the determination of the
wave's nature we have cBITied out an experiment on the determination of its speed. B is
welllato~ that the speed of~ acousJic wave in the air equals to 0.3 kmlsec., depending
on the ,density of lbe substance. The scheme of the experimental ·equipment i~ shown on
Fig.8. 2 quartz detectors are situated at the distance of 1 meter from each other. From the
detectors the signals were transmitted to the input of a double storins oscillograph. The
measw-ements were carried out on the base of 5 meters. The results of the measurements
are shown in Tablo 1

Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov


Table 1
Base (m) Speed (Jan/sec.)
0 100
1 1000
2 .5000
3 3 10000
4 soooo
'Block of £eeclina 'Doubl·radial oscilloscope
s 100000
Fig. 8
The values of the wave's speed allow to conclude, that this wave is ofgravitational
nature. 1be fact of the accelerated motion of the wave in the direction away from the
source is rather surprising. Such a behavior can be explained by the generation of a flow of
very heavy particles, which cause the distortion of the space. Yet the big wave's speed
cannot be regarded as an absolute proof of its gravitational nature. n is desirable to cany
out such an experiment, which wotrld unambiguously determine the~ of the wave and
its characteristics. In theory is know11 the phenomenon of the alteration of the frequency of
a light wave, wben the latter approaches a gravitational field or moves away from it When 4

approaching a gravitational field, a photon accelerates or '~ecomes a little more blue",

when moving away from a gravitational field, a photon '"becomes a little more red... Such
an effect can be used as the general principle for carrying out such an experiment An
important point is not to use intricate composite optical systenw, because they can possibly
cause side effects and it is difficult to take the latter into account That is the reason, wby
all the measurements must be made on the ray path. If we are able to do somehow the
conversion ccfrequency-amplitude'' in the optic frequency band, the problem may be

regarded as a solved one. As such an element one can use a light filter with a sharp
characteristic curn compatible with the wave length ofthe light source (fig.9). •


Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov


h% KC.13


The scheme of the experiment is shown on fig.l 0. 11Jrougb measuring the
characteristic as a timction of the distance between the light filter and the light source and
the frequency of the pumping of the MB assembly . we may determine not only the
gravitational potential, but also the value of the gravitational disturbance caused by the
Mon beam. A rudimentary calculation shows [ 6], that the space disturbance is equivalent to
the one caused by a body oftbe mass of ron g, i.e. a mass only 10 times smaller, than the
one ofthe Sun. The experimental curves allowing to-make such a concl~ion are shown on
fig. 11.
J. .Laser
, Mec:lumical arid
.3. Tnms!ucent glass
-il. ~filter~ igbt
5. Block feeder
6. Radislion Mon
7. OsciDoJcope

Distance P.B • PW • 500 an. I>ist:a=e from lraDsiuceot ala• • PB • 10 an

'Silicic: photctube beariot Silicic ~totube workina

Fag. 10.

2.0 i.OK'!J
__..,____ ....___,~~- l.or~


2CJo L (c.111)


Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov J


This experiment also revealed the effect oflhe excess ofthe light speed in vacuum
The speed was measured through the comparison of the location of the fronts of
both the working and the basic (reference) pulses ·(fig.l2.5A), as well as through 500/o
modulation of each of the pulses (fig.l2 B). From the comparison of the lengths of the
measuring base and the reference base is drawn the conclusion, that the pulse front
propagates faster than light in good agreement with the tbeory [7]. Besides thia, when the
pulse under investigation was wholly biased relatively to the reference pulse, there was no
modulation of the latter any longer, and the pulse has cll1Ul8ed its form (fig.l2C) also iin
good agreement with the theory. 'When the average power of the pumping of the MB
assembly was increased up to 3 kW, the pumping bein8 continued, the effect of the
modulation ofthe light beam was noted not only in case of the laser, but when using not ~
monochrome light sources 88 welJ. This observation allowed to detennine, that the
gravitational.wave is a wave of a scalar typ~ [8]. As mentioned above, was set up the
hypothesis, that the gravitational wave is not fonned by itsel( ~ is caused by the
interaction between the space and the Mon flux • It was suggested, that (9] the interaction
of Mon with matter causes considerable Mon ionization losses, yet by virtue of the filet,
that Moo accelerates even in weak magnetic fields, it cannot reveal itself in thick layers of

lJ :::C 8 \.


o,&Sft\S IJ, ,~Wt$

A J... Se§illellt of beach impulse . 2. StJID!Sil of operator

..· Fig.l2
In order to identifY the magnetic nature ofthe tlux of particles we used trajectory tracking •
device based on the interaction with iron. The principle ofMon detectins and re~ordiug its
trajectory consists in the following. One records the bmmonic signal of the frequency of


Copyright © 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov

. .

1000 Hz on a magnetic tape. The reel with the tape is exposed to the Mon flux and then
inserted in the magnetic tape recorder. The outp~ of the read head is connected to the input
ofthe storing oscillograph and on the screen ofthe latter is displayed the iofonnation on
each deviation on the tape. Io the place, where the beam passed, were observed distortions
and rubbing off of the part of the recorded signal. The nature of the distortion of the
recorded signal counts in the favor ofthe existence of 1WJ811etic field ofbig intetUJity in the
place of interaction (fig.l3). The depth ofthe damages varies in the r&IJ8e from 1.5 to ISO
em. An estimated energy ofthe Moo-beam amounted to 18-1800 OeVorevenmore.


Fig. 13
The Mon beam exerts some action en different substances and radio components. In
particular, when a m~asuriu8 resistor was used as an emanation detector, both ihe increase
and decrease of its resistance were recorded. The increase of the resistance corresponded
to the resistor's cooling, and the decrease to its heating. The shielding of the detector by
means of a thick iron layer resulted in the coolin,g ofthe detector exposed to the emanation.
~s smprising effect can be explained tbro1J8h the interaction ofMon with the detector's
substance and the effect of the ID88Detic_cooliog as well. Because of the fiu:t, that the
changes in the resistor's resistance last for prolonged periods and are ioterestiog mainly
for the pmpose of their demonstration, we have &bricated a thermocouple detector for
quick measurement of Ute parameters ofthe Moo beam. The design ofthe detector and the
experimental curves are_shown on fig.14.

Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov


Uu{a) -J.

Ut~ Voltage of slow oiJromins wire U.rVoltage on thmnocovple

3 1 No radWion
2 Radiation thraugh famous filter b "' 20 mm
3Radiation wilhout filter

Curve 2 demonstrates the cooling effect, when the beam is passed through an iron
screen of the width 20 mm.
From 1991 in parallel with fundamental investigations also were carried out
applied investigations. They.became possible thanks to the fact, that powerful and Nliable
Mon sources were created. It was fowtd out, that the Mon beam passing through an organic
substance transfonns the latter in such a manner, that it exhibits param88Jletic properties in
externalllll1Siletic fields ofthe intensity 1 • 1.5 T. The new property is preserved for a Ions
time [5]. We succeeded io revealing the met, that the element responsible for the exhibition
ofthese new properties is carboiL The action ofthe Mon beam both on carbon (fig.15) and
diamond samples cotmts in fuvor of the fact, that these samples exhibit new properties
slightly different from each other. The carbon clearly showed a soft magnetic
characteristic, yet the processed diamond exhibited magnetic properties only when it was
attracted by a steel needle in a magnetic field (fig.16).

Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov


. .'
lfriDt magneticmetre
1. Carina ~oaina raw deal of black
1. Same after adaptation 15 min, distance 1,5 m


l.Ma;netic Sm. Co ..
-4 Diamond

At the first moment after the DUtBJletizing of the diamond one observes the own
residual magnetism of the diamond, yet this property wanes and disappears in several days
and the diamond remains paramlf8Iletic. From the practical point of view it is quite
interesting to identifY chemical reactions taking place both in the field of the be~ &nd in
its 8\DToundings. One succeeded to considerably improve the quality of both juices and
alcoholic drinks (wines, cognacs, brandies, liqueurs, vodkas etc.) (Appendix 1). At the
same time the properties ofthe processed alcoholic drinks are pres~ed for an indefinitely
long time, the production expenditures and expenses being very small. Considerable
success is also achieved in medicine. Investigations carried out with the use ofthe base of
the Oncological Center at the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation
showed, that the Mon beam is absolutely harmless for living orgmlisms and at the same
time this emanation exerts positive action, when medically treating the blood diseases.
Oncological diseases may be also treated both directly by the Moo beam or accompanied
by other welllmown means of influence. Attempts were also made [5] in order to develop
~ ..
· 'n· ;· 1

Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov


methods of control of the decay of radionuclides. Though the problem is important and the
first positive results are already ob!alned, the project wasn,t yet promowd or supported by
the government

Taking into accolDlt the following experimental data: phenomenon of
supetpermeability, generation of gravitational waves, magnetizing of objects processed by
the Mon beam, considerable penetration capability of the beam. phenomenon of m881letic
cooling of matter through its interaction with the beam, we think, that the existence of the
magnetic monopole may be regarded as proven. At the same time taking into account the
relation between the energies of the obtained particles and the energy spent in order to
obtain them (300 eV) we are forced to ~onclude, that. the devices construcwd do not
generate the Man beam, but only focus the emanation existin8 in nab.lre.

Taking into account, that N.A Kozyrev was the firs~ who obseryed Moo-emanation
in nann, and the existence ofMon was theoretically foretold by Dirac, we give the newly
discovered em~ on the following name: KoZ)Tev·Dira.c e~on.

1. HA. K03blpee. l-13()paHHble TPYAb'. fl. flfY, e.335--363.
2. ~.M.WaxnapoHoe, "'MMp HeonooH&HMoro•, PVIA ~oeocnt., Ni 15 (39) 1995
3. A. fMbClepr, C. Kott-CI)occeH, HarnHAHZSl reoMerpMR~ M. •HayKa", 1981, c.325
(D. Hilbert, S. Cohn-Vossen ANSCHAUUCHE GEOMETRIE, Ber11n, 1932)..
4. MaHbiKMH 3.A., WaxnapoHos H.M. feHepa4MR Ma3MeHHbiX o6pa3oBaHM" nma
wapOBbiX MOnHM~ pa3pRAHbiM KOHfYPOM 9 BMA8 11MCT8 M!GMYC8// C6. Te3. noKn.
2-ro Bcecoto3Horo ceMMHapa ...~M3MKa 6blcTpo nporexa10114MX npoqeccos•.
fpOAHO, 1989, C.104-105.
5. WapoaaR MonHMR s natioparopMM, -x.tPAU~•, 1994-198.
6. ~A. Koponee, TeopeTM'IeCKaR OnTViKB, M.1lblcwaA WKona•, 1966, c.256-257.
7. E.C.6Mprep, nA.Ba~HWTei4H. PworeJHMKa .. 3lleKTpOH~Ka, 18,449, 1973.
a: AcTpO<IJM3MK8, KB8HTbl .. TeopMH OTHOCi1T8nbHOCTM, M. • •Mttp•. 1982,
rcentlnarlo dl Einstein• 1879-1979. Astroflslca e cosmologla graviiazlone guantl e
relatMta, negll svipuppi del pensiero seientifico dl Albert Einstein, giuntl barbera
firenze 1979)/
9. CoBeTCKM~ MH,OpM91.4MOHHbllt 48HTp no wapOBO~ MOiiHMM •wapOBBR MOnHMH•,
~BTAH, 1991, c. 83-89~
Copyright© 1996 by I.M.Shakhparonov - -- - - -- ----

. -·- --- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Peatdlannypcr., 20-1, apadmCDt 33, Moscow. 12Sl52, Ruuia

tel: 7-09S-l982012



George S. Turchaninov
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University
660074 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
I. G. Turchaninov
Omsk State University, 644077, Omsk, Russia


It is found with the help of the Maxwell theory that thermoelectric effects can
be excited and maintained in the nonhomogeneous electrically conducting media by
the electrostatic field, but not only by the temperature field. The hydrodynamic
condition of flowing of the closed steady-state electric current in non-
superconductive media without integral energy dissipation is deduced. As appendix,
there is considered operation of a heat pump that is permanently maintaining the
temperature field in environment. It is shown that the obtained results contradict the
Second Law and therefore extension of t he Second Law matter is proposed.


Thermoelectric phenomena have been investigated in detail with application of

the the Onsager reciprocal relatjons in approach of the linear irreversible
thermodynamics [1]. As it is known thermoelectric phenomena are excited when the
outer temperature field is superimposed onto the nonhomogeneous medium in that
an intrinsic field of a density gradient of the mobile electric charge carriers takes
place initially. It is significant that the temperature field must be maintained
continually, therefore thermoelectric effects are permanently accompanied by energy
dissipation. Therefore and in accordance with t he Second Law the total entropy of
both the system in which the thermoelectric current flows, and the nearest
surroundings increases in time.

In this paper we have to show that the closed electric current can also be excited
and maintained by the outer electrostatic field in the nonhomogeneous media that
had been initially at thermal equilibrium. In this case in opposite to classic,

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov

maintenance of the steady-state current doesn't demand energy consumption and
isn't accompanied by increasing of an entropy of the surrounding space when the
stationary state is to set in. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we
demonstrate a phenomen of the closed steady-state electric current proceeding from
the Maxwell theory. In the next two sections we show that this phenomen does not
contradict both balance equations of the linear irreversible thermodynamics and the
theory of the autonomic systems. In section 5 we propose extended interpretation of
the Second Law covering the case of the closed steady-state current in outer
potential field.


A density of the electric current in some closed thermodynamic system
possessing the electronic conductivity can be written as (2]:

J = -pf..i'V<p + V(Dp) (2.1)·

where p is the density of free electric charge carriers, p is their mobility, D is their
diffusion coefficient, rp is the local electric potential of medium. We rewrite Eq. (2.1)
eliminating D with the help of the well-known Einstein relation

where k is Boltzmann's constant, e is the charge of a free electron, and T is the

temperature. Such substitution is valid as the Einstein relation takes place both in
the hydrodynamic and quasi-hydrodynamic approximations [2]. So we find:


For a thermal equilibrium state of the reference system one can extract T out of the
operator "nabla" in Eq. (2.2) and rewrite it as

J = pf..LV ( - i n Pf..i - cp) . (2.3)
In Eq. (2.3) we remained the mobility p deliberately as a function of the operator
"nabla" in spite of the "nabla" doesn't effect upon mobility of carriers in linear
statistical models of electrically conducting media. From Eq. (2.3) one can see that the
electric current in the thermalized system depends on the only generalized 'potential

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turcbaninov and I.G.Turchaninov d


field. In section 4 we'll show that in this case the closed electric current should be
absent. When in the reference system being initially at thermal equilibrium the
polarization process is arising under action of the applied electric field - V rp, there
the temperature field must also appear, at least shortly. Consequently, the main
question is if the temperature field will be retained after the end of polarization
process. It depends on the answer to this question if one could reduce Eq. (2.2) to Eq.
(2.3) when analizing the steady state of the reference system in the outer
electrostatic field. We'll search this answer with the help of well-known equations of
the theory of electricity.

We consider the closed reference system H at equilibrium and possessing the

following features.
The features following from the definition.
(a) The electric current J is absent;
(aa) VT = 0;
(aaa) H is not subjected to an action of the outer electrostatic field.

The f~atures relating to the electric properties of H.

(p) H possesses the electric conductivity. Let's assume the free electrons with the
volume density pin the role of unique electric charge carriers;
(PPJ The whole system His claimed to be electroneutral, as commonly. It means that
H contains immovable positive electric charges with the density P+• so that full

numbers of positive and negative charges in Hare equal;

(ppp) Let p+ = p+(r), where ris the cartesian coordinates of a position inside H.

From (aaa), (PPJ and (PPPJ one can elementary deduce secondary features of H
as follows:

(yy) There is the intrinsic field -Vrpi of the electric potential (/Ji in H connected with
inhomogeneous distribution of P+ ;

(yyyy) Vector fields -Vp, -Vp , and -Vrp . are collinear.

+ 1

Apply to H the outer electrostatic field -V fPe caused by the potential (/Jc· The

system H will be polarized under action of the applied field. We'll name the reference

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turcbaninov and I.G.Tu.rchaninov

system in the· new state as H'. Now we reconstruct the modified features which H'
doesn't i_:r;1herit from H:
(aaa)' - '1 (/)
=t; 0;
(yy)' The local macroscopic field -Vq; acts in H, where (/) = fPi +fPc ;

<mr P = p( ({J ).
We'll demonstrate that features (a) and (aa) do not keep in H'. We prove it ex
adverso. Let's assume that (a) and, consequently, (aa) have passed into H' . Then we
represent the local features (/3) and (/3/3/3) by a system of differential equations. One
of them can be derived from (a), (aa) and (2.2):
-pp vq; +
7 v (pf.J.J = o.

As the second equation we use Poisson's equation written in the following form:

cv'lq; = P- P (2.5)

where & is the dielectric permittivity of H' . Instead of searchirtg a sqlt.~;~qp of the
system of the differential equations (2.4) and (2.5) we'll attempt to give its geometric
interpretation. First of all, we transform Eq. (2.5) into a more useful form. We notice
now that the distribution of p and P+ in our research is considered against a

background of the rest possible components of H'. For this reason the term of E

caused with the distribution of p and P+ should not be taken into account. In other

words, & doesn't depend on p and P+· Further, satisfying conditions of the present

model of H' the only p and P+ are functions of a space position. Resulting,

nonhomogeneities of & can be induced only by the intrinsic field in H' and outer
electrostatic field. Hence, using the feature (yy)' we write & as
& =f ('1 ({J) . (2.6)

Then we'll examine replacement of the function (2.6) by the form


We can notice that 'lqJ= f 2 (r), where f2 is the mapping of the domain of definition

of set of r onto the domain of values of 'lqJ. From this it follows that the relation
(2.6) can be rewritten in the form of the functional


Copyright@ 1996 by G . S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov


Further, it is known that the potential rp is defined up to an arbitrary constant. Let

this constant is definite. Then we can represent rp as the functional = !4 (r},
where f4 is the mapping of the domain of definition of set of r onto the domain of

values of rp. For the relation (2.8) to be replaced by the relation (2.7) f4 must

represent the univalent mapping [3]. In this case any variable from the row V(jJ, cp, r
has a sence of the necessary and sufficient set of independent variables, in which
space e is a state function.
Arguing in the same manner one can write VV (jJ = f 5 ( (/)), if f 4 corresponds to
the condition derived above.
For the deduction to be continued let us select continuous domains in system H',
called as hi, (i=l, ...n), so that in each of them f 4 represents the univalent mapping.
As one can find, this condition is fulfilled at the segments of force lines of the field
V(jJ, which are limited either by the surface of H' or the nearest point where
Vq; = 0. But one can seek the solution of the set of Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5) at any force
line of V<p , which can be considered in that case as independent from vicinities. So

we join a bundle of lines of V<p into a single domain ~· Finally, every selected

domain hi is bounded by a surface, which sections coincide with the parts of either
the surface of H', or surfaces of adjacent domains of a constant potential rp and
dimensionality from 0 to 3. Among domains hi there can be multiply connected ones,
but this does not influence the following conclusions..
Our following arguments will be relative to one arbitrary domain hi. Bearing in
mind above written we differentiate Eq. (2.5), express the left-hand side of the
received equation in terms of the differential of cp, and then group all equation terms
together in its left-hand side. Ultimately, we deduce the exact differential equation

dq; {&VV<p)d<p- dp + dp+ = 0 . (2.9)

At the same time cp, p and P+ are state functions in the cartesian coordinate system.
Consecuently, we embody the operator d as dr· V and after dividing Eq. (2.9) by dr,
rewrite (2.9):


Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and LG.Tun:haninov


We also rewrite Eq. (2.4) in the following form:

kT kT
'lcp- - ' l p - - ' Vj..l =0 0
ep eJ..i

Multiplying (2.11) by dr we receive the second exact differential equation

kT kT
dq; - - dp - - dj..i = 0 0
ep ep

From Eqs. (2.9) and (2.12) one can express q; over the last two variables:
= q; ( p, p +) = q; ( p, J..l). From this it is evident that in general case

J..i =J..l (q;,p,p+) or in other words:


Both the last equation and some following ones which include a mobility coefficient
JJ, have an abnormal appearance. Hence we could complete our, proof ex adverso ·
immediately and successfully. However we don't like to loose generality of .our proof
when examining concrete models of electrically conducting media, so we conduct our
deduction to end formally. Thus inserting (2.13) into (2.11) and transforming the
received equation we obtain:

eJ..L Of..l p OJ..l OJ..i

rkT- ~Jvq; = r- +-aJ'lp +-a vp ·
ucp p p p+ +

Geometrical interpretation of Eqs. (2.10) and (2.14) is the following. They describe
triangles in the Euclidian space, which sides are parallel to tangents of the vectors
'lq;, 'lp and 'lp in the chosen spot of the system H'. From (2.10) and (2.14) it
follows that these tangents lie in the same flat. In its turn, the triangles are similar to
one another because of equality of the corresponding angles. The similarity
coefficient can be estimated, for example, as

( f..l / p + OJ..i / op) 'lp + ( Of-L / iJp +) 'lp +

'lp- 'lp+
From this the condition of similarity of triangles follows:
OJ..l Of-L J..i
-+--=- -
op op+ P

Copyright@ 1996 by G. S. Turchan.inov and I.G.Turchaninov

After integrating this yields

where C is a parameter. Eq. (2.15) gives us the condition of integrability of the

system of Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5). But an inserting (2.15) into (2.4) results in Vq; = 0, that
is contrary to the starting conditions of our reasoning. The presented above can be
extended over all the domains hi. Therefore in general case the feature (a), Eq. (2.4)
and Poisson's equation (2.5) are not compatible. Another result is received if the fields
-Vp, -Vp and -Vq; are collinear. In this case Eqs. (2.10) and (2.14) don't bound by
similarity of triangles, therefore Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5) don't contradict to one another.
One can easily find from above that the system H' inherits the features (a), (aa) and
( rmJ in the following cases:

(i) Vp
=0. The appropriate -reference system His a homogeneous one;
(ii) The fields -V q; and -V p are collinear to one another (so-called one-dimentional
e +
In another cases besides (i) and (ii) there are established the following features in H':
(a)' J ;r 0, J is closed;
(aa)' VT * 0;
(rm)' The fields -Vp, -Vp+ and -Vq; are mutually noncollinear.

We'll denote the system H' possessing the features (a)', (aa)' and (rm), as H".
For the system H" to be realized it is sufficient to find two nonadjacent dots at the
bounding surface of H" belonging to the same domain of P+ =const, and apply to

them the nuter potential (/Je of different values. The simplest example of this type
system H" is shown in Fig. 1.
In the following sections we'll base our reasonings on the results received in this
section with the help of the Maxwell theory. In sections 3 and 4 we'll show that
presence of the steady-state closed electric current in nonhomogeneous system put
into the electrostatic field does not contradict statements of both the linear
irreversible thermodynamics and classical mechanics.

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turcban.inov


+ Figure 1. The example of the system H"

~~~~-~~~~IM@B~~Ifl~- Aleta/
consisting of two subsystems both of
different values P+· Signs "plus" and
I p+2 H" "minus" clarify a way of the electric

I_ Metal
potential application.


We consider the system H". Eq. {2.2) cannot be reduced to Eq. (2.3) because of
presence of the feature (aa)'. It is obvious that the total energy dissipation by the
closed current .1 should be equal to zero when H" is in the steady state. Let us look for
the mechanisms of spontaneous realization of this constraint. Bearing that in mind we
write the balance equations for various terms of energy of the current J in the local
form [4):

P -at +"V·Jm
., = 0'

og ..
p ;;---- + V'· (Pv+Jg) =-a +a (3.2)
vt rp v

p - + V'· (Ju + J ) =-a (3.3)
!) t q v

ow ,.,
P::;-+"V·(Pv+Jw+J )=0. (3.4)
v t q

In Eqs. (3.1)-(3.4) J and J q are the local densities of the electric current and the heat

flow, g, u and w are the densities per unit of electric charge of the kinetic, internal
and total energy of J accordingly, t is the time,

,., ,., v ,., 0

p = p8 + p 8 +p (3.5)

is the total pressure tensor of the electron gas, p = p(p, T) is t}:le scalar hydrostatic

pressure, is the unit tensor,


Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov


is the trace of the viscous pressure tensor describing the isotropic part of P, ~ is the
second viscosity coefficient of J, vis the velocity of J,

0 0
vs s
P = 2q (Vv) (3.7)

is the symmetric part of ~he viscous pressure tensor with its trace equal to zero, TJ is

the first viscosity coefficient of J, (V v / is the symmetric part of the velocity

gradient tensor with its trace equal to zero,


"' v.
2J v = P:v (3.9)

The symmetric viscous pressure tensor of the Newtonian flow is used as P.
Practically this constraint does not restrict generality of our reasoning (5]. The mass
density p is time-independent in Eqs. (3.1)-(3.4) because of J being steady-state. Eq.
(3.1) can be reduced to o (/J /o t = 0 taking into account (3.8} and continuity of J.
However we'll not do this, because of the terms of Eq. (3.1) which we have to reduce
have a different physical meaning. Nevertheless, from the last equality it follows that
the potential energy of J is a locally preserved quantity.
One can conclude from (3.2) and (3.3) that in general case g and u are reserved in
time quantities. We'll say that in these equations a rp represents the q;g-coupling
between the potential and kinetic energy, and O"v represents the gu-coupling
between the kinetic and internal energy of J.
Now we extract the closed current tube with an elementary cross-section 0s and
with a surface formed by uninterrupted streamlines of J in H". The streamlines
inside the tube intersect its cross-sections at right angle. Let us restrict the upper
limit of os so that the current density J will be constant along any cross-section area
element. Then as it follows from the current tube definition, the product osJ forms a
vector which modulus is constant, and a bulk integral of 0"({J over the extracted tube

is zero, i. e.

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov


where dl is a differential of some streamline inside the t ube. Physical interpretation

of this result is as follows. Total energy interaction between the closed current tube
and the electrostatic field is equal to zero. Closure of the current tube is maintained
by two current components: drift component and diffusion one. Th e Joule heat is·
extracted at tube segments where the drift current dominates. A heat is absorbed at
other segments where the diffusion current prevails. The above results can be
applied to any current tube chosen arbitrarily. Hence we conclude that the total
energy interaction between the closed current J flowing in H" and the outer
electrostatic field is zero.'
Eq. (3.4) seems like a conservation law. However in general case a composition of
the full energy of J is nonconservated locally owing to ({XJ- and gu-coupling action ..
We'll derive the entropy balance equation "of J in the local form from the Gibbs
equation. Let's assume that all components of H" are immovable wit h the exception
of the current J. From this it follows, in particular, that J does not produce the
mechanical work. Now we write the fundamental Gibbs equation for J in the
integral form:

s = S(U, V,N , Q) I (3.10)

where S is the entropy, U is the internal energy, V is the volume occupied by J, N

and Q are the mole quantity and the total electric charge of the Fermi gas
constituting J. Now we m ake use of S being a first-order homogeneous function [6],
and decrease by one the number of variables in the right-side part of Eq. (3.10). So
Eq. (3.10) related to unit of volume, can be presented in the following form :

ps = ps( pu,pn,p), (3.11)

where s and n are the densities of S and N, respectively, per unit of electric charge.
Further we · can decrease the number of variables in Eq. (3.11) once more in the
following way. Multiplying n by Faraday's constant we obtain the unit and hence
eliminate n from Eq. (3.11). This convertion of n requires only the dimensionality of
the conjugated with n extencive variable, i. e. the Fermi gas chemical potential, is to
be changed simultaneously. With above stated from (3.11) w e receive the equation in
the entr opy form per unit of volume in ordinary way:

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and l.G.Turchaninov


1 fJ+cp
dps = T dp u - T dp . (3.12)

where fJ is the electronic Fermi level that is measured in units of a potential.

Dividing both parts of Eq. (3.12) by dt one can receive the entropy balance equation
of J in the substantional form:

dps 1 dpu (} + (/) dp

=--- (3.13)
dt T dt T dt
From a continuity equation of p and a continuity of J it follows that dp/dt=O.
Hence, we omit the second term of the right-hand part of Eq. (3.13). Now from Eqs.
(3.13) and (3.3) we find the entropy balance equation of J in the local form:

Let us express crv from Eqs. (3.5)-(3.7), (3.9) and then substitute it into Eq. (3.14). The
result is given by


where the entropy production per unit of volume is

1 2ry 0 s 0 s 1
6 = --(p+~V·v)V·v--(Vv) :(Vv) +J ·V-. (3.16)
s T . T q T

We write a set of the necessary conditions for J to be steady-state, as the

following set of equations:

og =o au= 0 OS
at = o. (3.17)-(3.21)
at ' at '
We have already from above that the first two equalities have been fulfilled. One
can infer from Eqs. (3.2), (3.3) and (3.8) the following conditions for Eqs. (3.19) and
(3.20) to be in force:

V ·(Pv+J({J + Jg) = crv , (3.22)


Copyright@ 1996 by G . S. Tu.rcbaninov and I.G.Turcbaninov

It can be revealed from Eq. (3.15) that Eq. (3.21) is constrained by the conclitions

\l·(;+Js)=O, (3.24)

6 =0. (3.25)

The last equation is written in accordance with the Second Law. Consider in detail
Eq. (3.16). The second term of the right-hand side of Eq. (3.16) represents the only
bilinear form of two second rank tensors. The Curie principle yields the quantity of
this term must be non-negative irrespective of another equation terms [7].
Consequently, for the conclition expressed by Eq. (3.25) to be workable that term
must be identically zero. It is possible if the velocity vector submits to the following
0 0
s s
(Vit') : (Vv) = 0 ,

•or, what is the same,

_ _a_= o· ova iJ v p •
---, (a,,B = x,y,z). (3.26)
I} X p , oxa I} X

This condition as realized eliminates energy dissipation depending on the shear

viscosity of J. The second equality (3.26) is striking. If there were requirement all the
first derivatives of v to bE> zeros our deduction would be reduced to the case of the
incompressible flow.
By analogy with above both the first and the third terms of the right-hand part
of Eq. (3.16) should be non-negative quantities independently of one another. As to
the first term this constraint means \1 · v = 0, i. e. J must be incompressible. For do

not be restricted to the case of incompressible flow we come back to the second
section. Eq. (2.2) implies that J is a praduct of joint effect of four potential fields:
-V (/), -V p, -\1J.l, and -\1 T. These give rise to the relevant thermodynamic forces.

As one can find from the same equation, these forces can be reduced to two
generalized potential forces. because they are bound by linear relations. On the other
hand, only two thermodynamic forces are taken into account in classical
thermoelectricity. For the case of the one-component flow these can be expressed, for

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turcbaninov and I.G.Turchaninov


example, as -Vrp and -V lnT [1]. So, one can see that the fields of density gradient
and mobility of charge carriers are not considered. Now we'll show how the first and
the third terms of the right-hand part of Eq. (3.16) can be brought together as
bilinear forms of the same tensor rank.
Formally the first term of the right-hand part of Eq. (3.16) can be rewritten as
the symmetric bilinear form of first rank tensors [3]


where V = V dr + V dif • v dr = - J..L Vrp is the drift current velocity, and V dif is the

diffusion current velocity. Next we represent the term of as caused by the

thermodynamic force -Vrp as - J vrp/T. From Eq. (2.2) we find this expression in
the expanded form:

J. Vrp kpf.l e
• T = -e- ( kT VfjJ- VlnT- Vlnp- VlnJ.i}Vrp. (3.28)

We select from the right-hand part of Eq. (3.28) and from the expression (3.27) terms
describing cross-interaction between thermodynamic forces -Vrp and -Vln p . These
k .
are - ~P Vrp Vlnp and - P; Vrp Vlnp . Using the Onsager reciprocal relations we

equate the quantities kf.lp/e and Pf.l/I' in the last two expressions to one another.
As a result it gives the following expression for the Fermi-gas hydrostatic pressure:


Eq. (3.29) coincides with the approximated equation of the ideal Fermi-gas state
derived for elevated temperatures and small electron density [8].
Thus, we have shown that both the first and the third terms of the right-hand
part of Eq. (3.16) can be presented as symmetric bilinear forms of first rank tensors.
Hence, as the Curie principle yields, sum of these terms must be a non- negative
quantity. It follows from above and from Eqs. (3.5) - (3.7), (3.9), (3.16), (3.25) and (3.26)

1 1
q T T vI (3.30)

Copyright@ 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.~.Turchan.inov



6 v = (p+~V·v). (3.31)

Eq. (3.30) expresses the condition of full reversibility (in space) of dissipation of the
kinetie energy of J and, in general, any Newtonian flow, which velocity obeys the
condition (3.26). As it can be noticed from Eq. (3.30), the temperature field arises in
H" necessarily when the steady-state J flows. So, there is approved the feature (a a)'

of the system H" which was derived in section 2. In the next section we'll
demonstrate that total dissipation reversibility in space can take place only when a
flow is closed.
Now we return to Eq. (3.10) and bearing in mind that S should be a first-order
homogeneous function, write the Gibbs equation in the integral form per unit of
electric charge:

s = s(urvr-)' (3.32)

where v is the volume per unit of electric charge. The rest quantities are defined
above. Taking into account that for one-component flow the quantity N /Q is
constant, from Eq. (3.32) we express the Gibbs equation in the entropy form per unit
of electric charge:

1 p
ds = -du +-dv. (3.33)
The second term of the right-hand part of Eq. (3.33) is zero because the current J
does not perform mechanical work in the model of effect taken into consideration.
Basing on this, we convert the operator d into d r· V, reduce both parts of Eq. (3.33)
by dr, and finally result from (3.33)

Vs = Vu/T . (3.34)

Now, combining Eqs. (3.23), (3.30), and (3.34) one can easily deduce Eq. (3.24). Finally,
we yield the set of Eqs. (3.22), (3.23), (3.26) and (3.30), containing all necessary and
sufficient conditions for closed current in taken model to be a steady-state one.
In this section we have shown that the the steady-state closed electric current J
can exist in H" satisfying the balance equations for energy and entropy. With that

Convriszht <eJ t99fi bv G.'s. Turchaninov and l.G.Turchaninov


the kinetic energy of J is reserved in whole but not locally, and the velocity gradient
of J has such appearance that a local energy d!ssipation caused by a flow viscosity is


In this section having applied the autonomic systems theory we investigate
possibility of formation of the electric current closed streamlines in an outer
electrostatic field. First of all let us prove the following lemma that will be useful
Lemma. Suppose, it is given the autonomic normal system of second-order

where x, y are the Descartes coordinates of a point at some flat open set L1,
and t is an independent variable. Let the functions fi ( x, y) and their first-order

partial derivatives be defined and continuous at Ll. Let also there be another
autonomic system made up:

J = pv; p = p(r); (4.1)

where pis a scalar quantity satisfying the condition

V·(pv)=O. (4.2)

Then, if Eq. (3.26) is valid for v, the integral of the system (4.1) is a set of smooth

closed curves at Ll, which are mutually and self-disjoint and enclose the equilibrium
Proof. One can situate the coordinate axes so that Eq. (3.26) yields the following

D(Vx 7 Vy) _ a b
>0, (4.3)
D(x,y) - -b a

where a= a(r), b = b(r). Take some point at Ll and reduce v and J in the

neighborhood of it to its linear forms. Then from (4.1), (4.2) and (4.3) we find:

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Tun:haninov

D(vxfvy) _ 0 bo (4.4)
D(x,y) - -bo 0 '

P =Po.
where bo, Po are constants. It follows from Eq. (4.4) that the lines of the field v
nearest to the taken point are concentric circles, which enclose that point. And the
taken point just becomes the equilibrium point. But the fields v and J differ from
one another by the constant Po only. Therefore, the streamlines of J have the same
Later on we'll use some propositions of the autonomic systems t~eory, which are
(j) Any two trajectories have no common points;

(jj) If any trajectory intersects itself, it means that it is either a closed trajectory or

an equilibrium point;

(jjj) Trajectories fill the whole phase space (the phase plane Li in our case).

We assume that moving away from the equilibrium point along .:1 we meet some

closed streamline of J which may be named jc. Let immediately behind that there

occurs a nonclosed streamline named ji, which according to (4.2), must be ended at

infinity. Two cases can be distinguished there. Let in the first case jc is be adjacent

by its convexity side with the single streamline ji. Then the condition (jjj) should be

fulfilled in the nearest vicinity of jc . One can verify with the help of a simple

graphic construction that ji cannot satisfy simultaneously the conditions (j) and {jj),

if it has no inflection points. Consequently, j i must be closed.. In the second case we

assume a few nonclosed streamlines to be adjacent to the convexity side of ic·

Arguing as above, we imply that all those streamlines must loop round the
equilibrium point. Finally, we conclude that every . streamline of J is adjacent by its
convexity side with the single closed strearrJine.
At last, we can state that power lines of v are mutually and self-disjoint because
the functional v = f( r) is clamed as an autonomic normal system. The lemma is
We consider the system H" in which the steady-state current J is flowing and its

Copyright@ 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov


velocity satisfies the condition (3.26). Making use of the above lemma one can
conclude that all the streamlines of J are closed round the equilibrium point. From
this it also follows that the local energy dissipation caused by the shear viscosity of
the electron flow can be zero in the only case when streamlines are closed. Near the
equilibrium point J is similar to an incompressible flow and its streamlines represent
coaxial circles.
Now we analyze more explicitly the J pattern in the broad vicinities of the
equilibrium point located at the origin of the cartesian reference system. We'll use
the simplified expressions of the electron flow velocity and density in the form of the
following Taylor-series expansions in powers of x, y:

2 2
P == Po +p1x + P2Y + P3X + P4XY + PsY , (4.5)

where p .,q .,r. (i = 0, •.. 5, j == 1, ... 9) are constant coefficients. From these and
l 1 1 . .

from· Eqs. (3.26), (4.1), (4.2), and using the lemma we find:

2 2 2
vx = h(4PoY + PoP2X - 2p0p1xy- PoPzY
+(2p0p 5 /3- p 1p 2 )x 3 + Rx 2 y- (2p

0 5
-· 3p1p 2 )xy 2 - Ry 3 /3),
2 2 2 3
vy = h(-4pox + PoPJX + 2PoPzXY- PoPJY - Rx /3
2 2 3
+( 2PoPs- 3P1P2)x Y + Rxy - ( 2PoPs/3 - P1P2)y ),
2 2 2
J .r == hpo(4PoY + PoP2X + 2pop1xy + 3p0p2y
3 2 2 3
+2p0 p 5 x /3- R 1 x y + 2p0 p 5 xy - R 2 y ), (4.6)


Copyright e 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Ttm:haninov


h is an arbitrary real nonzero quantity. By solving the system of equations for Jx

and J , we find the set of streamlines of J


Figure 2. The set of streamlines of

J near the equilibrium point computed

for Po = P3 = P4 == P5 == 1 •
pl = 0, p2 = 3.2.

X where h 1 > 0 is a parameter. Ffg. 2

illustrates ·the pattern example of
streamlines of J near the equilibrium

-0.3 point calculated with the help of Eq.

(4.8). The quantities pi are chosen so

that p > 0 for all values x, y in Fig. 2, according to (4.5). One of the authors showed

earlier that in crossed potential fields closed fluxes which streamlines are of elliptic
form near the equilibrium point can arise (10). However, now we can see from Eqs.
(4.6) and (4.7) that coefficients in the first terms of expressions of J and J have
X y

the same absolute values. From this one can easily find that closed streamlines of
electric current, approaching to the equilibrium point are converted from the third-
order curves directly into concentric circles.
In accordance with Eq. (3.30) when withdrawing from the equilibrium point the
temperature field appears out of the linear modeL Then the current is described by
Eq. (2.2) but not by Eq. (2.3). Let us show that the current streamlines corresponding
to Eq. (2.2) can also satisfy Eqs. (4.6) and (4.7). For this goal we rewrite Eq. (2.2) in the
simplified form

Copyright © 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov

J = a"Vrp + P0 VIfl (4.9)

where one can find values of the kinetic coefficients = a(r), ,80 =canst, and
thermodynamic powers - Vq;, - V 1{/ comparing Eqs. {4.9) !ind (2.2). Our following
reasoning is primary, therefore we restrict ourselves by its qualitative presentation.
We represent a, rp and VI in the form of the Taylor-series expansions in powers of x,
y and remain there the terms including x, y in total powers from 0 to 3 for a and
from 0 to 4 for rp and VI· In addition, we assume existance of the appropriate
derivatives of a, rp and 'fl· Then we substitute obtained expressions into Eq. (4.9) and
preserve in the right-hand side of this the terms containing variables x andy in total
powers from 0 to 3. Further, we demand
:t:. 0, {30 :t:. 0, since kinetic coefficients

cannot change their sign in space to opposite because they are directly proportional
to appropriate mobilities. And finally, we set equal the terms of the right-hand parts
of equation derived from Eq. (4.9), and Eqs. (4.6), (4.7), corresponding to the same
total powers of x andy. As a re.sult of ~bove operations, we receive the system of 20
equations, containing p0 and 38 coefficients, entenng into the expressio11:s of a, rp

and lfl, in the capacity of unknowns.. We have discovered that this system is a
solvable one if a number of unknowns is reduced to twenty, treating the rest ones as
parameters .. For example, one can take in as unknowns the coefficients . ' If/.1

(i = 1,.~.14, j = 1, ... 6). From above arguing it follows that the current Jpresented
by Eq. (2.2) can be closed. In the similar way we explore the following special cases:
(k) In the formula (4.9) V 1f1 = 0 (the case of a single thermodynamic power);
(kk) Both kinetic coefficients in (4.9) have constant values a0 , Po (known as the case
of a homogeneous medium);
(kkk) The fields - V rp and - V 1f1 are collinear.

In all mentioned cases the above system of equations is unsolvable, and therefore the
current J can not be closed. One can note full analogy between the cases (kk), (kkk)
and appropriate particular cases (i), (ii) considered in the second section.
We should like to select interpretation of the case (k). There are two steady-state
vectorial flows in the system H", these are the electric current J and the heat flow
Jq . As it is following from the second · section, on account of both Jq and the

corresponding to it temperature gradient are arisen simultaneously, the current J,

Copyri8ht (§) '996 by G. §, I urshap!pgy andI Q Dmeb'PiPOY

given by Eq. (2.2) is caused by two generalized thermodynamic forces. However, the
heat flow in the system H" is resulted, in turn, from the electric current flowing.
Consequently, the thermodynamic forces in Eq. (2.2) must be simultaneously either
present or absent. With the help of Eq. (2.3) one can imagine how both
thermodynamic forces· are vanishing when 'V <p -:#- 0. For this to be realized the

expression being under the operator "nabla" in Eq. (2.3) must have a constant value
over all the system. In this case the electric current is absent. The case (k) yields just
the same result. From (k) it follows also that the outer electrostatic field can not
initiate and hold up the steady-state closed current in superconductive media.


One of many equivalent formulations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
claims that if a system participates in some thermodynamic process, the over-all
entropy of the Universe can not be decreased in consequence of this process
regardless of changing of the entropy of the system [11). Let us show that action of
above examined system H" with the closed current J contradicts this formulation. As
it was found in the third section, the total energy dissipation at H" equals to zero,
i. e.


From (3.23) and (5.1) with the help of Gauss' divergence theorem one can easily


In Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2) V is the volume of H" and Q is the bounding surface area of

Eq. (5.2) includes cases of both the adiabatically insulated system H" and the
non-adiabatic system in which the continuous heat flux Jq flows through. For the

second case to be realized the system bounding surface is to be heat conducting. Fig.
3 illustrates the system H" in which the steady-state closed electric current J flows.
An arbitrary line of the current J is depicted conditionally by the closed dotted line.
The bold parts of the dotted line indicate segments where heat is either strong

Copyright@ 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov


evolved or absorbed by the electric current. The temperature of these segments is

designated as Th (evolution of heat) and ~ (absorption of heat), so that Th > Tr To

the left and to the right of H" in Fig. 3 two external reservoirs are shown with their
temperature T1 and T2 . Let firstly ~ == T . Heavy pointers indicate direction of the
heat flow motion iri case of a non-adiabatic system and broken pointers indi~ate the
resulting path of heat flowing between the reservoirs.

Figure 3. A cross-section sketch of

the non-adiabatic system H" and
surrounding medium illustrating heat
flows (heavy pointers) and the
resulting path of heat flowing in
surrounding medium (broken

T Figure 4. The temperature distribution in the

adiabatic (to the left) and the non-adiabatic (to the
right) system H" and in surrounding medium when the
system H" is in steady state.

In Fig. 4 correlation of Th, ~, T1 and T is shown

1 after J becomes steady. From Fig. 3 and 4 one easily
concludes that the non-adiat>atic system with J works
as a heat pump. The feature of this heat pump is that it
works without consumption of energy ·from outside except for the period .o f the
initial polarization of H". This result contradicts the above formulation of the Second
Law. Bearing in mind that the foregoing deduction is generically exact in the frame
of the field theory we attempt to give an interpretation of results in terms of
macroscopic physics. In the nonhomogeneous isotropic system H" both the external
physical power associated with the current J, and the pow,~r generating a backward
flow according to the Le Chatelier principle can be noncollinear. In this case the
mentioned flows can not completely compensate to one another. As a result the drift
and diffusion parts of current have to flow separately. The detail balance postulate is

Copyright © t996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Turchaninov

broken because the polarized system H" cannot attain the equilibrium state. However
in the basis of our arguments there are equations of the microscopic dynamics which
are invariant to time reversibility. Therefore the Onsager reciprocal relations remain
One can resume that the system H" possesses a cause-consequence symmetry
with respect to external temperature and electric fields. Any field of both causes the
thermoelectric effects and induces the other field. The closed electric current
circulates without the integral energy dissipation and in this respect is similar to the
superconduction current. Nevertheless, as the local energy dissipation takes place the
Hamiltonian of H" does not satisfy the time-reversal invariance. Indeed, according to
Eq. (3.31) crv consists of two terms, one of them is even and another is odd vs time.

Recently Liboff [12] and Ramshaw [13] showed that some systems acting as
microscopically irreversible ones can have the Gibbs entropy constant in time. The
considered system H" is one of them.
Resuming, in that paper we have presented the phenomenological conclusion of
conditions of existence of the closed steady-state electric current in the
nonhomogeneous with respect to electric conduc~ivity medium immersed into an
outer electrostatic field.. Above-mentioned collision of our conclusions with the
Second Law may be caused by the fact that a steady-state movement in crossed
potential fields has not been investigated. It seems strange that nobody has called his
attention to this effect when the classic physics was establishing. Thus, we received
new results when researching an unknown object. Starting from this we propose to
discussion the question of extension of the Second Law matter. It is known that the
nonisolated system entropy is decreasing when there is the entropy flux out of the
system caused by outer powers. Entropy decreasing is necessarily localized in space.·
The Second Law postulates that in any time the entropy density averaged over a
sufficiently great space region, can not be decreasing.
Similarly, we can treat regeneration of the energy quality and entropy
decreasing in a space region including the system H", working as a heat pump, as
the localized in time entropy decrea.sing. Obviously, this process will come to an end
when the origin of the electoctatic field will degrade. One can suppose that in this
case the meaning of the Second Law may be expressed by the following sentence: In

Copyright@ 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and l.G.Turchaninov


any domain of space the entropy density, averaged over a sufficiently long time
interval, can not decrease.
We would like to thank Professor A. N. Gorban ' , Dr. I. V. Karlin, and Professor S.
G. Ovchinnikov for stimulating discussions and valuable suggestions.

1. See, for example, S. R. de Groot, Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
~North Holland Publishing Co, Amsterdam, 1952).

2. A. A. Barybin, Waves in Thin-filmed Semiconductor Structures with Hot

Electrons (Nauka, Moscow, 1986).
3. Charles Pisot, Marc Zamansky, generales. Algebre - Analyse
(Dunod, Paris, 1966).

4. I. Gyarmati, Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics '(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1970).

5. L. G. Loytsanski, Mechanics of Liquid and Gas (Nauka, Moscow, 1987).
6. A Munster, Chemische Thermodynamik (Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1969).
7. S. R. de Groot, P. Mazur, Non-equil'i'britLm Thermodynamics (North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1962).
8. Kerson Huang, Statistical Mechanics (Wiley, N.Y., 1963).
9 L. S. Pontryagin, Orclinary Differential Equations (Nauka, Moscow, 1974).
10. G. S. Turchaninov, Modelling, Measurement and Control B, 63, N 1, 33 (1996).
11. J.D. Bekenstein, Phys. Rev. D, 7, 2331 (1973)
12. R. L. Liboff, J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn., 15, 151 (1990).
13. J. D. Ramshaw, J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn., 16, 33 (1991).

Copyright© 1996 by G. S. Turchaninov and I.G.Tun:hani..'lov



NIIRTz ""Sirius", Moscow 109813, Nikoloyamski Line 3a

An experiment within the framework of classical electrodynamics is proposed,
to demonstrate Boyer's suggestion of a change in the velocity of a charged
particle as it passes close to a solenoid. The moving charge is replaced by an
ultra-short pulse (USP), whose characteristics should depend on the current in
the coil. This dependence results from the exchange of energy between the
electromagnetic field of the pulse and the magnetic field within the solenoid.
This energy exchange could only by explained by assuming that the vector
potential of the solenoid has a direct int1uence on the pulse.

PACS 41.10 ·.

1. Introduction.

It has been assumed for some time that electromagnetism is completely

described by electromagnetic fields. Potentials, especially in classical
electrodynamics, are treated as merely a convenient mathematical tool for
calculations concerning these fields. However, Aharonov and Bohm have
. shown that in the quantum description potentials rather than fields play the
essential role 1 . Unfortunately, the requirements placed on experiments which
might determine the existence of the AB effect are so stringent that other
interpretation of the obtained results are possible. The Aharonov-Bohm
interpretation has therefore been questioned 1,3.
We are able now to describe an experiment to detect the vector potential
directly, whithn classical electrodynamics. The essential advantage of this
experiment is that it requires less accuracy in themeasurements of the currents
and fields. The concept of the experiment originates in the work of Boyer 4
which predicts a change to the velocity of the particle as it passes near the
solenoidwhen the latter passes near the solenoid.

liv= q vA
Here, p and q are the particle momentum and charge. According to this model,
the particle slows when approaching the solenoid and t!1en speeds up when
leaving. Below we point out such a possibility (we follow the consideration
presented in Ref.S).
The total energy of the system, considering both the solenoid and the charged
particle, is


where B4 is the fixed magnetic field due to a current in the solenoid, B P is the
magnetic field due to the motion of the charged particle, and m and v are
mass and velocity of that particle, respectively. There may be additional terms
involving the source of the current, but they do not change the argument.
Since the B? term is fixed, the sum of the other terms should be constant. For
constant particle velocity v, both the kinetic energy term and the B:
would be constant. However, the BlBP term is certainly not constant as the
particle approaches and then recedes from the solenoid. Therefore the velocity
cannot be constant.
The aim of this paper is to describean experimental method of demonstrating
the above within the framework of classical electrodynamics. It should be noted
that the charge is not needed to show its velocity change, it may be replaced by a
current qv . Therefore, in the real experiment, it is proposed to use a single
ultrashort pulse (USP) to acts as this current.
The experiment is described in Section II. In Sec.III we calculate the energies
of the fields and currents involved in the process, giving the expression for the
interaction that can influence the characteristics of the USP. Finally, in Sec.IV
we discuss the possible results of the experiment in both cases, firstly in the
situation when the characteristics are assumed to change, and secondly when
they are assumed not to do so.

2. Design of experiment.

The arrangement of the proposed experiment is shown in Fig. I (top view). Two
wires form a dipole antenna. The antenna is placed in an anechioc chamber, in
order that only the original signal will be observed by the spectrometer used to
· observe signals from different parts of antenna. The diameter of the wires is
chose!]. simply to suit the requirements of mechanical rigitily; 1m wires can be
fixed only at the point where the coaxial cable from the pulse generator connect
top the dipole, and must remain straight.
Two solenoids.(s in Fig.l) are placed in the chamber. These are designed to be
equivalent to those used for the A-.B experiments, i.e. the pulses in the wires can
be influenced only by the vector potential of the solenoid, but not by its
magnetic field.
The USPs from the signal generator pass through the coaxial cable and
appear as electromagnetic radiation from the antenna, and the physical form of
the wire determines a path of the USP near the solenoid and the radiative losses
from the signal. Losses can be significant at bends in the conductors, but if their
radius of curvature is much greater than the diameter of the wire, the losses will
be small since there is little deceleration of the current at the USP. Its behaviour
will then closely fit a radiationless current wave equation 6
Because the generator can produce USP of order of 10-10 sec. with relative
pulse duration of order of 10-ssec. 7•8, we are able to assume the pulses as single
ones. The characteristics of the USP are registered after the radiation and after
reflected pulse from the ends of the antenna. The ideal matching of the antenna
is achieved in case of full absence of the reflected pulses under the condition of
zero current in both solenoids.
Two solenoids are used to achieve more matching of the wires characteristics,
besides they are placed under the v.'ires for eliminating the influence of

displacement current generated betw~n the 'kires. So 'Nhen the USPs pass in
dipoles of the antenna this curreM 1..:an infiu.em;e <:.radiation region but not the
region wh~re the solenoids are placed.
E~ch wire has two parts. At the Hrst one (ab), each USP moves transversally
to direction of the vector potential created by solenoid so the interaction term
between the USP and the solenoid
should be equal to zero. Here, jP is the current density at the USP and A is the
vector potential of the solenoid, v,., is the volume of the wire at the part ab. At
the second one (be), the USP moves on arc, i.e. along direction ·of the vector
potential so the interaction term should achieve a maximum. We choose a length
of arc be. greater than the length of the USP. Only in this case, whole current
of the USP gives a contribution into the interaction term. Here, we have seeming
contradiction because it is well knovm that the EM pulse radiated by the
antenna is always of plus and minus polarity. It is caused by the fact that the
radiated field E is proportional to the time divergence of the current i, at the
pulse. Therefore, due to plus and minus polarity the total contribution of i, to
the interaction term can be equal to zero so we have no expected effect.
However, such a diff~entiation of i P takes pi ace only at the ends (part d) of the
antenna so on the arc be each USP s~iH remains of the only one polarity.
Thus, the USP moves along the •.vire and its magnetic field penetrates inside
the solenoic;l. Therefore, acoording to the Eq.(l) the total energy of the system
changes. However, to detect this changing, we face some problems:
• the magnetic field of the UPS induces the vortex el~tric fields in the coil so the
latter fields create secondary magnetic field which must be taken into account
while calculating of the total en.erg-j;
- the problem considered here h~ complex boundary conditions for the fields;
these conditions must be included into the calculations too;
-changing of the energy takes place, according to the Eq.(l) only inside the
solenoid; it is difficult to detect the changing of the energy of the magnetic field
there. ·
The key idea allowing to re..:;o!ve the above prob!ems is to carry out two
repeating experiments which are fully identical one another except one point:
the first one is carried out with the initial current. 1 in the coil of the solenoid,
meanwhile the second one is done under condition I= 0. We discuss it in more
details in Ch.III.

Ill. Calculation of the fields.

It should be noted that the exact calculations of the total energy of the system
require taking into' account the initial and boundary conditions and, therefore,
too cumbersome. As it is noted above, we are going to avoid all the problems in
the following way:
It is proposed to perform two repeating experiments under identical initial
and boundary conditions except the only difference, namely, the first experiment
must be perfonned with the given value I of the initial current in the coil of the
solenoid, and the second one must be done with I= 0. Obviously, for ideal
solenoid, both initial and boundar.i conditions for the electrical and magnetical
fields must be equal one to another in both experiments. So, under assumption

that the magnetic field of the solenoid does not influence the USP, the latter
must pass along the wire under identical conditions in both experiments, with
given value I and with I= 0. Therefore, subtracting the values of the conditions
of the fi.rst experiment from the corresponding values of the second one, we are
obliged to obtain exact zero, i.e. the boundary and initial conditions can be
omitted from our consideration. So we can limit in our consideration only of the
expressions for the total energy of the system.
Since on the part ab of the wires the plus and minus pulses are weakly
connected one another, we are able to limit our consideration, without loss of
generality, only by one wire and one solenoid.
Here, before any calculations, one has to point out on discrepancy between
the proposed experiment and the experiments on AB effect. It is shown in 5
(App.A) that, in the latter case, changing of the charge's velocity does not take
place. This is caused by performing of the condition I (t) =Const , i.e. the
solenoid's supply source compensates each changing of the current induced by
the magnetic field of the USP.
In this experiment, however, the velocity of passing of the USP in the wire is
compared to the velocity of the light so we have adiabatic regime when the
external source cannot provide I (t) =Const .
So let us I as an initial current that does not change its value during
passing the USP at the antenna and consider how the USP influence the
When penetrating into the latter, the magnetic field of the USP induces in the
coil, on the background of I , a current i ; besides I and i are independent
of one another because· th~ physical cause of inducing of i is the electric field · :
8A :
where AP is a vector potential of t~e USP.
Strictly speaking, due to the secondary current i in the coil of the solenoid the
magnetic field will exist outside the latter. However, we show below how to take
into account influence of that field and, therefore, to extract the influence of the
magnetic field created by the current i from that one of the vector potential on
the USP.
Let us calculate the energy E of the system when the USP is on the part ab of
the wire (we use Gaussian units):
E"" = E(ip)ob +-
B (I)dv +--J B (ip)abdv
2 1

Here, B(I) the magnetic field produced by the current I in the volume vs of
the solenoid. For simplicity of calculations, we will carry out the integration of
the magnetic fields over all the space, however, keeping in mind that the field·
B(I) does not equal to zero only in an internal area of the solenoid; besides, ·-
both other fields B(iP) and B(i) do not equal to zero in the external area too. ·
E(ip) is the total energy of the electric fieldE inside and outside the wire. E is
described by the wave equation
!ili = 41lu 8 E + _!_ 8 E .. ,
ot c2 8t 2
where E and jP are mutually connected as

Here, u and & are conductance and dielectric constant of the material of the
wire, We will not solve the wave equation for E because we do not need the
definite form of E(x,t) for further calculations.
It is important to point out - and due to this fact the expected effect is
achieved - that when the USP is on part ab of the wire the magnetic fields of the
USP and of the solenoid are directed in such a way that their term of interaction
B(I)B(ip)tlbdv; (3)
equals to zero. Indeed, B(/) field is directed along the axis of the solenoid;
besides theB(i p)tlb field circulates around the x axis coinciding with the part ab
of the wire and intersecting z axis at a right angle. So after integrating over all
the space of the solenoid, the term (3) will be equal to zero (Fig.2).
Obviously, due to the same symmetry it will be equal to zero ~he .term with the
current i induced by the USP

when the USP is passing along the part ab of the wire.

Supposing the vector potential of the solenoid does not influence the USP,
i.e. E(i) remains the same, we calculate the total energy when the USP is on the
arc be:
Ebc = E(ip)tc + E~m;s +--f[B(/ -i) + B(i,)bc] 2 dv;
. 87ip
Because the USP changes while passing from the point a of the wire to the
middle of the arc be the energy of its electrical field changes according to the
E(ip)<~~> =E(ip)bc + El=
where E(iJ?~bc is the energy ofthe.electric field of the USP passing on the arc be
and E ~o.u is the loss of the energy of the pulse (due to the resistance and the
radiation) while the latter passes from point a to ~he middle of the arc be. The
resistance losses (Joule heat) of the secondary current I are included in the term
E~o.u too.
The total energy of the system cannot change at the adiabatic regime so
Ecb = Eb., ; (5)
Subtracting the Eq.(2) from the Eq.(4), we obtain
0 =--f1
B(I)[B(ip )bc - B(i)Jdv- -
B2 (ip)~~~>]dv+
87i,U .

+ - I-
f .
[ B(zp) - B(z)] 2 dv (6)
Here, we use the linear dependence of the magnetic field on the current creating
that field
B(I + i) =B(I) + B(i)
Indeed, the magnetic field defines as a rotor of the vector potential; the latter
defines from the (linear) wave equation of which right-hand side dependes
linearly on the current. So, the vector potential and, therefore, the magnetic
field is defined from the integral but linear oper ator of the current, and the

magnetic field of sum of the currents is the sum of the magnetic fields created by
each current independently.
Now let us calculate the total energy of the system in the absence of the
initial current in the coil of the solenoid, i.e. at I= 0. When the USP is on the
part ab of the wire,
EDb = E(ip)ab +- B 2 (ip)~dv ;
When the USP is on the part be of the wire the total energy of the system is
Ebc = E(ip)bc + E 1= +--J[B(ip)bc- B(iWdv ; (8)
Subtracting the Eq.(7) from the Eq.(8), we obtain:
0 =- -f[B(ip)bc- B(iWdv- -
B (ip)abdv ; (9)

One can easily see now that consequent carrying out of two experiments, with
given I and with/= 0, allows to eliminate the count of the secondary current
i to the effect of influence the vector potential on the USP. It is achieved by
comparing of the results of two experiments: let us subtract the Eq.(9) from the
0=- -J
B(I)[B(ip)bc- B(i)]dvs; (10)

Now it is sufficient to carry out the integration only over the internal area of the
solenoid v.,.
Thus, the end parameters of the USP must change due to existing of the last


Since there are no the energy exchange with the external sources, this term
cannot be equal to zero if only the current i does not fully shield the field
B(iP) inside the solenoid (for example, for superconducting winding of the coil).
Therefore, to detect the more effect it is desirable to use the coil with such
inductance and resistivity that the value of i would be reduced as much as
Now we should estimate another possible causes of changing of the USP
characteristics. The main one is charging of the coil while current passing, the
lower end of the coil by the + sign and the upper end by - sign, for example.
However, we can use magnetic materials instead of convenient coil to create the
same magnetic fieldB(/) but now without charging of the external side oftne
solenoid. Obviously, all the above calculations must not change.
Another possibility to change the characteristics is nonidentity of the USP
produced by the generator. However, ifwe find for series of the USP the
dependence of power of the radiated signals from the antenna on the value ofI ,
it is sufficient to conclude about reality of the vector potential as a physical
It would be liked to make one more note about possible influence of the
magnetic field which could present outside "the solenoid due to non perfect
design of the latter on the USP. It is known that the component Lorentz force
caused by the magnetic field is always directed transversally to the current, i.e.

to the motion of the USP, in this case. Therefore, even the magnetic field would
exist outside the solenoid it would not accelerate or decelerate the USP.
It should be noted that, independently of the end results, the proposed
experiment is of big physical interest. If the characteristics of the USP coincide
in both the cases of the given value of I in the coil and of I = 0 it means that
one must introduce into the energy equations an un.:.lmown term which should
fully compensate the count from the right-hand side of the Eq.(lO). However,
the main problem is to give a physical explanation of such a term.
If the USP loses its energy in some way, therefore, it should exist a certain
object which takes the energy from the USP and transfer to the fields inside the
i ....
solenoid. It can be solely the vector potential A that forms the potential barrier
for the pulse
where V1,. is the volume of the piece of the wire at smooth joint from the
straightline part ab to the arc be. If such a barrier exists in reality the USP
should reflect off or decelerate on it. We are able to detect experimentally both
these processes. In the frrst case, the reflected pulse can be detected in the
generator. In the second one, the decelerating pulse should radiate so the
receiver will register additional signal from the antenna.
It should be noted that one problem remains, namely, how our
considerations corresponds to the gauge invariance. Unfortunately, the author
does not know how to resolve this contradiction. The crucial argument in favour
of reality of the vector potential as a physical quantity can be obtained from the
experimental data. Only then any correspondence of the theory to the
experimental data could be discussed.
It is interesting to note that in one experiment performed by Marinov 9 the
·. obtained data can be explained by existence of the ve.ctor potential in the
classical electrodynamics too. However, in the above experiment, it is very
diffcult to perform the energy analysis similar to given one for the proposed
experiment. Therefore, it is diffcult to state that changing of the velocities of the
electrons in the rared gas tube surrounding the solenoid is caused namely by
influence of the vector potential. In opposite to Marinov's experiment the
possible changing of the velocity of the charge is limited by the only cause.
Thus, independently, of the end experimental result, we have three
1. The end parameters of the USP do not change, therefore, we face deviation
from the law of conservation of the energy;
2. The end parameters of the USP do not change but it can be caused by the fact
that we assume the form of free magnetic field
as incorrect;
3. The end parameters of the USP do change. It will mean that the vector
potential influence the USP even in the region where the magnetic field
corresponding to that vector potential equals to zero.
To the author's point of view, in the above experiment, it must take place the
third case.

1. Y.Aharonov and D.Bohm, Phys.Rev. 115, 485 (1959).
2. B.Liebowitz, Z.Phys. 207, 20 (1967).
3. P.Bocchieri, A.Loinger and G.Siragusa, Lett.Nuovo.Chirnento. 35,
370 (1982).
4. Boyer T.D., Phys.Rev. 08, 1679 (1973).
5. M.Peshkin and A.Tonomura , The Aharonov-Bohm Effect,
(Springer-Verlag, 1989).
6. L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifshitz, Electrodynamics of Contunuous
Media (in Russian), Ch.VII, (Moscow, Nauka, 1992)
7. H.Shen and T.T.Wu, J.Appl.Phys.66, 4025 (1989).
8. Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics, eds. H.Bertoni
et al., (Plenum Press, 1993).
9. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference "Space, Time and Gravity".
St.Petersburg 1995.

Notes to the text:

in this manuscript the quantity A, E, B, j are vectors, others are scalars.
A.E. Akimov, G.I. Shipov

1 Introduction
The adequacy of perceiving the Nature is commensurate with our knowledge of laws
operating in it. The history of the Natural Science evolution in at least the latter one
hundred years testifies to the fact that the appearance of research products that have
failed to be explained in terms of conventional scientific notions offers upright evidence of
the incompleteness of our knowledge of the Nature. ·
Over the course of latter decades it was constantly stated that all familiar phenomena.
of the Nature and experimental results were explained by four knowu interactious:
electromagnetism, gravitation, strong and weak interactions. However in the last fifty
yeais aroun~ ..twenty research results have piled up without finding any explanation within
the framework of these interactions [1).
. Beyond any connection with such a high-strung setup for the given stage of the Natural
Science development, the quest for new long-range actions has been underway ever 1:1ince
the thirties. It w~p suffice to point out to the works of H. Tetrode [2) and A.F. Fokker [3)
and later to those of J.Wheeler's and R. Feynman's ones [4,5], as well as other authors.
However these works failed to receive their rightful boost. Only torsion fields concepts
constituted au exceptou.
The torsion fields (spin fields) theory is a traditional trend in theoretical physics dating
back to the works of the second half of last century. Nontheless in its present-day mold th~
theory of torsion fields has been formulated owing to tile ideas of Eli Cartan who ~as the
first to indicate clearly and definiteiy that there exist in the Nature the fields generated
by the spin angular momentum density. To date, world periodicals references to torsion
fields amount to the order of 10,000 artides belonging to about a hundred authors. Over
one half of those theorists works in Russia alone. ·
In spite of a sufficiently elaborated theoretical body torsion fields had persisted to be
a solely theoretical subject until the early seventies of our century. It was due to this fact
tha.t they failed to become as universa.l a factor as electrodynamics or gravitation. More
than that, there existed a theoretical inference that since the constant of spin-torsion
interactions was proportionate to the product of G x li, ( G - gravitation constant, 1i
- Planck's constant), i.e. it was almost 30 orders of magnitude weaker than gravitaton
interactions, then, even if torsion effects did exist in the Nature, they could not contribute
noticeably to the observed phenomena.
However, in the early 70-ies by virtue of the works by F. Hehl (6-8], T. Kibble [9], D.
Scianm [10], et al. it was demonstrated that this conclusion holds true not for torsion
fields in general but only for static torsion fields generated by spinning souxces without
A considerable number of works on the theory of dynamic torsion (a spiuniug source
with emission) has come out in the ensuiug 20 years. These works have displayed that the
Lagrangian of the spimling source with emission may contain as mucl1 as a ten of terms
with constants that nrc in no way dependent either on G or li, conccming which the theory

Copyright @ 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G .I.Shlpov

imposes no requirements as to their mandatory infinitesimal. The specialists in the theory

of torsion fields are well aware of this fact. Nevertheless the traditional point of view
on the infinitesimal of spin-torsion interactions' constants remained in the consecutive 15
years to be a psychological disturbance for the experimenters that attracted them away
from an intent and comprehensive search for the experimental manifestations qf torsion
effects. It was only in the early 80-ies that in Russia attention was paid to ~he global
role of the torsion fields dynamic theory findings. It was then that heed was given to the
presence in physics of a vast experimental phenomenology containing many experimental
results nonexplained in terms of four known interactions while denoting the experimental
manifestation of t?rsion effects. With the devising in Russia in the 80-ies of world's first
torsion fields generators target-designated researchwork was unfolded and put into effect
along numerous directions of searching for torsion fields manifestations, which yielded a
large volume of practical results.
Theoretically, torsion fields may be introduced by many various methods [11,12].
However on the fundamental level they are introduced in a natural fashion within the
framework of the Physical Vacuum concept [13]. To this end Einstein's equations

i,j,k ... = 0,1,2,3

the Young-Mills equations

F AIJ.. ..L. V1
!:l.BA ). - V]
t )
i -
vJA ..

i,j,k ... =0,1,2,3 A,B ... =O,l. ..n

and Geisenberg's equations

/'fl. ~ill
+ 12/.1:/sill(w·,k,s'lll) = 0

n,k ... = 0,1,2,3

are written down in the spinor form and are completely geometrizated:

• Geometrizated equations of Geisenberg

Copyright@ 1996 by A.E.Ak:imov and G.J.Sbipov


a,(J... = 0,1 , x/y ... = 0,1

• Geometrizated equations of Einstein

2~ AB6b + AeABeciJ = v1~cBb'

• Geometrizated equations of Young-Mills

CABCb - Oct;TAB +f)A8Tcb + (Tco)~TFB + (Tz!c)~TAp­

-(TA.B)~TFb- (T;A)~Tcp- [TAB, Ten]= -vJA.Bcb·

A , B ... == O, l I A.,B ... =O,l

Concurrently the mentioned system of equations represents in itself the Cartan structural
equations of the absolute parallelism geometry. •
The solutions satisfying this system of t:quations, as well as describing electromagne~ic,
gravitational and torsion fields may be formed.
For a range of situations it is useful to interpret the fields as polarized, in a certain
sense, conditions of the Physical Vacuum. ·
A number of preliminary points needs to be made. Let us consider the Physical Vacuum
as a material medium isotropica.Uy filling out the entire expanse (both the free space and
the substance), possessing a quantum structure and nonobserved (on the average) in the
unperturbed state. Such Vacuum is described by the operator {OI [52]. Different vacuum
states occur as a result of the violation of the Vacuum's symmetry and invariance (14]. In
specific cases, on examination of various physical processes and phenomena the observer
would normally make up models of the Physical Vacuum adequate to these processes and
phenomena. The use of different models of the Physical Vacuum is characteristic of modem
astrophysics in which, for instance, 8-vacuum, the Urnu vacuum, the Bulwar vacuum, the
Hartle-Hocking vacuum, the Rhindler vacuum, etc. are utilized as constructive models.
The updated interpretation of the Physical Vacuum treats it as a complex dynamic
object that shows itself by way of fluctuations. The theoretical approach is based on the
concepts of S.Weinberg, A.Salam and Sh.Gleshcw.
However, as it will become apparent from the further analysis, it has been admitted to
be expedient to return to the P.Dirac electron-positron model of the Pl:.ysical Vacuum in a
somewhat altered interpretation of this model. The return to P.Dirac's models despite the
recognized drawbacks and discrepancies of this model may well be assumed justified and
the models themselves nonexhausted as regards their constructive potential, provided that
they help formulate conclusions which would not immediately stem from modern models.

Copyright@ 1996 by A.E.Akimovand G.I.Sbipov


At the same time, taking into account th5~-t the Vacuum is defined as a state without
particles, and proceeding from the classical spin model as an annular wave package [15]
(a circulating energy flow- to follow Belinfante's terminology [16]), we shall regard the
Vacuum as a system consisting of annular wave packages of electrons and positrons, rather
than made up by electron-positron pairs as such. .
With these presumptions it is easy to see that the condition of genuine electroneutrality
of the electron-positron Vacuum will be complied with by such a state when annul~ wave
packages of electrons and positrons are inserted into each other. If the spins of these
inserted annular packages are opposite at that, then such system will be self-compensated
not only by charges, but by the clasical spin and the magnetic moment. We shall call such
system of inserted annular wave packages a "phiton" (Fig.lA).
A dense package of phitons (17] will be considered as a simplified model of the Physical
Vacuum (Fig. lB).
It is instructive to point out that in A.Krish's experiments [18] the observed effects
are tantamount to demonstrating the possibility of realizing though dynamic but inserted
states in the systems with opposite spins, just like in the presumed phi ton model. We shall
also point to yet another important circumstance confirming at least the admissibility
of the phiton model. In conformity with the J.Bjorken model [19-21] we may set up
electrodynamics without resorting to the notion of "photons" but basing solely on the
interacting electron-positron field. (This model is not devoid of a host of roadblocks).
The concept about quantums as of electron-positron pairs was employed by M.Broido
[22) independently of J.Bjorken. Then as well Ya.B.Zeldovich showed [23) that with the
presence of the electromagnetic field the origination of electron-positron pairs takes place
in the Vacuum, as a result of which there appears an other-than-zero energy of the Vacuum
regarded as the field energy. The connection of electromagnetism and Vacuum fluctuations
was marked by L.A.Rivlin [24]. Earlier similar ideas but for the gravitational field had
been formulated by A.D.Sakharov [25].
Formally, given the spin compensatedness of phi tons, their reciprocal orientation in an
ensemble, in the Physical Vacuum may seemingly be random. However it is visualized
intuitively that the Vacuum forms an orderly structure with a linear packing as is depicted
in Fig.1B. The idea of the Vacuum's orderliness apparently belongs to A.D.Kirzhnitz and
A.D.Linde. It would be naive to recognize a virtual structure of the Physical Vacuum in
the built-up model, as it cannot be demanded of a model more than an artificial scheme
is able to offer.
Let us consider the most significant in terms of practical use cases of agitating the
Physical Vacuum with various external sources. It may possibly help evaluate the reality
of the cultivated approach.

Copyri@t © 1996 by A.B.Akimov and O.I.Shipov


Phi ton
Physical vacuum
phiton structure B


Physical vacuum
charge polarization c

0 M
Physical vacuurn

spin longitudinal polarization D

SL S-field

Physical vacuum
spin transverse polarization
Fig. 1 Diagrams of the physical vacuum
polarized states

Cmwjght <9 !9% by AsR@ mgy and G.l.Sbtpov


1. Let us assume that the charge - q is the source of perturbation. In case the
Vacuum has a phiton structure, then the action of the charge will be denoted by the
charge polarization of the Physical Vacuum as it is arbitrarily depicted in Fig.1C. This
case is well-known in quantum ·electrodynamics [26]. In particular, the Lambovsky shift
is traditionally explained in terms of charge polarization of the electron-positron Physical
Vacuum [27].
With regard to the already mentioned D.Bjerken model, Ya.B.Zeldovich's concepts (23],
as well as [19], the state of the Physical Vacuum charge polarization may be interpreted
as an electromagnetic field (E-field).
2. Let the mass - m be the source of perturbation. Contrary to the previous case
when we encountered a commonly known setup, here a hypothetical surmise will be
expressed. The perturbation of the Physical Vacuum by the mass m will be expressed
in the symmetric oscillations of phiton elements along the axis to the center of the object
of perturbation, as it is schematically shown in Fig.1D. Such state of the Physical Vacuum
may be characterized as a spin longitudinal polarization interpreted as. .a gravitational
field (G-field). As has already been noted, A.D.Sakharov introduced the conception of
the gravitational field as the state of the Physical Vacuum (?.5] and this complies with the
stated gravitation model. The polarization states of gravitation were discussed in [28].
The dyn.amic longitudinal polarization conforms with the property of nonscreenability
of the gravitational field. V.A.Bunin [29] and at a later time V.A.Doubrovsky (30],
without considering gravitation. mechanism, yet supposing that gravitational waves were
the longitudinal waves in th~ resilient Physical Vacuum, demonstrated that the velocity of
such waves will have the order of 109 · c.
Theories related to supertight velocities are usually not considered in physics. This
is connected with the fact that in such case many imaginary experiments lead to the
violation of the cause-and-effect links. It may be feasible, however, that in a higher tier of
cognizance the "superlight catastrophe" will be overcome the same way as the "ultraviolet
catastrophe" had previously been sunnounted.
The suggested approach to the interpretation of gravitation mechanism is in no way
an exotic one. Gravitational field in the induced gravitation theories [31] i; viewed as a ·
consequence of Vaccum's decompensation that arises with its polarization [23, 25, 32].
In the research work of Boutorin [33, 34], as well as those of Bershadsky's and
Mekhed'kin's ones [35, 36], estimates of oscillations frequency peculiar to gravitation were
obtained. But the spread of these estimates is very great and amounts to 109 to 10'10 Hz.
There are grounds to resume that the frequency span extending from 1020 - 1040 Hz is
more likely.
Should the mechanism of gravitation be really connected with the longitudinal spin
polarization of the Physical Vacuum, then in this case it will have to be acknowledged
that the nature of gravitation is such that antigravitation does not exist.
3. Let the classical spin - s be the source of perturbation. We shall conjecture that the
impact of the classical spin on the Physical Vacuum will consist of the following. Granted

Copyright @ 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov


the source has a spin oriented as it is indicated in Fig.lF, then the spins of the phi tons, that
match the orientation of the source spin, will be retaining their orientation. Those phiton
spins, that are opposite to the source spin, will experience inversion under the effect of the
source. As a result, the Physical Vacuum will transform into the state of a transverse spin
polarization. This polarized state can be interpreted as a spin field (S-field), i.e. a field
generated by the classical spin. The formulated approach is in tune with the ideas of spin
fields as a condensate of fermion pairs [37].
Spin polarization states SR and SL contradict the Pauli prohibition. However, according
to the concept of M.A. Markov [38], under the densities in the neighborhood of the Planck
ones [28,29], fundamental physics laws may have another aspect, different from the familiar
ones. A waiver of the Pauli prohibition for such a specific material medium as the Physical
Vacuum is admittable, perhaps, in no lesser degree than in the quarks concept.
In congruity with the above stated approach it may be said that a unified medium -
the Physical Vacuum - can exist in different phase (to be exact, polarization) states,
EGS-states. In the state of charge polarization the given medium manifests itself as
an electromagnetic field (E). The very medium, while in the state of spin longitudinal
polarization, shows itself as a gravitation field (G). Finally, the same medium (the Physical
Vacuum) in the state of spin transverse polarization displays itself as a spin (torsion) field
(S). All told, EGS-fields correspond to EGS-polarization states of the Physical Vacuum.
All three fields, generated by independent kinematic parameters, are universal or, in
the terminology of R.Outiyama, they are fields of the first class: these fields display
themselves both on the micro- and macroscopic levels. It is pertinent to recall the words of
Ya.I.Pomeranchuk: "The entire physics is the physics of the Vacuum". The development
of the concept allows for an approach to the problem, at ieast the problem of universal
fields, from some general standpoints. In the suggested model the role of the unified field
is played by the Physical Vacuum the polarization (phase) states of which manifest as
EGS-fields. Modern nature does not need any "unifications". There is but Vacuum and
its polarized states existing in Nature, whereas the "unifications" only reflect t~e degree
of our understanding of fields interconnection. .
The notion of the phase state of the Physical Vacuum and the polarized states of the
Physical Vacuum was being used in its general form in many works (See, for instance,
[40]). It was repeatedly noted in the past that the classic field might be viewed as a state
of the Vacuum [23,25]. However, polarized states of the Physical Vacuum were not lent
the fundamental role such states were actually playing. Normally, the question of which
Vacuum polarizations were bome in mind would not be discussed. In the listed approach
the polarization of the Vacuum in accordance with Ya.B.Zeldovich (23] is interpre,t ed as
a charge polarization (electromagnetic field). The Vacuum polarization is interpreted by
A.D.Sakharov [25] as a spin longitudinal polarization (gravitational field). The polarization
for the torsion fields is interpeted as a spin transverse polarization.
The reported viewpoints fit the R.Outiyama "information A-fields", according to which
each independent parameter of particles ai (let us once again particularize - kinematic

Copyright@ 1996 by A.B.Aldmov and G.l.Shipov


parameter, that L.A.Dadashev has justly pointed to) is matched by its own material field
A;, via which the particles interaction, corresponding to the given parameter, is performed.
In contrast to the fields of the second class that are linked with the symmetries of the space,
the fields of the first class (calibrating fields), as R.Outiyama used to indicate, possess
their bond with the particles- sour<~es of the field under a certain fundamental principle
without any kind of arbitrariness. The EGS-concept buds off an idea of polarized states
of the Physical Vacuum as a matter of such general principle.
Since we cannot assert that other polarized states are impossible, apart from those three
ones analyzed above, there are no basic reasons to negate a priori the possibility of other
long-range actions. It is not inconceivable and impossible that the conception of A-fields
and the polarized states of the Physical Vacuum (phase states of the Physical Vacuum)
will usher in a breakthrough in the sphere of newer long-range actions.
Torsion fields hold the properties that differ substantially n·om the known properties in
electromagnetism and gravitation.
The most critical properties of torsion fields (emissions) are the following ones:
1. Unlike electromagnetism where analogous charges are repelled while those of the
opposite ones are attracted, in torsion fields similar charges get drawn to one another and
opposite charges are repulsed.
2. As torsion fields are generated ·by a cl~sic spin, so, as a result of the torsion field
effect on a certain object, only the spin state of the given object will change.
3. The transit through the physical media without interacting with these media, i.e.
without losses. It is worth pointing out that beyond any connection with torsion fields
the Soviet physicists had demonstrated more than ten. years ago that spin signals were
spreading in a fashion that prevents their being screened.
4. The group velocity of torsion waves stands at no less than 109 • c. In the "YcneXH
<P:a3w.~eci<Hx Hayi<" journal a vast survey was published with the analysis of astrophysical
objects travelling at the velocities exceeding the speed of light [53}.
The absence of losses during the torsion waves spreading makes possible a long-distance
communication with the use of low power at transmission. There crops out an opportunity
of setting up a submarine and a subterranean communication. High group velocity of
torsion waves removes the problem of signal retardation even within the bounds of the
5. Since all known substances possess a non-zero collective spin, then all substances
possess their own torsion field. The expanse and frequency structure of the own torsion
field of any substance is determined by the chemical composition and the expanse structure
of molecules or the crystallized lattice of this substance.
6. Torsion fields are endowed with memory. A torsion source of a definite expanse
and frequency torsion field structure polarizes by a. classic spin the Physical Vacuum in a
certa3.n space surrounding it. At that, the emer~-ing space spin structure is retained after
the mentioned torsion source moves to another area of space.
The paradigm of torsion fields has made it possible to acquire critically new results

Copyright© 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov

practically in all scientific and technological bearings.

2 Torsion sources of energy

Over the course of the latter 20 years many authors have p9inted out to the potential
possibility of deriving energy from the Physical Vacuum.
References to the necessity of creating anomalously high intensities of electric fields in
the order of 1016 Vfcm render conventional objections against the practical plausibility of
obtaining polarized effects in the Physical Vacuum.
These objections would undoubtedly be fair if it concerned charge polarized states. But
we are tackling spin polarization of the Physical Vacuum of no electromagnetic nature
whatsoever. Space-steady torsion polarized states are observed experimentally. The
possibility of an effective interaction of spin (rotating, spinning) objects with the Physical
Vacuum enables us to consider from fresh standpoints the feasibility of creating torsion
sources of energy.
The traditional attitude boils down to the assertion that, since the Physical Vacuum is
a system of a minimal energy, no energy can be derived out of such system. At the same
time, however, it is not taken into account that the Physical Vacuum is a dynamic system
having intensive fluctuations which may exactly be the sources of energy. It is useful. to
pinpoint the contemplations of Ya.B.Zeldovich, A.D.Dolgov and M.V.Sazhin (25], who,
while writing down the conditions for the vacuum ak!vac} = 0 as a reflection of the state
without particles, received the value of vacuum energy equal to (vac!Hklvac} = wk/2. As
the authors noted, this infinite energy had been simply forgotten about, declared non-
observable and the particles energy was being read off from that infinitely high level.
By considering the vacuum as a combination of non-interacting oscillators with the
frequencies Wk, the hamiltonian may be written as follows:

H9 = L:wk(ajak + ~),

in which operators at and ak are as usual operators of origin and elimination. Then, the
vacuum, as the lowest-of-all energy state, has a density of the energy

co = 21 (247r
1r )3
J 2
k Wkdk.
However in reality it is fairly simple to build up a numerical assessment of this density.
According to J .Wheeler (39], this estimate is given by the Planck density of the energy

ncf L4 -7 c5 /TiG I"V 1095gI cm3 •

In comparison with the density of the nuclear substance- 1014g/cm3 - the density of
the energy connected with vacuum fluctuations stands out as quite an impressive value.

Copyright@ 1996 by A.B.Akimov and G.I.Shipcv


Other evaluations of vacuum fluctuations energy are known as well, but all of them are
considerably bigger than the estimates of J. Wheeler.
We shall emphasize two conclusions:
1. The energy of vacuum fluctuations is very great compared to any other type of
energy; .
'2. The infinitesimal of torsion energy required for the spin polarization of the Physical
Vacuum instils a hope that by virtue of torsion perturbations it will become ·possible
to release the energy of vacuum fluctuations. From these premises the experimental
results that have been yielded in the recent decades by Moore, King, Nieper and others,
representiQ.g some sort of a traditional science periphery and registering the efficiency of
upto 300 - 500% [50,51], do not l9ok inadmissibly odious. Their systems with a spinning
(typically torsion installations) , as open systems at the expense. of a weak interaction
with the vacuum, drew from the vacuum no more than a mite of energy. Apparently the
said theoretical ponderings alongside the mentioned experimental results are but a micron
of daylight glimmering through a crack-open doorway to the energetics of the oncoming
century. This energetics is ecologically pure and does not require the expenditure of either
combustibles or any substance.

3 Torsion propellers
New concepts of fields and forces of inertia stated in the "!'ork (13] allowed to see their
connection with torsion fields and predict the existense in the nature of a new class of
reading systems which were named [13] secondary type accelerated local and Lorentz
readout systems. As distinguished from primary accelerated local and Lorentz systems,
introduced by A.Einsteiu, new systems are formed in case when the masses center of the
isolated system is affected by the compensated forces of inertia.
A system connected with the masses center of a spinning gyroscope serves a plain
example of an accelerated Lorentz readout system. Really, compensated centrifugal forces
of inertia affect the center of masses of the free-rotating gyro, that is why such gyro's
masses center rests or moves rectilinearly and steadily in relation to the inertial system of
observation. If by any tool the balance of inertia forces in the gyroscope becomes upset,
then the gyroscope masses center will move acceleratedly under the influence of the internal
noucompensated forces.
This inference does not contradict the noted theorem of the conservation of the masses
center momentum of an isolated mechanical system. In compliance with the theorem,
internal forces of an isolated system cannot alter the momentum of its masses center, with
the following conditions for the proof of the theorem used:
1) internal forces satisfy Newton's third law;
2) internal forces are all of those forces that operate in the inner volume, confined to .
the partitions of an isolated system.

Copyright@ 1996 by A.E.Aldmov,and G.I.Shipov


Most of the forces of the classic mechanics answer the first condition and may be divided
into the outer and inner ones in accordance with the second stipulation. However there
exist in the mechanics such forces which fail to satisfy the third law of Newton. Suchlike
are, as is known, the forces of inertia, since one cannot say from the side of which bodies
these forces are applied. More than that, the forces of inertia do not fall within the second
condition, as they are at the same time both the internal and the external ones for the
isolated (in the sense defined above) mechanical system.
Hence, the movement of mechanical systems affected by the internal noncompensated
forces of inertia is not at variance with the theorem of the conservation of the masses center
momentum for the isolated system of the Newton mechanics, because the forces of. inertia
fail to satisfy the conditions under which this theorem has been proven.
As an illustration of a mechanical system, the center of masses of which moves under
the effect of the noncompensated forces of inertia, a device is offered that demon~trates
the link between the forward and the rotary forces of inertia and that may be called a
four-dimensional gyroscope. It consists of the central mass M and two masses m, rotating
simultaneously toward each other around the axis fixed to the central mass M (See Fig.2).
If at some moment of time this system is furnished with a mechanical energy (for
instance, by way of rotating masses m), it will come into motion and vie shall have the
following equation of motion [13]:

(M + 2m)xc. = (M + 2m)x- 2mrwsin<P- 2mrw2 cos <P (1)

. Jk sin<f>cos <P 2 '-
J w- •2 w - 0 (2)
1- k 2 sin2 </>
where notations are introduced

k2 = B/r, B= 2mr
The regarded mechanical system has been named a four-dimensional gyroscop'e because
in the motion equation ( 1) the rotation takes place at the space angle <P and at the
space/time angle 8, connected with the forward acceleration of the system W = x by
= =
the correlation W x = V:r c~(tanO), tanO =! , where c - the velocity of light.
It is seen from Fig.2 that the reading system, connected with the center of masses of
the four-dimensional gyroscope, turns out to be the secondary locally accelerated Lorentz
readout system. It is possible to disturb the balance of inertia. forces in this system by two
a.) either by means of affecting it with the external force Fe (the problem of interaction);
b) putting effect on the axis of smaller loads rotation with the internal moment M0 (the
problem of self-action).

CopYright e 1996 by A.B.Akimov and G.l.Sbirev


a) The forward force of inertia

F; = (M+2In) x;
b) The sum of t~e rotation forces of inertia
E2 = - 2tnr ro2 cos ~ - 2nrr
ro sin ~ ;
c) The system's center of rr1asses.

Fig. 2 An illustration of the inertioid's motion organization.

Stnaller masses m are rotating simultaneously in different directions
around axis 0 fixed on the central mass M.

Copyright@ 1996 by A.B.Ald~m~ov~an;ruduG.L...L;I.S;:ubru;fooMl":!L_- - -- - - - - -- --<


The four-dimensional gyroscope with self-action \vas accomplished, perhaps, practically ·

for the first time ever by the Russian engineer Vladimir Nikolayevich Tolchin (48] and
was named by the inventor an iner6oid. As chief designer of Perm mechanical-engineering
plant V.N.Tolchin manufactured inertioids of various types, a series of properties of which
is listed in his book [48]. From the point of view of its design the Tolchin inertioid is
realized in such a fashion that for the sake of regulating the velocity of its masses center
there is a device called motor-brake. The designation of this contraption is to perform the
self-action of the inertioid in the sectors of 330° - 360° and 160° - 180°, and at that, an
increase of masses center velocity from 0 upto the "V-alue of around 10 em/sec took place in
the 330°- 360° sector, while in the sector of 160°- 180° a decrease of the masses center
velocity from 10 em/sec down to the 0 took effect.
The experiments undertaken by V.N.Tolchin point to the reality of the existence of
a new class of the accelerated readout systems - the ·second type accelerated local and
Lorentz systems. They bear a promising feature and will permit to create a ~ropeller of
quite a new type in future. ·

4 Torsion technologies for materials produc.t ion

It is common knowledge that with the cooling off of a melt, the solid phase of a substa.IJ.ce
(for instance, a metal) is realized via two processes. The ions in the melt must occupy
their places in potential pits that correspond to the joints of a solid body's crystalline
lattice, and the spins of the ions (atoms) must be oriented by the ribs of.the !attic~ as it
is prescribed by the type of the crystalline lattice. The latter circumstance is ordinarily
used to explain dia-, para- and ferro-magnetism. The nonexecuton of any of these two
conditions results in that the structure of the solid matter turns out to be different from
the natural pne, which is prescribed by the traditional laws of the solid body physics.
As a result of an external torsion field (emission) effect on the melt, for example, by
the torsion generator, only the spin state of the system of free atoms in the melt will
be undergoing a change. In case an isotropic torsion radiation affects the melt 'of a solid
matter, then, given sufficient time of exposure and adequately established parameters of
the melt, all atoms o( the melt will pass into the state of a unidirectional orientation of
the spins. In such state the atoms, by virtue of spin-torsion interactions, will experience
mutual gravity. At the e..xpense. of this reciprocal torsion attraction, the melt, as a spin
system, will be intern~ly stable. As a result, the strong mutual gravity, even during
a slow cooling-off, will not allow the atoms to orient their spins along the ribs of the
crys~alline lattice and the lattice will not be realized. Its consequence will manifest itself
in an amorphous structw·e of the substance (metai), a structure of a quasi-glass.
Under the influence' of the torsion radiation with a non-isotropic space-frequency
structure on the melt, provided that the listed above conditions are met, either crystallization
occurs, but with a crystalline lattice "induced" to the substance by the established

Copyright© 1996 by A.E.Akintov and G.I.Shipov


structure of the external torsion field, or torsion-induced defects of the crystalline lattice
will egress.
All listed variants of theoretically predicted results of the torsion fidd effect on the melt
of the metals were experimentally confirmed in the Ukraine Academy of Sciences Institute
of materials technology in the works carried out jointly with CISE VENT over the period
from 1989 to 1993.
A photopicture of a tin cross-sectional slide in Fig.3 shows it after a check smelting
(Fig.3A) and in the wake of smelting after affecting the melt with the torsion radiation at
the 8 Hz frequency (Fig.3B). It is easy to see that the metal treated in the melt has larger
grains, almost identical in sizes. The structure of the metal is isotropic in volume. The
research testified that the grains lacked their ordinary complete crystalline lattice, forming
a highly dispersed state [41j close to the absolute amorphization.
In other series of experiments with copper [42J the alteration of grains structure was
observed (Fig.4A,B), as well as the appearance of twins as a result of the torsion effect on
the copper melt (Fig.5A,B).
In the period of 1994 to 1995 the change in the structure and physical-chemical
properties of metals was demonstrated at the pla11ts smelting furnaces.
The theoretic prediction of the impossibility to screen torsion fields by means of
conventional materials was displayed in the example of torsion influence on metal melts
in the grounded all-metal Tamman furnaces. The predicted information, not an energy
character of torsion effects was confirmed in the wo:ks when the structural rearrangement
of st(,el in the amount of upto 200 kg was achieved by a torsion generator consuming
10 mW of electric power. ·

5 Torsion means of communications and information

In the customary means of radio conmmunication impressive required power capacities are
necessary to compensate the attenuation of signals during the passage of signals in the
open space due to their attenuation by the law of inverse squares :2 , as well as to make
up for the losses incurred by the absorbing medi~ that signals pass through.
At the same time the compensation should be fulfilled to such a degree that a
transmitted signal at the input of the receiver had an intensity exceeding the sensibility of
the very receiver.
Besides, given the speed of the radio signals passage, a signal delay already in the
satellite communications systems will cause a certain trouble. These setbacks develop into
major problems for communicating with spacecraft ir: the far-out reaches of the cosmos.

rnn•rriah t f?\ 1ML \u A T'" .t. t • , n - -·,


Fig. 3 A cross-sectional view of tin A in control ( x6000) and

·a picture of a section of tin B after treating the melt with
the torsion field.

Copyright © 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov


Fig. 4 Cast copper microstructure: A - in control ( x 100),

B - produced after being rayed by the torsion field ( x 100)

Copyright © 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov


Fig. 5 A dimmed-field picture of the double in the reflex A

indicated by arrow in the electronogram B (A-x 19000)

Copyright© 1996 by A.E.Ak.imov and G.J.Sbipov


The difficulties with the beyond-horizon communications lead to the necessity of setting
up sophisticated global communications networks complete with retransmitters.
In specific cases radio communication may be carried out not only in the sphere of
ultralong waves but, for instance, for a subterranean connection. However, the speed
of information relay is dissipated suchwise, to say nothing of apparent technical pains
accompanying such transmission.
A range of radio communication problems is insoluble in principle. This is, for.example,
communication with the returning space modules and orbiters as they are i?creened by
plasma upon entering the dense layers of the atmosphere.
Some questions of radio communication cannot be solved, since the functioning systems
are nearing their physically extreme possibilities. The systems with the transmissivity
close to Shennon limits are not unknown. · ""
All the stipulated problems are negotiated with the application of a torsion r~mimunication
(43]. It will suffice to point to the three above mentioned properties of torsi-on radiation:
torsion emissions neither weaken with distance nor are absorbed by natural media and
they have a group velocity no lesser than 109 ·c. · ·
As torsion signals neither fade away with distance nor get absorbed, there is no need
in employing big power capacities of transmitters even along lengthy routes. For lack
of absorption by natural media, torsion signals permit to provide both subterranean and
submarine communication, as well as that of a plasma-permeating one. With such a hlgh
group velocity it is feasible to solve communications, control and navigation problems on
a real timescale not only within the bounds of the solar system but even in the limbo of
the galaxy itself.
The first experiments in transmitting binary signals along the torsion channel of
communication were held in April 1986 in Moscow. A torsion transmitter was installed
in the ground floor of a building and had no devices like a radio antenna that could have
been mounted on top of the roof but was not. A torsion receiver was placed in the first
floor of another edifice at the distance of about 22 km (Fig.6). In such a setup the torsion
signal could travel only along the straight line: from the transmitter to the receiver.
This signified that apart from clearing the local relief, the torsion signal, considering
the density of Moscow housing development, had to negotiate a screen equivalent to a
ferroconcrete wall as thick as 50 meters. That was practically an insoluble task for the
radio communication devoid of the retransmitters.
In the performed communication hook-ups the binary torsion signal of the start/stop
telegraphic code M2 was being received flawlessly, with the torsion transmitter consuming
the energy of 30 m W. During the additional experiments the torsion transmitter was
brought back to the receiver (a zero-length track). In that case the intensity of the
registered signal would not change. The described assay proved that in a torsion
communication, as the theory had prognosticated, the torsion signal does not become
absorbed, nor does it get diminished with distance.

Copyright@ 1996 by A.E.Aldmov and G.I.Shipov


DO 00 DO 00
DO 0[]
22 km > A

I R-i-1 J n

22 lun
0 lou

Fig. 6 An illustration of binary torsion signals trausrnittal.

Scheme of track A, type of transmit ted signals B and type
of received signals C.

6 Torsion geophysics
On the fundamental level, as has already been pointed out, the nature of torsion fields is
attributed to the classic spin. Two consequential effects may be derived.
First, since atoms in all molecules and all crystals have not only a definite space position
but a strictly specific reciprocal orientation of the spins, all molecules and all crystals have
a torsion field of their own with a characteristic space/frequency distribution of intensity
(space and frequency spectrum). A great amount of homogeneous matter will create a
collective characteristic (for the given substance) torsion field. Keeping in m~nd that
torsion fields are not absorbed by natural media and their intensity is not attenuated by
distance, the locally concentra.ted homogeneous substance, situated at a random depth of
the Planet, will. be creating outside the planet an identical characteristic torsion field, as
if that substance were situated on the surface of the planet. That is why, by regist.e ring .
a space/frequency structure of the Planets' torsion fields valuable data on the planetary
internal structure may be retrieved.
Second, the development of the trends on the fields as polarized (pha..c;e) states of the
Physical Vacuum [1] made it possible to define the torsion field as a state of spin transverse
polarization of the Physical Vacuum. Alongside other theoretical factors, this served as a
basis to suppose that by registering space and frequency structure of the torsion field, the
Planet or a part of its surface, i.e. the space structure of spin polarized states, one c'an
obtain critical data on the Planet's internal macroscopic structure. ·
It became possible to confirm experimentally the validity of the hypothesis that in
the process of photographing any objects, these vert objects' own torsion fields, while
impacting the photo emulsion together with the electromagnetic (light) flow, alter the
bearings of emulsion atoms spins, so that emulsion spins copy the space structure of this
external torsion field. As a result, there always exists alongside any visible photo image
an invisible torsion picture.
The awareness of this fact by analogy with the optical treatment of images allowed
to build up a procedure of extracting torsion images from the photographs and their
processing [44]. As it is depicted in Fig.7, first of all a slide or a photo (3) get exposed to
the isotropic wide-band torsion emissions beamed by the generator of such radiation (1).
In this case the spin structure of the emulsion atoms may be viewed as a two-dimensional
spin matrix that plays the role of a dimetric spin modulator (3}.
After the isotropic torsion radiation (2) penetrates the initial picture (3) the modulated
torsion emission (4) will be copying the spin structure of the space torsion field which
has been taken by the emulsion during the photographing. However this initial torsion
field represents in itself a superposition of torsion fields from all the sources in the crust
of the Planet. Geological formations or minerai deposits may be among such sources.
Since these structural formations have characteristic space and frequency spectra, then, if
the problem lies in extracting, for instance, the zone of some substance concentration (a
mineral deposit), the modulated torsion radiation (4) should be subjected to a respective

Copyright@ 1996 by A.E..Akimov and G.l.Shipov


filtration. For this purpose two-<..lime:1::i.-.:::ual spin matrixes - spin filters - have been
devis< ~d. Such spin (torsion) filters transude only those space frequencies that correspond
to the characteristic space frequencies of the torsion en'li8sions of the desired substance.
After the passage through the torsion f'Jter (5) torsion radiation (6) will be present
only in those places relative to the initial photo (3) where the substance sought for is
situated. This useful torsion component-filtered radiation is directed to the special pure
photo material (7) subjected to a special physical and chemical exposure which provides
an opportunity for the photo registration of torszon emissions.
The mentioned procedure was realized i.n a built-up apparatus complex for.the torsion
processing of images. The complex offered work in various functional modes.
Besides the aforenamed functional possibility of extracting information on the internal
structure of different cosmic bodies ?..lld objects or on the presence of these or those mineral
deposits on the Planets and their satellites, the physical processing apparatus complex
allows to extract integral torsion data from the photo pictures, in case a torsion filter (5)
is not utilized (Fig. 7).
In Fig.8, to illustrate such processing, a 'Jegment of the Ea,rth's surface is shown in
the IR-phot6 (Fig.8A) and the view of this segment after the torsion treatment (Fig.8B),
where the str-Ucture of the geophysic31 heterogeneity is distinctly visible.
It is not incidental that in the !!;iven sedtotl the term ''Earth" has been used alongside
that of the "Planet" one. It is explicitly obvious that the developed physical methods,
means and related technologies bold a. major significance for the physics of planets, not
to mention the physics of the Earth. More tha.n that, it may be asserted that for, say,
the planets of the Solar system and their satellites the itemized methods are all the more
important, for, as distinguished from the Et1.rth, there is so far no possibility of using the
entire arsenal of traditional geophysic<\1 methods for the sake of the global study of the
subsurface structure of the planets and their satellites in spite of the fact that a whole lot
of photoprints of planets and their satellites is on hand. The work in this direction is being
carried on already.

7 Torsion astrophysics
The methods of extracting and processing torsion information, reported in the preceding
section, enable us to cast a fresh glance at the content and potentialities of astrophysics.
The entire modern observo.tional astrophysics and astronomy have been using their
opportunity to handle exclusively visible objects ("visible" in the broad sense of the word,
including, for instance, radio observ-ations). Bea.<-ing in mind that light may travel from
remote sources as long as thousands of light yt>ar~ while in the mean time the stars undergo
enormous shifts in space, it becomes apparent that modern astronomy is in fact no current
one iu the very sense of the word, but a paleoa.stronomy (we investigate what has long
been gone). Let us take into account the superlight velocity of torsion waves and note that

. '·

Copyright @ 19<'.16 by A.E.Aldmov and G.I.Shipov



A torsion

:. '!..' ,....-":,
\ {~ .. .i. . ...
~ I • '
........ ..


Fig. 7 A structural scheme of a torsion processing

of aerospace pictures.

Copyright@ 19% by A.E.Akimov and G.LShlpov


Fig. 8 An example of a torsion treatment of space photos:

A- an original space IR-picture
B a torsion treatment result
Copyright @ 1996 by A.B.Akirnov and G,I,Shjm y

all stars rotate, that is, they are torsion sources. By registering their torsion emissions it is
possible to acquire the veritable celestial placement of stars and their position in the .real
time of the Universe. The first experimental results of stars fixation as to their authentic
position were produced by N.A.Kozyrev [45] and later by M.M.Lavrentjev, I.A.Yeganova
(46] and A.F.Pougatch [47].
The second important problem of astrophysics is the following discrepancy. If we
proceed from the existence of only two long-range actions - electromagnetism and
gravitation in which the velocity of waves cannot exceed ''c", then the t ime of the
interaction between the fringes of the observed Universe will be in proportion to the life
tenure of the Universe. Then, it must be admitted that most of the far-outlying objects
of the Universe practically do not interact, i.e. the Universe cannot be considered as an
integral system of internally interconnected objects (this circumstance was first pointed to
by A.A.Silin).
At the same time it has been known for many decades already that stars form a cellular
structure, that is to say, there is a physical interaction which keeps the Universe in such
kind of an intact and steady structure. It may be so, that, possessing the velocity of the
order of 109 • c, the very torsion fields of the stars provide the origin and existence of
the cellular structure in the distribution of stars in the Universe. We should not shun a
possibility that ·the problem of a "concealed mass" is in reality a consequence of the fact
that torsion interactions are not taken into account.
In this preliminary analysis we shall poi..Ylt out to yet another noteworthy circumstance.
Since in the course of the torsion processing of space prints it is possible to receive the
images of our planet's inner structure, it is feasible to ·obtain data on the inner structure
and inner dynamics of stars, e.g. the Sun, by way of carrying out such picture processing.
Fig.9 displays a picture of the Sun (Fig.9A) and the results of its torsion processing (Fig.9B)
revealing global non-uniformities inside the Sun. Such approach opens up an essentially
new option in the observation of astrophysical objects.
Finally, there is one more fundamentally novel possibility. In standard observations,
with the exception of areas of nebulae, outer space looks "isotrppically void". However,
just like it was predicted by the theory, data on large-scale cosmic space structure and
the Physical Vacuum large-scale structure may become available by virtue of the Physical
Vacuum spin states, i.e. via the torsion fields of free space.
Fig.lO depicts cosmic space having the size amounting to over thirty Solar diameters.
A picture filmed during the Solar eclipse '?i'-as subjected to a torsion processing. After
the torsion processing of this photo, in accordance with the methodology described in the
previous section but without a special spin filtrati)n, an image (Fig.lO) characterizing the
Physical Vacuum global structure in such a vast cosmic expanse was produced.
There are grounds to surmise that suchlike prints are an experimental confirmation
of the correctness of the hypothesis advanced l:y V.A.Ablekov, as well as D.Bohm and
K.Pribram, in compliance with which the Vacuum possesses the property of a
hologram. Really, in Fig.9B the boun<!a...-ies corresponding to the boundaries of the initial

Copyright© 1996 by A.E.A.kimov and G.I.Shipov


picture are shown, whereas the torsion image was received far beyond these boundaries,
dilid. .

8 Conclusions
Not only theoretical but also numerous experimental results testify to the fact that torsion
fields are an emphatic reality of the Nat;l,li'e. Aforementioned evidence reflects b~t a mite
of the accomplished large-scale research work involving over half a hundred scientific
establishments. The acquired results conSiderably change our ideas of the organization
of the world. This indicates that the formulated scientific concepts form a new scientific
Paradigm which is probably destined to play a more critical role than the breakthrough in
the physics of the elapsing X X centmy. The already achieved results prompt a conclusion
that the X X I century technologies will be torsion technologies. ,,

Copyright C 1996 by·:A.B.Akimov and G.I.Sltlpov


' : ...
,~... !II~ ...

.. ·~


.. .. ; .. . .

' ·:~f:,:.:=:.
>.<.;~.'n·~~·.it.': "11,~..
• ·.·• ..1'".

.. • .... . l '

Fig. 9 A picture of the Sun - A
and its torsion portrait image- B

Copyright © 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov


Fig.l 0 A torsion processing of the perisolar

space photograph.

Copyright© 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov



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Copyright© 1996 by A.E.Akimov and G.I.Shipov

A Generalized Formula for the Lorentz Force Density and Maxwell

by J. G. Klyushin

St.Petersburg, Russia

Two po~sibilities - "a loop moves" and "a field changes" -are indistinguishable in
the stream rule in electrodynamics. " Nevertheless, - as Feynman writes ([I], p.54), - in
order to explain the "rule" in these two cases we use quite different methods: the
Lorentz formula v x B for a moying ioop and the Faraday law rotE= -8B/8t for a
changing field. We know in physics no other example when a simple and exact general
law should need for its genuine understanding the analysis in terms of two different
phenomena. As a rule, so beautiful a generalization issues from a common deep
fundamental principle. But in this case any especially deep principle is not seen. We are
to perceive "the rule" as a combined effect of two quite different phenomena."

To-day some scientists (for instance, V. A. Fogel and G. V. Nikolaev in [21)

suggest some experimental examples where neither the "stream rule'' nor the Lorentz
formula are valid. The aim of this paper is to overcome the difficulties mentioned above.


Let us assume that x = (x1, x2, X3) is a point in the three-dimensional Euclidean
space, t is the time, (E1, B1) and (Ez, B2) are two electromagnetic fields defined in this
space, and q1 and q2 are the charges which induce these fields.

Assumption. When the above defined fields interact, the field 1 is affected by field 2 by the
force density

d .
f = so [Ez grad Et +- (EJ x B2)] (I. I)

where so is the electric constant, Et. and E2 are the electric fields, and B2 is the magnetic
field. If


where r1 is the radius-vector directed from charge q1 to the source of field (E2, Bz), and
B2 is independent of t either explicitly or because of changes in space coordinates, then
( 1.1) coincides with the classic Lorentz force


But if B2 depends on t, and E1 is defined by (1.2), then (l.l) coincides with the
generalized formula proposed by the author in [?J:


This means that (1.1) is valid in all the above mentioned cases, but (1.1) covers a greater
number of cases, for instance, the case when

Let us pay attention to the corollary of formula (1..1):

Vector of Poynting defines the impulse of a unique field. However, its· derivation (for
instance, in [1, p.289]) is based on the formula for Lorentz force (1.3). However this
formula (and this result is especially evident in (1.1)) describes the interaction between
two different fields. Therefore any corollary of these formulae describes the interaction
between the fields and not different manifestations of one and the same field. This
means that the derivation of the formula for the Poynting vector in [I] is logically
incorrect. This fact explains numerous difficulties encountered in its applications which
many scientists note.

If one repeats the derivations in [1] taking into account the physical differ·ence
between the fields (E1, B1) and (E2, B2), then one gets the energy density of interaction
between these two fields

U =- eo(E2aEt/at + c2Bt aBvat)

and vector of Poynting

S =so(E2 x Bt) (1.6)

One can see that ( 1.6) is the expression in the brackets in ( 1.1) for the case when field 2 is
affected by field I. We shall call this expression an impulse of interaction and not vector
of Poynting in order to avoid a mess in terminology. ·

Now Jet us investigate the corollaries of (I. I) for the equations of



Maxwell equations:

divE= p/Eo (2.1)

rotE= - aBlat (2.2)

div B =0 (2.3)

c2rot B =j/so + aE/ at (2.4)


imply partial derivatives with respect to time. Here, p is the density of electric charges
and current density

j = pv (2.5)

where v is the velocity of the charges' movement.

We shall show that (2.1)- (2.4) should imply complete derivatives with respect to
time. One can say that (2.4) already implies a complete derivative with respect to time. .

Really one can rewrite (2.4) taking into account (2.1)

c2 rotB =v divE+ 8E/8t (2.6)

Let us compare it with the following equality

dE/dt = v gradE+ 8E/8t (2.7)

It is evident that the right-hand side of (2.6) is a special case of (2.7), i.e., this is
the case when all diagonai elements of matrix gradE are equal and

=0, for ij =1,2,3, i * j
If so, then

v gradE = .!. v divE


Here, E; is the derivative of the i-component ofE with respect to Xj.


This means that there is a complete time derivative already in the classic version
of (2.4). The scientists of the previous century associated it with "something material",
i.e., with current.

But perhaps the universe is constructed in such a way that the gradient
component of the complete time derivative of E embodies only the electric current?

Now we shall try to show that the gradient component is essential in the field
alienated from current. But before let us analyze (2.2).

Only a partial time derivative figures in (2.2). But if it is so, the alienated field
could not contain B, because in such an alienated field B cannot depend on time directly
but only through changes in space coordinates, i.e., because of gradient component of B
and velocity of motion.

So we are to write down (2.2), (2.3), and (2.4) in the following way

rot E = -dB/dt (2.2a)

di v B = -p/c.oc (2.3a)

c2 rot B = dE/dt (2.4a)

In order to maintain the natural ti-e betwe~n E~ B~ and votcntials, one needs to modify
the definition forE, B, and the cor;dition of ~he Lore11t2. cc:ilibration.


B = grad <p/c + rot A (2.8)

E = -grad <p • dA/dt (2.9)

divA = - _!_ d<p/dt = 0 (2.10)

Here, A is the vector potential and <p is the scalar pote:}tial which satisfy the following

divgrad A- ~ d2Afdt2 = 0 (2.11)

divgrad <p = -p/c.o (2.12)

Equality (2. 10) means that A is a :-::uri ofth~ function aAG <pis mdependent of time.
If <p is considered as a density of ·'electric liquid" and A is it's velocity, then the first
equality in (2.10) is the uninterruption equation for (j) ~n-d th~ second one is condition of


If currents and charges are absef!t, the field E and B cannot depend on time
explicitly, but depend only because of movement. Thi~ means that (2. J), (2.2a), (2.3a),
and (2.4a) should be written in rhe following v.tay:

divE= 0 (3.1)

rot E = -v gradB (3.2)

divB =0 (3.3)
c2 rotB = v gradE (3.4)

If the field is radiated in the direction of X1, then (3 2} rl:ld 13.4) in the component form
look as follows:



Here, Ei , Bi , i
=I, 2, 3 are the derivatives of the i-component of the field with respect
to Xj, j = I, 2, 3, and cis the velocity oflight.

If the projections ofE and Bon the xr axis are

E 1 =B 1 =0,
i.e., E and Bare transverse, as they are now considered, then (3.2a) and (3.4a) imply

rotE = rot B = 0.

Taking into account (3.1) and (3.3)

E=B= const.

This contradicts the fact of motion·of the field.


B1 ::t:O,E1 ::t:O,

i.e., the moving field is obliged to have the Iongitudinai component. More of that, at
least one derivative in the right-hand columns of (3.2a) and (3.4a) should not be equal to
zero, i.e., the longitudinal component cannot be constant in space.

One can get the tie between the longitudinal components of E and B by solving
(3.2a) and (3.4a).

Thus one gets

ca'~ = - E1

ca'~ =-E~1

(cB 1 + E ') x2 =- (cB' + E') XJ

So, the divergence of(cB' + E') in the direction ofx2 and X3 is equal to zero, i.e., (cB' +
E 1) rotates around the xr axis.

In addition, the following correlations hold:


grad Et = o(Et , E2,- £3)/8xt

grad B 1 = o(Bt, B2,- B3)/8xt

The author has shown in his paper [4] that the electric field is a special case of the
field of gravity. This means that formula (1.1) is a special case of the formula for the
field of gravity. Let us write this formula explicitly for the field of gravity. Let (gt, Bt)
and (g2, B:z) be two gravifields defined in the space.

Assumption. When the above defined fields interact, field 1 experiences from field 2 the
force density

f= y- 1 ~grad g1 + - 2 (g1 x Bz)] (3.5)

where y is the gravitational constant.

4. EXAl'\mLES

Let us examine some examples in order to clarify (l.l).First of all it is necessary to fin'd ·a
solution of the system (2.1), (2.2a), (2.3a), (2.4a). One can verify by direct substitution
that functions

3~ 0
[r xv ]
E =p- --+r

3~ 0 c
[r2cxv ] (4.2)

is a partial solution Of the system

is density of charge q in a ball of radius r, v is velocity of movement of the source of the
field, r is radius-vector from q to the point of observation, c - is light velocity. The first
item in brackets in (4.1) and (4.2) defines dynamic part of the field and the second one
defines static component. Therefore a current in a neutral conductor and movement of a
free charge are described by different ways: the second item in the first case is equal to

Example 1

This example was examined by Feynman [1]. Let a charge qt moving with steady
velocity v, along axis Xt is in the origin of coordinate system. A charge q2 moves along X2
with steady velocity v2. What forces in addition to Coulomb ones act on the charges?
Using the classic formula for the Lorentz force for the analysis, Feynman arrives
at a conclusion that q2 is affected by q1 with the Lorentz force Ft,:z, but qt is not affected
by any force. It will be shown that according to (l.l) q1 is also affected by a force
Fz,t =-Ft,z
Omitting the Coulomb term in (1.1 ), one gets for the case of interest: qz is affected by q1
with a force density

ft.z =eo [dEvdt x Bt + Ez x dBtldt]

Et and B~ do not depend explicitly on t, therefore the partial derivatives with respect to t
are equal to zero. The interaction will be defined by the gradient terms of complete

Let us introduce the following designations:

n.z is the radius-vector from qr to qz,

rz.t is the radius-vector from qz to q,.
It is evident that
n.z = -rz,l·
vz is the velocity of qz,
Vt is the velocity of qr,
dr2, dr1.2
=(v1- vz) =--- =-(vz- v1)
PI and pz are the charge densities in a ball of radius rt,z with the center at the points of
existence of q1 and qz,
= =
at az 0 are the charges' accelerations. Our condition is that they are equal to zero,
i.e., the charges do not radiate.
Eij and Bi,j, i =l, 2, are the fields created by charge i at the point of existence of charge j.
Let us find the force density with which q, affects q2

E1 ._2 -P1
[(rt.2 x v,) +r12]
3 Eo 2c ·

_1dt -
dE l,:u _ -P1[(vu x v,) + (rt.2 x a,) +v ; - -
3e 0 2c 2c
p1[(v1x v2) - (v -v
J 3s0 2c 2 1

B2.1 -_ P2 [<r2,1 X V2) P

c 3eo 2c
+n 1
=-- 2
3eoc · ·

So, q2 is affected by q1 with force density


The first item in brackets determines Lorentz force which Feynman took into ac-count.

The second item defines a new radial force additional to Coulomb one.

One has for the force with which the charge q2 acts on qJ.

_ p 2[<n.t XV2) +r21]

' 3eo 2c ' . -.

B1,2- ---
P1 [(rt,2 X Vt) +r12]
3e 0 c 2c · ·




ft,l =-f2,1
One can note that a new rule for the interaction between currents has been

Now let us examine the first item in (1.1) for the case.


This expression was called above the Coulomb one. (4.5) shows that really
Coulomb, i.e. static item is only the first item in (4.5). If a conductor is neutral then this
item is equal to zero. The second item in (4.5) defines dynamic part of the force
originated by interaction of two electic fieids. If charges move then this item is not equal
to zero. '·
One gets from (4.5) for the case: E2 acis on Er with the following force density


AndEr acts on E2 with force density


rt,2= -f2,t, therefore these forces are modulo equal and oppositely directed.
The first item in (4.6) and (4. 7) defines purely Coulomb force directed along radius-
vector and the second one defines a force perpendecular to the plane determined by
velocity vectors.


This example is taken from S. Marinov's paper in [5].

Let a current defined by the movement of ·<:harges with steady velocity Vt flows in a
circumference made of neutral conductor. . And another current originated by the
movement of charges with steady velocity v2 flows in a neutral conductor established in
the center of the circumference perpendicular to it's plane The classic Lorentz force
predicts no forces of interaction between the conductors. Let us examine the predictions
of ( 1.1) for the case. The conductors are electrically neutral therefore ·

E 2 ,- J -p2[r2.txv2]
3eo 2c

=J2_[V 2,1 XV2 + r2,1 X32,1
3e 0 2c 2c

The second item here is equal to zero because a2,1 =0. i.e. the current is steady.
The velocity of changing of radius·vector r2,i
V2,1 : V2 ·VI


_ P [(rt.2 X Vt)]
B 1 , 2 - - -1 - ...:,_ __:..
3e: 0 c 2c

And finally

(4.8) .

The first item in (1.1) is equal to zero because E2.11l Vt.

(4.8) defines two forces : tangential and perpendicular to the plane of the ring. This
partly coinside with Marinov's result who predicts only tangential force. He assertsin his
paper in £5] that existance of such a force he verified experimentally.


[I] <l>eAHMaH, JleihoH, C:nmc. <l>e~HMaHoscKHe JICKUHH no $H3HKe, MHp, M., 1977, T.6.
[2] PasB~He KJiaccH'ieCKHX MeTo.uos HCCJie,n:oBaHW'i s eCTeCTB03HaHHH, c6. pa6oT, PAH,
Cl16., 1994.
(3] KntoWHH H. f. 06o6meHHM $opMyna JJJJJI CHJibl JiopeHu;a. HoB&Ie H.neH s
eCTeCl'B03HaHHH, PAH, Cl16., 1995, qJI.
[4] Klyushin J. G. On the Maxwell approach to gravity, Appendix to the Proceedings.
[5] MapHHOB C. HoB:&Ie H,lleH B eCTeCTB03HaHHH, T. 18, C.-fie-rep6ypr, 1995.
James J. Hurtak, Ph.D.
AFFS Corporation
P.O. Box FE
Los Gatos, California 95031

~atrick G. Bailey, Ph.D.

Institute for New Energy
INE Web Site:
P.O. Box 201
Los Altos, California 94023
Email: pgb@padrak.corn

Observations have been made of deuteron-deuteron fusion at room temperature
during low-voltage electrolytic infusion of deuterons into metallic titanium or
palladium electrodes. Neutrons with an energy of approximately 2.45 meV have been
clearly detected With a sensitive neutron spectrometer at a rate of 2 x 10-3 n/s which
cannot be accounted for by· ambient neutron background variations. The reaction has
been known to yield excess (or "latent") heat, where D + D yields 4 He + 23.8 meV. This
paper will examine the latest experimental results from several international researchers
and summarize several new theories of nuclear mode! interactions that have been put
forth to explain these intriguing results. . r

Cold fusion has been largely a study of results first and theories which then n:tust
follow. Since most results from solid fusion experiments do not agree with old and
contemporary nuclear theories, new theories are being generated to account for these
new data and results.

After the Pons and Fleischmann announcement, numerous institutions all over the
world began their own experiments. As of 1996 there were over 100 independent
research groups investigating the potential possibilities of this new energy anomaly
worldwide. Not all experiments have been successful and as research has persisted
several new theories have been explored based on the new data found from various
substitutions from. the original experimentation in an attempt to detennine a· clear
theory as to .the factors.that ·are occurring within -the electrolytic cell. One of the most
important results is the discovery of neutron emissions in the form of bursts which have
been observed by De Nino, Sanchez, and Gozzi (De Nino, 1989), (Sanchez, 1989),
(Gozzi, 1992). Neutron spectra with a 2.45 meV peak should be evidence of deuteron-
deuteron (D + D) fusion. However. the detection of neutrons is complex and expensive,
requiring a great deal of equipment an~_.experiment~l expertise.

A University of Rome study showed that after imposing a constant current density
of 200 mNcm 1 , the nuclear and thermal effect was first recorded after 150 hours! Then
in a time interval of 22h5'54". the neutron recorder counted 80 single spikes!. Before and
after the event, the neutron counting rate was equal to the background level. During
the entire experiment, at least 36 counts were concentrated in an unresolved group

Copyright© 1996 by James J. Hartak and Patrick G. Bailey


which would imply an emission of 7.2 x Jos neutrons in 4 minutes, or 3 x 103 nfs. while
the electrode temperature increased to a value of 150 deg. C (with an overall
temperature change average of l 00 deg. C) (Gozzi, et at, 1990).

The University of Hokkaido in Japan using a palladium rod of99.9% purity and 0.3
em in diameter indicated the generation of neutrons. The experiment was conducted in
a concrete room about 5 meters below the ground to shield it from background

The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in India recorded a temperature rise of

l degree Celsius per minute, as well as neutrons and gamma rays, estimating about 2 in
every 50,000 deuterium atoms were fusing.

In America. in addition to Brigham Young University and the National Cold Fusion
Institute at the University of Utah, the University of California at Santa Barbara, Case
Western Reserve University, University of Florida, University of Minnesota, the U.S.
Naval Research Laboratory. Los Alamos Laboratory, and EPRI (connected with
Stanford University, Stanford Research Institute International and Texas A & M) are
among those who conducted their own experiments. John Boclds at Texas A & M's
Department of Chemistry and the Cyclotron Center established over ten cells and
reported the production of tritium from D 20 electrolysis at a palladium cathode. with
the maximum tritium count observed in one cell as 4.9 x 10 6 disintegrations per minute
per milliliter, showing 100 to 100,000 times more than that expected from the normal
isotropic enrichment from electrolysis.

Even after the critics assured the press that "cold fusion" was only an delusion of a
few scientists. SRI International was willing to fund $3 - 4 million U.S. dollars per year
for Michael C.H. McKubre's laboratory research into cold fusion in Menlo Park.
California (McKubre, 1994). The funds were granted from EPRI. Other researchers,
include Edmund Storms at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Robert Bush at
California State Polytechnic University, and Thomas Droege, at Fenni National
Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia, II).

Although the U.S. Government has not thoroughly supported many of these
projects, recently the Ministry of Inter.national Trade and Industry (MIT!) in Japan
have committed over 3 billion U.S. dollars to this research. Pons and Fleischmann left
their positions at the University of Utah to live in France and be funded by IMRA
Europe which is the European branch of the Toyota Motor Company research institute.

The Japanese have more finely attuned the state of the art and have made the most
impressive and consistent advances in cold fusion research of all countries. Their
research interest was spawned by a successful experiment by A.kito Takahashi (1992) at
Osaka University who reported that he was able to successfully produce an average of
70% more heat than his device consumed in electric power by "cycling" the input power.
alternately running the current at high and lower levels for long periods of time. After
Takahashi's experiments, Storms at Los Alamos reported that he was able to operate his
device for just under 300 hours also with an output of excess heat. The best research
still goes to the NTT (Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Corporation) experiments by
Japan's Eiichi Yamaguchi.

Eiichi Yamaguchi. a physicists at NTT (Japan) made significant confirmations in his

lab by designing his own experiment. Yamaguchi used palladium coated with gold on
one side. The palladium is saturated with deuterium gas and placed into a vacuum

Copyright© 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Bailey


chamber and the electric current is turned on. Within three hours, the palladium
increases in temperature and is capable of generating 5 Watts of excess heat for I 0
minutes releasing a gas containing 4 He.

Bockis (Texas A&M) also claims that 2 to 200 times more atoms of 4He is contained
on the palladium rods than those in his "control" experiment. Researchers soon expect
to be able to document for public inspection. energy increases from 30 to 70 percent in
excess of electric power input. Researchers in India have already reported 70%, and
Thermacore Inc., in the United States claims that of the 18 Watts of power in are
producing 68 Watts out for an excess of heat production of 50 Watts.

Excess tritium (T) was also detected, and this presence of nuclear by-products
ind~cates that a nuclear reaction is taking place. (Bockris. 1989). Critics claim that if
tritium is being produced at 1.008 meV, then equally large quantities of neutrons must
also be present. However, if the neutrons are not always inside the nuclear well. it is
possible that the neutron is stripped away to form tritium with the other deuteron
which would account for the large excess of the emission ratio of tritium over neutrons
(t/n). In cold fusion electrochemical cells, tritium has been measured at levels of I 0 13
atoms per milliliter, yet actual t/n ratio of emission has been estimated to be about
108: 1(Iyengar, 1989). These ratios indicate that the reaction:

D + D ---> T + H

appears to be the dominant reaction taking place in cold fusion.

However, neutron and tritium emissions are not the most common factor of most
cold fusion experiments. For the most part cold fusion reactions produce excess
thermal energy, enough excess (or "latent") energy to heat the water surrounding the
electrode. Heating the water is an inherent characteristic of the electrochemical fusion
reaction. These reactions have produced sufficient heat to cause water to boil. If the
fusion cell is pressurized, higher temperatures can be obtained, but only low-level heat
can be produced since the metal lattice tends to give deuterium at higher temperatures
(S. Pons and M. Fleischmann, 1989). Water temperatures in excess of 170 deg.
Fahrenheit h~ve also been observed (Haag, 1990).

The argument of the physics community is that the amount of heat does not
correlate with the limited number of neutron emissions. 4He has also be generated
which can correspond to the level of heat produced. The reaction:

D+ £? ---> 4
He +a beta, phonon or plasmon (at 24 meV)

has been proposed. But in many experiments far too little 4He has been detected to
prove that these reactions are occurring.
The opponents suggest that !1 chemical reaction of some type must be occurring.
However, the results have shown excess heat anywhere from I 0 W/cm 3 Pd to I 00 W/cm3
Pd (or about 1.0 keY/atom) has been reported in many difl'erent cells from various

Additional experiments and reports internationally also have shown Pd x-ray lines
and clear evidence of nuclear transmutation events.

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Copyright@ 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Bailey

In a chemical reaction, only a few electron volts (eV) of energy are released per atom
taking part in the reaction, and even fewer in a mechanical process. In a nuclear
reaction, millions of electron Volts (meV) can be released per atom. If all the atoms in
an electrolytic cell were to react, the energy release would be on the order of a thousand
electron Volts (keV)/atom.

There are several approaches to cold fusion development but the basic approach
since 1989 has deviated only slightly from the original Pons and Fleischmann model
using electrolysis of Lithium deteroxide (LiOD) on palladium (Pd), where a palladium
cathode is immersed in an heavy water-based electrolytic solution of 0.1 molar LiOD in
99.5% o~o + 0.5% H~O. The LiOD is added to make the electrolyte conductive. The
palladium cathode is surrounded by a bare platinum wire helical anode. A unique
property of palladium is its ability to absorb large quantities of hydrogen (or
deuterium) as the cathode in an electrolysis cell.

The platinum wire anode is attached to a positive DC voltage while the palladium is
charged negatively. Direct current is supplied at 3- 25 Volts across each cell at currents
of I 0 - 500 rnA. Specific correlations between fusion yield and voltage, current density,
or surface characteristics of the metallic cathode have yet to be clearly established. The
fusion reaction occurring produces excess thennal energy inside the palladium metal
electrode, and raises the temperature of the water surrounding the electrode.

There are various approaches to loading the palladium, one of which incorporates
the use of pulsed heating which has a clear effect on the loading speed. Many
researchers consider pulsed current an important factor, along with temperature

Very high pressure does not stimulate cold fusion phenomena. However, further
research is examining in effects of magnetic and optical irradiation, ultrasonic waves
(> 109 Hz), and the use of pressure waves.

Also, certain foreign atoms may enha'nce the surface dynamics, such as vanadium,
aluminum , and tin in titanium or the silver in palladium. Alloys may be more efficient
than pure metals.

The cathode, Palladium, is a face-centered-cubic (fcc) crystal lattice with a side of

about 3.89 Angstroms. If hydrogen is loaded into it, the crystal expands slightly to 4.03
Angstroms with a D-Pd ratio of 0.8. In the Pd-D lattice there are rows of deuterons
along direction [I I 0) and A. is (a/2 SQRT(2) n] for coherence, 'a' being the lattice
constant (Vaidya, 1993).

Palladium functions as an absorber of hydrogen or deuterium ions, as well as a

resistance problem to monitor the loading ratio, and also a resistive heater to raise the
temperature. After electrolysis in an electrolyte containing both H and D ions, the
cold-rolled palladium cathode has been shown to produce macroscopic deformations
on the surface, eventually leading to craters and in some instances exhibiting faceted
crystals inside the craters (Silver, 1993).

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Copyright© 1996 by James J. ~urtak and Patrick 0. Bailey

In 1989. Pons and Fleischmann publicly announced their results. (and also the
results of others) using the term "cold fusion," and since that time many theories have
been put forth to account for some or all of their results. Some researchers continue to
see their results as purely fusion based, others have come up with terms such as "new
hydrogen energy," or "chemically assisted nuclear fusion" or "cold nuclear fission." The
biggest conflict appears to be designing a theory in which the nuclear Coulomb barrier
is overcome even at low temperatures.

In a deuterium molecule occupying octahedral sites, where the equilibrium

separation between 0-D is .0.74 - 0.94 Angstroms. the fusion rate is exceedingly slow.
about I 0·74 per deuterium molecule per second. One of the important factors appears
to be the Pd which when loaded appears to bring deuterons much. closer together than
they could otherwise get at ambient temperature. Although the average separation of
deuterons is approximately 1.4 Angstroms in heavily loaded palladium, the deuterons
can be in equilibrium at a separation as close as 0.94 Angstroms.

Here the interstitial lattice sites may be considered shallow potential wells allowing
for high deuteron mobility, and, possibly, an enhanced probability of fusion through
the repulsive, proton Coulomb barrier. In actuality, the neutrons and protons are only
weakly bound in deuterons and may be outside the D nuclear well a large portion of the

The Pons~Fleischmann Process

It was originally thought that, as the voltage is applied across the electrodes through
electrolysis, the heavy water (D20) is split into oxygen and deuterium (Pons and
Fleischmann. 1989). The deuterium atoms are absorbed into the palladium at
octahedral sites on the crystal lattice while oxygen accumulates at the platinum anode.
The deuterium density is greater than that of liquid hydrogen.

The fusion reaction is catalyzed by the deposition of D+ and metal .ions from the
electrolyte at (and into) the negative electrode. The deuterium atom i onizes~:with its
electrons entering the band structure of the palladium. After various times of charging
(or "aging"), the palladium rod is supersaturated with deuterons. and it has a crystal
lattice structure like NaCI (King, I 989). All lattice sites are occupied, and the excess
free deuterons form a "protonic fluid" which can aid elecuical conduction. Thus.
although metals such as palladium and titanium are used to support the fusion reaction.
they are not consumed in the process of solid-state fusion. Instead the fuel consumed is
the deuterium in the heavy water.

The Surface Model and Three~body Collisions

John Bockris at Texas A & M also describes the "surface model" which does not
consider that the fusion occurs within the electrode, but suggests that the surface of the
electrode might be the site of the reaction. He suggests that fusion reactions occur at
specific points, or protuberance on the surface of the electrode (Bockris, 1989b ). Here
fusion occurs on the lattice, not within the lattice, whereby the lattice is a reservoir of
deuterium providing enough raw material for the dynamic process that takes place even
after the electrolysis is stopped or o::o and LiOD is replaced by H 10 and LiOH
(Glueck, 1993).

Copyright© 1996 by JamEIS J. Hurtak aud Patrick G. Bailey


Jacques DuFour of Shell Research S.A. in France believes that when a transient
electrical field is created by sparking through the gas between two dissymmetrical
electrodes, the surface layer of hydrogen isotopes builds a three-body collision of two
hydrogen isotopes and one electron (DuFour, 1993). The accumulation of these species
in a surface layer of the electrode metal can be explained by the known properties of
sparks and of hydrogen isotopes in metal, implicating the weak electronuclear force that
yields products completely different from those of hot fusion, whereby a deuteron is a
two-nucleon system containing weak interactions.

According to DuFour there is a whole class of nuclear fusion reactions at room

temperatures, involving "three-body collisions" of two hydrogen isotopes and a
neutrino. which through an indirect transition (virtual neutron states), have reactions
favored by the high electron and proton concentrations existing in the metal and the
high transienr electrical field created by the sparks.

Very high thermal energy prevents the Coulomb forces from deviating their
trajectories under conditions of hot fusion, but in metal there is a high concentration of
low-thermal-energy protons and electrons at a mean distance of about 2 Angstroms and
when exposed to a transi ent electrical field the probability of the three-body collision
increases. DuFour has estimated this collision at I 0-12 s and I0· 14 · s, which is
characteristic to the weak nuclear force.

A controversy has arisen over the need for refined palladium that is relatively free of
microscopic cracks in order for the "cold fusion" process to succeed. Several researchers
claim that if the electrode has too many cracks it will fail to produce the excess heat and
a purity of 99.9% is required. Contrary to this belief, Rainer Kuhne in Germany
postulates that it is the cracks within the electrode (99.8% purity) that are the trigger for
cold fusion (Kuhne, 1994).

The crack hypothesis claims that the absorption of hydrogen gives rise to
deformations and expansion of the metal lattice and that the formation of anions (metal
ions) which allow for crack formations near the surface gives rise to deuterium
absorption, whereby ke V deuterons rapidly lose energy by collisions allowing areas of
high temperature to arise. Kuhne claims that at such locations deuterid bubbles collide,
giving rise to electric fields and to keY deuterons in an ongoing process during the
charging of the electrolytic cell.

The Two-Step Mechanism Involving Electron Capture by a Deuteron or

Lithium Atom
This model represents a coherent and semi-coherent neutron transfer with increasing
phonon coupling. It appears that on the surface of the Pd the D+ can diffuse and
combine with ingoing electrons where 2 D+ + 2 e· yields D 2 or the D ions can also stay
on the surface and be independent of the electrons. Another theory proposed by J.C.
Jackson and Budelov is that the neutron could be captured by the Pd metal nuclei and
used to produce a different isotope of palladium and a gamma photon which co uld
cause a photodistintegration of the deuteron and could liberate a neutron. The by-
products would then be heat and electrons explaining the low neutron producti on rate
compared to the high excess heat output (Hagelstein, J990).

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Copyright@ 1996 by Jarna J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Balley

Transmission Resonance
Dr. R.T. Bush of California State Polytechnic University has suggested that when a
palladium lattice is fully occupied by deuterons, conditions are favorable to support
laser-like actions where the deuteron-loaded lattice supports a type of resonating
phenomena in which the probability of a traveling or "hopping" wave-like deuteron
fusing with a' target deuteron is increased significantly.

This may also be caused by the possibility of plasma oscillations of the D-shell. Also
the theory that deuterons (protons) exist in deep energy wells may not be valid because
the protons appear to be mobile in a similar state as classical oscillators. Bush's
theoretical model accounts for the heavy water heat effect and light excess heat effect
from cold fusion.. It provides a unique and highly novel mechanism to sufficiently
enhance tunneling through the Coulomb barrier, as well as incorporating the role of
lithium in electrolytic experiments.
T.h e transmission resonance model begins with the hypothesis:
D + D yields ~ 4 He (23.8 meV)

occurs for deuteron lattice configurations with nearest neighbors on either side to
produce a "sideways charge polarization" 'With protons directly opposite neutrons.
Vibration of the lattice is required for the oscillatory collisidns of the nearest-neighbor
deuterons to produce the tunneliAg. Tritium and neutrons result from the oscillatory
collision of two nearest-neighbor deuterons isolated from their neighbors and thus
favoring Bush, 1994):

D+D ~ T+p(4.03meV)

..' The Collapse Ground State

If one could increase ro min of the zero point field associated with the establishment of
A.maxthis could cause the electron to spiral inward to increase its angular velocity where
roo romin, where ro is the frequency of absorbed radiation and ro0 is the electron angular
velocity. It is believed that alk?'lli atoms, the Li and D, or a mixture, may serve as
crucial ingredients in the Casimir reflecting planes, whereby the Li-plane Casimir
reflector separation corresponds directly to the Pd lattice spacing. The Casimir
separation for the D-planes is twice as great (Bush, 1994).

In some experiments light water or ordinary water has been used successfully to
reproduce results simil ar to the Pons-Fieischmann model. According to Dr. Randell
Hills of Hydrocatalysis Power Corporation (Lancaster, PA), we may be viewing a
catalysis process whereby the H electron ·is induced to undergo a transition to a lower
electronic energy level than the "ground state" as defined by the usual quantum-
mechanical model of the atom. Thus, s!ored energy in the atom is catalytically released.

It may be that the barrier to the access of the D in relationship to the tetrahedral
sites is nothing but the zero-point energy of the harmonic oscillator in the n direction.

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Copyright c 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrlek G. BaJley

The Tunneling Model

Nuclear interactions can be coherent when the difference in the phases of t he wave
functio ns of the compound nucleus states formed by overlap between the itinerant
deuteron (neutron) and th e lattice deuterons (nuclei) is an integral multiple of 2 n:
(Vaidya, 1993).

Tunneling has been considered a quantum mechanical phenomenon, where a particle

whose energy is Jess than the potential energy of a barrier can overcome the barrier of
electrical repulsio n.

Calculations by Rabinowitz and scientists at EPRI have shown that it is possible fo r

the effective mass of the deuterium nuclei in a solid to be sufficiently less than the mass
of deuterons in free space (Rabinowitz, 1990). This can increase the tunneling
coefficient by many orders of magnitude..

By replacing the electron in a hydrogen molecular ion with a more massive charged
particle, the fusion rate is greatly increased. Mario Rabinowitz of EPRI likens
tunneling to a classical high jumper where an extended body can clear a barrier even
when its energy is Jess than the potential energy of the barrier, if it can communicate
with and be aided by the interaction on the other side of the barrier. Tunneling would
strongly favor reactions· with reduced masses such as:

D + p ---> 3He + gamma.

According to Charles Horowitz, the electrons in metallic hydrogen can be modeled

as a Ferm i gas of electrons and a crystal of nuclei. Palladium is a transition metal that
in its alpha phase has a face-cen tered-cubic (fcc) lattice structure and a lattice constant
of 3.89 Angstroms and a nearest-neighbor distance of 2.75 Angstroms fcc lattices in the
orthohedral sites. In the highest packing fraction of I .0 - 1.5 Angstroms. Under
normal conditions. in D1 gas or liquid states, the separation of the deuterium nuc!ei is
0.74 Angstroms. However, for muon-catalyzed fusion to occur this must be at Jeast
0.035 Angstroms.

A zero-point energy of approximately 0.06 eV can be assumed which leads to the

first excited state above the potential minimum near 0.1 eV. The question is: Can 0.1 -
1.0 eV deuterons penetrate the Coulomb barrier? We know that the electron screening
length is shorter than the interparticle spacing reducing the width of the Coulo mb
barrier. However, the deuterons must be within the scale of the fusion barrier (ro) o f
approximately 0.37 - 0.125 Angstroms in order for the cold fusion rate to be near the
claimed reaching states of I 0-23/s/deuteron as seen by Jones eta/. (Jones. 1989).

According to Adam Burrows of the University of Arizona, this would first req uire
that the deuterons (positive) and the deuteride (hybtid) exist not as atoms or molecules,
but as screened positive charges with screening clouds having the required length
(Burrows. 1989). However, this would still not be sufficient since cold fusion reaction
rates also require the increasing of the tunneling integral by unity to increase the fu sion
rate. Moreover, a vacuum zero-point energy st imulated by a resonance effect that
matches the palladium cathodes atomic mass may be required to create the proper
tunneling potential.

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Copyright @ 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Bailey

A further expansion of tunneling comes when the centrifugal barrier is combined

with the Coulomb barrier. Here penetration can be increased due to the resonance level
between the Coulomb barrier and the centrifugal b arrier.

The E-Cell Theory

According to the theory put forth by Gennady Fedorovich et a/. of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, the E-cell is a radiation defect of a crystalline lattice of a hydride
which forms as result of the capture of a thermal neutron by the nucleus of an atom
where, for example:

6Li + n ---> 4 He + T + 4.785 meV

Here the reaction products leave the cell in 10· 17 s which is shorter than the electron
system (I O-ts s). Hydrogen nuclei and the average density of free electrons in the central
region of the E-cell exceeds l 024 cm·l which results in a greater suppression ,of the
Coulomb barrier. According to Fedoro vich's calculation, to confine the surplus
electrons in the E-cell: the pressure in the LiH crystal must be > 10 to 20 Mbar, where
the' motion of the hydrogen nuclei form a collective movement and at some phases of
thet· movement, the ·potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, the nuclei
approaching a distance of <0.1 Angstroms (Fedorovich, 1993).
.. •.;

Jahn-Teller Symmetry Breaking and Hydrogen Energy in Gamma-PdD

Keith Johnson from MIT has proposed a chemical process which corresponds' to an
"internal phase change of the deuterium within the gamma-PdD lattice". He believes
that the energy released is caused by the: internal cyclic gamma-phase change of atomic
deuterium to dideuterium. The heat produced is "latent" in that it is produced by
repeated formation of the "interstitial sublattice" of the D-D bonds between the
tetrahedral intersti~es in gamma-Pd-D. According to J.ohnson, as atomic deuterium
diffuses into Pd and dideuterium diffuses o ut causing 9.4 eV per Pd atoms for 6.8 x 10 22'
Pd atoms/cmJ (Johnson, 1994).

Due to the high symmetry coordination of a Pd atom by D atoms in four: of the eight ·
surrounding fcc-palladium tetrahedral interstitial sites, the Jahn-Teller effect is unstable
leading to a central ehergy minimum of distorted tetrahedral symmetry and a planar
"broken-symmetry" energy minimum 9.4 eV below the high symmetry at a shortened
distance of 0.76 Angstroms (almost equal to the bond distance of a free hydrogen
molecule). The cycle time for recombination (4 D to 2 D2 is difficult to calculate, but it
would be somewhere between I and 100 minutes at 9.4 eV per Pd atom per unit time.
This process according to Johnson could generate heat at a rate of 17 to 1700 Watts/cm 3

New Particle: The Iton Particle and Nattoh Model

l:F. Yang from HUI.lan Nor(llal University suggested since 1.989, the possibility that
a new neutral elementary partide may·.be f0rming , where the deut'eroh 'captures an
electron and is transformed into a dineutron 2uN: ~he deuteron-dineutron reaction
would then account for the cold fusion. The Nattoh model proposes a reaction that
involves plural hydrogen atoms and electrons where:

2D +2e + D ---> *N + b + D

Copyright@ 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Bailey

where 4 N is a quad-neutron and h is a double iton . Matsumoto (1993) has o bserved
ring spots caused by gravity decay of single and di-neutrons upon copper plates after
the cold fusion reaction. The double iton could explain warming or "Heat after Death"
phenomena that occurs for up to three hours afterwards and as described by
Fleischmann and Po ns.

Given the D-D fusi on model, further contention arises over the required k inetic
energy required for a deuteron to overcome the Coulomb barrier. A deuteron in Sllch a
crystal is subject to forces from the crystal lattice, as well as the Coulomb force from
another deuteron. For known D-D fusion. the deuteron must acquire more than 4 x
105 eV of kinetic energy from the electrical field. Cold fusioa. low-voltage electrolytic
experiments uses only I 0 V. The probability that a deuteron passes through the barrier
is l 0·74 per second at normal room temperature, and in cold fusion experiments it is
recorded to be l 0 -20 per second.

Some research has suggested that hydrogen ignition is occurring at the air-water
interface. From preliminary results obtained by Matsumoto and Hokkaido University
using the N attoh model, they predict th at cold fusion can occur using ordinary water.
The model is based on the hypothesis that hydrogen clusters are trapped in tiny cavities
such as cracks and compress themselves to a induced hydrogen-catalyzed fusion
reaction. Here cold fusion occurs when the hydrogen pressure exceeds a critical value
under electrical current flow.

Matsumoto claims that a metal such as nickel which has low hydrogen permeab ilit y
can be used whereby hydrogen clusters on the surface (Matsumoto, 1993).


A private meeting entitled "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Conference" was held in
College Station, Texas, on June 19, 1995, to review the latest available results of "cold
fus ion" and "transmut ation" experiments. The meeting was organized by J .O'M.
Bockris and G.H. Lin and was held in a conference room at Texas A&M University.
All of the papers from that conference have only just recently been publicly published.
(Bockris and Lin, Jan. 1996.) In the order listed below, eight papers were presented on
"Basic Experimental Studies". four on "Theoretical Models", and five on "Innovative

Each experimental paper p resents positive and repeatable results of cold fusion
and/or an atomic transmutation of elements (listed in the order as they are in the

EPRI: Low energy proton and deuterium reactions seen by Wolf in 1992 to produce
Silver. Rhodium , and Ruthenium with excess neutrons and mild radioactivity. (T.
Passell , 1995.)

Hakodate Nat. College of Tech, Japan: Production of iron isotopes with excess h eat
from gold and lead electrodes in electrolytic solutions. (T.Ohmori and M. Enyo , 1996.)

Scientific Industrial Assn., Russia: Glow discharge experiments with very pure Pd
electrodes produce excess heat 2x - 3x (2-to-3 times "over-unity")and several n ew
elements. (A. Karabut , Y. Kucherov, I. Savvatimova, 1996.)

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Copyright <0 1996 by Jamet J. Hurtak and Patrick G. &Jley
Portland State University: Excess heat and unexpected elements produced by
electrolysis of Pd in several expedments. (S. Miguet and J. Dash, 1995.)

Cal Poly University: Strontium produced frorr. rubidium with excess heat in light
water electrolysis with nickel electrodes. (R. Bush and ENECO, 1993.)

Hokkaido Univ., Japan: Excess heat 2x-to-4x and several nuclear products found in
light and heavy water electrolysis cells using Pd and Ni electrodes. (R. Notoya.)

Ukrainian International Academy of Original Ideas: Various electrolysis results.

including zinc turned into copper; and copper implanted into steel. with weight loss.
(G. Rabzi, 1996.)

Ukrainian International Academy of Original Ideas: Formation of new elements

with atomic numbers 82 through 40 via electrolysis with lead and zinc. (A. Fabrikant
and M . Meyerovich , 1996.)

Purdue University: Optical Theorem explains low-energy nu'clear fusion reacti.on~

and unstable product formations. (Y. Kim, 1996.) · ' · ,·

CaiPoly University: Electron Catalyzed Fusion Model fits EPRI/SRJ cold fusion
data and other data from Japan. (R. Bush and ENECO. 1996.)

Clustron Sciences Corp.: Nucleon Cluster Model provides explanations for cold
fusion experiments a~d
., also for radioactive waste cleanup. (R. Brightsen, 1996.)

Clustron Sciences Corp.: N1.icleon Cluster Model compares exactly with the Periodic
Table of the Elements (discovered in 1869). (R. Brightsen , 1996.)

Hok.kaido Univ. & Hakodate Nat. College of Tech. , Japan: Excess heat observed in
12 of80 cases using powdered oxides and Pt in hot D2 gas. (T. Mizuno,et a/., and M.
Enyo, 1996.)
Mt. States Mine and Smelter: Creation of helium and lithium from nitrogen gas
using electromagnetic fields. (R. Kovac, 1996.)

Wireless Engineering: Creation of fluorine from water using shaped electromagnetic

fields, duplicating some of the 1927 experiments of Walter Russell. (T. Grotz, 1996)

Los Alamos National Laboratory: Creation of tritium from small palladium wires
and voltages. (T. Claytor, D. Jackson, and D. Tuggle, 1996.)

Burns Developments. Ltd.: Experimental evidence for the "Alpha-Extended Model

of the Atom". Demonstrated removal of radioactive thorium and creation of new and
lighter elements in 15 tests igniting specific mixtures of elements. (R. Monti, 1996.)


At the Power-Gen '95 Americas trade show in Anaheim. California, on December 4
& 5, 1995, Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETI) of Dallas, Texas demonstrated a 1-
kW cold fusion reactor. During the demonstration, between 0.1 and 1.5 Watts of

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Copyright® 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrick 0 . Bailey
, '

electricity was input, and 450 to I ,300 Watts of heat was output. This was an increase
from the ratio of I: 18x that had previously been demonstrated only a short time earlier
in October 1995 at the International Conference on Cold Fusion (Rothwell, 1996).

According to Keith Johnson, if some of these theories are correct and 1 cm 3 of Pd is

capable of yielding upwards of 1.7 kW of energy, this would eventually create system of
22 kW or 30 HP in automobiles with the possibility of "water engines" electrochemically
generating both heat and hydrogen for a fuel cell.

The world's oceans contain a large amount of readily extractable heavy water,
sufficient to meet the global energy needs for hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of
years. Heavy water production facilities will be needed. One gallon out of every 7,000
gallons of ordinary water is heavy water (deuterium oxide or D~O). The energy
equivalent of a gallon of heavy water is about equal to 300,000 gallons of fuel oil. The
cost of production of one gallon of heavy water is estimated at less than $1 ,000 or less
than one cent per gallon of oil {energy equivalent).

A target range of 400% to 1000% (4x - I Ox) excess energy generation for a given
cathode design should be a commerctal target for the system. Currently, the thermal
energy output of electrochemical fusion reactors is being achieved with excess of
electrical energy input by a factor varying from 25% to 600% (6x). Fleischmann and
Pons reported briefly achieving a factor of 100-fold thennal energy excess over electrical
energy input and also have briefly achieved boiling water at I00 deg. C (Pons and
Fleischm ann, 1990).

Although energy generated has been in the tO to 100 W/cm3 range, for commercial
products such as heaters up to I 00 W/cm3 of active deuterium-absorbing metal electrode
materials would be needed that would allow for rapid response and short heating times.

In terms of domestic heaters where an electric or natural gas water heater can cost on
an average $250 - $400 U.S. dollars per year, after installation costs and capital
expenditures which would hopefully be achieved at current heater prices, the average
cost of heating a 5.50 kW fusion-based water heater could be as low as $50.00 per year
(Haag, 1990). In addition, the low neutron radiation is highly desirable because there
is only a limited amount of harmful radioactivity that could be easily shielded even for
home use.

Heating tap water from 400F to a temperature of 1580F requires an energy input of
0.26 kWh per gallon of water. The average consumption for a family of fo ur is 80
gallons per day, requiring 20.8 kWh of energy. The height of standard residential water
heaters is 152 em. a deuterium storing metal rod electrode having this height and a
diameter of 1.3 em with a heat generation rate of 50 W/cml of electrode, a
corresponding energy output of0.050 kWh cml could be achieved with a volume of 200
cm3 of electrode material.

Over $8 billion per year is spent on fossil fuels for heating water in the United States.
This represents 4% of our total energy needs. The nuclear fusion based-water heater
could save up to 90% of this cost for consumers per year.

The systems where industrials would be positively effected are: (I) Water Heating;
(2) Steam generation for sterilization; (3) Water distillation ; (4) Air conditioning; (5)
cooking; (6) heating for greenhouses; {7) heaters for chemical processing plants; (8)

- ---- ·-----
Copyright@ 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Bailey
. ·,


heaters for various transportation vehicles {trains, planes. buses, trucks); (9) heaters for
snow, ice removal: (I 0) heaters for swimming pools and hot tubs.


Several organizations are actively pursuing licensed commercial applications for
their proven "cold fusion" technologies. Further information about these applications
can be found on the Institute for New Energy web site at: : and
at the Academy for Future Science web site at: .

The challenge before us is to move forward with the expansion of worldwide
teamwork. the study of Li and Ni, reverse profiles for low nuclear concentrations, and
to make a closer study of several elements such as AI, Bi, Ca, Dy. Gd and Sm that are
considered the reaction products of requisite existence for Cold Fusion activity.

Many of these theories although different are similar suggesting that there may be a
unifying mechanism behind cold fusion phenomenon, such as zero-point ene~gy
fluctuations. Clearly the challenge beckons our full attention.
Bockris, John 1989a. "A Review of the Investigation of the Fleischmann-Pons
Phenomena," Texas A & M University, p. 20, 1989.

Bockris. J. Packham. N., Wold. K.L. , Wass, J.C. and Kainthia, R.C.. 1989b.
"Production of Tritium from D10 Electrolysis at a Rd Cathode,"J. Electroanalyt. Chem ..
Vol. 270, 1989.

Bockris, J. and Lin, G.H ., 1996. "Proceedings of the Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
Conference," Journal of New Energy, Vol. I, No. 1, '996. Fusion Informatiol) Center.
P.O. Box 5S639, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-0638. See: _.

Burrows, Adam, 1989. "Enhancement of Cold Fusion in Metal 'Hydrides' by Screening

of Proton and Deuteron Charges." Physical Review B, Vol.
. 40, No.5, 1989.
Bush, Robert T. 1994. ''A Unifying Model for Cold Fusion," Transactions of Fusion
Technology, Vol. 26 .. 1994, pp 431-440. Dec. 1994.

DeNino, A. er a!.. 1989. "Evidence of Emission of Neutrons from a Titanium-D

System," Europhysics Lett., Vol. 9. ,1989. p. 221.

DuFour, Jacques 1993. "Cold Future by Sparking in Hydrogen Isotopes." Fusion

Technology. Vol. 24, Sept. 1993, pp.205-222.

Fedorovich, Gennady V. 1993. "A Possible Way to Nuclear Fusion in Solids", Fusion
Technology, Vol. 24, Nov. 1993, pp. 288-292.

Glueck. Peter 1993. "The Surfdyn Concept: An attempt to Solve the Puzzles of Cold
Fusion." Fusion Technology, Vol. 24. Aug. 1993 pp. 122-,126.

Copyright@ 1996 by Jamea J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Bailey


Gozzi, D. et a/. 1990. "Evidences for Associated Heat Generation and Nuclear
Products Release in Palladium Heavy-Water Electrolysis," II N7tol'o Cimento, Vol. I 03
A,No.I,Jan. 1990.pp.l43-151.

Gozzi, D . ez al. 1990. 11 Neutron and Tritium Evidence in the Electrolytic Reaction of
Deuterium on Palladium Electrodes," Fusion Technology, Vol. 21 , 1990, p. 60.

Haag, Arthur 1990. Personal discussions for Electrofusion, Inc. Houston , in Honolulu,
Hi, June 1990.

Hagelstein, Peter L. 1990. "Coherent Fusion Reaction Mechanism," Proc. lsz Annual
Conference on Cold Fusion. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 28-31, 1990, p. 99.

Iyengar. P.K. 1989. "Cold Fusion Results in BARC Experiments," Fifth Intern.
Conference Emer. Nuclear Energy Sys1em. , Karlsruhe, Germany, 1989.

Johnson, Keith 1994. "Jahn-Teller Symmetry Breaking and Hydrogen Energy in

Gamma-PdD 'Cold Fusion' as Storage of the 'Latent Heat' of Water," Transactions of
Fusion Technology. Vol. 26, Dec. 1994, pp 427-430

Jones, S.E., Palmer, E.P. ez a!. 1989. "Observation of Cold Nuclear Fusion in
Condensed Matter," in Nature, Vol. 338, April27, 1989, pp. 737-740.

King, Moray, 1989. Tapping the Zero-Point Energy, Paraclete Publishing Provo, Utah.

Kuhne, Reiner 1994. "The Possible Hot Nature of Cold Fusion," Fusion Technology.
Vol. 25, Mar. 1994.

Matsumoto, Takaaki 1993. "Observations of Meshlike Traces of Nuclear Emulsions

During Cold Fusion ," Fusion Technology. Vol. 23,Jan. 1993.

McKubre, Michael C.H. et a/., 1994. "An overview of Excess Heat Production in the
Deuterated Palladium System,"J994 Jnte;sociezy Energy Conversion Engineerlng
Conference, Aug. 1994. pp. 1478-1483.

Palibrods E. and Glueck, P. 1991. "Cold Nuclear Fusion in Tin Foils of Pd." Journal.
Radioanal. Nuc/. Chem. Letter, Vol. 154, 1994.

Pons. S. and Fleischmann, M. 1989. "Electrochemically Induced Nuclear Fusion of

Deuterium." Journal of Electroanal. Chemiszry. Vol. 261. 30 I, 1989.

Pons, S. and Fleischmann. M. " 1990. "Our Calorimetric Measurements of the Pd/S
Systems," First Conference on Cold Fusion, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 27, 1990.

Rabinowitz, Mario 1990. Physics Letters. Vol. 4, No.4. 1990, pp 233-246.

Rabinowitz, Mario 1990. "Cold Fusion: Myth Verses Reality," IEEE Power Engineering
Review,Jan.l990,pp. 16-17.

Rothwell, Jed 1996. "One Kilowatt Cold Fusion Reactor Demon~trated." Infinite
Energy: Cold Fusion and New Energy Technology. Jan. 1996.

Copyright@ 1996 by James J. Hurtak e11d Patrick G. Bailey


Sanchez, C. eta/., 19S9. "Nuclear Products Detection During Elec't~otysis Qf Heavy

Water with Ti and Pt Electrodes," S olid S tate Commun. Vol. 71, 1039, 1989. .

Silver, David et a/. 1993. "Surface Topology of a Palladium Cathode After Electrolysis
in Heavy Water." Fusion Technology, Vol. 24, Dec. 1993.

Storms, E. I 99 I. "Review of Experimental Observations About t:he Cold Fusion

Effect," Fusion Technology, Vol. 20, I 991.

Vaidya , S.N. 1993. "Comments on the Model for Coherent Deuteron-Deuteron Fusion
in Crystalline Pd-D Lattice," Fusion Technology, Vol. 24, Aug. 1993.

Copyright@ 1996 by James J. Hurtak and Patrick G. Bailey

.. '

. ,. .....

Patents numbers on the overrunity power generation and
All USA patents here are interesting as attempts ofrealisation of the over-unity idea. In
some patents there are notes about working cleviees. Patents on e1ectrogravity also are
connected with over-unity since powerful propulsion foree in this case can be created by means
ofsmall input power source.
I am sure that this lilt will be useful for any inventor. Mainly this list is based on
information from Newsletter of Institute for Nf:W Enq'J, USA.

3,913,004 of 14 Oct. 1975

4,975,608 of 4 Dec. 1990
4,622,510 of 11 Nov. 1986
4,006,401 of 1 Feb. 1977
4,595,843 of 17 June 1986
4,561. 407 of 28 Jan. 1986
3,368,141 of6Jan. 1968
3,890,548 of 17 June 1975
4,595,852 of 17 June 1986
4,831,299 ofl6 May 1989
4,249,096 of3 Febr. 1981
3,610,971 ofS Oct. 1971
4,897,592 of30 Jan. 1990
4,151,431 of24Apr. 1979
4,806,834 of21 Febr. 1989
3,374,376 of 19 Mar. 1968
4,709,323 of24 Nov. 1987
5,146,395 of8 Sent. 1992
4,210,859 ofl June 1980
4,500,827 of 19 Febr. 1985
4,904,926 of27 Febr. 1990
4,945,273 of31 July 1990
4,883,971 of28 Nov. 1989
5,018,180 of21 May 1991
4,652,771 of24 Mar. 1987
4,772,816 of20 Sept. 1988
4,748,311 of31 May 1988
4,835,433 of 1987
3,187,206 of 1 June 1965
3,022,430 of20 Febr. 1962
3,018,394 of23 Jan. 1962
2,949,550 of16 Aug. 1960
1,974,483 of2S Sept.1934


T.E. Bea.rden
February 18, 1996

Regauging and multivalued potentials (MVPs) occur widely in nature and may involve fields
tbat are neoconservative_ i.e., the free production of excess force fields. Yet conventional
electric and magnetic engines are designed with gauge frozen and utilizing conservative fields
and single-valued potentials. Self-induced change of potential, as by an MVP, can be utilized
to accomplish self-regauging of the engine's stored energy at a certain point or sector. ·This is
equivalent to free "refueling" of the engine, at each regauging position in its cycle, with excess
energy furnished from the vacuum. During regauging, the system is an open system receiving
excess energy from. a known external source; therefore a system ·utilizing regauging can
permissibly exhibit a COP> 1.0 without violating the laws of physics.
When Maxwell's equations are expressed in (A, +) form, two equations result in which A and
+are coupled and the variables are not separated. Electrodynamicists then arbitrarily regauge
these equations so that the variables are separated. Two simpler equations result, one of them
m·A and the other in +. These regauged Maxwell equations are then widely utilized in the
literature,' ·without further regauging. This practice has the added effect of curtalling and
cldsing Maxwell's EM model and the operation of any designed Maxwellian system to further
self-regauging. In short, it eliminates the system's permissible free collection of potential
e!iei:'gy from the external environment (i.e., the 'vacuum) and use of that energy to assist its
Yet engine designers ~ free to deliberately utilize self-regauging in their engines. in which
case free collection of excess energy from the vacuum is permitted and overunity engines
result. It is easiest to utilize fractional regauglng. where only a single potential is regauged
with respect to a single field _ so long as the accompanying change in the other field either (i)
does no work upo1;1 the system and is thus nullified. or (ii) reverses the back-emf or back-drag
forces that would otherwise reduce the energy of the system. In the latter case, the extra force
generated by fractional regauging is deliberately used to assist the system's operation rather
than hamper it.
Johnson has utilized an MVP in a patented nonlinear all-permanent-magnet stator gate with an
MVP region. The rotor is attracted in and meetS a regauging of the stator's magnetic scalar
potential! which for-cibly propels the rotor on through and out of the gate by means of a work-
free formation of an accelerating tangential H-field, providing a net propulsion gain in the gate.
The Takahashi and Kawai engines are two other examples of use of regauging, obtained in
different fashions. Kawai states figures for a 318% performance in his U.S. patent. This
range of overunity performance is readily achievable from a Kawai-type engine.
The Takahashi engine regauges once during each rot&ion to reverse the "back drag" force that
would normally occur in the transition sector, turning it into a propelling force instead. The
Kawai engine regauges 72 times in a single rotation, to eliminate the back drag forces that
would otherwise be experienced in those 72 sectors. The Johnson magnetic gate regauges the
stator once per gate for each passage of a rotor section. purely with nonlinear, patented
arrangements ofpermanent magnets.

Copyright @ 1996 by T.I!.Bearden


Recently three developments of note have become important in research for overunity
electromagnetic engines. These are (i) the Johnson magnetic propulsion gate, 1 (ii) the
Takahashi engine,2 and (iii) the Kawai engine.3 The overunity operation of the propulsion
mechanism for these devices has aroused considerable controversy among scientists and
engineers, who have begun to debate them with vigor. Yet none of the debating scientists and
engineers seem to have grasped the principles of operation that are employed by these devices
in order to permissibly achieve a coefficient of performance (COP) greater than unity.
Also, little of the debate so far has addressed the primary overunity issues as follows: (i) In
any overunity EM engine, some part of its operation must violate the conventional expression
of classical electromagnetics (CEM), since CEM prohibits overunity operation within its
'closed system' modeling description. (ii) Since the three engines being discussed all utilize
EM concepts and not exotic thermodynamic processes, then meticulous attention must be
focused upon the CEM model itself. The devices are experimentally verified; hence one must
re-examine the "closed system" EM theory with a view toward /tow the system is opened and
excess energy received from the vacuwn. (iii) The technical arguments against the devices all
resort to the use of conservative fields and single-valued potentials, when in fact it is well-
known that multivalued potentials and nonconservative fields easily arise, particularly in
magnetics where they are often the rule rather than the exception. But this immediately impels
us into gauge theory, and to the notion that in some fashion self-regauging- which can freely
change the potential (collected) EM energy of the system, must be induced in the engine. (iv)
None of the skeptics seem to realize thai the potentials, not the force fields, are already known
to be the primary causes of all EM phenomena. 4 Hence an overunity EM engine operationally
and a priori must vary fTom the conventional CEM interpretation which focuses only on the
force fields. Instead, one must focus attention upon the potentials as the primary mechanism
enabling the violation, of conventional CEM, and the free intake of excess energy from the

1Howard Johnson, "Y..agnetic Force Generating Method and Apparatus. • U.S. Patent No. 4,877,983,
Oct. 31, 1989. See also Howard R. Johnson, "Ma~etic Propulsion Sy~.em. • U.S. Patent No.
5,402,021. Mar. 28, 1995. Filed May 24, 1993. Johnson's first magnetic motor patent is Howard R.
Johnson, "Permanent Magnet Motor." U.S. Patent No. 4,151,431. Apr. 24, 1979. Johnson is
presently filing a new patent on his lengthy work with the multivalued potential in highly nonlinear
magnets, which resulted in his successful "self-regauging" magnetic stator gate that led to his first
embodiment patented in 1989.
2The United States Takahashi patents have apparently not yet issued, assuming they have been filed.
However, a popular press article may have provided sufficient operational detail to allow analysis of
the technical principle involved in a "magnetic Wankel" engine, of which the Tal-abashi engines are
believed to be variants. See David Scott, (1979) "Masnetic •Wankel" for electric cars. • Popular
Science, June 1979, p. 90-91. We have assumed this to be true, and have analyzed the engine
accordingly. Observing the Wankel design, it is apparent tbst very powerful magnets are necessary in
order to achieve well over unity coefficient of performance. Hence, it would seem, there was a real
need for Takahashi's development of probably the most powerful ceramic magnets in the world.
3See Teruo Kawai, "Motive Power Generating Device. • U.S. Patenl No. 5,436,518. Jul. 25, 1995.
Fil~ Jun. 17, 1993. Cites 24 U.S. patents aad two European patents. 16 claims, 19 drawing sheets.
Assigned to Nikon Riken Co., Ltd.
+rbis has been particularly well-known since Y. Aharonov and D. Bohm, "Significance of
Electromagnetic Potentials in the Quantum Theory," Pbysjcal Review. Second Series, 115(3), 1959, p.
48S-491. .

Copyright© 1996 by T.E.Bearden


vacuum in the self-regauging, for subsequent dissipation in loads. (v) Close attention to the
potentials in CEM theory reveals that the CEM in (A, 4l) form bas already been artificially
regauged by the electrodynamicists and modified to separate the variables for ease of
calculation. s This regauging has also frozen the gauge. Thus the "gauge-frozen" CEM has
arbitrarily become only a subset of the full CEM inherent in the (A, ~) form of Maxwell's
equations, before the A and cp variables are decoupled and where the CEM gauge is l1Ql frozen.
We proceed now to address these issues.6
Gauge Tramfonnations and Gauge Symmetry
A gauge transformation in electromagnetics is the addition of the gradient of some function of
space and time to the magnetic vector potential, and the addition of the negative of the partial
derivative of the same function with respect to time, divided by the speed of light, to the
electric scalar potential; this procedure gives different potentials but leaves the electric and
magnetic fields unchanged.7 Gauge symmetry is the abstract mathematical symmetry of a field
related to the freedom to re-gauge, or re-scale, certain quantities 'iri the theory (potentials)
without affecting the values of the observable field quantities. 8 A gauge theory is a field
theory based on the use of a field that possesses one 'Of more gauge syriun~ies. 9
• , ; l • ~ r "'-. , • ·"· ··: • , 1•
Electromagnettcs was the first gauge theory. · t
. f

We· extend this gauge theory to include the notion of fractional or partial gauge
transformation, where only one potential is deliberately altered, while the fi~ldf. ,may ~p~ge
but ··only. in' such: fashiott that they cannot perform hampering work on the syst~m. ~y· o~r
definition, the extra forces that are created are free, of course, to do assisting work on the
system, or they are free to add to and vectorially cancel or reverse some:particular back-emf or
back-drag force that is normally produced and that would hamper the system operation unless
nullified or reversed in action. Hereinafter we shall use the terms "regauging" and "self-
regauging" so as to automatically include fractional regauging.
The foregoing defmitio~ teli · us th~t in electromagnetics ·one can appropriately change
(regauge) the scalar potential ~ the magnetic vector potential, without changing the force
fields themselves in a hampermg fashion.• 0 Indeed, an engine can be so designed that it

S5ee J.D. Jackson,. Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd Edn., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975, p. 220-
223. . .. .
6A series of articles by the author,
on ovenmity processes and cLovices, has also been published in The
Virtual Times, Internet node WWW.HSV.COM. E.g., S2e I.E. Beard~, "The Master Print?iple of
EM Ovenmity and the Japanese Ovenmity engines: A New Pearl Harbor?" The Vjrtual Times, Jan.
7Daniel N. ~. Ed., Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New
York, 1978 p, 655.
8Paul Davies, Ed., The New Physics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1989, p.
9Ibid., p. 497.
10Note that we do allow the force fields to change in a helpful fashion. For such fractional regauging
purposes, in electrical circuits it is better to replace the (A, t) rq>resentation of Maxwell's equations by
a representation using two scalar potentials only, as shown by Whittaker, Debye, and Nisbet. See E. I.
Whittaker, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Series 2, Vol. 1, 1904, p. 367-372; P. Debye, Ann. Pbvs.•
~. Vol. 30, 1909, p. 57; A. Nisbet, Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. A-231, 1955, p. 250. All the EM

Copyright@ 1996 by T.E.Bearden


performs the regauging function automatically, and it creates new force fields that help the
operation of ,the system. In other words, change of the potentials and any concomitant
appearance of one or more helpful extra force fields can be accomplished "work free," by the
engine itself, as part of its normal operation. The helpful "extra fields" produced are free to
perform work to increase the energy of the system, via our definition. By such deliberate self-
regauging, the system can operationally increase its collected potential energy by design,
without any outside work being performed upon that system in the usual sense. 11 By
continually self-regauging to freely increase its energy, the system will continually and freely
"refuel" jtsel{ by ~ntinually receiving and storing an influx of excess EM energy directly frpm
the surrounding vacuum. A priori this system is now capable of COP>'l.O.
We accent that increasing the potential of a system, or allowing a "freely appearing" force to
do work upon the system to increase its energy, or both, automatically change the stored
(potential) energy of the system. If at least one of the altered potentials in a regauged system is
increased, that "recharged" part of the system can take on and store excess energy, without
involving the force fields E and B. Or if an excess E or B field is produced and does work to
increase the system's energy, this also results in stored excess energy. The excess stored
energy resulting from the regauging can then be judiciously discharged to power the load, so
that the system "regauges" back to its starting or initial condition, powering the load in the
process. Thereupo~ the system must be "regauged" once again in the "charging" mode, to
accept and store some additional excess energy. And so on.
Regauging the potential(s) of the system can be compared to refueling an automobile, except
that electromagnetic potential self-regauging can occur "for free" if the system designer
deliberately deSigns the system to do it.

fields of classical electromagnetics can be replaced by scalar poteDtial interferometry of two potentials
(Whittaker, 1904, ibid.).
11We most strongly stress that it does not require work to simply flow or change potential only. What
requires work is to dissipate some collected potential in a region or a load. It does not require work to
collect ~tial energy in the form of excess onto the Slepian vector j ' utilized in ordinary circuits to
transport excess energy to the loads. To dissipllle the excess~ from that •overpotentializ.ed" j~- as in
a resistor, where the excess collected ' is dissipated as scattered photons (beat? - is •of C?..,~rse
"performing work:. • The author and his colleagues have filed several patent applications for devices
and processes utilizing a different method of regauging (freely altering the potentials and potential
energy in a system). In our circuits, the cunent dq/dt is blocked by speci&l means in an otherwise
conducting medium, so that the Poynting field energy flow S = ExH, the emf, and massless
displacement current ~/dt flow across the blocking section or "bridge" between two isolated current
loops. The transmitting loop is a sourcing loop, optimized for production of voltage with only very
little current dq/dt. The receiving loop receives and stores the inflow of Poynting energy, emf, and t
from the sourcing circuit, collecting and storing it upon charges q as q~. In other words, voltage, emf,
and excess EM energy are bridged to the receiving loop without utilizing the Slepian vector j,. The
receiving loop is conductive and unblocked, so dq/dt is me to flow, with j' transporting the excess
energy to the load where it is dissipated to power the load. This operation powers the load in noimal
fashion, without any load current passing back through the primary source's back emf to dissipate the
dipolarity of the source. The bridging section is also a room temperature superconductive section S = ExH as energy transport rather than j~. These p~ are just now being encountered
in the furious research ongoing on quantum dots; however, our patent applications on the pro<:esses
have already been in place for some time.

Copyright@ 1996 by T.E.Bearden

Obviously, then: self-regauging its potential(s) is one of the master principles of an overunity
electromagnetic device or engine. Gauge theory is widely utilized in particle physics,
accounting for the Standard Theory by which aU other competing theories are judged. 12
The Technical Basis of Regauging Maxwell's Equations
For regauging considerations, we are speaking of regauging the Poynting energy flow in a
circuit.l3 This means that the energy is in field energy (E-field and B-field) form, either
overtly or "infolded" inside the corresponding scalar potentials, 14 or both. Consequently, we
must utilize Maxwell's equations of electromagnetics, as we would for radiant energy, rather
than just the j~ analysis conventionally utilized for circuits where the collected energy is being
sluggishly transported by the Slepian vector Jc11. 1s We show in this appendix that regauging
allows permissible overunity operation of electromagnetic engines and devices.I 6
Jacksont7 shows that Max~ell's four equations for the vacuum form can first be reduced to a
set of two coupled equations _in the A & <%> representation as follows:

ri" .,·- I I

12A iood technical summary article of gauge theories is John Taylor, "Gauge theori~ in particle
physics, • in Paul Davies, Ed., The New Physics, p. 45~-480.
13Whenever a ~tential, gradien~ is ~lied to a bipola,r circuit, a Poynting vector' S flow of field energy
density then flows along the potentialized conductor and a "reference• level of S flows along the
•ground" side. conductor. See John D. Krauss, Electromagnetics, Fourth Edn., McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1992, Figure 12-60, a and b, p. 578 for good diagrams of the Poynting power flow in a simple
circuit containing a battery and a resistor. As do all electrodynamicists, ·however, Krauss errs in
showing , the flow as originating in the battery and ending in the resistor. In fact the energy flow
originates in the vacuum.surrounding and permeating the battery, converges into the battery dipolarity,
flows out through both terminals and along both feeder lines to the resistor, thim scattered 6ac1c to the.
vacuum from the resistor. Some of the flow is also scattered back -to lhe vacuum from the iiitemal' '
resistance of the battery itself. The Poyntici S-flow is outside the conductors, as is well-known, and it
is in the form of field energy flow, viaS = ExH, where the conductors act as •guides• or •railroad
tracks" for S. ~
14See E.T. Whittalcer, •0n the Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Phy~cs, • Mathematische
Annalen, Vol. 51, 1903, p. 333-355. Whittaker mathematically decomposes the scalar potential into a
bidirectional series of EM wave pairs in a harmooic sequence. Each wavepair consists of the wave and
its phase conjugate. Thus any 6' (as across the terminals of a dipolar electrical power source) a priori
involves an ordered, hidden, bidirectional EM wave flow. I.e., 6' idemically is such a hidden
bidirectional EM energy flow.
15It can be shown that normal electrical circuits collect as and utilize to power the loads and losses,
only about 10-13 of the actual Poynting energy flowS= ExH that they evoke.
16Regauging collects just a tiny bit more of the mging S-flow that is flowing outside the conductors.
E.g., if the self-regauging EM engine collects as J+ some to-11 of the S-flow instead of the more usual
1o-13 , it has a COP=lO. And so on.
17J.D. Jackson, Classical EJectrociypamics. 2nd Edn., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975, p. 220-223.

Copyright@ 1996 by T.B.Bearden


1 8 2A 1 8<1> 4p
V 2 A-----V(V•A+--)=--J
2 2
c 81 c 8t c
The result is two Maxwell equations rather than four. Jackson shows that potentials A and <l>
in these two equations are arbitrary in a specific sense, since the A vector can be replaced with
A' = A + VA, where A is a scalar function and VA is its gradient. The B field is given by
B = VxA, so that the new B' field becomes
B' = Vx(A + VA) = VxA + 0 = VxA = B [3]
In other words, the B field has remained entirely unchanged, even though the magnetic vector
potential has been changed. However, if no other change were made, then the electric field E
would have still been changed because of the gradient VA. To prevent this &-field from
forming, the scalar potential must be simultaneously regauged (transformed) so as to offset its
change due to the regauging of equation [ 1]. In short, we must also change ¢1 to <l>', where

cl>'= cl>-.!_ 8A [4]

With that additional change, now both the E and B fields remain unchanged, even though both
potentials have changed and the fundamental stored energy of the system has changed.
Unchanged force fields just mean that only force-free potentials have been utilized to effect the
change in potential energy, in a work-free fashion. I.e., none of the force fields translated
mass in the process. ·
Jackson points out that, conventionally, a set of potentials (A, <l>) is habitually and arbitrarily
chosen by the electrodynamicists such that

1 /7(1)
V•A+--=0 [5]
c 81
This regauging operation successfully separates the variables, so that two inhomogeneous wave
equations result to yield Maxwell's equations as follows:



- /
Thus the two previously coupled Maxwell equations [1] and [2] (potential form) have been
changed to the form given by equations [6] and [7], to leave two much simpler inhomogeneous
wave equations, one for <I> and one for A.

Copyright© 1996 by T.E.&..srden


Of course this arbitrary regauging is quite useful for purposes of simplifying the theory and for
easing calculations, but its unquestioning and ra~ec universal usage has arbitrarily eliminated
the freedom of the system designer to regauge the system's potentials, without changing the
force fields, and thereby change the stored energy in the system without requiring work to be
done upon the system to do regauging. So we advance the denial of this "frozen gauge"
process as

V•A+--~0 [8)
c 81
This has now become the primary first principle of self-regauging overunity electromagnetic
engines and devices! . That is, we are now free to regauge in a nonconservative field manner,
where excess fields appear automatically, merely from the regauging in the system. All that
remains is for the designer to (i) evoke "nonconservative" regauging in accord with equation
[8]; (ii) have the engine assembly itself perform this nonconservative regauging in some sector
or part of its normal operation, (3) insure that any "free force" that is produced can do some
PQSitive work upon the system, so as to increase its collected energy, or (4) insure that the
:fr~~ fot:ces that are otherwise produced do not degrade the system (reduceJts energy)., :I!Je~e
fpur cansiderations we noW advance as the primary Or master principles of Ol{erumzy selj- electrical engines and devices. ·,
For simplicity, the system designer may wish to regauge only one potential, produciiig -b'"lS
desired force F 1 to wor~ on the system and increase the ~tore<t energy thereof, while allowing
an additional extnineous force F1 to appear, but just "bottle up" that additional force F 2. where
it either helps him do work on the system to increase its energy, or wh~re it casm.ot do any
work at ~ron the system and therefore cannot harm the system's 'operation. A most uset\11
self-r~~auging corgllary that immediately suggests itself is to siinply regac~e·that'op~ration that
normally pr~u~es the back-d,t:ag ·in an engine or device, to either eliminate the b~ck-drag
altog~er or reverse ,.its algebraic sign so that it becomes an assisting force instead or'a
hamperi'!g ~orce.1s
.. . I .
· ·
In short, the electrQdynamicists have simply assumed away the capability of work-free
"refueling" of an electromagnetic system, because they have deliberately designed their systems
not to evoke and positively utilize their own selj-regauging. Thereby electrodynamicists have
narrowed the Maxwellian EM gauge theory model to an artificially closed subsystem of
equations that utilize a single fixed gauge, which prohibits the free opening of the system and
free receipt of excess vacuum potential energy. Maxwell's eqUtllions themselves do not require
this, and they do allow regauging in many ways, including opening the system and freely
receiving excess potential energy from the surrounding environment (the surrounding vacuum).
Simply by arbitrary habit, electrodynamicists have discarded the major EM overuoity
mechanism: Regauging without requiring external work be done on the system, in order to
freely gather in and collect excess potential energy in the system, whereupon that excess
collec_ted/stored energy can then be used to freely power loads. They have also discarded the
major overuoity corollary of regauging so that the normal back-drag or back-emf work done

18r'hus the long and tedious effort of my colleagues and I to regauge a circuit's potential difference
($(?urce voltage) without allowing load current to pass back through primary power source and do work
inside it to destroy its dipolarity. •

Copyright© 1996_by T.E.Bearden

upon the system to reduce its ener;,;ry becomes beneficirJ work done in the opposite sense, to
freely increase the energy of the sys-cem.
All that is required for "self-powering" EM engines directly powered by the vacuum, is that
(1) the engine self-regauge to produce COP > 1.0, and (2) positive feedback (from the output)
of 1.0 be utilized to its input, in a clamped and controlled fash ion. The feedback can easily be
designed and applied, once the fundamental engine is designed for self-regauging and overunity
efficiency. The excess (COP - 1.0) can then be utilized to power loads, while the engine
"powers itself."
The blunt truth is that overunity via such work-free regauging has been in the basic
Heaviside/Maxwell equations for a century, and the electrodynamicists have just conveniently
and arbitrarily assumed it away by limiting the theory to prevent regauging the potentials.
Let us now look at three specific engines which use regauging for overunity operation.
All Three Engines Use Regauging of M2gnetic Scalar Potential
All three devices freely regauge (recharge or discharge. as required) the magnetic scalar
potential energy of the device in a selected regauging sector .19 ,zo Johnson uses a multivalued
magnetic scalar potential to accomplish this regauging completely by means of a nonlinear
permanent magnet rotor and nonlinear permanent magnet stator, without any electrical input.
Takahashi and Kawai both use external electrical input to create or alter a magnetic scalar
potential in the regauging section.
Conservative and Nonconservative Fields and Multivalued Potential (MVP)
Normal engine designers work with conservative fields, which require single-valued potentials.
(See Figure 1.). They consider regauging operations, as well as the multivalued potential
(MVP), to be nuisances, since regauging may immediately involve nonconservative
electromagnetic fields (see Figure 2.). Most of the favored "engine d~ign" laws and trusted
circuit laws "blow up" during regauging, whether by electrical ~jection or the MVP region.
So electrical power engineers just design conventional ek-ctromagnetic engines to avoid the
MVP or eliminate it. On the other haild, if one deliberately evokes and properly uses the free
"jump" of stored potential energy that occurs in an MVP-containing sector of an engine, a

19Note that, in my previous article "Free Energy: The Final Secret, • Explore, 4(3/4), 1993, p. 112-126,
the shuttling of pure potential between isolated current loops is actually a work-free regauging of the
potential energy of the receiving current loop. E lectrical power do not furnish a single electron
to a circuit; instead, the conduction ele.::ttons come from the conductive materials ·of the circuit (e.g.,
from the copper i.n the wiring). Hence electrical power sources cannot furnish current per se. What
they do furnish is (i) Poynting energy flow S = ExH, (ii) potential q,, which flows as massless
displacement current dq,/dt, and {iii) emf, which is simply the dipolar potential difference of the
conductors. Specifically, all that an electrical power soun:e does is regauge its external circuit.
20All electrical scurces are already .free energy sources. A st1urr.e will furnish energy flow (i.e.,
Poynting S-flow) indefinitely, so long as part of it<> energy flow that is collected in the exterior circuit
is not utilized to drive the spent (depotentializtxl) electrons back through the source's back emf, thereby
performing work inside the source to destroy its bipolar separation of charges. Ironically, we have
never built anything but free energy soorces; we simply have been trained to use them in self-mutilating

Copyrigbt © 19% by T.B.:&-..arden


standard gauge-theoretic analysis will show that one can legitimately have overunity coefficient
of performance from that engine. (See Figure 3.). I first pointed this out in 1980.21
Multivalued Potential (MVP) Frequently <kcurs In Nature
The multivalued potential occurs widely in nature, 22 and particularly in magnetics. In fact, it
is quite often the rule rather than the exception. Still, the MVP is usually ignored by
conventional engine designers, and many electrical engineers have hardly heard of it. Change
of gauge (regauging)23 of the magnetic potential changes only the magnetic potential; the force
fields themselves need not be changed in any detrimental fashion.
It is easiest to alter a magnetic scalar potential on a rotary ele<.'tromagnetic engine by simply
energizing a coil. If the coil is oriented radially, its associated B-field will not perform radial
work on the rotor. Any tangential B-field resulting from creation of the magnetic scalar
potential .will either be (i) rotor-accelerating, or (ii) rotor.decelerating. Obviously one either
wants the change (regauging) of the magnetic scalar potential to either (iii) accelerate the rotor,
or (iv) zero out the back-drag that otherwise decelerates the rotor. So one will adjust the
polarity and strength of the magnetic scalar potential created by the radial coil accordingly ..
-for those unfamiliar with modem gauge theory, we point out that this discussion is completely
~nsistent with Maxwell's equations, which formed the first true gauge theory. It is simply a
matter of preference IJy the electrodynamicists, e.g., that the .indefmite potentials in the
~wellian equations in potential fonn are manipulated to freeze the gauge. By use of an
h;fVP r~gion and/or other self-regauging region in an engin~, however, ·the ·system designer
may cause the system to freely collect energy from the vacuum and utilize it for COP> 1.0.
Regauging is Work-Free, and Can Produce Additional Orthogonal Fields
Work requires the translation of a force through a distance. Since the regauging change occurs
only in ihe potentials, the change in the force fields already present can be zero. Even with
fractional regauging, the extra (orce field created may be so lqcated that no work can be done
.... . . ...

21Tom Bearden, "A Difect 'Free Energy'. Method, • Astron Corporation, 1980. Internal private personal
paper at·the time, but long since umestrlcted. Quite simply. very little atteation. WaS paid 'to it.
22E.g., see Z. Badics,, "T~ient ~dy current field o( cUrrent forted thit.cWiimensional eonductors,"
·IEEE Transactions 6~ ''1~gneticr, 28(2), Mar. 1992; p. 1232-1234; P. Hammond ana I. Penman,
ot:Calculatj,cin of inductance and capacitance by tne9.ns of dual energy principles, • lEE Proceedings,
123(6):; 1976, p. 554-55'9;' P. Hammond ariil T.J?. Ssiboukis, "Dual finite-element calculations for
static electric and magnetic fields, • lEE Proceedings A, 13Q,(3), 1983, p. 105-111; J.N. Murrell and S.
Carter, • Approximate single-valued re~resenfations of multivalued potential energy surfaces, • Journal
of Physical Chemistry, 88(21), Oct. 11, 1984, p. 4887-4891; and Yongzhong Huo, • A classification of
thermodynamical potentials for two-variable transition aystems1 • Meccanica [Netherlands}, 30(5), Oct.
1995, p. 475-494.
23 we painfully stress that regauging an electrical system can be as simple ~ obtaining a sudden jump in
voltage, without concomitant increase in dq/dt. Magnetically, regauging 2ppears as a sudden change in
pole strength, or polarity, or both. If the regauging is deliberately arranged to result in a higher
magnitude of magnetic scalar potential being "suddenly injected• into the regauging sector of a
magnetic device, then that system has been momentarily "opened• thermodynamically and an additional
amount of stored potential energy has •magically• appeared in the system, directly from the
SUXTO~ding v~tcuum, and this energy has been or can be stored on magnetic poles in that regauging

Copyright@ 1996 by T.E.Bcarden


by it upon the system.24 Thus rigomusiy it does not require extra work to regauge the system.
However, the regauging is free to create any number of additional force fields at right angles to
those already present before the regauging, depending upon the relationships between the
regauged potential and various potentials in adjacent locations at right angies nearby. Let us
examine that more closely in Figure 4.
Rigorously, W =I F•ds. That is, work is done by' a translating force only along the direction
of translation. Ancillary force field B 2, formed at a right angle to the radial force field B 1 in
stator coil A, can do tangential work on rotor C without any additional "drain" or effect upon
the radial coil other than the normal drain utilized to form the primary B 1 field. Simply put,
radial forces do not perform work at right angles (tangentially) to their direction. However, at
the fixed stator point S1 where radial magnetic force B 1 exists, a magnetic scalar potential <l> 1
also exists. At the nextmost tangential stator position S2 , a scalar potential <l>2 exists. If
<l>c<l>2 * 0, then a tangential magnetic field ~ exists between S1 and S2 • By adjusting the
strength and polarity of <f> 1, magnetic field~ can be made to assist the rotation of rotor C, in
what would otherwise be a "b<4ck drag" or decelerating sector. In short, the tangential back-
drag force normally existing between <l>c-<1>2 in the normally-decelerating sector can be
reversed and made to accelerate the rotor C in that s~illr, without requiring excess work in
stator coil A or in stator electromagnet assembly P when the strength and polarity of <f>1 are
regauged. In short, one can regauge in the normal back-drag region of the rotation, and
reverse what would normally be back-drag into positive acceleration.
Both Johnson and Takahashi do this in their engines. Johnson regauges via a complex
assembly of stator magnets [see Figure 5] that provides an MVP. Takahashi [~ee Figure 6]
regauges by utilizing a radial coil with a weak current through it, where the current is sharply
broken by ignition points to provide a "nearly free," momentarily high magnetic scalar
potential and thereby perform the regauging nearly "for free."
Regauging is Free Electrical or Magnetic. "Refueling"
Regauging a sector of a rotary electromagnetic engine is just like refueling a car by putting gas
in its gas tank: During the regauging operation, the system \s an "open" system receiving an
injection of excess potential (stored) energy from the surrounding vacuum - except in the
electromagnetic case the refueling is free. [See Figure 31~ The excess stored energy injected
into the system from the "refueling" jump due to regauging, can then be dissipated in the load
during the remainder of the rotary cycle - just as a ref.1eled automobile can dissipate its
additional fuel energy in powering the car, until it is time for refueling again.
By using one or both of these two master principles [(i) regauging the potential energy of the
system, and (ii) use of a multivalued potential for regaugingl, electromagnetic engines can
permissibly exhibit COP> 1.0, without any violation of the laws of physics, thermodynamics,
Maxwell's equations, or advanced electrodynamics. And a totally~permanent-magnet motor
·can power itself and its load.

2 4Note that to creale this extra force does not requ~ work during tho regauging operation. After the
extra fon:o is created by regauging, then the force may act upon tho system or not act upon the system,
according to how the designer has arranged for it to appear. Even when the force is used to
beneficially do work upon the system to increase the system's energy, that work occurs after the work·
free creation of the force by the regauging. As is well-known in foundations of qwmtum mechanics,
forces are not primary causes of EM phenomena, but are secondary effects produced in and on the
charged particles of the system. See Aharonov and Bohm, 1959, ibid.

Copyright© 1996 by T.F..'Bearden


The Johnson Force-Producing Magnetic Gate

Figure 5 diagrammatically illustrates the operation of the force-producing magnetic gate in
Johnson's permanent magnet motor. As Johnson has shown, by using a multivalued potential
in his gates, a rotor magnet is attracted into a highly nonlinear stator gate region where the
MVP is located. When it enters the MVP, the rotor encounters a dramatic jump in stator's
magnetic scalar potential with a change of polarity. J.n tum, this produces a sudden
accelerating tangential force in the region which would otherwise have been the back-drag
region. This accelerating force propels and accelerates the rotor magnet on through the gate
and out of it.
Rigorous force meter measurements taken at 0.01 second intervals prove that this occurs as the
rotor passes through Johnson's gate. A representative plot of such force meter measurements
is shown as the dotted line in Figure 3.
Johnson thus uses a highly nonlinear magnet as:sembly of special design to create an MVP in
his gate. The MVP produces a "magnetic potential jump" and a reversal of .the (otherwise)
exiting back-drag on the rotor. In short, Johnson causes the system to be. automatically
"refueled" in the regaugin,g sector; so that it can continue to rotate and p<>wer a load. ·
T,he Takahashi Engine
Figure 6 diagrammatically shows the scheme of operation of the Takahashi engine. Here a set
of permanent magnets, each at an angle to the various radial Jines of the device, comprises a
slightly ~iderung spiral stator that is "almost" circular but not quite. A circular rotor with a
sector magnet is mounted inside this spiral stator. An end gap exists in the stator as shown, so
that the stator ·is not a completely closed ring. The direction of rotation for the rotor is
clockwise as shown. · For demonstration of the principle, the beginning air gap is 0.1 mm and
the ending air gap is 5 m.m.
A permanent magnet is mounted along the perimeter of an zng-.llar sector of the rotor. It is
magnetized, say, with the north pole facing radially outwards, and the south pole facing
radially inside. In the 'stator, the pe~ent magnet north poles are facing radially in toward
the rotor, but at an angle, and the south poles are facing radially outside but at an angle.
Thus tangentially the north pole of the rotor is in a nonlinear magnetic field, and it will
experience a clockwise force and acceleration from position 1 (where ll:te air gap is the
minimum) to position 2 (where the air gap reaches ·maximum). · ·" · '' · , .
If this were all there was to it, the Takahashi motor would not be overu.nity because the
tangential field is conservative. When the rotor crossed the end gap in th'e~tator betw.een point
2 and point 1, very sha1-p and dynamic braking work would be done back upon the rotor
magnet by the field of the ~tatQr ,magnets at point 1. This braking work would precisely equal
the amount of dynamic acceleration work that was done in accelerating the rotor magnet from
position 1 to position 2, in accordance with a distortion of Figure 1. For an absolutely
frictionless machine with no losses, the coefficient of performance (COP) would be l.O. Since
any real machine will have at least some friction and drag, the actual COP would be less than
1.0. .
Let us now utilize the notion of the magnetostati<: scalar potential to examine a new situation in
the end gap.
Technically, let us regard a single unit nort.h pole in the rotor, going from position 1 to
position 2 (the acceleration cycle, where the engine wilt deliver shaft horsepower against a

Copyright@ 1996 by T.B.Bearden


load), and then from position 2 to position 1 (where the magnetostatic scalar potential must be
regauged to equal or exceed the potential at position 1, in order for the rotor to continue
unabated or even further accelerate. I.e., in the separation gap, a regauging operation must be
done so that the "stator to inner" potential is increased equal to or exceeding the •stator to
inner" potential of position 1.
In normal machines, the regauging part of the cycle is conventionally where the design
engineer forcibly inputs energy from outside the system to do brute physical work on the
machine to forcibly wrestle its energy storage back to initial conditions. In the past engineers
have automatically assumed COP< 1.0 without exception, since their forcible RESET work
was always equal to the maximum theoretical energy output to the load during the motor part
of the cycle from point 1 to point 2, plus any losses in the "wrestling" process and in ithe
machine itself.
So we simply must perform the regauging or RESET of the system's energy storage, without
performing tangential "back-drag" work on the rotor. In other words, we must refuse to
engage in the conventional "wrestling match. .. For that purpose, an electromagnet is utilized to
fill the end gap in the stator, arranged so that when it is activated its north pole will face
radially inward. A small current activates the coil weakly, through a distributor with breaker
points. At the proper timing (i.e., when the rotor is directly opposite the electromagnet
polepiece, a set of ignition points is sharply broken in the circuit with the coil of the
electromagnet. Momentarily, a very high potential will appear at the end of the coil as the
collapsing field is highly amplified and trying to sustain the previous current in its previous
direction. The end result is the formation of a strong magnetostatic scalar potential (pole), of
north polarity, on the stator polepiece facing the rotor. Note that no radial work can be done
on either the stator polepiece or the rotor by this high potential, because they cannot move
The potential in the end gap is now higher than the potential at position one. Consequently a
clockwise tangential force field exists between the end gap potential and the lower potential: at
position one. This force cannot do "back-drag" work on the f1Xed stator. It cannot oppose the
radial B-field, because it is orthogonal to it. An assisting clockwise tangential force therefore
appears upon the rotor. and the rotor is accelerated and •boosted" out of the stator gap and
back past point 1. At that point the electromagnet has lost its potential, but the engine has now
beea regauged and again is in the clockwise acceleration field of the rotoNtator perman~nt
In short, the rotor perceived the sudden change of magnetostatic scalar potential from the
electromagnet in the stator gap as a pseudo-MVP, and the system received a sharp influx of
potential energy, without work except fer that lost in the electromagnet circuitry. Since that
loss can be made quite nominal by conventional electronic practices, the engine permissibly
provides COP> 1.0. It can therefore be rigged to power itself and a load simultaneously.
Placed in an electric vehicle with necessary switching circuitry and ancillary equipment, a
properly designed Takahashi engine and its derivatives should be capable of staiting froiD a
single ordinary battery, then powering the vehicle agilely, powering the accessories, and
recharging its own battery - all three simultaneously.

Copyright© 1996 by T.E.Bearden

The Kawai Engine
Figure 7 shows eight snapshots of the rotor advance of a typical Kawai engine, taken from
Kawai's patent.25 This is one end rotor/stator side of a two rotor device, where a similar
rotor/stator device is on the other end of the central shaft 11. In Figure 7 A, polepiece 14 has
three outward teeth 14b dispersed equally around the circumference, alternated with three
notches. An end magnet 13 provides the source of flux passing through the polepiece. With
the electromagnets de-energized, their core materials 16c, 16d, 16g, 16b, and 16k, 161 are
shown shaded, by flux from central magnet 13 outwards through teeth 14b.
In Figure 7B, electromagnets 16a, 16e, and 16d are energized. The shaded area shows the
sharp convergence of the flux from magnet 13 through polepiece 14 and the edge of teeth 14b.
Since the electromagnets are magnetized in attracting mode, the rotor will experience a torque
tending to widen the flux path from magnet 13 to the activated electromagnets. Thus a
clockwise torque exists on the rotor, and it will start to rotate clockwise.26 Note also that each
electromagnet is operating independently of the other two.
As shown in Figure 7C, 7D, 7E, and 7F the rotation of the rotor continues clockwise,
widening the connecting flux path to the three activated electromagnets. During this time the
torque on the rotor is clockwise.
In Figure 7G, the flux path to the activated electromagnets is fully widened. Also, the leading
edges of the three teeth are just beginning to enter the domains of the next electromagnets 16j,
16b, and 16f. This is getting symmetrical to the original position shown in Figure 7B.
Consequently, the electromagnets 16i, 16a. and 16e are deactivated, and electromagnets 16j,
• 16b, and 16f are activated. Symmetrically, this regauges and resets the engine back to the
original starting position in Figure 7B. The action eycle begins anew. As can be seen, in each
complete rotation of the shaft, each of the three teeth of the rotor will be regauged 12 times.
So 36 total regaugings/resettings/refuelings are utilized per shaft rotation.
In each stator coil, at energization a tooth is just entering that coil. Energized in attractive
mode with respect to the ring magnet around the shaft, the flux in the polepiecc "jumps" from
fully widened flux (and small or vanishing radial torque on the rotor) to angled and narrowed
flux (with full radial clockwise torque on the rotc-). As previously explained, the narrowed
flux and its angle exert a clockwise accelerating tangential component of force upon the rotor.
Each coil is de-energized prior to beginning to exert radial back emf (which it would do if it
remained energized as the trailing edge crossed it and again narrowed the flux path). So the
Kawai engine uses normal magnetic attraction to accelerate the rotor for a small distance, then
regauges to zero attraction to eliminate the back-drag portion of the attractive field. It
regauges to zero as the "RESET" condition.
For appreciable power and smoothness, the Kawai engine _..;S an extensive number of
regaugings per axle rotation, being 36 times on each end, or a total of 72 for the two ends.
The forcefield of each coil, accompanying its increased magnetostatic scalar potential, is
oriented radially inward, so that radial work cannot be done by the coil on the rotor because
the rotor does not translate radially. Advantage is taken of the initial clockwise acceleration

25Teruo Kawai, "Motive Power Generating Device," U.S. Patent No. 5,436,518, July 25, 1995. Filed
June 17, 1993. 16 c~aims, 19 drawing sheets.
16Note that the patent contains an error, stating at first that the torque and rotation are counterclockwise,
then showing it moving correctly clockwise from figure to figure in the series.

Copyright@ 1996 by T.E.Bearden

force initially produced, a"d ,·:;· ~~-lg~;,g ,~.. r(:ir.~~~ ~l:.e t;:::!;::•~~; ,.-h)-J:wis~ "rl~~elerating" drag
that would be produced without Lh:: ;;eijl:!.uL:.;~sz
The major benefits of the Kaw:ll ;;o.r.HJJlgezr>cn:: are ~ci '~) a ~~"&e ;·umb~r of regaugings occurs
for a single rotation of the rc~oh ~-~~m))ly, cr.a'tlmg i~!gh iiQWercto.-weight ratio, (ii) ·each
electromagnet is energized olliy wh~.:1 poshivflJ oontrk-\>.tir.:~ w roe clockwise torque that
drives the rotor, and (iii) each evil is de-ene"gizoo to regat.l~P the system during those periods
when the coil would otherwise create back-<lrag (counterclockwise torque) if it remained
So the Kawai engine delivers what it a~.v.-rtisss: It dr.~.·,,:.t:creiy reduces or eliminates the
nback drag" fields of the stator el~trt.m:i:.~gnets, because there ~re !10 hack-drag fields activated
in the electromagnets during the hack-drag sel~tors, A e<~~~l:"'"rr.ive field cycle is one in which
the back-drag is equal to the fur,qt~.wi ~JOOst. EH:nh,~ting \l1':'; tJ.,}<-"Jrag portion of the cycle is a
form· of regauging, and make-; ell~ net fle).d highly ooncon:;;;,;·v.ative. Note that again it was
accomplished by a change in tb.e OOi<gnP...t-osta~ic ~cal~r pot~ntb~, which was reset to z:ero by the
de-energizing coil during !'h~ back-drag porth:m Df ~ o~.h:;I:-:;ise conservative cycle. The Kawai
engine therefore uses regauging i\itd r..or<OOilSfXVsbl.!e fl:::i~..j ;.., order to legitimately aChieve
overunity operation.
Because of the numerous reg:mg-ir2gs and bact:.: drag eHwJnat!on, tb:s engine defl.Ditely can
provide a COP> 1.0. Placed m an ele...."tric vehi~le with nece..~ary switching circuitry and
ancillary equipment, a properly de:;ign.oo K(lWY.i engbu: ~m~ lts ~~edvatives should be capable of
starting from a single ordinaz;-· b:;.ttery ~ then r;o•:~ering the vehicle agilely. powering the
accessories, and recharging its own battery - all three sim\;tt.meous!y. And it complies with
all the laws of physics and thermodynamics.
Cs~i.i! U,M;.p (fv!;~f-P;I}werlSlg) 0['2;.~.-~~~un

Both the Kawai and .Takahashi c;ngines requir~ input pow<':!, ~ le.ast in the configurations
shown to date. However, both engines are t.e<:!mically ~;4Ipable of overunity - e.g., in his
patent Kawai quotes perfonnance measurements IDdiC?..ting ll8% efficiency. Obviously, such
a system can be close-looped by 6."nply hOQkwg it to a gem~r:--®r, and using positive feedback
of a portion of the generator (Ji.ltpu~ to run th..~ e!lghle while YJ.Sing the remainder of. the output
to power a load .
The Johnson engine is inher.ently already self-powering, since it requires no external power
input in the conventional fashion. One accents, of cmlrse, that L'l ally such self-powered
engine, there is indeed a continual input of pq·~·er from the v;;cuum. in the violent virtual
photon exchange with the particles and atoms oomprising th~ magn~s. A magnet simply acts
as a gate in that energy excha..'lge, as indeed dGat; the bipol~.ri~y of an electrical power source.

Presently the three inventors m~ntioned have 'tJevelcped pro~<.!:;:pe engines which (1) 'produce
COP> 1.0, and (2) apply a multivalued pot~ntial, or self-:-c.-gr>uging, or b>.Jth. The Johnson
engine is already self-powering. Both the Takahashi .and Kawai engines are rez.dily convertible
to self-powering embodiments. It would appear that these: e!lfl'Wes should now move into full
development for introdu'-'1ion upot. ~he world mar!:et, t.~ usher in a new age of cheap clean
energy for everyone.


Copyright@ 19% 'Jy T.E.~d:::n

A Note: The vertical distance above the
horizontal represents the
¢ magnitude of the scalar potential
,;;;.~P!a--/ at the point where the vertical
line is taken.
.........~ 8
\ \
,, .
"\'.., "' ' , .,.._-Conservative

@ '/ X ---- --~~

$ / ~ ~----
'• 7 ~
rg. /
/ . ',,....._ / ~


---- ---- ---- --

/ ~G"-~~
A circular closed path in potentialcJ is given by A-B-C-8'-A.
Line integral from A around any closed path back to A is conservative.
Along path A-B-C, work W(1) may be extracted from rolling ball.
Along path C-8'-A, must do work W(2) on ball, where W(2) = - W(1 ).

Figure 1. A Conservative Field Requires a Single-Valued Potential.

0 1995 T.E. BEARDEN
fiVIUitJvaluecJ magnetic scalar potential arises readily in magnetics)
A· ------- /¢
' ""'...... ~ ·----.. . B .,~Conservative

/ ..... F.1eld
Potential is / '-..... .......
Multivalued / .,..,.---
....... .......
Here ' /

/ ' ..........
/ / ~~
......_/ ~
.,;...<....._._ ' --
/ ..... _ J --
/ - - ----------- / ~ ----Nonc<)f1servative
n / Fie leY"
/ c /
------ --- --..... ..___
Not e: The vertical distBric!e-above the

tB ·
~ horizont al represent s t he --- --- / "'
magnitude of t he scalar potential ---
at t he point where t he vertical
line is taken.
A circular closed path in potential cJ is given by A-8-C-8 '-D-A.
Potential cJ is multi-valued from D to A .
Line integral from A around this closed path back to A is nonconservative.
Along entire path A-B-C-8'-D, work may be extracted.
No work is required to go from D to A. When ball arrives at D, it also ·
arrives at A simultaneousfy. I.e., the potential "jumps" in magnitude.
Figure 2. Field May be Nonconser:vative for a Multivalued Potential.
Stored Multivalued~ Boost
Energy (Potential
~ Pseudo-MV~
Dotted Line) 1 of

~s ,
, I
1 \'-'
\ \
(as m
. Johnson) s
magnetic gate
Multivalued \
(Solid Line)

... Drag
@ r~ Signature
\r / o f Pseudo-MVP
~ 0° r360° . 720° ~
Reg~uge 1-._ Work Region --l
ttt Pseudo
I MVP '--
- Work Region
I -- • ~ I Reg1on I --
: ~I

MVP ~. Work Region
~I• Work Region ~
· Regauge ' .. ~ Regauge
Rotor _Degrees of Rotation ---
Note: Single regauging per rotation shown. ·can easily use multiple regauging per rotation.

Figure 3. "Refueling" an E_
lectrof)1agnetic Engine by Regauging.
® 1995 T.E. BEARDEN
(Timing initiates regauging slightly after top dead center; not shown)



Flux shields
increase BATTERY
·· efficiency
~ Magnet
:;:," Polepiece P
@ ____-- (Fixed position)
- Nextmost
I ( where ~1 > <)2 )

Rotor C

( 83 = -81 ) --
Reaction force
- - --...... Dir~ction of rotation
in rotor C

Figure 4. Regauging Force· and Potential Relationships~

0 1996 T.E. BEARDEN


' ' t~;~
QA!' )! "! '!.~ ,.'".'"! '; ) j ., . .)i j) !" !' .) ) j'".'"! 'j) ) i., . .)i )i !" !' )ji) i'".'"! ') i) t".r 'l "!' "'l
\ft; I
..-~:~·~\·~:~ !"!"!'!~ ~ ~ ~. . .,.~ ~ ~ ~!"!"!'!~ ~ ~ ~. . .,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. . .,.~ ~ ~ ~ jJ~j)i)

~ 1-TJ ~~1-TI
· The stator gate magnets are highly
nonlinear and produce a multivalued
r"' •
magnetic potential. The rotor enters
and experiences a sharp "jump" in the
ROTATION · stator's magnetic potential, and reversal
of its sign. The rotor is accelerated
I on through the gate and out of it.

Effectively a phase conjugation (time reversal) occurs on the leading edge.

The rotor is attracted in; regal.Jging occurs. The rotor is accef~rated on out.
Regauging injects free potential energy into the system, from the vacuum.
Conservation of energy and the Jaws of physic::s are not vi_qlated .

' . ..

Figure 5. Concept of operation of. Johnson's patented magnetic gate.

. ' t.

(V 1994, 1995 T.E. BEARDEN


0.1 mm
~ {8

! ~

Figure 6. Takahashi Magnetic Engine w ith Regauging Section

JFIG-6 0 1995, 1996 T.E. BEARDEN -
Fig. A ·-· \ 1 / '
" J4cs Fig. D
16J IGe _ ~\/' .) ~16i
---:E~i:;:r~·:;:y.~~~-- 14CG
14b ---~f:~~~;~ 16k I
J •
l I - 14b

16o -- IGf

Fig 8 rf'i'·L·r.· ··~!··w::~

,..=,,,,,;:;, ~ ,

~.~g ·
./"'\ n~ _.,...14d
Fig. E t4d
~ ~.. .... !;.Jf · / )

@ t4d 13 16e- £.'.1\..\./' 5---v~ ~16i

~~ cr·;;~·.-_
~~fNto~ .,........
. ··-~·::~:.~··:rr···n-~ 14CI 160 ~. . :]
'< ·~ ··~ ·:'.:1 -

~ t6a_...,...... Fig. H
Fig. C Fig. F t6t


··-· ··:•;,·~·-~::'\.
14 13 ,>:.· . • 14d
"'\!... \ ...
14d ~:? (:
.. _.. .• ,..... I6J

l:j,.., u•.o 7
~n+nr ~rf"~n~t:a ~nn rl3n~u •ninn in ~ tvnir.~l K ~w~i P.nninP..

: ...
About the Local Tapping of Energy

G. Galeczki and P. Marquardt

Society for the Advancement of Physics, R.S.
D- 50676 K<>~ Germany
Fax (00++) 221-66 82 43


The validity of E = mc2 for potential energy is re-examined. Energy conservation is only
globally meaningful for properly defined extended systems. The convertibility of different
forms of e~ergy relies on the universality of action, while the practical usefulness depends on a
characteristic time. Dynamic modulation of configurational energy, which is due to absolute
rotation of individual sub-systems, might allow local tapping of useful energy.

1. Mass and Rest Mass

Strange as it may sound in AD 1996, the concepts of mass, energy, and their conservation law
are far less understood than usually believed. To begin with, mass, m, is defined as the
proportionality factor between velocitY. . v and tb.~. first dynamic quantity called linear
momentum: p = mv. While m could well be a function ofthe absolute velocity v (that would
be a "kinetic mass"), it is not clear whether a rest mass corresponding to v = 0 has physical
meaning at all. From the point ofview.of of external dynamics -the motion of an object under
the influence of external agents- the rest mass of a "point-like" object .is obviously meaningless,
since all internal dynamics is a priori excluded. Only an extended object with internal structure,
degrees of freedom and dynamics could possess a rest mass "as-viewed-ti:.o~-outsi!ie". Viewed
from inside, the rest mass of the object is the overall manifestation of jntem~ kinetic masses!
"Special" relativity theory (SRT), a kinematical theory devised for point-like?.non-interacting
particles moving freely in vacuum, is therefore fundamentally inadequate to tackle the poblem
in general and that of rest mass in particular. Unlike in "special" relativity, the. concept of rest
mass makes particle modelling compulsory! . .
In the early models concerning m(v), mass was thought of as being of ele(ltromagnetic origin.
(Einstein himself thought of electromagnetic mass without, however, co~idering the inherent
consequences such as the contribution of radiation to the total energy or the omnipresence· of
charges). OnJy the concept of electromagD.etic mass would allow to enter the velocity of light,
c, into mechanics and provide an underlying basis for all experiments or considerations on
either the famous relationship dE= c2dm or its equivalent m(v} = m(OXI - v2/c2 )" 1n which are
in line with physical dynamics. The electrodynamics to be chosen is therefore one important
unknown feature involved in an experiment on the behaviour of masses as their absolute
velocities approach that of light [Wesley 1991]. The idea of inertia of energy in the beads of
Weber, Poincare, Hasenohrl, and others came from electromagnetic radiation. The presence of
charges in all experiments yielding evidence for m(v) to this day is in the same line of att~ck to
the problem. No matter what kind of evidence we try to rely upon to SQ~e the mel puzzle, we
have always to do with charges and radiation. ·

2. Energy and its Conservation

··--- - -- ·-- -- - - -- - - -
Copyright© 1996 by G.Galeczld and P.Marquardt

The only straightf01ward definition within, the so-called kinetic energy theorem, has been that
of kinetic energy of a point-like object, i e. "vis viva" 0.5mv2. All other forms of energy are
defined in order to comply with the energy conservation principle. In other words, energy is
tautologically defined as the quantity which obeys the respective conservation principle! For v
= const., the kinetic energy is trivially conserved, but for one particle, this adds nothing to the
already known and equally trivial conservation oflinear momentum. To change v, one needs at
least one more interacting particle, the change ofp being then ascnbed to a two-body "force",
F u, obeying the principle of simultaneous equality of action and reaction at-a-distance:
Fu (r,2 ,t) = - F21 (r21 ,t). We stress that the conservation of linear momentum is tied to the
fulfillment ofNewton's third law and, in contrast with SRT operationalism, implies simultaneity
at-a-distance. No conservation law for an extended system is possible without absolute,
universal time and simultaneity at-a-distance! SRT which re-defines simultaneity locally, is only
compatible with a continuous field theory, in which the conservation laws are valid at a point
(r, t) in the form of differential continuity equations. As a matter of fact, the Grassmann-Biot-
Savart-Lorentz interaction force between two moving charges -the only force law compatible
with Maxwellian electrodynamics- is an action at-a-dtstance violating both Newton's third
principle and the energy-momentum conservation law. This fact lies behind the· long-time-
efforts of Stefan Marinov to build an electrodynamic peq>etuum mobile. Seen in this light,
every failure of Marinov to build this wonderful machine is automatically an argument against
the Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics! This, however, should not mean that the demonstration
of a perpetuum mobile actually provides further support to Maxwell's theory.

3. The Mass-Energy Relationship

The history of E = mel (one of the few relationships where the velocity of light, c, enters
mechanics) has started with Wilhelm Weber [1846] who defined the electromagnetic -mass of
an interacting pair of charges e,e' with mutual distance r from the potential energy(!) as: m., =
ee'/47tEofC2 ~th Eo the free space permittivity. Remarkably, applied to the parameters of the
hydrogen atom, this formula yields a 2me as mass equivalent for the potential energy with a. the
fine structure constant and me the electron mass.
That free radiation -characterized by the Poynting vectorS= E®H = E,nd c and by the energy
density w = (ED + HB)/2 possesses linear momentum D®B and iuertial mass density m =
ID®B I/c = ISI/c2 was no secret fot· Poincare (1892).
Poincare also calculated the recoil of an object with mass M and velocity V due to the emission
of radiation, from linear momentum balance MV = S/c2 • The idea that radiation has inertia was
already familiar to Maxwell, who derived the magnitude of the force acting on a body due to
absorption of radiation power: f = d.Erad /c dt. More important, Adolfo Bartoli [ 1876] gave a
purely thermodynamic derivation. Indeed he has shown that, when radiant ·energy is
transported from a hot body to a cold one by means of a moving mirror, the second law of
thermodynamics would be violated unless a pressure were exerted on the mirror by the light.
Einstein's way to arrive at E = mc2 consisted in "viewing'' a point-like particle emitting two
photons in opposite directions, first in the particle's "proper frame" and then in a frame moving
with uniform velocity to the particle. Einstein's derivation, like that of all his predecessors,
involved radiation from charged masses.

Feigenbaum and Mermin (1988] tried to rid the discussion from radiation altogether and to
give a "purely mechanical" derivation of E = mc2 • Their gedaukenexpe1iment involved a body
emitting two massive particles in opposite directions instead of two photons. Then, in a frame
of reference moving with velocity v at an angle 6 to the direction of motion of the body, its

Copyright© 1996 by G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt


speed u.' satisfies y(u') = y(u) y(v) (1 - uvcosS) withy:.: (1 -v2/c2 )~0.5 the famous y factor. This
mechariical -or rather kinematical- formula should have replaced the electromagnetic process
of two-photon emission imagined by Einstein [1905]. This attempt to avoid non-mechanical
concepts is, however, ineffective since light is hidden within the "radar velocities" employed.
These velocities, measured supposedly by means of electromagnetic signals with to-and fro-
velocities equal per decree, ar~ upper bounded by the "light velocity c" and obey an addition
law that is non-commutati~e in (3 + 1) dimensi!Jns ~f space (3) and time (1). On top of it,
"radar velocities" are of no use in what microparticles are concerned. The unphysical nature of
both Einstein' s and F eigenbaum-Mermin's gedankenexperiments reveals itself if we ask
ourselves what the photon -o·r (massive) particle- emitting "body" should be? Clearly, a "point-
like", s~c~reless .PartiCle cannot emit photons, let alone other particles. If, however, the
emitting body is a structured, complex system then the change in internal configurational
energy ~Econf necessarily comes into play and destroys Einstein's and Mermin's energy balance:
~E + £\Econf> c2£\m, as already pointed out by Sachs [1973]. A less known, but not objection-
free derivation was proposed in ·t969 by J. Smulsky [1994]. Like in Tsiolkovskii' s rocket
problem, he imagined a· particle with initial mass m., emitting particles with velocity u. Defining
the "object's proper energy" as the work performed by the reactive force R = udm/dt, he
obtains: EP= JRds = JRvdt = ufvdm. Making use of Tsiolkovskii's formula v = u ln(m,./m) be
gets Eo= u2 fdm ln(tl:lolm) = m., u 2 • If the emitted particles are photons, Eo= m., c2 follows. This
derivation, which assumes ballistic emission of photons, brings most forcefully to light the so-
called radiation paradox [Aspden 1969, 1980]: the derivation of E., ::= m!Lc2 assumes with
necessity radiation. willie the derivation of m = Y%..from dE = c2 dm = Fds and F = vdm/dt +
mdv/dt categorically forbids radiation by the accelerated charee!
The derivation based on de Broglie's ideas [Galeczki 1993] E s pvphase = mvgroup v1,ha"" which
postulates Vgroup Yphao;c = c2 for both photons and massive particles, seems to hold independently
of the particles' possible charge, but its validity for Vgroup = 0 (particle at rest) is questionable.
Last but not least, the self-closed toroidal electromagnetic field model for a charged patticle
with spin -which unifies matter and radiation: radiation= free electromagnetic field; matter=
closed electromagnetic field- defines rest mass as total electromagnetic energy density divided
by C2 [Bergman and Wesley 1990]. This "spinning ring" model is unique in that it accounts for
a particle's half-integer spin and internal frequency V0 = lllo c2 /h (with h Planck's constant) and
provides a self-consistent justification ofthe rest mass as E0 /c2 •

4. The Configurational Energy

SRT t;lefines "energy" for free point-like particles as the sum of "kinetic" and "rest"
contributions: E = (y - l)m., c2 + m., c2 • No orthodox book on SRT (and the
majority. of SRT books~ orthodox) dares to mention "potential energy" and even less its
"mass equivalent". This is really strange, if we recall that Weber first mentioned mc2 as the
equivalent of the potential energy of a charge pair. Since no physical system can be defined
without the concept of configurational energy, the neglect of this energy by "special" relativists
is really pathological. For the sake of clarity; we use for the internal configurational energy of a
bound system the designation "bonding energy", while keeping the name potential energy for
the exte,ma1 configurational energy associated with the interaction of a given sub-system with
the larger external system to which it belongs. Potential energy as such is foreign to SRT since
on one hand the (relative) position dependent potential energy implies instantaneous action at-a-
distance, and on the other hand, velocity dependent potentials like that introduced by Weber

Copyright© 1996 by G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt

are not in use. With such velocity-dependent potentials, however, the very division of ,energy in
kinetic and potential parts is rigorously speaking impossible and actually me~gl~ss:
j.f, • •
There are.three scenarios to which the already defined concepts apply: fusion, emission of
radiation. and fission. In all cases one assumes: ,
(a) separability of a system's total energy in rest, kinetic, and configurational energy;
(b) the possibility of defining a center of'mass, and/or a "r~ mass of the system as-a-whole".
. .
. '·..~
In the case of fusion, Econt:=:cl.;lm- i:Ekin Wj.~ &n = Mo- LtDoi; Mo and nloi; the system and
single particle rest masses, iesj)ectively. If a·~stem radiates energy E.,, both the system's rest .
mass and its binding energy are changing: c2.!\Mo +~cone= E.,> f1Mo where LiMo= Mo,n- Mo;tJn
is the mass difference betWeen the initial and the final state. The equality c2 AMo = E, requires
Econf = 0, which is unphySic<fL'tiqclear ~;;ion (in which not even the fragments resulting from
·' the process are unique) iS the_most.complicated case, since it involves three unknown.
configurational of th~ initial nucleus and those of the fission fragments. For this
case, Heisenberg's remarl(fums out to be prophetical [Heisenberg 1990]:
"It has been claimed that the tremendous amounts of energy in atomic explosions are a direct
consequence of mass being bonverted into energy and that the theory of relativity was the only
way to understand these.1huge amounts of energy. This view is based on a misun<l.~tstanding.
The great amounts of energy Stored in atomic nuclei were known since the experi.ri:lents of
Becquerel, Curie, and Rutherford... The energy liberated during an atomic explosion stems
.~~ectly from this source and does not originate from the conversion of mass into en~rgy."

5. Actio~ Revisited ·':. .

Quant'lifu mechanics i.s the. part of physics based on Planck's constant symbolizing a sma~est
finite p'oltion of action, h. In spite of its obviously elementary role in physics, action has not.yet
~~e\i· given the consideration it .deserves. Physically, action makes sense-only if different forms
of energy exist on an equal .footing and' can be converted into each other.
'ACtion is the key to the problem why different forms of energy are convertible into each other
and how this process is realized by Nature. ··
If energy has inertia as stated by E = mc2 (and there is some experimental evidence in support
of this idea) then it is quite natural to attribute afinite time to the mutual conversion between
different forms of energy. Moreover, certain observations suggest to assume that the efficiency
of action itself is a function of absolute velocity. Consider e.g. somebody pedalling on a bike;
he will find himself wasting his efforts more and more as he increases his velocity. The useful
transmission of the energy he pumps in the system (quite independent of frictional losses)
asymptotically fades away, The divergence of inertia as v approaches c is the most striking
e:1{ample for this asympto~c decay of efficiency in the regime of extremely high velocities.
Formally, ·this decay of action efficiency at very high energies· can be modelled by a velocity
dependent inertia, in(v), or by a velocity-dependent force. · ·
The evidence in favour of E = mc2 up to now relies on a few experimental data like those
presented by 'Bertozzi [1964] for energy of absolute motion ("kinetic energy") based on an
independent ·determination of the lime-of-flight velocity of the particles. In line with our
reasoning ·about ubiquitous action as the .basis of energy conversion, we here speculate that it
may hold as well for any other form of energy. By its physical dimension, action is the product
of energy and time, but this remains a mere abstraction from physics unless that time -which
must be some characteristic time- is specified for the energy conversion process [Marquardt
and Galeczki 1995]. For example, in order to usefully exploit the earth's rotation by means of

cOpynght@ 1996 by G.Galtczld and P.Marquardt


"Foucault-pendulum-type" devices [Ruderfer 1983], the characteristic time should be much

shorter than it actually is (86,400 seconds). This makes such devices Wlfitted for practical
applications. For the same reason, the definition of the Camot cycle is non-practical since the
characteristic time of the assumedly quasi-static pr~cess is infinitely long [Wesley 1991].
It should be borne in mind that energy expressed as a product of h and some frequency v is not
a "quantum" unless v represents some definitely fixed value. (This, by the way, casts serious
doubts on the Copenhagen interpretation which msists on intrinsic uncertainties of all physical
phenomena and hence is in contrast to a true "quantum theory"). And, unlike in the mysterious
interpretation of de Broglie waves as a "probabilitY phenomenon", that frequency should have a
physical meaning, too. The most natural occurrenc.e of a frequency is by means of rotation. In
fact, all matter, from elementary particles to systems of galaxies is found to rotate. Rotation
seems to be the preferred type of motion in our universe. ("Special relativity" addresses only to
uniform rectilinear motion, which is an unphysical restriction, unless justified as a local
approximation). The physical dimension of angular momentum being equal to the energy-time
product strongly suggests that rotation may be intimately related to action.

6. Prospects for Local Energy Tapping

Many theologians and philosophers were involved in hot discussions concerning the origin of
the "initial impulse" in the Universe. Ironically, the u·emendous progress of science and
technology has failed up to now to bring us closer to an understanding of the ubiquitous cyclic
motion from clusters of galaxies down to atomic electrons, nucleons, and their components.
Rotational, rather than linear motion seems to be one of the most characteristic features of the
material world. Microscopic ferromagnetism, 1n particular, has amply confirmed Ampere's
brilliant idea of closed persistent "molecular currents". In view of the highly successful
"spinning ring" model of the electron [ and Wesley 1990], even the electron spin is a
result of a toroidal closed rotating electromagnetic field. All microscopic rotations (e.g. of
electrons in atoms, of "spin", of nuclei) are non-dissij>ative and seemingly eternal. A piece of
spontaneously magnetized material is very sensitive to the ambient temperature, which has to
be lower than the Curie temperature, but untired and unexhaustible in what the internal rotation
is concerned. A permanent magnet can sustain a levitating piece of soft iron for arbitrary time
without showing any sign of "fatigue". No wonder that all serious candidates to "perpetual
motion machines" consist of a rotor, a stator, and permanent magnets [Johnson, Ecklin, Bruce
de Palma, Tewari]. Since the US patent office accepts "perpetual motion" inventions only if
supported by a working model, these patents represent public proof of their feasibility. Since
local rotation is a manifestation of the interconnectedness of the universe as a whole, the
utilization of machines involving rapid rotations and permanent magnets could well be termed
local tapping of energy. On the macroscopic scale, we know of another striking example for
the pairing of a permanent source and a permanent rotor working together as a seemingly
inexhaustible energy source: the production of tidal waves due to the combined effects of
moon's (and -to a lesser extend- sun's) gravity and earth's rotation. Both, the source of gravity
(moon) and the rotor (earth) do not show any detectable sign of"exhaustion". Apparently, the
combination of a permanent (magnetic, gravitational or electret-type) source and a rotating
subsystem is worthwhile to be considered as !he key for good prospects of energy tapping. We
conclude in formal t.erms that the configuration,, ! energy which, to a good approximation, is a
function of relative positions and velocities, beco. nes modulated in a higher approximation due
to the absolute rotations of the component sub-sy5, terns.

Copyright© 1996 by G.GalOI:Zk.i and P.Marquardt



Aspden, H. 1969. Physics Without Einstein (SabbertonPublications Southampton)8-14

Aspden, H. 1980. Physics Unified (SabbertonPublications Southampton)74-84
Bartoli, A. 1876. Sopra i movimenti prodotti dalla luce et dall' calore et sopra if radiometro
di crux (Firenze)
Bartoli, A.l884. Nuovo Cimento 15:193
Bergman, D . L. and Wesley, J. P. 1990. Gali/eian Electrodynamics 1: 63
Bertozri, W. 1964.)Un. J.Phys.32: 551
Bruce de Palma 1992. Deutsche Physik 1{4): 42
Ecklin, John W. 1986. United States Patent No. 4,567,407
Einstein, A. 1905. Ann. der Physik 18: 639
Feigenbaum, M.J. and Mermin, D.N. 1988. American Journal ofPhysics 56: 18
Galeczki, G. 1994. Physics Essays 7: 83
Heisenberg, W. 1990. Physik und Philosophie: 93
Ullstein-Verlag Frankfurt 1990 (in German); translated by GG and PM
Johnson, US patent No. 4, 151,431
Kelly, US patent No. 479,633
Marinov, S. 1994. Deutsche Physik 3: 13
Marquardt, P. and Galeczki G. 1995. Apeiron 21: 21
Maxwell, J. C. 1973 Treatise on Electricity and Magrt£tism
( lst Ed. Dover Publications London) p. 792
Poincare, H. 1892. Theorie Mathemathique de Ia Lumiere (Georges Carre, Paris)
Ruderfer, M.l983. Speculations in Science and Technology 6(4): 399
Sachs,M. 1973. hlt. J. Theor.Phys.8: 377
Smulsky, J.J. 1994. The Electromagnetic and Gravitational Actions
(The Non-Relativistic Tractates) Novosibirsk Science Publishers
Tewari Paramahamsa 1986. Generation ofElectrical Power from Absolute Vacuum by High
Speed Rotation of Conducting Magnetic Cylinders in:
Magnets in your Future 1{8) (August 1986)
Tewari Paramahamsa 1989. Physics and Technology ofSpace Power Generation in:
Conf Proc. on Found. of Mathematics and Physics, Perugia 1989, p. 253
Weber, W.E. 1846. Abhandlungen Leibnitz Gesellschaft Leipzig 316
see also
1848. Annalen der Physik 73: 229
1893. Wilhelm Weber's Werke Vols. 1-6 (Springer-Verlag Berlin)
Wesley, J.P. 1991. Selected Topics in Advanced Fundamental Physics: 260
Benjamin Wesley, Blumberg, Germany

Copyright© 1996 by G.Galec:zki and P.Marquardt

Ph.M. Kanarev, professor
of Kuban State Agricultural University
350044 Krasnodar, Russia
Phone/Fax 7(8612)522024

Dear Readers. I give you one variant of the explanation of the phenomena "COLD
FUSION". I un'destand that you will have many questions to me, but it is difficult for me
· 'to give y,o:ti the detailed ans..w,~b to all of yours questions. You will fmd these answers in
· . !IJly;b'boks~'!ON~:lHE WAY TO THE PHYSICS OF THE XXI CENTURY" Krasnodar
r ''- 1995, 269f,~ (i~~EgilsJ&, .~!ld ·"TH~ CRISIS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS" Krasnodar
1996, 144p;( in RUSSian and in EntJllab ).
. The' first book has many new consequences, are some of them [I].
I. Planck's constant is a vector.
2. Planck's constant is the spin of photons and electrons.
3. Photons and electrons are rings, to the flrst approximation.
4. The energies of individual photons and electrons are vector quantities.
5. The spins of photons and electrons are co-linear and opposite at the moment of
absorption and radiation.
6. The orbital energy is not present in the law of the spectroscopy:
- -
1 E
, nz. (1)

Here: F - the energy of photon;

E, - the energy of ionization of an electron;
E 1 - the binding energy of electron with nucleus corresponding to the first energy level;
n - the main quantum number.
In this case the energy of a photon is:

F=h ·(J),, (2)

and the energy of an electron in an atom is:

E=h ·(J),. (3)

Here: h - the Planck's constant;

(J) P - the frequency of photon;

(J). - the frequency of electron.

As far as there is no orbital moment of momentum in equations (2), (3) and (I) so there
is no orbital energy of electron in atom and the orbital motion of electron in atom is also
· 7. An electron in an atom interacts with the nucleus via one endof its axis of rotation.
8. A valence electron interacts with the nucleus via one end of its axis, and with the
nucleus of another atom via the other end.

The model of the photon is shown in Fig. l [2J.

The model of the electron is shown in Fig. 1 [2].

Copyright© 1996 by Ph.M.Kanarev

·. · ~

Fig. 1 The model of photon [2]:

a) - the theoretical model;
b) - the simulated model


1 M

Fig. 2 [2]. The model of electron

The binding energy of the electron of the hydrogen atom in the first energy level is
equai to
E 1 =hv= 13.60 eV. After absorbing a photon with ~nergy F=I0.20 eV, the electron
transits on to the second energy level and its binding energy with the nucleus decreases
to E 2 = 3.4 eV. Therefore:
13.60+10.20=3.40 eV. (4)
In order for (4) to conform to the law of conservation of energy, physicists assumed
that the binding energy of the electron is negative and wrote (4) as:
-13.60+10.20=-3.40 eV. (5)
What is the physical meaning of the negative binding energy of an electron in an
atom? .
If we assume that energy is a real scalar quantity, it can be increased or decreased, but it
is impossible to make it negative. If we assume that energy is a vector quantity, then
when we sum it with another vector quantity, its sign will depend upon the relative
direction of the vectors (Fig.3).

Copyright© l9% by Ph.M.Kanarev

- - - - - ----- - - -..
and an electron at the

Fig. 4. The scheme of the model of the hydrogen atom: N - nucleus; 1, 2, 3 - the numbers
of the energy levels of the electron;
a) - the model of the proton;
b)- the model of the nucleus of the deuterium;
c)- the model of the nucleus of the tritium

Now we know that, because of the vector nature of Planck's constant it

follows that the energies of individual photons and electrons are vector quantities,
that is why their energies must be summed and deducted according to the laws of
vector algebra. The law of conservation of energy must be strictly observed in that
The energies of an individual photon and an individual electron can be negative
only in the context of vector quantities. Then the sign of their energy is defined by
the direction of the vectors relative to each other. The electron's energy relative tQ the
atomic nucleusis physically comprehensible if it is assumed to be positive. In this case the
vector of, the photon's energy is negative relative to that of the electron, and we must
write (4) and (5) (Figure 3) as:
13.60+(-t0.20)=3.40eV. (6)
Note: The dash above the numbers denotes vector quantities.
The generic form of (6) is:
E, +(-F)= E 2, (7)


Copyright@ 1996 by Ph.M.Kanarev

From equation (8) we obtain equation (1). Vector equation (8) confonns to the law
of conservation of energy, and to the scheme of joining of a photon with an
electron shown in Figure 3 [1 ,2].
If vector properties of Planck's const ant is true then we must obtain the spectra of
hydrogen atom when we use (1). Calculations petformed using (1) with E; = £ 1 13.598 =
eV result in:
n 2 3 4 5 6 ...
Exper.,eV 10.20 12.09 12.75 13.05 13.22.... .
Theor.,eV I 0.198 12.087 12.748 13.054 13.22 .. ..

The model of the hydrogen atom is shown in Fig. 4 [2].

The energy of ionisation of the eighth electron of the oxygen atom is E, 13.618 eV and =
the binding energy of this electron correspond to the first ficting energy level is
E 1 =13.752 eV. The law of the spectroscopy gives the foHowin& results:
F =-E, --.!.
n2 .
n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ....
Exper., eV 10,18 12,09 12,76 13,07 13,24 13,34 13,40 13,45

Theor., eV 10,16 12,09 12,76 13,07 13,24 13,34 13,40 13,45

c) ~ . ......



Fig. 5. The scheme of model of the oxygen atom:

a), b) - the scheme of model of the nucleu; c) - the scheme of model of the oxygen atom

- -- ··-- ---- - -- --
Copyright© 1996 by Ph.M.Kanarev
Fig. 6. The scheme of the model of the water molecule:
1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8 - the numbers of electrons of oxygen;
N 1 - the nucleus of the oxygen atom;
~ and ~ - the nucleus of the hydrogen atoms
9,10 - the numbers of electrons of hydrogen atoms

Now we will analyse one result, which is contained in the article [6] of this book.
CulTent , A

.... , i112
3,5 A q

3 ~~ \ \
/ ~ I~
2 ~ I \~
V" l

,/ 21 ~
.. .,. 15
- y

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Volta ge, V

Fig. 7. Volt and Amper dependence by the electrolisis of water

The schemes of hydrogen, oxygen atoms and moleculae of water help us to explain the
graph in Fig. 7.
Beginning our search for such new ideas, we specifically note that a photon
performs a fundamental function: it is the carrier of energy and information. When
they absorb photons, the electrons in atoms, ions and molecules pass on to orbits
more remote from the nucleus. This is the essence of heating of substances. In that case
there is a balance between the number of p hotons absorbed and the number of
appropriate photons in the environment. As soon as the number of such photons in
the environment begins to decrease, the surface electrons of the atoms comprising the
substance begin radiating photons into the environment, and in the process move to
orbits nearer to the nuclei. The latter is the main process of cooling of substances.
Of course, this is a simple overview of processes in which photons serve as single
carriers of energy [I].
When the water is heated to the point 9 (Fig. 7) the tenth and ninth electrons of the
water moleculae remove from the proton ~ and P3 (Fig. 6). Then they come out
from the moleculae of water. For this process the maximum 13.6 eV + 13.6 eV 27.2 eV =
energy is needed. In order to separate the second proton ( ~ ) it is necessary to spend
5.2 1eV [4). For the separating ofthe third proton (~ ) it is necessary to spend 4.4 eV [4).
- ---- ·- - - - - -
Copyright © 1996 by Ph.M.Kana.rev
310 .
So the total current of the energy is 27.2 + 5.2! + 4.4 = 36.81 eV. This is happend in the
pont 12 (Fig.7). In the pomt 12 the current sharply decrease and in the point 13 the
catode begines hining very brightly.
On the table I the different parameters of this process are shown: voltage V, the current
A, the energy of the gause which is emited under this process, the difference of the
temprature of water, the energy of the heating of water, the energy of light, the power
which is input into the Jectrolytic cell, the power of the output wherein the electrolitic cell
is operated and the frequency of the current by this process.

l Th e parameters o f t h e e ectro •.1t1c

T a bl e.. . ce11 .
N2, Tim Voltag Current Power Frequen Tempe Heat of Energy Energy Power
poin e, e, V Amper, input, cy r.,T"O water, - of light, of gas, out put,
t min A kJ ,kHz c lcJ kJ kJ kJ
2 41 0 0 0,0 0 21 0 0 0 0
9 47 100 3,95 237,0 0,43 67 192,7 0 44,3 237,0
II 58 ·140 3,95 331,8 5 91 293,3 22 45,0 360,3
12 63 160 3,8 364,8 150 95 3!0,) 36 62,0 408,1
13 69 16'5 1,55 153,5 200 t>O 163,4 72 7J ,6 307,0
15 92 166,7 I ,5 150,0 270 61 167,6 1QO 86,0 353,6
17 114 159 1,5 143,1 40 64 180,2 108 72,4 360,6
21 134 100 1,175 70,5 20 38 71,2 45 61,7 177,9
22 139 96,6 3,85 223,1 0,1 53 134, 1 11 77,5 222,6
23 148 80 3,25 156,0 0,1 59 159,2 0 0,0 159,2
29 192 0 0 0,0 0 21 0 0 0 0

After that the proton will absorb the free electron from environment and they create
the hydrogen atom. In this case two such atoms eduse the following maximum energy:
13.6 + 13.6 27.2 eV. ·
At the same time the eighth electron of ion OH (Fig. 6). moves to the nucleus of the
oxygen atom and emit the maximum energy E, =
13.618 eV and the seventh electron
moves to the nucleus too and it emits the maximum energy E 1 35.116 eV, which.
corresponds to its energy of ionization [5].
In this case all of them emit the following quantity of totai energy 27.2 + 13.62 +
35.12 75.94 eV.
Thus we have the following surplus energy: 75.94- 35.1.2 39.13 eV.
Of course, we show the more simple method for the calculating of "Cold Fusion". If we
take a more complex method we will obtain a more correct result.


Thus we have in this case the cold fusion of atoms, but not of nucleii.


1. Kanarev Ph .M. On the Way to the Physics of the XXI Century. Krasnodar 1995,
269 p. (in English).
2. Kanarev Ph.M. The Crisis of the Theoretical Physics. K.rasnodar 1996, 144 p. (in
Russian:&nalii EDgtlih ~
3. Patent# 5,372,688: System for Electrolysis of Liquid Electrolyte. "Cold Fusion"
lssue...Wo. 7, p. 3-13. USA.
4. Linus Pauling. General Chemistry. SAN- FRANCISCO 1970, p.846.
5. Striganov A.P., Odintsova G.A. The Tables of Spectral Lines of Atoms and Ions.
The Manual. M. Energoizdat. 1982. . ·
6. Becklemeshev J.A. Becklemesheva G. J. A New Direction in the En~rget ics. (in this
- - - .. -------~

.. Copyright© 1996 by Ph.M.Kanarev



J.A. Beckiemeshev, G.J. Beckiemesheva.
117 Stasova st., apt. 60,
350058 Krasnodar, RUSSIA

There are many experimental data about a new sources of the energy by the electrolysis of the
water. Many international conferences discuss this problem. Four of them were held in Sochy. The
magazine "COLD FUSION" is published in USA It contains many scientific results on this problem.
The analysis of the experimental data of different authors shows that the authentic en~rgy from
the electrolysis of the water is much greater than ~ergy input into the electrolytic cell. However the
physicists and chemists of this process do not make things clear. The theoretical researches are behind hand
with experimental ones.
In order to clear up the sources of the authentic energy it is necessary to analyse this process on
atomic and may be nuclear levels. One from these attempts is made by Prof Ph.M. Kanarev. H~ descnoes
this phenomenon in his book ''THE CRISIS OF THE TIIEORETICAL PHYSICS". In this book there is
one variant of the calculation of the authentic energy by the electrolysis of the water. This calculation is
based on the data of the experimental spectroscopy.
The effect by the electrolysis ofthe water is the result ofmany different factors. We made
experimental investigations in which we used the different substances of the cathode: Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, AI, PI,
Cu, Mo, Ru, Ag, W and any types of the mew;oceramics.
We have very many experimental data, but here we show one of them, which has usual dependence
of the change of the current by the different voltage when we use wolfram as cathode (Fig. 1).

Current, A
;;r - g .... ., .. 12

3 ~~ \ \
2,5 ~ \ II
2 ~ \ I 1~

1,5 ~' •
. L
/ 21 ~ ..... -15
0,5 /
0 tL
...... .,.__._._
0 20 40 60 80 100 1 ~0 140 160 180
Voltage, V

Fig. 1. Volt and Ampere dependence by the el~ctroly~ of water.

As we see on line 0-9 the dependence of the current from the voltage corresponds to the Ohm's law. But
on the lines 9-11-12-13~15-17-21 this dependence doesn't correspond to the Ohm's law.
In the point 12 the current sharply decreases and in the point 13 the cathode begins shining very
In table 1 the different parameters of this process are shown: the voltage V, the current A, the
energy of the gas which is emitted under this process, the difference of the temperature of water, the

- ---~ - - - - ---- - --------

Copyright© 1996 by J.A.BeckJemeshev and O.J.Becklemesheva

energy of the heating of water, the energy of light, the power which is input into the electrolytic cell, the
power of the output wherein the electrolytic cell is operated and the frequency of the current by this

Table. 1. The parameters of the electrolytic cell

Time Voltag Current Power Frequenc Tempe Heat of Energy Energy of Power
' r., TA() water, of light, gas, kJ
point 'min e, V Ampere, input, kJ y out put,
A 'kHz c kJ kJ kJ
2 41 0 0 00 0 21 0 0 0 0
9 47 100 3,95 237,0 0,43 67 192 7 0 44,3 237,0
11 58 140 3,95 331 8 5 91 293,_3 22 45,0 360,3
12 63 160 3,8 364 8 150 95 310,1 36 62,0 408,1
13 69 165 1,55 153 5 200 60 163,4 72 71,6 307 0
15 92 166,7 1,5 150,0 270 61 167 6 100 86,0 353,6
17 114 159 1,5 143,1 40 64 180,2 108 72,4 360,6
21 134 100 1,175 70,5 20 38 71,2 45 61,7 177,9
22 139 96,6 3,85 223,1 0,1 53 134,1 11 77,5 222,6
23 148 80 3,25 156,0 0,1 59 159,2 0 0,0 159,2
29 192 0 0 0,0 0 21 0 0 0 0

The dependence the output power and input power is shown in Fig.2. As we see power output is about
twice as large as the input power.

400 1~
1"'~ 12'~
', !
1 '
350 -
300 b ~ \\VI \
..: 250
., J 9
\ \ ..-·
\ \

I ,.,\

1~"'/' 2~ ~ 23 ' -- \

/2 I
"" ~ v 21 \
29\ 29
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Control point
Fig. 2. The input and out put power by control points.

We show here one variant of our numerous experimental data. We get the authentic energy two times as
large as the input into the electrolytic cell. That is why we have all reason to consider that this process of
the getting energy will be the main process in the future.

Copyright© 1996 by J.A.Becklemeshev and G.J.Becldemesheva


Now we use the electrolytic cell for the water purification. Fcur reactors for the purification of the sewage
work are used now. They have the followmg parameters: productivity - 25 m/\3 in twenty-four hours;
cleanness- 99.99 %; transparency- 30; wrapover- 1 unit of ozone; pH- 6,5 - 8,5.

The construction of our reactor for the purification of water is know-how. Tha~ is why -'Ye o~er
collaboration in this very important scientific and design fields. ~ -· ,
As far as wate~ is one of the most spread substance, we have all reason to believe tha_t it wiJl.b a,the main
source of energy in the nearest future.
1. J.A. Becklemeshev.. :The Introduction of the Effective Method of the Electrolytic Cell. Krasnodar,
2. L.A. Kulskiy. The Theoretical basis of the technology of the Electrolytic Cell Kiev. Naukova
Dum.ka. 19~0, p. 564.

3. Ph. M. Kanarev. On The Way to The Physics of The XXI Century. Krasnodar 1995. p}69.
(in English).
4. Ph. M. Kanarev. The Crisis of The Theoretical Physics. Krasnodar. 1996. p. 144. (in Russian).
5. N.P. Melnikov, A. G. Ostroumov, AA Shteinberg. The method of the stability of the spark charge
in the water. Vestnik LGU.Physics and chemistry. 1962. No. 10, issue 2, p. 157.
6. Patent\# 5,372,688: System for Electrolysis of Liquid Electrolyte. "Cold Fusion" Issue No.7. p. 3-
13. USA

Copyright@ 1996 by J.A..Beck.Iemeshev md G.J.Becklemesheva


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Dan CIDCEA, Physics Dept, University '~ucian Blaga, of Sibiu, Str.Dr.Ion Ratiu
m.7 2400, Romania fax: 40-69-416280, e-mail:
The Ampere forces occurring in a solid deuterated fibre which is the target of a high voltage
capacitor discharge has been numerically estimated, in a way resembling the computations P.
Granneau and M. Rambaut have performed and published. The energy increase of the ions trapped
in the lattice caused by the Ampere force acceleration mechanism has been estimated. Considering
the increase of a nucleus Coulomb barrier penetration probability caused by the electron over-
concentration the possibility of nuclear cold fusion is analysed. The energy excess reported in the
experiments traditionally named "Cold Fusion" can not be explained only by means of a
microscopic acceleration mechanism and a strong Coulomb banier screening, but the low nuclear
radiation level r.eported in some of the experim~nts can.
Early in 1820 Ampere found (ex-perim.entally) an empirical law to descn'be the interaction
force between two solid conductors which are the subject of current flow. If we consider a pair of
current elements having the lengths dm and dn, separated by a distance fm,n, the currents being i.n
and in, the Ampere force formula yields for the force dF111,11
J.1o dmdn
41t r

where e is the inclination angle of the two elements toward each other, a and J3 are inclination
angles of dm, dn to the distance vector f 111.n [1],[3],[4]. In this formula a positive result means
repulsion while a negative result an attraction.
This formula has been demonstrated theoretically by M. Rambaud [2] and bas been not shown
to be wrong in any of the experiments performed by now.
In order to produce a realistic resuit using the formula above mentioned, it is necessary to
share the volume of the conductor in many current elements and ~dd the forces between· all pairs
involved in the specific force calculation.
It we consider a cube shape for the current,. it is convenient to express the co-ordinates and
distances in units of the edge of one cube, then dm and dn will equal l, and if we consider Nm.n to
be the distance between the finite elements m and n (in these new units), which is equal to the
number of elements between them, we find
J.l e (2-3cos2a)
&Fm,n=- F.2
41t N 2m,n
The axial force can be easily obtained· by multiplying M 111.n by cos(a). It is worth noticing that
a simple expression of the axial force between elements m and n can be easily obtained by dividing
the real force (measured in Newton) as follows:
Jl iz (2~3cos2a)

6Fm..J ( - ) =.- , cos(a) F.3

Copyright © 1996 by Dan Chicea

wh~re I is the current flowing through the surface of one element. The obtained· formuia can be
made fully independent of the elementary current j, by writing the current I like I!Nre 2, where
Nre is the number of elements the edge of the conductor, (assumed to have a square transverse
section) is divided in, and I the total current through the conductor. We can name the quantity:
AFm.n (2-3cos cx)
~.n = - - - - - - - - - - - - - cosa F.4

the red~ced force and use it for computations and finally obtain the real force by multiplying it
back as showu above.
A number offive elements for an edge of the conductor (25 for a transverse section) proofs to
be enough as the computed reduced force remains ~onstant when the number increases.
In order to compute the total force which. places the conductor in tension a number Nre=5
finite elements of cwTent on each boundary of a cubic to the transverse size of the conductor.

,. llli1 ,ffOt

• t.J:I
••' I
~ i.ll
f ...,

I ·!.~

' ·•I
' Jl II

2S 211 ~
... ~.. 1.» . ... •• •.• •.• lJI
Did lti(UI
oS elennu •1 tlt~~ntt ~~ tlftllls

Fig.l Fig.2
Figure 1 shows the real force (measured in Newton) between a block and two values of the
current, lOOKA (lower curve) and 300 K.A(upper curve). As the length increases, the force
remains constant.
The force does not incte~se if the length of the conductor increases ab.d the conductor
increases and the attfactive 'force is much lower than the repulsive force, so the repulsion is.
responsible for the fracture of the conductor, in the experiments perfotmed by Nasilowski and by
Graneau [1],[3],[5]. In order to validate the results, the force between two adjacent blocks has
computed for several values of the block lengths, and the results are presented in Figure 2, for a
number of 5,7 and 9 finite elements for a block base boundary. The forces tum from attractive to
·repulsive values at a lengtll of about 0. 7 (in block edge units), that means that the size of

Copyright© 1996 by D_an

a conductor remaining piece will be 1.4 rimes the conductor diameter; the result is consistent with
the experimental facts [1],[5].
If we consider a that a capacitor discharge will produce a current of IOOKA through a lmm
diameter highly deuterated fiber, the force would be about 700 Nand if we divide it to the number
of ions in a conductor block, like in [4] a value of (2 -10) ·l1 N per deuterium ion can be obtained.
If tPe capacitot discharge lasts for 1OOns, an average ion kinetic energy increase of about 4 Ke V
can be obtained. The 4 KeV increase in the kinetic energy is an average value; the ~'hot tale" of the
energy distribution can become significant.
The electron accumulation near a metal surface can not reach values higher then 1030 m·3 (10 24
cm" ) [6], [7] in the presence of an oxide on the surface of the metal which is subject to a
negative electric potential, as can be near the negative pole of capacitor bank during a high voltage
discharge. The Ampere forces occurring during the high current flow can accelerate the deuterium
ions at values comparable with 4KeV.
Fof. the values of the electron concentrations 1>reviousl~ mentioned, the probability of the
screened Coulomb barrier penetra!ion can reach values of 10 · 00 (7].
If we consider the volume rate of the fusion reaction R to be
R = 0.5 nv2 <ov >
where cr is the nuclear reaction cross-section and no tb.~ deuterium ion concentration, assumed to
be 10 em .J and a Rmin =I 0 ·3 em -I s "1 [8] the minimum detectable reaction rate, we find for cr a
minimum value of 10 · cm2 . The cross-section of the fusion reaction can be written as cr =croP,
where P is the Coulomb barrier penetration probability a.r.d o-0 the preexponential factor,
considered to be 10 "30 cm2 [8]; these lead to the minimum detectable value of 10 -JO for P, which
is far too high to be achieved through electron screening.
The values of the increased cross section of the nuclear fusion reactions produced by electron
screening, enlarged by the electron accumulation near the surface of the metals and the shift of
Ke V-s in the ion energy distn1mtion caused by the Ampere forces can play an important role in
explaining the low energy radiation levels and the low quantity of nuclear "ashes" which
accompanied some of the Cold Fusion expeliments, but can not be the unique explanation for the
processes involved in the heat excess of[l] and many other experimental works.
I am extremely indebted to Dr. Gheorghe Vasaru ®d to Dr. Peter Gluck for their ftuitful
1. Graneau P. - First indication of At--npere tension in solid electric conductors, Phys. Lett A97 (I 983),
no.6, p.253 .
2. Rambaut M. - Macroscopic non-relativistic Ampere EM interaction between current elements reflect the
conducting electron accelerations by the ion's electric fields, Phys.Lett. A 154 (1991), no.S,6, p.210.
3. Graneau P. and Graneau N.- The role of Ampere forces in nuclear fusion, Phys.Lett. A 165 (1992), p.l.
4. Graneau P. and Graneau N. -Ampere force calculations for filament fusion experiments, Phys. Lett. A
174 (1993), p.421.
5. Nasi!owsky J. Exploding wires, Plenum, New York, 1964.
6. Chatterje K. & all, Ind. J. of Pure and Appl. Phys., 65. no. ~, (1993), 265.
7. Chicea D.- Electron Screening and Cold Fusion in Condensed Matter, "Cold Fusion", No.l4, 1995. 2.
8. Goldansk.ii V.I., Dalidchik F.L, ~hys.Lett. B 23-t. no.4, p.465.

Copyrig!tt © 1996 bv poo ChfS?SA

... '•


Free Energy Generation by Water Decomposition in Highly Efficiency

Electrolytic ·Process

Dr.Igor V. Goryachev
Fusion lnfonnation Center, Inc.
Salt Lake City. Utah USA .

The scientific community has long realized that water is an enormous natural ctfergy resource.
imdeed a relatively inexhaustible source, since there are over 300 million cubic miles of water
on earth's swface, all of it a-potencial source of hydrogen for use as fuel. In fact, more than 100
years ago Jules Verne prophesied that water eventually would be emptoyerl as a fuel and that the
hydrigen and oxygen which constitute it would furnish en inexhaustible source of heat and light.

It has been lQna realize-d thut water can oo split into its \.:Oustituent elemellts of hydrogen and
OA."Y&en by electrolytic methods which have been mefficienl Scientists also implemented
thennochemical extraction processes called thermochemical :water-spliting, which have likewise
been inefficient and have also been expensive, end other processes including some employing
solar energy. In addition, artificial chloroplasts imita.lli.,g the natural process of photosynthesis
have been used to separate hydrogen from water utilizing complicated membranes and
sophisticated artificial catalysts. Ho\vever. these artificial chloroplasts have yet to produce
hydrogen at an efficient and eoonomical rate. •

These and other proposed water spliting tech.."liques are all part of a massive effort by the
scientific community to find a p!entiful. clea~ and inexpensive source of fuel. While none of
the methods have yet proved to be commercially feasible, they all support the known
acceptability of hydrogen gas aS: a clean fuel.

In the recent book 'titled "The _Adoption of Hydrogen as a Universal Energy Source" the authors
Admiral Sir Anthony Griffin of England, Professor M.A.Laughton, and Dr.K.B.Hindly state: ''If
the appropriate technology of hydrogen fracturing from water could be brought to an
economically viable state, then it would offer an energy source of immense significance for
many applications with all the advantages arising from abundance of primary resource and
cleanliness of use". ·

One of the most successful attempts so far to achieve the goal of effective water .
decomposition for hydrogen production \WS the invention of"Mcthod t\nd !\pparatus for Spliting
Water Molecules'' issued as US Patent to!Ienry K.Puharich in 1983 [1 }.

This invention was based on the findings of S.S. Penner and L. Icennan [2] who showed that it
was possible to improve the efficiency of water electrolysis to above 100%. They found that
"under optimal operating conditions, the theoretically·attainable energy conversion by ·
electrolysis is ~out 120% of the electrical energy input".


Copyright© 1996-by IgorV. C-otyach~


In this electrolysis approach they assumed a useful definition for energy efficiency in
electrolysis as the ratio of the energy released from electrolysis products fonned (when they arc
subsequently used) to the energy input required to effect electrolysis.

The energy released by the process

· (1)2
Hz(gas) + - . kCal
O.l.gas)- H.p (llq.uid) - Alf 68.315---;:

under standard conditions ( JP760 mm Hg a.nd T=2511 C- 298.l6°K) is n~merically,equal to the

enthalpy change ~H = 68.315 kCal/mole.

On the other hand, the minimum energy (or useful work input} required for electrolysis is
deterrnine.d a.S Gibbs free energy change {A G) provided the electrolytical cell is working at
constant temperature and pressure:

H.p('() .. Hz (g) .+(-2)0

2 (g) ... !J.G 56.620 ~

Strictly speaking, reaction (2) is true with reference to a..-t electrochemical cell working
reversibly (for electrolysis to be a reversibie process, it is necessary for the cell to be on "open
circuit", that is, no current flows and the potential difference across the electrodes is E which is
the electro motive force-EMF). tinder t.his condition it was justified to assume that the net work
done (Gibbs free energy change) is equal to electricalinput work:

AC=W., (3)

and hence


where F is the Faraday Constant

the value of which is equal to the product of the Avogardo
" ' ~13
Constant N = 6.022045 x 10 mole and the charge on the electron e = 1.602 x 10 C
(964&4 .56 C/mole = 23.06 kCal/mole) and z is the nl.4-nber Qf electrons transported and has the
nwnerical value 2.

So, the Faradays equation in this representation actually determines the volrage (E) required to
run electrolysis:

£-:: ft.G ~123V (5)

23.06Z •
Based on this conclusion the author of work (21 determined that the maximum theoretical
-efficiency of energy conversion is attained·when electrolysis is being run under voltage E.,. 1.23
V and the efficiency '1 of that process is equal to

;: AH,.. 68.315 lOO% .,. 120 % (6)

A G 56.620

Copyright © 19% by Igor V. Goryachev


Though it follows from above explanation that the authors assumed the input energy (equal to
We= -6. G) totally comes from the outside electric power supply in their explanation of the
energy balance they stated: "\\'hen H (gas) and 0 (gas) are generated by electrolysis, the
electrolysis cell must absorb heat from the surroundings, in order to remain at constant
temperature. It is this ability to produce gaseous electrolysis products with heat absorption from
the surroundings that is ultimately responsible for energy-conversion efficiencies during
electrolysis greater than unity".

Therefore, in line with assumption of the energy A 0 required for water decomposition
coming from outside power supply the authol'S admit absorption of energy from environment.

Taking into account the ability of electrolytic celt to pump heat energy from surroundings
(which was _experimentally proven [3] it is easy to demonstrate that the Faraday's Law allows one
to achieve a much higher efficiency of energy convertion in an electrolysis related process.

As is known from Faraday's Law the amount of hydrogen-oxygen gas:mixture (moles) liberated
in electrolysis can be detennined as

NJ.;.!!. (7)
where m is the amount of electrolysis products (moles);
Jiis the current across the electrolytic ceU (amperes);
t is the time period of electrolysis (sec)~
w, t is the number of electrons tnu~rted in the reaction (2) • is equal to 2;
F is the Faraday constant (96484 Clmole}.
The amount ofthennal (chemical) energy that can be·released in·the process of water
fonnation in reaction'(1) out of hydrogen and oxygen generated equals to:


where his the specific heat of water formtttion in the process of hydrogen oxidization ( h • A H •
286 kJ/mole ). ·

The amount of electrical energy to be consumed in order to produce rn moles of

hydrogen-oxygen mixture in electrolytical process is equal to

W. =IE t (9)
The overall efficiency of the hydrogen production is then equal to
. . .
Q lt •J1H all.H
1 lAS
--•-=-- (10)
W, U'·IEt tF E E

.: .,

Copyrigi'lt@ 1996 by Igor V. Goryachev


As it follows from this equation, in order to produce more energy then the input electricity
consllmed ( 11 ;:: 1) the potencial difference across the electrodes in electrolytic cell (voltage of
the electrolysis) must be E ~ 1.48 V

Now referring back to.equation (5) it can be understood why the authors of works [1,2] found
the etriciency amounting 120% atE- l.23V. As it follows from equation (10) atE= 1.23V the
efficiency of the electrolytical enrgy conversion should really become equal to 120%.

Nowaday it is commonly accepted that in order to run electrolysis of water the applied voltage
should exceed the minimum value which is referred to as the "voitage of water decomposition".
The value of water decomposition voltage is detennined in electrochemistry by the equation:


U4 is the water decomposition voltage, V;
I E.- E. I is difference ofthennoeleotric potentials ofboth electrodes, V;
.5E is electrode polarization, V;
Ua is the ohmic voltage drop in the electrolyzer. V.

Now let us analyze the ways to decrease the minimum value of the voltage to dissociate ·water
in electrolytical process.

As is known an electrode electrochemical potential is the difference of electrostatic potentials

between an electrode and the electrolyte which is in contact with that elt:ctrode.

In an ele'-'trolytic cell. one of the electrode's surface is in contact with hydrogen flow (hydrogen
electrode) while anoth~ electrode swface is being washed by oxygen (oxygen electrode). Each
of the electrodes obtains a definite potencial relative to the electrolyte. The difference between
the hydrogen and oxyeeri elP.~trodes (F..MF) does not depend ·upon the kind of electrode material$
(provided that there is no chemical interaction with electrolyte which is always desirable for
electrolizers). As it follows from equation (11), the voltage of dec.omposition can not be less
than ElviF. But this statement is probably vahd cnly with reference to regular technique of
electrolysis involving constant direct current through the cell.

The second component of the voltage decomposition is the electrode polarization that is
defined as the difference between the values of electrode potential in equilibrium and under the
condition when electric current is flowing through the cell from an outside power source.

The reason for the phenomenon of electrode polarization may be:· ( 1) Concentration
polarization which is divergence between the near~~he~surface of the electrode concentration of
the reagent from the conc'entrat!on 'o f the reagent in the bulk of the electrolyte due to slowing
down of diffusion of the initial reagents and of the products of the electrochemical reaction
resulting in fom1ation of concentration gradients. Regarding water electrolysis with no change
in electrolyte concentration this reason is unimportant~ (2) Activation polarization which slows

Copyright © 1996 by Igor V. Goryachev

down the process of transportation of charged particles (ions, electrons} through the boundary
between the electrode and electrol}1e (dmtble electric layer). This kind of polarization represents
kinetic factor of charge transportation and is referred to as "electrochemical polarization" ot
"electrochemical overpotential".

Generally, it depends upon the kind of material of the electrode, upon the character of the
electrode processes, upon the composition of electrolyte, a.11d some other factors. The
electrochemical polarization is the higher higher t11e current density. The electrochemis,al
overpotential causes additional consumption of energy in electrolysis. ·
I .

Now it is clear that in or<ter to gain lower value of the voltage of electrolysis and hence htgher
eflic~ency of the process it is necessary to lower overpotential pfthe electrodes.

So far there is no reliable theory of the tormation and functioning of the double electric layer
at the electrode surface.

The nature of electrical"doubl~ layer", the region ofcharge separation fonned when an
electrode is in contact with an ionic conductor.. is a fundamental theoretical problem in
electrolysis. The double layer formed at a metal electrode in an aqueous electrolyte has received
particularly intensive study. The traditional Gouy..Chapman.Stern model involves a (usually
charged) idealized metal surface, an adjoining plane of chemisorbed water molecules and (often)
ions, and a region of increased concentration of cations or anions, depending on the charge on
the electrode: More recent studies of the double layer employ ajellium (electron plasma) model
for electrons in the metal and a hard sphere model for both solvent molecules and ions. without
making special assumption about the compact layer. Understanding of double-layer behavior is
bound to improve the technique of electrolysis.

Some of the scientists now believe that by application of pulsed voltage instead of the usually ...
applied direct constant voltage the process of charged particle transportation through the doubfti
electric layer can be accelerated. It is wort11 noting that in some previously filed patents the
inventors already proposed to use pulsed regimes that according to their claims accelerated the
electrolytic processes. ·-

The last component to provide the minim~ voltage for electrolysis is the ohmic·losses in 1he
cell. These losses are detennined by the conductivity of electrolyte anq the width of the
interelectrode gap. Therefore. the ~P must be maintained as small as possible.

The conductivity of the electrolyte can be iinp.'"Oved either by chemical or by electrical means
or both.

First of all, the conductivity of the electrolr~ depends upon the concentmtion of the ionizable
component and upon the chemical nature of this component. As is known, there exists some
optimal concentration of ioni~ble ~ompon~nt at which the electrolyte obtains ma."'(Jmum
conductivity. Then, the mobility of ions in electrolyte can be increased by using pulsed voltage
from the po\ver supply. According to the DebypFalkengagen Effect. the conducticity of

Copyright@ 1996 by Igor V. Goryachev

-. 324

electrolyte can be greately increased by applying high frequency field to the interelectrode gap.
There is also information in the literature that the ion mobility (and hence electrolyte
conductivity) can be increased by means of magnetic field applied to the interelcctrode gap.

Several inventors claimed techniques of using pulsed regimes with specific frequencies
maching the resonant frequencies of water molecules to provide higher efficiencies of water
decomposition. Though the valuable resonant frequencies still remain unknown it is believed to
be useful to establish the appropriate shape ofthe voltage pulses applied so that the high
frequency harmonics due to the sharpness ofth~ pulses used would eventually coincide, with
those still wlknown resonant frequencies to attain higher activation of electrode surface
processes. Our experimental expcrea.nce shows that this goal is attaina~le.

The disclosed findings were verified using a simple experimental procedure previously
described in work [3]. All those methods to lower the voltage of electrolysis allowed us to run
the process of water electrolysis under the pulse amplitude voltage as low as 0.2V which means
that the ratio of the exp~'ted energy released from oxidization of the hydrogen generated in
electrolytic process to the electric energy input required to effect electrolysis (efficiency of
energy conversion) gained 740%. We believe that using more sophisticated experimental
equipment it would be possible to decrease the voltage of electrolysis by half which would mean
1500% efficiency.

U' coupled with a hydrogen fuel cell (the efficiency of the most sophisticated fuel ceHs
approaches 70%) the system be a self-sustained system of electricity generation. Alternative,
the system can be used to produce hydrogen as a fuel. In such an operation the electrolytic cell
must absorb heat from the surroundings in order to remain at constant temperature and preserve
the law of enerb'Y conservation. Thereby, the system actually provides direct conversion of
ambient thermal energy into electricity without consuming any energy from an outside po,
supply and without consuming any materials.


L Henry K. Puharich," Method and Apparatus for Spliting Water Molecules", US Patent,#
4,394,230 issued July19, 1983 (filed JunelO, 1981).

2. Penner S.S. and Icerman L.• "Energy, vol.ll, Non-Nuclear Energy Technologies".
Addison-Wesley Pubhshing Company. Inc. Revised Edition, 1977. Rea9ing. Mass. Page 140 ff.

3. Goryachev LV. and Kucherov Y.R., "Utilization cfCatalysis in Metals for Hydrogen
Generation from Water Conswning Ambient Thermal Energy", Proc. oflnternational
Symposiwn on Cold Fusion and Advanced Energy Sources, Minsk, Belarus, May 24·26, 1994.
Also published by Y.Kucherov under his name:" Electrolytic Heat Pump and Open/Closed
Thermodynamic Systems" as a poster at the 5th International Conference on Cold Fsion.
Monte·Carlo, Monaco. April9-13, 1995.

Copyright© 1996 by Igor V. Goryachev



The reactions and questions received on my articles 'Vortex- The natural movement'' and
"Understanding Water Power" show that there is much interest io the subjec;:t of
thermodynamics. In fact, the "laws of tb.ermodynamics" have long been the subject of
heated debate, especially between the promoters and the detractors of another field - that
of "perpe_tual motion".
Joachim Kirchhoff, who has done a thorough research on the development and the
history ·of thermodynamics ( 1) has shown that these laws, and especially the basic
assumption of conservation of energy, can be traced back to an authoritative
pronunciation of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris, made in the year 17V5, saying
that henceforth, the Academy "will no longer accept or deal with proposals concerning
perpetual motion". Their reasoning was, that perpetual motion is impossible to achi~ve
and that the search for it is time consuming and very expensive. According to the ·
member~ of the academy, those bright minds dedicating their time and resources to this
search, could be utilized much better in other, more reasonable endeavors.
So the fact that until that time, no one had succeeded in constructing a workable device of
"perpetual motion", was used as the reason to forbid, de facto, any further research in
that direction. The "laws" thus established and enshrined as the laws of thermodynamics,
have·entered the official screening process of all new inventions. Patent offices all over
the world have more or less consistently refused since then to grant recognition to
anything that was, in their opinio~ infringing upon these laws.

Herbrand writes (2) that prof. Pollermann of the Jillich Atomic Research Institute in
Germany, who is an "expert'' pre-examiner of new ideas in the energy sector, has given a
negative opinion on 43 % of the applications referred to him! He reasons that "the natural
laws accepted by science must be followed" and says that many people (in his view · ·
irrationally) "wish to make use of the eternal forces of gravitation and magnetism".
We can see from this how efficient our current system is in suppressing any real renewal
in the field of physics. I have written about the subject of patents in an earlier·aiticie (3).
I• I o

Conservation of energy

There is such a thing as conservation of energy. However our understanding of the

concept is largely incomplete. By negating the idea of an ether, which I called
background" (4 ), we have limited our conception of energy to that which is observable
on the purely physical plane. All electric and magnetic as well as gravitational phenomena
however, are not purely physical. They require for their understanding a conception of a
higher-dimensional space background, which is, to use the term of Moray, a "sea of
Conservation of energy in the current form of understanding is a useless concept, as it
negates the existence of this giant reservoir of energy, and does not take into account the
constant interchange (through the phenomena of electricity, magnetism and gravitation),
of our world of physical existence with that reservoir. Generation of electrical energy
through magnetism for example, is not limited to the mechanical motive power applied to
a generator and the movement of electrons through a wire, but involves a complex
exchange between space background and physical machinery.
In this context, it may be profitable to remember a statement that Robert Mayer (5) made
in connection with the concept of conservation of energy. He said: "Seeing gravity as the

. . '

cause of the falling of things, we tatk about gravitation and thereby overlook, that an
essential characteristic of any 'force' (energy) is to unify within itself the attributes of
indestructibility and mutability."

This statement should set us thinking. Mayer in fact asserts that energy, in addition to
being indestructible, is also able to change form. This implies that we can not necessarily
~in terms of unidirectional mutability, a concept which thermodynamics has however
maintained since the inception of its famous "laws".
Now the specific form of energy which is the subject of thermodynamics is heat.

What is heat?

As a first step in our approach to the understanding of thermodynamics, we must try to

understand what is this substance that fonns the basis of the theory. Heat has at first been
imagined to be a fluid and has been given the name "caloric". Soon caloric theory, which
was at the basis of our famous "laws", gave way to the contemporary understanding, that
heat is an excited state of matter, transferred through direct contact or through the
mediation of electromagnetic waves of the infrared band. Absence of heat, or the
temperature of absolute zero, is defined as a complete absence of molecular motion.
We shall, for the time being, accept tJtis concept and add some other thoughts:

- Heat is a property of matter. Without w..atter, no heat

-The molecular motion that we call heat is a chaotic, a random motion.

- An increase of heat is an increase of random motion in matter. A decrease of heat

denotes progressi_vely.greater order of molecular alignment.

Two kinds of motion

In this universe, we have two basic kinds of motion: centrifugal and centripetal.
Centrifugal motion is outward directed. It is an expanding, a radiating, explosive motion.
It has a tendency to increase the randomity in matter and thereby cause heat.

This is the kind of motion we are accustomed to. It has been used in our technology since
the discovery of the fire, and especially since the invention of the steam engine and the
consequent industrial revolution. Our continued and exclusive use of this motion has
given us useful but dangerous machinery, polluting internal combustion engines, radio
and microwave technology that has definite negative effects on human, animal and plant
life and last but not least the daughter of the atomic bomb, our atomic power plant, which
is little more than a steam turbine using a very dangerous source of heat, radioactive
We do not have to look far to see the results of this technology: A substantial increase in
carbon dioxide since the start of the industrial revolution, a crisis of raw materials and
energy of gigantic. proportions just around the corner, and a situation where it is almost
impossible today to fmd some clean air to breathe or some real fresh, healthy spring
water to drink.

Centripetal motion on the other hand is inward directed. It is a contracting, a gravitative,

an implosive kind of motion. It has a tendency to align and de-randomize the particles of
matter and causes a decrease in temperature. Centripetal motion is associated with the

Copyright@ 1996 by JosefHasslberger


animating force we call life, which physics in its desire to be "objective" or "scientific"
has steadfastly refused to look at.

Here we have the key to resolving the riddle of thermodynamics. We can see how nature,
using both these types of motion in a balanced way, can ever regenerate itself. It simply
goes, over and over again, through a whole cycle of
chaos __. build-up --. order -+ decay __. chaos,

using the centripetal or vortex motion in the build-up (l..ife, construction) part of the cycle
and the radiative, heat generating motion in the decay (death, destruction) part.


The idea of entropy, of the constant and i.qeversible winding down of the universe, was
introduced with the second law of thermodynamics. Tltis law is based on an observation
of James Watt's steam machine, which was the only technological utilization·of thermal
energy available at the time.
Entropy is associated with radiation. It signifies an ever increasing randoinity of motion,
an expenditure of the "innate energy of a system". According to the current views of
thermodynamics, there is no antidote to entropy. Once expended, energy is said to be lost
forever in that giant heat sink, which we imagine the vast reaches of L"le universe to be.

One of the great minds of u"lis century, ~n outsider to established science, has recognized
the folly of this view and coined a term for the antidote. He ca1Is it syntropy. In his book
"Cosmography", R. Buckminster Fuller writes (6): "The reader ~ill discover that the
inexorable course of the gradual running down of the energy of the universe - that is,
entropy - is only part of the picture. Entropy has a complementary phase, which we
designated syntropy".

We can now assert that syntropy is real, and that it is closely associated with the second
kind of motion discussed above, with the centripetal, the vortex motion.

While radiation is an entropic phenomenon, gravitation is an expression of syntropy.

Gravitation .,
' : '
I '•

We know much about radiation, but comparatively little is known about its "negative"
twin, gravitation. I am using the term gravitation here in a much wider sense than is
.. , ·· generally done in physics. Gravitation in this context means an eleCtromagnetic
phenomenon associated with a vortex in space background. It is a twin of radiation, only
with the vector inversed. Gravitation is a pulling phenomenon, and the effect we are most
familiar with is that gravitation keeps us firmly glued to this planet But gravitation is
more than that It can manifest itself in just as wide a range of wavelengths as does

Gravitation in this extended sense explains for instance the phenomenon found in most
"free energy" devices, which often show a marked cooling effect on their immediate
environment This is simply radiation in reverse, caused by an independent source of
gravitation, a point of attraction, which causes energy to "inflow" towards that point,
rather than expanding outwards from it, as we usually observe.

Anti-gravity thereby becomes accessible to engineering. If gravitation is nothing but an

inv~rse radiation, a pulling phenomenon ~ociated with a vortex, all we n.eed to do in

Copyright@ 1996 by Josef'Hasslberger


order to obtain levitation or anti-gravity is to establish an independent source of

gravitation and orient it in opposition to the gravitation of this planet. Applications in
space propulsion would be comparatively easy to engineer.

How do we establish an independent source of gravitation? We establish, by whatever

means available, magnetic, mechanic or otherwise, a strong vortex in the background
field of space. There are numerous examples of such occurrences in the tales that
surround the field of "free energy", that have not been understood so far and therefore
were incredulously dismissed as the fantasies of a bunch of loonies.
Maybe we should look at these phenomena again and try to understand them with the
new conception we now have of gravity?

The thermodynamic cycle

The thermodynamic cycle as currently understood is a one-way street. It leads from a

source of heat (fuel) via combustion to motion, but the beat must be constantly renewed
through more fuel, as it is "lost" to the environment in the process.
In an article based on the research of Viktor Schauberger, regarding the functions of
vortex motion, Schaffer (7) writes in 1972:
"If the second law (of thermodynamics) does not hold true in the case of vortex motion,
one could postulate the following cycle:
Heat ~ Vortex ~ Motion ~ Friction ~ Heat

Vortices therefore should be able to change heat energy into motive energy. This would
necessitate an acceleration of flow and a cooling effect. Both of these can be observed in
the case of vortices".
I will not attempt to provide a mathematical description for this circular process, but in the
terms used in this article, I want tc restate what has been proposed by Schaffer, to put
forth a new and radically different thermodynamic circular process:

Centrifugal motion
(expansive, explosive)

Heat increase
Centripetal motion
(contractive, implosive)


Heat decrease


This seems to be the natural thermodynamic cycle of this universe.

Using this cycle, that is, using both the centrifugal and the centripetal part and thus
establishing a stable pulsation, it wiil be possible to engineer new clean forms of motion~
producing and energy~producing machinery, that do not depend on fuel such as petrol,
coal or gas for their motion. Does that sound like perpetual motion?

What is perpetual motion?

I think we have to reconsider our strict negation of the possibility of perpetual motion,
which ultimately is based on nothing other than the ideas of the honorable members of the
French Academy of Sciences of 1775. In fact, any machine which is constructed
according to the principles of nature, using the cycle as described here, will have the
characteristics of what used to be called perpetual motion.
This does not mean, that the law of conservation of energy is violated.
We have simply exten.ded our conception of this law, to include, besides the immediately
visible physical universe, also the "sea of energy" which is the higher-dimensional space
background. We have found a way, in other words, to tap into the wheelwork of nature
and utilize its energies more efficiently.
At this point, I would like to thank all those inventors who have encountered these
phenomena in their research and who, despite a completely inadequate scientific basis,
have persisted to make their inventions reality. I would like to acknowledge that their
inventions are real. Despite any refusal of patent examiners and despite the usual
incredulity they have encountered everywhere.

It should also be said that this article would not have been possible without the immense
work Viktor Schauberger has done in observing and describing the mechanics inherent in
the vortex motion of water, and without those that have collected and published what was
left of Schauberger's writings to keep the flame of this knowledge alive for future
One last word about thermodynamics: It seems that things went wrong when we were
trying to imagine a closed system. That is something achievable only in theory. Because
every system existing within thi~; universe is in constant and continuous exchange with
the rest of the universe. And how this universe is made, what it consists of and how it
functions, we have not even remotely begun to understand.

Josef Hasslberger
Rome, 8 May 1993
1. Kirchhoff, Joachim "Perpetuum Mobile und Klima-Katastrophe" in raum&zeit No. 45
2. Herbrand, Ludwig "Erinnerungen eines Entwicklungsingenieurs", page 10, own
computer printing by Ludwig Herbrand, D-5144 Wegberg
3. Hasslberger, Josef "The inventor and society" in raum&zeit (american) No.4, October
4. Hasslberger, Josef"Vortex, the natural movement" in EXPLORE! No.5, Vol.3, 1992
5. Quoted from a letter of Neise, Theodor Ludwig, published in raum&zeit No. 63,
1993, page 98
6. Fuller, R. Buckminster "Cosmography", page 51. Macmillan Publishing Company,
7. Schaffer, Bernhard "Die Wirbelfunktion als Energiequelle" in Implosion, No. 43.

Copyright© 1996 by JosefHasslberffi



Josefi-Iasslberger .

.. .



Institute of Cybernetics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia

St.-Petersburg State Technical University, St.-Petersburg, RUssia

1. Introduction

The pr~blems of the science of the XXI century by a natural way are determined by the
achievements and errors, which are given to us in the inheritance from the science of the past. The time
of brilliant" suc~esses and optimistic forecasts in the beginning and middle of the XX century was
replaced by the {>eriod of the understanding of results, and it had to ascertain, that the science has not so
advanced in the description and ·understanding of a general picture~of the world. The conceptual reo-
equipment still remains by the basic problem, which is worth · before the scientific community. The
modem science, and first of all physics, has appeared unable to construct the universal models, which
could describe time-oriented evolution processes of real systems in all variety and complexity of their
However it does not at all mean, that the change of the system of sights is necessarily connected
to the representations about a conceptual revolution, and has not basis and has not touched in the annals
of the classical science. As to thermodynamics, the bases of the adaptation of its technique to the
d~ption of tim~riented, irreversible and even of spontaneous processes, performed by complex
multi-component systems, were ·incorporated already in the works of Gibbs [IJ. The representation
about the thermodynamic equilibrium as a current state of a thermodynamic system, which is petforming
a process in the strict conformity with the fundamental differential equations of thermodynamics, is for
the first time given by Gibbs in his thermodynamic theory. Constructed on the example of the
Lagrangian statics, the Gibbsian theory has become one of the most significant achievement of the
thermodynamic analysis.
The present paper is devoted to the formulation of the modern concept of thermodynamic
research. The circle of ideas, fixed in the basis of the classical thermodynamics. is extended at the
expense ofthe understanding of the first law, the principle ofthe entropy existence, and the principle of
linear work, as of the universal fundamental relations of thermodynamics. But these qualities they get
only in the eomposition of an integral system of axioms and principles, which in common provide the
integrability of the fundamental differential equations of tltennodynamics outside of the dependence on
the complexity of the thermodynamic system, in the terms of which they are written down. In addition,
in the system of axioms the principles are included, which allow simultaneously to use analysis and
synthesis as the equal-in-rights methods ofthermodynamic research.
. In an analytical form, the principles compose the uniform, non-hierarchical system of axioms, in ·
which each principle is equivalent to others, and the. failure from any of them destroys all the system of
axioms. The analysis of a complex structure by its decomposition on simple elements and the synthesis
from simple subsystems an united and homogeneous whole do not duplicate and do not contradict each
other, but are the competing and supplementing each other laws. The approach developed in the paper
enables to predict the evolution of a multi-component solution, to simulate the processes of structuring

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Berezovski and V. Rosenblum

in continuum, and also to separate the criteria, which mark the states of system, resulting in the change
of a level of its struciurization.

2. Principles of classical the•·modynamics. Simple systems

As the independent science, thermodynanrics was issued in the middle of the XIX century, when
in worJcs of Clausius [2] and Thomson [3] the fundamental relations of thermodynamics were given in
their modem form. Then on the basis of the first law of thermodynamics, of the principle of the entropy
existence, and the principle of linear work

dq = du+dl, dq = Tds, dl = pdv, (2.1)

the differential equation was obtained


as the united record of the fundamental relations (2.1), where all variables p, T, v,u,s are assumed to
be state functions, and their infinitely small changes should be the total differentials. From the
mathematical point of view, the latter means that the factors at independent variables in the equation
(2.2) should be connected by the Maxwell's differential relations or their consequences


Besides, from observations over the peculiarities of the behaviour of pure substances it follows
that the measured thermal and caloric functions of state are unambiguously determined by the values of
pressure and temperature. Therefore, for each pure substance, the continuous analytical dependencies
can be obtained by the empirical way, which connect functions of state for pure substances. However,
the explicit forms of the thermal and caloric equations of state, obtained by such a way

p = p(v,T), u = u(v, T), (2.4)

cannot be arbitrary, because their partial derivatives are coupled by the relations (2.3). It means, that the
mathematical structure of the empirical equations of state should be constructed so that at the
differentiation of the thermal equation of state at v = const, and the caloric equation of state at
T = const, the obtained partial derivatives should transform the dependencies (2.3) into identities. In
this case, the integrability of the fundamental differential equation (2.2) is automatically provided, and
the equation of state, determining the value of specific entropy in a pure substance, s = s( v, T), ·can be
represented in an explicit form.
The thermodynamic model of a simple substance (2.1) - (2.4) should be complemented by
relations, which determine volume V, entropy S, and internal energy U as functions of state. In this
case, the fundamental equation (2.2) can be represented in the extensive form

' ,
1 .
dS = -dU + p:dV + rp dm: V=vm, S=sm, U =um. (2.5)
T T T .

Copyright@ 1~6 by A. Berezovski and V. Rosenblum


The extensive functions of state get the special importance in the multi--component systems, the
properties of which in a strong measure depend on a combination of the extensive characteristics of
constituents of a complex medium. The thermodynamic model (2.!) - (2.5) represents the universal form
of the description of a pure substance in the sense that the continuous, empirical ~quations of state of
any mathematical form can be used in its composition, if only the thennal and caloric equations of state
would ·compatible among themselves by the integrability conditions (2.3). Independent variables of a
simple subsystem are interchangeable, and, hence, the complete differential of specific entropy can be
expressed not only as .the dependence (2.2), but also can be written down in the form of the function of
temperature (pressure) and specific volume ·

(a;) ell'+ (a;'

ds = fJF
a,.) dv,
(a); dr=(:) 4J+(:)
~v p
dv, (b) . (2.6)

Thus the equations (2.6 a) and (2.6 b) are not independent relations.
The thermodynamic model (2.1) - (2.6) reflects the properties of a real pure substance so long as
in the investigated substance there are no processes of structuring or phase transitions, and also while
the pure substance does not get in the sphere of action of the force fields of a various type. By other
words, the thermodynamic model (2.1) - (2.6) authentically describes simple thermodynamic systems
and requires supplements, when the substance becomes complex or the level of its structurization varies.
The given thermodynamic model represents the ~ontinuous description of a chemically pure substance,
expressed as continuous analytical dependencies, each of which is independent and is necessary in order
all other equations of system were fulfilled. · . .
Thus, the thermodynamic model (2.1)- (2.6), which has by the basis the non-hierarchic system
of the equal-in-rights axioms, gives the complete description of the properties of each particular

3. Complex thermodynamic systems

Simple systems or pure substances compose only a small part of the physical objects, present in
the environmental world. The complex thermodynamic systems, intensive state of which is determined
by more than two independent variables, ·will form all the variety of the universe. However, i.tself the
number of independent variables is not a sufficient attribute of a thermodynamic system and a complex
system, in particular. Any association of several independent physical bodies as an integrity separated
from an environment not yet creates the complex system as a whole, though for the characteristic of the
evolution of such a system of bodies the increased number of arguments is required.
Thus, the description of a complex system should begin with its definition as the comple-.< but
united thermodynamic structure, elements of which simple thermodynamic subsystems are. At such an
approach, the problems ofthe interaction of subsystems among themselves and with an environment, as .
both the independent thermodynamic subjects, and as integral parts .ofunited and indivisible whole [4],
are put forward on the first plan.
We shall suppose, that the relations (2.1) ~ (2.3), (2.5), (2.6) reflect the fundamental properties of
matter and keep the importance outside of the dependence on a level of the structurization of a
substance and the number independent variables, which determine the thermodynamic state of a system.
Then for the complex system, the parameters of which are marked by the subscript c , it is possible to
write down:

Copyright @ 1m by A. Berezovsk.i and V. Ro:;enblum




· (tPcJ =(i};cJ (tPcJ =(i};c l

8I'c v. CVc T. ili'c s. bYe) P.
(~c) T. (tPc) _P·c
me r.- c iJl'c v,



dSC_ -1- dUC +-

PcdVC +--
fPcdmC> (3.6)
T;; T;; T;;


It is necessary to take into account, that the thermodynamic model represents a certain way of
the interpretation ofthe reality, and it is wider than the set of the mathematical symbols, that it is offered
as the systems of equations (2.1) - (2.6) or (3.1) - (3.7). The information properties of the
thermodynamic model consist not in the fact of the recognition of that or other symbo~ but in a
generality of the experience, to which they are attributed, and the contents of which is fixed in the
concepts and definitions of thermodynamics. The thermodynamic model is substantial only if all
peculiarities of the conceptual tools of thermodynamics are maintained, otherwise the description has no
sense, and consists from non-identified abstract forms.
First, it concerns to the functions of state, the properties of which are provided, only if the
differential equations in the composition of a thermodynamic model satisfY their integrability conditions
(2.3), (3.3). In the system of equations (2.1)- (2.6) it is reached by means of the empirical equations of
state, which are compatible among themse!ves a..iter a special procedure.
In the thermodynamic model of complex binary system (3 .1) - (3.7), the integrability of the
fundamental differentiai equations cannot be achieved by the introduction into the composition of the
model of empirical equations of state, because the use of the two-parametrical equations of state
transforms a mixture into a quasi-simple system, in which all peculiarities of a binary solution appear
emasculated. and the model provide the mixture with properties of a hypothetical pure substance.
As to the empirical equations of state of the binary medium, represented in the form of functions
of many variables, they cannot be used for the description of a surface of state of the two-component
substance, because in this case the integrability conditions of the equations (3 .2), (3.4)- (3.6) cannot be
fulfilled in principle. Thus, the thermodynamic model of a binary solution can be constructed on the
representations about the binary system as an ensemble of two interacting simple subsystems, the
thermodynamic state of which is described by means of the system of equations (2. l) - (2. 6).

Copyright \l;l 1996 by A. Berezovskl and V. Rosenblum


4. Binary systems. The basic assumptions

It is supposed, that the pure substances in the composition of a mixture at the expense of
interaction among themselves and with an environment participate in the formation of the structure of a
solution and by that provide the dependence of the functions of state of a solution on the relative
contents of constituents, besides the dependence on temperature and pressure. The appropriate
interrelations between functions of state of simple subsystems and thermodynamic characteristics of the
mixture can obtain the analytical expression the~ when the principles, which determine the ways of
separation ~d interaction of subsyst~ms in the composition of the complex system, are formulated.
· Let us list the basic axioms, on which the developed method is based, considering a complex
system as an ensemble of the itldependent working bodies and, independently and simultaneously, as
the indivisible and homogeneous whole, the integral part of which each ofconstituents is [4].
Axiom 1. Each complex system is composed by the finite number of simple subsystems or
constituents~ the state of which is described by the system of the equations (2.1)- (2.6).
Axiom 2. The fundamental equations (3.1) - {3. 7) are universal and keep ~ir form and
mathemati~al strocture at any level of the struchuization ofa substance.
Axiom 3. Any substance, either complex or simple, pure or mulii-component, consists of
discrete particles and only from discrete particles.
These discrete particles are atoms and molecules, which are characterized by the invariability of
mass. Therefore mass me, fum:tion ofwork PcVc, heat mc/Jqc, and work melle, of any real substance
are additive functions. In order the obviously continuous thennodynamic model would reflect the
fundamental properties of a real, primarily discrete, two-component medium, the thermodynamic
description of a complex substance (3 .1) - (3. 7) should be extended at the expense of the appropriate
additivity conditions:

(4.3) I._... •
T.he relations (4.1) - (4.3) are formulated in view of the discrete properties of mass in the . real
constituents of the sirnuiated solution. So long as the masses m1 and ~ are the independent variables,
which determine the composition and amount of a solution, variables me, m1 and mz.
.. as the
characteristics of the real substance represent isolated points of an appropriate discrete sets.
Differentiation of such variables has no sense. Thus, the i.."ltroduction of the additivity conditions of
masses (4.1) into the structure of the continuotlS thermodyn~c model, simultaneotisly provides the
prohibition for the use for the differential form of this relation Within the framework of the model: And
only then, when in this or that part of the solution the conditions appear, at which masses m1 and mz. ·
become connected among themselves for the reasons, internal for the given model, then in the
appropriate part of system the differential form of the additivity conditions of masses gets the right on an
existence. The prohibition is kept and in this case, but at that level of the structurization of substance, on
which the total mass of the two-component ·system me is detennined by independent masses of

Copyright® 1996 by A. Berezovski ~d V. Rosenblum


Axiom 4. The simple subsystems, which compose complex system, interact among themselves
and with an environment. Non-interacting systems cannot create the complex systems.
We shall suppose, that the interaction of constituents in a homogeneous solution is performed in
such a manner that the temperatures of constituents in two-component system remain identical in all


Then in view of the dependencies (4.2)- (4.4), the fundamental differential equation (3.4) can be
expressed through the independent variables of subsystems. A similar equation can be received, if to
combine the differential equations (2.6 a), written down in the terms of constituents and previously
multiplied on "'-i . The obtained equations appear identical, and the equality of factors in these equations
determines additional relations ofthe connection between constituents


Other result of this reasoning is the aciditivity of isochoric heat capacity in the mixture.
It is necessary to pay attention, that from the formal point of view, other way of the interaction
of subsystems is also possible, when not the temperatures but the pressures of subsystems are kept equal

Pc = P1 = P2 , (4.6)

Analyzing the differential equations (2.6 b) and (3.5) in view of the equalities (4.2), (4.3), (4.6)
in the technique, that was used for the conclusion of the conditions (4.5), we shall obtain other
conditions of equilibrium


The fact of the detection of two classes of equilibrium systems, which are characterized by the
relations (4.4), (4.5) or the conditions (4.6), (4.7), changes our representations about possible ways of
the coexistence of real systems. In the world environmental us, the first type of the equilibrium
conditions (4.4), (4.5) characterizes more often liquid ar,d gaseous systems. The conditions (4.6), (4.7)
are more suitable for the description of a Li.ermodynamic state of solids. But it does not mean, that the
conditions (4.4), (4.5) are in general inapplicable to solid bodies, and liquid and gaseous media will
never fonn the quasi-solid states, described by the conditions (4.6), (4.7). Opposite, in a real
environment these states alternate each other, forming thin structure of ocean, stratification of
atmosphere, two-layered structure of glacials, complex mantle structure etc. Within the framework of
the given paper, only such structures will be considered, the equilibrium processes in which are provided
by the conditions (4.4), (4.5).
In result of the splitting of a binary solution on separate subsystems (analysis), performed
accordjng to the already accepted axioms, not only the differential and integral interrelations between
subsystems and quasi-homogeneous solution (4. I) - (4.5) are obtained, but also the integrability is
provided of the differential equations (3.2), (3.4), wri:ten down in the terms of the binary solution.

Copyright © 1996 by A. Berezovsk:i anc V. Rosenblum


Nevertheless, the accepted axioms are not enough for the complete description of the binary solution.
Besides, the listed above axioms do not provide the integrability of the differential equation (3.5),
without that the thermodynamic model of a binary solution is not complete and strict.
Axiom 5. The concepts ofthennodynamic and geometrical volumes cue identical
This axiom allows to consider the values of thermodynamic volumes of constituents and solution
as a whole as the continuous and differentiable functions. Accordingly, the expressions (4.1 b) and (4.1
c) becomes continuous and differentiable


Axiom 6. The volumes ofdiscrete particles ofa real two-component solution adjoin each other
without either backlashes or emptiness, in which there would be the third substance, which is not
considered as a constituent of the complex system, or some substance, which have the effect of
"empty" space.
The dense, without emptiness, packing of the particles of pure substances in a mixture provides
the property of continuity, which is inherent in a real solution and should be introduced into its
thermodynamic model. It can be made by virtue ofthe .relation


In this case, the total differential of mass of the solution dmc is determined from the relations (4.8),


Thus, the equalities (4. 9) and (4.l 0) determine variables dmc and dvc through the appropriate
· variables of subsystems. Besides, the joint analysis ofthe relations (4.1 b, c), (4.3), (4.9) shows, that the
specific volumes of subsystem'S V; are interconnected among themselves and cannot simultaneously act
in a role of independent variables, describing the state of two-component medium as a whole

dvc dvl dv2 (4.11)

·- = - = - -
The interaction of constituents in a solution has deeper and thorough influence to the
composition of the solution, than it follows from the representations about them as the independent
working bodies, keeping in the solution all the physical and chemical peculiarities of pt.rre substances. In
contrast to a mechanical mixture~ the solution represents the united and homogeneous whole, the
constituents of which enter in the physical anci chemical interactions with each other [5].
Axiom 7. The interaction of constituents in a solution is dual in the essence, as both physical
(weak) interaction of constituents of a solution and chemical (strong) interaction of the same
substances cue performed in solutions simultaneously and independently.
Each of constituents in a solution with respect to the given constituent is represented by a part of
an environment, which influences the given constituent, forcing it to perform a process within the
framework ofthe restrictions (4.2)- (4.5). This physical interaction of constituents does not result in the
appearance of any qualitatively new properties in the solution at the level of the thermodynamic

Copyright@ I~ by A. Berczovs.ld and V. Rosenblum


description. In this case, the constituents display themselves as independent working bodies, performing
a process under the influence of external actions, and the mixture as a whole is involved in the
thermodynamic process, which is described by the equations (3.1)- (3 .4).
Chemical interaction, in contrast, results in the appearance of a certain over-molecular structure,
which forms a stable and capable to the independent existence set of constituents. From the
thermodynamic point of view, it means, that the pure substances in the interaction among themselves
create an united indivisible and homogeneous whole, i.e. the homogeneous solution, the integral parts of
which they are. And though between physical and chemical interactions it is impossible to lead the
absolutely exact difference, in real systems both kinds of interaction are simultaneously observed, that
results in the additional reduction of the numb.e r of degrees of freedom in the complex two-component
system by virtue of(4.7) and (4.11).
Axiom 8. The changes of the intensive state of constituents, participating in continuous process
of synthesis of united, indivisible and homogeneous structure of the solution as its integral parts, oceur
in the system ofcoordinates, identical for whole and its parts.
The fundamental differential relations for simple subsystems by virtue of the given axiom should
be complemented by the forms of total differential for specific entropy, written down in the coordinates
Tc, vc, and p c, vc, which determine the state of a homogeneous solution as a whole -

=( iJI:
&; ) dT.C + ( 0V
&; ) dv
c v. c 7;

i = 1,2 0 (4.13)

The expression (4.12) by virtue of the conditions (4.4), (4.11) is identical to the equation (2.6 a),
while the relation (4.13) is the independent differential equation, which supplement the thermodynamic
model of a simple subsystem (2.1) - (2.6). In this case the simple subsystem is an integral part of the
united and indivisible set of pure substances, which the homogeneous solution is. Summation of the
expressions (4.13) with respect to i in view ofthe conditions (4.2), (4.3), (4.11) results in the differential
equation, which should be identical to the form of the total differential (3. 5). The comparison of the
differential relation, obtained in result of the sununation, with the equation (3.5) allows to express
factors at independent variables in the dependence (3.5) through the functions of state of simple
subsystems. We shall have in result

a ) =}:2 ~ -p· a;.)

(_c ·· 7 1

cpc v i=l mcPc ;:p,. v

_1 .
< I

The equalities (4.14) provide the integrability of the differential equation (3.5). In its t'..Jrn, the
integrability ofthe differential equations (3 .4) and (3.5), means, that all therniodynamic characteristics of
the binary system have the status of functions of state. Using this property for specific entropy, and also
the equations (3.4), (3.5), (4.3), (4.8), we shal1 obtain the differential equation

Copyright © 1996 by A. Berezovski and V. Rosenblum



which, connecting among themselves the independent variables ofbinary system, allows rather evidently
to explain some its anomal properties. By this peculiarity of the equation (4.15) we shall use in the
following section at the discussion of the thermodynamic model. For now we shall note, that. the
thermodynamic model ofthe two-component system, including the relations (2.1)- (2.6), (3.1)- (3.7),
(4.1) - (4.5). (4.8) - (4.15), is appeared closed, ifthe independent variables and, including, the external
influences upon the binary system in that or other combination can be given.

S. Peculiarities of thermodynamic model af two-component medium

Received on the basis of the stated above axiomatics, the thermodynamic model represents the
description of a thermodynamic process in t 11 cases. The thermodynamic state of constituents and
binary system as a whole is contin· •ously varied and can be kept permanent oply if to suppose, that all
the external influences upon the sys ~m from its environment aspire to zero or in general are absent In
this hypothetical situation, because virtue of the conditions (4.4), (4.11) an processes, caused by the
interaction of constituents, are stopped. The thermodynamic state of the complex system and its
subsystems in the given situation is unambiguously determined by the independent parameters. of state
fc, Pc• m1 and 1712_, and is fixed so long as the condition:; are fulfilled:

Just these hypothetical states, attributed to the ~em in the conditions of its absolute isolation
from the environment, are accepted, in the . ~lassical phenomenological theilllodynamics as the
equilibrium states of a system. The equilibriUm thermodynamic process is represented by a geometrical
place of the equilibrium ~.ates in this case. It is natural, that the real processes, in which the essential
factors are the effects of the interaction of subsystems among themselves and with the envirotiment, are
not stacked in the classical pattern.
We allow, that are possible and such situations, when the interaction of the binary system with
the environment is realized so, that Tc, Pc• "'I and m2 are included in the set of independent
variables, which determine a current thermodynamic state of the System. Then from the equation (4.1 5)
follows, that the differentials dl•c, dm1 and dm2 cannot simultaneously play the role of independent
variables. It means, that the thermodynamic state, determined by the parameters 1'c, p c, m1 and mz. ,
can belong to an infinite set of real pfocesses, characterized by different sets of independent fuf1uences.
Thus, whatever · nesttgibre there would be the influence of an environment upon the given
binary ·system, its ·thermodynamic state will change with time by an irreversible way. For the
unambiguous and complete characteristic of a current thermodynamic state it is necessary to specifY
simultaneously seven independent variables, which can include both parameters of state of the system
and independent influences upon it in various combinations. In this case, problems of the reverting of
influences and the question on the reversibility of thermodynamic processes will not be so obvious,
which they seemed in the classical thermodynamics. The thermodynamic mode~ in which together with
algebraic expressions also the independent differenrial equations are included, gets properties of an
internal irreversibility. And, the time is not enteret! explicitly into the number of variables of the
thermodynamic mode~ it is obvious, that all processes, which perform the homogeneous thermodynamic

Copyright@ 1?96 by A. Berezowkf and V. Rosenblum


systems (i.e. systems, not having the influences of external forces, either gravitational or of other kind
) , are finally performed in .the time. Therefore, thermodynamic processes, simulated on the basis of
the representations, that the substance of a reality i.n an equal measure represents itself as a movement
and as substance, always appear oriented in the time and irreversible on its essence.
Thus, the dual nature is distinctly displayed in multi-component systems . .Schematically the
binary solution is possible to present as the set of components 1 <Utd 2 (F,ig. 1), each of which in the
compo'sition of a solution has all the physical and chemical properties of a · pure substance: Of the
individual peculiarities of constituents' states in the composition of the solution, those distinctive
properties of the two-component system are formed, which here it is accepted to name as the integral
properties. At a level of constituents or simple subsystems, the mass interaction with an environment is
performed, while in the processes, which are related with the heat supplement and the work
delivering, the environment deals with other fac.e of the binary solution, namely, with a .homogeneous
system C . As a whole, the binary system represents the united hierarchical structure, in which at the
bottom level the simple subsystems 1 and 2, and at the top level - the homogeneous substance C are
In mutual relations with an environment, the complex but integral system C12 displays itself as
an integral and homogeneous substance, the continuous process of the change of state 'of which, in the
final result is determined by variables, in the set of which both parameters of state and external actions
are included, for example:· Tc, Pc• ml> m2 , &fc, dlc , dm1 or Tc, ml> mz, (jqc, die, dml>
dm2 etc. (Fig. 2).
The concept of the given work is based on the representations, that interaction and process are
the fundamental attributes of the matter. Therefore, the external influences on the part of an
environment onto the considered system are continuous functions of time outside of the dependence on
that, - by artificial or natural reasons they are explained. If the continuous dependencies of external
influences on the time r can be represented in an explicit fonn, and if initial values of parameters of
state can be specified


then the thermodynamic model of a binary solution describes the evolution of the given system.
However, itself the continuity of the external influence does not determine the continuity of evolution
process. In a homogeneous binary solution C under certain conditions, the critical situation can arise,
when the further continuous behaviour of the binary system within the fran1ework of the having .
hierarchical structure conflicts to the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Overcoming crisis
requires the transition to more high level of the .self-organizing in the given system, on which the
conformity to the fundamental laws is kept at all levels of the hierarchical structurization of the

6. Self-organizing of two-component systems

The reorganization of the internal structure of the binary system arises then, when there hecome
identical the partial derivatives of entropy with respect to specific volume of a solution, taken at
Tc =cons/ and , Pc = const, respectively

Copyright© 1996 by A. Berezovski and V. Rosenblum



Here and further the parameters, which characterize the states ofbinary system and constituents,
are marked by the subscript k to distinguish a state . of the two-component system, which correspond
to the conditions (6.1), from states of an usual binary solution C.
The system of the equations of the thermodynamic mode4 complemented by the equation (6.1 ),
requires ~ . smaller number of independent variables for the determining a thermodynamic state of the
system. In this case, the masses mlk and ""lk appear connected among themselves by the dependence
(6.1 b), and for this reason, according to told at the discussion of third axiom, the additivity condition
for masses becomes the differentiable relation

dmk = dmlk + dm2k> (a); - - =dmlk
- - =dm2k
--, (b). (6.2)
mk mlk muc
The condition (6.2 b) follows from the joint analysis of the equalities (2.5), (3.7), (4.1 a), (4.1 b),
(4.9), and (6.2 a). For a solution, which is characterized by the conditions (6.1), (6.2), we shall use the
term cluster in view of that the properties of the two-component medilPD in this case in many respects
correspond to the properties of real cluster systems. ·
The special properties of the cluster consist in that it represents a structure-building and energy-
delivering (in either positive or negative sense) cell, which by virtue_ of the conditions.(6.1 a), (6.2 b)
provides the stability of the its own state at the expense of removing of the surpluses of masses of
constituents in the outside of its own volume (Fig. 3), forming an accompanying to cluster K usual
binary solution CN . As a result, the JP.vel of structurization of L'le two-component cluster system as a
whole NK varies, as between the cluster solution NK and simple subsystems Kl, K2, CNl, and
CN2, exists an intennediatc hierarchical level, which occupy subsys"~ K and CN .
On the Figure 4, the p, v -diagram of the two--component system of constant composition is
schematically represented. Here the area of states of the cluster solution NK is placed between cluster
curves K and N.
Cluster curves ther-LSelves are the geometrical piaces of states of clusters K or clusters N . The
fonn and atTangement of these curves on the surface of states of a binary solution are determined by the
solution of the complete system of equations, obtained widlin the framework of the thennodynamic
model, which includes and the equation (6.1 b). For definiteness, on the Fig. 4 the situation is
represented, when the process of the change of states in the cluster solution NK evolves from the states
of substance on the cluster curve K to the 1>1ates on the cluster curve N . The cluster curves K and N
are the trace of cluster surface on the pl&'1e of the p, v -diagram. Subsystems of the cluster solution
NK, are cluster K; , the thermodynamic states of which always belongs to the cluster surface of states,
and accompanying system CN; . The states of accompanying system CN1 are placed to the right of the
cluster curve N and are characterized by that greater size of specific volume v CN than less relative
mass contents of the subsystem CNt in the cluster solution NK1 • At the increase of the relative amount
of the_ binary subsystem CN; in the structure of solution NKt, its thermodynamic state varies along
isotherm into the party ofthe cluster curve N.
The thermodynamic model of the cluster solution completely descnbes the states of all
subsystems and the solution NK as a whole, and provides to calculate all thermodynamic

Copyright@) 1996 by A. Beie:zovski and V. Rosenblum


9haracteristics. In the number of determined parameters are included also the equilibrium concentrations
of the subsystems K and CN and their relative contents in the solution. Certainly, it becomes
possible, if independent variables and external actions (5.2) will be previously specified.
Despite of the complex hierarchical structure (Fig. 5), the homogeneous cluster solution NK
together with the binary subsystems K, CN cmd the simple components Kl, K2 , CN1, CN2 will
form the integral, united and homogeneous whole, which is capable to an independent and steady
existen,ce in the environment. However, the hierarchy of structure, a certain trend of the internal
processes of mass transfer, and also of the internal irreversibility of thermodynamic processes in binary
systems, are displayed themselves in Figures 3 - 5 in the explicit form.
Even in that case, when the subsystem C!'f reaches the cluster curve N (Fig. 4), the reverting
of external actions does not result in the reverting of thermodynamic processes in the system. Opposite,
the coexistence within the framework of the united t'..vo-ccmponent system of the two binary subsystems
K and N, which are having the properties of clusters, causes a new reorganization of the structure of
the two-component medium (by symbol N an accompanying solution CN is marked after it has got
the properties of a cluster). ·
The conditions (6.1), (6.2), written down in the terms of the binary subsystem N, are included
now in the composition of its thermodynamic model. Moreover, these interrelations appear valid and at
a level of the cluster solution as a whole. We shall name of the similar sort of a cluster system as the
· saturated cluster solution, having in view of, that t:t1e properties of the· latter much differ from properties
of the cluster solution, consisting of the clusters K and the accompanying binary mixture CN . The
appearance of the additional relations between parameters reduces the number of degrees of freedom in
the system and makes all the state functions in the two-c.omponent medium NK dependent only of the
temperature and composition of system. It means, that the pressure p NK in a general case will not
coincide with the pressure of the environment, and L'le cluster system will be continuously perform a
compelled process, which is coupled with the work and heat delivering, because by virtue of the
conditions (5.2) any external influence shouid change also the initial temperature of the cluster solution
TNKO . On the other hand, the conditions (6.2 b) connect all masses of constituents among themselves,
not admitting of their arbitrary change. However, the change of one parameter, in particular, TNK,
cannot make compatible the state of the cluster solution with an arbitrary influence in the form of heat
and work. In order the reaction of the system was adequate to the influence on it, the thermodynamic
states, which can occupy the saturated duster solution, should form the surface of states. In other words,
the external actions on the system should change simultaneously two of its parameters of state, namely,
temperature and composition. Only in this case it is possible to expect, that the behaviour of the system
at the all hierarchical levels of its structure will satisfy the fundamental laws of thermodynamics.
The thermodynamic model of the cluster system in this case becomes complicated, as the
saturated cluster solution in reply to the external influence separates a part of its mass, forming a new
saturated cluster solution, which compose by the same components, taken in the other quantitative
combination. In the given process of the self-organizing of two-component system the saturated cluster
solution NK(l) as though reproduces itself in the composition of a new saturatt;!d cluster solution
NK( ), forming together with it a complex and bulky structure of two-component supersystem.
In these conditions, each of the saturated binary subsystems NK(l) and NK.( ),
ch~ging their
structure and temperature, can coordinate their states under the external influence, exerted upon each of
them by an environment. However, the process of self-orgarizing, which is performed by the ·given
complex two-component system, cannot be spontaneously stopped, while the supersystem exists as a
. certain integtity, and, moreover, this process cannot be stopped by the special external influence upon
the given supersystem, because the movement of energy and mass between all elements of this bulky

Copyright© 1996 by A. Bere:zovski and V. Rosenblum


structure and outside of it is caused only b; Li e internal reasons and, first of all, by the actualization of
mass interaction of the diverse constituents ofthis system in everything its volume.
The processes of sinlilar kind, the appearance of which is caused by internal reasons, usually
name as spontaneous processes; to them, as a rule,. refer and meta-stable phenomena However, the
existence of such processes is usually explained by the reasons, connected to the nonequihorum
properties of physical media and with the irreversibility of real physical processes. In this case, we
wanted to show, that the purely thermodynamic reasons can determine the necessity in the appearance
of the meta-stable states. From the point of view of the laws of thermodynamics, the meta-stable
structures occupy its natural niche in the tum of the structures, which arise in the two-component
medium, before it disintegrates onto heterogeneous phases. And thus the thermodynamic technique
appear sufficient to describe the meta·stable states of a substance and all elements of its complex
structure. Within the framework of the accepted s~..em of axioms, the thermodynamic model of the
meta-stable state or supersystem appear closed and can be solved, if the empirical equations of state for
pure substances (2.4), which compose the binary system, are known in explicit and consistent form.
The meta-stable state of a substance is the most complex structure, which arises during the self-
organizing.of a two-component system. Despite the elementary initial structure, which is a true solution
of two simple substances, the two-component system can reach a very high level of structurization, at
which the saturated cluster solution is practically provided by reproductive properties and reproduces its
structure as an independent working body, existing in somG- new area of parameters states. The
continuous spontaneous process, which is performed by a substance in the meta-stable state, allows to
this substance to occupy the current states, temperature and pressure of which differ from the
appropriate parameters of an environment. ·
The continuous process of the change of state parameters in the meta-stable substance comes to
an end, when the supersystem reaches the state, in which both its saturated cluster subsystems are
characterized by identical pressures. In this case, the supersystem as continuous, homogeneous medium,
carrying out functions of some unity, stops to exist. The meta-stable substance disintegrates onto
phases, which are at identical temperatures and pressure, and are connected among themselves by the
known Clapeiron - Clausius' equation. However, the thermodynamic model allows to express this
relation by explicit algebraic expressions. The structure of substance becomes essentially more ~pie
(Fig. 6). However, the phases are not completely independent from each other substance, because mass
interaction everything still determines the equilibrium concentrations of phases.


In the paper is shown, that axioms accepted by the authors, allowing in all cases to use only
integrable forms of the fundamental differential equations of thermodynamics, provide the essential
expansion of its opportunities, by extending the thermodynamic method onto processes of the self-
organizing and evolution of physical systems.
The qualitative correspondence be~een the thermodynamic processes of structuring and
evolution and real processes in two-component systems, which is sfisplayed in a sequence of arising
structures, .In the peculiarities of .their interaction with an environmen~ in the ability of complex
structures and their elements to independent existence,. allows to hope, that the developed
thermodynamic technique can be applied to the forecasting of the properties of complex structures and
the description of processes of interaction oftheir elements.


Copyright@ 1996 by A. Berezowki and V. Rosenblum


I. Gibbs J.W. On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances. In: The Collected Works of
J.W.Gibbs. Dover, New York, 1961, v.l, 35-353.
2. Clausius R. The mechanical theory of heat. In: The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Ed.
J.Kestin, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudburg, PA, 1976, 79- 158.
3. Thomson W. On the dynamic theory ofheat. Item,. 161 -174.
4. Berezovski A., and Rosenblum V. Basic concepts ofthermodynamics of complex systems.
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 1993, 42, 2, 178- 194.
5. Krestov G.A., and Berezin B .D. The Basic Concepts of Modem Chemistry. Leningrad,
Khimija, 1986, 102 s. (in Russian).

Figure captions:

Fig. 1. The structure of a binary solution

1,2 are constituents of solution, N is homogeneous binary solution

Fig. 2. The block diagram of a binary solution

1,2 are constituents of solution, N is homogeneous bina..ry solution, C12 is integral binary system;
_ _ interaction of constituents 1 and 2 as independent working bodies (physical interaction); - -
interaction of constituents 1 and 2 as integral parts united and indivisible whole (chemical interaction)

Fig. 3. The structure of a cluster

NK is cluster solution, CN is binary solution, K is cluster, Kl, K2, CN!, CN2
are constituents, mass transfer KI ~ CNI (i=l,2)

Fig. 4. p, v- diagram of a binary system

NK is cluster solution, C is homogenwus binary solution, CN is accompanying binary solution, K,
N are cluster curves, NKi, Ki, CNi - thermodynamic state of a cluster solution and its binary

Fig. 5. The block diagram of a cluster solution

NK is cluster solution, NK12 is integral binaPJ system, CN is accompanying binary solution, K is
cluster, Kl. K2, CNI, CN2 are constituents; ___ interaction of constituents 1 and 2 as
independent working bodies (physical interaction); - - interaction of constituents 1 and 2 as integral
parts united and indivisible whole (chemical interaction): mass interaction of diverse
constituents; ........... mass transfer
Fig. 6. The block diagram of a two-phase system
F(z') are phases, Kl(i), K2(i), CNl(i), CN2(i) are constituents mass transfer

Copyright~ 1996 by A. Berezovsld and V. Rosenblum


c Te, Pe, me

1 2


Figure I

·-.:~. ' .


. Te, Pe, me


1 2
T1, P1, m1 T2, P2, m2


Copyright© 1996 by A. Berezovski and V. Rosenblum


K1 K2

- CN1 CN2


Figure 3

TNK =const


Copyright @ 1996 by A. Bt:reiovski and V. Rosenblum




K CN · ·
L:--~ 1----.J L---..j 1---

K1 - K2
CN1 - CN2



F <1> F <2>
K1 (1 > K1 <2>

K2 (1) 1(2(2)

N1 <1 > N1 <2 >

- -

N2 <1 > N2< 2 >


Copyright@ 1996 by A. and V. Rosenblum


Energy Transformation Dynamics

G.AMikhailovsky, Novgorod State University, V.G.Mikhailovsky,

San.kt-Petersburg State Mining University.

Dynamics of energy transformation, or energydynamics, is a system of

scientific knowledge about most general properties of energy and mechanisms of its
transformations. These properties define the ability of energy to change, the mechanism
of transformation and its effectiveness and thus define t!ie value and quality of energy.
Attention should be paid to the fact that the effectiveness of transformation and
its direction (degradation or the inverse) is not depend on the physical properties of the
energy carrier. In the dynamics of a transformation as shown below, the conservation
law of entropy, or, in other words, the conservation law of energy quality is valid.
For the analysis of complex mechanisms of energy transformation in the fields
of astrophysics, bioenergetics and other fields of science, based on modem knowledge
of the essence of energy, it is necessary to have a certain theory energy transformations
which does not depend on the physical properties of the energy carrier, preserves· the
broad generality of the major initial principles of classical phenomenological
thermodynamics and at the same time, makes it possible to extend its methods to a
nonequilibrium system. The development of such sort theory creates the conditions not
only for analysis of the transformation kinetics and for time introducing as a physical
parameter, but also for analyzing of the dynamics transformation, that is main
component of the transformation process. In a broader sense, such sort analysis will
remove a non-overcome yet obstacle on the way to "thermostatics developing and its
transformatlon ~to perfect modem thermodynamics, while it is preserving its major
physical principles.

An attempt to come up with such sort theory is made in this· paper. The
dynamics of transformation is examined on. the basis of this theory, and the deep
essence of the second law of thermodynamics as the Jaw of energy inversion and nature
evolution is revealed. This is the first preliminary remark.
The second remark: consideration of the energy transformation theory is
require to clarity what energy is according to a modem understanding. R.Feinrnan
wrote, that ''today physics is not aware of what energy is" <1>. This can not be denied.
But it is also important to know that the essence of energy can be revealed by studying
of its properties and mechanisms of its transformation. Now there is a sufficient basis to
state that energy is an objective reality, exhibited in two material forms: waves and
elementary particle, or fields and substances in the macroworld. G.I.Shipov <2> offers
seven levels of reality, the first being the so-called Absolute "nothing", the next is the
field of consciousness, then a vacuum, and so on. Further, the author puts forward a
scenario ofthe birth of substance out of Absolute ')lothing''.

The method of analysis of transformation dynamics is based on a balance of the

entropy increasing or decreasing in all bodies these take part in energy transformation.
Accordingly we '11 call the set of all bodies iaking part in the conversion of energy a
thermodynamic system. We mean the. energy sources and discharges and the bodies,
changes in volume result in the mutual transformation of work and heat: or in a
broader sense in the change of the character of motion ( CM). One should keep in mind
that transformed heat equal to decrease of the internal energy of the body which

released the heat. We call the properties of energy th&t define the transformation
dynamics the dynamic properties. Besides tb.e above mentioned property of CM, three
more dynamic properties are known, each is determined by a corresponding potential.
These properties are intensity of motion (IM), energy density (ED), denoted by the '¥
symbol, and tension of a level (TL). In the case of heat motion the Il\1 potential is
represented by the absolute temperature T defined as particular derivative of eternal
energy U with respect to entropy S , at constant volume V

T = (oU/oS)v (1}

Potential of ED is represented by another particular derivative

'I' = - (oU/oV)~ (2) ..

. Potential of SL in the case of heat motion is pressure p . The TL potential is
defined by the same particular derivative as the ED derivative and equals it
numerically, though it is measured in pascals. The difference between 2 latter potentials
is a heat, one of them is a heat quantity expressed in j /m3, while the other is a
mechanic quantity expressed in n!m2, and the quantities must be used mdifferent
situations. Thus, for example, in the combined expression of the first and second laws
of thermodynamics

TdS = dU +pdV (3)

mechanical work should be replaced by a heat quantity, which equal to the change of
energy density 'f' dv. In this case, dividing by T , we get a strictly defined term of
expression (3)- 'l'dv(f, which is the change in entropy, resulting from the change in
density of internal energy.

The major determining principle of therm~l power is the principle of the

contingency of transformations. We understand as contingent that energy
transformation which corresponds to the case of the indivisible synergetic interaction of
two (in the simplest case) transformations: degradational, stimulated by the
nonequih'briu.m of the system, and an inverse transformation taking place at the same
time in the same thermodynamic system. In the first transformation entropy arises, in
the second it is absorbed.

The mathematical expression of contingen; transformation is exammed here

using the adiabatic process as an example. The full differential of eternal energy,
presented as a function of entropy and volume U= U(S,V),

dU = (oU/oS)vdS + (oU/oV),dV (4)

The substitution values of the partial derivatives according to (1) and (2) and
solving with respect to change in entropy, result in an expression which equal to zero
in the adiabatic process,

dS =dUff+ \JldV!f =0 (5)

Copyright@ 1996 by G.A. Mikhailovsky


Therefore, in a so"call.ed "iscentropk process" entropy arises and is absorbed.

For example, in the case of compression, the transformation of spent work in internal
energy is by its nature degradational, which results on a rise on entropy, ds·=urr>o.
At the same time an increase of internal energy density to (dU/oV)dV=\fidV takes
place, which is an inverse phenomenon, accompanied by entropy absorption
dS='='I'dv/T<O. In the case of expansion, entropy arises as a result of a decrease in
internal energy density and is completely absorbed in the inverse transformation of
internal energy into work.

So, it can be stated for the adiabatic process that

t ±
dS., = dScM + dSED =0
·Generally, when other energy properties- 1M and TL- can also change, each in
either degradational or inverse directions, the result is

+ + --
dSc = L dScM+ L dSro + k dStM+ L dS,. =0

The formula above descn'bed the picmre of energy transformation dynamics

and displays the mechanism of absorbed entropy compensation in inverse energy
transformation in a non-cyclical process and shows the significant role of internal
energy density · '¥ dV change in this mechanism. The same set of phenomena is
detected in the dynamics of energy transformation, as well as in any other non-cyclical
process (we have in mind the transformation of both internal energy and energy
conveyed in the form of heat). For instance, in the case of expansion with heat
convection, as occurs in the second group polytropic process, heat is transformed into
internal energy of the working medium inside the cylinder before being transformed
into work. Therefore; the heat of a process is actually the :internal energy transfer from
some heat-h'berating body in this thermodynamic system to the working medium.
Therefore, the expression for the potential of intemal energy density can be found from
the generalized equation {3), which becomes

SQ = dU + "''dV

From this formula we can find the potential of the internal energy of beat
motion density for examined thermodynamic system in ~e process for some
polytropic number n :

'¥ n :::: (oQ - dU)n/dV (6)

where the heat of the process equal to the change of internal energy of the heat-
h'berating body, obtained as a negative value oQ =- dUnb. The balance equatior of
entropy dS = dS"' + dS · then become

dSc = (dU - SQ).ff + \fl ndVrr (7)

Copyright C 1996 by G.A. Mikhailovsk.y


The obtained expression is interesting both fof its form and for its contents and
scientific significance. The first and second terms contain the same physical quantities -
internal energy and heat, but drastically differ in roeaniug. The first term expresses the
increase in entropy as a result of the nse of heat motion absorption in the form of heat
and intemal energy. The second term represents the change in entropy as a result of a
qualitative chauge in the heat motion of the thermodynamic system. Altogether, a
relationship is obtained which expresses a fhndamental la~ of nature: the law of the
conservation of entropy in the dynamics of energy transfotmation as applied to
polytropic processes. This a defines and explains the progressive and evolution
sequence of natural phenomena - from system nonequilibrium via energy degradation
to order and improvement, to the evoiution of animate and inanimate nature.
The p1inciple of transformation contingency and the law of conservation of
entropy show the deep essence of the second law of thermodynamics and of the
p1iuciple of entropy increase. The imperfection of formulations of the second law as a
fundamental law of nature is based mainly on the fact that they do not show its deep
essence. Therefore, the formulations·· defining the law have a partial and prohibitive
character. The number of these formulations is growing excessively, but there is no
generalizing fotmulation. Another even more complicating circumstance in that
thermodynamic processes and energy transformations, which lead to developing and
improving nature are accompanied by entropy absorption and can take place only
when there is the compensation of the absorbed entropy However, difficulties
connected with this problem are due to the former uncenainty of the compensation
mechanism. I.Prigozhin warned that "an entropy decrease in a separate by studied part
of the system, compensated by a sufficient entropy increase in another patt of the
system, is a prohibited process" (3, p.33). It was only the discovery of the principle of
u·ausfonnation contingency and of the law of the conservation of entropy that lead to
cognition of the mechanism of entropy compensation in inverse transformation. Thus
the essence of the second law of thermodynamics bas been shown, as defined in the
following fotmulation:
the inverse trausfonnatiou of energy, opposite to degradation, can take place
and really does take place when there is the compensation of absorbed entropy:
The compensation of entropy can take place and really does take place only in
comingent degradative-inversive· energy transformations. The mathematical expression
of the second law of thermodynamics is defined by the law of conservation of entropy
increase in the kinetics of transformation.
Our completed research produced the following results:
l. Conceptional and physical pr.nciples and considerations of generalizing
classical phenomenological thermodynamics (thermostatics) to the area of
nonequilibrium systems and inverse energy transformation are defined.
2. The major properties of energy, which define its value and ability to be
trausfotmed dynamically are shown.
3. The dynamics of transformation are studied and the principle of the
contingency of energy transformations is displayed.
4. The law of conservation of entropy in the dynamics of energy
transformation is discovered.
5. The essence of the second law of thermodynamics as the law defining the
conditions of inverse energy transformations taking place and the
inevitability of the developm_eut and improvement of animate and inanimate

Copyright© 1996 by G.A. Mikhailovsky


nature are shown. For the dynamics of transformation the second law of
thermodynamics actually represents the law of the conservation of entropy,
and for the kinetics of energy transformation, it represents the principle of
entropy increase.

{all in Russian)

1. Feinman,R. "Feinman's Lectures on Physics". Issue 1, Mir. Moscow 1977, 440 p. -

2. Shipov,G.I. "Theoty ofPhy~cal Vac~u,m". P:ut 1, Moscow 1992, 64 p.
3. Prigozhln,l. "Introduction into Thermodynair..ics of Irreversible processes". Ed. of
Foreign Literature. M.l954, 127 p.
4. Ni.kolis,G., Prigozhin,I. "Self~organnization in Njnequilibrium Sistems". Mir.
Mo~cow 1979, 512 p.
5. Kmtov,V.L, Isayev,S.I., Kozhinov,N.P. et al "Technical Thermodynam.icsi'.
Visshaya Shkola. Moscow 1991, 384 p.
6. Mikhailovsky,G.A "Concerning the Conception of the Second Law of
Phenomenological Thermodynamics". Dep. VINITL No 513, B-92.
7. Mikhailovsky,G.A "Theoretical FolUldations ofThermodynam.ical Analysis in Heat
., .
and Phwer Engiueering and in Refrideraing Technique". Dep.VINITI; No 1243, B;.;· ·-
86. ...
8. Etkin, V.A. ''1llermodynamics ofNonequiiibrium Processes of Energy Transfer and
Transformation". Ed. ofSaratov·Uniyersity, 199.1, 168 p.
9. Kirillin, V.A., Sychev:y~,V.,.:Sh~dliii, :A.E:·. 'Vfechnical Thermodynamics", Nauka, .
Moscow, 1979, 512 p. . .,_.
10. Mikhailovsky G.A, Mikh.ailovsky V.G,., "Concerning Energy Transformation in '~':.'·:-.
Thermotransformer'', Inter~ltigh school collection of the scientific works, St.- ·
Perersbw·g, 1993, pp.3-ll. ·
11. Mikhailovsky G.A., Mikhailovsky V.G., "Dynamics and Kinetics of Heat Engine
Cycle. Problems of Heat' Physics and Heat Exchange in Refrig~rating Techniques", ~

Inter-high school collection of scientific works. St. -Petsrf;mrg' s State Academy of Cold
and Edible Technologies, St~Pe~e~sb~g, 1994, pp.33-39.


Copyrigltt@ 1996 by G.A. Mik:hailovaky

., .


The I-Iyde's Machine

Patent n.Mew by Alexander V. Frolov
Patent Number .: 4,897,592
Date of Patent : Jan. 30, 1990


Inventor ......: William W. Hyde, 1685 Whitney, Idaho Falls ld. 83402
Appl. No ......:2tl,704
Filed .........:Jaa.27,1988
, ... t
ht Cl........: H02N I~
U.S. Ct. ......: 322/2A;310/309
Field ofSeatc:ll: 322/lA; 310/309


2,522,106 9/19SO Fetioi ............ 310/3011
3,013,201 12/1961 Goldie ............ 322/lA
4,127,804 11/1973 Breau ............ 322/lA
4,151,409 4/1979 O'Hare ............ 2S0/212
4,595,852 6/1986 Gundlach .......... 310/309 ,.,.
4,622,510 IIM86 Cap ............. 322/lAX Jt
Primary &&miner· lU. Hidcey
Attomey,A,ent, or Fil:m- Fleit, Jaoobeou, Cohn, Price, Holme& Stan
Externally charged electrodes of an electrostatic generator induce charges of opposite polarity on
segments of a pair of confronting stators by means of electric fields within which a pair of rotors are
confined during rotation to vary the charge binding field linkages between confronting rotors and stators
by a shielding action of the rotors in a plane perpendicular to the field nux. A high electric potential
difference induced between the stators resulting from such rotation of the rotors, is transformed by an
output circuit into a reduced DC voltage applied to a load with a com:spondingly increase current
conducted therethrough.
19 Oaims, 3 Drawing Sheets
This invention relates to the generation of electrical power by conversion of energy from an electrostatic
field. The conversion of energy from a static electric field into useful electrical energy by means of an
electrostatic generator is already well known in the art sa exemplified by the di.sclosurea in U.S. Pat Nos.
2,522,106, 3,013,201, 4,127,804, 4,151,409, and 4,595,852. Generally, the energy conversion process
associated with such prior art electrostatic generator.; involves the input of mechanical energy to separate
charges so that a considerable portion of the output is derived from the conversion of mechanical energy.
It is therefore an important object of the present invention to provide an electrostatic generator in which
electrical power is derived from the energy of static electric field with minimized input of mechanical

In accordance with the present invention, ste.tic electric fields are established between electrodes
externally maintained at charge levels of opposite polarity and a pair of internal stator discs having
segmental surfaces that are dielectrically spa"-ed to confine thereon charges induced by the electric fields.
A pair of rotor discs are rotated within continuous electric fields in planes perpendicular to the field nux
to locationally vary the charge linkage established by the electric fields between the electrodes and stator
discs. Such changes in charge linkttge are effected by rotation of electrically conductive segments of the
rotor angularly spaced from each other to partially shield the stator discs from the electric fields. The
segments of each rotor disc have charged faces confronting the electrodes in i~ field to shield the stator
disc over a total face area that is one·half the total area of the col'lfronting segment sw:faces on the stator
disc to which the induced charges are confuted. Charges on the rotors and stators are equalized by
electrical interconnections established through the rotor shafts. The stator discs are electrically
interconnected with an elcctricalload through an output circuit transforming a high potential between
the stator discs into a reduced DC voltage to conduct a multiplied CUITeDt through the

Mechanisms of Energy Inversion and Self-Organization in Real Systems

by Smirnov A. P. and Smirnov A. A.

St.Petersburg, Russia
I ....

In N~ture~ the ·processes of organization and decay of structures and formation

of new phases .and new compounds proceed constantly, especially in the animal and
vegetable worlrts. .These processes need much higher energies t~an the "average"
energies which are typically used to characterize the state of a many-particle system.
Numerous attempts to understand the nature of these phenomena using different
concepts of phase transition, methods of nonequilibrium . thermal dynamics and
statistical physics, and synergetics have been made. However, some important link
which would allow explanation of the reason for a local release Qf such high energies
was achieve the desired result.
* ~· f

The idea bpw to solve this problem was prompted by the experiment. The effect
of stresses on the state of surfaces of metallic samples was studied by a scanning tunnel
microscope. It was found that a small deformation of the samples gave rise to
development of large-scale fluctuational processes at the surface: There, the regions
tens and hundreds of angstroms in size which manifested themselves in deformations of
the surface relief and local changes in the electron characteristics of the material
appeared, grew, and 11Wandered" (1]. Being initiated by minor factors, these processes
evolved during many days and led to formation of crystallites, new structures, and !lew
phases, and to formation and healing of cracks without any additional exposures to
external factors. It is important to note that a single slight variation in the sag of the
sample led to a and long-lasting development of different kinds of processes
at its surface. This circumstari_ce suggested that the observed processes were stimulated
and maintained owing to the interaction of the environment, whose role was played by
a thermostat, with the material structure at the sample surface which had undergone
changes as a result of deformation.

Let us consider specific features of interaction between the system of particles

(the sample material) with the spectrum of the electromagnetic waves of the thermostat
characterized by a definite temperature (according toM. Planck). It is known that the
electromagnetic wave and the particle has different laws of dispersion. The
electromagnetic wave energy depends on the impulse linearly, and the particle energy is
proportional to the impulse squared. This means that the wave cannot transmit energy
to the particle without violating the laws of conservation of the impulse-energy, i.e.,
equal energies correspond to different impulses, and equal impulses correspond to
different energies. However, the electromagnetic wave can convey energy to a system of
particles which are in the co-operative wave motion. The energy of the electromagnetic
wave is transmitted to the wave itself according to the third Newton law [2]:

FaCa =Fe Vc, (l)

where Fa and Ca are the force characteristic and velocity of the affecting agent,
respectively, and Fe and Vc are the corresponding characteristics of counteraction. The
co-operative effect of absorption of energy from the electromagnetic wave by a system .
of particles should be regarded as the consequence of fulfilment of the ~nservation
laws. However, the electromagnetic wave energy can be absorbed by a co-operative
particle, motion in the case of nonlinear character of interaction. Let us consider the

elevation of the local temperature with a concomitant formation of bubbles (in a

liquid) or fracture of the material and crack formation. There is every reason to
believe that it is just this mechanism that ensures nucleation of new phases and new
structures by providing the energy required for nucleation and for overcoming the
surface energy of the phase interfaces.

In view of this, it is easy to understand the reasons for development of large-

scale fluctuations at small deformations of materials which lead to the appearance of
nonlinearity in the structure of bonds in the system of particles, thus promoting this
mechanism. It should be noted that the larger the size of the fluctuational region, the
broader frequency spectrum which can be trapped and localized in this region, the
longer the lifetime of this inhomogeneity, and the larger the energy that can be stored
by it. This behaviour resembles the characteristics of the flicker noise. If this
mechanism is regarded as a source of a flicker noise, then the flicker noise will be the
reflection of the energy inversion process in real systems and of the specific features of
organization of new structures and new phases.

Though this phenomenon seems to be a random, fluctuational one, it is, in

essence, the consequence of fulfilment of the strict laws of dynamics in the process of
interaction of the spectrum of the thermostat electromagnetic waves with a real system
of interacting particles. We can state that the manifestation of this mechanism is due to
the active dynamics of the ergosphere formed by.. t'he spectrum of the thermostat
electromagnetic waves, i.e., the active moving force~ the moving origin of the process
[3]. The notion of ergosphere should invqlve 1 in addition to the electromagnetic waves
of different origins, the radioactive emission, gravity, physical vacuum, and at last
ether. Time will show how much of the energy stored in these forms of motion
Mankind will be able to use. It is likely that in all cases this simplest mechanism will
always underlie the processes of energy inversion and organization in natural systems.

The observed phenomena occur in accordance with the consequences of the

Birkhoff theorem about interaction between wave proc~sses. This means that the
phenomena of this kind cannot be classified as specific features of ergodic systems [4}.

One more very significant feature of the manifestation of this 111echanism should
be noted here. The development of the fluctuational region can lead to triggering of
another process when the threshold values of relevant parameters (energy, force) will be
reached for this new process. Owing to changes in the character of nonlinearity and
formation of new structures and phases with new properties, an entire cascade of new
processes which will lead to branching of the evolution of the particles of the system
can arise. In each individual case of development of one_or another process, we speak
about organization of the process according to the laws of dynamics. The appearance of
the cascade of processes and branching of evolution of the system is perceived by us as
self-organization. Just this character of development of phenomena should be probably
understood by the term "self-organization" of the system. In each particular case, an
acting agent, i.e .. ergosphere, and the consequence, i.e., the result of interaction of the
ergosphere with the system of particles according to the laws of dynamics, can be

From these positions, it is easy to understand that the attempts to consider these
events in the framework of the statistical approach are vain. It is a tradition to proceed
from the analysis of the system of noninteracting particles in which, by definition, there
are no processes of the change of state because on:y interaction ensures the change of
state. In the models used, there is no method for 1aking into account interaction. If
there is no interaction, then there are no processes of action and counteraction and no

si~plest case: polarization P in the system of particles exhibits a quadratic dependence

on the oscillation amplitude:

1 1
P :::::~ A 2Cos2rot = A2(- + - Cos2rot)
2 2 . ;

It follows. from this welt-known expression which is widely used in optics·,

crystallography, physics of crystals, laser technology, and electronics and which
predicts the property of detection that half the energy of the. electromagnetic wave will
pass into. the potential energy of the many-particle structure which is in. the wave
motion. This property underlies the thermal expansion of materials which represents in
fact this specific feature of detecting electromagnetic waves by the nonlinear structure
of bonding in materials. The other half will be transformed into the energy of a wave
with a double frequency. This feature of interaction between the electromagnetic wave
and a crystal is used, for instance, to achieve laser emission at the double frequency.

Formation of fluctuational regions with different densities of substance and

energy in the wave of the co-operative particle motion occurs owing to this mechanism
of interaction between the electromagnetic wave and the system of particles in the wave
motion. If the Griineisen coefficient of nonlinearity is positive, regions with a lower
density, i.e., the so··called dilatons, will be formed. In case of a negative value of this
parameter, regions with a higher density, i.e., the so-called compressons, will result. It
is important here how the refractive index of the material in this fluctuational region
will vary for corresponding spectral ranges of the electromagnetic waves. This
determines the fate of the second half of the absorbed energy. The conditions for
"pumping" of the energy which will "stick" in this region because of the condit.i on of a
full internal reflection at its boundary can arise or the energy "spill" into neighbouring
regions will occur wh~ the fluctuational region will reflect the corresponding wave
spectrum at its boundary. ·

Depending on the parameters of the materi~l. t he regions of inhomogeneity of

the material (with respect to the material and energy density) will appear,· develop, and
relax with a release of energy and its transmission to a relatively small number of
particles. The efficiency of development of these processes is determined not only by
the properties of the matt..'l'ial but also by the frequency spectrum of the affecting
external factor. Introduction of a definite frequency spectrum of the wave processes
into the material will have a stimulating effect on formation, development, and decay
of large-scale fluctuations.

It should be noted that, in all materials, transition to the superconducting state

is always accompanied by an increase in the density of the material. It is quite natural
to suppose that the onset of superconductivity is associated with just this mechanism of
interaction between the electromagnetic waves of the thennostat and the material. It
can be shown that as a "compresson,. appears, the energy density decreases and a "slit''
is formed in the spectrum of electron states. Transition of liquid helium into the
superfluid state is also accompanied by an increase in density and vast formation of
fluctuational regions of superfluid helium above the point of transition to the
superfluid state.

As experiments have shown, these processes lead not only to motion and
development of fluctuational regions but a)so to the appearance of single slow waves
and soliton-type formations and even of complex ordered structures consisting of
solitons [1]. Relaxation in these regions will give rise to a local release of energy and

response to this action. From here, the difficulties and problems in the description of
properties of materials in terms of these models and rules arise. Introduction of the
terms "equilibrium" and "nonequilibrium" did nqt contribute to understanding and
description of real processes. In the statistical thermal dynamics and physics, the term
"equilibrium" means equal probabilities of all microstates with equal energies.
"Nonequilibrium" is the absence of equal probabilities. In terms of dynamics, these
terms merely imply that processes do not occur ("equilibrium") and no changes in
properties' take place. In the "nonequilibrium" system, processes proceed, but with
violation of the laws of dynamics [4]. In dynamics, the notion "equilibrium" has an
absolutely different meaning. The system is in equilibrium if motion of its components
is such that the centre of its inertia does not change its position or moves uniformly
and in straight lines. This is the definition of equilibrium to characterize the state of a
many-particle system. On the other hand, in reality, action (cause) always has an equal
and oppositely directed counteraction (consequence) in the process of change of the
system state. Thus there is always "equilibrium" in the process of change of the system
state, but this is an equality between action and counteraction (the third law of Newton

The mathematical form of this law (I) predicts enormous possibilities for
understanding and organization of the processes of energy inversion, creation of
conditions for organization and self--organization in the systems consisting of
interacting particles, and description of these phenomena. For instance, realization of
the laws of dynamics in the suggested mechanism of interaction between the ergosphere
and a system of interacting particles can lead to such a strong local energy release that
nuclear reactions can occur at "normal temperatures". A detailed investigation of such
well-known phenomena as "cold fusion", photosynthesis in plants and other
phenomena in the animate and inorganic Nature from these positions will lead us to a
new understanding of these processes.


I. )I(ypKOB C.H., KopcyKoB B.E., Jl)'Khj{HeHKO A.C., 06~oB B.A., CaeTJIOB B.H.,
CMHpHOB A .TI. TpaHccpopMaUIDI MexaHH'IecKH Harpy)KeHHOH noaepxHOCTH
repMaHHj{ /Ill ../ llHCbMa B )KT<J>, TOM 51, Bbin. 6, CTp. 324-326. 1990 r .
2. HbiOTOH H. MaTeMaTHt~eci<He Hat~ana HaTypaJI&HOH ¢HJioco<f>HH. II 'HJB.
HHKonaeaCKOH MopcKoii aKaD:eMHH, ll6., 1915 r., KHHrH 1 H 2.
3. CMHpHOB A.TI. Pearr&H&le cpa30B&le nepexo.n&t H npHHUHnbi HX onHcaHWI II
"CHcTeM&I oco6&IX TeMnepaTypHbiX Tot~eK TBep,Ztb!x Terr" . MocKaa, Ha)'Ka, 1986
r., CTp. 210·239.
4. EanecKy P. PasHosecHas~ H HepaBHOaecHa51 CTaTHCTHt~ecKa51 MexaHHxa. MocKBa.
"MHp". 1978 r. TOM 1 H 2.

· · On the Second Beginning of Thermodynamics

Buinov Gennady Nikititch, leading specialist, industry energy systems
department of Russian Physical Society, Member of Russian Physical Society,
prize-winner of Russian Physical Society.
died in 1996, St.-Petersburg, Russia.

"The perpetuum mobile problem was the subject of the long time and difficult
investigations of many outstanding minds of the science... "
Nikolaev L.A. "Modern Chemistry". Moscow 1978.

One of the problems for all humanity is energetic problem, and time to fmd the
solution is decreasing. Until we have the possibility we must to demonstrate mistakes of
fighters who try to understand the mysterious second beginning of the thermodynamics,
for example by Brodiansky V.M. book named "Be'IHbJH )lBHraTeJlh npe;101:e H Tenepb"
( Perpetuum··mobile in past in present) [1].
The typical mistake is notion of Brodiansky: "Since all physical systems strive for
maximum probability state, to the equilibrium, so entropy can be increasing only for
any insulated system that can free change its state".
By such sort approach in contradiction to logic laws is made illegal transition
from particular case tb general case. Logical mistake is: "since all physical..."so all other
systems, including chemical systems. However this allegation is not correspond to
electro- and thermochemistry.
Also it is not proved yet that for any case in all systems the most probability
state is the state that have entropy maximum. By Lotshmidt, Ziolkovsky, Yakovlev
papers on the gas systems are placed into gradient fields it is follow that gas system
entropy can be decreasing by its own initiative in the gradient fields, so the heat
transmission fonn cold body to more wann body is possible. ( )l(ypHaJI PyccKOH
<l>H3HtJeCKOH MbiCJIH, 1993, N 1-6, CTp. 31 H /KP<l>M 1991, N I, CTp.22-39 ).

The principle "existing of the entropy" is based on humanity many centuries

negative experience only. Energy is close connected ~lith matter, mass E=rnc2 and it is
determined by energy conservation law. Energy is demonstrated in any change, in any
process. But entropy S is abstract function only, that was invented for calculations.

Maxwell made mistake: gas is not isothermal in potential field, that was proved
by Prof. V.F.Yakovlev, Loshmidt and Ziolkovsky ( IKypHa.n PycCKoH <l>H3H'1eCKOH
MbiCJIH, 1993, N l-6, "TepMO,llHHaMHKa TeKY'1HX cpe,ll,pacnpe.D.eJieHHbJX B
noTe,HuHanbHblX noJYJtX 11) Magazine of Russian physical thought, 1993, N 1-6,
"Thermodynamics for fluid media that is placed in potential field", ip Russian.
So, in macropotential ( gradient) system the second law of thennodynamics can
be.violated in its classical formulation, i.e. in this case it is created the pressure gradient
and temperature gradient and heat can be transmitting from cold body to more warm
Main conclusion is: by means of different temperature gradients (these are
depend on Cp gas parameter) for two gas columns in the gravitation field it is possible
to build the second type perpetuum mobile, i.e., the machine that absorb environmental
heat to return the·energy. .
Other knock-out for second law of the thermodynamics was made by Russian
scientists Gess who obtained result: chemical transformation heat is not determined by
the path and intermediate states. For physics it is the property of the potential system.
for mathematics it means that differential is complete in difference from non-complete

Copyright © 19% by Gennady N. Bufnov


differential of the non-potential systems. The (!;arno principle is true for non-potential
systems (for this case heat and work are path function). If one use circular integral for
non-complete heat differential to check the behaviour of the system in all cycle the
result is not equal to zero (in mathematics) and it is the work (by physics).

j oQ=A that is not equal to zero F. I

By entropy definition

oQ=TdS F.2

and dS = ------ F.3

On the one cycle the change of the entropy is equal to circular integral from the
complete differential and it is equal to zero
1 =1-T-
dS =0 F.4

Carno principle is obvious for this case: heat input is necessary for temperature
increasing and heat output is necessary for temperature decreasing, all heat in closed
TS-circuit is transformed in mechanical energy.
Also continuity principle (existence principle) for entropy is obvious since for
one cycle the entropy is not changed, odS=O and TS -cycle is closed.
In potential systems situation is another. In chemical reactions cycle the work
can not be created directly but only by means of entropy decrease, since there is
potential ditTerences ( for pressure and temperature ), so the system is self-organised.
TS-cycle is open or it is interrupted. Curcuiar integrals in this case are opposite.

All second law of thermodynamics conclusions are connected with non-potential

systems only, but there are macro-potential systems by Loshmidt-Ziolkovsky-Ykovlev ;
also there are chemical (gradientless micro-potential) systems.

All pre-conditions for energy problem solution were created in past century.
There is some reasons to assume that in thermodynamics (like for Einstein's theory) the
mathematics quietly substituted the physics and illeg~l identification of physical reality
and its mathematical phantom - mathematical abstract model was made. The existence
principle for entropy don't allow to think about cycles that have not entropy, entropy
have the interruption that is open TS-cycle. If to eliminate the mystical principle of
existence for entropy and to consider the entropy only as function S that is
conjugated with T-axis, the analysis of open TS - cycles is quite lawful.

Also just negative-entropy phenomenon is special property of living (biological)


So, it is impossible to use Carno principle for non-completed cycle, but how it was
How second law of thermodynamics was transmitted from physics to chemistry?

In the isobar gas equation for gas system


= =
oQ TdS dU +pdV F.S
Gibbs added ONLY IN ONE PART of the equation some additional member and
obtained the next:

. TdS =dU +pdV +A F.6

But it is impossible for chemistry since heat in chemistry is completed differential dQ
and entropy is non-completed differential oS. So, illegal added member A must be zero!
So, it is imaginary work of the physical system and it have not any connection with real
chemical system.

Other principal objection:

1. The chemical reaction is not process that have place in one physical system but it is
process of the transformation, i.e. transmission from one physical system to other
physical system that have other physical parameters. Special effects for it is energy
invariant for pressure in electrolysis case, isobar-isothermal heat-exchange for ideal gas
that is impossible for non-potential systems.
The change of physical systems in the chemical reaction process cause corresponding to
it heat exchange that is part of general heat-exchange, detennined as difference in heat.-
contents for past and for new systems

= =
d<l> dH dU + pdV To<l> = F.7
. .
2. It is known that in potential ( accumulating) system one energy type ( overt type) is
transforming in other energy type ( hidden type) that is potential type, and come back.
For thermo-chemistry it is transformation of the heat in chemical energy and reverse
transformation. For electrochemistry it is electrical energy ( light and so on) in
chemical energy transformation and reverse process. By Gibbs:

dH =dG +TdS F.8

member TdS have not any physical sense that is result of the Gibbs trick above that is
use din Gibbs potential theory. Since for chemical process the motive force is chemical
energy change this change must be compensated. Secondary processes are not require
for compensation. So, in chemical process the heat can be trapped at low temperature
and heat can be given at the high temperature without work input form the
environmental, that ostensibly is not permitted by second thermodynamics law.

Gibbs's mistake was use long time since it was developed by Maxwell, Plank and
Einstein. But experimental facts and Gess law, Loshmidt-Ziolkovsky-Yakovlev
conclusions and analytical laws were obtained in this paper explain many facts are not
explaimid by absolute second law of thermodynamics.

But experimental facts and Gess law, Loshmidt-Ziolkovsky-Yakovlev conclusions and .

analytical laws were obtained in this paper explain many facts are not explained by
absolute second law of thermodynamics.
St.-Petersburg Feb., 1995 .. ,

Copyright@ 1996 by Gemu.dy N. Buinov


1. ''Be~tHbiH .llBJ.iraTe.rrb -npe)K)le H Tenepb", npO,!UiHCKHH B.M .. 113114,

MocKsa. Wmo3osaR Ha6., 10, "3HeproaTOMH3.U.aT",I989.
2. "Pacmemne.nH TeJ11IOTbl Ha 6aJe 6HHapHOH CHCTeMbt". Eyi:fHOB r.H .. )KP<l>M
1993, N 1-6, crp. 54-61.
3. "MOHOTepMHtJeCKaR yCTaHOBKa11 , byHHOB r.H.• PyccKa)) MbiCJlb, 1992 N2
crp.72:79. '
4. ".llaHraTe.nb BToporo po.u.a. CnapeHHhiH raJOXHMwieCKHH UHKJJ", )KP<l>M N
1-6, 1995. CTP. 60-74. .
5. "TenJI03JieKrp011H3HbiH HHBeHcep- aJibTepHaTHBa Jl.U.epHOMY peaKTOpy",
.Dyi1HOB f.H., )KP<l>M N 1-6, crp. 156-162.

Technical projects by Russian Physical Society those are priorities for

Energetics industry

Buinov G.N. lecture of04.12.95
(by Rodionov V.G. Chairman, Russian Physical Society, Moscow)

I. HPE ( High Pressure Electrolyser of water) - autonomous electrical energy generator

or mechanical energy generator, power up to 104 W. Energy system consist of high
pressure electrolyser of water, detanders for H 2 and 02 are connected with output
current generators. fuel elements FE. In FE cooled in detanders H2 and 02 ( these are
heating by environmental again) are use to create the electric current for electrolyser.
After "burning" o~ and H2 the water is transmitting in electrolyser. Well-known
property of these 4 elements of the system is self-cooling property since system is
working in the mode of heat absorption. Approximately, both detanders power is 20 -
30% of electrolyser power and it is created from absorbed heat energy. Priority for this
system belong to Russian Physical -Chemical Society member D.A. Latshinov, 1888
that is patented in Germany an din England.
2. TEG (Thermo-Electric Generator) is autonomous heat or cold generator, small
power up to 10 Kcalory per second. By Russian scientist M.P.Avenarius (1863) is
proposed to use the thermoelectrical cin~uit properties: electromotive force in TEG is
not function of temperature difference between two alloys but difference of
temperature functions for two alloys. There Is hot alloy temperature T m for Pel tie heat
zero state P=O. There is Ti for inversion temperature and in this case circuit current is
equal to zero ( T1 > Tm ).
For T>Ti the sign of P is changed and direction of the current is changed also. It is the
situation when the heat is absorbed in cold alloy and it is radiated in hot alloy. So. to
make first heating (T>Ti) the cold alloy become freezer and hot alloy become the
heater. It is obvious that cold alloy absorb environmental heat energy. Some Ti are
known these have practical interest for range between -100 + l 00 degrees.
It is Pt- AI l5JoC; Co-Ni IOOoC; Cd-Cm -20°C; Ag-Zn 64°C; Cd-Sn -70°C.
3. CEE ( Concentrator of Environmental Energy) - autonomous electric energy and
cold generator, power up to I06 W. On the base of analysis for dielectric of capacitor
hysteresis loop is demonstrated that heat energy and electric energy are mutual-
transfom1ing and they are co-energy for each other. The calculations were made to
demonstrate conditions for dielectric negative loss tangent. It means that dielectric can
generate electrical energy and by this reason it is self-cooling. The same is true for ferrite
material of the coil core. This conditions are: d~tfd.H > 0; de/dE >0.

4. HEI (Thermo-Electrolyser Invenser) - autonomous heat and electricity generator for

big power up to 106 W. It is high pressure etectrolyser that use liquid ammonia. Pressure
is obtained by means of pump is equal to 10 Mpa. By means of pressure drop for N2 and
H:: (separately) the work ( electricity) is created • and heat is obtained by means of
synthesis reaction NHJ. Also it is possible to use pressure drop for Nz and H2 without
separation and heat is absorbed from environmental air. It is enough to use pressure
drop o'.t Mpa. Second version (without separation) is most simple system and in this
case process is more intensive and more effective. One elecrotyser space m 3 can take 400
kW electricity input artd it can produce 1000 kW heat energy. Power output can be used
in different ways. for example, 20% for electricity outpur and 80% for heat output.
5. Main conclusions on the Second Law of thennodynamics, by Russian Physical-
Chemical Society members (1872-1930) and by Russian Physical Society (1991·1995):
5.1. Analytic laws are proving Loshmidt-Ziolkovsk.-y-Y akovlev truth and Camo
principle truth also.
5.2. Is demonstrated possibility for open TS-cycles creation for practical purpose.
5.3. There are single-way open TS-cycies (chemical cycles) and open from both sides
cycles ( binary and gradient systems). So there is no ENTROPY as natural substance, in
contradiction to Plank. So, scientific concept of the entropy is mistake. Notion of
entropy have statistical and graphical·(mathematical sense) only.
5.4. Physical nature (motive force and secondary physical processes) of the thermo-
chemical processes is discovered. It was made the classification of the reactions.
5.5. It was made the note on the possibility and necessity of the self-organisation for
potential systems that is imponant in principle for cosmology and for biology. since it is
self-decreasing of the entropy.
5.6. Is proved in theory and in examples the possibility of increase for potentials
(temperature or ( and ) pressure) that don't require energy expenses in closed active
5.7. Discovered the nature of the "entropy factor" .
5.8. Invariant of the reaction energetics by the pressure (that was not recognised and
explained officially) was explained.
5.9. Analytical laws are obtained these demonstrate connection between gradient system
and chemical system that was not known before.
5.1 0. It is discovered that understanding "motive force of the phase transfonnations in
the manycomponents system is chemical forces" is nonsense.
5.1 1. It was proved that Gibbs formula ~H=~¢ + T~S is not connected with chemistry
since it is taking into consideration physical associations instead of chemical
interactions and it is obtained from non-potential systems correlation. In strength of
this reason Gibbs formula spreaded second law of thermodynamics from physics to
chemistry without any reason for it.
6. References (all in Russian):
a) Scien tific magazine Magazine of Russian Physical Chemical Society, 1872-1930.
b) Scientific magazine of Russian Physical Society, 1991-1995.
c) Magazine "Russian Thought", 1991-1995, Moscow.

N. Tesla's unique experiments in Colorado

Ignatyev G. F. .·
Krasnoyarsk State University,
Krasnoyarsk, Russia

~. Tesla's experiments in Colorado which he did in 1880- 1889 are not deliberate
to all over the end and not repeated up to now. Some people consider these experiments
are not quite correct, others think they are a wonder, which could do only N. Tesla him-
It's necessary to pay attention to some peculiaritis of experiments in Colorado. ·.
These experiments produce a round scientific-technical branch - high-frequency electro~ ;

physics and especially they are interesting as a basis for designing and using high-vol-
tage high-frequency exciters (HHE). Chech up principal qualities of his equipment:
operat~onal frequency - 160kHz,
... generative power - 250 kW,
operational voltage -lOx 10 6 V,
fixed voltage • 100 x 10 6 V.
Now after 100 years passed these figures get in surprise. But if we analyse the facts
deeply we'll see there are not any wonders except N. Testa was ~imply a real designer-sci-
entist who could use all achievements of science and technics of his·time. Just a combina-
tion of these quantities: a genius designer and a brilliant scientist- allowed him ~o· reach
these outstanding results. · ·
Tesla's tank in a sparking generatory electric circuit was about 3m in diametere
and about 5 m high (D=3 m, h=5 m). Then the .first stage had factor of merit (Q} more
than 10 3 • A low frequency transformator (60Hz) with voltage about 3 kV was a f~ed
source for arc dischargers. Testa used combined circuit and with second step resonance's
assistance he increased voltage up to 10 X 10 6 He used a ferrous mast as a capacitor of
the second step's circuit, that allowed to provide {surely) such operational voltage. The
mast was 60 m high (h=60 m) and was loaded on·a cooper sphere with diametere 1 m
(D=l m). -~
Tesla explained the second· resonance with an assistance of stationary waves,
which the transmitte exitied. He considered·. tha~ stationary waves go round the Earth
and come back to the point of'radiation so antena's voltage rises, such explanation is
doubleful, because waves propagate for ·a long distance and that why they can't come-
back without damp·.
It can be proposed another explanation of the second resonance. Suppose the se-
cond resonance is provided of the sphere's electroresilient properties. The sphere can
resound and parametrically pump up the power.·Consider features of on agreement of
the electroresilient parametrical resonance. When. a sphere has a high voltage on its sides
acts force F= 118 .1r (E 2 ). This force strives to increase the diametre of the sphere. The
electroresilient properties of a hollow cooper shere provide! the parametrical resonance
with double-frequency [2]. .·
N. Tesla fixed the second resonance in a few·minutes. It means that parametrical
resonance has high factor of merit (Q ::::s I 0 6 ). On!y crystales (quartz) have such resona-
nce. The main difficulty to reach this resonance is the agreement, because these proper-
ties can be displayed when an· osdelatiori energy comes through a highreactive resistor.
The ferrous mast was this agreement element.· It had· magnetic permea bility a:nd con-
siderable inductive resistance, which did (made) it the original throttle. When its magne-
tic permeability J.l is abou~ 10 , the inductance L of one is about I Hn.

Copyright@ 1996 by G. Jgnatyev


N. Testa created an artificial lightning when he did his experiments. Its rumbles
were heard at a distance of 16 miles.
The article's author created a high-frequancy arc in his laboratory in 1986 which
branched and closed on to environment (Fig. Ia, b, c, d). On the Fig. 2 a single discharge
is shown between a couple of capacitors: one capacitor is a sphere, another - toroid.
Solution of a problem of getting of a hig~-voltage potential made possibile wire-
less energy transmittion for a long distance. N. Tesla designed and began to construct a
HHE of electric field (Fig. 3), but unfortunatly this idea was not realized to all over the
end. In 1992 article's author tried to carry out this idea too (Fig. 4}, but it was wrecked,
because surrounding the exciter woods absorbed its radiation. Results were unstable,
because electric conditions of trees depends on a season (winter - sum- mer) and on a
weather (dry - wet). In some cases trees spontaneously flared up. But idea of wireless
energy transmittion has the practical sense in the individual cases.
On a basis of this idea was made an experiment for determination a signal trans-
mittion velocity by the vector of the electric dencity (D). The experiment consist in the
following. HHE, which includes step up transformer by patent Ng 2033651 creats
quasistatic electric field with intensity about 0,4 x 10 6 V. The signal was received at two
points: A=50 m and B=400 m - on frequency 135 kHz. Supporting signal was
transmitted by glass fibre, a phase shift was m·easured for determination of signal
transmittion velocity. In both cases the lenth of the glass fibre remained constant. Then
fixed velocity was more than velocity of light on 16%.
No doubt it's nesessary to develop and to repeat this experiment, because "purly"
electric component, and electromagnetic component determined by vertical current in
HHE, transrnitte simultaneously.
There is a new theory of free spase's matter, which the N. Tesla's experiments
bring. This theory was proposed by authors L. Gutenmacher, P. Krasnooshkin and V.
Kessenikh [3]. ~y this theory electric ( s ) and magnetic ( ;.1 ) permeabilities change on
specific capac~ty (C 8 ) and specific inductivity (L s ) accordingly. Then an equation for
the velocity of light is ·c~1/.J C .• L s : Such interpretation can explain many physical
phenomenons of macrocosm, and in particular the change of light velocity. For example,
the velocity of light changes near the Earth's surface, because specific capacity C s near
the Earth increases, then the velo~ity of light decreases.

The list of literature: .

1. B. Rzhonsnitsky. N. Tesla. M., 1959.
2. I. Tamm. The bases of the electric theory. M., L., 1949.
3. V. Kessenikh . Radiowave's propagation. M., 1952.



Copyright~ 1996 by G. Ignatyev

.; .;·' .... '·
• ·~': : • ..=.·. :'..- •••

:_.Fig. I a, b, c, d.

Copyright© 1996 by G. lgnatyev



N. Tesla's high voltage antenna.

Operational frequency is 160 kHz, operation~ I voltage is t 00 x 10" V.
USA, Colorado, 1899.

;fig. 3.
Copyright@ 1996 by G. Ignatyev

High voltage antenna.

Operational frequency is 80kHz, operational voltage is lOx 10 6 V.
Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Central designing buro "Geophysics", 1990.

Fig. 4.

The Work is Created by Means of Potential Field

by Alexander V. Frolov
P.O.Box 37, 193024, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Tel: 7-812-2747877


The concept for physical vac-..1um as energy source is proved mathematically [1]. It is
recognised that space itself have inner structure and it can be used as source of energy if some
process is organised to change the structure of space. The existence of reality is described by
means of density probability function for energy [2]. So, any space is result of some energy
process and there is no space that have not energy at all. Some power process can be designed
in any point of the space by means of energy transformation.

Some Definitions
1. Potential (lat. potentia, that means "force" ) is possibility to make some action, to make
some work. In physics it is scalar parameter. Gradient of potential is intensity of some field.
2. Field is area of action for some force.
3. Force is reason ( cause ) for motion.
4. Work is quantitative description for energy transformation. Quantity of work per unit of
time is power.
4. Energy (Greek- "energie" means "action") is quantitative description for different forms of

Power Extraction in the Point of Changing Potential

' .
The potential <l>m is maximum on the charged mass M surface and potential is equal to
zero <po = 0 for infinity distance from mass M. There is some gradient and intensity of field

E =- grad<p F.l

as result of change for potential value in the process of motion from mass M to infinity.

Ordinary, the pressure U = <l>ma.J(- <l>mm = d<p is represented as potential difference

between two points in space, between A and B, for example. But process for measurement of
pressure is motion from point to point in space, and mathematically this work is derivation

A= d<p I dx = <p'(x) F.2

The work and the power is result of this motion, since potential gradient means some changes
of energy value ( energy transformation ).

Copyright © 1996 by Alexander V. Frolov


For equipotential area case, any pomt of,space have potential q> = const, and in this
case there is no changes of energy for measurement in different points of eq1lipotential area.
Let's suppose that this area have zero size and it is point C. In this case there is only one way
for motion and energy value changes: it is motic;m in time. It is possible to consider some
motion from the moment CA to the moment Ca. If the potential <PA(t) is not equal to potential
q>a(t), there is some gradient of the potential in the point C. But it is not direction in space but
gradient as direction in time. To note this difference is used designation "gradq>(t)" for chronal
gradient. Some intensity is created also:

E=- grad(~(t) F.3

Intensity of the chronal field in the point C is created if potential is function of time.
The change of energy ( transformation of energy ) create the work and in strength of this
reason chronal field of one point of space can be used as power source. The motion here is
motion in time. The work is determined here as derivation on time:

A= dq>/dt = <P '(t) F.4

Technical system for power extraction in this case must include the "memory unit" to
make the comparison between past potential value <J>A(t) and future value <ps(t). Example for it
is the electric capacitor, Fig. l.
Gcncrntor q>(t) Load


Figure 1
The generator of changing potential is connected to the wire. Length of the wire must
be corresponding to some resonance value. In resonance case potential changes in the point 0
are maximum.
Special system to make the asymmetry in oscillation of potential here is so call
"Avramenko's plug" [ 3 ]. It is two diodes connected to point 0, Fig.2 show diodes I and
capacitor were used in my version of experiment.

·· ~t••·
• .·:~~..
· --~~~

) ··

.... __....

Figure 2. Avramenko's diodes plug and capacitor

Copyright © 1996 by Alexander V. Frolov


Diodes create uni-direction displacement of the electrons in the wires of this circuit'
when the potential is changing. Capacitor is charging by means of potential and it is not require
power source. Generator-is source of information only.
This capacitor play the role for ''memory unit": at the moment A plates of the capacitor
have ~erent potential because of diodes polarity. At the moment B potential in point 0 is
equal to zero and potential difference between two capacitor plates make the work in the load.
By such sort approach gradq>(t) is used to create grad<p(x).
Note, that potential value can be alternating or pulsating. the change and the form of
this change for potential value is important here.

By analogy with electromotive force EMF 11!-at is produced by any potential difference
source, let us introduce itito consideration so call chronomotive force CMF. The field of this
force is not spatial but chronal Result of this force action is motion in time. Constant CMF in
certain'pC;int is result of unidirectional change of the potential as fimction of time. The nature of
mass demonstrate the unidirectional motion in time from past to future. By the concept
proposed here, it is result of some unidirectional global change of some potential value. This
change is global if effect ( so call natural time flow ) is observed in all points of space. Local
time flow effect can be created by means of unidirectional change of potential value in some
area of space.

So, two methods for creation of energy changes ( in space and -in time ) are
corresponding to two methods for power extraction:
1. By means of closed in space circuit "source - load".
2. By means of closed in tim~ circuit "cause - effect".
.. Tesla's Concept for Wireless Power Transmission
By Testa's papers [4] the concept for wireless power transmission require the source of
high frequency potential electric field. Value for potential is very high also. There is difference
in principle for Tesla's scheme and Hertz's radio transmitter. Fig.3
-· .. _,_ _ - ----·- - .. - - - --·- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

Electric field E(t)

Coil L1

~cnerntor of cban~in~ potent in I Load ( motor )

GroWly GroWld
Figure 3

Copyright © I 996 by Alexander V. Frolov

Sphere capacitor C 1 produce oscillating electric potential mamty instead of electromagnetic

waves. Changes of induced charge that is created on surface of capacitor Cz is the reason for
electric CWTent in coil Lz and in strength of this reason some power is created in the load R
There is no directed radio beam here. Note: in the resonance case secondary terminal
C2 can produce power in load that is equal to oscillating generator power. Also several
secondary terminals can be used for power extraction by means of changing potential field.

Electrolysis as Work of Potential Field to Move the Ions

In 1888 Russian scientist Latchinov patented his high efficient way for electrolysis of
water. He demonstrated the paradoxical situation: electrolytic cell produced high pressure gas
but it require the same input power electricity that was used for low pressure gas production.
Secondary effect for this high pressure gas case is self-cooling ofthe electrolytic cell because of
it need ·to compensate excess power output by means of own inner heat energy. It was in
contradiction with . second law of thermodynamic but now there are many explanations for
heat-work energy conversion.
It was real example for heat pump technology that is connected with syntropy but not
with entropy funpt:ion. Physically the mechanics for power generation here is the work of
potential field between electrodes to move the ions. Electrical current from primary source is
not the necessary condition for electrolysis. Only potential field produce the decomposition of
water and power output can be much more than power is used for potential field creation.
Note: entropy function for work-heat energy transformation is correspond to normal
rate of time flow from past to future. It is possible to assume the correlation between syntropy
function of some power generation process by means heat-work conversion and reversed time
direction. ·

Acceleration in Potential Field

In the classical example the potential field make work to accelerate the body
(acceleration a>O ) but then system must make work to return the body in start point
(acceleration -a<O ). Classical conclusion is: total net work of potential field is equal to zero and
potential field can not be used to create the power in load. It is not mistake but it is particular
case only. ·
When parameters of the field or parameters of the working body are changing it is
possible to create constant acceleration of the body in potential field.
Examples: Screenitig for part of the rotor trajectory to use Coulomb forces only for
acceleration of the rotor, patent USA 4897592. Another way to exclude negative part ofthe
work is spatial superpo~tion for .field source and working body, Fig.4. This scheme is proposal
for experiment. . ·


high potential electrode

Figure 4

- - --- -- - -- - -- - -- -
Copyright © 1996 by Alexander V. Frolov


·. '

Alexander V. Frolov

<t. ..
. ·.
... -:? :.' ..

,.,· 'G

.. ,~.

Electrode that is connected to negative high potential source is placed near cathode. In
:;trength of this reason t11e field of this electrode make the work to accelerate free electrons an.!
emitted fi·om cathode. So. kinetic energy of the electrons is increasing in the procl!:-:\ of the
motion of the electrons. Theoretically. power output from anode is more that power input.

Some analogy allow to consider well-known Chemetsky self-generating discha rge as

demonstration for work of potcutial field. Figure 5 is scheme for small demonstration device.
Load is connected in serial with discharge arc. Fig.6 is photo for device that was mack by me
and it was demonstrated in the process of the conference New Ideas in Natural Sciem:es. 17 -
22 June 1996. St.-Petersburg. Russia. ln tlus case distance between electrodes is more that
minimum arc distance and there is uo discharge. tl1ere is no CUJTent in load ( lamp ) (})so.
Ampenneter ( maximum value is I A ) show cuneut 0.3 A Power input is eq ual to
I OVx0.3A=-:lW. Figure 7 is the case for arc discharge between electrodes. Lamp is lig.hrin~ and
ll is power output about 2 W. But there is not increasing for input current. Ampenneter ~ho\\:
vn lue 0.28 A that menns decrease of input current when the arc is working in secondary circuit.
Figure 8 is the case for closed seco nda1~' circuit ( screw-d1iver make shan connection between
electrodes ). CtiiTent is equal to 0. 58 A It is ordinary case !or any transfonnator: connectiOn of
load lead to increase of consumed power..

Figure 5

Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8

C"..opyright © 19% by Alexander V. Frolov


Alexander Chernetsky [5] explained his resuh as pinch-effect for current of arc that
must be equal to many hundred Ampere. In his explanation is used the virtual particles concept
and vacuum zero point energy theory. Other explanation is proposed here. Fig.9 show two
electrodes and it is clear that charged particle have additional energy in the process of motion,
if this motion take place in electric field between electrodes.

W2>Wt ~ (

)'--___+_\-:.__:-_- - -. 7,1L.._______.)

Note, that Dr. Chernetsky demonstrated in 1980 - 1990 up to 500 Kw output power by means
of his self-generation electric discharge method. Now there are many patents on it, for
example: U.S. patents numbers 5416391 and 5449989, Paulo Correa, Canada.

Changing Magnetic Field

Free source of field is permanent magnet. To make some work periodically by means
of this constant field it is necessary to create modulation of the flux. Figure 10 is scheme that is
very close to USA patent 3879622, John W. Ecklin. Moving metal part M periodically change
the structure of field in the area between magnets. It is the reason for periodical force
interaction that create the power in output. There is no power input to move metal part M since
it is moving into the field with acceleration and it is removing from the field with equivalent
deceleration. So, output power is free if the permanent magnet field source is used to make
changing energy density in the point of power extraction. Other way is rotor that periodically
place metal part Min area between magnet and coil of the generator, Fig. 10.

' '\ / /

Figure 10

Copyright © I 996 by Alexander V. Frolov


Cause antl Two Contra-tlirectional Ellects for Spatial SeparatitHl

Sitnpl~ CXHil1pl~ f"or two spatially separated cm:cls arc op<.:rating fi·om ont! causu is
magn~t device, Fig. I I. Closed in loop fcl1'omagnetic structurt: consist of two coils L 1 aiHI L1.
Let·~ assliiiiC that primary f·lu~ is increasing. Direction of secondary induced flu:\ D1 in area uf
coil L:! is co-directional to prim:uy flux. Also direction of secondmy inducec.lJlux lh in area of
coil L, is co-directional to primaty llux. So, secoucltuy tluxes are contra-directional Lo each
other. If primary l"lux is not increasing but decreasing the situation is the snmc. So, from the
point ur primary source view secondary fluxes are mutual-compensated. ll tncans that two
power source L I and L2 are working without power cousumptiou.

Load lamp R

- ____ _______ ___ _

. ''" ~ ''""':;..
...... ~.. ··.. : -------

Bois magnl:!tic
tield of rotor
BL:!~ l

Bu -- -- -- ~--..-..----
........_...... .· :
---- - -~-- -+ ---- -
....... .. .
-- ---- - -

Fi~. 11

Demonstration system is shown on the photo Fig. 12. Several permanent magnets are
placed inside of plastic rotor, that is rotating by small electromotor. In expcrimetll is
de::u1onstrated that power in load is increasing when coil L:! is connected.

figure 12

Copyright © 1996 by Alexander V. Frolov


Inner Structure of Potential Field

The Whittaker's potential concept consider the potential as bi-directional energy flow
[6]. Thomas E. Bearden [7] wrote in his book Gravitobiology, p.2: "Space-time in a sense
may be regarded as a conglomerate of potentials - including the scalar EM potentials.
Therefore the simplest .~c~e :o,fEfd.~~,~l!lr p_~t~ ,(~~V~,;4<f.M ener~) is also nomin~y
composed of such spin'-'2· gcavrtons. '~ Structure of gravrtoli ana potentials, by Bearden, IS
coupled photon/antiphoton pair. Antiphoton is reverse-time process. Therefore, the potential
field can be considered as a bi-directional electromagnetic process/antiprocess. So, power can
be produced by means of potential field only as inner field structure disbalance. Bidirectional
energy flow described above, mathematically can be presented as the' equation

O=A+B F.5

where zero balance is created by means of two opposite process. If one of the process A is the
source of power ( zero-point vacuum electromagnetic as power source ) according to F. 5 other
part B must be changing also. So, for such sort process there is equation

0 = dA/dt + dB/dt F.6

and in other view

dA/dt = - dB/dt F.7

If time for B part is considered as reversed time tr and time for process A is considered as
direct time 1<1 , we obtain the equation for total energy conservation law that is taking into
consideration direct time and reverse time energy processes

. dA/dt.i = dB/d4 F.8

Conclusion by F.8: Space power is unlimited. There is no limit for power extraction if any
change of value A is correspond to change of value B. The conservation law for energy means
the conservation of time balance only: energy of processes in direct time must be equal to the
energy of processes in reversed time.

This formulation is unification of Newton mechanics law (action- reaction) and conservation
law. In general view it can be named as balance law.

Note that zero is not nothing. It is balanced structure. In general case it is possible to consider
the many-polarity for energy balance:

O=A +B +C + ... +N F.9

Time structure can be more complex than bi-directional "time/reverse-time" and chronal area
like space area can be considered in many-dimensional version also.

Copyright © 1996 by AJexa1der V. Frolov

['• ...


~, .....

Conclusion ... .,: :.


From the concept disclosed above there is no more necessity in the conservation law for
energy. Any form and any quantity offue energy can be created. The balance law require to
create any energy process iu pair with c'ontra-directional energy process. Mutual-compensation
for processes can have place both in space ( spatial separation ) and iu ' time ( chronal
separation). Asymmetry for spatiaf separated paired energy processes is the tecbnology for
reactionless propulsion force 'in ··space. Asymmetry for ,.chronaUy separated paired energy
processes is the technology for propiilsion force in time. Both technologies can be<iesig·ned as
a system that use .new type of motio&. · '·· · ..

I 1 l

I. PhReview E, vol.48, nu,m.2, p.l~62-1565 ; Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum;
Ph.Review A, vol.39, ,nt,lm.5, Gravity ilS a zero-point-fluctuation force, Dr. Harold Putiwff
Patent: Electronic beVices Using Discreet, Contained Charge Particle BWldless and Source of
Same, H. E. Puthoff, E.W. Church, Jr.,B.B.Clifton, S.R.Little patent number 5,208,84~ of May
4, 1993.
2. A.A.Nassikas, 1994, The Hypothesis of the Unified Field and the principle of its Dual
Interpretation. Ill Intemational Couferen<;e: " Problems of Space, Tiem, Gravitation". Russian
Academy of Sciences, SRIRE-Politechni.ka. St. Petersburg, Russia.
3. l13MepeHJ-Ie TOKa npOBOLU1MOCTH, B03Qy)KJlaeMOf0 OO.IUipH3aUHOHHbll\1 TOKOM. '3~.~B H.E..
ABpaMeHKo C.B.,JhlcHii B.J-1.,
JKypHan ~cc1<oi1 <l>roH'-!ecKol:f MbJCJIH N2, 199J•. PeyToB,
.,, MocKBa. · · .~~ · J· t.

4. Nikola Testa, Colorado Springs.- Notes 1899-1990 1 Publ. in AngritT Press, P.O.Box 2726,
Hollywood, CA, 90078, USA.
,(. . -. 5. A.B. 4epHeTCI<I-1i1, 0 cj>l-1311.tfecxoi1 npHpoD.e 6wo:mepren1'1eCKHX SIBneHHH 111 11x
· MOJlCJ111pOBHHH11, MocKsa, l13D..BcecoJ03Horo Jao•moro nonHTeXJU1'JCCKoro 11HCT11TyTa, 1989.
6. 9n· tl)~ Expre~sion· qf,the._Electron\agnetic F1eld due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar
Poi-entia! ,functiot~H ~~- E.T,:;- Whittaker, 1903;' ..Published in Proceediry~: of the London
Ma~hemati'cal Soci~tY,•.V?+ l, ) 904, p.367.372. ·Also 'it is included in Ann~.x C, Gravitobilogy,

T.E.Bearden , p. c-1.
7. Gravitobiology, by T.E.Bearden, 1991, Tesla Book Company, P.O.Box 121873 Chula Vista,
CA 91912, USA. Library of Congress C?talo& Card Number 86-50553.
' . .

:: ')
I') •• . ' ..:.


Thermal engine with a single heat source_

Albert Serogodsky
J:?ear gentleman !

·. In my short report I present you some results of our theoretical and experimental
investigations of gas-liquid solutions in the retrograde condensation ·dof! Our inves-
tigation had shown the possibility of in this domain the full transition of tt-~
delivered heat t-o the useful work. ..
Since the determination of heat effects may imply, as a significant, error we shall enlarge
on the determination of some conditions which uniquely demonstrate the possibility of
the isothermal cycle realization.
The singularity of properties of the gas-liquid solutions. consists in feasibility to set
up only through a supplied heat a non-equilibrium state of the isothermal cycle which is
equivalent to an increase of the energy level of the system relatively to the heat source.
As a. result vf our investigation one of such systems is found. It is the nitrogcn-hutan
solution. · . ·
In fig.l pressure-concentration diagram of a nitrogen-buLan mixture at 104.4°C !s
presented. Henceforth all processes under consideration we shall assume to be isothermal.
The curve is in fig.l the saturation line, and the point I< is the critical point. The processes
in the domain placed to the right of the cri.tical point ( the cross-hatche~ regions in fig. I)
are not governed by Gibbs-Konovalov low. The processes in this region are of some
peculiarities. Consider this peculiarities.
The process of the isothermal expansion in cross-hatched region is characterized by a
transition from the homogeneous single-phase system to the two-phase one wHh the fall
of the liquid phase. For example, if one fill up a. cylinder with the mixture at the nitrogen
concentration C3 and ~he pressure P.2 and then the mixture expands isothermal from the
pressure P2 to the prc:j~Ure P1 in the cylindc!r ~he two-phase mixture will be formed with
the nitrogen concentration in liquid phase C1 and nitrogen concentration in gas phase C5 •
Let us separate the liquid phase from the gas phase through the difference in the density
and after that compress them separately up to the pressure P2 - the liquid phas<' up to
the state in the point 2 and the gas -phase up to the state in the point 6 accordingly.
It is obvious if we mix these ·two phas'e!i ip the states 2 and 6 we obtain the starting
mixture with"the param~t~~s.. in the point 3. Since the states in the points 2 and 6 ·arc
non-equilibrium these s~~t~_:h~~c defin_i~e chemica.!" pote~tia.l (the equilibrium states may
be in the points 2 ~nd 3 _only). Let us ~nsider now the w_9rk which must be consum<'d
to obtain this potential. · · ·
It is evident that if the mixing the states 2 and 6 is accompanied by "evaporation" of
the liquid phase it should be expected th~ increasing of t he volume in mixture which in
turn leads to the result that the isothermal cycle is closed and gives out a positive work.
In our experiments we had measured the. relationships between the specific volumc~s or
the pressur(' a.ud .the concentration .. Our·experimental results showed thc\t the Slllll or the:
S<'JH~r;\Lc: pha..;c~ volunu:s whic-h are c:omprt!$SC~cl up lo t he starting pn•ssurc: is lc:ss tlwn llu:
initial volume vl +.v.. < V;s. . . .. I .

The relative value of the change in volume is small and that is \vhy the high precision
is required for the determination of the volume. It is necessary to find the coordinates
in wl1ich we shall be ~ble .t.O. t~ke account of all processes and ~ find the criterion which
permit us to determin~ the sign of the work in the isothermal cycle. These coordinates
are: the specific volume V and. the concentra-tion p of ~he nitrogen in the solution. The

Copyright@ 1996 by Albert Serogodsky


criterion is the break of the isobars on the saturation line when the tra!lsition 'from ~he
single-phase gas system to the two-phase one takes place.
In fig.2 in the general case the in 'V - C coordinates arc J) The
isobars have the lm.•ak with tlw convexity upwards on the s;~tura.tion line. The l>rcak
is the condition of the positive work in the isothermal cycle at th.e separation of the
comp,onents. ._ .
Further we shall consider this conditions in detail. Let us introduce the next. designa-
V' is the specific liquid phase volume on the saturation line;
V" is the specific gas phase volume on the saturation line;
Vo is Lhe specific ga.s phase volume behind the saturation line (dry steam) by the
concentration Yoi
x is the concentration of the liquid phase on the saturati~n line;
y is the concentration of the gas phase on the saturation line;
0,1 are the indexes of the pressure state under which the parameters arc determined;
The 1~1a.gnitudc of work can be wriLten in the form: -
L= /, ( - Vcompr )dp.
Po •
If Vupan > Vcompr is at every magnitud~ of the pressure the isothermal cycle have a
positive work. Let us define the magnitudes 'Vezpan and Vcorn 11,.by the expressions

v.ezpan-_ V' Yy-x

- Yt + V" Yt - x
y-x '
Yo - Yl (v' y- %J +.v'" x, - %) + YO Y• - %J •
v.-compr-- Yo- Xt Y- x - ·y- x Yo - x,

It follows from this equations that the useful work of the cycle is positive when t.lw nexl
condition is valid
V" - V' . Vo - V'
- - - ·>
Y -x Yo-x
that is the inclination of the isobars in the two-phase region is more then in the dry steam
region ( the break of the isobars on the saturation line have the convexity upwards). In
this way the sufficient conditions for the performing of the dosed thermodynamic cycle
with a positivt~ external work arc:
I. Tlw CIII'Vt' of tlw e•quilibrit1m :-;t;~l.e• "prt~ssurc• ~ ru11n•ntmt.ion" n ndc•r a. const.«ull.
.Lcmpeml.urc• has the• rq~ion with 1.11(' value· of th_t~ clc•rivati\·e• le-ss t.llt'n ;wru (1.11<' I'Xist.e•nn·
of the n·trogradc comlt•nsatiou zout·). ·
2. On the curve of the equilibrium state "volume~ concentration" under a coustant
temperature the isobars have the break with the convexity upwards.
In fig.:3 tht• clost•d isothermal cycle in P - C coordi natt~s is shown. Ll'l us takc• tlw
solution in tht• point I in a gas pha.o;e on the.· saturation litH' and expand it isotlwnwdly
from the prC'ssurc P1 to til<' pn•ss11re P2 (point 2). The! st•para.tion of the- mixture- on tlw
two phases takes place in the point 2 (liquid with paramctt•rs in t-he point 3 and gas with
parameters in the point 4). After separation process we comprcs~ liquid and gas ph ases
separately up to the starting pressure P1 • The liquid phase is compressed together with
the part of the gas phase ( point 6). After the compression'we have the li<1uid phase in tht'
point 7 and the gas phase in the point 5. Let us notice that the compoucnts in the points
7 and 5 are equilibrium ones and have the chemical potential. Then we mix liquid aud

Copyright ~ 1996 by Albert Serogodsky

'~. 383

gas phases and to t.he point L The mixing is accompanied by a gMification of the
liquid lt. should not be expcdccl the additivity o( the volunws at tlw equilibrium
state {point 1). If tllis pron•ss is accompanied by the increasing of the :>p<!ciftc volume the
isothermal cycle will prmha:c the useful work. lt is necessary for a. confirmation of this
assumptions to carry out tht: investigations and to measure the volume charadcristics of
. the solution with high a.ccur•~'-Y· .
. f'he experitlleutal installation for thc'Sc investigations had been creaLed. It is shown in
· fig.4. It contains two cylinders 1, 2 with the moved pistons 6, 7 which can be moved by
the help of the spiral pairs with lines {or measuring the volume. There arc the manometers
3, 5 to measure the pressure on .thc cylinders. The installation is placed in the thermostat
and the constant temperature is maintained by accuracy 0, 05°C. The temperature is
controlled insicfe t.hc cylinder too. The cylinders arc connected by a pipe line with a valve
4. This installa.tiot1 allows to model the isothermal cycles and to obtain the characteristics
of the gas-liquid ·soh.t.tions. In fig.5 there •are the chara.ct~ristics of the nitrogcn-butan
solution which was measured on this installations. Ila.-;cd on this results tlw isot.lwrm;d
cycle was ·built. It was shown in fig.6. Let us consider this cycle in V - C comdiuatcs.
The starting mixture in the point. 1 is expanded from the pressure P 1 up to the pressure P1
(point 2). In the point 2 the mixture is separated on the two phMcs: liquid (point :l) aucl
gas (point 4). After separation the m~xture in the point 6 and the gas phase in the point
4 are compressed separately up to the sta~ting pressure. The isothermal compression !n
different cylinders leads to the formation of.the liquid phase (point 7) and gas phase (point
5). This phases are mixed after the compression. lf the mixture is take place without
the change of the specific volume the starting specific volume (point 1) would be placed
on a straight line coni1ecting the points 5 and 7 (the additive condition). In our caM• the
specific volume in the point 1 is situated higher the straight line 5 • 7. It means that the
mixturing is accompanied by the increasing of the volume, that is the isothermal cycle
produce the useful work and the criterion of the useful work is the break of the isobars
on the. satura.Li~JI line in V - C coordinates.
The pres.ence of the break in isobars can be explained in the following manner. ThE>
increasing of tl1e liquid ~omponent concentration in the gas region results to th<~ formation
a gas phase and the in.creasing of the liquid phase concentration in the two-phase r<.~gion
results to the formation a liquid phase with higher density. That is the increasing of the
liquid compbnent concentration on the same value in the two-phase rcgiot.l l<>ads to tht!
increasing in density on.. ~he more high value. · It is true for the case when th~ liquid phase
den city is more then · tl.e -gas phase density, that. is up to the barotropic effect. ··
The experimentally obtained isothermal cycle-is shown in fig. i in P - \ 1 t·uordinal('!\.
Th<• rca.) cyclt'S have the suffic:it•ntly more high useful work since they <m~ <'UJIIU'Ckd wit.h
the in isotlwrmal plan<.·s.
In conclusion we can say the following . . We have worked out the principally new
direction in the energetic. On this - basi~: one may built the energetic n_1 achines using
a single heat sours. These machines are ·~cologica.lly clean one-s. They use a. chemical
nonactive working bodies and have no harmful trust to the atr. We hope that these
machines 'will fi.nd a wide applications in the differei1t fields of mechanical engineering,
motorcreation a.nd in many other fields of the human activity. ·


Copyright@ 1996 by .~bert Scrogodsky

. ·.

: p

.. ··· K
•, ..
p2 6

0 . O~I 0,2 .I 1 0,3 0,4, c

c'I . . 02' 1
c•K c3 c'5

I Fig. .1 .


V'0 1 . I
. ·, I

y Yo c
. ·fij. 2 .
Copyript@ 1996 by Albert Serogodlky
. ·.· . . '• .·... :;
. .,·
·.' . .

.. p _____ _ , I. .,,:,. . . . . ... • . ....... .

--~----:----:-®---_-, ··· ·····®.···· ··

.·.·.·.·.·.:.·.·.6·. . ·.·.·.·.
0 • • • • • • • • • • • •


... - - ,_ - - - -:.-- -- -- ---- -1

K . '10
... ' .......
.... .. ·.· .. ..
--- ·-
_:;_·. -
·- ·- - - - -~...-e--....L
- - - - ~-
. · · · ···· · ··· ·····
: . . 1. . . . . . .
... ,

·.f:'Y:-=---:.__;..-::::=-.__:..;::'{ . '-:-c:" .
· ')-
• • •

... ..
• • •

5.. .
• • 0 0

® 2- .

• • • 0 • • • • .. 0

• 0 • • • .. • • • • • • • • • •

lt.~;:;:---------r . . ... ............................... .... .. ....

. . .. .•

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. . . . 0 • • • 0

.. : ... .'
• • • • •

.... .
0 • • • • • • • • •

[ ·.
~ 7


Copyright @ 1996 by Albert Serogodsky




. --
..... . .. , .,..

Copyrigh~@ 1996 by Albert Serogodsky


·. ·
. .
.: . .··v·-
·· ·. em ··
.. . g : . .
.. . .. ..

'. . .

. -
..Q.2 .. 0.4

Copyright@) 1996 by Albert Serogodsky . ·L . )

• I
3 '1

.. . 8

. , c{\\
<0 ·.

2 C-----~--~~----~----~~-
0 .2 . 0 .4
. 0.1 (.~
Fig. 6 · 'Kg(~+BJ

Free Fall of Elementary Particles:

On moving bodies and their electromagnetic forces.

Nils Rognerud,
Rognerud Research & Development, Concord, CA


This paper is a review of the problem of the observable action of gravitational

forces on charged particles. The author discusses the induced electric fields and the
sometimes overlooked unique physical properties. He analyzes several experiments,
showing the reality of the induced electric fields. The current interpretation, based on
the idea of only one electric field, with certain characteristics, is compared with
alternative approaches.

This document is Copyright (c) 1994 by Nils Rognerud (

All rights are reserved. Permission to use, copy and distribute this unmodified
document by any means and for any purpose EXCEPT PROFIT PURPOSES is
hereby granted, provided that both the above Copyright notice and this permission
notice appear in all copies of the document itself. Reproducing this document by any
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Preface to Free Fall of Elementary Particle

By David Jonsson,
Webmash~r ofElektromagnum,

In July 1994 I begun a project on the Internet to collect and publish theories, test-results and rumours
related to anomalous electromagnetism. This tum~d out to be a major success and the collection of files is
now approx. 1300. Most of the files are a mirroring of Jerry Deckers KeelyNet BBS.

There are numerous ·~ours of a.ponnection betweJ~ electromagnetism and gravitation/inertia. The most
common one is the Biefeld-Brown effect. This effect is very easy to describe but hard to explain
theoretically. One contradiction seems to be the violation of the conservation of energy and momentum.
Maybe this is why this effect is rather unknown. The effect simply says that a capacitor charged with at
least 50 kV will accelerate towards its positive pole The acceleration is higher with higher voltage and
higher with a good dielectric between the plates.

Not many theories exist that try to explain the

above effect. One is Subquantum Kinetics by Paul A.
LaViolette <>. Others are the following article .by Nils Rognerud
<> who talks of a motional magnetic filed. Wilbert B. Smith has also expressed an idea
of a motional magnetic filed in his book The New Science available from PACE, Planetary Association of
,Clean Energy, Canada. . .• ·'
:.:' \ t.. \ ~ ~· ~. \ . ,.... ~
· Accorclliig to Paul A. LaViolette extensive research on the topic has been done by Office of Naval
Researeh1 ONR, USA. They found a power-relation between applied voltage and produced force. This
researcQ was done ii} 1952. In 1988 the research .had developed into an aeroplane,-the Northrup B-2
AdvariC'ed 'technology Stealth Bomber. Having a price-tag of about $2 billion each it is by far the most
expensi:vt·aeroplane in the world. The aircraft uses many millions of volts to positively charge the front of
the wings and to negatively charge the exhaust-gases from the engines thus producing thrust forward.

LaViolette expresses his ideas in his book Subquantum Kinetics. In Electrogravitics Systems he writes
specifically about the B-2. This book also contains other sources regarding to electrogravitics. The boo!k is
edited by Thomas Valone. The books can be ordered bye-mailing the al!!hor.

\ -.

... ..'
• " ·"t
Free Fall ofElementary Particles


Measurements of the gravitational force on elementary particles have been done

for electrons\ bulk matter2·3 neutral particles of ordinary matter4 .and photons5 • No
·direct measurements have been done for positively charged particles. A new
experiment is currently on the way in CER.N'. This experiment is attempting to
measure the free fall of antiprotons.
In this paper we will show that there is a small residual elecUic field, due to
electric dipoles, in all atomic matter. This electric field arises from th¢ fact that two
equal and opposite charges (such as a proton and it's electron cloud) generate electric
effects that do not quite cancel, at distant points. ·
Since it is expected that mother ear'Jl generates a large amount of these electric
fields, it is postulated that the outcome of free falling particle experiments and it's
equipment are dependent- to some extent- on such fields. We will show that such
fields may be difficult to shield, and as such, this information may be of interest to


In the field of electromagnetism, every point in space is characterized by two

vector quantities, which determine the force on any charge. First, there is the electric
force, which gives a tbrce component independent ofthe motion of the charge, q. We
describe it by the electric field, E. Second there is an additional force component,
called the magnetic force, which depends on the relative velocity, v, of the charge in
relation to reference frame of the magnetic field source. - The Lorentz Force
Equation says that the force on an electric charge is dependent not only on where it
is, but also on how fast it is moving in relation to something else, as in:

F = q(E + v X B). (2.0)

In fi~ 1, a· conducting rod is moving through a magnetic field B. An

electron, located in the ro·d, sees a magnetic force due to motion of the rod through the
magnetic field. In the reference frame of the magnetic source (frameS), there is no E,
thus the only force acting on the electron, is:

F = qv X ~B. (2.1)

What happens if the rod is at rest with the observer's reference frame, but the
magnetic source is moving with velocity -v, as in figure 2? Do~s the electron stay
where it is? Would we see different things happening in the two systems?

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall ;}<t2mentary Particles

X X X X I v

~-----------r--------~- X

Figure l. A conducting rod is in relative motion with respect to a magnet An observer S, fixed with
respect to the magnet that produces the B-field, sees a rod moving to the right. He also sees a
magnetic force acting downward on the electron.

We know from relativity that magnetism and electricity are not independent
things - they should always be ta.l(en together as one complete electromagnetic field.
Although in the static case Maxwell's equations separate into two distinct pairs, with
no apparent connection between the two fields, nevertheless, in nature itself there is a
very intimate relationship between them arising from the principle of relativity.
In accordance with Special Relativity, we must get the same physical result
· whether we analyze motion of a particle moving in a coordinate system at rest with
respect to the magnetic source or at rest with respect to the particle. In the first
instance the force was purely "magnetic", in the second, it was purely "electric". We
know that a charge q is an invariant scalar quantity, independent of the frame of
Since the F' equal to F, we can calculate F' as:

F'= qE'm =F =qv X B (2.2)

For cases where the source of the magnetic field is moving, the relative velocity
v becomes the opposite sign. To distinguish this type of motional electric field, we

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall ofElementary ParticleS

can rewrite the equation, where Vis the relative velocity, and B is the magnetic field
(seen by S):

E',. = B X V,w' (2.3)

since we know that

-v x B = B x v. (2.4)


. ...... X

x ·


Figure 2. A conducting rod is in relative motion with respect to a magnet An observer S', fiXed with
respect to the rod, sees the magnet moving to the left. He also sees an electric force acting downward
on the electron.

Mathematically, it can be shown that a pilrely electric field in one reference

frame can be magnetic in another. The separation of these interactions depends on
which reference frame is chosen for description. In 1903 - in a now famous
experiment - Trouton and Noble showed that two electric cha:·ges moving with same
constant velocity do not produce a magnetic interaction between themselves. This is
consistent with the fundamental postulate of relativity. The force between two electric
charges must be the same for an obsen:er at rest with respect to the charges. This is
true whether the charges move at constant velocity, or whether they remain fixed with
respect with some reference frame.
· Since electric and magnetic fields appear in different mixtures if we change our
frame of reference, wemust be careful about how vie look at the fields E and B. We

Copyright (c) 1~87 and 1994, Nils R~gnerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

must not attach too much reality to them. The field lines may disappear if we try to
observe them from different coordinate systems.
The field lines that we see in our textbooks for electric and magnetic fields are
only mathematical constructs to help us understand and clarify the effects more
.easily. We can say more accurately that there is such a thing as a transformed
electromagnetic field with a new magnitude and direction. Einstein's special
rela~ivity and Lorentz transformation make this view possible.


We can fwther illustrate the effect of the motional electric field. When a
conducting rod sees a magnetic field from a moving magnet (see figure 3), each
electron in the rod experiences a force due to its relative motion through the field. If
the direction of the motion of the magnet is such that a component of the force on the
electrons is parallel to the conductor, the free electrons will move along the
conductor. The electrons will move until they axe balanced by equal and opposite
electrostatic forces. 1bis is because electrons collected at one end of the conductor,
will leave a deficit of electrons at the other.

- - --

-v I
<l I x'
,_ ______
s·, X X -~

Figure 3. The moving source of a magnetic field produces an induced motional electric field Em,
which is balanced by the electrostatic field, Es. The electric field is seen by an observer stationary
with respect to the rod. An electrostatic shield around the rod does not influence the experiment.

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

While the motion continues, an observer inside the rod sees a zero electric field
because of


where E 5 is the electrostatic field. ·.

A remar~ble observation is that this experiment can be done with or without
electrostatic shielding around the conductor. It is worth noting that the Em field is
quite different from the E 5 field in that the boundary condition .for Em is equal to the
boundary conditions for the magnetic field. (More on this later.) ·
In the equilibrium state, the observer in the reference frame of the moving rod
will not feel any forces due to electric fields, either E5 or Em· This conclusion has
some profound effects on our experiments. For example, one cannot connect a
voltmeter to the moving rod (that is stationary with respect to the rod) and expect to
see a motional electric potential, Em· All wires of the voltmeter and the voltmeter
itself will be equally polarized, in a manner similar to the rod. Understanding this
concept is important, as it may be one of the fundamental reasons why the motional
electric field often goes undetected.


· In the general theory of quantum electrodynamics, one takes the vector and
scalar potentials as the fundamental quantities in a set of equations that replace the
Maxwell equations. E and B are slowly disappearing from the modem expression of
physical law; they are being replaced by the vector potential, A and scalar
potential,;. Feynman says the vector ·potential is not just a mathematical
convenience, but is introduced because it does have an important physical
sigi?.ificance'. Lrts review a few of e~ampl~s:

1) The Long Solenoid '·

2) The Electron I~terference Experiment
3) Two Moving Magnet Experiment
4) The Hooper Coil

1) The Long Solenoid: It is easy to agree that a long solenoid carrying an

electric current has a B-field inside - but none outside. ·If we arrange a situation
where the electrons are to be found only outside of the solenoid, we know that there
will still be an influence on the motion of electrons - as this is the workings of the
common electrical transformer. This phenomena has always been of interest to
students, because the induction in the wires takes place in a region of space where the
resultant magnetic flux is reduced to zero. How could this be? According to

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

classical physics this is impossible, as the force depends only on B, yet we use this
transformer principle in common electronic components.
It turns out, that quantum mechanically ·we can find out that there is a magnetic
field inside the solenoid by going around it - even without ever going close to it. We
·must use the vector potential, A, as shown in figure 4. Alternatively, if we are not too
concerned about the zero B-field in the region of the electron, we can also use
Faraday's Law of Induction. This law states that the induced electromotive force is
equal to the rate at which the magnetic flux through a circuit is changing, .a s in

&= - - . (4.0)

Figure 4. The magnetic field and the vector potential of a long solenoid.

In the case of the long solenoid, it turns out that both the classical and quantum
calculations give the same result.

2) The Electron Interference Experiment: · Physical effects on charged

particles - in a zero B-field - have been studied since the 1950s. The reader is advised
to refer to quantum interference of electrons8 , for further study.
Although this is a very important subject, we encourage the reader to
investigate this area for himself. Bohm and Aharanow show in their electron
interference experiment that a magnetic field can influence the motion of electrons
even though the field exists only in regions where there is an arbitrarily small
probability offmding the electrons.

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

3) Two Moving M agnets E:tp~rimeat: Magnetic flux is constructed from two

sources, as in figure 5. Both magnets move uniformly in oppo.s ite directions with a
speed V producing an Em on the electron, inside the conductor. We can find the total
Em field by
, . superposition,
. as follows:
.: '

Since B and V are equal in magnitude for both magnets, we find by vector addition
. .
the total ind.u ced.electrical field, as follows:


We notice that the induced electrical field is twice that from a single ,In.llP,t,
while the sum of B is remarkably ~ zero. This experiment is easy to setup and verify
in any electronics laboratory with a pair of magnets, a wire and a voltmeter. .In fact,
you may wrap the conductor, in an electrostatic or magnetic shie!ding, and find the
same result.
,. . • ) ..j.
- - - - -- -
B, l X X -
. I
-X--.x- - - -
• I
I I I•
I X >cl X
I I I•
I X ~ X I•
I I I•
-v I
<l I I I•
I ----IC>
----r -·

Figure 5. An electron, in a conductor, experiences a force due to the flux from two moving magnetic

4) The Hooper Coil: The author has tested a setup by pulsing strong currents,
opposite and equal, through multiple parallel conductors. TP.e configuration of the
conductors in this type of experiment will cancel the B-fields, while still producing an

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rogner.Id.

Free Fa~~lementary Particles

Em field, in accordance with Eq. 4.2. This is similar to ~experiment by Hooper',

who successfully predicted and meas ured the motional electric field - all in zero
resultant B-field.

Interestingly, all of the abcve experiments can influence an electron with a zero
B-field, in the region of the electron. Tiris has some profound implications - one of
which is that the motional electric tbrce field is immune to electrostatic or magnetic
Experimentally, it can be confirmed that the motional electric field is immune
to shielding and ~ollows the boundary conditions ofthe magnetic (not electric) field.
The only way to shield a motional electric field is to use a magnetic shield around the
source of the magnetic flux - containing it at the source. These effects are not
startling if one remembers that the motional electric field is a magnetic effect and that
a magnetic field has a different boundary condition the electric field:


Most textbooks in physics describe how a piece of paper or a neutral dielectric

object can be picked up with a charged glass rod. This is the divergent electrical
field at work. It polarizes and generates a net attraction on the dielectric object. A
dielectric object is always drawn away from a region of a weak field towards a region
of a strong field, as seen in figure 6. The polarity of the field does not affect the
direction of the force.

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall oi~mentary Particles

Figure 6. A non-uniform electrical field will generate a net attractive force on a neutral piece of matter.
The force is directed toward the region of higher field strength.

The net force on the dielectric is proportional to the gradient ofthe square of the
field times the volume of the dielectric10, given by:

8 -Go 2
FEin== ---VE Vodv (5.0)

. , where Vedv is the eff~ctive dielectric volume, E is the pennittivity constant and
€ 0 is the dielectric constant for hydrogen. We do not know the effective dielectric
volume for a single hydrogen atom, but we can estimate it by using the classical size
for the Bohr atom and adjust the radius with a fa9tor kedv:


We can calculate the divergent Em field from a hydrogen atom due to the
motion of the electron charge. ¥...nowing the magnitude and divergence of the Em
field, we can find the force that pulls on a nearby atom, in accordance with Eq. (5.0).
In view of quantum mechanics, the Bohr model is an over-simplification.
However, as we will see, this approach offers some insights into the nature · and
magnitude of the force generated by the divergent motional electric field. It is very

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

much like Feynman's calculation of the atomic magnetic moment using classical
mechanics11 that turns out to be quite accurate


Fi~e 7. An orbital electron with a linear velocity vis producing a motional electric field Em at P.

The magnetic field from an orbital electron is found by using the Biot~Savart


r is the radius vector from q to a point P where B is measured, and ve is the electron
velocity. Since the electron revolves at a radial frequency ro =vI r0 , the B-field
velocity, V at a distance r -can be calculated as V =1'(1) =rv I r0 •
The motional electric field Em is then found by inserting Eq. (5.2) into Eq.


By expanding and simplifying Eq. (5.3) we get a large symbolic expression.

Figure 5 shows a plot of the Em vector fields around the hydrogen nucleus according
to such a formula. The plot shows that the x-components of the vectors are always in
the same direction, regardless of the electron position about the nucleus. It can also
be seen that all y~components are opposite, in the upper and lower quadrants.
Assuming a full uniform circular orbit of the electron, the y-components will cancel

Copyright (c) 19&7 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

while the x~components wiil add. For a full revolution, the hydrogen atom will
generate a net Em field in the negative x-axis direction - measured at point P.

' ' .. \ I I
'I I /J/If'lllf"'
...... ' ' ' ' '

-- -.. - __ X

........ ,,
. '' , ,
. .'· ' ' '"'\'
Figure 8. The 2-dimensional vector plot of the motional electric field • produced by the orbital electron
around the hydrogen nucleus. All measurements an: done at a stationary point P, with x=l meter and y=0
from the nucleus.

It is worth noting that the electron spin itself does also generate a motional
electric field. This effect will be ignored in our discu..~ion since it can be shown that ·
it falls off faster than the motional electric field produced by the circulating electron.
It may be speculated that the motional electric fields generated by spinning
elementary particles has some relationship to nuclear forces, but this is not discussed
Since a hydrogen atom can be considered a tiny dielectric, it is attracted towards
the source of a diverging Em field. We can calculate the instantaneous force
generated by the diverging Em fieJd from Eq. {5.0). The instantaneous force for
various positions of the moving electron is plotted in figure .9. Assuming that the y-
components will cancel we can find the sum of the x-components. .When measured at
point P, the sum of all the x-vectors will not completely cancel, due to a small
difference in magnitude between distance R+x and R·x.
Mathematically, the dielectric force produced by a single atom acting on
another dielectric atom can be found by integrating one revolution of the moving
electron {ignoring the y and z components, for now) by using Eq. (5.0):

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994. Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles


where x = cos(u)r0 and alpha is the angle of the electron to the x-axis and r0 is
the electron radius.

.......,_ ....

~- ...

------ .... --
-.. ........ .....
. _..,_.

_.- -. ... - ... ._

~-..-- . ......................

Figure 9. A 2-dimensional vector plot of the instantaneous dielectric force, produced by an electron
moving around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. All measurements are done at point P with x= 1 meter and

The expanded equation is large and is not easy to simplify symbolically.

However, the equation can be calculated numerically by computer. We will use the
following constants:

(J) = 2n · 6.84 ·10 15 radians/sec

fo = 5.2917706 · 1o - IS meter
q = 1.6021892 · I o-19 coulomb
&o = 8.854. 1o- farads/meter

Po = 4n · 10-7 Henry/meter
&lrydrogm =253

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

We arbitrarily adjust the volume for a single hydrogen atom from Eq.-(5.1) by
setting ky01=10-3 • By using Eq. (5.4), we then can find tt'te dielectric force between
two hydrogen atoms to be:



Lets compare the force ~culated in Eq. (5.5) - due to the diverging Em field -
with Newton's Law for a force between two hydrogen atoms. The gravity force
be~een two hydrogen atoms can be calculated as follows:

G . -64
·F = m.R~'!!:i. = l.S? ·l~ Newton. (6.1)
g . R

Note the siinilarity in magnitude between Eq. (6.1) and Eq. . (5.5). The
equations have the same power with distance.
Is gravity simply a pseudo-force caused by the relativistic effects of moving
charges - calculated as the divergent EP.l field? Perhaps gravitation may due to the
fact that we do·not have the right coordin&te system? Curiously, the divergent atomic
Em fitld does have all the characteristics of gravi~;, such as a non-shieldable force
that follows the inverse square of distallce law. ·
Atoms that generate an Em field will give rise to nearby electrostatic fields that
are set up to counter balance anything that is polarized by such Em fields. If we
ignore the effects of particle spin, it means that there are no net forces on a single
charged elementary particle suspended in a gravitational field - that is, if it is-located
inside a closed box of nonnal matter. We can predict that a single positive or
negative elementary particle will "float" in a gravitational field, as if with no weight.
However, a dielectric (such as a neutral atom) will fall in the same situation.
It may be argued that elemental)' particles have no weight at all - and that they
only have only inertia and mass. Interpretation of results from a free fall experiment
of electrons at Stanford University12 may suggest that elementary single particles do
not have weight. The results from Stanford University showed that the gravitational
acceleration of electrons in a metal tube was close to zero (measured to within 9%).
The scientists explained this unusual result as the effect of the earth gravitational pull
on free electrons in metal. It was argued that each electron and nucleus in the metal
were acted on by an average electrical field (set up by a slight displacement of
charges), polarizing the metal and exactly counterncting the free floating electrons
inside the tube.

Copyright(c) 1987 9Ild 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Particles

According to the divergent Em field theory,. the experiments at Stanford, could

be explained by understanding that there are no forces on non-dielectric charged
particles (such as an electron) located in cavity immersed in an Em field. The
electrostatic field, setup inside the cavity to counteract to the Em field, will exactly
·cancel the Em field because of separation of charges. Understanding this, a single
electron will behave as having no weight, since Em - E5 = 0, and the electron will
appear to have no acceleration in a gravitational field.
Complete atoms and molecules - with dielectric constants greater than zero -
will accelerate in a divergent Em field. As discussed earlier, the Em fields generated
by ordinary matter cannot be measured directly by electro~c means. This is because
the Em fields can not be shielded and all instrumentation and wires are polarized so
there are no currents. This effect will may cause us to think that there is no Em field
present. However, we will see the "dielectric" force that is similar in magnitude to
the force of gravity.
In free space, protons, located away from other objects, will accelerate if they
are in a divergent Em field. This is due to the electrical Em field that will act directly
on the elementary charges without any <;ounteracting electrostatic fields.
Interestingly, the Earth's atmosphere does measure an electrostatic potential
voltage gradient of approximate 100 V/m. Is this the electrostatic field that the
ionosphere produces to counteract an Em field generated by ~other Earth? The
Earth's electrostatic field does have the correct polarity to support such a theory. No
theory so far seems to explain why the Earth electrostatic field is never depleted
despite all the lightning and discharging of energy. The Em field theory explains this
puzzling effect as the continuos polarization of the ionosphere, generated by the
atomic matter of Earth. Due to this effect, the ionosphere will never be discharged.


We have seen how it possible tor two hydrogen atoms to generate a non-
shieldable force of similar magnitude to gravity. This effect is due to the motional
electric field produced by each atom. The dielectric hydrogen ato~s will attract
towards each other because of the divergent electric fields, produced oy each atom.
The dielectric force equation in Eq. (5.5) between two hydrogen atoms has a similar
magnitude to that of gravity arid follows the same inverse square law of force. •
Further, the divergent Em field theory postulates that elementary particles will
have mass and inertia, but no weight. It is predicted that a charged particle, like the •
antiproton, will not accelerate in a gravitational field when it is located in a cavity of •
neutral matter - up or down. The antiproton will only accelerate in the opposite
direction of the divergent electrical Em field (as produced by the Earth) if the
~tiproton has a dielectric constant greater than zero. It is assumed that elementary
particles, such as the antiproton, has a dielectric constant much smaller than that of

Copyright (c) 19H and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free FaH of Elemcni<WJ Particles

atoms or molecules, and therefor will not accelerate appreciably in the divergent Em
fie ld when compared to the acceleration of a neutral atom.
Th~ free fall experiment in CERN will be a crucial Lest for lhc truc nature ur
anti-protons and the gravitational field. It is postulated that gravity is simply the
dielectric pseudo-force due to the relativistic motions of orbital electrons of ordinary
matter. I challenge you to apply the knowledge and help build a better world.

The late Dr. William J. Hooper is acknowledged for his valuable inspiratiqn about the
uni4uc physical properties of the motional electric tield.

~F. C. Witteborn and W. M. Fairbank (1967). Phys Rev. Lett., 19, 1049

2 11 R. V. Eotvos, D. Pekar, and E. Fekete, Ann. Physik 68, 11 (1922)

J 12 G. Roll, R. Krotkov and R. H. Dicke, Ann Phys. (N.Y.) 26,442

4 J. W. T. Dabbs, J.A. Harvey, D. Paya and H. Horstmann, Phys. Rev. 139, B756


s 14 R. V. Pound and J. L. Snider, Phys. Rev. 140, B788 (1965)

6 15 T. qoldman, M. V. Hynes and M. M. Nieto, Gen Rei. and Grav.l8, 67 (1986)

1 Feynman, "The Feynman Lectures on Physics", 6th printing, (Addison Wesley,

Massachusetts, 1977), vol II, p. 15-8

a S. Olariu and I. lovitzu Popescu, "The quantum effects of electromagnetic fluxes" ,~

Rev. Mod. Phys., 57, 339-435.

9 W. J. Hooper, U.S. Patent No. 3.610.97:, 1971

10 P. Lorrain and D. Corson, "Electromagnetic fields and Waves", 2nd ed. (W. H.

Freeman, New York, 1970), p. 126

Fcynman, "The Feynman Lectures on Physics", 6th printing, (Addison Wesley,

Massachusetts, 1977), vol II, p. 34-3

12 F. C. Witteborn and W. M. Fairbank (1967). Phys Rev. Lett., 19, 1049

F. C. Witteborn and W. M. Fairbank (1967). Phys Rev. Lett., 19, 1049

z 11 R. V. Eotvos, D. Pekar, and E. Fekete, Ann. Physik 68, 11 (1922)

12 G. Roll, R. Krotkov and R. H. Dicke, Am Phys. (N.Y.) 26,442

Copyright (c) 1987 and 1994, Nils Rognerud.

Free Fall of Elementary Partic!es

J. W. T. Dabbs, J.A. Harvey, D. Paya and H. Horstmann, Phys. Rev. 139, B756 (1965)
14 R. V. Pound and J. L. Snider, Phys. Rev. 140, B788 (1965)
' '

'15 T. Goldman, M. V. Hynes and M. M. Nieto, Gen Rel. and Grav.f8;'67 (1986)
7 .
Feynman, "The Feyrunan Lectures on Physics", 6th printing, (Addison Wes'Iey,
Massachusetts, 1977), vol II, p. 15-8
S. Olariu and I. Iovitzu Popescu, "Tne quantum effects of electromagnetic fluxes", ~ev.

Mod. Phys., 57, 339-435.

'W. J. Hooper, U.S. Patent No. 3.610.971, 1971

P. Lorrain and D. Corson, "Electromagnetic Fields and Waves", 2nd ed. (W. H.
Freeman, New York, 1970), p. 126
Feyrunan, "The Feynman Lectures on Physics", 6th printing, (Addison Wesley,
Massachusetts, 1977), vol II, p. 34-3
F. C. Wittebom and W. M. Fairbank (1967). Phys Rev. Lett., 19, 1049


Copyright (c) 1981 and ~994, Nils Rognerud.


Construction an engint< t'or ~h.;!; ~=!";z~~ ;.:·n thr buse of a pondcromotor cffc,t:l

.~};n=:: ~ ..~~f- G. F.
Krasnrya:',~- Sto.t~ Ut~ i vt>~tty
!(ra.s;~oyc;.rsk, Ru'.~! 1

· A basis of this engine on the base of a ponder.:;-:Jotor effect is thl! principk or g~.:t­
ting a tractive force after interacti<'n between de•:tric ?..nd magnetic fields. The int~.:­
raction \)etween electric and magnttk fields produces energy-flux, determined by th~.:
Poynting's vector [I, 2]:

P::: Ex H , F==P/c, P==mr 2 •

Peculiarites of Poynting's vector are:

I. Violation of principle com_tx;:-;(ti;:-;n of field~· ?:=~ 1
(f, ). J.::P
2. Poynting's vector cha nges Wiih double-freqtwncy for nat polarizl!d clcctroma-
gn~.:lic field:

I E 0 sm. (J) r I, - 1 ,•.,. 0 ..~v·

I" F"
, ,. c.u i.. f
li 4 1' 2 ,.I
1 ,"', sm (J) t .
f '

3. Poynting's vector is c•)nstant for circular pol,p·ized electromagnl!tic licit!:

I P J ~:const.
Consider three types of interr:cl i.>:;- e!~ctric . magnetic and gravilational- on nnl'
point of view. lt allows us to draw a:n <ll~liiogy be'WC'.!n gravitationallicld anu Po~· nting·~


/ .
t$ h ~t/2~

{) '·.teIl (~j ~
h,==2n-SIA., F 11 =k 2 (M 1 xM 1 )/r~.

F 1, =k 3 {W 1 xW 2 )/r~,

here h" -operating height, V - -.,.c;luml!,

I -length, ). - wavelength,
S - square, q - electric charge,
M- magnetic charge, W- bulk of energy.
Electnc exciting of space is initial (prfmary). It has flat polarization and ma.xirnum
interaction with free space. A magnetic exciter produces after closing the electric excit~r
to itself or a couple of parallel electric exciters wit:·1 opposite fed can be a magnctil:
A composition on three electric exci ters or two !:'iagnetic exciters with oppo:)il~
fed can be a gravitational exciter. In the last case the exci ter is polarized in volum~: and
as a possible variant the rotation of volume with the forma tion of toroid.
· In first case the space is excited by eiectnc and magnetic r.~~lds. In scconJ <.:a:;~.:

only magnetic field excites the space. In third case both electric and magnetic fielqs
close themselves and electromagnetic energy concentrates on volume. Poynting's vector
only comes inside and defines energetic condition of volume.
The major interest for engine is the circular polarization of magnetic field. In a
wave zone either two equal field's components with phase shift at 90 °or electromagne-
tic dipole give us the circular polarization [3]. The electromagnetic dipole at the first half
of the 'period creates electric field, the next half of the period creates magnetic field, that
corresponds to phase shift at 90 °.
We are interested in a zone nearby the exciter because force ponderomotor action
is displayed here. In contrast to wave zone the electric component hasn't sinphase ·
magnetic component and the magnetic component hasn't sinphase electric componenr
here. The sinphase components have not form yet. Then we offer to make these com-
ponents artificially, as so to excite space with two crossed electromagnetic dipoles, fed
with shift phase at 90 °.
There are a lot of variants of exciters disposition and fed, and in particular
with radial and circular·dispositions, con·esponding with fed and step h=2.1Z'/N (the
analogy of fed in the form of the triangle and the star).
Assuming the ether existance we can use its properties for evidence. It allows us to
draw an analogy with movement of liquid or gas with absolutely resilient properties and
to deal with ether's moving under the action of electromagnetic field. Then we can say
that electric and magnetic fields act on the ether with force F=P/c, forcing the ether
to move. But energy-flux, produced by the alone fragment of the exciter, compensates
income and outcome ether's quantity. We must make assymmetrical construction for
discompensation of these fluxes. The second fragment of the exciter will provide these-
cond pair of forces with different geometric, different operating frequency and different
direction of rotation. For example, if we take two fragments with different diametrcs
disposed at a dist~nce h from each other, but with equal P's and disposite them coaxial
then according the low of keeping quality of motion the ether moves aSsymmetrically
and the result is the tractive fo'rce F, .· ·:: -·.;· · ·: ..
At the present time a third 'model of the engine's fragment is built (Fig. I} and mea-
sured its main technical parametres. So on the frequency at 80kHz
electric intensity E;::d0 5- V/m, ·: · ·
total electric intensity E:::: 10 V/m,
magnetic intensity H:::::2x 10 4 Aim,
the Poynting's vector P::::: I0 10 Joule/(m 2 x s),'
tractive force F::::60 N,
with input to one arm power at 10 kW. . ..
In the near future we'll begin (start) e~timating experiments of engine fragment
ponderomotor effect above the Earth's surface: rotation moment, interaction bet-
ween the exciter and its mirrory reflection from the Earth's surface and so on.
We have started to design a life- size fragment of the engine with radius
R=40 m, which will creat P~ 10 14 Joule/(m 2 x s) and F, :::::3 x 10 4 N. .·
•' ·. '• ._:,'
The list of literature: '· .'
l. I. Tamm. The bases of the electric theory. M., L., 1949.
2. N. Kalashnikov, G. Phrantov, V. Gordienko. The bases of the theory of
electromagnetic dipole and possibility of its using in electroprospecting. Lvov. 1977.
3. The ponderomotor act of electromagnetic field. Edited by R. Valitov. M., 1975.

Copyright e 1996 by G. Ignatyev .

. ~ ~~<'
·. : ·,
.·.~ .. .
•' ·r:.t'·

·- · I

Experimental fundamentals for determination of the Nature of Gravitati~n

Interaction Canier
by A. Simakov
189631, Scientific and Research Institute of Electric and Physical Equipment, St.-
Petersburg, Russia
(Published in short by A.Frolov tnuulation and edition)

To understand the Nature of the gravitational interaction carrier it is necessary

to investigate the structure of the micro-particles and the structure of the
electromagne~ic field. .
In modem gauge theory there is some special group of the micro-particles
(leptons, quarks, gluons, photons, intermediate vector bosons) those determine in main
the microwortct·processes specific. These so called true elementary particles play the role
of material substance of different nature in the theory [1,2].
But experimental data on the mutual transformation of micro-particles show on
the deep colUlection of all micro-particles (photon in this sense also is an micro-particle)
i.e. data lead to the idea about unification of all types of the interactions.
So, by analysis of known experimental data, particularly in strength of the
universal mutual-transformation of micro-particles, for the theoretical description of
the physical processes at ftrst time is introduced the primary substance which determine
all types of interactions, i.e. there is primary substance only and all other are the effect
of its non-linear interactions.
According to universal mutual-transformation of micro-particles the role of the
primary substance play the substance that is volume carrier of energy, pulse and spin of
the photon, i.e. photon consist of this substance as an extended dynamical object.
So, the particle is dynamical rotating process of motion of the primary substance
that is localised in limited volume of space and electromagnetic fi~ld is not, special type
of matter", "non-mechanical matter or ''photons ensemble" but it is "field" of moving
primary substance, i.e. any physical field (not only electromagnetic field) notion is the ,
approximate notion.
The primary substance that is L'ltroduced in theoretical description of physical
processes allow make the non-contardictional accordance for all experimental data, for
example, in the interesting case of the electron-positron pair annihilation into the
virtual ·photon. that is transforming in nuclon-antinuclon pair or in other' adrons
(particles those are strong interacting pair). This process is example of close connection
between lepton physics and adrons physics.
The therm "primary substance" show only reached level of the understanding of
the micro~orld processes. · · ·
Creation of the system of non-linear equations for motion of the p'rimary
substance is shown in paper [3,4].

The ,,equations are ...

.... XV

.. ,,
_. (I)

rotv= .. - - + - - - - [J]
c2 c2 at
rotro= - - (2]

Copyright@ 19% by A. Simakov

. 412

div ro = - - - - · - - - [3]

- 0 [41

where c2 =--- is electrodynamical constant;

. &o~
eo is electrical constant, flo is m~e!!_c consta!!t.i,.ro(f.t) andv{r:t) are vector functions of
Deckart co-ordinates x,y,z; r=
xi + Y.i + zk (i, j, k are unit orts) and time t (those vector
functions has the sense as description of primary substance motion and the measures
are acceleration [ro] misec2 and the frequency [vJ 1/c. = '
Dir~ct effect from equations [J-4] are formulas for density of energy e, impulse p
and force (self-action and interaction) of the primary substance:
ro2/c2 + v2
e= = pc2 [5]

- --
p= ,..,
(1) X y -
y~c2 c2

- ~~ ~-+
Op-+ 1 -
~ 4

at y~ c c -
f=pm + (pxy) =-+grade-- [ (-V) -+ (vV)v + - div -1
c c

where p is equivalent density of mass, S is density of the energy flow, y=y41t&o and y is
the gravitational constant, pro is Newton force: ·
1 c; e>
- .., - - d 'I V - [8]
y~ c c

that is only part of the complete (total) density of forces. .

Note: density of energy e, impulse p and force fare functions of the primary substance
motion only. From [7] directly, without any additional suppositions about self-
motivated energy expenses of the primary substance by [1-4] integral from analysis, it is
follows the mechanics of the interaction: the interaction is the result of the absorption
of the portion of the primary substance. •
System [1-4] is satisfy with the principle of correspondence, i.e. from this system
by deductive way fqllows the Maxwell's equations of currents and charges, Newton's
gravity law, Newton's dynamics second law [3,4]. From quantitative correlations it i~
clear the nature of the carrier of gravitation interaction, that is one of demonstrations
of the unified interaction that is determined by primary substance.
Really, if we use Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem for equations (2) and (3) in
stationer approximation, form (3) we'll obtain

- m -R
R2 R ,
Then, according to (7)

Copyright~ 1996 by A. Simakov


, -'>
mrn R
-F = mt=+
ro =- y - - - - . where
R2 R
is one of descriptions of th~motion of the primary substance, m' and m are equivalent
masses of volumes V~and V; R is radius- vector that is connecting those volumes.
·Since value p in equation of movement (3) and equation of force (7) is the same,
the conclusion follow: the gravity and inertia masses are equal. This important fact of
the gravita~ional theory is effect of the system (1-4) and it was not used for creation of
this system. ·
Additionally, it is possible to co-ordinate different demonstrations of properties
of the same value - of the mass which is measure of the inertiality of the body in non-
relativistic mechanics (or it is measure of the gravitational 'action) and in relativistic
. mechanics the mass is measure of energy content of the body (5).
By known vector analysis the fonnula

: d -a r
d'"" _
-=-+(-V) a
dt at dt

where a is an arbitrary continuos vector; the complete derivative by time fonn (7) is
dp _,
i.e. it is Newton dynamics second law.
_, a ..... ....
f = - ( - ) + ( -V)( )
a t 'YJ.toc2 dt rtJ.oc2
From this result it is possible to make the conclusion: universal applicability of the
conservation laws of classical mechanics for any closed system and for any types of the
acting forces is the effect of the unification of the laws.
The verification (i.e. the comparison with experiment) for nuclear forces (strong
and weak) was not made in strength of the calculational difficulties, so by (7) it is
necessary to find the solution of the Cosh task for system of non-linear equations (1-4).
Note in conclusion that non-point description for micro-particles violate the
relativistic invariance of the theory but it remove the divergence.

1.3JieMeHnpHbie qaCTHUbl. <l>H3Hl<:a MHJ<:POMapa. M.,"CoBeTCKa.R 3HU.Hl<JIOne~H",
19806 C'l'p. 476-494.
2.XeJOeH <%>., MapTHH A. KBapi<H H rrenTOHbl. M .,"MHp", 1987.
3.CHMaKOB A.C. 0 CBH3H 3JieKT{'OMafHHTHbiX H rpaBHTal(HOHHblX B3aHMO,n;eifc-rBHH.
HoBbie H,n;eH B eCTeCTB03HaHHH , q, l, cepH.R "llpo6JieM&I HCCJie,n;osaHH.R BceJieHHoii",
C.-lltrrep5ypr, 1995, s.l8, CTp.82-103 (TipenpHHTbl 1992 r., 1994 r., C.-llerep5ypr).
4.CHMaJ<:OB A.C. llepeoo6pa3Hast cy6CTaHI.(H.R a ee He.rrnHeHHble ypasaeHHH .Z'(BH:lKeHwt.
llpenpHHT, C.-ne-rep6ypr, 1996 r.

Copyright@ 1996 by A. Slmakov


Gravitation Results from Interaction of Substance with Gradient of Ether

Density ·

By V.G.Shulgin
Engels prospekt, 22-82, St.-Petersburg, t 94156, Russia

It is known that electric charge attracts a dielectric. A point charge attracts a
dielectric with the force [1]:
e-1 e
F=---{--} [ 1]
s+l 2Zo

where sis .the permittivity, e is charge, Zo is distance from charge to dielectric.

The dielectric is attracted to the charge but it can't attract a neutral dielectric. On
the analogy with dielectric the passive gravitational mass is attracted to the active
gravitational mass but it can't attract active gravitational mass. The ether has the
passive gravitational mass and it is compressed by action of the gravitation. The
compression of the ether increase dielectric permittivity constant and permeability of
space [2, part2 and ch.5.20]. Alteration in density of the ether and another its
descriptions are established by means of the scalar gravitational potential
\JI=(l+-) [2]

[ 3] '

where q> is Newton gravitational potential, Eo is pennittivity, J.lO is permeability, ne is

refraction index of space (for zero gravitational potential observer). .
The formulas 2, 3 were deduced from well-known experiments (radiolocation of
the Venus, dispersion of the resonance frequency in the gravitational field and cetera).
Dimensions of atoms are changed to proportion of the light wave length in the
gravitational field:

L'= Lal\11 [4]

Dimensions of bodies are changed to proportion to the change of atoms

According to [2] the ether particles have definite structure and every substance
particle consist of certain number of the ether particles. Consequently number of the
ether particles in unit of volume (for the Single Observer) is directly proportional to the
cube of the scalar potential N' No\!P. This value we shall call the corpuscular ether
density ( CED ). CED is changed to greater extent that s'o and J.l'o. Consequently the
ether particle is compressed and the ether is nctthe gas.
The greater value of s'o near massive bodies creates the attraction for the
electrical field of a particle or a capacitor. It is prove [2] that attraction force of the
electrical field that is result of expense of the gradient dielectric permittivity constant
(&'o) is equal to the gravitational attraction for electric energy We. By analogy, the

Copyright·@ 1996 by V.G. Shulgin

·. 416

gradient of the permeability (J.L'o) <-Teates the force of the gravitational attraction for the
magnetic energy W m:
0\Jf 0\Jf
Fm=Wm-; ' Fe =We - [5]
or or 0

'The constant of the strong interaction 1..Q creates conditions for the nuclear
(interquarks) interactions [2]. This constant is changed by analogy with change of e'u
and Jl.'o in the gravitational field. The gradient of~ ( sch) creates·the attraction force of
the nuclear energy ( the field energy of the strong interaction): . .
0 0\j/
I..Q' =I.l..(o; Fn=Wu--- [ 6]
These three attractive forces are the three components of the gravitational force:
Fsr= Fe+ Fm + Fn= (We+ Wm + Wn) - - - [7]
· t.Consequently the total mass of any rest body is the equivalent to the sum of the
energies of those three fields:

Mo= - - - - - - - [ 8]

The proposed naturat. ~avitational theoiy [ 2 ] (within the weak fields) has
difference from· the general relativity: there is a positive energy of the gravitational field
only. It saves the theory from the conservation laws violation. According to the
proposed theory, the energy density is equal to
i •

'· GM2
dpg~· .. ~: ['9]
• 87ti4

where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of spherical body and r is the
distance from the centre of body.

The energy density can be evolving in the fonn of the gravitational ( active· )
mass of the gravitational ( active ) mass density. The mass density o( the gra-yitational
field at the earth surface is equal to 6..4 IO·lO F}cm3. .. ·
Distinction between the potential fields of the electrostatics and gravitational
type is as follows:
In the electrostatic field the work of the slowly moving charge is produced at the expense
of the change of the field energy.
In the gravitational field the work of the slowly moving body is produced at the expense
of change of the own full energy of the moving body. .
In addition to above the energy of the gravitational field is increased at the
expense of the own full energy of the drawing bodies. ·

Copyright@ 1996 by V.G. Shulgin


In proportion to the change of own energy the gravitational mass of the bodies is
changed. However the inertial mass of the bodies is increased in proportion to the
corpuscular density of the ether:

W'= Wo/'V [ 10]

ll)g = mol\11 ; m1n =mo - = mo\11 3 [ II ]

The "mathematical scissors"

As a rule all mathematical formulas used tor wide interval of the physical
function must have either exponential form or logarithmic form. Another form must
lead to the discrepancy of the results for the sum (or product) of the step-change of the
functions. :
For example the Lorenz transformation leads to the "mathematical scissors".
Let's assume that two spaceships simultaneously blasted off in one direction. The
velocity of the fJI_St spaceship relatively to the first spaceship is equal to U and U= v,.
The two spaceships tum back simultaneously (in accordance with the immovable
clock). They also were landing simultaneously also.
The time of the flight by the clock of the earth is to. Time by the clock of the first
spaceship is -r1 and the second spaceship time is 't2. According to the special relativity:

~=Jl- V,2; ·~=J1~ U2 [ 12]


---=--=1-- [ 13]

This ratio [13] is obtained from relativistic f'.de of the velocity composition also:

va= Vo+U
1 + (V,U)/c~
; _:_=0
t, c2

The results of the calculation according to the formulas [ 13 ] and [ 14 ] must be

equal. However the recalculation of the value ratio tz/to leads to the results:

v,=u,= by Formuia t 3 by Formula 14

0.4 c 0.84 0.724
0.6 c 0.64 0.471
0.8 c 0.36 0.224

This difference of the results for calculation leads to the conclusion that the
Lorenz transformation and the relativistic rule of the velocity composition is
incomparable in strength of the "mathematical scissors".

Copyright@ 1996 by V.G. Shulgin


The equation [2] leads to the "mathematical scissors" also. Therefore_for the
strong gravitational fields there is fo~ula
\j/=e · <" tc) [ 15]
About Ether
The notion of author about the ether is constructed on the base of the
disintegration of the subatomic partie!~ [2, part 4 and ch.1.6;5.20; 5.21].
The ether, all substance and all particles are constructed from two main particles:
the electron and the quark. These two main particles (in four symmetries) are the parts
of the concrete ether particles. The main particles of the ether have the lowest level of
the energy and are called the protoparticles.
If to draw the protoparticles from the ether away, they will obtain energy and
become physical main particles. The body is the sum of masses of the main particles
those crea~e the body. It is the reason of t he equivalence of mass and energy.
The ether is consist of two levels. The rapid (strong) interaction are due to the
heavy (q~flrk) level of the ether. The slow (weak) interactions are due to the light
.. (electron) level of the ether.

The notion of the gravitational compression of the ether makes it possible to

define its physical prpperties. One cm3 of ether that is immersed into the gravitational
field 'leads to decrease of its volume (4] a V = 3~/c2 cm3. The energy expense for the
compression of the ether is equal to Wp = Au Pe where Pe is the internal pressure of the
the work of the gravitational force in this process of immersion is equal to
. Wg=pe~
where pe is full gravitational density of the ether. At the equilibrium ·wp=pe and we
deduce ·
pg = 3 Pe c-2
The mass of the proton is equal to 1,67 10·24 [g] and its weight is equal to 1,7 1o-u [N].

The gradient of the gravitational force is 1.09 10 - I6 [m] ( near of the earth
surface) or 1.09 10·31 [F] where F = 10· 15 [m] is Fermi and the proton size is
approximately equal to one Fermi.
The gravitational force acting on the proton is remainder of the forces which are
drawing the proton down and up. These forces in 1.09 1031 times are greater then weight
of proton and they are equal to 1.5 1os [N]. It is correspond to pressure of the ether pe =
1.5 I03S [Nm·2]. The value of the ether density is obtained from [IS] p 8 = 5 I01s !g cm·3].
This is the lower limit of the gravitational passive mass d~nsity-. The total gravitational
mass of the' ether ·may be non-active. In this case the compression of the ·ether near
massive bodies would result in the collapse.

l. TaMM M.E.. OcHOBbl TeopHH JJieKTpH'iecTBa, M . HaYKa, 1989, 504p.
2. lllyJibrHH B.r. BTopaSI no'ITH HeBH.IlHMaSI BceJieHHaSI, CaHKT-ileTep6ypr, part t
1993; part 3-4, 1994, part 5, 1995, 356 p.
-· ..

Copyright@ 1996 by V.G. Shulgin


The Quantum Gravitation

by P.D. Shpakov

.. SRC ".Kristall", St.-Petersburg

I 88350, Gatchina, Roshinskaya.Str., 2A, 42.
phone 7-812-2216173,7-812-2219360

If..;t~e vacuum errergy (VE) is existing -ER.:::;ftroR. whereb isPianck -constant, ro is

Ridbe11g frequency, this energy must mak..e- the pressure on all particles, -on which the
energy is dispersed. This pressure is proportional to impulse p=(l'iroR )/c where c is
velocity of light.
In gravitational fields there are the gradient of energy. It can be described by
means of red shift equation for unified fields description. This approach allow to obtain
the equation of the field lighting of stars [}]. .
From the Jmown level of VE and ·red shift value it is possible to fmd the
difference· of pressures for distance of wave-length 'XR=clroR, since there is the sense to
consider only pressures difference between near "up and "down" quantums of the field,
those are directly interacting with the particle. -
In strength of the attraction is proportional to mass of particle mt there is the
proposition: the frequency of exchange is proportional to own frequency of the particle
c.oo = (m,c2)1fl. So~ the force of attraction F is approximately equal to next values:


In (1) ~cp ~s difference of potentials on the distance ~R· It is known that red shift of
frequency [2] ·

where cp =- Gmz/R\ G is gravitational constant, m2 is mass of the object that create1the

field, R is distance for determination of' the ~ro. We must to calculate Acp for. distance
AR.It is necessary to fmd the difference of potentials for one AR distance, i.e. for distance ·
R+~R. so .
1 X"R
Acp = Gmz(- - - - - ) = Gm2--
R R+~R R2

as in our ~ase the force is calculated for the condition R>>XR, as we obtain

Now we can wrote (1) in next view

F =------ =- - - (2)

since roRXR = c.

Copyright© 1996 by P.D. Shpa.kov


It is obviously , that quantum fonn (I) lead to its classical analogy (2). This
version is obtained from the supposition about existing of energy in the space and
gravitational red lighting of this energy.

Application of the vacuum energy that is equal to 1 Ridberg seems as non-

obliga~oryin this case since for any energy roX=c.

But for certain gravitational-field lighting of space o};)jects, stars and nuclears of
galaxies it is necessary to find the value of vacuum energy VE. It is necessary for
electrodynamics also. The accordance for determining physical constants, for lighting
of the stars with low level of nuclear reactions and gamma-lines of nuclears with
energies 160, 226, 318, 477, 450, 551, 636 keV and other lines, is possible if vacuum
energy (VE) is equal to 1 Rid.berg [3].

In this article it was made only half-step in the direction for creation of quantum
gravitation, since it was demonstrated interaction of the particles with just formed field.
The compete work is decoding of the field forming mechanics, the mechanics of the VE
dispersion on the eleJllentary particles that lead to particularly absorption of the VE.
This circumstance don't allow to consider this paper as completed one. It must .be
considered as one of the possible versions. The logic of creation of conclusions seems as
intrinsic according to itself. Sure, it move the conclusions to true but it don't make it
true in first instance before the mechan.ics of the absorption of the vacuum energy VE
by matter that have rest mass is not investigated.

1. IllnaKOB ll.J{., Hos1.1e H,neH B EcTecnw3HaHHH, part 1, 1995, by edition of
B.}:{.HamtBKHH, A:A.EIPHMOB and all., St-Petersburg, 1995, p.49.

2. JlaH,ZJ;ay JI.J{, llHBWHU E.M., TeopHJI nom~ , M., "HayKa", 1973, p. 320.

3. llinaKOB TI.J{., raMMa-JIHHHH ~ep c 3HeprltJIMH 160,226, 318 H 477 K3B

HH.znn<aTOpi:.I HyJieBOH 3HeprHH BaJ<yyMa (B neqam).

Copyright® 1996 by P.D. Shpakov

OOYLES10WN, PA 18901
(215) 348-7678 Office
(215) 340-1707 R&D (215) 345-1451 Shop FAX (215) 348-4424

April s, 1996
. ( fl • ~~ .,



. ~

By Francis J. McCabe

Torque is not only the key word -- it may well ~~ t~a pnly word for the

auto accommodating
., power transfer conversion from (duifl,l ) ttor_q ue inputs to a
gyro (powered rotor wheel wi~h powered precession) . T~'tre is, again, a two

torque plane system that will multiply, and dietribute output according to the

opposing loads. There a,rs three. RPMa: the wheel, the ma~or spin plane

displacement and precession that _ ~eed l aws for pr~ctical usage. The real

question ••• is there a "free energy" amplification?. . . Seems .to have a simple

two letter answer:

We may not (yet) apace travel on gyro Pfopulsion; but Newton's laws need
some interpolation/extrapolations (at least . ~,_. corollary) when ~t comes to mass

spin energies/inertias transmittals of gyro powar systems -- or maybe even,

hopefully, a fourth law that allows ~inertialized
. _.. . trades, and the

drawing-~n of natures basic force syate~ in the time-mas•~~tio~ spectrum thru

inertial processing into a defined/charted power output ••• for ~ least clearer

understandings towardY the next era of fieldsv involved .~w•r . S¥stema (including

'gravity•) -- made-up of compounded etheral, filub & atqm~, 1110lecular, mass

(through galactic integrations) arc motions • • • being tha fundamental universe

forming baaict?

Copyright@ 1996 by F.J.McCabe


Gyroscope Video Workshop April 5, 1996


6 'toy• gyros; 1 bicycle wheel ~ 9 manual/powered machines: all

variable RPM . (reversible air driven gyroe with variable epeed air motor major

wheel turn, and motor or manual precession actions.

A. 4 spokes with Single gimball gyros on the outer end (satellites)

of each spoke -- manual turn of assembly. (Free to translat·e on

~ajor axis, gyros mounted with gimbal axia 30° to spoke ra~i~.

B. 6 satellite single gimball gyroa on air lllOtor powered major wheel

hub; pendulum held assembly for either horizontal or vertical major

wheel turning plane (pendulum hung on vertical cable that is

motorized to raise & lower the assembly).

3 modes :

1. 6 satellites spin (nat~ral ' manual)

2·. · Major wheel spin with aata apin.

3. Major wheel spin without aats spin.

A & 8 use air driven airplane rwro horizons on single gimbal mount--

free gimbal axis 90° to gyro axis.

c. ' 2, 1.6 Lb. air motor driven c;yros1 multi-poaitionable; opposed

mounted; apring lQaded on swivel 1t0unts; attached to a rotating

(air motor driven) bar -- entire apparatus on ball ·wheel platform

that is free to move in any direction. Average gyro speed 3, 000

RPM on 1/2 HP air motors.

Copyright@ 1996 by PJ.McCabe

Gyroscope Video Workshop Apdl S, 1996

D. 1 or 2, 1.6 Lb. gyros driven by 1/2 HP air motors (aaaembly) on a

·' fixed mount base. Manually operated rocker arm (optionally spring

loaded). 2 rotatable platform mounted gyros G 2 rocker

configurations (single or double plane rocker actio~)·

1. Single gyro with 6ft R. (precession) turn axis perpendicular to

rocker arm (at outer end) and (a) free turning, (b) manual

turn (oscillating), (c) linked (forced) precession oscillation

to rocker arm action and (d) powered precession -- 360°

• I •


2. Double gyros (2n~ similar 1/2 HP, 3000 RPM air motor powered,

1. 6 Lb. gyro moupted at opposite end of the 3' long rocker


Modes: (a) both tree precession; (b) one gyro with powered

preceaaion 2nd free1 (c) one with powered precession and one

precession linkaged - - epring aet loading optionally applied.

3. All of the above on a 2 plane swivel mounting.

B. A 20 lb. wheel on 1-3/4 HP air motor configured on aingle or double

(rocker) arms. 60 " long rocker with linear free horizontal slide
(90° to rocker action) optional. Also, a manually preceasable
(rotating) rocker end mount alternative with adjustable precess

radius -- assembly mounted on fixed base .

Modes: (a) single swivel plane rocker and fixed gyro,

(b) 'a' with linear ulide.

Copyright@ 1996by FJ.McCabo

Gyroecope Video Workshop April s, 1996

2. (a) eingle awivel plane rocker with broken precese pivot arm
(12" from end of rocker arm),

(b) 'a' with linear elide.

3. (a) double swivel plane rocker and fixed gyro,

(b) •a• with linear elida .

4. (a) double swivel plane rocker and broken precess pivot arm,
(b) •a• with 'linear elide.

S. (a) eingle swivel plana rocker with gyro mounted on 360°


(b) 'a' with linear slid~.

6. (a) double ewivel plane rocker with gyro mounted on 360°


(b) 'a' with linear elide.

5 & 6 also are rigged to lift extra weight with forced preceaaion

F. 1. A 1.6 LB. wheel on 1/2 H. P. air motor fixed to free vertical

plane (horizontal) pivot (adjustable radius) ·with 1/3 HP air

gear motor -driven precession about a vertical axle--

adjustable counter balancing/weighting with a mounting

option for observing cantrifugal/centripital forces.
2. A double wheel, counter directionally apinning gyro aet 1.6
LB. each on 1/2 HP air motors, gyro alternative.


Copyright ·e 1996 by F.J.McCabe

· ·' 425
Gyros~ope Video Workshop April 5, 1996

G. A 1.6 LB. wheel on l/2 HP air motor fixed to free vertical plane

(horizontal) pivot that is. free to travel (linearly) along a

horizontal axis -- with f·bced or free <•••entially horizontal)

precession action about a pivot that can be placed variably along

the major arc bar -- various inertial/counter weighting placements

are possible.

B. A 1/2 BP 3000 RPM, 1.6 Lb. •ingle gyro hung from a •oft spring.

I. A l-3/4 HP 2500 RPM 16 lb . Bingle gy~ bung from a motorized cable

pulley pendulum. ·.
,'i ..:.:· ..... 1 I. • • ..

Actions Listing .,, l' _. "., • i '*'I-.

1. Self-reactant variable torque~- · ~·

a) Major arc :- .
1.· Pixed arm.. . - I ' •
2. Broken arm

b) Preceaaional ,..
i .. .

1. !'rae ':\t •I ' '. ;,

2. Powered

c) Ratiod torque (with varying geometry manipulation• with many

multiples-- gear ~otor like) of -major arc force into minor arc (prece•sional)


2. Lift In major arc plane

Copyright@ 1996 by F J.McCabe

Gyroscope Video Workshop April 5, 1996

3. Linear -- in precessional plane

1) With manipulated precession

2) With inertially effected precession

4. Pump -- in major arc plane

1) With powered 360° precession

2) X.nipulated precession

5. Centrifugalfcentripital changes

a) Fixed major arc

1) Free precession

2) Powered precession

b) Broken major arc (precession)

1) 360° precession

2) Arc segments precession

6. A commensurate communication thru a structure from one qyro to


7. An immediate positioning to a gyro cancelling (90° planes) when

tree precession is allowed.

Non-actions Listing

1. No gyroscopic activity (dead weight) when precession is prevented-

- or in stable single plane.

2. Continuous (with multiple gyros? ) linear precession from a nabla

major arc to minor arc situation -- until minor arc ia 90° to

linear direction.

Copyright© 1996 by FJ.Mc:Cabe

Gyroacope Video Workshop April s, 1996

3. When counter rotating gyros are on the major arc

Notes: 1) There are obviously many apeed ratio rules to be ascertained.

2) Virtually all actions are gravity assisted in some manner.

A gyro is notz

A free going linear propulsion device without 8p8cific torque (arc

plane) geometric•.

A field force communication device -- but multiple gyros mounted on

one structure will influence the angular motion of each other in

definite self-developed sympathetic harmonies.

Capable of energy translation when there ia no precessional arc


A free energy device nor will it amplify input energy other than in

gear motor-like ratios input-output.

A gyro is:

A many faceted torque geometries phenomenon.

An energy device that has a powered to a stable preference,

A double torque plane ayatem with many muliplas of wheel weight

power available aa distributed between the major arc (wheel apin

plane) and the (arc} plane of precession.

A two plane torque system that will eense the loadinga.

One arc can be powered and the other loaded, but mechanically

linking the two motions will virtually cancel the epin plana


Copyright@ 1996 by P.J.McCabe ·

Gyroscope Video Workshop · April 5, 1996

Structurally . axially connecting two counter rotating gyros

virtually cancels the gyro energies.

There can be an extended precession reaction to very little angular

major arc plane action this is the propulsion/anti-gravity

possibility that can track (be guided mechanically) into linear

travel . The major arc plane angular displacement may be powered

and, of course, have multiple wheel assemblies on the same device.

Copyright by F.J. McCabe 2/96

Copyrigh~ 0 1996 oy F.J.Mc(:abe




! h
Dr. Eue Jin Jeong
P.O. Box l60725 Austin Tx 78716 USA

The shift of the center of mass of a hemispherical shell subject to a rotational motion is investigated to show how

the rest of the universe will respond to this shift relative to the Newtonian Mechanical detenninistic center of mass

of an object. The conversion of the view point from the classical concept that an object moves by the Newton's third

. in which the rest of the universe reacts to the local transition of the internal center of mass
law to the Machian . of an
object is adapted for the description of the acceleration. Controlled experiment for the measurement of the

gravitational dipole field and possible links to cylindrical type line fonnation of a wonnhole in the extreme case are


' ' F


-. ·r .. . ·, ·Y-

Ph. D. - Physics - Unlv.,rsity. of Texas, .Austin, 1989

Masters of Science - Physics - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1985
Bachelors of $qienc~. P~ysics- Yon Sel University, Seoul, Korea ,1980
I. Introduction .•

, "r). • 1
' ·1 .

One of the puzzling issues in gravitational theory is·ti'ow oiie can generate a directional gravitational
field to p~oduce linear acceleration. Conjectures and speculations abound on the topics of space
travel, wonn hole and time machinesl-4 . However. the !)roblems largely remain unsolved and the
key mechanisms have been awaiting to be unfolded.

In this paper, the shift of the center of m33s of a.spinning axisymmetric object which has the point
asymmetry with respect to the center of m~s· is investigated in detail. which may help shed a light
on this panicular issue.

II. Center of Mass Shift

Copyright@ 1996 by B. Jeong


1. Hemispherical Rotor

Consider an infinitesimal moment of time Ot during which a measurement is made on the mass of

the mass components mi forming an. idealized perfectly rigid hemispherical shell (Fig.2) which is at

rest except one 13-ngular rotational degree of freedom along the symmetry axis. The mass of the
component mi is observed to be increased by_ -----·- - - -

m• = m.
. 142r~

. 1---
. c2

by the special relativistic effect where Ti is the distance from the rotation axis to the position where

mi is located, and ro the angular frequency of the rotor, where the hemispherical rotor is assumed

to be made of such an ideal material that it retains its original shape even at extremely high

rotational velocities so that ri remains fixed independerr. of (1). The C!nter of mass is defined as a

point in the space where the total mass of a system of o1>j ects is rega:ded to be concentrated by the
rest of the universe at the instant moment of measurement The center of mass can be expressed in
terms of a summation of the contributions from the individual mis as follows (see Fig. 2):

L m.r.I I
rc= ~ ..

If the mass elements mi and therefore mi• are made dficiently small, this expression will be

closely approximated by the integral form

Copyright © 1996 by!. Jeon&


-· .. ,

in the limit as the elements of mass mi formally approaches zero.

For the axisymmetric

. hemispherical case - .in Fig. 1, only the z component of the
. ,, shown
center of mass is non zero, and it is explicitly giyen by

.. '

where .,


'\ ~1 . . :' - .
" .. ·.t •

and a is the ·~nertial mass per unit area of the hemispherical shell with uniform
thickness. Depending on the angular speed and consequently the rotational kinetic
energy of the rotor, the system can have its center of mass at any position between R/2

and 0. It is a smooth function of a comprising the center path of the curve shown in

Fig.2. Note that the usual rQtational-kineti.c e~ergy of a spinning object bas become like
the "potential" energy sine~ the energy has developed a dependency·on the physical


Copyright@ 1996 by B. Jeong


length. The "center of mass shift" is defined as the distance between the center of mass
of an energetically excited system at a given moment of time and that of the assumed
ground energy state of the same system at the corresponding moment of time.

Therefore, the center of mass shift Ore for the hemispherical shell shown in Fig. I. is

given by

Or =r -r =--R{f <!
c c o 2 1 inh-t ~ a
-s --
a 1-a

where r0 is the ground state center of mass with zero angular speed of rotation.

It is a very slowly increasing function of a wh.ich is approximately given by

for Roo << c.

The above length element defined as the "center of mass shift" arising from the energy
dependent center of mass has the following characteristics. 1. It is related to an internal
energy of the system. 2. The larger the shift of the center of mass, the greater the stored
energy. 3. It can be returned to zero upon releasing therelated internal energy.

According to our common sense within the framevork of Newtonian mechanics,

shifting 'the cenler of mass of an object without external action is a nonsensical
propo~i~ion. However, since the relativistic mass increase effect has been
experimentally proven to be correct to a high degree of aecuracy, the shift of the center
of mass presented above must be the real, observable effect. This apparently represents

Copyright© 1996 by E. Jeong ..

a case of violating Newton's first nnd third .law of motion since the spinning
hemisphere is capable of spontaneously developing a displacement of its own center of
mass without external action independent of the choice of coordinate syst~m.

Consequently, we face a conflict between Newtonian mechanics and special relativity

ap8ft from the well documented problem of the frame of reference.
; . l't'
Here, w~ are forced to choose the path of the notion that special relativity is ~orrect
and that there are cases in which an object experiences the shift of its center of mass
without external action. In other .words, an object can change its effective center of
mass spontaneously, in stark contradiction to the Newton's rust and third law of
motion. Once we follow such path, Newton's first and third law of motion must be
regarded as a special case of the generalized version which will be stated shortly since
we have found an unequivocal exception to these laws in the fonn in which Newton
originally cast them .
It is noted that neither Newtonian mechanics nor the presently known results of general
relativity has the scope of handling this phenomenon. This represents a peculiar
mechanical system which will require our pioneering 'insight into the understanding of

In this system, the rotational kinetic energy of the rotor has developed a dependency on
the physical length through the cel\ter of mass shift to become a "kinetic potential"
energy as ~own from the above charactcri~tics. b other words, this system has created
a potential field of its conv~rting
.i\5 kinetic energy into the potential·energy.

The crucial question here may be "How would the system behave by having created its
own potential field ?"

2. Mechanics of a Ball on Impact

To investigate the physical significance of this shift further, consider a classical

example of an elastic metallic ball at rest hit by t bat instantaneously during the

infinitesimal moment of time Ot. The location of each atomic component of the mass

Copyright~ 1996 by :SO Jeong


mi is shifted by Or; at the moment of impact. The shifted center of mass of the hall at

time t=O is given by



The Ore is the momentary internal shift of the center of mass at the moment the ball is

subjected to the impact. The motion of the ball at the ater time to is obvious from our

day to day experiences. The internal center of mass recovers its original position·
instantly and the ball moves at a constant speed in the c'irection in which the temporary
shift of the center of mass has

In classical mechanics, the impact


is given to the ball by the step functior.

Copyright~ 1996.byE. Jeon:


,M$(1)=0 t<O

and the f~rce is given by the delta function: •'

- tlP
F(t)=-8(t)=F8(t) .

Now, the force F must be related to the sum of the restoring forces of the harmonic

oscill~tors in the solid upon impact which is given by


The net component of the restoring force toward the direction of the impact is written

where 81 is the angle between x and. the displacement ~ and x the unit vector

defined by 8rJJ8r~l· We can assume this restoring force is the same and opposite to

the force F acting on the object

Copyright..®, 1996 by B.Je<mS, ,.


with the identification that the AJ is the mean relaxation time required for the damped

hannonic oscillators to return to at rest. By scaling down the mass component IIli to the
individu~ atoms of the solid, it is represented by the atomic mass(mi=m) and the force
constant lei by the atomic force constant In the limit, the center of mass shift becomes

since the components perpendicular to the direction of the center of mass shift are
canceled by themselves.

Assuming also that the atomic force constant ki is the same for all atomic

oscillators(ki=k),·the force F can be written ..

Therefore, the acting force is given in terms of the center of mass shift by

and the total impact by

Copyright© 1996 by E. Jeong


where 6f~(t) is the time dependent center of mass shift obtained by solving the

damped harmonic oscillator with the appropriate initial conditions. It is noted that this
center of mass shift conforms to the definition and also has all the subsequent

3. Mach's Principle

From th~ above discussions, the following general rules can be stated on the dynamics
of an object subject to an acceleration.

1. The force acting on an object is proportional to the center of mass shift

vector Or.t: of the object.

2. The acting force is the same and opposite to the restoring force arising
from the center of mass shift.

Note that the motion of an object under an external force is described in terms of the
center of mass shift of the object perceived by the rest of the universe: This statement
is in fact Mach's principle written in terms of the physically measurable quantities. It is
considered that these rules are an extension of Newton's flrst and third law of motion
since they don't mandate the presence of an obvious external force acting on the body
only if there exists the center of mass shift perc~ived by the rest of the universe for
reactions to be initiated on the object. In 1893 Ernst Mach stated the hypothesis: The
influence of all the mass in the universe determines what is natural motion and how
hard it is to change, which was labeled "Mach's principle" by Einstein. The rest of the
universe somehow abhors a local system of objects to develop the center of mass shift
by forcing it to return to zero as.quickly as possible.

Copyright@ .1996 by E. Jeong


Newtonian mechanics is based on the assumption that any spatially extended object
can be conceptually reduced into a point mass for the purpose of describing the
trajectory of the object. where the position of the point mass is tacitly assumed to be at
the unequivocal, rotation independent center of mass of the object. This works well for
all sphericaJ.Iy symmetric objects and any object which has axisymmetry and also
point sy~etry with respect to the center of mass, assuming the object is in rotational
motion along the symmetry axis, and also for non rotating systems.
As we have shown so far, this assumption doesn't work for the rotating hemisphere
since the center of mass is not rotation independent. Once the hemisphere is reduced
into a point mass, it would no longer be able to develop the center of mass shift. The
reducing process destroys the important mechanical characteristic of the object. In fact,
the assumption would not work in general for objects of arbitrary shape in arbitrary
rotational motion. For an idealized point mass for which the rotational degree ~f

freedom is not defined, imparting the momentum(either to or from) is also seen to be

conceptually impossible. Such an idealized point mass is out.of context for both the
Newtonian system and the Machian presented in this paper. Since any spatially
extended object must have the structure due to the binding force. the center of mass
shift becomes a general feature of such an object on impact or transfer of momentum
in general.
. .. '\

Ul. Linear Force

The physical similarity between the two cases lies in the fact that the shifted center of
mass represents an energetically excited state and once the stored energy is released
the center of mass shift returns to zero for both systems. According to the above rules,
the hemispherical rotor must experience the force toward the shifted center of mass
proportional to amount of the shift in the center of mass, assuming that the laws
derived from the motion of a ball on impact can equally be applied to the center of
mass shift caused by the special relativistic mass increase effect.

To find out if this ig indeed the case, one can see the picture in a quantitative basis by

Copyright@ 1996 by E. Jeong
the following classical arguments. The C<!nter of mass of the hemispherical rotor at the

rotational ground energy state{(!)::()) is denoted by RCM and the excited state center of

mass by NCM as shown in Fig. 3.

In classical rotations, the centrifugal force of the rotating object is perpendicular to the
rotational symmetry axis and outward with respect to RCM which is also the centet:..of
the centripetal force and the total sum of these forces acting on the rotor is zero as long
as the structure remains in equilibrium. The centripetal force is exened by the atomic
or molecular binding force of solids, on the other hand, the centrifugal force is believed
to be exerted by the rest of the matter in the universe according to Mach. It is noted
that these two forces have completely different origin from each other. And there is no
reason (o expect that these two forces have to always cancel each other out in every
physical situations. For example, if the centripetal force were happen to be weaker than
the centrifugal force from the rotational motion, the rotor would be tom apart.

As the rotation starts, the effective center of mass shifts upward due to the relativistic
mass increase effect and there arises the problem of misroatch between the centripetal
and the centrifugal force because of the development of the two slightly different
center of mass, which does not happen in the case of a rotating sphere. While the
center of the centripetal force is still considered to be at the stationary point RCM, the
centrifugal force exerts its outward normal force with respect to the sym:metry axis and
NCM which has now become the effective center of mass of tlle rotor(Fig. 3). The
problem can be described more clearly by considering the rotating hemisphere
equivalently as a system of a circular disc which has the same mass, inertia and the rest
state center of mass as that of the rotating hemisphere. Obviously, rotating this disc
would not cause the shift of the center of mass. The unexpected effect of the center of
mass shift from the rotating hemispherical system(Fig. l) is the same as if the rest of
the universe exert uplifting force to the disc in addition to the usual outward normal
force so that the effective center of mass of the disc can be aligned with NCM while
the center of the centripetal force in the ·disc is left at RCM(Fig. 3). The centripetal
force is not capable of balancing the vertical component of the force as it is with the
radial component since the vertical component of the force is not synunetrical inside

Copyright e 1996 by E. Jeong


the structure of the hemisphere. If one assume that the center of the centripetal force
must always be the same as the point where the centrifugal force is centering around,
there may not be the vertical component of the force since the centrifugal and the
centripetal force will be aligned in exactly the opposite direction. But then there still
rem.Uns the problem of explaining how an obj~ct can move from point A to point B
and stop without any force being involved in the system. The principle of inertial
motion does not allow such type of movement for. a massive object. In either
explanations, it is obvious that there must exist a vertical component of force involved
in the mechanics of this system. If we choose the proposition that the center of the
centripetal force tries to stay at RCM due to inertial resistan~ while the centrifugal
force exerts force centering around NCM, the net result is that there remains non zero
vertical component of force in the hemispherical system with respect to the rest of the
universe. This linear force can easily be ·calculated by the triangular law (In Figure 3,
Fcentrifugal pulls outward centering around NCM and RCM feels the vertical

component of force toward NCM) for small shift of the center of mass, which is given

.. ).;'. , J

,.. :· .........
, . ...
for roR<<c, where .fij3R is the effective radius where the total mass is. imagined to be

concentrated while giving the same inertia as that of the hemisphere for roR<<c. This

relation conforms the first rule by its explicit lin:ar dependency on the center of mass
shift. The centrifugal force is given by
; .. ~ ;~~ "' '

t~ •
"' •
.. .. - ~

" '

,. I

for the hemispherical shell for CL<<l.
..... " '· •
., ~

Copyright ~ \996 by E. Jeong

In this case, the linear force is given by

.... -......... .. .
~ . for Rro << c.

·The force is proportional to the fourth power of the angular speed Ctl ~d to the l:hlrd

power of the radius of·the hemisphere and ~e direction of the angular velocity d<>es
• ... .. ' .J.

not-affect the direction· of the linear force. ~~cula?on shows that the hemispherical
'. ; . ...,· ' ,;
shell of ~ius ·t m an~ mass m must rotate oy.~~ 5.50,000_, rpm t~ overcome its own
gravitational pull. The 4) in this case is about 57,500/sec and RCillc 1.92 x 10-4. If the

same _system rotates at Rm/c equal to 1.92 x 10~3 which is still in the nonr~lativistic
• > 1.
regime, the linear acceleration would become 10,000 g which is quite extraordinary.
One may use an ultra centrifuge of 1,000,000 rpm. with a typical 20 em diameter
hemispherical rotor. to test the increased gra-rity of O.Ollg assuming the rotor is .a
hemispherical shell. . .

The origin of the centrifugal force is not known well except that it may be from the
action of the rest of the universe upon the local rotational motion of an oJ>ject
according to the notion of Mach. Since the linear force is a part of the centrifugal force,
. '"·
the origin of this force may also be attributed to that of Mach's. Newton himself once

pondered that the centrifugal force may be the source of the gravitational force as
shown in his experiment on rotating bucket filled ~ith water:
' .
To view the source of the force resulting from the center of inass shift froin a different.

perspective, note that M. Alcubierre9 recently proposed a method o(i hy.p er ·fast

propulsion by spacetime contraction in front of the vehicle and the expansion behind.

Copyright@ 1996 by B. Jeong


Although he didn't show in his paper the quantitative correlation between the space
time distortion and the force experienced from it, coincidentally, the rotating
hemisphere can in fact be considered to be an example case of creating a locally
asymmetric spacetime distortion in the front and back of the rotor by special
relativistic effect associated with the asymmetry of the rotor. The relativistic length
contraction of the circumference of the rotating hemisphere makes the spatial volume
element 'smaller than the one in Euclidean space depending on the tangential velocity
of the mass component. The spacetime in the wider cross sectional region of the
hemisphere would be contracted more than the one in the narrower region since the

instantaneous velocity of the mass elements is given by CjiD, where fj is the distance

betweel'! the symmetry axis and the point where each mass element is located, thereby
causing asymmetric spacetime distortion with respC?Ct the the center of mass of ithe
hemispherical rotor and this provides a case of satisfying the Alcubierre's hyper
propulsion condition: the contracted spacetime in frorlt of the ship and the expanded
one in behind, in relative terms.
The metric of spacetime ~sed by Alcubierre is a fictitious one that was employed only
for the purpose of giving an example to show that the travel faster than the speed of
light is possible within the framework of general relativity. It bears no direct relation to
a practical propulsion method. However, his argument clearly gives an impetus on the
conclusion that the rotating hemisphere will acrually be accelerated toward the open
side of the hemispherical shell.

IV. Gravitational Dipole Moment

Now the question is "What does this result have to do with the so far known results of
general relativity ?". General relativity allows the empty space solution even with the
cosmological constant intact as shown by De Sitter. By his demonstration, it is proven
that general relativity doesn't contain Mach's principle which requires the ever present

matter filled universe, contrary to Einstein's expectation. Because of this result, one

may suspect that the general relativistic equivalent of the Machian description of the
mechanics shown in this paper may not be found in general relativity.

Copyright@ 1996 by E. Jeong

... ~
443 ·.·
•~ f ':' I I

4(' ;,
To investigate if this is indeed the case, consider the dipole. term in the linearized field
.. .. f "'

eqti~tion of general ~lativity. The dipole term comes as the second term ne~t to the
' .
<' monopole field which is basically the source of Newtonian gravity in .the multipole

o expansion from the linearize~ we·a k <:f: ieid solution to general relativity. Since we ~"
- . .
.dealing 'Y'ith a terrestrial sys~emWith ;sufficiently small mass and rotational velocity;
the wealdield approximation should be enough for the investigation of the problem.
. .
However, in this approximation, we should make sure that the special relativistic mass
"'\ ; .
increase effect is ~eft intact no matter how small the rotational velocity of the source.
may· be, which bas not been the usual practice in the multipole expansion of the
linearized field equation for slowly rotating sou'rces. The importan~ of this treatme~i
. . .. . . .. '), ~

becomes obvious when we choose a rotating hemisph,e re as .a source, since' by ·

neglecting this effect, we are in fact throwing out any possibility. of the center·of.mass
. .
Shift from the beginning eXCeP.t for the trivial displacement that Can be eliminat~d by a
simple spatial translation of the coordinate system. It is not so much the matter of how
large the shift of the center of mass is. It is.the matter of e('istence or non existence of
the center of mass shift for an axisymmetric yet asymmetric rotor with an arbitrary
rotational freque~cy no matter bow small it may be. It is noted that special relativi~ is
a perfect solution for a flat or approximately flat spacetime in general relativity.
According to the standard view, this dipole term can be made to vanish because one
can "always" align the origin of the coordinate system to the shifted·cent~r 9f mass,
which holds for all spherically symmetric sources and any object which has
axisy~etry and also point symmetry with respect to the center of mass assuming the
object is in rotational motion along the symmetry axis and also for non rotating
systems. However,' as we have shown so far, it doesn't work for rotating hemisphere
which develops the center of mass shift without ·external action and independent of the
choice of the coordinate system. This effective center of mass changes continuously
•. ·'·
depending on the angular speed of the source and aligning the origin of the coordinate
system to the effective center of mass would not eliminate this kind of dual structure in
the center of mass. In fact, one can not choose the origin of a reference frame
depending on the angular speed of the source, since, by doing so, the coordinate

Copyright@ 1996 by B. Jeong


system loses its meaning as a reference frame. It is seen now clearly how consistently
the rotating hemispherical type source becomes the peculiar and baffling mechanical
system for both Newtonian mechanics and general relativity as s~own above. It is
obvious that this energy dependent center of mass shift must be identified as the true
source of the dipole term in the multipole expansion of the linearized field equation,
not the tri-vial displacement that can be eliminated by simple spatial translation of the
coordinate system.
The absence of direct physical evidence for such force in a terrestrial enviro~ent may
have contributed to the total negligence of the dipole term from the beginning when it
appeared in the multi pole expansion of the linearized weak .field solution to _gene~al
relativity.. Most of the terrestrial physical problems can still be explained by New~oniA.Il
mechanics except for few esoteric phenomena which is related to the dipole gravity in
cosmological scale, for example, the jets from the blackhole accretion disk and th~
observed anomalous red shift which will be discussed later, unless one created an
artificial dipole system in a terrestrial environment on purpose.

The multipole gravitational field may now be written

GM GM8rr: 1
<P=--- 2
cos8+0( 3 )
r r r

where e is the angle between ;: and .the center of mass shift vector Ore and M the

mass of the source. Contrary to the quadrupole radiation proposed by Einstein5, the

dipole field can assume the sta_tic field configuration under the presence of
counteracting external fields with9ut the loss of energy. An object placed above the
rotor in Fig. 1. would be attracted to the dipole and one under it repelled according to

the inverse r3 dipole force law for r >>Ore . .··

Note that this dipole field and the direction of :he polarity are ~onsistent with the linear
force acting on the hemispherical rotor derivtd previously from the totally different

Copyright© 1996 by E. Jeong


concept. These are unexpected coincidences corroborate the evidence for both the
linear force and the gravitational dipole moment. This dipole moment would not be
accelerated in an emptY universe, although it may generate its own gravitational dipole
field aro~nd it, which is also consistent with the Mach's principle since there will be no
centrifugal force in the empty universe. Evidently, we have a .Machian equivalent
mechanics in general relativity which is directly related to the presence
r ·- •
. gravitational dipole moment
l ~ ~.: • ;.- : .·
V. Conclusions

Since the theory predicts the existence of the dipole field in general relativity which is

much stronger th~- the _quadrapole radiation from the binary stars,6 one can perform a

controlled te~t by put~ing a ma~sive obJect near, the -symmetry ax-is of a spinning

he~_sphere and measuring the' force it receives from the rotor as a function of rand
'· .
Since the gravitational dipole moment has the force line which-'rese~bles exactly that
of the electric or magnetic dipole momeitt, the -i~gicai,'eiten~i~n of this dipole
• t • '' \ ~ •I ~~ \ ' , l . :) !• • •
gravitational field created by the center of mas's sliiff along the symmetry axis in the
• > ..:t o o ~ • ~~.t•, '"' ~ ''. f; ·.._) t 0 <> •. I; o ,._ I

weak field regirrie :into the·sttdhg field regin1e' woura· be 'ihe creation of a ~ormhole in
..... • , . • .. f. ' ~

the exfreme liinit.'Rtii$c ·~Iiich fiis been found i~ the Schw~schlld metric -which
• ~
...• • •• l\ !• f 0 t .. - .

coimects two universes _by the two funnel type ~oles at~ched to each other by their
- f .

ends: It represents a type_of ap one way traversable .wonnhole who~e creation can not
I• • •

be separated from passing

. ~qugh
. .... .
it, iQ. contrast with the one created by an infinitely
.'- ~

long spinning cylinder. proposed by van Stockum1 which does not have such an

embedded mechanism. The ~ystem will travel from zero to near the speed of light
before it may create a w~rrnhole assuming that the rotor is made of such an ideal
material and structure that it can withstand the extreme stress of the centrifugal force

and also that it satisfies the exotic material hypothesis8. Since the gravitational dipole

moment -has the farce line which comes out of the bottom of the hemisphere (Fig. 1)
and spread around to go back normal into the top of the rotating hemisphere, where the

Copyright c 1996 by E. Jeong .

it .

force line going into ·a source is defined as the attractive force, a beam of light passing
from the top to the bottom of the dipole moment (Fig. 1) will be defocused following
the force line in the extremely strong field regime, which is, in fact, the statemen~ that
.the gravitational dipole moment satisfies the exotic material hypothesis.

To understand the dipole gravity further in relation to the electromagnetic phenomena,

note that the definition of the center of mass contains a term length times mass which
is identical in form to the definition of the electric dipole moment. Since a spi~ng

hemisphere seemingly at rest looking from a distance has in fact the center of mass
different from that of an identical object without spin, one may view the spinning
qemispher~ as having developed the "dual center of mass", the source of the
gravitati.onal dipole moment. Restorable energy is required to separate the opposite
electric charges from the neutral state to produce the electric dipole moment.
Restorable energy is also required to produce the "dual center of mass" to create the
gravitational dipole moment. The fact that there doesn't exist negative mass (negative
energy density) in the universe has contributed to the notion that there is no
gravitational dipole moment. However, gravity can have its own scheme of creating
dipole moment in a totally different way. Perhaps this could have been anticipated
since there is no ·centrifugal force for rotating electric charges which must exist if one
insist that there should be exact one to one correspondence between these two long
range forces, which is of course absurd as much as asking for the existence of negative
mass for dipole gravity. It is noted that the repulsive pole of the gravitational dipole
moment gives the same effect of defocusing a beam of light passing through it as the
negative mass (exotic matter) would. The physics for this gravitational dipole moment
happens to be the same as if there were negative mass at the position RCM and the
usual mass at NCM of equal absolute amount, only if one does not attempt to derive
the total monopole mass from this analogy. To avoid this confusion, this negative mass
may aptly be named as the "negative image mass" which doesn't really have the mass
except its effect. In this analogous system, it is defined that tb~ negative mass repels
normal mass while 'the same kind of mass attracts each other in contrast to the case of •
electrostatic charges.

Cop~ght@ 1996 by E.. Jeong

In retrospect, general relativity did predict the presence of the gravitational dipole
moment. There simply was no corresponding experimental data in the classical level to
recognize the dipole term as a physically meaningful source. The effect is barely
obs~rvable at the extremely fast rotational speed of 100,000 rpm for a 20 em diameter
hemispherical rotor, which is indeed a very fast rotational motion according to our
common present day experiences but still far down in the non relativistic regime as far
as the special relativistic criterion of the instantaneous speed at the rim of the rotor is
concerned. A sphere or a flat circular diSc wou1d not produce the net directional force
. -
no matter how fast it rotates, acco¢~ng to·the present th~oq..
- ..
Concerning this effect, the results of the exPeriment performed by Hayasaka and

Takeuchi 10 are closely related to the present theoryll. However, there are three factors

which indicate that the present theory and their experjmental result may represent a
different physical effect. In the present theory: 1. The force is proportional to the fourth
power of the angular speed of the rotor from the start. 2. The force is independent of
the rotational mode of the rotor (either clockwise or counterclockwise). 3. The force
depends on the asymmetry of the rotor. On the other hand, in the Hayasaka-Takeuchi
experiment: 1. The weight reduction depends 'linearly on the angular speed of the rotor.
2. The weight reduction depends on the rotational mode of the rotor (cw or .ccw). 3.
The weight reduction is not claimed to be dependent on the asymmetry of the rotor (the
detailed shape of the gyros and the configuration of the motor is not provided in their
paper except that the figure suggests the gyros are cylindrical type solid objects).
Therefore, it is unlikely that the present theory and the experiment represent the same
physical effect concerning the unknown force generated by the rotational motion of the
rotor. Especially the linear dependency of both the angular frequency and the effective
radius of the rotor on weight reduction in their experiment doesn't seem to fit the
dimensional requirement for the force. And any similar attempt to try such an
experiment could not have been the controlled one enough to satisfy both conditi?ns;
the shape of the rotor and the rotational speed for the prescribed effect, without
' 1 ·i ' .
. i
guidance from a theoretical prediction.

Copyright© l996 by E. Jeong


As an another example, the two opposite jet streams coming out of the black hole
accretion disk can also be explained by this mechanism by considering the spinning
' .
black )tole as a 1system of two dipoles attached face to face on the flat side of the
hemispheres producing the opposite' outward repulsive forces f!om the horizon near !he- - - -
-. rotation axis strong enough to overcome the black hole's attractive.
. gravitational fo.rce.
The repulsive dipole force can become stronger than the attractive force of the black
. .
bole at the horizon near the rotational symmetry axis abov~ certain critical angular
. frequency'{tbe oi-g1n this c~ is about l/8th of the radius of the black bole) due ·to the

dls't ance between the two center of

. rn<1;5s
. .of the hert¥spheres and the inverse r3 kh~~ior

. of the repulsive force, which makes it possible for particles at both poles to experience
tlfe !net OUtwMd normal force. ~c; observed jets are considered to be the ~~ifestation
• ~ • I:" (1 • I ~ .,. l.

ofthe 'particle's trajectories e~perieJ!cing this force. The two opposite jets also conform
,. . ( .... .-. )\-

to the fact that the polarity of the dipole moment is independent of the direction of the

rotation of each hemispheres as predicted. Other explanations12-14 lack credibility

since the black. hole's enormous attractive gravitational force would not allo_w any
materi~s (even photons) to come off from its horizon near the symmetry axis where
the centrifugal for!=e is at the minimum.
It is ;u-sa-~oted that this mechanism 'has tHe potential 'tb e~pl~in the ~omalous red sllift
• ., t .. -

by considering th~,blue shifted galaxy as one chunk of the r~tating point asymm~tric
• ~- \ l •

body the rotation axis. of which is pointing toward our own galaxy. In this picture, it is
pos'sible for galaxies to move in any predetermined direction depending on its
' -
asy~etry and. also on the :rotational speed at the time of its birth apart from the
... -; ~ ..... ! ..
Hubble expansion.

•: ......"'\
·" .


IS. W. Hawking, Phys. Rev. D 37,904 (1988)

2Michael S. Morris, KipS. Thome, and Ulvi Yurtsever, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 1446

Copyright © 1996 by B. Jeong

3C. W. Misner, K. S. Thome and J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco,
. 4John L. Friedman and MichaelS. Morris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66,401 (1991)

SA. Einstein, Sitzungsber, Preuss. Akad:Wiss. Phys. Math. K1 1916, 688 and 1918,

6J. H. T~ylor, L. A. Fowler, and P. M. McCulloch, Nature 271;~~~(1979); J. M.

Weisberg and J. H. Taylor, Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 13, 1(1981)

7wJ. van Stockum, Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. Proc. 57, 135 (1937)
8Frank J. Tipler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37,879 (1976)

9M. Alcubierre, Class. and Quantum Grav.ll, L73 (1994)

IOJiideo Hayasaka and Sakae Takeuchi, Phys. Rev. Lett 63,2701 (1989)

llJohp Sangster, private communication

12R.D. Blanford, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 176,465 (1976)

13Rp. Blanford, Monthly Notices of the Royal Asttonomicai Society, 169, 395 (1974)
·. .......
14D. L~nden-Bell,.Physica Scripta 17, 185 (1978)

..•. _:

'·. - ~

AG. 1. A hemispherical shell of radius R rotating with the angular speed <.t>.
Mass component mi is located at ri from the rotation axis.
eo.pyrigbt c 1996 by a Jeong

AG. 2. The relativistic center of mass of a spinning hemispherical shell (A G. 1.)

as a function of a (computer generated based on the equation for rc)·

.,f/ NCM
:' '~

Centrifugal Force

AG. 3. The shift Or( is enlarged for the illustrati!)n pul]X>se. The shift in the
center of mass causes the non zero component of force toward the positive z axi:s.


45l .
St.Petersburg, Russia

Analyse of known physical fiel~s. shows:· most of them become apparent in small
·I t\ ' • 1i· '
volumes in ttie vicinity of sources. O.nly two tyPes of fields are really far reaching:
electromagnetic waves and gravitational fields. Fields of both types decrease according to
similar iaws - inversely proportional to the square of distance. Taking,inte--acC.ount these
facts it is natural to suggest:' could the grayitational field not be a wav.e field ju~t like
electromagnetic one? It would then be some other class of waves though, being not
' ·'
transversal,. but, po~ibly, l~ngitudi~al. Longitudinal waves would be excited by pulsation
of atomic nucleouses in this case lea5iing to energy exchange between nucleouses.
Consequently, there would be interaction between them with forces like those of Van-der-
Vaals, but these forces would decrease inversely proportional to the square of distance,
because there would be a monopol radiation of waves. .
Pulsations of macro-bodies will lead to modulation of radiation emanat.ed by
nucleouses, thus giving rise to additional frequencies in oscillations spectrum._ These
frequencies are emanated- and · absorbed by bodies during process of gravitational
interaction. Most probably, the spectrum of longitudinal waves radiated by atomic

nucleouses is discrete, but ensembles of atoms may give a continuous spectrum similar to
that of thermal radiation. It seems possible, that in addition to the continuous spectrum
there exist discrete spectral lines situated in the region of low frequ~ncies being con~~cted
with pulsations of macro-bodies. In this case typical wave phenomena would be possible in
gravitational fields, nar:n~IY, diffraction and interference. To our opinion, observations of a
solar eclipse carried out on February 15th 1961 in Jaroslavl by a scientific group led by
V.V.Radzyevsky using a double horizontal pendulum could be cited as an example of
diffractional phenomenon detection [I]. In the year 1991 we have shown in our paper
"Symmetrization of Maxwell-Lorentz equations" [2], that the Maxwell's equations satisfy
the principle of symmetry only by introduction of an additional equation. Solving this
equation together with the others gives a ·longitudinal wave representing the wave of
charges density and the wave of displacement currents deFtsity. This.wave can be assumed
to be responsible for gravitational interaction. Thus, we affirm gravitational field to be a
wave field and not a static one, as it is considered nowadays.
Comparing electromagnetic and gravitational systems we have shown in the year 1994
in our paper "A new invariant common for electromagnetic and gravitational systems"[3),
that there exists a new invariant other tha!l the Plank's constant for these_systems. It proved
to be a quantity being equal to the Plank's constant divided by the square of electron's
electric charge, named by us a reduced momentum:

h.= he I Z e2 = 6,62 10-27 I (4,8 10·10)2 Z = 2,872 10·8/ Z [sec/em] ( 1)

where Z represents the number of protons in the nucleus. From this reltion we define the
Plank's constant. for a gravitational system:
hr = Mym h* (2)
.' I •

where M is the mass of the central body of gravitational system, m is th"e satellite's mass, y
being gravitational constant.
As we have shown · in our paper "De Broglie wave phygi'cs" [4], fre·quency of an
electromagnetic quantum participating on exchange of energy between particles and the
vacuum can be expressed as follows:
Ve :: ffip C2/ he ...

where mp is the mass of a proton, c - velocity of light, he - the Plank's constant. For the
wavelength of this radiation we can write:
'I ~~~ ·

Ae =cl Ve '= he I mp c (4)

This is ~ength of the Compton's wave.
Similarly, for a gravitational system we shall have followiag expression:

v., = m c2 I hy = c2 I M y h• (5)
..: ;

A.y =c/ Vy =My n• I c

. ..

Now we can see: the bigger is the mass of the ~ntral body, the longer is the
wavelength of radiation exchanged by bodies d1ring gravitational interaction. This •
wavelength depends on charge of atomic nucleouses bteracting bodies are composed from: •
.. •

Masses of bodies belonging to the solar srstem, gravitational frequencies and

appropriate wavelengths for gravitational Compton's waves, as well as ratios between the
453 -·.
radiuses of planets and wavelengths of the solar radiation for atoms of hydrogen, helium,
carbon and oxygen are given in Table I (5].
Table I

Central M·I0· 27 Rm·10-8 viZ A.Z Z=l; H Z=2; He Z=6;C Z-8;0

body [g] [em} RmiAo RmiA.o RmiA.o Rm I A.o
Sun 1983·1()3 895,30 236,83 Hz 1267 km
Jupiter 1898,8 69 11 247,33 KHz 12l2,9m 54,54 109,09 327,28 436,3
Saturn. .. 568,4 56,63 826,2KHz 363m 44,69 89t_39 26&.•17· 357,5
Nepturi 102,8 . 24,55 4,568 MHz 65,40 m 19,37 38,75 116,26 155,0
Uranus 86,98 25,40 5,399 MHz 55,56 m 20,05 40,10 120,31 160,4
Earth 51_974 6,367 78,61 MHz 3,816 m 503 10,05 30,15 40,2
Venus 4,869 6,052 96,46 MHz 3,110 m 4,77 9,55 28,66 38,2
Mars 0,6419 3,387 731,7 MHz 0,410 m 2,67 5,34 16,04 21 4
Mercury 0,3302 2,439 1422,5MHz 0,211 m 1,92 3,85 II ,55 15,4

Let us consider diffraction of solar radiation on the body of a planet using an

approximate formula linking separa~ion~ of diffraction_al maxima with dimensions of the
body and with the wavelength [6]:

where rn is the ~istance between the planet's centre and diffractional maximum number n
measured along the line connecting the Sun and centre of the planet; ~m • the planet's
radius; Ao - wavelength of the solar radiation.

By n::::: 1 '' I Rm ::::: Rm I A.o, thus ~n I Rm = r1 I Rm n,

i.e. Tn ~,,In ( 9)

every subsequent maximum has to ben times nearer to the planet!

Suppose, diffractional maxima of the solar radiation being superimposed on
gravitational field of a planet are conductive to stability of the planet's satellites positioned
at these distances. ~hus, if there exists diffraction of gravitational field, following naturai ·.
phenomenon must be observed by distribution of the satellites orbits according to formula
( 9 ):
radiuses of satellites orbits have to be a whole number
of times smaller in comparison to a certain maximal radius.

Let us verify this assumption using Jupiter's satellite system as an example. Ratios of
J,upiter's satellites orbits radiuses to the mean radius of the planet, ratios of the Xlth
satellite orbit's radius to orbits radiuses of other satellites, whole numbers being

approximately equal to these ratios as well as products of multiplying these numbers with
satellites orbits radiuses expressed in units of the Jupiter's mean radius and relative
deviations of these products from the mean value expressed as a percentage are given in
Table 2. Analyse of calculated values shows: our assumption is observed with an error not
exceeding 0.5 per cents. There is a trend for orbits to be drawn towards the maxima with
numbers corresponding to Fibonacci's and Luka's numbers inherent in the so called
"golden section".
Table 2

Satellites r/Rm 327: r/ Rm n n r/Rm Fibonacci's numbers on%

I 1,85 176 75 177 327,45 89+89=178 0,19
Psph 2,31 141,56 142 328 02 89+55=144 0,30
v 2,62 124 81 125 327,50 89+34=123 0,17
2 3,21 101,87 102 327,42 89+13=102 0,20
I 6,10 53 60 54 329,40 55 0,40
II 9,70 33,71 34 329,80 34 0,52
III 15,48 21,12 21 325,08 21 0,92
IV 27,24 12,00 12 326,88 13 0,36
- . - . - - -
VI .· 166,1 1,97 2 .. 332,2 2 1'25

XI 327,0 1,00 I 327,0 1 I 0;3~ ' '

mean mean
327,07 0,46

Presence of the "golden section" by distributions of different parameters of bodies

-.... ,.t

belonging to the solar system was described in the 'y'ear 1978. in our paper "Golden section
in solar system" [7].
Let us calculate positions of diffractional maxima for solar radiation corresp.onding to
atoms of hydrogen, helium and carbon, using formula ( 8 ) with Fibonacci's and Luka's
numbers being nufnbers of maxima. Results of such calculations are given in Table 3
together with relative errors values for calculated radiuses of orbits.
Table 3

Z=l H Z=2 He Z=6 c -

Satellites r/Rm n r/Rm 8( r/ Rm)'; n r/ Rm o( r/ R!'l), n r/Rm o( r/ Rm),
(exper.) (calc.) . % (calc.) % (calc.) %
1 I ,851 29 1,880 1,56 - . . 178 1,838 .._,· 0,70
Psph 2,311 . . . ' 47 2 32 1 0,43 144 2,272 I ,71 .
v ~ 2,620 2r 2,597 0,88 . . . 123 2660 !',52
2 3,210 18 3,030 5,94 )4 3,208 0,06 102 3,208 -: 0,06
I 6,10 . . . 18 6,060 0,66 55 5,950 2,52
II 9,70 . . . 11 9,917 . 2,23 34 9,626 0,76
III 15,48 - . . 7 15,585 0,67 21 ~5~585 0,67 •
IV 27,24 2 27,274 0,12 4 27,274 0,12 13 25,176 8,19
. . . . - - . - - . -
VI 166, I . -
- . - 2 163,64 1,50
XI 327,0 - - . - 1 327,29 0,09
mean mean mean
2,12 0,69
- 1,76
455 -:

These results are illustrated with Figure I showing graphs ig(r/ Rm) = f(lg n).

· lg(r!R.J


1 II
2 v

0 1 2 3 lg n

Fig. 1.

Investigation of satellites orbits for other planets leads to similar conclusions.

Radiuses of these orbits satisfy the formula ( 9 ).

Considered all these facts we can conclude: diffraction of gravitational field is a real
phenomenon, and it plays an important role for stability of orbits by the planets satellites.
Thus, a wave representation of gravitational fields opens new outlooks for study of
Universe and for understanding processes occuring in the surrounding world.


1. 11.I1.KaranbHHKOBa, B.B.PamHeBCKMH, IO.A. tiepHHKOB, B.l1. ttepHbJWOB,

B.B.lllyaanos. 0 Ha6mo.neHHH rpaBHTal..{HOHHoro J<j><j>eKTa conHe4Horo 3aTMeHtul
15.02.6 1 f. s .s!pocnasne. oiOJIJieTeHb BArO, 31, 1962 r.
2. K.Il.oyTycos. CHMMeTpH3aUHSI ypasHeHHH MaKcsenna-JlopeHua. Ilpo6neMbl npocrpaH
CTBa H BpeMeHH B COBpeMCHHOM eCTeCTB03HaHHH. CepH51 "Ilpo6neMbl HCCnC.llOBaHH51
BceneHHOH". Bbm.l5, Cn6., i99 1 r.
3. K.Il.oyTycos. HosaSI HHBapHaHTa, .nnS~ :meKTpOMarHHTHbJX 11 rpaBHTauHOHHbJX
4. K.Jl.oyTyCOB. <l>H3HKa BOnH )J.e-EpoHnSI. MaTepHanbi MC)K.llyHapO.llHOH Hay4HOH
KOH<j>epeHJ..lHH "HoBble H.lleH B eCTeCTBOJHaHHH". Cn6., 17-22 HIOHSI 1996 r. B ne4aTH.
5. M ..sJ.Mapos. IlnaHeTbl ConHe4HOH CHCTeMbi. M., "HayKa", 1986 r.
6. f.C.fopenHK. Kone6aH1u1 H sonHbJ. fnasa IX ")J.H<j><j>paKuHS~ ". M., <l>H3MaTrH3, 1959 r.
! .
7. K.Il.EyTycos. "3onoToe ce4eHHe" B ConHe4HOH CHCTeMe''. AcrpoHOMHSI H
He6ecHaS~MexaHHKa. CepHS! "Ilpo5neMbJ Hccne.uosa~H.SI Bce.neHH9H". Bhm. 7, M.-JI.,
1978 r.
-· ,~

Butusov Kyrill Pavlovitch, Dr. Phys. and Math., Anglysky Pr., 5, 18, 190121 St.Petersburg,
r; Russia

. )


About Experimental Proofs of Gravitational Sun to Earth influence by

Screening of the Part of Inflowing ~urrounding Space Neutrinos

by Vmogradova M.G., and Khod'kov A.E.

St.-Petersburg, Russia
fax 7-812-2710372

Twelve_years ago Stephan Marinov made experiment to determine the ether and
more than I 00 years were gone after the famous Maikelso~ experiment. How it is
shown the treating of the results of these experiments from point of view of the New
Cosmological Theory NCT by Khod'kov~ Vinogradova are not contrast with
experiment above but in harmony with each other.
What is the basis of NCT that allow to make this logical conclusion and new
treating of the result of the experiment by S.Marinov?
At the first place NCT can give positive answer on the Newton's question: "Is
agent of gravitation the material?". Yes, it is.
By NCT ether of the surrounding space is inflowing neutrinos. Before NCT the
true thoughts of scientists about the participation of neutrino in process of Universe
met large difficulties. For example, L.Nikiforov wrote in magazine "Nature", 1961: "If
the supposition is true that neutrino is basis carrier of energy in Universe, then there is
the question: "Where from so great quantity of neutrinos was appeared?".. NCT gives
the single answer: Neutrino's flows at all times were the basis, essential cor:nponent of
the vacuum. The supplement of the neutrino's balance is accomplished by atoms
synthesis in the stars under accompaniment of the displacing of neutrinos from the
nuclear zone and creation the condensed compressed substance - a matter. A great
quantity of the neutrinos displaced out of the forming nucleus. It is increasing in the
proportion to the ·number of period increase in the star functioning process. A sharp
growth of the neutrino pressure in zone of stellar transformation Z.ST after completion
of synthesis of a next period is a reason of a sta~ flash and throwing away amassing
neutrinos from the outer star's cover. Every star is a nuclear reactor for production of
the chemical elements and periodical supplier of a very gre'a t quantity of neutrinos - a
massless longitudinally polarised quantums of electromagnetic radiation according to
Martin Muller's doctrine of 1994.
The gradient of ether exist around bodies which are condens~d. compressed substance.
Volume of the substance is in several times less than it was b~f<;>re clapping inward and
displacing neutlinos. The currents of neutrinos constantly iJiflowing out of Cosmos in
strength of the ether gradient that exist around atomic bodies (are directed towards its
centres of masses). Two celestial bodies, for example, Sun and Earth are screening each
other from some part of inflowing neutrinos currents. This inflows asymmetry creates
the impulse of force-attraction that caused by this asymmetry. This asymmetry we see in
the Marinov's experiment.
In process of the experiment an axis of the experimental system was directed
along the meridian of Earth at Gratz city. In the picture is shown east hemisphere of the
Earth that has correspondi!lg angle of inclination of the Earth axis to the ecliptic
(winter season, February).
The illustration show two positions of Marinov's experiment for latitude of the
Graze- 47° North: at day - time and at night- time.
As axis of the experimental system was directed along the Earth meridian, as one
end of the system was directed to the North pole and other end of the system is directed
to the South pole and to the equator.

Copyright e 1996 by Vmogradova M.G. and Khod'kov A.B.


Therefore at day - time and at night - time one ·"eye" of the photoelements was
directed towards the Sun and other one was directed in opposite to Sun. After 12 hours
the situation was changed. And at sunrise and at sunset both photoelements "looked"
in the direction that is perpendicular to the Sun. So, zero results of the galvan~meter for
two times during the astronomical day are·effect of the zero currents difference.
Let's mark the upper "eye" as number 1 and lower "eye as number 2. So,
difference of photoelements currents value must be obtained for:
Day - time positive value
Iv, - lv~ > 0
since in first "eye" case some part of neutrino-current is screened by the Sun, but at
night -time there is negative value for difference of currents:
since in second "eye" case some part of neutrino-current is screened by the Earth.
The photoelemen.t which "looks" towards the Sun in day-time (N I) gives less
value of the -current (the current flows to it). At night - time this photoelement turns
back from Sun and gives greater value of the current than N2 ( the current flows from I
to 2 ). '~ ·· · . · .
· A photOn as an ~cross-polarised qua~tum of the electromagnetic radiation
interactswith the electrons envelopes of the atoms, so its relationship with the electroas
as a ·electri~' clitle~t carriers is mor~ high than longitudinally polarised quantum -
neutrino ·which takes part in. the l?rpcess of the pulsation of dipoles of atoms and
realises more deep penetration intQ puclear zone of atom.
Extremely- weak ihterac~io\1 ' 9f: the e_t~er's. parti_cles (net.ttrino with electrons) is
the reason of the' ·'fact that \.vas n_ ¢; di~covered before. _]Vfarinov's experiment for
extremely hign sensibility of the galvanometer 1·1 Q -~ A . .• · )
It is not 'the chance case th'at photo-current of ryiarinov's e~perim-ental :system is'
about 10 4 A ·an~ the piffere~ce of th~ readings is fixed on by sine-wave current, has a
value on'the 3 rates less: tO·? A. .
Since- screening influence of the Su!l for ether flows is most essentially in the
plane of the eCliptic, the conditions of conducting for experiment were not optimum for
exposing -of the gravitational S4n to Earth influence. But neverless the regularity of
change of the density 'Of neutrinos flow·s towards the Earth is exposed. It is expressed by
Marinov's asymmetrical sinewave. ~ · ' •·
By ·the calcuh.tion it is detennin_ed the value of the sine~ wave amplitude 1 for
optimum position of the experimental system (in plane of ecliptic). Then the difference
of currents must increase in 1.65 times and it must be equal to

280·10·9 A= 2.8·10·7 A

Why it is impossible to oppose Marinov's experiment and experiment of

Maikelson? For Marinov's experimental system two contrary clusters of a light
(photons) are moving in the same air surrou~ding in parallels each other and they must
have the same quickness value and the opposite directions. The light moves in both
directions with the same quickness: it is well known fact from the Maikelson's
experiment result.
Therefore, difference of currents from two photoelements is a function of the
variable value - the zero currents of the photoelements of Marinov's experimental
There is nothing to change. Irrefutably and unanimously it was attested by the
following facts:
I. The phenomenon of the stellar aberration.
2. The experiment of Phizo.

Copyright @ 1996 by Vinogradova M.G. and Khod'kov A.E.


3. The experiment of Maikelson.

Namely, a photon that is emitted by the star moves in the vacuum with the quickness of
light ( c ) hit to the telescope objective, after a contact with atmosphere and with
substance of the Earth, don't get the transferable velocity V (velocity of orbital motion
of the Earth). Therefore it does not hit into the eye- glass and into eye of the observer.
The phenomenon of the stellar aberration shows that velocity of photon is not equal to
the sum of two vectors C and V; velocity is not depend on motion of the planet-receiver
of the light or its immovability relatively to the source of the light - therefore the
quickness of the photon does not exceed the value C in strength of the movement of the ·
Earth along the orbit. Consequently, in case a photon reach the solid, liquid or gaseous
body which is approximately perpendicular to velocity of light C it does not increase its
velocity and it do es not get the transferable velocity V that have this body. Its velocity
C can be decreased under influence of the body substance and it is determined by the
refraction factor of the surrounding n: C/n.
If photon reaches the liquid or gaseous body that is moving with velocity V co-
directed with vector C ( or contra-directed like in Phizo's experiment ), the refraction
factor of the surrounding n=f(V) depends on value and direction of the vector V. The
velocity of photon in such sort surrounding become C/n(V) that demonstrated by
experiment of Phizo.
Therefore the NCT affirms that the treating of the Marinov's experiment about
uncovering an ether must process from the results obtained earlier by Maikelson, Phizo.
for investigation of the stellar aberration phenomenon. So, we should correctly treat the
Marinov's experiment as the experimental proof of the gravitational Sun to Earth
influence by screening of the part of neutrinos which are inflowing from the
surrounding space. This conclusion is in accordance with Shabelnikov's data who
demonstrated that space gravitation radiation is the energy source for all Universe

I. Khod'kov A.E., Vinogradova M .G., About the scaping problems of the natural
(physical)science. Saint-Petersburg. All-Russian Inst., for the Scientific Research form
Galurgia. Depon. in All-Russian Infonnation Institute, 1996.
2. Vinogradova M.G., Khod'kov A.E. , The experiment of Stephan Marinov in
advantage of the New Cosmogonical Theory, Vologda. Published by V.lnst. of
Promotion of the Qualification of the Teachers, 1996.
3. Martin Muller, The Oscillation Against Squared-reciprocal Backdriving Force.
Elsterweg 31, D-72793 Pfullingen, 1994.
4. Martin Muller, How Time Dilation Can Help to Explain the (chemical) Hydrogen
Bond Physically, Elsterweg 31, D-72793 Pfullingen, 1994.

Copyright@ 1996 by Vinogradova M.G. and Khod'kov A.B.

- ...

.I •.


• t



G.R. Uspensky
Gravitational Technology

I. Anomalous gravitational regularities,( 1J •

1. Inertial and gravitational masses non-equivalence.

Non-equivalence should be found at accuracies I0-8 ms-2 in

measurements of bodies (with different densities) movement accelerations.

2. Flux mechanism of gravitation.

According the mechanism, toward electromagnetic matter (substance

and light) the gravitational matter fluxes are passing to support electromagnetic
matter functioning. Fluxes speed toward the Earth at its' surface is 4.2•10- 1
rns- 1, toward the Sun at its' photosphere- 1264 ms~I, toward a black hole-
3•108 ms- 1•
Passing to a celestial body, fluxes stress substance and attract objects
placed on the body surface. Passing through an adjacent celestial body, these
fluxes are forming external gravitational force directed to the celestial body.
Passing to shaft of light, these fluxes decrease its divergence.

3. Relative velocity of light. .

Inside gravitational matter light is propagating with constant speed

co= 3•108 rns-1. Relatively a celestial body, toward which the fluxes are passing
with velocity V8 , light is propagating with velocity
-c = -c0 + Vg
. 4. Gravitational holes.

There are gravitational holes, which are not attracted· by other celestial
bodies. They represent final study of substance evolution and have high mass (
p ) and energy ( W ) densities, on their surface the gravitational matter fluxes
have high velocities V8• These celestial bodies with mass equal Solar one are
characterized by: p = IQ381 kg m-3; W = 10398 J m-3; V8 = 10~29 ms- I.
Assuming that, radius of the gravitational hole is Rg 10-118 m.

Copyright@ 1996 by G. Uspensky


II. New prospects of tecbnolo&ies.

1. Gravitational engine

There is a gravitational engine, concept of which is caused by the

facts, that gravitational attractive force is forming by external factors and that
gravitational and inertial masses equivalence is absent. The engine represent
two bodies with different densities and masses, tied by rigid connection.
Thrust directs from the body with less density and mass to another body with
larger values of these parameters,
For bodies from aluminum and lead with mass 1 kg each, and at rigid
connection length 1 m the thrust will be I0-17 N. As the bodies densities have
been increased to nuclear value and distance between them has been decreased
to sizes compared with a nucleus size, the thrust grows up I0-7 N. At the
same conditions increasing of bodies mass to 108 kg is resulted in thrust of ·
0.25 N.
Usage of bodies with gravitational holes density and the holes sizes
distances between bodies allow to reach thrust produced engine's movement
acceleration greater than lQIOO ms-2.

2. Force gravitational optics

As velocity of gravitational matter fluxes, propagated toward shaft of

light, is increasing, light divergence is decreasing. At sufficiently high density
of light energy there will be a situation when shaft becomes indivergent and
then - convergent. Assuming light pulse duration lQ-20 s, the situation takes
place at radiated power 1Q23 J.

3. Gravitational optics.

Fluxes toward substance cause commented below changes in

electromagnetic radiation characteristics.
Shaft of light changes its propagation direction. At passing near Solar
photosphere angle of shaft bending is 1.166 arc.sec. This value is 30% greater
than Newtonian one and 70% less than according Einstein.
Signal propagation time is changed. During its propagation from Solar
photosphere to the Earth the propagation time is increased by 9.8 I0-6 s,
during signal backward propagation the time is decreased by the same value
(at situation when gravitational matter fluxes toward the Sun are absent). This
is by two order of magnitude less than according Newton, and by an
order less than according Einstein.
Finally, electromagnetic radiation wavelength is changed. For previous
case relative growth of signal wavelength during its propagation from the Sun
to Earth is 4.2 ·I0-6, and during its propagation backward the wavelength is
shorten by the same value. It is less than Einstein's value by an order of •
magnitude. I


Copyri~t @> 1996 by G. Uspensky


4. Gravitational informatics

Gravitational matter fluxes velocities V8 , values of which are

significantly greater than light velocity, testify that disturbances in gravjtational ·
matter can propagate with large velocities, no more than V8• It causes
possibility in principle to reach large velocities of information transmittal and -
accordingly- its processing.
Unobstructed propagation of gravitational matter through substance
with ordinary density indicates that rapid information exchange is possible
anywhere in space. '

III. New techni~al nstems.

l. Power stations

Gravitational engine combined with electric generator is an ecologically

clean p.ower station.·

2. Transportation

Spaceships with gravitational engines are ecologically clean and' ·

noiseless, provide high overloads, can move faster than light, have unbounded
flight range.

3. Energy transfer
< f

Convergent shaft· can transfer electromagnetic energy throughout space

distances in ecologically clean manner wit..ltout losses.
; t. 1'
i ....

4.- Radiation technQlogy .

Convergent shaft can process materials.

5. Communications

Disturbances in gravitational field are ·basis of far-ranging system of

gravitational communications and . detection of dense celestial objects as well as
basis for fast-process computers. creation.



Copyright@ 1996 by G. Uspensky


IV. New philosophic concepts.

1. Priority of gravitational matter compared with
electromagnetic substance
Atoms and molecules are dynamic energetic system, which was born
and continuously supported by gravitational matter.

2. Completeness of substance evolution

Substance is originating in gravitational matter vortices and realized in

Big Bangs, developed inside stars, finally formed as planets and smaller
celestial bodies; under favourable conditions on their sulface the substance
reach its highest form of organization, as bio-matter.
Stellar substance evolve up White dwarves, neutron stars and black holes,
where it also transforms throughout variety of stable phases and at last reaches
gravitational hole state, after that it transforms either in gravitational field
quantum or back in gravitational matter.
After finish of main massive stars substance transformation into
l !
gravitational matter, the rest of substance in form of atoms, molecules, dust,
meteorites, asteroids, planets and stars, which are not reached yet phase state
of gravitational holes, will be "incinerated" by new Big Bang, cleaning
space for new galaxies originating and life.

3. Uncurved space
.. There is not curved space, we see it as curved because changes in
directions of shafts from surrounded objects in gravitational matter fluxes
passed toward substance. It is similar to our hearing of space during wind

4. Unexpanded space

It is not obligatory for galaxies - running away and for space - expanding.
Responsibility for observed red shift of remote celestial obj~cts and. for relic
radiation may be taken by anomalous mechanism· of electromagnetic
radiation frequency red shift near black holes up to gravitational ones.

V. Rio-gravitational technology

Anomalous gravitation is not deny possibillty of interaction between

gravitational and biological matters. From huge variety of possible variants we
consider two mechanisms, which are not contradict observed bio-energetic

Copyright @ 1996 by G . Uspensky


1. For bio-radiation generation organism uses energy of gravitational ·

2. For bio-radiation generation it is used energy of protobiofield.
According the first mechanism the gravitational matter fluxes are
continuously passing toward bio-organism, · and their intensity corresponds
degree of excitation for the organism's state.
·The second mechanism implies either protobiofield is constant component
of space (as it takes place for gravitational field) or it is outcome of
interaction between pavitational matter and substance in particular aggregate
state. The last means that appearance of substance (maybe, only in phase
state corresponded to planets and smaller celestial bodies) accompanies
simultaneously by protobiofield generation to form at suitable conditions
protein as the most perfect form of electromagnetic matte~.
From this non-contradictive -but hypothetical- assumption about
interrelations between bio- and gravitational matter the next consequence is
following: ·
Bio-gravitational engine exists in fonn ,of rigidly connected bio-matter and
ordinary substance. Radiated bio-field matter form gravitational matter or
protobiomatter fluxes directed toward oneself, the fluxes during passing
throughout ordinary ~bst~nce create external thrust toward the bio-matter.


1. Uspensky G.R Anomalous Gravitation · and Our Future.

Moscow, "Inventsiya", 1993.

Copyright@ l~by G. Uspeusl7


Science is built with facts, as a home is with

stones; but a collection of facts is no more
science than a heap of stones is a house.

. .. .•· J.H .Poincare

Possibility for the Existence of Anti-Gravity and the Complete Parity
Breaking of Gravity: Evidence from Free-Fall Experime.n t Using a Spinning
Hideo Hayasaka, Haruo Tanaka, Toshiyuki Hashida, and Tokushi Chubachi
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan
Tosbiki Sugiyama
Matsushita Communication Industrial Co.Ltd., Yokohama 226, Japan

Free-fall experiment of a spinning gyro enclosed in a capsule has been conducted in order
to investigate the effect of the effect of an object's spinning on thefa/1-acceleration. For ten
runs of the fall-acceleration measurements, in which each run consists of left, right and
zero spinnings about the vertical axis, it has been shown that the mean value of the fall-
accelerations of the right-spinning <g(R)> is significantly smaller than <g(L)> of the
left-spinning at 18,00()'rpm, with the latter being almost identical with ,g{O) of zero
spinning. The result suggests that the right-spinning generates anti-gravity, and also that
the parity (the reflection symmetry) ofgravity breaks down complety.

Gravitation research group of Tohoku University

Mr. Chubachi, Associate Prof. Hashida, Dr. Sugiyama, Prof.Hayasaka
( from left to right )

Copyright@ 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


Introduction ·... ,.
Hayasaka and Takeuchi 1 have previously re:Jorted that the right spinning (abbr.:

R-spinning) of a gyro (viewed from above) about a ver:tical axis induced a weight

decrease proportional to the rotational velocity, whereas the left spinning (abbr.: L-

spinning) caused no weight change. These earlier measurements were made using both

chemical and electronic balances. Subsequently, several authors have reported negative

results 2,3,4 (i.e. no weight reduction of a right spinning gyro when measured by

balances), and an affirmative resul_t has been obtained by Kepner 5, who found that the

fall-times of L- and R-spinning gyros were significantly different. From these reports.

we have inferred that the gravitational field generated by an object's R-spinning may

affect the action of a balance's control electronics. In fact, for the measurement

reported by HaY,~ak(\ et at. I<the control circuit of the electronic balance was located

away from the balance body, and connected to it with long lead wires. Furthermore, we

have developed a topological gravity theory 6 which is able to explain our earlier

result. The theory suggests that the gravitational moments with time of a mass point
• ~L·~·

rotating in the opposite directions a loop (in the base space) are in an equivalent
class with de Rham cohomology group which is coupled to the Invariant angular

momentum on a mirror transformation. The de Rham cohomology effect (in general,

the gauge effect of a groupoid of loop group) generates torsion fields of different

strength in both the rotations, and there is a possibility of the parity breaking of the
~ .
gravitational force a.nd the generation of topolog'ieally repulsive force in an obj~ct's

spinning. Therefore; we have measured the fall-times of a spinning gyro enclosed in a

capsule, and have obtained that the fall-acceleration g(R) of R-spinning is, without

exception, smaller than g(L) on L-spinning at 18,000 rpm in a series of repeated

~ ~
experiments·~ The mean value <g(R)> of R?-~pinning is significantly smaller than

<g(L)> of L-spinning, with the latter being almost identical with <g(O)>, the

acceleration for zero spinning. This experiment has confirmed the result of our

previous experiments. · The present result :suggests-. ~hat R-spinning generates anti-

Copyright© 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


gravity, and also that the parity (the reflection symmetry) of gravity breaks down

Experimental Method

A schematic diagram of.our apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. It should be especially

noted that parts 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 are important improvements that allow the gyro (part
6) to be dropped exactly along th~ vertical axis through the centre of part 1. A gyro of
diameter 5.8 em was used which is the same as that used in our previous experiment.
The rotor mass of the gyro is 175 g and the inertia moment 969.47 g·crn2. When the
edge of 11 crosses the laser beam at AA', 18 opens, and then 19 and 20 operate. When
the edge of 11 crosses the beams BB' and CC', 19 and 20 sequentially stop counting the
time. ;

Fall-time measurements are based on the Newtonian formulation·

1 2 ~
hi =-gtl +votl (1)

=-21 gt;-~ + V t.,-

l ~
h3 =h 1 + 6.h =-gtj + V t30
, (3)

where v0 is the velocity at the time when the edge of part 11 passes the beam AA' . In
this experiment, the fall-acceleration, g is given by

Here, g is regarded as a time-independent quantity for the following reasons: ge is the

Earth's gravitational acceler~.tion (= 980.0658 gal) at Sendai (latitude= 38.248 N,

longitude= 140.847 E, height = 130.0 m). The change of the tidal force's acceleration
gr is withjn ± 100 j.l.ga1 in every experiment from the calculated data, and then the
effect of gr on the fall-time of a spinning gyro can ~e neglected, as discussed in eq.
(11). g5 (~, u) is the upward acceleration which may be due to the topological effect 6
of a gyro's spinning, where ~ denotes the direction of spinning, and u the number of
spinning. u is considered constant because it changes hardly during the fall-time (about
0.53 s) from the calibration data. For gs(S, u), our previous result on the weight

Copyright© 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


change of the spinning gyro suggests that the values of g5 (L) and g 5 (R) at u = 18,000

rpm may be approximately zerc. and -0.108 gal, respectively. gH (d) is the upward

acceleration acting on 6, 7 and f, due to both the residual magnetisms (1.3 G) on parts 1

and 8 at a distance d from the magnet. However, it has been shown from calculation of

the magnetic dipole-dipole ir1teraction that g" (d) is much smaller than 40 J.igal after the

edge of part 11 has ;>assed point AA', namely ford ~ 20 mm. Hence, gH (d) can be
neglected. Thus, gin eq. (4) is reduced to a time-independent quantity

( 5)

The values of h 1 and h:~ are determined from fall-time measurements with a non-

spinning gyro ( abbr. : 0-spinning) :First, t 1 and t2 are measured for g =ge, with h1 and
h2 treated a~. unknown quantities because the pillar's lengths depend on room

temperature. Next, t3 is measured for g =ge and h3 = h1+.1h, where .1ft =3 mm.
From eqs. (t), (2) and (3), ht. h2 and v0 are determined. By using these values of h 1

and h2, the fall-times on L-and R-spinning are measured at 18, 000 rpm, and gin eq.

(5) can be determined for both the spinning directions.

Results and Discussion

Experiment was conducted in the period from July to September, 1994. Each run

consisted of fall-time measurements for 0-, L- and R-spinning. Measurements for 0-

spinning were repeated twice to determine the values of h 1 and h2. Each suite of

measurements was completed within 50 min, where the room temperature change was

within ±0.2 °C. The experimental data, g(R), g(L) and g(R)-g(L) at u =18,000 rpm

are shown in Table I.

For each run, g(R) is significantly lower than g(L), without exception in any run. I

For 10 runs, the mean values of g(L) and g(R) are respectively: I
< g(L) > = 980.0687 ± 0.0663 gal, (6) i
< g(R) > = 979.9266 ± 0.0716 gal, (7) f

Copyright© 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


given as mean value ± one standard deviation. The mean values of their differences

with respect to g(O) !=g~:=980.0658 gal) for all the runs are

< g(L) - g(O) > = < g5 (L) > = 0.0029 ± 0.0663 gal, (8)

<g(R)- g(O)> =<g5(R)>= -0.1392 ± 0.0716gal, (9)

and that for g(R) ..: g(L) is

< g(R) - g(L.) > = < g 5 (R) - g5 (L) > = -0.1421 ± 0.0 317 gal. (10)

These results clearly support our previous measurements of weight change 1. In fact,
for R-spinning, the •lalue of< g(R). - g(O) >in eq. (9) is close to the value of -0.108
' ·;i.l
gal which is expected 'from our previous experiments for the gyro of 5.8 em diameter at

18, 000 rpm, and eq. (8) corresponds to zero weight change for L-spinning, confirming

the previous result. Discussion on the detailed statistical evaluation of the above results

will be given later.

The results of these experiments are free from system~tic errors. · our reason is

given below. In this paper, the problems of any supposed systematic errors discussed in

.· our previous experfinent have been overcome. We discuss whether or not the results

···· are caused by othenystematic errors, fwm the viewpoint of Newtonian mechanics and

·i electro-magnetism. That is, we consider whether systematic errors could be due to the

; following:

(a) The biased decreases of the tidal force in only the repeated R-spirining. This

is denied from the Ga!culated data of the tidal force. It has been shown that there are
- -
both increases c;nd decreases in the tidaJ force duting the repeated measurements for R-
• .i .~

spinning. Even if there were biased decreases, the vruiation in the tidal force can be

neglected from a simple order of magnitude estimation. The fall-time from the tidal

force vruiation is given approximately by

t = ~2h/(g- gT):: tu (J''.:HgT 2g)) =0.58 + 2.9 X 10-8 S •. ~. (11)

where gT =100 J..Lgal, t0 = 0.58 s, g = 103 gal, and h =i70 em. On the other hand,

the difference between both fall-times on L-and R-spinning is of the order of 1 o-s s.
Hence, the error of 2.9 x w-~s can be neglected. ..
Copyright© 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama

(b) The difference between the interaction of the fall velocity v and L-

spinning's angular frequency oo, and that of the v and R-spinning's oo. This is

denied due to the following. The spinning gyro's fall-acceleration, ~, is given by 7

m~=mge+2m[vx(n+ro)] , (12)

where the angular frequency of the Earth's spinning. It has been shown that the

gyro was in the state of a sleeping top without nutation and precession during the fall -

time measurements for L-and R-spinning, as discussed in detail in (d). This means that

oo is directed exactly along the vertical axis for both L-and R-spinning, and then the
vertical component of [v x oo], [v x oolz is zero because the C.Ox and roy are zero. Thus,

the z component of fall-acceleration, ( ~ )z is independent of ro. Theref~re. the direction

of ~ deviates only slightly towards the east in the northern-hemisphere, regardless of

the spinning directions (the deviation is estimated to be the order of IQ-3 em for the fall-

distance of 170 em). The possibility of a gravitational repulsive force caused by the

parallel spin-spin interaction of both the angular momenta of the Earth and a gyro is

also denied, as discussed in our previous paper 1.

(c) The biased increase in the length of the support pillars caused by rooni

temperature increase in only R-spinning of each run. This is denied from the

randomness of the room temperature change of only ±0.2 °C. If the room temperature

T increases by ~T = 0.2 ° C in each R-spinning, the fall-time is estimated from eq.


t=..j2(h+~h)/g : t0 (l+MT/2)=0.58+1.2x10-7 s, (13)

where a is the thennal expansion coefficient of the support pillars ( = 2 x 10~ /° C). In

contrast, the difference between both fall -t.imes on L-and R-spinning is of the order of

1o-s s. Hence, the error of 1.2 x l o- s is not the cause of such a great difference. Even

if there occur both the biased decrease of the tidal force, and the biased increase in the

length of the support pillars in only R-spinning of each run, the total error is

1.49 xI o-7 s. Therefore, this error is not the cause of the difference lQ-5 s between

both fall-times on L-and R-spinning.

Copyright@ 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


(d) The problem of whether or not the laser beams are crossed correctly by the
edge center of the guide rod in all R-, L-and 0-spinning. Let us suppose that the
problem is caused by the differe~nt de·liations (or inclinations) of the gyro's attitude
froJ11 the vertical axis in R-and L-spir.ning, where the different deviations are assumed
to be caused by the different frictions of the rotor's bearing-balls in both spinnings. The
. . .
suppositivn is denied from .the following reasons: First, the vibration, and the dynamic
balance prescribing th~ synthetic criterion of the gyro's stability are the same for both
the spinning directions, as mentioned in the preyious paper I.· It means ·that there is no
difference between both frictions in R-and L-spinning. Secortd, the supposition is also
denied from that the gyro is in the state of a sleeping top having no nutation and no
precession, as mentione~ already. It can be said from the mechanical calculation for a
fast spinning topS. In reality, when the gyro is spinning at 18,000 rpm (=300 rps), the
gyro satisfies the condition of a sleeping top without nutation; that·is, the angular
frequency w (=21t x 300 rad/s) is more than l 00 times larger than ro• given by
ro• ={2Mgl/IJ)ll2 =18.8 rad/s, (14)

where M is the gyr~-rotor's mass (175 g), g is tte Earth's gravitational acceleration (980
cm/s2 ), lis the distance between the rotor's mass center ana the lower fulcrum (1 em),
and l3 is the vertical component of inertia moment (969.5 g· cm2). Here, the spinning
gyro is suspended from the electro-magnet, and is released from the magnet by the Self-
weight, when the current of magnet is cut off. Therefore, the spinning gyro in falling
holds the state of a sleeping top without nutation. Furthermore, the spinning gyro has
no precession, because the direction of ro coincides with the rotor's inertial principal
axis of the z axis. From the above, the spinning _zyro in falling has no nutation, and
also no precession. This means that the gyro's attitude does not fluctuate around the
vertical axis in both R-and L-spinning, and then that ri:te capsule's and the guide rod's
axis are also held along the v~rtical axis. Third, the unquestionable evidences Qf the
; ~

correct edge center crossings have been confinned by photographs fl~hed at 1120,000

S, at the point where the flashes are coincident with the instantaneOUS times of CUtting
the beam CC'. The photographs ~ere taken as follows: A silk thread was s~tched and

r.opyright@ 1~6 by H. Hay~~ H. Tanaka, T.liashiaa, T. Chubachi; T. Sugiyama


placed horizontally at 5 mm under the laser beams CC', and a fine needle of 0.3 mm$

was vertically suspended from the thread just below the cross point of two laser beams.

The edge center crossings and the capsule's attitude were checked by using the needle

as a reference line.

(e) The problem of the lifting due to air flow's circulation which is dragged by

the capsule's inertial rotation associated with only R-spinning in each run. (Here, the

lifting is based on the Kutta-Joukowski theorem9 in fluid mechanics.) This is denied

from no capsule's rotation. In fact, only small angle shift of the capsule around the

vertical axis was observed within l 0 degrees in the clockwise direction at the beam

CC'. This means that the circulation of air flow did not occur around the capsule, and

then that the lifting caused by air flow's circulation did not occur. Therefore, the

decrease of the fall-acceleration in R-spinning is not due to the lifting. For L-spinning,

there was also no rotation of the capsule, although small angle shift of the capsule was

observed within 10 degrees in t~c counter-clockwise direction. The circulation of air

flow associated with the spinning gyro-rotors in che capsule, of course, does not cause

the lifting for the capsule, because air and the gyro are sealed rigorously in the capsule,

and then the effect of air circulation in the capsule converts into only the inner force.

Further, even if there occurs the turbulent flow about the capsUle's spherical iron 8, the

turbulent flow does not.cause th~ fluctuation of the capsule's attitude around the vertical

axis, because the gyro's inertial moment I3 (=969.4"' g·cm2) is very large. It has been

confirmed by the photographs mentioned in (d). Frcm the above, the fall-accelerations

of L- and R-spinning are not affected by these lir fl<ws.

(f) The difference between the interaction ~f the residual magnetism (1.3 G) of

the magnet and the gyro-rotor (0:05 G) on L-sp~1ning, and that for R-spinning (the

direction of the residual magnetism for R-spiriring is the inverse of that on L-spinning).

This is denied, because the field of the magnet is lXisymmetric about the vertical axis,

and the gyro-rotor's is circular on the horizonta'. plane. Hence, both the magnetic

interactions in R- and L-spinning do not cause force, along the vertical axis.

Copyright@ 1996 by H. Hfyasaka, H. Tanaka. T. !!ashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


We discuss about the problem of wheth~r or not our experimental data are
significant in view of statistics. It can be said that the experimental data are completely
significant. The reasons are as follows. Here, it should be noticed that the rigorously
statistical estimation must be not made directly for the sample ensemble (namely, the
experime!'tal data), but for the poptijation which can be expected as an <;nsemble
consisting of the data obtained from the infinitely repeated expepments. Therefore, we
made the significant test for the population. Of course, the significanttest is made by
the usually used method. Only the results of significant test are the following:
(a) Estimations of the population means J.l.L and JiR far the ~o sample

ensemb!~s g(L) and g(R), and of the respective 95% confidence intervals:
• •I .· .r. =
J.l.L 980.0687 ± 0.0499 gal; (15)

J.l.R =979.9266 ± 0.0540 gal, (16)

980.0188 S JiL S980.1187 gal, (17)

979.8726 S: J.I.R S979.9781 gal. ... (18)

The difference of ~L.and g(O), and,.that of~ aJld g(O) are respectively

.J.I.L - g(q):: 0.0029 ±0.0499 gal, (19)

J J.lR-g(O) = -0.1392 ± 0.0540 gal, (20)

The above estimations show that the respective 95% confidential intervals of J.lL and ~

do not overlap eachiother. From this, it·seems· that th~te is a (iefinite difference
between J.lL and J.1R. This is also c·onfinned by the comparison of to (namely, Student's
t) and t-distribution t (<jl, a), where$ is the degree of freedom, and a is both side


' .. to =4.3691, .. (•

t (1.8. 0.05) =2.1009. (22)

The above shows t0 > t ( $, a), so :that the two population q1ean values J!L and ~

have a significant difference with the confidence of 95% ~... i.

(b) Estimations of the population mean value JlRL whjch is evaluated from the

sample ensemble consisting of ten values, whose each v~ne is given by the difference
(g(R)-g(L)) in an arbitrary run, and its 95% confidence interval;

vrlght © 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


JlRL = -0.1421 ± 0.0239 gal, (23)

-0.1660 ~ J!RL ~ -0.1182 gal. (24)

The above confidence test shows that the absolute value 0.1421 gal of JlRL is about six

times of the standard deviation 0.0239 gal, and the width of fluctuation of J!RL is

smaller t~an those of the respectively estimated J.LR and JlL· It means that a pair of g(R)

and g(L) measured in the limited time (50 min) for any run decreases the fluctuation of
the population J.lRL· From this, such a measurement method is a correct one, which is

able to take off the common causes of the respective fluctuations of the two sample

ensembles for g(R) and g(L).

From the significant tests for the various populations, we conclude that our

experimental data on R-and L- spinning have a completely significant difference with

the confidence of95%.

From the experimental results and the statistical significant tests, and also the

careful considerations of possible errors, we conclude that our previous result

concerning weight change measurements is substantiated. The present results suggests

that only R-spinning causes significant anti-gravity, and that the parity (the reflection

symmetry) of gravity breaks down completely, in the same way as the weak interaction

of elementary particles that selects the left-handedness.


We acknowledge Dr. T.S. Kepner for his suggestions, and Profs. N. Chubachi, H.

Takahashi, M. Miyagi, T. Nakamura and Emeritus Prof. S. Takeuchi of Tohoku

University for their support. We thank Dr. S. Nakai of the National Astronomical

Observatory at Mizusawa and Associate Prof. M. Mishina of Tohoku University for

their calculations ofthe tidal force, and also Tarnagawa Precision Co. Ltd. and Makabe

R&D Co. Ltd. for the manufactures of the gyros and the fall-tower.

Copyright© 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tar..aka., T. ffashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


1. H.Hayasaka and S. Takeuchi, Phys. rev. Lett.63, 2701-2704 (1989).

2. J.E.Faller, W.J.Hollander, P.G.Nelson and M.P. McHugh, Phys.Rev.Lett.64, 825-826
3. T.J.Quinn and A.Picard, Nature, 343, 732-735 (1990).
4. J.M.Nitschke and P.A.Wllmarth, Phys.Rev.Lett.64, 2115-2116 (1990).
5. T.S.Kepner, private communication, 1992. In 1969, he conducted an unpublished
experiment in which fall-times of a spinning gyro of 7 em diameter were measured
repeatedly over a fall distance of 120 em by using a time counter, and white light beam
reflected by two mirrors.
6. H.Hayasaka, Parity. br~aking of gravity and generation of antigravity due to the de
Rham cohomology effect on an object's spinning, Proc. of 3rd Int.Conf. on Problems
of Space, Time and Gravitation, St.-Petersburg, Russia, May 23-28 (1994), in press.
7. L.D.Landay and E.M.Lifshits, Mechanics (3rd ed), Nauka, Moscow (1973).
8. H.Ooldstein, CLASSICAL MECHANICS (2nd ed), Addison-Westley,
Massachusetts (1980).
9. L.D.Landay and E.M.Lifshits, Fluid Mechanics (2nd ed), Nauka, Moscow (1954).

' • .... • ~ .. i
~ \t . ~ ':"

.Th.e bottom ~f fall-~ower ,, The top of fall-tower

Low laser-emitters having Laser receiver and capsule


Copyright© 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Ha.~hida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


Table 1. Summary of measured values of fall-acceleration for L- and R-spinning about

the vertical axis at 18,000 rpm, and their differences

Experiment date g(L), gal g(R), gal g(R)-g(L), gal

27 July 980.0965 979.9153 -0.1812
27July 979.9622 979.8324 -0.1298
28 July 979.9912 979.8702 -0.1210
8Aug. 980.0322 979.9356 -0.0966
9Aug. 980.0196 979.8185 -0.2011
10 Aug. 980.1682 980.0159 -0.1523
11 Aug. 980.1331 980.0166 -0.1165
12 Aug. 980.1577 980.0259 -0.1 318
9 Sept. 980.0653 979.8926 -0.1727
28 Sept. 980.0613 979.9432 -0.1181

Fig.l.Schcm.atic diagram of dte experimental apparatus for fall-time IDCaSUI'C!Dalt of a spinoiog


1, electro-magnet haWtg an electronic circuit fro preventing the c~.pauscd by switch-off

of a power supply. 2, 'im.all indent having the same radius as the ball-bcariug 9. 2 and 9 arc
used to fix part 7 at dte centre of part 1. 3, tbrcc mercury connectors into ~h 10 are inserted
respectively, where the inner suzface of an each copper cylinder is covered With the film of
solder in order to increase the upward surf4cc tension between copper and mercury. 4e, laser
emitter. 4r, laser rcceivcr. 5e, laser stage having micro-gauges in both the vertical and horizonta{
direc1ions. 5r, laser stage having no macro-gauge. 6, gyroscope. 1, capsule including 6. a, .
spherical pw-e iron ~hcd to 7. 9, the half of a bearing-ball (1.15 mm diameter) embedded at
the mp·of 8. 10, ~electrodes used to supply elec1ric power to 6, and to prevent 7 ftmn any .
inertial rot:ation assoclatcd with that of 6. 11, guide rod of 4 mm diameter. 12, platfonn. 13,
acrylic cylinder of~ mm diameter. 14, four ceramic pillars made of SiC (dlermal expansion
coefficient = 2xl<Y'-6/C). 15, base platform. 16, shock abso!ber. 17, container having caster.
18, gate circuit. 19 and 20, frequency counters (time CO\Dltcrs) wilh the accuracy of0.1 ms.
Each set composed of 4c, 5c, 4r and Sr is put on the respective platfonn 12 which are
set at the upper, middle and lower position. A pair of two laser beams is crosaed and focused on
the vertical tine through 2. The two pairs are put respectively on the upper and lower positions,
and, only one beam is focused on the vertical line at the middle position. Each focus diameter is
0.1 mm diameter.

Copyright© 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashida, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama


4e 4r
Se Sr


AC= h2 11
-:- 1700 mm
14 3

Figure 1
"V!t@ 1996 by H. Hayasaka, H. Tanaka, T. Hashim, T. Chubachi, T. Sugiyama

' .

I •

Organising Committee of the Conference would like
to express special gratitude for help in international
· exchange of scientific information to Japan researchers
Prof. Hideo Hayasaka and Prof. Toshiyuki... Hashida.

Organising Committee of International

Conference New Ideas in Natural Sciences,
17-22 Jurie 1996, St.-Petersburg, Russia

The Concept of Gravitation

by Frolov A. V. .
P.O.Box 37, St.-Petersburg, 193024, Russia


By Newton's laws and by Nature common sense any active force can be created
only in pair with reactive f.orce. This rule describe b~ance,d itlteraction between two
bodies. But there is very; inteiesting case: one body and some substance around this
body that also include "empty space substance" -the ether. In empty space (vacuum)
the body can be con~idered as localised in space energy ( E=mc2 that is not localised in
time) and the substance energy (ether) can be considered as non-localised (dispersed) in
space but localised in time energy. This symmetry for spatial or chronal localisation is
described by Heizenberg's .LlE~t h. For this case the conservation law of energy of this
one-body closed system can be represented as balance of energy in form of mass (body)
and energy in form of space-time around body. Just conservation Jaw is the reason for
supposition about chronal effect which must be demonstrated itself if the system use
transformation of differeat forms the energy (mass-form and time-form) to produce the
non-reactive propulsion force or power generation. One of such sort system is so called
inertioid. Let us try to disclose the nature of inertia.
By proposed above formulation, known Newton's law describes the balance of
different energy forms that is demonstrated itself as reaction for any action. It is known
that in empty space (in vacuum) any accelerating or decelerating body have some
reactive interaction with space: it is inertia effec("~~o, space itself can be represented as
some substance. Also.-~here is the equality of resr in ass and inertial mass that confrrm
this supposition. I don't see any difference be:ween space and ether noJ:ions. There is no
space without ether and ether can not be considered as some material substance
separately from space. Note that any matter also· can not be considered separately from
space. Matter is only special structur~ ¢f space or spa~e is only different forms of the
matter. Empty space (vacuum, ether;:_.) also is, :~ome material structure and it is
connected with some energy value pet. unit of spac-e'volume. ,
Important part of the gravitation concept 'that is proposed above, is follows
from the M. Faraday's opinion about matter nature. In his letter of June 25, 1844 to
Richard Tailor, M. Faraday wrote: So, matter anywhere is continuous... it is not
necessary to suppose the difference between atoms of the matter and some intermediate
space. The forces around centres previde to these centres the properties of the matter...
M.Faraday considered this aspect to make corclusion for nature of electric
conductivity and insulation. But his point of view can be developed for gravity aspect
also. Atom and space around of atom is the Sai!Je matter in different states. Atom or
element of the atom is local change of space structure only.
Pre-conditions above are basis for conclusion: .4n.v body displace ether mass tltat
equal to body mass, it is well-known Arhime4's iaH'jor etf~r (in generalised fonn). Since
motion of any body have place inside of real substance, this substance (space-time
itself) can be used for "reactionless" or ether-dynamical (like aerodynamical) method of
motion. Forces are acting to the body in this case are external and law of conservation


Copyright @ 1996 ~y Alexander V. Frotov


(for energy, momentum, impulse) is true if body and substance around body (air, liquid,
ether) is considered as closed system.
Since ether-dynamical motion use mass of ether (that was demonstrated as
inertial mass) to create the ether gradient, in this case inertia effect is not producing for
accelerating o r decelerating object, so: reactionless motion is illertia-les!!l· m otion.
Important aspect of the gravitation concept described in this paper is notion of
paired processes of nature: gravitation - radiation. Joseph Hasslberger described this
point of view in details ( "A New Beginning for Thermodynamics", of May 8, 1993).
Two paired processes are created in Nature in strength of the energy balance,
conservation law. So, if the radiation is emission of the photons (electromagnetic waves
of any wave-length) from mass object, the gravitation is absorption of the _photons !by
mass objects. In other words, phenomenon of material mass as ·so urce of gravitatio n
field can be presented as absorption and transformation of electromagnetic waves. The
source of these waves are known as zero-point fl uctuations. Concept on~ the zero-point
electromagnetic energy fluctuations those ·exist in empty space is published by A.
Sakharov, H. Puthoff, A. Rueda, B. Haisch [1][1][3][4].
On the base of the above let's make some proposals for experiments.

Motion Tnside of tile Substa~tce


Well-known case of the motion inside of the material st~bstance is propulsion force
described as Magnus effect (Henrick G. Magnus), discovered in 1852, Figure I.

I \
~~- .'
. -- -+-- _,~"
i \ •,. __ .....,.
-- - -+- -·,, /
, ,--~

' ,,


\1 ·~

• t
Ftg. I

Copyright ©..1~6by Alell.ander V. Frolov

Other well-known method for the same aerodynamical effect is Gukovsky-Chaplygin
wing profile, Fig.2.

Force F

- - - - -,,-:-.·:.~.... .··-
- ···- ... - - - - - - - - - -
·-~-=-..:". .-... . . . . . . . . .
-- _ ,--,,, ,..---
_. ...... ._ .-------------.
--- _.
- - -,..,
.. ----------------------
---------- - ~------------


Different relative velocities Ua and U2 between body (cylinder or wing) and space
substance (air, liquid ...) correspond to different pressure values p, and P2• There is some
non-compensated resulting force F that is described as gradient ofpressure. This force is
not reactive and it can be considered as gravitati011 force.

Now let's consider magnetic field Bl (constant field of some source) and magnetic field
of some moving charged mass Mq (magnetic field of the current) B2, Fig.3 .

• ••• 1 .·:.

.. .· J.; .

From one side of the char~ moving mass M the fields are co-directed B I + B2
but from other side they are cont,(~~"irected B1 - B2 ( B I is external field and B2 is field
of the current). Result field arouna charged mass M is asymmetrical. In strength of this
reason well-known Lorentz force F is result of the gradient magnetic field i.e. different
ether pressure on the nwving charged mass-body.

Copyright «l> 1996 by Ale~ander V. Prolov


This aspect was n ot disclosed before since modern science don't recognised the
et her concept. It is necessary to provide the space with properties of subst ance fo r it. In
this sense Ether concept is true and ether gradient can be considered as gradient of
space energy density or density of space itself.
So, nature of Lentz force and Magnus aerodynamical effect the same: self-
propulsion non-reactive force is result of the gradient of energy in space round the
body. Since the en ergy by definition is description of the different types of the motion,
the gradient above (for electromagn etic version also) is result of relative vel ocity o nly.
Since it lead to gravitation type propulsion, the conclusion can be formulated:
plwnome1wn of gravitation cmd time can be described as plzetWIIUUJOIJ of relative motion,
i.e. motiotJ relatively absolute frame of reference.
Note that this force can be created in closed system also. Figure 2 show that
structure of space (or structure of liquid, gas, ether and so on) is changed only in <trea
near of the wing. So, in big volume of space of closed system this situation can be
created also. It is clear from the thought experiment: in big box there is aeroplane. If it
is in rest state the total weight or the box include weight of aeroplane. But if the
aeroplane is in fly (along circumference inside of the box, for example) t he box weight
don't include t he weight of aeroplane. When the aeroplane made the stop, the weight of
the box must be increased. So, if the box is "black box" and we can not obser ve the
si tuation inside of it, th e changes of box weight lead to conservation law violation from
the point of view that use local frame of'reference (box). ,.
The Asymmetry of Electric Energy ·.

Space has own energy balance (mass-form and time-form) in certain volume of
space but we can change it by means of electric energy, for example.
Simple example is dielectric body motion in potential efectric field of some
charged mass, Fig. 4. This experiment can be demonstrated by any charged thing ( pen
o r comb ) th at attract small paper pieces. The potential field E created by charged mass
M is result of potential q> gradient because potential is decreasing if distance from
charged body is increasing; intensity E =-
grad<p. Note: It is not special gradient field
between two charged bodies; t his gradient is pro.~{ded 15y property of space only .
...... ,
' I /
" "
"' ·.
....... ,/

....... ........_ ./



--- - / \ dielectric
/ I \ body -~
/ I \
I \
Fig. 4

Copyright © 1996 by Alexander V. Frolov


Own field of charged mass M is symmetrical relative of centre. In strength of this

reason all forces to mass M are balanced and is no propulsion forc,e. But if own
field of charged mass is asymmetricaJ -relatively mass itself (~n. str~ngth of the special
surface), the body can create some gradient and non-compensated force for itself.

Other method to create reactionless propulsion force by means of asymmetry is

known as Biffeld-Brown effect. By T.T.Brown's patent number 300,311 of 15 Nov.l928,
priority of 15 Aug.l927, the nature of the force "X" is not disclosed by author. This
force is created in dielectric of capacitor and it is directed to positive charged plate.
Some explanation for this force is proposed here.
Let's consider the method for non··reactive propulsion that use centrifugal force
acceleration. In the case of the circumference trajectory, force F=ma is symmetrical ,::
(the value of force is the same in any point of the trajectory since the acceleration is the
same). If trajectory is asymmetrical and acceleration is not the same in different points
of the trajectory, the force is different also. So, by closed trajectory result force may be
non-zero, i.e. some unidirectional propulsion force can be created.
Figure 5 is simple inertial drive scheme: liquid is moving by pump inside of
curved pipe and centrifugal force F=ma is asymmetrical, so unidirectional force is

Force F=ma
•, I

., : . ' ,, ..
' I

curved line·motibn ,, ;
of mass body
(liquid r ::
• "' ''

,... _ 'I

~--- ~----




Fig. 5

By analogy, in capacitor, Figure 6, orbiting electrons of the dielectric are moving

along curved trajectory if electric potential fiel~exist between plates.

Copyright® 1996 by Ale';{ander V. Frolov



/ - ' , symmetrical trajectory
''\. / F=ma
/ / '\ balanced
I I \

/ /\

\ I asymmetrical trajectory
\ '

\ ( F=ma is not balanced I
J ~l , t
\ \ I o I i t

\ I I
\ \ I

" ' ',

........... ......
""""' - - ·-
_, __..
.,. /
; ~/

; '


So, nature of force "X" that was discovered in Biffeld-Briown effect is disclosed
in this paper <IS curved lille motion acceleration that is a result of the asymmetrical t
centrifugal force that is created in atoms of dielectric. Electric field of the capacitor
transform normal trajectory of electrons in asymmetrical one. From this point of view
Brown's force "X" is inertial phenomenon and all pre-conditions are discussed in
introduction of this paper are true for Brown's electrogravitation systems.
Other Brown's patent number 3167206, USA, I June 1965 is examp le of
asymmetry principle th at allow use Coulomb's electrostatics forces to create reactionl ess
propulsion force. Figure 7 is modified scheme of asymmetrical capacitor that can be
created for non-reactive drive of space-craft. Lines of intensity for electric potential
field are perpendicular to surfac~ and in strength of this reason the : action-reaction
forces of Coulo mb electrostatic interaction are.dif:'erent.

plate of capacitor

brce =

force F
Fig.J ..

Copyright © 1996 by Alexander V. Frolov


The form of dielectric surface is the reason for forces asymmetry: vector sum of
all forces is not equal to zero.
Asymmetry of Entropy

Other method for reactionless motion is therrnogravitation - application of

thermal processes inside of some closed system to create the motion of this system.
Popular Science magazine vol. 126, . 1935 describe some experiment, Figure 8. Two
bodies can be moving in result of repulsion from each other. One body produce impact
and other one produce impulse when bodies are reaching the ends of the rod. In result
of this difference all device is moving in one side (where interaction is '~impul~e").
belore interaction

Ml M2

after interaction

~ ,'{'·t'~



Fig. 8 Force F
. .;~ .
Sure, this experiment is only non-periodical demo~stration of the possibility to
create asymmetry of the energy transformation. If this device must make second act of
the repulsion between two masses M I and M2, it is necessary to return mass M I to the
centre of the device. It require some power (force action) and the question of symmetry
for net work in left and in right parts of the device is open for discussion.
But experiment is fine example that allow to develop the idea: Non-reactive
motio.'' ofclosed system CtUJ be created as result ofasymmetrical energy transformation.
Photo Fig.9 is author's version of th.e ~xperiment that was explained by next
way: In this two-bodies collision there is asymmetry of interaction.

• ··~ ..... •. _.. I

.. {':·:.~..
· : .......·
0 ~ ~



Copyright@ 1996 by Alexander V. Protov

488 I ;


. •.


After the thread will be demolished both masses are moving in opposite sides. One wjll
react with elastic side of support body but other one will react with non-elastic side of
the same support body. Result i.~ non-compensated force that is acting for all device. If
the same principle is periodical the device can produce one-directional reactionless
motion as a result of asymmetrical energy transformations in dillerent parts of device.

In one-side there is elastic interaction ( I used simple rubber piece here ) and
kinetic energy of moving body is transmitted to the body of device. In second case
interaction is not elastic type interaction but deformation mainly. Best version for it is
absolute solid body in this part of the device. So, in one side kinetic energy is
transmitted but in other case kinetic energy is transformed ( in heat ). Then, heat can be
considered as chaotic motion result. So, in the second case kinetic energy is transformed
in kinetic chaotic energy. So, the difference is~~-~ fonn of motion only: ordered or non-
ordered type 'of motion. If entropy notion 'used for this case there is conclusion:
gradient of entropy that is asymmetry of energy transformations is the reason for
reactionless motion.
This conclusion allow to make the proposal for some scheme, Fig.l-0. I am
grateful to Academician V.I. Zubov, St.-Petersburg, for useful discussion on this topic.




' , .\

I •

. Fig.lO
The device that · use· collector of heat, collector of rnass (water, for example),
heater that create the reactive flow and converter that tninsform heat energy of this
flow in other form of energy to return it it;t_.collector of heat. System can use reactive
flow of mass in closed asymmetrical cycle to create the propulsion force. This flow is
flinged back from heater with some kinetic energy W=(mu2)/2 and body of the device
get some corresponding reactive impulse. But if velocity of steam flow is decreasing by
means of heat absorption, the working mass (water) is returned in collector of mass
almost without opposite impulse since velocity of back-flow is small and kinetic energy
is small also.

Note, that many ancient Indian papers described flying device that use mercury
in closed cycle to produce propulsion force.


Taking into consideration that entropy function is close connected with

direction of time fl ow, th e .asymmetry of this function in different parts of moving
system is base for supposition: Any "reactionless" drive produce propulsion force in
space that is paired with time directed force. We considered above the nature c.> f th e
inertia as reaction of the ether to the acceleration or deceleration of the object . It can
be linear (value of the velocity is changing) or curve-line (vector of the velocity is
changing) acceleration. The act of t he change is information signal that is .close
connected with phenomenon of time. Time exist as description of the change (motion)
for some mass. It is reacti on of space to the motion of the object. This reacti on is
demonstrated as inertia effect. If the motion is inertial-less, there is no information
signal about it. So. non-reactive inertial-less motion must demonstrate some chronal
effect also.
Newton 's Law can be generalised: Forces can he created in pair only, and any
active force have spatial or chr'!nal equal and opposite reactive force.
By this versio h of known law there is some pre-conditions for n ew technologies:
local control by rate of time by means of inert:a-less motion .t h at can have tmlimited
velocity. The Law o f conservation for quantity of the motion is frt)e for inerti a-less
reaction-less systems. We can consider new type of the motion: moHon in time that is
subordinated to this law also. For this mathem atics it is necessary to-·use time directed
vectors of impulse, force , electri c fi eld intensity a~d so on. '


I. Sakharov A.. Vacuum Quantum Fluctuations in Curved Space and the Theory of
G ravitation , Soviet Physics D oclady, Vol. I 2, ;-.Jo.l l , I 040-1041, 1968.
2. H.Puthoff. "Gravi ty as a Zero-Po:nt-Fiuctuation Force", Ph ys. Rew. A. 39, 2333-
2342, 1989b.
3. B.Haisch, "Zero- Point-Field-Induced Inertia and Gravitation: Questions. Answers
and Issues". Department 91-30. Building 252, Lockheed Palo Alto Research
Lab oratory. 3251 H anover St., Pal o Alto CA 94304 USA.
4. B.Haisch. A. Rueda and H.E.Puthoff, "Beyond E= mc~ ", Th e Sci ence.
November/December I 994. Vol.34/ No.6, p.26.

Copyright© 1996 b) Alexander V. Frolov


Tht! Antigravitation Force in The Balanced Rotating System

by V. Kashuba
Gogel Str., 24-166, Beloretshensk, 352600 Krasnodar region, Russia
(Published in short by A. V.Frolov tramlation and editi•;m)

Let's consider the balanced system of material points those are rotating round of
some motionless axis: the paired masses or the thin ring. The .axis of the system is
directed vertically to Earth surface and directed to the centre of the Earth.
The principal importance question is the true direction of the vectors Pi, Fig. I.



Copyright@ V. Kashuba


Between vect9rs Po: and P. there is some angle y. Note the paradox: balancing
centrifugal forces ofinertia of one rotating system in fact are directed from the Earth.

To obtain the equations we have:

Pi=mig ·is the gravity force of the material point;

FcFt =m1 (u /r) is centrifugal force of inertia of the material point;


FcFI cose - is component of the force FcFY for the angle 9, since this angle e is the fact.

Component FcFt sin e is not taken into consideration since it is perpendicular to the
gravity force.

For weight-less state the equation is:

mig- FcFI cos e =0,


FcFI cos e = ffii (u 2/r)cos9 '

and u is circumference velocity of rotation.

COS 9 =Sin "( : f/RE

where RE is radius of the Earth.

\ .
.~ · \.

FcFI cos£}'= mi(u 2/r) ( r/RE) = m,(u 2/Re).

For first space velocity

\) =Ut =..fg RE

and we obtain

that is condition for weight-less state.

Figure 2 is scheme of the space-craft.

Copyright@) I~ by V. Kashuba
- -- - -


Calculations show that for ring of mass m=l04 kg and for radius r=l5 m the weight-less
state can be obtained if the velocity of rotation is _equal to u=..JgRa.. ·

I. A.H.MaTseee, MexaHHKa H -reopiDI OTHOCHTCJlbHOCTH, MocJCBa, 1986.

2. T.H.Tpo<t»HMosa, Kypc ~H3HKH, MocKBa, 1985.

3. P.H.rpa6oscKHii, Kypc <l»H3Hl<H, MocKBa, 1980. ·

4. H.H.Eerpa<t>osa, B.n.Karaa, Kypc qnnHKH, -Mocna, 1984.

5. Ii.M.5lsopcKHii, A.fl.llHHCKHH, OcHOBbi ~H3HKH, MocKBa, 1981.

Copyright@ 1996 by V. Kashuba

• • • . .. 0

": t .'· '· ·


Compression of Standing Waves, Rhythm-dynamics.and Third

Condition of Rest
by Yu.N. Ivanov
Published in short by AlexlUlder V. Frolov edition lind translation

Th~ problem of ether and problem of movement so far wait its decision. About
ninety years ago Ether was moved into store of unnecessary ideas. But time has passed
and followers, who has acted by this hasty way have gone in dead end and crisis was
designated. But there were some followers who up to the last days do not renoul)ced
from idea of Ether existence. Now there is the time, when the medium (Ether) 'that
was become to unnecessary declares self by new discoveries, that is why a question is
lawful: whether a modem science is ready to donate own ambitions to understand the
problems at last? It is necessary for this purpose to forget on a time about all theories
created after 1900 year and to look, w~y all was received just so?

Compression of standing waves and transformation of the physical sizes

Standing wave as the standard of a length

In XVII century a question on creation of uniform units of measure was put, but
the decisive step to the introduction of uniform ( metric ) system was made only after
French revolution. The national assembly of France has accepted the decision on
necessity to develop all- world system of measures and weights. Use three of the natural
bases for defmition of unit of a length was discussed: I} lengths and pendulum with a
period of oscillations J with · ( the period of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum
depends only on its length ), 2) lengths of l/4h of a part of a equator of the Earth, 3)
lengths of 1/4 meridian of a circle of the Earth.
As a result of long and laborious work has managed to_, come to the constant
standard of a measure, and platinum standard measure of a lerigth was made . .
During development of a measuring engineering the standard of meter has
appeared not enough exact, and as a measure of a length it was frequently non-effective.
To a time of realisation of a 1 General conference on measures and weight ( 1889,
the introduction of the standard of meter ) A.Maikelson and E.Morli by means of
interferometer (IM) demonstrate that it is possible to make the comparison of meter to
a length of a wave of light radiation for certain frequency.
Thus interferemetry has become the basis for realisation of unit of a length. and
the fmding of a stable sources of large length of coherency has allowed for this method
to become a most exact way.

A.Maikelson and his interferometer

Copyrig}"' ~ 1996 by "u.N.Ivanov


But there is at this history one small and on the first sight non-important detail -
speaking about quantity of lengths of waves. are placed in one meter of the standard of
a length, we do n't talk but faster we overlook that deal with quantity of standing
waves, and it is not the same. To make clear this small, but basic question, it is
necessary to analyse the processes, occurring in 1M on sites between a translucent plate
and mjrrors. Such analysis was for the first time made in 198 i and it lead to opening
unknown earlier phenomenon that named as " compression of a standing wayes ".
Hertz Experiment~ and-standing waves

..· ..

·., ' . . .
Soon after creation by ].Maxwell of the electromagnetic fields theory, H. Hertz has _
experime~tal!'y proven existence of electromagnetic waves. During of one of his·'
experi~eh~;.:.~ 1888 ) Hertz has directed radiation ·on a large metal sheet. Dropping and1. •
reflected waves are join together, forming a standing wave. Moving a vibrator, Hertz ·.,
found 'the knots
r Jl
and maximums of a -;standing wave, has measured the distance '

between maximums and has detennined a length of a wave. Then he, having calculated
for ·own frequency of a vibrator, has determined a speed of distribution for
electromagnetic wave C=vA.. Size. equal to speed of light was received. It proved the
electromagnetic nature of light.

,I" • .r


.. J'

hl.. Hertz and modem understanding of his device ·' · ' p ~~1 ~t'
( ' ·!' ~·~
But it should overlook, that Hertz. as well as all scientists of his time. was follower
of the ether concept. As well as for many. he can not understand the reasons of .
Maikelson's failure. that is why he. as well as other, tried to explain the nonsense.
Scientists of the end of XIX of a century were Civided into two camps. First have
put forward a without -proof hypothesis of Ether ;hat is attracted by Earth , other try
to search for the scientific-justified reason. Hertz w1s in half-step from discovery of the
compression of standing waves, but he has accepted a position of the first scientific
group - hypothesis of attracted Ether. Soon your.g scientist was-iU and died ( 1894) as
having learned not about Lorentz transformarions ( 1895 ) - hypothesis. that."explain
Maikelson's failure by means of reduction of the sizes. ' .
Hertz was really close to opening of the phenomenon of compress'i on._of standing
waves, but the preference given up to hypothesis of attracted Ether pennits to assume
that he could not realise, how electromagnetic standing waves can to co-exisW;~ith
movement of a device relatively of Ether. In· £he reality. if interfering waves',;~:·n a
Hertz's device will be different in lengths and speeds in result of movement r~Jat·i·ia{y
of the Ether, there is a standing wave, whether or not? It is supposed, that if Hertz will

Copyright© !996hy Yu.N.Ivanov


living more longer he has without fail analysed this situation and found the decision.
But fate has disposed so, that only in 1981 it was possible to fonnulate and to decide a
problem of standing waves in

And presently many scientists do not know, and some do not desire to know, of
availability of a problem of standing waves, therefore they states that in modelled
situation about any standing wave of speech go can not. So whether it actually? This
question was considered by very careful way in the beginning of 80-x years, and
discovery of unknown earlier phenomena - the compression of standing waves was
made. -

Compression of standing waves

That to be convinced in a reality of stated discovery, it is. necessary to observe a

number of mathematical procedures and find the solution for equation of a standing
wave for a.condition, when a Hertz device is moving in Ether with speed V.

' ....... ~.

··t . f'

Fig. I. The frequency of sources is constant. At a in~ of speed tbe package of standing waves is

Decision of a equation of a standing wave.

.E = E,[cos 2xv (t- X/ c )- cos 2nv.(t+ X/ c
1 1

. B+A . B- A
COS A - COS B = 2 Sin - - • Stn - -
2 2

E•2E 0 sin [nv(t-·:. +t+c~)J.sin [~v(t+:1 -t+c~)]

E = 2E 0 sin [2nv (t- x ;:; ~c:•))l sin [~v (X ~~1• c :




Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Iva.nov


Bui c.=C,/I-P 2 sin 2 ~p-Vcos ~

C 2 = C,/1- p 1 sin 2 'II+ V cos~

Then vjc 2 ·X · COS<p

t'=, t-. l-P2


In the following chapter we shall describe acoustic experiment, confirming validity

of received laws. But there is a problem of transition from results of acoustic
experiments to electrodynamics. The problem is created by prospective distortion of the
understanding of the world, but in Maikelson's times there was not such sort problem.
If our ancestors can knew about compression of standing waves in acoustics, they can at
first make calculations for detection of compression of electromagnetic standing waves
at the realisation of experiment but not at the determination of a speed in Ether. Now
we understand the reason for the case when it is impossible to find out the compression
of electromagnetic standing waves. but about it hardly later. We shall not while speak
and about legit imacy of carry of results of acoustic experiments in the area of
electromagnetic waves, but we shall look after which consequence follows from t his

Experiment by Yu. Ivanov

At summer of 1990 a series of experiments with sound standing waves was conducted.
In experiments was authentically determined that for increase of wind speed concerning
stationary source of sound oscillations and mirror the compression of a pack~ge of
standing waves have place.

, ·',_.f\:()(X)

Q] .\ . ·. ,' 13
. :" ·.·.:'.- :·

;\ )\ '\_ \ .
. \ ;' \ .: .. / ·. : . I


Fig. 2. Situations with wind-less and strong wind are represented. Fig.3. Principal scheme of experiment

Copyr1ght ~ 1'}<)6 by Yu.:'l.lvanov


In windless weather between source I and the mirror 3 it was created a standing
wave ( experiments, as a rule, began in time before a thunder·storm ). With the help of
a indicator 2 a knot of a standing wave, that showed by a continuous line was fixed. At
occurrence of a wind it was fixed the displacement of a control knot in a direction of a
mirror 3. Observable effect is explained by means of compression of a package of
standing waves (compressed package showed by points).

Low -'FREQUe:,;..:.'(

Fig. 4. Block diagram of a device ust:d in experiments: I· sound generator; 2~ llJ.ultipli~:offrequency (*
4) serves for creation of a pilot-signal; 3- mixer; 4,8- dynamics; 5· micropbon~·for red?liiJig of a pilot -
signal; 6- dividers of frequency (:4); 7- regenerator of a base signal. . -~~· -~~'· -~
"_~~ >· """

In the experiment it was not principal thing what is the frequer{~y.~f a-: ~ecifying
generator, it was chosen such., tb~t ~he length was equal to I 0 ~I'Q. an.d <;li~t~ce between
dynamic and mirror was equalled to 70 meters ..At '- OCcurrenceof at..Wm'd·tlf~'deviation
of the knot in the direction of a mirror up to 5 em was fixed, that corresponded to
wind speed of the ·order of 30 km/h. There were more large deviations, but main result
of a series of experiments there was clear expressed; law • at occlirrence of a wind a
package of standing waves is compressed independently, whether wind is created ~long
a device, or in cross direction of it. · ·

Lorentz Transformations

In .1.895, in a year after a death of the Gentian Physics • ·experimenter H.Hertz,

Lorentz's transformations for co-ordinates were discovered. Lorentz, unlike Hertz,
belonged to group of the scientists, who try to find the alternate to a hypothesis of
attracted Ether for decision of a Maikelson's problem . For the sake of truth we shall
note, that the idea of reduction of the sizes of IM along a axis ~ was stated also by J.
Fitzjerald, but by Lorentz it was the certain theory, as has served ,as the reason of
assignment to· a transformations of a Lorentz's surname.

X- Vt
X, - r.---;;T
- vl-13 2
Y' =y
Z' = Z

t-V /c • x 2
tI --====--
- ~

H.Lorentz and his transformation

Copyrlght@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


But Lorentz has failed to decide a problem up to the end, and the theory put
forward to him was not only ;nsufficient, but also required for life-support of input of
new and new hypothesises. ~
Natural completion of inability of a science to ~xplain the reason of arisen dead
end. has become occurrence of the special relativity theory by Einstein ( SRT ).
Abrup,tly deal with idea of Ether A.Einstein has declared a speed of light by a world
constant, that is why, as other proposals has not appeared, scientific world, though and
not at once, but have accepted it.

Each knows. that it is always easier to think by backdating. But what is the place
of the error? If we on this question shall answer, at all us there will be hope leave from
crisis. but it will be for this purpose necessary to refuse from ordinary world
understanding, but many persons receive the salary in strength of this world

~· G'S'
D•----- ~~~~~on


A. Einstein and... relativity, which were learned to explain anything.

If closely look to Lorentz transformations and from their position to try to

explain the phenomenon of compression of a standing waves, it is found out that the
transformations conflict to the phenomenon. The contradiction consists that in a
moving system the compression of standing waves take place not only along a axis x,
but also at y-axis, and z-axis. and it is direct contradicts to a Lorentz transformations.
. .
Earlier we spoke that the standing wave underlies the standard of a length. If. by
virtue of-electromagnetic character for connection between molecules and atoms. to put
the compression of standing waves and compression of the sizes of the standard as
synchronous. we are obliged to recognise the invalidity of Lorentz transformations
because of their inability to describe the cross movemenr compression. If we are afraid
of declaration of faulty for Lorentz transformation, we are obliged to say, that there is
no any compression for standing waves in a nature.

Those, who was accustomed to Lorentz transformations and who has constructed
on their basis own career and representations about the world. will be defend it, or
bypass the discrepancy that was discovered here. Who will express desire to refuse from
ordinary world-understanding will go with us further.

The arisen contradiction is quite soluble- it is for this purpose. it 'is ~ecessary to
choose such transformations. which will be in complete accordance with discovered

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


Ivanov's Transformations

On today's it is established that the connections between elements of substance

(molecules and atoms ) have the electromagnetic - wave nature. If it so, in rough
approximation any material object can be considered as crystal lattice of
electro'magnetic standing waves, in knots of which1the elements of substance are placed.

a 6

Fig. 5. Physical sizes· or wave crystal lattice: a) At V=O for aU transfonnatio~; 6) At V:::;O.SC:PY Lorentz
C)At V =0.5 C by Ivanov. · ·

A vail ability of the· Ether create a situation, in which ·any change.of.:speed changes
the dynamics of wave processes, and in strength of this reason in elet't rom.agnetic
crystal lattice the distances between knots are changed. It forces elements of substance
to re-dislocated, i.e. to find a stable positions in a changed knots. Described process is
not only results to a natural transformation of a physical sizes, but also evidently
demonstrates the reason of reduction of the sizes. So, for increase of speed, the
between knots of a wave crystal lattice will decrease ·a nd body is compressed, at
reduction of speed the process take place in the opposite way - the body will
decompressed. -

X- Vt
X'::;- ,,
1- 132
y•::;y/JYi ...
t'=t- V/c ·X·cosq>
1- 132.

Yu. Ivanov and his transformation (photo of 1981)

But we have established that electromagnetic standing waves and internal force
connections of any material object ( IM also) have a common nature. It means. that
those and other in accuracy are subject to the uniform laws, therefore for case of
change of speed in the Ether they are reacting by a identical image - they are
synchronously compressed! But if the compression of standing waves and compression
of the sizes of a system in accuracy and coincide, there is no more logical step than to
put in the basis of

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


transformations of co-ordinates the real physical phenomenon - The COMPRESSION


Experiment of A. Maikelson

In 1881 year A. Maikelson designed the device, with the help of which he try to
find out the movement of the Earth relatively of the environment that filled the space -
Ether. In the basis 0f his calculation lay general belief about availability stationary
ether and Galilee transformation. · ·

The results received in experiments sharp differed from expected results: it was an
zero value. In othe:r words, it was not received any results, that is why in physics and in
the science crisis was formed the world-understanding vacuum. The wave of this crisis is
fo llow up to our. time In more than hundred years was made many work but question
on physical essence of the environmental world is misty for us as well as hundred years

Many scientists were beaten above a question, why interferometer of Maikelson

did not worked, but satisfactory answer was not found. Coming back to circumstances,
those·were the basis for SRT creation, it should especially emphasise, that in strength of
many non-understanded reasons nobody think to investigate the processes of
interferention for incoming (counter} waves on sites between translucent mirror 0 and
complete mirrors M, N.

C~eopo~ poMaaon ..Hor' HanpaaneHM

Ct=c'h-f sin'•- Vco•¥
C2 =C~ 1-': sin 2 • • Vcos¥
r,o,e J :.VfC C

Fig. 6. Interferometer of Mail<elson and scheme for calcufatioo of speed of light for any direction.

For the first time, on a data of the ~uthor, such analysis was made in 1981 and it
was shown, that there is other, earlier not considered explanation for negative results of
Maikelson's experiment. We shall stay on this item in more detail, therefore as from the
decision of this question depends the further fate of all earlier stated ideas. ·

Recalculation of Maikelson's experiment

Cvpyright © 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


We are addressed to the schematic plan of the interferometer


Fig. 7. The Sizes of moving interferometer were reduced according to Ivanov's transfonuations.

We shall calculate a time of a.course for a devided of a translucent mirror beam

for a site OM, assuming, that movement of interferometer take place with speed V in a
direction, specified by arrow:

' '
Let's make the same for the return direction MO:

But earlier we have established dependence of the physical sizes on speed anCi
orientation. For in parallel oriented arm this correlation will have a kind:

LaM=Lo ( 1-V2 I cz ), where Lo - size of a arm at V=O.

For perpendicularly oriented arm:

The complete time of movement of a beam along a axis x will be:

Ltn=toM + tMo=LoM I ( C-V) + LoM I ( C + V) =2 LoM I ( C ( I-V!l C 2 ))

But we have established, that LoM=Lo ( 1-V! I C! ), then ~tn=2 Lo I C

Let's make similar calculation for perpendicularly oriented arm ON.

The complete time of a course of a beam in this arm will be equal to:

LtJ.=2 LJ./ ( C ( l-V2 I cz) 112 , but L1=Lo ( 1-V!I cz) 112 , then ~tJ.=2Lo I C, from here
follows. that
· ~tn=~tJ.

Obviously, the calculation that don't requiring by ·a dditional hypothesises at any

speeds will give a zero difference and course of reams, and it 'is direct indication of the
invalidity of the idea of use of interferometria for detection of movement inside of the

CopyrisJlt ~ 1996 by


Obtained qualitatively new sight on transformations of the physical sizes and

realised means of formulas, and proof for it with the help of the geom'etrical analysis
and acoustic experiments, allow to find the reason, on which ~ell known relativity
theory has appeared so strong vital and working. By other words, if we shall to show
the relativity theory as a particular case of the classical Ether concept and for this case
we'll can use the Einstein's metho.dics, so we'll can understand the mechanic that always
lead to the same constant speed of light result and all doubt in legitimacy of a Ether
hypothesis wilt vanish. 1

We have difficult, but Interestin-g problem, in which, on the one hand, we shalt ruse
unknown earlier laws of the wave etherdynamics, on the other hand we'll use a
Einstein's methodics, that fonna!ly denying the Ether.
,. ·'.., .t '
Certainly we have decided this .probl~m, but we shall look after a course of the its
decision to m6'ke for A each- persoiP per-sonally convinced in law fonnulation of a
question and ·i'il· obtained result: n1 ·i ... -·

SRT as a particular case of the theory of Ether

The conclusions of the theory of relatfvity, especially when they concern to speed
of light, are confirmed in many experiments. Just experimental results have allowed to
this theory to be kept on the Olympia of a science for a long time. And all this time
there was an alternative for SRT theory - the theory of Ether, followers of which could
not explain the situation in science 'and to answer the niost main question: why the
speed of light does not desire to multiple and to be deducted with. the system that is
moving in environment. Really, whether it is possible seriously con9em.~o the CO,!lcept
of Ether, if it can not show the mechaniC -that lead' to similar' result - 't'o bdnsiant· of
speed of light?

Long time followers of the Ether struggled with relativists by intuition and they
had not having in a counterbalance of effective arguments. The arguments of etherists
were most various, down to the charge for relativists in deliberate falsification of
results. A main emphasis, as a ru·le. was ·made ·on 'experiment of Maikelson, so one
approved, that he contains a error in calculations, other approved that real results of
his experiments are ignored. :.1

But a question "Where is the,pl~ce of:a basic error in Maikelson's calculation?" it

was not received the answer. As to the charges in falsification of data, it should remind.
that in view of high stability interferometry it. is reali~ati·on of the standard ·of!a length.
and it is real for the Earth which constantly changes its speed in ether. The wish to
explain the contradiction lead to a hypothesis of attraction of ether by Earth: A unique
opportunity to explain anything was thus born!

It become possible to refuse from a hyp~thesis of attracted ether only after

discovery of the phenomenon of compression of standing of waves. The analysis 9f the
phenomenon with reference to wave intennolecular and atomic connections has given
understanding of a mechanics that lead to reduction of the physical sizes at a in Grease of
speed in ether. The teptacement to Lorentz transformations - i.e. the transfonnation of
physical sizes ( transfonnation by I~?nov) is found. ·

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


As far as I know, anybody has not shown, that SRT can be particular case of the
theory of ether. The decision of a problem of this class become possible only after
understanding of dependence of the physical sizes of a system on speed in ether.

Following to ordinary traditions let's name some consequences from

transformations by Ivanov:

I. In a system, moving relatively of ether with speed V, occurs real compression of the
sizes on an ·co·ordinate axes.

Quite naturally, that the observer, located in system together with standard of
lengih, has not a direci opportunity to detect any movement in ether, since as well as
standard, and he, and environmental
material object.s by virtue of its electromagnetic wave nature are compressed
synchronously and If subjective significance of the standard to
designate as Lo, we can wrote the formula for determination of a physical length of the

I - ~z
"t.;, •• L'= Lo -----------
...; I - ~~sin2<p
• ~ t ,"> I o

We have wrote common formula. changing a angle in this formula it is simply to

receive the dependence for parallel and perpendicular orientation of the standard:

For 0° : L'= Lo (1-~2)

It should be correctly understand. that in a moving system the subjective

dimensionality of the standard will be always constant, so it will be different from its
physical significance. Only at V=O the subjective and physical dimensionality coincide (
Lo=L' ). This moment is extremely important, that is why we a~e compelled to enter
concepts for subjective ( local ) and ph¥~~cal (jnstant ) distances.

2. If Lorentz's transformations for own life-support require the i~~roduction of slowing

down of a time, the transformations by Ivanov do not require in those. For a
illustration of the made· statement we shall take advantage all welt of known method -
thought experiment with use so named Einstein's clocks. We are addressed to a Figure
8: Lorentz Ivanov

L' =L. -~1-p2 __. t' =t
Fig. 8. Scheme for calculation of slowing dc;>wn of a time: a) by Lorentz; 6) by Ivanov

Copyright@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


We have considered two schemes for calculations that to have evident

representation about dependence of concept " rate of a course of time "from the choice
of transformations of co~ordinates. If by Lorentz the slowing down of a time is effected
by increase of a way of a signal, but by Ivanov this way always is constant and it is
reachep by .compression of the arm that is perpendicular to a movement. Such
statement of a question allow to state, that in a ideal the rate of a course of a time does
not depend on a speed of a system, so moving and motionless clocks are the same. We
shall accept this statemen·. as the second consequence from transformations by Ivanov.

So, we deal with system is moving in ether, the physical sizes of the system change
according to Ivanov's transformation. It is necessary to show, that the experimental
measurement of parameter " speed of light " is direct depends on choice of a
synchronisation way for clocks those are participating in the experiment. We shall study
two ways of synchronisation of clocks: 1. It is offered by Einstein. 2. It is based on a
conclusion about independence of a course of a time of speed.
1. Way of synchronisation by Einstein
Let we have a system, in which on distance Lo two clocks A and B (Fig. 9) are
installed. In a point 0 on distance Lo I 2 is placed a source, by means of the source we
shall make synchronisation of clocks. The methods of synchronisation of clocks is
exclusively simple and lead to start of clocks by means of a signal from a source 0.
We shall consider two variants: a) a system is motionless in ether; 6) a system is
moving with some speed V.
a) System is motionless.

.I l'=Lo
c c~
CJ ~

t f2J
Fig. 9. Scbeme of synchronisation for zero speed.
In this situation we have no objections against a elected methods ~ after start the
clocks really will be go synchronously show a identical time. But we shall describe
experiment. which we shall conduct and for V>O.

After a procedure of synchronisation of hours we should measure speed of light in

one direction. Just for this purpose and is necessary to make the synchronisation,
therefore as we are going with the help of a pair of clocks to fix a time of passage of a
light signal at first from A to B on clock B, and then from B to A by clock A .

tAB= Lo I C: taA = Lo I C

Copyright© 199ti by Yu.N.lvanov

In a considered situation there is no objections against the equality t,..a = ta,...

6) System is moving in ether with the speed V>O

lo I •


.. ;.'
rJ f rlrJ~ ~

... ,..;.s CIR.E STope .....

' . ,.


Fig. 10. Scheme of synchronisation for moving system, but sizes oftbe system are changed

In moving system that have speed V>O ( q>=Oo ) the physical distance between
clocks has changed and become equal to

L'=Lo ( 1- ~z)

The speed of a synchronising signal from 0 to B and from 0 to A will be:

C'oa=C-V, and C'o,..=C + V

Obviously, the time of movement of synchrosignals will be unequal. Synchrosignal

will reach clock A after toA = L " I ( 2 ( C + V )), and it reach to clock B after tos = L " I
( 2 ( C-V )).

There is a situation, in which we deal·with obviously desynchronised clocks. The

value of desynchronization will be

It means, that if we shall become to measure a time of movement of a si~al from

A to B by means of clock B. the value of a error will be equal to 1!\t. The same situation
take place if we shall measure a time of movement of a signal from B to A by means of
clock A. Let!s make the calculation: ··

True time of movement of a signal from A to B: tAB=L' I (C-V)=Lo(C+ V)IC 2

\ .
True time ofmovement of a signal from B to A: ts,..=L' I(C+V)=Lo(C-V)IC2

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


If we introduce the amendment for desynchronization of clocks, we shaH receive other


t "As=L' /(C-V)-LoV/C~=Lo/Ct""lA=L' (C+V)+LoV/C:!=Lo/C

Thus t"As=t"sA=Lo/C, and from here there is conclusion for value ofC=const.

Analysis of received resul s is direct specifies, that the methods of Einstein always
results in false result just in strength ofdesynchronization ofthe clocks are participating
in the experiments. In this connection there is nothing strange that the group of
scientists are rejected the ether do not know about reduction of the physical sizes and
synchronisation is believed to Einstein's methods and they will always come to the
conclusion about independence of speed of light from the movement of a system. We,
being guided by the Ether concept, have revealed a mechanics that lead to conceptual
error and have
shown the reason for self-supported SRT conclusions.

2) Synchronisation of clocks by Ivanov:

If the rate of a course of clocks does not depend on their speed in the ether. there is
nothing easier to synchronise clocks A and B by means of identical clock C that is
moving from A to B with constant speed.
A fTJ !rJ ~ H. is NOT wo~~tir(t

A .. [9


Fig. 11. Synchronisation by means of uniform cany of clock.

To be convinced of correctness of synchronisation, it is necessary .to make the

check that is realised in return order, but for already working clocks.

Now, if the synchronisation has managed. it is possible to begin determination of

own speed in ether. For this purpose it is necessary to fix the time of movement of a
signal from A to B and on the contrary. If a difference in measurements is detected, we
can to substitute obtained values in the reasonably simple formula to fmd ~he value of
own speed relatively of ether:

V=C ( lAB-tsA )/( lAs + tsA ) - this formula is true only for q> =0°

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


In this chapter is shown interesting analysis of main postulate of SRT from a

positi~n of the Ether concept. But arises more interesting question: How we must to
consider the result of Maikelson's ~periment that is main relativistic trump. What is
proved by this experiment?

If Maikelson can knew abou.t comP.ression of standing waves, as well as of a wave

nature of substance, he just .must say: " Evrika! I .has found out, that not only standing
WaVeS but alSO my interferometer are C0rppressed also! II

Live standing wave

This effect was found out after discovery of compression of standing waves. Means
of the phenomenon is simple: as soon as we cre~te a difference of the frequencies a
standing wave at once is vanish, but in exchange we deal with moving energy in a
direction of an oscillator t.h at have smaller frequency .
.. : #

. ..~ ..·~ ; . :..

, I• ., •


Fig.l2 Uve standing wave

There is interesting point here that we for the first time collide with concept of
speed of a current of energy. The sense of concept " speed a current " is reasonably
simple and mustrated by means of action: observer should move in a direction of
movement of energy with a similar speed. As soon as speed of the observer is become
equal to the speed of a current of energy, he will see, that in parallel with him quite a
normal standing wave is moving. It means, that a live standing wave can be observed in
one unique case - in the case of the same speed of the observer movement and wave
movement in the space. We have represented this situation on a drawing, as well as has
resulted and formula, on which, from a known frequency difference, it is possible to
determine the speed of a live standing wave, and on main sense- the speed of a current
of energy.

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


We once more will return to discussion of this phenomenon, for just the
arrhythmia can to open the light on questions of energy, force, inertia, and on the
gravitation, sure.

It is proposed to consider the Rhythmo-dynamics as a new section of a science
that study rhythms of particles, their change and interactions. In a consequence there is
a possibility to create any kind of motion by means of artificially created and con trolled
phase correlation and frequency arrhythmia of a system.

For each point of a system is put in conformity the oscillator. Its vibration are
characterised by frequency, amplitude and other characteristics of a rhythms. Rhythms
are changed in interaction with environment. We have entered term of "rhythm" for
some particular purpose - to absolutize the frequency. The fact is that when material
objects of a system are falling in the specific areas of the space, they are adjusting
according to changed conditions by means of change of own frequency. But there is
not any way to find this changes those take place in all parts of the system if observer is
being inside of the system. But from the point of view of observer, who placed outside
of the system, for example, the reduction of own frequency of the system can be
recognised as slowing dqwn of a time. However such sort slowing down can be
explained by reduction of rhythm or slowing down of the rate of life of a system.
Therefore speaking about rhythms we have in view the absolute frequency, like for
absolute observer for which laws of our system are not distributed.

But we should understand. that only acceptance of a position of the absolute

observer, who is capable to see evei{t. in instant reflection, allows us to understand the
occurring. Transition to real frame of references, to real observers, inevitably lead to ·
distortion of a view of real occurring, and we are obliged constantly .to remember
about! Knowledge of discrepancy of subjective view with real occurring will allow to a
science to get rid of dangerous illness - egocentrism.

With occurrence of a computer facilities have changed a ways of study of the

phenomena of a Nature. To. one of such ways concerns visualisation of a wave
processes, that is enabling not only to facilitate labour of the researcher at hard
geometrical constructions, but also to recover. multiply processes. A evident example of
efficiency of visualisation has become discovery of unknown earlier phenomena -
deformation of interferention fields. named as "spider-effect". Furth~r study of this
unique and at the same time obvious natural phenomenon h~s resulted in idea of
~reation of a new scientific direction- RHYTHMODYNAMICS.

The necessity of creation of a science about movement that is differ from Newton
~Iechanics, is well justified in work of A.F.Cherniaev. In general, Newton and his
followers have failed theoretically to justify the reason of movement as process. So far
, not cle~rly, why, by means of which internal processes occurs the movement of bodies
- in ether, in physical vacuum or in emptiness ? At the decision just these questions and is
aimed the rhythmodynamics.

Cop>:right@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov

- -------------------------

Let's show the example, which is direct concerns to rhythmodynamics but for
macrolevel and it allow for us to understand the notion of "arrhythmia" more clear:
Let's assume that actions take place at the absence of force of friction. Let we are
placed in the boat and we intend to throw simultaneously and contradirectionally two
equal mass stone . If we throw them equally, the boat wilt remain 'o n a place. But what
must be occur, if we at first throw one· stone, and after some time we'll throw the
second? , I .,. ,
,__ .. '

Fig. 13 Illustration to a example

For a period between throws the boat made the shift, for example, on t 00 meters.
Does it mean.s that after second throw the boat sho.uld return to a initial situation and
to stay? Is. certainly, and there is the. decision, when the boat will stay,.· but even if it
will stay, we can to use delay in a time ~etween throws to move boat on 100 meters. If
we shall repeat a procedure, we shall be move it on new I 00 meters and it provided for
the case when in both sides were throwed identical quantity of substance! If this process
is infinite in a time, if it take place without mass expense and it is accelerated in million
times, the movement of boat in the spacr s~ems like miracle for us.

It looks as if, the movement, a~ ph)'sical action, is always:integrated to temporary

delays quite certain interma~ter pt:ocesses. Means, something nol)-underst;mding by us
occurs in depths of the matter, something very simple, that is-. 'why mysterious. The
visualisation help here "to slow down" a time. Besides I with reliance speak, that in a
arsenal of a science was made enough researches, to realise and to justify the reasons of
movement, but shift of world understanding is necessary to make us combine apparent
to incompatible and to see things cle~rly.
. : • . '· d '
The· first step to the d.e((jsion of a question of the reason of m,ovement on inertia
has become the discovery of the phenomenon of compression of standing waves with its
subsequent research. Many science officers try not notice this discovery, and they are
typed of ignorance and state: "We do not trust. because of we do not see! ", with
discovery of spider-effect they can not make it. All deal is in next: the mentioned effect
does not depend on a system of sights. whether it be quantum mechanic, n-dimensiona1
physics or relativism, that is why the spider-effect take a place to be in all listed .
concepts. But most main is that spider-effect by a remarkable method can be visualised.
Observing of occurring by means of own sight or with application of videotechnics
anybody can not to say, that he does not see, so the times of deliberate blindness are
fi nished in a science.

. ' • ••
In the present work we make the reference to known Messbauer effect, which we
do not discuss at the moment, but we bring up to information that some experiments
with his participation specify on direct dependence of a frequency condition of objects
on a distance up to a centre of the Earth. In this sense it is supposed, that the Earth, no

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


less than other objects, have around of self so named rhythmodynamical potential, that
is decreased with a distance. In a system of coherent oscillators placed in a operative
range of this potential, there is the frequency destabilisation ( arrhythmia), which
results to occurrence of spider~effect.
~s to primary oscillators those probable are a least elements of a substance, we,
understanding the hypothetical scheme, give them by one unique property - inborn
vibration. We as believe, that separate oscillator has not such sort properties, as weight,
inertia, charge and these properties arise immediately, if we have deal with a system
from two or more oscillators. r ·· ·

It is very important to find the decision of a question of the physical reason of

vibrations, which determine the frequency of o~cilla,tors and ~ve for them the energy
for it. From the decision of this question it will depend our view on a substance and
accompanying its phenomena.
We shall assume, that primary oscillator is inflow of the ether, and the movement
of ether in this inflow is produced by a difference of pressure inside of ~he Universe
and outside of it, and it is the reason of vibrations. It means, that while there is a
difference of pressure, so and current of ether, substances that is a set of elementary
inflows, take a place to be. But as soon as the pressure will be balanced, the current of
ether will be stopped, so substance will fade. In this variant the material world
observable by us is mortal. The balance of pressure is equal to the true end of light.

Assuming a reality of primary oscillators, it was resolved to consider at first th~

primary interactions between them, and than to consider the interactions between
groups of oscillators (particles ). It should remember. that the character of interactions
between a particles will always differ from similar interactions between oscillators by
the reason, that the particles. being stable sets of oscillators already have properties of
weight, inertia, charge.

* .. *
It should not be afraid of intrusion in difficulty understanding, inaccessible to our
devices and main bodies of feelings, depth of the world, and we always will have a
chance to learn about this world more, and having learned -to run in it. Good luck to

Interferention and Arhythmy

It is written much about interferention and on the first sight can be shown, that this
important natural phenomenon is investigated very well. However it far from so. We
shall consider two cases: 1. Frequencies of source~ are equal; 2 Frequencies are
different from each other.
1) The frequencies of sources coincide.
That the discussion was more subject. we are addressed to drawings, on which are
represented standard figures for coherent oscillators those have not the phase shift:

Copyright© 1996 by Y1.N.Ivanov

Fig. 14. V=O V>O
For presentation we shall simplify figures and we shall display.' only node lines. We
shall consider case, when .tpe phase shift of oscillators is equal to ' iero for any speed.

. '!

U= e U= taeaa u::; zeeoo

Fig. IS. Sources are coherent. The defonnation is obvious.

The occurrence of a additional node line testifies to deformation of fields.

Calculations shows, that the deformation lead to reaction and the vect-Or of reaction is
always directed to make the deceleration of movement up to V=O. In· strength of this
reason in the cas~ of absence of phase shift there is no any talk about any inertial
movement; the system will have constant deceleration, and for higher speed the reaction
is more higher also! ' ·
We shalrconsider other case, in which in accordance with increase of speed there is
the phase shift. We_shall not while consider at shift of phases, this question not from
simple, but we ascertain. that the phase ratio varies automatically. lf we spent some
energy for change ,(>(~· phase ratio we ascertain. that re~urn process ~des not occur. also
deformatipn·,?/• iljJ~~erentional fields is absent. Alsq the re.action'.~_o-.. ~eceleration is
absent, a~ d. any a~tt¢srnpt to decelerate the movement results m reactron :.of other sort,
that is callcid•as ineftja. ·
~· .~ ; •.• ,_'· 4 •• f ~.
.. ~ ~\

: . ;I ; ! ·~
l (~J.y .
' T-
: T----1---+-r

U= teaae IJ::; zeaee

Copyright@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


'But what we must to do in the case if the unifonn movement is without fail
integrated to a difference of phases, but the difference of phases is impossible without
movement? It is impossible here to speak, what is primary, rather the speech is about
dualism, about indivisible interrelation. It should however understand, that conclusions
made by us are true only at availability of the third components - real enviro!lment!
Experience of the previous generation has shown, that absence of a particular canier of
a waves without fail results to problems in a situation and to a subsequent loss of
mutual understanding.

The most simple and wide distributed way of reception ofphase shift in bodies is a
external act, that is varying the velocity. If we are changing a speed of a system, we
change a phase ratio, so there is a probable return effect - the shift of phases within of a
system should change its speed.

2) The frequencies of sources are various.

So, we have established, that the constant shift of phases oscillators is by the
unique reason of non-forced movement of the system with constant speed. Does the
mode of movement will change, if we shall become constantly increase shift of phases,
that itself will be observed by us, as change of frequency? But let's disclose all things
step by step. ,

So, we slightly change a frequency of one of sources and we look, what is the
reaction for it from the point of the interferention field: ... ,
'1Yron (0"- 3&8"):
dTaKH =e
' ..... ..

Fig. 17. V=O. Frequency of left-hand oscillator is more, than right one.

There is the surprising phenomenon, named as spider-effect in strength of the form

of the lines (spider- in translation from English).
We already mentioned a live standing wave, arising at availability of difference of
frequencies between interacting sources. The standing wave is obliged to arrhythmia
between oscillators, that lead to tran~fer of energy from a source with greater frequency

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


to a source with smaller frequency. Also we have found mathematical reflection of

speed of a current of energy, t hat is the same like the velocity of live standing wave. But
time comes, and we pass from consideration of one-dimensional process to two-
dimensional, and then we'll move to three-dimensional. However we shall not hurry
and shall cqnsider some properties of a live standing wave for one-dimensional model.

Velo~ity of a current in wires ·••..

Let us take two generators of a variable electrical curren~ , jo.inted in a uniform
energy-system by wires. To make it simple let's look the process that. i~. occurring only in
one wire. If the frequency of generators is identical, there is no talk abouJ. any
movement of energy in a wire since we have so called standiQg wave. -_. · ,~ ,, .,, 1
.. " .:r . , .~ .,. i ': .; ,,. ~~ •\ .~


..: ....

Fig. 18. Between equal frequency sources there is no transfd: of energy.

. . . :,

To observe desired movement of energy, for example from A to B, it is necessary to

reduce the frequency of a generator B. As the frequency of B will decx:ease, standing
wave become to move from A to B with velocity. V,-~ and we, if shall become to move
with this velocity and in thi~ direction, can see so called live standing wave. For rest
observer (motionless observer) all proc~ss looks as:a: curre.ntl'in a Wir e, for the moving
observer there is no any current in a wire. : ·' :
Obviously, that if we can define the .velocity·of live standing wave, we'Jl have
defme so called velocity of energy current for motioruess observer, that is the same. By
analysis of a formula we confirm, that in this situation -the velocity of a current depends
only on a artificially created difference of frequencies. So, for example, if the difference
between frequencies from A and B will be equal to I Hz (vA=SO Hz, v8 =49 Hz), the
velocity of a current of energy will be equal to 3030 ~m/s, and at a frequency difference
0.001 Hz the speed of a current wiJl ,be •equid '<tO' 1 km/s. It means, that if we shall
become to move in a direction of a current' of energy 'With velocity of 3 km/s, we'll draw
level with velocity of a current in a wire, that is why it have not any sense for us, as a
symbol of energy transfer. · ..
• r
:· ·: r . . ..... - -··vA>.va .
. -+ ~
'!. VE=C(vtv2)/(v1+v2) :§{

) .. I,
.r , · ~:• ,· ; ,
Cop)'right @' 1996 by Yu.N.ivanov

The statement that velocity of a .ourrent of energy can be changing over a wide
range, easily to check up. For this purpose it is necessary to make the experiment, in
which the frequency of generators should be much higher, for example, 600 MHz. For
such value of contradirectional.frequencies in a wire there will ·be a standing wave by a
length of 0.5 meters. We have accepted so high frequency only that to facilitate the
process of the control by the velocity of moving of control knot. If we shall change ( we
shall reduce) frequency of a generator A on 1 Hz, the control knot of a standing wave
will become to be moved on a wire from A to B with velocity whole 0.25 m/s. But if for
motionless observer such sort movement is perceived, as the current of energy, for
moving observer who have the velocity 0.25 M/s in a direction A, a current of energy
will be absent. If we shall wish to reduce velocity of a current of energy up to 0.125 m/s,
the frequency of a generator B should be differ from A on 0.5 Hz.

The Fig. 20. Running observer sees other picture.

On a considered example we have found out, that arrhythmia between sources
actuates energy, and velocity of a current of energy depend only from a difference of
frequencies. It should make the difference between a velocity of a current and velocity
of carry of the information about the beginning of movement of a current, which is
spreading in a wire with light speed.

Spider- effect .in movement

The difference of spider-effect from staF.dard interferentional figure is in the fact:

the symmetry of lines of maximums and minimums is infringed, and the lines are closed
in ring structures. It is interesting that the spider-effect does not depend of motion of ... .
sources or motioi11ess sources in environment.

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


From study of a various variants of movements some interesting fonns of a

interferentional fields were found out. So, for example, if two coherent sources are
flying close each other, arise the interferentional' vortexes~

Fig. 22

If two sources leave from a common centre with identical velocity, the picture of
interference becomes similar on electrical and magnetic force lines:
. IIDI/11/I/I/HIU//////,


Copyright C 1996 by Y'l.N.Ivanov


It is rather interesting that for accelerated movement of a cohe(en.t oscillators we

have·again the spider-effect:

Fig. 25

Listed and many .6~her variants were consid~red by detailed way, that allow to us the
right to assert: spider-effect is universal phenomenon, it works at all levels of matter
organisation and it occurs everywhere, where there are waves and frequency difference
of irtteTaQting oojects.

~ Accelerated self-movement and third condition of a rest

. If force / s n?t acting t~ the bod§~the' bo~y is in· a rest stat~ or in a re~tilinear ~nd
umfonn move,m.entlstate. But we know: that rn a field of gravity the freely droppmg
body also is tn eonditi~n of rest?! A q~es,tf<m take th~ place: What is cha·racteristics of
a "rest state'·' , )Vhat ph:ysical · roe~ns·,qftllis sate? · '
J • r. . , I. ~. , ~ •.: .. r' . . . . •

In strength of tHe c~rlosity· to thj~...-~e'cy interesting questi~:m we ha~e· tried to find

out, which internlll processes allow to freely accelerated falling body and body that is
motionless ~xis.t in . id-entical (!. ) condition of rest, and have found out not only
similarity or-these proc.~sses. but also the~i' integra! connection with reaction ( inertia ),
arising at infritlgem~nt of~ created mode·of movement.
In the d:>~sideration of a behaviqur of interferentional fields in a system of
coherent sources, we notice between them SUI?rising stability only in tWO cases: when
sources are motionless in environment, and when they are moving in regular intervals
and rectilinearly. But for the case of a regular :Oterval movement there is the need in a
fixed shift of phases; the absence of this sfllft will always result in self-braking of a
system. Noter for more higher velocity: ' tn ether, the shift of, phas~ ,must be more
\ ~ ... ; \\
strong. _
~ . t .. t •:
- '\. \! .
We already spoke, that the shift of phases occurs in a period of•actib~.
tl I
that change
the velocity of a system, as well as about reaction to it, i.e. about in'er.tia.iBtit in this case
the shift of phases and· acceleration $ire conner.ted among themselve~ ':'ifp aqcelerate the
body we spend the energy for ch-ange of its phls~ state. Anybody ~~d·.~,M ;ee yet how it

CopyrigHt@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov ,.


occurs, but the developed method of geometrical visualisation permits to . execute

multiplication viewing.

As soon as we create the arrhythmia or accelerate sources, instantly there is

deformation of fields of interferention (fig. 17 and fig. 25) , i.e., more correctly to say
"rolling of iriterferentional line.~ in a ring structures". But except of a deformation
occurs the current of energy, similar to considered in the chapter" Velocity of a current
in wires ". By other words, field of interferention begins to displace inside of a system of
sources with velocity and in a direction are determined by acceleration or by size of a
arrhythmia. Here we consider the current of wave energy from a source of greater
frequency to a source of smaller frequency. But there is a question: how a system of
rigid connected sources will react on a inner arisen current of wave energy?

The decision of a problem about constant arrhythmia sources, has allowed to

answer on this question: the system will be tend to a internal rest state, which is
possible only at accelerated movemmt in a direction of a current of energy. . '

But if not here the person who will give to this system a necessary acceleration for
stabilisation of internal processes, so what happen with this system? If the system will
remain in a initial condition. we are obliged to ascertain occurrence of internal
deformation, called by current of energy. But this state is unprofitable for a system.
that is why other possible variant is considered: a system must try leave from
deformation and it is compelled be self-moving with acceleration. We shall consider this
question in more detail.

Paradox of the third state of rest

Let we have two flat oscillators in a state of arrhythmia. Frequency of oscillator I

is more, than frequency of oscillator 2 ( vl > v2 ). Let's assume that oscillators re-emit
waves dropping on them practically lost -free. Let's divide the space on three areas A, B
and C. We make it that to evaluate a power state of a system and state of a
environmental space.

. -.. -.......... - -- - ~; --- . -.. ~~ >~ '.J,_

·- --.-~--~~~--rl·----
---- ------;
~:~ ~-~::;,-
.: -
@. .·· £-f-£:z. ~ . ·. .
·-·A-------·· <·------ -- - ~ -"-'f!it..... ::·: ______ @. __

Fig. 26

From analysis of a situation we see, that the sum of energies, are emitted by
oscillators in the area A is equal to similar sum for area B: LE 12=LE21 • It speaks that the
system radiates equally in both parties.

Cop}Tight@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


We sh·all consider occurring inside of a system. If E, > E:2. the transfer of energy
from 1 to 2 take place: LE=E,-E::! .

.. It is interesting situation. To the left and to the right the system radiates identical
quantity of energy, that is why we can not speak about external pulse that is capable to
result a system in movement. But we simultaneously see, that between sources I and 2
there is a current of energy. which, basically, can create a real difference of pressure
inside a system. But then we have: r·
1. If to assert that the arisen situation can not be the reason of movement, we are
obliged to recognise the paradoxality of a situation - there is a gradient of pressure. but
there is no a movement.
2. If to accept the statement, that the arisen gradient. of pressure lead to self-movement
of a system, there is inevitable conflict with well- known school postulate about
impossibility of creation of additional movement by means of inner forces.

We can not accept a situation 1, otherwi&e the reason of fly on air baBoons and
spaceships becomes not clear.
To accept a situation 2 we shall justify the case that took place with baron
Munkhauzen, when he having got in bog, dragged out him-self by own hair. But here it
should be reminded, that so ca11ed UFOs for a long time have already · realised a
question. which is without fail decided by- simple way. and for a long time already
demonstrate to us their skills to operate by a pnase-frequency state of flying vehicles.

It was considered a long time, that it is impossible to make the system move
(specially - to move in accelerated mode) by means of internal forces. Our analysis
disprove the erro~ it is directly specifies to unique natural situation, ip. which the
accelerated self-movement of bodies occurs exclusively by means of internal ap::hythmia,
that create the energy current. It is enough to recollect the example with the twat: The
passengers of boat throws the stones in the different parties. This rough ex~Jmple
permits explain by analogy any movement by means of pulsation those are created by
shift ofphases.

This state of a system rather unusually and c::.msequently. because of a beginning of

accelerated self-movement is instantly accompan:ed with creation of difference of sums
of radiated energies - to right. according to Doppler effect, the system begins to radiate
less, than to the left, but it is correct only for ol)server who is moving together with a
system, that is why he see the illusion of occurrence of a pulse. But we are <;>bliged to
remember, that in a situation. when ;;he system w1s kept by us (V=O ) and we had only
inner force, any idea about radiated -~cess pulse was absent.

By analysis of situations are connected with a artificial and with natural

arrhythmia, has shown. that the current of energy inside of a system can be stopped in
only one unique case - at accelerated movement of a system in a direction of a current ·· I
of energy. It means, that for fixed system we always shall be have a current that cause
internal deformation (tension) and it is evident about action of a force. However we
shall always observe abs~nce of surplus of radiation in any party. But as soon as the
system will free of a fixation af!.d it become freely accelerated self-movement system, the
tension and deformations disappear. but occurs some excess radiation, which can be
accepted by mistake for a pulse of force.

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


So, disappearance of any sort of forces we always connect to ~ condition of rest. If

observer will be placed inside of self-accelerated sy~tem, he ascertams absence of ~ffects
compulsory for accelerated movement, and if he will have not..a oppox:umty to
compare, he can not to differ whet her he moves by accelerated, recttlmear or m regular
intervals way or he do not moves at all. In this sense the accelerated self-movement of a
system is unknown earlier third condition of rest .


" Why in one case force make action on a body and it is accelerated and is thus
deformed?. and at free fall of a body in vacuum the acceleration is present. but
deformation is not present? Whether it means, that for accelerated fall the force named as
gravitation is absent since the deformation is absent? This question w~s opened for
many researchers of a gravitation.

Earlier we have established, that the reason of accelerated movement is not should
be external force as a rule and real reason can be an arrhythmia. Does the arrhythmia in
the case that is connected with gravitation is the reason of accelerated free fall? You
can see that just for free accelerated fall the body does not have internal deformations!

Study of the third condition of rest, that is achievable in accelerated self-

movement, permits us to assume, that there is not the gravitation in the nature, but
there are some conditions, and for such sort conditions any body fall in the state of
auto-arrhythmia. If this state really is the reason of free fall of bodies on the Earth, a
direction of fall say to us, that near to a surface the frequency of oscillators those are
filled the body should be a little less, than,at a som·e height from the Earth surface. If to
refuse from existing und~rst~ilding.. of the ~ossbauer effe<(~ and accept the other its
understanding, the experi!'tients on its basis really confirm the availability of
dependence of a frequency c.o ndition of a body from height of the body position over a
surface of the Earth. In this sense the Mossbauer effect can serve as a detector of
rhythm condition of s~bstance in near-Earth space.

So, is the affinity of the Earth influences own frequency of body osciJJators? It
looks as if on! For oscillator that is closer to surface something acts to it more stronger
and reduces its frequency. Is therefore the coherent oscillators are placed in different
distances from the Earth, begin to oscillate with different frequencies? But in this case
the frequency difference arisen between them, inevitably results in a movement of their
own interferentional field. As a result of such movement inside a system there is a
difference of wave pressure, and vector of this pressure is directed to a centre of the
Earth. ~~~ ~~~
. !Iron ataxH ce•-36G• ); •= 98 ~ SP·IDEJl- effek1
~ ~ . ~

Copyright@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov



Offered by us simple explanation of the reason of gravitation does not contradict

to a common sense. but in opposite, it opens a mechanics that effect to body tends to
each other.

If gravitation is not a force, but some conditions those are provoking occurrence of
arrhythmia, so what is the physics of processes, those lead to phase-frequency
destabilisation? This question was studied with special detailed and the answer was
· Set of radiatlons-Qf a body of the Earth create in environmental environment of
Earth a background •of a wave . pulsations. The density of these pulsations is
proportional to quantity of oscillators, i.e.· it is proportional to weight, and it
decreases with ·distance. External body that have got in background media feel its
influence, which is expressed as change of frequencies of oscillators of a body. Change
of frequency is more for more dense wave background, so for some distance between
oscillators inevitably occurrence of'a gradient:' of frequencies - i.e. the arrhythmia.
f, - · '
. ...
~ ~ ...
T~;,. osc.~ll~to~ ~~~ . ·~-:·~· - :;·~~-
...oR~ ~REE. OF A

.• ..
.. .

Fig. 28. In different places of a rhythm-dynamical media -pf a planet the oscillator have different

: . Th.e effect of change of frequencies is well known and especially brightly displays
. self in area of a biological objects. In more detail fonn on the phenomenon we shall tell
in new book.

Now, speaking about gravitation. it should be understand, that there is no such

sort force of att~actio.n .. but there is a b(\ckground wave of pulsation that we intend to
name as rhythm-dynamical environmental of a planet. Just a wave background create
illusion of a gravity force by means of arrhythmia creation, and gradient change of a
body rhythm inevitably results in change 'of its dynamics. A body, that feet action of a
rhythm-dynamical fields, have deal not with a force from the outside, but with natural
push act itself in the area of smaller rhythm. ·

Gravit.~tional spid~r

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivmov


_,, ..

When the picture of interferention that demonstrate a . process of a currenr of

energy in a field of a wave background (gravitation) was for the first time received.
there was a idea: Instead of whether places spider on a web in a place like for received
model? I had not a shadow of doubts that in nature should be just so. The found out t ·
concurrence was confirmed - spider, really, places on a web always by a head h
downw'ards. if a web is vertical. certainly. But in this connection there was other
question: Whence at spider have such similarity with interferention picture? Why j~st
spider, instead of other one? ·
Has in due course occurred and answer, but most interesting waited for us ahead:
What if the mythology ancient painting contains info rmation about processes th'ose' we
discovered~ Are we are not first, but our an-cestors knew it, but th ey failed to !Ceep
knowledge in hands in strength of some global disaster~

Has not passed and a finle days. and confirmation were found. Fluently looking
through a various sort books it was found out, that: .
- American Indians have a story about Human - Spider, his web connects the worlds' of
sky with Earth;
- Confidential schools of India present some Gods. who works on creation of the
Universe, as spiders are making•the web, that connects the world of light and world of
dark. The builders of a space system, who connect the Universe with Invisible Force,
have name of Gods- Spiders. and head of them - Great Spider.

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.:~anov

!124-· .
Well, and last drop, leaded us into delight, were photos of Brahma, Sh1va and
Vishnu. True it was like storm sound of the clear sky. We have put beside photo of
Brahma, the image of spider and computer listing of spider-effect and have realised a
sense of this comparison. Outside of any doubt we have met with a sensation, the
importance of this fact is infinite. But main in this event was that we have strengthened
our belief in correctness of a chosen direction qf researches. Just in this period the idea
to name the phenomenon, occurring near to Earth, -gravitational SPIDER has come,
but were and other variants, for example, BRAHMA- EFFECT.

Process, those created galaxies, stars, planet, living organisms and human
including, has managed without strict mathematics and physical concepts and sizes.
But only then we, the people, trying to understand occurring, to be adapted for it, have
become to assign for phenomenons the names and to measure their in KGs, meters
and seconds. So there was a science, that dive a opportunity to run in energy of atom.
go in open space, to visit nearest to us a planet, as well as it create super complex and
difficult, dead end theory of world system, and this science now have not a possibilities
to make itself clear.

Just that to remove a science from dead end, we make a emphasis on visualisation,
that does not require special knowledge for understanding of the process. We see - and
we understand.


If we shall put material object on weight-machine, the measure of its aspiration to

continuation of a movement will be shown. In this connection a problem was
formulated: What it is necessary to change in this object, to reset its aspiration to
movement, and compensate the weight - action?

Now the decision of such problems is not represented as difficult, therefore as for
us connection between weight and size of arrhythmia is known.

Let's use geometrical visualisation as by a way of the decision, that allow to bypass
the application of mathematics. N atural . ~rrhythmia corresponds to normal weight of
object ( fig. 30 a). The absence of ···~rrhythmia means absence o,f movement of
interferentional fields. It is expected, that .the object, located in ~ai:iftony with own
intereferentional field, will lose its -.yeight ·( fig. 30 6). If our me~h~nie~. is judgementl
the further change of a parity~of frequencies will lead to movement, ~.nterferentional ot.
fiel~s in a direction from the: Earth. According with the theory~: t&,~correct arisen,ir
deformation it- is possible only in accelerated self-movement · follow to upwards··
interferentional spider. Does it is Antigravitation that was so long' time Jhe topic for
dreams of scientists. designer. fantasy writers and many simple peo'ple (fig. 30 )? :
..... .
..·· .-
. ?('-
. . ... ~·

• . .

• #

,... ••. ........
... . . ...
, ~· .~

. ···· ~
...... ..-
""'-'.:=-ro.-.. - •" • •.. . • •'
..•. •

...... '··· . l
...· ••

• •~

Copyright @) 1996 by Yu.N.Ivar.ov


We now know, that it is necessary to change for obtain the antigravitational forces,
but we can not ma,ke it. But we found the decision for movement in material medium,
(or exa~ple, in a water. For this reason we have begun desjgning of the devjce, that is
capable to be moved· wi~)lout conventional oars, screws and propellers. But there is ~he
unverified information, that such sort experiments were made by some researchers

It is mor.e- easy' to us~ spider-effect in material medias instead of ether, the

developed "toy" will become the first in the world prototype of an flying saucer. Soon,
after first its tests, it will -created first space vehicles, those will be faster similar on the
first wings, those human has appljed, to be teared off from the Earth. Also now we see,
that in a Nature exist without-expense ways of taking of energy, but it is the future of
Earth civilisation, and now we know how to reach it.

The levitation

The abiliiy of spirit to influence on rhythms of a body is known long time ago. But
if we change rhythms of a body we influence spirit. We don't know yet, what is a spirit,
what it is its nature. but we have established, that a link between spirit and substance
are vibrations.

From a consideration of the reasons are causing the gravity, we have established,
that change of a p~ase-frequency ratio is capable to lead to loss of weight. We have not
found the mechanic for non-spiritual matter, but we know, that organism of the human
have such sort mechanics inside of itself.
'· 'i \ •

.. ··..



Fig. 31. Human in three conditions. Are shown simple pictures ofinterferention.

Cop)'right © 1996 by Yu.N.lvanov


More hundred of examples are described in history, confinns that levitation is

objective ability of the human, aware or not to influence c;m a change of own weight. If
we are understanding the mechanics of a loss of weight, all we need is analysis of
circumstances those cause talented persohs to levitate and to try to reproduce
conditions for this purpose.

It should be however make clear, that there are more or less talented persons in this
ability. But if one person have ability to levitation, just to aware levitation that can be
repeated, the mass development of unusual, but.·inborn property of organism will
become learned.

Fig. 32 A magnet above(over) superconductive cap. t
We do not know yet which of directions will be realised first - levitation or the
change of weight for technical vehicle. But we think that we are on a threshold of a new
era of development of a civilisation. The intuiti:>n sense on some events are waiting for
us say, that many of us at the life time will become the witnesses of development of new
ways of movement in the space. We express hope, that a aspiration .to be understanding
will attract to our party all people, who really desires to learn any truth about the
world, that we so long and non-effective study.
Main concepts

Compression of a standing wave - discovered in 1981 as a result of theoretical research

of wave equations for moving in media system "source - mirror''. It is shown, that the
movement in media changes dynamics of waves, does no_t infringe -integrity of a
standing wave, but effect on its main parameter- on. ~istance between knots of standing
wave. The dependence of a length of a stan~ing wave from velocity is the next: for
increase of velocity the distance between knon is reduced, that as a whole results to
compression of a package of standing waves. , 1
The live standing wave - is a consequence of transition from moving to motionless
system. Any moving sources can be replu:ed on motionless under condition of
preservation of lengths of interferenting waves. The laws of interferention of
conu:adirectional waves are _next: indepenantly from a frequency difference of a

Copyright@ 1996\1 Yu.N.Ivanov


motionless emitters it is always possible to find the velocity and for this velocity a
standing wave will be observed.

Velocity of a current in wires - different opinions on a question of a velocity of a

current have resulted in desire to make this question more clear. If to connect the
movement of energy with a gradient. of a frequencies, arising on the ends of a wire that
connect source and consumer, it is quite possible to compare concept " speed of a
current" with concept "speed of a live standing wave ". So, to determine a current of
energy we have the right to use the formula for determination of a velocity of a live
standing wave.

Spider,;effeot - infringement of a geometry of interferentionat fields, caused by a

di_fference of frequencies of sources (-arrhythmia). The phenomeno'it is charact.erised by:
t'·- rolling of node lines of interferention in ring structures; _
2 - unidirectional movement of interferentional fields in a interval between sources.
T-he vel os;i~y of movement of interferentional fields is determined by the same formu la,
like a velocity of a live standing wave . >i

Condition of rest - mode of movement, in this mode a system have not internal
pressure. It is supposed, that any internal pressure (tension) is directly connected with
infringement of interferentional geometry of a system. There is three condition of rest
(as a minimum three). :··
First condition is system of coherent sources, are motionless relatively media.
Second condition of rest is observed at uniform movement in media, but for
maintenance of const'ant veloci~y it is required consta-n t shift of phases between sources.
Absence of shift of phases resuffs 10 deceleration (braking).
Rather unus~al is the third·-condition of rest, achievable only in accelerated self-
motion, evident example of it is f.ree accelerated fall of bodies to the Earth. We for the
first time consider self-movement with acceleration, caused by a frequency gradient. of
system ( arrhyfhfuia )~ The movement of fields of interferention, caused by constant
arrhythmia, create in a system inteni'al pressure, that disappears complete only in
accelerated mb-yement. By this reason the accelerated self-movement can be considered
as the third condition of rest.

Rhythm-dynamical potential. The prospective dependence of own frequency of

oscillator from affinity to the Earth has resulted to necessary of the introduction of
given concept. According to present notions the density of all radiations of the Earth
decreases with distance. But we know, that for quantitative increase of sources, in this
case it is the mass of the Earth, sum of all its radiations decreases, and density grows.
In opinion of the author influence of rhythm-dynamical potential to own frequency of a
source of radiation is welt-illustrated in experiments on use of Mossbauer effect.

Gravitation - it is a reaction of a body to a rhythm-dynamical arrhythmia, that lead to

accelerated self-movement in a direction of the area _that have greater density of

Levitation -it is ability of a living organism to change weight ( but not mass ) down to
complete its loss by means of strong-wilted change of phase-frequency ratio for content
of body envelop. ·

Aritigravitation - change of weight (but not mass) ofa mechanical vehicle by means of
acoustical- m~~hanical -electrical influence that have the purpose to change a phase-

Copyright@ 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov


frequency ratio of all oscillating parts of a system on atomic levels and levels those are
-~eeper than atomic levels.

In the article materials from the books are used: "Life on Intuiti on" . " Biological
Incompatibility and Levitation".

" I


_:,:'!'r~ ~
. '•-- . \ ;>"'' ·:
.. :..a.... :
.. •
.. . l

. ! ..


•: I

Copyright© 1996 by Yu.N.Ivanov

•. 'J'

The Beginning .of Experimental Gravitoni,c~ ..

Poliakov S.M., Ph.D., and Poliakov O.S., Russia, 141120, Moscow area, Friazino,
. 60-let SSSR str., 1 - 167.

Now we can suppose that XXI century will the century of Gravitation, like XX
century was the century of Electricity and Atom energy, and IX was the century of the
steam machine. ,
This tlrought become to take more and more minds of engineers and scientists
and to move them to activity in this direction. In general sense all "gravitation research
programm"is three main goals: a) real system for communication by means of
gravitation waves; b) real gravitation propulsion drives for space ships; c) re·aJ "·
transformators of the space gravitation energy in electrical energy.
So, for goal-directed work in this new area of science it is necessary minimum
working equations those describe physical mechanics of the processes.
We made this question some clear. We state: Gravitation is the problem of non-
linear mechanics for curve-linear motion... and not }:ling more than yet!
In general_view this problem can be solved in D~lamber's time but he did ·not
solved completely the equation for motion of material point in 4-dimensional space".
We use other way and found new, approximate, analytical equations ·those are
connecting the gravitation of macro-object with rotation and the magnetic with
gravitation. The equations were checked in series of experiments, from mechanical to
quantum and they proved their capacity for work. !

Short Review of the Approximate Dynamic Theory of the Gravitation

Fig. I demonstrate the way to obtain the equations:

Microstructure model of photon

Microstructure model of electron

tl tl
magnetics and gravitation gravitation and rotation r

. ---
connection connection '
u u u u u -~

Working equations Working equations .'

\ ... 1 :

Next dynamical equations are obtained for gravitation power creation:

I. Re-magnetisation of the ferromagnetic ' '. . .

.... <1. •
. '.

BHV • I d t d B2V
W=----- W=- . -(BHV)=--(-)
J.Hl a dt a dt J.1.

Copyright© 1996 by Spartak M. Poliakov and Oleg S. Poliakov


where W is gravitation energy of magnetised ferromagnetic; B is magn~tic induction; H

is magnetic field: V is volume; a =
1/137 is fine structure constant; W is gravitation
power that is radiated (emitted).

2. Rotation of gyroscope:
• d · · m2
W =2k yo liJ 311
-- W =.2kyo-(m3n_)
r dt r

In comparison with Landau and Livtshitz "Theory of Field", the gravitation power that

is radiated by spherical gyroscope:

90 cs

where W is gravitation energy. K is parameter of form, Yu is absolute world gravitation
constant that is equal to fine structure constant, m is frequency of rotation fo the
gyroscope, m is mass of gyroscope, r is radius of gyroscope, W'is radiated gravitational
• I
power, c is velocity of light in free space. •
3. The precession of gyroscope

dL •
w =~I[ L, n 11 =~I<- >I I

di •

4yom 0

Radiated gravitation power is


• 4yo m d I
W =---(-I[Lil]l) •
dt m111

where L is moment of quantity of motio1 of gyrmcope, n is the frequency of the •

4. The precession of magnetisation 0

dM ay 81ty M
- =-y [M,H]-- [M.[M.H]]- - (Nf.H)-
dt M t f Mn

ronvriaht <0 1996 oy Spartak M. 'oliakov and Oleg S. Poliakov


8 1ty
where--- (M.H) =6 W
is gravitation energy that is re-radiated in the direction M in the process of the non-
linear ferromagnetic resonance; M is magnetisation; Mu is saturation magnetisation: y is
gyromagnetic ratio: t is the time of the relaxation of the ferromagnetic; f is the
frequency of Larmor precession.

5. The equation of the gravitation detector

90 r
+ 6ro = - - - - a. 6 W

where± · 6ro is reply of the gyroscope (change ofi~s own frequency of the rotation): a is
the parameter of connection with external impulse of gravitational radiation: 6 W is
impulse of gravitational radiation.

Experimental verification of the equations

Magneto- striction equation

A.t= H1 =crs H:! - -
( ~H)s aH aH
and experiments Fig.2 and Fig.3 allow to s:ate: the gravitation nature of the
magnetostriction phenomenon is compression of :he matter in own gravitation field of

12 \ \_ _ _ _ _ ----

'-....,___ x,... [16]

-------- -


Fig.2 Fig.3
Gravitation-optical effects for geneal relativity theory on the 1<\boratory table:

Copyright© 1996 by Spartald. Poliakov and Oleg S. Poliakov


a) Grnvitational curvature (curvntion) of beam described by formula

I grad <t> 1.4 I 0 ·5 I

e¥ = ------------- = --------------grad L (B H)

c:! ( BH)s

is proved in experiment. Fig. -l.

¥ad 1 n (HI ··o·',:--··

0 16



e,." =e...• e"P

i.,=•o,n ;~}\ H1 (grad 1)1]
8~ = nt grad n(H)
0 1


12 u. H·10 ,J


IH·18 . I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I s I 6 I 7 I a I 9 Ito · 11 l12 j 13 I 1.: l

)l 1,05 1,06 1,06 1.07 1,07 t,o: 1,08 1.~9 1,095,1,10 ~,~0 1,105 l,t9~W'3S •
~)1 r'
IT' •S,5·1C', 3pcr1 -5,1·10'~
lPCT' 1
In to' ., s,t5
ar ,c.. s,ts 7.57 9,30 11,3 u.z 15,3 18,2 2t,3 1z4,6 28,3 32,4 32,81 :iJ,O!

e.. ·l9-', 1"S,5•.1 • 1.7• 7,5•
o-•rto·z o,t6 o,Jt a,.,(" o,82 127
. 190jH9
. . ~2417, ~'
paA 10 1
e~, M"" 0,002 0,009 0,03 0,06 0,11 0,!1 0,28 O,H 0,6SlG,93 1,29 1,75 2,14}2 ,20.
3,74 5,10

e~ ·to·•, .I
5,82 29,1 6~.0 71,3 74,0,77,! 80,0 80,03 81,j_81.4 , 81,4 81,4 81,4:61,4 i e
an .•,c~o~·
0,96 4,8 10,6 11,8 12,2 \Z,i B,2 13.3 13,~ 13,4 ~ 13,4 13,4 13,41 ~~.-~ e

Copyright© 1996 by Spartak M. Poliakov and Cleg S. Poliakov


b) Gravitational !jhift of the frequency is described by formula

!!!. v I .4 10 -s I
+- = grad z (BH)
v (BH)s

was proved in experiment, results of experiment is demonstrated on Fig.5

c) Also some calculation was made by authors quairntic gravito-o ptical effect.
described by formula

l!!.v I 1.4 10 ·5 I d/ =± 1,4·10-s (B~l. grad (BH)

+-=-(---- gratl z (BH)F
v 2 (BH)s interferometer -

and demonstrated in Fig.6.


'··.'I. 6· : : i ... . . ,..

~- calculation

2• 4 s 6 7

u. ~rl4

-·.. . ....-..



~ .o

0 2 3 4· s 6

Copyright © 1996 by Spartak M. Poliakov and 01~ S. Poliakov


d) Real op~raring system that is gravitation propulsion drive is created and resred. By
results of irs worh. the velocity of propagation for gravit~rion wave is calculated:

9 x 10 "" [cm/s]

Fig.7 is; pho to of the system. Weight of it is 32 kg. size 600 ami diameter 370. Power is
650 Wt.



Fiq .7

tl ••

Copyright© 1996 by Spartak M. Poliakov and Oleg S. Pollakov


Authors create the long-period program of the research work named as "Poisk·l"

New energy sources 100 MWpower

Fig. 8
. ..,,,...
Also is created the program of research POISK -:2. ·It i~clude investigation of the
gravitational spectrums of the solid body, medico-biologic~l researches, gravitational
astronomy, earth and sun diagnostics, inv.~tigation of th~ interaction between
gravitational radiation and matter, influence on .tk~ crystalline structure, influence on
radioactive decay, gravitational investigation oflhe biblogkal objects and many other.

Main results were .Pl\,bfiyhed in .o ur book "Introduction in Experimental

Gravitonics", 1991, published in· Russian. It was described why the "light barrier" is
penetrable and it was showed the energy relatiors and the mechanism of "C-harrier"
penetration. Authors created and developed the microstructure models of the
photon and electron. The "uniquants" are propo1ed for inner structure of electron and
photon. It was detennined the ''uniquanta parameters", described linear polarisation
for photon, circularity polarised nonrotating photon and the circularity polarised
rotating photon. Spin, magnetic mcment of a uniquantum, gravitational mass,
equivalent charge and radius of a uniquanturn a·e postulated. Tangential velocity of
uniquantum rotation, uniquantum magnetic ]eld, gravitational constant of the
uniquantum, gravitational field of the uniquantlm are described.
Experimental verification of new gravitational equations was made by
gyroscopic multipole system "Buket" (Bouget). Investigation of the effects of dummy
shock rotation and effect of shock braking of tr.e rotating gyroscope was made.
Quadruple generator of directional gravitatioml radiation "Yoilka" that can produce
swing of dummies, swing of gyroscopes, prece~sion of dummies and precession of

Copyright© 1996 by Spartak M. Po'ia<Ov and Oleg S. Poliakov


gyroscopes was made by authors. Are reported the experimental results to create the
propulsion force for the quadruple generator ar:d explained the mathematical model of
the quadruple generator.
To make the experimental verification of the natural relation between
magnetism and gravitation, corollaries from the microstructure model of electron ,
,gravitational interpretation of magnetostriction was proposed and magnetostricti ve
cur'lature of 9ptical beam was obtained. Also some effects are known as
"gravitational frequency shift" of optical relation in a nonhomogeneously- magnetised
ferromagnetic material and ''quadratic gravioptical effect" ,were proved in experiments.

Authors were agreeably staggered by tremendous quanti:ty of new information

that was reported on the confer.ence New Ideas in Natural Sciences, June 1996 and we
are grateful to Alexander V. Frolov and Dr. Anatoly P.Smirnov for organisation of
this event.






• J

Mul tipol e gray.i t~·tion gyroscopical .syst~m 0

"Bouget" 0
'l l-


Copyright~ 1996 by Spartak M. Poliakov and Oleg S. Poliakov


Principles and Bases of the Support-less Movement

and Realisation of it in a Nature
1~ .

by Y.G. Belostotsky

2-b apt., 109 Lesnaya Str., Kobralovo, Gatchinsky region, Leningradskaya area, 188010

Putting the purpose to find the explanation of some phenomenon of a Nature,

first of all, it is necessary to make a technique of a scientific search. We shall show, that
such technique can be really created and with its help we'll try to decide the problems
mentioned in;heading. · '·
In work [ l ] the assumption is stated that natural phenomenons always are
niutual-corin.ected, and the fundamental physical laws are expressed by interconnected
values ( equivalence ) and they are without fail submitted by the most .simple
parities(ratio) and, as a rule, three parameters, for example:

F E s
·· F =Ma or a =-, E =mC:! or m =-, S =Vt or V =---
M 0 t

i.e. they are expressed by three-elements fpnnula, in which mathematical action or

multiplicatiol.l, or division (but not addition or subtraction) is used.
The structure of such elementary fonnulas said for us, that any of three parameters
are included in them, completely depends from two other and it. changes only together
with them, and it speaks that to r~alise and understand any., na~u~al phenomenon it is
possible only in its connection with two other parameters. That is, to explain any
natural phenomenon it is necessary to use not less, than from three points of view. For
this reason we never .are satisfied by one explanation of any natural phenomenon. We
feel, that such explanatiori:s can be a tittle and all of them will correct, but each of them
is far from true. ·-· ,. · ·
Such approach permits to offer new and very fruitful merftod of scientific search,
enabling with unexpected .~if!.lplici-ty tQ..,perceive and explain. of w.ell-known inaccessible
concepts, for example, such as energy £ 2 ], movemen.t [ 3 '], time [ 4 ], weight [ 5 ],
gravitatiorl [ 6land ma.J1y other. -·.,-' ~
Sue~ technique of scientific search is named " by a metho9 of equivalence " [1, 2
and 4 ]. Tlierefore the proble~ of support-less movement can be solved from a offered
principle - it is necessary ·to find the three essences, accompanying such phenomenon
and on their basis to show as to execute such movement.
So, well-known-;~.that: any movement of a body arises only' ilf enclosure to its
force, ~- · ·· ,.,··

but we do not pay any attention on that the force always results in occurrence in a
body of elastic pressure ,and defonnations. The force can be transferred to a body by
direct contact of other body, or without contact by means of a force field ( magnetic,
gravitational and other), but in any case the beginning of moving occurrence in a body
of elastic pressure and deformatj,o~s, !Vhich also among themselves close connected.
Thus, it is possible to say, that first essence that is ·accompanying the process of
the movement is a system of elastic pressure and defonnations that is appearing in
accelerating body .

Copyright © 1996 by Y. Belostotsky


But which more two essences are accompanied with any body at occurrence in
it of elastic pressure as a result of realisation of movement?
For search of the answer on such question the author of this paper made the
experiment with a special device (fig. 1,c), consisting of fly·wheel with bulky spokes but
without a central cartridge, instead of which is installed a stationary gravimeter [2, 4
and other ]. At the acceleration of this fly·wheel in strength of the centrifugal forces
action 'there are non-uniform elastic pressure of compression - maximum at a periphery
of rotation, minimum in a centre of rotation.
It was found out, that acceleration of such sort .._fly-wheel the stationary
gravimeter that is installed in a centre of rotation, registers amplification of gravitation
field intensity. And it permits to assume, that the occurrence of elastic pressure inside a
body is accompanied by occurrence additional gravitational field ne~r the body, and
this field "is allocated" from that part of a body, where algebraic sum of elastic pressure
is minimum, i.e. in a centre of rotation.
As far as is received, that generated artificial gravitational radiation at the
moment of occurrence aims at a centre of rotation of a body, such sort radiation
can be named as centripetal.
Thus, such elementary experiment shows, that second essence that is connected
with movement is additional own gravitation field of the accelerated body.
If to consider the distribution of the equipotential lines (lines of equal intensity) of the
additional own gravitation field near each of console rod mentioned rotated fly-whee l
(fig. 1, b), we obtain that just this field, biased from centre of weight of body is the
reason, which forces this body ( in this case bulky spoke, executed in a kind of a bulky
rod, that is fixed on a periphery of rotation ) to move in the space, including, it looks •
as the reason of centrifugal force.
Simultaneously with it is possible to assume, that the complex of these
additional centripetal gravitational fields those are weights biased from centre of each
rod, is responsible and for a gyroscopic effect.



0 Design ofih~FJy-Wheel Fig. I b Distribution of the equipotential lines •

of the: additional own gravitational field around
generating rods of the experimental fly-wheel

. YJg.l Experimental Fly·Wheel

I -Body of the fly:~heel . 2- _genera~ng ro~. 3- area in. w~ich the additional gravitational field
is detected 4 - eqwpotenttallmes of the additional own graVItational field

Copyright @ 1996 by Y. Belostotsky


From a position of a considered hypothesis, the gyroscope is rotating mass that

continuously generate the powerful symmetric gravitational radiation, that is appearing
as a result of dynamic (continuous) symmetric elastic deformation of substance, These
deformations are appearing because of centrifugal loads.
The symmetric picture of elastic pressure in a body provides its rest. Asymmetry
of internal elastic pressure make the body to move. Since the reason, that lead to
occurrence of elastic pressure in a body of rotated fly-wheel, has continuous -dynamic
character, connected with availability continuously acting centrifugal accelerations at
these moment the active force connection of rotated substance with the environmental
space by means of generated centripetal acceleration is displayed. .
And this connection is displayed in realisation of gyroscopic effect, which is
displayed in two main qualities: in a aspiration of the gyroscope to save in the
world(global) space a direction of a rotation axis, resisting thus to any force act, as well
as in a aspiration of the gyroscope to deviate in a direction a perpendicular direction of
its(her) action by the action of external force.
The stabilisation of the gyroscope in the space can be explained by powerful
active interaction of substance of a rotor with centripetal gravifield, but interaction
that is uniform .and symmetric from different directions. If to infringe this symmetry,
inside a rotor there will be shifting moment and gyroscope will begin to deviate a initial
situation in complete conformity with the known theory of gyroscope, to compensate
the shifting moments.
Such position in consideration of gyroscopes effects allow suit to the decision of
a problem of support-less motion.
At whom objection the statement will not call, that at a stationary body
or at a system of bodies interacting only among themselves their own gravitation field
is in regular intervals distributed concerning of common centre of weight.
At effect on a body of external force of any na.ture for acceleration or for elastic
deformation a close sight will notice, that such field without fail displaces.
If to analyse distribution of equipotential lines of own gravitation~field of a
moving bodies, subjected to effect or acceleration ( braking ) ( fig. 2, ), including
centrifugal (fig. I b ) or external gravitation field (fig. 2, b), or magnetic field on the
ferromagnetic bodies (fig. 2, c), we shall see complete analogy between them. And it
permits . to state the assumption, that the nature of any mechanical movement in all
cases same and is based on internal elastic pressure and deformations, are connected
with external own gravitation field.

repulsing magnets
the direction of free fall

a) b) c)

Fig.2 Distribution of the equipotential lines around of the bodies those are by aaion of:
a) mechanical acceleration (deceleration)
b) external gravitational field (free fall)
. c) magnetic field

Copyright@ 1996 by Y. Belostotsky


But in any bodies the elastic pressure are always present, however, far from all of
them display a aspiration to moving. What is the difference for them? Whole question
consists of a structure and distribution of these pressure and fields.
According to our hypothesis, character of distribution and intensity of intensity
of a additional external field complete~y correspond to character of distribution and
intensi!y of internal elastic pressure.
. If in a considered object there are two groups these are opposite directed and
symmetric loqtted elastic pressures, the body will remain in rest - shall be shifted only
its part relative' each other at the expense of insignificant deformations.
This ca,s e of elastic deformation of a body. Here case concerns, when the body
quietly lies on rigid support. It is deformed by gravitational field of the Earth and
elastic pressure arisep in support under weight of a body hinder prevent its free fall.
I.e., one group of elastic pressure, located in body, other group of pressure, located in
resists support,' creating some picture of symmetry or pseudo-symme~ry, as complete
symmetry of elastic deformations is not observed here, but, however, sums opposite
directed elastic pressures are symmetric. If to make vector addition of all elastic
pressure, it will be found out, that the body is in rest, when this sum is equal for a zero (
first law of Newton).
Is precisely also located additional gravitation field around of a body and it in
accuracy repeats all, that has taken place with a body.
If to remove the support, i.e. if to infringe symmetry of elastic pressure, the body
will come in movement at the expense of redistribution of internal deformations. The
gravitation field will begin to be redistributed and repeating all, that occurs to a body.
Thus, from our reasons it is follows, that the reason of moving of a body in the
space is availability in it the asymmetry located elastic pressure and deformations. The
fact of movement is directly connected to redistribution of internal elastic deformations
and external gravitation field.
Thus , above permits to assume, that for realisation of mechanical movement
i.e. acceleration of inertial weight, rigid support is not absolutely required. In this
statement the author has allowed self not to agree with modem interpretation of the 4
classical mechanics ( to the point, that is not based on some reason). The creator of the
classical mechanics considered only the case, when for creation of asymmetrical elastic
deformations in a body these are necessary for beginnings of movements, a support is
But he did not took into consideration that free movement (fall ) of bodies, as
well as effect of electrostatic forces and attraction of magnets are too mechanical
movement but it does not requiring rigid suppon. ·
In a nature support-less motion is submitted very widely. First, this any
uniform rectilinear movement ( movement on inertia ) and constant velocity rotation of
bodies, movement of satellites on orbits and already mentioned gravitational,
electrostatic and
magnetic attraction of bodies. Secondly, it is demonstration of Corio lis force , .
known, for example, in sport as "a dry sheet" impact or "tor>ioned ball", when freely
flying ball unexpectedly changes the direction of the flight would seem for no apparent
reason. Thirdly, the live nature was net bypassed without reactionless movement. We
shall look, as a flight of insects and birds is economic. If to try the understand a body
mechanics , which is carrying out flight, - to wings, in their work our close sight will find
out features, known gravitational vehicle gravitational vehicle - vibrating gyroscope ,
representing in elementary as a oscillating tuning fork. Such high-frequency oscillatory
movement of active weight (wing of insect and etc.) generate at the moment of change
of a direction of movement already known to \IS additional gravitation field, and •
connect, join (attach) by this field the body to the space, similarity of a

Copyright© 1996 by Y. Belostot.skt


rigid support, providing together with aerodynamic quaHties those surprising

fly ability, which are inaccessible to the most modern flying vehicles.
MQreover, some.authors consider, that the separate kinds of birds have ability to
realisation of a some principle for reactive movement. The authors confirm it by power
characteristics of birds those are reasonably and are not corresponding to surprising
power{ul acceleration characteristics, which are observed. These examples demonstrate
the realisation of reactive and support-less principles of a movement.
We can assume also, that any mechanical motion, including reactionless, is
~xecuted only on a reactive basis. And " a reactive jet ", on which accelerated body
leans, is a invisible and appreciable support, and invisible gravitational radiation, that is
arisin.g at attempt to deform a body at the beginning of its' moving.
Thus, it is supposed, that A PRINCIPLE of any mechanical moving, including
support-less, is a reactivity of movement at the expense of unilateral ( asymmetric )
radiation of generated gravitational weight ( mn), included in by the known formula
E=mc2 , i.e


Just only this weight of gravitational radiation ( mo ) is always a real support,

which is support for body in its aspiration to movement. And body indifferently,
whether there is a rigid support, if only in a body ~rose asymmetrical elastic pressure.
That is the body only then acquires acceleration, when in the space. will .begin to be ·· ·
radiated a field (mn). concerning which body begins the movement.
This radiated mass that is infinitely small ( mn ) is real support, which
provides real moving and acceleration of a body, i.e. is the reason of motion. The rigid
support, which is usually used for acceleration of a body, ·actually, is only pre-cause for ·
occurrence of considered radiation, but not the reason of moving.
It is interesting: centripetal mass of the gravitation ra(liation. mn of formula
E=mc2 is responsible for energetic of the Sun (2) and other .big.,.objects, and it is
responsible for the flow of our time (and it allow to make the physical definition of
time [4] ).
If closely consider the action of all known to ~s ~rives - wheel of a automobile,
track of a tractor, air screw of a and water screw of the ship, a reactive jet of a
rocket and reactive engine of a plane and even muscle of the a~imals, at all we notice
the same: any such drive without fail creates in all driven design (body of a automobile
or plane, case of the ship, skeleton of the animal and etc. ) a system of asymmetrical and
non-compensated internal elastic pressures, those are en~uring the movement.
Therefore creation of such mechanical ·systems those are creating inside by self
asymmetry non-compensated internal elastic pressure by means of which all system can
be moving in space. Thus, expiring from a body a gravitational radiation we shall not
notice- it is so weak, that not detectable as for our bodies of feelings as for any.modern
devices. For example, at a acceleration of a body in weight of I kg from· 0 up ·to I m per
sec it should generate gravitational field in mass only 10·16 kg. But it is not clear which
part of this mass a body is radiated for maintenance of a reactive repulsion? It looks as
if, that the valuation of size of such mass should be based on while unknown speed of
spreading of a gravitational signal.
However, such radiation can be fo und in effect of interaction with the body
which was radiated this gravitation, for example, in mentioned experiment wi.t h
rotated fly-wheel, in which is found out the centrlperal gravitational radiation.
At the moment of forced axis turn for rotated fly-wheel (gyroscope) take place
the infringement of symmetry of distribution of p~essure inside of body and, hence,

Copyrigh:@ 1996 by Y. Beostotsky


infringement of symmetry for its own gravitation field at the expense of distortion of
centripetal acceleration. In result there is the opportunity to find out such radiation
outside of a rotated rotor, and it. as is earlier established, should result to support-less
motion ofall system ofinvolved mass in the space. Therefore, from a
position of our hypothesis, the practical realisation of such moving can serve
as the, basis for the substantiation of the proof of a fact of asymmetry of own
gravitational field of the gyroscope that is forced to turn (change the position) .
Thus the gyroscope, that is resisting to such turn, executes forced turn in a
plane, perpendicular direction of acting force. If to summarise result of such turn for
two opposite located gyroscopes, there is a common shifting moment, capable to move
the general basis and all attached mass in the space.
Therefore, by using the gyroscope effect, it is reasonably simple to realise in
practice the support-less motion. The circuit of such device is shown on a drawing 3. It
consists from two air gyroscopes, rigidly bars fixed on ends, capable to rotate together
with gyroscopes by means of electric motor around axis, taking place through a middle
of a bar perpendicularly to it. The gyroscopes on a bar must be placed with a
opportunity of adjustment of their situation as relatively one another, as concerning of
general(common) rotation axis.
It will help find a optimum arrangement of their axes and to establish a
necessary direction of rotation of each of them.
The axis of gyroscopes rotation must be established symmetric under
any corner to a axis of rotation of a bar, but not in parallel to it, as it is known, that if
the axis of rotation gyroscope is perpendicular planes of rotation of the basis, the
gyroscopic effect does not arise. The corner of installation of a gyroscope axis will
influence only for the size of effect, hence, with its reduction the effect will decrease.
and at significance of a corner, close to 180 effect will be maximum.
All device is suspended by means of easy aluminium sar (by a length I m) by
means of one-directional hinge to ceiling and it is connected by flexible wires with a
electric power supply.
For separate acceleration of the gyroscopes or bar with unrotative gyroscopes
the required effect is not displayed. But as soon as we shall put in rotation bar
(gyroscopes are rotating already) immediately all device, turn around horizontal axis,
move from a
place and will heavily deviate from a situation of balance around the top hinge. It is not
required high angular speeds for this purpose. The strong effect is displayed at once at
the first tum-over of a bar.
Gyroscopes must be rotating in the same side. So, ordinary motor that has two
fly-wheels can be used in more simple version.
But since it is supposed, that gyroscopic effect is accompanied by gravitational
radiation. it should expect interaction between such artificial gravitation field with
gravitation field of the Earth.
In experiment, conducted by author, with a mentioned design, it was found
out and expressed that the working system began to enter with gravitation field of the
Earth in a peculiar resonance. It forced it at once automatically to synchronise c
oscillatory movement with rotation of a bar, adapting a period of compelled
fluctuations to a period of own fluctuations of a pendulum i.e. such system is also
subject to the law of a pendulum, but its period, it looks as if, depends not only on a
length, but also on intensity of gravitation field of the Earth.
Thus each gyroscope made out in the space a a~ch 8 - form trajectory. That is,
peculiar pendulum with a internal drive was constructed, which gyroscope system
is moving back and forward with amplitude about 100 em.
For realisation ~onstant ( instead of reciprocating ) motion it is necessary to •
entered in the desigl_l some kind rectifier, the function of which is similar to function

Copyright© 1996 by Y. Belostotsky


gyroscope rigid bracket

propulsion drive

., summary component j

of gyro- moments

plug ,_.

Figure 3 Gyroscopical ·drive

!·, .

' .
1t • ' . : ., ·• ~

flxator of the rigid bracket.

!ly-wheels a.ooe rouliDg)

( in the same din:cion

1 ': +
total (SUmJitty)
propulsion JVment

Figure 4 Supportless ~ulu.m drive oa the oase of two electrical motors

Copyright© 1996 by Y. Belostotsk~ .J


of a shaft in a engine of internal combustion. Such rectifier can be made, for example,
drive that produce back-oscillating but not rotary movement of the bar and gyroscopes.
More than. one of decisions of a considered problem of translational motion will
consist just of search an.d creation of a design of specified "rectifiers". ·
.But appears, the similar design and its support-less force effect are already
known from the technical literature ( see [ 7 ] fig. 127, 6.172 ). However, they were
applied only to. reAderi,ng of additional power (force) pressure in the technological
purposes. It is surprising why is not offered to apply these devices to movement?
Besides can present significant interest experiment on search described
by us centripetal gravitational radiation in the party from rotated mass at its turn in
the space, i.e. experiment . on search of the reactive gravitational 'jet", which is
responsible for any mechanical ( including support-less ) motion and which can be
considered in a kind of a third required Essence for any motion. But it is thus necessary
to understand, that a stationary gravitational field and dynamic gravitational radiation
are not the same. They differ the same as, for example, the electrical field differs from
electromagnetic radiation.
Experiment on search a reactive gravitational "jet" must be constructed under the
classical circuit, intended for .check of Newton's law for two masses. But instead of
stationary (inert) mass it is necessary to be applied the rotating gyroscope, which must
be forced turned. overcoming the arising reaction of resistance.
The second body can b$! or inert ( stationary ) or active, i.e. executed too in a
kind rotated gyroscope . Thus both gyroscopes must be attached on the rod and to
arrange in opposition to each other. Probably the heaviest effect of interaction should
be displayed. if one gyroscope arrange inside of other, but rotated masses must lain in
one plane. In such design both rotated gyro~~opes in strength of centripetal radiation
and symmetric located internal elastic pressure should be always aimed to be established
strictly co-axis to each other.
There are not only rotated, but also vibrating gyroscopes [ 8 ]. The occurrence of
gyroscopic effect in such gyroscopes is stipulated by the same reasons as in rotated -
availability of internal pressure and additional gravitational field appearing as a result
of acceleration and deformation of active masses.
Therefore it is interesting to create the device with vibrating gyroscope. similar
to considered above. But before it is necessary clos~ly to study natural prototype- work
of wings of b irds and insects.
References -
I. EeJIOCTOUKHH IO.r. The elementary bases orthe general theory of equivalence. -
Deposited manuscript N 5751-,86, Bl!IHI1Tl1 1986
2. EerrocTOUKHH IO.r. Energy - that this such? St.-Petersburg, 1992, 164.
3. £errocTOU1<HH IO.r., What is the mechanical movement? - Materials of a
technological seminar" Applied and theotetieal questions of a non-tradicional power",
CaHJ<T-fle-rep6ypr. 1990. _
4. EenocTOUKHH IO.f., What is th-e time?- 1995. CaHKT-fleTep6ypr, 44 p.
5. EenocTOUJ<HH IO.f., What is the mass? -19:95, CaHKT-fleTep6ypr, 40 p.
6. EenocTOUJ<HH IO.r. What is the gravitation? t996 ,CaHKT-fleTep6ypr, 60 p.
7. flaarroa B.A., fnpocKOfiHlleCKHH 3¢¢eKT, ero npOS!BJieHHSI H HcnoJib30BaHHe, 1978
8. £po3ryrrb 11.11., CMHpHOB E.JJ, BH6pau,HOHHb1e mpocKonbl, 1970 MocKsa.

Copyright© 1996 by Y. Belostotsk:y

.. 545

The Inertial Propulsion Drives

by Boris D. Shukalov
153025, Ivanovo, Lenin Prospekt 73~34 , Russia

English version is published in short

by Alexander V. Frolov translntion and edition

The notion "inertial propulsion system" or device that is moving by means of
inertia forces is varied and it is require for closer definition. Ordinary the "drive"is
wheel , track, propeller or gas flow reaction. By means of "drive"the moving device is
attracting or repulsing to the support that exist outside of the device.
Inertial drive is not interacting with any support outside of the device but "ft is
interacting with body of device by means of inertia force.
So, it is more true to name -the inertial drives as "inertioid" by inventor Tolchin.
Perm , Russia. He made such sort systems more than 30 years [lJ. His book about
mechanics of 1969 was the cause for critic attack on the inertioids. for example,
Prof. Dr. Gulia N. V. [2] state that unidirectional motion by means ·of'inertia forces is
impossible. But other scientists [3] like Dr. Levinson L.B., for example, wrote that in
technics all calculations are t aking into consideration real inertia forces. I

So,· notion for inertioid: is depend on inertia notion. Theoretical researches have
conclusion: reality of inertia forces follow from Ne~'ton mechanics but fictitious inerti a
forces are Einstein relativity theory effect. I

By Newton there are three real inertia forces: second law force, centrifugal force,
Coriolius force. Let's consider the notion for space and forces above.

The Spare

By modern concept the space is closed material medium ,( Ether) that is

expanding. All bodies are connected by gravitation field and th'ey are moving.
Magnetic, electric, electromagnetic and gluon fields are existing in vacuL1m also. The
space does not exist without physical vacuum, that is material medium, similar to river "
and sea are not existing without water. Phy'iical vacuum consist of moving virtual
particles. The geometry of the space is Euclid.

The Gravitati611 ·Field

The value for intensity and distance of propagation of gravitation field in !space
is depend of mass value, numbers of atom~ those consist of particles (protons.
neutrons. electrons). Each particle have own wavitation field that is conform to the
fact: air atmosphere of Earth (atoms and molecules) is keeping by gravitation field.
By Mendeleev's periodical table is obvious that atom that have more protons.
neutrons. electrons have greater mass and gravitation field. So, gravitational field of
any body is join, tot al. sum field of all neutron, proton. electron gravitation fields but it
is not curved space geometry by Einstein:s relarivity theory.
Gravitation fi,elds penetrate all space of the Universe. Gravitation field of any
body is motionless relatively to its surface. Earth is rotating and its gravitation field is
rotating also. This is main aspect for Earth ine:-tial system determination.

Copyright© i996 by Boris D. Shukalov


I The Newton's Law

First Law - law of Galilee - Newton for inertia. Newton's formulation is: Any
body continue to keep irs rest st:tte or even rectilinear motion before and since applied
forces make it to change this st:tte [4, p .36]. Conclusions: I. Space don't prevent even
rectilinear motion. 2. Space order and define the rectilinear trajectory for body motion
since space geometry is Euclid.
Third law. Newton's formulation: For action always there is equal and opposite
reaction. or interaction for two bodies on each other is equal and directed in opposite
sides [4. p.38].
Second law. There are different modern formulations for this law. One of them:
Force is product of mass and acceleration that force mak~ for this body [5]

where F is force, m is mass, a is acceleration.
Yablonsky A.A. describe this law in more exact version. By Yablonsky "rna" is
reaction force, or inertia force according to third Jaw. It is real force (6, p.l 0). By
Newton inertia force is "Inborn force" of matter that is property to resist. in strength of
it any body keep its rest or even rectilinear motion. This force always is equal to mass.
Inborn force can be named as inertia force. It is demonstrating itself when other force
make changes in the body state. demonstration of this force can be considered in two
versions: as a resistance and as a pressure. It is resistance since body try to keep its state
and it is pressure since body yield to force of resisting barrier, try to change the state of
this barrier (4. p.24.25].
So. Newton named inborn matter force as inertia force and he divided its
demonstration to resistance and pressure. Modern mechanics divide forces ro active
(those can make the work) and passive (inertia, friction, reaction ... ). So, in modern
understanding resistance is passive force action and pressure is action of active inertial
force from the body to other bodies. Newton's inertial forces, both passive and active
are volume forces since they are consist of the proton, neutron. electron inertia forces
sum. Proof for it is Galilee and Newton experiments for different mass. different
material bodies drop: and the proof is weightlessness state of the body. Active inertia
forces (by Newton) are used from ancient time: stones, arrow, bullet... These forces .are
great. Inventors are using Newton active inertia forces for motion of inertioid .

Centrifugal Inertia

There is contradiction for centrifugal forces notion in mechanics: in one case it is

real force but in other case it is not real force.
By formula

where m is mass of body, u is linear velocity of body, R is radius of the circumference.

the properties of the force which change the direction of the motion are not taken into
consideration. For example. Prof. Gulia N .V. e:<plain the fictitivity of the centrifugal
force: Circular motion is forcible since centripetal force must be applied to body by
means of thread. In the difference to centrifugal force, this force (centripetal) is real...
Centripetal acceleration, by Gulia, is directed to centre. Centrifugal force is directed
from the centre. But real force can not be directed in opposition to the created

Copyright© 1996 by Boris D. Shukalov


acceleration. So, by Gulia, centrifugal force is not real but fictitious [2, p.l8, 19].
Academician Ishlinsky agree with this conclusion also [2, p.4,5].
Logically it is true but it lead to paradox: there is acceleration but velocity is not
changing. The kinetic energy of th~ body must be changing also, since force make body
accelerate: but kinetic energy is not·changing.
There i~ no :paradox_~s. in Nature. So, some notion is wrong ip this case. In
contradiction to Prof. G.ulia' conclusion there is Max Born and Land~u proof for
reality of t_he centrifugal a"cceleration, and both centrifugal and centrip~ial forces [7,
p.33, 83-86.] and (8. p.64f Einstein also recognised the reality of the <;e.ntrifugal force
and he introduced noti<!>n ·ot the centrifugal field [9]. , ,.
There are many applications of real centrifugal forces: separation of particles in
centrifuges, in washing machines, in pump ... Centrifugal forces compensate gravitation
force 9n the planet orbit of the satellites. Inventors use centrifugal forces for motion of
the devices.
So, what is the mistake in the notion of the even circular. mOtion? . • I
Answer is
simple: For even motion of the body by the circumference trajectory the deviation from
rectilinear ·motion is result of the reaction of the connection but it is not. result of the
active ext'e rnal force. This reaction force don't make the work and it don'~_ propuce. the
acceleration. So, centripetal acceleration is fictitious instead of centrifugaJ force.
Formula is not description of the centripetal acceleratio~,~. and.,,fonnula
F=mu1/R is not expression of the Newton second law. Note that Newton explained:
The change of dire~tion of the motion along circumference is produced by reaction
force: ·
• ;: J

1: ~1 • • -.•
Coriolis Inertia Forces

This force is <;reating when body is moving by curve-line traj.ectory an.d curvature
radius is changing. The' angJtar velocity is constant in this case and there are two
velocity components: lin~ar (tangent) and radial (nonnal) components. If body iis
moving by spire it is approach to the centre the angular velocity must be increasing (if
there is no resistance to motion) and some deceletation is necessary to keep constant
angular velocity. So, Coriolis· active force of inertia is created as reaction t9 this
decel~ration force and its vector is co-qrdinated with linear velocity vector.
If body is moving by spire from the centre, t<Ykeep the constant angular
it is necessary to use some force that is co-directed 'to linear velocity vector and reaction
for this force is Coriolis passive force.'..;
Such sort forces are demonstrated in Nature: rivers are moving form North to
South or from Squth t9 North undermine the riversides. Inventors are using Coriolis
active force in inertioidS:
. r:.

•r Fictitious Inertia Forces

Fictitious inertia forces are used for simplification of calculation in the ~ase .o f
the relative mot.ion in the .. non-inertial system, i.e. in systems are moving with
acceleration. By Yvlrsky B.M. and Pinsky- A.A. :
I. Inerti~ forces have some properties in difference from interaction forces: elastic.
electric, gravitation. friction. Main differences are
a) Inertia force is not result of the bodies interaction but result of accelerated motion of
the system itself; so third law of Newton i~ not avaliable for inertia forces.
b) Inertia force act to the body in non-inertial frame of references only: there is no such
sort fore~ in inertial system.

Copyright·© 1996 by Boris D. Shukalov


c) For any bodies that is non-inerti al frame of references the inertia forces are external
forces so there are no closed systems here and conservation law is not avaliable in this
d) Note, that inertia force like gravitation force is proportional to body mass so in the
inertia. force field like in gravitation force field all bodies are moving with the same
acceleration that is not depend on the mass of the body.
2. There is not inertia force in the inertial frame of reference. So, inertia forces
application for such sort system is mistake. In the inertial frame of reference the notion
"force" is avaliable only by Newton sense, and it is measure for interaction between
bodies. In non-inertial frame of reference the inertia forces are acting by the same way
like interaction forces. So, sudden deceleration of the car produce inertia force that
throw you forward and you feel this real force like gravity force [ 5, p.251].
These explanation of inertia forces properties cause some conclusions:
Notion of inertia above is tangled, contradictional and it is not corresponding to
reality in some aspects. But in points a) b) c) are described the fictitious inertia
properties. In point 2. above real Newton force of inertia is described.
Main difference between fictitious and real inertia forces is frame of reference.
special frame of reference that is necessary for fictitious forces. Real forces are acting in
inertial or non-inertial All living world feel such sqrt forces in the motion
process when the velocity fs changing.
Statement of Yvorsky and Pinsky number 2. about inertia forces absence (for
inertial frame of reference) is wrong. In this case there is no fictitious inertial forces
only. For example, motion of the piston in motionless device is motion in inertial frame
of reference if co-ordinates are considered for device. So, changing linear velocity of
piston is reason for inertia forces. But without any co-ordinates system forces are acting
for the piston also. Inertial or non-inertial frame of reference are necessary only for
design and calculation.
What is the source for "fictitious inertia force"notion? We explained above
nature of fictitious centrifugal and Corio lis forces. Now let's consider the nature of
fictitious inertia forces for rectilinear motion. Inertia forces are created when the
velocity of motion is changing. The motion is described by different ways: by Newton
motion is absolute. by Einstein - it is relative. Newton's explanation for absolute and
relative motio"n is: True absolute motion can be produced or changed only as result of
force action those are applied directly to moving body; relative motion can be produced
or. changed without forces application to this body and in this case it is enough apply
the force to other bodies, in relation with these bodies motion of the body is determined
[4. p.33].
Einstein's explanation for motion: Any motion by definition is relative ... car is
moving relatively road ... road is moving relatively car... in the case a) frame of reference
is road, in the case b) the frame of reference is car. F.or simple ... description of motion
there is no difference in principle what is the frame of reference for motion (9, p.l96].
But inn Reality is the difference. If force is applied to car and it is moving with
acceleration, all road. station ... are moving with acceleration if co-ordinates system is
car. By classical mechanics road, station ... have increasing kinetic energy, quantity of
motion and inertia force from nothing·. If the car is stopped this energy and quantity of
motion must vanish in nothing.
This is the source of fictitious inertia forces. To separate i~ Newton use notion
"absolute" for true motion and "mathematica.J" for relative motion. But in more
general sense absolute motion has place in · material medium.• in physical ~acuum.
relatively gravitation field. Absolute motion is accel~rated and even rectilinear motion
a~d even motion by circumference.
Einstein joined the true and the mathematical motions in one relative motion.

Copyright@ 1996 by Boris D. Shukalov


J.nertial Drives Description

Inertial drive is mechanism that is moving unidirectionally by means of active

inertial force produced by moving inner support to the body of the device. In one device
can be, used several inner supports. Inner support make closed cycle of action to the
body of all device. Unidirectional motion of the body is result of created non-balanced
pulse inertial force action in one period (cycle) of the·inner support action. Solid body
or" liquid can be used as inner support that is moving in return-forward way, or it is
oscillating round axis, or it is rotating round axis that is connected with body of the
The Newton's, centrifugal and Coriolis inertial forces and superposition all
forces can be used for inertial drive. By means of different schemes many· devices were
created by author of this paper. Energy of motion is transmitted fi:om electromotors or
from solenoid (electromagnets) or from other electrical devices. Non-balanced inertial
force impulse for most devices is created by means of partial compensatio"n of the
negati ve force pulse of the inner support.
Defects for created inertioids devices are small velocity and small propulsion
power that is not sufficient to move device in space.
·· Dignity of inertioids is reactionless motion possibility that allow use it in space
apparatus for accelerated motion without reactive fuel. Also devices have high
efficiency factor.

On the Inertioid Drive Application for Space

Human come to the space by means of the powerful reactive propulsion drive.
Next step in cosmos assimilation is interplanet space craft. Reactive drives are not
avaliable for it since it use lot of fuel and efficiency for it is very small. So, the
interplanet fly need non-reactive type drive. academician Korolev S.P. and Kurtchatov
LV. clear understood this aspect and they made requirement for government resolution
of 23 June 1960 on the new principles for reactionless propulsion [I OJ.
Inventors try to find such sort device and inertial drive is very tempting idea for
this goal. It can use sun battery energy or atomic power station or physical vacuum
energy (in future).
Th er~ is the question: what is the per-condition for inertial drive? Many seientists
state that accelerated motion in space is impossible without any external support since it
is th~ contradiction for quantity of motion conservation law. For example. Prof. Guiia
who is inertial mechanisms expert of the State Inventions Office of Russia, wrote that in
space there is no support so in empty space the movement is possible by means of
reactional systems only [ 11, p.22 ].
Are inertial drives can not be used in the space? To move space apparatus in
space with some acceleration it is necessary to increase quantity of motion and its
kinetic energy (if the velocity is increasing) ... So, inertial drive lead to quantity of
movement conservation law vio lation. But this law is not valid for ordinary rocket case
also. For example, quantity of motion that is created for rocket is more than quantity
of fuel motion and the difference is depend on nozzle design ·[2, p.24] and [13. p.20].
Also, conservation of the moment is violating and cosmonaut y. Lebedev make his
body to rotate by means of inner forces in the weightlessness state"(l4, p.68].
So. the affirmation "it is impossible to make motion ·by inner forces" is . not
connected with inertioids since inertia forces are external forces. inertia forces are result
of velocity or direction change for motion in physical vacuum but fr physical vacuum
there is no closed systems. So, is moving by means of active inertial forces.
It is not reactive but activ~ type pf motion.

Copyright© 1996 by Boris 0. ShukaJov


It is necessary to exclude mistakes from mechanics and to make serious

researches for inertial drives. in this case it is possible to create inertial drive that can be
used for space apparatus propulsion. It is necessary to solve one problem for it - to find
closed cycle for inner support that have non-balanced inertia force pulse.
What are pre-conditions for it? ·
1. It i~ application of the difference between quantity of motion and kinetic energy for
moving inner support, that mathematically is shown as (mu) and ((mu 2)/2). To change
the quantity of motion for some body it is necessary to act on the body by force F in
time =
F-t mu
but to pass kinetic energy it is necessary to make the work of force F on the way length I
F·l (mu 2)/2

This difference allow to create different inertial drive cycles, taking into account
kinetic energy transformation in other energy forms.
2. It is non-co-ordination between quantity of motion and kinetic energy are connected
by velocity factor. The no-co-ordination is increasing if inner support make
translational plus rotational motion. In this case the force must pass to inner support
two energies valu~s: translational and rotational
mu 2 I ro 2
2 2
where I is inertia moment of the _b ody, ro is angle velocity. Several types of inertial drives
cycles can be created by means of this principle.
3. Two bodies repulsion (different masses case) lead to equal quantity of motion but
different energy that is reverse proportional to mass value according to the quantity of
motion conservation law

m1 lJt 2 mzlh2
but is not equal to - --
2 2

This property _of the bodies interaction can be used for creation of different types of
inertial drive cycles also.
4. E.Aleksandrov mad~ very interesting discovery: new correction after Newton for
theory of collision. since quantity of motion and kinetic energy are transmitting to
device body from the inertial drive inner support by means of collisions [ 15 ).
5. It was not investigated the l iquid-stl~am closed cycles to create reactionless motion.
Calculations show that in this case there is some problems with co-ordination for
conservation of energy law and conservation of moticn quantity law. Thermo-technics
use thermal processes (isobar, isothermal and adiobatical) to calculate thermal cycles
but it don't take into account the conservation law for quantity of motion. There is
wide area that is not investigated yet in aspect of reactionless motion of bodies. Idea is
to close the single reactive process in closed cycle without mass wasting.
6. Newton's laws are expounded in physics textbooks by superficial way. Laws describe
material world properties but foundation of laws i! placed in quantum mechanics. in
microworld and it is not classical mechanics. In st~ength of this reason all industry.
transport and space technics are created by those laws and nobody can refute Newton's
Some enigma is placed in second and third Ntwton's laws. Body is moving with
acceleration in space by action of the force (second law) but for any acting force there is

Copyright@ 1996 by Boris D. Shlkaiov


some opposite and equal inertial force (third law). Forces are in equilibrium and
resultant force is equal to zero that means static, but the body is moving an it is
accelerated motion. The motion is named as dynamical motion if forces are in
equilibrium. The even motion of the body along circumference is static also since
b alanced fo rces are acting to the body. But this motion is named as inertial motion and
it is not named as dynamical. This enigma is property of space and it is placed in
micro world.
Author made attempt to use the difference between dynamical motion and
inertial motion to create reactionless motion. But experiments was not successful in
strength of the crude level of it . It is necessary to continue this research.
7. Besides inertial drives research au~hor made investigations for Einstein's special
relativity principle correctnj::~S. Instead of Newton's pail of water author made
experiment that use rotating de-balances. Results show that relativity principle is
questionable: Body that is motionless in the gravitation field and moving body are in
different conditions. Reliable results can be obtained in even and rectilinear motion case
of the transport and in motionless transport.

Practical Application of Inertial Drives

Inert ial drives for space apparatus can be appiicated both for long distance space
flights and for satellites, or fro space stations. For satellites it means increase of the
orbit work period. so it is necessary to use less numbers of the satellites launches. Fuel
is saved and ozone is not demolished in this case. Active drives can be used as haversack
propulsion drive and as drive to move elements of the space sun electrical stations in
fut ure. Also inertial drives can be used in ground transport for North region or for
desert region since velocity is not big for these cases.


Inertial drive is not single way for non-reactive space propulsion drive. Magnetic
and electrical fields can be used for motion in space also. Earth have magnet field so
Lorentz forces can be used to create repulsion from the Earth magnet field in space
area. There is the question: are forces sufficient for practical application in this case.
It is n ecessary to try to use R.G.Sigalov's research [ 16 ] to create space
propulsion drive.
Information about antigravitation device was made by cand. Ph.D. Dokutchaev
V.T., [ 17 ] that use electromagnetic waves to create propulsion force on the part of
milligram for device that h ave weight less than one gram. It is not the limit.
Space have different reaction on the translational motion and on the rotational
motio n. This property is used b y gyroscopes. Member of Belarus Academy of Science.
Albert I. Veinik determined in experiments that two electromotors are rotating in
opposite directions creates the lifting capacity (force) and scales balance is changing.
Prof. Kaznacheev made analogous experiment that use rotating gyroscope and
he explained scales balance change as inner lifting force result [ 18 ].
There are sufficient numbers of proofs for possibility of the reactionless space
propulsion drive creation. th is problem require serious State level of the research
instead of home-made level.

Copyright.© !996 by Boris D. Shukalov



TiepMb 1969.
2. rymi.SI H.B., .HHepUHSI, HayKa, Mocl<Ba, 1982.
3. '6oro11106oe A.H., CoaeTcKaS~ rnKona MexaHH.KH MawHH, Ha)'l<a, MocKBa. 1975.
4. HbiOTOH H., MaTeMaTH"'eCKHe Ha<Iana HaT}'PaJibHOH <f>HJIOCO(flHH.
5. 51BopcKHH A.A., TIHHCKHH A.A., OcHOBbi q>w3HKH, T.l. Ha)'l<a, MocKaa. 1969.
6. 516JIOHCKHfl A.A., Kypc TeopernYeCKOH MexaHHKH, T.2. BbtcwaS~ UlKOJia, 1977.
7. MaKe oOpH, 3fsHU1TeHHOBCKaH TeOplUI OTHOCHTeJibHOCTH, MHp, MocKBa, 1972.
.n: ..
8. flaH)lay n . KHTaiiropO.llCKHH A.H., <!>H3l1Ka rena, Hayxa. MocKBa, 1984.
9. 3i1HwTeHH A., <!>H3HKa H peanbHOCTb , Ha)'Ka, MocJ<Ba, 1965.
10. Newspaper "Pa6o"'aS~ rpw6yHa" article "Kor)la 6 Thl, )lOKTOp, nerKwe crpaHbt Moew
nocnywan" , OT 25.09.1991.
II. Magazine "TexHHKa Mono)le)KH"' article rymta H, A11cf>H3Hl<a XX BeKa. N 8. 1986.
12. <!>aaopcKHH O.H .• <l>Hwroih B.B .. 51HTOBCKHH E ..H., OcHOBbl T~OpHH KOCMHlJeCKHX
3JieKpTo-peaKTHBHhiX .romraTeJihHhiX ycTaHOBCK, BbiCW aS~ WKOJia, Moct<aa. 1970.
13. JieBaliTOBCKHH B ..H., MexamtKa KOCMHqeci<Oro nonera a :meMeHTapHOM
H3JIO)I{eHHH, Ha)'l<a, MocJ<Ba, 1970.
14. J1e6e.aea B., .L'(HeBHHK KOCMOHaBTa, magazine "HayKa H ')KHJHb", N 6, 1984.
15. AlleKcaH.apoa E.B., CoKOJIHHCKHW B.E. , TipHt<Jia,.llHaS~ reopHsr H pacqeTbt y,napHbJX
CHCTeM, Hayt<a, Mott<aa, 1969.
16. CHranoa P.r., HoBbie Hccne,.lloaaHH.SI )lBH~LUHX CHJI MarHHTHoro nonsr, HayKa,
TawxeHT, I 965.
17. Newspaper "COUHaJIHCTH"'eCKaSI HH.LcyClpHH", article "Ha rpe6He HOBOH BOJIHbl".
18. Newspaper "Co uwarmcrw ~IeCKaJI HH)lycrpH$!", article "Tia,nyT TaHHhl aeKoB".


, .
The Initial Principles of N.A. Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics

by Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov
Novocherkassky Prospekt, 30-49, St.-Petersburg, 195112, Russia

V.I.Vemadsky and some other naturalists expressed a conviction that the time is an
active and an organising factor of our World and therefore a study of the time is one of
the most impoJ#itt directions of the scientific researches.
A gteat · contribution to the development of theoretical and experimental
investigation of the time was made by Russian astrophysics N.A. Kozyrev (1908 - 1983).
The scientist called his theory of the physical properties of time causal mechanics.
The present article contains a brief analysis of the initial principles of Kozyrev's
causal mechanics.

The main premise used by N.AKozyrev, may be formulated as follows. Along

with ·the conven/jonal property of duration measured by clocks, the time possesses some
other properties by which the time actively affects on our World. The researcher called
these properties physical or active, in contrast to the geometric (passive) property of
This premise is a reasonable working hypothesis, since a theory assuming that time
has some additional properties along with duration, cannot tum out to be erroneous but
only risks to be superfluous. Indeed, if the real time possesses no property other than
duration, then setting all the parameters corresponding to the additional properties in the
equations of the theory, equal to zero, we obtain a theory which assumes that time has a
single property, namely, duration. The contrat-y is not true: any theory, based on the idea
that time lacks propetties other than duration, will be unable to descnbe the reality
correctly if in fact time does possess other properties. It should be mentioned that
N.AKozyrev in his theory never revised the conventional notions concerning time
duration and used the concept of time interval in his considerations and calculations in the
same way as was done by everybody.
N.AKozyrev wrote: "Time is a phenomenon of nature possessing various
properties which may be studied in laboratory experiments and astronomical observations"
(Kozyrev 1991, p.384). The time acts to our World according by N.A. Kozyrev through
the cause-and-effect processes. It is the scientist's conviction of the presence of an intimate
connection between time and causality that made him call his theory of the physical
properties of time causal mechanics.
N.A.Kozyrev formulated the following postulate about the properties of smallest,
elementary, cause-and-effect links.
Postulate. In an elementary cause-and-effect link the cause point and effect point
are af»~ays separated by an arbitrarily small but non-zero space and time differences 8x
and 8t whose ratio Ox./ is a fundamental constant. The scientist called this constant the
course of time and denoted it c:!.

Cooyright © 1996 by Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov


The nex't proposition of causal mechanics states that under certain conditions there
arise small forces in a rotating cause-and-effect link which are additional to those
predicted by classical mechanics. These additional forces are considered to be due to the
influence of time and they depend on course oftime Cz.
It is important that the additional forces do not change the resultant momentum of
the cause-and-effect link and at the same time may change its angular momentum. Let us
discuss this result from the standpoint of classical mech~nics.
The momentum and an~ar momentum conservation laws belong to the
fundamental laws of physics. Both ofthem are usually considered to be equally applicable
to describing the behaviour of physical systems. However, if one refers to the foundations
of these laws in classical mechanics, it can be seen that they are based on somewhat
different assumptions. Thus, the momentum conservation law is derived directly from
Newton's laws, whereas the angular momentum conservation law follows from Newton's
laws provided that the interaction forces between each two internal points of the system .
have the same line ofaction. This implies that the laws under consideration can be equally
applicable to describing the nature as long as that additional assumption is also a general
law ofnature, to the same extent as Newton's laws are. Meanwhile, this assumption does
not possess the rank of a fundamental law in classical mechanics. This indicates that
classical mechanics allows, in principle, a possibility of violating this assumption along with
the angular momentum conservation law at some conditions. This is just the case dealt
with in last proposition. By this proposition such a violation can take place in cause-and-
effect relations.

Having carried out the corresponding experiments (in. particular, experiments with
gyroscopes), N.AKozyrev discovered these additional forces and obtained that

C2 ' ;::: 2200km/s:::; <XC ,

where a is the fine structure constant (a ::= 11137) and c is the velocity of light in the
vacuum. Note that according to N.AKozyrev the additional forces have such directions
that the distinction between caus'es and ,effects is related to the distinction between the right
and the left. ' :
"Time is a whole world of mysterious phenomena which cannot be followed
logically. The properties of time s~10uld be constantly clarified by physical experiments"-
these N.A.Kozyrev's words (Kozyrev 1991, p.345) indicate that the scientist attached
prime significance to experimental studies ofthe properties of time. For over 30 years he
had been carrying out laboratory and (in recent years , of his life also) astronomical
observations of the properties oftirne. N.A.Kozyrev's prime merit is likely to be in that he
was the first in world science to proceed from theoretical considerations on the existence
of the properties of time other than duration to their experimental study.
The results of N.AKozyrev's investigations published in following book and
articles (Kozyrev 1980, 199.1; Kozyrev.and Nasonov 1978; 1980}.

Copyright© 1996 by Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov


In the recent years some publications have appeared which confum the results of
theoretical, laboratory and astronomical investigations pe1formed by N.AKozyrev.
The authors of papers (Danchakov 1984; Danchakov and Yeganova 1987;
Lavrentyev et al. 1991) have pexformed a long series of laboratory experiments using
N.A.Kozyrev's procedure and obtained the results confirming and amplifying
N.A.Kozyrev's data on distant action of irreversible processes on the states of am,bient
The publications (Akimov et al. 1992; Lavrentyev et al. 1990a,b, 1992) describe
the results of astronomical investigations using Kozyrev type detectors and those of
biological type. A receipt of signals not only from the visible (ie., past) positions but also
from the true (present-day) and future positions of stars and other astronomical objects has
been confirmed in complete accord with the results of N.AKozyrev and V.V.Nasonov's
papers (Kozyrev 1991, Kozyrev and Nasonov 1978, 1980).
The paper by Arushanov and Korotayev (1989), and Korotaev (1992) explained
on the base ofKozyrev's theory some geophysical facts uninterpreted conventionally, e.g.,
asymmetries of the Earth figure, geological s,tructure, atmosphere circulation and
distribution Of the Earth's plYysical fields.
The ,first n~orously 'formalised definition of causality, that is correspond to
N.A.Kozyrev's ideas, was given in the .Papers by Arushanov and Korotayey (,1989) and
Korotayev (1992; 19-93). · ' ., ) "> r '' .:>' " •

Japanese researchers carried out a weighting of right- and left-rotating gyroscopes

with a vertical axis and revealed that when the rotational speed increases, there occurs a
decrease of the weight of the right-rotating gyroscopes, close to that observed by
N.A.Kozyrev (without referring to his works) (Hayasaka and Takeuchi 1989). Later this
result was tested and not cou.fumed in the subsequent papers of American and French
researchers (Faller et al 1990, Quinn and Picard 1990). An analysis of these publications
carried out by R. Ya.Zul'kameev (JINR, Dubna) shows that in reality these papers are in
agreement with N.A.Kozyrev's data. The point is that, in accordance with the views of
causal mechanics, to change a gyroscope weight, it is necessary to subject it to an
irreversible influence, e.g., vibrations; the latter were present in the set employed by
Hayasaka and Takeuchi (1989) due to using a sprill.g suspension of the gyroscope and are
lacking in the sets described by Faller et al.(I990) and Quinn and Picard {1990).
A laige number of correlations between lunar and terrestrial events as well as solar
and terrestrial ones, unexplainable in the context of conventional physics, have been
revealed by now (Middlehurst 1967, Vladimirsky 1991, Zilberman 1989, etc.), which
makes N.A.Kozyrev h?'pothesis on interconnection of all the World's phenomena by th~:
physl.eal properticrs of tune be treated with attention.
Thus _some of the results obtained by N.A.Kozyrev have been confirmed by the
works of independent researchers, which is an important step on the road to the
recognition of causal mechanics as a competent physical theory.
In one o~ his I~ papers (Kozyrev 1980) N.A.Kozyrev concluded that the results
of astronomical observations via the physical properties1 of time {K.ozYrev 1991, Kozyrev
and Nasonov 1978, l980) correspond to the Minkowski space geometry. It should be
added that in our papers in book..(On the Way, ... 1996, p.l09 an:d p.l74). Heisenberg's
f I' . '
, ,. \ ' ;

. .., ' . . T .... ~ ..


,. .. - '

Copyright © 1996 by Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov


uncettainty relations have been derived on the basis of the postulates of causal mechanics,
and the development of the substantial conception of time is shown to result in the
symmetry of our World coinciding with that dictated by the CPT theorem of quantum field
theory. These results indicate that Kozyrev's causal mechanics is in agreement with special
relativity and quantum mechanics, which serves as an additional argument in favour of its
validity. Note that the scientific literature does not contain any information on experimental
studies ruling out N.A.Kozyrev's results (at least the author of the present paper is unaware
of such publications).

The main conclusion at which N.A.Kozyrev anives on the basis of causal ·

mechanics (Kozyrev 1991, pp. 384, 393-394) may be briefly formulated as follows.

Due to its active properties, time can bring an organising source into our World
and, therefore, counteract the natural course of processes which lead to destruction of
order and production of entropy. This influence of time is very small as compared to the
natural destructive course of processes but it is distributed in nature everywhere, hence
there is a possibility of its ~ccumulation. Such a possibility is realised in living organisms
and in massive cosmic bodies, primarily in stars. The ability of living organisms to
conserve and accumulate this counteraction is likely the factor determining the great role
of the biosphere in the life of the Earth. For the Universe as a whole, the influence of the
active properties of time manifests itself in the prevention of Universe thermal death.

N.A.Kozyrev had no time to justify this conclusion in a rigorous way, therefore at

the present state of the development of causal mechanics this conclusion is much of the
world-outlook nature.

Summing up all the aforesaid, we can conclude that N.A.Kozyrev's causal

,, amplifies the available picture or"the World harmoniously, without contradicting
the propositions of modem physics. So far it is not, however, a complete theory, and hence
it is necessary to perform further the~retical and experimental studies in this field,

PUGACH AF. (1992). Preliminary Results of Astronomical Monitoring of
Celestial Objects by N.A.Kozyrev's Method. Pre-print N. GA0-92-5P. Chief
Astronomical Observatory of the Ukraine Academy of Science. Kiev (in Russian).
ARUSHANOV M.L. and KOROTAYEV S.M {1989). The Time Flow as a Physical
Phenomenon (According to N.A.Kozyrev). VINITI depot N. 7598-889 of
22.12.89. Moscow (in Russian).
DANCHAKOV V.M. (1984). Some biological experiments in the light ofN.A.Kozyrev's
conception of time. In: Yeganova I.A An Analytic Overview of the Ideas and

Copyright@ 1996 by Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov


Experiments of Modem Chronometry. VINITI depot N.6423-84 of 27.09.84,

pp.99-134. Novosibirsk (in Russian).
DANCHAKOV V.M. and YEGANOVA I.A. (1987). Micro-field Experiments in Srudying
the Influence of a Physical Irreversible Process. VINITI depot N.8592-B87 of
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KOROTAYEV S.M. (1992). On the possibility of a causal analysis of geophysical
processes. Geomagnetism i Aeronomiya (Geomagnetism and Aeronomy), V.32,
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KOROTAYEV S.M. (1993). A formal definition of causality and Kozyrev's axioms.

Galilean Electrodynamics, V.4, N.5, pp.86-88.
KO:lYREV N.A. (1980). An astronomical proof of the reality of the ,_Minkowski
four,...d.i.mensional geometry. In: Proyavleniye Kosmicheskikh Faktorov na Zemle i
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Problemy Issledovaniya Vselennoy (The Problems of Studying th~ Universe). 9th
issue, pp.85-93. Moscow, Leningrad (in Russian).
KOZVREV N.A: ( 1:991 ). Selected Works. Leningrad (in ~~ssian).
KOZVREV N.A and NASONOV V.V (1978). A new method of determining the
trigonometric parallaxes by measuring the difference between the true and apparent
positions of a star. In: Astrometriya i Neoesnaya Mekhanika (Astrometry and
Selestial Mechanics)- Problemy Issledovaniya Vselennoy (The Problems of
Studying the Universe). 7th issue, pp.l68-179. Moscow, Leningrad (in Russian).
KOZVREV N.A and NASONOV V.V (1980). On some properties of time discovered by
astronomical observations. In: Proyavleruye Kosnricheskikh Faktorov na Zemle i
Zvezdakh (Manifestation of Cosmic Factors on the Ea1th and in Stars)-
Problemy Issledovaniya Vselennoy (The Problems of Studying the Universe). 9th
issue, pp. 76-84. Moscow, Leningrad (in Russian).
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1990, V.35{9), pp.818-820.

Copyright© i996 by Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov



( 1991 ). Detection of the reaction of matter to an external irreversible process.
Soviet Physics Doklady. March 1991, V.36(3), pp.243-245.
FOIMINYKH S.F. (1992). Scanning the celestial sphere with a Kozyrev's detector.
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MIDDLEID.JRST B.M. (1967). An analysis oflunar events. Reviews of Geophysics, V. 5,
N.2, pp.173-189.
Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. The "Active" Properties of Time
According to N.A.Kozyrev (1996). Singapore, London.
QUINN T.J. and PICARD A (1990). The mass of spinning rotors: no dependence on
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The present investigation was supported by the program "Noosphere and

Sustainable development" (grant number Noo 0040).

Copyright@ 1996 by Lavrenty S. Shikhobalov

(Space, Mass and Time)
Alexander Abi~
Professor of Mathematics

There is an eternal battle, struggle and clash between the two primordial
Cosmic adversaries: the Space and the Mass.
The Space tr~ats the Mass as a hostile intruder which threatens Space's

neutrality and voidness.
In fact, Space
.. in order to disencumber itself from the concentrated presence

of the Mass tries to dilute, dissolve and disintegrate the Mass.

To this end, the Space tends to tear and pull apart the Mass by sucking it out
intO its v~id and fragmenting it further and further.
.; r:
The tearing apart of the Mass ·by the Space is more achieved
when Mass is in a molten stage. Thus, the most s~cces~j\ll disintegration of the
.. . ... ··' .
Cosmic primeval ~ass was achieved when it was in its stage o{~eval FirebalL
At that stage, an immense amount·o f molten Ma~s vr.:~ :vj.olently sucked out
... ...

from the Primeval Fireball and with a furious and: :"'"';temp_.e stuous
. force was
fulminated into the ~pace,.giving rise to the existing Cosmos. I call that stage "The
Big Suck Stage" and the corresponding theory the BIG SUCK ·· THEORY
(contrary to the currently held~e BIG lf.ANG'rimoRY which is nonconvincing
to many). .,
The sucking .o ut process mentioned above, had caused and continues to cause
the ejection, emission and spreading out of the masses and particles as
continuously moving mass waves (or matter waves).
The Space's continual diluting and sp~e~ding out of the primeval Mass is
confirm.ed'by the Expanding Universe phenomenon.
In its tum, the primordial concentrated Mass tends to resist its
disintegration and its fragmentation caused by the Space.

Copyright© 1996 by Alexander Abian

To this end, the Mass exhibits various reactions and oppositions to its being
sucked out by the Space. This is confli'Dled by the gravitational attraction of
Masses and by various other mass-attracting forces such as th~ electro-magnetic
forces, weak and strong nuclear forces, etc.
It is a curious fact that, (as mentioned below) in the case of, say, electro-
magnetic forces, it seems that both Space and Mass use those forces to the
advantage of their adverse purposes.
It is not unreasonable to attribute to any object some qualities which are
generally attributed to animate species and, in particular, to human beings. After
all, all objects (animate or inanimate) are built from the same basic particles:
electrons, protons, neutrons, etc., etc. .
Thus, it is not-unreasonable to expect-that the basic instincts of the animate
species are shared (sometimes to the smallest degree) by all objects, be them space,
particles, galaxies, clpster of galaxies or even the entire Cosmos.
I believe that the most pasic instinct which mo.t ivates the behavior and
actions of any object is the insatiable tendency to gain a " feeling of security". I
cannot define "security" since I do not know of a more basic concept which -could
possibly be used to define "security".
The .process of gaining a feeling of security by any object (animate or
inanimate) manifests itself mainly through:
(i) The tendency of maintaining the status quo,
(ii) Reaction to provocation,
(iii) The tendency of maintaining again (and not necessarily the previous)
a status quo.

With an anthropomorphic approach, one can say, that in any interaction or

in any relationship between any two entities or objects (animate or inanimate),
the tendency of gaining a feeling of
security manifests. itself through:
(iv) imposition of ~me's will upon the other(s) i.e., will to power and
the struggle for power.

Copyright © 1996 by Alexander Abian

a quantum of Time, i.e., to a timeyon. In reality, Time is the mass of
irretrievably lost Timeyons.
Mathematical formulation of the above Quantum-Theoretic approach is not
available presently. I hope that a suitable mathemati9;:ll formulation will be
devised in the future which will be supported by some experimentations.
,_ ~ .
. ~

(vi) From the usual CLASSICAL PHYSICS pointofview, we formulate(A*) as

Since, in view of (A*), I consider Time as being Mass. Therefore mass M of
the Cosmos and time T of the Cosmos are measured in the same units. We let

(1) Mo indicate the mass M of the Cosmos at T =0, i.e., at th~ Big Suck.

In view of (A), it is natural to assume that mass M of the Cosmos decreases

exponentially with the passage of Cosmic time T. Moreover, since I believe that
the Cosmic mass which is spent to move Time forward is lost irretrievably, and
since I believe that Cosmos will never vanish , I assume that ...
. ·'...
(2) 0 s T< Mo and of course 0 < M s Mo"

In view if the above considerations, and motiva~d by (A*), I propose the

following equation to describe the relationship between M and T : ·
(3) M = M 0 exp (T I (a T- M0 )) with scalar a <1
i ~ 't; \ -'

Let us examine equation (3). As, expected (3) implies ~t::: . M 0 . at T = 0.

Also, from a < 1 and (2) it follows that aT s T which again by·(2) implies
that T I (aT- Mo) < 0, for T > 0 in (ri). Therefore, M decre~~es. exponentially
with the passage of Cosmic Time T. ,. -.•
Let us observe that by (2) we have T < M 0 . Nevertheless.,, substituting
T = Mo in (3) we obtain M = M 0 exp (a - 1)·1 This must "Qe interpreted as

saying that the Cosmos will never vanish and its mass will always be greater
than Mo exp (a -1)-1.

Copyright © I996 by Alexander Abian

The value of the scalar a in (3) must be determined experimentally. Of
course difficulties are to be expected since (3) involves the mass M of the
Cosmos at various cosmic times T.
As (3) shows Mass and Time are measured in the same units. The choice
of the unit is arbitrary. The mass Mo of the Cosmos at the Big Suck, i.e., at
T = 0 can to be chosen as the unit for measuring M and T.
Next, based on (3), we give a mathematical formulation of m mentioned

iJl (A).
From (A) it follows that m = Mo - M where M is given by (3).
(4) m = M0 - M = M 0 ( 1 - exp ( T I (aT- M 0 )))

from which it follows:

1- (miM 0 ) = exp(TI(aT-M 0 ))

and therefore

(5) T =- Mo (Log (1- ( m IMo ) ) I (1- a Log (1- ( m IMo )")

where Log is the natural e-log.

We note that (4) as well as (5) expresses the equivalence of Mass and
Time. For instance, (5) says that m units of Cosmic mass is irretrievably lost to
create irretrievably gone T units of Cosmic Time.
In a way (5) is akin to E = m c2 which says m units of mass is needed
' of energy.
to create E units
Clearly, no pretenses are made that (3) is the best possible formula. Far
from it. I devised it as an attempt to give a mathematical formulation to the
I •

assertion of the "Equivalence of Mass and Timew.

Along the above lines, one can also give a (very approximate) mathematical
formulation of (A) based on the Hubble constant H. It is generally accepted that
liH gives an upper limit for the life-age of the Cosmos. And it is generally
assumed that

Copyright© 1996 by Alexander Abian


(6) H. = 10-18 (1/second) s

Thus, in what follows, as (6) shows, unfortunately, we are going to use the
conventional units for measuring 'I'ime , i.e., "seconds". I said "unfortunately"
since our main purpose was not to use any clocks and measu,re time T solely
in units of mass as shown in (5). Consequently, in what follows the equivalence
I '

of Mass and Time is established somewhat dubiously since it depends on clocks

(the dubious. question is: whose clock?).
Assuming again that the mass M of the Cosmos decreases exponentially to
supply the necessary mass m to move the Cosmic time T secdnds forward,
based on (6), we let

(7) M = M0 exp (- TH) = M 0 exp (- 10-18 T)

where, as before, Mo is the mass of the Cosmos at the Big Suck, i.e., at T = 0.
In -y.:iew of (7), clearly, M =0 never occurs . Thus, according to (7) the',
Cosmos never
- vanishes.

As before, from (A) and (7), it follows that .·

(8) m= Mo - M = M0 ( 1- exp (- 10-18 T)) ::

and therefore
1- (m /M 0 ) = exp (- 10-IS T)

from which we derive that

(9) T = - 10 Log ( 1- (m /Mo)) seconds where Log is the e-log

We note that (8) as well as (9) express~s the equivalence of Mass and Time.
It should be noted that the right-hanci side of the equality (9) is in
seconds so that there is no dimensional inconsistency in (9).
For instance, (9) says that m unit of Cosmic mass is irretrievably lost to
move the Cosmic Time T seconds forward.
As indicated by (6), equations (8) and (9) are derived based on the ':"alue of ,.
(1/second) s for the Hubble constan~. It is known that there are various

Copyright.® 1996 by Ahxander Abian

estimates of the Hubble constant and the tendency is for accepting lower estimates.
Using in (9) the first term of the Taylor series of T w.r.t. m/Mo (and since
I m/Mo I < 1), the linearized form of (A) valid during a few momen~s after the Big

Suck is
(10) T = (1018 I Mo) m seconds
where Mo , as in (1), is the mass of the Universe at the Big Suck. Again, we
remark that T = (1018/ Mo) m is akin to Einstein's formula E = (c2) m which is
also obtained as the linear term of an appropriate Taylor series.

I would like to reiterate that I consider (4), (5) and (8), (9) and (10) as
attempts to formulate the ''Equivalence of Mass and Time'' mathematically.
None of (4), (5) and (8), (9) and (10) need necessarily be considered as
modeling the reality with any acceptable degree of precision. . ..
However, anyone of (4), (5) and (8), (9) and (10) must be considered as an
attempt to ascribe Mass to Time and consider Time as another manifestation of
Mass (or Energy).
The unrealistic indoctrination of considering Time on a par with a spatial
dimension must be abandoned once and for all.
As mentioned before, the abovementioned formulas of the Equivalence of
Mass and Time involve the mass M of Cosmos at any instant T of the Cosmic
Time. Thus, techniques should be developed to estimate the mass M of the
Cosmos at any T. In other words, a Cosmic massmeter should be devised. I
would like to believe that the genius of mJankind will be able to devise a
satisfactory Cosmic massmeter and Cosmic Time will be measured in terms of
the decreases indicated by the Cosmic massp1ete.r.

Department of Mathematics
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011, USA.
e-maU: FAX: 515-29+5454 Telephollle: Gl5-294-1752

Copyright© 1996 by Alexander A bian


On the question about analytical methods those reflect the "substance-

space-time" unity of the nature in the laws of natural science, and about
mam properties of this unity

J. G. Go1iachko
Slava pr.. 43 /49-471, St.Petersburg, Russia

It is shown that nature wtity "substance-space-time" is demonstrated in

microworld and in macroworld as planetary motions by various trajectories; forms of
these trajectories are depended of the chemical composition, atom-molecule's structure
and thermodynamical states of these planets. There are obtained ~?me analytical
methods those reflect the unity in the natural science laws and it is. demoastrated
virtual possibility for anificial adjusting by all the components of the unity up to matter
- antimatter trausfonnation.
Long time period moden:. natural science was under the influence of
Einstein 's relativity theo1ies. Never before it, the third very important pa1t of the
"substance-space-time" wury - i.e. '·substance" (that was well known to ancient) was
uot taken into consideration (neither by theorists, nor by practicians). ,
For the first time some attempts to take illto accow1t the complete <•substmi.ce-
space-time" unity was made by author (1 -3). But these 'articles 'has ~ot given any
special explanations about of this fact by the reasou of verY S!Jlall volun;:\eS of articles.
•-.w ... J

So, io (2) were obtained uext equation.s:

for one-dimensional coordinate of any planet (in general sense- of any body)

r 1- e
' ,J ..
r= --- = f ,( e, <P) (-1 }
a 1 -.- e COS<p !;· , ..

for the one-dimensional time of the planetary motion

2 2
't I -e I -e
't=--= ( )'!:! (2)
't k 1 + ecosq> 1.+ 2ecos<p + e

where r is the radius vector of the plauet (of any body), a is large semiaxis of
the orbit: e is eccentricities of the orbit, <p is polar angle, t - real period of the planet
(of any body) and 't k is Cepler's petiod.

By means ( l ), (2) may had been received the next correspondence for the one-
dimensional space-time parameter ,-.hicb define the space's distance between any body
and its gravity centre at tbe auy moment of me time:

l + 2ecos<p + e~
y~- ·- = - - - -- - = t3{ r, 't) = £(e,<p) (3)

. 't - I ... e cos <p

Copyright© 1996 by J. Goriachko


As had been shown in (2, 3) just this parameter was entered in the systems of
new general mechanics and thermodynamics laws {macro and micro).

In mechauics (2) this parameter descnbed as

2E 1 + 2 e cos q> + e-
Y = - =--~--- = 4 (e,<p) = fs {E,P) (4)
p 1 + e COS<(>

And in thermodynamics (3) it one written as

2E Cp
y =- - =- - = (~(E, P) = f6{p, T ) {5)
P Cv
.' .
where E is the kinetic and Pis potential energy of the body,;
dS dS
Cp = T(--)p . f1(p, T) and Cv = T ( -)v = fs(p, T)
dT : · dT
are specific heating functions of substance for processes p = const; v = const;
S is the specific entropy; P is pressure, T is temperature in the absolute.

And also in thermodynamics (3) was shown that the specific entropy

S = etR =a - - = f9(p, T)
on the one hand is parameter that establish connection between the physical parameter
a = fw (p, T) and chemical parameters of substance ll ( kg/mole), and on the other
hand, it is description of the thermodynamical system specific work on the
surroundings (and on the contrary) as the temperature is changed to one degree.

According these explanations it must be quiet understood (by means of

connecting equations (4 ), ( 5) to a single one that the parameter

2E -;3 1 + 2ecoS<p + e2 Cp
y =- =- = =- = =f3(r,i)=4(e,cp)=fs{E,P)=f6(p,T) (6)
P T 2
1 + ecoS<p c_. (dS/dT)..

that reflect all parts of the "substauce-space-time unity" (i.e. - in complete) both in
macro-. and in microsubstance. But it is well known that virtually all physical and
chemical propetties of substance are defined by atom-molecular (proton-electron's)
structure of substance and they are depend ou their thermodynamical conditions (p.T).
So, planets (and so on) those have various chemical structures (and various
chemical and physical properties) of microparticles, molecules, atoms (and so ou) are
moving in space and time by various ways. The forms (i.e: • the space-time
characteristics) of these ways is close .connected with ·value of the parameter y for

Copyright@ 19% by J. Goriachko


these objects by equation (6). Besides, it would be taken in mind that motions of these
objects always was happened in the definite thermodynamical state.

Thus, the one-dimensional parameter y in fact is a common characteristic of all

"substance-space-time unity prope1ties (what for the first time has been shown in( 1-3 )).

In conjunction with this fact must be quite understood that only the presence of
parameter y by (6) in any physical of chemical theory automatically made this theory
as vittually fundamental one. On the contrary, the absence parameter y in any scientific
theory is a direct indicator that this theory is appeared as an empirical one (and
"substance-space-time". unity in this theory is non complete}.

Let us make ~alysis, for instance, from this point of view the main laws of
physics- Newton's laws those is the base of the modern natural science. These laws· are
desctibe the motion of any body in space and time. Bqt for them absolutely
indifference the physical and chemical properties of this body substance, its
thermodynamical stations and. its atom-molecular (proton-electron's} structure. The
mass of a body as the parameter that exist into Newton's iaws is not a general
charactetistic of the physical and chemical properties of ~ubstance (i.e substance-space-
time" unity is not reflected in these laws completely ). The parameter y in Newton 's·
laws is absent, and this fact, as it is shown in (2), is si~~d the .wathetnatical (and the
physical) injustice of these laws. ' · · ·'

Likewise it is possible to analyze any other physical of chemical theoties

(thennodynamics, chemical thermodynamics, electrodynamics, A Einstein's relativity
theories, quantum mechanics and so on). But finally result always is similar to result

Let us foWid now the next main property of the nature "substance-space-time"
unity. As it was shown in (2) in general cause limits of the parameter y are from· zero
to infinity.
With reference to (6) this is cof'responding to

0 < e < l, W < 0 (0 < y < 2, W < 0)- the elliptical orbits,
e = 1, W=O (y = 2, W = 0)- the parabolic trajectories,
1 < e < ,W>O (2 < y < ClO ,W > 0)- the chiperbolical trajectories.

Here W is the complete (or the total) energy of a body.

From the equation (6) is followed that the parameter y is the periodical
function of au angle <p. Besides, it is the one-dimensional parameter. These facts are
means that the function y = f4( e,<p) may be used as description of the wave processes
in macro- and in microsubstance. By this fact functions y for various planets and for
electron's orbits of atoms by different I.M Mendeleev' s classification are appeared as
quite single typical ones. For each planet this furiction has ouly ·a single amplitude. But
amplitudes of these functions for different electron orbits -have a very wide spectrum.
However. for electron orbits amplitudes· always are existing one that is very
close to the amplitude of the planet orbit. This means that these electron's orbits are
existing in the space time resonance state with the orbit of the same planet ·(i.e. - these

Copyright@ 1996 by J. Goriachko


In summary, expounded above clearly shown that the properties of the uan1re
"substance-space-time" unity may be successfully used for a creation of new in
principle energetic. Moreover, it is possible to suppose now that only an ignorance (of
incomprehension) ofthis fact is explanation of a very low efficiency for most modem
energetic processes and va1ious plants.


It is shown that the nature unity "substance-space-time" is prominently

demonstrated in macro- and in microsubstance into planetary motions on the va1ious
trajecto1ies; forms of these trajectories are depended on chemical composition, atom-
molecular structure and thermodynamical states of these planets. There are obtained
some analytical methods to reflect this unity in the laws of natural science, and it is
demonstrated the virtually possibility of the artificial adjusting by all parts of this w1ity.

l.J.G.Goriachko "On the unity Newton's, Coulomb's and thermodynamics
laws", St.Pb. , RAS, in Series "Problems of Investigation of Universe",
Issue 17, 1994, p. 426-431.

2.J. G. Gotiachko "Mechanics of Space and Time", St.Pb., RAS, in Series

"Problems oflnvestigation of Universe", Issue 18, 1995, p. 111-126

3. J.G.Goriachko "Thermodynamics of Space and Time", St.Pb., RAS, in

Series "Problems of Investigation of Universe", Issue 18, 1995, p. 294-308

Copyright@ 1996 by J. Goriadlko


Experiments on the change of the direction and rate of time

, .. Vadim A. Chernobrov
by Alexander V. Frolov translator and editor

It is known that the first experimental study of physical properties of Time

were made by professor N .A.Kozyrev, who wrote some papers on causal or
asymmetrical mechanics. lt was conducted experiments on management of direction
and rate of a sequence of a time. Since I 967 in Moscow Air Institute under the
direction of tb~ Professor F. Yu. Zigel ( up to his death in 1988) the researches of
UFOs those have some technical form were conducted. According to the work on
opened State Budget theme " Preliminary researches on the abnormal phenomena
in the atmospl}ere " much information was collected. The information collected
consisted of wh.ole' file of odd and grouped information on this phenomena. The .
information w.~s used to· determine cause and effect connections and physical
processes which where determined by authentic cases of traces and fragments, cinema
and photos, anfi.~ telemetering images of UFOs which started from the time of 1987
onward. The data for some part of these objects their body (surface of device)
influences the rate and 'direction of a course of a Time. To confirm this last statement. a
series of experiments were'?made from 4 types of laboratory installations (and in the
present time it is conducted one more system for new experiments).

In experiments on deceleration and acceleration of a physical Time in small

closed volume, conducted since 1988, among other things the effect electromagnetic
of fields on · space-time continuum was checked. The experimental system for such
effect represe!"f~ed set of ~lectromagnets, are connected among themselves in serial and
in parallel and installed on the globe-shaped surfaces. In various experiments from 3
up to 5 such surfaces, Electromagnetic Working Surfaces (EWS) was used. All EWS
layers of various diameters were installed consistently in each other ( similarly to
Russian toy ·:matrioshka"). The maximum EWS size was made about meter. the
minimum EWS diamete~ · {internal) was equalled to 115 mm. that has appeared
sufficient to p~ace inside of EWS the gauges of the control and experimental animals
(various Kipds insect .-and laboratory Mouses ), io investigate the effects of
converging ~herical' electromagnetic of waves were checked up.

The meas·urements ofr.ate of a course of a Time were conducted by all probable

known modern ways of measurement of a time: all kinds electronic, quartz,
mechanical, nuclear hours were used: as well as the specially made duplicated ·
quartz generators ( in which were compared the indications of frequencies of
standard and heat-shielded generators ): fiber-optic line diodes and other ways
was fixed. Though on some kinds of measuring devices, for example, quartz hours. are
collateral influenced by other physical factors, but the duplication of· methods of
measurement permitted essentially reduce a error of measurement. Thus change of
speed of current of a time ( was reached that the Professor Kozyrev named as
density of time t I te, where te is norma! time of Earth space and t is local time inside of
the experimental system) is about a share of seconds earthly hour, though in one of
experience because of some non-completely known reasons, the deceleration of time
has made -4 minutes per 8 hour ( -30 sec per hour ). Slowing down of rate· of a time
up to -I ,5 sec per hour and acceleration up to + 0,5 sec per hour was found out and
explained. If to accept a usual reference Time as te= + 1, will become clear, that

Cooyricllt © 1996 by Vadim A. Chemobrov


while we investigate a range of speed of a Time+ 0,99 < t I tE < + 1,0 I. Hence subjects
and animals, placed inwards at any moue of operations ( slo~ing down or
acceleration ) in any case moved in Future faster or slower that ones in environmental
area of space.

· In experience was established, that the processes of slowing down and

acceleration of a Time sharply differ on character and consequences. So, the stowing
down of a Time "ccurred considerably more smoothly and steadily; at acceleration
sharp jumps in the were observed indications, this mode was characterised by
ge~ral instability and dependence on any external factors. In partictdar. the
instability of ·acceleration of speed of a Time depended on a time of days and
arrangement of the Moon, probably and from other reasons, including bpeta.tor
presence. Even small external effect, for ,example mechanical vibration, resulted in
change of size of speed, including to significant.
. .

Despite small size of change of a Time, even such small acceleration can be named
as similarity "trips in Future " but the slowing down less than ~ 1 hour per hour
cannot be e;,onsidered " as trip in Past". So, the Physics of a Time of Future radical
image differs from Physics of a Time of Past. Present - there is transition, conversion
of a multialtemative Future in one~alternative and unchangeable the Past. From
here follows, that flight in Past ( at the "negative density t I tE") and in Future will
really occur differently; in any degree they can be compared to moves of a ant along a
tree: from any point of a tree (from Present ) for' ant there is only one way downwards
(in Past) and set ·Of ways upwards ( in Future ). However, among all ways in Future
there are doubtless and most probable variants of development for the Future, also
there are impossible and almost possible. The movement in Future will be esped~llly
astable and power-intensive if less probable will appear given Variant of the future.
According to given "by the law of a top of a tree", the return only if traveller in time
does not interfere in occurring around and course of a past history does not change.
otherwise this traveller will return in parallel Present of History of other branch of
the tree. The penetration in Future from t~e Present is hindered by choice of a
branch o~ moving, but ·. the· returning from any variant the Future in Present is
possi?~e at any script ofbehaviour. ;

Experiments have confirmed also, that the Person and Time make very strong
influence on' each other. The effect of the operator on a course of experience is
revealed, but it is not investigated up to the end. It is found out also, that the
harmful effect on the biological system makes not ·a process' of moving in a time itself
but the difference of speed of change of a Time on various sites of a body. lnside of
a laboratory installation it was also fixed, that the Time can be change with some
inertiality. Sites of the space with a various Time have vague borders. At a sufficient
difference in speed of change of a Time, the human eye can see other Time as white
mist, at more greater difference - as lighting mist, that can serve as a signal of danger.
It is possible to consider, that time-traveis are possible, and (after experiments
with mouses and other supervision) are some basis to think, that they will be safe
for travellers if they observance some ro.1les. It is specially necessary to emphasise. that
the trips in time, due to opened properties of a Time, can not affect on Past and to
change our past history. All so named paradoxes for travellers in time (when he
"meet himself in Past" or "kill his grandfather in his children's age " ) have fine
solutions in 3- dimensional time.

It is possible to consider as a proven by some way. that the Time has more than
one measurement. i.e. theoretical calculations by 0 . Bartini are confinned, that the
' ~, ! , •

Copyright© 1996 by Vadim A. Chernobrov


&t-. C'Oll!Jal ofilmor tm. ~

...... '

J •

Copyright© 1996 by A. Chemobrov


...."'./1': .

·. ~ ~--~:,;t,~.::\;{tr., ......,.
~ .. ..·'


Copyright© 1996 by Vadim A. Chemobrov

-------- -~--
V. Chernobrov

\ ..... . ' \
"' \ '

2-nd and 3-rd stage of the experiments with prototypes of the Machine of Time:
set-up for experiments with animals and for deceleration·- acceleration of Time for
pilots. Second set-up in perspective will be used for first small transmissions in Time.

Copyright© 1996 by Vadim A. Chemobrov


Time has 3 dimensions. Hence, our Earth world can be considered as 6-

dimensional, and dimensions accordingly are; a length, width, height, age or date of a
Time, variant of a History or erosion of a Time, density or speed of a Time. The
concept for "Arrow of a T thus completely away in the fourth measurement ( date of
a Time ), but enters by particular case in concept of the sixth dimension (speed of a
Time )1 with which physical concepts of a gravitation and energy are simultaneously
also connected. Concepts of the " Einstein-Rosen bridges", entered in 1916. or
"worm-holes", entered in science by John Willer at the end of 50th years, are by such
sort approach the travels in 5th and 6th dimensions "classical" travel in time that was
described by G. Wells will thus occur at various variants of trip in 4, 5, 6, i.e. in all
measurements of a Time.
- - - - --- --- .. --·- - - - - · ...
'; ·'


: l.

You see things and you say: "Why?"

But I dream things that never were, and
I say: "Why not?"

George Bernard Shaw

The Energy Anisotropy of Space
Efimov A.A., Shpitalnaya A.A. .-....
·' ~( . ,
Th~ .P~lkovo Astronomical Obser.v atory. of Russia Academy of Scto.nQos ·,t,
.- St.-Petersburg, Rusaia .. ·

The Energy Global Anisotropy of Space, connected with the new nat~;al
interaction was predicted theoretically and discovered experimentally by
Yu.A.Baurov and his colleagues . . The eaaonco of that lies in ideas of physical
vacuum structure [1,2). By this conception the masse.- of elementary particles arc
proportional to the magnitude of the intergalactic vector potential Aa, a new
fundamental constant, related to ·one-dimensional discrete "magnetic" fluxes •
byuons, which form our entire world [3,4]. The modules I A 1 1has a limiting value
ncar of 1.95 1011 CGSE units (or Oaussx em) and it cannot be increased but
diminished by the vector potential o.f a certain magnet going1 to meet A,. inasmuch
as masses of elementary particles arc uniquely .related ;_to the value Aa, .an
assumption may be made about new type interaction existence, in a region of
lowered I A 1 1, th.a t is acting on any material body located there.

The now is essentially non-linear in character with respect to the value ll.A in
direction of the vector A1 (4,S]. This force is mainly in the samo direction as the
vector A1 which according to [S] has the following coordinate•: in the second
equatorial coordinate system: a.Qf270°±7° (a. is right asccntion), f}RS+30° (f} is
declination); in the ecliptic coordinate syatem:

A RS 2 72 ° ( A is longitude)
f} RS +53°
(f} is latitude)

In the galactic coordinate system:

1 RS Sso. ( 1 is longitude)
~ RS +23° ( b is latitude)

The new. force pushes the mass out of the reduced potential vector region.
The results are connected with the experimental discovery of the space
.. magnetic anisotropy· , the ·n ew forco which ia different from the magnetic one and
the model of the generator of the new type are described in [ 4·7].
As astrophysical observations showa the direction of the _v .c ctor A1 determines
global space anisotropy in the Solar System and in our Galaxy. But it is neccs·s ary
to note that the measured direction A1 is superimposed by vector potentials of
galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields, i . e~ - on the Earth we measure, really, a
. SUJDmary potenthal Al: which can be some what lesser in magnitude than Aa and it
· can bc , rotated relatively to the true undisturbed vector A1 • Nowadays both Solar
system and our Galaxy move with:· the same absolute vclocitie1 V 1 and V1 in
opposite direction about A1 • The angle between directions of V, and Aa is equal
RS2S so, between V 1 and A. is equal lll:l236°. The antiparallel direction of Aa about V 1
had place 60·70 millions years ago, when all dinosaurs died out.

The new interaction· is manifested not only in tho process of interacting of

the entire Sun' a planet •s magnetic systems with physical vacuum but also in
phenomena associated with fast-going electromagnetic proccues with great energy
release such as solar flares, erupdvc prominence and earthquakes.
The new lateraction must b~ vocy o.twng ia flare• bccnso- vector potential A
of thou aro of tho or4or of - 1011 G x ~m M•t !t io e.omparablo to tho value Ar. Tho
processing of the galactic eoordiaate1 of 354"3 sobr flares with a mqsritutk of 2 or
more baa shown that the d!atdbution cf ~~~i}O p~ouaos oa tho aurfaco of the
"aonrotatiag" Sua- g aot crv~ ancl no&raadom wk4t testifies that in the ncar-Sun
space an anisotropy takes place which practically coincides with that predicted and
obtained in laboratory exporimom.- n4- ·-owted t.y~· o:&ifl01Ko· of tho iatcqalactic
vector potential Aa [1].

The diroctktn of maximal aaisotropy ia tho' flare' 1 case i:J

Qt tW & +26-,5 9

A"" 27S.,S0 , p .. +50°

l•S3·0 , :: • b- • +1'1,5°

Tho moat pow~l!fol -n:plosion of~ aotivo ·proatiaea&e bed·pl"• of 4.06.1946.Fig.l.

The direction Qf Ar, determined with help_of thie phonomnon,. accordina to [9] is:
Qt .w 275°, 8 .. +33°
A tW 278°, 'P ., +57°
1 .. 60°, .,. .. +20°
.. .
Tho direction of maximal aniaotropy ia cartltquako •a case [ 1OJ is

cxsw266°, 8 • . +12~
A 1111 265°, p .. +36°
I• 36°, 1;., +200

The all found ooor4inatos practioatly . eoiacfde with· tho experimentally

determined th-ese of the vector Aa imd are WaGe tho obacrved aniaotropy
accounts for more than So with respect to th·c isotropic 1tate fia.Z.

In (11,12} u a result · of itwutigatiq tliRrib•tio•· of a -larac number of

different· nonstati·o nary processes in our Galaxy ia aalactio tonaitudo tho clearly
defined spa"'· aaieotropy-.w a• ·f.oun4 ...

T~ pulaara, orlainatiq. aa a.:roavk.. of auporaova.. explodoaa, have magnetic

field- 10 Gau11. They form ·r ows of distiftct·paraltet trac" in the 4ircotien of A1
in our G~laxy (1.2,13). · ... ·

The anpca between thcao traces act :he direction to tho .c enter and the
aaticoatcr of tho Galoy are cqul to 63o., i.o.-1-.60°.

ln. -tho atatiooary usc• A1 clotermiaoa tho ndeatation. ofr,aa ..retatioa axes u
orbitt of c-elestial hodiu. Fro examplo the moaa fi'WUlfity of tfHt -aagle between tlto
line of apaidoa of tho Sua aad ·platu~t•· •a4· .4k.oeua>Of. A.··t.. .aou . lOQ~.t15~.

It is meaa that .thoro. are no . iu~ ayatcms iD. N~ture uul cnorgcuc
excha.qo takes place betweca· syatomt of a tiffernt·tcvol-of ergaDiut-iea~
l .

CopyriahtO 1996 by A.A.PJimov ~ ·

ISO 7SO 650 .sso 450 SSG lSO 150 -350 -450 .5$0 -650 ·151' .aso
t\b 50 ·50
00 2.6 3.S 4.2 4.8 S.2 I S.S S.1 s.~ S.4 S.t t4.S 3.9 3.1 2.3 1.3 0.3 .fJ.7 -1.7
tOO 2.7 3.7 4.6 S.3 S.8
L--,..... _____
6.3 ,6.4 6.4 _, 6.2 S.B '------,
5.2 4.S 1 3.7 2.8 1.7 0.6 .fJ.S -1 .6
200 2.8 3.9 4.9 · S.7 6.4 6.9 7.2 6.9 ,6.8 6.4 S.8 s.o ,4.1 3.1 2.0 0.9 .0.3 -1.6
300 2.8 4.0 5.1 .6.1 6.9 7.4 1.1 7.6 '------.,
7.4 6.9 ,6.2 I
S.4 14.4 3.4 2.l l.O .fJ.l -t ..S
400 2.8 4.1 S.3 6.4 1.2 7.8 l8.2 8.1 ~1.2 6.4 s.s 4.6 3.5 2.3' t.l .fJ.l ·1.S
5011 2.8 4.1 S.4 6.5 7.S ,8.2 8.6 8.5 8.1 . 7.5 6.6 5.6 4.6 3.4 2.2 . t:9 .fJ.2 -I.S
601 2.8 4.0 S.3 6.S 7.6 18.3 8.9 8.8 I 6.6 s.s 4.4 3.2 2.1 0.9 .fJ.3 -1.S
8.3. ,7.5
1f1J 2.8 4.0 & 5.2 6.4 1.6 ,8.5 8.9 8.8 8.3· ,7.3 6.3 5.1 4.0 2.9 1.8 .0.7. . -OJ4 -1.6
BOD 2.7 3.8 4.9 6.1 7.2 j8.0 8.3 8.3
7.8 6.8 5.7 4.6 3.S :u 1.4 0.4 -0.6 ·1.6
9f1J 2.6 3.5 4.5 5.6 6.5 7.2 7.3 7.2 6.8 5.8 4.8 3.7 2.8 1.8 0.9 0.0 .o.k -1.7
1000 2.5 3.3 4.0 4.8 S.6 S.8 cu 5.9 5.4 4.S 3.6 2.7 1.9 1.1 0.4 -0.4 -U .. -1 ••
llffJ :u 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.4 4.S 4.6 4.3 3.7 3.0 2.3 1.6 1.0 0.3 -0.2
-0.8 -1.4 -1.9

1201 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.1 2.9 l.S 2.0 1.4 0.9 0.4 .0.1 -0.5 -0.9 -1.3 -1.7 -2.0
13f1J 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.0 -0.2 -0.8 -1.1 · 1.4 -1.6 -1:8 ·2.0. -2.1
1400 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.3 0.9 0.4 ·0.1 ..0.5 ·1.0 ·U -1.7 -1.9 -2.1 -2.2 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 ·2.2
1501 l.O l.S 1.0 0.5 -0.1 -0.7 -1.3 ·1.8 -2.2 ·2.6 -2.8 -3.0 -3.1 -3.1 -3.0 -2.8 ·2.6 -2.3
.0.2 -1.0 -1.7 -2.3 -2.8 -3.3 -3.6 -3.9 -4.0 -4.0 -3.9 •3.6'r. ·3.3 -2.9 -2~4 '.
16ffJ 1.9 1.2 o.s
1700 1.8 0.9 0.0 -0.8 -1.7 ·2.5 ·3.2 ·3.8 -4.2 -4.6 -4.8 -4.9 -t.l -4.6 -4.2 . -3.8 ·3.2 ·l.S
1800 1.7
l9ffJ 1.6

-0.3 -1.3 -2.3 -3.1 -3.9 -4.S -s.t -S.4 -S.6 -S.7 -S.S -5.2 -4.1 -4.2 -3.S -2.6
-0.6 ·1.7 .;u -3.7 -4.5 -5.2 ·5.8 -6.2 -6.4 -6.4 -6.3 -5.8 .... -4.6 ·3.7 ·2.7
2000 1.6 0.3 -0.9 -2.0 -3.1 -4.1 ·S.O -s.s -6.4 -6.8 -6.9 -7.2 -6.9 -6.4 -S.3 -4.9 -3.9 ·2.8
l1ffJ l.S 0.2 -1.0 ·2.2 ·3.4 -4.4 -5.4 -6.2 -6.9 -7.4 ·1.6 ·1.1 •7.4 -6.9 ·5.1 -5.1 . -4.0 ·2.8
2200 I.S 0.2 ·l.l -2.3 -3.5 .4.6 -s.s... --6.4 -7.2 -7.8j-8.1 -8.2 -7.8 -7.2 -6.1 ·5.3 -4.1 ·2.8
2300 l.S 0.2 ·1.0 -2.2 ·3.4 -4.6 ·S.6 -6.6 -1.5 ! -8.1 -8.5 -8.6 -8.2 ·1.5 -6.4 ·S.4 ..... -2.8
~ l.S 0.3 .o.9 ·-u· I
·3.2 -4.4 ·S.S -6.6 -7.5 i -8.3 -8.8 -8.9 -8.3 -7.6 -6.5 t•5.3 ,.·~~:
-4.0 ·2.8
2501 1.6 0.4 -o.7 .l -1.8 ·2.9 ·4.0 -S.l -6.3 ··7.3,-8.3 -8.8 ...9 · ·4tS. •7.6 -6.5 ~$.2 -4.0 -2.8
~ foi.- -
2600 1.6 0.6 -0.4 -1.4 -2.4 ·3.S -4.6 -S.7 -6.8 , ...-?~8 -8.3 -8.3 .i:O t•7.2 -6.4 -4.9 -3.8 -2.7
I - i I
27ffJ 1.7 0.8 0.0 -0.9 ·1.1 -2.8 ·3.7 -4.8 ·5.8 1~.8 •7.2 -7.3 -7.2 I -6.5 -6.1 -4.S -3.S -2.6
.... _·-~ I .
2800 1.8 t.t 0.4 -0.4 -1.1 -1.9 -2.7 -3.6 -4.s -s.4 ,.s.t -6.1 •5.8 I •5.6. ·5.6 -4.0 ·3.3 ·2.5
2900 1.9 1.4 0.8 0.2 -0.3 -1.0 -1.6 ·2.3 -3.0
·3.~ -4.3 -4.6 -4.5 -4.4 -4.8 · ~3.5 -2.9 -2.4
.J I ;~
3000 2.0 1.7 1.3... 0.9 o.s 0.1 -0.4 -0.9 -1.4 -1.0 -2.S -2.9 -3.1 -3.2 ·3.9 -1~ -2.6 -2.3
3100 2.1 2.0 0.8 0.2 0.0 -0.4 -0.9 -1.3 -1~7 -2.0 -3.1 -2:2 ...~·-~ -2.2
1.8 '· 1.6 1.4 l.l
32ffJ 2.2 2.3 2.3 ' 2.3
2.2 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.0 o.s .0.1 -0.4 -0.9 -2.1 -t6·~- -t.i -2.1
33011 2.3 2.6 2.8 . 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.3 0.4 0.1 -1.3 ·U)•."'<;,~(:$ -2.0
'• \
3401' .2.42.9 3.3: 3.6 3.9 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.6 3.3 2.8 2.3 l.7 f.O -O.S -o.s •l.2 ·l.9
35011 2.S 3.2 3.8 4.2 4.6
I4.8 4.9 -t.8 I 4.6 4.2 3.8 3.2 2.5 1.7
0.2 0.0 -0.9-l.l
~ 2.6 3.5 4.1 4.8
S.l 15.5 5.1 '---------...,
5.6 5.4 S.t ,4.5 3.9 3.l 2.3 1.3 0.3 ,-0.7 ·1.7
1. Yu.N.Babajev, Yu.A~v, prefliint INR Akad.Nat~l< SSSR P..0362, Moscow, 1984.

2. Yu.N.Babajev, Yu.ABaurov, preprint 1NR Akad.Nauk SSSR P-0386, Moscow 1985.

3. Yu.A.Baurov, in: Plasma Physics and certain problems of general physics, Central Rese~h Institute
ofMachine-Building. 1990, pp.71,84.

4. Yu. A.B~urov, Phys.Mysl.Ross., 1(1994), 18.

5. Yu.A.Baurov; B.MSctjogin, A V. Chemikov, Phys.Mysl Ross., 1(1994), 1.6. Yu.A Baurov, V.M
Ogartov, Phys.Mysl Ross:, 1(1994), 66.

7. Yu.ABaurov, A.V.Chemikov, Phys.Mysi.Ross, 3 (1996),1.

8. Yu.A. Baw-ov, AA.Efimov, A.A.Shpitalnaya, Phys.Mysl Ross., 3(1995)10.

9. A.A.Efimov, A.A.Shpitalnaya, Yu.AZakoldaev, Problem lssl.VseL, 19 (1996)403, in Russian.

10. A.A.Efimov, A.A.Shpitalnaya, Problem lssl.Vselen., 9(1980)67, in Russian.

11. AAShpitalnaya, Probl.Issl.Vsel,8(1979)264 in Russian.

12. A.A.Shpitalnaya, Problem Iss.Vsel., 8(1979) 264 in Russian.

13. J.H.Taylor, R.N.Manchester, AG.Iync, APh.J. Suppl.S., 88 (1993) 529.


. ~ t'

Copyright @ 1996 by A.A.Efimov !Uld AA.Sbpitalnaya

On Spme Properties of the Physical Time and Space

Prof. Dr. Albert I. Veinik

Institute for Physics and Technics, Belarus Academy of Sciences
4 Jodinskaya str., Academy City, 220141, Minsk, Belarus

I. The Universe is Material ( Substantial

New paradigm for theory is proposed. According to this paradigm.
heterogeneous SIMPLE substances - chronal (Greek "chronos" - time), metrical
(Greek "metron" - measure, size), rotational, vibrational, thermal, electrical.
magnetical and other are starting elements of the Universe Temple. Each such sort
substance have own specific properties and the substance pass these properties to the
object if the object include this substance. If the object have not some substance, it
have not some properties are corresponding to this substance. Photon, for example,
don't include electrical substance (charge) so photon have not special electrical
properties, it have not such sort reaction.
From 1950 more 10 years was spent to find special thermal (or vermical by
German die Warme- heat) substance and the transference of it is explanation for all
thermal phenomenons. In the experiments was proved the fact of the existence for
independent special particles- "satlons" [1, p.274].
It was discovered that all simple substances for the macro-wqrld level have
continuous properties; for micro-world level - discrete, portion, quantum; and for
more subtle level (in nano-world) the substance have force properties. Example for it is
so call gravitational and electrostatic field (nanofield). Quantum (minimum portion)
sizes for chronal, metrical, rotational and magnet substances are unknown. As vibration
substance quantum it is possible to accept the Plank constant, and as electrical
substance quantum - the electron charge. Quantum of vermical substance (vermiant)
was detected by many methods. Experiments on the heat flows and electric currents
those use Franz-Videman law, have the result: 3.87 J0·23 [J/K] [1. p.410; 2. p .l77).
So call element particle is totality of simple substances portions those are
interacting by SPECIFIC way (between quantums of the same name) and by
UNIVERSAL way (between quantums of the different names). In electron, for
example, universal interaction force between portions of the electrical and thermal
substances, is equal to 4 10·15 N [I. p.412; 3, p.352].

2. Quantitative Concept for General Theory (GT) of Nature

Each simple substance is defined by four quantitative MEASURE: quantity
and quality (structure) for substance, and quantity and quality (method) for
behaviour (in common sense) of substance. The substance is primary and its
behaviour is secondary, so quantity for behaviour is function of all substances
quantities. The differential calculus on this function result -to equation for first
fundamental law, or beginning of GT, "that is well-known energy conservation law .[
1.2,3.4 ]. In the same way mathematically is 9btained equations for other six
beginnings of GT. This is completed equations systems and equations are essential
and sufficient for all-sides study of the phenomenon on the element level. Role of
quantity for substance belong to the thennodynamical factor of extensivity (extensor)
or generalised charge (mass, quantity of thermal substance, electric charge and so on):
role of quality measure for substance belong to specific capacity and conductivity: role
for UNIVERSAL measure of quantity for any substance behaviour is energy; role

Copyright© 1996 by A. I. Veinik


for measure of behaviour quality is thermodynamical extensivity factor, or

generalised potential, or intensial (square of velocity, absolute temperature.
electrical potential and so on).
Second beginning of GT is conservation law for quantity of substance; third
beginning is law of state, that is description of total connection between nature
phenomenons; fourth beginning is reciprocity law that determine the symmetry in
mutual influence between phenomenons; fifth taw is carrying of substance law; sixth
law is carry away law that describe symmetry for mutual carry flows away for
different substances; seve:1th law is dissipation law, or screening law, or plus- and
minus-friction law, that join all laws above and it make all laws
uncontradictional. Also seventh law define the energy balance in the object from new
position (1,2,3,4).
Second, third, fou . ~h and seventh laws are new. Those laws are proved
experimentally from different sides. Fifth and sixth laws are formulated by Onzanger.

3. Heat is Not an Chaotic Motion of Particles

So. among seven laws above there is no known second thermodynamics

beginning that included itself the entropy, many prohibitions and innocuous heat
death of the Universe. There are no these prohibitions in GT. so it was created more
than 20 types of operating devices. Devices transform heat of the monothermical source
(air, water, earth) in electrical energy and demonstrate efficiency more than I 00% that
is the violation of Clausius second law [I , p.447, 470]. Figure 1, Figure 2.
The entropy was introduced in science by R.Clausius of 1865, who unsuccessfully
proved Came theorem. On the gross mistake in this "proof' A.A.Guhman wrote in his
paper (S.p. 79; 6, p.l40). By properties of the entropy Clauseus made conclusion
about unidirectional development of Universe and about heat death of Universe. In
1872 Boltzmann explained the sense of the entropy by statistical mechanics method,
that use ACCIDENT and probability notions. This explanation made the problem
more tangled, since heat is considered as chaotic motion of particles. When Boltzmann
understood his mistake and its scientific effects, he committed suicide. N.Wiener and
K.Shannon made the question more difficult by application of entropy for information
theory (I . p .406).

4. On Some Properties of the Time

Chronal (that is connected with time) and metrical (that is connected with
space) are new simple and exotic phenomenons those explain many questions. By
Newton the time is "measure for duration", for example. duration of some
processes or some events. All simple phenomenons must be conforming to seven
beginnings of GT, so by means of simple phenomenons it is possible to control by
time (and by space) in the same way that is used for control by other simple
phenomenons - rotational , vibrational. thermal, electrical and magnetic. taking into
consideration the specific of each phenomenon. sure.
It is important to note: real physical time "u" that is defined by chronal
phenomenon and our ordinary time "t" that is announced by broadcasting. are
different in principle.
Duration "t" is symbolic description that is nor present in Nature. It is invented
by human for rational organisation of the society. Symbolic time "t" "flow" or
"motion" strictness even. with CONSTANT VELOCITY from past to future. and
there is some special time service control.

Copyright© 1996 by A. I. Veinik


Time "u" is really existing in Nature chronal description for arn certain object (body).
from the bacillus to the stars; it can "flow" or "move" with any ALTERNATING
VELOCITY, from zero to infinity.
So. in principle it is impossible to make the control on the "motion" for symbolic
unexisting time "t". To control by velocity of "motion" for real time "u" it is enough to
select , values in the equations for seven beginnings by right way. It is necessary to
substitute in those equations the value "t" that is chronal intensitet (or ~hronal); it is
reverse proportional to value "u". If chronal "t" is increasing, the rate of all processes in
the body is increasing also.
It is interesting to note: in some known physical laws included real time "u", but
some laws use symbolic time "t", and it lead to serious mistakes. In the Newton second
law the denominator of acceleration formula use real time sguare (du:!). So, for two
bodies collision experiment when the "rate of time" is 10 times different, the forces of
action must be in 100 times more than reaction force. So, third Newton law,
conservation law for quantity of motion (and momentum) is violating. Some
noncompensated force is created that allow to move "by means of inner forces" ( so call
reactionless motion). According to third beginning of GT (state law) this process can be
created by means of many methods: for ~~xample, ball is moving inside of the ring (on
the inner side of the ring ·surface) and this body have changing velocity, Fig.3, Fig.4.
Other example is fly-wheel that is rotating, Fig.5, and velocity of the rim from one side
is added with velocity of motion for thi:; point as planet surface point, but from the
other side of the fly-wheel the velocity of the rim is subtracted with velocity of planet
rotation. For different velocities the ball and parts of the rim have different chronal
values, so ball press on the ring by different way; also rim press on the axis by different
way. Some non-compensated force is <:reated as result. Remember N.A.Kozyrev's
experiments those included rotating gyroscopes, [ 1, p.444]. By third beginning of GT
was created more than 30 operating devices those proved theoretical conclusions [1,
p.4 13,428]. .
Existence of chronal difference in such sort devices give rise to chronal subst11nce_
flow (fifth beginning of GT) that allow to use devices as effective chronal radiation
generators. By means of such sort generators it is possible to stimulate or to suppress
the vital activity of micro-organism, to accelerate sugar-spirit transformation. wine
ageing, to increase germinating power Of seeds, to increase velocity of plants
development in 2-3 times, to increase the productivity of plants in 1.5 times. in
experiment for aluminium casting th'at Was radiated in the hardening process,
demonstrate increase of the cohesion 'Jim it - ·11 %~ yield limit -46%, and lengthening is
decreasing - 6%. Look the monograph [7] about chronal properties for substances.
Other example: All known physical laws for carrying - Fourier's thermal
conductivity. Fick's diffusion. Ohm's electro-conductivity. Maxwell's equations and so
on, included symbolic time t. that allow to compare productivity of different technical
devices in practice. This point is source for most absurd in principle mistake of the
relativity theory, by ·Einstein. In this theory is made the conclusion about change-of the
velocity for time on the base of the analysis for Maxwell's equations and well-known
Lorentz's transformation, those include symbolic time t "moving" _with constant

5. On some properties of the space

The space is simple. metrical subst;mce, it provide objects are including it with
sizes and mass, so we can see and sense those objects since we are living in chronal-
metrical world [1. p.247]. All other snbt tances have not specific metrical properties
(sizes and mass) so "they are invisible and insensible- they are ""smeared "inside of space

Copyright@> 1996 by A. I. Vcinik


volume that is CONTINUOUS extended media. This media is created by portions of

the metrical substance (by metriant).
In the absolute vacuum conditions, named as paren, all substances, metrical also,
are existing in the absolute rest state. This is the absolute passivity state since energy
and intencitial value is equal to zero (first and third beginnings of GT). Also paren is
unlimited source of the substance. If the energy input have place, different substances
quantums are activating and in interaction process are creating particles and objects.
Some excited metriants are part of created objects. Other metriants are not included in
the object, remain in absolute passivity state of paren, so they are ill visible, insensible
and they can not be measured. This is the scheme for space and objects are existing in
the space.
According to second beginning of GT, sizes of metriants are conform to the
conservation law, so they are equal to volume (mass) and it is impossible to compress or
decompress the space. In other words, space have solid body properties - "hardness",
and it is confirmed by transverse mechanism for electromagnetic waves propagation in
the vacuum. Motion in metrical medium have place by means of flow passive metriants
round active metriants that don't violate continuous quality of space. In the beginning
of the motion active metriants make passive metriants to move and it is demonstrate the
inertia phenomenon. F01: even and rectilinear motion the scheme for flow round is not
changing, and inertia is not demonstrating (Newton mechanics first law). In other case,
for rotation of the body, active metriants make passive metriants begin to move in
centre direction, so inertia force (centrifugal force in real sense) is directed from the
centre to periphery.
All intencitials (and difference of intencitials, and velocities of the processes) are
equal to zero in the paren. So, absolute vacuum is absolute system that include ordinary
co-ordinates also. But for zero-velocity w=x/u=O some finite transferences x are possible
since u=infinite.
There is no friction in paren but motion of active metriants relatively passive
metriants is connected with some insignificant resistance (seven beginning of GT). The
force of resistance (and inertia) must be depend on the body composition. size.
configuration and so on, that is proved by experiment (1, p.40 1].
To control by space in principle is necessary to cover ordinary body with out-of-
metrical envelope (insulation). In this case inside of the envelop the body have ordinary
metrical properties but outside of the envelop this body have zero size and mass. This
body can be moving through walls. Since thought is material this body can be directed
in space by means of thought (teleportation effect). But we have not such sort envelop ...

6. About "Fundamentals of Modem Natural Sciences".

The relativity theory, quantum mechanics theory and theory of information are
understanding as such sort base. All physics textbooks wrote that it is impossible by any
way to change the VELOCITY of atom radioactivity decay. that is used for
determination of event date or object age. Meanwhile author increased the velocity for
Thorium (Th) decay up to 6% (1 , p.347] by means of the chronal radiation.
The VELOCITY of light in vacuum is constant by relativity theory, but in our
experiments was detected the deviation for helium-argon laser beam in non-
homogeneous chronal radiation, that was produced by means of 1.9 Kg gyro-motor.
Laser beam length was equal to 28 meters, detector is photoelement. The electromotive
force as photoelement output signal was changed from 42 m\' to 39.6 mV, Figures
There is some interesting aspect in relativity principle: sizes of object are
decreasing and mass of the object is increasing if the velocity of observer in increasing.

CopYright© 1996 by A. I. Veinik


For example, length of your bed is equal to 2 meters and 20 Kg mass, but chance
observers are moving in different rocket; with different velocities and are looking on
the bed note different sizes and masses in the same moment ...
In the fundamentals of the quantum mechanics and theory of information is
accepted the ACCIDENTAL principle, and probability of some event is quantitative
expression for it. Ordinary in conventic·nal physics ACCIDENTAL is considered as
objecti've properties of theN ature.

7. Non-acciC.ental Accidentals
In the process of the comparison f,)r experimental results those were obtained on
the GT base with known theories above some thought is coming unwittingJy: about
goal-directed falsehood. Somebody inspire for us wrong notion about Universe, Nature
and Human. There is the question: who and why make it, what is inspired for us?
From the fact of the 'existence of unknown before chronal and metrical
phenomenons, the fact of existence for invisible out-of-chronal/out-of-metrical world is
following. This world is living out of time and space, without chronal and metrical
substances. ·
Exactly this world ..(named as spiritual world) is parallel to our visible chronal-
metrical world and it is genera'iing all so call . anomalous phenomenons: UFO.
poltergeist, parapsychological ... [I].
The light forces world is unfalse in principle, so the reason for our scientific
declaration about invariability for scm.! VELOCITIES and ACCIDENTALITY as
property of the Nature is the dark forces.
What is the goal?- To divert attention of human from the understanding of the
next: in the days of the Earth creation the chronal of the Earth and VELOClTIES for

times higher than today. So, there was no milliards years for evolution. ·
all processes, including the light speed and atom decay rate were in mjllion,·iq
- milliard
Also goal of the falsehoods to inspire the thought about accidental bas~ for
Nature. In real, the probability and accidental are CALCULATION METHOD we are ·
using in the situation that we can not or w(f don't wish to study the phenomenon in all
its complexity. In Nature there is no npthing accidental, all is determined and is
essential. So. ideas about ACCIDENTAL life process organisation from the lifeless
matter. about primary matter and secondary spirit ... lead to false conclusion: Universe
is not created, G9d and soul are not existing. This false conclusion make human free of
responsibility ·since all will finished out of death line. This wrong conclusion make
Hunan equal to animal.

l. BeHHHK A.M., TepMOllHHaMHKa peam.HbiX ripoueccos, MHHCK, Hayxa H TeXHHKa, ·
1991,576 CTp.
2. BeuHHK A.M., TepMO.llHHaMHKa. 3-e H3.l(., MHHCK,BblCwas. lliKona, 1968. 464 CTp.
3. BeiiiHHK A.M .. TepMO.llHHaMH~IecKaSI napa. MHHCK, HayKa H TexHHKa, 1973, 384 CTp.
4. BeiiHHJ..: A.H.. TepMOllHHaMHJ..:a Heo6paTHMbiX npoueccos, MuHCK. HayKa H
TexHHKa. 1966, 360 CTp.
5. fy:3MaH A.A., 06 ocHosax Te~m.amtaMm<H, AnMa-ATa, M3.a. A:Ka,aeMJHJ HayK
KaJaxcKou CCP, 1947, 106 CTp.
6. BeHHHK A.M., TexHHlJecKast TepMO.llH;iaMHKa H ocHOBbl Tennonepe.aa'm, MocKsa.
MeTaMypnt3,llaT, 1956. 448 CTp. .
7. BeHHHJ..: A.M., Ko~IJIHI< C.$. , Ko~mneK·:Hoe onpen:eneHue xpoHo<f>H3H'JeCKHX csowcTB
MeTpuanos, MHHCK. HayKa "TexHHJ..:a. 19n, 96 CTp.

Copyright© ~996 by A. I. Veinik


F igure J
It is the scheme for simp lest thermo-phase st~cond type p erpetual mobile: in this
closed vessel the Thompson-Kelvin equation is viol ated since liquid is evaporating both
in convex meniscus ( a) and concave meniscus( b); in closed circuit of two pipes 2 and
4 take place the liquid evaporation from the concave menisci of some capillary-porous
body t ( in this place the heat Q is absorbing ) and in the flat meniscus 3 the steam is
condensing ( in this place the heat Q is radiating . The temperature difference is created
that produce electromotive force EMF 0.5 mkV in the differential thennopair 5. The
intensity of the perpetual circulation of steam and liquid in pipes and electric output of
thermopair is defined by high of the pressure H (curvature of menisci ).
Figure 2
Schemes for simple thermoelectric {b) and thermoelectromechanical (c) second
type perpetual mobile. According to Volt law in open circuit {a) that is consist of three (
or more) different type conductors A,B.C total sum potential difference is equal to zero.
In closed circuit (b) this law is violated in strength of the non-equal change for
thermodynamical properties of conductors 1,2,3 in the area of the contact "x". So. total
sum electromotive force EMF is not equal to zero ( in circuit Cu-Bi-Al-Cu-Te-AJ-Cu
the EMF is equal to 10 mkV). The bali is made from the elder is re-charging and
oscillating between ends of the circuit eternally (c) .. ·
Figure 3
It is design scheme of reactionless drive that have un -evenly moving balls those
are placed in the ring. This device violate Newton third law and conservation law of
motion quantity. I is electromotor, 2 is ring for fastening of the motor; 3 is axis of the
motor; 4 is metal drive that have 8 radial holes for working balls 8 mm diameter; 5 is
working balls; 6 is top and regulator for direct ion and value of eccentricity d; 7 is ball-
bearing 45x68x 12 mm. The uncompensated inner force is directed in the eccentricity d
side. In this side v.elocity of balls is minimum. The value of force (if d is equal to 0.7
mm and frequency ofrotation is equal to 21000 rmp) is equal to 14 10·5 N.
Figure 4
Paired motors are rotating in opposite direction to compensate the torque.
Figure 5
Gyro-motor that produce non-compensated inner force about I 00 I o-s N.
Figure 6 ·
Scheme for experiment to curve the laser beam by means of nonhomogeneous
chronal field: I - laser, - gyromotors rotating wit h frequency w; 4 - metal tube; 5
-laser beam; 6 - photodetector; 7 -digital voltmeter; length is equal to 28 m.
Figure 7
The scheme of intensity change d.J==Jo-J 1 for light flow t hat is received by
photodetector. when the centre of t he beam is deviated from point xo to x 1: xo is place of
detector: Ju is intensity in the centre of the beam; J1 is intensity for some distance x,
from the centre.
F igure 8
Curve for change of voltmeter data, in the centre the data j = 42 m V. For
position I gyro-motors are on. for position 2 gyro-motors are off.
F igure 9
Device for chronal influence to light laser beam.

Copyright© 1996 bv A . J. Vt-it~iJ..



Figure 1

':; .


Figure 2

Copynght © l~t% by A. I. Veinik



Figure 3

Reactionless propulsion drive

1. Blectroaotor
2. Ring for aotor support
3. Axis ot the motor
4. Metal driver that have 8 radial wholes
s. Top
7. Support ball~bearing

Copyright© 19% by A. I. Vc.inik


. . .... ~ .
-. • :.·


Figure 4

Copyright© 199{) by A. I. Veinik

···•r.·· ."'· ~~


-· ·.·· "<':{
:"'. ... _:_::;~~
..... : -: ~. ·:.·J
' ~ ~
' :.; 0 ,_·

....--.;p,~ .., •.~:'(, ": .:.·._. ,;·.'


;_. ··~


Fi gure 5

Copyright© i 9~6 by A. I. Veinik


r 2 3· 4 5 6

9 8 7
- .. . -· ·- . ... - --- 4 .
Figure 6
Jo '\\
- ~
-q \
J, \
~ .


. · X~, .x, X
'" .
.... :

/ .

i .

e T Copyright <Q 1996 by A. I. Vetnik



I,5 rl


0 4 8 !2 I6 20 MHH

Figure 8

Figure 9

Copyright eJ 1996 by A. I. Veinik

To a Question on Reserves of Information
Interactions in a Nature
Stavitsky V .L
St -Peter.Jmrg. Russia
tel: 7-812-2752881

The original approach to revealing oflatent (non-energy) information interactions' is under

consid~ation. Reasons for such statement of question, general principles and also probable vaijants
of its decision are under discussion. The results of experimental researches are submitted.

1. Statement of a Question.

· The interdependence of conditions of nature objects is often revealing at absence of

appreciable information e?cch~ge between the objects. _Such facts give the reaso~ to assume
availability of a latent information interaction inherent to natural processes, but while not yet used
with conscious its essence. To ' the theme natUraL bUt not realised "connection channel" many
authors are addressed. In particular the assumption is stated, that flows of neutrino as the physical
carrier can act. Hypothesis Is known, in which opportunity of the 't ransfer of information without
transfer of energy by means of electromagnetic field is admitted. It is based on quantum properties
of the field, which are displayed in the known Aharonov-Bohm effect. However the point of view
prevails to this time, that the "non-energy" information by means of existing technology is not
We shall distinguish two kinds of information exchange (energy and non-energy) by the form
of derivative, which describe change of the information carrier. Accordingly, the result of
measurement by known (energy) methods of condition of im object, existing in real space-time,
can be determined in co:.Ordinates ofthis space by scalar function ofthe time derivative:

dQ/dt :: f(x,y,z,t). (1) . .

The carrier of the information is here submitted by electrical charge Q, because at

information processing in the overwhelming majority cases the electrical signals are used. The time
derivative of charge - is the current intensity. It is the energy characteristic of movement of the
considered information canier as well as the voltage- is the other scalar measurable quantity.
Let us assume, that the movement of the information carrier may be characterised not only
by scalar energy quantities, but also by the vector qunntity of momentum (impulse). Then an
opportunity of reception of the more complete information about condition of an object is not
excluded, if the function of the 4-vector derivative in the same co-ordinates of space will be

V,uQ = F(x,y,z,t). (2)

. .
Here function (2) is a sub!ltantially different from (1). The essentially other technology for , ..
realisation of function (2) is necessary instead of use the next variant of a computing procedure
during processing of the input signal. The partial derivatives of Q with regpect to space co-
ordinates x.,y,z, descnbe the non-energy (spatial) component of function (2). Spatial component
is intemall)' indeterminate, i.e. unmeasurable in the accepted sense. ·Only function ( 1).is measurable
in this sense. On account of these reasons inpul' data for calculation of function (2) are not
accessible. Hence, any attempt at the calculation ·of~ction (2) for a real signal will

- ____ _..
r. 6QQ
be reduced to operations in its degenerate form, which is represented here by function ( 1). The
description of function (2) is stipulated for tl:le other aim - analysis of prospective laws of
extraction of the non-energy information. The restrictions of the energy approach to reception of
the information have foWld a reflection in the known indeterminacy principle.

2. V ~riant of the Decision

For extraction of the information on the basis of the field properties, revealed in Aharonov-
Bohm effect, the observance of the next conditions is necessary at least: - the influence of the
information carrier on the stream of charges, moving out of the condensed substance, but also -
detection of consequences of changes of the wave functions of charges.
We shall notice, that practically then, when in 1956 Bohm and Aharonov have offered their
experiment, Stavitsky A.I. and Juk V.N. have created the beam-deflection tube polytron [1]. This
device was intended then for the other purposes and was quantity-produced. The action of
polytron is based on the use of free electrollS, assembled in a beam and directed on a surface of
target electrode, which is in two isolated parts. The distribution of electrons between the parts of a
target is stipulated by influence of the fields of signal and active zone electrodes (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The schematic picture of structure of polytron

Polytron was developed on the basis of electron optics and classical insights about signal. This
device is intended for the non-linear transformation of scalar quantities. However a good deal of
discrepancy has been found between theory and experimental data. Primarily the estimation of real
resolving power fell outside the scope of theory [2]. Some peculiarities of polytron, in particular -
the oscillations and the resonant attributes were brought out (3,4]. These effects may by got, if a
behaviour of scattering of beam by signal electrode is installed [2-5]. It is difficult to explain the
revealed facts within the scope of classical insights. We pay attention, that the next basic attributes
of the Aharonov-Bohm experiment (in kind rather than in degree) are present in polytron: - the
free electrons of beam, controlled by the information carrier, and - the detector of electrons
distribution in a cross section of beam. The possibility of use of a quantum-mechanical properties
of electrons in such simple device as politron meets the doubts, which are connected with

Copyright@ 1996 by V.LStavitsky

quantitative valuaticns of its device data. However, they do not give the reason to reject such
opportunity in advance.
The share of latent reserves in information exchange was detected by an indirect way. Has
appeared convenient to consider as an example the process of information transfer, in which the
quantitative estimation of the spatial component share may by feasxble. In particular the
identification of the plane pictures satisfy this condition. The analysis based on (2) and confirmed
by experi.nients has shown, that taking into account only one co-ordinate of" spatial component
permits to increase the resolving power by a factor of 01 , i.e. gives the same gain as the additional
reserve channel The experience has shown that such "reserve channel " is inherent in the
electromagnetic field (between t.he surfaces of picture and of the light sensitive element) IWd in a
dispersive medium (in the current circuit after exit of a sensitive element). It is not excluded, that
any other kinds of medium do not present obstacles for the reserve information transfer. Then the
rule (2) can by general for the information exchange.

3. Example of Application

The use of reserves of information interaction is a major consideration in study of animate

nature objects, which as is known spends the energy resource extremely sparingly and effectively.
It concerns above all to realisation of vital important psychical functions, in particular • the
phenomenon of remote contact between the people. Some investigators associate now this
phenomenon with insight about the biofield and explain by the properties of electromagnetic field,
displayed in the Aharonov-Bohm effect. The assumption is known, that a density of ~ent, i1 e.
the vector but not scalar quantity characterise the information transfer in the fibre of nerve [6]. In
this situation the use of the discussed approach in biology can find interest.
In this connection on the base of polytron by the author and Semenov C.N. the psychograf
was developed, which extend an opportunities of research of psychophysical reaction ,of man .t 9 ·;
influence of various kinds of information. As the essentially new result, received by means of
psychograph, we may consider the obsetvation of reactions of man, which are inaccesSible to his
rational perception.. Such reactions result from influence on man, which external unfathomable
fields (including-biofields) exert in by-pass ofhis known sensitive organs. ; . ..

Examples of reaction of the different people on changes of external biofield, repeating with the
given periodicitY aie below shown:

Fig. 2. The characteristics t)f ~syc.~tt\) ~~hy~;!.:'~' reaction of
a source and a receiver of biofir1ld (~i ml· exam~;le).

The plot 3 on fig. 2 and plot 5 on fig. 3. Th~ fa:·t, ::I~at (he observable reactions are a consequence
of made influence, is established in rerult oft~~;.r q1IX1tit.!tive correlation [6]. In particular, energy
estimations of reactions to biofield in both e;"a-:nples is high~r, thau at absence ofbiofield influence:
the plot 2 on fig. 2 and plot 2-4 on fig. 3 ,,

7S .Or,--------~,---------r=-------,-------~

X ········- ·· ·····---···i·· ···················t··.

i j


- 125 '~o--------s~o~------1-0~0-
150 t (C;) 2 00

Fig. 3. The characteristics of psychophysical reaction of

an other source and other receiver of biofield {second example).

In the second example the source ofbiofield was placed 0 [1_&stance of25 m. in a room, separated
by a concrete wall (his position near to the rec~iver had increased the reaction up to degree, which
fell outside the limits of psichograf sc.ale).
The statistics analysis of the results of observation of some hundreds persons has shown that l 0
- 15 % from them have the background clw'acteri';lics with tee attributes of reaction on shift of the
pictures on monitor screen, located out of sight (these attn'butes are steadily reproduced in the
second example). The reasons of such dependence still are not defined. However, it is possible to
assume, that this dependence is an attribute of mfluence of form of picture on a man by means of
spatial (non-energy) component of field [5]. Reactioo. of man on the other unmeasurable fields of a
technological origin were also observed, gerreral·ors of which are intended for medical aims.
In experiences on research reactions cfman the psychologist Tarasov C.V.
had taken participation.


l) Stavitsky AI. and Juk V.N. (Avtorskoe svidetelstvo SSSR 1 113634, 10.12.1956), (The
USSR Inventor's Certificate 1 113634, 10. 12.1956).
2) Stavitsky AI., Stavitsky V.I., Fedoseev A.A. and Gvosdkova N.E. 1988, (Radiotehnik:a i
elektronika, AN SSSR., xxxm, I 7, 1509).
3) Zacharov G.P., Stavitsk-y AI., Stavitsky V.I. and Gladkov E.U. 1987, (Radiotehnika i
elektronika, AN SSSR, xxxn, I 10, 2228).
4) Krivzov AV. 1987 (Radiotehnika i elektronika, AN SSSR, XXXII, 1 3, 644).
5) Stavitsky AI., Stavitsky V.I. aud Gladkov E.U. (Avtorskoe svidetelstvo SSSR
1633503, 08.11.1990, B.I. 1 9, 1991), (The USSR Inventor's Certificate 1 1633503, 08.11.1990,
Inventions Bulletin 1 9, 1991).
6) Stavitsky V.I. and Antonov V.S. 1995 (Parapsychology and psychophysics 1 3, Moskow).
CopyrlsJtt C 1996 by V.LStaYitsk:y


Well-known proverb: "Do not squander time. That is the stuff life
is made of' is the best definition of Time I know. It is something
life is made of. So, on the other hand, control of rate of time is the
key to vital power technologies.
Alexander V. Frolov
. 605

Generalized Golden Section and the Time Theory

by Albert R. Timashev
E-mail: Albert R. Timashe~ .
Internet: ,'· 33/2-69 Bestuzhevskaya st.
FidoNet: 2:5030/346 (Zarathushtra) St. Petersburg,
Tel.: +7-(812)-544-7537 19:00-23:00 MSK .,: Russia 195271
. :...
~ :~ .
In tbi~ report the Genera~ ~!den Section (GGS) was applied to the Time Theory by Professor N.A.Koiyrev
on purpose to determine the..stable velocities of the course of time and the stable quantities of the density of time. On..tbe
basis of so~e geologici!l,f~cq;_ it's shown that northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth have .different .average
velocities (densities) of the course of time, and the Earth as a whole occupies the third "threshold" ofGGS, ~Jatively to
. the Sun. Then it's proved that all known main planets of the Solar system occupy their orbits according to the law of
GGS, and another planets- with cycles of346, 440, 530, 617, 699, 777 years and more- should exist behmd Pluto. The
law of OGS Cietermines the correlations between periods of the main planets of the Solar system and the ·correlations
between.theil"iarge·half-axes. Also the method of calcula!ion of an average ratio of fate and treedom with given velocity
(or den~~ty)~of c9u~~e of time is oft:ered.
This report i$ to propose. to your attention an attempt of solution for one special problem of the
Time Theory. This problemjs determination of stable velocities of the course of time or, what is the
sam~, discovering of stable q~tities of the density of time within a particular causal-consequeat
link by means of application of-the appara~s of structural analysis [1 J to the Time Theory by
Professor N.A.Kozyrev [2,9,10]. · ·
'-:· At first, we have to draw~ f~w conclusions from the Kozyrev's Time Theory in order to apply
the method of structural analysis to th,is Theocy. Let's consider an elementary link of cause and
effect. The Kozyrev's key access to. this. problem was the notion about time as a top, which revolves
on its axis clockwise in cause (if we "Y? {r~m cause towards effect) and counter-clockwise in
effect (if we watch it from cause too). Thus Kozyrev likened the course of time to a turn of a
revolving top's axis. But if we abandon such abstractions and try to imagine a real physical meaning
of this matter, then we shall find that the simplest possible sense is some process of reduction and
evolvent of space, i.e. rolling .up and_return on a previous (or near to previous) position. So, space
rolls up is cause in order to UDJ'Qll in result. Vv'hat is completely coincident with Kozyrev's ideas that
time bears moment of revolution, that the ·energy of time is absorbing (expending) in 'caUse and
passing out (releasing) in effect. Now we got that the motion clockwise in cause is connected with
process of rolling up and shrinkage of space, with an influence of caus(f _on ~onsequence; and it
decreases the density of time. Opposite, the motion counter-clockwise in ~fe5ult is connected with
evolvent, expansion and an influence of consequence on cause, i.e. with a reverse connection; and it
increases the density of time. We can say also that time breathe life into everything in our Universe.
In fact, our reasonings about cause and effect are just our homage paid to purely human notions
about time, because, by definition, cause is that which produces effect. But in the real causal-
consequent link not only cause affects consequence, also consequence affects cause. Thus our
concepts of cause and effect are very conditional, and as soon as the reverse causal connection,
directed from effect to cause, will become more powerful, right away cause and effect change over,
because the course of time change its direction in the causal-consequent link.
The closest interdependence between the rotatory movement and time means that any rotatory
movement increases or decreases the density of time, and any course of time produces the rotatory
movement. In short, the revolution of galaxies in metagalaxies, the revolution of stars in galaxies,
the revolution of planets round their suns, satellites round planets, as well as proper revolution
round own axis not generate time only, but also indicates the time's cou!se, inseparably linked with
it. Thereby the course of time and the motion in spac:e are the same things. -There is no time
without motion, as well as no motion without time. It's not by accident that the constant of the
co~~~ -
(1) c2
= - = 350±15 kmps
2n- • I

Copyright© 1996 by Albert. R. Tlmashev

determined by Kozyrev, equals, with exactness of an experiment, to the absolute velocity of the
Solar system, which is now, according to [3],, near 400 kmps. Obviously, in the general case c2 is
equal to the absolute velocity of a system, i.e. its velocity relatively to the world ether, the primary
matter, the absolute and immovable Universe.
Thus time's course can be quite different, and time is not an eternal constant. Obviously, the
summary velocity of the course of time of all Universe as the Single Whole must be equal to zero,
i.e. the ptinciple of conservation of time must be executed. The same principle can be expressed in
other, more apparent way: the summary velocity of all fractions formed the Universe is equal to
zero. Here it is 'not important, is·the Universe finite or infinite. Above all the idea of the Universe
must significate a closed system, f.e. the completed Absolute.
By analogy, we can measure relative velocities of different systems' motion in time as well as
we consider an absolute velocity of one system's motion. Thus, for instance, it's possible to consider
the velocity of the course of time of the Earth relatively to the Sun, the velocity ofthe course of time
of the Sun relatiyely to the center of the Galaxy or the velocity of the course of time of the Moon ·
relatively to the Earth. We can do it because the S~lar system, the Earth-Moon system, the Galaxy
as the whole, at the first degree of approximation, can be considered as closed systems. Apparently,
the velocity of the course of time (relatively to the center of a system) of such conditionally closed
systems can be treated as absolute one for a short interval of their time scale.

Now, it's necessary to set forth briefly the main principles of the structural analysis [1 ], in order
to apply it to the Time Theory. The structural analysis examines self-organization of systems as a
process of stabilization through a resonance. There is the principle of conservation of the Universe
at the base of self-organization. This principle is expressed in the law of conservation of the
logarithm of the num~~ of states:
(2) I + H = log n,
where I is information, His entropy, n is number of possible states.
In normalized form this law can be expressed in the following way:

(3) ,
il +R=
, where s eN0
{R=H. . 1


il +R= 1, where s eN
(4) .
H= R·••t 0

where entropy, R is surplusness, N 0 = {0,1,2,3, ...} .

The systems of equations (3) and (4) show the discrete set of qorrelations of two parts of the
Single Whole, with which correlations the state of dynamic equilibrium will be achieved.
Significations of s will show here the number of self-with-drawing defects of structure. ·
Transforming (3) and (4), we'll get accordingly:
(5) il·••l + il- 1= 0
(6) R·••' +R-1=0
If we consider the process of the course of titne as the Single Whole consisted of two
oppositions (cause and effect, direct and reverse connection), we, surely, have the right to apply the
all methods of the structural analysis to the elementary causal-consequent link. Then we can extend
the received conclusions to the whole Time Theory by way of this link ..
Thus, if the causal-consequent connection within the causal-consequent link expresses quantity
of H, the reverse 'causal-consequent connection expresses by quantity of R. Therefore, if we know

Copyright'~ 1996 by Albert ~. Timashev


the quantity of ii, which describes the state of causal-consequent link, we are able to determine the
ratio of fate and freedom. Obviously, the part of fate is maximum, when causal cortnecti~n acts only
and reverse connection one is absent, i.e. ii ,=1 and R=O. When both direct and reverse connections
are equal in their force, i.e. ii =0.5 and R=Q.S, the total chaos and freedom are coming. Thereby the
part of fate within the causal-consequent link can be expressed as

(7) <I>= IR- Rl

and the part of freedom, accordingly~ as
(8) C=l-<I>
. '
Thus we have. the opportunity to calculate'; det~nnining an order of the state of dynamic
equilibrium of the system s, the r~tio of direct and reverse cqnnections [!., and R..r and define the
parts of fate and freedom <I>_. and C _. in them. ·
Obviously, decisions of the eq).lations (5) and (6} ~xist for any s,, put fo~ the,~ginning let's limit
- . . ,_ .
ourselves to consideration of H.. with s eN0 • The quantities of Hs for s from 0 to 31 are done in
the Table 1 and, in graphical form, in the Diagram l.
Table 1 ! ·,. ,,

s H:. s H:r
r--o· 0.50000000000 16 0.88191004828
1 0.61803398875 17 0.88624516859
2 0.68232780383 18 0.89022556753
3 0.72449195900 19 0.89389541191
4 0.75487766625 20 0. 89729162218·
5 0.77808959868 21 0.90044532576
6 0.79654435413 22 0.90338297001
7 0.81165232003 23 0.90612718508
8 0.82430056323 24 0. 90869J4&Q41.
9 0.83507904272 25 0. 91}-11068059
10 0. 84.439752879 :26 0.91338155389
11 0.85255071449 27 0.91552295788
12 0.85975~67169 28 0.91754622045
13 0.86618067237 29 0.91946135001
14 0.87195053878 30 0.92127722540
15 0. 87716686945 31 0.92300175350


---..- -


0,8 I"'
,..I- ~

0,7 I

v .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 s
Diag. 1

Copyright@ 1996 by Albert R. Timll4bev


As it is evident from the table, H0 =05, i.e. with zero quantity of s the complete equilibrium
between two parts of the Single Whole, i.e. the state of total freedom, does achieved. With s=I the
quantity of ils is equal to common Golden Section:

- ./5-l
H 1 = <I> =- - =0.618033988...
Therefore the ratios of (5) and (6) named Generalized Golden Section (GGS):We are not going
to run into the philosophical sense of the Golden Section. It is elucidated in details at many works
[see, for example, 1, 7, 8]. We have to note just the fact, that it has the vast importance historically
for the study of characteristics of the living (self-organizing) matter.
Future development of the~ idea of GGS brings us to construction of function
(IO) "¥ ="¥0 sinns
Expressing s through Rand il and applying (3), we get
(II) logR=(s+ 1)logil
Substituting this expression for sin (1 0), we find the final form of the function "¥

(I2) "¥ = "¥0 sin J log~ -1)

"ltog H
.. r.
\ .
where il + R =1, il, R e ]0,1[ .
Thus we constructed such function as this · "¥ , that its zeros have most harmonious, balanced
states. Now it is necessary to determine the boundaries of qualitative transitions, i.e. the points of
maximum disharmony of a system, when no balance is possible. Obviously, the extremes of the
function "¥ will be sue~ P?:ffits. Thereby the set lis+l/2. with seN0 is the set of structural
disharmony. It will detefmine 'lthe mirror faces", transitip~ t.l].ro.ugh which will mark a sharp change
in qualities, a switch in ·structur~ and functional state. It has no special sense to examine this set in
details within the limits of this work, but our description of the stru~tural analysis's methods would
be incomplete without such a mention.
- ., .
Now, before consid.eration oC6ur ~olar system, we'll cite .some interesting statistic data
pertinent to our planet [4):
Table 2
Hemisphere Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere All over the Earth
Land 100* 39% 49* 19% 149* l9%
Water 155* 61% 206* 81% 361* 71%
Total 255* 100% 255* tOO% 510* 100%
.. square kilometers
* mtlhon
Thus the proportion of water and land in the no'rthern hemisphere is equal, precisely to one per
cent, to quantity of il, with.s= 1, in the southern hemisphere it is equal to quantity of ils with s= 7,
and all over the Earth- to quantity of fl..
with s=3. Obviously, such a distinction is conditioned by
the difference of the velocity of the course of time ia the northern and southern hemispheres because
of the Earth's own revolution, which increases the density of time in the northern hemisphere and
decreases it in t~e southern one. Thereby, processes of evolution must be quicker in the northern
hemisphere than in the southern one, as it was proved in [6] on the basis of the difference in the
quantity of the acceleration of gravity at the Poles. So, Generalized Golden Section is not a sort of

Copyright@ 1996 by Albert R. Timashev

mathematical abstraction, it is the real function, which can and must be applied to analysis of the
structure of the Universe as a dual system, consisted :Of two oppositions at any level.
Let's tum our attention to the fact, that the allocation of water and land in the whole Earth was
proved to be equal to the third "threshold" of GGS:(s=3). At the same time, the Earth is the third
planet from the Sun. Just that comparison of two facts gave birth to main idea of this work. Doesn't
such a coincidence mean ·that the stable 1 planets' orbits are determined by the set of Generalized
Golden Sections as the stable orbitals ofthe Solar system's "atom", or as the stable velocities of the
course or'time of the planets relatively to the Sun?
Trying to find an answer, the Author built some curve, where quantities of were don~ at the ils
axis of abscissae and the large half-axes of the main planets of the Solar system a_, - at the axis of
ordinates (diag. 2). And it's clear that this curve is very close to hyperbola!




5 51 52 53 54 55 ss 57 sa 59 s 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 sa 69 1 11 12 73 74 75 76 n 78 79 8 81 82 83 84

Diag. 2
In [1] it is offered (in mean of goal function for search of real physical parameters of a system,
determining its dynamic equilibrium) to take a function of this form:
i1s + v'l+Hs 2
or more complicated one, for instance,

log( fls+~I+ fl/ ) or fls(It+ ~1 + fl.,2 ) ±log(H., + ~I+ fl.,2 )

But, after short experiments. it became obvious that the best approximation can be obtained if
we use, for a basis, generalization ofhyperbola

(t3) as=a(~(ils-Hof +AH., +(H,-H 0 )+B)

where a , H 0 , A and B are unknown coefficients which must be found.

I Stability, in this particular case, means the state of dynamic equilibrium of the whole Solar system.

Copyright© 1996 by Albert R. Timashev


Thereby the coefficient a detennines the scale and expresses in astronomical units (a.u.), H 0
determines the position of the focus of hyperbola, A - its curvature, and B determines the primary
parallax (quantity of as .with s=O), because while researching it became clear that we can not get a
, !I"'

goqd approximation with fixed quantity' .., of a0 equal to zero. It can be explained by the fact, that the
' Sun itself, because of its own revolutio~, non-zero dimensions and. perturbations from planets has
non-zero velocity of the course of time relativ~ly to the center of the Solw sy'stem.
Function (13) is some "filter"; it separates ideal proportion .of GGS. from reality. If .such a
characteristic as the correlation of the areas of water and land on the. Earth's surface showed its
dependence from GGS by the linear principle, then the large half-axes of planets were proved to be
the hyp~rbo~ ic function from GGS. We can explain this fact in different ways, but the proximity of
that dependence to hypetbola is clear and can be used as a work hypothesis. ·
We took the large half-axes of main planets for June 27, 1992 [5], as initial data for
approximation. For the belt of asteroids (accorqing to one hypothesis, there was the orbit of the
destroyed planet of Phaeton) we took the large half-axis of the asteroid Ceres [5] and th.e weight
coefficient 0.5. "The period of rotation" for the Sun was equaled to the period of its own revolution
(near to 25 hours). The decision had been searching by the method of the least squares and the
followil}g results were found:
a = 622.70482193 '\. I'>
H0 = o. 81542 96084
A = o.ooo4920468
B -o.ooo3427966
The results of calculations by fonnula (13) with these coefficients are done in Table 3 and
Diagram 3. '.'l
Table 3 \
s Name · t
a.r, a.u. J:, year a:r,a.u. T.., year I!!. as'%
0 Sun 0.0292323 0.0049980 (0. 0201477] [0 . 0028520] [-36. 79)
1 Mercury 0.2652667 0.1366231 0.3870972 0.24Q8408 37.35
2 Venus ' 0.5682112 0.4283164 0.7233286 0 .' 6151817 24.02
3 Earth 0.9941917 0.99i3002 0.9999846 0.9999769 0.58
4 Mars 1.650359~ 2.1.201553 1.523~959 ' 1.8808209 -7.98
5 ;Phaeton 2.7855127 4.6489803 [2. 7688824] [4. 607 4090] [-0. 60]
6 Jupiter ' 5. 0640356 11.395808 5.2031024 11.868438 2.71
7 Saturn 10.099045 32.093748 9.5219707 29 . 382603 -5.88
8 Uranus 19. 0141li 82.911361 19.201051 84.137093 0.'98
9 Neptune 29.602015 161.05785 30.073664 164.92235 1.58
10 Pluto 39.881622 251.86001 39.724908 250.37695 -0.39
11 49.302596 346.18216
12 Dharma 57.818584 439.64402
13 65.507058 530 .1'9075
14 Tot 72.467239 616.89688 '
15 Isis 78.793033 699.40983
16 Osiris 84.566649 777.67597 .
17 89.858233 851.79838
18 94.727183 921.95969 '
19 99.223783 988.37936
20 103.39073 1051.2896
21 107.26442 1110. 9219 .., ..
22 110.87607 1167.4996
23 114.25255 1221.2338

Copyright @ 1996 by Albert R. Timashev


The quantity 6 a., i~ some relative difference between calculated (ideal) a,. and the real a..
quantities of large half-axes:

(14) 6a
= 2(a·• -a)
$ 100%
as +as
The greatest deviations 6 as were found for the Sun, Mercury and Venus, Le. for bodies placed
next to the center of the system. It could be explained by the circumstance, that the Sun, as a
generator of time, curves time around itself, what is especially apparent at short distance.· Errors
existed for other planets are the proof that they are not placed exactly at the stable orbits in their
environments. . , ·
As we cari see from the Table 3 and the Diagram 3, if the hypothesis about connection between
GGS and the quantities of the large half-axes is correct, another planets - with cycles of 346, 440,
530, 617, 699, 777 years and more - should exist behind Pluto. Of course, the planets at all stable
orbits are not sure exist, but our experience with Phaeton shows to us, that even if such place has no
planet, the number of smaller bodies, equivalent by mass, should be placed there. The Author ran
risks to name, proceeding from the mythology, some distant (superior) planets. We can hazard a
conjecture also, guided by some data from the ancient texts, that the ecliptic longitude of the planet
with 440 years cycle, ~hich was supposedly named Dharma2 by us, is near 43° for the middle of
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Diag. 3
Let's turn our attention to the hyperbola's focus lying between the quantities s=7 and s=8, i.e.
between Saturn and Uranus, right on the border between the visible planets, which can be observed
with the naked eye, and the distant planets discovered not so long ago. Besides, the remarkable
asteroi~ CJYron (2060) is quite near to this point of bend. This asteroid, unlike the others, rather
shows more resemblance with a planetoid that with a fragment of some destroyed celestial body.
Even more interesting that Jupiter- the largest and most massive planet in the Solar system, called
an incomplete star sometimes - get almost precisely into the point of bend of the hyperbola
(Diag. 2)!

Dharma in Buddhism is the ultimate, universal mysteriou·s principle of interconditionality of all laws and
phenomena, the law of changes, causal shifts, the universal law of causes and effects.

Copyright© 1996 by Albert R. Timashev

It follows from (13) alsol that as .r-ooo 230 a.u., S -+110 1:
3500 years. Thus, in accordance
with the obtained approximation, the stable planetary orbits (of the full satellites of the Sun) should
not be existed further than 230 a.u.
The next part of our analysis will be consideration of the systems of planet's satellites on
purpose to confirm or disprove the hypothesis of connection between GGS and the large half-axes
through the function (13).
The systems of satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the matter of the most
interest. Let's say, in short, how this analysis was done. First of all, we needed to exclude some part
of bodies with irregular shape, which obviously couldn't be put in any fluent approximations. Also
we had to exclude a few closest satellites, small in size, in the systems of Jupjter, Saturn and
Uranus. Our preliminary analysis showed to us, that all systems of satellites of the planets of the
Solar system can be easily approximated by the dependence (13) multiplied by correction
coefficient a, I

which is unique for any particular system. The results of this approximation for the
systems of satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are done in the Diagram 4 (the
quantities of s are showed at the axis of abscissae, the quantities of at the axis of ordinates). aa. -
The quantities of correction coefficient a
are showed in the Table 4 and, in graphical form, in the
Diagram 5.
The System of Jupiter The System of Saturn

1,6 1,4
1,4 1,2
VI+ +VI 0,8
0,4 0,4 I I+ II+ V
0,2 I 0,2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The System of Uranus The System of Neptune

0,12 1
0,08 0,7
0,06 0,5
0,04 0,3
0,02 0,2
0 0~~~~~~~~+-4-~4-~~~
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

The graphs at the Diagram 4 let us to make a conclusion, that the general form and even all
parameters of the formula (13) practically do not change within the limits of the whole Solar
It is obvious from the Diagram 5 and the data at the Table 4, that the coefficient a is
depending in inverse proportion on the large half-axis as :
(15) a--

Copyright '© 1996 by Albert R. Timashev


.. 0,1
..- ...
0 s
0 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 •'
Diag. 5

Table 4

s Planet a
3 Earth 0.3315
6 Jupiter 0.0783
7 Saturn 0.0428
8 Uranus 0.0212
9 Neptune 0.0135

Thus than a system is farther from the .Sun, than it is more ''.shrunk", than quicker the large half-
axes decrease with the same quantities of s. As we shall draw nearer to the Sun, we see the contrary
picture; here the stable orbits of satellites are rapidly "swelling". Therefore, Mercury, for instance,
can have no satellites, because the very first stable orbit nearest to Mercury is so large, that any body
placed there will either fall on the Sun or become a··new minor planet at an orbit near the Sun.
The satellite system of the Earth, the planet of ours, deserves our special ·attention. We had
chose the coefficient =0.3'315 exclusively on the basis of the supposition, that the ideal cycle of
the Moon has to consist of 30 earthly days ~dA the ~on is pl-aced at the orbit which corresponds to
GGS withs=2. .·~ .
The cycle of 30 earthly days ~ad been chosen ~~ . no means of rounding up. In fact, the degree
scale consists 360 degrees exactly, and th~ ancient,calendars - 12 months of 30 days each. Such a
coincidence cannot be just an accident. The assumption that the ideal (prehistoric) lunar cycle was
equal to 30 earthly days exactly, and the earthly year lasted exactly 360 earthly days - is the most
convincing explanation (the ideal ·cycle of the Earth in the Table 3 is equal to 362 days, what is a
confirmation of our hypothesis). Of course, the emhly days of those remote times must be different
too, but we cannot determine their exact length yet.
The accordance of' the lunar brbit to quantity of s=2 had been accepted in order to keep 'the
curve fluent at the Diagram 5. Thereby th'e cycle of the first stable orbit of the Earth's satellite was
equal to 9.5 days, the cycle of the third orqit- 69 days.
The satellite·system 'c)f Mars was folind .. not to
be the subject to analysis, because both its
satellites are bodies of irregular shape. Apparently, they are just some asteroids, accidentally seized
by Mars and located far from stable orbi.ts. Attempts to place one of the satellites of Mars at the
stable orbit showed the loss of fluency of the curve at the Diagram 5. .
Theoretically, we can suppose a satellite of Venus to be existing, guided by constructed
approximation. For example~ if =0.55 for Venu~, then the period of this satellite's revolution
ro~nd the first stable orbit will be near 20 earthly days; and round the second orbit - near 64 days.

Thus, let's make a few final conclusions from all set forth above.
l. The course of time and motion in space are inseparably linked; as a matter of fact, they are
just one process.

Copyright@ 1996 by Albert R. Timashev


2. The Kozyrev's "constant" of the course of time c2 is equal, in fact, to the absolute velocity of
system's motion, i.e. to the velocity of its motion relatively to the background radiation of the
3. Examining any systems, which can be taken as close systems -for short intervals of time, we
can consider the velocity of the course of time, relatively to the center of such a system, as the
absolute velocity.
4. Generalized Golden Section (GGS) is the universal key to analysis of a state of dynamic
equilibrium; it can and need be applied to consideration of the process of the course of time, the
process of dynamic equilibrium of reduction-evolvent of space.
5. The discrete set of stable ratios of direct and reverse connection in a causal,.consequent link
is determined by the law of GGS.
6. The main planets of the Solar system, as well as their satellites, are located near the stable
orbits, determined by the law ofGGS.
7. As we move away from the center of the Solar system, the systems of planet's satellites bear
the shrinkage in form of decrease of the large half-axes of satellites for the same "threshold" of
GGS. It is going on because of the increase of distance from. the time generator - the Sun, and, as a
result, decrease of the density of time in inverse proportion to the distance.
8. As the.classic Golden Section is, according to the most researches, the quality of the living
matter, thus the Earth, the Solar system and the Whole Universe is the living body, alive self-
organized system, Self-conscious Self-realized Absolute.

l. Soroko E.M. The Structural Harmony of Systems. Minsk: Nauka i Tekhnika, 1984. 264 p.
(in Russian)
2. Kozyrev N.A: Selected Works. L.: The Leningrad University Publishing, 1991. 44.8 p.
(in Russian) . ·
3. Shpitalnaya A.A., Zakoldayev J.A., Efimov A. A. The Problem of Time in Geology and
Sidereal Astronomy// Series "Problems of Research ofthe Universe". Issue 15. Problems of Space
and Time in the Modem Natural Sciences. St. Petersburg, 1991. p.95-106. (in Russian)
4. The Small Atlas of the World, State Department of Geodesy and Cartography. Moscow:
1981. (in Russian) ·
5. The Ephemerides ofthe Minor Planets for 1993. St. Petersbw-g: ITA, 1992.
6. Butusov K.P. Time as. Physical Substa.'lce II Series "Problems of Research of the Universe".
Issue 15. Problems of Space and Time in the Modem Natural Sciences. St. Petersburg, 1991. p.30 1-
310. (in Russian)
7. Vasiutinsky N.A. Golden Section. Iyfoscow: Molodaja Gvardia, 1990. (in Russian)
8. Stakhov A.P. The Codes of Golden Section. Moscow: Radio I Sviaz, 1984. (in Russian)
9. Kozyrev N.A. On the Possibility of Experimental Investigation of the Properties of Time II
Time in Science and Philosophy. Prague, 1971. p. 111-132.
10. On the W~y to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: The Constructions of Time in Natural
Sciences. Part 2. "The Active Properties ofTirne According to N.A.Kozyrev" I Editor A.P.Levich,
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1996. 228 p. II Series "On Advances
in Mathematics for Applied Sciences", Volume 39.

Copyright @ 1996 by Albert R~ Timashev.


Information-Energy Model of Matter and Universe

V.D. Plykin
Doctor of Science

"••. with muc:h wisdom comes

'much l'on·ow, the more knowled;:e, .·
the more grief. "
Ecdesiastel· ( 1: 18)

I would like to make a report on the discoveries made 14 years ago. For the
modern materialist science they appear to be so unexpected as Galilee's di scov~ry of
rotation of the Earth at his time. The results we obtained prove that the ~asis c:>f our
materialist philosophy is false . .The concepts suggested in the report have deal wir'h the
problems of Universe and the Earth becoming into existence a~ well as the problems on
the advenr of life O)l the Earth are quite different from what we had before. But to have
those results publish~d in 1982 when "developed socialism" had re:1ched its highest
point Was just St t lcide. · .
. The confer~.n.ce we take part in today proves that the situation in science has
ch~nged. It is :·necess~ry today to bring the results to the people minds and realise the
Truth. lf'lis rmpbrrant today not o nly for the scientists but for the ordinary people also.
· So. people could change their world view, understanding of the Universe and their
place in it. realise t he necessity of the certain spiritual level of their existence. .
Th e way to those discoveries was long and hard. It St\lrted on a summer day in
the middle of July, 1971. I was a 4th year of the Mechanical Institute, Compt'tters
Faculty. I had practical training at the best Computer Centre of Izhevsk. The Centre
was on the last floor of the building located on the bank of the lake. Looking out of the
window yo u could see the water so well as if you were flying on board of the helkopter.
It was 9 o ·clock at the morning ..Standing at the win~ow I watched a ship making <~ lqng
unusual turn and leaving a V-shaped track on the water. The weather was sunny and
windy. There were large waves on the water. The ship had left and only a white spot
loomed far awny. J3ut. the V-shaped- track was still seen on the water in spite of the
waves. I \,·as very , interested in that phenomenon. But it was time for me to start
working. the phenom~nq\l slipped from 'my mind. L
ft \\'as about 6 p.m. on that same day . I was leaving, home. Passing by the
\\'indow I looked at the lake and ... stood froze. The unusual V-shaped track on the
water left by the ship in the morning. · was· nor ch;Hlged. I was shocked. I could see a
small storm because the wind got stronger ·an.d made the large waves on the lake. But in
spire of all J?).)Y~.ics laws I saw·a -distin~~ V-~haged .tt"ack on the ,.~,·arer·. And ir didn't get
wider. it: ~epnts o riginal shape...- , ' ·; ~ ·' · _ ·
I couldt\'t help rememberin,g that day and returned to the ·'track" in my memory
as soon as I. \vas (1:~e fi·on~ the things'1 haa 'tCi do every day. Inru'itively l felt that water
kept a gr~!'lt..~ecref of,. N:n.u re. "The track" had been stored in my memory and became
th e basif problem of my scientific work. A great de:~l of experiments with
vessels as well as on the open water surface have b~.en carried our. All the sy_s~_~m o{7 my
knowledge has been changed. The new compftter.models qf the prdt:essed 1in water had
been developed. At last in January, 1981 I'bbt;fi1ed the best results I had e'{er had. :'A .-~
track on the water·· was not a phy~ical phenomenon but· ir belonged to... the

Copyright© 1996 by V. Plykin

information field. That was the beginning of revolution of ·my knowledge and my
scientific concepts.
The "track" showed the ability of water to build and store an information image
of the processes taking place in water. It was. not a flat picture but a 3-Dimensional
IMAGE ... That's why "a track" could be observed in any case: no matter how large the
waves were and how deep in the water the body sailed. Further research has shOWJ'I that
"a track" is only one the great variety of kinds of information stored in water. Water
has been re~ealed as a great store of different kinds of info.rmation. Information can be
obtained under the special conditions. If we learn to create "special" conditions wt: shall
obtain the information which can be obtained by neither supersynchrophasatrom:s nor ·
supertelescopes. Under such "special" conditions an information-energy structure of
water has been discovered. It appeared to be ·of a "honeycomb" structure, i.e. a!l the
materiality of water is of an infonnatiori-eriergy structure consisted of hexahedral
prisms. It appeared to be a multilevel regular system but not a single-level net. Many
scientists in the world realise now that the Universe has a holographic structure. Hence.
each cell of the material 'formation carries infom1ation of the whole Universe. ·We have
come to be conclusion that an information-energy structure at a microlevel (in the cells
of materiality) is equal to a macrolevel of the Universe. Thus, when investigating
infom1ation of a matter (substance) structure we can obtain increasingly information of
the structure of the Universe. When investigating information of the structure of the
Universe we can get more and more true infom1ation of the structure of the matter.
Thanks to that method we have come to the following important conclusions:
I. Information is the basis of the Universe.
2. Infom1ation is the basis of a substance (matter).
3. Information is the basis of a living organism.
These principles formed the basis of my new scientific platform which pro\'ides a
new view to the Universe from the absolutely different standpoint, a possibility to the
existing philosophy and scientific methods and conceptions as ·well. In May. 1982 t he
new conclusion was made. To cut it short and understand it better I would like to use a
discussion between idealist and materialist which has been going on for centuries. You.
my reader. are likely to remember from your school textbooks that there are two
opposite conceptions on the Universal Order: ,
Consciousness is primary. matter is secondary (idealists).
Maner is primary, consciousness is secondary (materialists).

Fortunately. hoth are wrong. And the results we have conie to is as follows:



This conception serves the scientific basis of all my work. The results obtained
from 1982 till 1996 have revealed the cause of the crisis in science. energy and ecology
on the Earth. They have shown irrationality if our bulky equipment. processed of
material values production. a deadlock of 01;1r social order and the wrong points of view
concerning a human being as well.
The results of our work have revealed different laws on the world order and
otTered somewhat different approach to understanding science. equipmt:nt. processes of
production and social order construction.

Only the basic results in a concise form will have been formulated iq the report:


Copyright@ 1996 by V. ·Piykin


FIRST. Three :'whales" are in the basis of the Universal Order. They are the:: Universal
Mind , Jnformation and Energy. Information and Energy are the first "bricks" of tlie
material world which were being looked for by mankind during th o usands or years
proposing hypotheses on material particles (atoms. electrons. elementary particles)
existence in substance. The conclusions there are no atoms. no electrons and dementary
panicles in the Nature as we understand them today .

.SECOND. The Universe consists of different substances (materials) worlds. TIH~re are'
the worlds of thin substances of high density (with the energy compressed) and hard
substance worlds (as it is the Earth) with the energy presented in the supercompressed
state. The variety of the substance depends on the energy state. ANY KIND OF

Information is tl)e·•basis o.f substance. First the information of the futGre

subst~1npe '\.ppear.s: what and where .is being formed. !tow it:• 1'ook~ like ahll wliiii its · ,
• . I
mner energy structure IS. . .. ·,
An energy component of the unified infom1ation-energy flow of the _Universe
carrie~ out the. program . on .the ~ew substance fc:'rmation. This way Gal~'X'yi· galaxy
layers, stars, pJanets . plants and amma4s are created. , ..,
Under different ",sp~ciaJ" conditions the water · "yields" ditferent kinds of..
information. Jus_t the same way supercompressed energy blob!i of the subs.t/lke shpw
themselves . alternately _ pa~icles and waves. "Elementary part ides" are the results ,
(different manifestations) of the reason which is hidden from us. We mean
supercompressed ~nergy of the sub~ance. At the microle-~el the structure of the
substance is fin.ite, ·.;~ !1 . ·,·: ., . _ :·..-·:
•.. .-: 1 • ' • !; : • ,. J f ~ IT~ :_. ; :. i · • '· .... .- f : ~ • ... ft

Th~re ;tre lnfo.rnuHion , ~nd energy. ·Being comrolled by ·rile ' information (i.e. by
the program of the substanc~ · formati<Dn) the; energy . is' •' '!packed" into the
supercompresse~ state (substance). ;li)ue .to~ :this pr<5gram the supen:ompressed state
of the energy is conserved with time. If created artificial conditions allow · the energy
to change its supercompress.ed statejnto the original one an il'iipdlsive shot along
with prodigious quantity of energy _will occur. This has been proved by phy-;icists.
First a hyqrogen bomb had been created! and then. it·-was tested. Having created the
artificial conditions of splitting of the micle.Hs." the . physicists br~ak 'down the
info.rm~l(ion energy structure . (program) which l•·has· the energy "packed" into the
supercompressed. state. A momentary change of the energy into it~ original state is ··
called a nuclear explosion. Using the terms. of modern physics it was of matter
tran sforma~ion into the." energy. "Compression" of the energy · lntb · the
Sllpt!l'C9!llpressed State iS an infom1ation-energy '- procesS• which 'forms the basis of the
Universe,.. Anq twcleus splitting is an anti-creation process Je"ading to ch~os' and
brea\<,-up. , . "?. ~ ,, ::
.• • I

Based l)ll the fact that matter is primary Einstein's formula is considered to exist as
E=mct only. According to the results obtained we can consider the second variant of
this formula ·
m=E/c2 ..

Copyright© 1996 by V.·?lykin


Thus. m=E/c2 is the Jaw of "compression" of energy into the supercompressed state.
i.e. to transfornt energy into matter the former should be compressed by c2
(90000000000) times.
m=E/c2 is the law of transformation of energy into matter. Tht! law of m ;ii~rial isation
of energy in the .Universe. the law transformation (description} of mattet· in the Universe.
Information lies in the basis of the Universe. TJtere is no any static energy in the
Universe. But t here are closed information-energy flows. That why in Einstein's
formulae we cannot find the basic component (an inf.ocmation one) which contro ls the
flows. To put it otherwise we have the formulae of chaos:
E=mc1 is an uncontrolled process .of transformation of matter into energy (nuclear
m=E/c2 an uncontrolled process of materialisation leading to the false conclusions and
laws (white dwarfs. collapsing the Universe into a point, formation of antimatt~r and so
So. Einstein's formulae take the following forms:
E=mc2 p1 . m=p:! E/c1 , where p1 and p:! are information components of the laws.
p1 is a controlling program of transformation of matter into energy
p~ is a controlling program of transformation of energy into marter
At present our scientific team is busy with a search for those infomwtion components
because the mystery of the Universe is hidden in those components·:

Matter is finite. It consists of Information and Energy. But what about infinity
of the Universe in this case? THE UNIVERSE IS FINITE. IT CONSISTS OF
The Universe as well as a human is a living creature. A human has his Vital
supporting systems. They are blood-circulatory. lymphatic. respiratory and
digestive systems. The Universe has the same systems. But they pr.esented as the
closed inl'ormation-energy processes. All the processes in the Universe h~s the cyclic
character due to the closed tlows. As we have already menrioned above the Universe
resembles "honeycomb'' with a homogeneous regular structure which is constantly
growing in accordance with the Laws.
The closed information-energy flows circulate according to the principle of the
spatial spiral (energy flow). An information-energy spira_l in the substance cell
represems a microcopy of the galaxy infomtation-energy spiral. The Great Spiral of
the Uni,·erse is constantly unwinding according to the certain Law. It may be takin
into consideration for constant expansion of the Universe and for change of the matter
also. i.e. it is the reason for transfom1ation of one substances to other one.
St:trs (suns) follow the unwinding information-energy spiral vf the galaxy
while the whole spiral circles the centre of the galaxy. Planers round the SliJlS (stars)
follow an unwinding information-energy spiral rather than ~U} ellipse as we have been
taught at school. At the same time the spiral is .circling together with the sun (star).
Satellites follow the planets along the unwinding infomtation-energy spiral rather than
a stationary orbit while the whole spiral is circling together with the planer.
A "honeycomb" system of the Universe is constantly expanding in volume. The
galaxies located at the nodal points of the "honeycomb" system are constantly
moving apart. The suns (stars) following the spiral are moving from the centre of the
galaxy increasing in size and weight. Satellites of the planets following· tht: spiral
are constantly moving from the planets increasing in size and weight ·as well.

Copyright© 1996 by V. Plykin


Tod~•Y the human's mind is attacked by the virus of materialism. He is sure that
substance-(matter) is primary. Our research proves that it appears to be the result of the
work done by the Universe Mind. Information and Energy. It is a di rect conse.ln1ence
of their work. So our material (physical) world is the world of consequences. And
the world of causes is' placed in the system of the information-energy flows of the
Univet:se. The world of the basic causes is placed in the Universal M ind which forms
information. programs, the Universal processes and transform the energy. Its flows
· real ise the Universal processes according to the certain program.
The present classical science is based on the conception that substance is
primary. And all scientific. instit_utions are aimed to in vestigate precisely the substance
which is "primary". An experimental efforts are din::cted to substance. We tear. saw.
mdt. disso lve. bombard it in accelerators. And all is being done to explain the Universal ·
Order and find the Truth. ··
Our scientific thoughts and methods are directed to working with substance.
i.e. with consequences. However. thorough our experiments. measurements and
c:1kulations and efforts in the whole we are dealing only with consequences. As a
result 'vve h•we only consequences. All true conclusions obtained by science are
relatively true. Today the scientists state that. the results they have obtained are true. but
tomorrow having obtained the new results they will consider the previous o nes to be
untrue. They start developing new theories containing new truth. And so on :md so
fonh. We cannot in principle be led to the Truth by our materialistic thought. It
e'\ists whether we know about this or not. At present investigating the consequences
(substance) the scientists can answer the question "How?" but tliey are not able to
answer the question "Why?".
Due to the based on science of mankind today. the Truth is hidden from us.
And this is done by the Universal Mind. It is the Universal Mind that a man called God
as earl~ as the ancient times. I realise that this word is not suitable for the spoken
lang·uage today. But the matter is in the meaning rather rhan in the name. If you are a
believer let it be God. As to the materialists they are just given the information
abo ut Controlling Nucleus in the Universe which is the Universal Mind. Thanks to
Him the global order has been existing in the world. The Universe h:1s been growing
according to the laws of Order under the constant conrrolling of the Universe Mind.
Otherwise it would be chaos everywhere. But it never builds. Chaos is a mess at the
begi nning. and breakdown at the end.
The Un iverse is formed as a global ordered information-energy "honeycomb"
structure wh ich keeps on growing in the strictly ordered way.
Creation of the global order in the Universe by explosion c.r1n be compared to
cre:Hion a rocket by explosion of the a viat ion plant.
t\.laterialist science has come to a deadlock. Most of our young gifted Russian
scientists felt this impasse and leave their work in science. But being gifted and creative
they ''di ved'' into extrasensory science. occultism. bl ack and white magic (difference
between them has already been "wiped out''. Their abilities and taknt stayed
unl:!mp loyed :tnd they have to rush to the qui te opposite direction. I do hope this
l'Onf'erence wil l ha,·e special meaning for the Russian scienl'e. The scientists who are still
working in science wi ll succeed. The new ideas will give impetus to us. But the most
important th ing is that the new ideas.,-non-materialist - will bring the young scientists
back to science. Otherwise the Russian science will be doomed to degrade.
At this conference we make the foundation of the new science . .-\nu we should
remember about our global responsibility because the future of vur plan~r rn ~•nkinJ
d~pend o r us. There is no place for weapon development. experiments on a human
being. projects suck as "The turning of the north rivers to the sourh " . The new science
must be directed to increasing the good of mankind and annihilating all the existing

Copyright© 1996 by V. Plykin


weapon . Otherwise the science will appear to be at a deadlock as it has happt::ned 10 the
non-spiritual materialist science.
The way of Russia to the new life is long and hard. The country has to undergo
many se,·ere trials and social cataclysms at the material ;l!ld spititual levels of lift:. The
basis of its way is science and religion co-operation. synthesis oflogic and spiritual ways
of thinking. formation of the new Consciousness of Man. The aim of the scientists of
Russia is to provide the successful movement of our country to Light . kindness. ;md to
Love of peop le to each other by means of creation of the new science. new technics.
another energetics. other material production and social order of the planet as well.
The basic points of this movement have been presented by the report.

Copyright© 1996 by V. Plykin

, ..

_,., .··
... .:
Kupchinskaya 2:5/ll _apt.357, St.-Petersburg, 192283, Russia
Energy-field information of the World and Universe Nature as eternal and united
spiritual, physical and mathematical nature of the Universe. In 1994 the book of the author
G.B".Dvorin "The United Holography Informati~n T~eory of the Universe"- "u:HITU"( in short)
was published /1/. This theory is a comple~ including more than 20 theories and discoveries of the
author that determine creation of the m~dem Co~mologi:cal Theory. This theory has theoretical,
physical, mathematical aOO.e-xperin~..ent~ physic~ ps~yh9physical, physiological' grounds.
Now infonnatiov. ap.<! kno""!l{Xige about the Uru.ted flolography Information Theory of the
Universe l.~~ds, o~~, .~~i~ Cosmological science · ahead in~ ·th~ :: ii"eid ·or
live Universe
comprehension 'ill).d contact With it The presented Theory claims that substance, energy,
informatio~., _' enerp}t ~a~e~! 'enetgy field, space and are united complex factor , of the Universe
state. Further-dtore 'the Nature of the Universe is a product of the Universe in which all its -factors
communicate. Consegu~_ntlx . the f~rniula of a person sounds·.like this: A Person .is a pa~ of the
Universe Na1nre c~·~at'e'd '·m its'own Image and after Its Likeness" as an generator that has
analytical Mind, ,phenom·enal ability of Knowledge and . Information accumulation and ability to
realise them in different ~ays. ' ' · .,:..... ,. · · ·
Material of the present Information Theory are not the same or a part of the Theory of
Information by Viner mostly cybernetic and technical problem. This paper concerns Information
Holographic Theory that describes the state of Information in the Surrounding Live Natural World
and also concern the factors oft~~ Information Nature "display while different forms oflife appear
in the Universe. ·
It is necessary to note tliat abs6lutely all available for a man information tec~cal systems and
methods of transmission, treatment and distnoution of information is only an approximate and yet
imperfect reflection and imitation of Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Information Complex of
transmission, treatment and distribution of Information that exist and is realised directly in the
Nature and Universe. That'is why it is very important to investigate such a Natural Complex of
Information realisation to improve and create the most modem information technical syste~s of
the Earth origin especially connected with space communication.
By the end of the XX century the Mankind of the Earth has dot great success in the
Knowledge of the World and Universe Nature. However, development of this Knowledge needs
new scientific Discoveries, first of all, a new Knowledge of Information Nature of the Surrounding
World. Tbere are usual and unusual Phenomena in the Nature such as ; Phenomena of Energy"
information change; display of Mind on the Earth and in the Universe; asserted on tmst by the
Religious the Highest creating and controlling Mind in "His own Image and after His Likeness"-
"the God Spirit; self-appearance and self- organisation of micro and macro particles of "lifeless"
and live objects of the Universe ; problems of Energy-field Information Ecology; Synergetic
Phenomena in Nature and many other thiugs that appear and exist in the Universe, part of which
the Eatth is, - cannot get enough scientific explanation until the main Physical Points of the
Natural Information Phenomena are discovered. These Phenomena are connected with Coding,
Transformation, Keeping, Cloning and Processing of the Information which is canied on different
energy-fields rmwd us in the_ Universe. The Universal Holographic Informative Theory of the
Universe shows theoretically and experimenta~y that it is Inf<!nnative Nature Factor that is the
Main organising and controlling Factor which determines all ilie· processes of matter self-
organisation in the Universe. But it is necessary to remember that energy fields of any nature are
also matter substances. ·
The theory is detennin~d as Universal because there exit a universal way of infom1atiou
coding in the Nature for all kinds of energy fie~ds, that is the interference way of infonnatiou
Copyright@ 1996 by G. Dvorin
coding. Its general ptiucipals are described in the theory of Holography. As electromagnetic
energy fields aud other energy fields fill the whole Space of the Universe. phenomena of
lntetference Coding of Information ou energy fields take place in any point the Universe Space
and tllat is why this Universallufonnatioual way is refe1red to the Whole Universe. The Universal
Holographic Infonnatiou Theory is based ou the author's Discovery in the field of Psychophysics
of eyesight and Informative Synergetic which are the basis of Holographic Theory of Live
Eyesight. Scientific papet:S coUDected with this discovery have been published and have theoretical
anq experimental grounds [ 1-5].
This Discovety proved that the outer physical Nature offers to a live eyesight system an
infonnation iu a kiud' of Intetference (holographic) Code or iu other words in a kind of
Interferogram grating structure. This Code Structure exactly corresponds to the necessaty
strucntre of physical eyesight light stimulus to which only physiological live eyesight system can
react effectively. On the ba;;is of this Discovery and physical phenomena connected with Live
Eyesight physical nature of Energy field lnformation Holography of the World aud Universe
Nature has been explained theoretically and experimentally [1-17]. The Universe is an endless,
energy field, three-dimeusional, dynamic Natural Informative Interferogram. As this Interference
Coding Phenomenon exist all
over the Universe the author called Code-a Universal Code.
The Universal Holography lufonnation Theory of the Universe ·has been already published in
palts and delivered at many international scientific conferences where it obtained scientific
· recognition. This Theo1y shows Information, Matetial and Energy field main po~lt of Information
- Regulation Creative System of Universal Code of Information: This Universal Code is an
Interference Coding Energy field and mate1ial Matrix Information stmcture. On the basis of aU
qualitative and quantitative complex of a number of delicate Matrixes of this coding strucrure
fi·agment strucrural embtyos of future self-appearing different forms of life in the Universe are
designed and self-organised. An example of such a self- organisation is an electron which is a
Convolution of Energy fields- the process described by Fourier-transformation, that is an
interference effect which is in the basis of the Holography Theo1y. So, an electron is a real
dynamic rn.icroliologram and all material beings including live ones consist of a lot of electrons. .It
means that all supennatetiali.zed object and their parts (including people and their brain) are
different complex compound dynamic holograms or hologram systems. These systems appear
inside the same Holograpl.t.ic Infonnation Medium of the surroWiding Natural World and Uruverse
that creates on this basis in "his own Image and after His Likeness". Moreover, appeating
elementaty ptints of life fonns possess and realise in themselves aU Infonnation Similar
Holographic propetties of the Natural Energy field Coding Interference Matti'< that give birth to
them. Such a Universe in a whole and in patts possesses all Informative properties of a· Live
System. Hence, a Universal and Eternal structural picture of Informative autodynamics of the
Uruverse Self- organisation is described in details in the presented Informative Theory. While
lnte1ference -Coding Phenomena in the Nature - Fourier transformations ( that is convolution of
functions as real matetial elements of thought) are Natura! Energy field Iufonnative Indi\isible
Spuitual and Physical Main Point. Mathematics and Mathematical machine of the Unive'rse
Nature. Receptor systems of live being are parts of this Natural machine. Be'sides, described here ·
Informative Physical Picrure of the Universe Structure shows the main point of physical channels
though wh.ich different lnfonnative systems of Intercourse in Nature are transferees and realised.
These systems ha,·e Spititual impottance for the Universe and all its components at micro and
macro Levels. '

Thought, Memory, Knowledge. Information are indivisible spititual and material main points
at the same time-thnt is the result ofthese Discoveries.
On the basis of this Knowledge it is possible to come to a main conclusion ti1C1t in all this
Nantral complex of life appealing and development, in patticulnr civilised life in the Uni,·erse,
Infonnative Ecological Main Point of the surroWiding World and Univ~rse became .vety impottant
not only for life on the Emt11 but for life of other Civilisations of the Uui,·erse as well e,·en for
distnnt ones from the Eatth. · ·-

Copyright© 1996 by G. Dvorin

The Main Principles and Ideas of the Universal Holographic Informative Theory have already
folllld realisation in technical systems of Information processing which, in their tum, will be used
in physics, holography, informative synergetic, physiology, biorobotics, television, medicine and in
many other branches of science and engineering.
Thus, the Universal Holographic Informative Theory of the Universe has been roughly created
on the Eatth and is naturally waiting for its further development in papers of other authors.

1. Dvoiri.n G.B., The United Holography Information Theory of the 'Universe, St.-Petersburg,
INTAN, 1994, 242 p.
2. Dvoirin G.B., Phenomenon of Preliminary Light Interference-coding Presentation of Visual
Information in Optical Space of a Live Eye Retina, Moscow, VINITI, 1987, Deposited paper N
3. Dvoirin G.B., Phenomenon of Light Interference -coding Presentation of Outside Optical
Infmmation to an Eye Retina in a Visual Process, Successes of Physiological Sciences Nl, v.23,
p.l2 1-125, 1992.
4. Discovery iu the Field of Eye-sight Phychophysics and Information Synergetic, Dvoirin G.B.,
Inventor and Rationalizer N2, p.l4, 1991, nl, cover, 1991, USSR.
5. Dvoirin G.B., Energy-field Information Holography of the World and Universe Nature, lst
International Conference Regional Informatics, Rl92, 1992, CoUection of diploma awarded
repoits ofthe Conference, Selected Works, p.l40- l 44, 1993, St.-Petersburg.

Copyright© T996 by G. Dvorin


J• ·'":



Sh~ripov M.R.
; & ...... ~

As a result of observations of the supernova in July 1992 made by the Chilean

astronomer R. Antesian the Hubble constant ( H0 ) was determined oy V.Schmidt and

R. Krishner fro~ the Oxford University as H0 = 81 ± 12 km . This estimates

. s .· Mpc ··
that the Hubbi~Jirn~ i$ t0 = -· 8 -1'2 billion years (1)., 1n oth~r words, the· above time is

much less tha\1 tf:lat- Of ·th.e most ancient stars, globular ·Star .clusters and meteorite
matter. Mor~over, .such a result is not unique in astronomy (2). The equations and
comments on this problem g'iv'en' below are made with references to the recent
publications (3 • 6).
The reason for the above inconsistency which is found from the observations
lies in the incorrect application of the Hubble cor:tstant f~r the calculation of the
cosmological parameters _for· the Universe and is explained by its relative turning at
an angle of x. in four-dimensional space-time between two local - inertial reference
frames (IRF • K0 and IRF • K0' ) with their location in the spacelike hypersurface M(tS
of hiimogeneity which is a hypersphere with an imaginable radius at tt)e fixed world
- c

time (t = t 0) (Fig.1 ). ~ith this. ·1 < x. ~ 0 is within the visible cosmological horizon of the
Universe and the corresponding imaginable angle <II =-ix. varies within the range (i ,
0]. A large number of hypersp~er~s with an imaginable radius form four-
dimensional space-time with the variation of 0 < t ~ t0 . It is evident that th~ real angle

of turning between IRF .. K0 and IRF - K0' in four-dimensional space-time is in

conformance with their relative three-dimensional flying velocity (7). IRF ~ K0 and IRF

- K0' which are in fact frozen, attached to the spacelike hypersurface M(t0) of

homogeneity with no spatial motion at the moment of t0 (with the exception of the

cosmological expansion alongwith the hypersurface) wil(be relatively immovable at t0

= const. The angle of turning x. between them however will appear to produce by Z 1

Copyright© !996 by M.Sharipov


the effect of the cosmqt9.gical r~d shift. This appeared value which constitutes one
half of the registered values in the s·pectra of the cosmological objects is called the
Lorentz component for the red shift. Correspondingly, the velocity of their flying will
appe~r to be the Lorentz velocity for cosmological objects as well:
V1 =-c ·thv =H "'
(v) . r0
10 "' •

where H10 (x) = Ho · ~h X is the Lorentz component of the general Hubble constant
2 X · .

in the modern era (H 0 ), while r0 is the cosmological spatial distance between IRF - K0 •

and IRF- K0 'in the modern era (t0 ) 1 ( ~; 5):

ro =- -H-

The other half of the general effect in the red shift is caused by the real velocity of
relative flying in IRF- K0 and IRF- K0' due to cosmoiogical expansion of hypersurface

M(t0 ) of homogeneity. It is most probable:._that the value of ~in the red shift spectrum

appears as a result of the Doppler effect and is a Doppler component for the red
shift. Correspondingly, the relative flying velocity becomes the real Doppler velocity:
. ~ V2 = -c · ..," '=ZHO "(v)
· ro•

where H ~ (X)
2 = Ho is the Doppler component of the Hubble constant irrespective of
. . . 2 ..
X· It should be noted that_the value of H0 for the Hubble component varies in the real
situation as applied exceptionally to the closest cosmological objects, i.e. it is valid
for the observer's era (t0 ). Provided the cosmological model of the hypersphere with

an imaginable radius is known, the relativistic equation for the Hubble constant could
be obtqined for every e;a, i.e. for all preyious IRF - KP' the light of which reached an

observer in IRF - K0 only now (Fig.2, .which is based on the results of M. Aarons'

H (x) = Ho . th X + X •
o 2 x +x2thx
The general relativistic velocity V in relative flying of IRF- K0 and IRF - K0' is therefore
determined by:

Copyright© 1996 by M.Sharipov


V = H0 (X) · r0 =·C · th X +X .
The dependence of the angle x on the general value of the cosmological red shift is
fou':ld as (8, p.6):

z=z+7+Z·7 =e· x .
1 ~ 1 ~
.-g1-+ zx· - 1.
(Table 1)

The dependence of the Lorentz component on the' Doppler component for the
cosmological red shift is expressed by: '

z, = e - 1;
~e angle x in the above equations is negative for all cosmological objects observed

in IRF • K0 as being in the past; the angle becomes positive for non-predictable four-

dimensional events in the future and it is x = -1 radn within the visible boundary of
the Universe.
The Hubble constant observed for the cosmological objects in the vicinity of the
Universe in the corresponding era is as follows when x ~ 0:
H0 (0) ~ H0 , while H10 (0) = H20 (0) = Ho = J..,
· 2. t0
# • •• , ... ' ,

where t0 is the Hubble .time pf the Unh~~rse.

f t' l '~ ·~ f
f• 0
! ~ a ,._ .,.

The estimated value of the Hubble constant H0 is used practically unchanged in all

cosmological calculations. This probably results in ·decreasing the time o'f the
Universe I Apart from it, the following is true for the cosmological objects in the
vicinity of the Galaxy:
z . . v
z1 ;::;:~ =
2 , 1.e. z = z1 +~. also V1~V2 = 2 .
Having assumed the hypersphere with an imaginable radius as a model of the
Universe (Fig.2) the three·dimensional surface of which is amply (p0 = 0) 1 , one can
calculate its age (3, p. 22):

Please note that in this article the case of p0 :t: 0 is not considered. In other words, the model of the
Universe under consideration is homogeneous and isotropic with n = 0.

Copyright© 19% by M.Sharipov


If H0 = 95 km , the time of the Universe is determined as:

s · Mpc
to = -H = 20 '6 · 10 9 years ,

whereas, the COSI'J10iogical spatial distances are expressed as (5, p.8):

r0 = ·20,6 · 109 • x [lt·yr].

If H0 = 81 s
· Mpc
, we obtain t0 = 24 · 109 years, while r 0 =-24 · 109 • x It-yr.

Example. Let us consider the most distant quasar of 1991 PK 1247+3406 with z =
4,897. The real angle of x.. projected on the observer's hypersurface in IRF:- K0 up to

the quasar in question in IRF - K~ is determined from the equation or Table 1:

x. =-0,765 radn, while Z1 =1, 149, z2 =1,741 .

Conclusion. The reason for the inconsistency of the recent data obtained from the
astronomic observations with the other research results lies in the incorrect
application of the observed Hubble constant in the calculations. When determining
the cosmological parameters for the Universe the Doppler component of the Hubble

constant should be used which would be Haz =Ho =40,5 km as determined by

2 s · Mpc
V.Schmidt and R. Krishner (1992). Everything clicks into place then.

cOpyright© 1996 by M.Sharipov


Table 1

-0,05 0,1052
-0,10 0,2218
-0,15 0,3514
-0,20 0,4959
-0,25 0,6577
-0,30 0,8395
-0,35 1,0451
-0,40 1,2788
-0,45 1,5464
-0,50 1,8557
-0,55 2,2168
-0,60 2,6442
-0,65 3,1591
-0,70 3,7937
-0,75 4,6011
-0,80 . 5,6766
-0l 85
, 7,2166
-0,90 9,7212
-0,95 15,1478
-1,00 00

z =e·x . ~- 1

· Cppyrigltt © i996 by l'vl.Sharipov


COP.>:.TiML© 1996 b.y M.Sharipov


The fo~owing values are calculated for 15 quasars based on known Z values: x - angular of hypersphere, V - total velocity of moving off,
V 1 - Lorentz seeming velocity and V1 -actual Doppler velocity of moving off, r 0 -corrected distance to quasar; V 1, r~ -old values of the
same parameters, calculated on the basis of standard cosmological model with 0=0.

z X (rad)
V1 x 10 km/c V2 X 103 km/c V x 103 km/c V' x 103 km/c fo ,Mpc r'o ,Mpc
Ton.256 0.31 -0.063 18 18 35.9 36.7 398 388
PKS 1217 0.240 -0.11 33 33 65 92.5 662 668
PHL 1078 0.308 -0.13 38.8 39 76.5 78.6 827 827 8.
PHL658 0.450 -0.19 56.3 57 109.4 107 1201
1126 .c

3C 147 0.545 -0.22 65 66 125 123.4 1390 1299 ~

C\l ];
PHL 923 0.717 -0.28 81 .9 84 154.1 148.2 1769 1560 .
PKS 1252 0.871 -0.32
92.6 94 171.8 167 2022 1758
3C 2 1.037 -0.36 103.6 108 ". 188.2 183.6 2275 1935
3C268 1.400 -0.43 121.6 129 213.4 212 2717 2232 0.

PHL 1377 1.436 -0.44 124.1 132 216.6 213 2780 2242
3C 2801 1.659 -0.49 136.7 147 231.7 226 3096 2378
PHL 3424 1.847 -0.52 143.3 156 239.8 234.2 3286 2465
3C9 2.012 ·0.53 145.6 159 242.3 240.3 3349 2529

PKS 0106 2.107 -0.54 147.9 162 244.7 244 3412 2568
PK 1247+3406 4.897 -0.77 194.1 231 283.7 283.2 4866 2981



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World Space-Time Structure). (,[ten. e 111H~OH AH CCCP or 10.08.82, N2 10720).
6. WapHnoa . M.P. OT'-!eTbl no HayYHO-r.1CClleAoearellbCKO~ pa6ore (Annual
Research Reports). 1985 - 1986. r.Hr.1>t<HeKaMcKI cpr.111r.1an KXTII1 (KnY).
7. Yrapoa B.A. Cne4V1allbHa~ reopL~~~ OTHOCr.1TellbHOCTr.1 (Special Theory of
Relativity): II13A.2. M: 1977 §§ 2.8 2.9.

8. WapHnoa M.P. BceneHHa~ - crapwe Lit 6onbwe (The Universe is Older and
Greater). (,[ten. e BII1H111TI!1 6.03.96, N2 743-896).

Copyright~ 1996 bj M.Sharipov

..·· .



International scientific conference "New ideas in natural sciences" is completed

with success. Participants of the conference presented their discoveries and new ideas. In a
friendly atmosphere they demonstrated unexpected and amazing results of research. It is
difficult yet to analyse critically theoretical and technical ideas , findings of research
presented, because the modern theoretical Physics possesses no foundation for categorical
estimations and conclusions, be it in philosophical sense or in its pretensions to use
mathematical description as a proof. Mathematics as such and mathematical Physics have
lost their definiteness. Time is needed to consider the situation, to understand presented
results and position of the authors. One thing is obvious: Physics has to be transferred to
really classical positions of dynamical approach being not inclJ.lded in the armoury of
modern Physics.! Applying dynamical approach in the field of quantum phenomena will
allow it to understand and to solve a broad set of problems, which cannot be solved in
essence in the framework'<)f contemporary paradigm. To understand many of t he most
int~resting pape_rs included in "Proceedings of the conference", there are needed a different
Weltanschauung, a different. mentality.

It· seems, this conference was only a start of a really serious discussion on Physics. its
principles ana possibilities, its role as a science for development of technics and teclrnology
today and in future. The wish to continue such meetings. to , make them traditional.
expressed by participants of the conference, appears only too natural. It is very important
not to allow this initiative to be stopped!

After the conference's materials will be carefully examined and apprehended, it would be
appropriate to organise in . th'~ framework of the section "Organisation and self-
organisation in Nature anq in technology" a discussion devoted to questions of principle.
to assessment of the found.a tion of our knowledge and different aspects of its
implementation. Organising Committee of the conference will accept and examine any
proposals concerning such a discussion.

At a plenary session closing the conference participan~s admitted unanimously the

extraordinary importance of new formulations given for a number of problems and · of
solutions proposed for further progress of science and tec.hnics. These findings were never·
examined before at any conferences or symposia devoted to Physics or other fields of
natural science. Necessity to change mentality requires obviously appropriate changes to
educational programs.

Resolution of the Intemational scientific conference "New ideas in natural science"

contains proposals to make such conferences traditional and to nominate the
as a centre co-ordinating joint investigations of appropriate problems.

A. P.Sm irnov
Chairman of the Organising Committee
International scientific conference "New ideas in natural science"

of International Scientific Conference

"N E W I D E A S I N N AT U R A L S C I EN C E.,

June 17w22. 1996, St.Petersburg


to scientific community, to Academies of Sciences, to Governments of all States

An International Scientific Conference "New Ideas in Natural Science" devoted to

problems of modem Physics and interactions between the sciences investigating Earth and
Universe was held June 1996 in Saint-Petersburg (Russia). ~bout 200 papers have been
presented and discussed. Scientists from Russia and from adjacent abroad (Republics of
the former USSR), as well as known scientists from Austria, Denmark, Germany. Greece,
Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Rumania, Sweden and USA participated.

New approaches to solving a number of fundamental problems were ·presented at the

- Str.ucture of problems and delusions in modern Physics. Expected results. ways of
solution and consequences:
- Contemporary problems in astronomy, biology, geography, geology, geophysics;
- Theories of unified fundamental field and physical vacuum;
- Specificity of notions and features of Space, Time, mass, gravitation;
- Cosmic components of space-time connections;
-. Information in science and informational fields in Nature;
- . Dynamics of energy and matter transformations;
- Mechanisms of energy inversion and self-organisation in Nature and technology:
- New technologies of energy production, transmission and use;
- Developmenr of ideas advanced by V.I.Vernadsky and P.T. de Shardant;
Economical influence of new ideas and technologies on personality and socie~y.

By discussing the papers it turned out, that scientists from different countries doing deep
research without any contacts to each other have come to the same fundamental and
extremely important conclusions: models. methods and approaches applied in modern
theoretical Physics. created by talent and work of great scientists. need re-evaluation based
on modern knowledge and experience. lt has turned clear: science must include a Program
for apprehension and assessment of existing knowledge.

This is the only way out of crisis ripened long ago in this crucial branch of knowledge -
Physics. pretending to form our conceptions about the world and to provide for technical ·,

It is obvious already: further investigation and use of new ideas proposed will lead to
cardinal changes of our conceptions concerning the Universe. the laws of energy and
matter transformations, the structure of microcosm objects, to comprehension of a broad
set of phenomena occurring in the world surrounding us. Presented papers give evidence
on possibility there exists to describe phenomena axiomatically, on creation of the physical
knowledge foundation. In fact, we are witnessing the birth of a new approach, of a new
field in science - Physics of real processes. This is the first implementation result of the
"Program for apprehension of modern knowledge and its assessment from new positions".
New mentality forms itself, which will lead to changes in educational programs as well.

No doubt, these achievements will greatly influence not only the development of natural
sciences. but also the life of society and methods of solving the problems of its
organisation. Using new approach s·olutions have been proposed for a number of
fundaf)lental problems. which cannot be solved with methods of modern Physics in the
framework of its paradigm.

It is urgently necessary to intensify investigation. development and implementation of

new conceptions about the real world, to use them for creating new technologies. To
achieve these goals it is advisable to found an "International Centre for Fundamental
Research" in St. Petersburg with appropriate specialised fields of responsibility. A
specialised journal is needed as well for timely publishing of comprehensive information
on the latest scientific achievements and new technologies developed with use of them.

In connection with the above we. participants of the International scientific conference
"New Ideas in Natural Science" . propose it. to make such sort conferences be a tradition
of St. Petersburg.

We appeal to scientific community of the world, to Governments of all developed

countries to support the initiative for organisation of an '~International Centre for
fundamental Research'' proposed by participants of the Conference. This Centre is to be
founded in Saint-Petersburg (Russia). a city with a high cultural field and an enormous
scientific potential.

We call for acti ve participation by creation of the Centre. You can define amount, kind
and form of Your contribution according to Your wishes.

We hope. there will be support for joint scientific research carried out in the framework
of the ~Program for apprehension of existing knowledge and for development of new ideas in
natural science".

Materials of the International scientific conference "New Ideas in Natural Science"

give evidence on necessity and fruitfulness of this research direction.

On behalf of participants of International Scientific Conference

"New Ideas in Natural Science"

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics A.P.Smirnov

Chairman of the Organising Committee June 22. 1996.

Addresses for contacts: Smirnov Anatoly Pavlovitch

P.O.Box 25, 195298 St.-Petersburg, Russia
Tel: 7·812-521-81·03
Fax: 7-812-2471017

Frolov Alexander Vladimirovitch

P.O.Box 37, St.-Petersburg, 193024, Russia
email: a!
Tel: 7·812-2747877

+ Foreword 3

o 1. Contemporary Problems in Physics. Theoretical

+ Economic Effects of Sp~ Energy Technologies (SET) on Individuals and
Society, Grober Josef S

+ Editorial "On the History of the Event" 14

+ Magneto-Voltaic Technology, A SoUd State Approach for Tapping the Zero-

Point Energy Field (ZPE), Zieliasky A 1S

+ Researches on New Technologies, Addtus List 34-

+ The Structure of Problems and Mi.Konceptions in Modem Physics. Methods for

Solution, Possibilities and Consequences, SDiiraoY A.P. 35

.+ On Physical Space Structure and New Interaction in Nature, BaaroY YLA. 4S

• The Hypothesis and The Equations of The Unified Matter Field,

Nusikas A.A. 61

+ aassical and Modified Electrodynamics, ZbiliD P.A. 73

.+ Tetra Space Co-ordinates (A tetrahedron-based system of space co-ordinates),

Hasslberger Josef '83

+ Oalilei and Relativity Principle, Cllirkov A.G. 87

+ A New Theory of the Unified Physical Fidd, Grosh'f V.L. 91

+ Physical essence of gravity constant and ittJ consequences, Vuil'ev V. V. 93

+ The Ethrr Model as Result of the New Empirlcd Conception, Millda A.M. 9S

+ De Broglie Wave Physics, Butusov Kyrill P. lOS

+ Expansi9n ofBor's Quantum Postulates, Klyashia J.G. 117

+ The Concept of Mass Process, Frolov A. V. 123

+ Thennal Electromagnetic Wave Generator, Lebed B.M, Petrov S.A. 135

+ Saha-Equation-Undeniable Evidence for the Physical Nature of Chemical

Bonding, MaeDer M. 141

+ Quantum Electron Hydrodynamics Under Charge Neutralization Conditions,

Saobt A.L. 1S1

+ Energies, Impulses, and Forces .Arising at Moving Electric Charges in Vacuum,

Fogel V.A., Sltepeeavol M.A. 1S7

+ Formula for Relatively Stable Carbon Clusters, Volko'Y A. 167

+ On the Anisotropy of Electron, Efilll.ov A.A. 173

+ Kozyrev-Dirak Emanation Method of Detecting and Interaction With Matter,

Sluddaparoaov I.M. 17S
i + Non-dissipative Closed Electrical Current Process in Normal~State (Non-
supercondumve) Electroconductive Medim,
l, Tudtu.illov G.S., Tvdlaainov I.G. 189
I + A proposed Experiinent of Direct Detecting of The Vector Potential Within
j Classical Electrodynamics, ODOOdain V. 213
+ Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations,
AkiDaov A.E., Shipov G.l. 221

+ A Generalized Formula for the Lorentz Force Density and Maxwdl Equations,
Klyuahill J.G. 251
I eJ 2. New Energetics. Practical Results.
j + Cold Fusion Research: Models and Potmtial Bmdits, Bartak J.J.,
Bailey P.G. 261
i + Use of Regauging and Multivalved Potentials to Achieve Ovenmity EM Engines:
Concepts and Specific Engine Examples, BeardeD T.E. 277
l About the Local Tapping of Energy, Galeezki G. ud ~fuqaardt P. 299

l + The Secret of The "Cold Fusion", K.aaare-v Ph.M. 30S

+ A New Direction In The Energetics, Beddemeshev J.A., BeeldemeMmt G.J. 311

+ Microscopic Acceleration Mechanism The Cold Fusion in Deuterate<~ Materials,

Cbicea D. 31 S

+ Free Energy Oeneration by Water ~mposition in Highly Efficiency

Electrolytic Process, Goryadievi.V. 319

+ A New Beginning for Thermodynamics, Hasslber&er J. 325

+ Thermodynamic ?rinciplC!_an.iJ Problems of Self-Organizing in Phtsical Systems,

Berezovsky A. , RosenblUm V. 331

• Energy Transfonnation Dynamics, Mikhd.owky G.A., Mikbailovsky V.G. 349

Mechanisms of Energy Inversion and Self-Organization in Real Systems,
Smirnov A.P. ud Sminov A.A. 3SS

• On the Second Beginning of Thermodynamics, Blliaov G.N. 3S9

• N.Teala's Unique Experiments in Colorado, lpgtyn G.F. 36S

• The Worlt is Created by Means of Potential Field, FroloY A. V . 371

• Thermal Engine With a Single Heat Source, Serogodsky A. 381

E7 3'. Gravitation and adjacent technologies

+ Free Fall of Flementary Particles: On Moving Bodies and Their Electromagnetic

Forces, Rogaerad N. 389

+ Construction an Engine for Free Space on the Base of a Pondemotor Effect,

lgnatyev G.F. 407

+ Experimental Fundamentals for Determination of the Nature of Gravitation

Interaction Carrier, S:iaakov A. 411

+ Gravitation Results from Interaction of Substance with Gradient of Ether

Density, s•olgia V.G. 41S

+ The QUantum Gravitation, s•plkm P..D. 419

+ A Gyroscope Video Workshop Set Up to Observe & Determine Mechanical Gyro

Properties ofFon:es, Torques k Motions, McCrabe F.J. 421

+ Rotating Haniaphere: Center of Mass Shift, Jeoaa E. 429

+ Diffraction of Gravitational Add, BUI!IGY K.P. 451

+ About Experimental Proofs of Gravitational Sun to Earth Influmce by Screening

of the Part of Inflowing Surrounding Spate Neutrinos, V.iqrado'fa M.G.,
Khod'kov A.E. 457

+ Gravitational Technology, Uspensky G.R 461

+ Possibility for the Existence of Anti-Gravity and the Complete Parity Breaking of
Gravity: Evidence from Free-Fall Experiment Using a Spinning Gyro,
HaY.uaka H., Taaka H., HaYida T., Cbbaeld T., T. 467

+ The Concept of Gravitation, Frol~ A. V. 481

+ The Antigravitation Foree in The Balanced Rotating System, Kadlaba V. 491
, + Compression of Standing Waves, Rhythm-dynamita and Third Condition of
Rest, hanovYa.N. 495

+ The Beginning of Experimental Oravitonics, PoliakOl' S.M. ud PotiakOl' O.S. 529

+ Principles aad Bases of the Support-leas Movement and Realisation of it in a

Nature, Belostotsky Y.G. 53~

+ The Inertial Propulsion Drives, Shukalov B.D. S4S

4. Researches of Space and Time
+ The Initial Principles ofN.A.Koeyrev's C&uaal Mechanics, SlaildaobalOl' L.S. 553

+ Equivalence of Mass and Time, Abiu A. 559

+ On the Question Abo\tt Ana!ytical Methods Those Retlect the "Subatancc-Space-

Time, Unity of the NatuJ:c in the Laws of Natural Sdalce, and About Main
Properties of This Unity, Gol'iJdko J.G. 569

+ Experiments on the Change of the Direction and Rate of Time Motion,

Claenobrov V.A. 515

+ The Ena:-gy Anisotropy of Space, Efhum A.A., St,pb.btaya A.A. 583

+ On Some Properties of the Physical Time and Space, Ve&ik A.I. 581

+ To a Question on Reserves of Information Interaction in a Nature;

Stavitlky V.I. 599

+ Generalized Golden Section and the Time Theory, '11a81MY A.R. 60S
+ Information-Energy Model of Matter md Universe, Plylda V.D. 615

+ The United Holography Information Theory ofthe Univenc, DYoria G.V. 621

+ The Lorentz Component of the Cosmolopad Red Shift, s•mipov M.R. 62S

+ Conclusion 635

+ Resolution 636

• Contents 638

English version of Proceedings is not complete presentation ··o f all reports
were made in the process of the Jwte 1996 Conference New Ideas in Natural
Sciences. Russian version is planned for publication in complete version.
Also we hope that second edition of this book will more complety.

Dr. Smimov A.P.



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