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NAME: Mark T.


COURSE/SECTION: BS Education English 2-1

DATE: May 06, 2021



1. Technical & Business Writing, “9 Checkpoint List – Should you be a Technical

Writer?”, March 7, 2018.


ACTIVITY No. 1: Make a Reflective Essay based on the video titled, “9 Checkpoint List –

Should you be a Technical Writer?”, that you have watched. Then assess yourself fully

on the situation being emphasized by the speaker and see what you need to work on.

Kindly provide good bases and examples to support your main points.

Technical writing if I am going to describe it based on the video that I have

watched, it is something that not a lot of people know. Their audience are not that big

unlike those who writes novels, screenplay, and poems. It is not something that can be

done just by imagination but careful research and studies.

On the video, I have learned that technical writing is not an easy job. It requires

you to have a hundred percent accuracy on the topic you write and it is something that

can only be achieved if you have researched enough or you have worked your

assignment. It is not just the details you provide but rather the facts that should be

learned by your audience. It also requires you to really work with others. Unlike novel

writing or poetry that is very subjective and can be done without the help of others, this

type of writing needs to have a collaboration with other people.

If I am going to assess myself if what are the things that I needed to work on to

become a technical writer, I’d say a lot. First is I’m not patient with details. Every time I

have to read something for a research or for a study, I always tend to just look in the

bigger picture or the main thought and always forget the minor details that contributes.

For a technical writing, we shouldn’t always focus on the whole writing, we should also

look for minor details making sure that it is correct. As the speaker in the video have

said, there’s no room for an argument if technical writing is accurate because it should

be always. Second that I have to work on is working with others. I am a shy person

and working with others always has this awkwardness inside of me. It’s not that I am

an introvert person but it just that in a group effort, I always tend to just listen and

agree because I don’t feel speaking that much and I believe for a technical writer, it

doesn’t work like that. You have to always make sure that as you work with others, the

collaboration is there. You share and receive.

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