Term End Exam 12th English Oct 2022

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12th Arts, Commerce & Term End Exam Total Marks : 50
Date :10/10/2022 Subject : English Time – 2hrs

Section I
Q.1A Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (12)
Read a lot is essential. It is stupid not to venture outside the examination 'set books' or textbook
you have chosen for intensive study. Read as many books in English as you can not as a duty but
pleasure. Do not choose the most difficult books you find, with the idea of listing and learning as
many new words as possible : choose what is likely to interest you and be sure in advance, that it is
not too hard. You should not have to be constantly looking a new words in the dictionary, for that
deadens interest and checks real learning. Look up a word here and there, but I just general policy
try to push ahead, guessing what Words mean from the context. It is extensive and not intensive
reading that normally helps you to get interested in extra reading and their by improve your
English. You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives. As you read you will become
more and more familiar with the words and sentence patterns you already know, understanding
them better and better as you meeting in more and more contexts, sum of which native for only
slightly from others. Some people say that we cannot learn to speak a language better with the
help of a book. To believe that the spoken language and written language are quite different things.
This is not so.
A1. Based on the extract, pick out and write down the two correct sentences : (2)
(1) you must choose the most difficult books you can find to read.
(2) you must rules what is likely to interest you.
(3) you must read books for pleasure.
(4). You should be constantly looking a new words in the dictionary.
A 2. Write down the different steps that are suggested to improve reading. (2)
A 3 explain what some people say about learning the spoken from a language. (2)
A 4. What will you do to improve your English? (2)
A 5. Language study. (2)
1. Some people say that we cannot learn to speak a language better with the help of a book
( rewrite it using 'be able to')
2. It is extensive.( make it a rhetorical question )
A 6. Choose the correct options : (2)
1) 'You should not have to be constantly looking up new work in the dictionary, for that deadens
interest and checks real learning '. The underline word here means :
a) develops b) deprives of c)creates
2) 'You should enjoy the feeling which extensive reading gives,'
The underline word here means :
a) covering a large area b) supplementary c) creative
Q 1 B Write down summary of the above passage and give suitable title also. (3)

Q 1 B You and your family are thinking to visit a hill station during the summer. Prepare a Mind
Mapping frame for it with the help of the following points . (3)
Place to visit ---- Mode of transport--- Accommodation --- Stuff to carry with you and if anything
that comes in your mind related to it.
Q 1 D . Do as directed. (1)
1) start a waste segregation system in your building, school or neighborhood.( rewrite using a
modal auxiliary denoting compulsion.)
Section II
Q 2. A Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (6)
When I had money, money, O!
I knew no joy till I went poor;
For many a false man as a friend
Came knocking all day at my door.
Then felt I like a child that holds
A trumpet that he must not blow
Because a man is dead; I dared
Not speak to let this false world know.
Much have I thought of life, and seen
How poor men’s hearts are ever light;
And how their wives do hum like bees
About their work from morn till night
A1. Write reasons for the following statements: (2)
1. Friends came knocking all day at the poets door.
2. Poor mens wives hum like bees.
A2.Pick out and explain an example of onomatopoeia from the extract. (2)
A 3. Compose a short poem on Friendship. (2)
Q.2 B Read the above poem and write the appreciation of it based on the following aspects.
1.About the poem,significance of the title.
2. Form of the poem theme and its significance.
3. Poetry style language ,features, poetic devices.
4. Inspirational message, values, morals reflected
Section III
Q 4 A Complete the activities as per given below.
A ) Attempt any one of the following.
1. Drafting a Virtual message : (3)
Imagine you are Rahul/ Jyoti studying in 12th standard. You are going to attend an international
Awareness Program in New Delhi the next week. Draught a message in about 100/150 words to
convey the same to your classmate. Give your reasons to support your message.
2. Group discussion : (3)
The English language literary club is conducting online webinar for junior college students and only
few selected students have been called for a group discussion on the topic of " online
classes :blessing or curse?" prepare four or five views in the form of discussion.
B ) Attempt any one of the following.
1. E mail writing :
Write an email to your younger sister congratulation her on her success as "The best singer
Award" in the inter school competition.
2. Interview Questions (3)
Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions to be asked while interacting a well-known Bollywood star
whose film recently broke all records at box office.
C ) Attempt any one of the following.
1. Speech writing: (3)
You wish to take part in elocution competition in your college one of the topics there in
"Disadvantages of Television". Prepare a speech on it in about 100 words.
2. Expansion of Idea . (3)
“ Manners Makes Man” expand the idea in your own words with proper examples.
D ) Attempt any one of the following.
1. Film review (3)
Write a review of a film that you have recently seen write your views based on any Four Points
given below.
1. Name of the characters
2. about the story /theme of the film
3. Why did you like or not like the film.
4. Music/ Dance /songs /action /directions.
5. Should orders what is film would you recommended your friends to enjoy it?
2. Prepare and appeal in the form of an advertisement on water conservation to be displayed on
your college notice board use attract is slogan and ideas. (3)
Section IV
Q 5 Complete the activities as per given below.
A ) Pick out the odd element from the group and rewrite the sentence. (4)
1. The turn of the Screw , The heart of the heart of Darkness, The Pilgrims Progress, Death in
2. The symbolic meaning of allegory may be political, religious, psychological, historical or
3. Gothic novels have terror ,mystery, romance, horror ,thriller in it.
4. Science fiction deals with imaginative concept such as futuristic setting futuristic science,
technology, space travel and futuristic history.
B ) Describe the atmosphere of the school describe in the extract given for our studies from the
novel ‘To Sir with love. (4)
B) Write in your own words the entire half yearly report program of the students based on the
extract given for a study from the novel “To Sir with love “ (4)
C) Write a short character sketch Fogg based on the extract given for a study from the novel
‘Around the World in 80 Days’. (4)
C) When Fix arrested Phileas Fogg , Passepartout thought that he was a cause of his masters
misfortune. Give reason. (4)

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