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Elif Mukime KARA 101020092

Şevval KURUMEHMETOĞLU 101020036

Zeynep ŞAHİN 101020057

ELT 301 Teaching English to Young Learners I

Assistant Professor Zeynep Cumhur ÇAMLIBEL ACAR


Marmara University

Ataturk Faculty of Education

November 13, 2022

The External Evaluation – Zeynep ŞAHİN

 The Blurb
The English coursebook prepared for 3rd graders does not include a blurb about the
book itself. The author has not given information about learners’ level of English or
instructors’ ideas regarding the coursebook.

 The Introduction and Table of Contents

The author has allocated one page for the titles of 10 units; and stated the page
numbers of the answer key, vocabulary list, and bibliography.

 The Internal Audience

To make the table of content easier to use for students and teachers, All units are
gathered on a single page and each unit title is written in different colors. The author has also
put a page titled “Map of the Book” where they explain the general use of the book, like
symbols and different activity types such as the song of the unit or game of the unit.

 The Proficiency Level

The topics of the units in the book have been picked suitably with the most basic
topics for a young learner, and properly selected considering the level of the 3 rd-grade

 The Context in Which Materials Are Used

The context is constructed with 3rd-grade students and a classroom, and the learning
goals include general English. Therefore the syllabus and the table of contents are prepared
based on topics.

 Presentation of Language And Organization of It Into Teachable Units / Lessons

The coursebook has 10 units that are supposed to be covered in a school year. How
long it takes to cover a unit is not mentioned in the official curriculum, however, teachers can
arrange their time accordingly.
 The Author’s Views on Language and Methodology
Even though this coursebook has been recently written and decided to be used as a
textbook for five years since the 2019-2020 academic year, the author has not allocated a
section where they explain their views regarding the coursebook.

 Are the materials to be used as support or as the main "core" course?

The material in this coursebook, has been projected to be the main core course. Most
of the pictures and activities contribute to learning, and they are put there only to make the
coursebook “more colorful”.

 Is the teacher’s book in print and locally available?

The teacher's book cannot be found on the Internet or the publisher's website.
However, a data matrix on the last page links to the digital EBA contents used in the
coursebook. Since the lack of access to EBA, we could not reach the contents, but we estimate
that it contains the listening tracks.

 Is a vocabulary list/index included?

A vocabulary list of 10 units is present at the end of the book (p. 184-187). The author
also cited the resources and the pictures they used in the coursebook.

 What visual material does the book contain (photographs, charts, diagrams), and is it
there for cosmetic value only, or is it actually integrated into the text?
Photographs, diagrams, and charts have been used in the coursebook to attract
students’ attention. The author has not used the visual contents only for aesthetic purposes,
they are merged into the activities.

 Is the layout and presentation clear or cluttered?

The layout is clear and balanced with colorful illustrations and it is properly designed
for young learners in a way it won't make them bored.

 Is the material too culturally biased or specific?

The coursebook is culturally unbiased in general. There is not a prominent nationality
but there are some cultural elements in the coursebook. On page 12 there is a boy who could
be Egyptian. Also on page 130, various landmarks in Turkey have been shown. On the
following page (p. 131), 4 pictures from Ankara, Paris, London, and Tokyo are used.

 Do the materials represent minority groups and/or women in a negative way? Do they
present a ‘balanced’ picture of a particular country/society?
In terms of gender, there are a few pictures showing bias but they are not overly
apparent enough to disturb. In unit 3, the male physical power has been emphasized by
picturing them carrying boxes on different pages. Also on page 93, while the mother is
cooking in the kitchen, the father is eating in the dining room. These pictures are not easy to
notice though. On the other side, on pages 24, 29, and 44, women with headscarves can be
noticed. Additionally, on page 23 we can see women at work and a father waking up his child.
Also on pages 62 and 65, children with physical disabilities are pictured. With these pictures,
the author has tried to be inclusive.

 The inclusion of audio/video material and resultant cost. Is it essential to posseses this
extra material in order to use the textbook successfully?
In listening activities, it is essential to have extra material. The coursebook has a data
matrix that gives free access to the audio and video materials.

 The inclusion of tests in the teaching materials (diagnostic, progress achivement); would
they be useful for your particular learners?
All the different test types help teachers to determine the student’s language levels and
let them know if they are ready for the next step. They are used by teachers also to diagnose
the errors previously learned. Therefore it gives students chance to correct themselves and
notice what they are lacking.

The Internal Evaluation – Şevval KURUMEHMETOĞLU

 The presentation of the skills in the materials.

Listening is mostly emphasized followed by speaking. Also, there are a lot of fill-in-the-
blank exercises where writing is encouraged. But there are very few reading activities.
Mostly, skills are integrated. We can see different activities where listening and speaking,
writing and speaking, also listening and writing are combined.

 The grading and sequencing of the materials.

At the beginning of the units, we can see easy activities like drawing, etc. are included,
and after that usually listening activities begin. After a few easy listening activities, some
more challenging activities such as ask-and-answer can be seen. After the challenging
activities, the easier activities, which are usually emphasized on listening skills, are listed
one after the other. While the unit is being completed, we can see that activities that are
more difficult and appealing to skills different from listening are used. In general, we can
see that the activities are ordered in such a way that children can relax after being
challenged, not sequentially.

 Where reading/‘discourse’ skills are involved, is there much in the way of

appropriate text beyond the sentence?

The 3rd grade English coursebook doesn’t contain a lot of reading activities. When we
speak on behalf of the existing activities, it is seen that there is only one little paragraph.
Other reading activities contain phrases or words.

 Where listening skills are involved, are recordings ‘authentic’ or artificial?

Most listening recordings are artificial and miss the essential features of spontaneous
speech. There are recordings in which the words given in the pictures are repeated to teach
vocabulary, there are single or short-answer conversations that are far from reality, and the
event or situation in the picture is described.

 Do speaking materials incorporate what we know about the nature of real

interaction or are artificial dialogues offered instead?

Speaking materials are mostly artificial. They teach repetitive and memorized
conversations which will not be like in real life. Most of the activities are formations of Can
you…? /Do you…? /Are you…? questions.

 The relationship of tests and exercises to (a) learner needs and (b) what is taught by
the course material.
While the exercises in the book are sufficient to meet the needs of the students in some
skills, they are lacking in others. For example, while activities in listening and speaking are
sufficient, they are deficient in reading and writing. The exercises should cover all the
English skills that students need to learn.

 Do you feel that the material is suitable for different learning styles; is a claim and
provision made for self-study and is such a claim justified?

I think the materials will be very useful for students who have visual, auditory, reading,
and writing learning styles. Because there are a lot of activities in the book such as listening,
reading, and writing, matching words with visuals. But there aren’t suitable activities for
kinesthetic learners. I don’t think there’s any provision for self-study or such a claim.

 Are the materials sufficiently ‘transparent’ to motivate both students and teachers
alike, or would you foresee a student/teacher mismatch?
I think it is a book that has very entertaining and instructive activities for 3 rd grade students
and teachers. While teachers can easily convey what they want to teach to students with the
activities given, I think that students can learn without getting bored. I don't see any possible
incompatibility between the two parties.

The Overall Evaluation - Elif Mukime KARA

 The usability factor.

According to the curriculum published by Turkey's Ministry of National Education in

2018, the 3rd grade English curriculum must include greetings, family relationships,
emotions, games and toys, parts of a house, city and environment, vehicles, weather
forecasts, and nature. It is obviously seen in the examined book that all these subjects are
introduced. So, it can be said that the materials could be integrated into a particular
curriculum as a core.

 The generalizability factor.

When the book is examined critically, it is obvious that the book can be used by all
kinds of students. As stated by Turkey's Ministry of National Education in 2018, the 3rd
Grade English curriculum is built on the achievements targeted in the 2nd grade, and its
main goal is expanding the subjects in the 2nd grade curriculum and making students
learn English in and out of the classroom environments. So, any student who took the 2nd
grade English lessons will be able to understand the activities in the examined book. There
is nothing unfamiliar to any kind of student.

 The adaptability factor.

As the book is written by a Turkish author and educator there is hardly anything
unfamiliar such as religion, daily life activities, family bonds, etc. to aimed Turkish students.
So, there is no need to modify it for local circumstances.

 The flexibility factor.

As it is mentioned before the subjects in this book are exactly suitable for the curriculum
and the curriculum says the subjects are based on 2nd-grade subjects. Therefore, there is no
unsuitability in terms of grading. When it comes to sequencing, activities usually start with a
small game first and progress from easy to difficult tasks. Activities usually focus on getting
to talk and listening first, then writing and reading.


It can be seen that there isn’t much diversity or representation of different cultures in the
3rd-grade English coursebook. On page 12 there is a picture of Pyramids where we can see
two boys conversing with each other, possibly one of them is Egyptian but there isn’t any
representation of Egyptian culture. In Unit 7- In My City on page 122 there is an activity with
6 pictures of different parts of Turkey but there isn’t any background knowledge. In the same
unit on page 130, there is an ask-and-answer activity where students ask where 4 different
landmarks of Turkey are located but there isn’t any knowledge about them as well. So, it is
seen that culture is very limited and unconsidered in the coursebook.

Motivation – Elif Mukime KARA

At first glance, the colorful pages and illustrations of the book are certainly very
encouraging. There are no unnecessary or distracting drawings. On the contrary, the visual
content appeals to the age group quite well. When content is examined, it is seen that there are
many activities that attract the attention of the students. For example, there are fun activities
such as painting while learning colors, drawing while introducing family members, and
cutting and pasting on other subjects in general. Apart from these, it is possible to come
across many games and amusing activities. It is obvious that this book, which teaches while
entertaining and enriched with games, colors, and many enjoyable activities to appeal to all
age groups, is extremely motivating.


Cenk, P. (2022). İlkokul İngilizce ders kitabı 3. Yıldırım Yayınları.

T.C. MEB. (2018). İngilizce dersi öğretim programı. T.C. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim
Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı.

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